JYotice. y0 ihc Ma nic Fraternity! AS it is contemplated to lay the Comer Stone of the Monument to bo, erected lo the memory of P- G. M. Louis D. Wil son on the 22nd of May next, the Lodg- nt Brethren generally are invited to es, a particiw ic in the ceremonies. Uy order of the VV. M. of Concord Lodge, INo. 5S, larborough. April 24, 1850. , ; - ."' I WISH to employ 3 or 4 good Car penters, good workmen, sober and indus trious. Fair wages will be given. Blacks ..-rrwl fVirnM fn Jneksnn. Northnmn- Ij ) I U 1 1 I W aiiwb w - J g- ton county, N. Ca. Thomas Brass, Scn'r. 10 April, 1850. , - l-TI Preston & Merrill's infallible JYast JPowdtt Warranted to make good Bread without iail, II goou r lour is usca, anu io Keep in ... 1 Tl I 1 1 any climate. JNo ingredient is used in the manufacture of this Yeast which is not pure; and. as it is manufactured on che- roical principles, it will not fail to raise; bread, caKcs, oucKwneat cafces, etc., when used according to the directions. For sale by Geo. Howard. Groceries, &c x 123 bWs New Orleans Molasses part a very superior quality for family use. 25 hhtls new crop French Islands dit to; strictly prime. 21 4 Sugar of various grade. 50 bags Coffee ditto. 300 bbls. Whiskey "El Dorado." 25 44 Gin. 25 " Rum. 75 New York Canal Flour. 150 kegs Nails 4s to 20s inclusive, 50 boxes Vroom & Fowlers No. 1 Soap, 25 " Candles equal to Hull & Son's, 200 bags Shot assorted, 25 kegs Powder, 30 boxes Tobacco 5s and Ss, 25 bbls. Snuff, salt and Fresh, 10 " Copperas, 50 44 Mess Pork, 100 reams Wrapping Paper, 10 m "Justo Sanz" Principe Segars, 30 bbls Crackers. Indigo Camphor Epsom Salts-Glau ber Salts Blank Book Fools Cap and Letter Paper French Brandy Holland Gin Malaga and Madeira Wine, with many other articles usually sold in a coun try storefor sale by W. II. WILLARD. Washington N. C. 25th February 1S50. The Subscribers HAVE formed a Copartnership under the; style and firm of Pillman 4 Culhhert For the purpose of conducting a general GROCERY ImI Commission Business They are now receiving from the North cm cities a general and well selected as sortment of GOODS in their line, which having been purchased by their agents there for Cash, they will be enabled to the orders of their friends upon the very best terms. They ofTer their services to the Farmers and others of North Carolina in the sale of their produce pledging in advance their best exertions to render entire satisfaction. They will be prepared at all times to ttake liberal advancements on produce when required. nirfKE PITTMAN, CHARLES H. CUTHBERT. Petersburg, Jan'y 1, 1850. (trn. Pi ttman, will as formerly attend, tic Courts of Edgecombe county. To Pensioners. ..GQlQ - HIE Subscriber continues to act as Igcnt for M9cnsioncr8i At Fayrttevjlle, North Carolina; Charges moderately for his services; fur fiishes all desired information, and sup plies all necessary Blanks without charge. JOHN MACRAE. January 3, 1S50. : Gash ' THE undersigned will advance in Cash, three-fourths (I) of the market ; value here of Corn, Cotton, and Naval Stores, ueposueu vvun mm lor shipment to his friend J. G. Williams, Esq., New' York.. W. H.WILLARD. Washington, N.C. 17th Nqv.1849. FareReduced. fJ,HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to 5 -or, From Rocky Monnt to Tarboro " " Sparta " " Falkland " Greenville " ' " Paciolus 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 Washingon Tarboro. to Sparla " Falkland n :m vj i ecu vino For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard, Tarboro. February 1, 1848. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INFORMS the citizens of Martin and the adjacent counties, that he has Removed to Mlamillcn, And is fullv nrenared to execute nil inh In his linc of business, that mav be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ, and can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. Jo. II aldo, Hamilton, llTm. NorJJcct, Tarboro,' Baker St a ton, Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, IS50 Flour! Flour!! 5. FLOUR, of an excellent quality, by the barrel or retail, For sal3 by Geo. Howard. Nov, 1 2th, 1849. A lauhe a;d Valuable Farrii FOlt SALE. ON said Farm can be made two hun dred bales of Cotton and one thousand bar rels of Corn. All of the Farm is above ! Inch water mark. There is timber suffi- i rj cient to keep a cood fence around said parm ciose and convenient. It has on it fM good Marl bed which is equal to any in the State. It is 50 yards in width and i of a mile in length. A great deal of the marl is accessible at any time of the year, varying from 2 to 6 feet in depth. There is also a great deal of swamp and creek mud extending the whole length of the Farm, and several swamp and ridges of good land to clear. All of the Farm is easy to cultivate. There is on it a large and comfortable B welling iiouse3 together with all necessary out houses, such as kitchen, smoke house, dairy, Work house or weaving house, cotton or wool house, milk house, brandy house, &c. Sic. &c. an excellent gin house and cotton screw, ten small corn cribs w'liich will hold 150 to 175 barrels of corn, four large barns which will hold 400 barrels each; also, six large fodder shelters, with a great many good negro houses, and a good over seer's house many other things entirely unnecessary to mention. The said Farm is situated in a pleasant and healthy neigh borhood, ten miles north west of Tarboro' on the road leading to Enfield, eight miles south of the Wilmington and Roanoke Rail Road. I will take much' pleasure in showing this Farm to any one who wish es to purchase. A credit of six years will be given to the purchaser. HUGH B. BRYAN. December 22nd, 1849. Just received, & Townscnd's Sarsaparilla,' (tszooiVs India I'holazogue. Br. IVislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. For sale by Geo. Howard. as Dry Goods &e.: Suitable for the Cotmiry Wrade. IB 3D $e& Jersey 'sy ; 4 50 Pieces Bleached Shirting 4fid sheet ings, ' - - 200 Brown dd do 100 Drills, '. 100 -'low priced Prints, 20 Bales Battle & Co., Cotton Yarn, 300 Doz. Spool Cotton, ' 100 Snuff Boxes. ALSO, Needles Hooks and eyes -Buttons of all kinds Ivory, Tuck and side combs Suspenders Percussion Caps Hardware and Crockery Patent Medi cinesCamphor Indigo Blacking Li nen Thread Cotton HdkPs &c.&c.;&c. for sale by WM, H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. 5th March, 1S49. V JSoticc. , - THE firm of H. King & Co. will be dissolved, by mutual consent, the first day of March next. All persons indebted to said firm, arc requested to call and settle at or before February Court next. The business thereafter will be conduc ted by Jo. S. Pender, who w ill gi ve it his personal attention. Owing to sickness, our former work man became incapacitated for any busi ness, consequently there has been consid- erable delay and disappointment to our j customers; having procured another work-i man, I shall be able to execute all kinds of, Walch, Clock and Jewelry . , . i r . ! i" v. - JO. S. PENDER. Tarboro Jan. 30, 1S50. Builditig. HAVING associated with me Mr. J no. W. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman in the -various styles of Architecture, I would announce to the public, that we are prepared to contract for ihe building of plain or ornamental cottages, public building", churches, ice. j&c. in a slyle and finish to defy competi tion. We will cither contract by the job or by the dnjv TUOMjIS OB ERR Y. Tatboro', Dec. 21, IMS. Land for Sale. YX THE subscribei being desirous to re move south, offers for -sale the Plantation on which he resides, 21 miles from Tar- l!.tllit ooro , on me main roan io tiamax, i.uouno in plain or line style to suit pur- miles from the latter place, containing about 500 Acres, on which there are two comfortable dwelling houses, out houses, &c. ALSO, another tract, about two miles from the above, containing about 200 acres, principally swamp land. Terms' will be made accommodating. HESR Y A PPL E WHITE Pinedum, Halifax Co. March S, 1S50. Stale of North Carolina. NASH county. Superior Court of Equity 9 MARCH TERM, 1850. Sarah Shallington vs. Win. E. J. Shalling ton and others, Petition for Divorce and Alimony. IN this case, it appearing to the Court that process hath issued against the defen dant W. E. J. Shallington "in the manner prescribed by the Act of Assembly and that he is not to be found in the county proclamation is' thereupon made at the Court House door, for the said Shalling ton to appear and answer as commanded by said subpoena, and thereupon the said defendant not appearing It is ordered by the Court, that notice of this suit be given irt the Tarborough Press and RaleigTi Re gister for the space of three months, re quiring the defendant Shallington to 'ap pear at the next term of our Superior Court of Equity, to be held in and for the County of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the third Monday in Sep tember. next, then and there to answer the charges and allegations set forth in the plaintiff's petition. Witness, B. H. Blount, Clerk and Mas ter of our said Court, at office in Nash ville, the third Monday of March, 1850. B. H. BLOUNT, C. M E. Price adr $10. p&tftnersliipi ; TliU late ffrrri Ot Mcllwainefy Brown tey having been dissolved, (Mr. William Browkley retiring from business,) we have this day entered into partnership, and will continue the GROCERY & COMMISSION BUSINESS In;ihe same i 'partner as heretofore, under . the firm and style of ITIcllwaiiic, Browilley & Co. We hope by constant and faithful atten tion to the interests of our friends, to mer it a continuance of that patronage, so long and so liberally extended to our predeces sors. " Our Stock of Groceries Will he w large and commanding, embra cing a general assortment of Goods in our line, (intoxicating liquors excepted,) ,. We fhall give strict attention to the SALE OF PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, And will beat all times prepared to make liberal advances when desirable. y?. G. Mcfltvainc, IVm.S. Brown ley , Bo. D. Mclwaine, Bo. ft. Mur tint Joseph. B. Dunn, Petersburg, .lan. 1, 1S50. - Bridge Building. 801 jpERSONS desirous of having bridges built, cither on the plan of driving the nosts or by mud sills, are informed that they can he accommodated, on mod erate terms, by apply:ng to the subscri ber, who has under his direction negro - ' . . . ELI, who has had considerable expert ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs. . C OFFELD KING. 7arboro N. C. Dec. I, 1S4S. Raleigh Book Bindery. -OS-' JOHN II. BE CARTERET, RE I URNS his crateful acknowledg- , . r i L'nts to the public for the verv liberal, ments lotne puoiic lor tnc very patronage which has been extended to him, and respectfully announces that he still continues the business of Book-Bind- ! ing, in all its forms; in the City of Raleigh, where it is conducted, as heretofore, over The North .Carolina Book Store where every material and instrument ne cessary for binding, re-binding, or repair ing, will be kept constantly on hand, and all work entrusted to him will be prompt ly and faithfully executed, in as sub stantial a manner, as elegant a style, and upon as reasonable terms, as it can ue done any where. He will aNo cxcculc to order, all klndsof ' chasers, which cannot be surpassed by the Northern work, viz: Ledgers, Journals,! Day Books, Record Books, Invoice, Cash, Letter Books, Sic. &c. . All orders will be executed, with neat- ness and despatch; and . the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A liberal discount for cash. Ral eigh, August I5lh, 1S49. (jpBooks, &c. sent to, or left with, Geo. Howard, of Tarboro', will be for warded with despatch. Rocky Mount, Scpt.811i, 1848. Cotton Factory Mills. nPHE urfdersigned, successors to Battle Brother, in. the above property, have associated themselves together under the title of BAtTTMsE 4 CO. They have been at great expense in en larging the operations of this establishment and in the purchase of new machinery, and feel warranted in saying, that they can now waAasgood an article of CoUon Yarn as can be manufactured any where in the U. States, and are determined lo sell at as aovu prices. All they desire, in order to secure the trade of merchants and dealers in this part of the country, is, that they examine the quality of their Yarns, and their liber al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. We do only a quarterly business; but will make the liberal discount of 2 per ct. for Cash. B. D. BA TTLE, JAS. M. BATTLE, JVM. S. BATTLE, J. L. HORNE. j Dry G oodsi ;Bppf Sho o And Saddlery, Ware Rooms, PETERSBURG. VA. O Barnes, Iticc & Jfamcs, ARE now receiving by the schoonersr , Edith from Boston, Margaret from New ' York, and the Express and Steamboat lines, their full supply of STAPLE AND FANCY Foreign ami J&omcstic Springs and Summer - Exceeding in any amount and variety any previous Spring for the last ten years', nearly all, of which will be found entirely fresh, except a targe amount of Staple Goods purchased beore the advances which will enable them to offer Goods at such prices as will compare favorably with .any of the 'Northern markets, arid they invite1 comparison. Additional sup plies will be constantly arriving in the Boot, Shoe and Saddlery Mr. D. R. Newsom will, at all times, be found, at home, ready to serve his old friends, customers, and all others, from an entire Neio Stock of Boots, Shoes, trunks, travelling Bags, Saddles, Bridles, wagon Whips, Collars, Letter, Foolscap, arid wrapping Paper, Shoe thread, Lacetts, &c. comprising a Stock calculated in every way to claim the attention of wholesale Dealers. Orders have been deposited with the principal manufacturers, North and East, in order to have the Stock at all times large and commanding, at prices that shall be as low as in New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore or Richmond. March 12. James, Rice James. Freeman & Houston, Washington, JY ffF'rTr.P nnfnntl nn bnnrf! a SrMr nf - c t7iu.,. -dv,, t, cn Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, F-loturFork, bait, TOBACCO Foreign and domestic Liquors- and Wines; Nails, Paints, Glass, Lime, and a variety of other articles suitable for plantatioa use and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit dealers or con sumers on reasonable terms for . Cash, or in exchange for Naval Stores or other Produce, The senior partner, D. C. Freeman, is j located in the city of New York, for the : transaction ot f Commission Business, and, if desired, Freeman & Houston will make advances in Washington on consign ments made lo him. They have ample room for storage and wharfage, and any Goods entrusted to their care will be prop erly attended to. Washington, N. C. April, 1S50V S. R. Ford, WILMlrVGTOIV, IV. C. DEALER in Marble Monuments; ii cad ana root atones; raint stones; im posing do.; and in short, any article called for of either Italian, Egyptian, or Ameri-v t 1 1 .i i or no sale; and if damaged before delive ry, it is at his expense. . s (JOrders left with Geo. Howard, Tarboro', will be attended to forthwith. March 15, 1849. TCP ESPECTFULLY informs the cili- II .... zens of Edgecombe and adjoining counties that he carries on the TAIIiOniJSTG BUSINESS, at the old Stand next door to the Post Office, where will be found a choice assort ment of , (and oil articles in his line of business,) which he is prepared to make up, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful - for the favors already received, he solicits a continuance of the same, assur ing all who may favor him with a call, that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ting done at the shortest notice. N. B. Alwavs on hand a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his owa manufacture JAS. MEHEGAN ; Tarborough, January 1. f - I Printing neally executedi t - i Ajft THIS OFFIC ' V '