MMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMpB 1,1, , - -i TAUBOU O UCi II : SATURDAY, JUNE 8, IS50. Tarbor6i Female Academy. On Tuesday and Wednesday last, the scmi-annml Examination of the Pupils in this Institution took place; on Wednes day evening, a Concert by the students in music; and on Thursday evening, a Com plimentary Party was given by the young - gentlemen of this town and vicinity. The ' weather was remarkably pleasant, and an unusuallv larae concourse of .Ladies and nntUmon -mended the various Ji.xer- VtliWltUV4 , a - v ' . ' , - - CISC5. The Academy is still under the super vision of the Rev. T. R. Owen and L.adjt, -whose admirable system of instruction and success in teaching, arc equally cred itable to them and advantageous to the community. The rapid advancement of the students in the useful and ornamental branches of education, was the general subject of remark; and the musical talent displayed by the young ladies in that De partment, under the direction of Miss Sa ha!I E. Howard, was witnessed with ap probation and delight by all present. We will add, that the young ladies ap peared to the greatest advantage, in the opinion of some of the spectators, when their exercises were continued and closed at the Party, by operations on "the light !-fantastic toe.? " Congress The past week in Congress has not been marked by any special event. The compromise bill is under consideration in the Senate, and it is understood that s long debate will ensue upon U, after the termination of the brief recess ncccssarj to put the two Halls of Congress in sum mer trim. Mr. Elmore, of South Carolina, tlicsuc-j cessor in. the Senate of Mr. Calhoun, died at Washington City on Wednesday of last week. The death of two "Senators from one slate in a single session of Con gresses an extraordinary circumstance. The Nashville Convention. We learn from a telegraphic .report in last Raleigh Register, dated Nashville (Ten.) Jum 4th, 10 o'clock, A. M. that "The Nashville convention assembled on yesterday Judge Sharkey, of Missis sippi, was appointed President, and Ex Gov. McDonald, of Georgia, Viee Prcs't. A Rfsol hatthe Convention vote by Statescach patron counting one. Clay's Compromise wil4 not be approv ed This is already rendered manifest. The Convention has just met for the day having adjourned over from yester day." From (he Wilmington Aurora. The Nashville Convention. Joint letter of Messrs. Strange and McReai Fiiycttcville, May II, S50. Henry I. Toole. Esq .: Dear Sir : The time for the Nashville Convention is at hand. A meeting preg nant with the most important results to the whole family of man. When -chosen by the Convention of this Congressional District, in March last, as Ks 'representa tives at Nashville, while justly proud of the honor, we felt most painfully the dread responsibility thus cast : upon us. But we have no wish or purpose to shrink from it We felt assured that the same God. who had led our Fathers through the scenes of the Revolution, would lead us also in the right wayeither by the pil lar of cloud or the pillar of fire. We otuevc we are all .instruments in his hands to accomplish hh purnoscs: and we knew by the past that those purposes for the future will be just and merciful. Yet we are at this time greatly perplexed, and must confess that we see Viot those nlain indications of what povidence designs for tie f rw' rnnl-ln na tlniitJn X- i " whether or not if is bur duty to ci in TL -. ... - , iNasiiville at ihe time proposed. At the New HanoVef meeting held in January, one of us fek no Citation in saying that by-the first Monday in Juhe, it would be plainly seen that Southern Rights avouiu meet with reasonable consideration froin our" Northern brethren: of that, "we must prepare to maintain them by dissolution and war. vl was mistaken. The myste rious veilof the future still hangs over those events which must decide this ques tion, and no one canrsafely conjecture in what form they will be revealed. Under those circumstances what can a conven tion do? Nothing,, nothing at least but mischief. Jgveh resolutions adopted by it cannot possibly lie of service, ami would probably do harm. Should those resolu tions be expressive of a united purpose at the South, to stand by their rights at eve ry hazard, will they not justly be consid ered thus uttered pending a negotiation, as indecent threatening or idle blustering. And if conciliatory'and mild, may they not beget doubts in many minds at least whether the hearts of Southern heroes are not failing them,as they contemplate in fan cy, the great Potomac sending her waves to the ocean, swollen and red with the blood of men poured out from kindred bo- soms. jjesiues tms, a ijMivuie iuuvi;ii- tion is a stiong measure, lull ot :Qonse quences; when over, it will be like an esc ploded bomb, no longer feared, not even respected; or will have left behind it sad and abiding evidences of its tremendous power. We should reserve it for a time of need, when like Sampson, wronged by his enemies past all endurance, he might wisely seek their destruction, even though it cost him his life. Sir, we are persuad ed that these are the feeling of a, large proportion of the people of our State, nay, even of our own district which has been more forward than any other part cf the State in this matter. We should now misrepresent them by participating in any action of a Nashville Convention" at this time. It is the duty of every represcntali ve to reflect, as far as possible, the will of; hi? constituents. If we believe that ours de sired our attendance, wc would go re gardless of our own opinions, or our per sonal convenience. But if the vole of the District could, now be taken upon the question, a very large majority wc think would even forbid us to go. We shall therefore not take our stats in the Con vention at Nashville, unless some changr takes place in the aspect of public affairs between now and the first Monday iu June. We arc much obliged to you for an article in the Aurora of Wednesday last, headed "The Nashville Convention igain." Other reasons arc suggested herein why the Convention should not meet at this time, which you have thereby mved us the necessity of offering here. We hop those who do meet at Nashville at the time appointed, will adjourn with out any other action, to a more suitable time at the same or some other-place, when and where ihe whole South, with undivided heart, may lift-up a shout of joy for our glorious teuton preserved, or rally .-with sad but determined purpose around the no less glorious standard of 'Liberty and the Rights of the -South' We are with great respec, your friends and fellow titizens, ROBERT STRANGE, G.J.McREA. - FOR THE TAROOIIO' PRESS. EDGECOMBE MEDICAL SOCIETY. At a regular.meetingof the b lgecombe M . . I ivicuicai oocieiy, nem in rarboro', May &in,LOou, ane rresident.. lir. J as. J; PhilifKS 1 "nsth c C n a ir, the fo 1 1 o w i n g rcso lution uas adopted: Mesdfoed, That the Chair appoint a com- mrttce oT three to arrange and publish in' the Tarboro' Press, such portions of the proceedings of this Society as arc directly connected with the interests of its mem bers and the public. In obedience to thU Resolution wc, the committee, have selected the follow ing provisions of the Corrstitution and By-laws of the Society, which wc deem best calculated to' carry out its spirit and inform the public of the motives and ends of our organization. Art. if. , of Constitution. The objects of this Society shall be to advance medical knowledge, elevate and improve tho character of the medical pro fession, promote all means of a profession al nature that are adapted to the relief of suffering humanity, and cultivate mutual feelings of friendship and courtesy , among its members. t Art v. of Constitution. Sec. 1. No one shall become a mem ber of this society unless be is a graduate in medicine of some respectable medical school, or has been a practitioner of medi cine for five years of good moral and prb- fessional standing n his neighborhood, and is engaged in the regular practice of medi cine., - , ; ; - Sec. 2,: Any Physician who may proT cure anatent for a remedy or. instrument of surgery, or who shall give' a certificate in favor of a patent remedy or instrument, shall" bei disqualified- from- becoming a member of this Society. . - y V; : , 3 - Sec. xxxvi. of By-laws. . -To promote the firt spec! fieel object of A l m 4 A A s fc M this Society, as expressed i nine accuiiu -tiMft of the Constitution, it.shall be the du ty of the President to call the Attention of its members to the utility and importance of renortinc in writing all cases of disease of an interesting character coming .under their observation and the treatment of.the same: and it shall be the duty el the Sec rctary, to preserve all such reports in the archives of the Society for future refer enced Sec xxxvir. Every member of this Society shall be tho. following rules and r J c charges. for professional services and mcdi cine. 1st. For all distances or one mue anu under, there slull be a charge of One Dollar; and for greater distances, One Dol lar for the firat mile; and. for all addition al miles at the rate of Twenty-five cents per mile. 2nd. For all calls when not a greater distance than one milc'ftom a direct route, One Dollar; and for all additional miles at the rate of Twenty -five cents per mile. , . 3rd. For prescription, to be charged for or not, at the discretion of the Physi cian; provided, not lcif? than One Dollar is charged for each particular case. .... . i 4lh. W lK?n called to visit two or more diluent persons at the same time on.l place, the cluarge for the visit .shall he di vided equally between them. 5lh. For visit in. town One Dollar. Gth. For every instance of visit or call in rain or bad wuathcr, or at night, provi- 7lh. For a doe of medicine there shall be no chargo less than Twenty five cents. Sth. For venesect Inn One Dollar, ex tracting tooth One Dollar, (if more than one tooth is extracted atone sitting at the ded hv night be understood after Ilight ! jvoiild make thcir skin whateund healthy, fall, when reference is had to visits iu the ! l o(iens tne skin and hfs hc country, a.ul after bed time when to vishs'1 Scc Uiat cch cuke .S in town, there shall be a double charcc. tRadway. discretion of the Physician), cupping OncH the scalp, invigorates the roots, causes Dollar, encmcta and other like ofiiccs not less than One Dollar. Oth. For. simple case, of Obstetrix in i white woman Ten Dollars, and for atl complications in the same at tho lisero tion of the Physician. 10th. For simple case of Obstetrix in negro woraanjiot less than Four Dollars, andforall complications 411 the same at the discretion of the Physician. 11th. For consultation, not less than Five Dollars-r-the visit additional in all casts. 12th. For remaining all night at the house of 1 he patient, when necessary, not less than Five Dollars; for attention to pa ticnl all night not less than Ten Dollars; for attention all day not loss than Five Dollars, and fractional parts of day ami night, when charged for tio. be regulated i by the Physician at his own discretion. 14th. For all cares of surgical opera tions, and other professional services not mentioned in this catenorv. there shall m such charges made, as will not disparage ' ' the above system or detract fro yslcm or detract from the char- i acter and diffnhv of mir Iihonl rnfn;o 4 Src. xxsvni. Nothing in the above regulations shall be so construed as to deprive tht; Physi cian of the right of reducing his bill to suit the ability of his patieut to pay. -' Sf.c. xxxix. No member of this Society shall con sult, or have professional intercourse. with a Physician of the county of Edgecombe, who is qualihed for membership accord ing to the law of the State Medical Socie ty, and refuses-to become a member of this Society. Sec. xl. '. - - - . ' Professional courtesy shall be extended to any Physician of the county of Edge combe, of good moral and professional standing in, his neighborhood, who is ex cluded from; membership by the law of the State Medical Society, provided he will adopt and practice the rules and reg. ulations of this Society, jand signify the same to the Secretary or any member thereof - "' "T.; . - :t: On motion it was Bcsolved, That the above rules and regulations shall 1 take ef feet from and after the date of publication. I Will. Geo. Thomas, 1 P. Sugg, f ' Com" The Steamer Asia arrived, at Halifax m the 27th.ultimo,-bringing one tveeks 1.1.. .lY,. - - " c ' .k'rlxnni'. later intelligence irom ii,uropu ingthe shortest trip on record, bhe per formed the passaga -from Li verpooHo this country in eight days and a half. , " ' The Cotton Market was tirm at J-iver riool on th6 17th May, - and anpther, ad- vance of one eighth ot a penay.nau, lasen place. ' The Corn Market was firm, and Amer ican nroduce had.adYanced.- A telegraphic despatch for the Rakigh Register, dated New York, June 4lh,says: Market irregular Cotton drooping con siderably. Limited sales. . RAD WAY'S CHINESE MEDICA TED SOAP, THE BEST -SKIN PURIFIEK IN THE" WORLD. The wonderfureflects which. this valua ble soap has on the skin and minute secre tory vessels, is entirely different from all other soaps, cosmetics, or lotions that have ever been used. As an exterminator of all spots, blemishes, blotches,' pustules, and other unsightly marks, it is eminent ly superior to, any other of Jhc kind, both in its theoretical and practical points. In stead of driving these excrescences and impurities of the skin into the system, which' most of these cosmetics do, this val uable soap attracts these impurities which so disfignre the cuticle, from the most mi nute and secretory vessels to-the surface, leaving till the vessels and secretions where the impurities of the skin caused so much annoyance, in a clear and healthy condition. Mildly expelling from the; surface every trace of disfigurement and ... , . . , ' , " restoring the complexion to that beautiful P hu-ii naiuro inlendeil it should wear. It removes Pimples, Dlot- ehfs, Pustules, tan, Sun Burn, iMorphew and discolored skin. It cure Sail Rheum, liing Worm, Rash, and Scurvy. Persons who bathe freely hou Id use this soap, it good n a in. Every body wliJl will" apply -RAdway'sj Circassian Ralm, will like it; it is tho! most charming preparation for hair in use. u cleanses me neati irom uanurmi, cures mc nair to grow, anu maiies it line, son and gloss', and predisposes it to curL Price 25 cents in large bottles. Piincipal office, 151 Fulton st. New York, Radway &Co. Sold by Wm. II. Mayhew, the only A gent for Newbern, and General Agent for the eastern eon ntics of N. C. ALSO, by W. Bernard, Greenville; R. Aman, Amairs mill; Mr. Alston, Golds boro' and Geo. I Toward, Tailor a?. Candidates Ibr licrilT. v '(J3We. arc authorised to announce James F. Jenkins, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this county, at the en suing election. ; (OVe are authorised to announce Jacob By rum, as a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff of.this county, at the en suing elect ion. yj ai0 auinoriscu to. announce John Gray Williams, as a candidate for the ffic of Sheriff of fliis county, at the ensuing election. DIED. At Farm we -1, Halifax county, on the 1'fith ult. "aged 15 years Samuel Law rence, son of Mr- Mason L. AViggins. Watch, Clock, and JFcwclry Repairing. s HAVING employed a very superior German workman lr ihn -'-' f mnQf rnnf.i'r.,ti-:nr they can have their , Watchfcs, &c. repaired, r; 5 - At my shop in Tarboro, in a slyleequal to and as cheap as ihey. can be 4one else- where. ' ' " ; S- toarrant my workjor twelve months thus fny patrons; have the advantage over, those that send their Watches at a distance,: by having t he - opportunity of naving mem overhauled and repaired free of charge, should there be "any deficiency in the previous ivork, which must some times happen to the best workmen. - x ALWAYS ON HAND, . 1 . J2 select assortment of Jewelry, As theap as can be bought elsewhere. ' JO . & 3ENl)g8, r TarbcroVTcnc G, 1850, ' , ; . rwk.- r.'. sis te vf. 4 DEMO 113 TIC State Convention. Several of the Primary Meetings havin differed as to'thc day lor holding a Dcmot cratic State Convention, and it having been refened to the Central Committee of tl.e Democratic party; to designate t he dav and place for said purpose, it is hereby respect luUy recommended. that said Con vent ion be held in the City of Ralegh, on Thursday the 13th day of June nest Ample time wiH thus be afforded for all the Counties in the State to hod ,er Meetings and send Delegates. The pres ent crisis in our. public affairs demands the attention and consideration of every Dem ocrat, and it is thercforo hoped that the proposed Convention will be a full one. Dy order of.the Democratic State Com mittee. JOSI A II 0. WATSON, Chairman. JYbticc. . . un6 4u-...uu Administrator on the estate of Pelrr HineSy deceased, gives notice to all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to presenf them for pay. ment within the lime limited by law, or this notice will be plcud in bar of their re covery persons indebted will . plcaso make payment. PETER E. IIINES 2Sth May, 1850. Dr. George C. Sugg, HAVING LOCATED O IIAIfllLTOiV, OFFERS his professional services (o ihe czen9 of Martin count v: Ho will ' he found at all times at his office, unless professionally Engaged. His charCes will be vpru modrmto ! aUn(jon to h'is duties to merit a share of public patronage. May 1, 1850. Bacon and Lard FOR SALE at the store of Hyman k Pippcn. - Jos. Jno. Pippen. Tarbor6?, May 1 , 1 850. ; Jlotvel complaints Colics, &c. POSITIVELY CUKED BV J a smc's Carm iiiativc Ba 1 s.nin. Chicago, III.; Marth 7, 1843. Dr. D. Javne. Dear sir: You ask me whs I proofs I rr.eet with of the efficacy of your Carmi j alive. I can safely say that I never prescribed a medicine for Bowel complaints that has given mo so much satisfaction, and my patients so speedy and perfect .relief as this. Whenever introduced , iato a family, it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is" called for aain and aaint which- I think a pretty good proof of its efficacy and usefulnesst In the summer comp'aiht of chil dren, it has frequently appeared to snatch ihe Yti. tie victims, as it were, from theravei It saved iheflife of my i child, and of such and such child,,, I have repeatedly heard said. In dysen tenc aflections of adults, I have ime and agai' seen it act like a charm, and give permanent- ,,e ,n a w hours, I may say in a few minute?. "M t 3 a valuable medicine H 'and tio Tamil should be wiltiout if. J . Respectfully, r M. L. KsArp, M. D. Professor of Materia Medira in ii v Laporte University, ladianai - Prepared only by Dr; D, Jayne, " Philadclpli?f and sold on agency byl i J GEO. IJOTVAIU). TarboTo Feb. If,- . Graefenbcrg illiliciiics. MIS Sr 4.-, - JUST RECEIVED, the '.Gracfenbcrp Sarsaparilla. Compound the celcbniietl Children's Panaceathe Eye Lotion t health Bittefsl-the Fever and Ague Pi' the VegetablQ - Pills, and the Crceft Mountain Vegetable Ointment. ; February 16. Geo. Howard 1 JaiJite3 Tills, &e. For sale by ; . " fled, flfcieef f