I Ml - - -,.., - 1, t t Wtnlc.Vo 1211. TUB TA UBO UO PRESS, by george howaro; jr. nublished weekly at Two Dollars per year in advance or. Two Dollars and Fiftv rlrs at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be Inserted at Out Dollar the first insertion, and 25 r.nW fcr every succwruing one. monger ones ai I , . npr square, court ureters ana judicial I that rate per i , m I -Amusements 25 per cent, higher. , from Ralcigl to Rocky Jlounf. Fare Reduced THE subscriber has taken the. contract for carrying the mail from Raleigh to Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good horses and care i'ul drivers, and will run it to" connect with the cars on the Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Rocky Mount to Washington he will Reduce the Fare as follows: From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, $1 00 it f Wakefield, 1 50 Stanhope, 2 50 : Nashville,. 3 50 Rockv Mount, 4 50 ft Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $i 50 yartof the way in proportion s-nal. packages, 25 cents boxes aria1 bcudles agfecably to size and weight. Trunks packages &c. must be deposit ed at the above places ami the freight paid, or the subscriber will not be responsible for their safety. For seats, &(. apply to E. Yarhrough' Raleigh T. R. Debnam, Eagle Rock A. J. Foster, Wakefield D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope B. H. Freeman, Nashville--W. L. Quails, Rocky Mount. GEO HOWARD. Tarhoro, April U, 1849. THIS excellent compound, which has g3ined such notoriety in.the cure of Fever . and Ague, and other bilous affections, may be found at the Store of Geo. Howard, Tarboro, This medicine was prepared by a reu-j I if physician, and the result of art exten sive practice of several years in a bilious climate. Those who have used it them selves, or seen its salutary effects upon oil lcrs, need no farther evidence of its great value. A small TrcdN'se on the "causes, treatment and cure of fever and I agucand other diseases of biliousclimatesi" may be hndg?-atis of the above agent. May 2, 184.9. Dr.KUfllS Jlbyssinian Mixture. For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Fluor Al dus, Gravel, &.c. Letter from Dr. James R. Callum, dated Milton, N. C. August 14, IS 17. Dr. J. Kuhl-Dear Sir: Your medicines hare given entire satisfaction jnihis section of country, the Abyssinian Mixture especially, is highly approved of, it has never fail d to cure in every case. It sells like hot cakes. 1 We never had enough to supply the demand, oa will please send me a large supply of it as ?03 as you arrive at hornet Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUM, Milton Drug Store. Agents G1$Q. HOWARD , Tarhoro'; F. S. Marshall, Halifax; James Simmons, Weldon; C. Pngh", Gastorf, F E. Cook, Waif renton;Hen ty Goodloe, Warrenton; Pt C. Brown, Louisburg; H. Brodie. Franklin: Louis II. Kittle. Hen- rson; R, t Mitchell, Oxford. May 16 oticc. A GOOD 60 saw Col lan Gin, but lit de worn, can be had on reaioiiable terms, fin applicafjpirtol Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. Tarbprp? Alay 2th, IS iP. jpljj pint ?; tgTtTm j j tu nT iRKyl To the Public: The Subscribers TAKE this 'methdd .onlrdfming their Country friends and the Public ;in gene ral, that they have made Ii.irgc purchases of Goods At the North, And are anxious to do a jobbing business in the true sense of the Word they go for 8 null profits ami quick sales. They most respectfully solicit a call from my person visiting Petersburg, buyiiVe Goods to sell again, as they know they can offer such inducements as to secure customers from going elsewhere. Terms, Cash only. Corner of Sycamore and Rank St. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 2.9, 1S19. SG Just Received, A FItJSSH SUPPLY OP Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills, 44 vegetable tonic and restorative bitters. Dr. Hull's Fever and Ague Pills, Dr. Murphys sugar-coated anti-bilious 'Pills, - . . ?. Agurr and Fever Pills. . The ahovc medicines are inferior to none one trial will convince. . -For sale by Geo, llndctrd. The Yorc Weekly kloiiriml. The Weekly of the Merchant's Day Boole.) ONE of the cheapest papers ever pub lished in this country, is issued every Saturday frqni ihe ofiice of ike Morcliant's Day Book, at the very low price of One Dollar a Year. The Weekly Journal is made ui frrtm thr trrbint y 1 1 v 11 -ml- nn,! nrn ' irom me iierc.nani s ijj) dook, and con-; v.. ...v.. . ..w.. ""j .. . . i tains all the reading matter of the mx day's j issue of that paper. n ... r . :., , . Also, Prices Current and B.ink Note table corrected every week Hcport ( f the money and Produce market, and al so thc prices of all ihe leading articles of Domestic Dry Goods, With a general summaryr of thc transac tions in that brao h of trade. The Merchant' Day Book has ta ken a bold stand in favor ol the South and Southern rights, and has been used in the Senate by Southern Senators to show that the views of the Editor upon the Slavery question Hverc such as commended them 'not only to the Southern people, hut to all candid men everywhere. The Weekly -Journal contains all For fifteen years have they been tried in the reading matter of thc Merchants1 ( Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, Day Book It has ahrgc circulation inland some in constant use in Institutions, the Northern States, where its views upon by Professors, rind private families, and thc Slavery question although consider- have given entire satisfaction; the climate ed as extremely Southern have cieated or change of 'weather have little or no cf- n good deal of interest and arc exerting mueh influence. The. Southern people , i " ' i -t i arc invited to become subscribcrsj and . rt - , , . lend their influence 15 extend its circula- tion in the Slavcholding States. The papers in the Southern Stales are rconested to advertise this notice to thelswcrcd and attended to. , liespecllully, amount of three dollars and send their 1 1 a.' . I bills " to this office, of if they prefer, they may kcrp the subscription money oi four yearly subscribers, which they are authorized-to receive.' Send the names to us, and the papers will be forwarded. Per sons wishinn to subscribe can hand a dollar to the Postmaster in the town, and hc will send for the paper. March 25th. Botanic Jflcdicihcs. HE subscriber has just received; di reel from New York, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP Tliomsonian medicines Lobelia, green and brbwn-nd and 3rd Prepare tion of do myrrh, cayenne pepper, porrd lily. Composition, bay berry, barberry,' spice bitters, Golden seal poplar bark, slippery elm, hemlock .Verve powder, nerve ointment, bitter root, Cough powders, cough syrupwoman's frtend, Syringes of various sizes, No. C, &c. &c. which he Is enablecl to sell at greatly re duced prices. GEO. HOWARD. Tarborpy June 2?. : " ' rilL undersigned rcturnthcir sincere thanks for the liberal patroiyage heretofore extended to them. They will as hereto- W - "-...v -. . jore give prompt, and energetic attention to the sales of Cotton, and other countrv Produce. We have for sale fl general and well selected 4 Assortment of GROCEKlS, N. M. MARTIN 8? DONNANS. . Petersburg, Va., 14th Sept. IS49. Cotton Bagging f ul Bale Rope. pieces of German Dagging,-43 lncnes wmc anti weighing I i lbs to the yard, JLC&Cf s a,e RPC for sale in lots to suit p-'irchasers. N. M. MJW TIN $ DOS NANS. Pclershurg, Va., Krpl. 14:h, IS !9. . Groceries, 4c. SUGAR, molasses, ccfTcc, Apple and French I3rnndy--whiakcy, Ma.leiri and Malaga wine, LorillarJ's and Outcalt's Snuff, (Indies brown and fancy Sonps, Ground pepper and spice ginger. Starch, indigo, ink and ink powder, Cap and letter paper, ruled and unruled, Steel pens and pen holders, & p. &rt. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. November 21, 149. . To Fanners and Biairy mm. !i lit holt! I) ItmCmO II H I'ulthld.mblcacliasrolarn 31. JL I PECULIARLY adapted to Worm Cli- mites. as it produces butter as c.isily iron; rtiilL- iVum nr im. In b, ir:iMn- .1 it . 1 1 i i t . ihts elleptual anl sunjilc clr.irn into i:so, mis cul'i in;u .inn Mijiiu ru.iin iiiiu usi-, te proprilui, feeiifi t-otifidcuce in iU capabilities, do not hLsilale to pronouridc . . ... it'lhc best churn ever ofTered to the public. ! ir s ilc- hy - ('Co. 11 -wartf. Pianns! Pianos!! -xsz- rnaiism ana tioniracieu cores ana muscies. The undersigned respectfully rolls the ivr M-Kolm stock's Vermifuge-no Fah attention of the public to thc splendid, ' will eradicate and cure a children and highly finished New Scale Udults ; who have worms. Cantibn. Beware of all lioSClCOOil and lIahogani) jless the name is spelled'Kolmstock'stheold j.., T j Dutch name of the inventor. 2JXiljbLD2 i Sold wholesale by Comstofk & Coi 1 CoM- ! with an entire cast iron tra:.ie, hand- somely carved and gilt this iron frame combines the entire instrument, prevents it from warping and getting out of tune. fect on the Instruments the tone is pow- of any fan o which we have no cognizance our- C::ful, brillbnt and sweet. Principals of .selves The great advantages possessed by this . i ro.-,i n,.j,n(o ...;n article over every other, are its certaintv, safe- Academics, professors and merchants will 3 ' , . . t u .u TY convbsiencs and economv. All physicians find it to their .nterest to purchase these , d iglobe apprehended from Pianos. All instruments stre warranted.' JrnfFfrin,Mhe eve whpn 5n' an inflamed and unheal- Orders and letters will be promptly an-; All. .A 1 Address, A. KU11W & CO. No. 75 Nonh Green St., Bait. Piano Manufactory, 75 Baltimore st LIST OP TRICES. Pianos with metallic plate in Rosewood or mahogany cases, 6 octave, from ISO to g250. With iron frame, 225 to 300. octave, 250 to ?50. 63, 275 to 350. 7 octave, 300 to 500. 7 octave. Grand Pia nos, very powerful and bi illiant, from 500 to 1000. Harps from 350 to 600. The above named Pianos are constantly manufactured with all the litest improve ments, and will be sold on the most accom modating terms. . Any person wishing to purchafe a Pia no will please notify the subscriber, and a Piano will be sent here by A. J& Co. and if the instrument or price; do not please, they will be at no charge or ex pense for transportation of said Piano. -Geo. Howard, Tarboro1. A FRESH SUPPLY OP; ' i Shoffar? Life FiII amVFhenix Bitters, For sale by Geo. Howard: An uucqualled Remedy Tl ST, for colds and feverish feelings and pre venti"S Fevers. 2nd. For asthma, liver com.- plaint and bilious afTeclions. 3d. Far diarrhoea, J . indigestion and loss of appetite 4th. For costive- ness in females and males. 5ih. For stomach af- CTING specifically on the Liver and fections, dyspppsia and' piles. The great points other secrctingorgans; promotingUip;cs are, it is mot bad to take, never gives pain, and, tion, . purifying the blood,, cleansm the ntvtr leaves one costive! For all these things it glands, in short, reviving the prostrated is" warranted unequalled, and all who do not find system, and diffusing health and vigor ti so raajt reiurn me oouie ana gei in money back. This medicine is LONGLSY'S I i IVc'stern Indian Panacea , We assert ihorc is no family medicine of half its virtues, and nonc that will so delight the isefs of it, and to tun vi nceralt that these are fact, we offer as aiove. Try it without prire. 'xi you are not charmed by its effects ) , 'Vht i ni man Hair . . Is admitted by civilized as well as barbarous nations to be f . when fu.l, flowing and perfect, 'the Permanent relief, To all those afflicted in 8imi imcnt, and When imperfect or wanting way, I cannot refrain from .thus publicly re- iireale; t ornam the greatest disadvantage to the personal appear- ance of male or female. . That it is a duly to pre- serve and beautify it, all will admit. This article has Lccn for more than 20 years used extensively. It has the testimony of many of the most respect able, citizens in this country, who certify to the fact, that the BAL3I OF COLUMBIA First, in all cases stops the hair 'falling out Or restores it in most if fallen, and ih all cases if lost by sickness; and keeps offdandruff and scurf on infants and adults. Second, perfumes the hair and preserves it to old age from turning gray. Should always be used at toilette. Third, gives reat vigor and rapid growth to the hair, and cau ses it to curl beautifully. Lastly, prevents all filth or its coi.sequcnce on children's neads, and exceeds all other articles for.the hair in quality,- i . ,...;,. ,.li,ionnuco. M .ini" nrtiplrQ havp Itftpn suuu-d onM.e n-puUUon of this, ami are without m"n. lUo'T .y ."ccni""1 ares"'J alJ0U nie the prices oi mis nafm. E2avs' Z.!i:::m nt Is rn nriicle more jusdy celebrated as a cure for the abovi; ihun any or all othe's. The cases of cure arp almost innumrranje anu 11 is only neces- . . , a 1" !1?e. ' be had iru 1 such great success know that it is to c and genuine (for there are counter- fciter cf t)r. Lucius Oomstock 21 Cortlandt sl. gw Yerk and so of the rest of the articles i here nanMl. lo the hall ana lame nr. tlewes nerve ana bone liniment is the most effectual cure for iheu- land t st. Mow York, by Geo. Howard, ; Tarboro', and by one person iu every village in the United Stales and CaeJli'asi Nov. 9. To Ihe 1'nblic. flllE concurrent testimony of men of integrity and worth is the best evidence we can have lhysal tnlneaseof this salve this objection is entirely removed, a3 no harm can possibly re sult from its use: it being in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid ing all the inconvenience, pain and, danger, which necessarily attend the introduction of any pungent article into the eye. Its activity in subduing in flammation is so great thai but few cases require the use of more than one bottle to effect a perfect cure. One physician remarked to us, after hav- ing witnessed its effects in several instances, that it wa3 a ptriFECT fire eilIer." We. might multiply reasons why this salve should be prefeit red above every thing else in the treatment of.dis- eases of the eye, but we prefer it should stand on its own merits. All we a3k is that its virtues be thoroughly tested, and that the directions be suict- ly followed. - E very bottle of the genuine salve has the name MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, blown itf the sides of the botde, and thewrilten sin-nature of the proprietor, D. Mitchell, on the outside wrapper. . . " D. M1 1 UHbLL. Perry, Wyoming eoujity, N. Y". ALSO, Dr. Gordon's vegetable ami bilious facrily pills, and Dr. Tyler's ague & fever pills, ; Forsaleby GEtiY HOWARD. lie's 1 ci lies. : ' V'-, .. also, - t- - . V Sappitiglotfa I'M,: For sale by ' Geo. Ho ward. Jay JinliMlions iutmilij Villi. . Composed of Medicinal Properties nos sessed tnTZ zXfT- ' . uu.i vcsctuuic substances. throughout the human frame, nu rn : . i The following aie presented out of many CERTIFICATES. Cornwall, Orange county, Y May 19;47.'K Dr. A. GiLBcat. t)ear Sir: Suffering for some time with severe bilious affection and. liver com plaint, I was recommended to try your anti-bilious family pilfe; and I am pleased in being able to say, that after Using a few doses Hound groat and tvuliitufuuluS "" a i consiaer mem a valuabi-j . medicine to possess, esplally in the country WMC1C F'" remnrea ;rom tne opportunity of receiving-medical advice. Yours, truly; Signed. G E ORG E BHO VVN ' We, tho undersigned, dealers medicinei, having for two years past sold A. Gilbert's anti bilious family pills, take great pleasure in stating that so far as we know, the medicine lias siveu universal satisfaction; and we believe it, from the several expressions made to us, to be the best anti-bilious medicine now in usei Signed. Aaron A. VViwo, M. D. Peter IIanlocjt, ' A. A. Martin, Jas. Nollneh, MiD. Norfolk, Va. May 29, '44. , Mr. Ai Gilberti Dear sir, please send raefotf gross of your pills by the very first packet, as I N. am nearly out of them. The demand for thVm la very much increased, which can only be atiriba ted to their being recommended by those who have been benefitted by the use t)f them. You can draw on me at sight for the ahaount as usual Signed. vf , G. J. New Orleans, March 7, '45. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. A scieialiiic ilictlichzc. GREAl experience and judgment are retired to make a valuablevand at the same time, innor cent purgative. This is possessed only by few.' -J The great majority of the remedies advertised " of this class are manufactured by persons who have no idea of the relative or individual powers of the drugs they use. It is this cause, m re than any other, which occasions the inertness and often injurious effects, produced by advertised remedies. ! AnJ hence tne general preju ice winch prevail. against them. Now there is a great difference iut this respect, with legard to the p'lls made by Dr1. B. lirdfidretli, and cOnserj ently, thcirl superior claims upon the' puolic Each of the arlicle3 composing the Biandreth Pills Are prepared in that way which will secure their beneficial effects to the system in the safest and easiest manner. For instance, some insreiient3 have to be prepared in the.vacuo; that is, th air is exhausted in the utensil, cod remains so until a. combination is effected with other ingredients, . which afterwards prevents the air from acting in uriously upon the medicine. Again, the ropor tion of each ingredient depends upon its niuliiply iug power upon other ingredients For thep- wtr of different vegetable purgatives upon each other is governed by similar laws that govern the power of figures by multiplication. Nine addeu to nino make eighteen: but nine times nine are 'eis'htv oner So it is with some vegetable purgatives By adding nine parts of one ingrediect, an i nino, parts of another ingredient together, he power is j increased, not to eighteen, but to eighty-one. For example, eithej of the articles to produce any purgative effect, would have,to be used to the ex tent of eigh'y-one grains; by combining them only eighteen grains have to be used. Again, 5 nolhcr ingredient is foond to multiply this power again, which in a proportion of two grains, would have no effect upon the' animal economy, but j which, added to eighteen grains of a compound of two parts ofnine grains, each of two ingr-Hieot,A t will again multiply the power; which they have gained of eighty-one, to one hundred and sixty ' two. 80 again, the mixture of twenty grains can be again multiplied by an addition of two grainsr to the power of three hundred and twenty-four jgrainsof the original power of the two first ingrc- j dients Ilere'we have twen!y-two grains, whictw as a purgative, contain tne power equal to three hundred and twenty-lour grains ; C cither :ef the articles alone; nevertheless, also so powerful fter being thus combined, are sate, in any quantity--, always havipg a beneficial effect, andtn no casa capable of doing injury, of which thousand Veajr. ample wilncssi ; ' : "' ? r Let those in anyway out of health use thzse Piltsi They will find it much to ffcir adeanfe;t for sale by Geo. Howard Tarhoro', Nov. 7, 1849. " ' -c " ComlatlcsMlavh'Hj'or : - r l AtTHI9:0rFICE f