f l,AD Quarters 21st Reg't, N.C. M. ? Tarboro' Sent. lGth. 1S50. 3 it I V order of Mnjor Gcn'l Singeltary, Regiment will meet at Tarboro' on ihjurstlay the 10ln of October next, arm- ,i and equipped for parade and review. the commissioned officers will attend the av before (Wednesday) for officer drill JnJ Ucgi'cnla Court Martial. By order, I HENRY T. CLARK, J Col. of 2 1st Regiment. j Ii. R- Bridgers, Adjutant. Jjovc Grove Plantation 1 FOR SALE. I THE subscriber offers his plantation for sale, situated on the W. & R. Rail jload, one mile from town, and well known as I LOVE GROVE, iontaintng 100 acres, more or less, all un j!er fence and in a high state of cultivation, pn abundance of marl and much on the Jplaee. I Terms accommodating to the purchaser. Jf desirable the mules, hands, &c. will be ilisposed of with the land For further particulars apply to' S. R POTTER. 1 Wilmington, Sept. IS. Slult (if North Carolina. EDGECOMBE COUKTT, William Worsley, Sen. vs. Nathan G. Worsley. fcdgecomle County Court, August Term, 1 1850. 0iginal Attachment. J THE defendant is hereby notified that j aid attachment was duly returned to Au gust Term, 1S50, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of said County, Iev- led on a tract of land situate in said county, joining the lands of William Worsley, j Sen. and B. Melton, and containing 33$ acres, more or less and unless he be and Appear bcfoiethe Justices of said Court at;""u ia lu " i'l - Jhc next Term thereof, to be held at the hislinc of bsincss that ? hc cntrustcl Court House in Tarboro' on th fo.inh 10 him- He has competent workmen in Ins Monday of November next, and then and there replevy the property attached and j.lcad to issue, judgment pro confesso will 'kc entered against him and such other proceedings had therein as to the Couit phall seen right and proper. Done by order of said Court, at August iJerm, 1850. JNO. NOR FLEET, Clerk. Tarboro', Sept 7th, 1S50. Farm for Sale. - - I BEING desirous of removing to a war- .mer climate, I now ofler lor sale, my plan-1 jMi.ua in warren uouniy, lying on lisn- drcd bales of Cotton and onb thousand bat Jiag and Reedy Creeks, and adjoining the rc.s of Corn. An 0f tiie Karm ;s aiJ0VC .jlands of Rev. Wm. Hooper D, D. and olh-j jlifth watcr marlt There is timber suffi jcrs, in a pleasant and healthy neighbor- J cicnt l0 j.ecp a g00a fence around &aid l'OOi ! H till nnvnnlnnl In lla Cnlnnt Ilinkin " . . j ... "-"- ciuci pcnool of Dr. Hooper. The farm lies 12 miles cast of VVarren- ft on a and 7 miles South of Littleton Depot, a;;d contains i j 716 Acres. There is on it a larae and commodious Hovelling, containing ten rooms rd eight 1 fireplaces, all complete, with all necessary fcut houses, Rarns, Stables, &c. I I ALSO, r,. I r lve ninths of 79S Acres, containing a I urge quantity ot low grounds, lying near I the above mentioned tract, j These Lands are well adapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Oats and iooacco. flso for An interest in a Store House and Lot. at Littleton Depot, on which I have never j received less than fifteen per cent, and am r.ow receiving Twenty-seven per cent in f rent. i I All, or any part of the above property i ... . i . M wllt l)G SO (I O '1 liinrtmtiinilillMi. rr.ma A j I J-'orui and approved Security required. Persons wishing further particulars will j P'ase address nie at Littleton Depot. HENRY HARRIS. August 29th, ISoO. Flour! Flour!! JUSr RECEIVED, a lot of prime Hew Flour, in barrels and half barrels. For r.-iIa hv dnn ' Inintvrl Tnrhnrn Bagging and rope. 33 - THE Subscribers have now on hand their supply of Bagghis and Rope, viz: Heavy Gunny and German, bagging Best Kentucky Hemp and TubeTope all for sale at unusually low prices. PITT MAN Sf CUTIIBERT. Petersburg, Va. August, 1S50. For Sale or Rent. A VALUABLE LOT, situated at Rocky Mount, in front of the storehouse occupied by M. Weston, with a comfort able mansion and outhouses fitted up for Ihe convenience of any person who may desire a Lot; together with a new store house just now completed, well finished and arranged to suit any person wishing! to engage in the mercantile business. For' further information apply to William H. Hines or E. G. Armstrong. August 27th, 1S50. FareReduccd. TP HE Stage Fare fi om Rocky Mount to 1L Washington is reduced to $5 or, From Uocky Mount to Tar!oro Si 50 Sparta Falkland CJroenvillo Pactohis Washinuon 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 11 5J .TarDar' to Sparta " Falkland " Greenville For scats, &c. apply to II. Wiswall, Washington Goold Iloyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard, Tarboro''. February 1, 1S1S. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INF0RMS the citizens of Mai tin and the a,ijacent counties, that he has Ijacent counucs, tliat lie lias IZnncxctl to Ilamittc a. cmPloy ca" Sivc elory assuran-j ccs' Inala" wofk cnirusicci 10 mm win uc exccuicu cxpcuiuouaiy aim in a v. oilman like manner. References. Jo. flraltto, Hamilton, JVm. Norfleet Tarboro,' Baker Stalon, Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, 1S50 A ItAllGK A.S Valuable Farm FOll SALE ON ?aid Farm can be made two hun- i arm close and convenient, n nas on it f gooil Marl 6l, ! i jvVhich is equal to any in the Slate. It is; 50 yards in width and A of a mile in length, j A great deal of the mail is accessible at! any lime of the year, varying from 2 to 6 , feet in depth. There is also a great deal of swamp and creek mud extending the whole length of the Farm, and several swamp and ridges of good land to clear. All of lhe Farm is easy to cultivate. There is on it a large and comfortable towelling House together with all necessary out houses, such as kitchen, smoke house, dairy, work house or weaving house, cotton or wool house, milk house, brandy house, &c. &c. &c. an excellent gin house and rolton screw, ten small corn cribs, which will hold 150 to 175 barrels of corn, four large barns which will hold 400 barrels each; also, six large fodder shelters, with a great many good negro houses, and a good over seer's house many other things entirely unnecessary to mention. The said Farm is situated in a pleasant and healthy neigh borhood, ten miles north west of Tarboro' on the road leading to Enfield, eight miles south of the Wilmington and Roanoke Rail Road. 1 will take much pleasure in showing this Farm to any one who wish es to purchase. A credit of six years will be given to the purchaser. HUGH 13. BRYAN. December 32nd, 1549. Cash Advances. THE undersigned will advance in Cash, three-fourths ($) of the market value here of Coin, Cotton, and Naval Stores, deposited with him for shipment to his friend J. G. Williams, Esq., New York. W. II. WILLARD. Washington, N.C. 17th Nov, 1849. To Turpentine makers. w h& WE WISH to contract for flake scrape Turpentine, to be delivered next fall and winter, for which we will give a liberal price. JOHN MYERS $ SON. Washington, 19th Aug. 1S50. Land for Sale, c THE Subscriber is desirous to soil his lands and plantation whereon he now lives, in Edgecombe countT, about lhre; miles southwest of Sparta, lying on a swamp called John's Branch, adjoining Peter Evans, Edward Cobb, and Jonas J. Carr's lands, containing 50O Acres, As suhject to improvement as any pinev land whatever, wish a prospect of about two hundred barrels of turpentine per year tor a few years. Any person that: would like to purchase such a situation, miy apply to the subscriber. Payments will be made easy. JAMES NOR V ILL. August 2Gth, 1S50. Don't you want to ride? - THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a large variety of vehicles compris; uik. 3U2T(?ic$n SSfiroilcIlCSm &c. ' - 7 of everv st vie and finish. j He also manufactures to order any uc- scnption of vehicles, fto.11 an ox cart to ,.i j fine carnage, in a style not surpasscl in ; mis coumry, anu ai prices as iov as can be afforded anywhere. He also carries on a large harness man ufactory sets of harness fiom Si 2 to S50. T v4 , L I e';, 0 f e v e r y description r c p a i r V d at hort notice a ul on reasonable terms. Tho suljscrlbcr will attend the Courts of EJeco::ibo, ami bo prepare! to make contracts as above, on favorable terms. JAMES NftLSOS. Greenville, Pitt Co. July, 1850. Mullets! Mullets !! JUST RECEIVED, 10 bhls. New Mullets, which will be sold cheap for Cash, by Geo. Howard. Building. u - HAVING assoiciated with me Mr. Jno. V. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman in the various styles of Architecture, I would announce t0thc;LO OI rajeuevine, ior mil- uy uicir W. II. WILLARD. for the building of plain or ornamental cottages, public buildings churches, &c. &c. in a style and finish to defy competi tion. We will cither contract by the job or by the day. THOMAS OB ERR Y. Tarboro', Dec. 21, 1849. 200 Kegs nails from 4d to 20d inclu sive, for sale very low by W. II. WII LARD. Washington, N. C. June 29th, 1850. Coffee. 70 bags Laguira and Cape coffee, for sale by W. H. WtLLARD Washington, June 29th, 1S50. Molasses. S3 hhds. ? good retailing molasses for 40 bbls. 3 sale by W. H. WILLARD. Washington, June 29lh, 1850. Flour and Pork, GO bbls. FJour, 90 do Mess Pork for sale by W. II. WILLARD. Washington, June 29th, 1850 Giracifcisberg ISedicisiCs JUST RECEIVED,' the Graefenberg Sarsaparllla Compound the celebrated Children's Panacea the Eye Lotion the health Bitters the Fever and Ague Pills (he Vegetable Pills, and the Green MouniairJege table Ointment. For sale by Geo. Howard. JYotice. fmpor tant Sale of Land, ?c. In JPash county, J C THE subscriber being about to move to Texas, or some southern Stale, offers for sale the tract of Land whereon he now resides, six miles north of Nashville, and four miles south westof Ililliardston, - Ct2it;iisii53 Acres, with a good log house with a framed shed and piazza to it, good dairy, kitchen, ne gro houses, good barn and stables, with about 150 acres of fresh cleared land on it, all cleared in the last four years, with about 5000 turpentine boxes which have not been worked but one year previous to this. This land lies in a healthy neigh borhood and is well watered. ALSO, one other tract adjoining to that, Containing 627 Acres, lying on the road leading from Nashville to liilliardstown, with a new framed building on it 32 feet by 18, ten feet pitch but not completed, a framed kitchen and that not completed, a horse apple orchard capable of making ten or twelve barrels of brandy, and between 150 and 200 acres 4-i . ertrt . 4- ' oi cleared land on it, 10,500 turpentine; boxes which have been worked the same i length of time as the above stated. A LSO, a one acre Lot 1st the town of" Nashville, j with a good store house, tailor shop, con-! jfectionary shop, and ten pin alley. J his i - ' 1 J lot lies adiointnc the public square and the' . . J . fp"g. and is considered one ot lhe: best business places in Nashville, ... r i - i i -n ,n All of which I will sell together or ate s0 as to suil a purthascr or pur. rf c Those wishing,0 bay w0uld do well to come and examine for themselves before they buy elsewhere, as I intend to sell. All of which I will scl! low for cash, or young ncgioes, or bonds with ap proved security, JAMES June 20, 1S50. T. fVILLUMS: Bacon and Lard FOR SALE at the store of J J. Pippen Son. Tarboro' .Time. 13, 1S50. Lime 100 casks Thomaston Lime, just receiv ed, for sale lv W. H. WILLARD Washington, June 29th, 1S50. Cotton Yarn and she6tings, Manufactured by the Rlount's Creek ! r T7 :n. C I t. Washington, June 29th, 1S50. RocSiylfiontif, Sept. Sih, 18 IS. Cotton Factory Mills. Z3&&t- ipnE Undersigned, successors to Battle llc solicits a continuance of the same, assur Brother in the above property, j ng all who may favor him with a call, have associated themselves together under the title of B&TT&JE r CO. ' They have been at great expense in en larging the operations of this establishment and in the purchase of new machinery and feel warranted in saying, that they can now witf&casgood an article of Cotton Yarn as can be manufactured any where in the U. Stales, and are determined to sell at as Soto iMcra All they desire, in order to Secure the trade of merchahtsand dealers in this part of the country, is, that they examine the quality of their Yarns, and heir liber al terms, before purchasing elsewhere. We do ony a quarterly business; but will make the liberal discount of 2 per et. for Cash, . D. BATTLE, JAS. M. BATTLE JVM, S BATTLE, J. L. HORNE. Printing nently executed, AT THIS OITICE Watcby Clock, and Vevoelrl SZepinring. HAVING employed a very superior German workman' by the year, I would most respectfully inform the pu&fi'c, that they can have their ' Watches, &c. repaired. At my shop in Tarboro', in a style equal to and as cheap as ihey can be done else where. I tear rant my work Jar twelve months thus my patrons have the advantage over those that send their Watches at a distance, by having lhe opporiuuity of having them overhauled and repaired free, of charge, should there be any deficiency in the previous work, which must some times happen to the best workmen. ALWAYS ON HAND, A select assortment of Jewelry, As cheap as can be bought elsewhere. JO. S. PENDER. Tarboro', June C, 1350. The Subscribers HAVE formed a Copartnership undertho style and firm of Miltman 4 Cuthbert For the purpose of conducting a general &UOCEUY ind Commission Business They are now receiving from the North em cities a general and weU selected as- nAI.0. . . ... sorimcni in vjvjwu in uieir line, which having been purchased by their agents there for Cash, they will be enabled to fill the orders of their friends upon ther very best terms. y services lQ lhe Farmcrg , .. r x. tl . tU oiif! nthprs nl fnr.th l-arolinn in thfisntfifir . . . . . . , their produce pledging in advance their . ovor1:ona to rnnMpr pnl:Pfi best exertions to render entire satisfaction. They will be prepared at all times to make liberal advancements on produce when required. BLAKE PITTM1N. CHARLES II. CUTIIBERT. Petersburg, Jan'y 1, 1S5Q. (JB. Pitt man, will as formerly attend, lhe Courts of Edgecombe county S. R Ford, wiLniaT'orv, rv. c. - DEALER in Marble Monuments; Head and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Im posing do ; and in short, any article called for of cither Italian, Egyptian, or Ameri can Marble; and work warranted to please or no sale; and if damaged before delive ry, it is at his expense. (QOrdefs left with Geo. Howard, Tarboro', will be attended to forthwith. March 15, 1849. MESPECTFULLY informs the citi- T-l . t 1 zens oi rjiigecomoe anti aujoining counties that he carries on the MSWEiORIJYG BUSMJWE&S, at the old Stand next door to the Post Office; where will be found a choice assort ment of CLOTHS, (and all articles in his line of business,) which he is prepared to make up, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful for the favors already received, that tidne Shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ting done at the shortest notice. N. B. Always on hand a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his own manufacture. JAS. MEHEGJIN. Tarborough, January 1 Bridge Builili'xg pERSONS desirous of having bridges built, cither or the plan of driving the posts or by rnjud sills, are informed that they can be accommodated, on mod erate terir.s, by apply :ng to the sukjcrU her, wi0 has under his direction? negro fiI, who has had considerable- experi ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake such jobs, COFFIELD KING. Tarboro', N. C, Dec. I, IS48, - .. . , . I,,. , JYotice. For toughs and lung comptaint3 use Dr. Bar iholomew'a Pink Expectorant syrup. Sick head ache, though constitutional or inciJen lal, is cred by Dr. Spohn's head aehe recnetfy.i,. Lin halm oChina for the care of all diseases that require external appHcatioo, The. gray haired will find the Iudjgn Hail Dy. perfect aud effectual. i For sale by Geo, Howard .

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