iVhiskcy. Re.-tified Whiskey. Gin, Hum, 25 20 f store fur sale by lSt W. H. WILLAR0. tfashiniStan. Dec. 7th, 1850. jfliiteOsik Bb! Staves rdf. undersigned wishes to buy . VV. , Staves, for which he will pay the I' hc4 market price for a good article. W. II. WILLARD. Vashins'.on, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1S50. Common Schools .t vt Term 1850. of Edgecombe '',-tv Court, Divid Barlow, Jesse. Har-j (Tru,rh. Mabrv. Bolin B. Baron, Wil-! ' William F. Lewis, William R )'J' . .1 T T . ttT III; T ! tt Josian u. jciiKUj.?, uiiain i;.; D. and Robert Bynum, were duly iooN fer said county for the year 1851. TheVre required by law to assemble at ty,e County Court Clerk's office, on the first Thurdav in January next, (it being the tiny thereof) and organize, by ap oio.tins one of their number Chairman, in, to ippoint School committees for the Merer. districts JXO NOR FLEET C. c. c. end ex-nfficio Clerk f the Bo'trd of Su perintendants. Dec. 7th. 1850. BjOVi&BjrrsG Feimlc m mi nary. A. II. RAY. J. A. RAY, Principals. MissE. W. Curtis, Instructress on piano, and in Vocal Music. Miss R S. Fair all, Instructress on Guitar, and in Vocal .Music. Drawing and painting. Calisthenics. &c Other assistance as it may be necessary. The Spring Session of 1S51, (the 17th tinder the present Principals,) will com-; mence on Mondjy the 6th of January. The Trustees are highly gratified to be a ble to announce to the public, that hereaf ter the undivided attention of both of the Principals will be devoted to the interests of this Institution. Mr. Kty having re linquished a profitable arid sue-sMil Malt: School, in order to add his nfrnnal corps of leachers, m making this plMhat egood temaie Institution ough to be The Hoard recommend with verv reftt: wnfi'lenre, th Louisburg fcYmal Senii- nsrv ta the patronage of the public For; cjie;innps., soundness of instruction, im- par'iilit, and fidelity in teaching, high tone' Moral and religious influences, and strtness in regulating the expenditures; ot pupils, this Institution will compare i successfully with any in the State. In! point of health the Board give it as their deliberate opinion that this village is not wrpissed by any location in the central ! portion of the State, and in support of this1 opinion they may add. that among the ; hrge number of pupils from the Eastern i part r.f the State, there has not been a j death in the eight years during which the' Academies have been under the govern-1 ttent of the present Principals; and there , tav. iiccn, for several years, but verv few cases nf sickness requiring the attention ofa Physician: and they understand from the most reliable sources, that for the last four rears medical bills among the pupils have bopn ntarly unknown, and through- tlie entire community there has been at uninterrupted good health j A Circul lar. prepared by the Principals, "lunjr rortn in detail the trovemment. CGurco of Studies, text books, prices, &c. will bo issued snon. and sent on appli C;i,i 'ii to all who may feel interested in minutiae of the School economy which V;'H be observed and practiced here. order of the Hoard, T K. THOMAS. Secretary. ftcc. 5th, 150 .CCTThe North State Whig. Newbcr !,iai.nnd Weldon Herald each 3 inser l!sforwarj acct?( w;th COpy of paper. Building. IJAVING associated wiih me Mr. Jno. 7 Sanni.'crs, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman in the various styles of Architecture, I would announce to the jjublie, that we are prepared to contract 0r lhe building of plain or ornamental cUages, public buildings, churches, &c. c. in a style and finish to defy competi- 1011 Wo will either contract by the Job the day. THOMAS OBEJUIY. fepro', Dee. 21, 1849v. Tarboro' Academy, & t mate apartment. .o, , ' THE Examination will take place on the 10th and Ilth inst. and a new session of 5 months will begin on the 1st Mon day in January, 1851. There will be an Examination of the Music Class on Wednesday evening (11.) By order of the Trustees. T. R: M. B: OFTEN,-Princ's. t)ec 3, IS50. 6 liifies, Aurora copy. Female Seminary, Warrcnton, I.C. THE ninth Term of this school will commence on the I5th of January 1851 and terminate the first week in November. rumuns rtK session op 5 n hi a ' . -r . , . - . t months; Board, 5o 00 English Tuition, 13 50 French. 10 00 German, 10 00 Music on Harp and use of instru ment, 35 00 Music on Piano and use of instru ment, 23 00 Music on Guitar and use of instru ment, 20 00 Drawing and Painting, 10 00 Painting in oil colors, 15 00 Washing and Fuel, G 00 Useful and Ornamental Needle work free of charge. No extra charge whatever will be made. Books, Stationary &c, furnished at the lfiitroet mt -ill nri(ic It is particularly desirable that nnnils should be present a the commencement! of the session, as studies will then he ai-' ranged and classes formed Al. ,rtcles o. cloln,S must he markca; ,hc ;v"erS "ame f ! A circular contammg lu.lcr ."formation (j05ijre v ..... - ..,....;,.,.., ;i,a , DANIEL TURNER Warrenton. Dec 18 IS50. Police. ALL persons interested iu J.ihn Pin's ' tru.t. aie rt-qneed lo ih : C!ail;;St:,(c for lh(? .roulh 0f roni aiu! Wheat-! an.i Master's ..itliee in the tow.; of V a boi - ' Thp .,nj.in,s yt c exceedin-lv i. adnnied ! ouh. on Te.tl;v. th I l'fi t! Jjnuirv u u" li d JUU") " 7S" KEN EL M II LEWIS. M R Dec 40th, 1850. f'liceadv To Cotton Grower-. Tl K undersigne 1 wis'ue-? ro purchase (;-,o .lot whi h he will shade of New York prices. withina W II WILL -Mil). W ashington, N. C. 16.h Dec. 1S50. Cheese and Butt :i 210 I.oxes very superior dairy Cheese, . Kegs dito. Butter, Just received for sale low hv W. If. WILLARD, Washington, Dec. 7ih, 1850. . Flour and Pork. 228 Bbls. Flour, Fine and superfine, 75 Mess Pork. Just received for sale by W II willaUD. Washington, Dec. 7th, 1850. hand Bagging and rope a- THE Subscribers have now on thejr suppy of SS.alw a nil Hope, visei Heavy Gunny and German, bagging ! Best Kentucky Hemp and ube rope- all for sale at unusually low pi ices. PITTMAN $, CUTHBERT. Petersburg, Va. August. 1850. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INFORMS the citizens of Martin and the adjacent counties, that, he has . Removed to Hamilton, And is fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ, and can give satisfactory assuran ces that all work entrusted to him will be cheated expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. Hos. JTaldo, Hamilton, TTm. NorJlceL Tarboro Baker Slaton, Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, 185. Flake andHcrape TURPEJYTIYI1 TURPENTINE makers, desirous ol contracting for the above named articles, will find it ta their interest to call on, or communicate with thundersignedf : ITM II. itillard: Washington, N. C, Oct. 1st, 1850. THE UNDERSIGNED has in Store, received per late arrival from Baltimore, JNew York and Boston, a large Stock of Woods which he will sell at very low prices for cash, or on approved credit: Consisting in part ol, 23 hhds. good retailing molasses,' , 15 tierces 44 GO bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee, S hhds.- P. R. and N O. Sugar, 15 bbls. and boxes of crushed, powdered and loaf do. '200 bbls. New York Flour, 100 44 Western Mess Pork, 175 41 Whiskey. Rum, aud Gin, 75 " Butter, Sugar, Soda and Pic Nic Crackers. 35 boxes Candles, warranted to give satisfaction, 50 Osgood's Family Soap, 50 kegs Powder, 150 bags Shot, 200 reams Wrapping Paper, 25 " F. C. and Letter do. 150 kegs Nails 4s to 20s inclusive, 25 boxes 5s and Ss Tobacco. IT. II. WILLARD. Washington, N C, Oct. 1st, 1S50. FOIi SALE. A UOailOkC Plantation. HAVING determined to move South, I now offer for sale my very valuable plantation on Roanoke River, lying seven i I , , ,mles above (.aston, five miles from t'.c! ter.sls Rail Koad. and twenty one ori two miles from Warrenton. This ,,!anta- ,,u.i in t:.. utimuy oiinauijuon, ; but within one mile of the confines of the Counties of W.inen, Halifax, and wick, Va. The tract consists of 1 . ,r$t?w teres 'including more than ha'fof Puiih's Island.! vv!li( .u t.!:(SSP(i .vi!i. ,k k..., :n tUJ . . t im i to the cultivation ul I ouacco. lhe Rea- idtmoe tinui) lh; latin is one ol lliu most beautiful and eleg.nt, the Mtuation being .inf. nor to none in Us genet a! appearance ; Only or.e mile f 0:n the tl wclSiug there isi ;a Mineral pnng (belonging lo. the tract,); and it is considered in its properties by all those who have drank of its waters equal with that of .Shocco or Jones' White Sulj!uir. I consider it Useless to say more, tvs those who wish to purchase will come aud examine for themselves. I am ex ceeilingly anxious to sell, therefore feel willing to make a considerable sacrifice. BENJ A. DICKENS. Chenut Mill, N. C. Oct. 17. P S. Persons Wishing to purchase C3n ; learn the terms &c. by addressing me at Marianna, Florida. B A D. .!civ Hoarding House, itli-N. B'. . FRD WOULD respectfully inform ttie pub- ! lie, that she has taken the House lately ! occupied by Mrs. Swann, as a Hoarding - House, and having had it thoroughly re- ! nfiirpd. and fitted with new and handsome i furniture throughout, she will be enabled to accommodate a number of transient or permanent. Boarders in the best manner. ItlU i. ucj ii-aoaiiuy ... vv. jr in Wilmington. and a number of her best rooms will be reserved for the accommodation of tran- i sient visiters She can confidently be d 1 1 uimuiiii y I speak the patronage of those desirous of obtaining a ooaruing House otine ursi class, as she flatters herself that her ar rangements cannot be surpassed for com fort and convenience, and no exertion will be spared calculated lo add to the happiness and contentment of her guests. The House is now open for the recep tion of permanent or day boarders. For terms, apply to Mrs. Ford. Nov. 15, 1850. Bacon and Lard FOR SALE at the store of J. J. Pippen Son. Tarboro' June 13, 1850. The best Family Medicine now before the public. It has been computed, that during the last twenty years, three millions of persons have annually been benefited by the nse of these Medicines ; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties a single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. By their use the Llood is restored to a pure and healthy state, freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in Moffat's Life Pills and Ph(Bnix Bitters, a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can possibly effect The genuine of these medicines are now put up with a fine steel engraved wrapper and labehv and copy right secured according to the laws of the United States. Prepared by V. B.' MOFFAT, M. D., New York. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro' M'ETERSRURG CANDLE FACTORY n- I WOULD beg leave to inform the Merchants &c., that 1 manufacture t:anUles of a superior quality, and will sell as cheap as they can be pur chased iu any of the Nor.hern Cities, and one cent per pound less than they mil hr niirri.ift i 11 Pptrrshnrir of anr t :.u r'ntTi mi.:mn firmso nr sMnpp with lhf PT. of ls of d qualit '0rlc 3t lhe Factory, 0r with Mcs!ir8. Watkins & Morton, merchants, nrippnf T ;fl u anfi cmmorc streets, who . .j 7 act as aients for me. will be thankfullv re- : .. " JOHN ITJILSM. Petersburg Va. Nov. 12,150. Cash Advances. THE undersigned will advance in Cash, three-fourths (&) of the market value i , c 'n ,i vt.,i v lujire oi v urn, v uliuii, aiiu i.iv.ti i.uim.j, (lep()site(1 Vvilh him for shipnienl to his fiiead j Q Williams, Esq., New York. . ton , 1QJO v an l mg Ui, . w- uui t-w. To Turpentine makers, I WE WISH to contract for fiake scrape - .i t r i n1.f mi,i Turpentine, to be delivered next tall and . r I i 1 1 T i.. Mi w inter, for which we will give a liberal price. JOHN MYERS $ SON. Washington, 19th Aug. IS50. Land for a!e. $ THE Subscriber is desirous to sell his lands and plantation whereon he now Kt.c in ir.iliTPnrtmhp rnnntv. about three miles sou.l.wesl of Spuria, lying on swamp called John's Branch, adjoining: Peter Evans, Edward Cobb, and Jonas J.j Carr's Janets, containing .! 00 !C8'CS, j As subject to improvement as any piney j lnnd whatever. With a nrosnect of about! two hundred barrels of turpentine per1 j year for a few years. Any person that ;and aj articjes ; his line of business,) would like to purchase such a situation, : which he is prepared to make up, at the ;IIHiy tlJJJJIr KJ t"' - - - -j will be made easy. JAMES NOR TILL. August 26th, 1850. . . 1 il LFUil l JUU v ut IU I IUL. THE. subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a large variety of vehicles compris ing. Ruggics, Barouches &c. of every style and finish. Me also manufactures to order any de scription of vehicles, from an ox cart to a j fine carriage, in a style not surpassed in j tne posts or by mud sills, are informed this country, and at prices as low as can s that they can be accommodated, on mod be afforded anywhere terate terms, by apply :ng to the suhscri He also carries on a large harness man-jDer, who has under his direction negro ufactory sets of harness from SSlSito ; ELI, who has had considerable experL- $550. Vehicles of every description repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. The subscriber will attend the Cotirts of Edgecombe,' and be prepared to make contracts as above, on favorable terms. JAMES NELSON. Greenville, Pitt Ce, July, I860. Va cli i lock, arid 1 Feivclry Repairing . 1 - HAVING employed a very superior O cRti 3 n workman by the y ear, I would nost vespectfully .inform the public, that ihey can have their Watches. Arc. repaired, At my shop in Tarboro', in a style'equal to and as cheap as they can be done else where. I warrant miy work j or twelve months thus my patrons have the advantage over those that send their Watches at a distance -by having the opportunity of having them overhauled and repaired free of charge, should there be any deficiency in the previous work; which most some times happen to the best workmen. ALWAYS ON HAND, l select assortment of Jewelry, As cheap as can be bought elsewhere. JO. S. PENDER. Tarboro', June 6, 1S50. Ylrs. M. L. Pender, WOULD respectfully inform the citi zens of Edgecombe and the surrounding counties, that she has just returned from sorted collection of i llUUncry and Taney Articles ! Her thanks arc due to those who have heretofore patronized her, and she hopes ! by strict attention to her business to merit- the patronage of those who may call on her. BniinetSy Dresses, Caps. SfC. Made at the shortest notice, and in the , neatej-t and most fashionable manner. Tarboro', Oct. 15, 1850. - The school at Hamilton. Mr. J H. HORNER resumes charge of the School at Hamilton, the 2nd Mon day in January next. The course of instruction in the Classic al Department will be, as heretofore strict ly preparatory to the University. Board in the Principal'- family and tuition per session of five months. $55. The charges for tuition will be J.15, $12 50, $10. The Female School. Under lhe charge of Miss E. S. Loveii- jq commence the Monday in January. P P. C LEMENTS, Sec. Hamilton, October, 1850. . R Ford, wiii:vto.v n.c. r. -r- -m rm r 9k m i mm . UJALifc-K in iviarnie lvjonuments; Hcal d Fo' ;Ston,e Pn siones im- nn.init fin rtrtfi in short, nnv nrtfrln rnllea j-",fi ? " j - - ,oro,cul,w H-.., - can Marble; and work warranted to please .. r i i- or no sale; and if damaged belore delivc- j . ' . r 'ai "'M' j ffj"t)ruers u-tt witn itvo twwara, Tarboro, will be attended to forthwith. 1 March 15. 1849. &i)t Skitbfitvtbtv ESPECTFULLY informs the citi zens of Edgecombe and adjoining j j I a i counties that he carrirs on the f.'l fi.Osis. TCr IS.Hb-i3 at the old Stand next door to the Post Office, where will he found a choice assort ment of CLOTHS,- SnOl'teSl nOUCe allU Oil TCaS-MiaUM? ICTIIJS. I Thankful for the favors ahva-'.y reived, i he solicits a continuance of thesaiLi' assur ing all who may favor him vithacally that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut- ting (ionerat the shortest notice. N u Always on hand a few select ales of ready-made clothing of hia.own i manufacture. JAS. ME II EG AN Tarborough, January 1. iSritlsc RniMin JpERSONS desirous of having hi idges built, either on the plan of driving ence in that business, and is fully prepared to undertake guch jobs. COFFIELD KING, 7Vrboro N. C. Dec. 1. 184. JUST RECEIVED, a Northern Flour. lot of oriro- For sate by Gep. Howards r 1

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