Slate of North Carolina. jlamlet & Farmer vs. Lsvi Worrell, rM,rprombe County Court. February I U form I S SI fvppti! inn far 5130. interest since 1,istCC ' , " . e Wnnm hop lfttft loirioil n At. )G 0 01 lVO' J ' www , lV WW W j-endant's land. j37lc9 D. Birncs vs. Levi Worrell, gjcrecombe County Court, February term, 1S51. la s Execution tor $33,S3 -interest justice 0111 UCIUUI,! A V . VA Wl. u,,.,,- dant'w laml. YIlE defendant, Levi Worrell is here i In! thn nhnrfi mentioned ..fna. (jy noiiucu ; ontioiis were dulv returned to t ee s February term, laoi, oi ivigecomoe CoiltaulC eiiuuiacu uiuituii iu vn. I I. .1 n 4 U n K t . ft ft .No personal property found belonging to the defendant Levi Worrell levied cnone lot Iyig and bei-ng in the town of Wilson, immediately on Nash street, and fining the lot of E l win Eatman, and the lanJs"of J no. W, Farmer, containing half acre more or less, the property of tlie defendant, Levi Worrell, by virtue of this execution 10 day of February, 1S51. James IViggins, Constable." AnJ tiiat unless he be and appear at the next term of said Court, to be holden on he fourth Monday of May next, at the Ccurt House in Tarboro'. and then and there show cause to the contrary, the iiJgnents of the Justice will be affirmed, and the land levied on condemned to be sold to satisfy the said judgments and the costs in this Court. Done by order of said Court, at Febru ary term 1851. JNO. NOlt FLEET, Clerk. Tarboro,' March 25th, 1S51. E C. Robinson, Surgeon & en fist, RESPECTFULLY returns his sincere thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Tarboro', and surrounding counties, for the very liberal patronage extended to him, during his late visit, lie will be in Tarboro' during May Court, and will in the month of JNIay visit the towns of Wilson and Stantonsburg. Teeth inserted from one to a whole set cither with springs or by atmospheric pres sure. Tarboro' March 19, IS51. J?cceived, Per tale arrivals on the iva 50 Hhds new crop molasses, bright and heavy, 25 Obis new crop New Orleans syrup, 10 Hhds do Porto Rico sugar, a fair article, 100 Hajs. Rio and Lag-jay ra Coflec, 200 K.;g Nails, 100 IJbls Baltimore Whiskey, 200 IVds and and bbls Flour, 5 Bbls Mess Pork, "5 Bbls Irish Potatoes, 100 Bbls Plaster, 25 Bbls Apples, 15 Boxes Oranges, For sale by W H. WILLARD. Washington, 3rd March. 1851, Bank of VVashingtoiK BOOKS of Subscription to the Capital ! ,J me oanu oi vvasnmgton were this day opened at this place. Shares SlOO each, payable as follows: One tifih 0:1 or before the first day of April next one-fitt H on the first of June one fifth on 'ta fust of August one fifth on the first of -Vember,.and the remaining fifth on the first day of February, 1852. Spe Cleorthe notes of the Banks of this iUe will be received in payment, and Merest will be allowed on all instalments liaiJ in advance, as the Charter provides. Uic Books are to be closed on the first tay of April next. The subscription j;00 Tor this place will be kept at the Anting Room of James M. Redmond. Robert II. Austin, g5 Baker Stalon, I 2 R R. Bridgers, ') . Jas. M. Redmond, j John Norfleet, J 3 Turpentine makers. ,f E WISH to contract for flake scrape rpentine,to be delivered next fall and '.fUer, for which we will give a liberal ur' J0m MYERS 8? SON. . ashinffton. 1 OlK Am. icen V riiiting Mr (hj executed, AT TfllS OFFICE Elba" Mate Acade my THIS Institution, located 17 miles West of Halifax and one mile East of Mr inlet eyviUc, Halifax Co. is being completed and will open the Is, Monday ,n February next. The under gried, who have erected the building, will give the school their attention and care. Having children of their own to educate, it is their purpose, as it will be to their interest to give this Academy , standing and character which will favora bly compare with any of the neighboring institutions. Its location, equally remov ed from the billions influences of ihe East and of winter diseases of the West, is be lieved to be as healthy as any other por tion qf the State. The neighborhood is good and most of the families taking stu dents religious. Board can be had of Benj. Hunter, and J J. Daniel Esqrs., Dr. L W. Bachelor and Rev. W. II. Wills and probably others. The services of Mr.' Andrew Conigland, have been secured who comes well recommended and q,ali. fied for preparing youths for College. That uniformity may be observed. Hooks will be furnished at the Academy, IV pils will be charged during the first ses sion from the time of entrance; but subse quently from the commencement of each session. Strict discipline will be preserv ed and any boy proving incorrigible, will be dismissed. B ard $G per month, 75 cts. extra Candles. for Tuition, English in all its branches $Q per session. The Languages $15. IV ILL.' it., M.S. SNOtV. January 20th, 185!. To Cotton Grower i urunuersigneu wishes to purchase t.Mllon, lor Which he will nav within a i shade of New York prices. mT VY. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. 16.h Dec 1S50. Cheese and Butt r 210 Boxes very superior dairy Cheese, 5 Keg- dito. Butter, Just received for sale low by W. II. WILL A RD, Washington, Dee. 7h, lS.r0 Flour anil Pork. 223 Bbls. Flour, Fine and superfine, 75 4k Mess Pork. Just received for sale by W. H WILLARD. Washington, Dec. 7th. 1850. : White Oak Bid StaVeS. THE undersigned wishes to buy Vr. O. Bbl Staves, for which he will pay the highest market price for a good article. W H WILLARD. Washington, N. C Dec. 7th, 1850. Bagging and rope. THE Subscribers have now on hand their. supply of Hiniii;r anil Hope, x Heavv Gunnv and German, bacaing Best Keniucky Hemp and lube rope all for sale at unusually low prices. PITTMAN S? CUT II BERT. Petersburg, Va. August, 1850. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INFORMS the citizens of Martin and the adjacent counties, that he has flentorcd to Hamilton, And is fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ, and can give satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. Jo. JValdo, Hamilton, IVm. Norflcet, Tarboro,' Baker Stalon, Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, 1S50 . Horses for sale THE subscriber has several work hor ses, which he will sell cheap, or exchange on liberal terms for better horses. Flake and Scrape TURPENTINE makers, desirous of contracting for the above named articles, will find it to their interest to call on, or communicate with the undersigned. IVM II. IV I L LARD. Washington, N. C , Oct. 1st, 1S50. THE UNDERSIGNED has in Store, received per late arrival from Baltimore, New York and Boston, a large Stock of Goods, which he will sell at very low prices for cash, or on approved credit: Consisting in part of, 23 hhds. good retailing molasses, 15 tierces ' " 60 bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee, .8 hhds. P. R. and N O. Sugar, 15 bbls. and boxes of crushed, powdered and loaf do. 200 bbls. New York Flour, 100 " Western Mess Pork, 175 " . Whiskey. Rum, and Gin, 75 " Butter, Sugar, Soda and Pic Nic Crackers. 3d boxes ( andlcs, warranted satisfaction, to give 50 " Osgood's Family Soap, 50 keg Powder, 150 hags Shot, 200 reams Wrapping Paper, 25 F C. and Letter do. - 150 kegs Nails 4s to 20s inclusive, 25 boxes 5s and 8s Tobacco IV II WILLARD. Washington, N C., Oct. 1st, 1850. FOR SAIjIS. A Roanoke Plantation. HAVING determined to move South, I now offer for sale my very valuable plantation on Roanoke River, lying seven miles above Gaston, five miles from the Petersbuig Bail Road, and twenty one or two miles from Warrcnton. This planta linn is in the Cnnnlv nf Mnrlh a mnlnn . . - .j - but withi- -mic mile of the confines of the Counties oi Varren, Halifax, and Bruns wick, Va. 'Ihe tract eonnsts of ercs including more lhati ha-f of Pugh's Island, which iselassed with the best land in the Stale for the growth of Corn and Wheat. The uplands arc exceedingly well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco: The Res idence upon thia land is one of the most beautiful and elegant, the situation being inh rior to none in its general appearance Only one mile from the dwelling there is a Mineral Spring (belonging lo the tract,) 11 J an inose wno nave aranK o! Us waters equal wilh that of Shocco or Jones' White Sulphur. I consider it useless to say more, as t10se who wish to purchase will come ,'and examine for themselves. I ami ex ceedingly anxious to sell, therefore feel willing to make a considerable sacrifice. BENJ. A DICKENS. Chenut Hill, N. 0. Oct. 17. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase can learn the terms &c. by addressing me at Marianna, Florida. B Jl D. Jcw Hoarding house. Mrs. E. FORD, WOULD respectfully inform the pub- 1 lie, that she has taken the House lately occupied by Mrs. Swann, as a Boarding- House, and having had it thoroughly rc- paired, and fitted with new and handsome furniturclhroughout, she will be enabled to accommodate a number of transient or permanent Boarders in the best manner. The House is as pleasantly situated as any in Wilmington. and a number of her best rooms will be reserved for the accommodation of Iran-1 sient visiters. She can confidently be speak the patronage of those desirous of obtaining a Boarding House of the first class, as she flatters herself that her ar rangements cannot be surpassed for com fort and convenience, and no exertion will be spared "calculated . to add to the happiness and contentment of her guests. The House is now open for the recep tion of permanent or day . boarders. For terms, apply to Mrs. Fonl. Nov. 15, 1850. Bacon and Lard FOR SALE at the store of J J. Pippen $ Sen. Tarboro' June 3, 1850. JJurifa t l) c fi l o o K The best Family Medicine now before the public. It has been computed, that during the last twenty years, three millions of persons have annually been benefited by the use of these Medicines ; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties a single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient By their use the blood is restored to a pure and healthy state, freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can possibly effect The genuine of these medicines are now put up witli a fine steel engraved wrapper and labela, and copy right secured according to the laws of the United States. Prepared by W. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York. For sale by . Geo. Howard. Tarboro PETERS BURa fA 1 I I I I? I? i I Mla7 I yx I WOULD beg leave to inform the Merchants &c, that I manufacture tan dies a fa superior quality and will sell as cheap as they can be pur chased in any of the Nor.hern Cities, and one cent per pound les than they can ho purchased in Petersburg of an)' commission house or store, with the ex ception of. my agents, of as good quality. Orders left at the Factory, or with Messrs. Wat kins & Morton, merchants, corner of Tabb and Sycamore streets, who act as agents for me, will be thankfully re ceived and punctually attended to. JOHN WALSH. Petersburg Va.. Nov. 12, 150. Building. HAVING associated with me Mr. Jno W. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienccd workman in the various styles of Architecture. I would announce to the public, that we are prepared to contract f(jr ljic buiIding of plain 0r ornamental coltagcS) pubic buildings, churches, &c. &c. in a stvle and tinish to dety compcti tion. We will cither contract by the job or by the day. THOMAS O BERRY. Tarboro', Dec 21, 1840. Fare Red need. 'jp HE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced to $5 or, From Rocky Mount to Tarboro " " " Sparta " " " " Falkland " ' " Greenville " ' " Pactolus " " " Washinjion " Tarboro' to Sparta " " Falkland $1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 5 firPfinvilte 2 00 For seats, &c. apply to H. Wiswall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard, Tarboro. February 1, 184 S. Mullets! Mullets!! JUST RECEIVED, 10 bbls. New Mullets, which will be sold cheap tqr Cash, by Geo. Howard. JYbtice. For coughs and lung complaints use Dr. Bar lholomew,s Pink Expectorant syrup. Sick head ache, though constitutional or i neiden ial, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy. Lin's halm of China, (or the cure of all disease, tha require external application. To the halt and lamtlir. H ewes' nerve and bone liniment is the most effectual cure for rheu matism and contracted cords and muscles. The gray haired will find the Indian Hair Dy perfect and effectual . For sale by Qcq. Howard. 1 HAYING employed a ycry supers German workman by theryear, I would most respectfully inform the public, that they can have their Watches, &c. repaired. At my shop in Tarboro', in a style equal to and as cheap as they can be done else where. warrant my workjor twelve month thus my patrons have the advantage, over those that send their Watches at o" distance, by having the opportunity of having them overhauled and repaired free of charge, should there be any deficiency in the previous work, which must some times happen to the best workmen. . ALWAYS ON HAND. rC ' l select assortment of Jewelry, As cheap as can be bought elsevvherCt. , JO. S. PENDER. Tarboro', June 6, 1850. Mrs. M. L. Pender, WOULD respectfully inform the citi zens of Edgecombe and the surrounding counties, that she has just returned from the North with a handsome and well as sorted collection of Jlillinery and Fancy Ji nicies. Her tnanks are due lo those who havo by strict attention to her business to merit the patronage of those who may call on her. Bonnets, Dresses, Caps, 8fc. Made at the shortest notice, and in th& neater and most fashionable manner. Tarboro', Oct 15; 1850. S. R Ford, WILUINttTON, N. C. DEALER in Marble Monuments; Head and Foot Stones; Paint Stones; Im posing do ; and in short, any article called for of either Italian, Egyptian, or Ameri can Marble; and work warranted to pleas or no sale; and if damaged before delive ry, it is at his expense. (Jo0rders left with Geo. Howard, Tarboro', will be attended to forthwith. March 15, 1849. llj ESPEC I FULLY inlorms tlie citi zens of Edeecombe and adioimng counties that he carries on the T.MILi ORIJY& BVSMWJESS, v at the. old Stand next door to the Post Office, where will be found a choice assort mcnt of CKiOTIHIS,- (and all articles in his line of business,) 1 1 ' shortest notice and on reasonable terms . Thankful for the fayors already received, he solicits a continuance of the same, assur ing all who may favor him with a callc Willi II lit. 13 111 I. CA M. V Wi V W H that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ting done at the shortest notice. - .. N. B. Always on hand a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his own manu facture. JAS. ME HE G AN. Tarborough, January 1. Don't you want to ride? -- THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a large variety of vehicles comprising- -. Buggies, Barouches, &c, of every style and finish. He also manufactures to order any dc scription of vehicles, from an ox cart to a fine carriage, in a style not surpassed in this country, and at prices as low as can be a Corded anywhere. He also carries on a large harness man ufactorysets oi harness from $2 ta 50. Vehicles of every description repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms. . The subscriber will attend the Courts) of Edgecombe, and be prepared to mako contracts as above, on favorable terms. JAMES NELSON. Greenville, Pitt Co. July, '830. Cash Advances. THE undersigned will advance in Cash, three-fourths (!) of the market valuo here of Corn, Cotton, and Naval Stores, deposited with him for shipment to his friend J. G. Williams, Esq New York. VV. II. WILLAHa Washington, N.C. 17th Not, 1849, Waich; GEO. HOIVABD. j

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