t TUB undersigned respectfully rails the ,t enti'.nnithp pnhlfc to the splendid, highly Wished Sew Scale RH"fl Mahogany fiJM nn entire rxut iron frame, handsomely car ved and gilt this iron frame combines the en ire instrument, presents it from warping and retting out of tone For fifteen years hare they been tried in Pennsylvania. Maryland and Vir Dia, ami some in constant use in Insiitutio , by Professors, and private families, and have given entire satisfaction; the climate or change uf weather have little or no effect on the Instru ments the tone is powerful, brilliant and sweet. Principals of Academies, professors and mer chants will find it to their interest to purchase these Pianos. All instruments are warranter. Orders and letters .will be promptly answered and attended to. Respectfully Address, A. KUHN & CO. No. 85 Nonh Green St., Bait. LIST OP PRICES. Pianos with m'talic plate in Rosewood o mahogany cases, 6 octave, from 200 to $250, With iron frame. 225 to 300. GJ octave, 250 to 350. Gj 275 to 350. 7 octave, 300 to 500. 7 octave, Grand Pianos, very powerful and bril liant, l'rom 500 to $1000. Harps from 350 to $600. The above named Pianos are constantly man ufactured with all the latest improvements, and will be sold on the most accommodating terms. Any person wishing to purchase a Piano will please notify the subscriber, and a Piano will be sent here by A. K- & Co. and if the instru ment or price do not please, they will be at no charge or expense for transportation of said Pi ano. GEO. H01K9HD, Tarboro APPROVED Patent Medicines, c. J-R AY's Ointment, for the cure of white swellings, scrofula, sore legs, &c. Harreli's febrifuge, or vegetable tonic, i) 44 cough mixture of carrageen moss& squills. 14 extract of sarsaparilla and blood root, anti-biliou tomato pills, Sappington's anti-fever pills dd book on fevers. Goelicke's matchless sanative, for the cure of consumption, coughs, colds, &c. Phelps's tomato pills Peters'a vegetable do, Thomson's eye water, chemic.il opodeldoc, Longley's great western Indian panacea, Oil spike, British oil, Bale man drops, laudanuu Paregoric, essence of peppermint, lemon, &c. Harlem oil, castor oil, liquid ointment, French plasteT to core corns, East India hair dye, Compound chlorine tooth wash, f ancy soaps. Connel's remedy for diseases of urinary organs, Sherman's worm and headache lozenges, Hull's ci h lozenges, Hull anti-fever pills Roof 's I der ointment, for horses, Clements's vegetable tonic mixture, Armstrong's do do Kvans's family aperient pills, Evans's tonic do Turner's ague and fever and chill and fever pills, Tyler's vegetable fever and ague pills, Wistar& balsam of wild cherry, &c. kct For sale by Geo. Howard. Just Received, A FR;Sn SUPPLY OP Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills, " vegetable tonic and restorative bitters . Div Hull's Fever and Ague Pills, Dr. "Murphy's sugar-coaled anti-bilious Pills, Ague and Fever Pills. The above medicines are inferior to none one trial will convince. For sale by - Geo. Howard. Groceries ic. SUG AR, molasses, coifee, A pple and French Brandy whiskey, Madeira and Malaga wine, Lorillard'8 and Outcalt' Snuff, Candles Pianos! Pianos hrnwn and fancv SOODS. Grouud PPDOer andtr.i .!. ' - , . ... . , , , . , , , i epiee-ginper, Starch, md.go, ink and ink j powder, Cap and letter paper, inled and un-1 ruled. Steel pens and pen holders, &c. &c For sale by GEO. IfOWRAD. Botanic Jflcdicines. m- MlE subscriber has just received, di rect from New York, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP Thonisoitiaii iffcdicincs Lobelia, green and brown 2nd and 3rd Prepar. tion of do myrrh, cayenne pepper, pond lily Composition, bayberry, barberry, spice bitters, Golden seal, poplar bark, slippery elm, hemlock Nerve powder, nerve ointment, bitter root. Cough powders, cough ayrup, woman's frteno Syringes of various sizes, No. 6, &c. &c. which he is enabled to sell at greatly duced prices. GEO JIQJVrfPf) TarWo'. June 23 K For sale by 0 Geo. Howard. Reduced to 75 cents. Dr. Champion's Terel ihle Jlgue Medicine, A Bafe and certain cure for Fevers of every de scription also, ; jfr. Champion h anti -bilious pills PURELY VEGETABLE. For sale by GEO. HO WARD. Tarboro', Nov. 9. JY dice. 3 ARSAPARILLA, Comstock's compound ex tract; there is no other preparation of sarsa parilla that can exceed or equal this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will fiud it superior to all others. It does not require puffing. Magical (tin Extractor, The most extraordinary salvo ever invented for the cure of new or old burns and scalds, and sores and Qnr( VAS. It has deliffhted thousands It will take out all pain in ten minutes and no fail ure. It will eure the piles, &c. .VmV w J F-l Indian Vegetable. Elixir, a sure and safe remedy for rheumatism, acute and chronic, gout, and all the chronic pains of bones, joints and muscles, arising from a too free use of mercury, &c. Dr. Spohn'n Elixir of Health, for the certain prevention of fevers or any general sickness, keep ing the stomach in roost perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. Colds, coughs, pains in the bo:ies, hoarseness, and drop sy, are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. ,Dr. Spohrfs Ague Fills, warranted to cure if ta ken acordin?r tc directions: thousands have in ne year been cured of ague and fever ly thorn. Dr. Lin's celestial balm of (Jhina a positive rim for the piles and all external ai lings- all interna irritations brought to the surface by friction with this balm; so in coughs, swelled or sore throat, tightness of the chest, this balm applied on a ftan- ne1 will relieve and cure at oncci Fresh wounds or old sores arc rapidly cured by it. Lin's tcmpcranre bitters, on the principle of sub stituting the tonic instead of the stimulant prinei pie, which has reformed so many drunkards. The celebrated compound Cftlurins Tooth wash, renowned Air its efficacy in purifying ths breath, and preventing the decay of teeth, and keeping the gums healthy and sound. ForsaUbv CEO ! it) WARD. wild mmt awo AiIoaparilia PILL Fill HE startling drawback on nearly all mrdi-- cal agents has ever been that in their pro cess of purgation and purification they have also debilitated the system. Ilenec purgati vo a.e dicines were regarded as at best but a r.ccessary evil, patients resorting to them for the relief of ok disease at the expense of another. To obviate this, physicians have long sought for an agen! that -would at the same time purgp, pnrify and strengthen; but their fforts were nearly fruitless and they had almost despaired of success when the labors of science, and research were rewarded by a discovery which Jolly realized the fondo! desires of the medical faculty, and which is justly regarded as one of the most important triumphs that pharmacy has ever achieved. This import ant desideratum is named Vegetable Universal Pills, which purify the blood and remove all corrupt and vitiated humors, and unhealthy accumulations from the body in i manner never before rivalled, and which yet produce no weakness or lassitude whatever; but on the contrary, tine the stomach and invigorate the constitution during the pro gress of their operations! Dr. Le Roy's pills in fact unite those heretofore irreconcileable but most desirable qualities, evacuation ai d invigora tton; lor they are at tho same time a strengthening purgative and a purifying tonic. The two princi pal ingredients in Dr. Le Roy's pills are WILD CHERRY AND SARSAPARILLA. so prepared that each promotes the beneficial effect Ul"er, iormcr sirengtnening, while the aljer through its union with various vegetable j n2redient evacuates and n,,rifies: th ,!.. w I -..J superinduce no torpidity r lassitude of the di ires- tive functions, & hence their operations are attend ed by no reaction, or subsequent costiveness. Dr. Le Roy's pills arc. the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at once attack the very root ot diseases, and their action is so prompt, that in an hour or two after they are taken, the patient is aware of their good efFects. They not only operate on the blood, but also on the chyle of which the blood is formed, and this secures good blood from the fountain head; more over they produce neither nausea, griping or debi lity, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Put up for the public with full directions by J. HUBBARD & CO. American Agents, New York. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro. March 23. Xanus and .prices of Dr. Jayue's Family Medicines, viz; Jayne's Expectorant, per bottle, $1 00; Hair onic, 1 00 tonie vermifuge, 25 ctSi carminative lsam, 25 cts. sanative pills, per box, 25 cts. wuericau hair dye, 50 cts. alterative, 1 00; ague lfs, l oo. .For sale by QEO. UOWJIRD. Tjtfboro', Nov. 9. Just Received, 3i FRESH SUPPLY of Whitte more's concentrated vegetame syrup, a sure remedy for diarrhea and bowel complaint also, Hemsley's worm-destroying syrup, ' anti-mineral pills, Whittemore's American plasters dot on paper, Durkee's Green Mountain vegetable Ointment, For sale by Geo. Howard. Tin-Ware. THR subscriber Jias just receive! a fresh sur ply of TI.Y Ware, manufactured at Washington, in this vState, viz: Lard stands of various sizes, buckets do do. Coffee pots do do, measures do do,wash asi s Lanterns, scoops, milk strainers, culenders, Oil cans, pepper boxe9, cups, dish pans,&c. 3 Order a for gutters, conductors, and tin ware of every description, will be attended tr forthwith- Geo. Howard, Tarboro', March 7 To Pensioners. TIIK Subscriber continues to act as Igent for Pensioners, At Kaitettevti.i.e, North Carolina; Charges moderately for his services; furnishes all desired information, and supplies all neces sary Bla ks without charge J')IIN AL1CIUE. January 18, 1850. Fare Reduced. Til I' subscriber has taken the contract for car rying the mail rorn Kaleih to Rocky Mount, and will place on the line comfortable stages, good hordes and careful drivers, and will run it t connect with the cars on Hk; Wilmington Rail Road, and with his stage line from Roclry Mount to aldington - he will UrJuce the Fare at fv'loics.' From Raleigh to Eagle Rock, " Wakefield, " ' Stanbop, 5-1 1 o 00 50 50 50 'ahvi'.lc 3 Rocky M uint, 4 50 Trunks, of ordinary size and weight, $1 50 in of the way in proportic.n s'tral. pa.kaccs,o onts boxes and bi'udlcs agrf eab'y to size and veight. J'ttinks .packages &c. n.trt be deposited at 'he above places d the freight pi;id. or the sub scrilier will ihI be responsible for their safety For seats, &c apply to R. A'arbrough, l.il--igh T. R. Debnam, Ragle Rock A. Fostc, :kefield T). S. Crenshaw, Stanhope Bi Hi Freeman, Nashville William R. Pope, Rocky M.unt. GEO. iJOU'ABl). Tarboro', April 11, ISI To Fanners and Rtairymcn. Anthony Emerson's Catent donhlc'actin rotary CHURN, For sale bv Geo. Howard. A scientific Medicine. 13 i andrcth Pills for rrlc by Geo. Howard, EYE BAIL YE. To Ihe Vnblic. HIIIK concurrent testimony of men of integrity and worth is the best evidence we can have or any fact o which we have no cognizance our selvHSi The great ad antages possessed by this article over every other, are its certaintv, safe ty, convenience and economy. All physicians admit that great danger is to be apprehended from drugging the eye when in an inflamed and unheal thy state. In the use of this salve this objection is entirely removed, as no harm can possibly re sult from its use: it being in all cases applied to the external portions of the eye, thereby avoid ing all the inconvenience, pain and danger, which necessarily attend the introduction of any pungent artkrre iirro the eyei Its activity in subduing in flammation is so great that but few cases require the use of mare than one bottle to effect a perfect cure. One physician remarked to us, after hav ing witnessed ilseflects in several instances, that it was a "perfect fire killer." We might multiply reasons why this salve should be pretext red above every thing else in the treatment of dis eases of the eye, but we prefer it should stand on ita own merits. All we ask is that its virtues be thoroughly tested, aud that the directions be strict ly followed. ? Every bottle of the genuine salve has the name MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, blown in the sides of the bottle, and the written signature of the proprietor, D. Mitchell, on the outside wrapper. D. MITCHELL jPerry, Wyoming county, N. Y. ALSO, Dr. Gordon's vegetable anti bilious family pills, and Dr. Tyler's ague & fever pills, iFor sale by - GEO. HOJV&RB. mmmmm My fialei a Book Bindery- John Iff. Etc Caricrci RK riTRMS bis grateful acknowledgments to the public for the very libeial patronage which j has been extended to him, and respectfully an- nounces that he still continues th. business of Uook-Binding in ail its forms, in the City of Raleish, where it is conducted, as heretofore; " Vhe Xorih arolhia llooh Slorcy where every material and instrument necessary for binding, re binding, repairing, will be kept constantly on hand, and all work entrusted lo him will be promptly and faithfully executed, in as substantial a manner,as eleganta styl ", and upon as reasonable terms, as it can be dune any wliere. lie will also esecue to order, all "kinds of bound in plain or line style lo suit purchasers, which cannot be surpassed by the Northern work, viz. Ledgers, Journals, Day Hooks, Re- coru uooks, invoice, asu, leiier uwna, I 11 l. T ".,.L T . H All orders will be executed with neatness and despatch, and the patronage of tho public is res- pectiully solicited i A liberal discount for cash' Raleigh, August 15th. 1810. fXjBook3, &c sent to, or left with, Geo. IIow ard, of Tarboro, will be forwarded with des paU-h. R. F. Hibbard & Co.'s t - Hd . tier: ij liiiicrsy THIS preparafin rs a certain sedative allay insr all nervous excitability and calminjj nervous i:..;., the head -faintine&s and all diseases arising fro.ii a sympathetic affection of the stomach, entirely relieved by a few doses of these bitters. i'lrcussinn Halm, For the cure of all disease of the skin, burns and scalds, canker of the mouth, cleansing the teeih,cnts, bruises and sprains also an excellent article for shavingi R. F. HIBBARD'S Vegi table f nndy I'ills These pills have been long known to the pro prietors, and an experience of more than twen'y years enables tin :u to speak with the utmost as surance of their medic.il virtues. Ca r mi not ire -Salve, Originally prepared by the Rev. D. Hibbard I his alve is one of the valuable remedies.known for felons, biles, pain ul ulcers, &c. For sale iuTarboro by Geo. Howard. Notice. OiTL OF TANNIN, or leather restorer, a new -chemieal discovery, which penetrates the sliffest and hardest leather, i ha been twenty years in use; and if tears easily with the lingers, itjimspartat once a strength that is utterly ncre- dible until seen. Domes that have ring spavin, wind galls. &Ci are cured by Roof's Specific; and foundered horses entirely cured by R ofs founder ointment. f.Vms the French plaster is a sure cure. Dr ConntCa gonorrhea mixture, an invaluab'e cure for all diseases of the urinaiy organs. For sale by GEO, HOWARD Taiboro, Nov. 9. Horses fyc. for hire. nnilK sub?" .oer continues to keep horses and vehicles f;r hire on the following TERMS PER DAY t For carriage, two horses, and driver,. $5 00 ,, carriage and harness,. - 2 00 ,, barouche, two horses, and driver, 4 00 ,, barouche and harness, - 1 30 carryall, two horses and driver, 3 50 carryall and harness, : 1 00 ggy and horse, 2 00 0US?y an(l harness, - 0 75 horse, saddle and bridle, - 1 25 horse-, i 1 00 , horse and cart, 1 25 Cart and gear, - - 0 25 Horse and pi ongh, 1 00 plough and gear, - 0 25 Wagon and dray, by contract. The above charges are for an ordinary day's navel longer or shorter distances, by contract. April 13. GEO, HOWARD, Cotton Yarn. o - HE subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different umbers, which he will sell very low For. cash or barter Persons desirous of purchasing cheap, vill do well to call and see. . . : Feb. 4. Geo. Howard. ' nriiln t: Composed of Media mil Proper; ie sessca oy various ?vA. ' yj suhsfancf's. A CTING specifically on Ml olhcrsecreti J;lver h, . ' Prootin?, and lllrtn.. nuriliriniT tUn. t,. i . 11 !-;;" 6 oou, clcansin. gianus, in snort ii,. srstpm. nrifi i incin t 1 . J ' "uiujiuc HIM h ,,,1 throughout Ihe human frame. The .following ate prcscuicd out0fm;in " CERTIFICATES. Cornwall, Orange county, May Dr. A, ( ilbert. Dear Sir: Savtipf ' time with severe bilious afTcc.tioa plaint, I was recommended lotrv vQnr9 , . family pills; and I am pieced i,, brinu say, that after using a few dosp 1 b . ,inSPat",,M in a l "W' l" refrain from ,h, ?!jb1 1 consider th,m , v,, a ' 1 - tOIIKCIHII V in , j n wte count' where persons are removed fr mr7 of receiving medical advice. YftllPO . Pfor,unj;J Signed. , nuiy, GEORGK BROWN, Wc, the undersigned dealers in having for two years past sold a. r:;ik ' bilious family pills, take great pk,Irp . unit ciaai iiiii: anrt .... i - vea several expressions made to us. te v. , lnB ti-bihous medicine now in use, swi ARON A. WING, M. D, PkTER A. A. Martin, 'AN LOCK, Jas, N Norfolk, Va. May 25, '44. 0LLKEK, M,D. Mr. A. Gilbert, Dear sir, please sent) mi'foif 1 ?r0SS of VOUf nille K ir iUn 7 1 am ncarly out oJ thern- The demand for iill ;. are ver mut increased, which can only be atib. ted to their hp.ino- r,,.!...! ...... a .vv,,lulllcl,wu y .j have been benefitted by the use of the:,,, v... can draw on nve at sight for the amount as usual, signed. (; New Orleans, March 7, '45 For sale by GEO HOI) ML. Jlbijssiuiitn Mixture. Pon Go'ORRnfEA, Gleet, Fluor Ai- bus, Gravel, &c. Letter from Dr. James R. Galium, dated Milton, N. C. August M. 1847. )r. J. Kuhl Dear Sir: Your medicines have given entire satisfaction in this section of country, the Abyssinian .Mixture especially, is highly approved of. it has never fail ed to cure, in every case. It sells like hot cakes J have never had enough to supply the demarid. You will please send m a large supply of it at toon as you arrive at homei Yours, respectfully, J. P. CALLUM, Milton Drug Store. From the Milton Chronicle. Laurel Grove, (near Milton) Jan. 15,lS4c. Dr. Kuhl --Dear Sir: We have now been about seven years, Agent for the sale of your Restorer of th Ulood, and oth er Medicines, and are happy to state they havo given in all cases general satisfaction, particular Ly the Abyssinian Mixture has given universal satisfaction, so that every one, who has used it, has received that relief that you guaranteed i your directions! Mr. James Mi Vernon, to wno:n you recommended your Aromatic Extract, I r Rheumatism, bought a bottle of it at 50 ten's ind two embrocations cured him entirely, antl th disease has never returnedi Yours, respeettuny, KIRBY & ANDERSON" For sale by Geo. Howard THE P.riE r MEDICATED INDIA HUBBtB Porous Plaster FOR RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO. GOUT, &C. JTN all cases where it is thought advisable if 7 keep up permanent stimulant impressions on or near the organ diseased, these plasters found highly valuable. In fact, all the. that can accrue from a continuous counter-im will be produced in the most efficient manner them. As in rheumatism, gout, enlarge the joints, chronic disease of the liter, J lungs or other internal organs, in snor 1 other cases where warming or strengthenl" ters are beneficial, these will be found to be s r r,ior to any now tn use. For sale by geo. iion.tw The piles, all sores, rheumatim & T.Stiifflirllt U an article more justly celebrated as a cur?1 The cases ( ihe above than any or all others. . . . lo nt'CC-' cure are almost innumerable and it is ' sary to let those who know the article used it with such great success know t l vt. be had true and genuine (SoT iheie teCotli$ feiters) of Dr. Lucius Comstock 21 stvNew York and so of the rest of tn here named. no'' For worms Kolmstock's Vermif"? Tj neslock'i will eradicate ard cure a adults who have worms. Caution pelled Kalmstock's the unless the nme is s Dutch name of the inventor. TU,rar. For sale by " '

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