nan Jilashfield $ West, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF , 0SL & ffSTOT SHAWLS, LACES, RIBBONS, &c. .Vj. SO Cedar Street i Near Broadway ', JltJGH Macnair. NEW YORK.. p the Farmers of Edgecombe, .... OYSTER SHELLS for sale, deliver- fj to the flats from the wharf in this place. 4pply; to A IV. II. IVillrad. Washington, llUi June, lool . To Capitalists. THE Subscribers offer for sale the ilAnV? of the Town of Wilminortnn. fn n- JJUll"- -T - - O ' 0iount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, in sums of five hundred and one thousand dollars, payable in. from te.n to twenty years and bearing interest at rate of six per cent, payable annually. Thasc Bonds are the only debt of the Town, and areduly authorized by act of Assembly, with ample provisions for the payment of principal, and interest, arid be ing exempt, from taxation also, they pre sent an opportunity for secure and desir able investment, rarely met with in the State. Apply to DeRosset Broion. Wilmington, N. C, April 12, 1851. John H. Smith's Renovating Ointment ami HORSE RENOVAt ING POWDERS, THE author of our existence has caus ed to grow up spontaneously, throughout tlie world, such vegetable properties as will at once cure, when properly applied, ail curable diseases. The proprietor of these truly valuable Medicines might fill a volume with Certificates and testimo nials in favor of his articles; but, consid ering such puffs wholly useless, since they are so readily manufactured, and made use of to such an extent to palm off some useless trash upon the public, i shall, therefore, state at once, the various disea ces that can be speedily cured by these Invaluable Horse Renovating Powders, viz: Glanders, Hidebound, and Ilorsc Distemper, it also carries oil all gross humors, and purifies the blood. It is also asafeand certain cure for the Heaves; it will also cleanse, at once, the stomath and maw from bots, worms, &c, and again re- action. SMITH'S RENOVATING OINTMENT is an invaluable remedy for horses, in the cure of the following diseases: Fresh wounds, Galls, of all kinds, Sprains, Bruises, Ringbones, Poll Evil, wind Galls. Spavins, Sweeny, Fistula, Strains, Lameness, Foundered' Feet, Cracks, and Scratches. The above articles are td be had in os: ot me umes and principal villages throughout the United States, and the Can- sdas. For sale, wholesale and retail, at John II. Smith's Depot, No. 123 b'ulton street. (2d floor,) New York. Price, 25 cents per box for the Oint ment; 50 cents for the Horse Renovating Powders, for sale by Geo. HoiOard. Peps: in. The true digestive Jtuid,or Gastric Juice, FOR the cure of indigestion, dyspepisa jaundice, liver complaint, constipation and Nervous decline prepared from rennet, or the fourth stomach of the ox, after di rections of Baron Leibig, the great phiS iological chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. & Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro9 tiraefenberg Medicines. JUST RECEIVED, the Graefenberg rsiparilla Compound the celeb ated pnHrcivs Panacea theEyeLotion the ,lcHh Hitters the Fever and Ague Pills l,ic Vegetable Pills, and the G recn U)iinf t .t.i r , For sale by Geo. Howard. JYbtice. To the halt and lame-Dr. Hewes nerve and 0no iinirnentis the most effectual cureforrheu ism and contracted cords and muscles. Tfogray haired will find the Indianllair Dy Inland effectual. . , ' 'f '! - Y coughs and lung complaints use Dr. Bar mewVPink fcxnectorant syrup. ; ' For sale by Geo, Upward.; i si .1? n-H FOR SALE. THE subscriber desirous of removing his Staves to the South, oflers for sale the Farm known as CONTAINING FEOM 1 000 to 1 500 ACKES, A particular description of the premises is unnecessary, as no one will purchase without examining for himself. W. F. DANCY. Tarborough, Jan. 27, 1S51. Bagging and rope. THE Subscribers have now 'on hand their supply of Bagging am! Rope, vis: Heavy Gunny and German, bagging Best Kentucky Hemp and lube rope all for sale at unusually low prices. PITT MAN C UTTIBRR T. Petersburg, Va. August, 1S50. FarcReduccd. as 'JHE Stage Fare from Rocky Mount to Washington is reduced tog5 or, From Rocky Mount to Tarboro " " Sparta 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 0 5 00 50 1 00 2 00 Falkland " " Greenville ' ,? Pactolus Washingon Tarboro to Sparta Falkland " (Jreenville For seats, &c. apply to H. Wis wall, Washington Goold Hoyt, Greenville or to Geo. Howard, Tarboro. February 1, ISIS. STATES. 1 wish to contract for 100 m lied Oak hhd. STAVES, to be delivered next fill and winter dimensions as follows 13 inches long, 31 do wide, and $ do. ihick on the thin edge. IV. II IVUlard. Washington, N. C. April 28, 1851. f&I)41) Bus.he,s St Marti"s salt, cargo of sch. Rough & Rea dy, on the way and daily expected, fori sale by IV. II. IVUlard. Washington, NT. C. April 2Sth, 1S51. QSdT) SACKS Liverpool Ground; can, lor saie low uy W. II. WILLARD. Washington, 2ist April, 1851. 25 bbls elarillcd Sugar, 10 hhds P. R. d. 200 bhls Flour, various grades, SO bags Rio and Lagiiayra Coffee.) 16 bhls mess Pork 30 boxes Tobacco, 25 bbls Irish Potatoes, 150 kegs Nails 10 bbls Cdpjicras, 80 bbls Whiskey, Just received per sch'nrs Anil C. Baker and Osceola, for sale by W. II. WILLARD. April 21st, 1S51. . Cabinet Purnittire. THE subscriber respectfullly informs his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the Cabinet Making' at his old stand. His Furniture will be made of good materials, well made, and at reasonable prices. t He has now on hand various articles of furniture for sale. He hopes by strict at tention to business to merit a continuation of the patronage he has heretofore receiv ed. : - "; j -v. j ... ; . I would take An Apprentice to the a bove trade a healthy boy, not over fif teen years of age, and of good moraf char acter; LE f VIS BOND, i Tarborough; January 21st, 1S51. i TrntKIl I VS-.-. la, i I 5 Bacon and Lard, FOR SALE at the store of J. J. Pippen fy.Son. Tarboro' June 13. To Cotton Growers. $ - TIlE undersigned wishes to purchase Cotton, for which he will pay within a shade of New York prices. W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. 16th' Dec. 1S50. Cheese and Butter 210 Boxes very superior dairy Cheese, 5 Kegs dito. Butter, Just received for 5ale low by W. II. WILLARD, Washington, Dec. 71 h, 1S50. Flour and Pork. 228 Bbls. Flour, Fine and superfine, 75 " Mess Pork. Just received for sale by W. M. WILLARD. Washington, Dec. 7th, 1850. White Oak Bbl Staves .v. THE undersigned wishes to buy W. O. Bbl. Slaves, for which he will pay the highest market price for a good article. W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C Dec. 7th, 1S50. FOR SAlE. A Roanoke PJantation. HAVING determined to move South, I now offer for vSale my very valuable plantation On Roanoke River, lying seven miles above Gaston, iiX'c miles from the Petersburg Rail Road, and twenty one or two miles fiom Warrcnfon. This planta tion is in tlie County of Northampton, hut within one mile of the confines of the Counties of W al rl-n, Halifax, ami Ruins wick, Vs. The tract co:i:5ts of Acred including more than half of Pugh's Island Vvhich is classed with the best land in the State for the growth of Corn and Wheat. The uplands are exceedingly well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco. The Res idence iipon ihia land is one bf the riioat beautiful and elegint, the situation being inferior to none in its general appearance Only one mile from the dwelling there is a Mineral Spring (belonging 16 the trdct, and it is cdnsidered in its properties by all those wbd have drank of its waters equal with that of Shocco or Jones' White Sulphur. I consider it useless to say more, as those who wish to purchase will come and examine fbr themselves. 1 am ex ceedingly anxious to sell, therefore feel willing to make a considerable sacrifice. BFsNJ. J. DtCKENS. ChertUt Hill, N. C. Oct. 17. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase can learn the terms &c. by addressing me at Marianria, Florida. B. A. D. JYcw Hoarding House. Itlrs. E. A FORD) WOULD respectfully inform the pub lic, that she has taken the House lately occupied by Mrs. Swann, as a Boarding House, and having had it thoroughly re paired, and fitted with new and handsome furniture throughout, she will be enabled to accommodate a number of transient or permanerit Boarders in the best manner. The House is as pleasantly situated as any In Wilmington, and a number of her best rooms will be reserved for the accommodation of tran sient visiters. She can confidently be speak the patronage of those desirous of obtaining a Boarding House of i he first class, as she flatters herself that her ar rangements Cannot be surpassed for com fort and convenience, and no exertion will be spared calculated to add to the happiness and contentment of her, guests. yT'he House is now open for the recep tion of permanent or day boarders. For terms, apply to Mrs;, Ford. rETEUsmrna , CAN 13 LK FACTORY I WOULD beg leave to inform the Merchants &c, thatl manufacture Candles of a superior quai it and will sell as cheap as they can be pur chased in any of the Nor.hern Cities, and one cent per pound let than they can be purchased in Petersburg of' anjT commission house or btorc, with the ex ception of my 3gents, of as good quality. Orders left at the Factory, or with Messrs. Wat kins & Morton, merchants, corner of Tabb and Sycamore streets, who act as agents for me, will be thankfully re ceived and punctually attended to. JOHN TVrfLSH. Petersburg Fa., Nov. 12, 150. Building. - - HAVING associated w'ith me Mr. Jno. W. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va , an expe rienced workman in the various styles ot Architecture, I would announce to the public, that we are prepared to contract for the building of plain or ornamental cottages, public building, churches, &c. &c. in a style and finish to defy competi tion. We will cither contract by the job or by the day. THOMAS OBERRY. Tarboro', Dec. 21, 1849. Jotice. THE subscriber being well prepared todo! A FOJUVARBBG lnd Commission Business IN Tilt: TOWN OP WASHINGTON, respectfully solicits the patronage of the public in Tarboro', its vicinity, and Edge combe co. generally. He has ample and s;ifc room for the storage of Naval Stores,; DEALER in Marble Monuments; Grain, and other produce; his charges are Head and FootStones; Paint Stones; , I m moderate and quick dispatch invariably ' posing do.; and in short, any article called ri t'pn In n II luwinfMs entrusted to his di- ifor of cither Italian, Eevntiam or Ameri- jtV'" ' i rcction. references. MacnairSt Brother, Tarboro' N. C, William Uernard, Greenville, Eli Hoyt,! Va.shimiton. N. C, Geome II. Brown & I ! Brother, Washington. B.J. Parmelee! Washington, N. C., Hon. Judge , Manly, SMtCmtt Ncwbcrn, C, I. A.. Stanly, Wilming-' w ' ton, N. C, Win. Bryccj&Co., New York,! , JESPECTFULLY intorms the cili Baleman & Ruddcrowjdolallett & Paul-i zens of Edgecombe and. adjoining I min, do. J. LA BARB . Washington; N. C, April 12, 1S51. . j f 1 j 1 liOlliaS Li. LilUClOIl) BRIGRLAYER & PLASTERER, ; INFORMS the citizens of Martin and thd adjacent counties, that he has Removal to Mlamilton, And is fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ, and Can give satisfactory assuran ces, tiiataii work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. Jo?. Waldo, Hamilton, IVm. Norfieet, Tarboro,' Baker Staton, Edgecdrivbe Co., Goold Hoy l, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, 1850 Just received, A frRESII SUPPLY OF Balm of Columbia, for preserving dnd restoring the hair. Kolmstock's Vermifuge, for destroying worms. Bartholomew's Pink Syrup, for coughs colds, &c. Lin's Balm of China, for diseases that require external application Spohn's headache remedy, for sick head ache and disordered stomach. Lin's patent strengthening Plasters, for vveakness and lameness. Connel's and Dalley's magical pain ex tractor. Mrs. Brown's Pain killer, to be used externally and internally. Longlev's areat western panacea. Heives nerve and bone Liniment, for the cure of chronic rheumatism, kc. Hay's Liniment for the Piles. Comstock's Sarsaparilla. Oil of Tannin stove varnish, &c. . For sals by 5 " Geo Howard. fn fallible TTea&t JPoiv fieri , Lin's balm of China, for the cure of all disease that require external application. :; Sick head ache, though constitutional or i nciden tal, is cured by Dr. Spohn's head ache remedy," -jFor sale by Geo Hoivard, Tarboro9. p u r t f a t J) C J31o a 5i it iiit!fia The best Family Medicine now before the public. It 1ms been computed, that , during tlie last twenty years, three millions of persons have annually been benefited by the use of these Medicines ; a fact which speaks volumes in favor of their curative properties a single trial will place them beyoud the reach of competition hi tlie estimation of every patient. By their use tho blood is restored to a pure and healdiy state, freed from all impurities. Tlie system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from business or pleasure. . The afflicted have in Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, a remedy that will do for them all that medicine am possibly effect. The genuine of these medicines are now put up with a fine steel engraved wrapper and labels, and copy right secured according to the laws of the United States. Prepared by W. B. MOFFAT, M. D., Nev York. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro'. Flake and Scrape . 1 - TURPENTINE makers, desirous of contracting for the above named articles, will find it to their interest to call on, or communicate with the undersigned. IV M, II. IV IL LARD. Washington, N. C., Oct. 1st; 1850. 8. R Ford, can ijjroic, ann woi k warranteu 10 piease or no sale; and if damaged before delive- 7 5t is at his expense. "Orders left with Geo Howard, Tarboro', will be attended to forthwith. March 15, 1849, counties mat ne carries on ine lMIEOISIa B&SIWJISS, jat the old Stand next ddor to the Post Office, where will be found a choice assort- inent of (and all articles in his line of business,) Which he is prepared to make Up, at the ; shortest notice and on reasbnable terms. ' Thank f til for the favors already received s he solicits a cdntinuance of,,the same, assur ing all who may favor him with a calP that none shall go away dissatrsfied. Cuf ting done at the shortest notice. N. B. Always on hand a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his own manu facture. JAS. Mb H EG AN. Tarborough, January 1. Don't you want to ride? r- - . THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a large variety of vehicles compris ing. . .. .V!-, Buggicd, Barouches, Ac.. of every style and finish, : He also manufactures to order any de scription of vehicles, from an ox cart to a fine carriage, in a style not surpassed in this country, and at prices as low as can be afforded anywhere. He also carries on a large harness man ufactory sets of harness from i?12 to $50. ' Vehicles of every description repaired at short notice and on reasonable terms-. The subscriber will attend ' the Courts of Edgecombe, and be prepared to mako contracts as above, on'favorable terms. JAME NELSON. Greenville, Pitt;CoJujyl850. - OasHAdiies, THE undersigned will advance in Cash, lireefourtls($j of the market value here of Corn, Cotton, and Naval Stores, deposited with ' him for shipment to his friend JPG:Williams, Esq., New Yofkl. - W. H. WILLARD, VashiDgton, N. Q. 17tKNov. 1549. mm mm