fimniii W oieXo. 1297. Tarborough, Edgecombe County, M C. Saturday, July 19 1831. 1 ma B TfT y a! frntrm miiii In UlUHllinTTnimiirannnnnTTTnTn UI1IU IIMfl I 1 I I I I I I 1 UAilll I I I I I E M-LM III! M M The Tarboroi Press, ; BY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly at Two Dollars pet year 7 paid in advance or, Two Dot labs and tirrv (jgsTs at the expiration of the subscription year. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be .crted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 (jents for every succeeding one. Longer ones at jhat rate per square. Court Orders and Judicial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. POLITICAL. From the Goldsboro' Republican. The Pi esidency. The whigs at the North are moving in various directions with reference to the next Presidency. The contest seems to be between Web ster and Scott. The whig Convention oi Pennsylvania has just nominated the lat ter. The N. Y. Courier and Enquirer deprecates the early agitation of the ques tion, but evidently favors Mr. Webster. That paper nominated him four years ago for. Vice President with Gen. Taylor for President. Mr. Fillmore is hardly spo ken of. or sixty male fugitive slaves who were until recently residents of this city, only two were regularly employed as laborers Many of them gained a precarious liveli hood as runners to houses of prostitution, and the majority were supported by char ity. Such, we are also informed, is the general condition of the fugitives who have taken up their residence in our large towns and cities, where, be it observed, they chiefly congregate. "In Canada, also, they are regarded by the inhabitants with distrust and aversion. There are two towns in Canada West in which a negro is not allowed to set his foot, through fear that he may become a burden upon the tax payers." Is it not cruelty then to tempt slaves from the South thus to degrade them at the North? old. By that time they will die or get starved out and go into the country and settle down into their natural element, in other words, find their level. We mean you, youngster, not Jim Snooks, nor Dick Doebanks, nor Sam Ferguson, nor the chap next door but you, you oily headed, smooth faced, soft handed, fuzzy lipped numscull, who ought to be at the plow or the anvil exerting the faculties God has given you instead of trying to live by such as you have not and never can have. There is no use in trying to live by 'brains when you have not got them. Hands and arms, muscles, sinews, bones and strength you all have, and if you mean to be healthy, wealthy and happy, you must use them. on Monday his Honor Police Justice Na poleon Bonaparte Mountfort organized a; court in.Center Market and tried them all j in the morning hour. Out of the number, ; he committed twenty eight of them to Blackwell's Island. Several were found to be married women, one the mother of four children, and another so far gone Great Attraction. . ;: .1 large Assortment of 4 Ind other line and fashionable SUPERIOR to any thing hitherto of that it was with difficulty she could get up' fered to this community. We respectful- the steps into the prison. She was sup- ly solicit an examination of our assorU posed to be-qiore in want of a doctor than ment, comprising a judge, and was therefore allowed to go ; Watches Jcwelrv in quest of one. ! D. . . ' . D c ' - c . . ? i , r t Pistols, Cutlery, Perfumery, and Fan bo extensive has this busineFsof whole-j c Good sale arrests been carried that several menLr .1 . . ? Sj . . . , ... . , . .A Ut the latest xmencan and imported who although deprecating the necessity ; , , , 1 , " ' .. , J styles, on as moderate terms as can bo anu regretting tne cvii auenuing lanen , (fThe Wilmington Commercial brings to our notice a most striking in consistency in the proceedings of the Great Will Case Decided Staves Liberated. There has been for some time before the courts at Richmond, Va., what was known as the Ragland will case, and the verdict of the jury, just made, of fers a singular commentary upon the re peated declaration of Northern fanatics, that the colored man cannot meet with justice in the South. The Richmond Des patch says: "That will liberated SO or 90 negroes in the midst of one of the largest slave holding communities in the world, and devoted to their use the cntiie property of the testator. It was contested with all the energy which could be brought to bear upon it. The trial was conducted with the utmost circumspection; witnesses were examined and cross-eximined; the whole testimony was reduced to writing, so that the jury could read it all for themselves, as we learn that they did a great portion ot it;) and then the case was argued with TVhat may we Drink. We are happy to be able to give this desired "intelli gence," to such as may need it. AH know that the weather is dreadfully hot that it occasion excessive thirst. the sun and air ail the time absorbing the juices of the bod'. Health cannot be supported without a replenishing supply of fluid thirst must be satisfied, or disease and death supervene. Now this thirst cannot be allayed, healthfully by frequent pota tions of liery liquors; and mere hydrant or cistern water, is too flat and insipid of it self, to be relished. You must therefor? add some ingredient to give zest to it Ice is the best; lemon juice the next; vine gar the next. These make the water pleasant to ful action we follow the law of nature and the hy dropathic rule on the subject; which is for the healthy and such as have active' women, have nevertheless considered that ever since Solomon of old thought so much of his three hundred wives and so idolized his seven hundred concubines, the sin was too deeply planted in the hu man breast to be purged out by arn ordinary police regulation. They have therefore been induced to look into the statute lor an authority for these arrests, and s'range to say no where in the legal code can the right be found. A woman has just as good purchased any where at retail , and war ranted. In addition to our travelling Stock, wc: keep constantly on hand a complete as sortment of the, above named articles at our Store in Washington, N. C, where the manufacturing and repairing of Watch- es, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, can be done e-l qual to any establishment in the Union and warranted. Pender Meyer. ' . June 10, 1851. INSTITUTION . man has and her character can in no way por the Deaf & Dlllhb ukz cuuanui hi mis cuuiicciiuu. f s I Ifiu .i,:ff.u 1 t.r li! AND THE linates are desirous of suppressing this ba-1 sest of evils they can in no way better do the work, and secure the confidence and and sacred a right to walk the streets as a BILttNID). TRF. HO A R II PIT? TMRPVTHRft f ot the public than by commenc-L. cT . . 4. A. A ' ., n , 1 , J , - theN. C. Institution give notice, that a o the na ate. and have, a health- me at the Palace of Mirrors and follow- . . 0 , .. . . a . r... uepanmeni win oe openea lor tne in- . As to how much to. drink, ing on to other houses of the city of like .7 nrrt t. '. Y. Day Book. t t Al . . ; , , . magnificence.- (QIt is estimated that there are no July. It is highly desirable that " early notice should be given of those who may exercise to drh.k except in fatigue ex-j less than six thousand gambling houses in L vish t0 ener thu deparirnnt. in order haustion, as thirst demands dence" in President Fillmore, and laud him for his "manly advocacy" of protec tion, and internal improvements, &c , and forthwith nominate Gen. Scott for the next Presidency. By their own showing Fillmore is the very best man in the world to be President, yet they nominate Gen. J 1 o Ithnt thf nAPPartr arranorpmpn mnti hf We have, for the- past two months,! 'be magnificent faro sa!oons,and descend- , v drank six glasses of ice water j,,st before j "P the ale almost to the very doors of Applicalions for admission from Deal-! . in- p,a ui me c.y j ocgmning i(ltps ftr ni npnns. mlist h m.ndp tr. I William II. Conkp. Frinpinal of Ihft Insti. it . -.1 r . i . ... : a iu ...i.i: t I r .! case a jury composeu aimosi entirely oi wunoui sen injury. Ann anew, m Ins; Fu,llull'ailu u,c p'j.ic unuu 10 coniem- tuljon wn0 wjii furn;8h an necessarv In-' siavenoiueis every man 01 incm naving luantici oi i icaiin, relates mat some per-; l"ine u,y cv" ' 1 I formation on wiig ay ui jiii i ii ik a. ut nasi, mi shi f nuun iu u.iiu cictUM uiiii'vi I IIUIIISCI VCS . nt uuu ji i Raloifrh IlinP 14 6 mucn to exercising anu drinking, have j "'" 11 uc jusi, me goou peopie on gone great lengths in the matter, taking; New York have work enough to engage even more than one hundred tumblers in'a' their sources ot their benevolence and all the ability that able and ingenious coun rif flnrnicini A Tl nr n t I . t I nt I t 11 ntiM n whi( Convention of Pennsylvania. The - .. .. , . r . ; . . n t. . . , . ; 'Fully understanding the merits of the . dinner and going to bed, with a re i!h and lo raiS(i holders decided in favor of the v ill' (JpThe number of emigrants from Male Academy. I . t i i Europe which arrived at New York last lhe Uav5 afKl apparently experiencing no . n . i . .1 liorm In clwirt icotnr in I l I l.n Scott-mrely because he isGcn.Scott..i6 WCCK was 'i:5y' anU ine cnl,re m,mbor, ! , V V , I since wi st oi January is &aiu to Le not lessj ...v-..ww j iuaai- , t linn I ill tlllll I ' -w. . .. . viiuivi mo York . ' oflmalzamation. The New Legislature now in session, is a curious af fair. A bill has just past making appro priations to certain colleges and schools. Among them is an appropriation for the New York Central College, an Abolition Institution. The pupils are of both gen ders, black and white, and on a footing of entire equality in all respects. The a Vowed object of this regulation is to wear off those "prejudices" which now exist between the two races, by bringing them together in the lecture room at the cat mg tables, and in sociil intercourse. Dur Jng the debate, it was proposed to exclude the white or the black pupils, and make H one thing or the other. But the amal gaautionists holding the balance vfpower, they refused to allow any amendment in this respect to be made.. What an exhibi tion of f.matici sm! -ib . zeal in putting them down. Hal. Star. THE rates of Tuition, established by; the Board of Trustees at their meeting for. Horrible. A man in Greenfield, Han- the Male Academy are as follows: cock county, Indiana, recently shot his Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic best to promote healthfulness of body, vig-jown daughter, killing her almost instant-antj Geography, per session, SlO.OQ. or, cheerfulness, and contentment of the lv. lie was arrested, tried and found English Grammar. History . Al mind the best to enable the system to: guilty, and sentenced to imprisonment Uebra Geometry and Natural Phi endure excessive heat, cold, or protracted for life. losophv, 12,50 It appears that the man, Kennedy, had Ancient Languages, $16,00 abused his wile so outrageously that she appealed to the law for redress; and the exertion of anv of the faculties of man." N. O. Courier. From the N. Y. Day B ok. Some people are always in trouble, and imagine their lot the hardest in the world. The vvriter of this has been a clerk on a salary at all prices, from two hundred to a thousand dollars, and Ke thinks that he The Bloomer Costume. There can 1 daughter, a married woman, was one of was about as well ot! at one as the other,! be no mistake that the new style of dress the principal witnesses against him. Af though he cannot say that at $400 he nasjfor the ladies the short skirts and trows-' ter the trial he was heard to say that he not the proudest and happiest. He will ! era is making rapid headway at the would kill her, and even the afternoon venture the assertion, at any rate, ll at a North. Hardly a paper we open that before the tragedy, he was at the house of rlorl- nn of four or five hundred !docs not chronicle the anneaiance of some his son-in law and swore he would have j . - - - ; I ) June Pth, 1851. H. T. Clarke, Sec'y of B. of T. Elba Academy, In Halifax County. THE nrcspnt session of this Institution dollars is better off than half the employ-! enterprising female in this costume, and blood. In the evening, as they were sit- xvil terminate on the 4th of July ensuing, eis in the city. All this stuff about sub-; nine times out of ten the editors who have I ting in the room, all at once the daughter, The gecond Session win commenCe on No person seen them speak in terms commendatory . who was looking towards the window, Mond the 21st JulVj under the contjn overbearing! of the new fashion. Istarted and throwing up her arms moved . - . , M anA'n CnnMnnd' towards the bed, when the sharp crack of It is our wish lo make this one of thc best mission is pure nonsense. a . need submit to insult; as lo overhearing and harshness, that, of course, depends upon the quantity and the price. If it is Important to Old Maids. We find for your interest to hold on, take it like a the following in the Albany Knicker mnn. htu don't crumble if not, make bocker: 7 n , your bow, put on your hat and walkout.: "A company has opened an office in glad to learn from the Nr rhe worJd is aU before you, and none but Boston to insure women against dying old t the Seaboard and Koan-:,.. , ... i ot. Um nnr rmjlids. The rates of Dremium differ ac- rif... r -i d i i ii tne laxv uuu am im vv.t . U Ra, Road is being rapidly put in ; ' Thereare a thousand good, cording to looks and disposition. While good order. On the 25th ult. it had been ,emP' me 1 ; . mirf tif ,v cirl :s cor 2 ner ...... . act ve. intellicent young men wanted to- a snnrt, titiy girir is lnsurca lor a, per relaid to Mehernn river, a distance of C5 j , ... ua nt . hmzen ill natured sninstArs are char- (lav in mis cny uy iiiciiikiih?! i : shippers, banks, &c. &c, at good salaries, geu as nign as iu. nere snun is useo, -j iko .v, rtiffirnlt thintr i n the 1 ner cent extra is charged! ' r UUU IL If niv ill"-" ...... ... - - - . t KTWc are folk papers that niiles from Portsmouth, leaving about 20 miles to be completed. The Company did not anticipate reaching Meherrin riv er before the 4lh instant. We notice also that a fine steamer was hunched a few days since in New York, to run in connection with this road be tween Norfolk and New York; and that Mother has been launched at Baltimore for the line between that city and Nor- (tplt is slated that Col. Benton is now CnSaged in preparing a History of the government from the year 1820 to the Prescnt time, a period of 31 years. From the Raleigh Standard. ugilivc-ism. The Syracuse Star (re- ember that citv has been made one of 41. . J .... .. . ' ue headquarters of runaway slaves,) says: "Wc are informed y one of the police jSccrs, of this city, that out of the' fifty world to get one. Al the same time mere are ten thousand dull, stupid, lazy block heads, who are no more capable of learn ing the mercantile business than a jackass is to dance a hornpipe, lretting, stewing and trying to be somebody that they nev er can be. M Jst of them would make good farmers.good gardners, stage drivers, hostlers, 'shoemakers, blacksmiths, hatters, carpenters, &c, but you cannot beat it in- to their thick sculls, nor to tnose oi meir parents, that if they have arty sort of a chance they will not yet be merchant princes. Others of them would make good nurses or baby tenders, milliners or dress makers; so me would make barbers and hair dressers and get rich, bul none of them will ever make a merchant, a states man, a lawyer or a physician, let them, try ever so much. ' Of course they y:n try and keep trying until they are forty years The Chief of Police and I he Gals. A lively contest is going on between the police and the street walkers It fseems about six years ago Mr. Matsell, our in defatigable Chief of Police, conceived that he had the right to arrest and imprison, as vagrants, every woman found walk ing in the streets who was supposed to be lost to virtue. This has been exercised by the police at their will and pleasure ever since. As often as two or three times a month the records of the police inform uf of the arrest of seventy five'or a hun dred girls of a single night upon the streets, nearly all of which are sentenced as vagrants to Blackwell's Island for six months. On Sunday evening , last, be tween the hours of seven and ten o'clock, no less than eighty-two; were ai rested an the quiet little Fourteenth Ward. :. And j - I I 1 -1 f I T !. K UI aSu.1wa..Ca.u,iUU0..c.c.,,I..Ui.i.UUBi. schooU in ,he countrv;. ind from -the the temple. Her husband healthfulness of the neighborhood a'Bd tho door and discovered Kennedy making off. known ability of ,he teacher, we hope to She lived long enough to state that .1 was ftlr Conigland has the reputa-' her father she sav through the window tion of hav; ed his pupis for wiui u gun. iu. Pnllo ihnrnmrhlv as anv other orecD-' o y f tr tn ilia Qlafi. Churning Butlcr.-An Alabama cor- nnr Tuition 10 Cor the English respondent of the Scientific lericanU an(J gi 5 for the Languages, per Board $6 per month, and 5 Books fur uuon. gives the particulars of the mode of ma-L u... 1 r.t. 1 ,. ess uuiier practise, oy some 01 me Ses3ion for lights. u. oiaie. 1 ney lane me cream 011 jshed t the Academy ine miiK wan as nine 01 tne latter as pos sible put il into an ordinary churn, and lo every quart of cream they put a gallon of water (not quite blood warm) and churn it in the usual way.- The butter" comes sooner, is much sweeter, and keeps better. Cute for the Bowel j Complaint. Take a pint of strong eider vinegar, 1 large table-spoon ful of fine salt, do. of fine black pepper thoroughly mix, and drink the same during the day. This is said to be a f sure ure..- gentleman whom we know assures! us that he has used the above remedy for i the bowel ; complaint, for the last six years, and has never. known it to fail curing in any one instance.- He has a large - number of ne groes, and he keeps,1 them all .supplied wiih a bottle of the mixture. r Address the undersigned at Bnnkley- ville, N. C. W. H. mils. - H 17 June, 1S51. . Franklin Institute, FRANKLIN COtJNTY, NC. ;C If. S. Richardson, Principal. BELFORD FEMAlEvlNSTITUTE. : ' .' NASH COUNTY. J . JflrsIi C; Richardson, Pr i n' I THEf ALL 3 SESSION will open ori the 7th July Terms as formerly. For particulars,Sddressduring vacation,,. Dr. G - Sill?, Belford, Nash County; at 0tT times the Principals. ' 2). S. Richardson. , June r 6Cl ; A I - . i ! :

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