If.: Land for Sale. -d HAVING joined a club whose object ,5 to buy land and settle a Whole neigh borhood in Texas; I have determined on jelling the land on which I now live, if I ran get any thing like a reasonable offer, Jtlj will furnish the purchaser with one hundred barrels of corn at three dollars j3d fifty cents per barrel, and fodder at "5 cents per hundred. I conscientiously b(.lieve that to any man willing to buy j3nd in North Carolina, I can sell as j,c3p a bargain as can be bought within jjfty miles of my premises, and were it fl0t for my children alone, I would not exchange my residence for any other whatever. This tract I offer contains Mont 7O0 Acres i Eioro than half cleared; and now in a good condition for cultivation there is on it a meadow worth at least fifty dollars a year jar grazing or cutting hay. It lies im mediately on fhliiug Creek, in Nasli County, thirteen miles from the Wilmington rail road and five from Hilliardston, where there is an excellent female school, and uithin a mile and a half from my resi dence is a male school inferior to few, if any in the State that prepares young men jjr Col!ege By clearing and manuring, I have so improved my farm, that any 8 , , . 1 . j , ,'Ot or nine hands can make two hundred and i fi (V7 hnrrpiQ n i nnm on. trt thniis-in. i , c , "iii r! pounds of seed cotton. A good deal of , r , , , . , . . r . . r he tresh land is said to be first rate for II f U a W k-r & mm U m m U B V fc L W L1 I I V I tobacco and of course good for srnall grain. ; There is a small swamp running through ! my p!an(ation on which is a great ahun-j dance of mud a good deal of which is. thrown out for composting. There is a j comlortable two story dwelling house, and a tolerable sufficiency of necessary out houses; and within forty steps of the door is a never failing spring of most excellent water. 1 have frequently known land to sell in Edgecombe where I was raised for-eight ... . . "7. ' . , . . . ,, . . . . i r . . . , , , ! cinity, for it 13 here as elsewhere the land . . , is good on the water courses but come antt sec, as 1 am anxious to get oil to take! r a view of Texas. Robert D. Hart. Spring Hill, August 4th, 1S51. The undersigned being acquainted with the above premises, and having recently rode over the same have no hesitancy in certifying that there is not a more valuable tract of land in Nash, and have no doubt that the farm will yield this year eighteen or twenty bales of cotton, besides a plen tiful support. B. A. F. Ricks, IVm .H. Hilliard. August 2nd, 1851. Horse, Groom and Farm for Sale, THE subscriber otfeis for sale his noted horse Yoiuiq Boston and his Groom Harry. Young Boston is a splendid bay horse, c'ght years old last spring, five feet six inches hih, and in full health and vigor. He was got by the celebrated race horse Boston, dam by Marion; grandam by old Sir Archy; great grandam by Potomac; I g. grandam by President: g. g. g. gran dani by Buckham's Partner. For further Particulars refer to Edgar's stud book. His groom Harry, is a boy well known, has been acting in that capacity about five years. !!! m The subscriber also offers for sale the ract of hnd on which he resides, about hlx miles west, from Battleboro' Depot, Plaining - About 800 Acres. of which are cleared and well adapted ' lie culture of Corn, Cotton, &c., there are also enough new turpentine boxes cut to work two hands, and two splendid blue Jrl beds, one three feet and the other 3Ur feet deep. There are on the premi Lan excellent Dwelling house, gin house, "nfl all necessary houses in good order. 0r farther particulars apply to Henry Whitley, in my absence. Josiah Ellinor. u & a US? pa mm STRABANE FOR SALE. THE subscriber desirous of removing his Staves to the South, offers for sale the Farm known as CONTAINING FROM lOOOto I500 ACRES, A particular description of the premises is unnecessary, as no one will purchase without examining for himself. W. F. DANCY. Tarborough, Jan. 27, 1S51. Valuable Lands FOR SALE. THE tract of land belonging to the late Joseph John Norcott is now for sale. This tract, called "The Neck Lands," consists of 1950 acres, situilc on Tar Riv er, and at the junction of Tranter's Creek with the river, and within sight of the! To wn of Washington. Of this, 650 acres j is subject to the dower of the widow of! the late John Norcott. It is one of the, most valuable tracts of land in this section1 country, well wooded with Cypress, , , ; ' , , , - 1 V 7 adapted to the culture of Cotton, Corn, , ., , , , . an'J a" the productions of this climate, m . l ne arable land covers trom 400 to 500 . acres, and a bod v of 800 acres now in1 j - woods not at all encumbered can be easily put in a state of cultivation, and is of the most productive soil. The wood will . ........ . ' . im-; iui in is ucccaiuic iu vhmcis uv wuii.ii its products can be transported to a home or foreign maiktt with the greatest expe- dilion. Its location on the water courses that surround it makes a Cotton crop a , ,, ,M" dapted to llial culture successfully 1 here is a meadow ol about 150 acres wel a- dapted to the production ot every kind ot tl , . . , r i grass. II. nas a very vaiuanle tisiiery ,. , . , , P , , wnicn nas oeen ncreioiore woi iveu nioni- ,, , lt r sites for fisheries. None of the arable land is subject to inundation. Reference is made to lienj. F. Eborn and Thomas 11. Sheppcrd, Esquire, two of the commissioners who divided the lands, and who express the opinion thai it is the most desirable farm in this section of the State. The terms of sale can be as certained upon application to the under signed at Greenville, N. C. If not sold before at private sale it will be sold at pub lic auction at the Court House in Green ville, on Tuesday of November Court next, being the 4th day of the month. Terms of sale at public vendue: a cred it of one, two and three years will be giv en the purchaser, with interest fro in first January next, the interest to be paid an nually. Bond and approved security will be required by Goold IToyt, Ex'r , of Jos. Jno. Noucott. July 30, 1851. 6 Cabinet Furniture. THE subscriber respectfullly informs his friends and the public generally, that he will continue the Cabinet Ufakiug at his old stand. His Furniture will be made of good materials, well made, and at reasonable prices. He has now on hand various articles of furniture for aalc. He hopes by strict at tention to business to merit a continuation of the patronage he has heretofore receiv ed. I would take An Apprentice to the a bove trade a healthy boy, not over fif teen years of agej and of good moral char acter. LEWIS BOND Tarborough, January 21st, 1S51 Pepsin, v The true digestive fluid, or Cwastric Juice, tissfi FOR SALE. A Roanbke Plantation. HAVING determined to move South, I nowfier for sale my very valuable plantation on Roanoke River, lying seven miles above Gaston, five miles from the Petersburg Rail Road, and twenty one or two miles from Warrenton. This planta tion is in the County of Northampton, but withir ne mile of the confines of the Counties of Varren, Halifax, and Bruns wick, Va. The tract consists of 2,5 OO Acres including more than half of Pugh's Island, which is classed with the best land in the State for the growth of Corn and Wheat The uplands are exceedingly well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco. The Res idence upon lh5 land is one of the most beautiful and elegant, the situation being infirior to none in its general appearance Only one mile from the dwelling there is a Mineral Spring (belonging to the tract,) and it is considered in its properties by all those who have drank of its waters equal with that of Shocco or Jones' White Sulphur. I consider it useless to say more, as those who wish to purchase will come and examine for themselves. I am ex ceedingly anxious to sell, therefore feel willing to make a considerable sa-crifice. BEXJ A. DICKENS. Chenut Hill, N. C. Oct. 17. P S. Persons wishing to purchase can learn the terms &c by addressing me at v, . Pl .. " . . . Roanu kc Land for a!c. The subscriber, having four Plantations ! on 1nis R'vcr, containing about 4,500 a cres, is disposed to sell one of them. This estate ccnt.ur.s i ''in usual nr ) o i on oi low grounds, seco. id low "rounds and upl tnds, put of it has been improved bv liming, j plaster and clover. The cotton land is in-j forior to none in the State, Tho com-j , , -, , IM ... . .. Kivcrand KhI Koad. 1 he Plantation! will ne sold lor little over half the price ot good lauds m Jvlecotrtbe and Pitt, i- , . , b or tcr ns apply soon to the subscriber, . ,. , ' o or in nis ansence to i nos. . .icrnns , , VT July 17, 1S51. Blasfifichl West, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ft. . -. Stl.WVLS, L.-VCKS, KIDUOXS, & Vj. SO v.dnr Street. Near Broiiduun, IIUGH M ACXAIRi NEW YOU $5 Reward. U A N A W A V fro m t h e s Iwc r i b e r on the first of July, negro boy JIM. The said negro is about 19 years old, of a light complexion ; J , . . r 4- . r ! and about five leet five inches. i.iii'- He is surjposed to be lurking in 1)iirh supposed to oe inrifing the vicinity of Tarboro'. I will give the above reward to any person or persons who will bring him to me, or lodge him in any jail so I get him. All persons are hereby for warned not to harbor or em ploy said negro under the penalty of the jaw. Cader A brums. Hamilton, July 30, 151. Flour and Pork. 22S Bbls. Flour, Fine and superfine, 75 44 Mess Pork. Just received for sale by V. H. WILLARD. Washington, Dec. 7th, 1850. White Oak Bbl Staves THE undersigned wishes to buy W. 0. Bbl. Staves, for which he will pay the highest market price for a good article. W. H. WILLARD. Washington, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1S50. 1 Bushels St. Martins salt, cargo of sch. Rough & Rea d on the way and daily expected, for sale by . ; IV. H. Willard. Washington, N. C. April 25th, 1S51. 3in SACKS Liverpool Ground SCJ v 1 . r 1 1 I ... 1... Mmm " V (I. WILLARD. Washington, 21st April, IS51. Great Attraction; A large Assortment or l ml other fine niiil fashionable SUPERIOR to any thing hitherto of fered to this community. We respectful ly solicit an examination of our assort ment, comprising Watches, Jewelry, Pistols, Cutlery Perfumery, and Fan cy Goods, Of the latest American and imported styles, on as moderate terms as can be purchased any where at retail and war ranted. In addition to our travelling Stock, we keep constantly on hand a complete as sortment of the above named articles at our Store in Washington, N. C, wher the manufacturing and repairing of Watch es, Clocks, Jewelry, &c. can fee done e qual to any establishment in the Union and warranted. Pender 8? Meyer. June 10, 1851. To the Farmers of Iftrigccombc. OYSTER SHELLS for sale, deliver ed to the flats from the wharf in this place. Apply to IV. If. Willard. Washington, lilh June, 1851 . 100 Bags Rio Coffee 50 Laguayra do Just received and for sale bv W. II " Willard. Washington N. C, 16th June 1S51. 2J0 Hlils New Vo.k and Baltimore P'n.ir frnsh vmnrnl. itist rpivnd mui for! !S3,e b' . w- Wi,,a,d- w- 7 J j Washinjiton IN. i;., 16th June 1851. 50 Hbls and hlf bbls butter, soda 1 sugar crackers fresh baked, for sale by V. H. Willard. Washington, N. C. 16 June 1S51. 25 Bales Cotton Yarn, manufactured by the Blount's Creek Factory, Fayetle villeN. C, for sale by W. II. Willard. Washington N. C, 16th June 1851. 50 Bbls V R and N 0 sugar 5 llhds " sugar for sale by W. II. Willard. Washington N. C , lGlh June 1S51. iltii Iding. ' ! HAVING associated with me Mr. Jno. ! V. Saunders, of Petersburg, Va., an expe rienced workman in the various styles of Architecture, I would announce to the I public, that we. are prepared to contract for the building of nlai or ornamental cottages nnhhV htiilrlin. rhnrhes. &c. 1 r ' ' &.c. in a stTle and finish to defy competi tion. We will either contract by the job or by the day THOMAS" OBERRY. Tarbcro Dec. 21, 1849. JYotice. THE subscriber being well prepared to do And Commission Business . , respectfully solicits the patronage ol . , , . . . ft . r public in I arboro', its vicinity. and L , , IN THE TOWN OF WASHINGTON, of the Edge combe co. generally. He has ample and safe room for the storage of Naval Stores, Grain, and other produce; his charges are moderate and quick dispatch invariably given to all business entrusted to his di rection. REFERENCES. Macnair & Brother, Tarboro N. f., William Bernard, Greenville, Eli Hoyt, Washington, N. C, George II. Brown & Brother, Washington. B. J. Parmelee, Washington, N. C Hon. Judge Manly, Nevvbern, N. C, J. A Stanly, Wilming ton, N. C, Wm. Bryce & Co., New York. Bateman & Rudderow, do. Mallett & Paul min, do. L. J. LABARB ':. Washington, N. C, April 12, 1S51. Thomas L. Liddon, BRICKLAYER & PLASTERER, INFORMS the citizens of Martin and the adjacent counties, that he has Hemotcd to Hamilton. And is fully prepared to execute all jobs in his line of business, that may be entrusted to him. He has competent workmen in his employ, and can give .satisfactory assuran ces, that all work entrusted to him will be executed expeditiously and in a workman like manner. References. ; "'- S.Jo?. Waldo; Hamilton, .:- : s Wm. ' Nor fleet, Tarboro,' '"' Baker Stat oh f Edgecombe Co., Goold Hoyt, Greenville. Hamilton, April 3, 1850. Purity, tlje fiiood. The best Family Medicine cow before the public It has been computed, that during j the last twenty years, three millions of persons have annually been benefited by the use of these Medicines ; a fact which speaks volumes ill favor of their curative properties a single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition ia the estimation of every patient By their use tha blood is restored to a pure and healthy state, freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced during their operation, but invigorated, and they require no restraint from business or pleasure. The afflicted have in Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, a remedy that w ill do for them all that medicine can possibly effect. The genuine of these medicines are now put up with a fine steel engraved wrapper and labels, and copv right secured according to the laws of tha United Stat es. Prepared by W. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York. For sale by Geo. Howard, Tarboro. Southern Made Plantation SSrog.nis---Slousc . , At Wholesale and Retail, No 30 East Bay, Charleston, So. Ca. THE subscriber, A sent for the South Carolina Shoe Factory, at Charleston, So (. and the Qheraw Factory, at Che- ill nfTnn for in ttiis m.ir- ket by the first September, a large supply of Southern made Plantation Broguns and House Servants Shoes, togi ther with a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, which will be sold at the lowest market prices for goods of similar quality. Ii. A Pri?izle, Dealer in Hrogans, Boots and Shoes, No. 30 East Bay. August 7, 1851. ESPECT FULLY informs the citi zens of Edgecombe and adjoining countjes that he carries on the TISj0ng BV8MAJL&S, at the old . Stand next door to the Post OHice, where will ne touna a cnoice absori- ment of C1LOTH8, (and all articles in his line of business,) which he is prepared to make up, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful for the favors already received, he solicits a continuance of the same, assur ing all who may favor him with a calP that none shall go away dissatisfied. Cut ting done at the shortest notice. N. B. Always on. hand a few select articles of ready-made clothing of his own manufacture. JAS. ME HE G AN. Tarborough, January 1. Don't you want to ride? - THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a large variety of vehicles compris ing. Einggics, Barouches. &c, of every style and finish. He also manufactures to. order any.jtfe scription of vehicles, fionran ox cart (o a fine carriage in a style not surpassed in this country, and at prices as low as can be afforded anywhere. He also carries on a large harness man ufactory sets of harness from $12$ lo S50. .. -""i-- Vehicles of every description repaired at short notice and oh reasonable terms. 5 The subscriber will' attend the Courts of Edgecombe, and be prepared to make contracts as above,' on favorable terms. " JAMES NELSON. Greenville, Pitt Co. July, 1850 Cash Advances. THE undersiprnnd will advance in Cash, three-fourths () of the markel value here of Corn, Cotton, and Naval Stores, deposited with him for shipment to hia friend J. G. Williams, Esq , New York. , v W H WILLARD. WashingtonN.C 17th Nov. 1849. SU2C, IS51. , For sale by Geo Howard, Tarooro . 1

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