7 r BE SURE YOU AEE EIGHT; THEK Q-O AHEAD.-D. Crockett. VOL. 53. TARBORO', N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1875. NO. 48. 1 GENERAL DIRECTORY. TARUORO'. Mayor Fred. Philips. Commissioners Jesse A. Williamson, Ja cob Feldenhetmer, Daniel V. Ilurtt, Alex. MeCabe, Joseph Cobb. Seckktakt & Treasurer Robt. White hurst. Chief or Police John W. Cotten. Assistant Police Win. T. Hurtt, John Mdra, Jaa. E. Simoneon, Altimore Macnair. COUNTY. Superior Court Clprk and Prolate H. L. 8taton, Jr. Register of Deeds Alex. McCahe. Sheriff Joseph Cobb. Coroner 'Crea urer .Robt. IJ. Austin.. ttKrtvor John E- Salter. 9-", Judge matiaaru neepvr x . o. xnuno. School Examiners. II. II. Shaw, Win. A. Dusrgaa and R. S. Williams. Keeper Poor Home Win. A. Duggan. C'ommi'Miojws Jno. LaAiister, Chairman, Wiley Well, J. B. W. Norvine, Frank Dew, M. Exeni. A. McCabe, Clerk. MAILS. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS NORTH AND SOUTH VIA W. 4 W. R. K. Leave Tftiboro' (dailv) at - 10 A. M. Arrive at Tarboro' (daily) at - - 3 30 P. 51. WASHINGTON MAIL VIA GREENVILLE. FALKLAND AND SPAKTA. Leave Tarboro' (daily) Rt - 6 A. M. Arrive at Tarboro' (daily) at - 6 P.M. rho Nights and the Places of Meeting:. Concord R. A. Chapter No. 5, N. M. Law rence, High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly convocations first Thursday in every month at 10 o'clock A. M. Concord Lodge No. 5S, Thomas Gatlin, Master, Masonic Hall, meets first Friday night it 7 o'clock P. M. and third Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. in every month. Repiton Encampment No. 13, I. O. O. F., I. B. Palamountain, Chief Patriarch, Odd Fel lows' Hall, meets every first and third Thurs day of each month. Edpecombe Lodire No. 50, I. O. O. F., J. G. Charles, N. G., Odd Fellows' Hall, meets every Tuesday night. Edgecombe Council No. 122, Friends of temperance, meet every Friday night at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Advance Lodge No. 2S, I. O. G. T., meets every Wednesday night at Odd Fellows' Hall Zanoah Lodgre, No. 235, I. O. B. B., meet ou first and third Monday night of every mouth at Odd Fellows' Hall. Henry Morris, President. CHURCHES. Episcooal Church Services every Sunday at 10 1-2'o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. Dr. J. B. Cheshire, Rector. Methodist Church Services every third Sunday at ni'ht. Fourth Sunday, morning and night. Rev. Mr. Swindell, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sabbaths. Rev. T.J. Allison, Sta- ted Supply. Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs day night Missionary Baptist Church Services the 4th Sunday in every nioith, morning and night. Rev. T. R. Owen, Pastor. Primitive Baptist Church Services first Saturday and Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock. HOTELS. Adams' Hotel, corner Main and Pitt Sts. O. F. Adams, Proprietor. EXPRESS. Southern Express Office, on Main Street, closes every oiorning at 9 o'clock. N. M. Lawrence, Agent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JjRANK POWELL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TAMS0R0', X. C. A3- Collections a. Specialty. "Uft Office at the residence 6f the late Mrs. M. E Lawrence. July 2, 1875. tf JOS. BLOUNT CHESHIRE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. WW Office at the Old Bank Building on Trade Street. jc25-tf. H 0 WARD & PERRY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law- TARBORO', N. C. tT" Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. Dov.5-ly. W H. JOHNSTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. .'.7" Attends to the transaction of busi ness in all the Courts, State and Federal. Nov. 5, 1675. ly JpREDERICK PHILIPS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. Eg?" Practices in Courts of adjoining coun ties, in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Nov. 5, 1875. Iy T H. & W. L. THORP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. PRACTICES in the counties of Edge combe, Halifax, Nash and Wilson, and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, also in the United States District Court at Raleigh. Dr. G. L. Shackelfordi SURGEON DENTIST, Successor to Ir. L. T. Fuqnn, TARBORO', N. C. CjT" Office opposite Adams' Hotel and over 8. S. Nash & Co's store. Oct. 23, 1874. tf M. HOWARD, XXlT7C3-GrXSX DEALER IN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, SzC, ScC, SzC. Next door to Mrs, Pender' Hotel, TARBORO, N C. Louis Milliard, Greenville, N. C. Marcbllus Moore Formerly of N. C. MILLIARD & MOORE, COTTOX FACTORS AND Grenertil Commission Merchants McPHAIL'S WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. Keep contantly on band a larga and varied stock of Bagging and Ties. General dealers in Standard Fertilizers. Liberal Cash advances made ou consign ments, je 25-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. DOr.lESTiO' SEWINC MACHINES; Liberal Terms of Ex change for Second-hancf Machines of every dar eription. , 4 DOMESTIC PAPER FAQHIONSj ThBrtPattcnutnad. Bend B cti. for Catalogues AairessEOMESTIC SEWHT3 MACHINE CW T AcritTs Waxtzd. &t NEW YORK. (?'1Qa day at home... Agents wanted. JpX& Outfit aud tormi- free. TRUE & CO-, Augusta, Maine, ."v J.&Jl '." SHUN DRUG POISONS. Medicine Rendered Useless : VOLTA'3 ELECTRO BELTS aud BANDS are indorsed by the Most eminent physicians In the world for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver complaint, dyspepsia, kidney disease, aches, pains, nervous disorders, fits, female comulaints, nervous aud general debility, and other chronic diseases of the chest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood. Book with full particulars free by Volta Belt Co., Cincinnati. O. ("l"! A WEEK guaranteed to Agents, Jfc I J Male and Female in their own local v " " ity. Terms OUTFIT FREE. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY & CO., Agusta, Me. Ct 1 ft CtOft Per day at home. Samples worth VW lO VAU $i free. STlNdON fc CO., Port land, Maine. "tJSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL CUARM JL ING." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any per son they choose, instantly. This art all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. 1,000,000 sold A queer !ook. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Pub's Philadelphia. AGENTS, the greatest chance of vhe age. Address, with stamp, National Copying Co., Atlanta, Ga. FELT CAIil'ETINGS, 30 cents per yard. FELT CEILING lor rooms ia place of plaster. FELT ROOFING and SIDING. For Circular and Sample, address C. J. FAY, Camden, New Jersey. Advertiser's Gazelle. A Journal of Information for Ad vertisers, Edition 9,600 copies. Published weekly. Terms, $2 per annum, in advance. FIVE SPECIMEN COPIES DIFFERENT DATES TO ONE ADDRESS FOR 25c. Office No. 41 Paik Row, New Yoik. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Editors and Publishers. FOR NORFOLK - AND lUllll e III rrHE Steamers COTTON PLANT and JL PAMLICO connecting with the Old Dominion Steamship Co., afford the mor-t direct and the quickest time for shipment of produce from all points on Jhe River. Throngh Bills of Lading given from all points on Tar River for Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York aud Boston, Pro duce is covered by insurance, if desired, as soon as Bills of Lading are signed. Shipments by this line go directly to des tination without delay at Norfolk or Wash ington. The COTTON PLANT makes close con nection witn the Wilmington & Wcldon Rail Roai.aud gives through Bills of Lading from all landings on the River at the lowest rates. JOHN MYERS' SONS. Washington, N. C, Jau. 20, 1875. tf E. T. POOL. C A. POOL. W. E. POOL Pool Brothers FASHIONABLE BAR, Siliiartl Rooms, OYSTER SALOON, Barber Shop AND Cigar Store, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. OYSTERS 8TEWED AT ALL HOURS, frest and sweet. Attentive waiters to attend to the needs of his guests. mrl9-tf. Y' THIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY IS now ready to supply the people of Tar boro and vicir.ity with all kinds of Bread, Cakes, French, and Plain Candies, Nuts, Fruits, $c, Jrc, embracing every thing usually kept in a First Class Establishment of the kind. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past the undersigned asks a continuation, with the promise of satisfaction. Private Families can always have tbeir Cakes Baked bere at short est notice. Orders far Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine our stock, nexf door to Bank of New Hanover. Nov. 4.-1 y. JACOB WEBER. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored ! Just publishrd, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Cele brated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, InvoluBtary Seminal .Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments io Marriage, etc.; al so, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induc ed by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c. d? Trice, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences oi self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife t pointing out a mode of cure at one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and raatccuy. tjf This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, 02 receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. CLLNE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; P. O. Sox, 4586 lfnQA Per Day at home. Terms free, 1 Address O. Srinsoa k Co., Portland Kaine. MISCELLANEOUS. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Is eminently a Family Medicine '; and by h? ing kept ready for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dol lar in time and doctors' bills. After over Forty Years' trial it is still re ceiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persons of the highest char acter and responsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC ' For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach aud Spleen. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for RhQumatism ; Sour Stomach; LossofApep- tite : Bowels alternately costive and lax : Headache ; Loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do 'something which ought to have been done ; Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skin aud Eyes, a dry Cough oilen mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many ot ttiesc symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the Inrgest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and Death will ensue. For Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, Sick Haadache, Colic, De pression of Spirit?, Sour Stomach, Heart Unm, ivc., occ. The Cheapest, Purest and licst I amity Medi cine in the It orta : Manufactured only by J. H. ZEIL1N & CO., Macon, Ga., aud Philadelphia. Price, fl.90. Sold by all Druggists. FALL STOCK. lEW GOODS JIST RECEIVED. Dress Goods, Embroideries, Collars and OuiTs, Kid Gloves, Merina Test and Shirts, Hats, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Jeans, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Ladies and Gents Boston and Phil adelphia. Hand Made Shoes, Crockery, Hard ware &c, &c. Call and Examine. A pleasure to show Goods. T. H. GATLIN. 1st, 1875. Tarboro', Oct. ROBT. LAWSOA & CO., SADDLE, HARNESS, COLLAR, and TRUNK MANUFACTURERS and dealers in SADDLERY HARDWARE. WHIPS. LADLES' SATCHELS, CARRI AGE ROBES, &C. No. 2T7 West Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, IUD. April 2, 1875. ly BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUM BER WOOD PUMP is the acknowledged STANDARD of the market, by popular verdict, the best nnmn for tlm lpast money. Attention is invited to "'J'i Drop Cnec5c Valve, which can be fw3 withdrawn without disturbing the joints, and the copper chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and will last a life time. For sale by Dealers aad the tfade generally. In order to be sure that you get Botchiey's Pump, be careful and see that it has my trade-mark as above. If you do not know where to buy, descriptive circulars, together with the name and ad dress of the agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by addressing with stamp. CHAS. G. BLATCIILEY, Manufacturer, 606 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa Feb. 12, 1875. 9m Ths Best HoasehoHOa in the World ! C. West & Sons' Aladdin Secu rity Oil. Warranted 150 Degress Fire Test- Endorsed by the Fire Insurance Companies. Howard Fire Ins. Co. of Baltimore, December 23, 1874. Messrs. C. West & Sons: Gentlemen Hav ng used the various oils sold in this city for lluminating purposes, I take pleasure in re commending your "Aladdin Security" as the safest and best ever used in our house- hold. Tours truly, (Signed) ANDREW REESE, Pres't. ISr IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Wholesale Depot : C. WEST & SONS, 113, 115 W. Lombard St., Baltimore. Sept. 17. 6m TERRELL & BRO., DEALERS IN AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Main Street Scar the Bridge, Tartooro, TXT. O- Sept. 30-ft , . a urn Wholesale & Setail GROCERY PRICES LOW DOWN FOR CASH! " " nnn anking the public for past patrovie, X i call furfr attention to. toe rouowio!? As WhJ-0JT.-Jy. tfir tand all the -' Lowest Prices for Cash NEW MESS PORK, NEW HUMP PORK, SUGAR CURED HAMS, from the best dealers, BACON SHOULDERS & SIDES, D. S. SHOULDERS & SIDES. (J. R. SIDES, SPICED BEEF. BEEF TONGUES, PATAPSC0 FLOUR in bbls. and i bbls., and other standard brands of Flour. FRESH PEARL HOMINY & GRITS. C. YELLOW SUGAR, Extra C. WHITE SUGAR, LCAF AND GRANULATED SUGAR, C0FFES. Itio, Laauvra and Roasted. GILT ELGE BUTTER in Firkius and Tubs. G0HL-N BUTTER in 10 hi. Cans. CAKES, CRACKERS, CHEESE Fresh Buckwheat Flour, Macoroni, Sapioca, Vermacille, Gelatine, French & Tlain Candies. Best Old Rye Whiskey for Medical purposes Fine Cooking Wines, Extra French Brandy, Ameiican & Imported ' Ale and Porter" II0STET TER'S BITTERS, SCHE1DAM SCHNAPS, by the bottle arid case. And everviting else found iu a FIRST CLASS FAMILY GROCERY. Call and save money by buying from C. J. AUSTIN. VW Bricks, Lime, Lathes, Hay, Oats, Mill Feed, Corn Meal, always on hand. Nov. 12, 1875. ly RATHBONE?S ACORN COOK. With or without Portable Hot Water Reservoir and Closet. Sea't ia oU-fashi:ici CUvs, tut est ou Witli all latest improvements. Largest Oven and Flues. Longest Fire Box for long wood Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box BottomIn. sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bake and Roast Swing Hearth and Ash Catch. Won't soil floor or carpet. Durable Double and Braced Centers and Ring Covers. Burns but little wood. Has Mica or Solid Iron Front Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. No Old Scrap Iron Nickel Plated Trimmings. Tin Lined Oven Doors. Ground and Silver-like Polished Edges and Mouldings. Heavy. Best N ex Iron: Won't crack. SATISFASIOS?. Manufactured by RATHBONE, SARD & CO., Albany, N.Y. Said an Enterprising Dealer In every Town W. G. LEWIS, Aent, Nov. 12, lS75.-3m. Tartoro', N. C. The liaison Why LAZARUS & MORRIS' Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Have met with such extraordinary Euccess and are so much in demand is because they are found to possess all the qualities we claim for them, viz : Purity and hardness of material (therefore not liable to scratch), brilliancy of finish, strengthening and preserving power, and conferring an amount of case and comfort attained by no other Glasses iu the worli. They are without doubt the most perfect and scientifically accurate Lensea ever manufac tured, and last many years without change, For sale in this locality only by JAMES H. BELL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Tarboro, !TJ". O. LAZAEUS, MOKEIS & CO., Wholesale Depot, jVo. IO Cotirtlantlt Str. IV. "V Manufactories, Hartford, Conn., and Sheffield, Eng. Caution. We never supply or employ reddiers. JJ:ly TO TlJUBLiO ! Board Seduced from $2.59 per clay to $2.00! FTE undersigned desires to inform 1 X public that lie is still nt the old Howard House, now known as Adams' Hotel, where he will be pleased to entertain his friends and tne travelling public in general. Comfortable Rooms and Clean Beds Always I TABLE FARE as good as the market will possibly afford at tb s low rates of ?j.00per day! Those of his patrons who are in arrears are hereby notified to come forward and set tic up. It takes money to buy provisions. O. F. ADAMS. Tarboro', July 23, ISCo. tf. N. J. YOUfJC, wiTn E. J. Snow & Co J MANUFACTURERS AND RECEIVERS OF 89 & 91 SMITH'S WHARF, Baltisiaoro, iYItl. Oct. 20, 1S75. 3m Friday, Dec. 2, 1875 From the Danbury News, TALKED HIMSELF TO DEATH. Tho Pull-Back Eress8s Were ' Huchfcr Kim. too TT ' 1. -A a! - - i - .1 , .Aie gus on iae morning train ine f v -f cay and meandered into the nnr- ixm-A i-fci,t'.r rcp?(i JB front Of a fiaiN looking residence on Mnnson street He opened the gate, walked up to trtc door and pulled the bell. In a moment it was opened and he etep-i ped quickly inside. 'You see,' he said to the astonished girl, lI much prefer to do the talking inside. It is so unpleasant to have the door closed in one's face when only half through.' lie walked into the parlor, and the frightened girl went to inform her mistress that a sewing machine man or a bookpeddler had gained access to the house. The lady en--ttrt'd the room and was greeted by the vounfr man of cheek as follows : 'They call mo a blessing the ladies do, and I am, madame. I am a labor-saving benefactor to the whole sex. I have a little inven tion which I am introducing a perfect little gem. It is, madame, a small, silver-plated, gilt-point concern, which will allow you to wear the new style of pull back dresses as easily as thj breeches 'What do you manded the lady mean, sir V de- 'No longer, madame, have to take your meals will off you from the mantle -piece, You can sit down j as easily as in the old style of bars rel shaped dresses. When you travel you won't have to lean up against the water-cooler, nor sit on tLe sharpxedgf eat arm. The little invention which will thus facil itate your movements retails for ou one u oil a it U called tho sem;-j)!iiiiler, double duplex non conductor, mugicall pull-back dress fastener,' and he opened his satchel and took out a half metal and wooden concern and said: 'Only one dollar I You place it under y&'Jr skirts this way (illustrating with his coat taii), aad when you desire to tit down pull the rights hand string, which you can have come out iu your pocket, and la ! uown-you gently iloat until you reach the chair. If you desire to get into a carriage, drop the inven tion by pulling this string, put your foot on the spring, and you'll uid yourseit m the carnage in an instaTit. The lady calied her husband to i i- j it see too new inveniion, anu iue nt explained its workings to him. As the husband's eye fell upon the a wicked thought flashed through his brain, and he deter mined to be revenged. 'This is a new invention,' began the aent, 'to enable ladies to draw back their skirts much tighter than at Dresent and, at the same time, allow them to sit down. It is called the high-fangled, drawback and squeeze together, new modus oper andi. Ladies say I am a labors saving benefactor that 1 am an everlasting ' 'Wait !' shouted the husband; please explain it3 workings again.' The agent did so. 'Why, that would make a good hay hoister.' 'les, answered the agent, 'Out it is more particularly aesigneu ior ladies.' The husband sent for his daugh ter to examine the invention. This is a new, unparalleled, up risht longitudinal, square-shaped perpendicular, twTa dgree3 south bv four west, extra strong, sling to gether and squash up pull-back dresa invention which 1 am selling for one dollar. Ladies call me a 'J7o.'d on !' shouted the husband and father, 'un'iil 1 call my other daughter,' and he waltzed out ot the room and returned with the hired girl and the chambersmaid. 'You see, ladies,' began the agent, 'this is a flopiover and standsyou up magical tragical, two strings to the right and one to the center, in volition, for pulling back your dress; and he went on for half an hour, during which time the husband slipped over to the next house and induced the neighbors to come over and hear the agent talk. He re turned with six women and four children, just at the winding up for the fourth time. Escorting one person into the room at a time, he had the agent to tell each one about the 'invention.' lie stationed small boy out in the hall with lead pencil, who was instructed to make a mark on the wall every time the agent repeated hi3 story, rill 11 1 The stock he had brought in was exhausted about noon, when he sent a messenger around tne ward to send in the neighbors, and the agent was kept telling the story without intermission till near mid night. As the sun disappeared behind the western horrizon, the agent be can to show signs of fatigue, but the husband was as fresh as ever Eleven minutes to twelve o'clock the agent, who had just completed his yarn fer the two hundred and sixteenth time, looked up and gasp ed. A glasB of water was throw in his face, and the husband told the boy to run in half a dozen more persons, for ho thought he could finish the agent now in about an hour and a half. The boy left to rouse up the neighborhood, to find half a dozen who had not yet heard the story of the 'invention.' When he was absent frequent stimulants had to be gi ven the agent to pre venti'him from fainting. Shortly the boy returned,- saying "that" no more neighbors could be found, as they had all gone on an excursion. The husband on hearing this was in despair, but he had the agent to repeat the story a couplo of times to the boy and once to himself. When he had finished he was so far exhausted as to be unable to eit up. A fiendish smile stole across the features of the husband as he said : 'Young man, I have hoped for this moment. I have been haunted almost to death by agents. The last agent that came along swindled me out of two dollars, and then I took a terrible oath that I would bo revenged upon the next man that attempted to seduce me. Know, then, that I have indeced these people who have listened to your eloquence, to come in, that I might turn your own wear, on against you. You have talked yourself to death. Thank Heaven ! I have succeeded in my revenge. You can live but a lew moments longer, but before you die I pray you to repeat again that well-known story.' The agent backed himself up against the side of the room, a glass of water was given him, and he be gan : 'You see, I have a doubles duplex And he wa- dead. mi . ine coroner w;is suinraoiu'i an inquest held, the jury returning a Verdict that the deceased Ciirae to his death bv too much, circumlocui ion of the law, and they contribu ted their fees to the husband, and aused a diploma to be awarded him as a testimonial ot the good he had done the public. Any one now passing Munson treet can seo a sign hung on the frontdoor of a fine-looking mansion, which reads : AGENTS, I3EWARE. New York S: iundreds of our country cuusias to JNew lork, tbouss an, l t rmr r-.ni Crt rvir in r h n nTT7 do not know what there is to see, and where to find it. Ask the first man or woman you meet in compa ny, if they have visited one, two or three oi the places named 'below, and they will tell you, at least half of them wul, that they have never been, because they can go at any time, and always put it ou. ut there are more objects of interest and instruction to be seen in this city, than any other on the contis nent, and the season for visiting New York i3 now with us, and will ast until next summer. We are about to make a guide book, nor to mention oneshalf of the places nor one thousandth part of the objects to be seen, - but we will merely indicate a few that every citizen and visitor would do well to see. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. This will call you to Central Park itself the great attraction ia the summer. The Museum is the lar gest, most elegant and curious col lection oi specimens in JNatural History to be found on this conti nent, and its extent and variety will fill the visitor with equal aston ishment and delight, as he goes from one spacious hall to another and finds those vast areas lined with preservations in various de partments of science. Every school should make it a part ot its course to visit th s place at least monthly . . . witn a competent instructor, anu thus in a half a day learn more than by a month's use of books HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND EGYPTIAN MUSEUM. This on the corner of 2d avenue and 11th street, and more is to be learned in a day within those walls than bv a voyage to Cairo. Even in the basement the great Blabs from Nineveh with the curious car vings thereon, will open a new field of thought and study. And as the mummy men, women, bulls and cats with thousands of other relics of ancient Egypt, are spread before the eye, and the treasures of sculp ture, painting and history are view ed, the visitor will find that this commercial city is not wholly given up to trade, but has made great provision for the mental improve ment and pleasure of its people. THE BIBLE HOUSE AND COOPER UN ION. These two building3 are near to gether, and should be visited for the purpose of seeing what Chris tian benevolence, and enlightened philanthropy are doing for the ben eht of the human race. THE ASTOR AND THE MERCANTILE LIBRARIES Are in the same vicinity, all four will richly reward their guests. SHOPS AND STORES. One who has , visited the most extensive stores for the sale of goods, in London and Paris, will not hesitate to say such establish ments in New York are unsurpas sed in the civilized world. It is a wonder of art to walk through the great dry goods establishments of this city, the book .Stores on Broad way and Franklin Square, and the printing offices, orthe famous jew elry bazaars. H bw f ewof our c wk citizens have ever studied the rare collections of Marley, now Sypher & Co., on Broadway, of antique furniture of the most curious acd elegant patterns, Italian carved wood bedsteads, 200 years old, China cabinets, articles in ormulu and marquetrio ; and Sevres por celain, Japanese ware, statuary, a large museum of ancient and mod. era curiosities, which old buyers most affect, and which will be a long lesson ia art to any one who will spend a pleasant day in its btudy. Marlej, its founder, began business in Ann Street about 40 years ago, and a kindly notice of his curiosities by Willis, the poet, made him suddenly famous ; he grew to be so fond of his collec tions that he rather liked to keep them than to sell, and when he died he left behind him the largest and strangest museum of vertu in Amer ica. It has been greatly increased and is daily growing. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. Gen. Cesnola it is eaid, has made" new and wonerful 'finds' in the li land cf Cyprus, that he will send it to America. Ilia collection bought by this Museum is the rarest curi osity of early sculpture in this world, for in the ground of Cyprus he found buried the trophies of successive civilizations. It is like being among the race of resurrec ted Phenicians to stand in this g-i! liuiong the suinir.g stat ui-s or years men who died three ago. thousanu The on.y real gahery or paint- ing and statuary in the united States i3 here in the museum: small indeod corrpared with Fl orence, Munich. Dresden. Paris. nd best of all, the one at Madrid. ut as the old musters will not be til Spain is sold cut under the hammer, as she is very likelv he, we must eniov what wc can lave, and the old Douglas Cruger mansion on 14 . Street is th mast repository cn this ttractive Ar iue oi the sea. 1 rt . 1 ALL FREK. Under certain proper regulations which sale keeping requires, all galleries and halls and libraries and museums, are free to the public. ' 4 At some of the doors a fee may be required at certain times, but with great liberality they are accessible at all reasonable hours. This reminds us to speak of the passions of some visitors to steal! ooks in public libraries, articles of value in museum3, have to be watched carefully, lest some ad miring guest is tempted to pocket the gem. We have not mentioned the stu dios of artists, nor the beautiful churches, nor the private libraries and private galleries, all of which may be reached with the aid of suitable introductions. But we have said enough to show that a winter in iVew York may be made tho most improving part of liberal education. The Jews- borne curious, and in some res pects surprising, particulars have ately been collected and published in a rrencn paper respecting ine Jews. Although the Israelites hold such an important placo in trade, commerce, and finance, and are to be met with in every quarter of the world, it appears that they are to be found in least numbers in some of the most commercial coun tries, and in most numbers in some of the least prosperous and enter prising States. Moreover, widely as they are scattered, and numer ous as they appear to be, it seema from statistics in question that the census of the whole race falls short of five millions of souls. In France, where there exists little or none of thebaiborous pred iudice against the Jews which pres vails in some countries, and where one would think their was a wide field for the peculiar talents of the race, there are only fortyssix thous and Jews. In all America, appars rently a still more favorable coun try, there are only one hundred and twenty thousand Israelites. On the o?hcr haud, in wretched, un- prosperous, and downtrodden Po land the Jews are to be found in greatest number, one out of every seven ot the inhaDitants Demg Hebrew. One car understand that there should be few Jew3 in Spain, but it i3 surprising that they should be almost as rare in Belgium. In Sweden there are comparatively few Jews ; but they abound in yiamburg. Austria, and Roumania, in the proportion of one to every twenty-four inhabitants In Hamburg and Austria there is within a' stone's throw, and abundant employment for their tal ents, but in Itournania there cannot be any great scope for their finan cial instincts. Ireland is always boasted of as being the only coun try in the world in which tbe Jews were never persecuted and indeed, whether at home or abroad, the Irish always manifest a certain res pect for the Israelites but Ireland has hardly had the oppcrtunity of persecuting the race, for eveu at the present day there are not three hundred Jews in the whole country. An interesting addition to tho statistics (if it were possible to se cure it) would be tho" amount of wealth in the hands of the less than five millions of Jews that abide up on, if they do not inherit the earth. Considering the enormous wealth possessed by only a few wellknown individuals of the race, such a re turn would doubtless show a high average per head. An Austrian Jusitce-Koom. BY MR. WILLIAM IIOWITT. The different modes of adminis tering j'ustice in different countries is a curious study. In England the decisions of a magistrate, both honorary and stipendiary, are often far from satisfactory. The London stipendiary magistrate, notwithn standing that we have six hundred legislators sitting in St. Stephens half the year to make laws, is fres quently unable to find a law appli cable t the case in hand. In other cases he ia far too much tied up by red tape and precedents to allow him to decide according to the dictates of common sense. In Gers many the magistrate is left much more to his own free judgment, and can himself decide, as our judges in equity do; and in my various ex periences 1 have been much struck by the promp' and c orrect decisions given. In all cases in which I have had to apply to a German magis trate during tho last forty years, I have received the most satisfactory and speed justice, and what is more, as cheap as speedy. Once, when on travel, a dishonest fellow, whom I had engaged to put on an extra horae up a long- hill, insisted on drawing me down the hill again on the other .side with his extra iiorse, and became very violent, and even menacing, on arriving at a solitary place. In the next village I sent for the burgomaster and stated tho case. The burgomaoter was tho iHage blacksmith, arid came to tho inn with hi3 leather apron on, and with his shirt sleeves turned up. On hearing my statesmen and then the man's, he said to the fellow. Where did vou put your horse in coming down here before the car riage or behind it?' 'Before.' eaid the fellow. 'Then he off with you as a rascal,' sid tho burgomaster; noboiy wants an extra horse to pull him down a hill, ad you ut Lim behind, as a drag, I would have given ycu your money, i doubt whether an English Lord Chancellor would have given so clearly just a decision so prompt a one certainly not. And then as to expense ! My judicial Vulcan refused any fee for his really val uable service; and on my begging that, at least, he would go in and have a bottle of win?, replied, 'No; -I will have a choppin of beer, but I will pay for it myself. AVhenI expressed my regret that I could give him no proof of my sense of the obligation he had conferred upon me, he said, 'Well, if ever you see a countryman of mine need ng help in England, give it him. I have never forgotten tho village Ilhadamanthus, and on Rhadaman thus, and on various occasions have repaid his services to his countrys men. I wish I could say as much of the administration of justice in Italy. Gathering autumn leaves was formerly a fashionablo amusement, but since tho irruption of the pinch back dres3 the gathering has been confined to boys. Quin, the actor, being asked by a lady, why there were mora wo men in the world than men, replied, 'It is in conformity with the other arrangements of nature we always soa more of heaven than of earth.' Say, Sam, you long legged nig ger dar. Does you know de dif fence tween a woman an' a church ? No nigger, Gib it up ? Yes. Wall you fool, dar i3 no diffence, both hab got a clapper in de upper story. A California octogenarian had buried three wives whose maiden names were Green, Grass and Groze. Ho stirred up the fire with kerosene the other day and now he lies in the cold, cold grave, and the green gras3 grows above him. Soma women are so delicate that they can't carry a pound of butter home without getting exhausted; but still they manage to get along wJtli a Knit ni txrn nf niMpn linnwJ about them, with ease. J irfjr-