ilfifill.lf' & . . H . if-A . M . t BE SURE YOU AEB EIGHT : THEN GO AHEAD.-D. Crockett. VOL. 54. TARBORO', N. 0., FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1876. lStO. 10. r t ! GENERAL DIRECTORY. TAKHOKO'. Mayor Fred. Philips. Commissioned Jesse A. Williamson, Ja cob Feldenheimer, Daniel W. Uurtt, Alex. McCabe, Joseph Cobb. Secretary & Triasukkk Kola. White hurst. Cuief of Police John . Gotten. Assistant Police Wm. T. llnrtt, John Madra, -las. E. iiiuionson, Altimore Maenair. COUNTY. Superior Court Clerk and Probate Judyr H. L. Staton, Jr. Register of Deeds Alex, McCabe. Sheri ff Joseph Cobb. Coroner Treasurer Robt. H. Austin. Surveyor John E. Baker. Standard Keeper J. B. Hyatt. School Examiners. II. II. Shaw, Wm. A. Duggan and R. S. Williams. Keeper Poor House Wm. A. Dnpc;au. Commissioners Jno. Lancaster, Chairman, Wiley Well, J. B. W. Norville, Frank Dew, M. Esem. A. McCabe, Clerk. ItlAII.S. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS NORTH AND SOUTH VIA W. & W. R. K. Leave Tarboro' (daily) at 10 A. M. Arrive at Tarboro' (daily) at - - 3 30 P. M. WASHINGTON' MAIL VIA GREENVILLE. FALKLAND AND SPARTA. L.ave Tarboro" (daily) at C A. M. Arriva at Tarboro' (ji!y) at - - C P. M. LODGES. rite Nijfhts and tue Places of Meeting. Coueord R. A. Chapter No. 5, N. M. Law rence, High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly convocations iirst Thursday in cvsry month at 10 o'clock A. M. Concord Lodge No. 5, Thomas Gatlin, Master, Masonic Hall, meets first Friday night it 7 o'cloek P. M. and third Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. in every month. Repiton Encampment No. 13, I. O. O F., I. B. Palamountain, Chief Patriarch, Odd Fel lows' Hall, meets every rirst and third Thurs day of each month. Edgecombe Lodge No. 50, I. O. O. F., J. G. Charles, N. G., Odd Fellows' Hall, meets every Tuesday night. Edgecombe Council No. 12:2, Friends of Cemperance, meet every Friday night at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Advance Lodge No. '-2S, I. O. G. T., meets every Wednesday night at there Hall. Zanoah Lodge, No. a:J5, I. O. B. B., meet on first and third Monday night of every month at Odd Fellows' Hail. Hesrt Mourns, President. CIICUCIJVS. Episcopal Church Services every Sunday at 10 1-2 o'elock A. M. and 5 P. M. Dr. J. B. Cheshire, Rector. Methodist Church Services every third Sunday at night. Fourth Sunday, morning and nisrht. Rev. Mr. Swindell, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sabbaths. Rev. T. J. Allison, Pastor Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs day night Missionary Baptist Church Services the 4th Sunday in everv mot th, morning and nieht. K -v. T. R. Owen, Pastor. Primitive Baptist Church Services first 0aturday and Sunday of each month at 11 'clock. HOTELS. Adams' Hotel, corner Main and Pitt Sts. O. F. Adams, Proprietor. EXPULSS. Southern Express Office, on Main Street, closes every morning at OK o'clock. N. M. Lawrence, Agent. PROFESSIONAL, CAKDS. ALTER P. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO', N. C. iViil practice in the Courts of the 2nd J i dicial Distri -.t. Collections made in any o rt of the b rate. VW Office in Iron Front Building, lit Street, rear of A. Whitlock & Go's. Jan. 7, 1876. tf pRANK POWELL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', y. c. ti- Callcctiou a Specialty. "Tift Office next door to the Southerner ofiiee. July 2, 1875. tf TOS. BLO L7NT CHESHIRE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAV, ANI NOTARY PUBLIC. Office at the Old Bank Building on Trade Street. je25-U. JJOWARD & PERRY, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. TARE0R0', N. C PIT Practice in all the Courts, State uid Federal. nov.5-ly. II. JOHNSTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO' , N. C Attends to the transaction of busi ness in all the Courts, State and Federal. Nov. 5, 1875. ly F REDERICK PHILIPS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. y Practices in Courts of adjoining coun ties, in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Nov. 5, 1875. J LT. & W. L. TKOUP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, 2f . C. PRACTICES in the counties of Edge combe, Halifax, Nash and Wilson, and iu the Supreme Court North Carolina, also in the United States District Court at Raleigh. Dr. G. L. Shackelford, DENTIST, TAB.B0E.O', N. C. With over eight years experience in the practice of Dentistry, I feel assured of giving satisfaction in all cases. Charges moderate. Office opposite Adams' Hotel and over S. S. JNash & Co s store. Oct. 23, 1875. DR. . D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, mtain Street, TARBORO', N. C. C" All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. feb.l8-tf. Rocky Mount Hotel, G. W. Hammond, Prop'r. T1T.TTF. AND ATTENTIVE SERVANTS JL always at the Depot, on the arrival of trains, to conduct guests to ine iioiei. It is the Traveler's delight. Oct. 1st, 1875. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A FARM OF YOUR OWN IS The I!est Remedy for Hard Times! FREE HOMESTEADS and the BEST AND CHEAPEST RAILROAD L AND are on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, IN NEBRASKA. SECURE A HOME NOW. Full information sent free to all parts of the world. Address O. F. DAVI3, Laud Commissioner U. P. B. K., Omaha, Neb. m.TUST READING, PSTCIIOMANCY, Fa ivA einatiou, Soul Chancing, Mesmerism, and Marriage Guide, showing how eitLer sex may fascinate and gain the love sad affectum of auy person they choose instantly, 400 pa ges. By mail 50 cts. Hunt & Co., 139 S. 7th St., Philadelphia. A WEEK guaranteed to Agents, Male and Female in their own local ity. Terms OUTFIT FREE. Ad dress P. O. VICKEKY & CO., Agusta, Me. li 4rt 011 per day at home. Samples worth Ow IU 0W gi free. STINSON fc CO., Port land, Maine. FITS & EPILEPSY Positively Cured. v The worst cases of the longest standing, by using DR. HEBBARD'S CURE. It lias Cured Thousands. and will give 51,C00 for a ease it. will not ben efit. A bJttle sent fkee to all addressing J. E. D1BBLEE, Chemist. Office : 1S55 Broadway, New York. Ten years ago Messrs. Geo. P. Rowcli & Co., established their advertising agency in New York City. Five years ago they absorb ed the business conducted by Mr. John Hoop er, who was the firt to go iuto this kind of enterprise. Now they have the satisfaction of controlling the most extensive and com plete advertising connection which has ever been secured, and one which would be hardly possible in any oilier country but this. They have succeeded in working down a complex business into so thoroughly a systematic method that no change in the newspaper sys tem of America can escape notice, while the widest information upon all topics interest ing to advertisers is placed readily at the dis posal of the public. 3EW YOUR TIMES, ,,. NEW FIRM ! iff GOODS ! T. E. LEWIS I CO. Invite their friends and the public to an ex amination of their largely increased stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, SESCELLiSEOIS WORKS, STATIONERY, FAYCY GOODS, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES. TcVbacco & Cigars OF ALL GRADES. Having purchased FOR CASH, we are en abled to offer such inducements as will in sure ready sale. Octll and Sec. T. E. LEWIS & CO. Tarboro, Feb. 4, 1S7G. 6 m. mm THIS OLD ESTABLISHED LAKERY IS now ready to supply the people of Tar boro and vicinity with all kind ol Bread, Calces, French and Plain Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Sj-c, drc, j-c, embracing every thing usually kept in a First Class Establishment of the kind. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the pact the undersigned asks a continuation, with the promise ol satitlacuon. l'rivate Fnmilicw ran i!l iinv" have tucir Cakes Itakcn Iiere at short est noiiee. Orders foe Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine our stock, uex aoor to liant oi isew Hanover. Nov. 4.1y. JACOB WEBKK. GEO. L. PENDER, WITH Bruff Faulkner & Co,, Wholesalo Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Motions & line GOODS. 275 W. BALTIMORE STREET, J. E. KuO", 13altimore. A. B. Faulkner, Wm. 11 Hallett !, $ novl9-ly. TERRELL & BRO., DEALERS IN AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Main Street, Near the Bridge, Tartooro, INT- O- Sept. 30-ft Want to Sell. w WILL SELL MY TWO STOUY DWELL JL inir on Church Street, corner of Thomas street rive rooms aua cioseis. me house is newly painted and in excel lent repair. One acre of ground is attached under new paling. There are also the necessary out houses. It ts a bargain for somebody. I will also sell a good Fiano and other Fur niture. Also several vacant lots on Church Street. All in Rocky Mount, N. C. DOSSEY BATTLE. Oct. 29, 1875. tf a ADVERTISEMENTS. ACORN COOK. W1& or without Portable Hot W.iter Reservoir and Closet. Doa't tu7 aa old-fasHoaei Stove, hat get ona With all latest improvements. Lsrgcst Oven end Flues, Longest Fire Dcx for long wood. Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box Bottom in. sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bake and Roast Swing Hearlh and Ash Caich. Won't soil floor or carpet. Durable Double and Braced Centers and Ring Covers, Burns but little wood. Has Mica or Solid Iron Front, Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. No Old Scrap Iron. Nickel Plated Trimmings. Tin Lined Ovtn Doors. Ground and Silver-like Polished Edrcs and Mouldings. Heavy. Best Mew Iron. Won't crack. Manufactured by RATKBONE, SARD &. CO., Aibany, N.Y. Sol J by an EtUernrizlna Dealer in everv Tow W. G. LEWIS, Agent, Nov. 12, 1ST3.-Cui. Tarboro', N. C. NEW GOOD JIST RECEIVED. Dress Goods, Embroideries, Collars and Cuffs, Kid Glo-ves, Merina Yost mid Rhhts tbl clllU Olllilb, Hats, Hosiery, Cassimeres, Jeans, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Ladies and Gents Boston and Phil aaeipiiia. Hand Made Shoes, Crockery, Hard ware &c, &c. Call ami Examine. jgQ5' A pleasure to show Goods. T. H. GATLIN. Tarboro', Oct. 1st, 1875. AMERICAS AM) FOREIGN PATENTS. GILMORE&CO., Successors to CHIP- MAN, JIOSMER ev: CO., Solicitors. Patents procured in all countries. No Fees is Ad vance. o charge unless tne patent is gran ted. No lees for making preliminary exam inations. No additional lees tor obtaining and conducting a reheiring. By a recent de cision of the Commissioner ALL rejected applications may be revived. Special atten tion given to Interference Cases before the Patent Office Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in ditferent States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to Gilinore & Co., for pamphlet of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WAR RANTS and SCRIPT. Contested Laud Cases prosecuted before the U. S. General Land Office and Depart ment of the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PRE-EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD Cases attended to. Laud Serin in 40. 0 and 160 acre -pieces for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can be located in the name ot the purchaser upon any Gov ernment land subject to privat6 entry, at $1.25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send stamp to Gil more &Co., lor pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS of PAY and BOUN TY. Officers. Soldiers, andSailois of tho late war. or their heirs, are in many cases enti tled to money from the Government of which tbey have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Enclose stamp to Gil- more & Co., and a lull rvpiy, alter examina tion, will be given you tree. PENSIONS. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded, ruptured, or injured ia the late war, however slightly, cau obtain a pensiou by addressing Gil more s Co. Cases prosecuted by GILMOKL CO., before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court ol Claims, and the South ern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is con ducted in a Eeperate bureau, under charge of the same, experienced parties employed by tue uiu urui. Tuiupi uueuwuu iu ail uuai ness entrusted to Gilmore & Co., is thus se cured. We desire to win success by deserv ing it. Address. GILMORE & CO., 029 F. Street, Washington, D. C. L.OUI3 IIlLLIARD, MAHCELLUS MOORE Greenville, N. C. Formerly of N. C. MILLIARD & MOORE, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants McPHAIL'3 WHARF, NORFOLK, YA. Keep contantly on band a large and varied stock of Bagging and Ties. General dealers in Standard Fertilizers. Liberal Cash advances made on consign ments, je 25-tf. Lager Beer & Vine SALOON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL the Fine WINES and LIQUORS, TO BACCO and CIGARS, next door to J. A Williamson's. ER1IARL DEMUTH, Oct. 8, 1875.-tf. . Proprietor. S -f t . : (Btirb0r0 BUtqmXtZ. Fnaay March 10, 1876 mam asd morxixg. It was a wild and v.ind? night, and-the light snow til'ed the air with fine, cutting particles apight when a good warm fire and the so ciety of friends becomes vitally es sential to a man's comfort and his happiness. Margaret Edgerten arose from her seat by the fire, and opening the dor looked out upon ll:e night. She stood a moment, and then with a shudder, closed the door and re turned to her husband's side. 'Heaven pity those who are ex posed to the storm this night," she said fervently. 'Amen !' respond ed her husband, in a solemn voice. 'Though we are very poor, Marga ret, there are many poorer than ourselves.' The man raised his dark, serious eyes devoutly upward, and the fair, youthful head of his pale wife was drooped to his should. r. 'Yes, William, but I tremblo for the future. The rent due, and cur Slav here onlv at the mercy of our landlord oh Willie ! The feeble voice broke down in tears. 'Take no thought for the morrow : what ye .shall eat or whdtje shall drink, Margaret. If ic i.adn't been for my mistertune.' and he glanced at the mutilated and bandaged arm which huntr powerless at his side, i . ""i t we migui nave ocen enjoying tue t, p- . ii t . i irur.s m my taocr; out it is all tor , , ' , y . t. , i A knock was heard at the door t , i , . . i c i just cloied but a moment befora bv i Margaret Edgerton 4 ho can be out on sucu a mzln t land Mrs Edgerton started u to : fa . admit the visitor. , . I lie was an old man ot seme three score years, , u-i , , , ' . '. shabbily dressed, and curryicf? in , , J, ' , ,i his hand a saaall moasrre bund e. In reply to licr kind invitation, he followed Mrs ildgerton into the room, and took a seat by the smoul dering fire. After a lew common place remarks, the stranger said: 'it's a rough night, friends, and can you let ine stay ail nigki here ? A man has just told me that it is good four miles to the village.' Mr. Edgerton looked at his wife, and in her sympathising face read htr consent. 'Yes, my good man,' he replied immediately ; 'you can stay if you will, but I'm afraid that you will find our accommodations none cf the best. We are very poor and destitute, but such as we . fi'. r l.. ' nave wc out-i it, ueeiy. 'Could you give me sometmng to eat ? I havo traveled far to-day, ana .nave no s icou fcince yes- terday night. Food cannot be got in these days without money.' The eyes of Mrs Edgerton filled with tears as she thought of tho quarter half of breadtheir earth ly all which she had reserved for breakfast. 'Heaven will take care of us,' she said thoughtfully ; and, rising, she placed the scanty store on the table. The stranger ate the bread with out comment, and when he bad fin ished he appeared wonderfully in vigorated, and conversed quite in telligently with Mr. Edgerton. 'lou have a bad arm there sir : may I ask how it happened V 'Certainly ; an unlucky fall from a high building has crippled me for life.' 'You were at work on a building ? A mechanic, eh ?' 'A bricklayer. The staging on the new warehouse where I was at work gave way, and I as precipi tated more than twenty feet.' 'The warehouse of Mr. Morgan.' 'The same, sir; it was a bad accident for me, but 1 have tried hard to bo reconciled.' 'Well, this is a hard life for us all. Put if I am to stay with you to-night I may as well retire ; it is getting towards eleven.' The poor but elean bed appro priated to the stranger guest was made more comfortable by addition al clothing taken from the couch of the poor couple, and the man ap- ! parently thankful, bid them a good night and retired. They too, leaning on the tho Ev erlasting arm, took no thought for the morrow although it saw them homeless and without food. Verily, the faith which can thus sustain the soul in most trying mo ments is no delusion. Morning came and to the great surprise of Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton, their guest was missing. Gone, and when or how they could not imagine, but gone he certainly was. They wondered over the circum stance ; but, in their trouble and anxiety of their utter destitution, the strange man was soon dismiss ed from their thoughts, to make room for their own immediato diffi culties. Ten o'clock was the time given them by the landlord for removal, and with heavy hearts they prepar ed to go. Through the kindness of a neighbor they had been allow- ed the use of a building for the storage of their little furniture, aud a room in his house until Mr. Ed gerton's health should be sufficient ly re-established to admit of his performing some light manual la bor. Nine o'clock came at last but one shcrt hour of home life remain ed to them.. Fifteen later there came a quick, imperative knock at the door of Mr. Edgerton's house. Mrs Edgerton went to answer the call when a well dressed man put a package into her hand, and hastily turned away. The package was addressed in a beld masculine hand : 'Mr. William Edgarton.' Ths husband tcre it open, and there dropped out two papers, one having an official ;.nd the other a rrivate seal. He examined the former, and found it to contsin a deed conveying to him and his he irs a certain piece of land with a com modious house thereon, and its ai purtances. Tran? fixed with sur prise, he h:oke the seal of the pri vate letter, and a jCIOO note mot his eyes, accompanied with thc-c brief words : " "Last n-cbt you freely gave your ali to a poor and destitute wayfarer "who now begs you to c crept llic accowpaning dec.! and money, in ic.vard of your noble kir.d- j ncss. A conveyance will comciminuditile ! ly to take you to j our new residence. When you are faldv established there your fnend, the writer of this, will be pleated to call on you. Respect fully yours, HowAito Mokoax, Widiam Edgerten looked at his t ,t- oi 11 wne as he tiuiehcu reading, and were liMca affected. Weil CI I lev know the name ot Jiowavd -vr. " ,,n . he was oue of the wealth- lest mauulacturcrs of tuat ccctioH ,. , -. , . , , , an tipnht and high-mmded Iv.z i r, 3 , , , ! It '1 C IT; ! .- n r. !, .. i. T.'' 1 ..... . , .... i .., i .v ? , t , , r ltm na" 50 dalcd Ljri i.-r lifo vet, strange to saj, he had never vet seen the r- i i - pnnciiialiy done by an arer;t. JF , , i ' . , ' i . 1 t .i e. , now no ucubt but that his ifi- r . , .i ,r it I 1 1 1 V .1 lli' 111 lit"! 1 .17111 IV 1 r .'-'.- True to th-J promise contaii.c.i in the letter, coavejanco came for the Edgertons, which they entered and were driven to the handsome fires and tho nice smoking break fast on the tabic. They had scarcely time to admire the good taste which had furnished the comfortable rooms, when a ri;:g at the doer announced a visitor. It was the old way-farcr of the night before. He received all the ojratefu'. thanks the I ewiidered Ed- 1 1 1 T "crtons tncu to make mra ana ta- kin" a seat on a sofa, he drew i them down on each side of him j ,lc was nQY. ucU anJ Mrs EJ,crtoa wluerc.d tiat she had , ot noticoJ k5rijne'S3 and benov. clence of his countenance on the proceeding evening. 'My grcd friends,' he said, ta king the hand of each, 'I'll begin to explain a little mystery. I had heard of the misfortune of one of ray workmen, through my agent, aud that his family were in desti tute circumstances. Before I could trust myself to do anything for ycu I wished to ascertain the true state of affairs, and last night's experi ence satisfied me. When I find charity and true goodness anywhere, 1 am determined that they shall be rewarded, even in this world ; and now Mr Edgerton, I am in want of a deputy manager, and 1 propose the situatioa to ycu. when you shall be able to endure the fatigue. Tho salary is two hundred pounds a year, and perhaps your pretty wife can manage affairs com fortably on that, eh, Mrs. Edger ton V and the old man cast a good humored glance into her tear-wet face. That was a happy day for. Mr. and Mrs Edgerton. It was also a happy day for the charitable Mr Morean, and no doubt the on"d records the good deeds of man wrote many a shininc lino against his name that day. William Ed gerton assumed the post ofieredhim in his establishment, and faithfully were his duties discharged, and more than satisfied was his employ er. Mrs. Edgerton grew to be the merriest, blithest little woman to be found anywhere. Mr. Morgan spends many a de- Ibhtful at their house, holding their bright-eyed little Howard on his knee, and telling him pleasant stories of the great and good. Blessed be charity. A Broken-Hearted Pwocstor. Tom Roach, keeper of a chicken ranch on the old San Jose road, purchased several months ago, a lot of fine creppb-crowns, which he kept aloof trom his less aristo cratic fowls in a small yard. The chief of this family was black bird of an exceedingly haughty disposi tion. He was a monarch of all be surveyed till about a week since, when Roach procured a white Lird of the same breed and turned it in to the yard of cropple-crowns. The birds immediately joined in battle, which, after a gal'ant dis play of courage by beta contestants resulted hi tho defeat of the black crppplc. The unsuccessful bird took its defeat sore'y to heart. In lact, lils was no longer worth pos sessing since honor had departed. TL- bird was seen trying to kill it self with ivi own spurs. Not suc ceeding, ;t tried to jam its head under a gate but again failed. It flew upon a barrel half filled with rain water, and carefully surveying the situation, plunged iuto tho cask, llo.icn ran cut and found the bird witu its wings closely folded to its Side, its beak open, cp-jarently en deavoring to repress the natural struggles ci self-preservation. It was speedily rescued from its dans gerous situation, but it refused to take any further iaiercst in life, rnd after a few days -,-f mental aud physical torture and tularin; he oicd. &'an Fran :1 Eut Th - Fare- v;c.ii' h 1. A del called at tlu tic National iic;.l recogai ucclaration egation Ot coioreu me rooms ct the Uemocr to utcc askin Their r. tion. which ' EiCtiCCS .uuier-.l by a large taeet 'e x ; . . : y r i o. llh'tu com i'. Hows : "Wc colored c:;L;i;g i.cariy ail the lo: r:: ;r; if the United ";'t cor.c;uu-"s : "We ave 'fc':i :r:F ; p'tyyoke, ; t. it -j a:;.! it:- U irant i..' - - ..-.ution ui or- ta. Co ;i (l t:rcd of m:i ' 1 . ; J u t ; C v iolcition oi 10 tram iLcnt and i; i s;-it govem ; vo c n I well trivj feoatn, c that a di .x of colored iieially upon :,vi t; c refuse ,tr-.f,:-r.,d a i e ; i v ci: and wc earner: vision of tho i vo.trs will s c. the two i we j;ror vse to l a:;u wiU ;, .r will do tue ' principles tL' so men or uj. This :rare to the he -country ij '-y.y.i leei mister and Vi'c ineke it 1 V viil c r i : i .t - la,ti:.g tran. auu a r-pc edj iugs between tho now free v. i . ' c : i . tlie b'cs ng cf Almighty God upon e ..c:.r:y anu coruial cf tlu enured people co-operation oi tu. of the whole court; have cause fur wci . .i:.r. to '.. 'iiii...1 their ballots ta:.; rsace of the count i Y.-..0 .ikO US i' '.;:.!. d C01H- o the end that subserve the ih-' f'raterni ?ple and the zatioa ef,a!l '.bj p.-op prosperity and uHdiean ,i a:i tue seeti-.-iiS of our undivided republic. ine commit t-: Ilev. Garland i:o.ntions are Vi j;ite, of Iorrh Carolina, llyward I). o:nitii of Virginia, Ko'eit J). Jiortimer, Rhode Islani?. Al:x Join-.'; ui' Mas sachusett?. Ilev. Mr. Booker of Pennsylvania trict oi Coin: kansas, C. i i r. i i 1. i Dis- xj'i. ui.ev or Ar- inemt, Iliinois. Aii persons in tav;r of the tnovox inent wi land II. plea; dross Pew Gar ssiJent, 2no. 1,- White, Pr C1G, 18th Street, C, or Howard Washingion, D. mltbi, Secretary Aanonai -nuopenu. PnlUifn! Union, Vi ashington, i. C. A Gr:: .ii. LCi' biv alter d to be fond story of his ot tehiii" tha J io:i tty :' Cousin '- 4b was a mnf On a shipmaa iu the J'i certain occ.ion mates had gone mouth, and overs besides ppendin" n a hi- mcss a at Ibrts ioir leave, lonev and M : s runnin" a the point. OKI the tavern en Their ship made signal lor saiung, roreinptoii-v cai in all an sts on uoar iiUv when they would have etarte ted tlu landlady said : '.No, gentlemen, ycu cannot cs cepo without paying your reckon ing.' And to confirm her woids she called a bailiff and his possee to take charge of them. The midshipmen iViz they were iu a bad scrape and becrged to be released. eSo. no,' taid toe rcsolule mat- ron, I must iti-i m some way. lou aiust be aw--c gentle men that vou will uo totally ruined and disgraced if v-ou do not no on board iu time.' They groaned bitterly for they knew she spoke the trutli. Weil,' she continued, Til give you a cnance. i am so circumstan ced here that I cannot well carry on my business as a single woman and I must contrive somehow to have a husband, or at all event3, I must be able to produce a marriage certificate. Now, tho only terms npon which I will cct you free is that one of you shall consent to marry me ! I don't care a snap which it is ; but, by all that's holy, one ol you I will have for a hus band, or else vou all go to iail and your ship sails without you.' Tho vixen was not to ba coaxed nor treated. Tears and prayers were ot no cvait. Alter a time toe poor middies agreed to draw lots A marriage license was speedily procured, and they went to the two rm nearest church, where iae tied. The bride, on the her cavern gave tueni a go;.-; u.i.- j iterative price must seriously dimin ner, witk plenty of wine, and then j if h the product, Taad so it should ;1 euij vi Hint', aii i i-.u ff in licr own wherry. accord she had propos- j island that as the mar- j sent, tueiu uu in Of her own ed to her husband nage certificate was her chief r::- he was at liberty to live smart fr her lorever, it be cno.o The ship sailed, and tho gentlemen religiously adhct the oath of secrecy they In: i previously to drawing bts. after, at Jamaica, a lib : f 1 papers reached the mid-hi; berth, and Watty, who w;. ltssly looking llicni ever, tracted by the aceoun: of r and murder, and tho execr.'. the culprits at Portsmouth, denly leaping to his ic::, c.n ing the paper above his b.: getful of his oath in hi c:: . i of ecstacy, ho cried ent : 'Thank heaven 1 2Jv v. ' hanged.' N. F LcJj, r. Touchbs tho Ibv We do not kno w wh .. . c w seen more sensible and tim. i vice than the folioving i. j. Baltimore Ga::t. ic : 'It is idle to talk sxh v.z a : of business and a re turn ; payments while wo a;- tho enormous anr.n.nt nf i are now spending iV: tho ; pose of government. V.'i.i. sound kusinc3 mar: and is endeavoring to cu: ti.v.r: penses, the gentlemen who :u ducting the govcrnmont a; inglon are increai-in i;; ie c and endeavoring to Lli:? -i th pb by raising take is. uoh:- -rianism, foreign wars. order that they may c ntin . career of plunder. The - b the Democratic pa, ;vlV. b. ti first day of the e ,;. . n straight ahead anb.nL r..' upon the right hand ; : Let Genera! Grant cnde-ivnr church against ch-'c. 2-ir. 1 to wave hia bloodstained 1 work for the Dcmocratu do is to save tho rwut i. i Cut down the appropr morselesslv, but juiiei' send them to the bon President. This is the done quickly. Let Mr. ahead.' . ot. -o A curly-headed t-evj of the second ward cat. into the kitchen the ins. where hismotl er was. mi and blurted out : 'Ma, who's Psccliss ': Eeecher? You slioul 1 Beecher, Willie. Why mous divine of Pro d: i..-, Why do you ask that ': 'Oh, nothing. Onb : I was playing out by th heard pa say to Mr. the truth were known ; a good many I be chub he said they had Loon is cr business considerably and had been lucky at ii had found them cut. laughed and winked at said 'you bet.' Then pa be a hurricane if yo anything; pa looked do seen me, and hh pod me to go in the houo. Tho methcr scratcheo from her arms and sras doughnut aud sen: !,:::; She then stepped to tin crooked her fing'sr a . h husband, who came in, s as a lamb. When he was fairly house, she laid hini cptbt behind the stove v.u masher, and then : h and went home to her n benedict has a hire 1 c doctor is treatin:'; hi n which he says he recei off mule. Growth cf thai:;::::: C. The Macon b ; w.'b that the year l b. - J vb than any cf its ; r-. s . monstrato the prodr.e;'v " the Suth iu ri si ' '. With a goneiHilly i : s ; ous season wo sua: . ..: .. to market -1,00,0 ' shall certa'ud'i do t., it of gain on last years e :p tamed to the end co tho coo Last year at this date, i of the crop hud . gone to and the gain on mat has million bales. if the sarno ratio of gain tained for tho remaining si of the cotton yosr, the su: gain would be 750,000 bol would make a crop cf bales by far the duced. For, though tho 1859-60 was 4MGia7d h the aggregate wt ght o. too .0 was considerably lesi thin the e. of this year, supposing it to utt the figures which may vbi deemed possible ; for, if thue any reason to look for lcs j pro potiqnal increased receiit" tho mainder of the year v.e fail to what it is. The future, then, opens to v ;n he he giant strides in the ; ranc ;graag i - ljivcrpool men say that the unrenu- uio prouuer, aaa so it snouia ;j but the coitcu record don't justify that ilcduction. The crop fluctuates mainly with tho productive charact- er oi tuc seasons, and is not mate rially ahheted by price. It is hard to get an agricultural people out of the ruts cf habit, and hope is ever bring men on to believe and an- tldiwtr" v.-hnr. tiipv He 1 csire to ban- 1 A. Ine cotton product, ia all prob ability, will go on to accumulate in volume, and the principal, if not :.iy redeeming feature in tho case :s tiiat iow prices will at length reachive a "monopoly in the product. Asiatie,Ihazilian and African cot ton will finally be driven out of tho market, and the Southern cotton eediuer the world again ; though ii may be but an extremely bairen conquest. 2To U:o For V7c:d. ih:o other afternoon a sharp-fca-tursd woman, nearly six feet high, c.inio into the city on Grand river -d with three-eights of a cord of s'e .1 oak itove-wcod piled on a onc-'y-a wagon. The wood was so rvi m that the sap exuded and froze a'-'-, and thos-e in search of wood iicr l;ad looks of contempt a.: I seorn. JSUo halted near Cass : ket an d waite 1 there more than chic seemed to bo getting , nidged when along came a lit ;b resident of tho Cass farm and 1 her the price of the wood. .:i:v rail she'd take throe dollars. 'lui'v.o doLar3 for less'n half a c.:l cf green oak wood!" he ex es, .me u. 'is this green wood?" she akcd she threw tho blanket off her fec-t. "Green as water,'' he replied. i s is your opinion that I lie a- this wt.-od is it !" she asked as lot If down to the "round. L don't say that." ho answered, .o looked up at her, "but do ). ci do say that this is green I, do you fho interrupted, b. , t! dd bed-quilt drop from Si i. say,, that that ' You say, what r' ... . i tool. huimoniouS out of her :. rifty years of battling with w or 1.1 might have rendered her povote. Tho little man thought til those things as a crowd be- t gs.thcr, and softly replied: 'ii ia dame, I am n judgo o" .u. My p: opb for three gener pest have usc-l nothing but h, ;;:'d I thou-ht this was a load ;o.:o r 1 tcirc- I wouldn't have it Free P'f. Cra-not's Citr:o. '.ly doii' utod to the "laauwho : o ;.SiKtcr- j our eggs ho rotten at x meat stink at din- s! go stii perloss to bed. o h-..,d-hngs pull the corns your Lead or. hot nights, :1C i in i y s. .; Sl ;0 ' whh everv r:n' of bed o winter. wiio be cross, your ser- sua: :noos hies) i, r dreams be varied bc c -.brace of crocodiles ctlng back stop hind nrito. i. e stool f.iings in so oblige d to use eye stones, -riccchbss and be ens:; o eaouc ior cock-tail. in t;no3t3 ot starving cdi- tcr s uevi'.s, guant, haunt you con- . . . -. - . . . L 1 . . May your l-oois squeak and run wn at the heel and pinch your ;,, torribly. M iV vour hors'c be balkv, your ,v gti-e Sour milk, your chickens -V- xnn your pigs u:e oi tue rv- uv creditors never let up fiiends be sent to the, and your enemy 0 away with a cir- 1 go to ruin, and one: , g tno devil. 7b: Ibjr::: Ars Treated In It i : a notorious fact that those . ;.iOvs wlio are the tightest on the ysoo.s in their employ never fail eve a:: ny hands as they want. .1: o .v : vcral of our largest of toss, v. h treat the negroes work ,; for them exaotly as they did Mr s" vo3 working thera from ..F . ht to sundown, allow no idling , 1 if a darkey trespasses any of o rubs, he is tied up and a sound :-:iihir;g 'uhvoinistered to him, then he b"vos. tho employer hunts vu up, brings him back and dcub- :CS i r ;c lose, inis gcnerallv' makes .I tibclual cure, and the offender rss'ii'ies work as a good hand, and is enxbu.-i to hire ttlic same man anoih r year. Tho employer has -ot viino received out of his hands. nd is,'iuc itiy, able to pay iOoi WO a-.l ail j overn your hands. sides w ill bo better satisfied. :u govern you, and tho coun- - jtry yill soon go to the dogs. l-j vl iho cotton cron. Thn P

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