i i, 1 5 f 1 1? fiil I 11 if 'J' I i 'If : ;I f t 3; I ?M1 V I 1 "fit- 3i 4 :- 5 f.'f in 1 Ir-r 3 i I if. i 7 'J a I ?-! ' . i t, J . i The Established in J 822. CHARLES & BATTLE, Publishers and Proprietors. DOSSEY BATTLE, - - - Editor, l.i May, : : : March 10, 1S7S m. i A,. , . , jrant, which were bright some Grant, months ago, have gone glimmering since the Cabcock and Belknap ex- of posures. The nation bows its head in Humiliation anu suauiu at iuu disgrace.' uneoitne noveiu i a hotel in jacKsoavme, crystal chandelier m the bndau chamber. iy toucning a oucion n is lighted; at the same moment out springs a little Cupid, who strikes with a hammer a chime of beUs, which peal out in the sweetest mel ody. 'Rest in this bosom.' 'Let ine kiss him for his mother,' kc. - 111 4. 1 It is said, according to the Wa.-l.-ington City Iicjmllican, 'that nearly all of the so-called Republican Senators who oppose the seating if Mr. Pinchback owe their elec tion to the improper use of m-mcy.' Ish dat so ! If so, is it r.ot about time for the Radical Senate to emulate the example of the Dem ocratic House, and go into the in vestigation business ? The New York Herald third; s the reason wdiy General Sherman removed his headquarters last yeir from "Washington to St. Louis was because, from his close observation of the too intimate relations and conduct of President Grant and Belknap, he feared all was not right, and that an explosion would soon come. The shrewd commander of the crmy determined to 'stand from under.' The Election of a democratic House of Repescntatives in 1S74 now proves to be a national bless ing. Not that the democratic party is the custodian of the honor of the country, but that the existence cf a powerful opposition in Congress is necessary to honest administration. "Would a republican House have War Department? Never. Party pride prohibited the admission that inquiry was needed. Judge Krum, one of Gen. Bjv. cocks' counsel, states the trial cost tho defendant about $2.3,000. It is reported that Tcrtcr got -3,000, and Stors, trho has beer, engaged in preparing the case since Decem ber, and has given all his time to it, 07,500. A very large number cf detectives and other assistants were engaged. Williams served with cut a fee. The cost of the prosecution to the government will amount to about 8-3,000. Should tas Cabins: Ssrirn ? The New York Herald says : It is a question whether the whole Cabinet should not resign. The admistration is roiten, and millions of people who did not believe so yesterday are convinced of it to day. The confession of the i'i?y Secretary of War is a revelation. He could not have been guiity of the crimes he has confessed and remained undiscovered in a Cabinet that was pure. It is a day of judgment. The political heavens are rolled together like a scroll and are consumed with fire; vainly the wicked call on the mountains to overwhelm them and hide them from tho wrath to come. A Fsw Cb.:l:2 S:nt:nc:-. The New York Herald says : 'The downfall of Secrctarv Bell; nap raean3 the ruin of the Republi can party If the President is not res- ponsible for the crimes of IVknap, I . . f ,. " : he ia responsible lor h:.s escape j i from justice Belknap has not committed suicide, as was absurdly reported, but he has murdered the Itenubli- ! can nartv. I caupaiiy. , The bold attempt to shield a guilty officer from the legal con-j sequences of his crimes makes the ' Prcsid lent a moral accoranliee in th ; P1, , " 1 fLe"U1;; () , j urpose of the Pre-ia,at w,s guilt of 1 The purpos jfc vIr2r -V f.iv continuance of its use as money in ty A V ft' f-W ' suias greater t:'an tIi0 equivalent of 1 - u,c,v.,.. ,,w....,.a iulv,v mo 1 Ul:l 01 a contessed crimaed ta ii jo from justice. This is fl.c iarr ,11. , - ft , , " ' - . - . on ota ,oag sencs or infamies j lat are a part of the hi-tor y of the j ' , tion that present corruot administration. The administration is rot- i ten, and millions of peoole who did ' .... 1 , not Deneve sj last week aro con vinced of it to-dav.' I . tiuio Judge Kelley, ia the House of Valu3 of Silver and Gr osabad Representatives on Monday, was prevented from presenting tie following resolutiou : 'Resolved, That as the constantly increasing the American dollar in any one payment by most cf the commercial nations has so far reduced its value tnat united states icgtu-ieaiuei , t v ' . i n . . i 1 i .7 notes and fractional currency van nnr.-!:ns srvfr:il net" cent, more ld han w5U si, ver coin of like u l,,, rS 13 , . TT , , r l I this House that the issue oc inter- i est bearing bonds for the purchase silver and its manufacture mt coin is unwise and wasteful expci unwuu mt; juw n-iiuui., should be discontinued. ' Mr. Kellev had orenared a state . , ft C:,Icul;ltioa n,aiIo bva Congressman from the Pacif: . 'With gold at lid the greenback j his Cabins, aad his party, .no more dollar is worth eighty-seven :md const in.v.ion.an.l dism'ny ould Jiavo eight-tcath cents. Vith sii-.M' 11G ; been produc d sirnong them than was per ounce of fiae in gold coin the I oensioned by revelations in re silver dolhu s containing odT :indSd to t:-s 1:110 -"y (f VXar' ' twenty-two one-hundreths graii of fuic i!vt-r, is wor'ii iu go d com cisrhtv-four and thrcj-xeuths cnts. .!.. .i. i. . .1 i'.,,- I . vunsetiu'Jimy iuo gtecu j;iets. uem.n j is worth three and four-tenths cents I i more than the silver dodur, eonsist- ; ing cd' two-ha:f dollars, four jur- ters, five twenty-cent pieces or ten dimcs.' Ths Tmiisa cf I&rtgar-:: -.loi and Uaronathuticnal- The Supreme Court of Ca'iforu'-; has recently decided by nn aim .t unaniinouj bench, only ou: of hv ; dissenting, and he jivi ri?; as vc :;o ; reasons ior nis UiiSC-nt, th tt tn? taxat'on cf mortises or ot'i. r vi- ; deuces of deb; as property is ill- ;. : and unconstitutional. The rh :. - ion meets the wiiole u: jeer, . - side issues, asserting su.-e-iv :md o 1 positvelv th:it t I v rii-ir. f ;ir ivr.,i'i ro m gaccs is illoiriil, because, u a?o th . f " nr e T -' ii- ,- " j 'Mere credits are- a false r:-;:ititv m ascertaining tue Ci W: waicn is sui-ject to tuxt.uo:i property, and in so far as that i-u is attempted to be increased by tao j addition cf those credits, property I taxation based thereon is not only 1 merely fmeifu', but necoesariiv the! unconstitutional imposition of an j ,r.: , T ri.3 to too u uouoai caoot ui la. 3 j kind cf taxation. Chief" J::: ;.-., . - . . VV allace, ;n his cuncurinsr opinion, shows that it is tho Voter after all ! I who pays the double tax. The j C'Jiitr'iry is sj often asserted i-T j those win) a Ivacate tids sneeiea ea' j caxatson a -5 leavia uron 1 1 1 ; n : lenders that the thief iu-oico C-l!:-M UpOTj t ) s;tv : lie. tioa taus lrnpa-o-i nominaay upon credit- h-ivln;: resulted in t lie doaoh- j tix.iti'j-n of tho monev, the ad-li- I ' i tionrs: rr;x rnast ox on'-.r-r- 1 f bv some one. And here all hum s:i . i experivnee, ns well as the sc-tthd tac-'.nes oi u . 1 nee. conciir taut ,: i.s : not t h" b.-i: 1 a- who inavj, hat i.,, ) i 1 0 ev ci". 1 ,i u grower is ti.- consume!'. The interest which he ; 1 aays to tb.f; hoidor in tiie pri'oo e t i of tho dehiv for which ho has cu-.- tracted. Ii tho givcrnincT.r, the into)eitio:i of additional- taxo. .! increase the cost, tiio brr-nv( ;. ' tx-mi; tno consumer, must po UtC Fy ! - " hL j .Vhuuirig to xais eie Chief Justice Vv'aliace an excla: s;iys : lir.5 is, 01 er.irse, un-i.aa;- powenul spirit of Ca-sari:-m vet ox liio, and yet the tronost ndvueae-v ; hU.Hcd "uv tho rrtsent irennnf of this tax upon mor?"3"(-5 fo:;--j from men who are paying frota t bht to twolvo per ceat. for ha'.:;: v nnitu iaev couri roaunv dot tot' J i-1 ! lender. wor.-. nr 1 six or seven if the ompelled to protect themselves bv ! ,ury against unjust taxation.' ! i c The foihawing brave, noble v. ords is irom tho S,nil:ic! of Saturday; Tiiey are fro in the pen of Colonel Do nun : ,4 , '.i,Uh11 voiin : Our ten electoral votes wila ;a aii ,., ..,,!... t:;av iv. trr;; . ' , -, P'ii!O.Huat, oo suaieiene to ucta-..-.. 'Democrats of North Carolina! the i i-esidentru oiection. " v '.no destinies of our own grand old Commonwealth for four vert s to j ,;:,U1C hiJn- ',u,t!,(J '-st j ovc-inocr. n . we 1 numph, and - - , - , . GI,ce ,n0vo bear rule within our ooxd-.-rs, we can the better endu.e iJ'-lv i-hare of the national alls which ';! ' be aluai1' Can 'o jeop:,vd everything that true men hold u.--ar for the .aheofa few pitiful p,vl .a.jadioes and predilections ? n" Mate Us return tr rutnie.-s i iaiC3i uiimination to gtatny the ; a'l.biuonot a iiv one man or any i lii'l, ITU ,oar f . n,-. ., . .- I : huadreu mer '. -.). nr., w thousand i lim,,, M J 'I f il.y , ;.,;lt Laud cf- j fend the.- cat it oil and cast it from I tlioe : liu- mo ci a nob e nrovinf-e-. I ;n C!r,l-,irc in extent and resomces, musteiita 1. Ill our haraia. Aji-htv foias :na- against u- L'owe-rful nakiences are alv-ady being broio-ut to bear to ovti-rthoiui us. is ibid a BiH?lllWP'J"a'a: n t. . .. 3 l 1 ti.i-ii to luitcr aim uitavei juu icm our arms against each ctaer i lieu our State Democratic Committee meet at once, and summon all the wisdom and true patriotism of the State to its aid. Let a aeiinus plan of campaign oe marked out, and every available man be resign ed to the post where he can render the most service. Let assessments l:c levied, pro rata, fn every can didate to secure 'the sinews c f war.' Let every shirker and murnn-.rcr be drummed cut of camp, and every deserter shot without mercy. Wis , .-.ir: vigilance and unity which it stand shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart, alone can win us n,.t,iw T!,.' time for mere words past. XV U!S UUCUS tat.i '-"V ni'iii now be kuown. ltiwaia. Washixc-xox, P. C, t LLareh Utb, lTG. $ 2:-M(or Southerner Had a tUundeibo't boon 1 :uuchcd JVoia. a clear bky or an unfatb.oniab alys j aw rud in the pathway of Grant res v 1 -:t. Tho e unuiitteo ha-l t:c-r pr.e att-itdeac. wiiso testimony when civo i we.-3 so iliivc' - 1 !.- itivo 3 ta h ave r-o :ve;;. iV any doubt of tho t'ecrt-taiy's xv.'.r. u f- nr. for Lo t ntt-red tho ou - nr.tii e re cm stiuhnr, cem-i.dorlug i it p ruaps a- a more matter oi term, ' Dat no oner wa;ho confioated with tar.-.h s f.;.it.-:rtv:it tnaa b.s c;-:tu.t- n;;eo I.-.:, tie.1 eoioi' cxni-j ar..i wer.t u 'on ids eheo.;. courage forsook i ..- ...:.. . ,. f... v.t 0 ;- riil ..,0;. ; .u :v to hanfI iQ ; .,, c i-.ent. -itii wito was .1 tlicu!, HI:o a truo ;u'ut bv evjrv :::eans ii e re i'i lo r OiVt r i Ii.oid ie'r iiiieban'"- I : ' tc D e . o k s j p a.or.t ana nor Cl 1I!SJ cca:v( , ':1 a " -7tt :--c:i of i 1 "c':-:-' mate i that e; ye: it lots ' . e-u lUti- j :-r in a tao i.:-tory ef ; the country was thovo a movo solemn I jllo nieniucrs of :bt.' corum.tteo -at slar, j-llent, and i I u'oi uaaea, v.aaio t.t) taroo actors ' j in tho great end gr-.bu. vol:t:eal j a thtjirtaali before tl It wa-i truly a tr. va tinovai a do uaa 1 -1 il.i. it; i. r 1-;0 bitter xe .illy of i -tfpti!uan papers of this city j fi:h tha';.:i;Ird want cf CJUraS' and j jasaco virai ro unaermiiv mari:s t3UUS: .e:i ci Jio: 'p 3 W;io aua lee"- ! a: :.: aaaa?. ):;e a: aitLia- more j o and cow a 3 div i ---y t'iVva a ". i;;at, 'u .. r tiiO j mm. f-i' . -". : '-Oi 1 JiO,.l utterly couten;. thutt :'a;.. ar.d it t'aoioa r i.oea : aa r.'o;: oivor. 7"".' 4- "-."' a o lafuro aa - o a:aea c-l aangr a- t;;j Aaicricau fieoaa 1:!"- p-H-e, .-oa. aaaa'rt ror ioaatieai ...at .. -uiuut a aaa-aea. 3 previous notier f.:s:i v.if,. tho eVi,;,T.t inn.n;;,. t-j .-.hi(-'d:! . :...;. 0 ., 4 a ... i !-y tiio IIc-u.. ! 3 ush al into tao i 1 v.'vOito.l sua-iiner. I i ;. e: f' V ;:!. ilouo i . ' '-'-'- u ape-r ai ; ao laoiut.n;'o Lan a Vi'--'1'' w : . u: explanation. 1 w.v ai.raitoi i ei.ao ;ae i ; i 1:1 s-i , ,i..ii- j t oa of ! I.o whale- mat- j a it.svii suspicioas, - ")bas followed uiJth.scIai m-.ta-t-rotioa ay anotuer of far greater I mi -ait.alo. and tvlJah Mv.-a , ! iio aaa.au' attay gave i .structions to Attaru-y General Picrrcpont, which 0 iue iroia aa i.stiag the pros:;eution oi'ju-aieo, will urivo out of tho coun- ., , , 4V ua033 uo uar3 to know tCt "f. U"?V h3 -rationa. mora ia.Mi nauuod outrage upoa i i "l" Ii-'aoao oi a froo people was i never attemi-tod, and Grant it ill v.-.t a'' notwitlist-uidiaj; hU as-iumptiou a i . i v .. j i. i x l. j no xi -i'i taaen a stop too tar an 1 th ;i too people iu ta:s Contoaa.:-: ;ear aro ia t disposed to uuav.' aay laaii to cssume tho taa a;r a., a manner of a Crom- V.oa. .a ...lar- , i i. . . ...a: i.i isatae;- a-u to Uanae and mat.v othec vdiinrobably folio .,'ls c. ;.. fa,,.'. "tl, cv-a t!.o aa. ..t veaanco of tho' Adciiui t:',i:i itaey appear iu cvidonc has aticady ilcd to Canada dlow :t lanuuis- ueo Iti vioo," ot tao maav and tian'zor- ens lune.va.iuu.s maao by air. Grant upon tao customs ot lus prodecosseri and tin: li-hai of citizens, it behooves ml tun ngu:3 of citrus, it behoove, i .u -moto ruoour eyes and woa- -r 5 .d, lf -o Vu have Leea ,ai,ii -v I,,. M - ec.o - s v:.-h -",..' i"-,. tmns of U:e coramitte-o was du. t.e. , u-athiii' laoro than to the absohi-n ! ' secrecy ofita del.berations. Had tht-y ! ro.vn orau their doors, aad tho tos- ! '''-y bcea published from day to j q. ;-. f ' 1 1 ., ,1,1.1,,,,.,. . . TI . 1 .1. .. u" v lj J" "" jre'ls'aio to suiiposo tlalt Jioaci o oouai verv soon iiavo 1 1 ioroeoa tac'ie .ui: and by u judicious . . .. , T . . ... . .' 1 ,1 j- t ! use oi soma oi .ho sutt'.'r.hu funds I r.-.n :i.,vi,a oi! 4:...-. ... i- ... u ...... i ... LH..;ii t,-lj.Hil,3 IiUjJTcll.l)rV au.It'ius give further encourag.-nient to otiu-r oiiiefils robbars. The wisdom of 'ho Democrats in deciding upon this method of proce dure istvery (lay becoming rnoro end more niamtest and it ia a matter of congratulation tbat they have not sl owed thomrelves to be affected by newspaper elarnqr about 'etar cham- ,tr Viuu..uv u. iTu ? I-,, 4. l-t- tia even tmcr et their way. v - Tbe Democrats here are of course lied csed with tho result inasmuch as opperatcs as a raoet ijowerlul pxoot cf their zeal ia tho cause ot relorm anu a pruc.cai ucmtarouuu ti 1 Pit 1..-.-. i' t)eeulaliiii in high places, yet thero aro no violent ut-nionstratn. ns or sat isfaction, and many have been heard m-wRd ike view that :t mav woll hn lnokod nr.on as a national calamity. ' . -ii blow canto. S') unexpectedly tha even 9i hrr 1 -.1, r so "ct'omnlihed in tho William we:. u s nouscanu removeu iu uai uicir M u, rf, bO MCt,omp. .aea i.x iu and it is further ordered art ot C.issiciulation, couxU not iCit,n surpr'fio ana sucn was meir ovci- ...i. '.t r. v,,. n I wuoiniin'' (jua.usiua im iun recotiTsn Lnt to lay ti-.e biame npon Utter tears of lamentation ns they in Kt-,7 i ani'.)sluro and Ucnnecticur. ; t , l, , Dctuvo coullul m tno former .ate, aa.co io ww " but a iuw no:o such exposures to pro- diif.-. n. Toroh'.tion in favor of tho dem- rl,v .i.- i, l,t of was a cra5 ' ' 'V! (- ?. n :. saiad atiair. ino lad ot J-fO.knp Jo th,7 first .uii of tho Centennial Cam- p dn, ,..d s,nr.dsm tho car. ot the radical party nka tr.o knell of dooia. it fixes tho ! Oiicy ct our party uuui a (-.-v. ..Jon -.k. s its niatiorui and ti-.o r.-tirenient oi wi. Grant in 1 , i, i:i as uviexpett e ,-lto bim.t'.f ns it will bo satlac- t.'rv -o tho couutrv at larj;e. Av. s oi' impeachment havo been prepare,! in u.-.j i-im"' - evo suumittca to two cue, ... ".. ..:t T ... pu'..aa xc.e m-.n- i i..i- v. . inh-., it 1- (Mo-Col i:u c".y liiju.i-.,'" oeo t: i.jceipi.o i i'V t.i-.i mtuatu-io. Ides rs Blichb-r.rn and At.lt a e Ky., 'ruchor ot Va.. lt-obli?iS cf North Laioi in, v.a con.iuciprou- n,;. in iv.'ot'...n t- t no aoouen meat pj-'-e-. c lin.f, tuoro es ei ''.ve.rre.ut out -or i n a cri:ar.;ti re-urud i-e:or tl.o e oirts of the d:striet. lie..;'ia,i au;l 1.: ::a-.-.'rtune have id-.-orle d 1 1 ,0 , i. let'.t r. vet I a-uve v-.u n-; :. vo than ta -y now ai-oib'piaIo i t aa 1 atN-ntlon in asiiiij o. jvLit. .if. 1 i Cat n : 1 - i. l . - Li rant Sccrc":"r-- est B lien. e. 0 Tal't, a.:d '.vhat .bos a'..,' , 'i- iiai" t Ui'i - ; en ior e:r and ana i:t ' J .a. i. . iao. .0, ' - - -' 1 n ' . ' C;::-;i: ai i,e;,' 1 ! 1 I..,:.i7- ' ' v. we.-ks ' : 1 v. .-;a I ; a Pi- ! f'-oaa::!!' i in ! '-a.. !l 1 :: 1 to . , V - ' t -' ' :, a a iy - ! !!a!t a ' -. ai i-a.an in ,,-k ia :a a . aa ;.: j iOot;; vi Oi iliiist. i '.' . j ( :.;,; :; ; ():,.-, ,,f yi-iir circulars, 1 ,' e a'::i.y, jr. a; v.-iik-b 1 cin;c to OOaiia.-ji-n ti:0t yen l )a::ra,.oi your ii a'aa-s ::t ar-a n'lt ohpi! a qo.aa Ca '.e'i!-ly. your "' 'aica! D'so iv-ay aaa IVHcis, ami aa fu.-r 1 I.eir v", j a aia v.s ' nreoriiiKjj to " -'- a T-- i y s-apii-e. 1 :-o-.-m lier.n OiOaa.a ; 'xaa r;y nau Pallets, in a-a t ' laaa i a;;0 i a a. s -taaa eiuplion. ' 'a : a. ;:a! a. ... '. a.' weeiae ' I fell 7" ' an!,.II '- vesaae ;f tiie CiCrrii wa? ::oae. the ia' aaaaas hul ;-a;!y (-i-aapf i-i'd. h.el no tVu-h . ', e: I In-i coor-i 0 cpastal Oi r,,'-" ',' ,(.,; ; .-.tr!, c a'.,;o'y t 'It: (ISOf'C a.a.ai i,l a-iia: ! ay f. iea'N, tl;.? ctiM lias !vi!i.tial ;ia;aro;at I ..,ve hvA no more i a-aa- . aa.-- i o-!:ith;- loihs, a:l rantita tir.Oy fj(,.. ( at;a:L, l'roin wlea-ii I iael Riiir-?-eI "o !.a;c!i a-.al i-- 'on::, -""ie tlcbt of c-aa:-..:! I nvf ita-ll c l,!.'sinT 1 l.iv I received ai yiaa- iaaals. knows r-o l.nn-ls. I ri'a li-oronai !y saOMajd. ir.am niv exper o--ep, fa a your iu,vi;.:a:;es wiilms-K-r (!, i- ic ''wiTs'TLro-u oWn.I !l;,iu cvor siieak t'"-a- r"ai--. .-aiffaay a a. ia . i-r:;r;jn. V. O.IiaxaO;, :t;-:a-ar, X. V. Dept. Cci!cccr'cCfice, n' iX. aaet, Xorili Caroiiiai, Ta: Ooro', N. C, Mareb 1st, Ib'.O. : ae r.ih (lay of ",1 ireh, bs-forci'ue Co-art ay i Oae.i- i!;-a- ia TarOiao, i v.-id oli'cr to laa bi-.-a Ud.tor lor eadi, 0 bosrs laaiinlaie ua'il ,fo:-..i-!-, and on tiiu 1-Mh d iv o r.Iareh iaaaa the- Coi.rt Iioa,,: door in'WHson, 0 bcxej ol la.aao i,.:Oo'cil Tt 'neeo. I ' i V A 1 i i ) 7. 0 E L L K R , "i:lr- Dej.U. Ooliee-lcr. sAi)iji.;", ' t ;: Va, : collar. ..' ' ' ae A f i U F A C I U R E n S SaSDLESY ITAEDvviillE, WKIF3, L-1BIE3' SATCHELS, CASIH- A,e:-4j3 ece. J'uii'aaore direct, . 1J" 'i I a' ! lU- 'a-'H i i.iiJ, U " " w 3 DSALEU IS 0RUGS, PAjEiVT MEDICINES, N? Ta: -i osO., cSO,, ea;C Next (' ..,- to . t'eaciar't Hotel, TARr.OttO, N C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Office Eoaed of Go. Commiseioseks .kBECOMEE t.OUSTT ris7G.V TAKBono'. N. C, Mar. Clh HUERED hy the Board, that pursuant to J - ,., . 0- Wa nllt creek Townsbip . n. i, and the same is hereby discontm- at Noi-ie's Mill and removed to the SffiirSS" nat'on bcrcof i3 ma-Je in the TarborongU southerner lor unrtj any. MarVh 10 1SVC. lm ' qfhcs jjoakd of Co. Coiuiissiosebs, ii i i 1 1 11 1 ' T ) . 1. 1 1 1 .1.... 1 ii lilt lihtLLf i luv tuuiu. mat juiauui w Sec. 4, Chap. 52, Battle's Rcvisal, the ,.nii;nc r.hifo of Dtter's Creek Township rto. iK, nd the same U hereby discontinued at t,!at publication hereof be made in the Tar- brouu soutuernor lor uuny uajs. Ti: A. McCAliE. Clerk. c. , in in. iUllOHl. , V " ,- f L"pcc.inibe County, Turboro, N. C, Mar. 6th, 1876.) TkP.DF.RDD bv the IJoarJ, that pursuant to J i vc- 4 cij:M,. 53 Battle's Kevi,al, the nollir.'' wlmie cf Sparta Township No. 55, be, and lbe saiao is Uereiy ciwcontiuuett ai par- ta, and removed 1 1 Nettle's School House in ga?d To-arcship. Further ordered that publi- cat on hereof be made in the Tarborough Srn - r tor t.urty 3- - Qc MarcJl 10 18Ta ; rk. lm lOlil l TEH ESI ! COOK'S COTTON PLANT- Jii UriiiXD, COVERS. A LL .-.ho 1 1. iv is tried it Diououne-e it the , ,r..r..o, iv, .i t. i(rH.w. JainiT- 'lot. S. L. liar' and others. Call at Hi3 i:.uiv.-are store of W. G. Lewi3 ad esu-.uhit. it. . "WILLIAM COOK Tarboro', H. C. Jo PIiySlChJKS iiiid Bl'lIggiSlS 00 rugccomlio and Sui ro'tciuling Counties. r y a v 1 ::i 1: -;t. 1; lis he d ix audition tu my reuliir Druir business, a DRUG AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, I am i-repureil to furuish those- deiiriag DltUCS, CHEMICALS, OILS, 1'AISTS, VIVi)OW ( ; f. ASS AN'O DRUG Gi. :L.''lJltiES, itC, wi.u ;o.eu e v.-h'.eli I wanaut pore . Aim t.mmAitii w;ii lira', it to S'a"ir ,i-.Iv;.ii!.-.6 to caii on me before ord.-riii .!. 'wl.i-re. A. !l. MACXAIR, Agent. Turb-..ro', J.iu. L'l, lr,;. if itjisur SUPPLIES FOR THE ir- -oa ir.-w j.:-.an-l to funiih Fariiicrg ' - vaf.i I'a 'a' eamual ar.:j,ic. of liiiAW 3:es- ronx. iu:mp roitK. n kcos aiiouLunns. t'AMILV rL'"i"R. EX Ii! A FLOUii. SL'i'Eii FLOUi:. SU(? UtS. ii! aaiace (":;KFi:Ko. ;ta .o'.id-. MULAS-KS, &c. &c.. &o. r.o-.l tliius we cir: oflcr special inducements to i'..i'-t ;s ui.-.T. :n- f (Uancesa t':j" To r!1 our old cu.-taniois we oiTer our --rao- :a:i'i!, r.ad thev tv wonld respect- I'ully ak 10 -"iv u a trial. Vflail-a aid Grocers aad Com. Jfercbants. Tarboro", X. C, .Tan. 7, 1S70. tf. FARMERS & GARDNERS OF EBGSOTBE 4XD AD- mma cooties, I ha fe just received a fie.di stock of Sate; t-ir l7d, fueii rts P0TAT0E SEEDLHSS, FicKcd EARLY AAD LATE' PEAS of ii 1 1 varieties. AXD ALL OThEIt KINDS FOR THE GARDEN. Also Gtt.VSS AXD HERB SEEDS. At A. II. MACN AIR'S Drug and PresciiptioD Store. Tarboro, Jaa. 2S, 187G. tf Attention K linited to my very large and v. uu gruivn sioelc ot Hoses, Verbonas, Ives, Gerraniums, Pe- largoniums, Carnations, &e. ; VAEIEGATED AND FANCY F0I LAGE PLANTS ; PLAXTSFOR liAUKKTS. FOR FERX ElilKS. FOR THE WIXDOW, AXD VOX HER 1 14 TOR Y, PLANTS FOR R Illli OX REUS AXJ EORUERS. One llnnitred plants aborted diU"erent--?0 00 Fifty Plants, aaortd UiiJVrent 400 'bit- llwudred Vnrlien:is, asst colors 4.00 Fiity Kose, saai!!, n$sortid uanicd 4.00 One Hundred Plants for Ribbon Bed, four or live colors of i'oii:ie asst. 4.00 PACKAGES FOit ?l.C0, BY MAIL, liberally assorted. N-av Conservatories and Greenliouscs are stocked at 1m w rates. Also, a fine stock of Select Vegetable and Flower Seeds, fresh and pure, Straw berry Plants, and ether Small Fruits. No c-Laian; for boxing. ml for Catalogues W. II. BAILEY, Plattsburgh, N, Y. 15 tO 820 17 D: ai h'jme- Terms free Maie. AUdres-i. Stissos & Co., Portland EARMEKS MISCELLANEOUS. Tarboro' Female Academy. PBING Session will commerce Feb. lGtb and continue twenty weeks. Charges half in advance. For further particulars, address f , ... - MK3. (iiiiN i. riLiJi!.u, Principal. GREAT BARGAINS IN GROCERIES AND FINE LIQUORS. THE undersipncd respecti uny caii tue at tention of the citizens of Tarboro and surrouudiu country to their stock of 6rOC8rieS, LiqUOrS, &C. Sweet Marsh N. C. Corn Whiskey, 4 TEARS OLD. N. G. Apple Brandy. Fine Rye Whiskey, 3 years old, for family use. We offer these and other brands of Li enors at UiiLlllil ULIJltLlI IMtfiJi We have from 12 to 15 barrels constantly on hauu. KEEP ALL GRADES OF SUGAR, COFFEE &C, and sell cheaper than any place in town. TOBACCO ly the box at manufacturer's Pr:ces- . , . , VtT Call oa us cud be convinceu 01 our Ieb.20jla.ti. 6m. IyI w ,Jri Id THE ATTENTION OF TIIE CITIZENS of Nash and Edgecombe is respectfully callei to my cliauvc of location from my old stand to one of the BRICK STORES ou West sido of Railroad, adjoininar Messrs. Bnnn .fe Battle. Havinir thorouffhly renova ted mv present store, 1 am prepared to offer to my' friends and the public generally, a com- plete line of goods usually found in a GRCCEKY AND PROVISION HOUSE, consisting in part as follows : Standard Family Flours, Extra, Suj er, aad Fir.e Flours the same in i bbls., i and 1-8 Sacks. Boltei and Unbolted Corn Meal. No. 1 Bulk and Bacon Shoulders. 2s o. 1 Bulk and Bacon Sides. No. 1 Canned S. C. Hauls. City Mess, Prime and Rump Pork. Kettle Rendered Lird .n Tierces, Kegs and Buckets. X. C. Cut and "Wood's Tamily lto Herrings Labrador and Eastern Herrings. No. 1 Mackerel ia Barrels and Kits. TfionTirain anix xfcsneTiTj utter. Pri me Factory English Dairy and Piae Ap ple Cheese. Itio, Lag. and Old Gov't Java Coffee. Rio and Lag. Coffee Toasted, Packed in Tin Toll, 1 lb. T.'clcages. Powdered, Cut-Loaf and all Standard Brands of Refined Sugars. In. O., Porto Rico and Deraerara Sugars. Common and Fine Syrups. Common and Fine "iViiiskies. Scotch Ale, Lor.don Porter Wines, &c. Teas, Pe psrs, Spices, Snuffs, Tobaccos and Cigars. Tin, Wooden and Willow Ware. Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Winslow's Green Corn, Fresh Tomatoes. Pine Apple, Teaches, Preserves, Jellies, Mustards, Sardines, aad Lobsteis. Brandy reaches, Tickles, Cho-.v-Chow, Potted Turkey, Tongue, Salmon and Ham. Worcestershire Sauce, Flavoring Extracts, Gelatine and Corn Starch. Wilson's Celebrated Corned Beef in 2 and 4 pound Tins. Citron, Currants and Raisins. French and Plain Candies, Nuts, &c. Canton Preserved Ginger. ViW Particular attention is called to my BUaXtGAKDNEK &SUMMEKDEAN PUKE RYE WHISKIES, especially adapted to Med icinal and Family uses. Also to my stock of Imported and Domestic CIGARS. Having been appointed Agent tor Garrett's Celebrated WINE VI N EG AH and CIDER I am prepared to offer same at iiait.u.'acturi ers prices. I am constant v reecivinir the abov linn f Goods, and can sa.cly recommend them as oeinsr tresli and ot Standard Brands, and nm prepared to offer same at fair prices for Cash. I return my thanks for tiie kind and liberal patroimge enjoyed for the past eight vears, and rcspecffully solicit a continuance of the feamc. A. P. CHALK, Feb. 25.-if. Eccky Mount, N. C- Field, $ Flowe r, Garden, iUI T Eed &(J We offer our lanre and comDlete assf.rt- ment, embracing thu most ilpsimhl v.irietiPH and of best quality, and mail PbicedList, to any address, on receipt of stamp. 8eeds of all kinds by packet, ounce, pound, and ou sent ny mail, to any if. O., in Nurserymen and Seedsmen, ' York, Pesn'a. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna, E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 591 Broadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in CR0M0S AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes and Suitable Views, Photographic Materials. L We are Headquarters for everything in the way ot STEREOPTICONS & MAGIC LANTERNS Being Manufacturers of the Micro-StieniiCe Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereopticon, Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon, School Lantern, . Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the best of its class in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with di rections lor using, sent on application. Sk& Any enterprising man can make mon ey with a Magic Lantern. feb.l8-t i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TwnnTTT n-niTivrn n rrTrt . ll M. 11 1 K. i JLY .1-4 V JLVJla. JUST RECEIVED m Pender & Jenkins 1G00 yards New Spring Calicos. beautiful assortment Ladies Silk Scarfs and Cravats , r. .,, , ,T. -r , . belts, Children and Misses I1 ancy Lngluh Hosiery. Miles' Goat Boots, made up with broad bottoms expressly for old ladie Gents' Sewed Gaiters and Shoes. Also, Landreth's Garden Seeds and Garden Implements N. C, March S, 187G. tf ' Tarboro LOWER THAN EVER ! WILL BE FOUND AT THE I t v-, ,i Ti tm Lon ldnVs. Clivisfia. TTnmPP Back-breast Chains, and Wheels, Axes, Shovels, Grub Hoes, L tnd every species of Hardware used by Farmers. vl Complete Watron, Uart and Br.";jry Material, , , , ,n" t, , , IIousc-Furnishing Goods, Tin Ware, -flrt Imc-t Ilni r f T T nntinrr onil OrvrvL- r 6 ,, . , . . tnat nave provca a pence tuocci-s aitoi iuui yc;ua niiii, an vi wmca are offered at lower prices than anywhere in Eastern N. C. iLgcnt foi B00RWALTER, ECLIPSE AND SHAPPLEY EXCISES. Farmer & Waiawrigbfs COTTON PLANTERS. tarboro, N. t., beb. 4, lbib Wiesenfeld, Cotton General Make liberal Cash advances on consignments of Cotton and other Produce. Also with approved security, vri'l advance on accommodating terms, SUPPLIES to FARMERS for carrying on this year's crops. Those desiring to avail themselves of the above offer, will apply to our Agent, J. B. Cofileld, Tarboro', N. C. 7 JrB. GOFHELD, Gen. Commission Merchant AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Whiskies, Wines, Tobacco, Segars, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Building and Shell Lime, Gu anos, etc., &c. Feb. 19, 1S75. NEW FIRM ! Having; recently purchased H. M. "Williams stock of goods, I am now conducting" the business known as the TARBOli' BOOK STORE, and have jast received a Luge and full as sortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, which I guarantee to sell at "publisher's pri ces. Also a full liue ol PLAIX & FANCY STATIONERY, COMBS BRUSHES, FANCY TOILET SOAPS, AND PERFUMERY, in fact everything usually found iu a first class Book Store. I sell writing paper by the ream at N. Y. wholesale prices. Any book not in Stock ordered at Publisher's prices. Garden F -eds ui ;m hinus on nanna call and secure bar gai&s. FRANKS. BAKER. , Ajrcnt for J. II. Baker. Tarboro, Feb. 11, 1876. ;m. GEO. S. HAWES, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Tin, Copper AND IRON WARE. Tarboro, FULL LINE OF COOKING, IIEAT- ing, Parlor & Office Stove,, rSrtfl which will be sold at the 52! lowest cash prices. R00FOG AYt) HilTIEHnti either in town or country, promptly attend ed to and on reasonable terms of all kinds in his line executed with oromi-t-ness. If you can't afford to buy a new stove briu your old one and trade. GEO. S. HAWES, x. , , . Nearly opposite Post Office. Feb. 18, 137G. v. RESTAUKANT Boarding House. MEALS atall HOURS ! QYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. A good stock of CIGARS anil Tnn a ren always on band. Soliciting your patronage. - - Yours respectfully, S. E. SPTFR. Good areommodati vuBiomers ana Table Hoarders. w larboro', Sept 1st, 1875 Ii 8 TT ItJ II II IX T v) V-fi JJLhJ HARDVARE STORE OF .Trace Chains. Stretcher Chains, Backhands and Buckets, Rope, Well Buckets, Swinrrle Trees, (ready ironed.) stools, of it cvci uueitu 111 una market. . , t. , ,., Stern & Co., Factors Commission Merchants, ."Ballinioi'e, 3 III. . c. ij A RARE OPPORTDMTf rIIE STOCK OF GOOD3 OF M. Weddell&Co., WITH TIIE Good Will of the Business, IS OFFERED FOR SALE! and the Store House can be leased for ONE OR MORE YEARS. This is one of the oldest and Best SXtxix3Ls IX TIIE PLACE. Apply to M. WEDDELL & CO. Tarboro, Dee. 17, 1875. tf Our House Bar and Restaurant. I KEEP THE CHOICE8T LIQUORS, V ines and Cigars, that ever soothed the suffering, or revived the weary. And then, alter swallowing one of my ex hilarating beverges my customers can get a 3Ieal at any Hour, ON SHOItTEST NOTICE. OYSTERS, served up in any style, and all the delicaees of the season rrill be found at my table. OYSTERS famished to families at LOW RATES by the measure. A splendid stock of GROCERIE8 always on hand. J. L. COKER. Tarboro', Oct. 1st, 1875. tf 1 O a day at tome. Agents wanted. I DM.A Outfit and terms frp -TRITE Ar. t ' ii ! iff I '1 i' . ! ?; I; 11 I i f J t- f S I 1 I I 1 I; 4 I 1 t t j CO-i Augusta, Maine.