H 7 1 ! .1 i j - f i . l. ' 'J 8 'I I 1! V s i : , t ft ; ; I . 1 p a . it 5- 4 : n i i . j j i " i I 4 ill f ; f s'1 1 i i .;i 4 Si' 3 5 5 i " l ! 1 i ' i ' now CHARLES & DATTLE, Publishers ana r"r-- TABBORO', IN. O, Friia, : : : March 24, 1676 "We propose next week to elabo rate the report published in our last, regarding taxation in Edge combe. We stated then that it wae the heariest taxed county in the State. A petrified human skull of pe culiar shape, filled with crystals of a beautiful green color, was picked up in a gully at Oreana, Nevada, a few days ago, and it is to be sent t the Smithsonian Institution for ex amination. The local savan3 con Bider it preadamite, and a proof of the antiauitv of man beyond the usually 'accredited records. Served Mm Bight It is stated the Senate Committee affairs has agreed to 0 - report adversely on the nomination nf R. TT. Dana as minister to the Court of St. James. Literary piracy was the cause. Sti.. a maa'a nurse, as William - - i hath it, and you often steal trash bat fitch a man's brains, and the 'proud position of representing this glorious gerernment at Great Jint tan's Ceurt Bhould not be awarded the thief. A pure unimpeachable nomination could not emanate from our ring-implicated, crooked whiskey-managing President. Everything Quiet We are not a blood thirsty peo pl. On the contrary we are, nationally, gentle as lambs and tame as sucking doves. The following is a paragraph in Wednesday's telegram. "John Perinman killed his broth er at Greenville ; one jealous negro killed another in Madison County Illinois; Cokewood killed Gurrell at Oakland: Miss Smith killed Owens with a dirk at mount Sterl ing Ky." And yet the weather was un- faoraW for tlm oTr T - no auspicious season, with an improved humor we have no doubt the record of peace, gentleness and good will toward men would have been liner Euttlerizaticn- Ben. Buttler has been before the congressional committee on war expenditures. Benjamin, the prince of sposnist3 as usual got away with the committee. He knows nothing. Had carried an on investigation on his own account, for his own purposes. 7ad his suspicions but there was nothing tangible. He thought it strange that Pendleton should have his fee cut up and the amount receiv ed by Mrs Bower should fit one of the parts. He left the committee with the impression that he knew something, which they had not the shrewdness to elicit. The man or set of men that can surround Ben must rise early in fact they had better not retire at all. Trying to Hake a Mountain out of a Mob mi The radieals, individually and collectively are moving heaven and earth to unearth a mite against the democratic party. In this pursuit they are entirely unscrupulous. The latest outrage was perpetrated on Gen. W. R. Cox, Chairman ef the Democratic Executive Commit tee. On Thursday last he was ruthlessly arrested at the instance of Dr. B. M. Norment for alleged conspiracy with the Robeson coun ty commissioners in defrauding Dr. N. of his election to the late Convention. 77e was taken before U. S. Commissioner Cassiday for examination. No evidence being found, he was summarily discharg ed. On Saturday night the General was serenaded and made a speech from the balcoay ef the Purcell, House stirring ia tone and patriotic in appeal. Need of an Organ. Instead of strife and bitterness between the two conservative Dailies at the State capital, we should have "harmony at thu centre.7' It is damaging, unutt'i ibly so, just on the eve of a momentous campaign to show a divided front. With the above exceptions the State Press is solid as the rock of Gibraltar. We are afiuiJ few of our tAiWcu realize the importance of carjing the amendments. Thousands of dollars would be saved to the State ?arb0r0' 0tttIjtttr. pOSSEyATTi-Et - - - Editor. tuetasljr expanded Many renublicna wooia Ttw fr the tmeadments were it it for the rlgorem me&aer in whieh tbe party luh it applied. said Let all each rue abere party and cast their suffrage! for the good of the state. Wholesab Stealing. The national air is rife with theft and rumors of theft. The democratic House of Kepresenta uvea is cleaning out the augian staoias with groat vizor and re- entlessness. And they go for rogue whether in the guise ot re publican or democrat, as shown in the case of Pendleton. Wherever a committee has stuck its finger, it has gone np to the elbow ia rot tenness. From the white House to the post tradership at Fort Sill all is rottenness. The brother Orvilles, brothers-in-law Caseys, Babcocks, Belknaps, Schencks, all have used the government as legitimate prey on which to pilfer and plunder. With eyes closed, and cheeks dis tended their.mouths have ben fag tened on the public teat and they have nearly sacked the old mother dry. Poor old Columbia, little did our ancestors imagine thy fate weuld be so melancholy, and thy wounds so poignant, all received at the hands of thy guardians. " To What Base Uses are we Come." Provincial papers indeed all North Carolina journals outside the capital, have deprecated the rtlentlesB war waged between th Raleigh Nem and Sentinel. That it would areve disastrous to the Conservative party none of us deubt ed. We called to mind the fable tf the bundle of twigs, bound together their strength was irresistible, but separated each was easily broken. In union there is strength. We thought personal preiadices and C2 a a v pique Bhould give way te party wel fare. We fondly imagined success of the Conservative party was with the Metropolitan Journals, as with as, paramount to individual feeling and private ends. That wt wer wefuHy mistaken was abundantly proven by the denoument on Thursday, culminating in a suit against the stockholders of the Ral eigh News for 50.000, and a war rant for libel against Mr. Turner o the Sentinel and W. H. Hewerten Secretary of State. These develep ments ef the old feuds between the . II 1 .... ieuowed by criminations and re criminations in the columns of those journals. The article in the New we regard as decidedly intemperate Lugging the Conservative party in the disgusting muddle, as if it were in any wise a party to the entirely per sonal proceeding, it goes on to state that " ice will carry the party on to viotory without the aid of Jo Tur ncr and his friends, or words to that effect. nd saying Turner's . . 1 "VT war against tne oMewa was a war against the conservative party Now the News must act different ly, if it expects to ba regarded as the " leading Conservative or gan." We must not be understood to en dorse the course of the Sentinel. If its blows instead of boiog aimed at Conservatives, had been deliver ed against the radical phalanx, it could have done the party more good. First whip the enemy then it will be time enough to scrutinize the motes in our own eves. We have no trifling campaign before us Our enemy is well organized and disciplined aid to accomplish their defeat, we most girt ur loins and strip fer the fight in earnest. We must have no internecine strife er dissensions in our ranks, but touch elbow and march shoulder to should er to victory. Hence we mourn th muss at the Capital. lhe climax was reached in this way. A correspondent of the Pe tersburg Index-Appeal signing " N S. communicated an article charg ing W. H. Howerton with defraud ing the State in the way of station ery. The News reporter investiga ted the matter, and published statement, very damaging to the Secretary of State, who is a radica Whereupon Howerton published card in the Sentinel denying the statement, and invieghing agains the News, Col. Clark, the largest stockholder, and others. Howerton sued the News and its stockholders for libel tr slandea, laying damage? at $50,000. Then Col. Clark immediately had How erton arrested for libelous matter contained in Lis card and Mr. Tur ner for publishing tho card. Cur Washington Latter. TYisiUNGioy, D. C, March iWth, 1876. Editor Southerner: TLfeieiatory of three honest travelers who dined at an. inn and saw in one of the rooms a very cost ly watch. When they had gone away together the German said : "I wiahlhad left my brass watch and brought away the gold one." "I wish aid the Hungarian "I had taken the watoh," "I have it in my voeket" the Bohemian. It afterwards a a- a. . i appeaxea. inas we uennan aaa in- deed made the exchange he spoke of; butastheinngarian had immedi- ately stolen the gold watch from him, he took nothiner bv chancre, lhe eood Bohemian despising: such dis honestv exposed it to the nolice. it Donn Piatt is to bo believed, some thins; of this kind has been going on in President Grant's Cabinet : and he mentions tha fall of Belknap, the rasitrnation of Attorney General Wil liams, the.thrice attempted burning of the Navy Department Duiifiing w ' Aaatmv dnmairinor nailers, and the navment of fradulent cotton and rail road claims, ana tne uoru b.uuwo what other evils and blessings as a few of the results. His story involves the writing of anonymous letters by one ladv of the Cabinet, exposing the tsi'nirorinMnB of other ladies ana me j i it centlemen of the Cabinet. Mast likelv this is all true; at least the greater part of it is officially proven and publicly known to be. I mention it only because, taken with pending exposures in the immediate amily of the Jf resident, in connec tion with post-traderships and the ike petty infamies, it shows a con dition of things which would have swept any Chief Executive, at any other time, eut of his seat, as soon as th forms of law could be complied with, and without waiting for an elec tion, and have broken any party to atoms. Yet in the face of all this, New Hampshire gives its old fashioned Republican majority. Domocradc Con necticut is in doubt, and the town elections everywhere in the North show Republican trains. The beat men of the party have left it and are in oppoHiuon or are suem. -its pr- sent leaders in Concress are in no hattA moral tftnrfinr Wore the Country than are those who surround - - r i the White House. In Short the party I : : i t, ; .V, I orU trus oi ine people out. ioobw oauio i people vote solidly in its support xnere ia dui one ixdiuibuuu ui this there can be but one and readers of this correspondence do not need to be told what that explana tion is. I took occasion in advance of the speeches of Messrs Hill and Tucker in tne iiouse to ueprecate the airine of Southern rhetoric on the subject of the war, or tho canses u:x. ij pie underlyine it, and warned your leaders of tne inevitable ettectol sucn utterances. t iij 4. I the fact that the generous, impulsive men who made the bulk of the North- em army aa of the Southern, would most reanuy rwopuui m auj i made them from the South, but would infallibly reBent any supposed insult to the cause they fought for or any unnecessary or ostentatious justifica tion of the cause they fought against. It was not the inflammatory spech ea of Morton. Blatn and Garfield, that drove the volunteer soldiers of New Hampshire to the polls, a com pact body of Republican voters: for such speeches have lost their power; but it was those of Hill and Tucker, which could do no eood in the South, tut wiiiuu uare sucn power Ar evil in the North that if they are contin ued Belknap himself could be elected President in Isovember, over the purest Democratic Statesman in the Country. Whether the war settled any principles of government or not, is a question, tbac a wise minority will discuss when disiius&ion will help their cause, or at least when it will not prolong and intesify the evils from which they and their constituents suffer. There is yet time for Lamar and Gordon and llancock to speak; it is full time for Hill and loombs and Tucker to be silent The proceeding in Congress for the past week have be n unimportant, the absence of Marsh preventin the Judiciany oommittee from pre senting the article of impeachment against Belknap, but having been granted immunity ho will be here on Wednesday and the trial will soon commence. The exeoutive, legisla tive and Judicial appropriation bill is being discussed and it is said that the JNew ilampenire election nas so emboldened the Radical Senators that they intend to resist the reduc tion made by the House. Senator Conklin seems to have a strange idea of propriety and of his duty as a Senator. He is known to be more powerful than any other Senator in securing appointments or removals in the departments, and yet he went before the Board of Appeals sf the Patent office and as attorney for one of the parties in "the inter ference case" of Surgut against Yale made an arguemect, extending over part of twojdays ! Of course he won his case, as members of the board could be removed at his word. Deii. If you have a discharge from the nose, of fensive or otherwise, partial loss of the sense of smtll, taste, or hearing, eyes watery or weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated, pain or pressure in the head, take cold easi ly, yon may rest assnred that you have the Catarrh. Thousands annually, without manifesting ball of the above symtoms, ter minate in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive, or less understood by physicians. R. V. Pierce, M. D., of Buffalo, N. Y., is the pro prietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy a perfect Specific for Catarrh, -'Cold in the Head," or Catarrhal Hedache. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JACOB BATTLE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C K? Practices in all tLe State Courts. March 24, 1S70. ly situation by a young lady of considera J ble experience in English branches, and Mathematics. Address Miss EVA, Tarboro', N. C Marcn a, isvo. 2t. C. J. AUSTIN'S I RETAIL GROCERY, Prices Low Down for Cash ! VW Agent for PETER'S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, prepared expressly for Cotton. mar.24-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .. 111 T T&YI R - " w..f winarnnw rntlire MOIK in " iafl vw, pian Panels of CYen Stile DOOR FRAMES, WINDOWS, 8A.SHES, BLINDS, MANTLES, MOULDINGS. BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK AMD Tobacco Box Patterns, Whitaker's, N. 0. uiTmSU or otherwise, as parties may prefer, all with kiln-dried lumber. March 24, 187tt. ly notice. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SriiiLlAL lAAJb.3, mm m a V mm m -mw mm M I May 1, 1876, to April 30, 1876. Tha Revised Statues of tho United States, Sections 3232, 8237, 8238, and 8239, require I every person engaged in any business, aro- cation, or employment which renders him j liable to a SPECIAL TAX, TOPROCUEE AND PLACE CONSPICUOUSLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS a STAMP denying the payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the before.commencing er continuing business after April 30, 1876. I THE TAXES EMBRACED WITHIN THE I PROVISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE FOLLOWING, Y1Z: Rectifiers $200 00 Dealers, retail liquor 25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquor, -wnolesale-..- 50 00 gJ-";;:";;; g g Retail dealers In leaf tobacco 500 00 And on sales of over 1 1,000. fifty cents for every dollar in excess ti uui Dealers in manufactured tobacco- 5 00 50 oo 20 oo 20 00 Manufacturers of stills And for each still manufactured And for each worm manufactured Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00 10 00 Manufacturers of clears Peddlers ef tobacco, first class (more than two horses or other animals) 50 00 reddler of tobacco, second class (two horses or ether animals) 25 00 reaaiers or tobacco, third class (one horse or other animal) 15 00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on loot or puoiic convevance) io 00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more 100 00 Any person 60 liable, who shall fail to com P'y with the foregoing requirnients w ill be subject to severe penalties. Special Taxes named above must anDlv to ih.umab ruwtiis, collector or internal rievenue as aew ecrne. and par tor they need, prior to May 1, 18715, and WITH- uui LBitijjt notice. OmMner of LiS office or iktebnax Kbvbmck, Washington, D. C. February 1, 1876. 4t. Tax Notice ! mHE Trustees Tarboro', Township I meet at the Court House on the 5th, 6lb, 7ih, 10th, 12th, 13ih, and 14th davs of April, 1876, for the purpose of listing the taxable Foils and rioperty of eaiu lowuship. A. McCabe, E. Zorllek, I J. B. Ratkok. Trustees. R. S. Tatlob, I Mc. D. Mathewson, J FOR SALE Oil IK rTHE neat and comfortable dwe I cast siiie of Church street, recently occupied by -Mr. Joha N. Vick, is for rent, or it will be Fold privately on 1 reasonable terms. The house has four rooms nicely finished, and ailjo"uiiui it is a kitchen. There is also a splendid Garden spot and Stables. The lot is neatly enclosed and is one of the mnM comfortable and desirable places in Rocky Mount, N. C. Oct. '-M-if. V. L. THORP. To Physicians and Druggists of Edgecombe and Sur rounding Counties. f TAVIXG ESTABLISHED IN ADDITION II to my regular Drug business, a DRUG AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, I am prepared to furnish those desiring DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINT8, WINDOW GLASS AND DRUG GIST'S SUNDRIES, AC, with such goods, all of which I warrant pure at manufacturer's prices: Country Physicians will find it to their advantage to call oil me before ordering elsewhere. A. H. MACNAIR, Agent. Tarboro', Jan. 21, 18T6. tf THE ROANOKE NEWS, PRICE REDUCED FOB THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. An Independent Semi-Weekly Newspaper. DeTOted to POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE and NEWS. Circulation large and daily increasing. It circulates in thirty-two counties of the Eastern and Middle North Carolina and South side Virginia. Advertisers will Remember This. Subscription price, in advance, f 3 per year, Bend for sample copy to MANNING BROS., Proprietors, Weldon, N. C. INSTITUTE. Four Miles from Littleton, Halifax Co., N. C. THIS School offers superior advantages for the edncation of Boys and Young Mon. To meet the demands of this practical aye, a New Curriculum has been arranged lor 1S7G. The Departments are Agricultural, Practi cal, Commercial, Scientific and Classic. The advances are: An elevated and perfect ly healthy country (340 feet above the sea level ;) a.moral and refined community ; free dom from all temptation to vice ; cheap board and tuition ; a thorough general or special education, or preparation to enter the advan ced classes of Trinity or Randolph Macon Colleges or the University ot North Carolina or Virginia. Students may make choice of the course of studies. Expenses per Session of 20 Weeks: Board, iucludiug washing, fuel & lights, JGO 00 Tcition, 25 00 No extras, and studenls need no K spending money." One-half the expenses payable in advance and the other halt at the middle of the session. Students charged from date of entrance to end of session, and no deduction made except in cases of protracted sickness. For further particulars, address C. G. DAVENPORT, Principal, Jan. 7, 1876.-4t. Littleton, N. C. BETHEL COLLEGE NEW ADVERTI8MENT8. Soluble Bahama Guano, Manufactured by WALTON, WHANN & CO., of wnrnlngtoi Zel. THE VERY BEST ARTICLE IN THE MARKET. Not a sindo complaint purchasers, but by all. t, ' . , . , , i c Full Weiffllt, gOOd bagS, and the analysis OI every bag guaranteed. The undersigned has of this ' which I am offering at VERY REDUCED PRICES. All purchasers are requested to call on me' beiOre DUrCnaSHlg ClSeWHCre. JT D r J. March 24, 1876. THE TRIUMPH TRUSS CO. 334 Bwerr, N. to 'whom was awarded The Premium Medal for the best elastic truss and supporter at the last session of the Great American Institute Fair. Cure rupture in Aom thirty to ninety days. and offer 1 1000 for s cue they cannot cure. Ihey employ a First Class Lady Surgeon. Terms moderate. Cures guaranteed. Or ders filled by mail. Examinations free. The usual discount to patrons. Send ten cents for a descriptive boon to Prof. W. W. BURNHAM, M. D., mcb 24-ly Chief Burgee. LAISTD SALE! LAND, WITH FINE RES DEXCE AND OUT BUILDINGS. WILL be sold shortly a part or the whole of my plantation adjoining the la&ds of Jesse U. Powell, Esq., and others. THE BUILDINGS ARE EXCELLENT, THE NEIGHBORHOOD FIRST CLASS, AND THE PRICE VERT LOW. Apply to iny Attorney, Hon. Geo. Uoward if you wish either cheap land or fine resi dence hancsomely located. To anyone desiring a farm as a residence. no place in the county offers so many advan tages at anything near the price. Mar. 15-tf. Mas. M. M. BULLOCK. SPECIAL NOTICE I Officb Board Co., Commissioxbbs XBBS 1 i'lf70. $ Edgecombb County, Tarboro', N. C, March, ISth ORDERED by the Board of County Com missioners that the attention of the Town ship Trustees be called to the following Bec- tion oi tne aiacninery Act lor the year 1B76, ana tuey are aiso requested t see that the provisions cof said Section unless thev pro duce a Physician's Certificate to the Board showing that sickness was the cause of their failure to comply. Test : A. McCabb, Clerk. 8ec. 20. Person not giving in to be charged with double tax, and be deemed gitiliy of a misdemeanor: The county commissioners shall Insert in the abstract of the tax list for each township the description and valuation of all property not given in, with the name of the person supposed to be liable for the taxes thereon, and the names of all persons in each town ship liable lor a poll tax who failed to give themselves in, and shall charge all such per sons with double the tax with which they would otherwise be chargeable, unless satis- iactory excuse therefor be rendered : and 11 persons who are liable for a poll tax and shall wilfully fall to give themselves In, and all persons who own property and wilfnllv fail to liat it within the time allowed, before me iisi-iauer ana tne county (Jommitslon ers, shall be deemed guiltv of a misdemean or, and on conviction therefor shall be lined not more than fifty dollars or imprisonment uui more man one montu. ti. NOTICE. Office Boabd of Co. Commisbiohees, 3 Jiiagecomoe County, Tarboro, N. C, Mar. 6th, 1878. ORDERED by the Board, that pursuant U Sec. 4, Chap. 52, Battle's Reviaal, the polling place of Otter's Creek Township No. 9, be and the same Is hereby discontinued at William Webb's House and removed to Har rell S Webb's Store, and it ia further ordered that publication hereof be made in the Tar borough Southerner for thirty days. Test : A, McCABE, Clerk. March 10, 1876. . lm NOTICE. Office Board of Co. Commibsiokbkb, .L,dgecombe County, Tarboro, N. C, Mar. 6th, 187C ORDERED by the Board, that pursuant to Sec. 4, Chap. 52, Battle's Rerisal, the polling place of Sparta Township No. 8, be, and the same is hereby discontinued at Spar ta, and retnoved to Nettle's School House in said Township. Further ordered that publi cat ou hereof be made In the Tarborough Southerner for thlr.y days. Test : A. McCABE, Clerk. March 10, 18T6. lm NOTICE. Office Boakd of Co. Commissiokeks, Edgecombe Countt, Tarbobo', N. C, Mar. 6th 1876. ORDERED by the Board, that pursuant to Sec. 4, Chup. 52, Battle's Revisal, the polling place of Walnut Creek Township No. 11, be and the same is hereby discontin ued at Noble's Mill and removed to the Township House on the County Lands near the Fooi Ilouse. Further ordered that pub, lical-'on hereof be made in the Tarborough Southerner lor thirty days. Test: A. McCABE, Clerk. March 10, 1876. lm FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! COOK'S COTTON PLANT ER OPENS, SOWS AND COVERS. ALL who have tried it pronounce it the best. References; Col. J. L. Bridgers, James Ilodge, S. L. Hart and others. Irioe 16.00. Call at the Hardware store of f. G. Lewis and examine it. WILLIAM COOK. Tarboro', N. C. Mar. 3-lm. has been made by its is universally praised now in store a large lot ) T nr1A I11TT71T TV JD. JKJ T UhUXJ. 2m GREAT BARGAINS GROCERIES JLND FINE LIQUORS. rwiul vndsrsiexed respectlnllr call tne at X tention ef the citizens f Tarboro and surrounding ceuntry to their stock of Groceries, Liquors, &c. Family Flour of nil Grades, CHEAPEST IN TOWN. N. C. Apple Brandy. Fine Rye Whiskey, 8 years old, for fatally bm. W offer taste Hid other brands f Li quors at GREATLY REDUCED FR1CES, We have from 12 to 15 barrels constantly on baad. KEEP ALL GRADES OF SUGAR, COFFEE &C, aad sell cheapsr than aay placs in tew. TOBACCO by the box at manufacturer's prices. 13T" CaTl o aad be ooBriacad of eor low prices. 8. WQOLi&D & CO. ?eb. 25, 167. m. REMOVAL! THE ATTENTION or THE CITIZENS of Nash and Edsrecomae is respectfully callea to my change of location from eny old stand to one or tne BRICK STORES on West side ef Railroad, adjoining Messrs. Bunn & Battle. Having thoroughly renova ted my present store, l am prepared to oner to my friends and tne public generally, a com plete line of goods usually fomnd in a GROCERY AND PROVISION HOUSE, consisting In part as follows : Standard Family Flours, Extra, Super, and Fine Floers the sajss ia I bbls., and 1-8 Sacks. Bolted and Unbolted Corn UesJ. No. 1 Balk and Bacon Shoulders. No. 1 Balk and Bacon Sides. No. 1 Canvassed 8. C. Hams. City Mess, Prime and Rump Pork. Kettle Rendered Lard in Tierces, Kegs aad Backets. N. C. Cut and Wood's Family Roe Herrings Labrador and Eastern Herrings. No. 1 Mackerel in Barrels and Kits. Moantain aad Goshen Butter. Price Factory, English Dairy and Pine Ap pie Cheese. Rio, Lag. and Old Gov't Java Coffee. Rio and Lag. Coffee Tocuitd, Pm1c& m Tin Foil, 1 lb. Package. Powdered, Cut-Loaf and all Standard Brands of Refined Sngars. N. O., Porto Rico aad Demerara Sngars. Common and Fine Syrnps. Common and Fine Whiskies. Scotch Ale, London Porter Winss, &c Teas, Peppers, Spices, Snuffs, Tobaccos and Cigars. Tin, Wooden and Willow War. Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Winslew's Green Cera, Freeh Tomatoes. Pine Apple, Peaches, Preserves, Jelrief, Mustards, Sardines, aad Lobsters. Brandy Peaches, Pickles, Chow-Chow, Potted Turkey, Tongue, Salmon and Ham. Worcestershire Saece, Flavoring Extracts, Oelatine and Corn Starch. Wilson's Celebrated Corned Beef in 2 and 4 pound Tins. Citron, Currants and Raisins. French and Plain Candies, Nut, &c. Canton Preserved Ginger. Particular attention is called to mv BUMGARDNER & SUMMERDEAN PURE RYE WHISKIES, especially adapted to Med icinal and Family uses. Also to my stock of Imported and Domestic CIGARS. Having been appointed Agent lor Garrett's Celebrated WINE VINEGAR and CIDER. I am prepared to offer same at manufactur ers prices. I am constantly receiving the above line of Goods, and can safely recommend them as being Fresh and of Standard Brands, and am prepared to offer same at fair prices for Cash. I return my thanks for the kiad and liberal patronage enjoyed for the past eight years, and respectfully solicit & continuance of the same. A. P. CHALK, RociyJttoimt,!, C- Feb. 25,-tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AUfiW bTKlJNG GOODS! JTTJST RECEIVED fi 1 "X j Pender & Jenkins XgpZr' '- 1 1600 yards New Spring Calicos. A beautital assortment Ladies bilk Scarfs and Cravats. Belts, Children and Misses Fancy Enclish Hoeierv. Miles Goat Beots, made up with broad bottoms expressly fr old ladie Gents' 6ewed Gaiters and Shoes. Cassimeres, Cettonade, Also, Landreth's Garden Seeds and Garden Implements Ttrbore-', N. C, March 3, 1876. Wiesenfeld, C?otton Faotors AJTI General Baltimore, Mid. Make liberal Cash adrances on consignments of Cotton and other Prodw. Alio irith approved security, will advance on accommodating terms. SUPPLIES to FARMERS for carrying on this year's crops. Those desiring to avail themselves of the above offer, will apply to Dtirlrsnt. J. Coffield. Tarboro'. N. C. Gen. Commission Merchant AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Whiskies, Wines, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Building and Shell Lime, Gu anos, &c, &c. Tarboro', N. . Feb. 19, 1875. lT NEWFIRM ! NEW GOODS Having recently purchased H. M. Williams stock of goods, I am now conducting the business known as the TARBORO' BOOK STORE, and have just received a large and full as ! sortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, which I guarantee to sell at publisher's pri ces. Also a full line ot PLAIN & FANCY STATIONERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, FANCY TOILET SOAPS, AND PERFUMERY, in fact everything usually found ia a first class Book Store. I sell writing paper by the ream at N. Y. wholesale prices. Any book not in Stock ordered at Publisher's prices. Garden Sseda of all kinds on hand. Call and secure bar gains. FRANK S. BAKER, A cent for J. H. Baker. Tarboro, Feb. 11, 1876. 2m. GEO. S. HflWES, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Tin, Copper ADD SHOT IHAlVf Ml UUIHjI 111111 Tarboro9 J A FULL LINE OF COOKING, HEAT ing, Parlor & Office Stoves, kept constantly on hand, which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. E00Fl(i AND GUTTERING either in town or country, promptly attend ed to and on reasonable terms. of all kinds in his line executed with prompt ness. If you can't afford to buy a new Btove bring your old one and trade. GEO. 8. HAWES, Nearly opposite Post Office. Feb. 18, 1876. ly. FARMERS & GARDNERS OF EDGECOMBE AND AD JOINING COUNTIES. I have just received a fresh stock of Setc for 1C76, such as P0TAT0E SEEDLINGS, Picked EARLY AND LATE PEAS of all varieties. Cabbages, Collard AND ALL OTnER. KINDS FOR THE GARDEN. Also GRASS AND HERB SEEDS. At A. H. MACNAIR'S Drutf ai,d I'lescMjit'on Store. Tarboro, Jan. 28, 1676 tf SUPPLIES FOR THE NEWYEAR. "JT'E are now prepared to furnish Farmers with their annual supplies of HEAVY MESS PORK. RUMP PORK. BACON SUOULDERS. BULK FAMILY FLOUR. EXTRA FLOUR. SUPER FLOUR. SUGARS, all grades. COFFEE8, all grades. MOLASSES, &e.. &c and think we can offer special inducement U parties desiring advances. XT To U oar old customers we offer oar services again, aad others we would respect fully ask to give us a trial. S. S. NASH & CO. Wholesale Grocers and Com. Merchants. Tarboro', N. C, Jan. 7, 1878. tf. Plaids and Kaittine Cetten. Stern & Co., Commission Merchants, Tobacco, Segars, A RARE OPPORTUNITY rpHE STOCK OF GOODS OF M. Weddell & Co., WITH THE Good Will of the Business, IS OFFERED FOR SALE! and the Store House can be leased for ONE OR MORE YEARS. This is one of the oldest and IN THE PLACE. Apply to M. WEDDELL & CO. Tarboro, Dec 17, 1875. tf " Our House " Bar and Restaurant. I KEEP THE CHOICEST LIQUORS, Wines and Cigars, that ever soothed the suffering, or revived the weary. And then, alter swallowing one of my ex hilarating beverges my customers can get a Meal at any Hour, 0N SHORTEST NOTICE. OYSTERS, served up in any style, and all the delicaces of the season will be found at my table. O-S-JBIMETFLHI furnished to families at LOW RATES by the measure. A splendid stock of GROCERIES always on hand. J. L. COKER. Tarboro', Oct. 1st, 1875. tf NOTICE. WISHING to close my mercantile busi ness, I will sell the most of my stock of goods now on hand, amounting to about 110,000, FOR CASH. Parties wishing bargains would do well to call soon aud supply themselves. I would also sell on accommodating terms, my STORE AND LOT, in this place. The store is new, large and well built, and one of the most conveniently arranged for business of any store in the State. The stand for business is all that could be oskd for. Parties wishing to purchase can communi cate with me at this place. J. H. PIPPEN, Feb. 4,-3a. Wttitaker'i, N. C. PRIVTAE Boarding House. MRS. V. E. LIPSCOMB respectfully an nounces that she has opened a Private Boarding House in Tarboro, on the corner ot Bank and Pitt Streets. Good Fare, Pleatant Rooms, Comfor table Heda. Board Moderate. Feb. 19, 1875. ly ' yil. HOWARD, n. TT Gr C X o dbaxbb n DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES. 5sO,, 3zC, 5cC. Next door to lira, Pendei'k Hotel, TARBORO, N. C S AT II r