i I!,. 3H I !:1 f n 1 ? I IS 4 i - it 21 5 1 t 4 : 1- t . ( . i - f 411. i -.-1 1 i '.. i 41 cf 1 5 ! n f ?! ?r t .. a . V V, hi t t ' J !; (J I i ' if ? . ti MS. . -. h r M S f I'M'. i. fl in f t : 4 v t 1 1 ', ,! J 3 nil . 3 IMS I id I i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wiesenfeld, Cotton Factors General Commission Merchants, I?;iltimore, 3Xd. M-ake liberal Oath advances on 1 TOUuee. Also -with approved security, will advance on accommodating terms, SUPPLIES to FARMERS for carrying on this year's crops. Those desiring to avail themselves of the above offer, will apply to our Agent, J. B. Cofficld, Tarboru', IST. C. J. . COFFIELD, Gen. Commission Merchant AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Whiskies, Wines, Tobacco, Segars, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Building and Shell Lime, Gu anos, &c, &c. Tarboro', Feb. IP, 1875. Soluble Bahama Guano, IVTixxvtiiIxctnrecl Xy WALTON, WHANN & CO., THE VERY BEST ARTICLE IN THE MARKET. Not a single complaint numerous purchasers, but by all. Full weight, good bags, and the analysis of every bag guaranteed. The undersigned has of this which I am i VERY REDUCED PRICES. All purchasers arc requested to call on me before purchasing elsewhere. J. B. COFFIELD. March 24, 1S76. 2m EDGECOUBE AGRICULTURAL WORKS, TAHBOIIO', IV. O. Manufacturers of Wagons, Carts, Plows, Gin and Mill Gearing, and Agricultural Im plements generally. We keep on hand a very large stock of Seasoned Wagon and Cart Material?, and are prepared to furnish on short notice any vehicle in this line from a light one horse wagon to the heaviest carts and -wagons for Sav.- Mills. Yvre make the EIGHT FOOT GIN GEARING, the best style ; have never heard a complaint of one of our Horse Powers. We furnish a full set of Bolts with these powers. Price $55.00 complete. Beside several varieties of Turning Plows we make a speci alty of the " EDGECOMBE COTTON PLOW," which we believe has met witltmore general favor than any Cotton plow ever made. These plows are now made after two patterns, one intended especially for use in hard and stiff land. XS XiyX'XXJ. WORK done on Engines, Saw Mills, Gins, Horse Powers, and all kinds of im plements. The undersigned is manufacturers' aent for Mills, Leffcll's Turbine Water Wheels, Grist Mills, ing and Gearing. These Goods are all Varranted. XI. V. WALKER, Nor. 6-tf; SUPERINTENDENT. Ijxi'tiiis Willci n fc Sons, No. 6 Liht St., opposite the Carrollton Hotel Baltimore, Md. Manufacturers of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Collars, Bridles, Gig Saddles, Buggy & Coach Pads, Winkers, Medical and Saddle Bags. DEALERS IN Saddlery Hardware, and Leather Generally for the Har ness Trade. We sell the "lULLY MORGAN and STONEWALL SADDLES the great favorites with equestrians, of the best qualities, and at prices multitude. t'fwThe trade will find it to their interest Ccober 1. lisio ly .AJ? (:o:) 17 the latcsl eft9GvcUies and the best Quulilivs ai tUe very lowest prices September 17.-tf. Stern & Co., w consignments of Cotton and other N. . has been made by its is universally praised now in store a large lot offering at Engines and Saw Pulleys, Shaft- that place them within the reach of the to give us their orders ROWN & GO'S O. BROWN &: OO., MAIN STREET. ROCKY MOUNT. rajiOODS! SPLENDID JARGAII ! E HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUK FALL STOCK of General Merchandise, Dry Goods and Clothing. nr fctock of Readv-Made Clothinar in bean- g.Sl? mer, the mcrcnant, lawyer auu uocwr, iu iuc BEST and CHEATEST suits to be found in the market. A full Line of Groceries. Call and examine beiore purchasing else where and save your money. FOUNTAIN BROS., Rocky Mount, N. C. Oct. 1st, lS7i. tf e. T. POOL. C A. POOL. W. E. POOL Pool Brother '5 FASHIONABLE BAR, Milliard IZ&m, OYSTER SALOON, Barbor Shop AND Cigar Store, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. OYSTERS STEWED AT ALL HOURS, frpst. and sweet. Attentive waiters to attend to the needs of his guests. mriv-ti. THE ROCKY MOUNT COTTON MILLS. tttE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING, W of the best aualitv. for the home trade, COTTON YARNS, COTTON PLOW LINES, all sizes HEAVY 1-4 SIIEETHG. Orders from prompt customers filled without ilelay. TERMS : Net cash, vithiu thirty days. Address, BATTLE & SON, Des. Rocky Mount, N. C. JJR. JESSE BULLOCK, OF ROCKY Mount, is prepared to lurnish the FINEST GAME CHICKENS in the msrkct. FINEST DEER & FOX HOUNDS For Sale. Dec. 3, is;5. Manhood : How I ost, How Restored I Just puhlihrd, a new e.liiiun of Dr. Ci'lvervvell's Celh bratkp Essay mi the radical care (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments io Ma- riae, etc.; al so, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induc ed by se'f-indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c. fp Price, in a seahd envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radicallv cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at one simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. J2T This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man i the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. CLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; P. O. Box, 4583 BLACRllTilll ! To the Citizens of Edge combe and adjacent Country. THE undersigned respectfully announces that he has again opened business of a General Blacksmith, on Church Street, near Mr. Dozier's Store. Special attention paid to GUN AND CITY WORK. Particular care paid to Horse-Sliooiiig Also the manufacturing and repairing a kinds of agricultural and general BLACK SMITH WOKK. An experience of over TWENTY YEaRS in Edgecombe is suflicknt testimony to my capability. I respectfully return thanks for the various manifestations of kindness here tofore received and hope to continue to de serve them. Nov. -tf. I. B. PALAMOUNTAIN. , 500 Volumes in One! AGENTS WAX TED FOR THE LIBRARY OF Poetry & Song; BEIXG CHOICE SELECTIONS FROM TEE BEST POETS, SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IBISJI AND AMERICAN, BY WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT if one had the complete works of all the poets, itself a large library, costing from Sf500 to 1 1,000, he would not gain in a life time, perhaps, so comprehensive a knowledge oi the poets themselves, their best productions the period during which they wrote, and the places honored by their bins, as trom tins elegant volume. The handsomest and 'heapest subscription book extant. Having an immense sale. Extra terms, bend lor circular. J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Palcc, N. Y. Want to Sell. I WILL SELL MY TWO STORY DWELL ing on Church Street, corner of Thomas street nvc rooms and closets, lhe -2 house is newly painted and in excel- VdjjjJ: lent repair. One acre ol ground is ij in attached under new paling. There are also the necessary out houses. It ts a bargain for somebody. I will also sell a good riano and other Fur niture. Also several vacant lots on Church Street. All in Rocky Mount, N. C. DOSSEY BATTLE. Oct. 29, 1875. tf Friday Ap.ri1j.23, 1876 SONS OF Tim SCHOOL MA'AM- Sixty little urchins - Coining through tho door, Pushing, crowding, making A tremendous rear, Why don't you keep quiet ? Can't you mind the rule ? Bless me, this is pleasant Teaching jvablic school. Sixty little pilgrims On the road to fame, If they fail to reach it Who wilt be to blame ? High and lowly stations Birds C'f every feather On a common level Here are brought together. Dirty little faces, Loving little hearts, Eyes brimful of mischief. Skilled in all its arts ; That's a precious darling ! What aru you about ? ".May I pass the water?" "Please may I go oil?" Boots and shoes are shuffling, Slates and books are rattling And, in the corner yonder, Two pugilist are battling, Others cutting didoes, What a botheration ? No wonder we grow crusty From such association ? PERSIMM Subscribe to the Southerner. Pounded ice for dinner is not what it is cracked up to be. Now, put your littlo ulster. But don't forget the red pepper. As the highwaymen said to his vic tim, '-Down with tho dust." It is not essence of roses that turns your hair gray, ladies ; it is the es sence of thyme. What word is always pronounced wrong, even by tho best scholars ? wronjr. It is said that figures won't lie ; but the figures of some women are very deceptive, to say the least. The world is like Broadway Men push and jostle, and make a consid erable ado in it, but no one of them is greatly missed when ho drops out. Hope's end is often the ropo's end. If a career of crime dosa not come to a halt, it fs likely to a h alter. When freedom from her mount in height unfurled her standard to the air, ner siurts pinned back so very tight mado her aprear exceeding spare. A merchant who doe3 not adver ti;e can no more succeed in drawing custom, than can a young lady, with out a bustlo and a few pounds of false hair succeed in drawing beaux. "Do you think that raw o-trs ai f'eaithy ';" asked a lady of her physi cian. "Yes,'' he replied, "I never knew ouo to complain of beiug out of health in my life." "Shall I cut this Io n of mutton saddlewise T sin a gentleman. ''No," aid one of hu gu.isr. -cut it Lridle- wise, lor then x may chance bit in my r.ir uth." to get a A passenger asked tho captain of a vessel on the coaht of Africa if th natives kept tiio Sabbath. "Yt-3," ho replied, "and evpry thing else they c in lay their hands on." One of tin; happiest and most in dependent of human occupations is that of an intelligent far iter, whoso lmd is paid for and v.-ho keeps out of debt. At a young ladies' seminary, dur ing an examination in hisfor3', ono of tho pupils was interrogated. "Mary, did Martin Luther die a natural deiith?" "No," was tho reply; "ho was excommunicated !v a bull." Bob look here Jim, where did you get them fine cigars, that you were smoking so Sunday look here Bob didn't you hear about that large stock of cigars Austin, just got in, that's where igot them. There was a very little boy wading up to his knees, almost, in tho slush on Summit street, Friday aftornoon, when a passing gentleman said to him : "Why ain't you to school, young man?" "'Co? I've got the hoopin' cough !" ho explained. Lady. "Now, Mr. Snapper, as I saw you at church last Sunday, tell mo what you think of our ne-iv preach er?" Snapper. "1 think ho would be a first-class martyr at the ttake." La dy " Why eo, Mr. Snapper?" Snap per. "Because he is so very dry." A Preston man has been missing for three days, and as ho was recent ly married, grave doubts exist as to whether he is sitting round in a hay loft somewhere, meditating on the price of spring bonnets, or has mere ly drowned himself. When you hear a good story from the lips of a stupid man, and see a silk umbrella in the hands of a man who does not pay for a newspaper, you may know that both havo been borrowed. Engaging Child. "0, Mr. do let me see you drink !'' Jenk ins Mr. Jenkins. "Seo mo drink! what for my dear !" Engaging Child. -'O, mama says you drink liko a fish !" In a country graveyard in New Jersey there is a plain stone erected over tho grave of a beautiful youug lady, with only this inscription upon it : "Julia Adams, died of thin shoes, April 17, 1889, aged 18 years." If men are tho salt of tho earth, woman are tho sugar. Salt is a ne cessity, sugar a luxury. Vicious men are the saltpetre ; hard, 6tern men the rock salt ; nice family men the table salt. Old maids are the brown sugar ; good-natured matrons the loal sugar ; pretty girls the fine pulver ized white sugar. Pass the BUgar, please. The recent shower of tlesh in Bath county, Ky., has provoked quite a religious revival among the colored population there. They seat themn selves about in little groups with their faces turned upward, as il the heavens were full of mutton chops, and sing : "Kuui set yere, hungry niggah, Kum set yere on the groun', De Lawd he am a gwiue To frow de vittals down." NEW ADAERTISEMIENTS. NEW FIRM ! ODS! T. E. LEWIS & CO. Invite their friends and the public to an ex amination of their largely increased stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, MESCELLiMOUS WORKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES. Tobacco & Cigars OF ALL GRADES. Having purchased FOR CASH, we are en abled to offer such inducements as will in sure ready sale. Call i3ac3L Soo. T. E. LEWIS & CO. Tarboro, Feb. 4, 18TG. Cm. WEBER'S BAKERY ! rrIIIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY IS L now ready to supply the people of Tar boro and vicinity with all kinds of Bread, Cakes, French and Plain Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Sre., $-c, embracing every thing usually kept in a First Class Establishment ol the kind. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past the undersigned askp. a continuation, with the promise of satisfaction. Private Families ran always havo their Cakes Baked here at short est notice. Orders for Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine our stock, next door to Bank ol JNew Hanover. Nov. 4.-ly. JACOB WEBER 1876. THE ROANOKE NEWS, PRICE REDUCED FOE THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. ' An Independent Semi-Weekly Newspaper. Devoted to POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE aad NEWS. Circulation large and daily increasing. It circulates in thirty-two counties of the Eastern and Middle North Carolina and South .Me Virginia. Advertisers will Remeaiber This. Subscription price, in advance, $3 per year, Send for sample copy to MANNING BROS., Proprietors, Weldon, N. C. LAND SALE ! LAM), WITH FIXE RES DEXCE AM) OUT IsULDlXGS. XJll.L he soM shortly a p;ut or the T of ill v plantation udioinliiar the It whole mils of Je.e il. Powell, Esq., and otLers. THE BUILDINGS ARE EXCELLENT, THE NEIGHBORHOOD FIRST CLASS, AND THE TRICE VERT LOW. Apply to my Attorney, Hon. Geo. Howard if you wish c ither cheap land or fine resi dence handsomely located. To anyone desiring a farm as a residence, no place in the county otrers so many advan tages at anvthing near the price. Mar. 15-t'f. Mks. M. M. BULLOCK. THE TRIOIPII TRUSS CO. 331 Bowery, !V. to whom was awarded The Premium Medal for the best elastic truss and supporter at the last session of the Great American Institute Fair. Cure rupture in from thirty to ninety days, and oiler ?1000 for a case they cannot cure. Ihey emplo3 a First Class Lady Surgeon. Terms moderate. Cures guaranteed. Or ders filled by mail. Examinations free. The usual discount to patrons. Send ten cents for a descriptive book to Prof. W. W. BURNHAM, M. D., mch 24-ly Chief Surgeon. To Physicians and Druggists of Edgecombe and Sur rounding Counties. XTAVING ESTABLISHED IN ADDITION JL to my regular Drug business, a DRUG AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, I am prepared to furnish those desiring DRUGS. CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS AND DRUG GIST'S SUNDRIES, &C., with such goods, all of which I warrant pure at manufacturer's prices: Country Fhysicians will find it to their advantage to call on me before ordering elsewhere. A. H. MACNAIR, Agent, vxrhoro', Jan. 21, 1876. tf FOR SALE OR HUNT. npHE neat and comfortable dwelling JL east siae oi inurcu street, recently occupied by Mr. John N. Vick, is for rent, or it will be sold privately on reasonable terms. The house has four rooms nicely linished, and adjoining it is a kitchen. There is also a splendid Garden spot and Stables. The lot is neatly enclosed and is one of the most comfortable and desirable places in Rocky Mount, N. C. Oct. 29-tf. W. L. THORP. VTM. HOWARD, X H n G G DEALER IN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, &cC, SrC, SsC. Next door to Mrs, PenderV Hotel, TARBORO, N. C 1fftQ9ft Per Day at home. Terms free M W PAU Address Qs. Siissgs.A Co, Portland Maine. HEW T ADVERTISEMENTS. Piedmont Air-Line Railway RICHMOND & DANVILLE, RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. W., N. C. DIVIS ION, AND NORTH WEST ERN N. C. K. W. CONDENSED TIME TABLE- In effect on and after Sunday, Nov. 28, 1874. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. 9.15 p. m. 5.45 a.m. , 9.33 " 6.20 " 11.58 a.m. 8.34 " 3.15 " 10.55 ' 6.08 " 1.12 p.m. 6.18 " 1.20 " 11.35 " 6.07 " 2.22 P. M. 8.48 p.h' Leave Charlotte ' Air-Line Jet n ' Salisbury, ' Greensboro' ' Danville. ' Dundee, ' Burkville, Arrive at Richmond, GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Leave Richmond, 1.38 p. m. 5.08 a. m. ' Burkville, 4.o2 " b.Kb ' Dundee, 10.33 " 1.14 p. m. ' Danville, 10.39 " 1.17 " " Greensboro', 3.00 a. m. 3.58 " ' Salisbury, 5.32 6.15 " ' Air-Line Jnct'n,7.50 " 8.25 " Arrive at Charlotte, 8.0S " 8.43 " GOING EAST. GOING WEST. STATIONS. Mail. Mail. L've Greensboro', 3.00 a.m. aArr. 1.35a m Co. Shops, 5. 4.30 3 L'vel2.30 " Raleiirh. p. 8.33a.m. 8.10p.m 8.33a.m. a Arr.atGoldsboro,? S " (gL've 5.00" NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. (SALEM BRANCH.) Leave Greensboro 4.30 p II Arrive at Salem 6.13 " Leave Salem 8.40 am Arrive at Greensboro 10.33 " Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 8.10 P. M., connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tick ets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greens boro' connect at Greensboro' with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Two Trains daily, both ways. Lynchburg Accommodation leave Rich mond Dailey, at 9.00 A. M., arrive a Burkeville 12.36 P. M., leave Burkeville .2 P. M ' arrive at Richmond 4.34 P. M. No change of cars between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 miles. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C, T. M. R. TALCOTT, Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent. Colden's Liebig's Liquid EXTRACT OF F AND TOXIC INVIGORATOR Recommended by the best physicians in England and America for Consumption, De bility, Loss of Appetite, Fever Ague, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Female and Children maladies. OPINION OF DR. R. S. STEUART, Pres't Md, Insane Hospital, Baltimore, Md " I can recommend Liebig's Li quid Extract of Beef as the most sufficient preparation I have ever met with. It com bines the virtues of food ard tonic in a re markable way." OPINION OF Dr. WM. II. STOKFS, Physi cum to Mount Hope Retreat, Baltimore, " I have great pleasure in adding my testimonv to the virtues ot Lienijj s l.i quid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator. as the very best preparation used, and there lore confidently recommend it to the medi cal profession." AND MANY OTHER TESTIMONI ALS. PUT UP IN PINT BOTTLES f 1.00 EACH, TAKE NO OTHER. SOLD BV Druggists and Dealers. WHOLESALE AGENTS. Thom?on, Lilly & Co., Baltimore, Md. Purcell fe Ladd, Richmond, Va. Wm. R. Bnrwell & Co., Charlotte, N. C Dec. 10, lo. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E. & H. T. Anthony k Co. 591 Broadway, New York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in CROMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Albums, Graphoscopes and Suitable Views, Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything in the way of STEREOPTICONS & MAGIC LANTERNS Being Manufacturers of the Micro-Scientific Lantern, Stereo-Panopticon, University Stereopticou, Advertiser's Stereopticon, Artopticon. School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each style being the best of its class in the market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with di ctions for using, sent on application. tt? Any enterprising man can make mon ey . with a Magic Lantern. feb.l8-tf. PLANTS. Attention is invited to my very large and well grown stock of Roses, Verbenas, Ives, Gerraniums, Pe largoniums, Carnations, &c. ; VARIEGATED AND FANCY FOI- LAGE PLANTS; PLANTS FOB BASKETS, FOR FERN ERIES, FOR THE WINDOW, AXD CONSER VA TOR Y, PLAN TS FOR RIBBON BEDS AND BORDERS. One Iluudred plants assorted different 50.00 Fifty Plants, assorted different 4.00 One Hundred Verbenas, asst colors 4.00 Fifty Roses, small, assorted named 4.00 One Hundred Plants for Ribbon Bed, four or five colors of foilage asst. 4.00 PACKAGES FOR $ 1.00, BY MAIL, liberally assorted. New Conservatories and Greenhouses are stocked at low rates. Also, a fine stock of Select Vegetable and Flower Seeds, fresh and pure, Straw berry Plants, and other Small Fruits. No charge for boxing. Send for Catalogues. W. H. BAILEY, Pittsburgh, N, Y- RESTAURANT .A.:vr Boarding House. MEALS aiTail HOURS ! QYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. A good stock of CIGARS and TOBACCO always on band. Soliciting your patronage. Yours respectfully, S. E. 8PIER. B Good accommodation for Transient Customers and Table Boarders. Tarboro', Sept. 1st, 1875 Lager Beer & Wine SALOON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL the Fine WINES and LIQUORS, TO BACCO and CIGARS, opposite Adams' Ho tel. ERHARD DEMDTH, Oct. 8, 1875.-t Proprietor. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPRING- CHAM Gift MF" i3 V5C J Vvi u r yc IS RECEIVING ALMOST DAILY THE FOLLOWING Fine Sets Jewelry of Fine Chains for Ladies and Gentlemen, Beautiful Bracelets of various styles, 18k Kings. Gold Studs in Great Variety, The Finest assortment or Silver Ware ever offered In this market. MANY X0VELTIES, SUCH AS Handsome Snuff Boxes, Tobacco Boxes, Puff Boxes, &c. BEAUTIFUL ELGIN WATCHES IX GOLD AND SILVER CASES, OF ALL GRADES AND SIZES. Watch Repairing is our specialty, aud we guarantee that our work shall not be surpassed iu any city. frgf We cordially invite our friends ana October 8, 1875. 11 Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, TARBORO' N. C. Ecnlor ixx Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Table Cutlery, Spec tacles and Sye Glasses, Sewing Machines, Needles Sr Oil, Solid Gold 18k Rings, Gold Studs, Collar & Cuff Buttons. A general assortment of Goods too numerous to mention, always on hand, very cheap for Cash. Goods guaranteed as represented, upon a forfeit of double the price paid for them. Fine repairing promptly done, and warranted to give satisfaction. I return sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended in the past four years, and promise to strive to merit a continuance of the same. See Sign Big Watch, Next to Pender & Jenkins, Main Street, - - Tarboro', N. C Tarboro', N. C, Jan. 14, 1S75. ' THE Ni (I DOIESf THE LIGHTEST-HUNNinG With our printed directions. u.i ; .'.; : The construction of the matl'in- is ha c plicity, comprising simple levers vuikirt are hardened and polbhed. The machines are made ct o:ir new wot (patented) machinery and tools, constructed Every machine fully uuri iuitid. iu !i hCci gitm ill Il MMM all highest talent and the best facilities in all deiwtments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled lo attain results far nbove the reach of the average dress-maker. Our styles are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with h-.-r address. Agents wanted everywhere. " DOMESTIC " April 14tb, 1876. OF 1870! BERLAIN&RAWLS (f-CH qWvj J- V K! every description, the public to examine our stock. tf. A Double Thread Lock-Stitch Machinei mm .'xif 1 i; n III THE WORLD. ! is required to operate it. v of um'.'juc and unequalled sim The Leurinrjs are lew, and they in t'.ie riiy of New.rk, N. J., with new special errprc .:-! to ouip'ish whit we now offer. lACHEfiE CO., i.v.- IIEs gs ri'J ... -sA X'iow York 4Hiearo. SAVISfiS.-iiv usinjr lhe " Domestic Pa j.cr Fashions the most stylish an1 perfect-fittinff cowtimes can be produced, at a large savin? iu ?t()NKV to those who choose to make, or superin- tf-iil m;tl;:iTT nt' thpir own frnrTnnt With the SEWING FSACHINE CO., New York and Chicago.

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