K BE SURE YOTJ AEE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D. Crockett, VOL. 54. TAEBORO', N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 187G. NO. 44. iff Ait ftiiM ft ft imp ip jimp Willi E E R, At DIRECTORY. ijr TAltBOHO Mamr Fred. Philips. Commissioners Jesse A. Williamson, Ja c b t'eldenheiiner, Daniel W. liurtt, Alex. MrCabe, Joseph Cobb. S20KETAKY & TKSA8UUKK Kobt. Wbite liurst. Chief of Police John W. Cotten. ASSISTANT Police J. T. Moo e Jas. E. huonsou, AUiwore Macnair. COl'VIV. Superior Court Clerk and Probate Judge I. h. Staton, Jr. It,-jister of Deeds Ales, McCaV. Sheriff Joseph Cobb. Cm-one) Treasurer Hobt. II. Austin. Surveyor Johu E. Baker. Standard Keeper J. B. Hyatt. S 'houl Examiners. II. H. Shaw, Wm. A. Duggan and R. 8. Williams. Keeper Poor House Wm. A. Dupsan. ( 'om mix si oners Jno. Lancaster, Chairman, Wilov Well, J. B. V. Norville, Frank Dew, M. Exem. A. McCabc, Clerk. KltlMVAT. ANP DEPARTURE NOliTlI AND SOUTH VIA W. I, .vivo Tarboro' (dailyl at Arrive at Tarboro' (daily) at OF MAILS ft W. 11. K. 10 A.M. 3 30 P. 31. WASHINGTON MAIL VIA GREENVILLE, FALKLAND AND SPARTA. I.o.ivi? Tarboro' (daily) at - - 6 A. M. Arrive at Tarhoro' (daily) at G P. LODGES, ;hts and the Place of Electing-. rhc Mi Concord K. A. Chapter No. 5, N. M. Law rence, High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly convocations first Thursday in evury mouth at 1U o'clock A. M. Concord Lodire No. 58, Thomas Gatlin, Master, Masonic Hall, meets first Friday night it 7 o'clock P. M. and third Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. in every month. llcpiton Encampment No. 13, I. O. O. F., I. H. Palamountaiu, Chief Patriarch, Odd Fel ;o'.vs' Hall, meets every first and third Thurs day of each month. E 1 'tvoiube Lodire No. 5", I. O. O. P., T. W.Tolcr, N. G., Odd Fellows' Hall, :i ci v;ry Tuesday night. F-iccombe Council No. 122, Friends of (".m-ienine?, meet everv Friday night at the ),!.l Fellows' Hail. Advance Lodge No. 2S, I. O. G T., meets r rv Wednesday night at there Hall. Z.moah Lodire, No. 235, I. O. B. B., meet an lirst and third Monday night of every month at Odd Fellows' Hall, A. Whitloek, President. CIICRCKFS. Eoiwopal Church Services ovei v Sandav it 10 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. ' Dr. J. B. (.he-hire, Rector. M-thndist Church Services every Fourth Sunday ol every month, morning and nifrht. 1: 3'iiid iy at niirht and 5th Suuday at night. Rev. Mr. Swindell, Pastor. P,;-sbvterian Church Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sabbaths. Rev. T. J. Allison, Pastor Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs ;i iy niht Missionary Baptist Church Services the 4th Sumlav in every moith, morning and ni;:!it. Rev. T. R. Owen, Pastor. Primitire Baptist Church Services lirst ;gurday and Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock. HOTELS, Adams' Hotel, corner Main and Pitt Sts. 0. F. Adams, Proprie.or. EXPRESS. Southern Express Ollice, on Maia Street, Ues every morning at 9 o'clock. N. M. Lawrence, Agent. PIIOFESSIOXAE CARDS. jpRANK POWELL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TAEBORO', X. C. if Collections a, Specialty. ua Ollice next door to the Southerner ollice. July 2, 1S75. tf J 03. BLOUNT CHESHIRE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND NOTARY PUELIO. Office at the Old Bank Building on Trade Street. jc25-tf. I JO WARD U PERRY A i It Attorneys and Counselors at Law. TAHUORO', N. C. lf Prac.ice in all the Courts. iState ind Federal. nov.5-ly. r II. JOHNSTON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. l"P Attends to the transaction of bnsi-nf-t in all the Courts, State and Federal. Nov. 5, 1875. ly jpUEDERICK PHILIPS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. EjgT Practices in Courts of adjoining coun ties, in the i! f-deral aud supreme Courts. Nov. 5, 1875. ly U7ALTER P. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO', N. C. Vill practice in the Courts of the 2nd Ju licial Dist-i t. Collections made Id any pari of the Uaie, Office in Iron Front Building, Pit Pireet, rear of A. Whitloek & Co's. Jan. 7, 1876. If JACOB BATTLE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WW Practices in all tLe State Courts. March 24, 176. iy J. H. & W. L. THORr, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. f JRACTICE8 in the counties of Edge E cotubc, Halifax, Nash and Wilson, and .u the Supreme Court North Carolina, also in the United States District Court at Raleigh DR. E. D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, ?2aJn Street, TARIJORO', N. C. IW All work x'uisfaction. v.arranted to give entir feb.!8-tf. Dr. G. L. Shackelford, 'DENTIST, TAUB0R0', N. C. fe opm'Ue Adams'1 Jlotcl, over S. S. Nash Co's Store. Care of children's teeth and Plate work a specialty. March 17, 1S7G. ly FVi I SCE LLANE OUS. A FAfTm and HOME Now is the Time to Secure It. 1 he best and cheapest lands in rcarket are in Eastern Nebiaska, on the line of the Un ion Pacific Railroad. The rnott f.'n-orabU terms, very low raus of fare and freight to all settlers. The best markets. Free passes to land buyers. Maps, descriptive pamphlets, ucw edition of "The Pionkek" e,eut free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. 11. K., Omaha, Neb. STAMM ERING cwTatp .trices. For description, &c, address SiMi'sos jfc Co., Box 50?r, N. Y. Dr. Strong's Sanativo Pills. Proved by successful use throughout the country for over A QUARTER OF A CESTVRY ! the best Purgative aiid Anti-Bi!ios Medicine! known. Cure Constipation, biliousness;, Liv er Complaint, Maleriaf Fevers, Rheumatism, and all kindred disorders. Dr. StroujsN Pectoral S.un:acli Pi I is cure Coughs, Colds, Fevers, Female Com plaints, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, and ail de rangements of i be Stomach. Proprietors, C. E. Hull & Co., Kcv York. C'JK 0 iWeek to Agent b O i I'1 FREE. P. ( s. Mm- O Vick- er3', Augusta, Maine. ANTED. Any per on can make $500 a month sellinx our lettcr-copyiug book. Any one that has a letter to write will buy it. No press or water Uocd. Send stamp for circular. EXCELSIOR CO., 17 Tribune Building, Chicago, III. Price, Twent-Five Cents. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH EDITION. Coutaiuiug a complete list of all towns in the Untted States, the Territories and the Dominion of Cacada, having a population greater than 5,0iH) according1 to the last cen sus, together with the names of the news papers having the largest local circulation in each of the places named. Also, a catalo gue of newspapers which are recommend ed to advertisers as as giviug greatest value in proportion to prices ch.;rired. Also, all m wspupaper in the United States and Can ada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, .sd the Religious, Agricultural, Scien tific and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Educational, Commercial, In surance, Real Estatee, Law, Sportir.g, Mus ical, Fashion, and other special cuss journals very complete lists, Together with a com plete list of over 300 German papers printed in the United States. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rtes, showing the cost of advertising in various uewspapeis and everything which a beginner in a.iver Using would like to know. Address GEO P. ROWyLLit CO., 41 Park How, ew lork. IT ATI fill i TV. HE ADAMS' HOTEL, formerlv the Edgecombe Houe," is still open for the accommodation ot the traveling public at the low rate of Two Dollars per Day. The Pioprietor will suue to the citizens of Tarboro, that he does not intend to he run oil with regard to private hoard, that be pro poses if he can get a iot of regular boarders by the wi ck, payable- weekly, that be will board tlicm for S3.50 per Week, strictly cash at the end of the week for table oar.i and fi.oO each per wecic for man and fe, with good room they luri.ishh.g their own lights and fuel. Those wishing Board at these rates cuu be aceommoaa' eu. O. i. AiJA.virr, Aug. 1, l-7ii.-lf. opeit-tor. PR1VTAE Board.ia.ff House. M rRS. v. LIPSCOMB re ect 1'u 11 v I a Boarding Housoiu Tarboro, ou the corner ot Bank and Pitt Streets. Good f are, PleaMa.nl Kooitm, Couf-it table Heds. Board JLoneratc. Feb. 19, 1S75. ly Pest Poison isnot only iKa S"1' Scrfl aaa dap DESTS0YES SOt the Colorado Beetle or Potato m S,BCd, but of aij. insbcti which prey on i uKtuuoii tui ua mi vobm Gbeis Flt, &c. Unlike Tarls Oreen and other Poisons, It can be entirely dissolved In water and applied by sprluilini?. NoTjtsjrjBiorg ro Pi.amtb. Nor L' Asoiicci to Vie, Kever Fails n Trill r.oKTS mori 9H Cests an Ache. Put up In halrlb. boxes, tncrafjn lortwo acres. rrao Cents Send for Circular, ftiaae omy oy uie KEARNEY CHEMICAL WORKS, 66 Cortlandt SL P. 0. BOA" 3139. HEW I0EK, C. J. AUSTIN'S WHOLESALE & RETAIL G-ROCEHY, Prices Low Down for Cash 'fW Agent for TP-TEIl'S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BuNE. prepared expressly for Cotton. raar.iii-ly. 'tlaiihood : Slow Los!, Sestored ! How Jupt publishrd, a new edition of Dr. Cclverwell s Cele grj-iiO brated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea nr Ktm nal Vi eakness. involuntary oeminai Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical in capacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; al so, Consumrtion, Epilepsy and Fits, indue ed lv self-iuduk'eijce or sexual extrava gar.ee, fee. Price, in a sealed envelope, only cents. 1 he celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty vears' successful practice, thai, the alsrming consequences sf self-abuse may be radically CUieO. WRUOUL UIB lUHIt'luu.l l.oo vi iu.v.i. mpdicmo or the application of the kniie Tioinlintr out a mode of cure at one simple. certain, aud eifeciual, by means of which everv sufferer, r.o nialt3- what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should be in me canas of every youth and every man i-i the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, poU paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. CLINK & CO., 127 Bowery, New York ; P. O. Sox, 45aS 414 IEXW1GT0N.ST. Pill uAU ImuHLMU. MISCEI.LANEOUS. yV. WRENN Manufacturer of and wholesale dealer in CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, FARM WAGONS, CARTS, WHEELS AND AXLES, HAR NESS, COLLARS. 1IAME8, SAD DLES, LAI'ROt.ES, HORSE CLOTHING, WHIPS. iV.c, eke. Alto a large Stock of Carnage Materials. Nos. 14, 16, 24 end 2ti.Union Street. Norfolk, Va. April, 7 1S76. ly. J- 1X FREEMAN' Old Reliable Jewelry Store, 48 YEARS ESTABLISHED. STILL IN FULL BLAST. Arthur C. Freeman, SUCCESSOR 1C0 Maiu St., Norfolk, Va., offers to the citizens of Edgecombe and sur rounding country, a full line of Diamonds, Plain Gold Wedding and Engage mcut Rings, Bridal Presents, &c. My facilities are such that being connect ed with one of the largest Importing Houses in this Country, and buying exclusively for cash, enables me to ctfer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS. SeuJ your or:rs to me, and you will save 15 to 20 y 1 cei-t. Should the goods not tuit money will be refunded. Address, ARTHUR C. FREEMAN, Jeweler, Norfolk, Va. Highly Important, I emnloy none but the most skillful Workmen in the Repairing of Watches and Jewelry, aud if you wish to nave vour watches repaired urouerlv and atisfaction given, send them to me by Ex press carefully packed in cotton. WEIII'S BAKERY ! THIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY IS now readr to suiolv the Dcoiiie of Tar- oro and vicinity with all kinds of Bread, Oakt'3, French and Plain NiUg, Fruits, Candies, mbracing every thing usually kept in a First Class Estallishmert. of tbe kind. i'haukful for the liberal patronage of the past the undersigned asks a continuation, with the promise of satisfaction. Private Familirs enn al "rnvs l;avo their Cakes Baked here at short est notice. Orders for Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine our stock, next, door to Bank of New Hanover. Nov.-l.-ly. JACOB WEBER. GREAT SENSATION AT ROCKY MOUNT THERE has just been opened by an experi enced Artist a fine Photograph GUlerv. aud he. iruarantees satisfaction to every Man woman ami child, liis pictures are as trood as eau be Found any a here, aud they who v.ict to be Dead sure ot a good picture, 6houid visit his Gallery On IVXnin Street, where they can get any kind of a picture known to the Art for prices to snit the times. riclures are lurnisliea in inaia ink, Crayon, Pastel, Oil or Water Colors. Copying old pictures ( enlarging to any size) a specialty. S. u. i'OOL, Rocky Mount, N. C. July 2S, 1S7C. 3m FURNITURE ! A large lot for sale cheap for cash. Aleo Furniture made to order, by .T. IS. SIMMONS, PITT ST., TARBORO', N. C. Call and see before you purchase. AM xjaxxsaEjn.T-a.siiia'Gr promptly attended to. Keeps on hand and makes to order, Maho any, Walnut, Poplar ai.d Pine Cofhns. Also ou hand a full line of METALIC CA SES. Hearse for hire on burial occasions. 83?" Terms ca?h. Jan. 1, l7G.-ly. J. E. UTMMO NS. GEO. L. PENDER, WITH Brufi; Faulkner & Co,, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Notions & White GOODS. 275 W. BALTIMORE STREET, j. e. Buff, ) Baltimore. ii. Faulkner, Wm. It. Hallctt, uovl9-ly. Engineer's and Surveyor's f will open an oflice for Engineenug and Surveying its Tarboro ou September 1st, when I will be prepared to do any work in my profession for tie citizens of Edgecombe aud adjacent counties. Having had eight years practical experience in my profession, 1 can promise accurate and satisfactory work. For any farther informa tion, call at the oflice of S. S. Nash fc Co. HENRY S. NABlt, Jli. Tarboro, Aug. 4, 1870. tf- 9 Oct. 13, 1S76 Our ITevYGrk Letter- New Youk, Oct. 6. THE BLUE BOYS REBUKED. Editor Southerner: L. Edwia Dudley the Secretary of the Boys in Blue, has been writing letters to all the posts of the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Uni ted State?, requesting them to use their exertions in favor of tho elec tion of Hayes and Wheeler by pass ing resolutions at their meetings and assisting in every way in their power. A great many of the answers are unfavorable and say plainly that members of the Grand .krmy of the Republic will not consider them selves as belonging ti any palitical organization, and decline absolutely to take any action in tbe matter. The truth of the matter is, that a very hrge number of the mem bers of the Grand Army of the Re public are supporters of Tilden. Even those members who are sup porters of Hayes resent this at tempt to turn their organization to partisan uses. Among the refusals received are several from the State of Massachusetts, where there is a very general movement of the soldiers in favor of Tilden and Ad aras. THE TIMES RETRACTS AGAIN. The libelous New York Times puhlished recently a malicious false hood about Governor Tilden in con nection with some furniture, which he bought from a firm named Pet tier & Stymis, alleging that he had failed to pay for it, and finally took advantage of the Statute of Limita tion to avoid settling part of the bill. 1'esterday the Times published a letttr for Mr. Hall, who was at that time counsel for Totter & Sty mu3, utterly refuting tho charge, and also one from Mr. McLean, at torney for Governor Tilden, setting forth the truth io detail. The Times, to award a libel suit, was obliged to publish both letrera, but did so wUh as much ill-grace as pos sible. MORE POSTAL OUTRAGES. At Kansas City the other day, a pile of more than ten bushels of Democratic uail matter was round in an outhouse of the Po3t Office, where ic had beca thrown by the postmaster. All Democratic pa pers are tampered with in tho mails in that State. This appears to be general, and is o doubt authorized or connived at by the postal author ities at Washington. It should on ly be necessary to mention such facts to insure prompt remedy to be applied on the re-assembling of Congress. GENERAL DIX'S GLASS HOUSE. General Dix has lately appeared in the character of a furious assail ant of Governor Tilden, whom he accuses of rank disloyalty and almost every .other imaginable crime. Of all New Yorker3 none is more responsible for succession and its terrible cousequences than General John A. Dix. He, in every way, invited and encouraged the South to secede, and declared, in the strongest possible language, that if the South needed aid in maintaining their rights of the in troduction of slavery into Territo ries, and peaceable secession from the Union at will,, he would aid the movement and take up arms if nec essary. At a meeting in Pine street in December, 18G0, he sail, '1 other means fail, let us divide fair ly what we have and what we own, and separate in peace.' He even exceeded Tremain, of .Albany, now a most violent Republican, in his pro-slavery and pro-Southern ten dencies. At the meeting referred to his expressions were so violent, and so far beyond the views of those who were present that gentles men now prominent leaders of the Democratic party, felt called upon to rise and protest. It was precise ly men like General Dix, who en couraged secession m every way and held out to the South delusive promises to our civil war. The service of the venerable General were not sufficiently distin guished to wipe out such a record, and he cannot complain if it is quo ted against him now that to fasten upon others tho sentiments which they then rebuked ana he proclaim ed. SOLDIERS' MEETINGS. The Democrats arc much encour aged by the immense success of the soldiers' meeting at Indianapolis, which has so far outshone the af fair of tho Blue Boys there, as to make radical demonstration sink into insignificance. No such elaborate preparations were made for the Democratic gath ering as for the other ; but it is a noticeable fast that the Democrats turn out with more enthusiasm for Tilden and Jiendricks than the Re publicans do for iZayca and Wheeler. Priday, FAMY AM. She was christened Fanny Ann and her last name was Jones. Not that she had any particular right to it for I took har out of tho poor-house, but every one must have a name, you know. And when Mr. Jones left this wicked world, and I took a few select boarders a thing I'd never thought of in the world why I needed help. But yeu may be as good to those char ity children, and never get anything but trouble for it. You couldn't tell what I did for that girl. She was bound to me until she wa3 six teen, and I felt ft my-daty. She always wore nice long aprons that covered her from her neck to her toes, and good cow hide boots. 1 never allowed her to be idle. She .was up at five, washing windows and making fires, and in the evens ing I made her sew and knit. She never had a lazy moment, so that can't account for her wickedness; but as for being pretty no, indeed. My Lavina was pretty; she wasn't. Viny and Fanny Ann were just tho same age. It was when Viny was sixteen tha tj Senator Spriggins came to board at my house. A splendid man he was, about thirty, and just ad hand some a3 a picture. Viny, says I to my girl, 'how would you like to be a Senator's lady ?' 'Oh ma pays she 'go away !' 'Queerer things have happened, 'Viny,' say3 1. 'Just do your pret tiest. The senator is in and out a good deal, and you might as well see something of him; and, I'm sure, I owe enough for j'our things for you to wear 'em.' So Viny dressed herself in her best every day. And she was a girl to bo proad of white hands, small waist; never had dono a thing for herself; didn't know how to take a stitch; for I wouldn't have her prick her fingers a genuine lady. It didn't surprise me that the senator wanted to read poetry to her very soon. 'Fanny Ann,' said I, 'you can pui on your pink calico, and sit aud sew in Miss Viny's parlor every afternoon.' You seo 1 always was particular. 1 wouldn't have a thing ssid about my daughter. I Hrew enough for that. So I lot Fanny sit and sew ic the a. room or uropi'icvT suJce. t man don't mind a little servant girl, you know, and he'd known that I kept watch over my daughter. And so I felt quite cafe, vlnd I must say that he grew fonder and fonder of reading. Tho verses got into stupid Fanny linn's head, and 1 heard her saying them over to her self as she worked about the kitch en of a morning. Sentimental verses they were and says I to my self: 'if he reads that sort of stuff to Viny, he's pretty well gone.' 'Mrs. Senator Spriggins.7 I kept saying to myself. 'And Mrs. Sena tor Spriggin's ma.' Well, I'd always expected a good deal of beauty like Viny, but not quite this. 1 used to try to get Viny to talk, but she woukln t. 'He a well enough, she used to say: out l clon t care mueo. about him. lo's heavy; and I don't like so much poetry. Sometimes I nearly go to sleep.' 'If or sname I said 1. 'Don't you want to go to Wash ington and be introduced at the White House, and wear diamonds : 'I'd like diamonds,' Viny U3ed to say. 'but 1 think Jack Scoop, at the grocery, is nicer than the sena tor.' 'But vou won't refuse him?' Says I. ' Wait till ho asks me, says Viny Well, I begun to despair, she was so hard to manage; but one day, when I wa3 beating eggs for a pud dine. Fannv .Ann. came close to me, and said : 'Oh. nleasa Mrs. Crabannle, I'd like to ask a question,' '4. A. Yes: then ask it, Fanny,' says I. 'Well,' savs she, 'what should you think if a gentleman said young sin was an ange Tu:it he is m love with her, says 1. 'Indifhe sighed and said, hie future iiuppiness depended on one little word ; asked i1 anny 'That he mean: to offer, of course, says I. 'Ye3,' says Fanny, 'I think 60 myself; only I wasn't sure.' 'iZave you heard any one say such things?' says I. She nodded. 'Who?' says 1. 'The Senator,' says she. 'You are a good girl for telling me,' says 1. '2've no doubt things arc all coming right, and if Miss Viny goes to Washington, perhaps she'll take you for her maid.' 'Do youthink3o Mrs. Crabappie ? How very delightful ! said Fanny, in such a queer way, and ran out of the kitchen: but though I felt angry at her I couldn't tell just why, and I was tickled to death over Vmy's prospects. 'Twouldn't be long now before he proposed, I knew; and 1 kept talking to her about Washington, and asking Fanny Ann questions on the sly, praising Viny to the senator, andjdoing my duty in every way, until at last one evening com ing up stairs with the towels, the senator came out from amongst the other boarders in the parlor and says he : 'Madam, may 2 have a word with you ?' Then 1 turned quite faint, and said : 'Yes, sir; of course.' Wo went into the little sewing room at the end of the hail, and he sat down on a chair. Madam,' said he after a pause, 'I am going to ask you to give me something very precious, that has been placed by providence iri your charge. I suppose you have seen that I have given my heart away; and though my friends may think I have stooped a little, there is no doubt in mind that I do well.' 'Well Senator Spiggins,' says I, 'I don't deny 1 have seen what was going on; but though poor, I must say, that a better family ' 'No matter,' says he. 'King Co , 7 really didn't think itwas King Cole, but King somebody wooed a beggar-maid ' '.Beggar3, indeed!' says I to mys self; 'but I wouldn't stand in Viny's way.' 'You've spoken to her?' says I. 'Yes,' says he, 'she loves me.' 'Then you have my copsent and blessings,' says I. 'And any loss you may meet with in consequence I will make good,' says he. 'Hey?' says I. 'I understand she belongs to you until she's eighteen,' says he. ' A. daughter belongs to a moth er's heart all her life,' says I. 'A daughter?' says he. 'Yes,' says I. 'I think you have misapprehend7 cJ me, says he. 'I was not allud ing to Miss Crabappie. I I spoke of Fanny Ann.' 'i didn't say nothing ntore. I was sort of stunned. 'My bound girl?' says I, after a while. 'We shall be married next week,' says he; 'and I shan't be ashamed of my little wife. She is a natural lady; and, as I said, any los3 ycu may sustain ' But there I lost command of my--Ijoiil bngan t.n iA hiDIJvhat I thought of him, and my opinion or that brazen Fanny Inn. d; an - -' thev were raarne a now i r Senator Spir Tin s J-UCJf say she s ever so stylish and Lakes on mighty airs; but I never could get any sympathy rom V iny. Sue married bcroggins, the grocer, soon after, and will set up for happy. 'It ianny Ann could put up with that solemn senator, she's welcome to him,' 6ays she. 'J've always iked dear Scrog; but I have a mother's feelings, ma'am, an no one knows how 1 suffer when Mrs. Senator Spiggins drives by in her coach ! Colored Voters in the South. We advise the colored voters in tho Southern States to Bupport the deinocratiec State and local tickets. They will prebably, in gsuoral, want to vote for Governor Hays, and this they can easily do at tho same time that they vote for the democratic local and State tickets. It is time lor them to exercise discrimination in their voting. To "vote the straight ticket 13 not, as they have Deeu taught by corrupt whito men, the highest duty ot an American citizen. They may reasonably say that they prefer a republican federal adminis tration ; but m such btates as boutii Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi, they ought to see that they have been iu local politic only the instrument of bad men, who mislead them and use them foi- purposes antagonistic to thier own interest and to thoso of tho com munities of which they are a part. Senator Boutwell, one of the most zealous and watchful friends of the Southern colored men, was so im pressed with the condition of Missis sippi politics that he advised the col ored leaders in that state to nomi nate none but leading whito men of character and standing in the commu nity, native born and property owners, to the offices and to support these laithfuuv. xhis was sound a i vice. If thoy do this they will give the State peaco and themselves the good will oi' the whole community. So in South Carolina, General Hampton, ono of tho foremost citizens of the State sol- emly and publicly pledges himself that, if he is chosen Governor, ho will exocute impartial justice between white and black and seo that the col ored people are secure in all their rights in every part of the State. We advise the colored man to take him at his word and give him a trial. He promises more than Governor Chamberlain haa performed, and ho has the ability to do what he says. In Louisiana there can be no doubt of tho duty of colored voters; they ought to support the couservative State ticket and put down the corrupt republican ring which has eo long kept tha State in turmoil. If the colored voters in these States should declare openly that they mean to vote lor H ayes, but that they will every where support the local demo cratic tickets, they would put a new iaco on the campaign m tho South, and they would only be doing, after all, what honest white republicans in Louisiana and Mississippi have been doing tor several years. JS. Y. Herald. Tin Niggins After His Honsy Moon- Seems to me things have changed somewhat ! Seems to mo so bust me if it don't ! I've been married near six months now, and the fact is, Susan showed the least bit more temper than I thought she had ; in fact to speak tho right down truth, she's knocking things about general for the past two months, and kick ed up the old boy in particular ! She's slang the cat through the win dow by the tail, and would cast mo out by the heels, if I hadn't walk ed out in a fast run. She's goot cross as four sticks, and says she will use half a dozen sticks on my back if I don't quit smoking in the house. And she threatened to throw the boot jack down my throat last night, because I spit in the fire. If she'd done that I suppose I'd have the coHc or the boot jack cramp. 'Timothy P. Niggins," says I to mysels says I, 'you've gone and done it, you've put your foot into it, and you've got to put up with the cons sequences, you have. Come what will, you can't get out of it you can't. A girl looses her beauty mighty quick alter she gets to a Mrs Su san Sunflower, who before was as pretty aswenus; but jist as soon as I married her, her skin turned yel low, her eyes lost their beauty, her nair got tnin, she s jist got to be the shape of an ale cask she has by jingo ! And oh ! what a temper she's got ! Never knowed her to be mad before I married her, never knowed her to offer to throw the stove or chair down anvbodv's throat, no. till she was Mrs. Niggins ! J.unt says she'll come all right after a while ; but I don't see why she can't bo all right now, I don't, if she don't improve soon tho Lord help me. 'Jist spit in the are again, snys sne to me yisteraay i 'jist do it again, and I'll throw this stick of wood down your throat ! What did I marry yoa for? To run around arter you and make up the fire al ter you had spit it out ? Yon tor mented beast ! Did I marry you to slave and work for you while you smoke and chaw and chaw and saacke and spit in the firo ? There's there's them chickens I had to feed too, there's Ben Dykes' hog into the garden and dug up my tseed beets, and you never saw it ; there's that old rooster scratched up my onion bed, and you never saw it JLnd you never see nothiuz you ort to see, and see everything you ort'nt to see ! There's An Buster, who was over here yi3terday, I saw you wink at her ! I saw you, Tim Niggins! Don't you say youdidn't! I saw you, I saw you I .' -J n-.j i i w - Colored Brother. At a democratic meeting at Batesburg, S. C, held tho 5th inst, Tom Watson, a colored man and a hard-working field hand formulated the situation in regard to the col ored people of the South, in the following brave and sensible ang- uage: The Radicals have been ruling this Government for ten years, and their motto has been 'lie cheat and steal,' and to-day there is no money in the country. My colored friends, we have to labor hard every day to get bread for our children; we have to go barefooted and in our shirt sleeves. I went to Edgefield the other day and went into Lawrence Kain's (a leading white Radical) palace, and I saw a carriage for his baby that cost $100 in New York, and he had a white girl to roll it. W7hen his wife walked across the floor, she was dressed so fine you could hear her "rattling "a hun dred yards. J tell you, my colored friends, the Radical party is rotten. They have been ruling thirteen States, twelve of them have rotted down, and the sills under the thir teenth (South Carolina) are rotten and it will fali on the 7th of No vember. There is no such a thing a3 party now ; it is honesty butting against rascality, and I tell you rascality has got to get out of the way. I have been voting the rad ical ticket tor the past ten years, and white folks, I will tell you why 1 did it. These here carpet oag- rors and Rfalawars came around and told me to give them olucc- and they would tax you so that you would have to sell your land, and then we could buy it. I thought it would be very nice to have a hig plantation, and I voted for them aud told them to stick on tho tax. They stuck on the tax they got the land, fine horses, fine clothes and plenty of money but I have never got anything trom them yet. I tell you another falsehood they have been telling tne eolored iolks They tell us that as soon as Up Democrats get into power they will nut us back into slavery. I tell vou my colored friends, that it is impossible. The whole woriu is against slavery. The Constitution oi the United States forbids it, and the whito people could not put you into slavery if they would, and they wouldn't it they could. At the conclusion of hi3 remarks Tom came forward to the front of the stand, with all the eagerness of his hoDest soul, cried out: "All of you honest colored men come up here. Give mo your hand and God your heart, and let's havo an hon est government." A number of colored men were immediately en rolled in the Democratic club. What a Deserter's Wife thinks Vance. . Rufus L. Powell, of Swift Creek township, made us tho following st tement yesterday: Mrs. Pleasants, who lives six miles from Raleigh, was the widow Garner when she married Bovcrly Pleasants. Pleasants was a desert er all through the war, was caught several times, and got away each time. During the war Mrs Pleas ants moved to Clayton to live with her mother, and one day there came a notice that Governor Vance would give transportation to all deserters to get to their commands free of punishment, and some officers camo to her house and told her Vance said if she didn't tell where her husband was she should go to camp. She replied if that wa3 so she would go to camp, but m.tead ot doing so she went at once to Governor Vanco and he told her to go back horae. and the first man that came to in terfere with her, to take an axe or gun, or anything s'.e could get hold of and kill him that was his order. She told him they wouldn't allow her to draw government sew ing, anu he gave her an order to the commissary for fifty dollars' worth of goverment sewing, and she drew it through the bailance of the war. She couldn't get cotton, and Varce gave Ler an order on Camp Mangum for twenty dollars worth of cotton, and 'Yes,' says Mrs. Pleasants, 'if I was a man I would vote for Governor Vanco at the risk of my life.' 'This statement,' concluded Mr. Powell, 'was made mo by Rufus Garner, a ton of Mrs. Pleasants, who is at work with mo now. He is nineteen years of age, and told me this last week. Strange to say Beverly Pleasants is a blue-black republican, and has six brothers, every one of them good democrats.', lial. sentinel. "An Inqusitive Eoy. A Brownsville young man called on his intended tho other evening, and, while waiting for her to make her appearance, he struck up a con versation with his prospective brother-in-law. After a while, the boy asked : 'Docs galvanized much?' niggers know 'I really can't say,' answered the amused young man, and silence reigned for a few the boy resumed : 'Kin you play moments when checkers with your nose : 'No, I've not acquired that ac-c- iplishrncnt.' 'Well, you'd better learn, you hear me ?' 'Why ?' 'Cause, Sis says that you don't know as much as a galvanized nig ger, but yer dad's got lots o' stamps, and she'll marry you any., how ; and she said, when the got aholt of the old man's sugar, she was goin' to all the Fourth of July perceshuns an' ice-cream gum-sucks, and let you stay at home to play checkers with that holly-hock nose of ycurn.' And when 'Sis' got her hair ban ged and came in, she found thepar lor deserted by all save her brother, who was innocently tying the tail of two kittens together, 'nd sing ing. Seven Reasons why the Amendments Should b3 Adopted. 1. The adoption of the amend ments restores the law-making pow er to the people nips the rapidly growing and dangerous prerogative ot the Governor aud turns over to the people's representatives the man agement supervision and control of the railroads anu charitable and penal institutions of the State. 2. Restricts the sessions of the legislature to sixty days, at four dollars per day. 3. Reduces the number of su-p-enie court judges from five to hree. 4. Reduces the number of superior court judges from twelve to nine. 5. Excludes thieves from the bal lot box. G. Saves the tax payers of tho State more than one hundred thous and (100,000) dollars a year on the Legislature and judiciary at the lowest figure thoy have cost since the war; and three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) dollars on tho cost of IJ.oldens' two years" ad ministration. 7. AaH settles for all time lo come tha agitation and danger of mixed schools for the white and blacks the nursery of social equali- Never in our political history has thsre been such a gigantic and cun ning conspiracy against tho fran chise as the one now being carried out by the hirelings of the infamous Cameron Ring. i-A' ii.

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