........... , .Y - , U'r. if; .'rv'h- J : . i ' - t ' ; H - h i,. " ' ) i II ii i' I. 'i ;" 'J I . I . , KBUKOV. C.,i gjJdDAY, JANUARY 19, 1877.? ; Hj . , j'-j 1 . NO. 3. T ' it ' ii 1 . , ' ,t. ..... ! .. ........ - . ..i j i ti , . t . - - r i r-. ic is trap, too true, Uod Uelo me. thaa aaath.l r ?t r u - VOL. 55. GENERAL DIRECTORY. TARBOBO'. Mator Fred. Philips. . . - ConissiostBa Jesse A. Williajason, Ja cob Feldenhelrmer, Daniel W.U-nrU, Alex. McCabe; Joseph Cobb. Sbchbtabt ft TBBAStrBBm Kobt. ,White- harst. , Chie o Fouci-John W. Cotten. Assistxkt Police J. T. Moo-o Jas. Simonsoa, Altlmore MacnaJr. Superior Court Clerk and ProbaU Judg H. L. Suiton, Jr. n ... r it t i ir.n.L Shertjf Joseph Cobb. '7---. - - - Coroner ' - - ' - JVfiMwrCRobt.n. AnaUn- - Sitrvejtorlohfi: E. Baker. ' J Standard Keeper 3. B. Bjratt. School Examiner. TL. H.-6haw, Wm. A. Da?zan nt R. S. Willi? ma. Keeper Poor HoueeVfm. A. Dnparan. Commissioners Jno. LamaisLer.Chairmnn, Wiley WelI,J. B. W. N'orvitle, Frank Dew, M. Exem. A. MeCabe, Clerk. MAILS. aRRIVAIi AND DEPASTURE OF MAIlS KORTH AND SOOTH VIA Vf. W. R. R. Lowe Tarboro' (dally) at - 10 A. M. ArriTe at Tsrboro' (daily) al - - 3 30 P. M. WASHISGTON MA It) VIA REEXVILLE. FALKLAND AND SPARTA. t,T Tarboro' TUv at ' - . 6A.K. Arrire a- TarlKr (daily) at - - 6 P.M. l.-X.OES. fhe Viffbt. ad the Places .1 Wcetlny Concord V.Cbaptei- No. 5, N. M. law reuce, -Hi -b Vilest, Masonic Hall, monthly eop vooiion ; C i Thnrsday in every mouth at 1 0 o ci ck A. -'.. Concord J.oi No. '5S. Thotpae Gatlin, .fa.t-ervM-ii'i'- Hal!, meet first Friday bight it 7 ocloct P. H.rfMid third Saturday at 10 o'e'orb V.. it. ia rvery momb- "'leniton Enenmpment No. 3, I. O. O. F., I. B. Plur.tuntain. Chief Pptnai ch,X)dcl Fel Iotss' Fi'l, meets every-first and third Thurs day of each month. Edc-ombe Lodre No. 50, I. O. O. F., T. J?. Toler. N. O., Odd Fellows' Hail, meets every .nesdaj n.at. Fazecombe Conncil No. 122, Friends .f Cemperance, meet every Friday n'mht at the Oci Fellowa HalV Adrancc t-ode No. 2S, I. O. G. T , meets eerv Wednesday sight at there Hall. Zan h Lodge, No. 235, I. O. B. B., meet on first n"d tbird Monday night of every month at Odd Fellows' Hall, A. Whitlock, President.' NEW ARVERTiSBMENTS vp.'i-. A-en-. nvij.Ci' ou ouj" Com j ja .on Pros:H.-i-- $2500 tus , icvrseai'tig 150 TiSCT EODSS vp 7t ed ewy e. Tuo l 25,'8i, . '!'; eve tried. ' made ."rem ih'o wjo I itij;J er e boOi8 lap. Alto Affe -won.ed oi onr '"Scetit XuihHy isi i), ta ?e o- io all S.-'nertt BJndhoffs. -Tu lioots be i i-.-o Wo- P. Ps' tottii i.' S! ireaf - Ai'wess JOiJNE. PtfTTlflife CO J PuoitPirrW 6 Bati eek loyoor own-,. town iti 5j oa6Vifoe, hi .. ArTkA .V.., r i lEa.rf'f- 1 MtU The Lime Rock and Fort Smith tin im i n t MISCELLANEOUS. Faiuiiag Lad3,'Gra?jnBr L.hu('s, f rirt LidJs. Vine Lauds, Coal i.au.i, vvood L.-os, some Praiue I,nua, rJoltcui i.an!s, Latw; C piauds. on Leruji to suit !he puocbaser. ',Six'jcr tent ntrtton delorrcii payraeuus. . len per ecut disennt ior cash. Vr full '"a.iiculi-s, niuiis ai pamphlets, app! to W. D. SLACK, Land Commissioner, Liuiel Rock, Arkaag is. I'HCKGHES. Episcopal Church Services every Sunday at 10 1-3 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. Br. J. H. ; Cheshire, Rector. Methodist Church Services every Sunday at o'clock, and at nisLt. Kevr Sir, Rone, 1 or. f rgsbiterian Church Services every 1st. 3rdjd3th Sabbaths. Rev. T. J. Allison, : Pastor Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs day night- Misxionarv BaptUt Churrh Services the 4th San-Jay in every moith, morning and PrimMm Baptist Church Services first ho toe. COS Augusta, Maine. f C K day at A-OunU and ttrius Extra Fine Misid o cii., post-p.ilJ. 25 f Nassau, N. 'i'. Agents wanted, free. TKUE Cards, VUU uiau-, L. J oucn Jt Co., 500 o.r Sm-Vitk- Le .eilCopvhij Book, So press vf water ,uet . ica:ujie; ojy v, or. 1 01; li-ec. - rol s,n.j for t-' l-uCr. ' EX. CFLSIO1: M'JT'G CU.,9y Maiisdo, a:;d o2 De- roon S ice., CL,;- a;;'l. ' . .JWagy&ajeedf ftud wheTesafe dealer in s CARRIAGES, r.URRIF. KARM WAGONS, JA1. 1 C, ',Vliw,U.S A1J AiUKS, Jl All- . NESS, CO L L A 88. H AM ES. AO- 5 DLES, LAPROCES, HOUSE T CLOTHING. WHIPS. &C, Ac. Aiso a large Stock of Carnairo Materials No. 14, IB, -'1 acd 20 LTnion Street. . j " Norfolk. Ya. April, ? 1S76. y. J. 31 FREEMAN'!, Old Roliabie jewelry Store, , YEARS ESTABLISHED. STI'l IH FlfLl BUST. Arthur G. Freeman, SUCCESSOR ICO Main St., Norfcit, Va., rounding coo a.- r, a l'ol1 'ae 0L' Friday, " ". ssle- DaiiWn's Ciioie&fi - i i TIV TT77T1? Hf t MTTT TTP1 " i So Essie went away, and eaiered her new life as a Leircsa and a beauty, and before sho had beon one season m society, she was kndwn as one t)i Jioston a fairest belles, I fi Oh. what a beautiful life it was Wfef6ffierm nhdi;Il0se 8?e tnownm her country i uuuic, uui uij iiaiiusuine St ana most eligible amopg thera was Victor Dana. . Victor Dana was certainly a land, Maine. , 1 ay at itotsa. .iuuj.les woith ASO 4; CO., P,Tt- Patorday aid Sunday of each month at 11 . HOTELS, Adimi' Hotel, cornrt- ilain and Pitt' St? ). F. Adams, Proprietor. Newspajfe- Advei:sitig A-.ents. "4 GEO. P.R0WlL &. CO., ii Bfirk RoW, Y. They hav( t'.-e saiisfaci'oo of con-rolijii. the-most esnjve auaiotnn.c e sdvc tojae iiou A"tiicb bas eve oeeu sccaied, i'n ot tier eoiiibut ihis. They hive scceecc ed ii woii'iisr doo a -onir!e biisiues'iut so luoKr'Tiy systematic metjoo-tlj it no change jl news irjier si si em of AmjyX-a wa esive notice, wbile the widebt iaioi mi tioo opacU topics Bte'-es(ir!-to advei- 'strs i.-i iilsi n rt-!a"iv,ii 'uea.sppb.ij oi me pu ie. Kxitci ironi New Yoi k LCi'mcs, Jauel4h, , SEND FOB A -CIRCULAR. - 1 JlanhGcd : How Issf, How Restored ! i Just publishedL a new edition EXPBESS. Southern Express Office, on Vain fffeet, Xt. Al. lilWBZIICt, Scul" PmSlBSS10If AI. CAR'S. pfiANK POWELL, , A-ttarmay and finnielor at Law, TABB0&& ' & C. Jm GsellecUmia v Specialty. -D Office next door to e Southerner office. July 2, 1875. : tf OS. BLOUC CHESHIRE, JK., ATTORN EY AT LAW , S0TJLB.Y public. fe" Ofice at the Old Bank . Buildine-on ladeSireet. je25-tf. h FO. HOWARD. Ltiinratj and Counselor at Law. . TARBORO', N. C. Prac.ice id all the Courts, State ahd lel. uovlv. Oi DK. OULTBEWKtL'8 VRfB- bbatbdEssay 1 oo the radical Lutre (witbo.'i medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or bemmal eakness, lnvolintarv Seminal Losses, Impotepcy, Menial aid Physical In capacity, lmpedituents io Jiavriape. eSrc: al so, Consumption, Epilepsy aid Fus,'iadho- ed by t.eii-iDdu;gence or sexual extrava. gance, &c. j Price, in a seaJ?d envelope, only pis, cents. L The celebrated author, in tpis adrairable Essay, clearly demonstrates, I'roru a iSnrtv years' successful practice, thaO the alanoijjg consequences of self-abuse maj be radical! v cured without the dangerous ute of internal medicine or the application olf the knife ,- pointingout a mode of cure atlonce sinjple, certain, ana enectual, bv meapisi of which every sufferer, no matter what Lis condition may be, may enre liitnseif cheaply, privately ana raaieauy. . - i Tuis Liecture should be In the :;ariH of every youth and every man i the land Sent noser seal, m a p!aiu etvelope. to any aaaress, post-paid, on -riseetpt o : six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE COLVEKWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ana St.. New Xorit. Post Office Box, 45S6. jan.-ly. Diamo i. . i-in (-'owl Welder and Engn -e nreiit. P . '. . v-euii:, t-'c. : ' - t Sneli .h i beino; ?onncct- ed,.w'.h e i (;' .". 1'ponitr-. ij auses '?,' '" ' ' l'' exi In vdy for cash, e ' ;- .. ,o o-'ier u , SUPERIOR IWDUCEKSENTS. ,Sek yoor o'-r'e: s io iue. ami von will mvi 15 io i re- e- i.. Siji!ii ,bc gooes not suit Add .ess, 1T11 V K C. FREE WAN, Jew eler, Norfolk, Va. WC-m.T la-or "4 .T. I cma!ov none lnt o Vr )";- esei-r, and 1-von w'-li io Ii.-vt voi'.- t- i es iena:.-d pioiHU-iy and B-.fi..-' v I .vef, se.ir- mem io me Ex. press m;-i ,nl'y naeked in cotton. ' Alariin. Hoimesby j laid dawn his rake and turned in ithe direction of the farrn-house. j Essie was standing at the doer, prettv, blue-eyei Jessie, ishoin the stalwart voubs faitder loved bitter than hi. own life. iiurty,"fche .said,: running devrn t5o path to meet him, 'my motfeer s Here, uy own mother, Marty, and i am goiug to tne city with her. oh, Marty, waic till jou see her: sho is so Lcautifu! tiiat vou will 'It is true, too true, God help me,' than, death she said. f- -!Marr,,Z ftia h'ore,'. hV said . pre- 'God help you. -You mean by einfe her lipi to his fevered brow. ' that that you do not love him. Es- '-Esai ha pried again, 'no oho will sio .' Essie, darling, you love me and Tr,lovo you as I hav: loved; you.' no on will come between us.' 1 ' ""iUJl! to, my owii, ment ;eye-peff '1 have promised to oe his wife.' she sald, fand 2 wM keep my prom- you, not knowi haad. -: -Ji-i 'I am, hee;l Marty, .beslda you.'. 1A 17 rif W.J - 0 'S ' ise me handsome- juan,' and it was scarely to .bo wondered at that Essie's heud w::s turned by his attentions: scarcely to be "wondered at that she mistook, fascination J'or love, and never awoke to the trath 'till Victor )an a'-, ring encircled her finger. She came home one evening frein a musicale, with a diarnsnd soiitare glittering on her 'finger, but some- without yoa? Oh! my darlinir. mv aarnng, am you ''Hush,' she said, 'you never told me ot your love before; now is not the time. '.Net the time ! Essie, I have Mender the could be my raothe;- ior ! 5,ultI," uu nv VT any tod mother. Come into theb?VV' tUe sitting room-; 6he is there." ' . mie Ler ther ougratulat Uefbrc' he had time to &ne Marty fuund himself 'in the eutiug room, and heaid Essia's voice sav ing: 'Mother, tliii is iiii ty Marty, this is my faotttT,' aai taen he be came coniciois oi a nisy wnite hard being laid, in hi.-, uud ot u cold yet sweet voice, tayjti: lou are aaother intact oi iav away, ted her I- '7 iln TiAt l n o w liof T o-,M 1.. him, aaotner,', she said, 'and 1 should not have taken hij riu little girl's; let rue thauU you ijt the kindness 1 know you have saonu her. I was sure.' . She went silently up v.i hf own room, her thoughts lingering aw!.:le with Victor Dana, then ctrayin, anay to Martin Iloiincst.y. 'ihe friends and the lover, of licv new life, were not only wealthy, but aristocratic,' and the pleasures ! of the life she then led, were very ht she a i . i . j . r- u tue iiio die uien it's, were v -Ad her low, cultivated tones fell' , , , , r , ' , -: , , i . ,. - , ! dear to her, ana sho felt sho ou on Lis e a is. ho that Essi6. i i u ' r . mother ws u lady-a lady by birth U be PPJ-tappier far than Essie was like her and vet unlike , As .she thought of her ohl friends, t - i v i tuo Kiau out -lariaer ana nia wile, ner liKe her in iace and form, in f , , . , , c , , ' blue eyes and wavv nut- , - "" ran m uer ears. A. trloam of roaaon shnna Jr. l,'a x-ssie ; itssie, how can 1 Jive eyes- i 'Essie t my lassie ?' he eaid. ' Tours forever,' sho answered soft ly, and then hb fell asleep, holding- 'Spare hipi to me, oh, Father in heaven,' was tho cry of Essie's heart, na WA l.U I . .1 . 1 ' , ., , loved you from your childhood, and F 5 Wn"e ne iuouSn6 you Knew it ; an my iii ia hi8 raorcy God hear4 h&1 f you have teen my idol, bat I would r, and Martin Hoimesby was given not send you forth to your new life, back from the brink of thoigravo. trammeled with promises from the When he awke from his deep old. ; sleep roason shone in Jiis eyee. The 'If you loved the man you are crisi3 was past, j . going to marry. I would try to bear I10 live' lsaii the doctor, and my pain in silence, knowing you ? Prayer. of thankfulness went up wpa w An i from Essies haart ' i I u- " " " "I" Six months later Esaie anid Martin T r a J ii ,r 7 wero carried in fhe old oli&rch they my darhBg do not sell yourself for hadattended together in their child wealth or position ; it i3Tiot too late, hood. i cvn now, to' . - 'My darling,' the young husband 'It is too late,' the girl cried: said, as he pressed a kiss on her dairl- haye pity on me, Marty, arxl do 17 lips, 'are youstfre you will never not laako my burden heavier. regret all you nav given up r : JJo saw li'ow white her face was, '-Never,' sho replied, smiling;' 'my and-heart ached with a Bitter world will be my husband' love,' ana oi courso tier tiusbana kissed her pajn. 'I cannot break my engsgement,' she said, -piceoasly, 'and I did ;not again. her. deep - blue eyes and wavy nut browH &air, '-but th"cir expressions were very different, for Essie's face was sweeth-, softly, innocent, while her mother Wad simply a ciu, tasL- wined air, and a Elfgjt hauteur in ' ?ai.e tnougkttul, u 6haiow on They had not the v, ea! in her later friend:;, but she knew 'Truer, nor purer i.earc.--, ue or couid ce lounu. 2s ox; day sua cams; down stairs er manner, though then she tried j uSuly sunny fce , -re you not h-app WEBBMAnM-! ; THIS OLD ESTABLISHEI EAKERY 13 of ten, gladlv too now re..Jy to snppiy the piople of Tar- u:. ..' boro and vici&ity with ail kinds oi md IxedI' nt OU Bread, Cakes, French and Plain Uanhes, 7Tutg Truth, nbracin"- every th.ns nsnallv kent in a First Thankful for the ii -ral natrotiae-a ofthf jjbtine uuaereisneu osks a continuation. With t A l.rfi ; . .. . . 7 i - C ' to be gracious Twelve years" before a ttrungl-r had. brought lif tlo Eslie to tho fra house. ! ;'. '-Z lie, &aid. that- -fe was her f. th.ee and that her mother was ctad, that he was goiug abroad, and he asked them to take care of his little one 'till his return; and the farmer, being Tcry fond of children, and having none but Martin, then a bov thUttie girl to ome. fco, the years weut on, and E.ssie lived in hecoulntry home tiii bhe grew to be u slerider maiden of sev enteen, and then they received a letter telhng them that her mother was not dead, but that she and her husband had been entranced, and lanitisc. hjer rastaer ukco; 'if not -yofl ought the: sxti. 1877. NEW YORK. 18774 IRKDERICK PHILIPS, 1ot Attornay and Counselor at Lavr, I TABBOE0', N. C. W" Practices in Court of adjoining conn- faJ t ia the iVral and Supr.m. Churls. nlaflf v. 6, 1875. ly rAXTER P. WILLIAMSON, LTTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO', N. C. II praclice in the Courts of the 2nd il Dis' ' Collections made in anv ' tb Kute. Office in Iron Front Buildings, Pit . rear or a. -wniUocfc & Uo fl. , 7,1876. . . tf L. THOBP, imeys an! Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, NVGr Supreme Conrl Noi -h C;n olin aluo United Siai.es District Cou' ia Raleigh. i1 The difleient editions of TfE Sj"n duriog- tne next year wnl be tUe same aqann? tue year tnat uas just passed, lue clatiy eo'vion vill on week days be a sheet of fdjar pa-'es, auu va ouyuajs a sueet oi wr.at paaes, or oo Droaa coinmus wnue the wee.ly eo(.ion will ji ei ''U i, paees ol the same ditnen-, haracier that are aareadyt familiar to ocr lnenas. f I Thb Srs -will contiuue to be the fetrenou advecate of reform and retrenchments and of tne euDstitui'.on ol statesmanship, wisdom, aod iatejrity for hollow pretence, imhetality, and fraud in the adnrn.fcUatio.i of poblic af fairs. It will contend iOr the jovernhient of j the people by the people and for the toeople as:oppoeed to government bjr frauds In the baUot-box and in the eoentiotr of votes, en forced by military violence. It will enideavor to supply.iis readers a body new knot far from a million of souls with "the noajt care fal, complete, and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will employ lor this -purpose a numerous and carei ully selectejd staff oi reporvers ana correspond en U. lis rcportB irom vvcain.f ton, especiaiiy, wui be ihll ac curate, aud fearless : and it will do'ihtlsss continue to deserve and enjoy the htted of tuose wno tnrive by plundering the Treiisury " "jl "o'jrpjn.n wnai me law aoes noi give promptly filled, tiall and examine cur stock. uc.- uuu: vi DaiJi. oi Aew nanover. Nuv. 4 -ly. JACOB WE2ER, RESTAUEANT Boarding House. 5V1EALS at all HOURS ! 0YSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. A good stock of CIGAItS aud TOBACCO always on band. Boliciling your patronage. Yours respectfully, ' S. E, SPIER. Vtr Good customers ana Table Boarders. larboro', Sept. 1st, 1S75 THIS PAPER IS OJf FIXE WITH Where Advertising Contracts can lx made. W. T. TAYLOR, Jiauuiacturer oi TICES in the tonntfes- of Kdge- "lem J' will endavor to merit thel con- NrixrFn5" Yiniura Tnal,,, be. Ball .ax, Na and Wilson, and I fience of the public by defending the right WJLlIjU fillAMES, DOORS. pB BATTLE, :- ,r ; asellor and Attorney at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ! Practices in all the StatWfWrta IU24, 1876. . i rT DR. tD. BARNFC rgeon Dentist i , Wain Street TARBORO', N. C. Ol tne people amct the encroachmeme of i nn.iustinea power. t O'l, nwt... . i . .. n . , f xjjb yiia wi me aauy ccx WU1 neJ0 denia a montu or o.iJ a year, post paid, or With' ute HiwuAj ciuuuu ci.iua vear. 1 The Sunday edition albne. ciht.'nres. $L30 a year, post paid. i The Wiikli Sow, eiorht pa-rea of Rff bifoad columns, -will be furnished during 1877 atjthe' rate or ft a year, pose paid. The beieflt of this larre reduction fi omtbe previous rate for THx Wibkly can be enjoy ed by Individual subscribers without the (ac cess try oi m lag up ciuDs. At the same ti mO If inV rtT AMI - 4r-l fr rlet i-A aasa a : . It I .. I eztendino nnr'cir.- llatfnn ,!! ho . .-also conuuet M pn np DUiiaiOffS, Inm f-fnl to them, and ve.rvnch m whnarL. Ishmg s,U material, complete turn-key lobs, Plain Panels sf every style DOO'U FRAMES. wftrnows, sashes, blinds, . . , 2 AX TIES, MOULDINGS, P, BACKETS, SCROLL WOtiK i 'S ' . AND - Tobacco Box Patterns, Whitair's, N.- 0. (II woik JD. as ten or more isubscribers from one place will be entitled to o e copy ot the paper iht himself without ehr . " p At oiui t -TlAr a -vh r warranted to give entire I postaye paid, te expenses of paper arid feb.I8-lf.( I pnatlBgae barely repaid ; rnsj, consideriitj the size or tho eheei. and the quality fpf its contents, we are coufid-it toe. people will cousiuer xtui - x&tx a rn nt caeapest newspaper pnblished in the world.' and we trust also one of the very best. ' j :ity,N,Yl G. L. Shackelford. re Hotel, over S. S - x V More.. children's teeth end Platen kMach 17th. . " Address, THE SUN, New York City,: l 1 rto M, render's Hot.i P i TPTfPC Obtained for-mechanical a im. .1 AkJ medical, or other compoaods, or namental dealerns., trade-marks, and labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interlerenties, etc, promptly attended to. lavectiens that have been . f.- .;.-.!. . . . - - IlEJECTED lfeJ- Being opposite the . Patent' Oftle. w oan ! make closer searches, and 'aocnra Patmt more promptlv and HtTi hnMii.i,!f... h. . . v.uwa viwiU9 'T l -if M inoBe who are rmrt fmn wnourn .... 1 i . .'VW. and ftdvlsoas to pat eUtaOHUV. Ail COrriMnaiiAm. iiiUbL,. . - . - - .-j. uv.i.uv w-'. ivfc. J CUM ' UderjUal. Prfl- luir inn . iVf fer officials m the- Patent Oce, ana to iriventors in everv o - or otherwise, as parties may prefer,! all with min-artea luuioer. ! Marieh 2-t, lS7ti. ; 5 ly Ing House. m-R3,:V. E. LlPSCOMJJ -resDcctfullT an XTjB, noauces t hat she has opened a Private isoarainjr xtoiise in ' l arcoro, oq the ! comer oi iJans ana x'itt ctrects. , : i God Fare. Pteeuwut ftMni, Com for . table .Beds. Board jUedeirate. . .'Feb. 19. 1875. , ' ' "wly rr!IJ?E,,!'e?. always haro that he had lefs her. and in his an esinoHce. scr tcok her babv trirl with him. Orders for Parties & Sails leaving her completely alone. Ine letter was pot from him, for he was dead, but; from a friend to whom he had told the story; ho also said that he had written to Essie's mother, -and that he had no doubt she would claim her. There was a deep pain at Mar tins heart as he stood in the little sitting-room, and saw wifrh what ev ident delight Essie spoke of going with he mother." ' 'She lengs to bo awav from us. now that a brighter life opens' be fore her, she wilt soon forget us. and all the love we have given her,' he thought bitterly, and then look ing at her sweet, girlish faee again, he telt he had wronged her. 'JNo, she would never forget the friend? of her child-hood ; it was simply gladness at the thought of change.' Essie, raising her: eyes, caught his "Glance, and read it arisht. flou think I should not -show so much joy at going, Marty? she said, Dut tninJi, it is only for awnue. 1 win surely come back, Marty, you know 1 wili ; do you think 1 love you all the less, be cause I wish to go with ray mother, wish to see the world she lives in. Jpo you blame me for this, Marty?' i 'iardon, me, Essie, J ought to hare known our little girl better than to think that new friends would make thee forget old ones.' - - -j'hat evening Essie sand 'Marty stood beneath the silvery moonlight, the last time, perhaps for many years. . ' .- rretty Essie looked sad ehouh nowr and Marty; : vel" Marty's boyish heart seemed; breaking. Y0u will not (forget u entirely? ho said; 'you will forget me?' j 'What a tjuestion, Martj; 1 will never torger anyr ot- you, and will alwaT8:remember voa in narticula. ;.,- nf A . Marty, doyou think I could ever forget yQnt ; , Words of love were trembiing on Martin Holmesby's s lips, but he nraly repressed them. u rTrammel that childish heart with YOws 'she might regret,; bind her with promises she might "weep for. having made,1 never, never. ... - v 7' , I She: would go forth "to her fceV life free; and then let h'er tiiake her choiee4ff.Jf SMIfSi ;' If the old lovd werffths etrongest, she would return to (hem; if a near- ai handsomest men in the city.' 'Essfo made no answer for hr-r thoughts had strayed away to green fields and sunny niead-ows. She was not hapjy and she knew it, but the would not acknowledge it. - fherc was a strange, longing pnin at her heart, tliat she could not-understand, but sbe knew what it meant before the dav as over,, fVr when the evening shadows be gan' to fail, Martin IJolmesby came to her home. , She came into the paior' where he waited, her pale Iue robo sweep ing in silken foi ls behind her; all uer waivy nut-brown hair, fastened back froin her low, white brow, with a sweet red rose nestling among its suten njeshes, while the same sweet flower clustered at her rounded throat. He:noticed it all as she came for ward," and his heart sank within him. ; This, was not the Essie of old; this stately self-possessed girl, was not the winsome little maiden who had won his love. He was the Marty of old, in Es sie's eyes; a little graver, a little moro sunburned, perhaps, bnt V still the Marty who had loved her all his life. : - -one is roc me Jessie oi old. ni3 heart cried, as she swept forward. but as sho came closer, a' glad tnriu passea tnrougn 'tilaineart, lor ho saw the old lofre gleahjing in her eyes, th old longing smile on her , 'Martj Marty !' she cried, 'why did you rfot corns be.'oTe!' and she raised hec sweet red lips to his, and kissed hira as she had done at par; ins. He had net intended to teil his love even then, but the touch of her treniuou8 lips tnade it rmpossible tor him to -repress the passion burn ing within iiiaa. 1 'My darling!; my darling!' he said, 'I would have come before had I . known you longed for my press ence. .hssie I issie I my darling. my love, tell me no one has taken my place m your heart.' t In that instant, Essie Danton knew the truth, kiew that she loved Msrtin iZolnjesby as she could nev er love another: she knew hq was the only mail on earth tb whom her kjuow you loved me,' 'May God help us to fhe !-.i'ti, 'but'Essie you wrong.' 21c put his arm around her and drew her close to his heart. 'J t is no harm to kiss me once, Eji.c,' said, 'even he culd not envy me tnat.' io bent his bead, aud thejif I'.ps me; in cue long, last, farewell kiss ''May God bless you, my darling, hp. :-aid, 'and always fremembifr I wotildliave givea life itself to have mad yoa hajjpi a ihhxt Vcrl: for It- -r . ..... uoya want to do ncn, great, cr rfAAfl TIT it r Mlf - S vJ - w 1 1 u . i i i..L i j .. . t . . i . . . s. uo I'gUl, are Cl0Jli2 I tha t lprnl vrnlrlif nhtl in'flnn . , rj, -..vwu- tial men are very fortunate,; that t'aey have easily slipped into i their reject! ve spheres.. They scarcely ever think that by Hard work; and dint of perseverance! most of these men have .risen, to their present po sitions. Idlers -nevlr rise in the world. God doea ndt reward Iazi-1 irirhr4 ntxl i hnnn? ' li,.A ! .Tho printer's Drsaa.; 1 -1 printer sat in his ofGco chair bis loots jvera patched and his coat threadbare, and ; his ; face looked weary and worn-with care. - While aaly thinking of husmeis debt, old Mcirpbeas ound, hirh slowly crept and befbrei hel knew it he . soundlv slegt'; ahd sleeping ho dreamed that ho was dead, from trouble and" toiljhis spirit tad " fled, and that not iven a clow, bell tolled, for tho peaceful rest of his L cow-hide cole. As hp wandered among the shades, that I smoke 1 ad i scorh'. in lower Hades, he Bnortly chserved an iren door t&at creakinr: swun on hin- ;es ojalr,. but theL entrance was clos-, d with! a red: hot bar, and Satan irflsclfi stood !neenin? tout, i and Watchih? for tratrlpra rh and -thus to ftlo rassins? nrinter spoke :! !:V--M-:-; l U': - ' .-1 Corie in, my dear, it shall cost 1 ybu nothing, and never fear, this is tne place I cook the ones who never ' y thtir BUbscriniion ; sums, fori i - Ul ... ... -I tnpugn incite j they rmay escape, thby will: find when they are dead it s too late, Ij will shew yoa the place wvhere I melt them thin with red hot clain ad scraps ef tin, and 1 also whe I combo their heads with ! broken glass and melted lead ; and j if of refreshments' they only think, j there's boiling, water, for them to j drink : there is thd red hotVrind I stone' to grfnd down1 j his ' hose, and f.;e4 aha -oontinidfoc: cja -uerhitranJ still, ltaiiaS4jffie the richest, as well but tearless. Want.toSellv IWIIX SELL'AlY TWO STORY DWELL- lnff du Church Street, corner tit Thomas street -Ive rooms and. closets, u ThA' house is newly painted1 and ia excel., f s Jj3 lenijepziTiy Oua acre; of ground Is iittached under pew paling. - There are also the necessary out houses. Jt ts a bargain for Somebody. I will also sell a pood PI""io "- lieart 'went out with perfect dove and faith. S The eliKeiipg' solitaire on her finger seemed, to blind her with its 1 epai i.ii-iig. fcainjj. ; She was bound in honor to one man, while .her vhole soul turned to another.; v - ' j - ; She felt sho dare not break her engagement. i .: 'It is too - late, :too late.' her heart cried.: l - i . '.Martin,' sho cried j holding onl, her handy Congratulate me, for I am going to make ihe wealtbiost mar riage of the season! 1 ; , - ;w ' i tiler face, " even ' her lips were wbite as she spoke. 1 . - Martin drew ba ck 'as if h h- Lights flashed from the windows of one of the stateliest heuiaes on one of Boston's most fashionable avenues. ! It was Essie Danton's birthday and her mother was giving a party in honor of it. , Essie look3 brilliantly beautiful this evening, leaning ot the arm of her handsome lover. Her cheeks are flushed, her blue eyes shining, her red lips Etniiing sweetiy, but any one looking close into her face, would have seen that her smiles were forced that the flush on her cheeks was caused by excitement Yes, there was a groat change in Essie Damon from the dav sho had given her promise to Victor Dana Her face had growm pale and thin; thereiwas a weary look m her eyes, and a sorrowful droop with her sweet r.ed lips Yes, she was- suffering, though sue made every ettort to hide it from careless eyes. She was sweeping past One of the doors, her rose-crowned head bent low, listening to something Victor Dana wa3 saying, when suddenly the words, 'a telegram,' fell on her ers. ;'"' Sho saw her mother pass out of tne room, and quick as- thought, Bhe drew her hand from Victor's arm, and followed her. As Essie came forward, her mother slipped tho telegram into iter pocket. sew np red lot wiH ; and' then,' deaf sir,' you should ;eee them! squirm while i. rou tnem over turn. With those last awoke and though and . cook to a ' "-'.-T'V . -i ' ' words -the printer t it all a practical rolls along at it and say 'Mother! mother!' sho 1 cried, what is it? Where is it-from? Please, mother, let me see ?' , 'You will see it in the morning, dear. 'Marty? is it Marty? mother? does anything aii him? Mother, mother give it to mo. I must i know the truth. Victor Dana had followed Essie. ana ce came lorward now- JMother, wi41 you give it to me. know it is about him.' Her face was white as death, as sho clung to ner mother s arm. ' Jbu bad better let her know the worst, Victor Baid: 'this excitement is worse ti.au any news could bo.' Withont a word Mrs. DantOh ban ded her the paper, and pale and tear loss, Essie read : . 'ALarty is dyin. Brain fever. SHe is Calling piteously for Estio. There is httlo hope. ; ; i - Mother, l will go to him; I must go to him, and at once.' : r. 'Are you mad Essie?' her mother fcaid, glancing at Victor Danna. , l understand you, Essie isaicL and then .she passed over . to! Victor's Siae. . ! :-' -.j ': .. v'-Vicior she said, 'I wroneod yoU when. I promised to ba your wife, for I did not love you. See ! tho only man I love is dying.'1 ; r' bhe slipped tho diamond nn? Off her finger and laid it in his hand. -U xou lorgrve me the wronar I would havo -done yoa' she said.. ,:.; :&m 'It is better to know the truth now. than years after this. : I ? have loved yon very dearly, Essie, ' butI ' w'oall rather give you up than wed yori, knowing'your heart was sot.mine. nesa by 'riches andj honor.' God did &t tnake man v Ibe uselss jaid Kye at eas. rvWheiirmers-lcan sow and reap on tho .same day,' and trees blossom and yield frut On .the sarrte day, and not until than, can boys hope to become men of. marked in il'ience and acquisition without Vioriing lor it. A splendid carriage the street. Eoys looi to tnemseives. lie s ,a fortunate man ; what an easy timfc hei has ! Some day we may have! a windfall and not bo obliged to Work" for '''a living.' r j ' Thev scarcely dream that the ' occupant of that costly Vehicle was probably once a pcor boy, :vvho worked hard many year, winniiig the confidence of all around him by his industry, integrity knd noble bearing, iad le been is idle and loose as many froys are, Jhe would not have owned the4 carriage nor have been a millijcairp. .Many years of earnest toil, struggling to overcome obstacles, practising the m'o3t rigid economy, and? brayely halding out against great i discour- his suc- agements in 4he secret of ces3. Daniel Webster . coal'd make a great speech, uoys hea-d hirr, and said, 'What a gift! flow for tunate heJs to p3sess siich tal nts ! Ine thought hardly ientcred taeir heads that hard work .-enabled hlra to do it.; Tho first time he un dertook to declaim in a schopl roota ho broke down.' Eat persevering 1 ' ! inaustry overcame au cDitacle8. By bard study year after ycir, and eqaally diligent practice, he became Take away a quarter or a century irora has life, in which he carefully quallified him self for his- nrofession, havldg no idle hours,- aod no 'bed of 4own,' and the world would not fcave inown Daniel Webster. Boys should not forget this. He Could make a'great speech because he- worked fr it. world that noflting valuable ca bo had without Working for it. And the titne to begin work is now.' vVatit2ia Jab. - 'What do ycu want?' said I the beakjgloweriogAta-blue-nosedrlian, whose hat brim was ciore adopted for a horse collar than a bead gear. I wants a job where I kin elt a squaro feed, a good place to tqast my shins and where 1 Kin git soiie thing more than the" blue vaulted heaviegs to eeye;r me . when I siufms bers at flight. ! I a'ls want to inlpw who's elected -and what Congress! is a gpin' to do about thefit Alabama claims; Ijvnd-iwhat hez becomo Ibf tho two Charlies VC uA is tnat ail r as&ed the Juaze Aa ho noted'dpwn the -mahV waats! : -.'Them's Vm, : f A ,i. Well, i the (oti. : shelter a Warmth I will give you :for thirty days down -bjtlie"; Branch bat ftf tne political masters a nave .no in lormation s tot give. Ui. the tw Charlies l axbt' tmablo to spcakj a Ijdo pot inoW-who ybu" mean.' 0h, I ;in;in, Charlie Moulton? and Charlie Ross. -' ' - jole, but still at times so real did it scena, thafl ho cannot believe it was all dreirn ; and often he thinks with a chuckle ' and ft grin, of the fate of those who Save their .tin and h3;3raaiipa. ! i- The grandpa iz an t' individual. 3ged somewhere . between fifty and ' nion occurands! in most weljrcgula- ; tdd familys. " ' ' " ' -t . . . "jNext to alelthy I mother-in-law, they have moro bizzlness - on hand than any other: party, in the house hold. !M . ; j' . ; jl.-;.4 .':.- They are tho1, standard; authoity ; onall leading j topicka, and what -they don't know about things that happened -sixty-five years ago, cr wnat wiU.happin t or. the next thr,eo years to c.um, ; z! a .damage for enny- ' " body' to kno. .' (- -i. , Grandpas ar) riot entirely .use less; they arc handy, to hald babys, and feed pjigs, and iz yery smart 'at mcnjling al. broken bfopmi handle, or iq putting up tho clothes lines !' on Washing day !. '- : ;j .);. . ' . I hav seen gi aadpas that churn good j but I konsidcr is a "imfghty K mean; trik to set an old fellow i or I eighty-; years to (jhiirnin buttery ! . I ah? a grandma misiel, '. but' J 1 . Woi't ichurnlfor ho" concern, not if i 1 understand misefj J i i . i' - I am.willing toj ock -aby! while the wimmin folks are biling ! soap ;- .. j . i am rddy tb- kut. ag3 . to work np . iiito rag carpets ; they kan keep mo ' hunting hc.ns egg$, , or picking green Kurranj3; orkl wil dies, or liore apDie won't c&hrn. , .1 hny examinld misef ba tho subjelitj arid Will hoja jakinife that Josh Billings kvonit chrn.1 . -: ' . 'r pAndpas atopoor. help fet bring ing up children; tlWy are full enuff ovptecejpt and katekism Hboti tha ' stahd tht grihdpal ; iniads j them a'; a hean more than ther mind craniU - ' The pleasures of this' world are ; UUCCltlU-l , ,;ur picking green l evenj dip kan eifor Bass ; but i they prorhise more than TVl 1 . Ili . , tnoy give, ihey troible us in seek- 'l ing them,;they do pot satisfy us1; . whert possessing thdm, ,-and -'ther' ' - make us despairj ip leasing them. . . Ze ; -who: sjrts cdication says . t tho humantbraih is a sort of 1 torri- ' ' ble wax hat takes the . atamn ef " goed-orvofdvil," abcocdibg to.wheth-" A" r an ideal touches it tor a claW id- ! vt au tn; iovo carta tha one' i-f taost': lik'-thb diyiko- lo1 13 ;'tiit of :'A: tho good mcjther-i-so haselfis'a, un--f -forgettingvjwatchful, oasidtjratc;-. t free frdmca;Ioosy indesirin th L t good Of he- iildren fait mora than' , : -I her owhiapinessP y ? i; -'- ""A f ' i ' I i . .Tho human heart is Uker a ltnii0.xf.1 .stoae m . a mill jwhen' yoa T pot;' - .waeatAUsaer it, ft, turns and grihdaL :f -. and brclses tlio; wheat into flour; if ! IV you put. no wheat 1 Into it, , it still -:' i ?i 1 gribc oa, bu8 heni it ik ,' itself . .iiA.M grinds, ana it Slowly wears . away. Tbe miser toils for riches, the herd or ifamel the. 'srhoUr tha'iU V-f : il nama.rcayu.bOi - knonvn "to: '.coming -y.y, agcS. ,llor jn;uich hligScr nd : no- - vf blef tho aiai fj the OhtlsHaa who1 is TrT living for" cternity-i-toi'inyjf "!' 1. I v