. , ' r . - r . - . - t . . - i ' ' BE SURE YOU ABE BIChBET,; OCgT GhO -ID CiNockett. - TAEBORO N. C, FllIpAY; : FEBRUAR3T 16, 1877i VOL. 55. NO- 7. GENERAL DIRECTORY. TABBOBO. Matok Tred. Philips. ComnssiOHKsa Jesse A. Williamson, Ja cob Feldenheimer, Daniel W. Hartt, Alex. McCabe, Joseph Cobb. 8cktakt A Tkbabubkb Kobt. Whlte tinrst. Chiif of Pot,rc John W. Cot ten. AssisTi.MT Policb J. T. Moo"e, John Madra, Wood Windorne and Isaac Bjnum. COCST, Superior Court Clerk and Probait Jdg S. L. BUton, Jr. Regitterof Deed Alex. McCabe. Sheriff Joseph Cobb. Coroner Ti etuurer Robt. H. Austin. Surveyor John JE. Baker, i -7(,..,t.. J Rmmt p. 8. Hicks. School Examiners. El. H. Shaw, Wm. A DoKXaa and B. S. Williams. ? Keener Poor BaiaeVf. T. Godwin. ; ir.-a , ' CommittionertJno. Lancaster, Chairman, Wiley Well, J. B. W. Norrtlle, Frank D M. Exem. ; A. McCabe, Clerk. iRRIVlTj AND DEPAK1TTRE OF 'MAILS NORTH AND SOUTH VIA W. ft W. R. R. Lutc Tarboro' Waily) at - 10 A. M, Arrire at Tarboro' (dally) at - - 3 30 P. M WASHINQTOJI MAIL VIA GREENVILLE. FALKLAND AND SPARTA. Ion Tarboro (daily') at - 6 A.-,M Arriy at Tarboro" (daily) a - - IR rbe Nicbtaamd tsie Plao i qif nee tins; r.nTinnrA R. A. Ciapter No. 5, N. M Law rence. High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly convocations first Thursday In eyary month at 10 o'clock A. M. Concord Lodge No. 58, Tboraas Oatlin, Master, Masonic HaU,meeU first Friday night it 7 o'clock P. M. and third Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. in every month. Repiton Encampment No. 18, I. O. O. T. I. B. Palamonntain. Chief Patriarch, Odd Pel lows' Hall, meets every first and third Thurs day of each month. Edo-eeombe Lodere No. 50. I. O. O. F T. W. Toler. N. G., Odd Fellows' Hall, meets every Tuesday night. Ecbrecombe Council No. 122, Friends of Temperance, meet every Friday night at the Odd Fellows' Hall. x Advance Lodge No. 38, I. O. O. T., meets every Wednesday nint at there Hall. Zanoah Lodee, No. 235, I. O. B. B., meet on first and third Monday night of every month at Odd Fellows' Hall, A. Whltlock, President. CHURCHES, Episcopal Church Services every Sunday at 10 1-2 o'clock A. M. and 5 P. M. Dr. J. B. Cheshire, Rector. q Methodist Church Services every Sunday at 11 o'c lock, and at nlgUt. Rev. Mr. Rone, Pastor. Presbyterian Church Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th Sabbaths. Rev. T. J. Allison, Pastor Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs day night. Missionary Baptist Church Services the 4th Sunday in every moLth, morning and night. Rev. T. R. Owen, Pastor. Primitive Baptist Church -Services first . Saturday and Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock. HOTELS. Adams' Hotel, corn r Main and Pitt Sts. O. F. Adams, Proprie'-or. Southern Express closes every mornini N. Office, on Main Street, at 8f o'clock. M. Lawbxkcs, Agent. PBOFSSlOIf AL CARDS. pEA.NK POWELIi, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO1, 2f. C. 1Et Collections a Specialty. "S Office next door tofhe Southerner office. July 2, 1875. V tf JOS. BLOUNT CHESHIRE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, AITD NOTARY PUBLIC. mW Office at the Old Bank Building on Trade Street. je25-tf. G EO. HOWARD. Attorney and Counselor at Law. TARBORO', N. C. VST Pr&c.ice in all the Courts, State and Federal. "' nov.6-ly. jpBEDERICK PHILIPS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. XS" Practices in Courts of adjoining conn- tiu in t.h At and Hnnromc Cnnrta Nov. 6, 1875. ly ALTER P. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TAKBOBO, N. C. SVill practice in the Courts of the 2nd Judicial Diet'!-. Collections made io any part of the ir taie. EST" Office in Iron Front Building, Pit Street, rear of A. Whltlock A, Co's. , Jan. 7, 1876. tf J H. & W. Lw THORP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. PRACTICES in the counties of Edge combe, Halifax, Nash and Wilson, and In the Supreme Court North Carolina, also n the United States District Court at Raleigh. JACOB BATTLE, n -n J A i-i - . T vuiuiscuur auu Abiiwxucjr iawi Rnnirv MnriNT. n a 1 ay Practices In all tte State' Courts. March 24, 1876. ly DR. E. D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, Intain Street, TARBORO', N. a VlT All work wsnanted to give entire 181181801100. feb.lo-lf. Dr. G. L. Shackelford, X E3 INT TIS T, TARBORO', V. C. Office opposite Adams' Motel, over 8. 8. Nath f Co's Store, Care of children's teeth snd specialty. March 17tb, 1876, Plate work a ir, M. HOWARD, XJ 3r Gr DBAXXB in DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Ntex door to Mrs, Pender's Hotel, TARBORO, N. C NEW ADVESTTfrTTitTrWTS. tt a week invour towi n. Terms iJpUOand $5 outfit free. Portland, Maine. 1 lett Co- A LUCRATIVE BCSIftTSS. fty WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST- CLASS 81 WING MACHINE f AGENTS, i AND SCO MEN OF ENXEGT 1ND ABtLl-1 TT TO LEARN THE BUSINESS OP SELI ING BE WING MACHINES. COMPENSA TION LIBERAL, BUT TAKTING ACCOR. iWN( TO ABILITT; CHARACTEK AND I QUALIFICATIONS ; Ot THE.AGEXIwI FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS s Wilson Sewing Macblne Co., ' OltlOMO, I 827 A 829 Broadway, Hsw York or Vnt Orlsanx, L1 CCTf( 3'ear- Agents wanted on our tip tJJKr Grand Combination Proepec- lus, representing 150 DISriNCT BOOKS- wanted everywhere. The biggest thing ever tried. Bales wade from this when all single books foil. Also Agents wanted on our Magnificent Family Bibtas, superior to all others. With invaluable Illustrated Aids and superb Bindings. These Books beat the World. Full particulars free, i Address JOHN E. POTTER fc CO., Publishers, Phil- adelpbia. 1 C a day at home, and terms Agents ! wanted. A A Outfit freei TRUE as, CO., Augusta, Maine. Extra Fine Mixed Cards, wlth name, A9 10 cts., post-paid. L. Jouce Co. Nasau, N. Y. I i $55? $77. OuJU Week to Asents. S10 Free. P. O. Vkk- ery, Augusta, Maine. S5 to $2' r day at horn. Samples worth 1 frM. STINSON CO- Port- land , Maine. Newspaper Advertising Agents. GEO. P. HOWELL &i CO., 41 Park Bow, N. They have the satisfaction of Y. controlling the most extensive ana complete advertising connection which has ever been secured, and one which would be hardly possible in an other country but this. They have succ ed in working down a complex busiaess into so tborougly -a systematic method tost no change in the newspaper system lof America can escape notice, while the widest informa tion upon all topics interesting to advertisers Is placed readily at the disposal of the public .Extract from flew X or It Times, J une 14th, 1875. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. TATI?TK obtained for mechanical devices, medical, or other compounds, or-. namenuu aesigns, iraae-maru, ou jaous. Caveats, Assignments, Interiereacies, etc., promptly attended to. Inventions that nave been .. tbe Patent Office nusnr tfll; most cases: be secured by us. Being opposite the Patent omce, we can make close searches, and secure .Patents more promptly and with broader claims than tnoae w no are remote zrom wasnington. f send ns a model or sketch of Ail I Etil J.UAJ9 your device; we make exam inations free charge, ana aavise as to pat entability. All correspondende strictly con fidential. Prices low, AND NOfCAARQE UNLESS PATENT ISSECCBEDl We refer to officials in the Patent Office. and to inventors in every State In the Union. Address, in German or English. I C. A. SNOW A CO Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! I jsgfc. Jost published, a new edition t '"t Of US. (jTTItTXBWKLL 8 CXLI- Tiiii eratkd Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, involuntary seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments to Ma-riage, eta; al so, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induc ed by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c . J3f Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. I Tbe celebrated author, in this 'admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that too alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without tbe dangerous nse of internal medicine or tbe application of tbe ; knife ; pointingjint a mode of cure at ouce simple, certain, and effectual, by means lof which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. XT Tbis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man i the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, J THE CDLVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann SU. New fork". Post Office Box. 4586. jjaoL-ly. THE STJIVw 177. NEW YORK. 1877. The di&erent -editions of Ths Son daring ! the next year will be the same as daring the year that has just passed. The daily edition will on week days be a sbeet or tour pages. and on Sundays a sneet or etgnt pages, or oo broad columns : while the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of tbe seme dimen sions and character that are 'already familiar to onr friends. . i Thb Suit will continue to be- the strenous I Ivocate of reform and retrenchment, and of I advocate the substitution of -statesmanship wisdora, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud in the administration of public af fairs. It will contend for the government of tbe people by tne people ana tor tne people as opposed to government by frauds In the ballot-box and in the conntlnr of votes, en forced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply Its readers a body now not far from a million of souls with the mostr care ful, complete, and trustworthy aqcounts of current events, and will employ for this pur pose a numerous and carefully selected staff of reporters ana corresponaents. its reports from Washington, especially, will be fall ac curate, and fearless : and it will doafctlsss continue to deserve and enloy tbe hatred of tnose who thrive by plundering the Treasury or bv usurping what the law does not ifive them, while It will endavor to merit the con AoncA of the nubile bv defending the riphu of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of tbe daily Son wUl be 55 cents a month or 16.60 a year, post paid, or with tbe Sunday edition year. , tit The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, ai.20avear. postpaid. 1 ; I va The Wibklt Suit, eight pages of 66 broad columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of SI a year, post paia. . The ben efit of this larger eduction from the previous rate for Ths Wbxxxt eanj be enjoy ed by individual subscribers with oat the ne cessity of making up clubs. At the same time. If any of our friends choose to aid la extending onr circulation, we- ahalf be grate fnl to them, and every such person whoaends m tn or more subscribers .from tone place will be entitled to one copy of the baper fa himself without charge. At one dollar a year postage paid, the expenses of paper, and printing are barely repaid ; and, considering tbe size of the sheet and the quality (of its contents, we are confident the people will consider THn'WaTKXXT 8o the jchespest newspaper .published In the world, and we trust also one of the very best.- . . t Addnr, -TMw.iew XorkUtty,N,r : 1 'Jf. Mun&etnrer of and WBOlesal dealer t4 CARRIAGES, BUGGIE'sVFARM WAGONS, CARTSy WHEELS AND AXLES, HAR- ; L MESSC OQLLARSy HAMXS, fcAD- ; i DLES, LAPROBES, HORSE. . i ' F' CLOTHING, WaiPsT 1 A&.Aeu - lf .U . 1- BT- April, T 1878. J-M"-mEBMANr OI4 RUatrr jewefrr 8tor, f YEARS ESTABIISHE0. STIll IN FUil BLAST. ArthTir C. Freeman, SUCCESSOR 10 Main Norfolk, Va., offers tc the citizens of Edgecombe an sur rounding country, a full line of DUmonds, Plain Gold Weddln ment Rinse. Bridal Presents. . and Engage My facilities are such that belne- conn act ed with one of the largest Importing Houses in this Country, and buying exclusively for cm a, enaoies mo to oner . , 8UPERIOR INDUCEMENTS. Send your orders to me. and von will save 15 to 20 per cent.. Should the goods not suit niuooy will ne rannaco. Address, AKT H UK U. FREEMAN, Jeweler, Norfolk, "V. uioblt Iotoktaht. I employ none but tbe most skillful Workmen In the Repairing ox v icnes ana jewelry, ana u yon wlen to have your watches repaired nrenerlv and auancuon given, seua tnem to me dt jsx press carefully packed m cotton. i ffifiKY! THIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY XS now ready to supply the people of Tar boro and vicinity with all kinds of Bread, Cake, French and Plain Candies, JVutt, Fruit, c.f fiCf c.t embracing every thing usually kept la a First Thankful for the liberal natronare of the past the undersigned asks a continuation, wiio we promise or sausmeuon. rriwaute caamllteo cmnt always katt law uaan asasraa aexe as aaarv- est naUce. , Orders for Parties It Balls promptly filled. Call and examine ear stock, next uoor to jmok or xtew iiaoover. 1 Nov. 41y. JACOB WEBER. RESTAURANT Boarding; House. MdAttJ'at all HOURS ! -jT8TER8 SERVED IN EVERT 8TTLE. A good stock of CIGARS and TOBACCO always on hand. ' Soliciting your patronage. yours respectfully, 8. E. 8 PIER. Good areommodntiaa for Transient Customers and Table Boarders. Tarboro. Sept. 1st, 1875 . W. T. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of ' ; . WINDOW FfiAMES, -BOOKS, Plain Panels of eVery style BOOR FBAKES, wnriQW8, sasseI Atmns. . t . MANTLE8, MOULDING 8, 4 BRACKETS, SCROLL tTVRi , . . ": A .'. '. -..4 Tohacfio Bar ' Pattern's. 't . . , "... im VV IT iLaitSr S TV 1 j i w l , 9 ' ; V, Also, contracts to put np buildings, furn lshiug alt- material, complete turn-key lobs.' or otberwise, as parties may prefer, au with xiin-orieo lumber. March 24, 1870. Want to SeU. I WILL SELL MT TWO 8TORT DWELL. Ing on Church Btreet, corner of Thomas street Sve rooms and ' closets. The house Is newly painted and in excel- jjj lent repair, one acre or ground w attached under new paling. There are also the necessary out houses. It ts a bargain for somebody. I will also sell a good Piano and other Fur niture. Also several vacant Iota on Church Street All in Rocky Mont, N. C. DOSSEX BATTLE. Oct. 29, 1875. ; : V, j tf. f A FORTUNE FOR ONLT ONE DOLLAR A. First Dollar Quarterly Drawing, at New Orleans, Tuesday, January 3, 877, , , . , ' LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY This Institution was regularly incorporated by tbe Legislature of ihe State for Educa tional pnaposee in 1863. with a Capital of $L 000,000, to which It has since added a reserve fund of 350,000. Its Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. The sea on of 1877 opens with the following scheme f ;; CAPITAL' PRIZE, 15,000. IPrKetlO.000: 1, 1 Prise 15,000 - 188a frlMS, Amounting to foo,azo. i ! i ri : 100,000 TICKETS AT ' OHLTeHEDOUABRACH. Writ for circulars or send orders to I ., M CHAS. T.HOWARD, New Orleans, La.; Or to M. L Fooaatt, 157 Main St., JSorfoik, SEOITLAR QUARTERLY DRAWING on Tabrarav 4. 1877.-Tickets $10 -emch CvS- tsi jmie asu.uw. svBasaw 4 WBRO UtbBTQ jWBVAqtttltX Jriday, Pel. 16.1877 From Norfolk Laodmsik. OUR ROYAL GUESTS. Grand Naval Ball in Honor Of 1 i the Grand Dukes Alexis and Constantino and the : ; Ofllcers of.the Russian i it;-sjf,..--l!v -'.'4 4 Vf' '-, i ,FIest A VAST ASSEMBLAGE OFUNRUSPAS- SED BRILLIANCY. The Beauty and Fashion of the Twin Cities Present, A Lare Somber cf Ellegantly Dres sed Ladies from Other Cities in Attendance, The Royal Sot Tho Supper The Dancing Elaborate Decora tions Showy Uniforms. Tnte Grand Fiaale and PI Kemeriea. Ton may stroll where the rich, pied blossoms, With beauty all replete, Have woven a perfume carpet, For your d ease rating feet ; But give me the long, bright salon. Where, under tbe garish light. Flit those embryotio angels, In saintly robes of white. Balls owe their origin to France, and the hundreds of hearts that beat happily last night in the pres ence of the rojal scions of Northern Europe will doubtless bless La Belle France for the invention. Well, the great, stunning sensation of the season is over, and society can now resume tne even tenor ot its way. The crand complimentary ball civ- the even tenor of en "by the representatives of the American .Navy on this station to the Russian officers, now visiting our waters, took place at the Navy yard last night, and passed off with a brilliancy and edlat that will mark it an erea in the memory of all tbe fortunate participants in the re cherche affair. Such an immense display cf rare splendor and impo sing magnificence j and style stands unsurpassed in the round of gay history of this station, and will probably never be repeated unless the blue-blooded princess of Europe and their distingue associates are again the guests; ot the occasion. .All things considered, it was emi nently fitting that the coming cf thfse v REPRESENTATIVES; OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE. to our shores should be character ized by some substantial and ap propriate evidence of our great res pect and welcome as well as appre ciation of their exalted rank and position, and we fell sure the tender of hospitality and 'distinguished civ ilties accorded tbe noble visitors I i i !i ;j . .f last, nignu convey ampie eviueuce 01 1 the good feeling entertained by our people towards the ; distinguished strangers. When! in naval circles it was determined that the honor of a grand complimentary ball should be tendered the Russians, a meet ing of all the officers of the station was - called, committees were ap pointed, and it was decided to carry out tne aetans oi tne anair in a manner that would not only reflect credit on those engaged in it, but he ' worthy, the character of the country as a testimonial of esteem and honor to the rank and posit'on of those of the household of the "Czar of all the Russias." THE SPACIOUS HALL, known as the sail-loft, four hundred and fifty feet in length, was select ed as the salon cTbalt and for sev eral consecutive j days scores of workihgtnen, under the direction of the committre of arrangements. were engaged in fitting up the in terior in a manner highly artistic and sumptuous. Innumerable quan tities of large bunting, representing tne nags ot au nan or s, was intro- duced m decorating the apartment "V W"8 "V"'BS 01 Ine n 1,1x0 uau was cuinupeu m a series of gorgeous and resplendent hues, that for variety, I would have re quired the scintillations, of the kal eidoscope to equal. After days of hrduous work the labors of the com mittee were at an end, and the su perb saloon stood complete in its granduer and beauty, the last touches being to wax the floors. . THE GRAND ENTRANCE, bj an improvised" flight of stairway, was at the North end of the build- ingy vn.the nght ot the. entrance was tne private apartment ariaug- ed and furnished for" the gentlemen to!adjojt their : toilets, and on the I farnisbed with mirror, &c, for the coayeaience of the ladies - in re arranging anj dbtorbances of their loveij, aaormngs. The dressing I room were merely curtained off, and opened directly into 'i THE BALL ROOM. Here was a scene of splendor that, 1 5 "Under the taner'adazzlino hoa.m " was enchanticg to behold. Mottoes, satetaa ana coats-oi-arma shone out conspicuoiuij from the feestoonings os i tne many nags representing Europe, Asia, Africa and America, la lhv centre , overhead was drawn aU'ftmatu laraiaa:'Uallif inat was another, and at the iiead and loot ot the room was suspended expansive .American ensigns. On the right, about midway the saloon, a dan was erected lor the Grand Duk.es and suites, and the reception committee. 4.ue aaitt was most elaborately and r.chly decorated with devices and Howers. ri a vis was erected the gallery for the splendid band of the Hag-ship Zart ford, twenty pieces, and the Artil lery School baud of Tort Monroe, which furnished music tor the oc casion. AW around the apartiueut were disposed row 4 of solas and settees for the accommodation of the "wa.l flowers" and the repose of the dancers. Au arched door way connected the grand saloon With the usual ball-room over the - Yard entrance, which was in use on this occasion as a supper room, and beyond were tne Yard o dices improvised as private apartments for the ladies and gentlemen immediately con nected with the Yard. Hundreds of gas jets illumined the whole, and the tout ensemble was simply grand. THE SUPPER BOOMS, " consisting of the hall over the en trance and the court martial room, were both handsomely decorated with flags, wreaths and festoon?. The first contained eight loug tables and was used by the guest generally and the latter by their Royal ZZig ti neas the Grnd Dukes Alexis and Constantine, Admiral Boutakoff, staff" and the "big guns" of our own navy, 1 with several specially ,f avor- rJ fefWr.C OT.- allr this epiead-M- T and w all the great enjoyments of I the Grand Luke s ball the persons present were indebted to the follow ing COMMITTEES: General Committee of Arrange ments. Capt. Queen, Treasurer ; Captain Truxton, Paymaster Parks, Paymaster Watmough, Lieutenant Commander Chadwiek, Chief Engi neer McErmel, Surgeon Burbanks, Lieutenant Shaw, Master Free- mont, Lieutenant Russel and Civil Engineer Asserson. I Committee on Invitations. Cap tain Truxton, Paymaster Parks and Lieutenant Shaw. Reception Comi tee in Hall Room. -Admiral Treuchard and Mrs. Commodore StevensCommo dore Stevens and Mrs. Captain Queen, Surgeon Kennedy and Mte. Captain Truxton. Committee on I ecorations. Lieutenant Commander Chadwiek, Chief Engineer McErmell, Master Freemont, Lieutenant Russell and Civil Engineer Asserson. Committee on Supper. Captain Queen, Paymaster Watmough, Sur- ' t, t 1. geon xuruau.. THE EVENTFUL HOUR at length came, and about 10 o'clock the doors were thrown open and the magnificent display began. The beauty and the chivalry of our land rapidly thronged the hall until, al most as "Thick as autumnal leaves, That strew the brooks in Vallambrosa," they filled the spacious apartment. Besides the stately matrcn and dashing 'gallant, were groups of bright-eyed daughters of the "Sun ny, South," i ' "Fresh as the foam new-bathed iu Papbaian 1 wells, " j i together with an agreeable propor tion of the " "Paler beauties of tbo North." The ball room was one vast par terre of rare exotics, whose . every floweret was a princess royal. There, there, and everywhere, glided creatures more fair than ever peopled the raptest dream of love from poet's brain. Laughing, chat ting, flirting, winding through un numbered labyrinthine mazes, were being mose radiantly bright and beaeon8 than the Houri of Mahem- etan Paradise. With tbe lights of the brilliant salon Playing soft on ipankled hair, Of queenly rich robed women, : All bright and debonair ; Where the flames of restless diamonds, In the radiant saffron light, - Flash out like fiery dragons, From the sable shroud of night. - There were fair blondina in blue, laughing divinities in satin and lace and roseate edgings; Rowenas in pure white, with locks of sheeny flaxen ; Evangelines with tresses "like imprisoned sunbeams:" dark' eyed,' languishing Virginias, whose every motion made the air seem fragrant and brilliant as the tropics; pale, pensive ladies "of Shalott," I who had nothing to sigh for oh earth that would not have bowed to their witchery. ' Here, came , noble, Juno-Iike creature) of most distin guished h me and mein; with a step like the- fawn s and the eyes of a gazelle: and 'there, in close dis tance, I ansels of hearts and of housholds" of ineffable beauty and description; 4las, j i air tresses, man's imperial race ensnare, And beauty draws us by a single hair." Everybody; was in full party dress, and the effect was the ultima thule and ideal of fashion. ! y,.:-,:. THE ORAWD DUXES Alexis and Cooatantine arrived on after ( IQ. rO'clock. aceompanied. by. n.auurai oxjutaaou. vaotaiu xarwu de Schilling,Flag-Lleutenant Prince Alexieff, Sub-Lieutenant Prince UDoiinsk!, Bub-Lieutenants rnnce Scherlotoff, Boutikoff, Banders- 1 rr Tv.ci? Tiji; i curon, xeoivens, jiiaasame. n.wnra immediately commenced, after an overture bv the band, wtih the royal set, comprising Grand Duke lexis and Mrs. Commodore T. JET. Stevens, Admiral Boutakoff and Mrs. Captain J. H. Russell, Rear Admiral Trenchard and Mrs. Cap tain W. W. Queen, I Commodore T. II. Sievensand Mrs. Dr. Kennedy. 1 he floor at this time-presented a sceno ot surpassing beauty. The superb full dress uniform of the army and navyt minelinr with the rich and varied toilets of the la dies, formed a picture at once love ly and resplendent beyond .descrip tion. I he programme consisted of nineteen dances as follows t, 1. Quadrille, 2. Waltz, 3. Polka, " 4. Lanciers, 5. Waltz, 6. Quadrille, 7. March, 8: Galop, 9; 10. 11. Lanciers, Waltz, Galop, INTEB MISSION. 12. Waltz, 16 Galop, 13. Quadrille, 17. Polka, 14. Waltz, 18. Waltz, 15. Waltz, 19. Virginia Re'l I he programmes were very pret tily gotten up in blue, illuminated with gold, bearing on the front the ituasian Imperial Standard. 1 TUP LOlLHTTS , . t . of the ladies were very rich and elaborate, and we extremely regret that the annexed mention is so im perfect and that the number we were enabled to obtain were so few. Miss Sallie Newton, white bro caded satin, blue silk overskirt trimmed with white lace; pearl or naments and diamonds. Miss Mary Dickson, handsome blue silk, lace colar and pearl orna ments. Miss Maria Lamb, handsome white dress, blue striped silk over skirt, and pearls. , Miss Jennie Camp, lilac silk, crepe overskirt; handsome silver ornaments. Miss O. Jackson, pink silk waist, pink tarlatan skirt, and pearl orna ments. t . Miss Lulu Blow, pink silk waist, white tarlatan skirt; rich ornaments. Miss Mary Goode, -dress of peach blossom silk trimmed with cardinal velvet en train; pearls and .dia monds. Miss Mary McCulIough, blue silk and diamonds. Miss Hattie Parks, bine silk. Mrs. C. Hardy, very handsome white silk; pearl ornaments. Mrs. Ella Brooke, bias silk, blue tarla tan skirt. Mrs. A. B. W-llets, white French tarla tan, handsomely trimmed with flowers and lace. MissliUla Walke, pink and cream tulle; siver ornaments. . , Miss Eva Wilson, blue silk dress, elab orately trimmed with white lace and illu sion, i j Miss Mary Hodges, white French tarla tan, elaborately- trimmed with flowers ; diamond orhamenta. - J I Miss Mary Cnamberlaine, filac and pink tjilk;"aipimond ornaments. j Miss Annie Reid, white silk and dia mond ornaments. 1 j Miss Fannie Bain, white French tarla tan, blue silk overdress and diamond or naments, j Miss Sallie Jordan, white silk waist, tarlatan skirt; neat ornaments, j Miss Bettie Taylor, black velvet waist, black and weffle tarlatan skirt; silver orna ments' 1 ! Miss Dora Schwartzkopf, handsomely attired in white; diamond ornaments. i Miss Adeline Petty, blue and white silk, point lace overskirt; diamond ornaments, j Miss Emily Williamson, -white brocade silk, handsomely trimmed with lace; or naments diamonds and pearls. Miss Minnie Q. Hayes, of Gramercy Park, New York, to-day Hebe, and prom ises, in a few yean, to ripen into an im perial June, fit to rule gods and men, waist crepe de chene, cut de culte, sleeves, white silk, with lace rushinga; corsage, boquet of pink reses, skirt ea train, light blue crepe de chene over peticoat. ; J Mrs S Forrest, rich black silk, overdress, black lace collar and ruffles of white lace ; pearl and dia mond ornaments. Miss Maggie Downing, dress of white silk and tarlatan, looped with rild flowers ; antique ornaments of white and gold. j Miss Florence Forrest, dress of cherry moire antique, . trimming of white tarlatan and lace : coiai jewf Miss Fannie - Downing, dress of white silk and pink tarlatan, i trimf med; With 7 flowers ; ornaments ; of diamond and peaila, '" J. . 1 1 r Mrs F Downing; ' hea,vj hlaok silk, with fchti" and. ; trimxaings of j crepe lisae ; ornaments, silver feila I gree. v: a tvtri 1 ievs- i v-"i vu-iao iiuuic it uceier. oji xiine, xrsw white silk and tarlatan,, trimmed with thread laee, : ivy leaves and Marguntes; 01 n amenta, diamonds ana pearis. - . Miss Lou Wheeler, of Erie Fa.J wmte suk ana tariaian. tnmmea . -.:' - - a'. with valenciennes. laee and Deach .,-. . .. . oiossoms ; pean ornaments. k Miss ifiugenia Murtaugh, unique m grace and style, and unrivalled 411 ub s, su uivob vccoHungiy arrangea in a oiue sue oress, tne Wortne cloucliest u skies, which wo ni9u w; m van eueia uer britt face would ferep' keewabore I her. pathway.! ' At ; hep- throat and 1 wnsua urioeiess uiu lace, a reziEaoie heirloom, gave: richness without I impairing the peculiarly youthful! effect of this lovely toilet. Mrs J G Sankew! Chines 1 . . . . . o . over white satin, elaborately trim- I med with cardinal .satin : diamond 1 ornaments. I Mrs WJLark'ns, lavender moire, eleaantlr trimmed with black vel- vet ; diamond ornaments. Miss E B King, violet velvet and diamonds. ; Mrs R C Deane, crimson and white silk ; coral ornaments. Mrs O W Farenholt, handsome black silk, trimmed. with a beauti ful shade of pink and point-lace ornaments of diamonds. Miss Belle Tunstall was dressed very elegantly and looked perfectly bewitching ; rich ornaments. Mrs Commodore Stevens,' rich black velvet; diamond ornaments. Mrs Captain Queen, mauve silk and real lace ; ornaments, dia monds. Mrs Dr Kennedy, handsome blue silk and costly jewels to match. Mrs fjaptain Russel, lovely pink silk and diamonds. ) Mrs John Goode, elegant gray 6ilk and topaz ornaments. ..a a w " w Mrs Dr Walton, charming pink silk and lace; coral jewelry. Mrs W T Kilby, black silk veK vet, lace overskirt; ornaments, pearl, and jet. Miss Sallie Jordan, White silk and tulle overskirt ; ornaments, coral. ; Miss Florence Sharp, pink silk, haodiMnaely triasa qrith lstea and flowers ; rich pearl ornaments. Miss Carrie Hatton, very hand somely dressed in white ; rich or naments. Mrs Dr Owens, white brocade, silk entrain, trimmed with flowers ; ornaments, pearls and diamonds. Miss Eva Hart, very handsome ly dressed, and was much admired. Mrs 11 Lt Turner, black- silk trimmed with white lace, velvet bodice ; diamond ornaments. Mrs George W ; Johnston black silk trimmed with pink ; diamond ornaments. Miss Effie Boush, of .Alexandria, black silk with white lace overdress; coral ornaments. 1 Mies Lucy Srottswood was dress ed in white, and looked perfectly lovely 1 pearl ornaments. Mrs S S -Armstrong, black silk and lace ; coral jewelry. Miss Jennie Parks, bofl tarlatan; ornaments, pearls and . diamonds. Miss Courtenay Newton, white silk handsomely decorated with flowers. Miss Holmes, oi Charlottesville, white tarlatan ; handsome orna ments. Mrs Allice StevensJ elegant in white and Velvet ; pearl ornaments. Miss Wigg, blaek ailks, orange blossoms ; pearl ornaments. Miss Peters, handsome i tarlatan dray Alttjs wr manufacturing, V of the best quality, for the heme HhOtt PL0 W LiNES, all sizes m4era from prompt easterners filled wlthoat I ':- delay. .' . TERMS : Net cash, within thirty days.1 ' Address, " . --r-'L- u I ! BATTLE St SON, Djpeca,- : Rocky Mount, Jf., C . lis. h. gatlhts Proposition ! in :eT0 THE LADIES ! ta ! ' 1 . i In announcing the re isption of nay new : hi 0 iriiTmni. nnnna dr U x 11 JurineoV TZZSLjZ Hes, Chief j my .stock; of ee tir! DRESS GOODS, lad ;y propose tofftv to tevery , ladigUtant Sge T C J??t triho may purchase a dress of theiiStf' W N Watmough. : meodsl within the next Thirty Da , I . . . A-v 41 ' :--f' fy single pattern ' they msy set le.! I pm the new Cat de ssaMnti Tapir Fwhlod IWlatMaw'AWH Kf CalO lyuiogne. y some It dressed in white, trimmed with rich flowers: . ornaments, nearla I ...:;, , , 1 ana aiamonas. 1 . -; r ' - r I , Miss Lizzie Moore, white silk,' i white muslin and lace. 1 ; 1 ; i Miss Webb,1 white tarlatan ; dia- 1 mond ornaments. 1 f . - Mrs WW Old' blue silk : hand- 1. . . jt . . 1 some ornaments. t 1 I Mrs Warren G Elliott. eleirant II , i. T 7 L-O - white SUE dress : diamond . orna- I ments. . 1 J - ! I Mrs Captain S P Franklin, very I ncn ana styiisn arees ; eiegant or I namentf. r Mr - f-i Mrs Commander O H Stanton, very;! 1 eiesranx Tjartv toilet: diamond oraa-- I mentsT " v ' . . ! ; Urs Lieutenant IUeter, pure white 1 "' wuuovuiw uimbwouh. Mrs E D Robie. Mrs F Dade. Mrs LOP Ayers and Mrs Geo B Bouah " were also among the elegantly dress-1 ed ladies of the Yard. , i . t . Miss Annie Branch, Richmond blue silk and diamond, ornaments. J Miss Verdi white. Petersburg. white a3k and diamonda - Miss Lizzie Southall, Charlottes- rule, blue silk and pearls. Miss Belle Holmes, white tarlatan and silk. -,i ' i i- - ;f - I v . J Miss Mary Hieeins. blue tarlatan and diamonds. ' . . 1 :.: Miss Ellen Camp, white silk and : lH18- '1. ' j ''':---..'::T Mrs James x Leigh, black satan. point laoe overskirt and pearl orna-; ments. j ! -i " v .-' Mrs Dr Baylor, lavender silk, point lace and diamonds. Mrs Judge Hughes, black silk and Imtlace. j , t Miss Lizae Quackanbusb. pink ' silk and diamonds. : I Miss Minnie Garnett, Richmond, corn colored silk and pearl .orna ments. ,V;.: ' ;''' '! I Mrs L J Gulick, white tarlatan and laee ; pearl ornaments. Mrs Gen V D Groner, light silk : ornaments, cameo and pearls. r Mrs xtohert r tsanj, I lavender silk, white laoe overskirt ; pearls and diamonds. i J Miss Mary-Minor. Charlottesville. white muslin, cardinal trimmings; gold ornaments. M - ' ' '- Mrs Charles G Elliott mauve silk. and pearl ornamenta ' . ) Mrs UampbelL Old Point white silk, and gold ornaments. - j - Miss Luoy regram. white sdk and pearls.;; i '!..-'. ..'( I'y-l-;':-' I'':. 1 i-y-'.r''f Miss A A MeOullough, black vel vet and lace: diamond- ornaments - Mi-Biii dk,, white tarlatan. and pink overskirt ;j pearl ornaments. ' Aliss Liuey UlacknalL Canton crepe lrees ; diamonds and "pearls. ) . AUss Virginias liewton, Inohmond. white silk and flower trimmings; dia mond ornaments. :" I ..j Mrs W N Watmough; white silk and lace overdress ; gold ornaments. Mrs Jj X uwathmey. white silk en train and lace trimmings ; diamond ornaments. ; I' ' .' j -f '- r-' :. Miss Mamie Shields, white tarletan over white silk ; gold ornaments. Miss Jennie Pleasants, of Rich mond, white tarlatan, flower trim mings: ornaments, gold. ! d 1 Miss JMellie Bradford, yellow silk and laee overskirt ; ornamerts, pearU Aliss .Blanche, .Baker, . white silk and tarletan ; gold ornaments, t ' 1 The Misses Keeling, ashes of rose - and pink, and bine silk and tarleton ; ornaments,, pearls and garnet. ! Mrs Judge L.1K Watts, of Ports mouth, white satin; and point laoe; ornaments, pearls and diamonds. Mrs Jb abin&j of Boston, light blue silk and laee ; : ornaments, diamonds. ' Miss Chamberlame, of Baltimore, blue silk; ornaments, diamonds. vatax ornczss. if- We observed the following officers on the floor located on this station : j The Navy Tarrf. Capt S P Frank lin, Commander Robert F R Lewis, Commander O F JStanton, Chief En gineerED Robbie, Chief Engineer F Dade, Civil EngineerP O Asser jpn, Paymaster Ruf us Parks, ILieu- i ant Q W Farenholt, Lieutenant iporge O Rieter, i Assistant 1 Surgeon cJelaon MoP Ferebee, Past Assistant 'A v-a, e a tvv . ., 9 . . - uagineer Jttooers w uaic, Aiieutens Jf Elliott, usm.o; sVkey. """uuii our verton and Ash- A1 wvwv ns orth Atlantic souad7on7 .5 IfT9' oommanding- iWtford-Plan, feutenant O P fiKS Swinburne, Fleet ParmT'r-V idlf i?L4r Paymaster Ed- &Si 'Amsden, J O Gilimore X ASh - frin, t b yinton audeB ourgeon H O Dean- iru h sua.. Ww, - ,v .r -p e ."Onhart. P..U4 a . A. 3boke. - n iSngin, eer Bn. ... 'v' ' ' 'J?A? I -pmn, Pkr Clerk Wi a 1 s 1 :t j-w , v.v . - rVJj rZI r"1"" Robert- J Cadet ImgineerHH StevL 7- r a: . m m m - 3

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