, " i "' 'if- f 1 Mm I'll i mrnn- tmnauma li r it, I ' ! ,. -s - -.- - illicit" '"feifi-iriwiif' rrhtai' r'fn m ii--'- ' V j . : IMiiwPiyiiiii i ."j nil I II il Ml II II II n Til J I I Will SI M SUV BE TJiBE OTJ AEE j EIGHT ; TELElSr GO EPKA1I).--X. Crockett. VOL. 55. TARBORO', N. C, FRIDAY; MARCH 16, 1877. tie if i in pii not i i irai nmi it'll ii 1 1 tv i it 1 1 ii ii n-a it c i m iv 1 1 ii .1-1 1 ' A ' , I M ' ' 1 1 -'.! Zi: ...r ". k " l': e ..- V. )-- GEN" ERA.L DIRECTORY. TABBOBO'. Mator Fred. Philips. Commissioners Jesse A. Williamson, Ja cob Fcldenhelmer, Daniel W. Hnrtt, Alex. McCbe, Joseph Cobb.. SacasTA.n'r & Tssascbcb Robt. White burst. CHixr or PaucsJohn W. Cotten. Assistant. Police J. T. Moo c, John Mttdra, Wood Windorne and Isaac Bynnm. COVNTT. Superior Court Clerk and Probat Judge H L. Statoa, Jr. Register of Deeds Alex. McCabe. Shertff Joseph Cobb. Coroner Treasurer - Root. H. -Austin . Surveyor John . Baker. Standard Keeper P. 8. ffleks. School Examiner. V. P. Mabson Chai r man, W. A Dnsresn, Yf. P. Williamson. Keeper. Poor House W. T. Godwin. Co-nmissioners Jno. Lancaster. Chairman, N. B. Bellamy, F. D. Whitted, Clinton Bat tle, F. Dancy. Coiuttp Attorney. -W. P. Williamson. - r- kRRlVAf. AND J)KPAB1URE OF MAILS xJara and south via w. w. R. r. LeT Tarhoro' (daily) at - - 10 A. M. Arrive at Tacboro' (daily) at - - S 30 P. M WASHINGTON MAIL VIA GREENVILLE. FALKLAND AND SPARTA. Laav. Tarboro' (daily)3at - - 6 A. M. ArriTO at Tarboro' (daHy) t - - 6 P. M. 1,01KS. r h Niffbts d (he Place .1 Mteetlnr- Concord R. A. Chapter No. 5, N. il. Law rence, High Priest, Masonic Hall, monthly conToeatlona nrst niursunj tu . 10 o'elock A. M. Concord Lodge No. 58, Tbomss Gatlin, Master, Masonic Hall, meet, first Friday nig;!it it 7 o'clock P. M. and tbird Saturday at 10 o'clock A. M. la every month. RepUon Encampment No. 13, I. O. O F., I. B. PalataonntaiB, ChierPatriarch, Odd Fel lows' Hall, meets every first and third Thurs day of each month. Edgecombe Lode No. 50, I. O. O. P., T. V. Toler, N. O., dd Fellows' Hall, inputs svery- Taesdiy nig-ht. Edgecombe Council No. 122, Friends of Temperance, meet every Friday iiiifht at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Advance Lodtre No. 38, I. O. U. T , niet-rs eierv Wednesday niJt at there Hall. Zanoah Lodee. No. 235, I. O. B. B., meet on first and third Mondnv night of every month at Odd Fellows' Hall, A. Whitlock, President. ' CHCKCHES. Episcopal Church Services every Sunday Cheshire, Rector. Methodist Church Services every Sunday at 10 o'elock, and atnierht. Rev. W. S. Roane, Pastor. Prayer Meeting on Monday even ing. f-resbyterian Church Services every 1st, trd and 5th Sabbaths. Rev. T. J. Allison, Pastor , Weekly Prayer meeting, Thurs day night Missionary Baptist Church Services the 4th Sunday in every moith, morning and mrbt Key. t. k, Owen, as tor. Primitive Baptist Church Services first Saturday and Sunday of each month at 11 .'clock. -HOTELS, Adams' Hotel, eornrr Main and Pitt Sts. O. F. Adams, Proprietor. EXPRESS. Southern Express Office, on Main Street, eloe everynornlng at9 o'clock. N. M. Lawrence, Ageut. PBOFESSIONAL CARDS. TRA-NK POWELL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TARJtORO', JT. C. Sf- Collecttens a. Specialty. Office next door to the Southerner office. July 2, 1875. tf JOS...BLOrJNT CHESHIRE, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASS NOTARY PUBLIC. R-Office at the Old Bank Building on Trade Street. ' je25-tf. 1 EO. HOWARD. Attorney and Counselor at Law ( TARBORO', N. C. ' Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. uov.5-ly. jpREDERICK PHILIPS, Attornty and Counselor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. a 17 Practices in Courts of adjoining conn ties, in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Nov. t, 1876. ly Y" ALTER P. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TARBORO', N. C. Will practice in the Courts of the' 2nd Judicial District. Collections made in any part of the btate. I3T Office in Iron Front Building, Pit ff treet, rear of 3L. Whitlock &. Co's. Jan. 7, 1876. tf JACOB BATTLE, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, . ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. ' Practices in all tle State Courts. March 24, 1876. iy DR. E. D. BARNES, Surgeon Dentist, BtaJn Street TARBORO', N. C. All work, warranted to give entire satisfaction. feb.lS-tf. J. H. & W. L. THORP, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N, C. PRACTICE8 In the counties of Edge combe, Halifak, Nash and Wilson, and lu the SHpreme Court North .Carolina, also n the United States District Court at Raleigh. Dr. G. L. Shackelford ENTIST, TARBORO', H. C. Office opposite Adams' Hotel, over S. . Nash f Co's Store. Care off children's teeth and Plate work Pe-'ialty. j March 17th, 1876, . ly, Y'M. HOWARD, - -tX XT Or Or X i - DlALIS IB MUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, teo., aeo., sbC. . Ntex door to Mrs, Psnder's Hotel, TARBORO, N. C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. a'week inyouri own town. Terms ip uUiMl ouint iree. Jt- nafueti ot jo , Portland, Maine. I OiTk a year. Agents wanted on our Jp .UVV Graud Combination rroepec- tus, representing 150 DISTINCT B00SS- wanted everywhere. The blgrsrestnhlijjr ever tried. Sales' rcude fronp this when, all single I b.oks fail. Also Aleuts wanted on our Magnificent Family Biples, superior to all others. With invaluable Illustrated Aids and iuDerb Hiudiutrs. These Books beat the World. Fall particulars tree Address JOHN E POTTER & &0 , PuWUhers, Phil uiars o., adelphia. A IHME AND FARM OF YOUR On the line of the Gretj Kailroad, with jod mat kets both East and West NOW IS YOUR TIME. TO SECURE IT. Mild C'lirTntc, Fertile Soil, Best Country for fctock Raising in the United States. Books, Maps. Full Information, also The ! Pioneer" ?trnt fre to alE parts of the World Address HO. F. DAVIS, Lamb Com U. P R. R , I OMAHA, NEB, $55 2 $77 Week to Agents. JlO Freed P. O. Viek- fry, Angusta, Miinc - a day at home Agents wanted. 1 Outfit and terms free: TRUE & CO., Augusta, Maine. j ' A LICRATIVK BUSINESS. S WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST- CLASS SEWING MACHINE AGENTS, AND 5C0 MEN OF ENERGY AND ABILI TY TO LEAKN THE BUSINESS OF SELL ING SEWING MACHINES. COMPENSA TION LIBERAL, BUT VARYIN& ACCOR DING TO ABILITY, CHARACTER AND QUALIFICATIONS OF THE AGENT. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Wilson Sewing Machine o Cbloaeo, 827 & 829 Broadway, Haw York or Saw Orleans, La. j Extra Fine Mixed &tJ 10 ctrL, post-paid. Nassau, N. X. Cards, ' with name, L. Jones s Co. CEORCE PA( GE & CO So. 5 U. SCS30E3SB STi EALXTS02I, 111. Patent lortbte Stationary HiicfneW Patent ( lrrnmr Sate Milirt, Gmk, Staler A KasOi Miltx, riat A Flour Mills; Water Wheels Shlnsl. Barrel A Waodworklsg IWachiBery, Tan lie Emerr Wheels and Orinders. Saws, 91111 Snpplies,c., e. SEND JFOR CAXAIXMi) DAlAlWKK PJEUCaW. T A IVnhlT" rien to'ictravel and rV X HiJLFsell our Lamp Goods to Dealers. 5 a montl), hotel and twcl lntr expenses paid. No peddling. : Address MONITOR LAMP CO.. Cincinnati, O. j &Z. 4n CO A per day at htme. Bai 5)3 HI 5'J Sl free. STlNdON & Bam pies' worth KJU., Port- land Maine. WONDEKFUL SUCCESS ! 25,000 ol the CENTEHill&L PQSmON Sold in 60 days. It being the only complete, low priced work (770 pages&nly $ 2.50;, treat ing of the entire history, grand buildings, wonderful exhibits, 'curiosities, great days, etc; illustrated, and $1 cneator thrn any oth er; everybody wants it. Onelew agent clear ed fS50 in 4 weeks. 3,000 Tenis wanted. Send quickly proof of above, opinions of officials, clergy and pressj sample pages, full description, and extra terms. 4idbbard Bros., 733 Sansom 8t Philadelphia. CAUTION Bt-ware of falsely claimed orn- cial and worthless books.! Snd for proof. Men to travel and establish agencies in ev ery town for our new and perfectly fire proof Glass Chimneys and Lamp. Business per manent; sells easy; no peddling. FIRE81DE M'F'G Co., Pittsburg, Pai DRUNKARD STOP! C. C. BEERS. M D. (formerly at Boston) has a harmless cure for Intemperance, which can be given without the knowledge of the patient. Also cure lor the OPIUM HABIT. Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Send sUmp for evidence. Ask druggists for it. Address BBEftS fc CO., Birmingham, Comm. FELT CARPETING, gO to 45 cents per yard. Felt Ceilings jtor rooms in place of plaster. Felt Roofing and Siding: F6r Circular and Sample, address C, J. FAY, Cauden, New Jeisey. j t0PRT.EKSUtP JiOTICK. WE. the nnderBlgnedJhave this day, Feb. 2nd, 1877, entered tntoia copartuership for the purpose of conducting a General Mer chandize business in the town olTarboro'j N. C, under the name nd style of Coffleld & Lewis. J- B. COFF1ELD, Feb. 9.-4t. yt. G. LEWIS. W. H. TATLOB. X. S . ELLIOTT. 1 . M. WAI TXBS Taylor, Elliott & Walters, Importers and Wholesale dealers in ; H A R D W ARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. Corner of Main Street and Market Square, NORFOLK, VA. Feb. 9, 1877. I Sm S. HAMBURGER. B. EAMBCrKOES Hamburger Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF TOBACCO. FACTORY. OFEICE & WAREHOUSE, Second Street, 93 & V5 Water Street; Petersburt-, Va. 1 NORFOLK, VA. Yeh. 9. 1877. f r Sm LOUIS HILLIABD, BABOEUW KOOSK, Greenville, N. C. Formerly of N. 0 . BILLIARD 4 MOORE, COTTON FACTORS ; . AMD ' Commission Merchants, McPhafTs WTiarf, - ' fforfolkv Virginia. Keep constantly on hiMt targe and vat ted stock of Bagging and Tie. . ' - General dealers in Standard Fertilizers.' Liberal cash adyances I made on consign ments. - - - I - MISCELLANEOUS. THE TRICMPII TRESS CO. S34 Bowery IV. Y., and 1 3 1 6 Cbettnnt Street, Pbiludelpbia.. to whom was awarded : The Premium Medal for the best elastic truss and supporter at the . v i iai session; or tae Great American Institute Fair. Care raptors in from thirty to ninety days. aud offer $1000 for a case they cannot cure. They employ a , . , , ? . Terms moderate. Cares guaranteed. Or- ders 4Ued-i9i oYKr'&niiaatio fre. Thtnini l Minnl tn lufnuii Snil I free. The tmual discount to patrons. Send ten cents for a descriptive book to- ; Ptof. W. W. BURNHAM, iL a, mcb 24-ly Chief 8areeou. N. B Please say wtasre you saw this ad- ' rertlsement. - - - -Old Reliable Jewelry Store, 48 YEAR? ftB TABU SHE1S , ;S;T 1 1 1 IH fVli BUST. Arthur C. Freemaii, SUCCESSOR 160 Maic St., Norfolk, Va , offer tc the citizens ifJSidfocombe an. sur- rouiixllng coniry, a fil line of Diamonds, Plain Gold Weddin? and Engage i meiit Rings, Bridal Presents, &c j ed with one of the largest Importing Houses in this Country, and buying exclusively for My lacuities are sncli that beinsr connect cash, enables me ta offer- , SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS. Send your orders to me. and von will save 15 to 20 per cent. Should the uroodanot suit money will be refunded. Address, AKTHURti FREEMAN, Jeweler, Norfolk, "Va. Highly Important. I employ none but the most skillful Workmen in the Repairing oi watcnes ana jewelry, ana tr yon wien to hare your watches re-paired properly and satisfaction given, send them to me by Ex press carefully packed in cotton. WEBER'S BAKERY ! THIS OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY IS -a. now reaty to supply the people ef Tar boro and vieii.ity with all kinds oi Bread, Cukes French and Plain Candies, Nuts, Fruits, J-c, dr., $c.y embraticr -vo-y i!..nt;N.i8naUy kept lu a First Class K-ii-iittliuitiiLof the kind. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past the undersigned ' asks a continuation. with the priifpise of satisfaction. Private Families can nlwari hare their Cakes Baked bere at abort eat notice. Orders for Parties & Balls promptly filled. Call and examine our stock,j uexr aoor to anK oi ew rtanover. Nov. 4.1y. JACOB WEBER. RESTAURANT AND Boarding House. MEALS at all HOURS ! o Y8TERS SERVED IN EVERY 8TYLE. A good stock of CIGARS and TOBACCO always on band. Soliciting your patronage. ; Xonrs respeettully, 8. E. SPIER. 9s Good accommodation for Transient Customers and Table Boarders. Tarboro, Sept. 1st, 1875 W.T.TAYLOR, Manufacturer of WINDOW FRAMES. DOORS, Plain Panels of every style DOOR FRAMES, . wry sows, skshss, blijtds, MANTLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK - AID Tobacco Box Patterns, Wliitaker's, N. O. Also, contracts to put up buildings, furn ishing aU material, complete turn-key jobs, or otherwise, as parties may prefer, ail with kiln-dried lumber. March 24, 1876. My Want to Sell.. I WILL SELL MY TWO 8TORY D WELL ing on Church ' StreeT;, corner of Thomas street ave rooms and closets. The house Is newly painted and lu excel- I lent repair. One acre of ground is I t attached under new paling. There are also the necessary out houses. It ts a bargain for somebody. I will also sell a good Piano and other Fur niture. -Also several vacant lota on Church Street. All In Rocky Mont, N. C. DO88EY BATTLE. Oct. 29, 1875. tf A FORTUNE FQR ONLY ONE DOLLAR First Dollar Quarterly Drawing, at New Orleans, Tuesday, Jannary"2, 1S7T. tmimTfllJTTERT COMPANY This Institution wusiegularly incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educa tional pnaposea itt ISOSwith a Capital of f 1, 000,000, to which ii has since added a reserve fund of f 350,000; Its Grand Single 'Number Drawings will take pUvce monthly. The sea son of 1877 opens with the following scheme CAPITAL PRIZE, $15,000. 1 Prise 5,000 1893 Prizes, Amounting to t66,525. OKLtO'tSnoiXABEaCH, Write fbT-fcfreuhtrtror send orders tar - CHA8. T. HOWARD, New Orleans, La. . Or to if.J. Fogabtt, 157 Main St., Norfolk, Va. REGULAR QUARTERLY DRAWING on Fetraray 4, 1877. .Tickets $10 each. Capi tal Prize &30.000. 1 1 i de.lu vv. March 16, 1377 K0T TO SS CAIGHT. Two rneu sat in conversation. Tne cooling; wind played gently with the short brown curls of the younger, while his handsome? eyes and face were lighted by a bright, LaaiiBtedexpregsibn I -can Scared 1. . . - , Ijr eredit such gotyd fortune. Are you sure there is no mistake ? he said. 'Perfectly I; here are the docu ments. Prove'your identity ; prove your identity ; prove to our satis faction that you arc Ralph JTami! ton, son of John Paul Hamilton, and you are a rich m n. Can you prove it ?' 'I can, immediately. But this is indeed a welcome change; to spring from dep poverty to such wealth in a moment, by the death of an unknown relative, Sweoi9 al most incredible. I am gratelui lo you, Metcalf, for your pains in so soon seeking me; also for your in terest in my wefFare, have one favor only to aek in addition: ihat you remain silent about it. "The act of my changed' circumstances need not be made known as yet. I sha.l not alter my style of living lor awhile, but oliall fulfill an en gfrgeineot to become the private tutor of two small boys residing, strange to relate, in the same place where lies this new estate. Jn taking the property, you Bay I am required to assume the name of ita foimer owner.; This I will do, after a few months spent in the neighbor hood as a poor teacher. I have met sad rebnii3 during the days of my poverty, and I have no idea of being made a victim of some for tune hunter, so I will win some good woman for love's sake, then settle down and, enjoy. myself.' In a beautiful residence eat two ladies, Mrs. Corsair and her daugh ter Zoe, while a third, a niece of the elder lady, Blanche Gilmore, stood with a light hat in her hand, as taougn just returned trom a w&lK. They were discussing the appear ance of a new tutor who had under taken for a time, on trial, the edu cation of the two -sons of the fam ily. Charley, one of these boys, had just appeared, and, looking from ihe window, whispered : 'Now, girls, there he comes. Tell me if what 1 said was not true.' 'Yes, indeed V exclaimed both young ladies, as they surveyed the fine figure and handsome tace ap proaching ; and when the young man smiled pleasantly upon Char-, ley, Blanche thought she had never seen so handsome a man, while Zoe Whispered : 'If the young heir of the Bel moat property prove onehalf as handsome I will be conte -it.' A Bplendid estate, With a resi dence of almost royal magnificence, lay within sight of their pretty home, and had just, through the death of old Mr. Belmont, a child less widower, passed into the hands of a young relative, expected booh to visit the premises. Zoe Corsair and her prudent mother had decided to appropriate both owner and es tate as Boon as possible after his arrival. The new tutor, Mr. Ham ilton, soon became a great favor ite with his pupils. Living as he did in the house, he soon beramu well acquainted with all, white he evidently admired the beautiful Zoe, who treated him with cool politeness. Of Blanche he saw little. She was only the poor re lation, depending upon her uncle for support, therefore compelled to bear every imposition and caprice her worldly, selfish aunt and cous in saw fit to inflict. Only little enjoyment was hers ; a solitary spot, a deep ravine, wildly romantic and secluded, was not far from her uncle's residence. Thither she went one beautiful afternoon, trip ping along down the small winding path that led to the depths below. But suddenly she paused, a groan and a faint call for help arresting her steps' fastening to the spot where she judged the sufferer to be, she saw a man lying at the foot of the ravine motionless and now quite still. la a few moments she was .be side him, and, on lifting his head from the ground, she found Mr. Hamilton, the tutor, unconscious. Running to ihe stream of water, she dipped in her handkerchief and bathed his brow. At last he opened his eyes, and gazed long and vacantly upon her. 'Ah, yes, I remember. I did fall. 1 leaned over to pluck a flower, and lost my balance. But I feel better again, thanks to yoa for your care,, and 1 will see if 2 cannot rise.' 'Lean on me, Mr. Hamilton, I think 7 can get you up the path, it is steep to the road, and from thence, after a rest, home.' Slowly, yet j surely, leaning on the young girl fer that support he was so accustomed to give toothers, he crept along, often stopping to rest, until at last the level road rriday was gained, and from there to his own room, to which a physician was soon summoned, and his limb set and hia bruises attended to. ItYlDS thus helpless upon his bed. the door partly open o allow a cir culation, oi air, tne youne man Jay nan aozmg, wnen no accidentally I JL J II . oearu ine ioiiowmg conversation, not, of course, intended for his ears: "A pretty piece, ofc. work this said Mrs. Corsair, who was an in tensely selfish wc man.. 'Who is to play nurse now, I would like, to kBw-' :v;. r 'And to a miserable tutor inter rupted the equally selfish Zoe. 1 should be very glad to take charge of the poor young man, alone among str;sngers and sick eaid Blanch , 'and if aunt is willinr I will devote my time to him.' 'And neglect the sewi-a: ? There is my wrapper not finished yet.' 'Do not fear aunt,' returned the same sweet voice, 1 will finish that also. I can take my sewing to his room and attend tj both ; if not able to sew while he is awake, 1 will do it at night when he sleeps.' Very well, do as vou please ; but, remember, that wrapper must be finished.' 'Come, mother,- don't botber about him any longer. The car riage waits to take us to t!i.- con cert. Come on.' So saying, the utifeeling Zoe swept down stairs, followed oy her mother, while a sclt voice murmur ed by the invalid's side : iou are not sleeping, j. nee. Wh at shall I do lor your relief '' '1 feel quite comfortable, thank you, except a headache, caused by the sudden jar.' 'Let me bathe it, then.' How soft her fingers were : how gentle her touch, aud what a depth ot womanly pity beamed from those large brown eyes. -4bout two weeks after the acci dent, Blanche wandered once more to her favorite resort, and seating herself at the foot ot the descent, she was soon lost n a deep rev erie. , 'This is a charming spot, Miss Blanche,' paid a well known voice behind her, 'and 1 see it is a favor ite of yours. Now that I know how t(F avoid its dangers, I also am charmed at its deep repose and pic turesque beauty. 'I am glad you like it,' was the reply of the young lady, as she blushed slightly wben he seated himself by her side. 'But yours is the only face I have evr seen when here, and I cannot but won. der how you discovered the spot.' 'One of my little pupils told me of it, and that day when 1 fell was my first visit. Thankful am I that you were in the habit of coming here, else 1 might have died alone and unmissed.' 'Alone, I grant; but not unmissed, for your pupils love youT 'I would like to tell you, daar Miss Blanche, how strongly attach ed I have become to my tender nurse, and how much J. long lor her to return my devoted affection. Dearest, c m you love a person oc i t i r cupying so humble a position as tutor to your uncle's children ? If i" ti you can, ana n you win allow me to present my deep love, and con sent to become my wife, it will be the delight of my life to strive to make you happy.' Then he drew her towards him, and their lips met. No opposition was offered when Mr. Hamilton asked the hand of Blanche Gilmore from her uncle, all thinking that their poor rela iv'tj did well, even in marrying a tutor. In the meantiino the news came that the Belmont owner was soon to take possession of his property. One of -his oddities was that on the evening of his return a large party of friends and the select neighbors were to assemble to bid him wel come. This party as it happened, was to take place the evening be fore the marriage of gf Blanche. Cards ot invitation had been left at Mr. Corsair's, and, much! to the surprise and chagrin of Jlfiss Zoe, Blanche was also remembered. Just as if we wanted to intro duce our poor relations she said, scornfully. 'I wonder that the to, tor also was not included.' The evening came. The looms were thronged, but singular to' re mark, the young owner had not as yet made his appearance. The guests were received by his most intimate friends, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf, and the latter, as soon as Blanche had been introduced, man aged to draw her to one side, and in another moment Zoe wondered, as, she saw them leave the roomsJ together. About half an Lour later, after all the guests had assembled, Mr. Metcalf said : 'Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bel mont has just arrived, and in a few minutes wil be pleased to meet you and introduce to all assembled the beautiful young lady who to morrow morning will become his bride.' Scarcely had he done speaking when the young man entered the room with Blanche Ranging pon his arm, her face radiant with bap- piness. Our late tutor 1' cried Mrs. Corsair. . . . ? ... L 'impossible : cried oe, sinking .s fT into cnair. i 'It is quite true, madain' said the young man; 'and now jieji: :.me' itope to see you at our wedding !tQ uiuiruw. . JLll were present except Zoe, whose disappointment was too great to permit her to form one of the wedding party. . '"A County Qo7er&aent . . AN ACT TO ESTABLISH COUNTY GOV KRNJIENTSBATLFIED 27tH .FEB RUARY, 187TI V : : :u-?v2-. The General Assembly of North , Carolina dp enact : , . i-"-' - bection 1. Jrery county ii al I J Tl j uuuv puiitH; auu corporate, anu U11 I .L. 31 1 1 Sec. 2. In each . county there snau De elected Dienniawy, Dy tne i ti t i i . 4uauueu voier mereoi, as proviueu for the election of members r of the General Assembly, a Treasurer, Register of Deeds and Surveyor-; Provided, however, That a majority i f the justices may abolish the office ouuii mo punero jjrcsunueu uy i except as may nereafter be pre statute, and those jiecesaar impli- scribed by law; and they shall hold ed by law and no other. t thair of the Treasurer, and thereupon the power of the General Assembly the duties and liabilities n6w atv to alter, amend, or abrogate the taciied to the office shall devolve provisions of this act, and to sub upon the sheriff. stitute others in their stead, as pro Sec. 3. The townships heretofore vided for in section 14 of article created or hereafter established VII of the Constitutiork snVy he distinguished by well de fined boundaries, and may be; alter ed, and aditional townships created by the Board of County Commis s oners ; but no township shall have or exercise any corp'oiate powers! whateve , unless allowed by Act of the tieneral Assembly to be exer- cised under the supervision of the I -ooard ot uounty commissioners. i Sec. 4. The justices of the! peace J shall be elected by the treneral-As- sembly. The Generil Assembly, I at its present sessiorf, shall elect three jusiiccs of the peace fori each township in the several counties Of the State, who shall be divided into house tailed to lead to its wherea threo classes, and hold their offices bouts. j for the terms of two, four and six ' A few' weeks aftep this the child years respectively, but the succes- complained of itsiose hurting him, sors of each class, as iu term, er- saying: 'ila, ma, seed in my nose. pires, shall be elected by the Gen- Mrs.! YVjalker; did what she cOuld fo e al Assembly for the term of six alleviate his suffering, but still the years. In addition to the justices pain would .return. . . of the peace above provide! for, A few days later, while suffering there shall be elected by the! Gen,- from a rather more senous attack eral Assembly for each township in than usual, Mrs. Walker was called which any city or incorporated town to i the bedside of the little sufferer is situated, one justice Of the peace, atrd found, tne missing ringjuit and also one for every ; oco thouss passing from the "boy s' nostril, and inhabitants in such cjity or where it had been stowed " away fdr town, ffho shall hold their office for the last five monthr The ring had the term of six years. The Secre- turned perfectly black from its Jong tary of the State shall certify to confinement in this rather odd re toe clerks of the Superior courts of eeptacle. j -: 4 the several counties ia this Sfate a ' Ein Q list of all justices of the peace elec wu , . ted for their several counties; with the terms for which they shall have been; appointed ard tnis snaii oe their commission : and tne cleric oi I the 'Superior Court shall otiij said justices of their appointrzeht who shall thereupon be entitled to enter upon the duties of their office upon taking before the said clerk Ue oath of office now prescribed by law for justices of the peace, j But the terms of those .elected St the present session "of the Generajt As sembly shall begin at the expirjation of the" terms for which the g'uiticea of the peace now in office have been elected, and, not before When new townships shall be established, f the General Assembly shall not be in session, the Governor jshall appoint the justices of the peace, and they shall hold tfceir.. pjtfices until the next meeting ot the uen eral Assembly, add -until thei suc cessors shall be elected and quali fied Sea 5. The justices of the peace for each county, oh the first Mon day in August, 1878, and onj th first Monday in August every twe years thereafter, shall assemble at the court house or tneir respective counties,jand a majority being, pres. ent, shall proceed to the election of not less than three, nor , more, than five persons, to be chosen frork the body of the county, (including the justices of the peace,) who shall be styled the lioard or uommissionera for the county ot , ana snail hold thtir offi es for two years, from the date of their qualification, and until their. . successors shall be elected and qualified , But- those elected on the 1st Monday in Au gust, 1878, shall enter upon the duties of their office immediately up;n the expiration of the term for which the Board of County -Commissioners now in office, have been elected, and not before. They shall be qualified by taking the oath of office before the Clerk of the Supe rior Court, or some judge pr justice of the peace, as now prescribed by law, and the Register of Deeds shall bo ex officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners Provided however r That the Board of Commissioners shall not have .poer to levy taxes to purchase real property to re move or designate new site; for county buildings, , t6; contract or re pair bridges the Jcbft vreOfjrnajr exceed five hundred -dellars,. or to borrow money for the county, toor alter or make additional, townships without the eoncurrence of a ma- J ioritybf ttis'fasticea1 of trie iieace f.a sb. a ' 1 I sitting witn them : and for purposes embraced in-tms proviso tire itisti I ces of the peace-of thtf count ahal meet witLthd.board of conunission- - J ersi 6a '.i&7.fffiiMQ&l&y tn AuinsiT i jlqio, uiiu Auuutur uiereaiter. un I less oTteiier convened bT the board j 6f cornlssiorreri wh are1 herirrj empowered to eaU together the rU8- J tices of th peace wheii-necewsarr,' not of tene'ihBnc.loTice.in.:.i;h:ee faonthsi But . for , uch;irervici the j ustices of the peace shall Ire ceive nor;coiaensuion T l ,; . , Bee. b. The'lwajd. ofcomm I cie tbejririisdictioji and powers ves m H00- 10n? now extjipg,iaid bjo. those vested in and exercised b rth WrrHf I . . ..... ' '. i trustees of- the TiriiI tntrnBhirvB I . ' r j by law. f I ! Sec. 7. All - the provisions i of article l ot the Constitution incon sistent with this act except those contained in section. 7 and 9 and 13. are hereby abrogated., and th a provisions of this act substituted in their nlaee: Subiect. hoiiener tn Sec. 8. This act shall ake effect from and after its ratification. AdneerJewolBoi. The four-year old son of Julian Walker, a "citizen of Mount Adams, Ohio, was presented, about a yearl ago, with a plain "zold ring, which the little fellow thought a great aeai oi. j , About five months ago the boy was lying his cradle .playing with the ornament, which he. had taken from his finger. After a while the ring was missing, and the most diligent search in every part of the . ; . . i Old Si went to the minstrel show last nignt, and as ne returned, rc- marked to us : '2'sedone wid dem kine ob thre- ateis 1' . Why is that, Si ?' ; j '-Sase fer dis, dat day 'minds me ob delibss oh a blo-es-3toJ wa'dn' eecon'-han britches !' - i Inwhat way, Si.?' j 'Well, sah, when a white man is gwine ter play pigger dar's mo 'ob hialegs got ter lay on de groun' dan I seed ennywh.r en dat platfrom ter-night !' - j ' Must have big feet, of course 'And der's got to Be mo' , meat dan red paint round his mouf r dat's annudder ting !' 'Certainly.' . f ! 'An when he gits down ide las flop on er jig he's got ter bast a plank . or rip de sole offen his shoo v. . i ..: . . .j..-, I W elly I didn't know that! J Do fac is dat dis tingob a stan'in collar, -.white, man blackin! . bif face an' puttin' on de nigger sty 16 is mighty onsactory eirkus to a ginuwine darkey, for he kin. see de holes in de perfoisaince same asyon kin see dem in afreehospital 'skee ter bar V Atlanta Constitution, j 1 There's no place like home, quoj teni a Bocklander man, the other evening after he had removed hip coat and boots and settled content edly back with the evening paper. But it wasn!t ' Jong before -two of the boys got into a fight over' a game ' of checkers, and were both effectually warmed with a strap; then two girls began an animated jawing over the respective merits of their heaus, and were sent to bed, while the "Bocklander man, in en deavoring to separate the dog and cat' in a sanguihary conflict, was seriously Scratched by the feline, and then seolded by his wife for up setting ' a flowerspot in the melee. He now spends his evenings down town. " .''''!' Two- young atterneys were wran gling for a long time before Judge Knox, of Yirgiuia, oyer a point of law. His Honor rendered his det cisioif. and tne spris whe had lest, i ranrndently remarked r our Hon- or,' there Is tf growing opinion thatCJis seat and there was an unusually. allfoaTslnreHaor'dcad' yet! Cer large eolleettoxu 'tainlf' anSWeredthe'thel'urtii 1 " . ':r' 1 ' . .-.!..'" with unrofflei geod humor, '1 quite aee 'with'4yduV f Mir.' Blank: ' and iionrratuiate yoa open your neanny i aDeaallee'.,, ' "1" I l' n-4tiAw Walnut- fl -Ezcellent Family Hedl- - - -ETervbw eats walnntsl bodoy" knofs how t6 f pickle walrmts; 4 -few, : hbweter, know- the medicinal' " : virtue of walnuts ...Kow, the - faefr ; . jisjiwalnutsl when -prepared -airetm-jdwnl artem, are an excellent medi ,f- cine jand alterative ; and this j th ; wayj tor brenare ' them ' flot ' rt. ' green Walnuis 'ti fer. pickling; but: " ': them 'into j s-sione jar filled ; with1 inoiss sugar, at tne proportion, of - : half pound to a score of "walau.ts ; j place the jar. in ancepan; qt boil, . . Bg ?terj for abont . ;three honrs , Saing care, that the. "water lbtfs nat i " getln: and keep it simmering du-' ' " f icg the dperation. . The sugar, ! - J iPfhen dissolved, shoold"-cover -th'"- WaTnuts ; if if does "nor adoTmore. i cover it close, and in six months it i will be fit for use; the older it eets. I vuo uefcter ic is. t una wainnt m- a. ' . dose for a child gf isix years of age, j ' as a pureative : and it had' thia 'i ' great advantage over drugs, that i; ' wui is c it is j an excellent medicine, it is, at the same time very Dleaiw ant to the palate, and will be .es teemed by the yoimff folks as "a reat treat. Who can Rav an mnh of salts, jalap,-and other doctor's s'ln stun i And in a lartre famiiY it will '- " aoriuge tne doctor s mil mty dollars year. la the Ttmnel.-;' ' "I j The train! on the Western & At- f ' antic railroad had stopped "at M" smau station, and a bpautiful young eentleman, with a linen d pair ot tighT boots, and a smile.. - jiiaa led lto the , car a blushing j . damsel o eigeteen; with. . 'a j-avish-li," ihg hat, and piece of conrt-plaster 1 uuuerueatu ner, lovely mouth. They , took seats, gazed at- each other, smiled and, talked, and every old gossip in! tb car had her' eye upon them i . He opened '- a-book and T turned the pages, while she -looked1 i Oft the window. Tunnel Hill, Ga., was in sight. The train dashed through a section of inner darkness When the other end of the tunnel was reached - she was - looking out the winddwwhild he. was , tu'rnig , the pages. jBut the caurt-plaster Was on his chin not hers; the. edges turned up and '"the center not smoothed down ; it seemed to have ' been hastily deposited. ! All the old gossips made.a note on't. . She : looked at him, saw the court-plaster, robbed her oiwn chin,' blushed and ! whispered toj bim. He put his hand " up to his chin, brought down the court-plaster, took out a ciVnr anil fled to : the . smoking ear In: .the-, distance rose! the srrim defiles and solemn: curves of Tunnel Hill. Ga ' The conductor entered the car with his new- steel! nnnMi' TSt...t. shouted "Loizencrers !""!- - ; v I j i About Hating. Hafonot. : It is not worth while! . Your life is not long enough te J make it pay to cherish ill-will; or hard thoughts; towards "any ' one ' What if that man has cheated yoa or that woman played I yoa falseV What if this friend has forsaken . you'in your time of need or that ' one, haying wOn year utmost cdn " ' fidence,your warmest love, has con- : eluded that ho prefers to consider and treat you as a stranger?. Let it all pass. What difference will it make to you in few years when t you go hence to the , 'undiscovered country ?' All who ill-treat yoa now if bo 4orry .fer it then, than you in; your deepest "disappoint- '.! meat ahd "rief,Jcah" be. ' A few ' more smiles, a few more sears, soaae ' ' pleasure, mach pain, i a little longer hurrying and worrying through the world,., seme j hasty j greetings j and abrupt farewells, and our play will , be plaved ut,' and the injured i wm nejea away ana ere long for- gotten 1 Is it worth while to hate I i " each other TI ' j ; ; p' W''S' 'What's this, mister V - said . cu- -rious countryman who was wander-., ing through a jeweler's store, and , as he spoke! he rane a statue of Mercury with his horny, knuckles, 1 That said the attendant 'is Mer- 7 ! cury, and passed on to wait upon a customer, t The rnralist gazed for a moment with open mouth at the bronze representation of the messenger of the ( gods and then beckoned ,to j a; companion at u,the other end of the store, to whom he said: Jim what do you ; suppose thatfigger is f. j I dunno respond ed, Jim in turn giving it a hard rap, 'brunze, aint it V fio,t said the ,k other,. ..'taint;, t it's .. . quicksilver.' What ! the stuff they put into ther mometers?) Waal I am darned. What'ell they de next V "" ' Dean Swift, having" been solici ted to' preach a charity sermon. mounted the pulpit and, after an-" nenncinjg his text, He thatgiveth to the poor lendeth to the ;Lord,? simply said, iNowmy bretheren if you are satisfied with the security Mown with the dust.' ! JSe then took When the waW jpitoher is ful there is no difficulty about its running out wnen xoei oaseoau piwuer m iou there is. 1 1 ii r-' A) ii ti..