j . ! ' -it s i . . mm ... w . . . , r . .. tJmnuJt f u.;ZSK wriMom wuwn vjc 9pmnwca a at tnowa to m perfectly i.' . w: i - - - --- - . .- u Cor; StoiiSgm StIMiSroV N. C Mil "I - 4 I I SMIItlM j v. v.- Sri ftgyatead, Sail UJAIKS KXCLU8ITJBXY IN , I! I I I M kL. I Id : ft- M . . a ... Fertilizers, i, Chemical l?o. i Peravlan Gaano, Bone Dnst tei-y. 'tf rmsster. Si r? r ; : Clothing for Men and Boys, Clothing for Men and Boys, Clothing for Men and Boys Clothing ! for Men and BoW : ? AT WHTTrnhrr'a J f DOSjlEYBATTLK, .kuuiiuacrarer 01 me Peruvian tioano & Bone Fertilfeer. Kd iter. I ud all vast urbors. "TwoaU W intrt4aoi iniD, taibetion,i of T ' 5 Wter Slwjt, NORFOLK, VA. fcadtto tStet lf builditr Mporta fab.6-8m AttBOBO', If. Q, Change oflSchedale NOTICE. AJL . WZflTJUOUiL S. J; JULWHJTLOCK'S AT WHXTLOCKS. AT.WHtTLOCJTS. Omem Boxbt Co. Coiocimiovku, Tarboro, N. C Ju. 23, 1870. i 7 1 , TU bin Mffd-ridi tit f igjuni ..uioiv ouujo ub -ua u Mas ib BermoT tAILOP ii . i. 1 TT--T a.""-:..". ..wyisea,a , yj-i l -., ---a.. - Mm. - 1 B r nn rriTi a - mm - IT i i i 21.1 "W" Tins IMO -r aarrft arm j- :. L3 A0UL God6S61 -"4 ii aWlSKiBf . - r re. .-. i . ,2 1T L"Mt- m. & 3 . 6ar.lJara-4-,rAfk ml CI MeMftiatCneVA ZZtAf. 41. .Mulj&jk'e ':Lttrr.!. t i ,.. . . I um w ums, oeen eieotea National Sank fa2Kakh. Wos nan wifl oome, sMoiallr.-when the Vi.XMwaJ:-:-." -'r--- . 'ww, ' r -.tuyP 'i Tbe Senate. censtujL still pxeb- Mjpati,bj which tandbtt. tarntnt of thepm., U - "?f5 ro I ouxces ot tne country - atexproof Cloths in JHfie, black, browj ndso 'jesi Ladi! Unr reform Gorerner Jarris sett a nettle example Jby refusing to in habit the palace and:doing without a $600 clerk. Thia replaceg in the treasnry manj thonsaaf ,dollart. 1 .. 11 a. tnr Our last Jineennar notje tor a fence or a dog law from the present legislature has been snotnerged in the gulf of despair JAf: they, al ways " dothe State deb), they will "leate it to the next legisiaWe.'' A column prrijuAr su- taintd a heavy defeat Itdvlest from an Attack f the hostile Zulus in ouWAfncd5tapyBun is deeyrWe!ittSer"e10;". EdV E. ' S&sT, JEsi been elected -Phairinaii of ejoard of Directora of the PenifTrtfiry. . Jhis is an horior du to his?reat merits. ButU chief qualicatibn u derired froni'thi Yaci'that Edited the XA4B0&0 SoCIHBilSJCB.- -- ' - - --1 H t ' j - ' u j i ' ? it The penate! seems : tp king fire on the bill to abolish Prjot err. In this inatter the HousV better in - is fonded;if the deeirea.ore people. I A n3wronic Jiagfs combemarltfhrehleasf dI ought to beaboliflhed and baaiiled to bid monllain earii 1 . i gaBWaWBeaMBWaalBWeaaWlaWaWBlaa -m An'd 'the .litle ' ebttnty -,'6f Sorry stepped ,op and drew 5StiU56 out of the gtatf jWTOjfMfifii' ontsideit Iviiitteav r';Uide ;therilaw neither: jdiota, th bliBdf3Mr deaf antes are provided for outside the Asylum. TJnlew tefegulature tops this matter in some way. the treaanrj;vr ii - a broke institution. Scalpel jjentlemenf sealpeL f : Teacher in Sunday school to pu piL "Bub, whafis thr chief end ani aim of the aTerage'mpdern leg islator?" :"fS't'lz. 'S i-' i Pupil. To so .mere as to get limaalf 'mlamtmA 'a,nir.A A. in An mm ear'notbing as posso!ehenct) nothing objectionable." , Teaiher.j9Xo ": they, , thep, do f t nothing for J&e goojitaof-the ' peo- 'ple ?'!- r: n s ltar ' MNetir';:,2'--f:? I-"" "What, never?" J$Lju "Weil, hardly everT:!., , Major f 7epniSEorgelhar'd, Secretary ')fftpe jfecGed in Bal. eighpm Saturdayi 15tb. of congestion? ;ofi the i livCr in the fortyvseVenth x years ef hie ag. lie was Vnee president of Tarboro and CleVafandAMa8ter! iniquity for the mWmtJifjff1 Fjft'sFMw from ChApel'icil.V thQagh: a native of Mississippi and t serVecU with North Carolina troops during the war. Daring "'life fiewai better Joufpalf axj caentia) pf pcJ5.i ta 1855 he married Mary llxt,h-. ter ardh.W.?ddtFenWMti who, wifh four children, jinryivea him. .:iiH; t fcatrtt-8 1 . -2 .ISO? isioxiM 1 dW to itmlidr tfc wort mil o aek ztkl af f4t amm to any UUm fi ih sroiWMd mm mim kitou id ut . nuim tMM m 063Wi .sow S- rH ImlttM Hare tUiattT.MiriiLlP0...- lBmed. to aid f .f voor committee fef Krm I jt-, their conriction. ha. notW whict tbe State bad,arigbt to expect! 'Tl ?ftAll5fltofi? W option ,tla the indicious inaiiagH en. 01 us own a&airs bj a prudent businegs inan applied, to tbw inatita- tion would sare tbouaands to the Unque.on4bJy "theTe ' hat &"aig " m uitr present law. r'art- I V ie mctwiat the Sapenntendent, tne Mai a! CIa. 1 1 1 .a -w-i VUt A); are been in the habit of I -id grey. . a , , f i ahwi a tnr inaieB--e: r. tn-n&tr,. ,v;n fc fiO cents, out i niJT&uB, maVino- T.n.KtflJU-narftntee. I Cellar and Cuff BOTtmo fact as yor committee beHeye the Superiatendent, with all his aplen did abilities, seems developed - ideas of to hare no well economy. "Tour committee are of tbe opinion that it is neceasarr to re-oifranize and turn over a new leaf. They therefore respect folly recommend the passage of the bill herewith presented, and hare a strong hope and confidence that it will save to the State tbe snm of twenty thousand dollars per annum. We respectfally.inTitt the atten tion of those exchanges, whehave seen nothing in Dr. Orissom save things of perfection, to the abort. Literary eminence (fide Hamsaend -Grissom controversy) is all rery good in its place. Bot the Soper intendent of the Asylnm, supported by tie pteple, should understand some little about domestie eceaoatty. Use the sea)pel,f gentlemen of the legislature. Be noi deterred by the cry of the anti-reformists of "bogus economy, etep" Tht people are with yon for every dollar yon save the oppressed tax-payers. ; We have received Dr. Grissom's report of "Affairs of the Insane Asylam" to the legislature. He claima that from 25 to 28 per cent, ef -the patients admitted, have been returned cured and 59 per cent, mieh improired. : The average" du ration of.jthe disease before their aiaionwae.8i years. Heaaya: ' ' I respectfully invite your attention to the fdeftaOs of the Treasurer's report of expenditures for thej last fiscal year ending December 1st, 3L8?9, amount ingto 16335.06. It is a ommo mistake to suppose that the prevision account comprises the bulk of . the necessary expenses. On tbe contrary it is less than one-third. 7 The several expenses; may be classi. fied under the following beads : Grot Amount Per Captia Provtaiom. Clothing and Fur niture H e didoes and fl7,12.21 $61.60 t 8.3IU7 11.90 BltaanleoU. 2,142 88 Wood and Coal 6.237.82 -Building doRepnirt. 8 6R. . 7.70 1884 31.29 76.87 MAtenax 2.08 2.22 97 Farm, Grounds & Qardeu, -Stock A Forage. Postage, Stationery & Printing. ' Frrtgbt, Hauling ft Insurance. . j Sxpenses of Direci tors. 8.48 . 2JT1 1.82 The remainder of aboot $1,000, has been used for ministerial services,ined ical attendance, funeral expenses; nee of seerage ($100,) tobacco' for ;pa-tients,- teltfgrama tod -sundry :naU Now theitemof ;fr)itagn5Sta tionery W$?U.tf&& counted for by tho doctor ; y t The -large amount for (postage, $587.00. inclnded under the head oi postage, stationery, and printing, will be tmderstood, when (you remember that there have been during the past year 320 patients in the institution (278 being simply tbi daily average) that xnaay of - these are in constant correspondence . with jtheir friends t borne, while the superintendent is In oozual..eoiTespononce with .their fAmiUea, and ,at .the : ssuneu "tinse jnh, the authorities yof tliQtxmjitM ln re gard to the Wtsidef insane, as ifeU.as their friends aad to !who'm are' fur- iuabdd nlsotbe bbuuc'forms ofapbli catioaa for Amission, jin order that 79.41 17.64 861.80 (43.79 866.60 thUteof Kortlr ObnTntion' of to tb moiint of tfty -tbrwtwd dol tstw held bj Mad oompanr ; now . r r i : r .tjt Um eomsktioii. fcfa raJ tllrbe. i iiuw, uuRBiiir. ,uu ina ami N. a ootapadTl,lA lUIeigh Bulwar Ooipany I Mha.ll . . I -t" ' - . w JMnMr MOl State th OHO htm-1 rtMiii ai i . I in onlT .be saed:fo thd pQTchaae of iron and other material ecessarr for the completion of aaidxoad. "t iwL? iaa?oaa. ' t VfaJ5 - .ball bo in f owe readil raeognixed b7 xekdtrt s : the WiMiamton & OVberi fiailrd : ' . i. - " , ITT- - r v 00n Wot on escu'tcheon of the Statute bockr Irtirhiie ttwi: 'dot exl pendin - S labor oM ueen niiowea 10 grow up m pintt, the bridges to decay ao d the w w wiueu uj rams. A. ghert historr of the road hit not - I Cellar and Cuff Bnttcrr.o, . I I , lelry, Neck Chains, BraceleU, SfcV, UJ. ' - The State issued bonds to assiux the "company to build the road and we believe the bends were accennted for. The State, it seems, baa not lost anything en the road, becaoss the bonds were worthless- so worth less that the company ooold not complete their nndertaking. It it now inenmhent pn the Stateto fill the fall measure of boner to carry Out thorigfnal intentions and ob-ligatiots-andltaae 'binds for $75, P9Q ufirfnortgago on the road for s.iarityB .' With this as tutancei the company would be en abled to complete the road. Let ' the bonds first issned be taken up and let new ones ba issued to the amoont of the work already completed and the iron that has been laid. By this simple aid from the State this much needed improve ment! will be un fatiacctmpU. 0 The people of this section havi. lopked with some degree of sorrow andit ternesss upon the aid given by the tate toalmost every ether enter prise .contemplated or commenced, while they are left ont: in Jhe cold, j Think of? it. The track is aU graded front' Williaraston to Tarbo to,rthy bridges are all. built, 'md hetiron is laid for eigbt'miles ftom Tarboro--all costing about oee ban. dred ted eighty thousand dollars The coBapany ii perfectly willing to give' the State first" mortgage 00 ht ' road, f iron, ibd e ve ry thin g . onds to the amount cf se?eutj-five thoosand dollars would bo sufficient for. the purpose' now. This read woold, if completed to Tarboro,open up all the Alber marie country and give the people of that much neg lected section an outlet by rail which isider the circumstances, shojld not be .denied them. We truly trust tbe members .of the legtaiature' may be public apiriteerygpjngEte lend tne nine um required ior tne pur- pose. . This means, cheap fish to eveiy j art of the . State. , ! To all wtoaie; Buffering fronj the errors Mild indiscretions of j youth, nervous weak. iness, early decay,loss, ef manidwl,, ., 1 wiB send. a . recipe "that .wul cure you, nzx for ohaboz. This great remedy -was discov lered by a miamonary in Sooth j America. (Send a aelf-addreeaed envelope to the Bar. jJoeaOr T.. Imui, Station D, Bible House, MewTork-Csly-'1' ' ' " ' " f i . . yy r'V'z? 1 -' - - ' -L ! - . Cotf si. JltmxKmtf j . .., eported-fe the Sontberner ty, JasBhack- BXroK9 V9HQB auu uamoer voiu. mrr- OTfA 77 Smith's Wharf. f ., '. fm bSFh . - --- " " H 1 SWS Utrket qsist bat stsadyi Middling 9 5-8c. Low naindling, V l-4c j Uood, 8 bac Uon tracts vlesed sasv-l to 8 beinU below Cat- Itfdsrrleis. eb.' 969; March, 9.73 ; prD. 9.88j May. 10.4 ijjansi 10.18 ; Jnly, Receipts to day, bs.bo : receipts same aay Lireroeol eotUrscte aaiet at nrevioas pri- es: February and March, b 11-82 ; March andADriL611-82. Cottoa oe sttot, easier not loweri tip- . .HCt: 4 flit? 1 Old Domihioh Stcaiusip Cohpaht, ahiDEtoj jrednBduvenliir for The Bteuner PAHLICO0C&mji PritcW, 111 toT&2tartoLaii-Krl)ftTBt A'oki tL Schedule. leavlncr ATrnmh i anon lor i r rrf and inumiuiia 1?? .H Wnu' ?d I " wv a. , aDbiira vg uwnme (aTD. on arrlnl of the Train on Branch Rail Road.'' the Cotton Plant connect train on the Wilm ins-ton Jk Road eolnfc South or North. I i w - B ?u,on 6u I61" Mtweeu Greenyillt n HiuuEHiu, mo DKimer riu will imta Waehington Tneadas and Tnaradayt for " -.: . ' iQA TFD V I J5 Alvlitl T ! FINE CAKES anfl CaNDY, FRUITS, NUTSJ &C. Fine and Fresh, AT Jf. M. SPRAfllN'S. ly Feb. 20, 1879. - - t: NATIONAL HOTEL, Daligbtfally Bi'nated next to Capitol Square, RALEIGH, X. C. C. D. OSBORX " """f ' y Dlackets at $1 per pa.r Sil- bM KOPRIKToa JkJtcommodations are equal to any in tbe city. BOARD, 2 00 PER DAT, flO PER WEEK. Feb. 20. 1879. JOSSET BATTLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, TARBORO', N. C. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. Regular circuit Nash, Edgecombe and Pitt. Will keep an office at Rocky Mount. Speciil attention gtTcn to collections. 20, 18'9. , tf ( : . Feb. MULES FOR SAIL I HATE FORTT-SIX VOtJNG WELL BROKE MULES for sale at rock bottom' prices DR. J. Q. j AME8, Greenville, N. C. February 13, 1879 lm NOTICE. mnl iimkmmmmUi Trains are Intended to run from this date as follows : . Leaves Washington on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 10 o 'clod It A. M, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at o'clock P M., for Jtunesvlile and the North, With mail, freight, Ac., connecting: with tie Steamer " ORIOLE'! for Franklin. , Leaye Jamesville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 o'clock A 1L, and at 8 O'clock P M.. for Washington, with mails, freight, Ac;, from Steamer " ORIOLE." FrelghU as low as any-tither line. Encour age this enterprise . r .Further particulars can be had by applying to ,L A. FISHER, . ,. Manager, Dymond City, Or DsWiltok Lucas. Agent, Waenlngton, N. C. - feb.lS-tf STOLEN. FlO it the undersigned, on tbenlgnt of the 7th January, 1879, ONE SORREL MARE MULE, 4 years old, mane mixed with white, small legs, feet very much like a horse. 1 will pay a rewira oi so ior me rewifBrj of said mule or for information so -I eas her. . MART A. WOBSLK Tarboro, N,,C;, Jan 23, J879.-tf. - - NOTICE. " Orrifcs Board Co. CoM!irBSTOHRS-, V' s Tarboro, . C, Jan. 81, ! St9 i ? Ordered by the Board that SpearV Bridge be and tbe same la hereby discontinued as a public bridge until further netieo. and the Clerk advertise tbe same in the usual way. Test: B. S. KEECH, Jan. 23, 1879.t. Deputy Clerk. HOME FERTILI We agree to sell enough JPure Chemicals To make a Ton (2,200 lbs.) of Manure, - That will make yoa as ' much Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes and Tobacco, as any Manipulated Fertiliser offered In the market at f 40 to $45. For thi remarkable statement ws offer you tbe very beat references in your State, which yon will find by writing for circulars, also " Formula ". with instructions, suggestions, etc. The name is copyrighted and "Receipe" patented ' Bend for our book, with hundreds of cer tificates from your neighbors, alsoUUGGES TIONS that may benefit you in selecting your MANURES. It will . pay you to Invest in PURE CHEMICALS, and Compost at home.; .. rnajs?swgrletem x ta.t iU 8. S. NASH & CO.," Agents; Tarboro,. C. JJan.3S,1879.-': "Y pTfc 1 - ' Notice. A LL who are indebted to as wjll please nL settle at once. SHARP & BYNUM. Tarbotp, N. C, Febi 6,879. J tf STOP AT THE' v . Late ot the Kational Hotel, KaleigW " fJUU iwrnimuuisgin. i. Xl Mutr Till 1 OUrtSHMMli from thim Amt . tk.t' tk Clerk cit Boties lm. tJui Tuim lest: ... ,B.xrnnn. . Jan. 83, 1S79C Deputy Clark- ml Will eontlnna 1a mH at nrurr TT oar tremendoae atoek U mu.m. daced. Oar pom mZTZZZZ allT.wlUfttfd wnarai - lu as AUUTVAjrDJBHOKS, "DRUGPOM, SUCH XB , . - tofTfaVi Han riVt -I ! Be&rfaiMtMd that the ahana TfctaMTisayiatL piece. o wetxaaoAAintosnn tamM.a kwus, u woo pay oa a emu; xa -oent 'etf. dense of oor aineerltj la mvMzjc oa t eoet. the noaneeojent, our store tee been thronged dally with enatomera, all buying: largely and at at a Tory little outlay of money. All we ask la a call before tefore purchaalng elaewhere, will tell the rest of the story. andonr pi tees ResDectfallT. L. HEILBKONKR fc BBO. Tarboro, y. C, Jan. 23, 1879.-tf, L. I. 8TAT0V. E. 7. Z0ELLX31 Staton & Zoeller, Mmti M Pfiarmaclsts, 2Hain St., Opp. Court Home, TARBORO, N. C DKALER3 IN Cigars, Tobacco, &c. X' Western" woman lost two I And Agents for Powell's Prepared Chemicals. For Making Home Fertilizers. A useful Memorandum Book explaining and giving directions for using POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICAL, wtU be fornish- r ed gratis to any Farmer making applica tion. Oct. 8, 1878. ly NEW AND SECOND BAND CHEAP Spared Upiffl 414 DAiTiMnnrf'ii LEXINGTON ST. UflLI IliiUiltJ. , Mr. Reuckert has been regnlarfy vis iting Tarboro and vicinity for a number of years as a practical Piano Tuner, and is well known in N. C. It ia to the interest of per sona needing a reliable hand to send their Tuning Orders direct to the above address, in order to insure prompt attention. War rant all work as represented. feb.6. State of North Carolina, coxrirrw of i" SUPERIOR COURT. William Wallace, Plaintifl, against John H. Wallace, Defendant. The purpose of the Plaintiff in bringing his action in the above entit'ed cause, is to re scind, cancel, or cause to be delivered to Plaintifl by Defendant, a paprr writing par porting to be a deed for land from Plaintiff to Defendant ; and it appearing to the under signed. Clerk ot the Superior Court ot the County aforesaid, by the affidavit of Plaintiff, that there is good cause for making this pub lication, therefoie the above-named John H. Wallace, who is said to be a resident of the State of Texas, is hereby Riven notice to be and appear before tbe Judge of the Superior Court, to be held for the county of Pitt, at the Court House in Greenville, on the third Monday in March, 1879, and answer or demur to the complaint which wilt be filed in tbe office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, Otherwise judgment will be taken against him fur tha MncrfiM;. ana mo hm mod H. Wallace will also take nbticfflhat taenaep oeition ot Robert H. Parker and others to be read in behalf of Plaintiff in said action will be taken before e on the 18th day of April, 1879, at my office in Greenville, where he can atteftd and cross-examine if he sees fit. a Witness, Hanry Shcppard, Clerk of our Superior Court, at office in Greenville, this" Srd February, A. D., 1879. H. SHEPPARD, Clerk. Feb. 0, 1879. 6w s FOR fLE. A valuable tract of ccrn and cotton pro ducing land, containing 800 acres, more or leas, lying in Halifax county, and separa ted from my old home traet in Nash by Fish ing Creek. My private bridge is down, aad I cannot conveniently gather in the crops from the Halifax side. A rare bargain ofler ed. Terms liberal, charges low. . For further information, address, at once, - ARTHUR ARRINQTON. Louisbarg, N.O, Feb. 6,18'. V. 2t HILLSBO&O.X.C., . ; - The Misses Nash A Mlss-Kollack wUl re sume the exercises of their school on FridV day, February 7, 1S7V, and close them xOta Jane, () weeks. Circulars on spplieattoa, December 19, 1878. ; ;.- 2m. L . FOR A beautiful, thorough-bred Morgan atallioB, mabogany bay, 0 years Old, smooth and sound, 15 haads- bizh, has taken four first premiums at Fab. - Will sell on 8 years -time b Fair. - Will sell on 8 ears -time by tastaU earing interest.-First saents for 0500, notes bearing interest. class secured notes lotos required Address B. a tTSONJWitoon. H. C. Feb. 13, 1879. H'-K.H.rCS- re of Seminal Waaknaaa. Xoat ' .11 AmrHirn hnautat on hr etctiooor axcaaa. AbvJssJsI Saa thatagra. flouts. Dv. W. JAOtES SXK. MW 10 r ff? n--twnsi. . , pruMua-!- ef jexV ISV V3Kne Cheap ,Ts State Tlxofntiaia la invited GentsTTamisliln Goods be lOW IOT L22IL it i I 1 A A - . 1. '' - : J X V V VUIUU.U 11 U Sa3TIIIC3. ;iiBinnoda,cfood Will be sold payable in Will be delivered at anv Depot or Tar We sell the Watt Flews and Castings 1La3' ' l .ta5 Lass? V3WJmli7K n Er ZmA rZZZZSZr- Tobseecareat Edgecombe Flows and Castings at Foundry prices. Jjaadretb'a Qaxden-Seed, double papers, sold for 5c. Hardware, Groceries, Farm- Bella " Tarboro, N. a, Feb. 18, 1879. WILL PLAIT t&rftk Is Very All wearing parts being made of iron ; hopper wrougn iron. Is Very Leveler, opener and eoverer all being fiastened on the body of tbe Planter. Is Easily ITI1 Vm 1. .r , .. T TW Tbe Lever, Opener and Coverer can be set for say deptk qaaatlty ot seed-to be sewed can be regulated by the thumb screws aader the bottom. ' Is an Economical Machine. The sssaueat qnaatlty of seed desired caa be the rows as ths plow can go. We believe we news bow perfected oar Planter, aad that it ia the ehpeat eat beat Plan ter made. ?ift " iT ' . Z Every person who purchased one last year highly remotansends - it, amongst whom are DrtfT Sa vacs. Geo L Wlmberlv. Jo W PowelL Joseph reel, Henry fsssnms, Thee Law- reace, Joseph Lane, ana many outers. To bring it into eaawal nee, we will all all orders seat la by April 1st, at tie. Planter toast Diploma at the State Fair. ; Caen and see U. t, . f- MADE EDGECOLIDE AGDICULTURAL UORIIS, Taiboro', K. Feb. , 1879.'. v , : tK Pf" Ji."'Vj..tsaass1 4. ''.V . 4 -,Jr . Z3tJ TI:scAOtr.,, f A UUMMM W V. !.M4W .s 1S3 nain Etreet. Largest store sad itock to the Cil at lowest prices. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, SOver Ware, EnKsgement and Weddiag Bmg Ctoeks, Spectacles and Fancy Goods. j Chronometers aad Watches repaired by some snd aatisfactioa guaranteed. Oeeaptes less space, saakes less aotsavaad ;. -. i .-r 8 BBBaaasa-aSBSJassssasssasaas : a ?BW - m. &mV 1 t - sriae made. ENQIBIKd REBUILT AMD IMP&OVUD. - l- - v ' ' - v Aa kia4 e MeebJa vorkes Welavitselos scratlny iatoaoaj worfc KVS "Sal: oro Ofter to the MERCHANTS. TXISCIPALS rsstera Morth Oaralinst, mrnm ef the largest aad a a . mm . w swipnia, as vaa icwssr laraw ayaaas. . . . .. - - --r- v Orders esjrefaUj aad promptly fJUd. . CaUlogass free.? V; : ' " ..Sr.- . . MAHUFACTURJUt OV.THX e Doinustic swrts. waQxcsul2c., '. v. . i '' " iPla. 20$ Sycamore CSrwtsvi 4- Conatry Merchants will tad it to their alvantage to axsmiae my Goods ear CL- or sead for samples to order by. - , eetasVlp' B to ) A MVV UUUO ri 3fOQ!Suit8i;tQlfit . ... m i .av ,aj(yii!CH cotton or money as low i3-'t Biver Landings Fax or FaxiaHT. at Richmond pri eeel IK PllMllJa On v. V Durabld. galvanized to prevent rust, axis made of . Strong. dlreoUj0 the bam ad jStrala jpaa .coBje ...., Acijiia - torn sowed j It east be ran as to the ends of BT . --- HQILfOLX, VA. of the best workmen In the United States, feb.C-tf 0.L EV5d Fills ATS4 k . a C . I ' " Inventors sad banders ot the viarria&ir eiiqiitii mfHlsnmaTa.-i: has the rreateat power tor ae six of say Xav i otoorr IluillUl. fiirintK IlarflMB i aai .4.vWJlM?Tn C:iy AIIlX v OF 8CHOOLS, aad the pabli reaerally of freshest stocks m tastrllae-Boath, of TM ftiSBiesstiBssyspBisiaa Jn and TRh6yi will ba sold very ai.M & Child U UVi Wan, Boy, & Child. at r-the Corner A. jWHlTliOCK. jxmzc" oil rriHX Best Illuminator warranted u A a are test of ISO Fshn; a Iriai i Ushes tt every one, Pricelr8 . , - . ' . . CORDON A (CO'8. nu'jFLTLAinii:''1 A fall ipply of those gems of light, ths Firs Fly Lamps, all abapea and styles, to befonndat . . CORDON ACQ'S. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. WwrlChaTe a fall, fresh and pure stock of w v viup, lueoi aaeaicinrs, esc. CORDON CO. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. THE beet stocks of Cigars and Tobacco, such as Capadura and Emandnatinn vi. o, Tsr Heel, and Occoneechee Smoklnir ; CORDON A GO'S. Perfumery and Toilet Arti cles. I A S1? nd varied assortment of Perfumery, IJ3L Toilet Articles. &c " CORDON CO'S. PAPEitT EIEDIC1NE3. WE are; sole Agents for tbe following Patent Medicine Houses : Hartea, Boy kin, Carmer A Co., John F Henry's, Green's Auguat Flower. Long's Horre Powders. ' . : u .. CORDON CO'S. Tarboro. July 85,1878. ;:; I : . tf READ AUD REFLECT ! r AM. YOU BUFFERING WITH sour- stOmAJgh, INDIGESTION u J : ! taL JM oX 1 JriV. JL, 1UJN Til S " ' ' ' ; '" NERVOUS: DEBILITY If you are, go at enceto your Druggist snd i get a bottle of that wonderful remedy, DR. D'ARMISTE AD'S ANTI-MSFEPnC oBEOPS, ' ' :. AND BE CURED. PHceJ 75c. Sbld'by Druggists. f V PURELY VEGETABLE. v j R. Armlotcads ' ; ... 'Manufacturer, 826 Main Street. ' FUSCELL. LADD A CO., R. W. POWERS CO- Wholesale urni OeUr78-lyl RICHMOND, VA. TOBO.GO mm O sasa a S.er2. off S-2 mi a t S e. y oa ?asS '5 For Sale. .'. .s 'ii-f-i., I-,,.- , t . ,.: A 81 wish to change my bnsiaessl offer for sale the farm I live on containing 230 acres, lying IX miles West of Klttrell's De pot, 1 mile of the celebrated Mineral Springs. There is a gooa two story aweuine with six rooms, a cook room attached, with necessary ont buildings, three tenant boats, a, tobacco factory large enough to work 80 hands.-Two barns equipped for curing yellew tobacco good vineyard, apple and peach orchards.and the best well of water la the State. This land is adapted to the growth ot com, cotton , to. beeeo, oata, wheat, and. glasses. portion of it grows fine yellow tobaoco. There is 85 acres of bottom land that has averaged six barrels of corn 6r over per sere for. tbe last 15 years and is more productive than ever before. -. i . - ' -'- C. H. OAT, w )an.lo79.ewi t u i- ii-BittraHs, JJ. a rflSillSnS. ifTE are making a specialty ef tie Fertni--V.V sar business this ssason, and caa sup ply oar friends with standard brands of Ma atpnlated euanos, such .ss -8olab e PacUe, Upshur's Boae and Peruvian Combined, which has heretofore given each fine results. . Long's Prepared Chemicals for composting, mix 500 lbs. of this with. 1300 busk els cotton seed, make an excellent reartillxar for both cotton and eora at mere nominal cost. We also deal la erode Chemicals for mak ing Fertilisers st home eo the farm, each as Genuine Leopold's Kalnlt, Bnlph. Ammonia, Nitrate Socn Land Plaster, Pure Dissolved Raw Bone, Acjd Phosphate, d;c Ac ' We have numerous Formulas which have been tested for 10 years, sad the practical exj perience of our own farmers who have been makingtheir owa FertUlxers for several years aad are highly pleased with the resalta. , We will cheerfully giy any information oa the subject and furnlah Formulas upon ap-. ., Ueatloa. r-. . ,, m LANIER A ROYBTXR. j Taiboro, N. Feb. t lif9, ?t Jefw here, and U I - n to for Wers ihv tbJsJ-aJrartmenca first -Uyu fl CUL.J wSSiSMftSES' class goods with - low prices,-; and r a , ; ; ; cnarantee to nt, are the roles of the gggsl teusev , - - Attwaatai.S.SawtyCajlaTiutTaaaV i . , i . f . i 1 . - . - ' l ' - - " , 1 "-, 4 r , . - 1 r 4. t . i -. - r , - - ' ' . r .4 f "U 4 -