I I ffi 5? fwK 11 iQ'A&a y II lP!itS);J Hill tit 11! giP;. PROFEMlDlf AT. OlIIIW. JJOWARD & NASH, Attorneys and Counselor! l-Proaln all th ConrUBaS: io TARBORO', N. C: Practice in CoarU of adjoining coaa- tiea. In lb Federal and SupremeOarta. dt ATTORNEY AT LAW, DIOBm in Tuboro Hm. pTUTT,ir'3 . -i v -" , i " ; 2MWJMt teUWaaMiMton and adjoining umtia, amd pays apectal attention to ad)ut- u gtiw is any part oi we oiaie. 7mlT M, 77.-Xf. TTOKNET AT LAW, rraetlew im tha county ot Pitt, and adjoin- lr oaatias Bpesftal attanuon r iyen to collections and aattliaej aataue ldeeeaaad person -j JACOB BATTLE, ' Connsellor and Attorney at Law, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C, Till e In Nasbville every Monday, from 9 a. intfr.iM. fiVTf' Attoni Coixniellor at Xaw NASHVILLE, N. C. Practices in the Courts of the adjoining to unties. COLLECTIONS MADJE PROMPTLY. reb. i3,x8?9. ' . I ' y DR. RICHABD H. IrEWIS, ' (iata Professor of Diseases Of iheByeasd Bar la the Aarannah Medical College.) FracUcs Limited Co the mi-.-1-'- ' '-' "-"" " , Betes to tKASk. jTetkl Society aijd to Ua CNrta Xedlesl goea " - .-ly. DR. E. L-gXjOSB, IN . sr.-.. - . a i - ERITIKIJIni 1 e nrntica at nil eld an res- IS fall ullMtii a. eontinnaace Of Ms former e. , ., rT. -f"- NORFOLK CARDS. -rrs Car. Main and feranW Btreks-THlWrroT, Va. J n;S. DOBTOi?PorMTO. Tersas, $S.S0 and $3.00 per Day, according , - loeatian of room. oc.l7-ly CILr.lt5 HODtlEO, "WB. Aagrre-iar , JAS. LOTJRK.E, UaRBftLttJjOfijpENTS, ir aadl8Z EAST CHfiCH ST., Opposite St. Paul's Cbntch, in vinja -if Hfnn Work' fcxeeated. All srsf asrafXanKs na-ihi(pih- . VA. r 1 j-- -"- Uchanics. uilt & . ecialiy. , 1 StlibOKE, 1 odd C.j.;sd. tARRliaAip oatit-tjr...i& . el ;i;&rfolk, Va. te-; 1 .nu WORKS, HAlLia;r:;TIT,'Proprietor, a. StO aod 2C2 TT. t S;rcet,. Norfolk, vs., ..Jianii."aurers f ' ' . STEAM ENGIIIEStBOILERS, Saw and-Oriat Mills, jshafting, Pulleys, IlangersPorgjngaand ASTIHS&i fA8TjS;-" CASTINGS. aeia:fat4nii IfwiPto repairs of Btesajbeats and MaeWaery of all kinds. Machinists and Boar--Maker8 sent to aay part of the country to do repair work. Ost.10-1878. ' " 6m. ESTABLISHED 1865. Wholesale Grocers, qliFjtJx an liarkets, Cor. Water and Commerce SU South Ea. MtPfly.1T, VA. NC ' 1 1 (si SB I II Cant. p. Bell, b-, t c a . . e. , ges W H CoBlns J R Powell, ,B M Batch i 1889. Powell, llakhMder s (gasoasscs to Thojnn fj.ro SfeiiiC "o"B4ateTlWreetr, JTOMOLK, - - VIRGINIA. nnki istt .. 6m. fi9 .TfcauiA Lf)''i-wBO-Txi,.i lSSltAUl riorfcl!q:Vn.fq Jf -U.IUL4. . AAA icaJn tnw tlonrta of Vd aa m as ,h . sm m-m M - Aii a4fto HEARN PHqTOGBftPjHEii mm ban f-i 'Arf-a i t t v .oo ill It V 7 " P - - it ib; BI1UI u 8ashea,Iporaand Baildlng Material of wery description. Nee. SS and 40 Roanoke Avenue Feb.,1879v.Jj. NORFOLK, VA. BiTTLE, BUKX & ' corxoif fac rBs, AND Town Ujts, HOILFPIK,' VA A member of the firm aUBl, ta person, to tfiireJiehinir and delivery Of eotton. Liberal Cash adtikcxi maaa on consign- mento. if :i mgg&m market prices kndTrompt retaraa i Btm&mt and Tiei at La-St Rate-, Freeaf Coqutkne. I I",- ang.ll-ly. WRE1MN reis of and I klnffs of es, Harne Meddles, Collars, 3, Farm Wago; one WU, 18, 24 Street, IMorf Fall liascfCarriftg-eano Harness Materi al. My Buggies and Carriages are sold by J. H. BROWN, Tarboro', N. C. feb.l3-ly , H a, It, I W I5t El ' neater homeland Bare freights. Taylor, Elliott tmm NORFOLK, VA, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ry, Gobs, Pistols, BelUng, Mill Sa plies, Cucasaber HdtBS15 and Faiks STMDARf SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE NEW YORK BILLS. 1 Give Them Trial. Oct 10,1878. I fiat. BALTIMORE CARDS. VARIETY IR0NWDR1 N. W. Cor. CHARI.B! A .FAYETTE Sts, Baltimore, Md. WORKS, YORK, PA ( ; 7 f . , E a. SMYSER, Proprietor. Bafldnra Matariat of AH Kindar sfannfaetarar at Iron Buildings, Columns, Iron Stairs, Window Lintels. Rollins! Shutters, Roof Craatinas, Iron Kailinira "Hvitt Lie Hyatt Lights," Lamp and Hitching Posts, Wrt. Beams, Vases, Foaat&iai, Iron 9tab! Fixtures, e. Mill Work anU Mill MacBinery in g-eneral, including tha fBiTal" Smut Machine BnafUng, Pulleys, so. OctaoS-ly. PAiHT. I PAINT. The beat ready mived paint in the United States is mannlaetored by WILLIAM H OF BALM KING ORE, MD. & o. Send to tt.em tor a sample ea-d. Be convin ced by giving it a trial. Their well known brauds of j WHITE LEAD ADINC PAINT8 are tbe best, if you prefer to do your own mixing:. 8. E. corner Lombard and Charles BtrattB, Oct,10,'78-lyi TIN-WARE. 1 i HE .VSBXB&QPXafKX THIS method of inforHu" neIr, frie?d iactory and added al the improv ""J1; hery, the are now prepared to offer tne'r Tin-Ware, both stamped and pieced, at pri ces beyond eompaUOen. It srUl.pay yoa to call and s uieilI.WJre bjtvuikw--where. Our Stov Hollow-wart ang Wooden-ware are from thei best factories, and will be sold at the lowest prices. Apply at the old stand where their Senior partner has been for thirty-five years. I REIP&CO., ' 535 W. Baltimore Street, OctlO'TS-ly. j Baltimore, Md. TO FARMERS AND R.J. BAKERS. CO, B 38 SouOk Chstrlea Street, mr - L .-J nlMl.' Pure GrouiidBoiiej WR BATH iajiPUBB Chemleala form;; pounds iMBSU ?ruaSSs erf as low as any house . rannui assr isaiua v mw vr oetl0-ly BUndl. If nMlaC, Bpkr J III I o Mamaca, DcaletJa-a I - I bMii.,t. !cart,-Vlisls vAlift ! I Dir. va. T0 r ERSDURC CARD8. HX6 PUIXCIIASED Al d o&ttena and the mala baildlns toforn bAionirliiar to th Petersburg Iron lPlCw tK leare to aware the pnblU that vs-ire now. better than erer prepared to do anything in tne u trttivm ivn wrirTwn'HT' T. it 9 j T??iLrmiwar or nr "nanteirs Friena" Kneineis aDsointe- j safe as regards fire. Cbeip, to salt the tltwsaw Price of Elght-Horee Power on! aMhfjrith back and forarZfar, OUn belt, for pcklngeeuon, Sioo, Mr. j. rXNjretts r roiaoot. JN mm iiSvs : The engine I Wfi ?Of y on 1 use fifitlior di nary larm laborVX V, aL- W. M. Bentoa BLojslns. say : T easilv pinned 7 to 8 baV r. ay. 3. eolfMSJftan witt npreton' riKftstice ope n exTtSJice operaMBBSH 1 xeei sale as aerar ( 8-' t Weu:oM8n!tlpy t4mony if ea?jary. nd lor cireu ari Sai retard EnirirWr anJ onr celabruted Cotft d Tobacco Presses tor ban orpoweri Ir? H , "r TAPPET STEEL. Oct.8l.ly, Petersi.fe r i- a TO the AFFLICIBD. TplRENCH'S , ARNICA LINlMwfT IS A? the best raineJy known for 4rJAins. inch as BbesmaUeni, Neuralgia, rhe, Pains la laeaek, Cats, Brnttes, SpraLns, Economy is wealth. Use FrencEfseTpia Knbber Cement for mending FnrnitMeToys, China, Glassware, Leather, &c. ThetTgfcp arations are for sale by all drnggistsr'Manu factnred by Wn. X. FRENCH, sT 'WSile and retail druggist, 902 aj , p retersnnrg, va. tror sale by uoraon dt vjom drneeista, Tarboro, N. C. rOrders by mail will receire prompt attention. oSl -6m JtobtA lTtol. ijlwbtjfc JffMjiairtiJ MARTINf HILi. CO. , Commission nerehants, Noj 11 NortA Sycamore Jtaftftj 1 1 V Give strict parsonal atSHbti0 to3airi)n- algnmenU of Cotton, Oralo, Tobago, Ac., mad make prompt retains. 1 ; -I '1 B0LLINGBR00K HOTEL I Petersfeura;, Ta. The nndersisned having rented the abate House, will use every exertion to give smtis- action. THE HOUSE hujbwu jfdntecL Fiimt-Ci.A88 fare upon moderate terms. D. A. WEIsIGEK, Prop'r. . 1 ; 1 1 1 i IIS! II iMaH'dHWi cai Main SL, next door to B. J. Keecb, and op posite Tarboro' House. TARBORO', N. C. Sept. SO, 1878. tf. Tax Notice. SHALL ATTEND AT MY OFFICE IN the Court House erery day for the pur pose of collecting the remainder of all taxes yes doe. I shall now proceed to force thf couecr.on, aa x am compeuea to settle tne 8tte, County and Scoool Taxes, and must have the money. I hope do person will aak for further indulgence, as I positively 6hall not grant it. All persons wno ao not come lorwara and pay at once, may eVpect to iny cbts. Dec. 5, 1878 North Carolina Line ! A HOME ENTERPRISi Str. Edgecombe. Reliable through connections from all points on Tar River to Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, PhllssdelplUav, Botia; 1rovi devee, Fall Blyer aaoali points East. As cecaral arent for this line in the sec tion of country bordering on Tar River above Washington, the nnderugned begs to an nounce that the 8teamer Edgecombe is now making regular connections with steamers Of th Line between Baltimore and Washing ton (generally known a the Clyde Line) and will Issue through Bills Lading to Norfolk, Baltimore, New York, rnilaaeipma, Boston, Prorldencs ana jrau ttirer. IJrfWEST BATES and REASONABLE DI8PATCH can be secured by encouraging this enterpnse. Be careful tporder all shipments marked and consigned via " North UvrftHW lte." Wrnm BALTIMORE chip by Baltimore and Washington Steamer, R. Foster, Agent, 90 Light Street, Baltimore. From PHILADELPHIA ship by Clyde Line, W. P. Clyde & Co AgenW JBouUi Wharves. From NEW-YORK ship by DaUelPi Line, TL L. Chapman, Soliciting Agent, 6 Bowling Green. - - - - From BOSTON shl? byt.Merchanta AJIl ners Line, care W; Mavo, Ncrfblk, Va.- Vmm . NORFOLK shb by Norfolk and Washington Line, W- B. Mayo, Asent, Code's I vnarves. : ... .4t-.-ssas;: , j For tates and other Information, appry to ' N. M. LAWRENCE, i Agent N. C. Line and Str Edgecombe, s Tarboro', N. C. pKiiDt Hills RT In lull And BTMrceMiut opermoon, ima TpswCr W aUI Ml Viuoi t iui uuecs Itonnt ?iTPy Si 8. BATTLE, feeretary cad Treasurer 13 I 1 e inc. ehixtiaga, Yarns sjsd Cotton-Rope,' at lowwrprt Orders addressed to Kocky Mills. Socky Sioniu, a. y,.. win uo u. . . . . . v.- 5 iio jjaitniiorB. ia. ajaagjdgWgiaBirsXanlgt ! !Je3i frifl Tflnle'hylggralon ana f lrtifSTictiadEB.CTri3ruo iStbW( Ion XTVWTiruAX to agents tie tUJ f FIRESIDE VIS Oatfltfree. ta, Maine. Address P. O. vICKERYi Atums- y t a. ns9e, DamaifcCu i YtJ e ? offsKe, no 2 alike with name 10 cts. 3-Minkl ler & Co-.Nassan, Nt Y - -Trs ,r rl Sjtovrllake Motto, Aco S'SlHte; r f? lir.,T,r. rtrrmn Par da T u 0 1 a Month anc u I Agents. On I JiewjreJKspter : Advertising Bureau, JUSTING FOR We Measto the Mesh. oxderlug NeUicsr or Seines will ALglvjB tie length and depth reqnired when on 1aeaJ "Wf allow, one-third for rigging, thitj 1? the Berne is to one hundred yards legaiditeii'-ftet deep,-"when on lines, we wc-Wettaak the ebMiis one hundred and Mf yards-kiavg and fifteen feet deep, stretch eesnre.:.Si In absence of any instructions, we will mak aa above.. ..Insorderlncr. rive fall -tescriotion of what you' want ; leave nothing to be guessed aC irames ananown tu uo, maiurut kwb, -flt be required tc make a deposit ot one third the value before we ship them ; balance to be paid on delivery. -Tt' i " ' WM E. HOOPER SONS, -Oct. 10f ttWLsa. BalUnore, Md. Dnrham 7Mskey. LaB'l&fnlifr'AssATan xxd Qahmsnr) Bjchmosd, Va Sept. 7th, 1878. J I have carefully tasted a sample of "Dur ham Rye Wb4ake " selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. EIKson A Harvey, and find it free from adulteration. It la an ex cellent article of Whiskey, and altogether suitable for use as a beverage or Medicine. ... 8igned, . W. H. TAYLOR, 1 State Chemist. We are sole proprietors xf this superior wntekev, which we offer to tha trade of North Carolina, together with a fait line of all kinds of Whiskies, Brandies, W ines, dee. ELLISON & HARVEY, OcL31-6m. Richmond, Vs. ST. CLAIRE HOTEL, 0pi. Capuol Square, COR. GRACE AND NINTII STREETS KlCllrjOXD, VA. Tha most ievati. central and fashionable location in the city f ront'ns t the Capitol Square convf n'.oii!. to all publ,c buildins, DrJ'ois anl C.'mrcces, and luiiKediale'y od ihes lii;of guef iRauvray, makiog it the t..--t de.irtiVs flottsl ia the City. Far- strjctlv first-class. Board f 2.50 and, i iper day. Special rates to Commercial Agents. 1 S. UUHTBR, iPrOD' Dk E. 8. Pesdhstok, S P ITS. PETERBUBGr If AND SC0lRl(i ESTABLISHMENT, Dyeing ard Cleaning done in all its branch es and all colors, at the lowest prices, and in 1 be shortest time. K.id Gloves cleaned nice- )- Branch Office, on Church street, near Sizar's, Tarboro, N. C. an2 tf J. MADISON PHELPS. Change of Schedule. '"' Omciei ) Ol.I DOMIHIOJ Stbamssip Compaht, V Washington, N. C, Feb. 11, 1879. ) The Steamers of the Old Dominion Line will run the following Schedule until further notice : The Steamer NEW BERNE, Capt. Soutb eate, will leave Norfolk on Tuesdays 6 o'cl'k A. M tor aoutu Creefe and Washington, leaving Washington Wednesday evening for Norfolk via New Berne. The Steamer PAMLICO, Capt. Prltchel, will leave Norfolk on Fridays at 8 o'clock A. M de for New Berne. Leave New Berne Mon days at 1 o'elook A. M,, for Makelvville and Washlncton. ljeave wasumgton xaesaajr 10 o'clock A. M., ior rnonoiK airect. Tha Steamer COTTON PLANT will con tinue her present Schedule, leaving Wash ington for Tarboro and intermediate land. lncs on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, at 15 o'clock A M; Return oh altdfnate days, leaving Tarboro on arrival of the Train on thi Tarboro Branch Rail Road. 1 Pasaenirara bv tne Cotton riant connect with the evening train oa the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road going South or North. I To rtve dispatch to freight for Greenville, and points on the River between Greenville and Washineton. the Steamer Pitt will leave WaaMneton Tuesday and Thursdays for Greenville, returning alternate days. Frelffbt and passengers taken at lowest raies and dispatch guaranteed. JOHN MYER8' SONS, Agents. Feb. 80,1879. tf IVotiee. A PPLICATION will be made to the pret- X. er.t tienerai Assembly for an Aet lncor poratlng Tartoorw Cemetery Co. f Jafl. 28d, 1879.1. , At. OYSTER SALOON I have opened next to Mr. J E. Simmons' Cabinet EstabliBbment. an Oyster Saloon, In which no inferior oysters will be kept, and to which." no -colored people win be admitted. I - . Ai FRED. COOPER;' ,V.' ftS'PEMlACRAM. " I- Jr a RMSTEAM DYEING mm mm P TarberoD., Oct. 10, 1878, K w.a.asaa MaA i - "? ir2 '..'- t Written for the "WT . . jl ran.. - ' . ! A Wi Tai Tf l &mc we hare tt 'Pi te hiblo for.4t, 7 snpposo we must perforce.: admit the existence ot. witehe3 in tht davaoL'SJ iaadlfi theT ! existed then, why not now. OQieaA. Sanl a edict of extenoaljou of hot clasaiffthe Witch of Eodor?i ernaps .lear-restrained her from Rvf exencHlne her diabolical pow- era m iae laiarapana, pero&ps, on the cpntrTjJi83criorcde bf l rt was transmitted yhvr tdiiine fayored danffhter, andf tfcai ijri$rt- ed toproreritlt-f lww lie that as itr iurjrf toe Uuy of a tt ircn or " "jnraor "ann "namiier ndifiiar ventoiliralJri touaaatioa ior a at one time oar own history let eftwyjnojml anperstition, less .pxevalent r now than in the days of CottittMathen .:h :: a. " 2li.L:? uus sua pioTuung vu s cor Itti-tt- w tent in the minds of the ignorant. Fnblio opinion has in a measure suppressed the expression ofjl belief in witch-craft, if noi the belief it elf. There are but few of us who have net, in our childhood's- 4avs xsteoed, in fear and trembuauL to lome old crone as she related those wonderful stories in which some handsome young man was nigh.Ijp changed into a horse, fleet and, strong, and ridden miles and milas by an eld witch to a rendcxFous Jn soma out of the way place, aoJd there hitched to a tree by a strong Walter to await the end of tef dia bolical orgies until at last poofs worn-oat, human-nature could stand no more, and the poor handsome. young man died in great agony shrieking, aud cursing the author of his mistortune, who always appear ed at the last moment Tiding on broom-stick and ready to bear away the young man s soul to the JJml. : Nearly every one ia fauriKitWitli the story ot tha gentleman who-:.wa confident that a witch rode hioi eve ry night, and so assured was he of the fact, that he could .give toa name of the witeh who rode hi or and every thing in connection with, it, except the place of rendezvous! On one occasion after having rela ted it to a friend, he was advised to mark tha spot in some manner so, that they could recognizaoit,: and? lay some plan for capturing all thjj witches at one time. So the niex; night when he had been ridden and': fastened to a tree, he determined to paw up tne ground in a peculiar manner, and to gnaw the bark from the sapling so that he might recog- a i m o nize tne spot again, an ot wnicn be accordingly did, but iu so stren- ous and determined a manner, that h suddenly perceived that he had been transformed in an instant into bis original human shape,-and was very much surprised to discover that he had been gnawing the bed post, and had gaawed a holfe through the ticking of his bed and inserted his legs amoog the feathers. A very popular .style of witches in those days, were these who kept a gourd of grease, prepared especi ally by the 'Divil,' hanging in the chimney corner, with which they annointed themselves before flying out at the top of the chimney and away on their Master's mission. Whence comes tne idea that witches are all old and ugly, I am not prepared to say with certainty. Probably because they had outlived their capabilities of being nseful to their fellow creatures, and so sold their souls to the Devil in exchange for a knowledge of witch-craft. Mv own experience of witches has been varied and extensive, but confined to an entirely different class from those I have described. All those of my acquaintance are TouDe and beautiful, bright-eyed, glossy-haired, plump, running over? With mirth ana mischief, and de mure as kittens, but none the less dangerous on that account. If the young men of the present day are not literally ridden to death by them, it amounts to something but little better. As soon as one of them becomes bewitched, his life becomes nnendurablo until he ac knowledges her power and devotes the rest of his daya to her services. Qld lied Bunkum a litfle, dried up specimen of the genu homo. bandy legged, blear-eyed, and with a shrill, crocked voice, ence related to me his experience with witches. 1 will endeavour to relate it as near ly as possible in his own words. Said he, on one occasion, when the subject was introduced in his hearing, and a doqbt of the existence of such a olass of people existed, Blast my deternal pictur ef the tint witch. and 1 kin prove it too," "Why, they've rid me from one end of the county to the other, and with eich bsavy loads on my back, that they sprung my knees like you see 'em now. Jest look at this mouth of mine, will ye J It never wa'nt half aa big as 'tis now UU they 'took to ridin me, with: a twisted bit and tore the corners' of it nearly to my earB,'' . PU A a..a- lA i' ia LTJWTPhiTaiW Fat out iouse.. tnt me. and T.w, ISV TS Ail tllLtfl! ill'llW Tit t t revCTrayrmmoreTiTiaTlo oitqb inSKC iaayitrea-et akTMHivat8iyp - a . TSieedin ana .Kir oj scabs .Iron rriwvrn tTOt ftfrfea. aetefnai: tWUfe a saw taaiAerlMkai 1. I s ahrt KVA1 Sn4w fcllottw tJbafi XAi'nai bri!flan IB:Malcerl,wfthttlB: BuTflon'a'bT Vrn fibn teaL ttd UiVRead afA$Wi) and lick iKk?pvo!tf kI PtlWt IWjm.cae IJrad long! allap, 'twaeai that andaV;. and .went tojE)ed witVmy mumisd ie ic i-.i u 'WdVJar-anJwatclied the ?ri?aeJ-ff9r kfir iipomj in, and list? ened to dad a-snorin. jn, the, next room and the children on the pallet &-humpin the floor with thei htfets,; and, ascratehSn therseltes, telt air at once I aead her -come and peep in at the winder at me." "I reached out my hand for the old gun 2 had so$ by, the head of the -bedr to shoot her . with, and jest as 1 got my hand on it I couldn't move1 ohthirLi The moon was a shinnr as bright aa day, and I could see everything in the room plain." " She histed the winder and in she pbpped onto the floor ivith the bridle in her hand. There was the same old, rusty, twisted bit with a ehain snapple to it, and the. head stall and throat-latch. - and the buckle on' the reins and the martin- gill rings a-danglin and a-rattlin on the floor." I kaowed her as well as I know any f. Too. and I tried to tit ud and tackle her, bat she was on top of me Tore a sheen could a-sheok bis tail,1 an the next thing 21cnow- d 1 was r-littla bob tail pony with my mane: end fore-soi fiui of enck- old-5nrani my hair, all sOt the! wrong waj,y .. i " She ndpped out the winder with the bridl1n' hef tiadand farty1 sowl was" on j 'the fresen :gr6atfd along side of her. i Coaa vaUrnetv picterayaaha-liit-giye-yen aj corrrfl rqrei 4 Jinn 3 VOaMtleStf yon, and ehe led me down to the. stables aMTOlIneMtSiribSistaple oaxthet 4wv.sandr 4ots daKa4ran new currv-cooill,aYa'1n on me." " Jewhffilnhg L .aiter sne' naa-curriea ray DaeK ana sideshehegun: "pxi tty; hind-legs, and every time I lifted rip my footj, she whacked me across the Bhin with the edge of tho curry-comb. 'Xaaw 'twant no use to kick, and snort, so I jist, tuck things r"qaetrjr'lellf she put the saddle on and got up." ," "t didn't feel particular brisK that,njehkandVstarted off m littleT me i tnej atde" witn.TieriJnwi8iLtna; '.I,8pe8e she must nave heett inJ cat-daw brier; that dad had tied roondthe' mirtini pole to keep the;oat8 jfroin : ketcida, the'young, martis and 'histed up3 my tail and stack 'em under it." I Tve heern tell ef hoss sense, but ef 2 had had any other sort of sense that meat, l don t bieiven l should have shet my' tail downas tight as I did, and the harder I held my tail down the wusserit hurt me." " xou d better bleive I done some clean runnin. Any One a listenra might have hern my huffs a-rattlin over that frozen road fur a miU. I judge she rode me nigh on to ten miles tore she pulled u.p at an old house every body said was haunted.' auu uuuuuy wuuiuu i uv iu tu, where she lied me to a tree and left me. T arty soon 2 sen more of 'em o-comin liko the devil had juekea 'em on end, and the bosses a puffin and blowin like a pair of bellerses. I knowed every hoss jest as well ai ef they had been in their own shape, and when I tried to speak to 'em, 'twant nuthin but a whicker." "Well, when they got through with what they was adoin', they all i. .a a come out ana got on tner nosses and Btartedibf ;tother f tom ' by and;lj:ihee jUiatwaa saye toj.the rest that she had in go round by tne store and git a bush el of meal and a sack of salt." f "I knowed it was full fifteen miles that way home and I made tip ray mind that Z would throw, her , on ef I could: ao I hecrun ta shy and kiokiip teltst fast I got the .addle on to mywetners. ' '-P rNever mind, says: sne cril cropper yduv so she got down and soon riggd 'a i cropper under my tail sa domed tight hat T. ;coo,ldnft switch it. I was o-lad enougU after that to keen ouiek for fear-I mieht break my tail off and I"dTdnTt kiow what effect ; that .might have t on: me when"she turned, me back, again: .o m v nateral ahane. '. i i-i -7'--"r do i eat a Dowertm lotm -I 3 .1 tf a&u. ana ves arfdla'rajf; o Bort vk ' uut ry s ma aiguor aa; sh'4 r0de through the gate 8hflgrah- berj a. handfal of cat-claw" brieTst "Whetf ihi got to" WeitQrshe put the sack of talt oa ray hack be ao?mtI;iri sTy& Bsr-Jioaae Tmtfc ws th WooibaWhniMtw tomtr Mt ew&8Beipt'alni a uoor ana Inera iwaa Ad .sb narii. 4ZaiSW XfraFlKioidar -wfthrlila Xi Jk.ili.lJwi'i JijlSSHWiv I'JTWrW' rr-WT WWtakTiuA oncf W eonldsrt MSmtlUI o ;,nJ'tiart9 lo ".i?oa iaAuaIkjaOw-itWaSifiif tnepmaritsf ifii brfei'l and t at Eigt ot nvpttmtr Court Opf n -..ii.;.irili W,1vr.. ,;:;-...-(Reported for th Ealeigb: News fey .Walter Clark, Esq., AUerner at LawiJ"2" ia w.?ftrfVW WiP,-givenv 101- WW 4 :? 8160, b day -after date". I plwaiseeW'A B. $160; for one wuo uiia tu' norae Bcaaasma own ecurity." Meldi Thin (wsis on ditioaal Bale and net a mortgage tra-f resS-there was THen!ee 'td ehoW a contrary intenticn, that regnstrasien was not riecesaary -and a purchaser from? the Vendee aeqnired no title, as against the oiiginat vendor. ': i Jones vs. Jones, from -Granville. A de facto board : Of county com missioners have authority to ascerW taiflt tfiei result 6 f an electron 'for county' officers and accept r the offi cial bonds of such as are elected. Sach board has - the right if the of ficer elect fails to give his bond, to declare a vaoancy and appointah- other. Where the decision as to the title to office is nade after the term of the complaint expires, it may still lay the foundation of an action for damages, C. C. P.' 373. State vs. jiro, frrrm-euTrrberland. A' refusal to continue a cause is a matter resting in the sound rhscre tion of the presiding judge, and nof appeal ils from tne exercise of that discretion.' ,Hlher female witness' in a prosecu tion, for rape stated that "when ast ed by iier oa ether what was the mat- terwith her sbo did not reply bo- cause wnen tne counsel mter- nfifedliir:-'' "Held, The judge prop- eriyiiatevieei &nd allowed her to fuil'ihe sfiateoce. It was his du- iyjio havfl,dijne fto.-; , . , . -,t Sneed'vs. BvXlocTe. from Gran v-ifier: "'-'' : ' "Chapter 237, Acts, 1874-75. atferely extended the terms of- the officers mentioned from 1st Monday in,, septemoer to xst Alonday. in December. It did not annul , the laW requiring a sheriff to exhibit proper evidence of having, acoount- ed fer publio taxes, and on failure to do so or to give a sufficient bond, the board ef commissioners Bhould remove him and appoint his succes Wor. Where-- Ji9ard of cemmis- sionsrs illegally count in a party norelected to the office, the tingency calling into exercise the power to supply a vacancy does not arise until after a legal eount and the failure 40f the officer really elect ted to qualify. By' J She, J. : 1 State ex reL Tawnsend vs. Edney. from Henderson. It is the rule Of this Court, in all State cases where there ia no bill of exceptions, nor statement m nature thereof, to affirm the judgment be low, unless 'there are errors appa rent on the face of the record. A magistrate has no jurisdiction of the offence of trespass upon land,' sec. HQ, chap. 32, Battle's Revise!. The Act of 1873- 74, amended such section by providing that th9 pans ishment for its violation should not exceed a fine of $50 and one month's imprisonment. The amendment to the. Constitution puts the limit of the magistrate's jurisdiction (till al tered by legislature; at o9 days, and thus the punishment, allowed by the act, of "one month," is in exeess of a magistrate s power, since a month may be 61 days, and ousts his jurisdiction. Whart$n v. Jteagetj, from Beau Where a debtor -dies ! leaving a wife and children and the children are of age, the widow is not entitled to the benefit of a homestead. Dec 5 art. 10. of the Constitution only gives the wife a homestead where there are no children. State va. Murray, from Bua combe. . i Where there is no bill for exemp tion, nor statement in the ; nature thereof, and no issue, appears on an fnsp6etion of the record, the judg-i ment'below rnasl lie affirmed. It is no, excuse that the judge who held he. termj ha' gone out .ot office. .: Itk Inch ;ease . a new trial would be granted if it appears from the' ease. or dt ainaavis, tat- we appelant has been gtuty of no negligence in perfeeting nia appesi. ; By DftLARp, J.; Didvtr i it, Cmmfaioneri Lofl ft n Where th Judgwf wioo ;tried c m criminal action made, 4n;rdrTia the canto that the .'coontypaT Uit t costs, to STa Uxad Jj the, ,c!ark. zeut, me wiuiesa ucctsxro rr sriiaptrte Trderi'er of tha ficfrttf- trt td in ths&r' tfiid thtf order1 cf tue judge made it thsrj-datjfef teK9- fendanta tu uruildav Jjr -tlarr pay tjon iris -to le availed 'oC tj-i rj tion to re-tax!' the cetts. ' It wV r-t hWessary for the Judge io t J on each item of the lifllofl xila defendant. whv -caftau Awn; ia ordered into, tzitg izzl . - a .sr. at jr- payment or nne ul zi izx aftarwardA-with the Vbsasai cf tie feetters&d a.-E.r-cC; cT-il-court,; confessed jo Juat" ia a"j r tl sum with sureties to lesCTe ' C ffsyment of i0eh'ne and :icii!jrci3i not be ordered into tastsc tasx u he and his sureties. fa4V 1 fay iht fine anoVweetsrr'rrr-rrr ' " State vs. J'ackir. ttam. New Han ever, r ' - -;it'','i, '',;;, f- -,'4 V Aa' indictment under ' a alii uta forbidding the sale of intaxici::.- titjuorfi is auincienc, u uz ine.;! of the statuter withcjrit pexi:;A of the partio,nW;kind of Ji js err al leged to be eold..;; Whether- certain kind of - liquor iWViintoxieitil or not is a matterf! ; t for, the jrj, and where it wal wn"to be "port wfne" the jtiryot rihtfulryitat their eommon knoi led e fend ezps rience,'andr tie ? dsfindaiit'.'kas'rije Sroundnf complaint; thai the gtata id not introduce evidence to prove its intoxicatinjg qualities. '. . That Uonsiacbj. , A ybung: man 1 jahoT hts "rirl sat near the front at Bcrkette's Tsature inMtiykia l.vye'raVtca 4; ried his head on eta VidiIfciiTT forced into that position by - the Weight ' of half a very tender ridci t4che which was composed cf fTta hairs upon one aide and eleven tipoa ' the other side rot his nose, r.i XT hta the Hawkeye man had just finished convalsing-his hearra-with-an ac ount of a youth s first iharcs en counter 'with a barber. ' The youn man -'leaned Over ,'' to 1 his gljl anl whispered : -s.;-'. y-r -T - ' t That's trat tot Hf, l ean tell ) "-JHow can you tell me 2" inquired -hisgirL ;,: - -How?" V he repeated l in; it wlli- per Why by? experience; Tha js-jnat tbe:waylelt?whearXr$f got shavedwio ,r,n I ' "Whffn waBthatTr-aheaaked. , "Ob, before, I raised ray coci tache,' he returned, 1 ' ' ' v - What moustache ?" she qnerri J, a little iurpTiaid;';5" ,'. uj -t-.'--. :fffhat . mpustaehe do yen " csp pose Y" he retorted, tnrninj red. : "Why. Charlie H Winered"the girl, "I nertr iiw any tuzstZfri. Do yon mean-- ' 'Never .mind" what IimeaP hissed the young man between hit clenched teeth. . , :. ? , He stared very hard at the Iecta- ror all the rest of the eTenin,' bttt somehow he couldn't see any this unless iied-Jteh8--att8tiea, by tbjfti6mlriiedi;''.ir-r ::Tt' , con-nNuh8.t. .-,Bmtoy.mgMh9xtst to see Sss. You've "heard ; of TaacSlaes : far ' flying in ; the ' airVof 'edttTfe. Bet now comes wnrd of macsiau irgik ; ed by air. Theie 'niw 'erigini s kr ' used to drag -; heavy trains, espty " when going ? into, but filled rwita. broken stone when coraln': tit cf. the (Treat tnnnal how beir: r-t 1 -a tween Switzerland and Italy,' cadsr Mount St: Gothard. ' i v It would be Almost imposslUa to keep the air fresh ia tht tzzztl, ia far : nndergroand' if . steansists were used for cutting tho rack ; for tney would make.so much teat, eta, and smoke that men ccrsldxc. rsrk in there at all;. '--H :h r,-: j-f But these new machines do bat ter, for they are ; worked by air ia stead of steamy and the air J rt es capes after'befnj; nsed ' iatica ii f good to breathe. . It is eorasion air but; it waa first -forced by wxtsr power into huge iron reservcirs, ca til there was a great deal nert ia them than there was in, the, r trie space outside. The resorvpirs hive to be tight and; strong,1 or the air , would burst them and escape.1 - ; The squeezed for eompfesxed : air " is drawn ' off into tiart of the hew machine r which looks ke steam-boileri and it is then lei iato the; working parts,' as wanted, rush-! rag out with great force, and oak" ing" the machlriery raove,r asi Ca! the '"ears, . much in the way 'thtt steam would,&. Nichota for' March. -.v ; ;When yotr see "aerosa-Iooiiaff man eoming down town in theciorn ing withthe knees of hrsansTcij ' waite and dustyy ind several II: jef straw and n dlminnUveftatl:? ing in bis hair yon can. jt:i ;L.a up your mind that he's l..a u-jr the bed loeUng to tit t:.U'Ctl! 'The' man who wrltsa nt fLe xisrl I riaee netiees oa tiis ?z?tx cillj Lira- self the saoaa e. - .JJ- ' April 11, 1878.1 Feb'6, 18797 J a i ,:1f r . . i; , :- -, , - 1 " .' - . 1. - - '

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