rrTb o si tfiS) tod ,tt8 10 rt o?beI.!Jrw 9?cT33bJ aid? .ed . t Lt"Lr rt irr t jC )92eBl W sj .T ,SBd ! . ed 9 i93ltU imrrO s ...Ice llItltRIttC f ? m i 'JLA.bsta 83SoI eJaxfiL.od'se c ! A I tsh cc ef o) bias si doldw ,3 JTTAU "& Ci3JnA!iD jarf fiwjr? r?jw irt- IT Uli UJ s. as d fJixi nig i fgrf DMmS3j6aq3 OHi-C D ! A H Bi ti lt- v. ,VL.. ;-tf1 7-rr- 1 11 M V.-SiW 1 BV -- . w-i. fMJ. m. ,8IJ Mill ;l:;l0 i ' r: r-i ea"' .-- j. -J ""I IT T ' . .jiffywl:.!..! .teMilli " - ' ' . " 6... ..ISiJ Sill mtri VOL. 57. ; r .AV .JIJOlflOM ,.,,, j. !fgBgjD., THURSDAY, APKIL 3, 1879; i., , i ; :so Hi FKOFRSSIOHAJL. CARDS. jjOWARD & NA8H, ; . Attorneys and Coumelora at Law. TARBORO', N. C. . ' , tW Praciic in all the C warts, Stale add Federal. uot.6-1jt. i pHILIPS & STATON, Attorney! acdCoTUselkffs At Law, TARBORO', N. C: MS" Practice in Courts of adjoining conn Oei, In. the Federal and 8upreme Cour6, I Feb. , 1879. lj .J-JOS8EY BATTLE, . Attorney and uraxuenor at iAw, ; TARBORO', N. C. 'J. Practices tn all State and Federal do art Reenadar circuit Nash. Edseconibe and Will keep an office at Rocky Mount. Special attention given to collection. Feb. 20, 18TO. tf YAtrTER P. "WILiIAil80N, ATTORNEY ATLAW," ' ,y ; TAEBORO', N. C. Will practice in the Courts of. the 2nd JmdUi&l Distri -.t. Collections made r f part f the taie. T.ty OiBce in Tacbto Hoas. : - fj f eflUPM! . mmmm tK.m ... i i. ,i.i.:r L put. . v- , . . I a ' '.. " - ' " " '- ? ( 11 I Ka receirinc daily direct from the Northern x cone ri .t. HitiKir, ,HAa HUD four lines in a dlefefitf UHWT bekaenV b Ae " I" w I 'T oo T uabfii B. OrJ jfetther ofC Mpara M6hc rtaiODtaiirlDjt irfanYBim iuvpMers each, or lour lines one wmXMMr aU.MF of the small JUtoi or one. BconMned,"beinfi: BN4&n ., papers.- feloolitti Send lOfeenta for onr 100 pag Pan also have lists ted States and" ews- treet, ly direct rruu oi ma Loom aieacued Cotton, 8 l-2c. A TT X'fr Va r v a -J a n m v U ? v uiucx uaucs aui ads r.i - allow nricea -T A: NDREW JOi? A ATTORNEY, AT LAW, ' - ' GREENVILLE, C. PntaiieM in the coanty ol Pitt, and adjoint ; oantiM. P tLttniioB aLa,t.BlV!flons and j -yiNEo, i:; TTWl " Aonjej and inju atIwi ' - ' NASHVILLE, N. C. the owa of tho adjoining Colored and White Tarlatan, Swiss Muslin and Illuaion, Towels and Napkms, Cambtio. DriHinOT. An Spdtn 'mum hrrn 1111312 araccier-55e- WKTana 65c." Bflk Ties Cb&uties) at 15c. The Wt Coroeorlneamoneyviwwin o yJqIicv ibI A ., 85 o. and 50c. QCC. by States .114 Canada. Send 1 P. 8. If yon wiUand us the names cf a half dozen lh-jsrlced Dairs in which you would advert if a satisfactory iUMUUBicMkwymaejw wa iwmiii we piease yon. miya.reTi money ?y ?SfO9830f tne dTertlsement yon WBr uUTluIdii&lB In.wW nin inn. iiw Thnrsday4 Aprils, 1873 An Act to Compromis9,"Cflamtitd and WfllD SDT.iDersAa'nn Mriut ria ls. -t' -1 1 -13 tain Or mil rvwnmn. '.ilMlu. A, b&nds of the State o? 3?nrt"h' Yfi'l-klLM Hi,"Jcad ia puriaattoe. of t Alserrrbly, passed at, athr Vef oxr the twentieth ilav ' 7 BflfTiB I MARINE HOSPITAL. BAETO ; ! fns.ftno Measure In ' tScnimendle vwrawiM'moig i liquid JCxtrxcror Beer and : PracUcea In ouBties. . druggists. iwulwia aa o to ClUO peccoovth pd exTMnse . VAT for (aaUry'from ses. Kefer- O GO. treet; Chicago. fcf let ints canvxsalng for, the .at uk. a erms , aad CXBT.Augas- i. DR. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Biseaaor el fflcXyc and ' ia the BaTannair Mcdicar college.) RALEIOH, N. C. . ; f lee ib the'TstrbdrOuffh" House, next "door Ut ttatof i. U. R. R. Office hours a. m " Refers to the State Medical Society and to Ux tteergia Medical Society. 15.-1 y moirjlt- Sfl&i battened Kid warranted to be wortk double the , .1 conatmg of Cardinal light, blue and s.' JJE. HUNTER j SURGEON DENTIST, ENFIELD, N. C, resnmea pracuce at juneia and res- fally solicits, a continuance of his former age. . .. L f jeag7t NORFOLK CARDS. Oec. Main and Granby Streets., Norfolk, Va. . B. -8. XOraON,:Pax)rBrsTOK. Tarms, $2.50 and $3.00 per Day, according 10 looaiion oi room. oc.l7-iy sajc Bosess. & HODGES, l. W. II.MBR. GILMER WHOLESALE FTT? HOUSE LADIES' TRIMMED GOODS, , . 48 4 St Commerce Street " - Auga,7aif: Norfolk; va. - JAS. O'ROURKE, DEALER IN . - MARBLE MONUMENTS, .11 r.3fMBS, HEADSTONES, ie5 and 107 EAST CHURCH ST., Opposite 4 4V St. Paul's Church, -i: AUkJndr of Stone Work executed- All r preangtiy filled and satiafaetkm guar .nti. V OctlO-ly. UteEteP & CO. nn fafterers of and' Dealers ia Plain, Japanned i p,' and Stamped TIII-WflRE. STOVES. ing (joods, 106 Water St., N. W. Cor. "Roanoke Sqr., OcU0-6m. NORFOLK, YA. hew kt of Zephyr Shawls in beautiful colon, consisW o fron6 celebrated B04 Cotton at 6c and Harrisburg at 5c. Fringes, GUtayyerSlmdCLsoJl nVgreafety. Fans in great variety and at low prices. Look at them before you buy. Ivies' and Misses Hose, solid colors and striped. A beautiful stock. Other grades at New lot of Hamburg Edgeing at from 4c to 40c Prices range from 5c. 6c 'IPMOntH Hfl ' errfeB teed to CO fcS.O 4a fe M t ! 5 rr 1 1 f mil v Cli en ana jt em eaitsML 1 Bins flannel Suits at $5.00. Blue Flannel Suits at $6.00. I atc.jed $1.00. 4m ' A V i i O ' i 51 i ) y1"6 Dres" Shirta at 50c. Col'd Dress Shirts at 50c. ESS! afcfi 4 K m & 1! b Cords. BTT r t"" ""-r r- JR: ir SB SIS .iUiCBVIjW-infco, . Th. Tn I f - - Blue Flannel Suits at $10.00. A splendid ftes0rbneritfJent8, SnV Ties.1 ' ' ' Calf Skin Boots & Stiofes at ait triAG Boys' Dress Shirts at 45c. ' ' . : White Vests and Ties. : ... . S . I I . -L . Also'lliomiahd's of articles too numerous to mention) which will it 1 Be one. .4 . soia to suit eTery I ask but a call, and an examination of my stock, and I will guarantee rfecVsati-1 ' E 1 faction to alL EeinomW tlib Place 1"" Mar. 13, 1S79. liOor to W. SL ClAitk - or fiftj-sir of fllairf 1867, or id pursuance f in atiieri titled "an act torviorepaiment of the SthfctebSfcre thl iarcB66,.dr irt paTuaaee 4f an act ennaroyidlfori In tiaaittLaafiV ,fto U j ag"tered cerUfJrcer rArrffiiiaQrd of Jratie 48ae ifkVrjbrflirarica nf bileifersemblj of r 61 the coDSideration for wKwh poxrafr oj'tw-rcaW'iifairdf "fai See. 7 That if U&iwelerifli.d thb raised XARTIEB ordering Netting or Seines will js. giTQ the teogtn and depth required when oaliaea. We afiew oneAhird for rigging, that Is If the Seine Is to be one hundred yards long and ten feet deep, when on lines, we would make the webbing one hundred and City yards long ana fifteen feet deep, stretch ed measure. Tn ihomip tf ttnw inttniiiftAna m a will 1 U ..wwwu. . MUJ lUgtlHVklVIID! OTV Will make as above. ' In ordering, glre full J eseriptioii of what you want ; lear nothing to oe guessed at. 1 Parties unknown to us, ordering goods, will be required to make deposit of one- third the value before we ship them ; balance to oe pai&on aeiiverws Durham io.i H a Vino the pattens and ELIZABETH IRON WORKS, CHARLES W. PETIT, Proprietor. No. 280 and 282 Water Street, Norfolk, Va., Manufacturers STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS, Baw ait.Lris!frlls, ,haftfng,"; Polleji, f . Hanif ForcfoiMi and 5 " BwSJ&USitioik. given, to jrepalrs f Bieamooats and Jdachiuery of all kiDda. - , MaefirniAs Xn4 Boiler Makers sent t4 y PrJt i theoiunp'xJpiottpjajRjroA. Octjoisrs. 6m. -' ESTABLISHED 18G3. ML L. T. DAVIS & CO., Wholtesale Grocers, Compete with all Markets, South East Cec, Water and Commerce SU., NORFOLK, VA. I - Cspt. D. -BellBalesman. Feb. 6, 1-79. . . ly On MPlanter':FrleakEntrineia ahiurtnUt. ly Bpfe as resrards fire. CheD. to anitih Kimefc, Prir of Eight Horoe- ywer- tvr.w4- CaiTlaPS. Harnfttt. nHTTna! j uuuiUVOl j! ... - ... ; maies, coiiara, carts, Wheels, Axle3, Farm Wagons, & Greer, ' Horse Clothing, Lap Eobes, &c. Nos. 14, 16, 24 & 26 Union Street, Norfolk, Va. r - Full line of Carriages and, Ha mass Materi al. My Busies and Carrlde ar'seld by J. H- BROWN, Tarboro', nTc . feb,.ly' n r,4 1 ; v WHOLES ALE AND, &ETAJL ' I iti Jl n til i , 4 .c . i2 I . P17SC3L4JBEH ALL s and the main VintiHnm. heretofore belonging to. the Petersburg Iron Werks, we beg-. leave to-assure the ptblic that we are now, better than ever prepared to do anything in the J ,.. . MACHINE AND FOUNDRY LINE. North Carolina Xirie ! i HOME ENTERPRISE. Lgrge Screw, with back and forward gear, to WeVdriven by one beh, for .packing cotton. 1 arr trr wflf n witi-s xr n ' Tlie-tnxine I bought of yoa I Bfejwith ordl fbM. Benton. Boyklm. says : "I easily glftl 7 to-S bales a day. A colored man mm imt si' Change of Schedule. vZfi 14 Afci:- b'ty St. Assets asd Cbzxtst, ? i - iitiRjeifOi. va..eDt. Ttlr. 187S. I i I have carefully tested a sample of 'Dur ham Bye Wfciske selected by myself from the stock of Messrs. Ellison A; Harrey, and nno it free irom adulteration, it is an ex cfellaot article of Whiskey, and altogether suiiaoie ior use as a beverage or Meaicme. Blgned, W. H. TAYLOR,: i State Chemist. : wtre sole proprMtorf of,thl jmperior wtuskcz. widen we oBer to tie traded-North "Carolina, together with a full line of all kinds oi wmsKles, tsrandles. Wines, Ac. ELLISON & HARVEY, Oet.81-dm. Richmond, Va. florrellc, Dalftimdi,'Irw Yortt, 4eee, FavU lUwe nSaIl points a Kcucrui aireni lorxniii iinta in tha sacMa. tlon Of COnn(rwbordrlliir on TmrRlvurahA. WMbineton, the txndeniraed beira to an nounce that the Steamer Ed. IsiMnrJ fate, will leave Norfolk ou Tuesdays 6 o'cl'k tt."kin?.roSa,r connecaonstta"SteaWers1a.M, lor South Creek and Washington. " WRENN & SON. T1! Prions experf owMter It Msaufactureis of and Dealers in alindT Bene ifor trrnl m v., -,. " - - ' L"1M Jur41ebrated Cotton anl Tobacfo. PreiB Be ii or power. I b "srand( for; Jwnc or power. -dcUsi-iy. TAPIli EE N Petersburg, Va, ft it i t TTT Airt '4 AND LIQUOR DEALERS, MAIN STBEET, TARBORO, N, C. Jana.-y 8, 1878. U. ,4 nr- v.i . Tae-'iV J of the Line between Baltimore and Washing- icuciuj uown as ne uiya. iine) and will issue through Bills Lading to Norfolk, Baltimore. New York. Puih2aiu BaJtm nl PovldncjandFaaa4Te- . .. IBPATAH . K . -.rrir: " ' e.- f Jte Orrsuf tftofdlr alKsHDmcntf marked ano caasjgoed VU Mfra Carolina Line From BAET1 MORE ehlp by Baltimore and o PHILADELPHIA sMn by Clvde nwue enie.: A rents, uiasontb firs : IBoi (Inm. - s shlD bv Merehantii A VI. 4-aera Line, ewe W. R. Mayo, Norfolk, Va. " asuingVOO Mlt, VT . K. JU From "NEW YORK shin hr D.l.ll' T.n. HTL. Chlpman, Soliciting Agent, Bowling syo.Agent, Clyde's 'B" . 'Mjresno- oir. sagecombe, I ib sulphate Qinyynfn k--A lea va n n i . - s r - J " - -f w mr. iuv,a HOnnt MIMrjttr-ftwWr!''V.JTi d Treasurer. I F tf. ? . Vannfaet-nrcra a.uf Pure GrouLuJ &awbo ;1 SupercspTi t cC SULPHATE 'oBr-Y AIUJJR(maDUR Aruj (emMalaJoTalkMs is or lormaiaes for fertilisers M Old boMimoN Stsamship Compant, C Washington, N. C, Feb. 11, 1879. ) Too Steamers of jibe Old Dominion Line will run the following Schedule antiL farther notice: The Steamer NEW BERNE, Capt. South- leaving Washington Wednesday evening for nonoiK via new Kerne. The Steamer PAMLICO, Capt. Pritchel, win leave Norfolk on Fridays at 6 o'clock A. M., for Hew Berne. Leave New Berae Mon- dvys aH tfplpek A- W ' MakelyviUe and Washington. Leave Washington Tuesday at 10 o'clock A. M., for Norfolk direct the Kteamer COTTON rLANT will con tinue her present Schedule, leaving Wash ington for Tarboro and Intermediate land ings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 o'eloek A. M. Return on alternate daya. leaving Tarboro on arrival of the Train on th- Tarboro Branch Kail Road. Passengers bv the Cotton Plant eonnact with the evening train 1aa WlIrotBgton fc Weldoa Ball Road xding Soutn or North. -To give dispatch t freight for OreeavUle. and points-op the River between Greenville and WasWngtonhe8tfftmerPIttwtiX"leave Washington Tuesdays and Thursdays for ureenvuie. retnrnlne alternate davs. freight and passenirers taken at lowest rates and despatch guaranteed. - W is iUlUMtUTTDai .mil .. S & - . " m i-m j. m MTIMl V J . it i a n s-L . 1 W N. W. Cbr. CHARLES ft fiTETtfi 8ts, n ; Daltirrore-r fld- WORKS, YORK, TMlier; f en Buldi AilKfeds. ijttheci n il nwn aim use. wilt use ever- rTWBTetMa.' ' THKW .--ia. a or lormaiaes ior fertilisers mlafcaiAbA' -v . !hts,"Ufanp an "8 wa -Msvetr avaut Macbine-c ufactarer of JVuidow Inm itehinc IrB Htahla MMhfneryin i MaA uira d H . i . ; irw ;,A-.iT- lc ,., a i .k- "a- . e3rAi5T I nf ikamiirf? nVimuixWpfE v&r crkl scj oocacr8krJ worfll ufinSI iuxure you. 4 pnreBt and best , s r -i . t & BatinsMPJJBLROOMB, tered ea Edai an act I KH Z ann ij ' J BMW.. awt.vuucA IUU UC1IVVI onr attacnaa thereto or registerd aatiigke'7 w ortiJaax tactile treasurer the State, and he is hereby required to igaua and delirer to thie person 8anderiBg sach bondr konda, certifieh. certifi eates, a new bond - or bon??5wP StaU. due and payable thirtvr'! from the first day of Julr." A ' 1880, bearing interest from dale at tbe rate of 4 per crtft. bet annum payable semi-annually on the, first day-P J annary 5 and July; in each successive year, at tbe omce of the public treasurer. oec. Z. Ihe said bonds are to be nve nunared dollars, and one thou sand dollars, and are to be number ed from one upwards, in accordance with the order of issue. They shal ub sieuea by tue governor and Treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State ; ba) the coupon thereon may he signed by tne treasurer alone, or have a fac timile of his signature, engraved or Sec. 3. The said bonds shall be exempt from all State, county or corporate taxation or assessment, director indirect, general or speeial whether imposed for purposes oi general revenue or otherwise. The said coupons aha 11 be receivable in payment'of any'sod all State taxes, and the same shall be expressed on the face of each coupon : the c -up- ons shall bear the same number as the bonds to which they are attach ed, and in addition, be numbered from one upwards in accordance with the date of their maturity. See. 4. The- bonds shal! be exv changed for the old bonds ef the Stale mentioned in the first section of this act, at the following rates : viass i. ror ine oonas issued before tbe twentieth day of May, 186 , forty per cent, of the princi pal of the bond or bonds so surrendered. Class II. For the bonds issued since the close of the war, by." au thority of act passed before the war to aid in the construction of the Western North Carolina Rail road, and the bonds issued in pur nance of the said act of Assembly of 1865, chapter threo, and act of Assembly 1867, chapter fiftVNSix : the bonds issued October first, 1861, chapter one hundred and thirty- seven, tor western (Uoalfield) Kail road; the bonds issued October first, 1861, by authority of an act of 1854-'55, chapter two hundred ana twenty-eight, section thirty fire, and resolution September tbe weum, 1001 : and the said reeis- red cer ifictitea of the literary fund, for the bonds issued July the first, 1862, by the authority of the act of 1S60-61, chapter one hnn dred and forty-two, for the con struction of the Wilmington, Char lotte & Rutherford. Railroad, twen ty-five per cent, of the principal of ino oonas or certincates id surren dered. . , ClatsTS.- And. those issued in pur suance of the said funding acts of March the tenth, 18S6v and August Jthe twtitHtk A868,lfifteei i cent, off the Mf&f pal of thebanl or bonda attttmieifiii Prik&Q That alf bonds issaed "in exchange for the new bonda shall be surren dered, with all the new bonds at .taiktd'i" jr.. a i i- e mi , ... kv. t. xne Donaa so to be is. aaad aball b4 in the- banal form of bonds of this State, except as tnodif fied'and foridfe Mr 'thia act. and bJAaor printed- on? tbie face of 3 -Mm wUlXQA AaioUfeO KHitl by M.TUMfcaJaaUi iai9Atotcla .nlariatt mks tM iAikZU?' rlPy i)Bad - - - - - - - --w-r- i - ii s i as i a. a. t w w w w w m a . m . judi'to dTsregaidHhe ixpSe iMTeftarrtue ualay.'ant' aanftSrtad .fefjotbiabut ft.ttiBfrr.ifjodaal, rVbrH Wal bVthi ofion briMOP oHtiori 0T tLS Unmr io ithtVxfr bill. .-VUmiiclgJ:fo lsalKp tbe jury til UlUiUr ahallen-ed a - " M. T W inMreiaiitiffC--i CT' time- Ma 1 1 fucB itfcriine interest, thn in thai the. Dnhlia. traaaara ia ntliArjM! in Daruis&Mar rronw toj De'-iaa aatT Of Eh WitfTtha'asnvavsJ f thm, being chapter Are. oX thelaw ojfJKornlMjacfe tbeT WePBV 1865, or pursuance ga.efcel 'TSiT&Jl u j.ww lPoeirMT cwarter wCUjii iu st least two - - f rittishelrr-JRefeBlJaMr- laTgiatlelLnD maurt"ff eiiJ 01 r.aiats hBUiy aaieHia-rx T -Po aip w- arvw aaa huiuu xasai iiiain r " - mw - i sp t i i kaiaaaWoWcstrirMvUsi itr!ii iihlw Pnaw 'Wfij r, whwwiiwm UU era.brace hft Ambriti3sd, mAnnf af aaak amJ t. . - ! for. which the. same was isanaJ 'whetv Ihisar ber!i!nar; an3 the tAmebf U6 peraolf .tueiua,eri Uhall be made, su taTndaflJ bu prc.cuce et uia uoYarnor. taa Treaaurer-tbeiitSrlta AttWi neyx , ueaerat, -the- Secretary of btate and apflrinUndaot fBqblie jnsircuonf nienaRaacj,Wtfl under his hand respectively, maoch fjooi,5 that W a' iMmll bonds so consumed aTrid-' destroyed c Sec rhiA tbelreagBTer ahall proii4ann bA&biq which shall beVepjt , an , accurp , jacjnt and descrrtSiaij .ij ? j1 Cffi bonds to be 4sffo ; and suen de- eeriptrre IUt ehaUeSS" the date, In issued. p V 5 Vrtan AUeiiiTanmfaas aald sbttdat bar ai' iVaU traoss income mTrebisvsalefa I iiBea.rtv.?, vi4.- t l t . rrc.i T 1 J T w wa' VMW vaw auu iciut umini iu auirifuous. Tl- I nat imsoa anrl not.. nous and malt Kanora: shall h haM rKVinAi'A t wi- v-ii'j- - : Antereat oaKaaid-boBa.? alb4rU Ltf ihU. mil fora4iiw thruSi. "Where, ut aa iadiotmeatff pifiU VW leahAldl on cWaxUdaia.bdv .ballad J- Pe atenaijart ply ae wall to .tbsynawme.4 f..a lltial at Fall Term 1878 Hhee. Sac.lG.-That for .rt. nM. r I?aaans moyea o cutpa of the disinterment of the body1 of ' the deceaaed and the examination' to detect presence of poison. .V ,-'T By Dujdttf-J&r" f - -f- State n. Baldwin, from ITacei. bonds. Uhe,tmrrjia of lions Clark, Eaq,,1 lllilt1 the aeeonai ef dieqtalilcation ef th nam if VZC.rt . r'fr - Iu. 1 U. lilt IK Shall h. UsfSI T .Kl .Htjm KIUl .SI.UI1T1U I - WW 4anAtWTL :! IT. - "T 1 TTTjI 7TTL. A for anv Wrtior .m.'n,.fUAV M,t- laA l-TirJr ff. guardian, trustee, director of any missibility rests "nnoa !tht, jCI V P :vS?i corporauon, and, any and all other By SiltTb,0J J,f" " r Jones vs. 1 Jones. . from WakaJ WhertwWWerlff WnVlfi 4tne at wfcieh'i-witaeawanf tenfre With the; plaintiff, aneohsiiattfsaam his crosasexamiaation. thaa-irarsrin H'lJ.wfe ffjrattsnot ti.:t prjnoMaeiftSit4e LSSlSi eobrt toavlliil'thf 'dallC uYi ii' wn&aiOxaict? Sire 4nd laVaf o the okitray ; ia allowed. Where, also, the plaintiff , U. correborale his witneaaes who wera lrnpeacbeei by ftodant, of- ttdaTita prenetuly made by conuuning statements :DIji their testimony on prsena acting, m a fiduciary capac ity, holding bonds of the State, to ma ice tne exenange provided in this act, and they be absolved from all liability on account of said ex change. i -i mi m : . ucu. xx. .me provisions oi tms act for the exchange and issae of wvuo bush cununas.in iorca nntii tbe first day of January, A. D. Sec. 12: That as a farther nro vision for the purpose of paying tbe interest on these said new bonds. if the' taxes for any one vear nnon the subjects of taxation, hereinbe- f.. .r la i r, Mr. . mcuuuueu, snaii do lnsunicient tu pay ssiu mieresc, tnen ana in that case the public treasurer shall be authorized to apply any funds in the treasury, not otherwise ap propriated, to that purpose. - Sec.. 13. That in the event 'that the taxes collected in any one Tear upon the aforesaid subjects of taxa- (inn onrl tho, fnnA J ..vuv aaavav uw VbUQf WlOp appropriated in tbe treasury, when added together,' shall be inadequate to pay said interest, then, and in that case, and in order to- provide er tne ae&ciency, the pubJio treaa- pnrer be, and he is hereby authorised J to issue coupon-bonds of this State of 'he dtnomination of five hundred dollars, bearing Jdate of the first day of October or April of the year of the issue, according as the one g4 anoriejeft the jTrqv.fjr duly cemrrut-W-'LiJ'cii- tody of lUldwin - aaLuoteatlj ndi taaeJ4hitil4 tr5Tf.tn.ftiy was to hftisls'fenf?ari U jail9tsiits feetfEPtojfla mdtf 4tfaxliaon., iBS2 i q tJai a t.WiwrVM ft-pitrtaactf toeat M fefsf ( ft4ivwrt:xitj tie allegation that plain tiffs and de ftmmta UlgtiU by iif. IU luf land jointly and U sLie1 ili txi Sense ef luqiinsf it tuifton and efendanfa had takeh titU to ibAn selves alone, and-denied tie al leged agrtf meat end that flatnti? had paid asiytliwg and a decree was made at Tall Term 18T6 without finding hosxTHUeh, if afiytlvb- ti4 oten paja 9J pLauttia ez witit whaa said decree, vras and it was the!6?T0 e wrds Washed in pnr atfaheeSof an eereSiritled an acto the St-te debt." ratified ih 4JJf-aDL8Z9L -f in larze rettletteraThe consolidate 1Ah State." ; t, ai i i.j Sec. 6. That all Stite taxes ler- or tne other ot said elates shall be nearest in point of time to the date of issue. Said bonda shall be pay anie torty years attea date, bat re deemable after ten years, at the option ef the State, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annaally, oa the first days of -4pril and October ; said bonds shall bear upon their face, in red lotters, the words "contingent bond," and shall be -numbered from one upwards, ) in accordance with the order of their issue. They shall be signed -by the governar and treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State ;' bat the coupons threon may be signed by the treas urer alone, or have u fac timiU of hia slgnatare . prlfltaA:ngrftTed, or ltthograpbed tberaon. .The said bonds and coqpoaa ahall be exsnpt from all State, oounty, or eorporate taxation -er assessment, direct or indirect, general or special, wheth er imposed for purposes of general . . t.. . Tz . , lr . at. revenue or oinerwise. ana tney shall be lawful investments by all executors, administrators, cuardians and fidnciarres generallj,. The coapoasjibn. said bonds shall bear the same number aa the beads to vrn ich they -are attached, and ahall In addition be ntunbered fromne upwards, in accordanc with the date of their maturity ; and . tbey shall bei" and shall so express npoo their few," that jthejf are receivable at and jaft'eF-ma of all taxes, 'debts, demand and doea to th Sute, of every jnaiare and kind wJuataparer. - qec 14. That iha-jraVHe v trsna rer shall be suthoriied to sell to principle thaf as conflicting. sjte-t .is pur, so sug tnuiorm ana consistent itat ements snstala and strengthen the credit of a witness before the ury, . . . . State vs. Lane, front Mecklen burg. Affirmed. Where, in an Indictment for for gery the ferged name was misspelt and it was also proved that the- de fendant j could not ta-w hear the reopen the case for the detei. tion of thcecasential inattsrs. Rhode vs. Lewis, from .Gaston. Affirmed..: . ,. uS. .ji. .:; ii t i Held. Iu the construction of atat- L-.' t. -J. Aw. - 1 ub.a buo courts aaoutbi ascertain ana effectuate the intent ' of the legisla ture, as fn as it can be done within ll T- . - bup, iHfUHpms oi.ina wares. Bsea, i write,' bat had ed goods thereon, fridTikLt the !ntP"M4 with .Teferencc to ,th ii .ii... , T3"T? inbisflt matter in A na rfh..f.. i u a misspelling of the name weal I ac'tment, and to this end it is a'set-' tiea ruie w examine and" compare" different parts vof the same statute and, with ether. atatnte made to pari ) mateoia. j, If,(theretrf,1Se9tipa4l e of Article 7 of the Constituticn is . taken and considered with Chapter 141 and 2Jff Acts 1876-7T there can be no ' reasonable doubt of the af-Deeds the iothsr prevent a conviction, if being idem tonant; nor woold the fact that aefendant could not write prevent conviction, since ne caused the or der to be written and had it in his possession. Williamr, Black & Co., vs. Carr, uBuaiacrabor irom i Edgecombe. A fflrTria ... BelL That money advanced brl!""11"0" HI7ir81,VT tained by speculationa in cotton fn- aB-.pinedayfter Ut ; -j a' .t . -I Monday in November. 1878. ...... v.u hvvihiu out oi me i i -.v( .... .iTr.. .. xvcvvea yi. xavia, Aam r., jrom Madison.! Afffrfled. "f v' 4 AJ. justice's aoort is not t cevt oi. record,, aad c its jad-sssa J iv4' iv evidence, ea proof of the hand-wntin of tha juBnce,nis pemg iu oinoe at tne same time, andr of the reniition of the same withul his county. -ITcW, That aafttiier party for whom he advanced the money, and that where tb form of the contract for future deliverw haa nothing .inherent., in it to-ahew that po real delivery was intended it cannot be held 4obe void a arainst puoiic policy a Jtiwagerer bet. rasohaL tdm 't va. Bullock, from vjrranvu'o. Aiarmea. 2refoy. Defenfie. iiro.t rw. .rAnh rJwo cannot aeie-ata to forwnrdJ in apt time: Wbere- the ! proaowwtthe defendant, who had been discharged tttW-ft? 9 r i T ef -ww- w iu R in discbarge until an exeeatiozt.had been issued and then made, a metion to recall it and set it aside, it was coo late ana snouia not be heard. By A8H, J.: York va. Merrit,; from Chatham. AaLmed. VYhere theplaiaUfi, aa attorney ior aeianaant, agreed . tf obtain hia discharge in bankruptcy for $100, $50 a Tee and 950 as costs, and defendant mad plain tiff" a deed for a tract-f land absolute ea its face, but intended .ma a security for the fee an advancement, aad both, par i99 wteaoea oy tna arrangement the creditor!; ef the bankrupt from gettinrtht Uriel rtJ Meld. That in a suit fof recovwry of the land the plaonliff la watitlad ta recover, and tne parties . being "on pa.1, delicto tuia vuuxb aaaaei relief to tha dafan Thoinas vs. SLmfaacri. from jueuiv vvxiare im dartakea to ease own concwaions of law. ' he xoaw have the same reduced to writing, . and hit name ai-aad by another ta dr his peioAaTaoperviaiaa aad di - recUoa. JJthL Tha iostioe eurht to pronounce his jadntont en day of trial, but4 in difficult eases it is ttot unusual far him td reserte his ' deliberation, and siteTwardj to en ter it and rive the nartiea notice of ' bis aotioa. i . , Albinos areudiviaoals'in whoa. by some defect in ' their organiza tion, the subtanc or pigment which ' gives color te the skin, hair aad eyes, is absent or deficient. 4 TLsse persons, whether Indian, negro or white, . , are, ef uaifermlj . dead, milky hue, with hair of the fane de- zel pigment, the ins it of a deep red, and .the. orelo' around the pupil ie is , of a pink . color ; hence they are L y. a . . a commeniy spoaen oi as aaviag pma. r .Lilietn" J W wta nair, 01 the IU t. SStt JSrL 'W,'a4-iWm ibe eyes being d &anc eient in the black, or blue, or &2 'fyomGuil Pig".? ofPf- .-itu: i.i i - i wuuoi ia ATI lmAIlArf Bimnt a.ri.in nf I TT tfihlisd Bv the Portmrees to the Hg . white n.Sr0 the coast of Africa, m be it;... ,.,it. i.ir .f--w MMMW UU.I wmmJ mmmvmm WW V Mw1v of other men, and are edab deficient in mental capacity. The phenom enon is supposed to result from a diseased 'organization,' but its ultU White U an imnlied . . JT i . r mT - TTT 1 f tlter'eontract that they abeald be its -ra -proper ioru parpose lor whichi they were made. "State vs. Bowman, from Ban- --''-5 k i . uiOow waji.eaa-UA9ia.wai. vu 4JH wwirv ajshii Vnot ' known. -J'ggrt .sesraUad. white blackbirds ai uhment, aettnUUr bowt--ttc2i die- iJuTZr AiKie., ,. -hii A . tosfdtatfiaahargudaty, 4Ud e an naonfo jnroe, Iweaa LewyeJeV ncLuies. ! Jttid, alto, That it ia not xttctssu to cin tie jxiwcsx tctkt AIM are spec' o Albines, aa are white, mice. ax marriage, are tne EaglinZEt. pres- Cantbe; ternuon edt style in Tnere never was a marriage beroro' Eye. Wh&t, txrtx ? X.ro t?v:y I

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