nnmn tteiawasWBMiiWt'"i'i'' f if: i if i& Si-i.M 4wiJ teal ' 6 Ji J.SCSt rl bertcliefiirTtS; .n-T' a - -l s' ; ' i I - i fMfl iMll . i te.j J-III OT CU Ji IrtJ-t vtlTAT1 t ' ill T ? .mct be J 1 . S i. I i t i I -g-' 1 : i. -ill rt - f-i-:i ill iv-X ' i -v.? . .... rj t. n , i i :t ii i u : XL r hum i a .-. . T t-er-CwJ-U-l I Mr II II 1 1 ' 1 I 1 I 1 i 1 . 1 1 1 i i I 1 1 i II I ft.- i - ' ' 4- NO. 3. Religious Appofi$fflt Cheshire, PMtor,WW dtvmewrf(eweTer Sabbath, forenoon aad afternoon. Bervice Wednesday morningt 9:30 and Fridkyi kf ernoon at 4 o'clock.1 Presbyterian jtturz&r-. Rej. L. iL Baldwjn, r &4fY iunstesetr morsiBK an a evening in T&rboro on let and 3rd Sabbaths; in Scot land Meek. n SSad, and Kocky Mo ant on 4th. Carter, Pastor, will : preach, morninc and evening, in Tarboro, on 4th Sabbath in each-j mosit4a Koeicywfip&cwi vqd twnaays. MihiistiJl MeJt-&L9vx D. "Ai- nold, Vasto. -wrill Breach morning and cven- in(j every Sabbath. 5teayer meeting every J"rimUiveBaptiUCAurchZWerF D. Gold, rastor, pieacnes on lt Saturdays a ja m eaen montn ff-s3-)fl OUR' GOODS Fancy- 7 OWARD & JJ AS, Attomcvg and Counselors at 3P Practice in all tlfs Courts, StAWand federal. I r nov.S-iy. ; kOSSKY BATTLE,. T -aC MJ Attorney and Counsellor at, La w, - TARBOBO', N. C. j Practices in all State and Federal OOnrtS,; Keamlar circuit Washi Edgecombe nd,.V" Will tATi an nfflpA h.t Ttrwlrv Unilnt..U ' r u r . Special attention given to collections. e eo. ssu, . f j -1-,- which has been select e wilh esDecial xara The pnblie ts invited ta inspect the finest as; soriment oi i (fcoceriesr to-..-'it,i,.ti .k . ever brouKdl to Ws parketyUi; lt-, BoUed Maekjml, tWstsjr-.wMiyy'1 n.H spiceu sarcunes, voraed Beef, -Pork and Beans. - fealmoft.' ff,ri.-S PttedK Tnrtrev. WMtkeBjDuck, 11 am and Tongue, iffirea tTeJUe, All Stviea. mtfSnjtlJF&uiT AM!D vegetables. PoaehOT, -yr pine Apples, ? nomv -jij 4 Loo8berries, i Cherries, " ii J Bluberries, j Tomatoes, Peas. ! Succotash, -: J Pkra and Tomatoes, Windham Co String Beans, V-'V-; Lima Beans. , ; -. t 5.?-ALSO. Tap! oca, 1 Wheat Farina. Oat Meal. Buck Wheat Ftor, Indian Meal, Fine aud . Coase Hominy, Beans, Oessicated " Cocoanut, Apple and Peach But ter, Preserved Quinces, Pine Apples, Blackberries, I Green Guages, i Peaches, Apricots, Rasberries, Strawberries J. LEART, JR., QUI ooks. tiuDarb Bible and braver Beaks I IWfriU.iifjCi.- Bail iTi'9ail 1 S BJEEJCHAtS aT- 40p. Post Office, N. T. Hitl's , Soefai and - Business Marrnnl. tairs Httianette.Bibliandjother saleable boofsi 1 Best Agents wanfedTTlddress W. H. rKll, W jrultoiygf. Mew York. k-i.'ti i a ?fiiadlnssl Redffons! EJocution I (tlMI OWUEADT. Tkla nagger U jalfw la lwlh4fc grip ontmint'Vag' ombiBiBirttlneBt. Ikmn. Patk niMi TfaL Priw.SOotSwauUeartw. Hlij Uookxelletml yiwf SJ 1 Xlil.g to neiu-ahaald Clet Uw. ,We aiaotemTiuwBaokaof IiAU3DKs,"USaclr Attorney and Counsellor at.Ha-if, SWAN QUARTER, HYDE COUNT.Y, STj. C. Practices in CourtSiof adjoining counties, supreme and FederaliCanrts. Special attention gtveu to collections. . Jan. 15, ISSO.-ly. 4. ..M -." BOTTLED LIQUORS, j French Brandy Old Ryo Whiskey, Imported Gin, Rock and Ryej Sherry, Port and Rhine Wine. The above is only a (small description of nuat we i-sve wstocK, jai ( i D. LICHTENSTEIN & CO. N. B. Examine otrr tewstock of Clears. I nave jjenwved ru.s JJKNTAI- OFFICE to -a. ta exHi( C. CTT2I filer, ndxt dodr to Tarboro House, where I will toe clad & recefera mv Meads or ?9irSr QbUQ work. l anjper- J manMyil iolte frerje; -haviny leased the second storj. of this Tmildinar for a term of, Cilall i l!lAAClri.4JiARK, Dec. f, 1879. iy. ict Prost. CaaMer. . lb llg!ipJ' Co., (BANKING DCTABTMENT.) Bank open from . .9 A. M. to 3 P. M. ; Discount DaJ, Thtjbsdai. i 2 .... s THfcBESa PfiPER; BEATIICLLY IL60taATET5-r36thj YearT AN iS a roEs : NORFOLK CURE MPBAfiMCHB And all diseases oi the Kidneys, Bladder and. t- It la m Marvel f n4aHil?aB4 Kelief. V rpHE ,8CIBNTIFIC.ME large rss ciasjseKiy tftijrspaper sixteen rages rin4eiMkthe mmti. beautiful siyie, paoraseiy luusiafcted with splendid engravlDgarjcepresenting the newest nvenj miu unwMiwirtCTDi .avauees in tne Arts aud Ssieices iHsdlnjj TSaw and In- terestlnFaCJs InACTiculturW Horticuhl tare, the'Bbmf, CTBBff, Medical prOKresBT social science; Watutal History, GeologTt" Muura)Bjr-' ue most vaiuaeif practicat-J wpers, py eminent writers iu oil depart-I uicuw uaenqce, wurnsj ionnat m tne ocien? uiic American : .-. . Terms3P per year, 1.60- half year, umn im:juaes postvgeruiscoualto Agenu, oiugjc cujiies w cenig. Boia oy an JNews aeaiers. Remit by postal orde to MUNI? W., Publishers, 37 Part Row. New York T A H 1 TVTnnC IN-CONNEC JL XS. X JLL I k3 Uon with the 8oL enunc American, Messrs. Munn A ' Co. are ooiioiiors oi American. and loreien Patents fcava had 55 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world; Pat-" ents are obtained (m the best terms. A pedal notice is made ia the Scientific A- Bierjcan or all iventcs patented through this 'Agency, with the name and residence oi the Patentee. By the immense circnhrtOn tlius eiveai DDbliL. idea Hoi is dlaeetritn 4 the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easly effected. AnyTroii JUSnad0' fiWj j vl?uW fufLacertajus Jiea Oi wuefinrpteDt can "t)robabTv bo oh -:!1 f V'J"f"-n 1 'n:i 9 r .1 THE GREAT ill RlII?lTr,,7 fl fil Neura1giatliclaticcuLumbaQ0. I 7hg Qndpratatf Burn, and i i v$&dfF4a9nLBtfiff ... , 7oofA, Ear StHekdci9$ Frosted Feet atitPtars inTaII other '.'- Pahs and Aches. KnpatBtMrwf'' earth iuaU T. Ji'eoiig" Ci as- at, (wt ) Ml'ef Xxtenwl Bonwdy- A IzWr mudlMAmt. ti conyntively trifling oatlsy of M Cests, wd trcry obb mffarias ith pala c&a hare ohp aad positiT proof of it flim. ..--,...' Cirectloiu 1m Blernr lugtiagoti ', ' BOLD BX iaXL D&T7&CH5TS Agl) PEAXES3 nr kedicute. A. VOGEUGR & CO., " TJxtarsday, EMPLOYER ASO Janasoy 20f iS81 531 EiiPLofm The Orvktest tmirAnthoRi'" snrh Prof. Max Muller, Rt. Hoq. W. Qlad stoilJfelA. ffofeiei prot Hxtey, R. A. ProefcfrJIdw.aA SFreeaia- Prf- TVndnU. Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Frances Power Cobbo, Prof. GoJdwie Ub, ,Th Iaka of A nrall Win. BkaciMias ThackeVav.'Mrs'" Mnlh. Crmik, Geo. MacDonald, Airs. Oliphaal?, eao IngeTow, liomaa Ilardy, Matbew 4.r.ld; Henry Kingsley, W.; W. fltory, Tureuenief, parly le. Buskin. Tennyson. Brownioff. and fnany others, are represented in the pages by writioi? to Mntn St Co. We also- sc free onr Hand Hnn!i ahnirt .h P tn. I m Patents:, Caveats. Trade-Marks, their (tnata and how1 procured, Va hints for procuring'! advances onv intentions. Address, ior the raDer. or rnnof rnindr HatAnra . , rr: H Ma. mi CARDS. ISO. L. riBAKT. wnores2Tt3 roDacco 4 --W.JAHASrT ift car3rii trfsfer Cor. Commerce aiad. Elisaltetb Sts. Norfolk H. , Feb. 5, 1880- I Twlissll. UlllltrOy iunciiuii IS; unn & Co . '! 37 Pa-k Row, New York. Branch Qflce, Mr F Tin Sts,' WSsMnr WD, JJ. to 1.00(K 3 to' 20 Otons- Pianos CI 25 HD. faner rre. Adfresa Ilnnifll V RmttT xv 1; Mum wnere au.eis iaiis. . A KK V K. 1 nnuiEWB, m. d RATION aad KEVOtUTIOflT hx Msdiciae. 'Abscrptiorfor direct application, as opposed to unsa-jBtactary internal mdaicines. Send 1 om umiw va xvtuuej .irouofe. sent free. , AUd by 4r?gist4, or sent by malTl on iccci7 ner, a caress .THE "ONL.T" LUNG PAD CO , i ' ' i JWilliams Block; DETROIT, MICH. This is the Original and Genuine Kiinev Pad. Ask for It and take ao ether. oc28-ly LITTELL'S LIVIG AGE, In 1881 The Liriag sge enters cpsn il tMrty-eigbtb year, kdmittedly nnrivaled and coBtinboosJy successful. Daring, the year. it win inrnisn to its readers the productioLS 01 ma most eminent authors, above named and many others; embracing the choicest .Serial aud Short Stories by the LeadrnsTc-r- e;gn JXoveusts, and an amount jL.t?Tlite Emplove lit longer l j Made to- feel that Hei wrod I " BaOr. ' TaJinaBe - fiMar-rIV ,j. iuob he ine asrooKiyit r i ' Dp. Talmag af ter sajingi inlie BjeooHyn Tabernacle" that, as 'hofis goijgf to -ijOtLuarUie, iittsburg and. Will preach iitihe Tabernaele oiSun- day inornuig nest and that ia, ..the: evening Governor bu John, of , Kan sas, will speak, announced a's his test.- Ruth. ii.. 4 'Boaz-. came, Jrtiin Be'tMeheih and said to the reflerk. rThe Lord be with thee,' and, the roan perS , answered, 'The Liord . bless thee." . , , . , f. n. mi z i it. a ae . -"v tions have different stvles oi saluta tion and after describing iihe . modes of meeting, ancient and modern, ' of many nations he said tljat his text was, thij ; salutation of a ; wealty era oyer to his hard-workins: employes." Bpa'z had come rfrom Bethlekenvlo sea" -his employes, and he crree'Eed them with courtesy, kindness " and svnroathv. - Kindness calls on f. Vint! nesa, ana the salutation of the good. njeaiEetf man 01 weaitn evouea a bles sing from his employes. Wdiildthai tne case or Jioaz could be typical of the relations between employei a and employes nowadays.- But the whole tendency of things in our day is to make the, chasm between employer and;; . employed wider and wider, Tiue was when the clerk boarded with his employer and a kindly in terefit was manifested in his welfare, But the bridge of sympathy has been broien down at both ends, and the tendency now is to make the employe feel' that he is wronged. Now, what is wanted, is that bridge of sympathy gnaw i reuuut, and tne preacher s sermon "was putting the trowel to one of the abuttments. All ship OTrusersT'ilieichants, tradesmen, man ufacturers and house holders and house wives have an interest in the welaire of their employes. , AMELIORATE THE COSDITON OI IABOB. iglV- ) to another person-1 who? wHT a chancer'Manr-a-Tianng-man has thus beeaisasaa. Ii Q6dJiadn't en ns ten thousand chaxboea we eh Ar-j. almage remmded j thfimjihat iiugxit jeaca ua au m MtqXot x and not solelv for onraelvflSL n, ECLU'&ES QP XltE i ! ft not bcaif! r?rfr X&xet ed m mar x " : ar ftttZttS&"nm'wm ft muen sougnt alter antLaspop -. llXSP.VZf r pK'asVeite'-'thtf sand-bags ot ' NemriiiTr-'I t1 C1 s"! &f trard to truth, that no thrifts Hatfd " y". ..... .,; . ,; t iter; U. CJ. Goes ? had a & mdienfwir Ijtlfa, ; trj &H TT : a '- L f1rb3Sn know ih'erh'iegaimikwrki w awiaeBieaa ana other- exernptioos tespairuijjL uiiUjlo , cvcr-rwoYtre-d Iso i" '-"area ndthat 6.Bacreq. so-ixs ena, it nag tUiat rnvsEcar Vn. actejr hh JiiliJloldi-teeibpir"he I f.4?o-4T4lU!i cfewW'HSiC'Cttpfle8i QlK-tnef TT,,,JfJ51""usiuj ""u. riaigme upon . ichpses," , ... j rt. -j i . fhly regretrthat:the law-liatf'impaii -l miiifM SSaaiW them aim wuiviiigmip- gbirSoaiiBi 8d3ttianyttaf1cTttm' fepjate rmhariiOMtadaAl of ti l5Trf:tprjeltar; hiar children. aB r . un pnpii4r"- f"" giyy- jg appe. i o(ortui.ltherfetraita-)f 6 beohlflin f htjkitt&r. yIIT19lrAiostaAos& biteu and therxezlainlv dtvifth4r.ir 1 $ priditorniaadoiwhy: artf iwe txiof ? H Iawa." Thkv lite eief wVecktisets an4,f h9mo. andlrade anng r qrarseW, ; fFi&wJr rrTT B jvif-film newspapers Bomefimos publish. &Wdivbthanarri panq. aua jvu4s most viwi Anri 1 rca, nuinc, ut-'uituBu cats ana (jomplet ajidc Mw.re.iaqsfelX?8 ortt upM3r. "Wgethex. Hides. FqrSfc5YPQl itCciiswax, 19 Roanoke Dock, , The highest eash prices paid. Consign ment solicited. Guarantee prompt returus. 1 8ept. 2, 1880. - f. M. L. T. Davis. B. D. Thomas ! lATABLl!iIID 1865. U. L. T. DAVIS & coir Wholesale Grocers, I AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, PROVISIONS, FISH & SALTS South-East Cor. Water & Commerce Street, NORFOLK, VA. Sept. 2, 1S80. f j ly. A. WRENN & SO Manufacturers ol and.Dealers in all k: x ' 1 1 j.i. 1 !i i rnrac hv ARSnDDTIAN I (HAlUIUi VVAI.J ALL If. Id of Carriages, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Collars; Carts, WheeU, Axles, Farm yfsLgons & Gear,3 !n:.4 ri4.v,;. t o. ' ' 1 aavxbo vivuuiig) Juap f- j Bobes &c- 'V Nos. 14, 16, 24 4 28 Union Street, -s. . ! Norfolk Va, FnlHftMWOai lats ftuiTHAfUCTg Materi al. My Buggies aud.'Canlagesare sold by J. H. BB0WJf,'arbiOToV.rra seB.ly 1 ij LUJNO DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES. BEEATHIHO TROUBLES It drives into the system curative agents asd heaiinrtaedicince. it DRAWS KROM the diseased parts the poisons that cause death. thousands testily to Us virtues. You Can be Relieved and Cured. DoVt despair nntil you have tried this Sen- f iUJ.easUy.-appUed and RADICALLY EF- r jcjUI u Ai. itemecly. Soid by Druegiats. or sent by mail on re ceipt of PRICE, f8 00, by THE ONLY " LJJNG PAD CO, . "x Williams Block, Detroit, Mich. Bend lor testimonial tA.F hirWTiiKii lanit. ... . X " "T 1 muiiuiiB a a ear. eenc Free., i B ; m .. Uoclty:51omjt Hills ARE in Wl ad snceeesrol operation, and are pfcphre4t6 fill all orders for Sheet ings, Shirtlaigs, Yarns nd Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addxesaed to. Rocky Mount Hills, Rocky Motmt.-N. C, will be promptly attended to. i i w v JAMES' S. BATTLE, J Secretaryrnd Treasurer. Aprii n, is7ar.r;; -; 1 u. T0XS0RUX DELIGHTS. IJX)tiLirtt$&othrib$ softest Y1 tenchaHgnegt'Taaur' when' your beard is Jbardeatl Woj.dvou eahance your personal pulchritude so that your wife or 1 sweetheart wouldn't: recognjae yon f Then apply to -Nathan. Willlamsi wOier Barber Shop is in Tarboro Boaset btt MaiffiBt. So- facing Shampooing -done. Hair Op, pf his W. C. Y. Pauh. I- WjK.Caj. Late I Wa.renton, Late of Kdgetome,: PAEHER.& CABB. COTTON FACT0KS AND . Room- 9, Cotton Kxehaage, New Ami r't3Mtttisti-ri kSCTIaa W an mw ttfmM v Betii.Mnet 4t4 PaslaUMi J in wono-.wraners ofhlgbe dlstiaction at eve ry Great World's Exhibition for thirteen years. Prices, Sol, 5T, tea. t84, tJO to $500 and.uiward. For easy' payments f 6,33 quarter arid upward. Catalogue free; MA; SON fe HAMLIN ORGAN CA)., T54Tremott oi, puoTO(;4q mst i4tu St., Union Square, 149 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. ' " "HOMES IN TEXftS," ! -''i lathe Utle of '; f " A NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET. Descriptive of the country aloasr and tribnta- ry to the line of i ; . , INTERNATIONAL GREAT SOUTH'RN i T? BA1LROAQL . 4iQVI And contains a good county - map of the county mapof the Stale, it also contains the names and addre&sea of Farmers and Plan ters in Texas who have ' " " FARMS TOR SALE OB RENTj and those who win want Farm Hands for next year. A copy of this book will be mail ed free to tnose who desire reliable Informa tion about Texas, upon application by letter or postal bard to J . ALLEN McCOY Gen Frieght Agent j Palestine, Texas. BENSON'S rorons ' waster. No remedy more widely or favorably known. It is . rapid in relieving, quick in ! curing. For Lame Back, RhenwiaHsm, Kid ney Affections, and aches and pains general- ijr, ik ik iuo uunvaiieu remeay. . -f . r-.; ;r. rcvti.-.o Ji'-CTJlar e ... rii.-i ji.j.- i.uu. 1., ira TO 1 1 r Cotton, Couttj. Produce gaerily. Hides, Staves,., sold. Orders for Bterchsadise promptly attoded to. lUoano a specialty, Jan.6,lS81..1y. il -fT J SELECT JB0ARDllVTC3"i1SD DAT! SCHOOL;- -y 4 milsborch N. C. rrvHE Misfes NASB aid Miss KOLLOCK A will resume the exercises' of their school on Friday. 4th Vebruafn 18L and eonlinne aosra. tweeiy weeks, ca-cuiars sen oa an plication. . 1. dec.23-2m. Xirtst i Wn ii riTi "Ifci ii 1 -Wf APPBOAOttEO BY ANY OTHBtt in the world, of the most valuable Literars- and 8iniific Jnitrsof.tho day, from the pena oi ids loremiHt Kssavisu N.isrf;nf wrHio-Aiseoverers, m fjaitors, Jrepresen- every aepartmenbot knowiedga aad Ogress. - . ' "'. r- ,,tbe lAr'iEfc Age is a vcecktjj magazine giving re inaa injEE AD A tiljAliTEH .THOUSAND Oqble-columa octavo oases of r&adln? mat ter yearly. It presents in an exortisive form considering Its great amount of matter, with freshness, owning I its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by a other' publication, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms, Tales. Sketches of Trav el and Discovery, Poetry, Scientific, Bio graphical, , History- and-PoBtical Informa tion, from the entire body of Foreien Peri odical Literature. .3 It is therefore invaluable to every Amer ican radivrthe only satisfactorHy fresh and cqmplele compilation of an , iodispejua- oie carrotr literatureiisDenjabla. ba caase ?;ft?rBesitoro4ttcUono2. the a.BLESl:LIVIIfQ WRITE BtJ.K "It M3 ptfr-Z&jil tori ' &3ag Post. :T r; r sI aS It -V -y j" ... PnbJBahsd weekly at 6.00 a yearTfro f "i-mi. Ar., r F-i. a o e w TsuDscrioers iqr Aae4 jeajr I88K re mitting Defore VAB.J.sVf! numbers of 1880 issued after the receipt of tLeir sub scriptions, will be seel grati?: i UliUU-FKlUES OK THE BEST HOME AD FOREIGN LITERATURE. fHI. ij . r m. t- - . . I uaeu oi me Aiving Age' and one or other of our vivacious American month lies, a anhsenber will find himself in com mand at the whole situation." ?hH. Even Mt . Cr m. . . . i.urfiv,uu a ue Aiving Age and' any one or the American $4 Monthlies (or Harpers Weekly Bazar) will be sent for a vear. nost- paid ; or, fo? $9,50 The Living Age' and the oi. iiicaoiaa, or appietoo s Journal, or Lip pincott's Monthly. Address. f LITTEL & CO., Boston, What Motive ? SIMPLY that I wish every body to kn that I am to be found at the same t,Y. mo insw j car, im s jail Ame oi know ace The best - Tobacco Store "Aflfi Bfln't YflE FOfget It" RocUy mtfount9jy RG.' BALL, General Tobacco Dealer j sells to the Retail and W holt-male trade at bottom prices. jJan.l5-tf. BARBER SHOP ASD CLOTHES CLEAm o MimErji Iwlsh tb call the attantjidj thecldLzens fc3 of Tarbcro and viciity-:my elacn -of I business.1 so if iev should wsirtany of their Clothes Clcamed o Repaired, ttvey-ca be ac- oLeeu. -Aiao. naviae. i juair Aatunr. aoo p, at sif jaroer V&Vrt House. r; Sroprle(r. I - V DEMOCRATIC BAl'ER , OF IIBERW, FOpNDED BT G. L BEEBEi; 88th year of puDlication. Te old fjefferso, niau Democratic Weekly, the Banner of Lib erty, should be taken in eveify Democratic family in the Union, r 1 - IT CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS, Market Reports, a Choice SetecKonrf Read ing Matter aad Souad' Democratic TtfteHf- gence. " ONLY tl PER YB AR. ; Copy Tree, to person seBdlog.-iub of ten. AKens wwuteu in;. every cpunfyJ acna sample copy free. - Address, f BANNER OF LIBERTY. -. Xlianvlllat N. Y.- allother avork dose in my lij ouop on juain BtreTjttppjp J.sTrSQ Tarboro, Auj; 19i 1880.- THE BOf 1)ES HQ15L r The omifMV fi H EADOUARTER' TOW WHffcf Lageiihipne Room. , ti8factioiiguaranteed v" C. sfBftOWWipWietc. C. 8. BffJ..lAttrti j - THAT I WtLLHATlN A EVt"IAYS a large lot of cheap j j , f en tSriBdqaies . - ' , sr SF - .y. we oest and largest assortment of Carriage, Buggy and Track WHIPS ; also Hartieu-aBd Saddle?. Hand-made Harness and fSaddle rtireaw snort notiesyhnd don't yon for get the place. v, t-v(V7-t ' ' .' Rar fef Court House. ? 8ept.lglt80--tf, ? ysorfe 1.V7J aaojiorafcraaliaMteared, W , VfMI, ,fEU-AU1 Af I 1 1 j lEtBACT&OFilill.H f WARRANTED PURE DISSOLVED MW fiOm" and fine fJronnd Borie Meal. i BUY "THEBI . vi the Manulactarers, who warrsftl absoiutEpurity and standard. LoA-eet prices. BAUUU.S BOHB,-108 South StBaimo and Staple Groceries, ' . i Provisions, Liquors, : ; Cigars, t i Tobaccos, Canned Fruits, es, Stc, fit "f ? ?e8H?k yn f? coUnuance II'. if i .- ,-, ' . 'A. t. Hassard-Short, . . A situatioji as Teacher by ayoung4dy Ji wbo-teeehUy eraduated at Norfolk: CoU leglate Institute, teaches all the languages;! wvvn nsic preiers situation near village or town Where she can eontinuo her study-of music. Could teach music to beirinsers. ,:- -. . w Address " ' rCP.C, ' " ' i " 4ltinia Q?&2ealicl IJaly lSSOtA; - i( Horfolk,V-; ,i OiwKmI.!. o W. K. 8)a1r ix. ma bc 100 latest Novelties. vaBMa.awsiicaJMimnBa.'' r t Jan. 131881. After presenting the recipe for be coming- a millionaire that you shall spend your life in getting1 and keep ing money, that you shall harbor no sympathy for "others, and i that you shall not reflect that the building up of your fortune implies poverty for thousands Dr. Talmage asked who would velun tartly lay out such a map for his life. Then ho counselled em ployers to pay the largest wages they can afford and to pay promptly. But the employer should take into consid eration the risks attending his busi- nessj what the effect of a new inven tion or a revised tariff may be upon it. Quoting passages from both the Old : Testament and the New he showed that the Bible enjoins liber ality) from the employer to the em ployed. Then he said . If possible, visit; your employes in tjieir homes as often as once a year: take your clerk s welfare to your heart would your son's and be his counsel- LIot as to his mode of living and as to his investments: look well to the health of your employes, and see to it that your factories are well venti lated; don t put upon your subordi nates any unnecessary fatigue. I cant understand why our car driv ers should be compelled to stand through all the long hours of then duty (applause) nor why the clerk , of the gentler sex in our large dry goods stores should be required to sxanu, especially in tne hours in which business is dull. (Applause.) You'll find that the clerk who Js res ted and fresh and well preserved will sell more goods in a year than one whose health is" bedraggled. (Ap plause.) The Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association says that there are ten thousand grocers' clerks in Brooklyn who work from 5 o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock at night Think of it ! Isn't it time for an early closing movement? Let the hours of labor be shortened. If your; work can be done in nine hours don't lengthen it out to thirteen. You Icanv't afford, it; it will be more profitably done in nine. Above all look to the moral and spiritual well being of your employ es, lou don t want around your money drawer the young man who spenas rus evenings in , seemg '-Ia.ck Sheppard' enacted. Urge your employe to seek the society of renned young women. VVitnout im pertinent, inquisitiveness ask your, clerk where and how he spends his evenings. You have a moral right to do this: indeed, it is your duty, for jpu are the young man's guardi an. JTreat him as your son. Don't toss, him overboard in the middle o leaves" the m eage: mis some elit leapa downWard.it! teen hundred feet below ik itself among the oieadeA'tm'arish, rMsW " i , auu wemy ufx lAniamAuar l 5 -oriental tree, as if wirtrniiV isi' Vnori ltne firom profane eves the - aret -rf if. tor life errand., i It dnen . -nnt .fm Imi. I of life, - . - -r- overflow, its banks and-.fertilize1 its till oa dry sncldetfand An'vleHous7tIrFJbof 4 knocsvirf ooafaainlst 4ojocI f pods Wastern. bacon "and, Phikdel iniairfried: .to'tfeiA1 M th liyed for seven weeks in thVi" Pfti m?s-. . iv. mo n w tits jji neep,- f 3jaga and broocC tjiareAr -we ' soon find oiirselvea oa-9indei - abrgad,. the -money that we. sbme thiC HMrch' Ptf igf toniTlt fP produce , will s soon . . . ii ''lishfJ-ii iThstemtfwiit. t8 wax "back 'froniuwhenceit'J? iiihie vaUey; for it has a purpose too mys WT the wanfc VPf ioL-4 rSl'' U W'two ileal to waste itself even" upon, acts i cmes. PPJe orTtnauirface oi tha If f6" cePts a P01111!: better fo ia - of beneficence. ' It is Vml wrflmi. f stream fthjeff It tMa become a livinc barrier: W,trv(r fh desert 'tribes and th fA-vnrA nafm I theatres whiVli Imrwl 'it "V. K- i; ;a I but bosom. " No fishermen dwell by its ''9.Wr'mfpk $&vJoVe. margin; bnt ft moves 'one' headlong rS,?rTrin''' coluxnn of Saored waters from its cra J; ale of snow tmA MnU , .;k , . :f, i What am the cannsa if , tKin vaA heaveivtiU itdieama fatal lake ar, WMMMMM vu. ujr uie uuger oi Urocu, and forever I "rvp wmiponcjieg suojeci ior man s curiosity and rev-1 b U1 PPf.1'' .wsap'uazB.. . canisters erence. - - - -vougnt ta ingtracrTneir iTofitrH in the It would seem a. fhin( nnarf OT, level 3 rntmmrn .h . M UM A W UAAVA not to be confounded j-sSth vnlrr so waters, which lose their Tp.rKftrialif trine- iq the bottom of the inighty seaT buV ' AoiBt iWlry I tiSet Id tev than to br aegrblfree feo w&rk for us, it deslroy.il ed the 'iiimngf.-frheeA, the loom, -the' i i t J$t. will; send pu people jn , the, rj ?tH I Pnty of ox yokes hoe;. t helves and cod-fish manure ; good teiants thearejjpre oiJyjjthem. hf r; nying and.tney give us all. I But it; is nof. nntv 4li eihaling to5" lieayeh lite some oly 111 6 Sfgjof H&Jife i-tAjdbdrsW PdSva- aU. tor dry; goods, messenger who perished irP the J ful aniirjalglvent inp the, ark an4 s w4bd I -Atu? 1x1(5011 aad g Philadelphia . fillment olhis dutyi; tUl birth i aad aiionhd, buthiow t have found ,jOut I .T?ViQ ' but people, of every color ' its death alike separate itfrdm its neW thoughta are better ' than 1 claB8- i Alaborfng man now1 fre-' :ti keiBter rivers of i earth,;, and i only -the I pld thoughts' for ftheXrew f W7 IspenaSTmore in self-indulT voiceless monndsMafi perished aul f-y-KMti'Iwab-tli Jlkwpef etttT11 did thd slave ' owner of nameless cities, tribes stationaryi m lpi coartsnip and marriage. Xaugh-J AO0,A !' p M i J 1 - i i - ! if bidden to halt '.bp some : supreme J fef-l , Til? danghter of a .ethodist I mania tor .-dress'' is such that :.! destiny of the past orilie aw il hP a raaidenl00.0116 18 laidaside to buy land: ,i qnestionimr strsw-from 4Jie.-.-maJ:i-7-i:4 iC " btW'"dftT'Tthat'I Jla t':' but the man who. we,' christian lands whose baptism draw J P"P ifead nit sermon in ' the ' newsna-1 puht have a right to Wppoise would l . its authority from the firsfc sprihk-iP' acd shewated; to vknowwhy Worth'$125 annually- to thej com- ' ' ling of its waters,' as seen upon its fe jpreacjied abotitiajiArtship j.acd mnniy na? on tne first of January a banks. r J . u , i j..: marriage I told her that the peo' clothes, no, taxable effects, i not i; ..; And then we wandered through Pi wanted to hear about just that W-to fay his poll tax when called 0-, niany whispering reeda, through a thing, andit wS on the end 'oi: my oa and notalVnpleeB some -one ' tmajtmgle , where sterility and tongnd to"eay to ieTr jTliafsjust .TQtph.i; TluamaiA, ;sending.V the river had seemingly . foughtr for -whaiybtiuwairAl, 'itoo,r:tiKa&ut.i mqnhj. abroad for.liis purchases, -, mastery, and which showed traces of Yes the people want tobe instructed can. never be, worth anything to the both; a tangleof bashes aa it were by the pvlpic.in these every, day fr conuriity,'; W fact ' ttre ' worth .,." fighting their way up, and'grea spa- sirs. If thek piilpit' in" fassachri" notkflgrito each 'otheri and iSie xtheo u'':' 1 ces of barrenness which summer Befcts does not do- its --6y"m,Lthis tliat. the slave that was worth would scorch to lifelessnoss. ' 'A . " -watter the.niaTnage kw'wul,beodrAe'. 0pQ.4i?is maqter.;iii.:l860 'is Itill-.H.O' And at last the Dead Sea. Thonorh 3 .dead letter 'there. Not lons- 'add? fW- w same to . the commnnitv.r ..' l I jwv uiav ai as OA VulCaiUC' Onfifin, I uuujujuw ixi AJxlUiALH- f " r-T" Moaiiou ujr ill UisuUlC I, I riKi j r . . . - i - w 1 1 i , - i nil, n 1-1 . m l t h i ii i i ixi i ww Tm.n - mm . a k . . . .ii rtr 11 it TnA. t .i .1 auu. a. uieuu. 1 rv. kit mnnav - for se , -. Promisa Hakiaff. v. . 4X7lAea a man is in Move, 'or some reason or other wishes t'd tr J cure a given lady for -his wife. h .: t tr or, worse. ,.No . master how. low lAPt to be prof use in oromisea nnr. Oft degraded a man may become, his f at the-tiiae when he makes thAm it. wife ought to siick to Aura, put .her is 'possible that he -may-intend - to' firm a a V, Arf ttiivi.i fe-ttA am..aa I4x - A.: I Itaoti tlism . kl x sr - xr: - -r". t viuoiA are too - apu . to song eirecc or prpm ; er 'Sucu - conditions! . under : such - cirenm- nation now, as ever, is content to 1 wpugnt.uprjn the see in it a. thinoe nvm-ranA s TtvtM I irorce cases. . was a sresh breeze. vnfl d WniTi..nA I skithe secoarf tiss 6lseoaratfaaSf lift and heavy tumble of its tiny lnobandi and wifd 'is fcihWthejdd breakers made i them unlike -other f no keetx ihflir word- whin they 1 have waves, out rather like those of Dan 4 promised to take eacn other f or ' bett te s infernal sea. There was a breath heWy with doom in the air,; and1 we were fortunate it was not' mrwv'; fi ling. Was it th ' breath fefti ftftfu t arms abotrt hiniJ and tot-to Hft'-bJtt' them. lost and tortured there ? And bW j P-' B herdhiiebaQd iiecomeaiyery I believe ih the lasting Bectf of ' prom neatii tnat satantic sheet did not f Por. sae. ajqujid apt sayrr Levant 4 Jf98 i made,! urider. such - conditions, see, as in the picture of DelahWriv. I new dress, and ifm ffoiher to have I They know that under snch rnnm- the agonizing and twisted figures of atoo," but she. btiljt to adapt' her j Btancea, if eyer their power is strong the condemned? r expenses to J berilrabaild'sii -means, l and they are a little ant , to itmiat I TTTI. 1-J w it t m r --... I . l : -ftW M - . . 'H " ' - w ny, a a ratner De a grasa widower I pon xne inasmg of conditions to day , than,., ar diyorcIc.widower: I whichi atther times, Vould W be We did not bathe in thri Dpai, Sea. Others have done so, and. of its buoyancy the same tales that are told of our own Salt Lake. There is a whimsical coincidence in the geo grapnicai relation of the Dead Sea and the home of the earlier prophets; and Brigham Young's personal con tinuation of the old dispensation, with a private Dead Sea of his own m his immediate neighborhood. at ; LJuaugnter. i , Why,, .rfiojuaetimes, rx a I. accepted, man becomes tiredrof his wife be 1 1 ance. of cause sne is a nervous invalid. - 1 1 iuiruimeiit jdf and trustiner to a confintifc theirwerforiMuring a promises .vthsA AmuAcL: was invited Out td tea in the vilTasre-l he experience of dailv lifa . ah of Iiyons, Ni Y., -once and the ibo- j tmlhatjpfomises made and condit- tess was a wean, iieryous wOmanu es granted under such ex alt ir She said just after ,we sat, dawnj and enmatahces are - least likely to be she was furing out, the. tea : Tjn tepti iTAarriage ha taken xawu u?w wwuiw tuv Aiui, tfooua i i.jaiu auDer realities resume 51 poorest swirnmer keeps his head jI ve' feould !liiaJ good ' bisc above water; and persons have said j wnen company come8." i replied, J back into, its accustomed position, to me that their leers seem to flv from I "No, they are not yery ' crood r bis-1 and if he lias been induced -maVo under them. ; All speak of its waters f cuits," and she ihrejr s. cup : ofiaot proraiBes, to 3d '" actions 3 greatly at ' as refreshing after Jthe'- great heat of 8 cup iEihd all,t mj i-'ead. Do variance with those he usually pef the tropical valley. Birds are said Toli tnAnk-'Jwas" asLXmll forms, the chances are that he .for. never to flv ever tl -arT,rK i. BUa. " Wnv. mv dour wnmin w snouidn t darrrrthat;. wornintj'-you I gets all about -tJxeri-rpr -that-ha re- Praghter. j I fuses! to gratify themi It ' would ! be merest superstition, for thev btb tpaI- iy eaten seen to do so. This lake was jusj neryoByoiVriBeef.aad tberefpre, if ladies iu : Seeking certainly has a brand noon it. as of I A didn't blame her. i We i goi along I for promise makini?. would think a. - . ' . .-- i ; tjft!1!.;! ii-si ...:;ir.. :;: ... ii,.,, .L.. i. . ..w " r -r- rl PI II . mvAAie vengeance, xne waters are heavy with i sin, the : sliores ' around very peababry. '?";"": ? ' httie asI to whether what they ask - - "FinaUy'ivcfttwe of divorce is -the I would be as likelr to ba 'ptAtiM in blasted, and the very site of destroy-1 transi ex pt iha ailtioBa of fone) orl calm aoxWSflfl-miskcited ones. ea ciues upon its banks unknowa, no"6n P someone else., xae misband rA'aeyj wonlxl thus.ispao i themaelves And here are still Been! the apples of wifeare one.i f Girls, (jbeware .of I muci disappointment, and many moT Sodom,smooth:and arettr to the the-time whea you pegia t6f : think' I meats of bitter, thouerh.- useless, ra- . 3 x r. .... I V..-m ii: ji- At.x'i: aii.iv.fM.. I mJ.:vi!.1'.-.v .''i i . . . t oya ttiiiA-uuvi. r ptue yeilOW.' IXEe a f " kvv aaa t,ua aiaiauay., . aais i uuuuutuuu. temntor is a3ismri irtAirvI iDoa,'t4etiJ'' 1 small oranere. but witlim: as Jn&a nKna cava . o QrminiT rT V,o jtlortAa. rlt.Tn tr", w I" of Sodom in Mvinff perbetnitv of yon, berlte ever oo idtaasainflsi-, . afterihhn, telW him toswimashorel die punishment.?; Th I4.niil htm Anrl nil Vnwt . I .... . "m Toung Lady of largest, experience ., who veacnes . In ta.nhiniv . n n a 1 .X. 1 ' em ofne8T "UCMT matnetnaUcs .and ..music, de iriees. Mires to obtain a situation as teacher. Best M references rufhisliea., JV.d dress i ''" M.G. Aj - ,' -f ' carp C. Bl Beale. BWX St U8a4C( i- i, . iM - Korfolk, Ta t CEO. U CROW, I ITan.faAtA.A-' A . I . '-if -- j. '.'-- - JuauataabiiHi 5t - . - ' r. Stoves, Ranaesy. Heaters,-Fnrnaoes. .Lamps. Guide bini and aid him. 6TJLTTVATE TTTB SPtRTT OF BOAZ. Dr. Talmage drew a picture of a hero iclerk supporting Ms parents in! their -declining years or taking care of his afflicted relatives, and this, drew forth! applause. Then he said" '"Don't tread on your clerk; you are training him for two worlds this world and the world to come." Next the preach i er cited Arthur Tappan's praying and siijgirig with his employes previous' td entering upon the duties- of the? day, and the prayer meetings that were held every morning by; Samuel Burchard, who was subsequently able BT H.Tf9 II ITfl I t .... t ' ; . . little oranges to the eye and touchy j ' 119 Cans tf 'S nxxcix in csbou are aakb dsa SPTlies I ' . Tnnaf ll.nM . nivM,W,a and explode hke-these, a-raft-trf rr dtizeaof ITecHenburff counti:: VaT: L. vi ; i it ' i i . . . Aeavmg tne BAeii aoupwr wita only a is funuslAinthee slender pouch holding fffjv fiTAtrtorlfa 1 -i t"ix" u- 11.1 l xli..i .v - "rJ" cl. n t- x. j i . i-. usa as at Bdydton, m that couiityi''tWitH"iCa1 series of .valuable articlaa: on theab- iect indicated in the caption , ; to thial pajragraph. MejpmXj st as 'r Attend carefiiUy-to dftfcaila of your ' business. . V ., , Be proiixpiin'all tilings. v ' &. Endure trials patiently. ; - , ... . i . I i if,-.. .,'- j'Hold integrity sacred. Anjure not anotner s reputation or bosiness. ) oin hands' only "with the yirtuous, like Biliiwhich thft Arabs matches, far their guns, -! ;,;;'-- ' "'"'il. ' ' ' U.i il Hi About ; this RWMjriTV .nf i Uia, tb I t""aSal tile boy -who. has clandestinelT. da '- J-Atat-lyourinkulfromevil thoughts. cattsWaa VJhalA- illake tow acquaintances. energe Jple : Neyerttoappear'what you are should know the cause of iheir- Want iibti i ' ' - -j A. J iA A XX. , J .... I . . ... , ... cent wortlL, . rvwA s lAnintM? &ood inanners. f -. -- is Vlr 1 -il-i-' Hi I VMtasa,7J TiYarr fl .iy your lejbt jpromptly; rJ' tci n xauu uur i inenoL . js k T Tjouclf aot, taste ,'not, bandle not voured a f whole mince pie. lias i curl ed up behind the wood shed, with his hands yoked across ; his v abdomen. and jdos,aot seem- to mind the eold a 1 -i -r. :!T. ; "TV V4 9 I to bequeatfl nulhons. Then the spea i says the 'bid adaga,1 This bet tha'gloriesf war7; Yef we ' ker bade the busiaesa mea see to v il true? aa-fax as ; ft goeiJays?a "tmA'A Tjeoelwh a few WiAftP 2lw3EI r : !L!?!5f iSS not to call in aelico,if .V: flTJf i1 (ft i.i -v police if i a clerk goes wrong. to our home and tell him, privately t,T.li7ll .trCySdaaajhbot for thenghL- lau BAEiAA. a I v if. irtti w mopii nn tii cjn iHTirmo'ivniWTV'ii aw at aM. a a. - m t v Aavw ii v vcu. wuwa w ituv j guuwiu iaci3 as wa i "And success 19 certain. -IS V, .Hue. 4 V.

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