rcstbiuhd tntaaa.i CHARLEO & DATTLC, pUheni mnw straw DOSSEY BATTLE. - Editor. TAnBOBO'. N. 3. i Thursday January 20, 1SS1 t rXxruzD ii m rota-tamo at Tw o, N. OJ, am gaocnro-oxai mattbbJ j The t-legraplj reports are foil of crime. ? Our grand republic' is" be conuzig great in- this particular as well ft others. "-- If eveiry bill introduced in the leg ialattrre, "up to the presenVshould be fnlty argued, (as they ought to be) it would require a ten year's session. CcaikHng, A3 usual, ? orereame all opposdtiorv And .got .his stalwart friend; Piatt, elected to the Senate by the NeTork Legislature!: ! There ; is a bill in the legislature to make ' the , railways reduce their fare. .. This - is hopeful.' sinoe most of 'them are popularly supposed to hold free passes in their pockets. The lejuon of last season for you, farmer, is that you have no corn to buy this jear. Now, will the ootton erase again catch yout Make plenty corn; then your cotton. OUaraisin Washington looking after his1 contest with Capt Kitchen for his seat in Congress. . We expect the upshot of the case will be thai both wiffdraw pay from the peo ple's treasury. These cases ought to be decided in a non-partisan way sconce, i and the ousted member should reeerre no pay. A private letter from Washington City informs us that it is rumored that HonF. S. Philips wfll "be Gen. Qarneld'a Attorney General- This is the bestman that could possibly he taker! from Southern Republican ranks. lAn able lawyer and a free man he is. A bill has been introduced in the lower house of Congress by Mr. While, of Pennsylvania, proposing a Constitutional amendment providing that United States Senators shall be elected try trie people of each State, instead Of by the Legislature. . Glorious Mr. Horney of the House has had -the courage to introduce a bill to protect sheep husbandry by taxing dogs. Pass tie bill and this legislature will be embalmed in the memories of wise roen and convince people tlmf all "politicians are not dema- is gogues. ft With great ceremony and brilliant pageantry. Gov. Jarvis and State of ficers wefe inaugurated on Tuesday, ending is a grand full dress ball at night While they were tripping their "ht fantastic toes," poor children kere rubbing their pangful and cold struck toes. ,; Of all the vast abilities Gen. Grant possesse, and they are many, the faculty to get gifts is greatest. With the Presidency of the World's Fair Association and the - Niearagna business the old man will scoop about 1200,000 a year. Poor Durham has had another terrible fire, in which twenty build ings were! destroyed, mostly fine stores. Such calamities fall with terror and prostration on a people, struggling to recover from the effects of the war. If the legislature can't see it will be more beneficial to debtor and creditor, financially, to have sales published in a newspaper so that buyers may read, than stuck on an obscure tree to be washed off by the rain or, tern off by some designing person, they should better attempt no important legislation but come home and leave such work to the next erop.H With the Turk and Greek compli cation whion- it is now thought can only be settled by war, with the starving and rebellious Irish peas antry on the hands of England; Bus sia and Turkomen fighting; with un settled questions in South America and never-ending Indian broils, it only needed the universal cold snap and general wood and coal famine to complete the complexity. There is no subject to which the leg islature could more earnestly and suitably address itself than the rect ification of the defects in the school law. Many suggestions of different sorts have been offered in the news papers, all qf which contain more or less merit, 'the wise portion of these might be culled and engrafted in a general lawJ ' Though a wiser law should de. mand more taxes, we believe the people could stand - the difference with resignation, in such a cause. . At all events, the papers with one accord will sustain our legislators, and the people and the papers are apt to be in unison on such questions, or they should. r '"v Mabson, Price and other prominent colored men of the South tare mat ed Gen. Garneld. at Mentor, to urge the placing oft a colored man, per-1 hap Senator JSruqe ,oi -ICssissippi, in his cabmej Ty -may eome and they may go, but we do' ncl j before he wffli -1 rt v V j I . V . The exodus business is again boom big, but this bmeS Mr! the alleged Paradise of "bulldozers," South Caro lina and Georgia, to get turpentine. Agents from 1 those regions haVe reaped many hands from oar farmers, perhaps enough to cripple agricul tural operations and Senator f Dortch of Wayne'apflt w&slheiegituTe o "enqfnre wnVJBt1 iot be taxed, libey f stand on the same fcfoli With the! bforger and Indiana expduBtery Perry, in all Ere the lying bart about bad , treat entJhere -.fiJM-' -J$ '.' The beautiful Senatorial Adonis My lord, Boseoe Conkliug, no Ion ger attitudinixet before a. certain spot in the gallery She. is no long er there, the nest is cold .and the bird flown. Lady Sprague, the fair Kate C3utse,smQeth no more.- Cause. The divorce suis of Sprague ts Sprag ,. no iaandlhe jroe will etiter thereuTmuchly and ahpt-gun may be remotedly : alladed io- and ha which cotrrtljj phrase of Senator- ial language was turned into the twi- lascivious notes bf the lute at likrht. A The situation charmeth not Bos- coe. .Sinoe writing jour article on Cruel ty to animals, vwe see that the bill has passed thejfiouse and. been sent id the Senate. I Glorious beginning for the House, and we've no doubt that no Senator twill i be so captious M to object 1 - We clip from the Baleigh Star . the fopowing text of the bill, introduo by Mr. Smedes, of Wake. . - '; SicL 'Jii ktomaT Atumlly of North Omlina dCenaet i That every person who shall by his act or neg lect, malidouBlyjl rnaiio, wound, injure, torture, or cruelly beat any horse, mule, ox, Icattle, sheep or any other animal shall, upon I coavMstion, be deemed guilty of , a misdemeanor and be punished, by a fine of fifty dol lars or imprisonment for thirty days. S3. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. 7 The wretched condition of roads everywhere should prompt our legis lators to eive ua!a better svstem of working then4 Or aboiisn too oia system ad leave is to the jaride, of the people. : . . j. In this section we believe the roads are the be it, - naturally, in the State. - And yet our present system is thoroughly inadequate when ootton hauling season comes in." Give, us a better one or j confess ; you can't scoop the subject, and give up the balL A man prospecting to emigrate would paddle his! bark to another shore when he' saw our barbarously primitive highways. They judge of pvOization by these and it is usually a good test. We do not deem it advisable to publish full proeeedings as offering Httle enlightenment'to our readers and filling space. The Baleigh New from which we condense, only gives the headings of bills introduced, but we will mention khe most important in synopsis. A bill to pay jurors, to punish Coroner's inquest abortion, to pro tect 'ministers from working public roads, to throw the election back to August, touching! meeting of County Commissioners, to allow ' defendant to testify, petition of Robins of Nash to contest londsey's seat, several bills,, by Republicans to place elect ion of Justices and County Commis sioners with the people, to exempt cotton and woolen manufacturers from taxation, toj amend road law. to change bastardy law, to make 30 pounds a bushel of 'cotton seed, to revive and amend public school laws, that after 95 no person shall vote who can't read or j write, (to amend constitution therefore), to regulate freight charges.7 to; repeal tax on horse drovers, to lay 50 eta tax on clogs,: good ?i i; ' Vanderbilt and the Unirersity. W. H. Vanderbut, the millionaire philanthropist of ISTew York, through Rev. Dr. a F. Deems, Pastor of the Church of the Strangers, New York has nobly added $10,000 to ; the North Carolina tJnirersity Deems fund established for the benefit of indigent students . We are glad North Carolina has so great a friend as "Tier t iUustrious Son, Dr. Deems hMself; and we re joice earnestly thai the good Doctor has been able to interest the million aire in our behalf. Nowhere v is u philanthropy more needed than here. tWhilemost South ern Colleges hare' endowments, our brighest jewel, adornedLadownalong line of historical lustre, has to work out itsown desty7 aidless sad seemingly thankless. ; s The establishmeiit of the fund by Dr. Deems, no doubt suggested the donation to Mr, landerbilt, but it come unexpected to and unasked by the Doctor from that gentiemesuJ - It was as graceful as it ' will ' be grateful thing. ' , ' Thrice blessed be W. H. Tander- ThA TTniversitv needs aid in its great work. ' Gov. Jarvis in hia"uies- 8ag mentions tne zact tnat ox ne 169rEtndents attending the institu tion" kxasTT-scs ?AiD o Tamos. What grander 'record than that 1 But liear the Governor.' - 'if ; - r:-TiftA tba reonacinff the Universi- thas glTentionl-fxeeof charge eacn year so a use proporucM w - w students. A small annual approprK ation of $7,500 would relieve its em barrassmentail and t greatly enhance its usefumessXJponithe reorgani zation of th4 University in 1875 con tributions were made by friends of the institution, out of tiieir- own r private means, to thei tfmount of about $20, 000, tim greater part . of .wbichwaa used in repairs upon the building, all of which belong to; the State." , j j a v i r Crualtr Animals- v. Charlotte OtaetwrVr T The Tarboro Sotdhemtr is " ably championing the cause of the animal kingdom in urging a law for the pro Section of the brute creation from the heartless, criminal, crueny oi man.! The editor of that paper has twin in communication with Mr. Bergh, of New York, and has placed the New York law in the hands of a member of the General Assembly or North Carolina. Mr. Bergh writes that the law has been amended from time to time to meet the technical Objections of shrewd lawyers, until it is T nearly perfect. ' The I Sout&tm&r adds that the same law ' was passed by the Arkansas Legislature, and a similar one graces 'and glorifies the statute books " of thirty-four States Of the American Union, j It is not at all likely that ; the present Legislat ure will fail to add it to the laws of North Carolina j for once presented, it appeals directly to our humanity in a manner jwhich' cannot, without violating some of our beet instincts, be resisted. There is, or use to be, a society in tins State which had for its object the prevention of cruelty to animals, but it was never active, and the ' honor of inaugurating the movement must be given to the edi tor; of the Southerner. Nearly every editor of the State, we believe, is strong for the bill be fore the legislature, but we are glad to note so powerful an ally as the daily Charlotte Obterver. ; While we do not claim superiority in goodness of heart over other men, nor do other editors,' so far as we know, yet we belie W the Legislators have equally, fine feelings, and that the bill will become a law under the management of the kind ' and genial Geo. Smedes, ' member from Wake, our! champion. FroMbitloa. , At the recent Prohibition meeting in Raleigh, the following resolutions were adopted : Bssoz.vzn. . That the convention re commend that county prohibition associations be organized at once in each county to further the work in their respective counties, by procur ing signers to prohibition petitions, and in such other ways as the good of the cause may require, and that these associations put themselves in immediate communication with - the central committee in Raleigh. On motion the resolutions were adopted. Bxsolvsd. That the friends of pro bibition throughout the State, as well as the members of the conven tion; continue to circulate petitions in their respective communities to be forwarded forthwith to the chairman of the central committee in Raleigh, Rev. Dr. Skinner, and that this cen tral committee see that the petitions from each county be placed . in the hands of their respective represents tives, by them to be laid before the Legislature, and that these petitions be forwarded to the committee by the 15th day of February next Resolved. That county prohibito ry associations take immediate steps to raise funds for defraying the nec essary expenses of the movement, and forward at once to the treasurer of the central committee at Raleigh, John . Ray Esqr. Resolved. That the business com mittee of the convention be constitu ted a permanent central executive committee of the Prohibitory Asso ciation of North Carolina, and that, the committee be empowered to ap point an executive committee of five, a majority of which shall constitute a qaoruin. Resolved. That the press of the State, be respectfully requested to publish these resolutions. The resolutions were f ully disouss ed and adopted eerattm.. Rev. Mr. Martin inrroduced the following : Resolved. That the petitions now before the convention be classed ac cording to counties, andthat the pe titions from eacu county be placed in the hands oitheir respective rep resentatives by) the executive com mittee, to be presented to the Legis lature. . T- i ; ; On motion; the : resolution was adopted. vv- ,.; At night Rev. Dr. Skinner deliver ed an excellent address. At the close of the ;speech a col lection was taken up and a handsome amount realized to aid in defraying the expenses of the work marked out by the convention. . A motion requesting : of Hon. A. & Merrimon and the Rev. Dr. Skin , ner' copies of their admirable ad dresses for publication was unani mously adopted. . (hr Jarvis im Criminal Courts- The judges and solicitors of there courts; should be elected by the Leg islature, and the salary of the judges made sufficient to command the ser vices of the best lawyers. The judges should be required to hold at least three courts a year in each county, with power in some one to order other terms if necessary. No court requiring a jury or witnesses, either civil, criminal, inferior or Su' 1 period should.be held In the month; of June. ', . Our people are eminently an agricultural people, and to take a large number of laborers out of the fields for a week, as is now done in many of the countiea in the ' busy month of June, is a serious injury p the fanners ox that oouny. : ; T3ie Legislature rThis body, like Josh . Billings' ca thartic i 'pills, "don't go fooling around but attends strictly to business." t ;.i The following are the standing Senate Committees. ' : On Judiciary Mr. Davidson chair man; Messrs. , Staples, ;' Whitaker, Tucker, Clarke, Lockhart, Burwell, Spruul, ' Williamson of Davie and Scott of Rockingham. ) . ' On j Internal j Improvements Mr. Staples; Cliairman: Messrs. Richard son, King, r Dickey1. Manning and Yorkr4 ':X.l; -.- " ' f- - On Salaries and Fees Mr. Oates, chairman. Messrs.- Tucker, Jones, Pridgen, Scott of Rodringham, . Wi liamson of David and Newland. . On Education Mri Merritt, chair ; mam Messrs. Carr, Finger, Hanes, Newsom, Harper and Dickey.1 ! i ' On Insurance Mr. Spruill, chair, mam' Messrs. Clarke, Scott of New Hanover, Gudger, Dickey, Stowe, and Hampton. ; j On Penal Institutions--Mr. Whit aker, chairman, Messrs.- s Woodhduse, Williamson of Edgecombe, Scott of New Hanover FoiL Mebane and Parish. . I On iMilitary Affairs Mr. Stowe, chairman; Messrs. Bernard, Scott of Newj. Hanover, Carter, Hamptom, Gudger, and Jones. ; I t On Finance Mr. Richardson, chairman; Messrs. Newland, ' Oates, BurwelL King, Hampton, and Fin ger. t :!" ".., . i On Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asy lum Mr. Nebane, chairman; Messrs. Harris, Manning, Newsom, Scott of New Hanover, Faison, and David son. j. ,' J; On Claims Mr. Glenn,: chaiaman; Messrs. Oates, Blue, Wynne, Jenkins, Dever and Pridgen. 1 On Insane Asylum Mr. York, chairman; ' Messrs. Mebane, Wood house, BurwelL Carter, Harris and Gvdger. i Saturday, Jan., 8. In the Senate following additional standing com mittees were announced. ! - . On Propositions and Grievances Mr. Battle, chairman, Messrs. Glenn, Woodhouse, Jones, Parish McMil lan and Eaves. - On Corporations Mr. ' Lockhart, chairman; Messrs. Scott, of Rocking ham, Faison, Williamson! of Edge combe, Harper, Stowe and Hanes. On Privileges and Elections Mr. Repass, chairman, Messrs. Harris, Gudger, Lockhart, Dever. Richard son and Spears. Banks and Currency Mr. Cun ningham, chairman; Messrs. Spruill, Williamson of Edgecombe,1 Davidson, Jenkins, Harris and Hampton. e On Engrossed Bills Mr. Carr, chairman, Messrs. Bernard, Spears, Hanes, Foil, Scott of Rockingham, and Tucker. On State Debt Mr.! Finger; chair man; Messrs. Richardson, Harris Cunningham, Hanes, Blue and Ber nard. On Agricultural Mechanics jpd Alining -nif, iiarper, cuainuau, Messrs. s Battle; Manning, Stowe, Faison. Cunningham awd Tucker, A message was received . from the House proposing to raise a joint se- i 'ii v. :tJ r. FiTv o rrfmnfritirn was concurred in. ' jA. message was also received from tne 'House lnrorming ine oenaie oi thk rvftRKasre bv that bddv of a bill tn Armont two cotton weisrhers for the town of Wilson. On motion of Mr. Battle the rules were suspended and the bill pass ed. House Mr. Grainger offered resolution relating to the Orphan Asylum. Mr., Nicholson offered a; bill to prevent justices of the peace trying processes issued by themselves. Mr. Bobkin, a bill make slander tndicta ble. Mr. Smith, a bill to assigh con victs to the board of edncatition of Carteret county. Mr. Grainger, bill to amend chacter 325 of laws of 1879, relative to the jury fund. On motion of Mr. Taylor, the bill nrovidinflr for the appointment of two cotton weighers for the town of Wilson was tasen up ana passea ics second and third readinsrs, and raa sent to the Senate, Senate, intboductioti or BIIXS. -The following were introduced, re f erred to appropriate committees, and disposed of as follows : Mr. Glenn, bill for the protection pf the proprietors of livery and otn er stables. Mr;' Wynne, bill to amend the laws oi lorn concerning divorce. Mr. Dortch, bill of instruction to the Judiciary committee,! as to the propriety of ; establishing additional courts. Adopted. Mr..Respas3, bill relating to the fees and tjcts of justices of the peace Bill to prevent horee tfsi mules running at large in the county 5f Jones, passed its third reading. Bill to exempt niinisters of the gospel, who have charge of churches, from road datr. passed i its second and third readings. Bill to incorporate the SaBeranu- atod Fund Society of the Annual Conference of the Methodist Church of North Carolina, passed its second and third reading. ; HOTSf PF REPRESENTATIVES. . i buxs nrraonucED. ; By the Bepresentative from Ber tie, a bill providing for the working of toe public roads by taxation. Mr. Morrison, a bill to condemn lands for fence way. Mr. Bledsoe, a bill to provide for the payment of jurors. ! Mr. Johnson, a bill iio- prevent convicts, sentenced for life, from working outside the penitentiary, jtnd to prevent punishment by whip ping. - j .:'..!;- , Mr. Parish, a bill to amend sect ion 1, chapter 48, laws of 1879,- in regard io fences. t - Under a suspension of the - rules, Mr. Savage introduced a resolution to limit the session of the General Assembly to 40 days. i House bill to exempt niinisters.. of the Gospel in; good: standing, from Working the public roads . was - taken up on iia thjrd reading. Af ter some discussion prp and con the bill passed its third ; and final reading. : i . . -House bill to punish the crime of producing abortions was taken up and. amended so as to make it a ielo- ny instead of misdemeanor, passed ii readings. i . ' . , . St. Catbcbuks. Out. R. V Pierce, MD. , , , . . I b used yonr- FAforlt Prescriptioa, Golden Medieal Discovery . and j Plmank Purgative Pellets, for tbe last three; months and find tBTseli "made new ssaio, are , tb only words that express it. I was red need to a skeleton, , end ooald eot walk cress in noorwiuion.1 lainiinjr.couja xeep.-cpui Ids tn that ahane of food m ur-istoiaacb. Myself and friends bad given tp attlhope my immediate death seemed certain. I can never, be too thankful . to those who recommended your medicines, for I ? now live and am able to do my , own ; work desire to make this statement in order that those suffering may.net . despair JootilJ they, bate Rfren'yonr 'reTnedies'a trial: -.i -"A: . Yrs reap'y . .Sin. War, I) KT0iraA. V: tSrSnnfl or. dost ofioykind,aijdf sfrfuj caasiic or fpoisononl solations. asefavate oaiarrk amd-rtefxirrgWf Sages CaXatrh Remedy cores atarrb v its mild, soothing, clean&log ' f and ' hehliis properoea. - xaca pacaage preparee eoj pint of tbe remedy ready for e, and "oets only fifty osata Bold by- drngBlats.2 ; fie potiuvery certain is it in its results that its former proprietor used to offer a standing reward of 1500 lor a case it would sot enre Samuel H Irwin, of TJte i Greek,! Colfax OouQty, Jlew Mexieo, says The " Only uuvg rau - na aooe ntore for my wife tban aii um g&uooa 01 voa LdTer uu, Jrreocn or American, she bas taken, ' or all the Doc tors' Medicines she bas nsed. See Air. A Cough, Cold or Sr Threusa snonia oe supped, neglect frequently re alts in incarable Lunir Disease or Con sumption. BUOWSUS BKONCHIAL TRO- CHE8 are eertain to give reUof in .AAthma, oroBcaius, uongos (Jatarrh, uossnmpure and Troat Diseases.:; For thirty Terrs tbo Troches hare been recommended by pbysl. cuni, ana uwaya give perieet satis cacuoa They are not new or untried bat baring been testea oy wiae ana constant use for nearly an enure generation, tuey bare attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. , Public speakers and singers nse them to clear and strewrthea the Twice. Sold at twenty -fire . eents a box ererywbere. nlSly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CJlX HOUSX CAEPJCHTIR8 WANTED Wages In proportion to the times. V WsW.THQIAS Tarboro, N. O Jan, 20, 188l.-tt i . NOTICE. J T hare been elected Standard Keeper by the M. Comnnssioners of tbo connty ot JKdg combs, and I hereby give no tie to . all per. sons tbat nse weight and measures in said connty to bring them forward to my office in tbe Court Honse and bare them tried by tne sianaara wunin tne next sixty days. What I say Jl mean. i - t - -v ! J, K. HYATT, Jan.S0-4t. j ; . , Standard Keeper PORTRAIT PAIflTlfIG OIL AND CRAYON. ?l,f R. DOS8XY BATTLE W prepared to lVX paint rortraiu In OU or Crayon . at very reasonable rates for that class ot work. Havins; obtained aereral nrst rrlze Medals from each of tbe American school Cooper Institute and tbe Academy of Design of New York she proposes to gire satisfaction in good UKenesses, provided a sluing e glr en or rood likeness fnrniahed. . , RefereneesHon. B.Q, Reade,. fialebrb; Hon. George Howard, Oapt. Fred.. Philips, C. C. Lanier, Esq., D. Lichtenstein, Eeq., J. rt. erown, iLsq.. eo. w 1 1. iewis, and Jp. Zander, Kaq.. of Tarboro, B. H. Bonn. Exa.. ef Hocky Moant, and many others, wno bare rMT aienii met address is Tarboro, N. O. SCIENCE ts. EPILEPSY ! DOCTOR agahist QUACE! ! A Leading London Plytioum EtLMttk- e an (Sffice tn Mow York for the Cure of EjpiUptie FUt.. From Am. Journal of Medicine. Dr. Ab. Meserole, late of London, who mat es a. specialty of Epilepsy, has without doabt treated and cured more cases than any other living physician. His saecess baa slm ply been astonishing i we hare heard for see ot over 20 years' standing, ' successfully cored by him. He has published a valuable work on tbls disease, wbicn he senca with a large bottle of his wonderful cure free to any sufferer who may send their express and if. O. address. We advise any one wishing a cure to address ur. jlb. mkb.ekul.1C, Ho. 06 John st., Mew York. Dv.Osae flat OsMdst OooMltatlao A Adrles FDpn ie p. Pamphletllum AMrcss Or. at. W.CAJUE2 FLATSI PLAVSI PLAVSI PLAfSI For Beading Clubs, for Amateur Theatri cals, -Temperance Flays, Drawing-Room Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethiopian Pjays, Guide Books, Speakers, Pantomimes, Tableaux Lights, Magnesium Lights, Colored Fire, Burnt Cork, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarley's Wax Works, Wigs, Beards and Moustaches at reduced prices. : Cosmoses, Scenery, Charades. Mew eatalognea seat free containing full eescriction and prices. SAmckl Faixcn ASoh, 83 E. 14th Street, Hew lork. $777 A-TEAR and expenses to aeente Oatflt free. Address P. O. TICK ER r, Angusts, Maine. ADIIMSTKATOIt'S H0TIG. WjrAVING ' QUALIFIED AS AUMINI3. M.M- trator of W. H. Odom, all persons bar ing claims against bis estate are notified to pissnt them to me or ray Attorney's on or before December 1, 181,. or this notice will be pttad lo bar.. Parties indebted to the es tate will please settle. . . A. BRAS WELL, Adm'r, Juo. L. Bridgers Jfc Son.. Att'rs. Dec 2, ISHMt.: Z i if I i " 'J I assent rJeg 'krc&2& WiOteaUcdnntelpiUcBUndtocaitannwiart boat 9U0 rfM fall 4ri)tu,mreM uddinetloiii fc-: plutlng ItxU rmHtUa at wutilt 1 Flow Bwh, Plants Haw, etc hnlmMfl to .'1. AHckixn grm HMi will t Ibal n relbbl for planting hi tk Wi UtmM LAM. crown Mod will! LKm. rrown . winner L. ITHlilTT oroooirLiu. . U' AV. X X 01 kaj., uvrmi, luui ISPREIfHS: M SEEDS SBEST 1881 JL I Kt u a JPemUU Omrd for OuX . lrre nl Prlar fA OldM m4 atoot ozfov4 bo4 D AVI I lulMDHETI !Ti t, at VMV).BkPBKUINL-VA. T NOTICE. THE undersigned announce to the pnouc tbat the? hve this day ! mutually - dis solved the co-partnership ?f 8PB4QINS CO. f All claims against the late firm will be presented to Mr. Hassard-Short for payment, and all parties Indebted to the late firm will pleaaa make payment fb him. ' ' J, M. SPBAOINS. , 1 Tarboro, Jan. S, 181. L I shall be found at the stand, with a full stock, of GROCERIES, and shall hope-for a continuance of your kind patronage. -J . L Z . . i ttespectruny, !- .; A L HASSAEO-8HOBX. Tarhoro. Janv6,.18-1.1. ; . ,.; PRESCRIPTION - FllEEJ Tot the speedy Cure of aemioal Weakatsa le Manbood anf alt dtnorders brought on by lndia- f. cretion or ezrass. Any Druggist baa the lnrre. - Cleats. Dr. W. aA4reai 4k CO, Nat. IM rX I r . 1 BwatfJ mm Lai A O V W f?TI S f? M ? WT9 K0T1CE t: l&OlUUOH. as Offl HE Una of Pi wn & Gammon is this day dissolved i. r mntnal eovsent s Par- l.S i ebted to ; flrri-are reqne .ed-to ome i ;rwar 1 ana moae imme ate -ment. f former lndalgecce can not ls civf i i : J. H. PlPPi f . .E. jam: "MM Wblikers, an. Z JS SIA NOTIOiU. HAVIICO resumed the COOTECTIONE KT BUBIN RSA. at mr old sUnd. I take pleasure tn laformrng tbe pnJblicthst apeclal attention will e airen to tne uase ana Bin?SrwlS Vla.k1ba2 rnili.lSt. LJ tn this branch of business,. L thank, yoa-lo your patronage, and hope to merit a contln- nance of the same. . uau ana parens Toys, ance of the same. . Call and Fancy Goods, &e at reduced prices. 1 J kNE LARGE RED OX. no mark, Haa J abort taiL Fire dollar wfU be jpaldfor bla delirerr to me at kockt axoant. ynuvm last seen was Bear Hactsboro. li JBocky Monat, Jan. C, 18Sl.t- V.' 'k'-a-'.iJiw.'-S m 7: ' . : - m. "j I I m it j New Groctary- HAVING opened a first-class Grocery and Liquor store, on the cornet of . If ain and Church streets, nearly opposite the Old Gregory Hotel, I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine my stock, as suring them thai they will And my good of the purest and chqieest trades , 1 keep only FINE8T GBOCE8IE8, 'i LIQUOESi f CI ; GAKJ3, TOBAIXTO, scd a oaJr will convince you of . the irnth of tho assertion. . - - ' j- t , "-P i .4 . A; SAVAGE, Agent Tarboro, Jan. lS,.188t..3m. : A , !S1 ; ftjpMy far & ONthelst day ofFebarary, 1881,we will expose at Public Sale to the bishest bid der, lor easn, at me auu, tne rouowln prop erty, to wit : One 85 horse power steam boil er and engine, with Saw and Grist HiUs and pomps, and all the running gear in splendid working order. One set of Blacksmith's Toots, one TO Saw Cotton Gin, good heavy Mule, 1 Horse, 8 Was-rons snd Harness,! 8wing Log Cart, t pair Horse Cart Wheels, 1 pair Cotton Balances. 1 pair Platform Scales, 1 lot of Unt Cotton and Cotton Bas- j kets and Cotton Seed. 1 pair Tram Wheels. ana otner articles. Terms or sale, uasii. FIPPJEM 4S GAMMON. Whitakers, Jan. 13, Ib81.-St. IMPORTANT SALE -""(-' OF ' " ' BE Ali ESTATE. THE undersigned will sell publicly before the Court House door,, in Tarboro, on Monday, the. 7th day February next,, that portion of the tract of , land of wbich the fate Joshua L. Lyon died seised, known as the Harrison tract, which lies in Township No. 6 of Edgecombe county, (also known as Lower Fishing Creek Township.) bounded on tbe north bv Cabin Branch, and contain ing about 1,000 acres. Sab) land will he sold in pursuance of a judgment of the Superior Court of said connty ; one-third ot the: ptor- ; ehawa money must be paid in , cash, and f for, I the residue, bond will be required, "pay able twelve months from . day of sale witb interest from day of sale at 8 per cent. . -. . M anltU U. JLXUH. Atffl'x. - Abj W. H. Johnston, Att'y. t Jan. 19, 18tfi.-xt. ' -:-! . FOR RENT. T WISH TO SENT THE HOUSE I AM riy oi wood l.. ortagprc, r., near uie cor porate limits of Tarboro, either with or with- ' out tne land adjoining, win tj let very low to a aesiraote tenant, as l am nioving - to town. Also, one store adjoinintr Jas. M Sprairins' Confectionery Store, and oceoDicd last year by D. Lichtenstein & Co., as a To- Dacco store. Apply to . ; A. L. H A83ARD-8HORT. ,Tarboro, Jan. J3r 188i.-tf. i, Stolen--S10 Reward F)Bthe thief who 'stole mys hotae and burry on Satdrday bUrht f Jan, lgtl fram in iront ot k. c, urown a s store in lar-. boro.' The iotse is a black roan, with small white spot in his forehead, and badly cpr.ag In his right front teg. The thief is though? to nare gone in tne , oirecuon oi Hamilton, Martin eoanty. The above reward will be promptly paid for tbe return of tbe proper ty, or for Information leading to its recove- JAS. D. KNIGHT. Jan. 13, 1881.-lt. Tarboro, N. C-: Merchants of lfortb Carolina BUT TOUB i .y HARDWARE 1 . ' .7 ; :5 ; 'A. HA nearnr home and save Freights. TaylorJIliottfeWaiters NORFOLK, VA. - t , t WHOLESALE DEALERS W THardwarey "tJuOery Guns, PistoisGum and Leather BelUag, Mill '- Supplies, ; Cu- enmber Pumps, See. Also vAgaoU HOWE'S u FAI& I, I- . 1 m TJ'i'-?'" -s fcw - .S Srfl nm emy practicauiev itr wiieu our preneos auppij u exoanated, tne roods fJui:. j'JSXE.--ei. -41$ 11 can't be bought for the aame money, j 1 v t ?, . y , g. s. K. A CO. - " . " r:1- A --rl A tSM 1 Li -Ti" ... -..JBfW ft. , t4 :..' -st; -Ay 1.,; ..! jtf j.- - ., (;. ; ''-. , es Vi't . : ... ,2j '. -' I" i cT" " GD. -. , 0 1 . t ban.k's sTAjrpLUye rakrtfSpecialty ABD SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE NEW TOXK tftlCES - CITE TBKSX A TUIA Li : -aept. 8,1880. . inrw ADVUHTisEinrriTS. r. s. it -i . -. ,r - rrm - fNlVe woli call attention of PWters whicffire"'gnnraQtee to be equal lo the ed to take orders, for. ' ? ; Tfffi 1 Genuine-IopoldshaH Kiainit; : i Tfavassa bblubio Uuano: Star BmndOptton choiVLBrand Cotton Fertilizers HO mfeernlizefCfhem .. .' T3Peiarindacementsio Dealers fumneremjiaii Guano.- drdet.: For farther information call'on ; . . .'. - u r N. B. Partiea wismn Ka'nit or In order to i j ... srii. . . i.., ... - . i- , . i iorEa large5 stock of I Sraping fededslimiJ Will, allUei?. mn .( . .- X L - : -' .1 t'J 1."' si t rTrJl v v "lt i - ' ' f ,;uy.oireauced.:ippflceQ.- : :A call Wili'ittroYeAiEfctt is no '2 -.il Tarboro V Jan. 6,-1881 Tns tiiaT ur the itarkftt Ihsqulsd isruih' KstwUl Optntta , .t;t4t0aXKairtana rrfcsd to rdtiarawa,! t i . . -. ,.. .4 ( ? ;v- '- ;"' ' V '; i- .T'-'Iir ;:'.'--4L!r:n 5 ' - ' - ; - r"" - ,. .y ; -s i i! -? : ... ..-'.- ' ii '-'- -,j - I": ir ki 3 TKjA' jfj. ,.,ST ,K1H": 5i "81. vV . n l! i ' K -V I . ,"aaa i'i mm : - . - . ,' - 4 7 '-, i-: Tr'-- '- i iv"i; ' ' r rssrtoei i KSsNBt . Szss -t 4; al : V W :L;0.HUSSE.Y; (i BR0 ; Mi 'A i u ft 'WS,' MANUFACTURE ana anau enoeavor, Kive our ensfomera uie - We have not, aa yet, made any advance in ! 'a l.lfcr Jlossey JSro., solhi New '-We hare oo hand a lot of Cincinnati Bnggiev which wl fee sold very low. , , : "Thankin'? the pablio for favors shown na la th past tiurteen years, we shall en dsAtwtwattnibpatroiUts i, I I'llii TT - T - r . v. Jst oXz IisKof Stiadard Pariilia.. best, and wbicli we are now prewar ' . Manure. Z )'. , ' . ;..: .... . ; I- or Clabs "who win to tUe LJLJljJiii Acid Phosphate, pleaie leave their orden EBM)!! -; ' ' ' ' . :.'-' , ." ' ' make- i?ooin penaaDEClGi? f " "' - 1 - pectMii IIv. COURT HOUSE BLOCK, A - wmmm ' ' ' ' . ... : j . . j Doable Wood-Doors Patent Woos .Adjiutabl I)amp 6w""5 1 - !t1sw t Tntnrrhign.Mil Anunnmae htmit Broilln(f Door 6ru.ua- i u-i-n9 Xickel nickel Knot). . IWjoirt. FHort Osum fanala Tilnmlnatsd Tin-Ltcxxm, .w. mas uraov uaan bx tasswsyf;&sU2Cw,L.iLf.rT7 ALL! STTLX3 Ot ' im wuu m jjvj rcxa j. riAMinu jmeea, - although materials are higher. ' - ' of, Brewster : Bfesles. Top Buggies for 170.00. .... ' , tr.!-!.

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