1 ' i ; '. - -. -. : BE i . m ml r f 1 I v ? "T l ' ' ' ) Religious! Appointments, Calvary Eoisconal Church Key.1 Dr. J. B Cheshire, Pastor, holds divine services every Sabbath, forenoon ,i$nAaQernQOci. . Beryiees Wednesday morning at 9:30 and Friday af- enioon at 4 o'ciocs. Presbyterian Chufdth Rev. L. II. Baldwin, rastoi, win preacn morning ana evening in Tarborq on. 1st and. .Jrd. Sabbaths; in Scot land Heck on 2nd, And Rocky Mount on 4th Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Mitsioparu-Baptist - Vkurchrftev. Jos. E Carter, lPt, titttW morning and evehinfe.Th Tarbofo, on 4th Sabbath in each month ; in Rocky Mount on 2nd Sundays. Mfthiditt &.Vhnrak Bey. Joseph O. Ar nolds asj or,, irilt preach morning and even ing eTeryBaDoaiq rrayer meeting every .onay evening, days in each month. V.N..C., THRSDAYyiJANltAfi Y .27,; CO I PBOrESSfONJIL CARDS. - T IT rOWARD & NASH, r Attorneys and Counselors at Law. V f TARBORO', N. C. ( v--3? Practice in .all be Courts, State nd Federal. - uov:6-lj. f-KOSSBT BATTtE, Attorney and 'Counsellor at Lar, , f ARB)RO', n. c. ' Practices In all Sj.ate and Federal Cunrts. Regular circuit Nai, Edgecoiube and Pitt. "ill keep'au o'nqe at Rocky Mount. ' Speci I attention given ta collections. Feb. 80, 1879. ' . - LEARTJR., READ Oil OFj nr. T-1- t i R LIST JT NEWG00DS which has been selected jwith especial care. The pnblic is invited to Inspect the finest as sortment of - - Fancy Groceries CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORlft 175,673 Magnificent tJlft Books, Gorgeous Gift Books, Superb Bibles una Prayer Books, almost given awiy.; Grand Holiday Cafa Jdgne free. ; . LEGGATi BROS, 3 BEEKMAN 8T.j Op Pfrst Offloe, N; Y. HUTe Social of Best Agent ran omd business Manji ah Laws . od other saleable- books ever brought to CAXNElX Wei '!f- market, viz : Broiled Mackerel. Sriced Sardines. Pork and Beans, Lobsters, f Cb-tckn,J3ack, T UXet einer Wnrst. uprned JBeef.K csaimon, Pbtted Turkey, ' Haw and Toneae, AllBtylee. VEGETABLES. ixe4 ckie "CAfiDFRblT AND Peaches, Pine Apples, r Gooeberries, Cherries, : Blueberries, Tomatoes, Peas. Succotash, ' Okraand Tomatoes, Wind ham Corn String Beans. Lima Beans. Kaaomgs I KecitauonsI Elocution 1 1 1 II I mm mm NOW. READY-. 7 703 Chestnut SL. PhOadelDhla. This iramlwr is aaifontwHh tb Sim. and aentalnk tsrpirDBCTplndiaiaflitl and tUaMttmii 01 1 hi si 4 m mr it a 11 n Whsto 8c. Club rate,. nd Pal Ut of CotrMtV Walso Three Booksof "Diaxoouxs.1 1 ! ;: .1 -v. -j- ,' : aw&n 11.-(i 1 'sytV. i'av 3. E0V Ui- ' - t II NO. 4. f arboro' onHjtrntr. ThTirsday, - - January 27, 1S81 A SIL-1HI.IATIXO SCEJVE CO.UBSS. Tle Debate on the Indian luterruptca ly an Intoxl- catea Jdemucr. , IN Bill AL86, Attorner and Pouasellor at Law, 8 WAN QDARTERL HYDE COUNTT, N. C Practices in Courts of adjoining counties, Supreme and tredeisal Courts. Special attention jgiven to collections; Jan. 15, 18S0.-ly. i. T have remoyed my DENTAL OFFICE -a. vne new ouiiaing- recently erected C fiffspr, riext tfoor to Tarboro vo erected by Mr. arhoro Honae. where-iHfH Vfe gl to receive my friends or any one desiring!' Dental work. I am per maneat$ Ijfeated. Ifera, haying leased the second(tJ-5aoftb.te building for a term of years. vu Tours, r i ISAAC N. CA clK, i Frsd. Plfilios. Pwst. -,"Wm. M. Pipsen, Vice Prest. - ,M. Vs&ell Cashier. The Panlicj I&snrivnss & - Sanldng Co. , DEPABTMEXT.) Baxk open from . 9 A. M. to 3 tP. M. . . J Discount pa,y, Thtbsdat. Dlbectobs : Geo. Hdward, H. L. Siatoa, . jr., I f H, Moms. Tarbo.'', N. C, Dec. IS, 1879 TjjplocV Wheat Faring, Oat Meal, Buck . m-u. ivai, juuuuj jneni, xiue anu Coarse Hosainy, Beans, Dessicated t Cocoaniit, Apple and Peach But ter, Preserved Quinces, Pine Apples, Blackberries, Green (J napes. Peaches, Apricots, Raoberries, Strawberries BOTTLED LIQUORS. French Brandy Old Rjo Whiskey, Imported Gin, Roek and Rye, 8herry, Port and Rhine Wine. The above is only a snail description of what we have in stock, at D. LICHTENSTEIN & CO. N. B. Examine onr nfewstock of Cigars. THEiBESj: PAPER. BEATIFULLT ILLOiTATED-;J8th Tear. m mm Mm. THE CtESTIFKAMERICAN IS A -L large fitet class Weekly Newspaper ol sixteen Pages printed in the most-beautiful style, profusely Illustrated with ' splendid ouru. t i, - j... Frd. Philips, W. 1L Pippen, iy- NORFOLK CARDS. 1 NO. &. riBlNT. J j j! a. JE L, FARAXT & CO., Whpjfft! Tobacconists, Cor. Commerce and Eliza be 111 Ms. Norfolk, Va. IVK Ji 1 QCA M 1 Dealer in Hides, Furs, TTool & Uccswai, ,7 , NQRFOLK, VA. The hinatLiitBi .prides 4ald. Consign ment so'icited. Guarantee prompt returns. Sept. 2, I860. - ly. M. L. T. Davis. . B. D. Thomas 1T ABMSIIliD 1865. . M. L T. DAVIS & CO., 7 Wholesale Grocers, ' " AND DEALERS IN I FLOUR, PROVISIONS, FISH & SALT, South-East Cor. Water & Commerce Streets, NORFOLK, VA. Sept. 2, 1880. - ly. A. VRENN & SON. Mannfacturere of and Dealers in all kinds of Carriages, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Carts, Wheels, Axles, Farm Wagons & Sear, Horse Clothing, Lap Robes i &c Nos 1, 16, tA 20 Unioo Street, Norfolk, Va. Full line of Carriages and Harness Materi al. My Emm l tm wert Oarrtnggs are sod by J. H. BROWN, Tajboro, N. C. sep.3,ly i U 1 r, .. ,:' ' , G1E T01 BACK ACHE And all diseases of the Eldneyg.Sladderand Urinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney mo it is a Marvel of Healing and Relief. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless. Powerful! It CURES where all else falls. A REVE LATION and REVOLUTION ia Medicine. Absorption or direct application, as opposed to unsatisfactory Internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by druggists,! er seat bv maiL on receipt of price, $2. Address " THE "ONLY" LUNG PAD CO , WllHams Block, DETROIT, MICH. This Is the Original and Genuine Eilncy Pad. Ask for it and take no other. oc28-ly engmviDfs,ireDresentInir the nfiweet. lnn. tions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences : Including teiesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticul ture, the Home, Health, Medical progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology Astronomy.! The most valuable ' practical papers, by eminent writers iu all depart ments of science, wilt ba found i tiflc American. - Terms, $3.30 per year, $1.60 half year, which Includes postage. Discount to Agents. Single copies 10 cents. Sold by all News dealers. Remit bv Dostal order to mttxw & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. M A 'sVlV lVrnC: 1NCONNEC--na IXiil X 3 tion with the Sci entific American, Messrs. Munn & Co. are Solicitors of American and foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world; Pat- eais are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made la the Scientific A mericah of ill iventions patented through this Agency,; with the name and residence ot the Patentee; By the immense circulation thus given. Duljlia attention id di wo merits or toe new patent, and sales introduction often easly. effected. Any person who has made a new discov cry or invention, can ascertain free of charge whe'her a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mum As Co. We also send free our Hand Book about tb.3 Patent Laws. Patents,, Cafetts, Trade-Marks, their costs and how procured, with hints for procuring advances oa; inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, EDMTISM. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago y Backache, Soreness of Jhe Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swelt ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily 'Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth cqtials St. Jicora Oil . " "", ainvplei tmi -cheap External Rmedy. A trial entails but the ccmpamtirely - tnBmg outlay of 60 Ceut. and eTerr on snffering with pain an fcars oheut and positive proof of iu "claims. . . Directions la Eleven Languages. fiOLD BT ALL DBUG0IST8 AND DEALERS a KEDionrE. A. VOGZLER 8c CO., Special to the Philadelphia Times. , ! WtAsntSGTON, Jan. 11. Men call each .other liars and scoundrels with more impunity on the floor of the Boqs "because they cannot be held perEJonally accountable there or else-whet-e; l?here was nothing of iiie character 6x; the Weaker-Sparka of- A 3UJ ; Itsutiag, Charges on. Eail- ; J (Introduced 1y Otk" Wcbsfer.V . . L - t"- bsxmo L' - 2helGeneral: AtemM . " - -r ir J --; A --rt acaBgiqEfuflirtsa lifif the ; tailfdadof such oonlpairy cttmeeta ifi the cotfr r T 1 i it - f ; jt , t . -.. r It-tk t vi wuameuH Tviui'one or tJotn '-oirts terminal pointswith? any r othei1 jarWlS road,? ffi ft0elf tsU.i strjg iare- for" transporting paseextti oyer it radroad any xsixt fe ibrbf iWian tni-ee (d) cents per lineal -tail for nrst iassfreand twa- and-1 tf half eHts perineal mile lor secoiid- sajjjio oaj&uv, j&calea pimply eatd ;clas fare. ' o fcasi wlW fiWff1 so and so. Mr. u 2.iItaflW51Siwi&r 6am via. not jut. scales y railroad company iB fhh Btaffc vociferated tt0 he did, whereat operated' (WgSSto MiiUkiUH& Blount brought his fist, down UDon thL stit , w ttw.! 7. a desk with a force that'made thmgs ,nt9 or moyeesI to stefej nnar;arain and substantiallv oaMpA aZ, . -TT: fTi ' WlttY re-il oallol -oo; .ri.ii: S.uL s " ; t-i w immTunBiuinn .tn AtmtttTttft.ifMj.iihM mensto their senses and i broke uj viAxi-i An..JiS pie of ;than in thia arfiia inrtoiiUui. A Mr. Scales' a falsifier. mark from a member the iinpen ding quarrel in a ripple laugiiter. This was nothing. It was ;the appearance . of Mr Hooker upon the floor in an exhilerating frame of mind that carried the day for actual disgrace. Mr". Hooker is a fluent and graceful speaker, drunk 1 m i n sr. -f-r t ur souer. xo aay iux. nooter was drunk. The right to get drunk is anmalhenablo right guaranteed .. by. toe constitution to every American citizen; and not forfeited because than in this acftis lrdTided. S5of to f charere reeeiva or oftll rtymonMj tion for .carrying" freights of a'aild all andrerykiBd wtererVccdrdi ing to any1 such 'local ra.tes'-cf charge or compensaKon ir arrymglTTghts 1 PALATIAL HOMES. llw Sonte Rich l Lire New Yorker ; f , ? TVS' A.! A? paA WicWryw J-. -V. 0. i Atlanta Conrtitutioiu centtytceOeifcited UtlarindaiPage f; In nothing hasew. York, advan' ebbntyoisi, brara. KaTwuetrf KPidly of late as in , the , lux- nlos appointments of her homes. Tere is littla..doubt that America wpl within the next twenty years, set against , the ' sombre r splendor jd slowly accumulated treasures of the English h FlxrxJwPimnpjg i lniffr'hfiiriftllT-1 tate finery of the PrAnoh i nriitt aijtends hi bwn-an5rLf)h it isfadfc combination of taste' and refra-" "epecteiiiatf ho,-rifra talkra great I ity tha will astonish, ' if it does ufu.m i xriWJinerriaikArJ -J.mTv;t. i uol oommL : fuimimfirm v nni, i ' . - " . ' ' WAkJ a .X J. ww.vu. t wpmagcLM-'witufrmyv6 rI con-1 wnesB tnat will rob it: of the ipnongthso who happjendfoJibe present .wait ofiiruBCak, a Voting JbpteclitsiaHid? amid ttbk iattmAtmi. Jrbodifelingphi iCAUed-Hpoiv-: for w apeeco,OBictoKled as follows ? very dig- fiJonIdbr&irajaithbf!bv-1 mt7 and reposeful beantv nf tv, 3a tifittxfTLBvJb ::ik itakei aSgreat j caitles and country seats, will add to Mps to furnish thrfibrpe for' n. unon iuc untcljaughter.j .'Nb1 yibuMaf Darnbcratrcouia d :HL i& thatnd oha toavert Tfrm- ab has had a chance for the J last TO spienaoroua effectlmd enhance iwsuDstantial effect : It is one" of th aequences that a man who made hisjowni fortune in a few years of absorbing ! business will hare less Culture than .ha nunAa V 1 : f nmfv . .-,T T;n.l -' 1.1 lrt -T . . - i j f v fuminsiuftmeni is i r p" - u one 01 me com- i i ll 7 ., , r. L wntJ years a? but the rate of -'charges or eompe- f rbsjof rfa!istd sation oi any ana au sacnraiiroad r . any and alP such railroad companies," respectivelf , for carrym freights of all kmdjt 'whatsQeyer; or ! Munn & Cdv- I 37 Park Bow, New York. Branch Ofllce, cor F & 7th St Washlng ton, P. O. j ' -. ' imUd- A fVTS 930 to i.o. a to 20 -'"'xSLi-y 8tops- Pianos $125 Beatty, Paper free. Address Daninl V ashlngton,- N. J, are Cures by ABSORPTION EL X.VBIO DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES. BREATHING TROUBLES It dives into the system curative agents aad heating medleinee. I It DRAWS FROM tbe diseased parts the poisons that cause death! Thousands testify to its virtues. You Can be Relieved and Cured. Don't despair until you have tried this Sen- 1 sil..j, easily applied and RADICALLY EF- x kjAL. Keaaedy. Sold by Druggists, or 6ent by mail on re ceipt of PRICE, f2 00, by THE ONLY " LJNG PAO CO., Williams Block, Detroit, Mich. send lor testimonials ared our Took,"Threei Minions a Year." Sentliree. New And yry Attractive Styles UUSOS AXD HAHLI. ORGANS Best Cabihet or Parlor Organs in the world, winners of highest distinction at eve ry Great Wfcrld's Exhibition for thirteen years. Prices, $51, $57, $66. $S4, $I0 to $5C0 and upward. For easy payments, $6.38 a quarter and upward. Catalogue free. MA SON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., i54Tremont St., BOSTON 46 East 14th St., Union 8quare, 149 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. '-'HOMES IN TEXAS," ' j ; Is the title ot ' I 1 A NEW iLLUSTRATEO PAMPHLET. Descriptive f the country aiopg and' tHbuta ry to the Une of I . ! tK INTERNATION AL A GREAT SOUTH'RN RAILROAD, And contains a good conntv -.man f th county map qf the State. It also contains the names and addresses of Farmers and Plan ters in Texas: who have FARMp FOR SALE OR RENT, and these 'Who will want Farm Hands for next yrar. A copy of this hook will be mail ed free to tnse who desire rtliablc informa tion about Texas, upoD application by letter or postal card to "ALLEN McCOT, Gen FrieghtAgent Palestine, Texas. The Greatest Living Authors, such as Prof. MaxMuller, Rt. Hon.'W. E. Glad stone Jta. .a. Fronde, Prof. Haxley, R. A. xroctor, taw. A. Freeman, Prof- Tyndalf, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Frances Power Cobbo, Prof. Goldwin Smith, The Doke of Argyll Wni. Black, Bliss Thackeray, Mrs. Muloch Craik, Geo. MacDooald, Mrs. Oliphant, Jena Ingelow, Thomas Hardy, Matbew Artold, Henry Kingslev. W. W. S Carlyle, Buskin, Tennyson, Browning', and many others, are represanted in the pages of LIITELL'S iIVLti AGE. In 1881 The Living: age enters upon its tbirty.eighth year, admittedly uarivaied and continnoos!y snccessfnJ. Daring tie year it will furnish to its readers the of the most eminent authors, above nfimi I time between stennin and many others; embracing the choicest temlen's toes aad a. oenai ana onort stones by the Leading For eign Novelists, and aa amount UN APPROACHED BY ANY OTHER PE RIODICAL in the world, of the most valuable Literary and Scientific matters of the day, from the pentfof the foremost Essayists, Scientist?, Critic, Discoverers, and Editors, grepre?ea- wug eery aepartment 01 knowledge and Progress. the LiTirg Age is a icctl.li irugazina givini more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOUSAND donb'e-column octavo paes of reading mat ter yearly. It presents in an expensive form considering its great amou.it of matter, with freshness, owning to iu weekly issue, and with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no piher publication, tbe best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms. Tales, Sketches of Trav el and Discovery, Poetry, Scientific, Bio graphical, History and Political Informa tion, from the entire body of Foreign Peri- It is therefore iavalalije d e?ery Amer fcati reader,iaB the only satisfactorily Iresh and Complete compilation of an indispema ble current 'literature, ihdisp&nsabie be cause kit, embraces the proiacrtons of the ABLEST LIVING WRITE US. "It h3 po rivaV New" York EreniuT Post. Published weekly at $8.00 a year, frej of postage. To New Subscribers for the year 1881, re mitting before an. 1st., the numbers of 1880 issued after the receipt of their sub scriptiona, will be'sent gratis. BENSON Porous Plaster. JMo remedy more widely or favocably known. It is rapid in relieving, quick in curing. Foij Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kid ney Affections, and aches and pains general ly, it is the unrivalled remedy. Bod UJULrlUJUlO i Jahj.- tl : r i2ss &atio4r7 sad fsrtit-s : ' f BiaBMfactnrere of TiUz.t rprtahls Circtlir CO, BUY ARE in tullrti suecijPsfiU Operation, and ova ..r o- a n.A .A it .It .t.... C. Ol. . ings, 8hirtingaf Jirns ?nd Cotton Rope, at I I A I ? I J lowest orices. jrders-(idrofwMfl to Horirv I - - ' Mount Mills, Rocy Mount.-N. C, will be promptly attended.to. ; JJAME8S. BATTLE, J ''. Secretary f nd Treasnrer. April 11, 1878. I . -: tf . nearer home and T0.S0RULJ DELIGHTS. WOULD you bfe soothed y, the softest tonch an4 hSeeAest razor;, when your beard is hardest ? ;l Woold you enhanee yonr personal pulchritu&a Q that your wife or sweetheart wouldhjt recogniza yon? Then apply to Nathan Wiliiams, whose Barber Shop is in Tarborq IIou3e on Main St. So lacing Shampooing done. Hair Oil, of his own manufactare.jjfojsale. Tarboro, Aug. 19, lSSO.jtf. r Tobadco tore . i in RG. BALL, general Tobacco Dealer sells to tlje If etail and Wholesale trade at bottom prices. fcwa.lo-tf. CLEAK1TO JDEP,ARTHE5T.; v wish to call tle?UentIvjh ,of the cltlaens a ot larbcro aaa? vidnlrj-t0 iyplee of business, so if te shorJWaoOny of their Clothes Cleanederllcpared. they can be ac commodated; ac4jierfecf satisfaction guar, roteod. Also. Shaviu1. a4iT"0nttiBir. and all other work donejn m J lne, at n?y Barher oDop on uain streqppojite Court uonse. i. T. T9rt)Oro, Au W, 1880.-tf. "ARE save Freighta. j I ! Hi- i ... . . TayIor,Elliotl feVYatte NORFOLK, VA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hardware; Cutlery! i t Guns, Pistols, Guin and Leather Belting Mill Supplies, Cu! .... i sumber Pnmps, &c. j Also Agents to IOWE'3 A FAIR I ANK'S STAND ID SCALES. WILL DUPLICATE NEW YORK PRICES GIVE TIIE.TI IA TRIAC: Sept.8.188Lv;i; I 8m. 'IK II CLUB-PRICE8 FOR f HE BEST HOME AXD FOREIQNr LITERATURE. "Possessed, of The laving- Age aod one or other of our vivacious Amsricaa month lies, a snbscriber will find, himself in com mand of the whole situation," Phil, Been -ing Bulletin- J i: For $10,50 The Living Age and any oae of tbe American $1 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly Bazif) wul bet sent for a year,: post paid ; or, for 89,50 The Living Age and the St. Nicholas, or Appleton's Journal, or Lip pincott's Monthly. Address. LITTEL & CO., Boston. ff.CHSiTsniiril ST., Ortetand Flonr.ililla, Wtor Wb-iews Wood Workftw DEMOCRATIC The best - Paper. vr: c. t. PABKa, . Late pt Warrenton, N. O. . (5rttor- L Vi. K. CXkr. ,te Of Edgecom be, PARKER & CAKR, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL ..QQUOS Room 9, Cotton Exchange, X NORFOLK, VA. Cotton, Country Produce generally. Hides, Staves, Ac., sold. Orders for merchandise BAN1R OP LIBERTY, FOUNDED BY G. LBEEBE. 28th year of, publication. The old Jefferso nian Democratic Weekly, the Banner of Lib, erty, should; be taken in every Democratic family in the Union. ; 1 , IT CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS, Market Repprts, a Choice Selection of Read ing Matter and Sound Democratic Intelli gence, j ; . ONLY $1 PER YBAR J Copy free to person sending club' of ten. Agents wanted in every county. Send for sample copy free. Address, BANNER OF LIBERTY, . j j Ellenvilla, Nf. Y. FOR RENT. T WISn TO RENT THE HOUSE1 1 All J. now living In, fknown as w Hiimal"! ...4 r.f TU- r TI J T I. f T ciij vi 'uu i.. oriugrr!-, r. near ion cor- What Motive ? SIMPLY that I wish every body to know that I am to be found at the sn7if ninno as last year, with a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, -- Provisions, Liquors, Cigars, Tobaccos, Canned Fruits, Vegetables, &c.s and I respectjfnlly ask you for a continuance ; 1 ; of your . ; Liberstl. DPatjr-priag-e. A. L. HassardShort, , TARBORO, N. C. a maruuer. gets intoxicated and in terf ores with the dispatch of.publio Dusmess it is another thin". This was the condition and attitude of Hi? Hooker, of Mississippi, to day,! dur ing the debate on the Indian bilL He felt well enough at 10 o'clock to manage th,e bill himself J At two he was flowery and persistent. At 3 he occupied the floor most all the time between drinks, surpassing him self in rhetoric and confounding the House. At four he was maudlin, He offered amendments, made spee ches, called for divisions and was wholly beyond expostulation and rid icule. He moved down to the foot of the main aisle and divided the g on Mr. t Chit cavinsr elaborate instructions to the chair. In rain the chair gently evaded him. In vain his humiliated friends went to hjim, one after another, and persuad ed him to withdraw. Hooker was unconscious of the disgusting spec tacle he was making. He insisted on being heard on every point and was wholly unmanageable. For awhile members were amused. Then, they gathered around him, like heedless boys about a drunken man in the streets, and laughed. Such a sight in the streets is sickening to most people. On the floor of Con gress, as in this instance, it was doubly disgusting. This was soon evident on the faces of members and in a scarcely suonressed hiss f An the galleries. The hilarity on the floor soon gave way to a painful si lence, and various ruses were adopt ed to choke Hooker off.: Tt was -not until the committee rose, as it Sid while the member from Mississippi was in the midst of a maudlin spaech that he was finally squelched. Then he staggered back to his place and from thence entertained his audi ence with occasional whoops and at-, tempts to assist the reading clerk in calling the roll. The stern frown of Speaker Randall had no effect ' upon him. It was the more humiliating and disgraceful because the subject of all this is one of the most courte ous and accomplished gentlemen on the floor. Even while making this painful exhibition of himself his lan guage was chaste, his manner grace ful and his bearing ludicrously cour teous. The Houso bore with; him patiently, although lie was the cause of extending the proceedings over the entire day. r resptfufryforta; 'for'-'all w-v of -A .v ,rT, iE ns. to congress. Whea distances. -Wfeent -trmK-f m-r. lS1J,.Jf iur wibbuicto ior, less lJJdaDDoinfcmena inwWii Ct.rrr'L: 5 nempKimctnt&x BW6 'and ".w.v,o wu cAwcuuig wic pet i tefloi ast Miottodttfl: fnrmcratLct!rthright;P putshis ' todaouiiing life tonricorlonivf book in the hands of artificers : rv us.,w-;afflapter;i 8etuem carte Diancne, and twtsnijT ,'yeafe aarK aJjftUraqftevcnt! so tve have Iriotous ; nrorlimlifir!- it biKfiingedbi Th patfet run put f nothing else. " Look at some fig. ' vx. L87ft -and the hivp juit gbf itw I ure- . One of the new VanderbHt ne-ed:i iliOiidliatalus.' tok-1 houses is cohtracted at 850.000 fnr mg over the landscape of the last J the'housey alone. - - "Fifteen houses beitcttd - acres -' md j UJLCS vanaerbilt 8 unfurnished, will be hdriek.: teordaf - and I worth, more thari all th .Cbnla -of disgruntled ambilaohs;" bar-1 lot Atlanta,; and when he has anttiarxelor naata&hng tetfr J Tea mto. it and has it adorned wiin. au its I . pictures and appoint ments, I have no deubt that five ' o ' six; houses like it would cost more '.', thai the entire city ofAtlanta. i And"' yet A.wQuici rather live a t cottaffe pceaaa and fcceaiii fitrewn Hvith c,the v1. f -t it :.'.. .:r .... . r -.: i1- r.- centum over rates for 'longer -'ms. tances than' fifty!- (BO'maes. "Pr vided, however, jVv TnajnotMnp iin this aet 'shall ' Effect -s any ' throti'rh' J toL bit rreignt which ehaH Be ' smppetl ' frbin uy jjuxui, uuiHiua i,ut3 oiaxe, ' acryss or tlirough the State mto any other State. ' - :i, ' ' Sec. 3. It shall not be lawful for any railroftd company in 'this- State, or by its officers, agents or employ ees, to cuscnminate in any way or manner, or by anv device' or combi nation in fixing its or-1 their rate of I rs9n of.! 329 ia Twe 'lacke charges or compensation for carry-' TOteTs- LJMaoghter.J . .Xou; will ir-el-ing freight of any kind whatsoever; me to drijit tle ptner 32 . But in its own favor or the favor of any old giyjS vou more than 323 - rea other railroad comcanr. ';as ao-airis oo& ' ",Im, 'Morevri letter. John r -J z j i i w . . i . . i . . . m t . . T . . . T -ii 1 . . . - . i k oil AArivM. iri.it: any oiner rauroaa company, dui au 'J 1 ..n, Continued applause, in: Atlanta j than to own Mr. Vander itbeir timeitbfcfr '' -; f ! j I hilt'e house and lnake.it my home. ' Leaveat have ApdAowers ftj wither fc Jtbe North wiod'a d stars to aet; but all. 0. Demrwrnt I : . Then bast alHlme fof ibine own dnath - t il j miht say. ith' ghylock, 'eut france, yea, iuf'anee, Tls.the badge of onr tribe.; 'I; onld2 giye, !jou 329 reasohj fdrthaC A ygret, offered a-" judge sixteen reasons why 'his cl ent was hof iatxwrt i First, he -was dead- The. judge told hlgi lienwght omit the .other fifteen..:. The first lacked' the freight shall be allowed, to , pass by the most convenient and direct and natural route, and without restraint or attempt to divert the same from said route, unless the . shipper' '. or shippers of such freight's shall other wise Qirect. oec. 4. it any rauroaa comrjanv. 1'U1 t iuiue tTacKet. wade liamramin mnla Wrnt.. v:. eg instead j of nis neck," juid - Ben Hill wasn't born ; a f mute., y,ngHly had foreclosed " his ' mortgages and we 'itjytToii id, ! "' ' ;theSothcaB irpp9'"Akf -i 'Solid comfcris while w h; ' ... i rTiond lanernAr l V,' Tn The other nfeht Mr. Keene's New port villa burned down. The house was insured at-$55,000, the bric-a-brad at $55,000 moie, and the pict ures! at $55,000. There is On ft rnnm in the house of S. lu' lL Barlow, a modest citizen, the " decoration of which cost ; $56,000. Jay , Gould's bonservatory, just burned, was valu ed at $200,000. Mr. Robbert : Bon . ner has $160,000 worth- of horses, withwhich to do f a hundred days' i driving a j year.; ; In a HeraU last week there were five advertisements offering houses for sale, the price of the lowest of which was $215,000 and the highest $385,000. j j '' And so it goes. " The days - of gi gantib fortmies in America has free ly set in, and it is natural that i there should bri luxury and display, Trichina., r-j: , ' A New York newspaper says : Dr. """"go "a recenuy written a or its agents -or officers or employees,. Qreenbactparty fell through a I rd3r-mraesting paper on taichinaa or any of them, shall violate the pro- crack' in th&r platform and crippled m a?f 8 ,ma m man- From this it visionsof this act, or any of them, nf- But XJemocracy still lives. It's wouJd seem that this disease, which every such eompany and such per- hke the mule; it "never dies. But, mo5r Americans consider as peculiar sons so offending" shall be deemed fortunately; .like the, f mule, whSle Germany, is in reality much more guilty of a misdemeanor, and on KVes! if liar rforever,, throwing its prevalent in this country than else conviction of the same, in the Super- riders. ; Applause , r where;- For example, from an exanv ior Court, shall be fined for the first Ifc bucked Greeleyfoff and kicked "atlon several thousand hogs sent offence one hundred dollars, for. .the him in 187&V Tilden stuck, on. until m Tans P8 of the West; Dr. second offence ; two hundred rand he passed tinder the wire, fciit there iUmgjonnd that on an average fifty dollars, for the third offence V8 much dayligh , between him ?fii? eihteen oi them was diseased five hundred dollars, and, moreover, 411(1 this Demccratic quadruped the tp. 5 hile out of nearly two every railroad Company so offending jadges counted him oft, although 'he Pof1 examined in Germany shaU pay a fine of one thousand doi hadjhis feet in, .' the sturnpsl-, f ,This f 6,' eight hundred only were lars, to be recovered in the, nanie Vof .yeare gbiaspjehdidff aad fOund trichmous. That this disease 1 the State and to. be applied io the naighti liavfe ; won, ; but'; the, donkey ifn?r effir communicated to man pubhc school fuiid of the State!' was stricken jddwn an Indiana .with r thia country, is wholly due to the Sec 5. The provisions of this act (g)Iiandergj' e'ptbse. this chapter n tf pork is rarely eaten here shall apply to and embrace person of history r2h r the, nope;' that- the T c00 we were in the or persons using! or operatingi rail .Woty wilfnotTW: continued in . out 'h eating 'uncooked smoked roads, Vhether by lease or other- next; i Wd accept the defeat the ham. or sausage, the number wise. "j more cheerfully because of the"mao ? ths that would be caused by Sec. 6. This act shall take effect hanimoua mapner rwifch. which, you 2SrUMB?ma 6 a1111111. hu-ge. on and after tue first day of July XJ. XOiSl. , . nammous mapner iwith . which , you I UB aiarmingiy , large, take the vietoryr. We take it every r"19 Ptes are so smaU that their four years.! It is a . standino' scriptipn. It might well be called the qTiadrehnia4JaisilJ up before j the election and works 'down as the returnar!ome:4n.'"-' We (;thaiik you tforwthejrtmanimous ; way ?Zr V ia, which vou have turned mi to tnchmai., Dr. . Thudichum, rron w Pn he r magnificent' and 4 imposincr ;escnDes symptoms of j grandeur of ithe imposuicr obsequieaJ " pjong I 18,188t. ii THE BOTDE.V IlOTEtr'3 " 3-sCvs. The onlmQfin SELECT AED DAY VS SAWW'-'' SCHOOL. t a: --7 is HUlsboroVN. c. T Lar6rf&2Ia3W'lmHEMii Miss KOLLocfi Satisfaction irnaranteeii Awlllriiae the exercise of their achool r- ls RoriiFB ti,LM,t.lon.'tiaa,ul "oniarj, itwi, and continue ..y, wwm.Qsww. ; i tnem twenty weeitav-mreBiarasent on am nOTinr ta town. Also, one store adioiurna-' ji xi Spragins' Confectionery Stpre, and occupied last year byD. LictLteotteU) & C9mi4' To- Ternnrn LToti lO" 1 ft 1 V -, . T7 - ' T f' rVB vt;f wui,-vjj, lA Touns: Lady of largeBt' experience in teaching : one who teaches , all the ian- tnrgea, hijeher mathematics and music, de sires to obtain a situation isa teacher: Best ) references furnishefl, Address ' I " " v 1 M.- G.A.J -L July 26, 1880, tf. Norfolk Va. ao- sinati()n as Teacher by a young lady- wud reeeauy ersauaiea at JNorioifc uoi. legiate Institute, teaches all the- laaguaes,' but not tjineic, prefers Bltuaiion near jyillaee or town aere her can conUntre ner ettrtfy oT music; Could teach music to beginners. ' . . r . - ; r,. Li BK80 A- Oi iteaiev i CEO- L. GROW,! r-i Manufacturer. . i 3toyes, Rnpesj Heaters, Furnaces. Lamps, ianters, ump uoods, Vlelne Oil, fcc, 'l&CoBnmereial Row, NORFOLK, VA. Night Air. An extraordinary fallacy is the dread of night air. What air can we breathe at night but night air ? The choice is between pure night air from without and foul air from with in. Most people prefer the latter. An unaccountable choice. What will they say if it is proved to be true that fully one half of all the diseases we suffer from are occasion ed by people sleeping with their win Jows shut ? An opened window, most nights in the year, can never hurtany one. This is not to say that light is not necessary for recovery. In great cities, night air is often the oest-and purest air to be had in twenty-four hours. I could better understand shutting the windows in town "during the day than during the iight, for the sake of the sick. The; absence of 4paoke, the quiet, all tend to make night the best time for airing the patient. One of our highest medical author ities .on consumption and climate has told me that the air in London is is never so good as after ten o'clock at liight. .Always air your room then from the outside air, if possible. Windows are made to open, j doors to ..shut a truth which seems ex tremely difficult of apprehension. Every room must be aired from witnput--eyery passage from with in. But the fewer passages there are in a hospital the better. Ha Apologized Shelton (Neb.) Clarion. i: This ia our first experience in runi ning a newspaper.' Little did we think that in the columns responsible person for the matter t.hnf. hanrwnul -G-nA Z4-n t - these columns, that anything rould coitanned applauee.J ever happen that we would have to j " "".L';,-'" - - ' r" take back or get whipped. But such i f; Ji Oatgrpwing Ond's.Fridod' s is tne case. We have either got to ! There are men and wmrnm in Wh f It P the freedom of the press or lie Me whose pathway is marked by ver, with a quick pulse and copious have a head put on ua The xtem the Remains" of whilom frientfa perspirationr the muscles are swelled which appeared about one "Prof." whom'they, squeezed dry and drop? and give great pain when moved or Gerbertplaymg the "Arkansaw Tray- ped, Kke sV many! sucked oranges, touched. .In worse cases thTratire eler around the street corners of In pohtics J it hv said of such aSan body i immovaUend seLlti Kearney for cold buscuits and slack that he ha? kicked j down the ladder there is diarrhS vriti " a r rei 80 JJ .tKed,:'!? W what .covered - tongue, inclining to trtHinesoay, or otner wants of life the human dryness When the swellinff in the goingt along one of sponge often swells ur with th face has Hnbsid nt county thought that he ? has Outgrown' his l legs and thighs come on i shortly humble frends : of: other :uays.' Ih j af ter f anasarca, swelling over the private ; lite 1 the self conscious sdul I truhkL inakea its nnrwirin.i " ai He j contents itself with becoming more though these are the phenomena the pwiouH) um umj ue aetecteu Dy a microscope, and it is estimated that in eating what would be the ordina ry meal of a man, of diseased pork, it would be easy to take into the stomach not less than one million trichina.. Dr. ; Thudichum. in re- COuncil, trichino sis in a man as follows : 'Sitrlon swelling of the face, particularly the' eyelids, ( after the patient has for some days felt prostrate and has lost his appetite (this swelling causes a feeling of tension, but no pain) ; fe- ' Scene in an oyster here,- these oysters . "lhat s allnght; I put in twice many on that eccount." house: , "See, are spoiled." as Diner (snifling,) "Waiter, I really the apology.? uus nsn is not fresh r 1 Wait er Xes, sir can't answer for-that, I've onlv been 'era awwlr' air ": . : apologized for. when we were the principal streets of the seat in company with several friends. there suddenly appeared before our gaze the slandered "Professor.- rZSSlS llKf ;&. t8eH exhibitMt ia the opin. 7 T : Z . , . 8 uumierence,-vucmg none witnin Its t ion oi experts that the muscles of dinner by; a servant girl at tho back orbitwho will not consent to revolve (many people are infested with them, door, and thought he .would makef a I around it -and emit ficrnt nl warmth I thono-h fnnf. m lunch out of the writer. We enter- forjts enjyment.There have been producermaferial trouble.' Certain Z T- 8 JTi K use- He many and noble'deflnitioni of whafa it is that in several surgicai cases of claimed he was 50Q miles from Borne, friend is. fPeople Ofrreal individui- late their presence has been diSoyt both heels run over, and all wool and ty, strength and sensitiveness, doubt- ered; Dr. Billings asserts that the a yard wide, warranted to 'neither less" have j fewer real' friends than' surest way' to prevent them is to rip nor raveL and had killed ' enough they are, apt to think unless they have the pork bef ore being cooked. - editors to make a corduroy road have been cherishmg, unconsciQusly, cut m relatively thin slices!; Frying from Lookoutmountein to Puget :Uw ideals.! But whatevea friend and boiKng are the mostUffef sound, lie unbuttoned his coat arid. 1 mav not be. certmlv - thaf nl thftitna n lfivn ; x.- putting his hand m his hip pbek- noble teMfe'u M tt h- st ; rr : mf ' I 1 " wuiuutbco U19 ihOv T ATI o frr a Iaoci a Tt; u fwet aom j -j! ' , ' " . ; . ' readily, and for : this reason large uYiug nr; remams t enasep: tnemagmnceut residence of at least two hours. tuuppeu iaj oa ugtxi ana loving motn er, looking like the top sieve 'of "a fanning null, and how our creditors would mourn j at our death as lwe thought of another pef son that holds a warranty deed for the four sections of our ; heart, jtown 9, range 13, and the idea of. being shot by a second class, one-horse, cranky fiddler -was more than wei could etand. Hence etV he calmly gave us our choice ! tween- a 'mwfZi et?j (r- .' An ism to be put down byrthe pb Ijcerntfianism g;; K" "-3 Vffr A New York Medical journal says the late3 Samuel' Bevana' sonthwAnt eoi of Xaa!e Streef; arid ': PlaceJluKThe fot is'in'feeV 'arii front fiome of 1110 cigarettes which are 25 byf 130 fweJL i The' 'dwelling is a Bmoked " hirge an extent are liandsonie broitone ahd the local- to 6 dangerous ; articles. A lty is regarded as about thdmost deP T81aan tacl one " them analyzed, sirable m 4 Bal5nio):e "fOT4'; a " private residence. ce.F Price" paid : $21,000,"" 2 It 4as: a little teejearld wh4 When iicarpehter hadteen called, in to ease th6;30f;ji into W - adjoin, inflf roohi to'tell toirother that h id the tobacco . was found itrongiy impregnated 5 with rnue the wrapper, , which . aniea to oe nee, was T)r the most ordinary quality iper, wmtenea witn arscmc. iA. matchless story one ' in which ,to be ornum, ' waWwar-r ovecL to ba of, (White there are no weddingg. i. - ..... i . 1 . ' " . :-;(-'" 9::Sai Si it'll?'-: :'.ihJ.S Waa takingm s2 off tte dooK '