J - 5 ;! ' , . " ' ' .-. ' ,!. j- . . - I ! .: . ; 4 ; ; ..! :14 r ,. n , i !, 9 ' , - ' ' ' ' f ; ; c: noli sid iaiat BE SUE AE RIGHT ; THEN" GO .AEEEJ A. fe r.n;r iHHi ,ggr !f rtq.) ' " ... VOIT39. : TARBORO .-qTHIJESM " """" - - J- '.--K. ...if r ' ' iwussOTSOTtt'A j 7; iw. . I . - .. - -- - - -ami- . i " - . I i'. - 1 " - ' - 1 Z 2 w J- - - - - - - . 1. ffiTOtJa ippolntmefTjts Calnarv Cheshire, WfThpras dieBervIc8 every Ssblwth. forenoon aud afternoon. BerTices Wednesday morninir at 9:30 aud Friday af- ernoon at 4 o'clock. Prtbyterian Chuirch Rev. L. II. Baldwin, Pastor, wM'ywMtii lntrftti -evening in Tarboro on 1st and- 3rd saDbatas ; in Scot land Necft on 2s, and Rocky Mount on 4th Prayer n&eiiverTV'entaday evening. Missiotmr Carter, Pastor, will preach, moruiDg and eveninir. in Tarboro, on 4th Sabkathls each month ; in Rocky Mount on 2nd Sundays. MeOtodUt . Church Rev. Joseph D. Ar nold. Pastor, will pTBafmTfldrnlng and even ia every ahbath,, Pj-ayer-.meaBg every Monday evenut?. Primitiv Baptist ChurcTt Elder P D. Gold, Pastor, pieacheaonstr&ajtarjlaya aud Bu- eays in eacn nuyin f y ; g-s j j PBOFBSSlOIf AM CARDS. WARD MASH, Attorneys and jComalr at Law, TARBORO', N. U. tW PrecUco in Jail the Courts, State and federal. iiov.5-ly. T TVS8SY BATTLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, rARo'tif, c. Practices In altSttte Slid Federal Courts. Resiilar eirevit Kash, EdecOMbe and Pitt. Will keD an office at Rocky Mount. 'BiMexsMMBaWBeaBBjMBueCMm, Feb. 80. 18T9, jS. Card. A. I have removed mjfr DENTAL OFFICE v the new bdilding-recently erected by M. C. C. Lsnier, next door to Tarboro HonseV where I will be plad to receive my friend or any one desiring Dental work. I am per manently located here, having leased tfce second story of this building for a term' of years. : Tours, fcc, " i ISAAC N. CARR, ' Bee. 4, 1879. 1 ly. t Frsd. PMllos, Prert. Wm. It. Pippen, Vice Prrt.'! M. WftddBll, Cashier. j Tb Panlico hsumcs & Sinking Cb.f (BANKING .DEPARTMENT.) Bask open from . .'. . . .9 A. M. to 3 P. L Discount Da, Thtbsday. ! DntioroBs : Geo. Howard, , H. L. Staton, Jr., Fred. Philips,, W. M. Pippen, 11. Morns. Tarbo.o', N. C, U ;d 1S,1S79. ,, w ly. NORFOLK CARjPS'. Hides, tfecswax, No. 19 Rwanoke Dttck, i I IPWlk, ya; The biyhCT ensh pricepald. Consign ment so'icitcdj. t&a4ntee prompt returns. Sept. Sjj&M ft ff C ly. M. L. T. Pavis. y . f , B. D. Thomas H. I. lC DAVIS &-C0., WhoIrigdIe? Grocers, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, PROVISreilS, FISH & SALT, Bouth-East Cor. Water & Commerce Streets, NORJTTME.lt, YA. , 8ept.2,liau If t IT- A. vftEriri SON, Manufacturers ofin)yfafers ill all kinds of Carriages, Harness.. Saddles. Bridles, Collars, ,:. Carts Wheels, Axles Xix&ttigfa &3ear, Bobesl &c- Nos. 14, 16, 24fc 26 Union Street, Norf6l(c,Va? J . Full line of Carriages and nwues Materi al. My Buggies and Carriages are sold by J. H. BROWN , Tarboipa. Cp, tsep-ly Rocky TbuDt jf- ; i f i a : A RE in fnlrand successful operation, and J are prepared to fll all orders for Sheet .ngs. Shirtings,. Tarns and Cotton Rope, at .oweat prices. Orders addressed to Rocky Mount MUls, Rocky Mount, N. C, will be promptly attended to. JAMES S. BATTLE, Secretary fnd Treasurer. April 11, 1678. f tf TQJjSORlM jDEJilGIITS. WOULD yon be soothed by the softest touch ana keenest razor when your beard is hardest ? Would you enhance your personal pn!ciiritude so that your wife or sweetheart wouldn't recognize you ? Then apply to Mat ban Williams, whose Barber Shop is in Tarboro House on Main St. So lacing Shampooing .done. Hair Oil, of his own manufacture, for sale. Tarboro, Aug. 19, 180.-tf. BABBER SHOP) AND CLOTHES CLEANING DEPARTMENT. I wish to call the attention of the citizens di Tarboro and vicinity to my place of business, so if they sboald want any of their Clothes Cleaned o. Repaired, they can be ac commodated, and perfect satisfaction guar rotee.d. Also. 8havin, Hair Cutting, and all other work done in my line, at n,y Barber 8 hop on Main Street, opposite Court House. IfcHUUXlV froprieior. Tarboro, An'. 19, 18S0.-tf. Luther Sheldonr SASHES, DOORS, BHDS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS, OlLs, GLASS, And Building Materialjof every description MOS. 16 W. SIDE yjlRKET.eOUARE & R pANAKB AVE.f NORFOLK, VA. Kovember 18,1880 i-J. Atkins &r Harris, Arelitects TASBOSO. N.'a Religlot aftfl life MANUFACTURERS A DEALERS IN Dressed Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Bash, Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Ralls, NeweJs, Balnaters, 8oroll Sav ing, Twtoiufi.MsntJes.. white pine sash. Blinds a doors ON SHORTiNOTICE. blWr" Box Making, Stair Building and Job Plans, Estimates an4 Specifications. . GEO, W. ATKINS, eb. 8, 1881.m. Jt. AMOS HABBisl READ OpR LIST ... . .' - r OF .. - i . NEW GOODS which has been st-lt-cted with especial care' The public is iuvited to Inspect the finest as. sortment of J Fancy Groceries ever broaght to this market, viz : CANNED. Broiled Mackerel, Spiced Sardines, Pork and Beans, Lobsters, Chicken, Dack, Mixed Pickles, WelnerWnra Corned Beef, : SaUoou, . Poued Turkey, Ban and Tougae, All styles. CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. I Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Tomatoes, Snccotash, Windham Corn, Pine Apples, Goosberries, Blueberries, Peas. Okra and Tomatoes, string Beans, Lima Beans. ALSO, Tapioca, Wheat Farlaa, Oat Meal, Back Wheat Floor, Indian Meal, Fine and Coarse Hominy, Betas, Desslcaled Cocoanut, Apple and Peach But ter, Preserved Quinces, Pine Apples, Blackberries, Green Gnages, PeMhc&f AprlpotfeilaBberries, Strawberries I FrchrBdT.r-: Old Rje Whiskey, wF-t- ' . .. -vff.Ttf-ITSji w . a w . W5ria,:Z;'' kock ana Kye, ts --- - a to m: rn&t we re in stow, At .-IICitTENSTEIN & CO. JCB-xainiae-6or newstock of Cigars. TarbOto, 8epC S0.1880 tf. CUBE YOUR: BAGX AGHE And all diseases ot the Kidneys, Bladder aud Urinary Organs wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad: j It is a Marvel of Healing and Relief. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Powerful. It CURES where all else falls. A REVE LATION and REVOLUTION in Medicine. A4scrptioa or direct application, as opposed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by drnggists,ir sent by mail, on receipt of price, 2. Address THE "ONLY" LUNG PAD CO , Williams Block, DETROIT, MICH. This is the Original and Gvnuine KHney Pad. Ask for it aud take uo other. pc2S-ly KAt Wboloae In Charleston, si C by UO VI E & MOISE, Whelesale Druggists Cures by ABSORPTION (NATURE'S WAY.) v AIL i,IJKre DISEASES. SHROAT DISEASES. BEA,TIIIKC TROUBLES It drives into the system curative agents and heaiing medicine, j It DRAWS FROM the; diseased parts the poisons that caase death! Thousands testily to its virtues. You Can be Relieved and Cured- Do-!t cespalr until yon have tried this Sen siL.i, eas'ily applied and RADICALLY EF FECT UAL Remedy. I ' S0f-by Drueglsts. or bent by mnil on re ceipt of PRICE, $3 00, by THE 'TNLY " LUNG PA.) CO., f 1 Williams Block, Detroit, Mich. Send for teetimoniahtaiid our book, "Three Millions.. Tear.'' Sent kree. j"At Wholessleln Charleston, 8. C, by DOWIE A MO'lSE, Wholesale Druggists. Merchatt &of Kdrth Carolina -BUY TOUR HARDWARE nearer home and save Freights. Taylor,Ellit l&Watters NORFOLK, VA. I WHOLESALE DEALERS IN i Hardware, ; Cutlery Guns, Pistols, Gum d Leather' Belting, ill Supplies, Cu- umber Pumps, Ac. Also Ageats lo OWE'S A FAIR ANK?8 8TAND- ARP 80ALE8. WILL DUPUCAT SJWT0BK PRICES GIYE THERiIa TBIAaU . Sept. 2. 1880. 6m. W. C. Y. Pabksb, Late ot Wa.renton, N.a W. K. Carr. XAte of Edgecombe, PARKER SE CARR, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL (MHESIDH MCHAKTS, Room 9, Cotto Excbsnge, SOBFOLiL, VAl Priitnn. Conntrv Produce irenerallv. Hlda. Staves, Ac, sold. Orders for merchandise promptly attended to Muano a specialty. ian. o, iooi.-j.j. WtelaM(rtot7'. RVII 1 J, : i Uo K SW as ai nimai . aroawa. ORGANS 8tops- Pianos $125 np. Paper free. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. . FREE TO ALL: " ' OCR mmm IflHtrmla Piul ud 8i CaUte(a f pa(M. . wmriatxia of Bull rm, Suba,te. ta ent. UtsUob. AM, a Cam4 Plata of car Saw Paaali Wklta h varaYaa wiU ba nailed apon ta. racaiDl o a Sc. Umpfor poataga. Spaeial Daaenpuva mea-wtaaf . Roaaa rmaa. v Gaada guaraataad rat noalitv. 9D ahat ia IXXSailOIUlboaanlua, Bf. 1 homes irmxAs, Is the title ot a new Illustrated pamphlet. Descriptive of the country along and tributa ry to the line of INTERNATIONAL A GREAf SOUTH'RN RAILROAD, And contains a good county map of the county map bf the State, it also contains the names and addresses of Farmers and Tlan ' ters in Texas who have, FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT, and those, jrho -will want Farm r Hands wr next year? A copy of this book will be mail ed free to tnose who desire reliable informs-' tlon about Texas, apon application by letter or postal cara to . v ;rj. K r ALLEN McCOY, Gen Frieght Agent - Palestine, PAClT&COa r&uut ronauia iircui&r SAWi Also StstiaBiiy sad Pwtshls STEAM EflQIii v Mi m ii ay ny ri b hh.timiihe, MUX Oriflt; nd iTour Milta, Water WbeeU. Wood W uaasiwiili MACIJINKR Bond for Catalosrae. DEMOCRATIC The best 3E?aper- BAMER OF LIBERTY, FOUNDED, BY G. I. BEEBE. 2Sth year of publication. The old Jeflerso nian Democratic Weekly, the Banner of Lib erty, should be taken in -every Democratic family in the Union. IT CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS, Market Reports, a Choice Selection of Read ing Matter and Sonnd Democratic Intelli gence. ONLY l PER YBAR: f 1 Copy free t perse astatine: club of ' ten. Agents wanted In every' county. Send for sampiecopy firee. Address. BANNER OF LIBERTY, ' . EllenTii:e,N. Y. . .! - t. i -i. r A situation as Teacher by a voung lady who recently graduated at Norfolk Col legiate Institute, teaches all the languages, but net music, prefers situation near village or town where she can continue her study of music Cu!d teach music to besrluners. Address C. P. C , eve C. B. Beale, Jn'y 29, 1890tt , Norfolk, Va. By sddressing GEO. P. ROWELL A CO , 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact coH-oXany proposed line of ADVERTIS ING In Aiimriean Newspapers. psge Pamphlet, 25c. A YEAR and expenses to aerents. Outfit free. Address P. O.VICK EKY, AugusU, Maine. a pear to Ageuts, and expenses. 96 Outfit Free. Address F. Swinr A, Co., Angusta, Me. Land for Sale I I will sell 106g Acres of good Cotton and Grain- Land, with plenty of marl and muck, welt timbered, several good, bailding sites ; the laod is level. lies on Roeky Swamp and Fishing Creek, within four miles of En- neid. r. h. r akkck. Enfield, N. C, Feb. S, 1881.-21 Will b. mallei rax to fcllapplkaatt, and tpcaalmun athuul It. It eootafcia In anloraC la(av SOO a.aiug, txmt MO Men. ana fall frin aad aactta lot BlWttoc liOO TartattM of Vnruaala and Wiinai'SaaO riMla, ate. ImraloaMe to alU JTMipam Mi will U fpa4 wn raiiasl. torpUnUaii la tba Stmtk tbaa tbaaa (ran la a wamer cltaaata. W nate a ipasialtT it capplyiar riMM Trackmen and MarkM GaTdaaen. Adaaai. A REHABKABLIBEMEDY Morison's (English) Pills. STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEY, OR BLAD DER DISORDERS, JAUNDICE, SICK HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, CHILLS AND COSTIVE' NESS ENTIRELY RE LIEVED. DYSPEPSIA. I took Morfteon's Pill for Dyspepsia, and was cured. I believe 1 would not now be Hvfn but for usiag them." . OHN T. 8UBLETT. Hardware Merchant, Richmond, Va. August 14, 1879. GRAVEL. "I to four dosei 'oi Morri son's Pills for kidney trouble last July, and several days afterwards passed seven gravel, and three days afterward passed three more." J. M. GODDIN, ' Dec. 16, 1878 Banker, Richmond, Va. STONE. "My daughter was relieved of stone inthe bladder, three-eighths of an Inca in diame.er, after nslng Morrison's four days." JOHN SSELTON RAGLAND. uricjc Mason, Kicbmond, va. August 13, 1879. -j? LIVER, Ac. "Up to the rihddle ot last September, when I commenced. UBiug the. Morrison nils, i sunerea mucn witn pain in In my head, back, liver, and kidney s, and nothiug gave me the relief that these pllf have- I believe that they TjiU relieve suy one suQcripg with these i-disor ders who will persevere in me use of taem.- Dealer in Hides, WooL Ae, Richmond, Va December 18, 1S79. ..... CHILLS. "The Morrison Pill Lgot from you about four weeks ago, reletvJd me at once of the chill I then had, andi I have had nose since. I can't endorse them too high ly. E. Q. TYLER," Messenger tfoutbern icipress uo. use. u, 1BTU. These Pills ape In sets cf two boxes each, with directions Accompanying thfta. Price, tl.15 per set; and they will be mailed free to any i address upon receipt or tna price. W. 8. PLLOHSJt, Agent, r i 817 East Main Street, Richmond, Vs. -Cu t thla.out. f i - " pI2S-ly: 171 SIX HOUSE CAKPKNXEKS WAJM1JLU Wages in proportion to the times, v ' W: W. 1 HUM AH. TTWT.TSif cr?t Tarboro. N. C. Jan. 20.188V4t , O S V J li t f. f ' ; I - u..L-i: -r..- t t.. r. Backache, SoMinast of thT Chest, ; Goaf, Quins f, Sere. Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily I Pains, Tooth, Ear and -Headache, Frosted sfeef.and Ears, and all other . Pains and Aches. i Ho Preparation on eartll equal. Sr. Jacobs Oil sa sure, simple and cheap External Remedy A trial entails but the oompantirely triflins outlay of oO I'eats, and every one tnnering with pain can have eheap and positivo proof of its Direction. In Xa.xan Langaagea. 80LD BY ALL DRUGOI3T8 ASD DEALERS IB KEDICIBE. 1 A. VOGE1ER 6c CO., - Ilnltitnan, McL, U. M. jL. Ask the recover ed dyspeptic!, bil lions sufferers, vic tims of fever and ague, the m ecu rial diseased psti e n t , how they recovered health, eheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by taking REGULATOR. SIMMONS' LIVER THE CHEAPEST. PUREST, AND BEST FAA.1LY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD ! For DvspcDsia, Constipation, Jaundice. Billions attacks. Sick headache, Cdlic1, De- ression of spirits, Sour Stomach, Ueart urn, Ac, Ae. . . - - i This unrivalled Southern Remedy is! war ranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance out is PURELY VEGETABLE. ! eontalafog those Son them KoitS"od Heibs, which an hll-wiie Providence has -placed in countries where Liver Diseases most; pre vail. It will cure all diseases caused by De rangement of the Liver and Bowels. The BXMPTON3 of Uver Complaints stre a bitter or bad taste In the month ; Paiu in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Sour Stomach ; Loss of Appetite : Bowels alternately costive and lax ; Headarbe : Loss or Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do sooftthing which ought to have been done ; "Debility, Low 8pirits, a thick yellow appear ance of the Skin and eyes ; a dry Cough , of ten mistaken for Consumption. sometimes many of toe symptons attend the disease,; at others very 'few; but the Liver, the largest orgin in the body, ia gen erally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great Buffering, wretched ness and DttAl U will ensue- CAUTION. As there are a number-of ImRatloua ; offer ed to the public, we would caution the com munity to buy no Powders or prepared SIM MONS J.1 V JK KEUULA1UK UOJefS In white wrappers, and has the red lettet Z and Mortar in tbe front, and is made by J. a. ZEILIN A CO. "We have tested t'.s virtues, personally. snd know that for Dyspepsia,- BUliousness, and Throbbing Headache, it is the best; med icine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons j Liver Regulator, but none of them gave us ; more than temporary relief; but the Regulator not only relieved, but cured us." Editor Telegraph snd Messenger, Macon, Ga. HA StTFACTTJRXD OXIT BT J. Hi ZEILIN A CO , Philadelphia, Pa. j Sold by all Drnggifts. What Motive ? SIMPLY tha,t I wh every body to that I am to be found at the same know place as last year, with a full line of Fancy and Staple - Groceries Provisions, Liquors, Cigars, Tobaccos, j Canned Fruits, Vegetables, &o., and I respect Ailly ask you for a continuance of your A. L. Hassard-Short, -J. TARBORO, N. C. )an.l3;lS31. i M i 1 PORTRAIT PAINTING Qlt, ANt CRAYON. MRS. DOSSBY-BATTLE Is prepared tot paint Portraits in Oil or Crayon at very reasonable rates for that class oilwork. Having obtained several nrst rrlxa Medals from each -of the American schools hooper Institute, snd the Academy, of , Design of New York sb.3 proposes to give satisfaction in good likenesses, provided A sitting giy. en or good likeness furnished. - References Hoq. E. Q. Kea.de, Diutich ard Lewis, Raleigh; Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Chapel Hill-, Hon. George j How ard, Capt; Fred. ThilIps, J. L. Bridgerg, Jr., C. C. Lanier, Esq.., D. Lichtenstela, Esq., J. H. Brown. Esq.. Gen. 7. G. Lewis, and Jcs. Zander, Esq.. of Tarboro, B. H. Bunn; Esq., ef Kocky Mount, and many othera,wbo have her work. Her address is TarboroN. C. Jan 19,-81 TT A Young Lady of largest experience in teaching ; one who teaches ail ''the lan- jruegesY higher mathematics and music, de sires to obtain a situation as teacher. Best f references furnished. Address j . M. Q. AH j caro C. B. Beale, i ' jly 2&, 1880.-tf. Jloffolk, V. j r-- -iV fr-i " -i i iTtlthpritfr. a, hi Thtirsday, llarca U. 18811 ; North Carolina. New York Sun. Geni. Tiios. Ii. Clingluan, former ly United States Senator from North Carolina, who has given much atten tion to tne development ot tne re- BonrcM of thfi Sonf.h ia now in .tne city. Xn a conversation on the South T iri i i i ana ia iucure, yesieraay, ne express ed hirnseil as follows : "As, to the industrial and financial condition of the Sooth generally I can- say tnat tuere is a steady lm provement. I speak more particular ly, as to North Carolina, be cause I know it best. In that State We struck the bottom heavily in 1865. I then thought some , of oar people would starve to death, but I ; think they all by great effort and industry escaped. Taught by the severe suffering of the latter years of the war and the period f ol lowing1 it, they have generally work ed harder and spent less than they formerly did, and there has been a steady improvement ever since Now I doubt if there" is a State' in the Union where there is among the people less real want of the necessa ries of hie. If any man there was too lazy to work, I think he would be fed to save the expense of bury inz him. Though there are few wealthy persons among us yet, the peophi generally are comfortable and getting so eacn year, lney aro un proving their farms and houses, have gotten new working tools, and in creased their live stock. Every branch of business is advancing. The gram crops are ample for our wants, and both wheat and corn are being exported. Rice culture is in creasing, and the cultivation of cot ton i$ extending up to the very base of the mountain region. Tobacco is even a better money crop "than cotton. This last article has made creat progress in tho mountain re gion.' Shortly after the war Mr. Shelton, a Virginian, who had been utterly broken np at home, came to my county of Buncombe, rented a. small piece; of land, and made some tobac co oil it He succeeded so well that the Jjusiness of raising fine tobacco has1' 'doubled itself perhaps every year , since m Buncombe and Madi son ooiuities. Mr Shelton, with his Buncombe tobacco, took the first premium at the fairs at Raleigh, Danville, Richmond, at the great Vi ennaWorld's fan-, and at the Phila delphia Centennial Exposition. As much as four dollars per pound has been realized for some of the fine to bacc6 of that region. Major Rollins, who has been for some years making tobacco' in Madison, told me recently that last year he rented some wood land to a colored man, who cleared three acres and cultivated it in to bacco. Major Rollins lent a horse to plow; it, and after the tobacco had been sold the net proceeds amounted to S21 per acre. Major Rollins re ceived one half for his share and the colored man kept as much. Major iiollms said tbat forty dollars per acre would cover the expense of cleariner the land and making and ; curing the tobacco. It thus appear ed that the colored man, besides makieg a grain crop, cleared on the three acres nearly two hundred dol lars in cash. j I mention another case in the ad joining county of Buncombe. A poor man rented land on Turkey Creek, ten miles from Ashoville, and besides grain put in some tobacco. His wife, in addition to doing all the housework, put into the garden gome tobacco, and tended it entirely by herself. After all the expenses had been paid, including the commissions i ii ii i ' 3 tai n - r JiO ine seuer, sne received iiq. mr. Justice the county surveyor of Bun combe, told me he was curious enough to have the patch surveyed, and that it contained only one-fourth of ah acre. This was at the rate of $460 per acre. Such cases as these were remarka ble, but I was assured that for the last two years the prices of tobacco in Buncombe and Madison had aver aged cents per pound. As one acrej generally yields rrom 600 to 8.Q0 txiundsl this would be equal to about $150 per acre. Suitable land can . be bought in those counties, cleared and cultivated in tobacco, and ithe crop put into the market, for less s than $50 per acre, Xn other words, a man can have his land ready j for a grain or a grass crop free of expense, and with from $50 to $100 in money in his pocket. Along the mountain streams there are heavy fogs, -which improve the tobacco, wbalie the lands are gxytajyia for the production of fine tobacco. - There is an ajnundance of this land m several of our "Western counties. I do not believe that one fiftieth part of these lands have yet been cleared. , If it were known that in Kansas, or any other Western State, a man' could, in a single year, have land cleared and ready for crops free of all expense, with more than $50 in his pocket for each acre, there would be a rush to that region. ' Several North Carolin ians, who had nothing a few years ago,' are represented as now, being worth several thousand dollars each. I may say that the swamp lands of the Eastern part of the State pro duce, when cultivated, as much corn per acre as any lands in the world. Prof. Emmons, who, after making an agncultural survey of the btate of New York, made one of North Carolina, said two of our Eastern counties (which he named) could if drained and cultivated, grow mora corn than the whole State of New 4 wnaU portion only of these lo Tlo lino a a Trof Ka. i-4tTiarC f vmIwi : wa uo j -iu.i rw r firry i J tion. , A buiidihojl4iHDiltM f egion. 5Twiid ddS'xjttSWDlMr oxfii frenchmen ought tc? ;-iWltL(i7ii the : telt s between-xK4iM lwland;tti3t3gil'fr ptss duce j moreiEwiftfullWE Sshe, does. T4mAM)iHflSixitSi extondeds apd ; morBI wine JM Mtfcd Ipyery'year-,,,, 4noc?, lai ot i&iVfl t A (jrerman to whom, at ; our Stat : fair. )l assisted in t awwdintf rraWHui said that li ooild)makeTi2,gi4Afe ions of that wine to the acre as easi ly as hezna;yOOjgaJloa te$.ex8r ny, aiidJthfijUriKf cents a ffalion,,ad maki a', profit. xnei bcupperneng crttpe - ifrow tnroufirhoub thafe,-?.- readily as the lone In , fact, all the vaxteUes-gxapeal.taMp grown in rthe United States do well wiUi us. So do all gntiuand grass iop.i wuo Jir r CEP11 through a field in Bnnconibe, of anoral than 1,000 acres, chiefly 61 orchard errass and timothy, as .thav .stood in , .-j--i r r. manv Places l conJd lan. their? beads over tne wuneraoi a uui Jiorse-Ani 11 ' ' I V a - i W - TT - a nQB . ai '- . 1I1H SJA-A the.Elk Mountains, near JUbefnUa. Mr. Wocdnnsaide ,hJu nfty cents per acre, vcleared,.. and fenced it for $7 per acre, and after making two corn crops on it, had, i sown m grass several years previous to the day we were there sj.; .;; ,. Ail tne grasses grow .well over that entire region. Mr.. Winalow K-jAAAA-uu vUmU : au .UOIUiO iUUiQ --- ----- - wau iuiu nous ut . wsuaj wwiwu c 1ADO WAA CL Dllit'iD MA (3 ILIt AJAAO nii.i.nm. ' I ' Uv . . L-. at I A. A. 1 A. 1 J been manured- rBut the. mountain AiiiN. iiiiwhvht. whm fin h. 1111. i.iitiL nail sides, when first cleared,, will afford line grass crops as. welt; as gram.i with ; the exception - of oranges and such suffar cane as is mad in T ai - - .tl umreu Uaau , aro uiuuuuv;ut5. ed in' it as the best State, for -envran.ts. tpieAids no d3ubt,farJLn ejBeseof,: th&. ' -- a-6Mlf.w, J,iiaVraa..:T,Tj0a a4W HCI.LIH 111. . . I . ' - i .iii There is some movement pro gress to open the gold mines, and our deposits of fine iron ore axe- at tracting some attention from capi-; talists. Our most profitable mining, however, is for mica. L.Jn('lgg8j I caused some nnca mines to-be, open ed m .Mitchell county, nd . I am told that morA than half the nrioa- of the. markets of the world is obtained , in that, county. It is certain that, jtbis ana two or three other counties in the State furnish the greater part of the mica used. . . t -.,-. In the year 1847 I discovered cor undum in large lumps in Madiacm: county. , This circumstiujpfc probftT bly led. to other, discoveries, ia. the. State. The best conmdumninp' in. the world is situated in Ma&on cQUhj ty. Drl Lucas, who wben I first met him, was working the -'emery mine at Chester, Mass., has for sev eral years been operating this run dum mine m Macon, U6t told me he was taking oat about three ..hun dred tons per annum at a fine profit,. As corundum has twice the abrading power of emery, it ought to be worth many times more per pound. . . It n rrof, Shepard, to whom i . sent formerly many thousand specimens of minerals, used to say that there was a greater variety of minerals in a circle of hi ty miles arouna Ashe ville than in any other part of the State. This fact renders : new dis coveries of valuable minerals prDba ble. In connection with corandum I may say that I. obtained and inad cut and set a ruby which Prof Shep ard pronounced the finest American ruby he had ever seen. . Dr. t Jjucas told me that he had obtained at j his corundum mine several fine gems. It was published several: years ago that I sent Prof. Shepard the dnv mondand Platinum.'.' : . :t : f ImjrQvsi Oondltlon and Proapects of our saaiuaH iii in. tnuii ! .,. Wilmington Review. : ; a Liet us retrospect and see wo at has been dome in this city ia the pat five years : A new saw mill the pest of its size in the country, ..has been, built : another, which -was , burned, has been rebuilt. A sash And blind factory has has been rebuilt and en larged. A rice mill, second to - none in the country, has been built and j i$ in successful operation. .Besides t in the past' five years the following .en- terrorises have seen : estaonsneai Cotton factory, tobacco , iactozy, steam laundry, four " steam peanut establishments, cigar factory,- marine sectional floating dock,, new; jnarket house, turnpike, tlerne fire.alarxa, telephone exchange, two cotton cocod presses, two steamers, to Smithville, pine-straw packing estobhshmenp, root and herb depot, carriage factory harness manufactory, staam dying and scouring establishment, ,) twp ln rroT- .Vuwr . linf tlinor . AaijLrtliilhman'tal. oif tank depot and two cemeteries, Among the hterary , pioduotions -are the North Carolina M4i .Jovrel txA At Sovne. and Abroad. -The depth. of water on the bar. has been.-.ia-H creased and New JLnlei), closed : up, ttH public hospital will soon e.; bnilt, a stock companyjis now at work; on the JLniplin canal t and jthej worif v.oi erecting the Holly, sysjt:.ou watec. works will be commenced-in ,s few days. iJi ;tr''ludtis,. There are strong probabilities and hopes of a narrow guage railroad to be run in collection .withrrtheteoAi and iron mines ta theestjpro.! Pftrt of the State, terminating here'tnd of having rolling : mill established , in this city. There are hope&.ol: the fibre works being lreppened,,snd, .V tper factory ben buit. ' XYnelc rrning has gained , a- newa, Impetus and the, nee. interest is oa ; a g big boom. Xiand in and adjacent to the fefir4ikolTjfl beaMl ftltisrfrrrfam1r-iTTTrnni TTTTT I T Tmr-TTTTTr iTrrr- 'JCBW1 jiii i -a. anno MntlBaTfrva .Wtt - r . i t r ea,&x,;ber&ftAla..iA T. i , . .Cltr. . ii!4 ionnmir nao,, propose am. rotsm lt i bt 1 s iLTnri, a ivae one nundrsd "sstia, xcl - 161 '4i Wblw . HkLAAVVU. .OJkUA aH newa awvi -a j-w v ' i . - T asi wsuciriittve-iAtvdAdAier lnT,r UUBtHW crJnoeslkakV48wIeWswiMAtir8lre- I vessels 9fat&Jfflht&VktrtB na41 store iyarde, ,powrCT.llu "A 'il.'' it. I iiuua k in. leaos 1 WWaj . pB,J!i-l of thos earned fVfr I years aft .iuaioia Yr rnilil ilnirfiiat..a nTtfnfiii rirftifcar .Li -r . - a 1 na ve oee-effi4nirjvr -j w J -J . - T a an average oi eiartat x. var t -onai a A LJ1 MVrV Iliri.V ! IMVB. S I IM T1SI AJ Jial mv3stedijiirt3l8&bliBMn'a bf ti. wlltr8jtrnt? Ut iSOOOBOJ IhifiddBi cint th- Mpiiey fmtret,.4arrji toblismng 1 Mffi means of i aMertiung . the . jar" r.aWd.l ai f. :4W'J fill 4 - I iJiavetpp means on asceiiaunir,tne esfcttishjn, I VOlltM llUUi LUQ tf ITTl IliV -HUnrliyi ceivaarrom tne TTTVrlT1" A.manoAi r. - -s w . .. .-n w"f lawim. our me iverxuptMit npora,i K iriUJilllllH 111 f - L.I1H I law I Mir KI1I1 rl V Mr I I shipping otf shirAii'etciiTWatoa- a i miu i iuuhiihiit BTif'aaTiimy lnrmufli. wr . A Ai UJ -aW . M . A' i: . B 1 ey, espendedia rerUinhut1b J&M r?7rr"?r? ponas. eic, ana pus inro OTCTXtapn, i I ,,. The j money brought hereahd I ,- ,uw'i.uV,."iI:! .f .-r. 11- t BLUO tICBW. ll(n.;EaurJ VKDWUMJ 1 Sces 6m?fh fir xialt ;Tthfi past decadi, K Z "Women love always,: when eftrth slips from them they.take refuge . in b Therf is no textrnre thai fcHwiait wATUfi not (mser v enoanee ner oesu tv.3fo7t6ifjrne. i isusa -tlSorf Jit i Th whiaoer of a beautifulr woman oah heard farther than, the 4cud-. -akf .11 itinM vwmt9 AaaAoaaa ' SVLB lillllllto bum. laiam uvwimrag. women Mane torn iesmun jMai bemgp possessed j&atjrfccia stuhr a BfoirBMaDnnsmfl' a woiL.iqye only her, .one should have seen 4them nlL or noniq see Taniy xver. -t. jjv, t -WaVfmet in societv mianv beauti ful ttod attractive women, Fwhori.ww thmk Would make exeeUent .wives; WUUltirilUHi WW MV wuT-wxmtMma-, ire find it chanmsK: whali we are the ob i piece oT boiled.' chilcL-iSeikrt OvMtsUuM. eibj sol iiboi The highest: rnMtckyf eeteemli . woman can give ainantoafkins friendship i and. thai ; most t , fgnal proof of ker:indUffereit5 )iM 1 Ureffer; riiwi aavrw. f' aidi vd Jjai It is not easy to be a .widow 4-';one must reassume all thftiJa0d$Xai girlhood without jbeing r allowdt feign-its ighoranee. Jteidms df " Oirr Men are iwfeJrrfrxl of Woiadragl'Ja1 woman vanity IB at at hey Tarerev re rrbex;that fh4nAaiyiiomcpp nbihty possess a, graai otcoimrnon PULU9W. JU.is jjTUumvm. . t. T"frr rx At. fwAntw-mffrr V U HTiaveV tot woman than of wdrof iAV tt1 mU in love with the: Stat ethers iwiihcie ihcHvidrlal, r kowevej rTjwtratPgi jhw nonuni ui uiu wuuu..mdtci stuo harsh tKtptsioflntde their jival- IJke-tn-avtthey hurl elegant, arrowy :cnitiaented with feathers of jswplajJMilni"t but with poisoned, pointa. t; . j.i'. - - f.-M t v.-.i '"fi i.f B'y The litfle busvnbee r was once used in a naval fight fix' tti MSditex1-; ranean.,. j Agentlemlanwwetnywrcrte to the, S Franciscol OatialS Association, givina ,tl story aa he hearcl.. ifrora ; an ., ej-witHesa-; It seems inns a. smau yesei wnijcn wa suspected of ?1el6nnglto3phtesVP was choaed by a Ttnh ilianf-Wtvr on board of which'were: -So hundred seamen and soldiersur, Asqoni as man of war' came up to tfct pri- -xra.ijar BavrATn.1 VlDTiriraVl 'frl4"wfira sent in small boats to i tate ' pdsWs T sion ot her. r; wnen tna-smau ;jxik got along fcide privateer, thoJate I ter7Bi.erey? niorintodhftginft l J ' : !il: it- --r :' vJi' I- i .11 Idng . withi them a dozen hives L.of pe8) wnien tneynaa eioien w ,seu on. the iiltaliaii coast. At 'the' Vord of , "command the beiar wew' thj-ewit into;- they boats amonjtb'jXitflabi The trribletime- Uiat f ollqwea ;wa beyond c4eacrin. VSpme oUtf soidiera jnbped ovsrf&patd to. ascap? the fmriotMP' inseets, HaW in &e':iex- I citement the pxivieexrlaa&pTTha scene was I wufsd f?ank&elfcd$ OI f , the t approacnmgr XiSgiisa , nip which picked rrp twe W the Txrrkish hoats. : . i-.: ; :?r?-fixi'.A. f.mit jul x ix.'fcxas ; plUan. ; jloiking f nlleuum ' atepped oot oa rth piattoxi jpijaa elevated, railroad car. tho other mo ' morn ing, apd iphalhiz Hfiiesh -air.' en- eaaiyiifamaTwaai ij -yuomM. an aav uav uiaur raan, f Isri't thiamvisintihg no, pir Lit is Harlem," ..said- ibejeon acuntiooa employee. ' Tha pleasant looking jnUfman teSt&hsiULi - - vv omari ampa savgs j of burden ;' in Asia line i a furniture i 5rr Ed5rfe U 1 tw-wj waaiak r I t r I . ,.JiiA III II ii JC t..UL..JLU .ir. m V Wj PoiLl Jte.rf!8lti.. .Vf to I MaajBdlph Times, WOj fstaSai ,-. nSr.-yl 1 ? iiiAi; jieiuom nappena tnat man, a speL . 1 aa tCi - ii- j JnZJJ -7. .. . . i - -w I irk YrriiU fAWl 1JF jf n i mi i-tf-. w.tm JTrm nw wv afawa am 1' fcHV1- Jl ' " . t . .. lAcedl m ,a pattDers rrave. I" rYfr t4SUJ2 umn'J flw : Sana to tne- rxev: 'weoTge 4 Pok3 lonnwlvrrtw Tjf t'FoVrth ' ' Praakwfan'mi 1kn.A iT-.-J L. r pit x:j,J'i.w.i7. rliaVl iT tomall wvv v. it. I. a Pitr4i FiatttfSDi-n: v MrPnfll ai- IPWyir.resPACtis ran ;eoentHe v amld jnwmprehensible; cJaanetn He wftttle'ot nis privaW affjdw ti fl-4d g"yn I ariv Antt. MAJM;liJUai aU4i.ia.'- I -J- ,V-v.T-e wreu VU UAJB lUUHb nii.im.HiaTi . . - . - - Mm iia " e silence mtil " death rrbat Uiurji eTlfiaftsTwven if h would. : i ita,u,u..4-i.;a - . --i I 1.'U1 i J bti ii-A J s i .a j a liswr ti s iMr r. i if ma irmriTin ai awnrnrv kwkt.tJ,w.ii.i l irt. a . o-- ...ra- Barwao III aa.aajaa.aii ak a. a. iaaw a p ' Hi twpuoi ina lMixMMJm. aeaa.i f i:i . ' . , j Aiter jt becaiiw kwmgtbBfr,rT- Fool hadr-b4n r.cohnected'rwith-al - w o06t to. . leata. sometMnir of. rt,- papers h had left that her had ; been W Xlaau il . "''s3 ii . i;V-l.- tWft TVt.fv. ,Mf. PPrtftl MmO' hlr and preached in varioug - &!!!!' i ynuiyuii: kudu uuuudu cab a hcrastf op South -Thirteenth " Btreet, where-' he remained until he left the 'r city. ; Books and .-papers; belonging ( to ioinv are still Jliere jfraiting a claira-': AntjttnAtvir slia, vuaper- norw copies a iTjy a. l. r.-ii . i..i:r: . . had. any. fltrant 1 .r .arL 1 fl'-IS?ti oi ueeos za lanas ' m vook county, HL," Albion, Mich,r to lands--in- His- . sourl and ether Western' States and Ifttwlating isi;;tha ...MMurr.-r 11V. , Pool was also largely interested in patmit rights, snd only, a short ) timfti ; ; ptevipus to Ins death purchased, the, f rigntof 'iTpatent A for " thickening "r ' ' crapaoa Jfe also owned a cottars at Sea Orpv&tN. Jl; coal lands in Peani -' sylvanialand aldv nnha in North ' ; ' Carolinai. C) -At the- time of,- his dwyth, hewas'engaged in a , suit for lands . fimtecTat ?SO,0QO .ahd a suit" in, " Equity 0ff 'patent ' right ' in which' -jt5Q,vjpQ aie involved. 'The! value ;0f ; all the posBtstona left Dy hun ea- : tihiated at half a inillionollara-,:'o -.. u His history is fitill involved - in--muctibbicurity.. Jm. a .account vnritl.W' himself on the cover of an r oldyolume otsefmons it appears that he was bominr Monongahela county, PVa.1 now) Wf t Virghua. . in :i 1826. tie1- joinea. vas meuioais. cnurcn, in ; i ittstmrgia lS4y, and received, six oppqmUnaxits 'from the. Methpoust ' Cnfsrenb ef that city and irnmedi-' ' atelr aftekwant Westia an1 erraarre- Heal bvpacrhr. ,-Ha. spent conridera"-v M tim n rCJcago, . working with sjfpnaL success aspVit ' temperance' , , pxeaohg?.) He remained some . JtarAjj m K'"'"', where he had landed prop -; ertytT He hud a chairirf 6t aJ time,Jifr 1 is saidV&4 lS5&OberLin XJolle- : He?nW twbrotherin the Bunistty,;-. both Bsptists- JHe had two. siaters.; - T botJa ef vwhom are i ' supposed to be llvJtoleavihflr fox New "York MxPbol resided in . Camden, where. 1m waa interested in r real, estate. Antooghis letters there is one from It JCl Wright; amperintendent of the letter earrier'a department of Si TvMiin in 1873 1 one from T. CL An- QaraonITnTiti'ngdon Valley, Pa and' r one from Ak.LT . Morses coxrespono ing secretary oithe JPoreign. Sunday , School Association, Urooklyn. . . rXht '; two cleirgymen whp are thought taia Mr. Pool's brothers have been writ ten' to by Mr. W. Horace Hepburn, who was fprinanyjyeara Mr. ' Pool's -legcavUet7:-'isri i , : oi ; VMr.':rPcl. while here, snffered r, greatly- with arf affection of the spine j and had frequent hemorrhages.' He l was,; though eccentric inhis - habits,' very generous to .; the needy.; lie . talked cheinQyxnpon all sabjects -exeunt his fatnilv , aiuairs. - - Concern- , ihg thdse he was dumb, eyen to his counseLir He is said to - have had morbid late ?r .litigation 5 and, was omatantly.anMged in,.lqwsr4ts. He Tanlhal ntivavnrl : faroaaiiu . STtI was.' with shrewd, farseeinrt :and . dariifig in hift; speculations.; Ills ret-. icenc:oonceriimg' .his family, gava . - . ... : t ? ii 1 1 ' . aomevwno Knew nun wxu uie impres- . sion that there waa-aj secret connect' ed with his past Ufa, thatr-he never would reveal It-.is ayen ; thought , that liis name was an assumed one. ; But itw is belieredr that the , load- sfnlei half aniillion , dollars .will , succeed in drawing Jus. relations ito the Hght Wherever they, j may ' be. ; W: Horac Hepburn, who had charg ' oi tltt Po'a AfiairB, is tatinj rneaar urea td discover the proper heirs, and also to have the body of his for mer client removed from its present resting place ana more fittingly in terred. ; ; v iw-z whr,1tisS'her--if you can. If a pret ty: girl Wants to kiss you, why, lev hexwjifce Mnan. liyiag aad werrreCenuy residing in Cene twherei'it la tbtcMAtriAtlal family m alsat- rm I a t-i. . - hdlzaf, .r 1