ptboto' BovtOinutt. rctabtlhd In 1 8S9.1 CHARLEO Piklbkin & DATTLEr DOSSEY BATTLE - - Editor. tauboho', rr. o. Thus! .) Harch 3, 1SS1 ao, N. a noomMEuus srisua. , .Tha brfflltftit1' "Senator Mat W. Carpenter, ia dead.' ' 4 - Another disgraceful trvr occurred in the National Beer Garden between Bragg, of Wisconsin, and Blackburn, of Kentucky, on 23rd JTeb. Was It seemly in; denomination, many of whose ablest preachers and members were educated there, to strike at ' the TJniYertity, the bright est historic ornament in the State ? Our kindest condolences ate ten dered to to .pnr. Eastern friends .at Edenton on their seyere conflagra tion. We are looking for Tarboro, Greenville and other towns, mostly constructed of 'wood to come soon. Now, they say, the threo-commis-Bioners te? cooSfy the laws will likely be MessrajJohn S,' Henderson, "W. T. Dortckand John Manning. We have no objection td the two last, on ly it may not be becoming to pot all places of trust in this one body. Our latest is thai the friends and opponents ' of tbef University will come to an amicable understanding. This is as it should be, for it was neither a pleasant nor gracefule pose to" SSslit to outside eyes three tjjxntegent and influential de nominations fighting the University. The Legislature expects to adjourn on 7th March, at J12 M just sixty two days' from commencement of sessioa. There wl be a sigh of re lief, as hope of good that would be done, was about balanced in the pop ular mind witn fear of enl to be ac complishcd. ektostaii cssigacsisca. Jraitf OoMt-Ccurtr. fiesiitios aai Xa- iAtstal Xfan Tlaraof, Inalaila Th niM?M6h brnaU tJ ml iSherinV' commanded the court. XCM CSoer soon Drought up xors: Strkiland. with his shirt collar torn open and bis head towsy j Jack Ued- lla,Tnth. biacx eye ana taroat Daa- ly sjorsichsd, sj4;l& It "lYkittoy, with: his hand' gncwsd -uii4 Each quantities tfct WOOld ftOt UTJIMIIuw if h had Wdwn 'ol eondacrrs to the kaslSf 'oondltiea cfj the stesjn. of anger pent up, sufnei- - . v 2 i. " -.- -I .." : ' . x T'- XI- Lt'e tft anA'tavri 4ajiV-1 ent to craw a cram oi cars on vu 7 J ti n! a -VI. it j : .l,.n rw rnv naranwre wu wmo numwu. .. , . . . . t . "What hare you to say. reinea up jus iron steea at hocxt i , A j aA t Mount yesterday, IThere ,we found i in mad, Judge. I seed these the whole corps of railroad men, ex-1 men 'fighting an' tried to part 'em, press men, their understrappers and when Whitley said'What runners around, in a foarfol state of JO& Strick- damoralizatien from the effeot of uagla iundodeharf mftdcj,byj an 1 irate , Israelite the ; night beiors. Twenty dollars had bsn freely er- ed to tlieTnanthatlwSTildliaki but the man. "was. fsoarosr than ; the dollars arid Victorious Israel wansin-i Jacob's Oil and a Lirstr Pad forach, de h 1 to do with it? and cotch me in fie eouar, an wnen ms nana Passed my month it struck agin my And yoo, Medlia f ' "I wasstandin dein' nuthin, when Whitley came up and ! oollared and starack mean Xaidnt mtnim a ucjc. "1114700,1111?" "I had Medlin hired some time ago an' he said I didn't give him- enough he always to eat, when x can prove Witt adriw to rstoainquist J i ho fiissed with y hired boy, an' fnturo, shun all stxangsrs spoiling. i t what tou talk about me for, for a fight, the writer's attention was called to the Wilmington train. This did not bring Judge Qra-fes who was to , hold oourt next day for this county, but came laden with six feet two inches of t the cleverest Solicitor in, the : State, in the person Of Oapt Swift ,3aIloway. At th kind invi tation K)f. R.H- Bixniv BaqH yrho re sides bout three miles from . Becky Mount. . 'both of u laAoooraasiiod Mr. Bonn to his hoepttable home and, remaini;ng all nighty came with him hers t ais morruW. Mrs. B. is the sister1 of that popular and prominent citizen ! of Tarboro, Capt Fred Phil lips. ; i She is a native of Edgecombe and presides over hex household and . . ' '--.4 Doara wun tae ease ana jrrace of a daughter of the fasWOr..J. J. Phil ips, jlioamond'Bunn, Esq., father of our , host, '"now r'ni', his 75th year, . LL - tl 1 i . T ' t . - i i unnonuj mown ana esxoentea oy evsrybody. . wears his .rears as well as if hs had found the true elixir of h.Tho .7 "That's enough," Said -the Judge. "Mr. Sheriff; they are in your cus tody until the Solicitor :an draw his bilL" - No defendant has testified in his own benalf, yet, unaer tne recenc law. By the way, Judge Graves says within a short time after the passage of the act a defendant testi fied' before Judge Schenck in Raleigh and was promptly convicted. To-morrow, March 4th, will wit ness, m Washington City, one of the grandest -pageants ever witness ed-in that august capital The great est preparation 'has been made, more -visitors are expected , and h whole shows the growing granduer of the country. . Gen. Garfield will be Pres ident of the United States before many of our readers see these lines, After more ihttb. a month's ballot- ting, the Pennsylvania Legislature, on Wednesday, elected Commons man John L Mitchell, U. S. Senator, in the place of Senator Wallace, the Democrats supporting the latter to the last. The astute Cameron said, by CoL MeClure, of the . Phila delphia Times, to. have favored Mitchell from tho beginning and the row over Oliver was a clever ruse. The country is. now in arms with deep indignitation over the prospect of oppression to icome from the con solidation of tfie great telegraph lines. Bat if arty person will order a package by express from as far North as Phhadelphia, he wiU not need go iarther than Tarboro for the steepest tariff monopoly could devise or ' human endurance could conceive. I" While President,. Hayes, Senator Withers, and a lot of lesser, lights, were occupying the Grand Stand - at Alexandria, Va.,' and Congressman Prank Hard, ofOhio, was extolling the mutilator of the fruit shrubbery and woulda t say he didn t when the elder Washington 'shook a horse whip over hla Jhead, &c., when the stand fell with !a loud crash. Mr. Hard was paying At the moment: "Profound aoqrintanceship " Af. ter bruised" shins had been rubbed and order restored, and old Virgin ian in a slouch hat drawled out : "I kinder thought that that thare big word would knock things." Hew CoutiM. The Greensboro Patriot publishes a communication from an intelligent correspondent Which is full of good sense, and should be of use to our present legislature. Bead it care fully and profit by the perusal "No one can form an adequate idea without knowing the great bur den and disadvantages that result to the public from erecting new coun ties. It adds ho little to the ex penses of the State, and many of the counties besides are literally robbing many other counties of their propor tion of representation in the legis lature, besides putting many of then inhabitants to great inconvenience and trouble. We eanuot see how any fair minded man in the present, or any subsequent Legislators in this State ca eotrtsent to vote to erect a new ounty out of ny one or more counties ; in this State. And we sincerely hope that all hon est, well wishers of the State will reflect long and think closely before he consents to vote for any new county." f Now, has anybody ever said the general good would-be promoted by the formation ? Oh, no, , only cer tain ambitiius property holders waat to enhance their interests. Occasionally jthere . may exist a ne cessity for itf . writer emitted to state thatOapt. BeO, of Norfolk, tempora rily sojourning at Becky Mount, dined at BonnV , Txisay that a most pleasant evening ' -was spent, is to assert what every reader has al ready guessed. I The writer would have slept more sweetly thai night,1 but from dream ing tnat tne J ails of Tar Kiver, per verted from its channel, was runninsr in a Dasso-profundo Key, of Uapt. Galloway in the same room. Oapt. G. alleges that his slumbers were disturbed by a vision of a train of cars running- through his ears. This he ascribes to the joft sounds issu mg rrosa tne throat of the writer. The truth is, both came from over loaded stomachs 4- overloaded with good things of winch we had parta ken. - The Legislature. We resume ' our condensed state ment of Legislature news taken from the iVetw Sf Ob$rvr : fc Senate-Feb. 23. Mr. Battle, from certain cUhens and the board of county commissioners of Orange against cutting up the county. House bill to make dogs listed for taxation a subject of larcency was passed. Mr. .Williamson of Davie, bill for the"better protection of holders of policies in life insuranco companies in the State. Referred. The bid to revise and consolidate the public school law, and to make more efficient the rvstem of educat ion in this State, was placed on iU third reading. Amendments were offered to sect ion 9 by Mr. Glenn, providing that the county board of education shall determine the book to be used instead of the State board, as provided in the bill Adopted. Mr. Finger; that the 8tate boa of Education shell recommend a series of text books to be used in the public schools when adopted by the Adopted. Section 62, amendment was pro posed by Finger fixing the rate of taxation at lzj cents on property and 37 on the poll Adopted. The bill as amended passed us third reading by a vote of 40 to 2. Moose Mr. Kay, a. bill supple mental to an act to codify the laws relating to the Cherokee lands. This bill was afterwards put on its several readings, on motion of Mr. Bay, and passed. Mr. WilsoB, to sire snb-contraet- B. H. -Bona, mi phwiM be "mark-1 ors a lien for pay for loading vessels, ed with a white stone" memory fas a in Edge who buys no meat, corn or forage, bnt raises his own consumption and to spare. ( On the road to Nashville the most noticeable feature was the mile posts and intelligible signs on boards at all crossroads. Edgecombe is far be hind her neighbor in that regard. The writer is assured that every mile and crossroad in the county' are thus marked according to statute require meht Credit for this is due the So licitor, who threatened wholesale in etc . Beferred. Mr. BlaisdeU, a bill for the relkf of a- town in Perqoimaas, : Referred. Mr. Green, of Craven, to allow fe- icales of the age of 18 to vote on all questions of prohibition. ' By the same for tne protection of farmers. Beferred. Mr. Carter, to iacrease the num ber of justices in the several &oua ties of the State. Calendar. Mr. Buntinsr. to increase the num- bei of Superior Court judges to 12. Beferred. xty tne same, to ove83 tne num ber of Supreme Court judges to f re. Beferred. - Mr. Bledsoe's amendment to strike oat the name of W. T. Dortcb and insert the name of W. P. Bvnum The bill dictmente, upon vpresentment made oy in last grana jury, u tne matter I failed veaa 88. uavs 66 was not righted by this term. Will passed its third reading J the District and County, Solicitors of Edgecombe take this hint? Judge Graves arrived from Wilson wm nrarnine. aoout 11 o ciocje. ac companied by Major Gilliam, of Ral wgn. jour was opened tat x p. m., by the good looking Sheriff Cockrell and tne grand jury was drawn, of wnicfr YmO, W instead (a capital ar- I darit in cases of claim and pointmeht). was made foreman. The I ry passed its third reading ' i. i l o x a j ir , a enarge of Mis Honor, as at Edce-I - uwmwwtuj. jr, oiapies, imU . ..11 j remoimum w nsirK e joins .w- Auurmumi arnica ouHiness proceeaeo. i utrates. to increase the number of We have before called attention to I magistrates in this State. Galen - Ute best cleric in the State, if he is 1 a&r- . w . r - - air. House bill to carry into effect an article of the constitution with regard to the University was put on its sev eral readings, and passed. House but to repeal section' 14, of chapter 117, of the laws of 1879, with regard to an anelvsis of the fluids of the body ; in certain eases,: passed its several readings. .senate bill with regard to the am deliT- bsidheaded , B. H. Sorsby is his name. On a central table, within the bar, convenient for the lawyers, are paper, pens, pencils and ink in abun . dance. A calendar is tacked up in the bar and there is also tacked in sight all. the money doe attorneys (for clients) and on the right of the udge's seat is ia neat range oi shelves, eontang Battle's Bevisal and all the subsequent; acts fl the Legis lature, witii the Supreme Cfrurt Be- ports. There is no time wasted runr mng aiter a dook ana everytmncr is arranged in an artistic way. Owing to absence of Hon Jo. Da vis in VYasninsrton and t Messrs. Dortch, Cooke- and Whittaker in Raleigh, he av$ docket will be shorn of. many of its "oahsai for Thiet heaviest ase on the State docket is perjury, which is set for to morrow. The attorneys in at tendance are Geii Got and Major Gilliam, of Raleigh f Messrs, B, H. Bonn, . Jacob Battle, J. H. i Thorpe f Boekr Monnt v Dossey Battle, of W. Blount, of and J, R. Tillery, H- G. Connor ani Tarboro, and Nashville. About the middle of tne afternon to day court .was shaken by tfce ihan-j derings, as of clashing arnuesj -uidar j o wmuuw. ptxangers rus&ed , out, but old attem4s"'t'tste;sat' and smiled. rTwas the usuat open ing, row thai attends the sessions cf the! court. !:: 1 . 'SBring those disturbers before Ike Blue, resolution to petition a , -a -w . our senators ana xtepresentatives in Congress with reference to tho pas sage of a law fos the better protec tion af certain citisens of the United States against fraudulent insurance companies. Uaieuear. House House bill to ineomeirate the city of Goldsboro, in ' Wayne county, passed its second reading. House bill for the relief of the late sheriff of Pitt county passed its third reading. House bill to incorporate the Clin ton and Faison Railroad company. after being amended so as to allow the use of 160 eobviets, passed its third reading. -- House bill to charter the Ijom burg Railroad Company passed its second reading. House bill fori the drainage of certam lands is Sampson county was passed. Senate Teb. 25 The unfinished bus iaess of yesterday was taken up. The question was upon the motion of Mr. Staples to reconsider the vote by which the consideration ' of the bill to establish the new county of Dm ham was indefinitely postponed. 1 Mr. Wbjtaker took the floor in favor of tne establishment of the new " eomrly And " nade a lengthy ana spie exgament upon tae que wvu. The question was called upon the motion of Mr. Staples, ; upon' which the Teas and 'nays were called yeas $1, aay 19 The motion to reeensider'pseyaiied The question was now upon the ' passage of the bill This bill fatted to peis-yea naje 2s. ....... On motion, Senate billA 543, to carry Into' effect the provisione of the ieenstitutioa relative to the' Uni versity, was taken up, and after much discussion passed its third tread- ingr'i- ; - j ve. On motion of Mr. Respass, the bill to regulate pilotage in Beaufort and ether counties was taken up and considered. Explained by Mr. Res pass. Passed ita second and third readings. ? House House bill to amend the charter ef the town of Goldsboro passed its third reading. House bill to establish .a graded school in Goldsboro township was put on its third reading and passed. House bill to appoint a cotton weigher for the town of La Orange passed its third reading. Senate bill to amend the law es tablishing a department of agricul tural statistics, and encourage sheep husbandry, was put on its several readings and passed. j Senate bill to allow the treasurer of Pitt county to settle with the sureties of Edward Wilson, late sheriff, was passed. Senate bill to appoint cotton weighers to Greenville was passed. Senate bill to incorporate the Mt. Lebanon Lodge of Free and Accept ed Masons in Tarboro was passed. A bill to declare Queen I Anne Creek, in Chowan county a lawful fence,: was passed. House bill relating to the town of La Grange, in Lenoir county, passed its second and third readings. : House bill to amend the charter of the Fairfield Canal Company, in Hyde county, was passed. Mr. Worthington, to allow pertain convicts to the" Albemarle and Roa: noke Railroad Company. Referred. Mr. Sparrow, by consent, present ed three petitions, one with regard to the appointment of justices, one to incorporate the town of Pantego, one from certain citizens of Craven, asking to be attached to Beaufort county. 'Senate bill to donate an acre of State land to the Shaw University for the purpose of erecting a colored medical college. Several gentleman made remarks in favor of this bill, and Mr. Gentry opposed it and called for the yeas and nays, after which the bill passed by a vote of 66 to 2. House bill 27, Senate bill , au thorizing the employment of con vict labor on the public highways and on the streets of cities and towns, passed third reading yeas 34, nays 0. House resolution 9, Senate i esolu -tion 287, to amend the resolution providing aid for the Orphan Asy lum, ratified March 1879, appropri ating $5,000 instead of $3,000, sed its second and third read er- House bill providing for the erect ion of a monument to the memory of the late Governor Caswell. The bill was reported by the special com mittee appointed for the purpose, and by request passed its j several readings. Senate Feb. 26. Mr. Kespass, bill to establish and define the boun dary lines between the lines : of the Albemarle JSwamp Land Company and the lands of adjacent holders. Calendar. On motion of Mr. Williamson, of V.i)aannmKA fVio Viill nTnrnrT-iofir ft , -rr.j,.0 $600 to the North Carolina Indus trial Association was reconsidered. Discussed in favor by Mr. William son, of Edgecombe. On his motion, it was made special order for Mon day at 12 m. House bill 654, ' Senate 632, to authorize the county of Perquimans to levy a special tax. Explained ty Mr. Manning and passed its second recond reading yeas 26, nays 1. Senate bill 532, entitled "An act supplemental to an act to provide for the erection of a hospital , in the city of Wilmington," passed ! second and third readings. House. Mr. Carter, a resolution to publish in permanent form the conduct of the North Carolina troops at Gettysburg. Calendar. Senate Feb. 28. Bill creating the county cf Durham passed its final reading by a vote of 25 j to i3. Mr. Respass. bill to appoint two cotton weighers for the town of Beaufort. Calendar. A bill in relation to the institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind passed second and third read ings, j House bill 59, Senate 434, to pay Louis Hilliard and Thomas Wilfoa for services in the Superior Court. House bill 305, Senate 504,' to pro hibit the sale of ardent spirits to minors, passed its second reading, The bill makes the dealer responsible for all damages done. Passed third reading. Bill ffcr tljp relief of the sureties of John Peebles, late SJherifE of Pitt. Mr. Foy To limit the jurisdiction of justices of the peaoe in" civil ac tions. Referred. Mr Manning, by s consent -A bill to secure therightr of creditors ef counties, cities and towns. NEW ADVEBTI8EMZNT8. WALNUT CHAMBER 8UIT8, PAKLO& SUITS. COTTeGX SUITS. Also a rail use of bjepdinq. AND HALL FURNITURE In mm). Price list sent on application. . s --It DINING ROOM V nir iLir 4 DEPOT FOR m )KLiglfjMedium SheSprii Calicos. Spanuh andyermiceller Lace Scarf; Ties, Handkerchiefs and Fichu. "Also -:ot- We would call attention of Planters to our .list af Standard Fertilizers which we gunrantee to be equal to the best, and which we are now pret ar eu w wtJt oruers ior. .. : : Spanish adyermiceller Lace Scarfs; Ties, Handkerchiefs and Fichu. Hoop Skirts. - n r . m- . A beantiful assortment of Infant's and Children's New Styles Fancy Shoes and Slippers, i'--,:-r-r--rxr;;,-rr:--:r.u:t'v .t..L ; J ., Ladies' and Misses' Basket and To.BSl Ttnttn n. Broad; Bottom and Low Heel Shoes for old ladies. ; ' I ' - Home Light Oil that will not explode. Wate White, 150 festOil, claim to be equal to, and usually sold for Home i Watt Plows and Casiinsrs. also hnaua Wall rL.B;.,. ... , . - ? Genuine LeopoldshalF Kainit. , , Navassa Acid Phosphate. Navassa Soluble Guano. : Star Brand Cotton Manure. Anchor Brand Cotton Fertilizer! : Home Fertilizer, Chemicals, fcc, &c. Genuine Peruvian Guano. ' ' - ! N. B. A low trice second banrl PT A Wrk - rboVpV, feb. 24v 1L . -. f: X 5 New Firm ! LOW New Goods ! i races g1 Special inducements to 'Dealers or Clubs who ordeis. For further information, call on wish to place large S..S. NASH & CO. Tarboro', N. G, Jan. 13, 188L-tf. - v N. B. Parties wishing Ka'nit or Acid Phosphate, please leave their orders as eany as pracucaDie, ior wnen our present supply is exhausted, the sroods cttu b u uuugui xor tne same money. . o. o. a. & UU. ' GET THE DEOT X ' TElIEi " MAinFIL WIBM ODORLESS OIL C00E STOVE AND PARLOR HEATER ! A Perfect Gem Convenience, Comfort and EctneMfSj Caxtiet be Jxptoded, a$ ine isu never jiecomee Heated. Absolutely Safe. W haT 1at recelyed nd onene rnr mtjfr-ir r vmv npnivBTvi r t BACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, Etc., which 'wVCMtes of Ih oert cMd M T PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU. ! 7,1 SI 3JSl55-toJ",rchM SMOKED ME AT8,. FLOUR, 8UjAB. CFFli:' TBaS" CANNED GOODS, FRESH FISH AND CORNED II R R R T M s . V rT, . i -"J """"ij wmm- ; Iirst-Olsass Family- Grocery. We offer special Inducements, and a call will canvlnpi h a . A TRIAL." - get icqmalted with our prices, ad yoa vri 1 fiae Jt to your Interest to onrdisM freL ah Kiaai oi coanty produce purchased at market prices. .14, .,.; Old f land. Cor., Main & dranvlUe 8t., TARBORO, N. C, GIVE US Feb. 4, lS81.-tf. HAveii - , i The Parlor Heaters (lika cut) are au pie for Heat ing any Room in any Dwell ing, or any Office in any Bail ding, at less cost of heating than Coal, Wood or Gas. Hag eleven Mica windows! Beautiful, Clear, Soft Light! Easily regulated. Makes no smoke. Free from all Disa greeable Smell ! No Chim ney Fine, or Pipe needed. When not required as a Heater, it can aio ior sale tue latest and best improrements in Student Lamps, Plain and Decorated Liapa, v nanaeuei s, c., a lowest prices, n Ices c r Cook Stoves from $3 to S9. Heat ers irom 90 10 send lor circular. Liberal discount to the Trade. Manufactured ana ior snie oy 1IU rr t OKAInAKD, 748 Broadway, New York. February 10, 1881. -4 1. - M Erery Store Warranted .- i - c- z'r .p-, -; The "Mayflower" will lo i the work -required of a Cook . - ' f i Stove better than the Coal, Wood, Gas or other Oil Stoves in use. No Ashes! No Dust! No Smoke! No joaa vaorj will Uo.l or Cook three articles at the sitme time, St a cost for oil of eight coots a day ! The j only safe and reliable Oil Stove jet invented. hi easily changed to a Cook Stove. FOB SALE. I WILL SELL AT A MODERATE price, and on easy terms, th very Talaa ble property, opposite Xarboro, known as Tar Biyer MiUs, tr I aUo the store and other honsas and land adjoining: the Mill pioperty proper. GEO. HOWAQD. March 3, lSSU-St" North Carolina Line! Films. READ! READ!! p : ; ' :- '- f. I i ., ; ;;-; ; t niake rcni A 1 Str. Greenville SluUkarat Mothers JX . Are you disturbed at nigtand broken of I your rest by a sick child nSeriug and ery in$r with the eiwnciutins pain of cutting teeth t If so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. VIN8LOW8 SOOTHINQ SYRUF. It Will relieve the Door little su fferer immn- dlately depend upon it ; tfiere Is'no mistake about It. There is not a motner On earth who has ever used It, who will not tell yon at once that It will regulate the bowells, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic, lit is per fectly saiu to use in all cases, and pica ant to 1 the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. ul8 ly tellable tfMPv eoaneetletsui rom u. points on Tar Rrrer tt Korrollc , Baltimore, 9ew York Pnlladelpnla, Soaton, Prori- denee, Fall Bivr ad sdl points East. , . ' - as general agent ior tnic line in the sec tion of country bordering on Taj Riverabove Washington, tPe undersigned begs to an nounc 3 that the Steamer Edgecombe is now aaking regular connections with Steamers of the Line between Baltimore and Washing ton (generally known aa the Clyde Line) and will issue through Bills Lading to Norfolk. Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Providenca and Fan River. " LOWEST BATES and REa30NABLK DISPATCH can be secured by encouraging this enterprise. " Be careful to order all shipment marked and consigned via " North Casoiitf l4m." From BALTIMORE chip by Baltimore and Washington Steamer, R. Foster, Agent, 90 Light Street, Baltimore. From PHILADELPHIA shin by Clyde, w . r. viyae vo., Agents, rj Hontn Whajrves. From NEW YORK ship by Dalzell's Line, H. L- Chapman, Soliciting Agent, 6 Bowling From BOSTON ship by Merchants A Mi ners Line, care W. R. Mayo, Norfolk, Va. From NORFOLK ship by Norfolk and Washington LineW. R. Mayo, Agent, Clyde' wnarves. For tates and other Information, apply to Agent N. C. Line and Str. Edgecombe, Tarboro', N. C, Oct, 4, 1877. tf. J AM OFFERING TO THE FARMERS of Edgecoaha and adjoining counties the following Fertilisers NO. 1 PEBDVIAN GUANO, uCottonn Unadulterated. Directly oat of the Peruvian Government Warehouse. Containing 3 per cent, of Ammonia. 34 M Bone Phosphate Lime n rotasu. him Lesjolishl Emit Containing from 24 to 88 per ecnt. of Potash Acid Phosphatesi One contalnlnsr 11.6! PhosDhoric Add. The otbar 15.50 per cent. phorie Acid. per cent. Available Available Pbos- Ail these Fertilizers are bevanil anMtiftn havine bean used extensively In th; other couniies. slvinc eatlra aatiB&4inn. i V. 1 1. I . 1 1 a - . i ""'vu u 1 uc ucsb isi 01 any uuano. I am offering anv of tha ihom able terms a bj of the STANDARD FEKTIUZERS. Call at my store and extra in imniM Mi "41 ro prices. ' . -- - H. M. LAWfiEKCE. Tarboro, N. CM Feb. 8, 18818m. In order to for a larg-e stock ol Spriocr (Uoods, I will, after tfoia date, sell the C-remaiiradei? of my Winter Stock, coiaa sisung' 01 u.;,:-'X:-; Boots, Shoes, (Clothing IPi?y vwooas x Mats, at greato' ly reduced prices. 'r A call will prove that tMo is no million-. JHlesn laijjui-u , dan. o, xoox. bctfullV; a . -uu-7EDIIIS5 I eat at Cooper's . LiWLVBfscs. Lawrence J. Britt & Go., Drnists k kwlkmm, NEXT TO J. M. 8PRAQINS Having opened a fresh stock of DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, GARDEN SEEDS, CIGARS AD TOBACCO, we ara prepared to serve the' public with any article in our own line, We trust that by strict attention to business, and moderate prices, to win your confidence and patronage. MR. J. G. M. CORDON, our efficient clerk, will have sole control of the Prescription Aeparmast, to which be will glva his per aonal attejudqa. i fgr Prescriptions Brecarej Day & Night. KesoectfniTyy LAWRENCE ilt CQ. Tarboro, March 3, 1&s1.-b, TH0S. J. IRVING & C0.7 is h Men's The Prince of Cater ers, is always ready to seoVe his numer ous customers with fisl, 'Oystsrs, -jt . - and all Other delica cies, ip gieir season, at his Rett auraut on nn oirenc, ieJ at , 411 11UU. I don't. New (Siocerv 'March3,1881.-2m. i - LIQTJ0E. STORE. HAVING opene'i-X ftrst-claas Grocery and Liquor store, in tb- corner of Main ! ana unurcn streets, noaris1. opposite the Old Gregory Hotel, I woiUtf Respectfully Invite tne pumtc to can and examine my stock, as suring them that they will find my goods of the purest and choicest jades. I keep only FINEST GROCERIES LIQU0R8, CI- t .GAR8, TQB AGCO, AC and call will convltfbeiVon of the trath of tha assertion. rZ Oysters. Chickens. Earn and Flah tar three times a week.' T .'. . ' A. SAVAGE. Tarboro, Jan. 13, 1881.-3m. and ImUu ttU(Mi mii mmm, OPIUM e-r-O o" o h3 o CO O o S3 CO P err- C5- O". a . P CO CD CD e-f- a O O CD r- o o S3 $ CQ CD s 7. P 0 S- i i' M 00 00 CPS'- 00 H 00 o so s 0 H. A. WEBER, (arfcpessor to Japeb USTeber.) , main btbeet; i, ' t ATarborb.Tl. C- Ttb. 10, 1881.-1 j. ' ; " ' !! :- '"' tf- 'i ft 'li' iv W I 44 M. L. HUSSPT & BR0.? ajarriaare TAR30ROV IS'Ck ' WE MAJJTJFACTTJRE 4 ALL STYLES OI JS TIG CURS V CJMR Wl and shall endeavor to gire oar customers the best work at LOWEST POSSIBLE F&ICXS j' maae ny aavanos in pnoea, although mmft, m higher. Wei make! a Sfiecialtv of BrfiwstAr RiiiIp. ?Ta taaVlpt of Ctoofnnati Baggies, which will bo sold yerr W. ' i IDSUUMr u imblu for fnnl shnwn m in (tiirSiadt . dearer to eentinue their patronage in the future, i apr.i-1. I

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