Btyn.Ti;i.- qsia oiH ) Jj -i trt edi ru floi -toJo Lira eiaijiaaairjoJ I Icq ! I B1 Ya:oao' nifj.In ggjli THEIST &0 HEA,I.--X- Crockett. T 3 ? ? OC VOl,. 59. i - - mmxn) nx. fJUf -I - i- r it ' r" ' ' Hak 41 rf f W AXfi m I M I LA :II 1 L I I I J fi 1n -yrrt rvfTl ,rn it tj h avii i; '-st if : oVi? c-h r-v: ; " i'Vi-.Uf: S ?h; " " ' ' ' in I .,a , i, - - T- , - " , Ilia ; . r -f ! r, 'ww "w r - ' . - : y-m-.. LI .-, .i )'. .!--'i:f- ' ' ' - . : vl J.:-.- - : . - . 1 i j " u j. -i w -a , t ... . 1 . . j t K I t " I -ij i ii . i. -i. . -.. ..-,. - a t- r " r . ... ! -fc .1 -r,'t ,-. t , ,. -ctt,- rr .r. . ; Klo,.r .rr.:,! i.jLUSi ; i ix'.v: . . I . JL.1 w Religious Appointments. Colcorv pi3copol CAuwsV--Bey. Ir. J. B. Cheshire Pastor, holda dWM iervica every BabbathVfbrenooa and fternoou. ServlcM Wednesd morning at 9:30d Friday af. ernoon at 4 o'clock. PresiiZttan Church-Hev. 1 H. Baldwin, Fastor, will preach morninc ana wy ,h Vk. on 2nd. and Rocky Mount on 4th. Prayer meeting every Wedmwday evening akMrek&xw Jos. E rter Pastor, wUl preaen, tSorning and V"- n Tarboro. on 2d and 4th Sabbath Y LUJ"i , i a each month. . u.iiivf;.f J? fiiireh Rev. JosepU D. Ar nold, Pato, wiU.preh momViK "d ej- in? every oaonaLa. ,crijer-uKwi" Monday evening. c...m BArrfiii CAurcA Elder P. D. Gold, pastor, pteac&ca m s days in each monL. NORFOLK ADVEBTI8EMENTS V- GEO. L. CROW, Manafactorerj Stoves. lUntre?, Heater. Furnaces. Letups Lanters, Lamp oou, uiaine on, c., 13 Commercial Row. NORFOLK, VA. SAM'L L PEED, RnpiL Dec 2. 1880.-ly. Saturdays nnd Sun- Dealer in I Hides, Furs, Wool 3tJJee?iW4i?j , . - 5 NaRFOLKyAj. Tne hitchest cash prices, paid;, Conlmi men t soMclted. Guarantee, yrpmpt" return.. Sept. 1880. i l.dVVSavs. i .... - FIOJVLOAHBJS. v . L.T. . Thomas )wasi if asu; Attorney! and Comualors t Law. TARBORC n. u. Pradiea in all the Courts, SUte and Prat - nov.5-ly. OSSET BATTi -, Attorney and ConiUellor at Law TARBOKO', N. C. Practices In all State and Jederal Conrts Regular drcuirKaah, Kdireowee- ana i jfj- Specliiattetrtioa glvee tocollectiens Feb. )tOt lKlVff s ?; " - Davis. B. D. KNTADLIS0KD 1865. SI. L. 1. DAVIS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, AND DEALERS, XN, . r FLOUR, PROVISIONS. FISH & SALT, South -East Cor. Water fc Commerce Streets, NORFOLK.. V'A Sept. 2, 1S80. x h:vA rBoit4d m DKfiTAL OFFICB vo 1 the new baBMnreeenrtv ereetel by Mr. C. C. Lanier, next door toTarboro House, wbere 1 will be Elad tO rreeeire my Irlenda c,r inv one desirinc Dontal work, lam per- tiiiineiitlv located' here, bavioe leased the this buildlne- for a term of -leirs. . Yours, &c, ..i i , . AAi: N. CARK, T0M)U1AL MMtiim. 'ITT'OULD you be soofaed y the softes VV touch and keenest razor when your beard is bardes Wophlyt)u enaaneeyour :.rsonal nulehrilttde -so that your wile or iv,etbeart wouldn't reeouizs you ? Then Ri.r.iv to Nathan Willliuig. whose Barber Sho.i is in Tarboro Hoase on Main St. So- i:n-!r. ShamDOoinsp done. Hr OU. of his own idiQ ulactiirc. for pale. KEEP COOL ! ruHANKlNG the citizens for their p I Datrtmaare, I fees teare to call their at tention to the feet, that I will keep a plenti ful supply ot iou hand daring the c cu ius season at bcjusll. 'stand and oppoalta the Court House. I will sell as low as it can te possibly put here fo. W. J. EDWARDS. Tarboro, April 7, JSSl. W. C. Y. PaBKir, W. K. Cark, Lateo Wa.renton, Late of JCdjecopi be. PARKER & CAHR.H COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMON IMERCHAKTS. . ft . . t - SOKFOLK, VA. Cotton, Country Produce cenerallv. Di is, Staves. Ac, sold.' Or dura for merchandise promptly attended, to. Cmno a special Ly. Jan.o, iSL-iy. B4TTLE, MM & CO., COTTOBf FACTORS. AND j , '? ; Goxxoral CorjmLssion Merchants, ITORFOLX, -VA. We make the sale oi Cotton a EDeciaUv aad proeMsc alwavs to obtain fiiarbotiuarket prices, sabering ana lies at rates, free of comuiirsiona. Verv libera! advances made be held Lot her Sheldon, SASHES; DOORS. BUNDS oweet market on cotton aagJl-ly. to X RA ILRdlBl. Wilmington & Weldon Bail- road tompany. Condensed Scnedale. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated July 29, '81 ' No 43 d'ly No 40 d'ly BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, And Building .Material of every description NOS. 18 W. 81DE MARKET SQUARE 4 ROAN0AKE AVE., , nOKFOLK, VA. November 18,1830 l-y. A i" Lea v Weldon - 1 Ar've BockyMount 5:30 p m 4:5 p ro t,:l-t p m 7:23 p m Arrive Tarboro- I 7:40 p m 7:40 p m Leave Tarboro , 9:50 am 90 p m Arrive Wilson 5:3Sa m I 756 p in ArriTe Goldsborq.. 6:34 pm 8:43 pm Arrive Warsaw 7:43 am t Arrive Bnrgaw 8:43 am I 10:43 pm Arrive Wilmington 9:45 a m 11:25 a m TRAIN GOING NORTH. J No 47 d'Jy No 43 d'ly Leave Wilmington 6:40 a ra I tt:25 p m Arrive Burgaw - 7:36 a jn 7:20 pm Airive Warsaw '' 8:41 a m 9H4 p m Arrive Golds boro-- 9:48 a m 10.2J p m Arrire Wilson 10.43 am j 11:17 pm Ar'Te Rocky Mount 11:33 a m 11:55 p m Arrive Tarboro 8:50 pm 6 10 a m Leave Tarboro . 9:00 a m f 8:30 p m Arrive Weldon ) 12:50 p in - 1:25 a m LOCATED AT LAST! I HAVE JU8T OPENED IN MY NEW Store, No. 144J Main Street, (between .Pe ter Smith s and E. B. Blamirc's, opposite Market square.) witn a new and beautiful stock, consisting of JEWELRY, GEMS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, AC.. porchsfei for cash from manufacturers and imponer. which will be sold at prices hith erto unknown in this city. . Special attention paid to repairing, and the beet norknen employed. I A call Is f.oli:ited and satisfaction in every respect guaranteed. I AttinUtt U. f nKAarl, Jeweler, 144 Main Street, NORFOLK, VA. On exhibition for a few days longer fac similes of all the noted diamonds of the world Well worth seeing. sepJ2-tf - Tuesdays, Thurs Wednesdays, Rocky Mount Rocky F eaves Rock Mount Jays and Saturdays. t Leaves Tarboro Mondays, ana saturoays. Train No 48 North -will stop only at Point, Burlaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Olive, Dudley, Goldsboro, Wilson Mount, Eofield and Halifax. Train No. 40 Soath will stop ocly at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Mag. nolia. Train No 47 mikes close canuec.ion a Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. No. 43 runs daily and makes close connect ion for all points North via R.'chmond aud Vashington. All trains run. solid between Wilmington nd Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attacked, -i - JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. A. POPE, Gee'l Passenger Agent. ; mh 1341 Petersburg flail road Com v pany. C': Office of General 8np't. Petersburg, Va., May 12, 1SS1. A. WREN 1M & SON. Manufacturers of and Dealers In all kinds of Carriages, Harness,! Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Carts,! Wheels, Axles, Farm Wagons & Gear, Horse Clothing, Lap Robes, &c Nos. 14, 16, 24 A 28 TJnioh Street; NorfolkaVa. Full line of Carriages and Harness Materi al y Buegies and Carriages are sold by tepJ4-ly al J. H BROWN, Tarooro if. 0- ECqS0MYI SECURITY !! CO.HFORT ! THE CKASACTEBISTICS OF 'I'HH trains on this load will run as fol- f 10MM lows : - GOING EOUTn. Boston and Savannah Fa?t Mail. L've Petersburg daily at 4:00 P. M Stops only at Bcifield. Ar've at Weldon 5:53 P. M New York Expiess- L've Petersburg daily at -12:53 P. M Ar'veat Weldon 3:10 P M Through Freight. L've Pet'sburg d'y, except Sunday 9:05 P. M Ar've at Weldoa..... 3.55 P. M GOING NORTH. Boston and Savannah Fast mail. L've Weldon daily at 1:30 A. Stops only at Stony Creek. r've at Petersburg 4:05 A, New York Express. L've Weldon daily at- 1:20 P Ar've at Petersburg at 32 P, Southern Express. L've Weldon daily at 4:20 A, Ar ve at Petersburg at Through Freight. L've Weldon d'y except Sunday at 6:00 P. M Ar've at Peterbbure at-. , lli25 P. M Local Freieht--Mba'r. Wedn'v A Fri'v. Weldon af . . 3:50 P. M M 6:50 A. M 9:35 P. M coaches on V Arveat Petersburg at- Sleeping cars &nd flrstrclass aiht and day trains. No change of cars between Wilmington Mid Washington. Thsough tickets sold to all Eastern and ouutborn points and 'baggage checked through. . rassengers going South will purchase uckuts and check baggage at Washing-ton stri-et depot 6 Paescngers going IJorth and stopping at Petersburg, will claim their baggage at -vashington street depot. R. M, 8ULLY, General Superintendent. W. P. TAYLOR, GeneralTicket Agent, W.J. BROWN, -li' Dispatcher of Train s MALTBY HO U 3 E, BALTIMORE, Vhich still continues the H mm RHEUMTISM, nauruigia, wiaitca, uumoagv, Backacht, Soreness cf the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Jhraat, SikbJ! ings and Spreins Burns qfiff, :. Sccds, Genera Bed Pefnt, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains end 4cAs So Preparation Jon earth equals St. Jacobs Oti aa a tftf'e, sure, simple and rheftp External Khd4t. A trial entail ltit the compntrttirely trirlisg outlay of 50 (Dls. anil crery or.o suftt-rinic with' pain caa Lath cLt-(i and positive proof of its datum. l'irectlotis in "Karen Laafrcairre. 30LD BY ALL DRC0GI8IS AUD DIALLH3 nr kxdiciei:. A. VOG3p.BR & CO., ' Ualiirnore, HTd.1V, it X. MALABiLM lulp-l caase of nrtirfy sTir sickuesa t ofthcynaV "bfisti "otiiiia i a - a m . an a & -a. m m id im u. a m(iL r Ui LliA iBtuwviAJ ,titi -rflil( HfutaHRninrvi traainri xvVtara f Vi o In 1 nrio in morVail linger UXQQXp l- i-.-- .- ve mm September 1, 1881 k Yankee Eapublioaa at the South. FREE ' fePIJECU nril jconcie tltai ii aiiNortlieiu man, $4. visiting a Southern town, should Tua VT-. at mis t:m-i ui tueTar T-as ocii disordered lire,-. n.Uicir, )f -Sot rcgjjitrd"itt lime, -great Ptintrmg, KreW&efltf- -ami dt'athj'wiiieusu- A gentleman writing frem bou m America says i . "X Have used your simmbns Liver Regulator with good enact both as a pruveiUiou and cure lor malarial fevers on ihu Isthmus of Panama. A Pirrely - Vegetable MEDICINE malarious fevers Bowel Complaints. Jaundice, Colic, Rest lessness. Mental depression, Sick-Headache, Coaatipation, NaiMea KiiftonTi(a,'i)Tpp- sia, sc. - Mm aaaav TjrijartTrTraci Il yon feel drowsy, debilitated, have ire uent headache, mouth tastes badly, poo- appetitc, and toneue coated, you are suf fering from torpid liver, or billiouaneso, and noining will care you so speedily and per manently as to take SIHHOXS LIVER SEGULAIOB. Tf n rlvn wtfK CAfntv ftnt th. hnn1fif e,-- -"Jl I" r ' result to the most delicate ltnaat.- it takes tne place ot quinine ani bitters ol every kind, it is the cheapest, tverest and best lamily medicine in the world. Buy only the genuine in white wrapper with red Z. prepared only by J. il. ZE1LIN A CO. Sold by J.M, Baier,K D. . J.E wej PiiG. DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Tobacco and CIGARS, Main St., Tarboro, N. C. Next II. Morris A Bros. Phrsicians' Prescriptions carefully com pounded day and nigtu. As seen f:om above, 1 have" formed a co partnership wita Mr. ;. M. Kowe for the purpose of carrying on the Drug Business, at the old stand formerly occupied by my self. Mr. Rowe ia a gm lc.Ue from the Phil adelphia College? of Pharmacy, "and he has had eleven yeara experience in some of: the largest stores in the country. .By strict at tention to business, -we hopes to merit a con- inuance OI tue llbaral patronage OI lliu puo- After an absence of elevea years I have returned to my old borne and formed a co partnership with llr. -7 M. Baker for the pur pose of carrying on the Retail Drug Bast- s. 1 shall devote my time ana attention to the bnp inss, and b'pe that my lriends nd Lhe pub'ic generally will ive ua a lair share of their patronage. JOHN M. KOWE. Tarboro. N. O.. Jist i'!, l"!i! -tf s--f tii. aijfisissippi region where the :in tXtttTm fentpccari-ed,old me of their io wpigBwic uuiivr uit) mb tune theyj.fw this man. with hid dogs pnrsmag , a negro. It was just at tJawn on a beautiful babbath morn insf. , -'Xhey could not at first believe iyhat ithej were told about "the hunt,'-' iever having heard of any ingf the kind.-;. - ' 1 41. POUTIC1L TABLES ? In -Mississiniji. 1 -vvas tola by a aumbej of Northern people of an ttfit sent to ihe Northern press the Haves catDixairn." which an go $rst to see the negro -local politi f ellqwsr and should spend, a oar i I "KfV4! nftti an atrnrrinna out- p w3 - h place Avhich : i was then terward be received . . . , aJ putable, and they -all affirmed tiiftt nothing iof the kind- had eyer. oe? cured there. I inqnirred regarding ing the anthoritj of the author of the dispatch, and learninsr that he was still Hriog a few miles away, I went to him.' He laughed when I told hiatt raj tornnd, took a fresh chew of fobacco, and, crossing his feet on the top of the table before lum, hegan talking of the affair in an easy, fluent, indifferent style, which seemed to indicate that he was glad to have somebody to talk with, and would as lieftalk of that subject as any other- t Then the dispatch was not really tine?" I said- "Well," he replied, "it was true as to the spirit of the SoutB irenerally at that time "But why djSyou say that such aud such things happened at a particular place, if the aid not?' "Yell, now, you know it wld not be of any ac count to fiayrVat such a time, tLat I hrive been stronlv imnressed bv there was lotiHrV devuish feelin": in O . IT f I . . .. . . . .. ., t!5e general hardness and unsympa tne bontb. yut it ratber wakes thctic feeling cf Northern men living people up to1 fell them that eome- tning s ueen mtme at a place tnat thcy'vo heard f." "But it was not true." But hevlbbught that the use of a fable of iarable was justifiable col-diallvs bi the respectable whitd 'dWO'Die1 6F the Iplace. . I have , usually called on decent-people firet, cromment white citizens, or the edu- ated cplofed clergymen or teachers, and nave then lound no obstacles m theway!of observations of even the lower strata of the life of the town At the some ime it pi course, ne cessary to sW ( the -ibist people, too, at their houses and "in' society;' and any well-behaved man can do this in the regions which I Lave vis ited, no matter what his political opinions may be. I can expiess any ! political sentiment or opinion freely a6 the tables of leading men in all the Southern States, provided only that I recognize Otjjlsf requirements which are univerlalr-polrte- society, and that; f. CDuyefsewith the wo men : t. c lu . . - Tnn KEORO FKOil TWO STANDPOINTS. t V. oHi ini2e i triarked-iurtairity.; ,1 WiYSft. fflWr lfit. ironr. "hriKVwtnria .lmiw trnrvr thoughts; nefer "allow- any fone'7TIl"0ironner of Washington Society whose fove jbtf w2shfto ieiain tp'feel ' i SdrHhe-SefcaLait. . tat, like a fimajfied -JN90k7dtP;liaW- 1K rtkiitj4)ljgRflLcxI tczsiB given forth -vailfrm. 4teactid and ir. X&VlVi&iA 6u the shell-wiihotUers pf.vyou?. kind, . 3 T T; TcT ZaI Always IceeiriiS ter, so tha?Ueblume -sliail r;MMjfiM unfinished even-When the binding' is old, and the readec himself worij.'and weary. , Po joa not , supjDaec thai; ineu appreciate the value ofc. af , , little mysteryi and that, half th$r 'attract iveness to-' us- omen the 5 Taried life they lead -o- whMh,-w&4ttpib-heved- to knQTfc: ht&eubVo&iS. before thSv jure wives are i irncertaiD.' capriciops,. anA'iVnpugq;'., W&jJ should they change, the Very" t"' that lured their rcaptive: '',!"'- 19j A husband ia the nicest thinff! in. the world,: if yonhoofle tPi fte4 -it i -w- ii ft A 1 way, and that you are termimnf not because of any fear ot him, oj"-oJ any fawning love lor mm, but be - cause you are convinced " neis"ttie best lude of m-vm allairs and, from your knowledcre of his eharao countenance m -ttie- parior- or 'tne'riigJbfe . Jtalownheiwas al&ayTrather iiviined tobp tak :b)it AWmwetticaJU fprmK,r,whichi j i The People w lUtttM "BsJrifs.i.i-jTr'! Not only dem "not one-half he11 -s woiid know what lhe other half is : doing, but aif half tlie-Kortli -Cof1 linians havo no idea of what the other i - -' half aro like. rrTii L'itmf of thlg we 1 refer to fhe followiirgpert tif 4'lblter" - I tp tbo liaieigh N6w&ndObsMtr;:3T3 about the peoplu nix Hattcraa tasks: : "he people at tMtUtetatf?fr"?' ah'phibiQnfl jjatucewlKod vhsdi fcaLOia xuwcu on uxiu in me wai;pr t.nn.t ot jthem, I ewrth.more altf active or'ihol' 6r,-indQdIrrjoi,t ere ft its lack Hr(blodeJaaic drcssod, ra the pare Ss&GuffjBeaside fashion an. EnaliBh L J.X L51i j Af : M-A..M. V WiAtty vutiu txie lureuoau lu wifcxl y I. iu'M 4ts-orrdo-rfiari?blufff eVesL -TriftWii"flnnrmd'rrtiiaafi lff"fi ttioutn fult of pearly, ti ilpaLUike jraost otjthem, 1 ojuBure, ote: wobfodted. ,x Thet live 'mairrfy WfiShTtf 4rsf: J tersJ wabsv terrirpihs iuud . wild f dwfe i v i ? wnen tney leave homo they gfrirLaoo ol boat, and wheWier-they go ta : eourt IptpWWiiffc&titt -afttMor Jo4tfsdef;lorrUr A TfTV rt5 tfHeywaysrgOj; o! by ssiL Their corn nulls are. run by . -saflsi and tons of thom- J J . 1 r 1 . m f t til Ml Wflfr TiritK rnnlinilta rm. aorft'grjr; up Stairs; but' "go"aloiVr 2 . c -" vv- wr lu.u and Keep mm so ...ip .. - Bflort row?d. WlT, &nd wheathey tvul theyr, ,, he : must thmk,he ia havmer his own Lt,:f "- V ii '! WnTr . Jt...-. t that -you aritfinifefl sILlt hlA iiT" apart; from-Ua natural gifts waich bnng- UP and bihje i free.? i They . i' yl catenated i at; a trim-built , sweetheart as ri j r attention of the observer. It was an "dipper built": f " Jf .'she -is, a Jittle ' expression ,of indescribable ,meJan- sut they say ihe is 'bfod in theJ ' irom your ioiowieage OT mis enar il0iy - foi the beam," or ter, you nav tnejnost impucu lana j,,.,- r ftfkw : - am , transom. uutiu yiuk coamueucB xu iuui. tuttih,arrt: Vinf W -rHAc,'i ShltJB cabin doorrf iti M.KimV - hXAim. i -I the most subtle of flatv,: lJw-ajid-igmBljM' look o that sKde.brr gmoyesraari io their- Lit a itZF i n plaintive, 'so appeallna v thatr one buMiMteey giye :itijif J( xli, ..I flattered, he Jittfe.drmaJiyqa nt-y, ;f tA raDTf i, 1,2 instead of naintin tTiom i , Tka Kni-i, 1 . knqw he is flattered- 7W-rd; tjeiik. r- - : woman blows 'a xonchTsnelT when herein lies deceit oi joj nil W;jbut- II ha TraT' 1 -,ii--r, dinner is ready, and 4ftia ikH,' the keeping bright of a golden treas? igled iw.n'ty.tiraes .ingidef an ! time S by ' WsT "-"TleubleTare i ure, that would taxnistt neglected. A k, i"' inaw irflTiiot aroeked m tiradlek bu sfewritio iti Some men, lore to feel themaplTes twrfatnmrf tltli " ri7aam " RaWa tliainsttexik.lf TlieywK.MAt5orr:r ff verv atocrfits in the) eves of,, their I ni a . Z?-!itill rl ?v Ji.l feil VKnVv - r. ii-, nj rlr ". : --rf - - t. i.u, jiffu- uuaucWM o. awuacnev I TT I T" ",- .iiiavi n wuu ti i . nt- av ih ia arall . tA aamnnlH..1' ' jl . ji. I iuiIIaH UVnn.. rrii . mv. ..M1Jnv:;v.-.wirH-.ijiaa.nMnT.itii cmaBT. rT T.nttiKnA nam. I uiucu xcuuau. .1 i . . ljv 4 r&. ... ' . . in tee bouid in regard to tne ne 'groes. Native Southerners of char .termnd position do not often appear t&rfnie to feel unkindly towards the negroes, though, of course, they often regard -them vcontomptaously. and fail to treat aa, they 0igltJ But iNorthern men who' have gone South since the war almost univer sally? (those whom I have seen) speak of the negro with great harsh nessa kind of cold hatred, and what I should call crueltyv I hare seen aad Iheskxl .so tnuch )f thii, ihkt would have arjpeared incredible be fore, that gives me sometimes a kind of nightmare fear that residence in the. South mi;ht transform the most philanthropic abolitionist into a ty rant of merciless seventy. Near Vicksburg I found a young planter from Minnesota, who werks many negroes. . I asked him, about then: quality as laborers, and he re plied that they are almost worthless, "unless you whip them well. "How do you mean that you whip them?" I asked. 'Do you fight with them and whip them because you are the best man, as the white men fight in Minnesota?" "Oh, no," said he, con temptuouely, -'go at them with a club, or a heavy whip stock; knock them down and beat them aa you would a mule." "But I thought the day for that was over in this coun try. I shoul think they would leave you. Why do tney not go away, go to some other man, or out of this re gion?" "Oh, well, they do go away to tlie woods for a day or two; Their families are here, and they don't know where to go. Besides I shouldn't let 'em go, if I didn't want to. The doers would soon find 'em." 'Then," I said, "I would kill you." At this he laughed sneeiinglv, and replied: "Mebbe you would, but you aiu't a nigger. A nigger's just in his place when he has a white man to drive him, an' they always need knockin' down occasionally." He went on to say that he had found out that only the harsh slaveholders mado money in the old times. "An' that's the right way now; work 'em to death an' get more. There's plenty of 'em." On my expressing inv abhorrence he said: "You wouldn't be here a year till you would say the same things. All "Northern men talk just as you do when they first come down here. I did myself. My father was a red hot' Abolitionist; but I tell you a nigger has no affection, no gratitude, no neart. L.very one oi em will steal. They understand but a club." under the eirebmstances. because it rwas the only way to give point-or effectiveness tosEny account of the condition of 4hbSouth at that time. "All writers dopretty much the same thing," h4 4irgdj thy have to. -Hjh, I hope ot," - X said- "Well, now, if j&a lived down here awhile you'd finiSr out we have to fight the devil with fire." The Northern people) who told me of this and they weWially indignant about the fabrication, because it I ivm v--- alarmed some of 1 their Northern friends wh had been preparing to remove to that region, but were now frightened from their purpose. she is: Many "wide across Ve !'5!T pT - hem-- have helplessness and dependent vwb& toat 9&Mbx, M'.'.mpjWB t re-j 1 with 'se.gras.4iuJ,.nrjNi1 von hirfi nrf artrt which will. ,f. vAn 1 jii it'i til- I fliiF mm TvitotAa.'".lvviJ tht? of lira uamn I theU yam POtatOfiHJ lri ' f n A caftrt nilla ;interterej WlCll fcA.rflaid imd two rtiusAi., whr- Ltttro IvvJien they want.: the doctor th your! natoal -digiiity- in ' teek eye attrl cfcarge of her terS children: band a'redllag fegainit a'ltuf sldV atf J -i Nme times out Mien :little momml alrgn-lBi ;tbodest beirrg twelve and f gnalJ of adfete'ir-tv ddtfi AJts, ? o in juvb . xrarct . vAuvviivaq i nuu f. m. mai- onn wrk Tivt-cfAf whs. tSaaawa-M iijjku luht wiliii. inn thav full dihelplessnass ahd liBgTC:4tkeyoaMest0t vtthffee . orntfrfe1 ame, betoause the1 Nrind;'-Jdn?ti faiK.--.i: dernesa will wixt a man., when a .teUTtifa-Thtirmti. ,SK nvaa kir t m?a teey take- a. dram of whiskv and eon-r bou.-ubboi.um8 ammj ioUvpOi. wsj sektoni-rBiing- iifu tneix-ieet,,, m sea water, and itdbeaseenias.if. teftaiMratoftiia LBw'teeJotlw'imestt'or&S.'r bi.''-and trust to luck.;' If. nateutue ureatnres Jttir.-jfe -IieFiIttf theffl1 hi donyersation. J die tbey will be buried to rule a man. i Hut tners is a rnfiut - od in their madness . that daeSteMot spring from ignaranoe- of ;tbe' ipoWec of their weakness, H a man: isi jeal-f ous, give him no cause to doubt yon, and bo establish his perfect cqJXm dence. This is one-trait- in - a bus HUEB1ESCK Of 1MMIGBAXTS. I have not been able to find any "ieennir acrain8t tne JNortn, or against Northern people in the re gions wnicn l -nave visited, and so far as that is j concerned I should nave no iear or reluctance m going to any part of the South which 1 have seen, if for any reason I wished to emigrate to that portion of our country. But many people are going bouth with no adequate f orethouhht or knowledge of the country. There is a side of Southern character and life with which such persons are very likely to : become acquainted. There are many men 'in business" nearly everywhere ia the South who are of the same, type as the author of the following fraternal utterance I hear of him as one of the fiercest fighters against us through the whole war, and went to see him. When I announced myself as a "yankee in vader" he shook hands heartily and replied: "I m a reconstructed rebel. We fought till the fight was all whipped out f us. I rather like the men that whipped us. Tell all your people to come down here. They're just as welcome as our best friends, an' we'll cheat the eyeteeth out of 'em." -- ''lighting an Army of Snakes. : - EkjEKvnxE, IT.' T" July ' 22. On,'1 Saturday morning last as J.jacobjjbl a farmer at Prospect Hill- with his (reply, when J udgej Tyner put , ia an I seventeen year bid. boy . was' loading (inopportune appearance with 4 re' I his wagon with logs from a pile he mark on-the mosqtntoes, ''a' popular j had cut about a mile fronx his house' subjedtv which instantry changed the f he heard an ominous hia and rattler an qijenyej3WaaiM t wiJ-io f xnen, a monstex rawttaaJi turntst . nothing HiLiDQTJARTEftS -QF southern mmm Pbices always to soil the times and defy competition. C R HO GAN.Prp'r , RH- ROWE & SON. BUTCHERS,1 Mi Si, Opposite U ImA TARBORO, N.'C. PARTIES desiring to dispose of FAT CATTLE, will please give n a call. Highest Gash Prices paid for Dry and Raw Hides. ' FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and all kinds marketable produce j SOLD ON COJIHIMBIOX. Aug. 11, 1881,-tf. FOR SALE. ; ONE 30 Horse Engine and Saw Mill for One Thousand Dollars, on Uine, or Nine Hundred, Cash. Apply for particulars to . O. H. 11BUA, Kay 2u.-3m. WUaon, N. C. Lam L witESDB. J. .1. Bkitt Lawrence Co.. Druggists & Apothecaries, NEXT TO J. M. SPRAGIS-J liaving opened a fresh stoolj of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOtLEt lARXI CLE8, GARDEN SEEDS, "ClGARS AND TOBACCO, we are prepared- to serve the public with any article in our own line. We trust that by strict attention to business, and moderate prices, to win yoar confidence and patronage. 1 ' MR. J. O. M. CORDON, onr efficient clerk, will have sole eontrol of the Prescription Department, to which he will give his per sonal attention. KT" Prescriptions prepared lay & Night. Respectfully, ' LAWRENCE A CO. s Tarboro, March 3, 1881 -8m. PORTRAIT-PAINTING IN OIL AND CRAYON. MRS. DOS8ET BATTLE is prepared to paint Portraits In Oil , or Crayon at very reasonable rates for that class of Work. Having obtained several first Prize Medals frbm each of the American schools Cooper Institute and the Academy of Design of New York she proposes to give satisfaction in good likenesses, provided a sitting be giv en or good likeness furnished. References Hob. E. G., Readc, Dr. Rich ard H. Lewis, 'Raleigh ; -Herr. Kemp t. Battle, Chapel Hill; Hon. George How ard, Capt- Fred. Philips, J. L. Bridgers, Jr., 0. C. Lanier; Esq., D. Llchlenstein, Esq., J . H. Brown, Esq.. Gen. W. G. Lewis, and Jos. Zander, Esq.. of Tarboro, B. H. Bnnn, Esq., ef Rocky Mount, and many others, who have her work. Her address is Tarboro, N. C. JaW,-81 ( ; ' HUSTESG NEOEOES WITH EOGS. Ih Mississippi I found a Kepubli can official who hires prisoners from the authorities and employs them in various kinds of labor. The con victs work under guard, and occa sionally some of them try to escape. Most -of them are negroes. When J-they run away the employer and his guards cnase tnem witn dogs, lie uses a pack of hounds to follow the man by scent. These would not at tack the fugitive, but they are ac coxn$nied by a powerful ferocious "catch-dog," that will tear a man in pieces in a few minutes if the flying, hunted wretch is unable to ascend a tree before the terrible bruit is upon bim. Just before I was ia that neighborhood a runaway negro con vict bad; played a shrewd taick which enabled him to make good bis' es oapefij that time at least Hearing thehouads on his trail, he struck across - the country for the railroad. When he reached it the dogs were in plain sight across the fields, and were rapidly gaining on him. Half a mile away he saw an express train approaching. Ho knew the dogs would follow the scent closely, so he ran to meet the train, which, but a moment after he had stepped from the track, ran over the dogs, killing them all This "captain" is a North eari man, and I thought he felt some degree of shame when I expressed my disgust at what I had heard, but he insisted that my sentimental view of the matter was ahsurd. "How else am I to catch the niggers, then?'' he said. Several Northern ladies in . Oze Woman's Idea of How to Keep a Sastand, Progress. How to win a husband, has bother ed many a woman, but how to keep him af the the winning has bothered far more; and yet if a husband is worth winuingf, he certainly iB worth keeping. I havo always had an idea that I should like to write a book entitled, "What I Know About Hus bands." Bat there are difficulties attending thei task, not the least of which is the danger of impressing the public mind with a suspicion that there may have been a plurality of husbands, when I assure you, dear reader one husband will afford an ample opportunity for the study of the species as though he were a hydraheaded animal. Not that all men are alike by any means, but all husbands require very similar "kinds of treatment, subject to sundry mod ifications of time, place, and mode of application. .Why women in the main do not give this question the serious attention it demands I can not understand, for they could save themselves- many heartbreaks and the world many sneers if they would as practically apply their intellects to the problem of how to manage hnsbands, as they do to the acquir ing of any other knowledge. I am not going into the old ques tion of smiling welcomes tidy cost umes, dainty , dinners, uniform amia bilities, and such sweet considera tions, that are supposed to equalize the uneven surface of men's perverse ness. On the contrary, I believe that wives as a rule have lost too much of their individuality by this eternal and generous outpouring of concentrated sweetness. Too much of anything creates satiety, and su gar palls the, taste much sooner than vinegar. Besides, men's life is a game of pursuit, and they do not waste their , powder and shot on hens and barnyard fowls; they pre fer the vanity of wild hunt and the excitement of choosing where the , lcine, given in; well selected doses and dignified quantities. One of a curious turn of. mind gives you a power that is ! incalculable, for, to hold a secret over an inquisitiye man will endow! you not only; with the value of the! secret, but the satis faction in the telling of it, which has almost the same; effect upon the hu mor that a good dinner has upon, the stomach. ' i . The man who is fond of beauty. must have it in his wife, or all. else fails her. Even beauty, if she has it, must be adorned; but this is no hardship for any woman, so . I will not dilate u pon it. . The . truth 4 is, dear wives, a I husband- must be studied the same as anv other .les eon, and it remains with , yourselves wrether the task conquers yob,, or you the task, j . . borne one Las said tnt women are horn martyrs, and I believe .'they are; but that is ; no reason why: they- suouid remain so. We are aH born babies lor tnat ; matter, and ' yet we outgrow babyhood in spite of ibis state oi anairs at tne dawn or our existence. ; . . "All's fair in love and . war" end surely in marriage are both, arid therefore a double excuse . exists- for. using any available means tb; make lewer martyrs in the world. . -rrr 1? 7 - j ' " ' ' ' - i vv e live m wicxea Limes, ana muss not expect to find perfect mortals. We must take our man just as ha is.. not us ne ougnt io do, ana uvejto meet his defects with . intelligence and prudence, not antagonism and fault-finding. The chain of matri mony that betrays its weight as jrail i i -. - ..ii . i ing enougu, ana u we never jeiv -is cnecs no cyme would have dared ,o say, "Marriage is the sepulchre -oi love." ; : e But to sum up my receipt for haart ried happiness, let me add that it is J of man s weakness a, wife has, to treat. Having discovered all these, and found an antidote for, each, shis holds the. keynote, to her own, and husband's happiness. . It any nran knows a better receipe than 1 have tried to present, womenl know, will be glad to receive, iV. , s . ' . on the 'Btehwhenia ih& society of mtmiatet oi a sand niJge. an(Twhen yott friends) several of sdiom: ar t the it3 several sailboats oh'tee water'in ' ' prpcession, with a'flag at 'half mast," you are loolanff at a fun era! - i , , t- same hpei, she sedulously avoids all references, to her, domestic difficult- ies. - x asKea ner to mgnt h tne aie of the Sprague - estate; Tef erred ' to? lii the morning dispatee fTotn Provii denee, jeopediry, of hetiirrter. eistn. anri hpT mnnth was ntun f . a. uccnuiw jctuuubj iuuukii ii itm t uvdu profoundly, xteywXiaJtedh)tiJtat awakens at Ihe-sliteetfltmu-'wiihl redotrbled foDy;-, aUtfc Sfrafiejonjng misery. A fault nndiutf -Ui-tempered husband is cured with" MTbwA medPr There is one thino- thai. thfl Ktfb. I his head "orit-f rora between tK lnmi ilngeo I . i-.-ij-j- V.-- I 'ir!TTi :. - t,. -a i f , --' : .' -ewsuojB who nun. ior patronage ut, xtir. kjhi Hays rnai. ne jinen. saw on Michigan avenue' have not' .been What seemed to him Hundreds of the dow m -' finding out Airs.' jsprague reptiles in the wood pile.' He gave is , an attentive reader of'- the New a leap from the pile,' aud' telling, his York morning, dailies. Any morn ifrightoned boy to drive the oxen out ing,. soon after the arrival of the to r the road . and .wait for him; he train with the CJothem papers,, a I grasped a .stick r and - began fightmg couple of lads may be seen Tu-iiinr it ho -shakes, "r which , seem to coma necJc and ueefcup the avenue to the from every crack in tho pile of legs' poroh of the Shfejbnaiije, ; ajld the. one I and : irom the rocky ledge behind. who. wins is certain sure to leave- at least lour papers snort- u i:. 'ii cut, dowii expensesr to ihe oitnvost xle-. greeuT, When a farmer ?a-out )M debt He an, op a ightrpincli, suppo his Auuuiji uu a very Biutau jmcume. , ms cowj8.nif-Vand'f crwls? with'the bread- li-taffs hdLotui vrrw, cwith(ut-By .hxrbd. heflp, v. wU v sixppryLJiitDiwit-i rooa-id i.... .... if If a man tells you - the same:) lie twice do you (oiisidaU: him . reliable? , Barnard ICantif actaiiaf Carpaay. ' ' " Fall Mver, llaaa, paily-JEt.Fald, , ," t Mr. Ifsaaa Jj. Hart periaten&at, ,N?. 3 Aiibtcu-street, yfc .tLav jiaed that supe rior remedy, , SSL Jacobs Oil, : in . Bevere case of rheunatiBiri Jiiimy, arrtj, and its fc feet wjuj wanderf ul, ha,yiiig tenifthed, af tee a thorough trial all pvyn, paving my arm as well as ever. , At what type-foundry sions stereotyped. are expres- Dr. Payne in his lecture upon the Foe and Grace says that dyspepsia is a great Foe to Grace. It darkens the sky and brsiks the hopes of many Christians. They think the trouble is in their hearts, when it is in their stomachs. Thus the Stomach influ ences the feelings to such a 'degree' that it should be more carefully looked after and regulated with the never failing Shamona Liver Begulator, the constant use of which win so improve the feelings as to make ihe heart happy and the spts light. For three hours--: he i fought, i in the: broiling sun. By that time the snakes were ' pretty well - thinned', out, - and ' those that were left, crawled !,lowly . i back to theif ;deii' under ! the 'logs. .When ,Mr. T3hl recovered ? froth ;the ': exhaustion caused by his hard 'fight he ' surveyed i th field : : before ohiini There were, according ato . his, ; storyr twentyrthree rattlesnakes, T thirteen vi i. . :t,v --..-aL i' : . 'Jt-' uioua. xuux puutu, auu several adders; and other snakes, m Seed iAdTlo.'-- l 'A gentlemfta of- -expeneiice - writer Perhapf-few men: ohareit ueen .the troubles .that farmers have -been brought to. .by mortgaging . their farms more than ' I have, and I warn my readers to be flu 6" of Iht) pit Qiey would dig to fall uitri Jbyl bornwing J etoct Orto cultivate their farms bet I niiyipTir in an. one oi (vine ratuers- Iter- and "nlore' extensively, There had iimeteeiLCi rattles. . ahd another -' ' never. was-n ume witmn-ure present aauwa t"vnvip- auu-i.i 3u..nT...i tertarf iaitiiBnfiamdMilM thirty, j .Thei others, trange .,, calrilijuot-, to run in4ebt aa at to twelve' of thirteen r rattles "apiece-"-' (,'," ;. thff present time. .. . . t-v Mr.JLIhl iWiys that he' feted the fangs i i)&6l6rjovmgm of toer& wk&hulhafiopi ? his '3 : r M!&meji'JiofAxy0 :J-good bodtis which wiBr of cowhido. CThe . . d J ; farms, ahd itaft ia'o!ebS oaly-hite he received ww. from ta-0r i at. , sri w.Vi ma a , mnT-r- Via. . 4 ' -. I b.y hlacl. analce on hia left TllB . . WUOr IS OUt .Ol ,frf-HDWBEf 418 OWU 1 "f wwoueu JUlUmWlill..pajJiji. horrtcadjlree Vickv siaaiil Ttr. wiaia nnkttj&itktfi' l-iurareol- condition is, it would IAle.ter f6 differeritvalrlties in the Mt b6t? ' fj-' pi mortgagewpuld I hu, PF0 wouaa j no. dangerous. jltS ISeveral1 veais'affo two .liniilSTdIM :and severiJ snakesr 'of 4Y rius rTtf CiiO'll didheiis. I WU o.u. r. f Ariprsaafa pjetarsa .nt vvasnincrton letter-to iNew xork J3mj: -, Oottld suQjiJaitig be laid:bare) i':- : relating to appointmentsm,WaVshbag r,., - ; j torL to Kav nothirifr of i what flvwifa -iiewuuie, uie una uapec lhj g poruon . - j i . . i -. i oi tne peopie wouia do appauea. xxot .r Ztom, byeeptng from fifty to one , WrV' Vir.' ."".J. """"" a.wa.araa.B aa. .uo hun cenes . with ft; few pigs fattened, afew calves, a litUe surpius hay afld graim joe can clothe his fainilyandJthus avoid mort- 1 h , r 7 f ml " . O B TUT STa fm SB IWWla1 BTkTT W. -.m W. AM I r - . mm J JmT ' ,h the Tmrpln and GTr:. m -Tt. tT2 ".V ' " fiaLa&OlaJJlSIBat- "' ls I III II t HIIIIIIIM , . minded: people probably say r were thy :tiim:tthf'i!dQt,inn are f ' .JlTyi-iarmei.wnaliridJi it.hard-: to 1 n . bnA t, -jr , make. bofe ends meet,'; and.haa girlf I UrJtt xr-f aZ . ui m-ij. ?if5S' '"tetl- exist-Jbut toan exteit that few on?' ..II. -W WAWn VTM.'V.I J m-r . 3- AUU. V . mi , MH ... . .... I . . ... ..i.J an- 1 '"'it; taWMWt, Tf iuaLLLUac twaa auHUfCW-- at ai- J otnjjr simui rrtues, ror uw-csuMrcnorw i JaflftS?. JiStwl tta The rarnutionoflh; JX . village, SlotfiU.ofi: vlet the nsuuj. thinB ae BO extensive thatit Wd" f " ,beiifficult6 say with any certainty a l" v where they do not reach. -!lliey'per-'c-':i;cr:' meate he.. entire : pttblic: service in'.v eoc . Washington., The readers that would A o sill hot be shocked at a recital of .even Sj, part of the truth are 'few.'! Tndeed, . , the truth cannot be toId.j ell may !,Vi ' one want to know if such things can' '1-' P1 ' 5 be and ' nothing, come of it. '.What .ol .. t ' "l !" 1 -'" : ?. ... 5 wooui a . vixxuons-nynaea , citizen- ... . generation amontr c farmers used . by' bemz- thus employed r at times; in some profitable "and pleas ant-warki1' .-i--' :..:( : i.Evaty Body-liight.): ladianapelis "Trwliafea yarmei.. :5 Wlisn every one says a. Hhing is so. it mail baso." 4 On this point Mr. A JL Cy- Draggists, Manistef. MKk, me isirery one wno tries em. .aou aay j; ,-rr ' ' rr, . ' ' that, it is the best reme6r"ever usedsfor I think if it were proven that not only rheumatism. Mr. White,- castomer, after I one but dozens, more truly scores. havingamployed every known specific for 0f exist, as la sample whereof J one may be cited, to-wit: an officer ' Ghostst habillimenta must be spirit I a responsaPie pincial position nay- a uu wuuto- uumo vii, , uid tuutr - 'it or one of the departments. ! , Let it ',,.; . r do repeated, tnis is not a single caet xnere are many and many. wrappings. How to-Get Sick. ExDose vourself dav and night, eat too much without exercise; t work; too ; hard without rest; doctor all the time;, take, all vile .nostrums advertas-d; arid then you win want to know - 'ji rn'vi , i .H .r Hot to gat Well, Which is , answered ii three words Taka Hop BiUerit Fapress. ( . ; There is no poetry in tho light fan tastic toe that wears a corn. ' ' Long of the dry goods clerk "Swmging in da lain. -it ; :t:. MM