H VV 3 Sri "vtnz? tr.f,jJj'tulC jjrloll siiaifj t73T sails liie c-nuiU .o-scti - LM ;l JO.hi.Lt t , l-1 "ijjA D j. ' -cob .333JJOO t 3 3 v.r o;i - v lo i.if : n73 isafi' Ta7roii axrorsiir I In oods 0) '.:.r:-v'; 2j r. fit Ml ' Y,J y SdrV.yc cits v. i f? if JfT ''I .BIGIrJEIT ; : THEN --Bipagd.fflffi VOL. 59, '.hi ... tarboro?; n;o U13P.l3AiTnJ"'CA If ere eaj no rn tin eTocrirm) iyQT4f Appolntmonts. xG&vaiy j2pitcopai ChureM'Rtr. Ut.; J B. UiMhire, pMtor, hold divina Berrlees erery Babbatb. forenoon and afternoon. Service Otalne&dAv mornlnir at 0:30 and Friday af- rnkon aj4 o'clock. t - j, JPfbyterian. Church Ke. K. A.' Wailea, Mtor, wlll'preacn mornlnr and eTenlne In Tvtoro do 3rd 4ifc ; and5ta. Babbath ; JUcJty Mount o a 1 st and Wi!on en Sad. Prayer meeting every Wedamday evening. ifiioiwf Baptitf Vitrei Ue. Jo. E. uarter, rawor, will preaen, norens evenlnjr la Tarboro, on 2d and 4th Sabbath in each month. nld, faatorjwtU preach morning and cven ln every Sabbith- vrrayer meeting every Monday evening, v rtmAtdi Baptist CAarcA Slder P. D. Gold, Pastor, pteacbee on 1st Saturdays ana sun- days In each month.) 5i! yteogswAi.HDAtPj RD A? stash; Attorfieyt and Counselors at Law. TARBORC N. C. all the CourU, State and federal. V nov.6-ly. Attorney and Counsellor at Law !1 TARBORO. N. C. ReeulaiVfrsaii JEds:ecober and, Vflt. WUt t te41 ( KocklieaiiUf jprNfenaoPU attenjUoa von to eoUeetions. Feb. 8Q, IS7S. jl tne new Dtuiairc recently erecwft ny.Jttrti""'' rt C. C. LnIer.aiSoor,t3 f oro jHQtuU.?ljro?1e wnere iirm oe giaa to receive my irtenas or any oae destrins Dental work. J am per manently located ! here,' havtm? leased tfc second story of this building for a term of Dec. 4; 1 870. GEO. 14 CROW,1 Mannfoctnrer t l. Stove., Ranees. Heal Lantei a, Lamp ( ers, Fnrnacea. EiUnns. u, ieine oi4tC JS Commercial Riw, NORFOLKTTVAt M'L L PEED. Rimt i - vcJtSJiJUaT.Vum.9 j , , Dealer In i i . i T-vNpRrpLKyjU; The hlirbest cash f Drtces "said CoAalra. .: .Sept 3, 1S80. 1 1 ly. t 4 KSiTABtlaHEO 1866. ' WKbl6sale Grocers FLOUR, JPROVlSlBKS FISH & SALT, r Sooth -East CbivWatr & Commerce Streets NOHFOLK, VA. Sept. 2, 18S0. W. C. T. PasKsk." lte ot Waj,rentoo, II lBkI If lllfrlllf hiNili III 111 , ! r j K;:Car,; Late otidgft'omt, PARKER & CAJSJ - OOTTON (ACTOR3 AND i - GENERAL COMQHfiMESCfliNTS, Pftnm Q "at-a F vTM.' ; CotkMuCoantrv IVftdaoe eeneraTl vi na.a.. staves, ivo., soia. uraera ior mercbandise omptly attended wl specialty, jan. o. ii.-it. f - H B4TTLK, BraX 7 & CO., I lv. y on be so HdiiWen be soothed by the softes XXTOTJLD y; . .Vachi4 beard Is fiardest ? Would yon enhance your personal' pulchritude so that your wife or sweetbeact wouldn't recoernVe'vou ? Then apply to; Nathan Williams, whose Barber Shop Js4Tab0retHlQeyoo -Main 8tr o- laciaer Sbampoolnsr done. Hair Oil, of his " MEEP COOL! '"ffit&QitaS their past M. BaWoaagpfLbex toase to, call- their ai tentUm to tk fact, that I will keep a, plenti ful safvptjtoftC 6 haad Aariar thejoav. ing season, at my old stand and opposite the Court House. 1 will sell as low as it can be possibly put here lo.. , - iNs f . W. 4. SDWARDS. (: Tarboro; Appf ftgSl. t ,. , 5 !' sal : Commission Merchants, i , .HOEFttLK, VA, ... . I W m4k4be sale i of 'Cotton 4-speetalty, and promise always !to obtain highest market prices. . JBaforlog and Tie Joweat, nsarket rateav free of eommUsiOns.""u -C. i Very liberal advances made on. cotton to be held. Luther anjrJl-ly. Sheldon, i - DKAZ.KK IJT"'" rausi Wilmington & Weldon Raii- -2i TRAINS GOINOAODTH. Dated 4 nly 29, l No 43 d'ly No 40 d'ly Leave Weldon . Ar've EpckyMount 3:30 p m 4:59 p m 6:15 p m 7:23 pm Arrive Tarboro.-. L,ava Tarboro - 7:40 p m 9:50 a m 7:40 pm 90 p ut Arrive vyil son ArrizjpSoldsboro - Arrivejfkrsaw v . . AxrivaaXargaw- Arrrreilmington :38 a tu 8:34 p m v:a 8:48 S n y:4o - 76 p m 8:43 pm m . 10:43 p m 11 J5 a m ZKJLISIS OOINO NORTH. No 47 d'ly No 43 d'ly Lave" Wilmington Arriveorgaw .... At rive Warsaw Arrive Golds boro- Arrive Wilson -Ar've Rocky Mount 6:40 a m 7iWm? &41 am 9:4Sm 10.-43 a m ll:aa a in :35 p m ao p xa r. fcO p m KkS-ipm 11:17 pm 11:55 p m BUILDERS HARDWARE, PAINTS, OtlVft GiASS,! j Aiid BaUdioe JtcrUt of every deecripUon KOS. 1ft W. 8IDE(y ARRET SQO ARE A 4 49 ROANOARJC AVE-, c ! TIORFOLKVA. Backache Sarenass-cftAa-Ckest; Feet aut Mart, and 001 . j :!.i! Piinr and Ache?. . . Ko Preparation on earth equals St. XictTM CniJ A mitnjtltt aad eoj ' I'xtrnmi Itemed?. A trial an tails bot the oatapuativelji tHOiBg aatlajr-of Oate, and ery en affsring .wltkpaUiijap bahean and aitiw nroof pr its Directions in Elen taafnajsia.-' j 80LD BT ALL'DSlTGOISTS'Ab.DliiLERa A. VOGtTLER. 4c CO.; j - jHaaMMrr,jr(.,ir, I hi: Sestembsr S, iSSI 1- Swindlar. Sla.m!t. awfl tn-ntmn JL ! The sal oi .i&i .k?ivi. is.jta:.l? airastsiflii Irrnn. llasa.- through Piakertoh'fl detective l ierencv Of ArtlmE?.UmtL!Jadi&a':. IhaL.ITonl Alfied (Marvin, aliaaThcraaB'Mar JMr aEas Darfdl'TndeyJ aHra "Jene niaiTjmgf'omeni at ; Bichfibad. VuT W5.b career-jor.Biaiiy.years rseeras td have JaataevotedrtO' advertisin!? for governesses, inarryljig-.ybung women ana;iCM?WB,.iX)unterfeiting, commit ting- forgries, and obtaining jponey rjauae ,wW3 yMi is krfmarl &?;fhan mew Merr r -aS TjlpeaT.MsM all sickness; at thla time -ofhe yew. Wife erldit-fa a disorderetl Hrer wilch,,tC.not reealatd in V:.? ufngvt .wretehedsiesii riaud! uvawi in; ensues gentleman writing from Booth AmerlcA says: VL Jiav', used f-yoni Simmons Liver, Regulator with JTPd elleoii both aa a prevention and enm lor. n.i.ri.7 icvvfD yo. toe xauuniis Of fan,fn.7L Pnrely u.M able LOCATED ftT LAST ! JL Store, No. 144 Main Street, (between Pe ter Smith's and Ei B. Biamire's, opposite jurset square.) with a new and beautiful stock, consisting of JEWELRT, GEMS,' WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, AC. purenacea ior easn n-om manniaesurers and, Importers, which will be sold at trices hith erto unknown in this city, j i - Special attention fpaid to repauasr. and the best workmen employed. i --A call is solicited and satisfaction in every1 reajsct guaranteed. I AJtlnUtt V. JTKEE3IAN, Jeweler, 1444 Main Street, f NORFOLK, VA. a few riavaJonsrer lac Ob exbtbitton for Arrive Tarboro LeaiVe Tarboro--: 8:50 p m 9:00 a jm; 6 10 a m t8:30 p. m Arrive Weldon I 42-50 p m I 1:2! M.m J.fl Kl- . - J : .!-' Feaves Rocky Mount Tuesdays, Thurs dynd 8turdayB. ,f I ?-ttivea Tatboro Mondrfjsc; Wetfasflij, a;8aieadayjif t -n TrafnJ4 43 Ndrth wOl stop only at Rocky romi, iJnrawr, .Magnolia, Warsaw, Mount Olive, ijDudley. Ooldsboro, . WlJaon Rockjr MounlV EDflaJd aad Halifax. Traia No. 4a 8oath -iJl -tP - ocly -at Reikyotj ysonHaQldsboro and j Mag- Train No 47 mvkes clo?e onneciioa a Weldon for all points North daily. All irail via Richmond, and dai'y except Sunday via No. 3 r5flSfa1fy aiftj mikes close conneeu ion fcm<ptioti'ZiottbF'Vlz R.'eirmond and Washington. "Wt jfcfttrains.ron. aolld between Wltml ogton and $fas,hltDgton. and havo Pullman, Palace. SlasfcerR-.attftfcfced.i --J A-'fe-- .Cea'ISup't. . mi ir 1 t 1 ir 1 11 1 f 1 r ! f WeU worth aeeinp. almUeaof all the noted diamonds ef the world U.'t &IEDICINE maiariotur" levers Bowel 4mtla.lnU. Jaundice. Colie. KMti leasnes. Mental .d epreaaton, Sielt .Head achej Jl yod feel drowsy, debnitaied, have fre- qaenl headache, mouth tastes badly, poo appelite. and tohsrne coated. ' von are. anf. ferine from torpid liver, or bMliousness. and. -notning wutcuxjou so speedily and pet- iiisnenuy aa w fate . :p ; j . SIHOOSS LIVER REOULATOK. Itlseivea with saietv. and the baoDiest results to the most delicate infant. It takes the place of quinine and- bitter- of every kind. ,lt is the eheapes'., pKrest and beet family: medicine In the wori&i T : t Bay only thegennine In ' while wrapper: with red Z, prepared only byJJ. H. ZE1LIN: CO. ' 'i '. Sold by all Drnggirts. eepAtf U))f 1 vmh 134f Pciersbarg Kailroad Com : t; K Omeeof General Snp't. ' Petersbarj, Va , May last. 11 m lOMMENCJfiG,-. Sunday,- IOWSJ: rMay loth. t Will ran as fol- v.: wiat buutu. :Boton and SavanLah East Uiil. LVe Petersburg dally at-- 4.-O0P. M fi- A Stops only at Belfleld. Ar've at Weldon.--.--.-..--.5:68 P. M ?'4 Kew Tork Expiess- L've Petersbnrjc daily at- -12:52 P. M Ar've at Weldon - 3:10 P M I? ! Through Freight. L?v Pet'sburjr d'y, except Sroday &(Xi p. M ArV it Weldon. -.'. .f. . . . . 2.35 P. M ; GOING NORTH. 0 Boston and Savannah Past mall. L've Weldon daily at JjSQ A. M l i Stops only at Stony Creek. Ar've at Petersburg 4.-05 A. H . New Tork" Express. L'va Weldon dally at 1:20 P. M Ar've at Petersburg at 33 p. j Southern Express. L've Weldon aily at- . 4:2o . M Ar'te at Petertbarg: at- s 6:50 A. M h TbroufibTFreight. L've: Weldon d'y except 8nnday at 6:3 0' P. M Ar've a-Feten-burr at-......... 115 p. jj Local- Freight Mon'y, Wedn'y St Fri'y. L'V WeJdOB- st- r-........... . 3:50 p. M Aive t Petertbdnp .95 V. M SJepW'5ars tind flrst-clat-s coaches on nlffntand day trains-.' : No .change of cars between Wliminston and. Washington. . . Througb'tickeu sold to all Eastern and . BoBthoTUi poVnU and baggage checked Uucoagh ' ' ' , . ' . ...; ,E aeaensers COlne BontYi wlli nnmnaae tickets' and check baggage at Washington street'jdeAOf i i i :. . ' . tfaMetxtjfabg North ianditopplcg at Washington street depot. ir - : " r. m, 8TJLLT," r 5 General Superintendent. . W.r.-EATLOR, Siy - . Utispaieher ol Trains I. tff ' - - -f :'t ... .- .'. . .. . 5 A. VRENN & SON, Manufacturers of aad Dealers in ap kinds of 'Bridle, flajrsT Carts, 1 Wheels, Axles, Tarrn Wagons fcQert i ' HorsdClothiiift 4Lg: rEobesI &c- Nos. 14, Id, 24: A 8 t&lo Street.' NorfplkVa. Full line of Carriages and Harness Materi al. - My Busies and Carlag aresOM by J. K BROW N, Tarrjoro V -ieS-ly m r5' i ClimtXESS! COMFORT ! .Tl m m i.i.i. r f i tHAEACTEEISTICS MA Which HOUSE, BALTIMORE, continues; the HEALTJAETERS IJTHM MERCHANTS "1 1 Pbxcbs altraya to aoit the . . LeaaiBaMBanw '7- times and iefy competition. CRHOGAN.Pro'r ft s 9 14 I IS ROwE. ww 1 a.w s aiasj i , , . DKALER8 IN. ToiletLfmesBhMK Oils, M a f n St., Va rboro. N. C. " Next due.-tJ.If. forrfd Vfe Bros. . i'hvsiciaas ; Prescriptions! earei ally com-, pounded day and nifrhuf. "-i ' -. A As seen irom.abov; 1 baVe1 formed' a eo-p-irtnerehip with Mr. -Ji'MtYRowe for. the pyrpose-of earryicg oa the Drug -Basle ess, ilctfr by my? terdifbriilitll ia knpfn,:oJ wore ..than iiwor ofltbemi Oxoeptinir ihe fact that be " was ' their obtained irocu tne tfovernor of Vir- frinia:ftttd lAMit Tinkerton Went to Bdst6n last "night to take charge of Memtt antt-takemm to Richmond. where he ff bd dhr-d with for gery, obtaining money under false n3te- Arid rW&arT,0 AliidmrfJ ii'W .. ,:'i':,.s i:'H-' . : -SAS,iAI 80 MANY W1VBS. , 1 he istiot credited with living ! with any of them more, than :. -,few days, with tae-exception ''of one in New Haven, wno bears the name of Mor . ton b- whom he has a daughter, an with whom he has boarded at the house of Mrs. Kenny for the last three years. He is described abon ten hundr with florid complexion, finely drawn features, large gray eyes, of fine cull tore and appearance, and an ex ceUent conversationalist. So far as fciiwtiliv flit. Pertdri lMerritt-s hUtari is a follows.' ; "Hii Ubit was toTbe absent from home at intervals always returning with plenty of money. He always obtained passes over railroads by representing him self as AR Morton, president of the 'Coal Mountain. New Enerland and State line Railroad.' In the name of James Miller he obtained passeaJrom the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad in IS79.--In the ama-ye&r bx swnnur a bahx Y-t a i Ttv a a mMv in ueioic xvan., one oi ?,uuv on a forged draft. ; He also committed forgeries on banks in Eufaula, Ala., in 1879, over the names of William baggagand he sent 7 al dispatch, to jwwuer wiaii m wouloi; ineetj-iiefcfiAf the WindttfriHotel," Jersey . Cityv S3 rtaJiadeett:ilett;vbcJut jurned to fthe Metropolitam Htol, wnere tie.iku.n-u-' Hi&uqiifi f '7 'in'-T:ri4Wwboiy"'trtiii and sent her r to her home . in rTaW. t ?; wv eayuig. tuat . wouitr ' lOUl net micio. Xio fcueu rejtJiaeo,,. tus tU5nt mond. wife and took JbrVtb;rAibatryj By th ia timeMr-Biwrielldiscbvered thatithevdrafts presenie33iflj Rich? tao4 were ,;forgedp andf about ' the same V tune- he:' read' iho ' adconnt of LMarvia marriage in loakewobd pub; city, and pnt the matter-xia Piiikeri , jU)n Ihaf .Merritt Trtuf ;traced4 td Albany,' where it was. Jearned, thaiKe had a drift cashed by- SpencerrTraaK & Co.rln the name of A. B. MoftemI taking a part ih" two. slnaUer'.draftsJ I ona.nnnlienryJJ.,.IiIakd.the)thei bn Mrsenney; bothf New Haven Marvin "was ihea -irace3 to "Rbche? ler aid liUbipn He jlef t. Jhir Rich taond wife a lhila4te? Mace, anc returnedv to - Rochester,- where ho I-iaoaiiw i L .imi'j Juift Arf.f- 4, trA LSwpa UnjierUnt Lettw an. XU pfij , o aay.Telative to' the Mndnel: rf fKJ r wwrjc-on-raaToaxana tne manV -frrl . r . - -jSV. nerec?j IMP tE1 vxnStteI'-Sf r-.-i-A also sendyochan a L-fi wriaaai essea, to tne- Attorner- gS Newl!Jbirvirf. ol oi " F, .f ,V-Mii3rr, jT 5 vjiisar7-EZ'',S rs?r great importance' to the moiv h Me TOjeeiiiio Bucisiatrp agjthe ft W?gwetaJijJi ol eea bloode 34iuV 5Sa 5teyerf,rer9il Am An .T-TT KrVJMyVII BU .BUCJl UllltlfXlIr tST 1 ka.. r Si .r - purr caused a false account of in- ouiries to Mrs ! Turmn3 while0 ri'dW sent the account to the wife: in i. All bion and advised: her ireturine by the way of Harrisburg, where ihe' protnfisea to-join her.' He, however, went to Toronto, and : . - ;, , j ' .' SAI A rOBGZXkrPBAlT . !j on the MerchantsVBaTiic ifoT $1,200 cashed. Hei then worLedl his way back to New Haven, and. from, there to Lynn, 'Mass., where he; was stay in'g at ' the Sagamore . Hotel'.' .Mr. LPinkerton telegraphed' to 'Mri JrownelL7y jraaxn-jifew Havenj and he wehtto-'-Ijynn kid secured Merritt's: arrest, which jras brought as F alionfc tnrouerll tne asmstaaAAU jif Iflftyve years of aireJilve tsei n,; nt VnKm 1 JAr,ri -r ' a incSe! Inl height, mi abcsii 1 one m.r.rr.nni P.hf nf Tr,i; wwl BOT and llfW pounds weiffhti LtBr anrt R. "P. Arlnwiai fjts-WW ove lo: rmoTiiPSesfejJjvqjii T . at theotd stanu lormgry occnii a5Pki CoiIeKef harmt o3 M Md Wlevey vear experience Ld ofitOttfe 4h Urgest stoVes lakC'countryf 'By 4h stAei-lnl. i con tention to baslnesfc wejhope. to merit tiaaance ol he lptril.ptW0ntre of the pub lic . - JUL1AU.M. BA1CR, M. D9x After an absence, 'oleve'a gear's T'have returned to my old home and formed a cOr partnership with Dr. J M. Baker for the rmr ppsaof carrying on the Retail Drn Bnsi seas. I shall devote my time and attention; to the: business, and hope that any friends and the pnb'Uc jjenerally will. give us a ; fair hare of their patronage. - - a.! - JOHN M. ROWE. Tarboro. N, jO, May ia,;188i -tf. f i . , ; lk l wasiicjt. ";t. .; ; -;; : . j j. Brrf Drdggisis. & Apoibbcarics, 'MaVingWeledfresysck lei-DRUes, r;;h; jiiwiijori, I 1 . . ,-....,.',- fJARTIES desirinit to flUpase of FAT m. tdiTLi, wni please give ui a caiL,. Highest ' s ari l'i-jP0ci$ vj)atd for Dry and RawHides.. w B.TTIT8, "VIGXT ABLES. and. ail kiada -marketable produce : "- Anr-11, PATENT MEDICINES', "TOILET " ARTI- CCE3, GARDEN SEEDS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, we are prepared to serve, the puhlia wth any article in Our own line. 1 We trust that by etrict Attention to bhstneeB, ajqd modesate ptioes, to winf yohreohflaence and MBI0BKSV't Vt Ofll !3iXI i i -i--:'i - -ju. 4 . u. at. wsuua, on t emcieni cierx , will have sole control of the Prescrlptie-n Department, to which nW Will give his per-sonaletteetion.1- 'Of. fP. - K- PreserlptloM prepared -Day A Night: i i LAWRENCES CO, ti' nt i , ; ii' i i bi. if . In CRATON. FOWSALE. ii rvHt 80 Horse "Enirine and: Saw tln fA Vf OneThonsanA UoUwrt, on time. Or TAlhft I uunatea, uash. i Apply Tor particulars, to I . v .r. ix son, , lfay28.-3m. " ; , Wilson, N;C, MRS. fJCBSEr BATTLKIs pipared3 to jpainl -PortraiU Ja ;Q:r Crayon' at TeryTeasonaoie rate ior toai ciass oi won. Havins obtained several Acs t . Prize Medals from each of the American schools Cooper Inatltnta and he Academy -of Design' of New Xotk-ae propose to give suiaiacuon. in gooo. nkeneaaea; pro-naea a guun&pe grv? en or gooa UKencss rarniRnea. References Hoa.1 JS. jGBeade. Cnf. Sieh- ard jr. Lewis, Raleigh;. Hon, Kemp-. P. Btue, vapet ,nui : lion,. , vcorice. uow- ard, Cape Fred; Philip. J, 1L 3nat'rl Jr., O. C. Lanier, Esq.j D. Lichtensteln Esq.., J. T. Morgan, Thomas H, Morgan, Wil liam Foster, and Henry Maynard. He attempted to swindle the Hoi ton Exchange Bank, of HoltonJ Kan., June 22, 1880. He also swindled a man in Joplin, Mo., out of 2,000, and forged several drafts on St. Louis banks three years ago. He was arrested in St Louis in the spring of 1880, and being released on $10,000 bail, forfeited his' bond. The chief of police found burglars' implements in his trunk and i letters and telegrams containing informa tion to the effect that, in connection with rogues in Buffalo, he. was soon to put afloat counterfeit money. IN MAT LAST, MEBEITT ADVERTISED in the Hartford, i Con., . Churchman, over the namo of Thomas A. Marvin, for a governess. He received several answers to . the .. advertisement, in eluding one from a Miss T orpin, of Richmond, Va., and one from Mrs. De Hart, the widow of i a minister who formerly lived at Jamaica, L. I., whose father is the Rev. G. L. Hovey, a resbytenan minister at Juakewood, N. J., Miss Torpin was a young wo man of good family, and after con siderable correspondence, in which references were, exchanged Merritt answering mqidries to imaginary persons whom he had given as ref erencesshe accepted a proposition to marry him. ' Before they were married, on July 20, he settled on her by will $30,000. Immediately after being identified by A. M. Brow nell, the brother, in law if Miss Tur pin, Merritt drew on a forged draft foe $735 of the First National Bank of Madison, Wis, payable I at the First National Bank of Chicago, $250 in money , and two drafts on the Merchant s Bank of New York., At the same that he was making ar rangements .: TO MARRY MISS TTJRPD1 Merrett was making similar arrange ments with Mrs. De ' Hart, who r was then visiting a relative . of her hus band at Jamaica. He represented himself as the Hon, Albert .T Mar vin, of the United States Legation at Paris, and made a favorable im pression upon the widow's father at Lakewood, N. J., where the so called Marvin went to make terms for the daughter, . It was arranged, that the marriage should take place in the last of June, but Marvin feigning illness, it was postponed until July llj when they were married by air. Hovey. Prior to the marriage Mar- Yin maae aa euun wj gee iwo uruiia cashed-one for $500 and the other for $3,400 bat was unable to do so in the village; and so borrowed $100 from iliifl i ne j and - unsuspecting father in law. He then ' took his Lakewood wife on a bridal trip, and Haven ' In addition to those, at Mi5 ; Plntertoto ; hais evidai -t tsn. r. rr. ...... irr iuemtt was marnea to ta-t w wotne in New iork about three years'" ago under -the name -Lin&ley; r one of themlie took to Washihgton, where lie deserted her, and ? he Berve4 tlie nfhfer. Uvfl RAtnA wsvw at' nh?Arrn.-n.f riiii fborrowing $500 "from her mother.' Merritt was also "married about a year ago to 'a woman in Painvilfe umot next 'tq a woman m Mers City thetxto a! woman Uh' PhUad S1. A . .. ' 'HI pma: aiso -10 a woman in xaiue .Rock, Ark., and he was ' engaged ' to ine daoghwr nr. an lrrvi Missouri. lie lias kept up corres pondence with his wives, but riras always careful to mail his letters'- on postal routes, so mac ne mignc nos jie, traced, and he never give directions where letters could bo addressed; jtq him. t' A. Ti8 C.ar2Tic apAnui anooaa tA ,.U .ti ArXawreaes-Couaty Lady's Chat vlth' as At J0tiTf8laiVf? Esther. 1 - feTJLBCOJS if? k" 'i.iLi ?Ji rru new laaue uorani. Anst it: i To day in the quiet LtUeUlage of IgraniJuIltlio of naintf several "hours, i wl th' tllrs. ' arfaa?wu-itfa-btneTv-bi'w Pr8idenLx,l2eoi IrfriilT;. frrifch-f lady of arorSrwmsrwstill walks ASjsprytAsisi girLjo-Qur rftod il'reei dent rniistf,haye oinheritedmuch of uisu-yeiuus, energy,uom ims- .liUJe raBtEer.htos-kmdiy; 'esoluU face m only a taendelicate typo u6f - the riiggdiJhaturesc of lier states man son. . '.; ' ' . ..' o:!With nrtich tivaf-itv tft tnl.f hVa! fjanrlltttlei children -lierv,-iplc)neex nefgLors -ofTered td 1 make ' L lbee" atrsllrfifr fenclg"' hef landA'-Bui when thette tfelTJ-a that this staunch, young: temperance matron SytoaldxiQ&iJurzich them 7rduig to thocTIstom.then, . vutrv ttutrul fcesXI Dead-Esading on the Press. ; j The popular idea that newspaper people are dead heads,' is a very pop i ular error. There is no interest - on earth that is expected to, and ac tually does, givxs so much vo so ; ciety without pay, as the press. In stead cf jbeing , deaa heads, newspa pers are sxe vicums of dead-heads. Not a day passes but they are im posed upon by the public Every publisher in this or any other State will bear us oat in srhat we say. As a matter, of fact, the editor endures more genuine dead-heading than any other man in the world The pal pit, the bar, the drama, religious and charitable societies, financial ana in dustrial corporations, everybody who is anything, or expects to bo ' any thing, is a leach upon the liberty yoi thejpress. Afelloy-givesr t& jtie editor a pass to a- twenty five" cent show, and then expects ten dollars' worth of advertising. A weak en terprise is sought, to -be - established, and the press is called upon to lgive it strength and encouragement A , preacher . wants . free puffing and ' a ! civilian asks the press- to make blmj popular An actor becomes the' edi; 1 tor.s mortal -enemy, u tue man-oi Fabers does not bestow upon -him dollars and. dollars in? free N adver tising: " .' The dtxll author expectsr the press to Bay be is live nd entertain ing; the quack considers it the news paper's duty to tell the world that he is honorable' and skilled' u The editor is the one t6 whom "fools look to give them talents;' thieyos .to Jgiye them bonor knaves to ' give them respectability, the guilty-.the ; cloaks of,- innocence.,: fraudsV' tc'.hide theit roguery and swindlers ( to a cover", tip their cheating; . tbe vain, jexpect to be extolled by the press, as a 3 thing : to be imposed npon : t - wiDr .a thinflf from which every;" one isia-rrSaty bound to get all he- can and 'return as uttle as possible: ; ' A . small-souled man wil give the press a five dollar advertisement i and then insider himself 'cheated if the editor does not write him twenty-five dollars' ' worth of editorial notices." It .is .abont time this sort of thing was stopped, and for people to nnderstand t that the press: is not '. a - dead bead, ' but the chief "Victim of dead-beata A newffnftTVer bets iiothino- i"h&t 'vrar. x i - o - e x- ; ports to come, gratuitously., that it does not 1 pay ior four fold, and it gives much in true cliarir -that peo pie erroneous think they pay for.. 1 J VS Unmm. August 1J81.j jTm.r Aoc2&7ie.iAi lEABBqitLrrfie giate burdened with nMebtf. 'Ovfer,0a),t()Oi una Ximiroa'anittoitui. considerabfo MagnfcedeJfbvllJcon struction of the Atlantic PlmNortH CbjmtTailioaiL The-Btate still owns a larg mtereftnjiota of these una JMiirpaa now soi :OTerated as not onlyvOTplefheAtlaitJc andNo: peeple of 'therwhbl ' eaBtenioeeetiori oL tne. State frotnl the freighti psiyi leges of the North CaxolhRaifrQad This I iretfrbm:ircafflti Boh Haas, general fMihtr 1ag6ht'fj tiio associaiea unes oi ran ways, 'r0.j S3,) m which.herjrohibiUanyJfrh rates beyond Goldsboro to pointaonj tne awquc ana .jxorui .Jari Raikoacl"- O&er of ilr' results of outrareoas- rjrowedfiicri oh'the! pari of the lessees of the-; Nor;ih r(iOar6Ha4 Railroad istha(P-thtf mMaUeteeetidMs of the- State, frf which-'Uie coMrdd has almostbeentrdyed.b exceEsive drdughi Will nbtbe able' tcj procure ! ay ;' supply .' frcMliie'east where i the aps: ; hayebeenva nWe favored witb ramS,-exeept it'greath! increased jrate and hf. circuit rorrtesJ North (toUnaiOXaib?ottct 1 1 oo&slaeJ an outrage upon- tne" people d tne S taty taken tdfventfit HtUe-persblia spleeny ifegaf dless of therightsi Jancfi beiientsijtn6-peore.w;pwo' -a ; I have n6oub-M that.o'the-'1 IdJ etanoes rhight be fottnd iii theft1 mail agement, if not j so' glarHig, et rpr-l nicioos to? the- bmMtm&a people.-i'u: 'kicui bsiinEarqoi 0iI"JrI - In view of 4nese factsy-Pbeg thSti you will1 examine atbthl&ued tliNort A Carolina Rallroadjaflcrth. iiheir work., leavici?" the lOMcmlydiriaifed.1 3 BnL.-tra-:n Iwasinpiples' Attadtliirigi fiauntad, e maiu- ana jaione.fpJUt -eixty 6Shesnvsf -''Everv'flmAT KftjA fU&wliVtfit wasBdheavy and I 'so k 1 J ia tA: ,.r.. ueuiuK, iw weigm, neany puaea r me backward llAm yuiLiiUffcroud to tacularsvlorid h,.iX!i talmioWm?owi uavo lo mik en iHit.rleiicatiaei)yTTfimit ttinfin. 1- . .a 'i' t ci--rr I S ' 2 , . . ! iieve Jwere iStanyTtodjijgl feabel I mniicatea to the blood byaitiM teen the! State and the ceserJta Ttetiasteri IlhaiJathe creiinrfl n th. RfaitJ f 0pand foTm7itetrthtfwth,thi&niii) lltrbicb-lhe General, AssemWj?anTf et f3'un1 1-alterOTlrepeaLiTJBiijkibe this Usvrf I f WtoXtobis& .may, if they i araoJOQpeUedito'etke CSfvIS0. rtrBOTQWtfT xiuivmejnuarjtrj WtgaC4t Jib I.-13?" feafltwf icaiger.-M laaiTtaiw I 1 owBsna . rrom tne nearVrUt ;-i A: inereiorei bflirr, feerrreauefiS Ah.i w UT ""wrww nUJfVniTHiLKSTt' i i i t-i ri i is i I ia -m- is iifiri fir ri B f IJw-.. . ,1 r T I IT 1 sw ..-.Wf , AL.r . I I I 1 1 1 I 1 M i II I I I I llllllS I I llll H allMI I "Jill -1 1 T r '-v - , - r-2 a. amy "winiiflany wma UZX" "r..t.T vv fctamrthat ineni were suchiJslaveH to if you find that any yoikdglBsthat umWqc dWkd8m4 lld&amvk MthAr1aT j,-rkiv.i.-. von' will take eneh ewfcmn iaih Tvn.tl ttyPcojwdble.varjaiion. in the Itui i. ..t--Z - - ir--wwa;Twai afwevr i m . . a iu.- ji'ir ill a .ntstOTM aaii do xuui3i; uj-uiuitni.. ijlh n r rawiiwwavasvaragvo 1 kttvSr f JKtt fthenDhagrrn'River, which1 Vaa bd- rfcWT tweenbSirllaaeeUng. nooaa u approzunaieiy uc 4H5nowlp?tabla. -vett0 VtopHiEOi e4i ioa aTT iVlTtailssh fclo ffaw It . - . . .. . " " T I je' if vfriw v m v ipov aqi iu:iu bus. Irter, IjBQTnth. answered rrCrameldm Mkmed to l-Hrrfilrtridt Vnrtnll '-t'j. foidrba weverr evenfe? readrn'r -th f Ktle-khaiayotmt 'sou and peadlha,atsayB aftagrj&Spy.ci i Jdfiffl I jow ert M. 0Taylor ldiadanhdS r f A A. A vKs i srf to Alitiethiyear . P7i) to 73 Pulse Mzd3xir. tuclsts (fTK ni f: Tbf pulse olmi9wifjlms3mVr ex. HasTOUOTsjutJQ, f- J5Klwl Iua rwjraujK to aoine tuuiDnaei IB lessTfr'edtxenli W mM& WW ootrfcfocur beatsjaiHfliiehest hi-ajhWocXtieff t6ryihe-sp6ke-"otthe5 interest she and her sons had always !felfc ' in: the fiobrlidIimsva a cMd wTrf dways,ieager ,tp;take r the partpithe,weak Md, oppressed. . ; How , a ate. 1 loves ."this J son ter bvl WJS?&J'twirV' fttflflrv - Tiim Witbnat? gratifiedpride sbyf Tef era teR(iadstcme' ynipflieto.letter,lto the :xeme.0MtB. IX Bpyn tom who.ia presentipeaks 6f. a let- lej- irom!her iiusband,tln "Vashlng ftcHch'ufthe-PresidenVs extreme weakness after the lastr sur el -aaairm but this hravft moth Healthyoi-ci BJoiri cdvr azk fain lolniBByed ikSkbhiaTi iio.P$r iSWci -ijjfllo kfTtrrrt 2liLrJ pO MJ.'irnus'tri. w.LT.--,r-; . . .. UV SWaBVUBIiB -V T l TT .l ift, I ntmvZt&vodiaxt ilSefitembei ca jTiu con Week's! aersion i advisability bf fctiatitutiti-a sniff vacate the lease and1 reeovttf back ttiel road, so that it Shall ttbeicrted! agamsn ine iest interests 01 ine peo-; pie ofthel81te.J i-j -ca fiiia ffta ?' Very i respectfully, mrdbedieflt servants ciT6s.; Jl JlBvsi i '- .itlfcfiU .:-;''.-r,- fKoK isfj i RAXkieni NiCfeAngtLsKflSStl lu Sib: ITe. the 'tinrle rnissionersapp br;iiieaatrt; to prcde' for thebaic toft' lmeresc m ine , y esxern rioxin ar blina Railroad and forblnerpurpd ses," ratified- 29thMarch4lI8aO;udo hereby report to'tyou,xn'acccance with the provisions of sectibn'45J6f said act, th&fi man ws taQme-we cave' examined the work on saidrjoadi and firthat the iassignees office grantees in said at Tnenwned nave failedlA'prdsecut&QS gehce slid energy; that theyliayeiair- ed to keep iiforee-of (drkmen on, the t Ptacktdirn. li&ej suterihearoad insure its omplefaon r .to Jnsreoo River by the Jst Of - Jvi&JWJuiA that they have 'failed o comprete said road to that point and to Taint Roefc by tlieFlst of JulyJi'T88li1 -4; -In mdditibntb the: fofegbiig- we also 1 fMd,: trpoii eraminftfieiipthat the company of thex assifneesl a6-dally dlscriniinAfifl m'Jurioasly in freifrhtd-and-charfree iagBfrNorth Carolina'' -towDSrandf cities' and rail roads, eontrary to wJ provisions ox Section 20 of said akstj and thefr cbx tract! made in pursuance theredf.-" J'JjM.'WbBTH.-: rzBiQ,'ttua".irwTttoeT smutymoa dbctrinland sinrit: SeHtTOfila ,u ' perHapsj'prepaPBTne est eonsouoat son for rwsy ipn xnexr mom mm r To prevent ' drnnkenness, - 'don't but If yod have been drinJu'ngr, 4riak '; more of it nervous -&a4 distresaed, have reaortto Sin- siopped at ttxe letropoUtau Hotel, Vaahirigton, where he left her, eay vast he wanted to go to JtTedencks burg, Va.; to visit his eick child, j spirits, fliadpte the bines and drive away rf nhiit ereslihcJicraie i . ' i . t i reaobsfflrkinLaml'MJ tiuatif5Tthygtob4 k& asaemllea M J Mmv firf r t ' at sa a acxne xmgnsn' 'capit&ir ana me mra tisUcs 'of rirogre;i eiawpld in the LlUory uf iuuIhi ii Pi.ttetant4 ism, are vpitecQted rxs?tl dffierenfl parwesj . ?r v j r , ' ';. 'Vmaias.l ati aBaaaaaM Hiikim brave son-saidih answer; mv will live."V God witt'rawe him up, bis jyorkis not yet'Jdohe'' feiira oiii .j"iMBS)M.;yATxo&. acrioT; icci.1jl 'U: rUiijlr ' . A The bicycle is an.pbject of .interest withibemasculine grmder of ' 'Win- BfcfnV- TWe' haVe tiro 'and thiy ;'are tsrb too maay for us..;, The i inventor -pjt the'. bieyele came as near imitating 4 ;mtue a Lmecaamcai lagenuiiy coma devise. 'It is' a, quiet, '; treacherous lgilitrBairmbmehts it is the err-plcttrjrel of i ( tDiHOceneeiu.itself. vWhiniinoiiiottyGaine r know im.op..r which way it .iv ijM-x:. Pv1??? , . -goes , inia way andsometmies-the other way more frequently the i other 'Vay. Whfen: it stops running It lays: do wn. Sonaetimf s lays J the,r riders down J3 1 , 5. ' ' Hxn "' tuiu a.oopa vuiniiiiiiig. i w uuu Mi lays downj of eouroo thoro is --nothin"g to .hormto.Jand,lryou, haye.4o , come, down with-it! That' isJ tmpleasant lexTrfc'cairride bnei jrSct Ee:'can ri In.'ti.hit; j. r,st: -k -rj , v aI-t. fOie Jric5cleJli4s-ronlr two .wheels. t-Qfle big vne.an.d oie Jit one. , ,J5ut LtJ?eri,srpaiL4one keeps up, taongn a little behind.' 7Thev'rnnIikeJ balls Ttblhng dcrwn-'ln-toen':ey----one e Tm DfuiBa lacpouieri- :o- more binrclu5tffor'n.oSV'e.i prefer i to sit jfjtjBdOij- jjoyqatitfoi much ceremony 8flJiprelunuiaryt arrange- . Ieis:W straddle the sad,TIe, put feet en lUiapaddie ;rmd get up and ke- 4s4o3.ef.iT)eft,r forget tbjawbeji you Dn TXl ItllSI eTlTia (W m aid" iuX -iff I ; Raxxzaif Augasf SoVlSSl."'-' win notsober yon. Whileyoa; are ahaiyV mtW'. 2tferjB&Mr$A , Djxb. bra: Iweniy-Eix day sgoli ii.v. l. . . i t&'Omoet'SiMoMelnraf atkte ,-of-af fairs is saiiiiebe i iprocess-, of-de-j opmeat itvjeaagaiion ,-tn-j sequent on we fikelscandal lijf thef Treasurv' Dertartmeirt keetfha rxn'TrastSendedaudihffrit ugatidn iflnchaivoiteji Jeyem othBrl andJugher p&ciajajnthar-Trei Xhese pmcaaia are, as has been s M these"disratcl2k: -arwentlv anxious to acouit ' Skeeioif 'aarifoifJ regnlajdtieaotdtliregejit in' xl ji l x , mi I " t WW"PSSi -WrHTsleHTS for thia ia said to be of a oeraonal n vi C7i j-,""101 -.i'i '.C j . i I nature. xt jippears xnas OKeen nasa TJrivate rbdnilfi thSMBemeni of Trea&iryi tad tt 4 lg lhxTprofei6JmoarAn who. tainlxbAn imanjijofrwmg, that this room bits been, for long time habitually used aa,JJt4i citnlnal reidevous durmbusin hottrs' by tnmbenrof tthctdii-iiiihex ioforel alliuii to. .It is alleged ttot Skeen would leave the key iwith these officials at convenient times ajid keep otit - of the' way. The ' rbom Is " the -x. Hf- - J - Xl I es in this wnnectiott are -too ; outrar goons for publication and fcranscend reasonaoie peiiei. r Crttltaau Ar'a' Qorgtr. ' lot indisrjosition('mjdria tha i He went to Micamond. where he ! deevondevcy. Nine cases out : of ten it a H. BroVn!i8Q3ehr XS-.O. LwW an4 JoaV I married Miss Tiirpin, and ; started on f your heavy Kver that causes your desire to 7.unftr.-Ksa ot "Aarooro. d tL. xvinn.. uu v a."mT wiui aer. vaea lie xeauueu. crfet na oi votit sen m mtoiicfttinn. w ot itociy Slpunv ano. lunv ouier, wao nae VagWWietoxi ae uut hlB vnie V OU Uie know jnoAraoa Qiait nve Vnad our remeAv Br Work. -Uer address ia iarBorofcj.w. ... i ... , . Vj .... . .. , " Jan 191 TTtATva T Iwav TacmAlkTfT ' 4Ua Ck.i'fed.Tktt A flkVCMntkaai U .V -V IV .. &a i j x -- . ; ; i iivDvu.-.xiufiui vMvuuafxwuuvpuii . addressed; a communication, ioyou has held on ia ileslT and,. Indeed, at one time appeared to-- be fattening Otfthe" jaadretP cHe-Tiadbeen on sick diet fcrleighDor ten days! past. D?Pfi 3'JPW; ;5ay S. but x ,ijow all right, in. bealth again, and seema' to be i quiWcheerfuL His appetite is of fbod than thfr average for ' - nun pr wefghfc rrH0' seeniJi to dtvota all his cyersation to the subject of Ms meals, and is more ' interested- in fcaving-a full1 etoniach:' than 'in 'any Other thnig.So strict ar the orders gcrcengl.thia; case ::thatl witki the exception of - the - warden.' denntv. pbyfiician andtiie osers i&.cbargt,' uu eiiterecv tiie wing oi tne ail1 where bd ; :is A confined since ;' his incarceration ana no conversation is aflofed mth the ferisonei ! oilier than uch as is necessary, relating to the sanitary conaiuon ox. tne ceiL o?e. . . Is It poss! Us . . , That a remedy made of snch enramnn. aim - j61s plants aa Heps; Bochn, Usndrake, Dan- ueuGo, cosnajces so many and anon dun vetoes and wnndarfa onrasaa-Hop Citters ',' do? It nuMjbe, for. hr n old. and young, rich and Door. 'Pastof and Doctor.' Lawver . aad Editor, all festtfjr. to haviha; been eared bx them.' we mast believe and donbt no longer.-Post. a-- : i .- i Perpetual moUon-cdaL her work. Uer o,Qres is irooro,.ivu. .v.... i u.a i ivi . vt. , v.. " .", j... The NorlaVk Ylrstaiaa.ot . Jaiu. 1C. l&ai. I refers to the rem ar sable cure effWbwl k; i ; : . ' . and yoiir aasocMte assiirnees.tlJp,ta Bund New Yorker Th ht. nnu this time none of Of f liaveCireeeired riDOwn w,mQCf nia WOt rote tor ihe best men ererjrtime. And any teply to that eommunicatioiLfc f -t vrS xjaa autena I we jaage 07 tne aamber of the Bt Jacobs L nave the honor,- toi lotward to 1 i wu .T;;T': I r "TV T "ry.-. youacxpjola.Utter receA (.w 0 . - ' Alaawntiya - . ............ p. ,i A ,ii jji'AA - . i..i. fi :U "f; V . :