-JAV L-v -7f88f JIM V nnH wiwf xr , H ..M.wr-wnr ls iaolo ouit La riiTtrr U f I r iioo n-isjiijot isdl .89011 C2 3iO t ; r ua .an I , . in SBjfeYff OCTOBER 1-4 ! 27 '1Htcalilvi 'mi Wail O . 11 , 'OHO -- 1 ; - v a s? i ee k m rvawan m ' v aw. a. x m is t m a wsi jv . w km w i i f a aw i . ar w. . x . t ar n i ar Tt t ' - - t a. - iT " j ml y J! latin m mF'V'i A h I .1 yjt 1' i ft I a 9'. s' ;.' V'JJ SW V-.iff ..f.X-!;.! .i-.i.Ti.r . . . . : S -ft -e ; .yji a ,i 1 -,, A. aA J eg. at ; . Z . , j. t 1 fl 7l tJI I ' itT MAm1 f ..V A 4 I BTFB n3TiriT crira iwrnriT ts 1 ' t ! t av 1 W 1- lii. 9V1 tt;J(HPJ90 be: Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbaao. Backache,. Soreness of th Chext, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Tirodf;SreU- (MMiNf Sprain, Burnt ana : TooGZZtar and Headaz.frli Teet and Ears, and all afiar and 4-'h-y k aa a a ur, al kad Aap- SxUanal BomuJam A trial otmiU Hut DaeeaspntiTeI triOineStfaar of SO Ceata. and arr one -rir with aahagn hav cheap and poaitiva proof at Ha, Dlraettaa ia Baran T amm juaJ ; 1 p IS KEDI0TEE. A. VOGEtER fc CO., Bmw,Jf., TJ.O.4 ittslo'aaitoiiltmAnts. Caisary Epiieopal ChurcbRex..ixJ B. IJVeeWtfc, aUq-kUSlrTii6 series M Wedetdy Bkemjtgat1h80 bd rid f-j ernoon ai o'ciock. Presbyterian CAwch Key.- R. jS. Wailes, l'Mtor, -will preach morning and evening in Tarboro' par jSr 4Hir aBd'5cn Sabbaths; Koekj Mount? on 1st aad.:"WUaOA oa 2nd. Jrayer meeiing; every Wednesday rning, ilUtionary fiaptitt Mhurch.-- Scy. Jos.. . Carter," Pastor, will "preach, morning and evening, in Tarboro, on 2d ancl 4th Babbath in each month. V ' juiwia S. Key. JosepU D. Ar- aolaV Pastor, will preach morning and even lng every Sabbath, frayer mealing every fftmitive Baaf CatfM-lUda JXGM. Pastor, pitaekaieMc1aary-aajdiim 4 d&yaln eacn month. PRrKS!flO?tAL CARDS. tTOWARb'A KABrT, II aS.-s Attorn and Counselors at law rracKce in an tne courts, state ana 1- ; -w -w-ii. i Federal. , nov.6-ly. vf D OSSKl5 BATfl Attorney &i Caaosellor itXaff Practices in all State and Federal Cjnns. Kernlar ciacjjii Nash, Edgecoaae and Pitt. s Will4faep f n O'fio t Ue6y Mount. rewlaueuVorai tocollactloos. Feh. 30, 18VJ. I namreJnf a JL the new building recentTT ejected by Mr. C. C. Lanier, next4oW-iTrbro -Jlouse, J w&ere 1 wut be giaia B J-eeakVe xry iriprio or any one deeiriiig Dental work. I am per manently 'located here, haviDtj leased the ecoS ltorjrif liaitdlnc; fo' a Jenir jot years.. yours, Ac, Dec. 4, 1879. 4 4 3 v ' 1 " -1 If. - 4 toai ttEtieHTs WOjnjQWopjrtaV-. eoftei tdncb, auc Is,eeneai. razoc when yoor Tcard is lilaxflest? Would you enhance your personal finldtritnde ao that y oar ., wlf or aweetbeart woaldfi't recognize your Then lop ia in lrboro lioae on Main at. So- laciog barupoojDS don-Hair Oil, of bis Vwa aa4nnfa8iwvof na.let- , WEDDELt&GO. assortment of . BCHOOliB0d3iBrv'I8lfD NEVv TES TA MilTS, FRAHtLlN 8QUARE A 1 mn 1.1 1 BiAi?iU?16iin'TiiTIH'tTi 1 ftTrtiiinii 11 W- HA 4-U. 1 UlUiHDUUJUllWM JGUinxu AiltCV .T.iJ J 1 iv ; SE -1 -a -k, U mm r "ta" Illr W&flaa . W 1 . tW IMtf si .igAjLfc;: 10 CHIT I H 10 O llLli EVERT WMk-i 4 receiving the famous WKiNN BUGGIES from NorfolK. Vs., at my KepoeUef y in.Tarboro. Also xaana- AetBrtaTfe 'T V -i.rf . ? and keep oa: hand L Buggies,. Coach and. Wagon Collars, Riding . ejT sod Wagon Bridles all for sale jbCaf. "Gtye ie,S call. Tarboscs-Bepl. fcMsi.Mn t PATENTS .... Obtained! and all business in the if. 8. Patent Office, or m the Courts attended to for MOD ERATE FEES. . We are oj.nosit fheTB. Patent Office, en gSgedliiJPATENT BUSINESS EfCtUSIVB- ia, aud.jcaa. -obtain pateiAs in lea time than those remote from WASHINGTON. VV hen model or drawins fa sentjweadse as of the Money, Uruer"Jrv..;i and to ..ftWAats ot .0. xnieaj. Mmco,, Jt or vircvuar, advise, terniS.fl ana rercTencca actual' Piint in vi ow Slate; tic cooatif, tadrcaii p 5 : Oi pour m;-;.-! j a CiA. snow & co., ?i"TiA" fcewXiAddiefca Stinaon Co. fflEY CflMR ! v 77 to patentability free of euarcre : and we make ENT??fft LiEf W): OBIN PAT- TO 3 1ST DAY Or AUGKsT, 1881 Bridge at Spana, 40 00 F Creet Bridz. Aui 1880, 6 00 J idies Caruey, rentovios draw on 'Sparta JJridso.Aaft 1880 . 6 00 K P ARB BattIeaoritJMr'Un;L 'ii and Teat's Bridge, Aag 1880 10 25 125 00 4M gtnge 35 80 3 00 Naay JFjprbes, support bept 1880, WMIowk Richmond -Carson reUrWga House. Aus. 158 39 sadDlies. FH, Ana 1 r.. JEH GtUa; lmibi. add "oonsjactt j fig bi idga- acn a -11 tfts R'H GatHtl, IttqabeYexc,1 A - R H OailM, lod)lt ajd r p Fish ing Creek Brids. I 209 47 21 06 133 99 4 23 1XT O C Farrar, supplies for Court House, etc i 71 O Cherry, rep Tatbt rri4ge, A II Mcjfair, 8upt Co CoaMtil T 3alUri MtTicea fori Ana. j..J talrfeoce, servMa as crieljaf r laferfor Court, Aug! tanq lggft) AMcCabe, fees as JusOc C Sv o toa Peace, Rufua Sore aoaASSUM X William? I fc'"Jtea Samuel Uaitker, support 2 obooUm. to 400 iy nding Oct 31. I a2 fMoore,tS'day services aa fogj r ttlo- Aug x t ini obj farbrt F.taharmer. adTertisioz. 3 00 800 W If Xkiaht, -servicM a cleric, is suing and drawing orders and all services except per uiem and ma klafouiUX list, - hi I X f f BaiUe Bryan, snmnionins ja 01s ' InfCt, etc ' I - - - ' M W U Basley, elk Supreme Court, lai 60 li XJO 66 90 3 ayAuUfiOtoT iioo 9 'vTSite &ftkW.4l&$tr 'kV ,1490 J W Howard, taking Ux list, H o 2, 12 00 , -: fi Oct 410, IBcHJL '( :. f -. J B Batts, support of Amanda By , tutu, , -, I Brlttot) Idrd, support cf Giay Bynvun, j WtaTarnaU, support of Louiia 10 00 9 00 1. 00 43 94 400 F Powell, one-half Court, AMcCabe. 2 desks lee cl'rk luf for R office, C 8 Camper, holding inquest otr Nancy Pace ami M. Pouigrew, f 19 CO Hobgood additional pay fcr -v. lumbar, Testa Bridge, D T BriU 4b subs, services self aod , ubs at Pear Houao Sept 1 880, -- f 19 0Q 60 23 N M Lawrenco, supplies- for Poor lHaumm,BmptHs6Bi g 12 48 S S Nash & Co. supplies for P II, - W J Keeeb, sBpplIeaiP 11 and C H, 1 Sept 188fti TfVi P 60 "9 s, Oct ouv icso. rj,- s G S BarnnBliHfepl4gi near T Cfcr - Johsetota attic f1" fe 5 f 0 Nancy Forbes, support for month of . I Bf rya,ne4rUf m Ini Court J f - ' Aug Term. I 4 40 AlrfJafWrykCo d Health-s Wenlif aat OJSOV w 8067 D W Harris, p'astering, etc, in RocaHer'B office, L- 9 38 &J Keech. snnoJiea tfer Poor-iL ' v. :-ttft -tUJ b D T Briti, eiicea at P II, end 69 01 -.9 ?-ipv 1st, tooor -fgf-TSTale N01 nrtTafbffrt-for y L Eowf auditor, stat for Co. 113 li J 03 2 75 70 V WGi ktradJey onftali fees constable Prr6ftpct)urol, W V Brsdley, one-baif fees const -i- $ bJe iOlnf Court, 1 : M Cf Moore.' one-f'siMees consUble W W Thomas making 100 ballot j A II McNaif ; anpt ti WiTeai: h,li - i 'aerrlceamoSlhiac''."! 30 67! W"Hrfea1gnt, Resterv of Dee Is, making out and copying tax list. J&ovj 86V1880; A Sorg, painting In; Reg office, N M Lawreoce. anppliaa fox P H, . Tarboro Senthemef adv nneooial 36144 200 statement, etc, 102 oq . , 4 00 7 40 Mitchell Dincy, 4 days ser rices, B Bryan, sum jurors, etc, oners, to 31st Oct 18HU. 299 40 M Wemberg,e!6tti1eg-fepieo6ejj! "44)0 HvL otaloo, t,f ivicea ex accounts Co treasurer, O Winiama-services ex ac Co trees, Geo Howard, lras, 7 oq 5 00f reas, tafe noxioineet, 1 j . p . L W Season, bulwerk on -aprea to Sparta Bridge, vj ; . Nancy JEotbesy aepi mwkk ftUgOTi U rppea. peradieifr and 1 ana soauaauBK jMoxa aoou-i S Porter- per dievn and "mileage, OTsCtoerrvi Derdiem-and ; 'to aodlncittdlngxea isfclidlBKJoMl880,IS, j j a !!. ax vVimjbedypes Uem;,a)d m.te-ns. Phflios SuneiiirWfyices ieittT. Tllj 00 Palnpa eiewiptjfeee Jos Ccb vs . ) i ConJmiasipners- j -0. ,'.100 J J KeeSiseceaaetfetopirTyr: 1 7 tnontbt; ending Oct )st 3880;' ' SOO OU B J Keeeb, connty treas, 28 50 .... uec t, xeeu. SsmLGattber sapport Deo and 'Tao 4,00 800 WJXJBOdwln; Mffialor T0muteA.si xa r-panber, 3r :mt)0 rfaacj oeettsppowoT c, NaCbs Boyd, services. -7VSiCt 0O V-A jrMe!TBiraericeaTor N'ow K - 0-)i?7 tWssrtbawWfegTarrtr j David Welfk.WOf I 0"d Bparfl'VridgeFslis-DQ i SetSrtatetee services, crfsrrj j F ' Tt 1- AtjnTj, FT ' W H Keight. i-waiD Reg -or- 'ifcaa, flaTMi, . day . aavdc.tak i ! J A9 ! ins tax tamrattrvmatM. 6 09 DtT BHU,self n4 ssba, serr ico. at 17 9 S3 9 8 S Nash Co; w P l Mi 8 S Nash (fc.CosWs, rts; J Ht)dtfin.'traefhaif'feef 'Fall1 '.o;ia) Jsup Court. I.. W A Duggan oobyirrg returns, n4$ W 11 Jt-oigbt, aaaitiouai aetvices . ?5 t 4 Hi lasaioa aadreoooXtSg setewtx 18 24 W A Jiaggam, tse-4iaMie & cases rn 8 4-.BTyan, servtegaotos,b- ,ikcH tgg oaAi p i ' JSprt ''lool.10 a;twii?T 'i M( xar JtuvM onaz 1 ou 3 J fceVch. saDDries PI HonseAti.' r 8 f JlHaJhCdb, supplies for Poor i5i ihel BrMfe Solicitor, 6 00 S 8 Nash & Co, supplies for P H, U L Leggett, removing raft from Ball's bridge, D T Biitt, salary and supplier, W A Duggan, aorvinat notiee, B J Keech supplies for P H, AH McNair, salary oupt Bi H, for Dec, 1880, W 8 Clarke, supplies tt jail, 86 83 8 00 80 99 9 20 25 07 30 67 22 38 J C Dancy, reeordiog bonds, 2 60 State vs Martha Bollock, 15 09 B J KeecT,ankels fdrjalf? 75 . Elsio 4 00 Wm Varoell, support sndopmu nper, ijouiaa jsxinuy. . 10 00 CUktke-peicieir 6, gA tavXaaaae it&Sbm IO age. 8 10 D B BattB, per diem and mileage, 7 50 BwloVepejjdieHXnd mileage. 11 B Thome per aiauv aha mlw- 1140 4 OQ James Carney, attending to Sparta Catheline WiiriinisT support,' 28 75 3 00 J B Batts, support of Amanda Bar Britton Edward.'s's up porof'Xjray -TUMJO - v. 6 00 w a xoxetuau, aervices aa eoa-t . r stable, - . . J 6 00 on vaon iouse, iuuuu Orren WQUaaas,premium iasnrsnce en Coat Hea-e, , j - . . . f 100 00 Fti -9iii; i88r,T- i V- : D T Brilt, wages and - expenses P Howe. - - - 61 16 Baml lit rence, one-bait lees a ' constable Int Ct January leim. too Bam Lawrence ser crier Icf covt ?ttten ai, .a tui Hi Nancy A Foibcs, Bopport for Dec, Feb 10, 1881.' 800 54 07 3 03 .400 82 67 60 8S W S ClatkB, goods for JanVtffo w s uiarfce, ium'.sbing ror e U, W 8 Clarke, regis tarirg votes, Nov, H ,11, bapaa, on lor J& Boan, u Atcnair, services at 1 ueeae, 8 8 Nash &. Co, articles for Pfl, A Sorg, putting glass in Court.. Tf J ! r x 7 65 6 00 8 00 3 00 1 75 S 9e 8 00 1 92j J L Cobb, reg's'ing in Nov election, Feb 14, 1881. Nancy Ann Forbes, support, Ed Pennington, set rice 1 cl'k Bil of Co caavaaers, Wilson Lyon, coffin for H Bell, ' W Q Lewis, removing raft from Dunbar bridge, Jas K Lawrence, registering eleetien,' - -Fab 16, 1881. S n T borne, taking tax list, 8 II Thorw, registetiog in Nov Nov election, Feb 17, J881. M La wtencei supplies for P ffi11 B Bryan, one-half fees in S cases at- , Jan term of Inf Court, . . 33 o 9 ' Feb 22. 1881; J B Bryan, jail fees to Feb 1, 1881, 295 20 B Bryan, snm jurors and furnishing . jil and C H, " 2f 50 March 7, 1881. V H leaser, sapper Aaucy Ann Jrorbes, sopport Marcb to Jane, 9 00 Fiaok PwweJ.siijaflsjBsLaij ; Jan term, 56 43 J W Williams, one half fees, J P, 65 Philips & Slatoo, sei vices S Term InfCt, ....iv. B J Keech, supplies for P H, 33 31 H W G or ham, reg in Nov election, 3 11 firaoa 4' Berry, taxee .rerpaid, lirean O'Berry, taxes overpaid, . 1 44 N M Lawrence, supplies f ami abed .PH. for Feb. , , 15192 U Xllbfct sen, ru 1UVIUV iuu Allen Garrett's accounts. 68 68 H s) Bunn, registering in Nov elec- S 'Vzi 618 1.10a, ao 1, 0 C Farrar, f ormshipa jupnlie Feb 8, 1881. -E T Bynum, registering in Nov eleciioDj J(e Ifj, .i, P H Edge, reg in Nov election, March 7, 1881. t apswii, wr darpe- oriex ct, B Brystrsw-br!e8?inHS cssss, F term, 1880, W J Uardison, bill as per acct, 3 75 1 95 6 00 12 45 5 30 J A Psaaon, parti kaa Dutsinc is 1 W II Johnston, services as School examiner day. 3 00 W A Duggao, copies official .bonds furnished Seey bf Stale-, -etc, 4 83 L Ksasonsf eg Noweetion-8; r . v f7 JnbKJDanc; V cepfliTerlT bond 1 LW Beasotja. iwp SpaU rldg s -WTJO 6 CTarrsr; goods fdt cotrflty-., 7;5 t? 8 Campe rj servicea as coroner' tip B XJ&sd'foriasbsd'CHw. 8 m 1 ft M Lawreooe, sappiiea io: PJi,, i 46 ,99 H Aasa dt. Ucw good lor xl. 48 88 Allen Gar3atotSIf 1 j 18 14 J2 65 -i2.60 SArilS sf'icesatJE.H, aw saccaoev services as tr. . , A H McNair, rrj(ces asrphy sician Xa, Clarkeiriklaf faiwsboiFiS.i W J& Olsrke arOeles for -JaiL!-'-r . Jdo L RridgerSj Jtr services ae S- - ;S7 60 90 Kn "KtBeitor Inf Ct.--"I? '.'-iin'i " JF'B Batu, sft Amanda BtrntitB: !V, WOO jBarrtee Hargrove, coffin for. Bgpfljf, r Stamper, i'aaT -J.-f.i 6-00 I W Bsaaooa j rewoing dr aw otf. Spana UddgeVS mos; i Polly WUBassa, support f Cathev-' ' 8 00 2 00 18 90 '18 20 H Camper, services as officer of Jury April term Ct, , '; ( " t. u o huh, prr.uivoi atu JABTborn,: 'do" W S Clarke, D H Barlow, 'de 22 80 12 00 363 CO 107 63 1 60; 12 00 Oi1 "87 501 J C Dancy,, 5 mos services its clprk,, wdmgrde ;:j,0 ; D T Brilt services at P II, , StmxwrefcSef -wevv'l'aWcrier, cam iawrence, aervices as ble. S T Sup Ct, rXTTMcNalr, serviceinaa TJo Tiy J M BixeJLearicesiaTSe 20 00f B J RcUkrgoIjfijxiis .1- 59 31 AST .j jl Collins. Mrviceaaa jolicitorvr . -April term.&upXU, -nj a jrr h tesZ&W N M Lawrence, articleai farnitJied .-,.-,-r : Pr.! ' i ;tr"ii A , . iW 48 W AJDuggaq, fees f eanes 8Ter -' SnpCt-, , . , 65 3L ErBfyan, goods furnished jail, etc, 1 '69 10j vsGrayoyi 67 Tarboro ritohlTSeierprintlnl 00 f aiS-wwrtaJevtdaitV-? b nil QV.i fAm$Q BOOJL. Mjnw I JDhieMEP, t8r.ol0 JarJm ai it Uair Mu.aiS sanave Ue ! isjlijsbiy tfhams, eayMag exranesp ter juio, 4oa- BatnavtetUitraieTeM to v ia D0 rMaswbiaerbee sepoea-tJirs eel) ; juxv .ir.rroahfi W 8 Claies'tedsfaf Hhrten, ! 2 65 1 Prid Priinna.'TOOO nrfiV'fnraTaW ---"r' yt- -r --- r r. .ts vaaeyoqB wopin a,w.TJCof aw .hA mm clerk ofdsowd, ; io CKl srii cs loodWQ. 0 Caaarerp lervloeeaa eAnsatoiBineJ?? !di -"MaW AMewGhepry aad Mose s alisil SSrtt;Snp"frn1sberjailV ett E "It SpencetxfatTe.-fees-wv boiAtebTe'S3-'- jUHiirf 7i-;JLM Jnne6v-1881. ' ;U;L-uitJ'I Aftririit-r MSafcier renairrBrbridoe, ..SdO1 ervTcei ai ObTPbf-SrHlO NM tatrrence, articles furoiihed J? l t a m '1 WaAeodfanilsbaytSi el6 13 Bardy UJTjJarrla,aerTiugl ,yo Av.vws,-. A IkflsaV aVl haNriM David Fotnf!222 1 00 WJaatfta Jfar ifpO WiUk Hsmojon3s j J ,da; s..-4 -... 1 tT 41. OQ Bishmfsi, CarsAQ , k;r;.H . , . W KwBargatt Hdo .i u. X Hill H Bellamy do- ii r 1 . do D,DosierJr v4o-vi ji- da" SE-Warren ?. de'"-'! do X'PO -4.00 iliOO 100 1 00 1 00 iw TOO 1 00 100 Jaclc Speight JJ- Ldo . MKiilrDs uro r uuesrv r a uib , -s., v , Jaek Lane .do . 14 Gae6.a'aTV do do O LWinboiua" w-do- -ds Judge Iliato'r- deTm 9 ZaowtDgmaWril Slfor eaaeaVdy - B.- cOaJfe .gQ iwf; . , M3Sl SI J JrD Jeuklns: UiigtSXlU.t 12 00 2 00 r i ' "8 S3 D LSarJcar bridge Joo C Dancy. services s cl'ic reoord -3 bocli " , , '83 C3 : 60 . 27 25 2J23 , .8 62 4 65 A II r, f r 8 3 Co rhy , SS Nasb, 6. C 1 ;od furpbeJ, C j A V.i, Javier lurnianed tr J B W NotTillsbsififsss ssrssco3 XT C CUigbodrmsn4 Co Jail J W Lipaoonbe&Otf tteiek i- ' a,iv.r2 .0 w VtJiIOT. wonrax ones:- 2 r fPnIebed'AlIiA ETByjwm, buiUiing bridge Acrbas . llnnm). f ill Scmidb , ' ' fKO 0O D T-BtiU services s koeper P Lr, ? 2 t and goods f oroisbed -, 41 . vT W Thomas building to standard : 1821 keeper s Office, ' ! 10 00. 2 25 ' 600 805 43 92 162 90 8 25 ik 16 20 '14 00 9 39 50 00 J R Staton,1 express ehaiges on blank poll books "-' B C Baswn, services as officer jury1 R S Taylor, one half fees a J P, jheria one ail r xseaja va ieCr.i I filfl BB17H5 jail acTromTeb to July, B F vsn. board of deaf and . dumb j-rote at Raleigh, Jao l Lewis, taking ux iisi bbo HtO" township, K H Gatlin, lumber furnished Co, July 12, 188L Henry W Oorham, damages done land by road running through it, W J Da Ten port, tak Ux list in town -v.: .. ni a 14 00 4 50 16 03 20 00 175 00 ?M Spragiilst'fasl8e-sl o , ,Aiiwt ij.iecx""' Jho D Lewis', reoovinf draw of Sparta bridge 3 mos, -W Powell, taking tsx list in No 7 townj.arp'.OrnQ , W H Jenkins, building Bridge, fta ver Wiiliams, jnakin coffi 9 . Jr.T ' D L ftninsoa xspwixg bridge. at .14 00 .00 IjPoUyillisms, ;snp. f daughter Uatnnne, -m. i os E Porter taking tax list in No 8 towns-hip, ' 15 00 J C Dancy eervices at cllav p diem 4Q B5 B J Keeeb' supplies lurnishedCo, - ' -984)8 James Jones, taking taxlist No 4, ' - y 12 00 R F Ealrlai fufnbev maiisbc Cd? to buUdbridge,.-.--, ; -; 6 87 3 N-M Lawrence soppUes: fur Co, : , 12a,04 .Trttsapt piOi j .mm&. J H Collins, fees in case of State is Robt Jones v it 10 00 Taroer Prince, making coflia for T L Bassett, Co psuper,, . . , H 60 Ail McNair aervices as Co Pay etc . . 38 W J H Foreman making coffia for Pj .' . 2 50 E Harrell Uking tax list in No 9, 10 00 8uton dc ZoeUef medicines for Co, 10 00 Harrell reg if Kow elecfwm, 4 68 B F Eagles balanae due on lumber furnished eoafcty! g 1 r 6 53 Angusi8f l88r. 8 P Hilliaxd taking a. list, regis tering vetae etc? it f I i 27 4S L B Knight reg voters in 4, '80-81 4 74 B P Jenkins reB Cotjoa Bridge 1 00 AQQSt if), 1881. Joo Atkinson taking tax. list No 1, registering voters etc 38 03 J S Pippeer. reg; voters '80 and ;&l 2 31 W II Kufgnt "per dleni Snd tnJ, ' 18 90 W 8 Clarke d - . do 14 00 D H Barlow do do 22 20 ; j Old Ora-rrs&inesT'Tiokii AUovei , aniBf-AuiiteiL ,, September 7th, 1880. : James TWgpe.8tatevsFarmy Cease, one-half fee, - t do do do do do do PMrfe ir-ni-.de'; do""015" do f "U!-do" Frank Cbessso, 4o Henry. , Pat. : terson " ' " ' ' " 1 30 1 80 1 30 1 30 1 30 1 93 1 20 1 70 1 55 1 05 ..JSeptembexdJ 3880L . icbolsoa.Statevs Annie Willia Mary Nicholson Hams Herbert WeAeri . 1 if do do do ttHa Battle do Wm Smith and , W Q Turner do Perry Overton and Noab Taylor, Pompey ; Howard, State Vs Perry Overton and Noah Taylor, October 6th, 1880. j L Moore State vs B D Annstron, :" do do Ben Yar borough , Mary White do John. White, do do -' do- ; November 1st, 1880. . r Thomas Williams State va Robert Jones, one-half fee, Deipbia Bmm State va Bobert Jones ;; . one-half fee,' 1 ' Albert' CharTesBtate vs Moses Chase r,and,Bro,oiisalf fee, Lucy Street State vs Daniel Foster viui -La tooe-half fee, ' . .1 Albert Charles State vs Moses Chase ; andBo onetalf fee; 4 20 2 90 5 5 1 55 ll3 205 1 05 78 2 45 1 27 Albert Cbirlaa State vs, Moses Chase ' P aMBrbdhe-lialf fse.'s " 1 i 28 Wm Jenkins State vs .Robert Jenkins one-half fee Miliy PagBtfitate vs: 81m. Sbieldv one-half fee, Mike Little. State ts Forney Cbae, n'ne-nalf fee, 1 'H : : MikJUttte, State vs Fmrtjey Chase, Zylphia Speight. State vs Martha &to 13 si t lirak .Iralnkv-xaa; fee r, -.- -. ' 1, Andrew Battle, State vs Martha xfui.r .? iaeufiieiz'fasav m 1 -ie Is-.' All .btn jwrveiDerera,aoiHi.." -. Lci F U'WteaV'BtiitevS BarriU Uaskins WafTMliea;-" Bs06 do -M .OS .SsO BakexmBvsrardiS Bnl -' 2 35 55 RHaT ate v RrWS hi MAr. 8pearl4mAVAt4dj-v4 2 15 ZaobLawrenoe io John Gray, and,, . fiavwmenaal TiWaUir WAAjh.tf fjli ATrT. 1 e 1 05 1o V;T li j a a i i 1 . f Morning Kea, do Sam Shields John Sheed. Aa6 do 'Frask Chessen do Wm 8mith ; f ' and Bu-k c4itX i Bob Lewis, btat vs Joaeohns Jonea. -2 65 2 65 1 45 .1 45 MeVWRWP.ift 4Sm-hWdi;t-ai,4J Aaron Bnllnok, dtf1 Martha" Ballnck. r-As;w xh i" I d:t AaTnelf,a' ' Jt o; -'-l t,jsjtdMW ' KtMa .wcfatsfeasfUtj esl Ml ft 44 UJroetor, State vs Jonaan jlen. . t yag J pnsbalf iee,,; , v , ,-;5 D w Lancaster, State vs. Jooathai Jenkins..":':- t.M: ;ilir 'J Kitchen, -i 1 , do' Geo 'WLo liama, 4.eaV Oajlferd Pietsaan,' i:da4Bea.PowefL:d JannsrvvC J Bolivar Bradft" . 9 vs Addisoa Dicker , . . 115 Ezeikiel BrtfwT . 3 t E3 Saunders. 1 80 Soi VVflUafc ;s do-r d-- -xttt i 1-80 -k 7th, 1 J iy L.kUe, La.' 3 vs Ll j - - -etai.'-. . t T ' rt-TiitJ, - do -1 1 50 YtJ Jatsoni is do Le 's Eiry, 05 do v, do lord, t , '.3 we ii m v ' : caster, av ? c"- Liawis Dancy, ? 1 C5 ua ldwardBridgers 1 45 !do William Cbaseji CO do Jack Draaghaa ' " ' - 2 95 I do Eujab Baddick, 1 60 do uacc HlcKS .100 irai'w sr. a tt a -.too on Djney, State vs J V GanC,' - Anu -si, j, too z. 10 1 w ir aow - "xto '.4, r V 2 J'X f -1 Jim Denton, State vs Jack and Dempsey white, one-balf 0. . i -si ; fee, 2 9S Jos Lejtris, State vs Jeff and Gran- ' ville Hyman, one half fee, , ': 55 Saw Lawrence S.ate vs. Dave BatUe, , one-half fee, 55 M L Johnson, State vs Henry Christ inas and Essex Freeman, one- jhairtpeJ f 1 T t S 20 Fayeti Manly, BlsU vs B A Watson, 5.4 ' "One-nalf fee, 55 Henry Mairis, State vs Cambridge f Pitt, one-halt fee, Geo F Bras-well, State vs Gray Joy ner, one-half fee, -William Smith, Stats vs Ashbury "i, Tborne, one-half fee, . DaUie Merritt, State ve Nero Jonea, - loll fee, . Ella Winstead, State vs Charlra Gani, r one-ejuarter fee, Ben Law State vs Nero Jonos, full fee f U xncy, ts vnenmoua La w .1 . Lrenee. etaloie-haiffee. ' 1 05 280 125 A90 1 02 190 05 llaaocnn Amntrton. Stale i-vs fJeo!r 1 , ' Gdnter, one-nslffeej"" 5,W EHjafa HiUiard, State vs Geo GanUr, ' J one-half fee, 2 35 Ellen Amngton, State vsGeoGunrr Jane 6th, 1881. E Williams, State vs Willis Battle, one-half fee, J I Lewis, State vataroy A Sasser, one-half fee, y--V1. Jackson Summerlia9iats vs Nancy A Sasser, CAehalf lee, Alfred Cotien, State va Henry Bul- luck, one keif fV Willis Nettle, Ststo rS Henry Bulluck, Harry Smith, I KerO Jones, full MolHe WinteadoV'Charles Gant, one-half fef , Dock Telton, ydo do one-quarter fee, Nathn Wl-aea;Btt va Qharie f GsAVdns-hilf iee .1 n Nathan WinsteadTBtafe ChlaW Gant, one-half fee, 1 55 1 20 1 20 2 10 2 10 3 90 77 1 03 55 1 05 Jennie Galin, State vs Ma-eellns 1 . ...Woratoy, ene-half fee. ni' 1 4W 1 ao 1 a ; jut t tt UWT 1AHL ITCl. - C H Puggan, State vs Louis Dancy, A J Edward, do Starling 1 Belt and Alex PeD, ' Lawrence Lancaster, State vs John i ,MC I i lr 1 60 P5.My,eieji B eaux, s Harkless Devereaur, State vs Milli- I y keLevetfB4MS y fi n l fiPfO j4q Cherry, 6uts vi GeojGriil fPl5 John W Johnson, do Milllke'n Dev- '. ereanx,V J " ,w J - loS Sot Hill, '., " do Toe Hopkins, ut 00 Isham Byichardson, do HacdyMabrey ' 2 05 Owen Jones, do do 2 05 W J Lawraw f daaVghields, 'i 65 Jack Pitt, do Joe Hopkins, 2 00 Bp Brtwu. do Joe Weston, 105 .rsi E4wards lf ,. Nero, JOnes, full Tee, ; .; ' ' f ' S 05 John Ji StatpQ . ' H do Jeffrey Hyman 55 L L Staton, grand jury, State vs J .H, , 1 Baker and others, 1 05 Richard Hyatt, fltaVevs aAJfatson, 65 de I fes. ;drfi M At Henderson Cheeksr do Wm Smitn and t Bnek Hloka, ' W OBuUnck, . do Chaney and Patsey Bulluck, Sam Scott, State vs Geo Gunter, Oraoson Soott, do do Caroline Soott, do do Bettie Bellamy;do do Granville Cherry, State vs Geo Gun John GrayJ I k de ; 4 o Jrfotisl8t,18. H A Weber, State vs Willie Niohold son, V B Sha-pe. do Oscar Nobles. Hi 1 60 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 250 55 55 155 1 55 Tomer Redmond, State vs Jack Battle B C Bynam. do : do Ben Anderson, luck, William Lindsey, Randall Smith, John Bradv. do Henry Bui- 1 10 215 200 2 10 do do . do Nathan'l Carr do do B U Austin 21 in: at 6 per cent from April 1st, 1879, 23 86 G W Stewart one-half fees constable ' 4 23 K. 9 SSTinstAd; SbSijff Wttsdn county; I l 1 i i YM -M . i Oxa- I n i el I L 4ioee-ustf eeey Stafajvi j Bei 4 COllOCBl, Lawrence W inborn, work on iaiL 1 60 5 00 Bailie A oaytgefxito for pubac school house, - x- - - - 15 00 I certify that the foregoing is true and correct according to records in Register's office. Test. Jo. C. DxKcr, . . . , Clerk Board Co. Com. ... . . . j . TV Ay ING qualified as Administrator with not; ?9 i hetv srttei muast ed to-t he-estate oMhe Sal SoasnfbfnsbBio makflamedltoaynianWan4P bssngctainweaS atoscaaa lwwittrar)ti aresextt taem isaeyesegytsffaee termy AUorocys, ruuipa jstaton, oa--o mws UMkOiKn4ay Of SepteBbevy-1. -erlR)ts3ettee OMm pfeaded la.tiarJhelrrecosCs'Ajf . jajtBJlsei-- Cf I T'r?TC SIT ' rviTiTir aw owftsfthw Wilt aaaexed ayea mil ww nuori (. 14 , Jfnwtsw- - t i":is -- . -n.1 .4 aM a4 U 4TTJ!t J1S Sam Smith, . do Sam Shields, W M Pippn c - do' do dsbbofl jura warsaayagc tnjo: 101 -al w64SIII?ffia Where do we go?1 , it Juox wrl to 1 jts4 mfsaareremftm av2X AoYirftrobaKPrri tUbt sqm. uWfWii HArffciril-4e B&asfi 6iw ii -uaa amdir Lum falbfifUd wiftft iftthtff frf'-Wlrf "Errm rihwtdiililt it W6.3 c e 1 . 3 in it, 1 a Lcli ia the ire. caxtrid3 lnv'he-- finger-piece, and do a bird every tiiae. f" . tain-! I sap- dott turi.ey c lots q " o'd can wwrnfiflld. or la AA&ZHkt&xJi -itL idiot in there, too,1 if yoTrwanitdr mortal Mr. 13poop8yk6. "Wh6 iafd anything aboat aS partride1 Its A' cartridge that oWtnere!9 r Oh!" stsjaflirf. ,fltidjpeiit dyterathepjreiBUanB. f e4f firfw? Where does the bird-gtotoos ir "Ho gfe9 -HlifedlldMfh hasn't air more BenMtftafiybhihav" snorted Mr: SaonJP'Lo6k here,vnowV and rilshow yotl rhow; it works," and ' Spodpendyke, A whaee ideas of a gim ware ' about as vagae as those- of his wife,- inscrfe'I the cartridge half way in the tnnizle wnl and cantiously cocked the weapon. V " "And when the bird soea tbi.t be comer and pecks at it Isn't that the ftumlestl- anl Mt- 8pppidyke iiajsYsJ-xius- xiauiaa lu "tne enjoyment of hevilscovery. ,niW-70TrpWte yoar hand and catch him!' ; - ' "Tou'te stnjck -iU- howled'Mr; Spoopendyke, who had: fh hammfer oh half-cock, Sntfwas" Wnly plE on' the trigger togisti ddWn?"'Thal& the idea! J f AJFytf edifonr feathers and a gas" bill fce-lar-tingale! WHfi $6&p6Miftt-tf want k nevr stocl and si' steamer hatrimer W t)e' acSdle Tkm ybtt mw that dda4iaM!fty shoot the bijrds yoa don'; -waffaxV em 16 shoot toa fii3t m 1 tbetrlkeacVoff with aa ie Mrs.i BptkrDondvkef saioqatr " so-wotaa lirit tfiefSH measfefy Md!ht(tft J the conviibrir fKwh I 4r yelloHf fcircltlmct tpajnhrf Itjry a Bprtsman5 . WHIo rhi aitafdr! 4 tavwT ' . iri r i r v-s- n -f I Anrl when I 'sea S1 tfocl3"sTsiirJ went the jrart triek!r te xau ieatncra ' - oat or -an J ergrit-'lay elocfc and plbwifW foof foTrroiir4! the waU, perf atini the croWd'r and culminating1 J3.oSjSn dykeVplug hat. r X3 T".J&li j x6odnei:rgKOas!1 rfqfleale Mrs-'rpekdykislyl : Mr;" 3r5endvte-tid e tt , it ' f - -- ,- - .e X 1 'WIrytiWfMTW,a5p stmf"ei ttrrb rny aim for And oiaW- WleTSit ' M' '. mi av . t . -r -is-v ia-aa afi-.i-!-w, ,v . WT I out xninar x'can aoia twucvejurrre rofi pde?aWuW6tftaoI tJihl while" meisly Wtriad is teircl throtirfi irrlhbarrirM1 t-trui Jf that W bwa biiJow gested Mrs. J3TX)ot)h'dy to, -smoaflyt "If "TOtf 'shoisld aim'at 8?53N you'd catcbfhmamlf,. -ufw t 1 Oh1 TOuTtridtwha:T "ctmlOabi with y-dicrr informatiod aBdut-gbjar ry, you onjy . tibi ; -waa - irv your mouthJand a' kiok' Ttke a'trfole-' to ' be a mo'wtaiff howttzr?1 'iri-liid;' Totir irrteflicilce'oa'Bpwfii TObjwcts,'d hire out fir' shdt -tower. Don't you've spoiled thsf d6g gasted 'gtrn? And Mr. rtOTen(xyKe,' Autious Tr some excuse to take it 'back1 to h friend Spocklewtittle, wh' loaried it td him, held it Oatf and eyed his ife sternly. 'You've ruined" that',fgtn,? he continued, alemtay won't ever eo off again." v-u .rt,toj - 4J"flVB rnfriif daan'l Consoled MVsl Spobpidyke; rt's Doen blFehbuh and rd just as Bel nate some1 clams aAbird 'Torrgd toi bed arjdHwiOJ try and'do without ntXxtde ! 'ItwontgrJoff againxwpeAted Mr. ihdvke, "as he frxibed ?fiU his couch. "Tlint d Wi v-fiiriaul ovf trWf via turned. his is faos'the VsIL1--5. ; Mis. SrjordvWalciwlyxlisrb havm!? v first turnea ' a .stream 01 2 VCaaTQUxTn urne t9 Wfy9ftfci falttrd asw a mra, -conmraea Aix.psepenayie adjatuig'tJae wtrtridg At. "I rmi! the loarl frf BsSSfrh- 4iHrj waiter id to tne gun from ( the fattcfet, I je thtfdtrty otail ,i rarriwfiaa iw and betook Irer -to rest- fy0r,mtfc off Agam,--4nA tflonga-imV ii-it aoeanmaigiii wsuKjaia ui waterxumrr fcaa .PWaiei stifwtpv idfaiim top refl. 1 1 f tne 3ar 01 Mr. S Sl u BL.a m -m MeSUV,WMMiUa4B auu wauw, Jmow Lta&ei tnougODAne naAAPf ooerravjca: rno- xarnoa overisuga OfltwuuinvafBw4xiaan;AeyTahSi ettottgh' Jnisenief J withx ktntming J Man is itwighfc byhjg $gq him dodgMt64 blaxkt 1 ,xbyaaotn-aiJ .taLeioUT . .aj-iAq-3 ij- .La Laaia awsw yiiutota adJ.,i extotten'?tuscnief t wiUa lananung Tar aimj ai A;ti a't-aTawaFWlwTIW S maSv aa,i Mflrj;oaJtl AfWcrejirniI,BAb voUsiiuijrfsiiiM derXaiiaA2iera fciiiinHf- fUFi4aW 1 islMi U;y-teetr, Woi12?aAta gyrwero't ' ' - 11 ' . . ? Ji..s. ita that when I come to Wpnld'fciivs n. rrrl over xz I 3. , i'n t'r: rT5'.!Ir2.i J--'-t'.'ffTlS-i3 t?- 7 V hcl .ia '; . Ulh-i tar,: iriiiaAd. fiiXHei. been in bed brxt,w- moments when Mx8cklavl; t wUpI is camftfjwtiae m iilWX: rouikeax .iiaUnyeMlsim! j, fits noDgsaid thsxjui.4, '.'SomethiBg, fshakjrtief4jad Mr. Muckle." ' . IIC1.. 11" vJoaMro, anoi.Aee iwiiAta. a B6tCf witn jmo parson, alt. Auct unti piou,Act liiorA rjoiawho liaArrt gt aay aenaar d-JVnJrfr pam Pi want uir aaiw pexjuau., trjaw caa a iajjcfaer audi: ic see: t- man- ia the rvchuckV -nexta room' The doors shut ar lh'A'9utj ue t vfrr a Jaa.:2asje tj$4 ello noiiif.ee? ffltiyAwn hirnofJf try sjkn a-4Jux, u, 1 eaprfajdtt,fe.tlie iMaranea. -Mia f . ara. i .,,! jiasHcioveri hisharsilsjjxdii a a - a ?Aaayiiner mgAt, iHe sa-gsotamliij. you a better put up ujatuim, 8adKipcAcjpus fuLior.liwBe.S. SftOx? t94vv Jj- WMWHg1 Sweet -ilft IfailfTBf i.itlca uAnd dweJle o Liv.ira csrttaireKil 0 lUeiflssatAhiflaUAiSt4 tntcBe3tusJiHastavu ClnbsaueevWws stabdna m lctalJlowKmosajai3 civ ia-4-IrorsteiBiA iaitairft Md 20 1--a lsty,.tottaf its UepartomfcUaJjbott .mplMaly0 pi'Solacec4ic4riBa( Tnarrylrntiiki-sav man or senator rwhlri rlwi mw s'snil SAtiaWauOtttit 1fade8nd tabfeaxxioBegkiaUj isftsa vvaAboawtne nsrrsrr-snnlrifiTi1 to rWday-iapxsar7a VBes iSOnetigtaSgrj oom a w.-fweif aofctrsjJ Id. l .SS'aimgf) ! - . . t. J.,.. i " J , , 1 il. 'tnaxiage aMBuwesawaxaoa wotddn'ttato a ptaainwSEfe Aii Wtdrn cfiaritab4epaBditmt th victor J6ini tbaAbsniokf i 34 fe5Aa srssiertihibiniaiaii spise,tna.4Tbwy arax all aoi.aillt, but Of ourvwrlare--HBXKtipiur t,J alF ryih.MTEl6Cftdt President -of th O&lWrens'.AidSooietyJ ).-v Jl ( - 37 8JA01.m8 boyaol entaetj or twenty1 yfeawd tdJtska-her to .itt Ti t-rr-ii 1.1:1 prayer' meeongas -uuueouiauiy denies allWeratiosjaJof afira:T 11 f fr;49 t)b49:-i-WouM aaptavpraaeh'' r of hr jecwanoinxratun iwuuout resrxhsi maeitileaiiStJarcrft: in-' Urt ia 0tfaavkand in cata" aaf obnaft btrcbsa w iurw -501 F4r45 to e.beYnabarBi idiawktt mm ' rod?eirticdlarlt- nkA f "ScfttggY.8 fifetfajcMiiawprsMiU Sl r? . . - - a ts preacher wltli a Hall doi tilitfeSal 'feoVB-U-sh t otfeet!tetir fceitJtstfa' fcas etwJd J '- 60 o STbjmk besrvwil aba was nereytearrted. AM! msjtra brutes. F Mor rtureS ' erriblysslarUAi k 1 rr tatiV hef tBArtKd..ifortMn p?M6rnaoAi maUayiKisss x fwfe idblarTt teeMaatdci bd f aar wm!ti 11 , . . p aj at f tacf . osi nM oj jr 1 Man is tsoKaaxX) tyi IV Qngu r, an DO .waiTsi atlirUMlMiiai If IlliWl afl 1 . . 1 a t (mi njV.feteai a a V Sa - r Klsl Stassaivf tht tlmMw? ,Wtfibjt&f e Jwt when, in a- nbpoliea of rafl d stith institutions; sit t rbtMZ A 111 . aree anoruicMie liioomnjus-tariff on leflaUSlSEilIdte iVgeajrtiry Jaw7tjad flslatfcyiPast icuitom, bound to make the most of jepportu uity 1 itjaaJdJjO-jai, UttisM yir any , w wHato srta53ejrt $adff-or government. Put if the fllleWxjf Amenca-itow-Uk tay' prWar in ele ylrglw fndfsVtaint, smthpr iVfaaUbration there: r Now wrr Vr nnf. fawov V Idea hiitl)iotcre JnoJroaa now enough. aJidjpowerfriT AnoughV wiffl lafficieit paknT1 W hur-these bands asundert xt;sJ zAist.',' ilJlix jftojhjng; JbAtchtfeii, mU- ee snguip oft uvxea at ne- aificre- Boa'oT few- trfbitaliatB, J hv not in our section? JWhcxB ia' the BhallWlrVt froi4 thsBtodpoint of MilroAd ! kiogi-iairBady,- rwb-reoa dfld, act &jprablyjQ, their.inter; est against ourselves. . than ' their millions may janltiplyias 'fre1 mate "t)r froirA the rtoRiti'd"rr oF tt YiWfitA wUw teaHMfe'pe bbiredi flfcdy twenty yeariS.--.V7ffieaniiot travel at reasoniblc JfafeiTJiM if .9 rlratwrianlr in V-ift? .manner JUtfigh pay eshorbitant rates.; The mosj gaes to puua up cuscant Topj preesrrD6ubilesB, fegifilati ni the press genaraDy: 'vnll throw their iflftisingenagaiMMor so tyra? nous, aiflcffbwllu- uiii prufessedly f r alighidTcmnt akratianahdgdod of thsf paO?l4. A tdi H ii'd'tlia van orThera, w somewherB , amoagi our millions of Southern men,1somer one who 'obtiM ' free' us. "If . oat tioiitil eians who can. plan a' oamhaisfn years ahead, werSretedEri getting up iisttea'0 aSevaifing - our 1 4 ayjrrvws Ihigb, oppression? they; .would have JbelteJbaxt.aad not resprt to mean whisky to buy votes- i .Qar tQwnship, 9nty anil State wnvntions should exercise more 'isburakie 'and "not be ;bull .dozed" .itrtd'nomhTiHnsf con. trary to their judgmeni t-, , . -j, omia kenHrha 1 cannot ' b bought orsoJ raid tuany things ' will toarexiarisortpJiJut .A: pretention as gaardiimahip, protectjonland jujvtsti- a? a . ion juhi; ior. campaign T euer, tMfto relief. Kd true-THari wotild call theTwhote rriouhtry toother to witheiliffht'of.haBdpeotmajicrj lsxuxrfiatii ararjwherfo eQ deceit and demand true meu. fr, 9 fice. MdjyhenwebA3atj1 now djinghl0 dnrjstipl: to him. Encoiirasre Tiiro; Bold' rrp hla hahda. ni ? rwV'eoh2 Zncidt&t, r n. .Tuv ..1' i'-'AJl 'il"1:'" is Mrn0i me iausiiipaeuiDg mmga Se nave reaxin aoorrg time (urthat orV'bf V ibberaiKla" fJ3di Tone n& iffer Fra&klin thdiana-. r-. , J isJTawJbibenama fcblwri Jiouse jat night and demandedhex -money- or her HfQ. fihfl,,hadjal!ra 6r Ufa either" but " shs preferred giving. rrfia former VilhftrilJ ti latter 4hbht4itoreiiitL placed Lit iit hiahaaojHe ilookaj tit j oyer not for -her that he-Wdtria cradit-lier -ith nlv 94 cants n tha 'toads VkHaie ehiding her for taking xam - tQr, their face Value. l-TTawan't ynti e.ytjV.inp; elsO bgarTlwkingabut: f& scalitily fttrmshed apartment, 1 a child1 a braee- 3etTing7 anjthiigUrthknkinlJy Jtei7ticbhajia4ijottogJC3ore8he xepUedr.wio Tah.f JLhought struck him. . iXpuiv husband .was , a krJwfitfS'eAcbidwl- jidtf hwtafrd-Mii5aiiii ahe nut DTfasnha must havabttd a revol SAzXi vwbt vana meoi rafw9 SrwrraprQijaDy wouia pt. rich enou"-h s relair ana Jthed carefully toea.ilhat, sha4 did palm off any twenty-cent pieces -auartera 'An'f afionalv tnlJ'" 4bavswad. ifs4jrjMlAe tsajctinneiixsiearchjpg her countenance. , Ah, ,,to 1 erow , con ftisedf you atanimor, your manner,, be trays you. Get that revolver at once and give it to me.' In vain they wo inim4rmp3rcd himiio-i, spare -that harmless trinket, ahaost ths sole me rar bithalmslmridshe had lost. Slia had paVrned maayy thingso when tediatrasaI6uti had always" hold on 4 t9cthat4 But that tobbar was nn- 4lentiiigJ i Sobbing bitterlyv 'r-i the woman want-to av burawi drawer, and removed the precioua relicvaround which 'clustered aa many tender 4 focollction. llust-yoa- have itr said she, aaahe advanced with train -blmg' steps towards hiat. Yea,' I must,' said the robber, extending his hand, 'Well then, take! it said she, geaUypretmag the Arher-iidr the iawt UaiaU ThBrowaaaloTidp-report I and the robber tumbled over cead. : pttq ti '.ii 1 si'r- ; ..) Ki-.iii 1 ; lVacws!wlI4ssuX waat -voa ! to tell "me i aaw Intlwil yourself and family veil tie iptttH sesf.wbe all rtbe rest efns have T been sick so much, and bars cad; the doc tors visiting its so often." T r i Bro.'. Tijlui. the auswei is very easy. I used Hop JBister Jn. time: kept my family well and Saved the doctor bills. Three dol lars' trortae etSit-jkepA us; well sad able to work all ths time FU warrant it has cwt you and the neighbors one to two hundred dcOaSrs apiece to keep sick the the acme time. " , VAsaoon III use yoor medkioe hereafter. ' f'ay' Mike' -and f -Dreadful Temlc sbtsx the eandidates for Mayer ofOraaa t Plains, Nebraska. , Both are running on theanU-grasopper w 1 ii.a.. a, - lva. &i Batekaba days af Dr. Bull's Cough Byrop a person troubled with a cough always con i altedhunhvaician: How he onhr invest 4&8fsata;im4Mevt4aftcrafwdoflsJ ;

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