i -rv-:- k 'rm-M ?' "' oa oi etad ew 3317?? is -iahli- 'Halt1. inLi'Vicirrifl: 1 a BB STJKg lt)tJ AES EIGHT;TH?!N QO Grockett. " V,. TT VOB. 59. ARBORO', N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1881. NO. K) ';!: .. ... . .... ; iUO; , ,.J. J jk 1 f; l W.Z W V l k sn re. r ea 7i ! ai ill ill ,i a 4 1 k I I, I 1 I I I P. A I & "K ? I Lr- Religious Appointments. Ccdcary 'ZAVr'y every Cheshire Pastor, holds divine services every kSE forenoon and 5 Wednesday morning at a"Q riaay i ernoon . Presbyterian Church liev. B. A. Wailea, . win Dreocu uiuium and evening in 3rd 4ui and 5th gabbatbo ; VTnnnt On 1st and" WilSOn on 2nd. lrayr meeiing every Wednt-sday evening Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Jos. E. Dreacb. morning and Hnrter. raeior, win nveuinff. In Tarboro, ou 2d and 4tb Sabbatn i m each month. . Methodist Church Rev. Josepli D. Ar jioM. FaatoriWill preach morning and even ing every bbathV f rayer meeting .very Monday evening. rVrtOr,pi.a OTilat Satnrdaya l day In each month. H OWARD & NASH, Attarneji and Caaruelors at Lav. Pracaia in all the CoorU, StftU an4 ral. nov.B-iy. kVEY if A.TTI , CAKBOliO', ..U Bate and eerl Court. 5SlalSentl.-n given tocolleeUona. Tb.6, 1KV. Card. I have removed y DENTAL OfFH3 w tk new aaiiding reoentlv areeaaa by r. J. C. JUaiar. next aoor t Taraoro Boon, vhera I wUI glad ta receiva any iaaa tr ay dwinac Dental war. I aa ar BiaUylaead Hera, aaviMr lem tb aecdatory fvaiabnUdia tor a ler ot veara. ior, ISAAC . CAUR. IKSOaUL SLIGHTS. rTT.-.ni n be soothed by tie sortea VV -v, sua keenest raeor when your toach tcara i bar set r Would yon cthance your , iK ritn,4o k.i that Tour wile or crtheai!t womdn't recognize you? Then nnl to Nathan Williams, hose Berber 5 nop is in Tarbora licirif: SbatDDOoing done, own manufacture, for saic on JH.ain at. co Hair Oil, of his WEDDELL & CO. j j AVIS G received a faU assortment of S CHOOL BOOKS, .i'F.VI5t i NEW TKS TAM FN F8f FKAMI'-LIX ?QUARK & SEASIDE LlbilAx, ST A ! TIONEK'. AViU i:e sold 'low for :sh. CalJ aud see. Alr bookeconuiieuded by fctate Board to u-d in Public Schools, at reduced rates, al. - 1 -f- WSDDEIX dE CO. THE CRY ML TREY COME ! week lam receiving the famoufl EVERY from Norfolk Va-, WRBNN a. - Tarboro. AIo auu at aay Repositery . lactarfog V2JL1SS. TLLBXJES, SsUiDLi. I and keep on hand Hiding Baggies, Coach and Wagon Collar;., Bogey and Waon Bridles, al! lor sale cheap. Give me a call. J. H. BiOWM- Tarboro, Sept. 1, lS81.-4m. SPRAGINS & CO., TTAVING recently pneao-ed in the grocery 11 business, at the Old Stand lormeriy .ept by Spragins fc Co. . We take- pleasure ia announcing our friends, and the public generally, that we have taken great pains in selecting a stock for tne retail trade, Our Endeavors Please, are to Wr thorptnrfi. cnrdiailv Invite our friends, and the citizens of Edirccombe, and adjacent counties, to call and examine our stock, com posed of all the vaxiert kinds generally kept In a FIRST-CLASS RETAIL 6 Uou ".."ill te given, e-ictial!y to Onr attu tat thity-t. BUTTEB CHEESE, . njeb needed in this and other aciicacies ;. i. icw as ai;" lirst- ei.a'ity. '-e expect ei. a Tl3I.ity and win eia r. r -tail CToeer in tli! i ii omDlete and endeavor o fcucp our i-totK a.- afiord. attractive as the inr.rK.eis will . - ., njj t l t i ".It l . . v .J. i. opiums win tiii'i uio. "Va.;'t3 in v. -. apuure you ne mil up;-.', 'o.ir . o;ir line. 'at moderate : rit'.t. Give U3 a call. t PEAGINi 6c CO.. . " 1'uj-boro, N. C. Pot. 20-t jan 1. PATENTS Obtained, and all businessin the U. S. Patent Office, or iu the Courts attended to for MOD ERATE FEE3 We are opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, en gaged ia PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE LY, and -can obtafh patent in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Wh(Ju model or drawing is seat we advise as to natebtabilitv free of oi;iv and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS ".VTS OBTAIN PAT ENT. We refer, here, to the Post Vaster, thetupt. of the Money Order Div., and to oAelals of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice. terms, and aeference to actual clients is your own (State, or county, aaarees C. A. SNOW A CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C i WWW 1i a Amrw KmA M.n. muU 1 1 U Costly outfit free. Addre SB True A Co.. Au- : nsta, luue. mar-iy. SHERIFF'S S1LE. THB nnderigaedr, bJrtue of execution to him directed, will expose to pnblie galo before the Court Honse door in Tar boro, at the hoar of 12 a. on .Mopday, 8th day of Dec. next, for cash, the lollowing real eatate, to-wlt : That portion of the real eatate ?t apart to t'afrfo D Howell by the cotnmisaionera appaioted ta prtition the real property of amaa Knlgbt.Jdoceaaed, adjoining the land af V- 1. Bbarpe, eat oi K H Dicken and other. B. BRTAN, Sh'ff. per John R. Staton, Dep. Tarboro, N. 0 , Nort t, l881.t-0 j EXECCTOITS 4H the SDth of Hot. text, Q the lata reai J ience of Col. David WllOma, deeeaaad, of Kdfecomba aountrJ abaot alx mil from Toianot we, aa eraenfcora, will aaU to the bigb-? as bidder for eaah, the personal property f aid deeeaaad, oonslgting of hovaebold and kitchen fnruitnxa, farming tapletnenta, (in cluding waggona, eaito, eaniaga, boggy and sulky. J The crop madooa the farm aooalsV lng of corn, fodder, paae, oatft, tad about to or 40 bales of cotton, 6 srakea, S hones, about SO head of aattiaX) or SO hogs and various otaer artadea too tedloos to enumerate, the accumulation of a Ufe4tme on a large ;planta tion. W. f. GRKKN, i JTBS8K KBRCZR, Executors. h. c Moee, ) Vot. e-at. n JIIDICUL SUE OF LAFiO. PURSUANT te thai decree of the J ate of the Superior Court or Sagecombe county. In tb cause entitled W. H. Johnston and Ren. NorOeet cxVs of John Korfleel JVB. Henry A. Charley aad LoaUa aharley. I shall sell far ah In freat af n Court House door in Tarboro, aa Kondey, hm 5th day of Decern bar. 18S1, a oertain piece ol laad ar town lot, the property of Defendant's sit natcd intaeeowmof T&raoro, lyipg oc Bank ana Water streets, aad deeijraeted in the plan of said sewn, aa lot Be. 113. W. A. DUiAN, Com'r. Nov. 1,1881.41 o I judiciil mx oruifi. PL1SUAKT to the decrfe of the Jadge of tbe Superior Court af Cdacoaabe coun ty, at Spring Term lSibl, in the cause mu lled W. II. Johnston audi ReuJ. Korfleet, tx'ra of Joha Piorfteet.v A iicCabe and il. A. MeCabe, I shall sell for cash in front oi the Court House door in Tarbf rt, on Monday, the 5th day of December, ll, J1 ol the icttreets of aciendanu la Uis lolloainp o. nLcd pjircelp or town loui to-w:t . TUilr . ittiie interest io two piect of tend deslufil m the plan of the tows ot Tarboro Lut.- '.ju. ,ered I and 2. Their iotereat therein an undivided fTe-eifehths of lot number 1 sad ha:f of lot No. 21 A. DL'OGAN, Ct i No.- JlDICIiL SALE OF LWD. PURSUANT to tlje Jectee of the Judire ot the Baperior t'oait of Kileccnil.e. eouu ty at Fall Utrm 18701 In the cause euutled lradnoJ Hai!na V.ues 'jva John, 8. Dancy, 1 will sell iu front srt the Court House door in Tarboro on Moaday. the 5th day of De cember, 1331. to the eheet bidder, all of that piece or parcel f land or towa lot, the property ol the defendant, aad on which be cow resides, situate la the town ef Tarboro in said county, adio&miag the laada of Win S BaUle and others! amdoiilaiai IS acre more ar lee- Thai front yard coDiaiue a number and variety erf Magnolia, Irs, aol lie, jeeeinalnoB, and woodbinee, and orna mental abraba. The backyard contains a variety of grapes and fruit tree. The gar dee alao contains e.aite a variety of Irait trees, grape Tinea and a large strawberrv bed, well adapted to the growth of vcpeUblee, and ia U a kih state of fertili'y. Under the dwelling house aad connected therewith Is a una cistern, at tbe capacity al 00 fftQona, the water from which is always pls'Sntly cael, aa W aejug neaeaaary, The da-alUaft ?d ani buildings are hi a good atane af preservation through out. Thefeucaa are aad aha praasiaae, ex eept a few rods, have been renewed r re paired by the preaent ewe or end are in a good condition. I The property will be sold iu lots ar par cels of which as accurate plat will be pre pared and ay 1 iaepeceed by thoas dssir- ng o purchaa fOre the day of sale . H. ; On foarth aeh, Valance iu 12 - wtb ioterast at I per fcent. asur A TiTTnn a VT month W. A. DUGGAW, gpia'r. Nov. 1, at. o W. P. WILLIAMSON JOSHUA KILLZBBK . X1LLEBREW & CO-. Wholesale 6c Retail j Mm, Williatnson Building, tain St Tarboro, N- C Offer special inducements to the CASH t ratio and solicit for the coniiui; year TIME areouir. with respoasiblej parties. Advances terms. crops made on reasonable MESSRS. FRJVNK R. PENDER and THO.-i L. WILLIAMSON, our efficient and potite salcsmcu. will Ijje pleased U serve ti.eir irieuds ana tuo pttLitc r ALTER P. WILLIA"rSoN, tromey and Counsellor at l aw, Bt., TARBORO, N. C. Parties wisht: ng to negouate loans can dc ccommooatc on applicatiou to him. Ltftner Sheldon, j - DCALIB I3T I . I. i-1 "ax SA1ES .DOORS, BLINDS BUIliDIBV HAKDWAKi, PAINTg, OlX, GLASS, And Building Material of yrjr deacrlptlan MOa,10 ,W.BrDB IfARKKT iQDAKiV rtORFOLtt, VAi- i Hovcmbrl88f 18,1-y. MEDICAL. - a-.. II -FOia BUMTISE Ntatmlgim, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sonnet of the Chest, Gout, Quint j, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprain, Barn and Scald, General Bodily Paint, ; Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet aad Ear:, and all ether Pain and dches. '" Bo PaajM-ation "on" rt?i qti!gi St. Japos Oit m smu-fi, jilmpj muii d(ij Ltenil K-miy A trinl ant&il but tlw comparatively trifling oatlay at 60 Cats, nd erery one taffcrlng with pain can kavq ciiaap tud po3rivc pruuf u! if elsims. lnrectioni in ZHcTen Iti;tij-3. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS LSD 2EiLEi3 IN MTDIOLHB. A. VOGEIER &, CO., ' t'.tiitiinore, ifii., V. B. -Ju MALABIAL POISON. The prim ip-il cause of uear'y all Mctces at this tiiur; of the year has its origia ia g disordered lirer, which, if ,iot regulated iu tini?, jrredt pusli-ricg. wretcbednes and death will ensue. A troiitleman writing from South America Bays : "1 .'v used your Simfuons Liver. Kcru!afor v at k"'''! effect. IkUb a preveutiou nrirt f. Ti rs on the Ithrji" rf . re !or raalarifJ Vegetable MEDiCiiME An effectual sps , cificfar malarious !eers Bo et lessrc -s; "a , Janudice. Colic, F.est rc?siou Sick Headache, 'illiouacess, Djapep- II you feel drowsy, debilitated, hive lre qnent headache, mouth tastes badly, pnr appetite, and tongue coated, you are suf fering from torpid liver, or billiousness, and nothing will cure jou so speedily and per manently as to take SIKSOKS LIVES KESULATwK. It is given with safety, and tbe happiest results to the most delicate, infant. It Ukus the place of quinine and bitters of every kind. It is tbe cheapest, purest -nil best family medicine in the world. Buy only tbe genuine in white wrapper with red Z, prepared only by J. H. ZElLIN Jc CO. Sold by all Druggists. J. JL Baler, M. D. J. M. Rowe,M. DEALERS Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet flrifcles, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Tobacco and CiGtiBS, Main St., Tarboro, N. C. Next door to II. Morris & Bros. Uvsiciaas" Prescriptions careiully com pounded 7 ftnd night. teen from above, i , "- with Mr. I have' formed a cr J. 41. Rowe for the l'7;;..::,i:t,.r. on the Drug Business, . ?" e , -c-'-'ed by my- at the old stanc formerly . -Cl- J 3 self. M r. Rowe is a gr!tiia:te adelphia College of Pharmacy, aad he D-v? had ptcven vm f:f.rinte in gi'ua.j ti tue largest store? iu the country. By tiier. at tention to business, weii.jp'' to lurit a con tinuance o,f the liberal yatronie i the pub lic. JULIAN U. 21K.ER, M. D. After an absence of eieve.1 yearf I uve i retarr.ea io nay o;o f rr i'-u a C.- for t'ae piir- "n panne rsbio th Dr. J M. BaV:e Basi nets, i Bhall devote lay tini., aud attention to if i bu-iEC1, nr;d Uojx? thtt my Jricna.'. and the public ten , ulry v,:: give us a fair share M tLtir ctt-imse. 'HN M. ROWE. Tarboro, N. C, May V-i, 1SS1 -tf. WORTHiNGTOM'S Family Medicine ! raHIS Stp.ndard. RoTucdy has been in use ia Jfi. ihis country and in Europe for a quarter of a ecptarv. and for sente and chronic bowel ariectious, "Burns. Rheumatism, Coldw, Infla luaiious, wid as :m aiiur.v-t in Chiiis and Fe-v-f-rs. it has no eoual. -"It was adopted for tusC in the Confederate Armv bv the order of the .:ur"con Gerei-jJ. tHjeiestiinoiiiais. . Li'. 1 Y K : . C AltMf.K .(J J. , , BrJtiuioro, Sid.. X. IXaii ssaa wuiuxuii yjtigiriWf aautA wujujav f uauwo- al repatatioa through tno cafios of oompucat4 caoa. LT!ai?a-?Ti9w "EXPQsuRgod..? ectioiM ol th blood, pkin or bouts, trvutevt with btio oeas, mUumtoiiuM ummor ijoiaoaons mhicuim. ygyrfqttf flot t UlMaa that unfits ita vie- ; or raarrlas. permasentlr etmxi. r ATiepTTS TRKATED?',"r5T5 nailwb kaauwmd by ptoU danruc n I trm M y MM pvik Dfcgiafliiw itrfatly i MW. ,aUnrTa lSJOTth 8th at, St, IoJa, ate. ERHABI) DEMUTO, Lager Beer & Wine SALOON, Main Bt next door to B. J. Keech, and op posite Tarboro' Hoiut - TARBORO, N.C Sept. 0, 1878. Ii, Bffl g HOWL IN ztboro' Bonthttntx. Tsuirsday, PBEKIJUfflS varii at the Tint Aaaaal fair ef tbe Edeoexa'M AgrUultarfJ to Xe . hanloal Tab AawiatUa Wi at Tarboro, Kot. tta, 9ti, ,v lOtb and 11th, 18SL DFABTKX2Tr A Jos Peel, 4 squashes, $ 1 00 Jno ADaris,' best bruahel of red wheat, 20 00 Jno B Daney, 1 specimen to matoes, 1 00 Jno 8 Dancy, largest Tariety of vegetables, 12 Varieties, 10 00 Mrs Mary Walstos, black win ter oats, 47 i bos. per acre, I A. Sugg, 1 lot cucumbers, D B Batts, best chufas, ; " potatoes, J S Quinley, 5 best stalks of cotton, E G Knight, largest yield stock peas per acre, E O Knightjbest variety bread corn, J K Thigpen, best species seed oats, . E C Knight, beat yield culti vated grass, J W Powell, best specimen of tobacco, Cha L Ktickny, betit yield peanuts on one acre, Dr Lawrence, five beat stalks cotton, (special premium) 1 Stonewall plov, by T- H. Gatlin, Tom Lyon, beet sarupi cotton from any co -dr jer, tpecial premiuui by Raleigh Cot ton Gin Co., awarded to the Rowland Cotton Gin, T A Woi sley, best bushel rice Chas King, best variety uced peas, ilrs B G Howell best variety :garden seei, Mis B G HowelL best epeci (Bir-ii Irish potatoes, 10 l 2 10 00 00 00 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 00 2 00 5 00 20 2 Oi) 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 i Alxb si i rloweu, bost speci t m u onions. Lost : W R Whichard, best speci- i imen beets, . 1 00 Mra W F Lewie. Lest ppeci- men cabbage, 1 00 JiB, Thigpen, best spfecimcn 1 jute, special, ,. 1 00 Li HarreH, bale cotton, weigh ing" 1K2 fbsj on one aero, ' special premitrm 1 ton of Stono Soluble Guano. E E Knight, bale of cotton, 600 lbs lint cotton per acre, wiiare Stono Acid Phos phate1 -was used, special, 1 ton Stono Acid Phosphate. E E Knight, 1 bs!e cotton, average 6T2 lbs lint per acre where Stono Ash Element was used, special 1 ton of Stono Ash Element. Wesley Roberts, best sped men celery, 1 00 Dr BacNair best specimen okra, special. 1 00 Jethro Battle, best specimen upright baskets, special, X Ep? rlants. i ' 1 00 00 G W Branch, Enfield, largest ; yield of cotton on two acres ' of land, 30 00 D W Crisp, best bale of rice f straw, special, 3 00 W T Tolson, for largest yield cotton, special premium, 1 ton Upshur s Guano, J R Thigpen, best N C hams, " " pumpkin, DEPABTUEVT B. A L Hassard-Short, stallion, 1st premium, D H Barlow, stallion, second premium, 00 00 20 00 5 03 A L Hassard-Short, brood mare, l6t premium, 20 2nd premium. 5 L L Staton, best yearling, 5 Selby Bros, stallion, 1 20 00 00 00 oo i Ti "F Barlow, broodmare, 1st premium, Win S Battle, brpgdmare, io oo 2nd premium, L Li btiton, best 2 year oil 00 00 00 00 00 It, l" D IT Billow, 2nd premium, o L L Staton, best yearling, 10 George Howard, tind pro Gso. "Wimbcrlv. best licbt dranght hors' Firgu hc.r- 10 00 J IT Baker, b double bar 5 10 5 10 00 00 A Savage, best jack, W G Ijewis, best mrile, J Tl Taisrpen, bor.t pair taules, 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 N J Pittman, best thorough bred bull. 10 Entry No. 18, dairy cow, 10 N M Lawrenco, 2d beet. 5 Mrs W Waltson, best heifer, 5 Mrs Norfleet, best yoke oxen, 10 J S Daney, 2nd best, 5 Jco S Dancy, best fat cattle, 15 S E Speight, 2d best pen, 5 hln IT V No. 85. best fat cow, 5 00 Jno S Dancy, best and largest exhibit, 20 00 Hargroves best tborough-bred br, 7 00 tIiao T-vViVati Vifinf tjgIi fat JL V Wav' ' - hogs, 1Q 09 N B Dawson, & Bro, tiest lot pigBt Geo Battle, largest fat hog, "NT J.P'ttmnn. beat thoroufh- 5 10 00 brtdbnek. 10 00 N J Pittman, bast thorough bred ewe, - 7 Fred Philips, beat nativa awe, f " pen lambs, 5 J B Thigpen, best exhibit na tiresheep, 10 XUETABTatEpT C, Mrs B Barron, best 5 lbs. but ter, 5 Mrs E Crommell, 2nd best, 2 Mrs H It Staton, best 10 lbs. 2 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 3 6 oo 3 00 2 00 3 2 1 3 2 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 5 2 2 2 2 2 o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 en rolie, Lewinia Morgan, plain biscuit, 00 00 Susan E Porter, under 15 y'rs of age, best pound oake' 1 00 Lizzie Bridgere, under 12 y'rs of age. best plain biscuit, 1 00 Mrs M A McNair, best bread from Swan Lake flomr, spec ial premium by Wy lie Smith & Co., Baltimore, Md., one barrel of said flour. Mrs M AMcNair, best bread from Itoyal Crown flour, special 'premium by Wylie Smith A: Co, Baltimore, Md, one barrel of said, flour. Miss Julian Mcnair,' best loaf bread iiade by an unmar ried l:v3y, 1 cook: stove, by S S Naeh & Co. Mrs N M Lawrence, best loaf I bread made from Green Spring; flour, 1 bbl of said flcrur. B G Howell, largaet dozen, eggs, Miss Thigpen 2 largest dozen etrgs, ; 1 0d 1 00 H A Weber, best wedding oake, 1 Diploma Wylie Smith at Co., Baltimore, Md., for best flour on exhi bitionj 2 bbls. Royal Crown, flour, : Diploma Eliza Baker, fancy cakes, Diploma f DZPAKTMZIJT D. A Savage, barnyard chickens, 2 00 " " Puddle ducks, 2 00 Mrs J L Bridgers, Jr, Hou- don, chickens, 2 00 Mrs" Ladra Bridgers, Muscovy ducks, J Bulluck, Bremen geese, Geo P Hart, best Hong Kong geese, E Cromwell, trio Brahmas, J R Thigpen best collection pigeons, John Balluck, native ducks, J K Wheeler, Pekin ducks, 2 2 2 o 3 2 o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 trio Plymouth Rock chickens, 2 00 Willie AYilkinson, Pan Tail Pigeons, 1 00 J K Wheeler, best and largest variety displayed of chick ens, special premium, 1 box . tobacco, H B Bryan, best trio Cochin chickens, a. Nadel, WTilson, N C, Ham berg chickens, Lucy Barlow, best trio Gui neas', 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 J G Arlington, Rocky Mount, best, trio Jersey Blue, i DEHAETMENT B. J H Brown best double carri age 'harness, R A Sizer, best set buggy har ncs", Joel H Brov.n, best and lar reit va-ietv of hai-ness, &c, 3 00 2 00 SUver Medal C H Dourrbtv, best pair boots sT H make. 2 00 C H Doughtv, 44 shoes, , ! N C make." 2 00 C II I Doughty, best display boots and shoes, .North Car olina make, Silver Medal H Mprria &Bros, best display of, boots ana snoes, any manufacture. Diploma Rocky Mount Mills, best dis plav ol rope t J manuiact uiie", Diploma PEPABTiTEKT T. Haiiff & Son, Goldsboro, N C, best pianos, (StiefTs make), , Silver Medal Hanff & Son, best organ (Pe- lvibel & Co.,) Silver Medal Hanff & Son, best and largest dasnlaY of musical instru ments. PiPrPW M n (Jastex & uo, uoiaBDoro, 00 N'C best and largest dis play of sewing machines, Diploma N Clani, Mrs S E Uoyd, best 10 lbs. motion suet, Mrs Iucy BtatOa, best lot of beMwaxl Ux S ESpeigbt, best lot N C hard aqap, Istra BCodgec, best soft soap, Mrs J y Jones, home made candyA j M LiiohtostM S Co., best va riety N'C made candy, Jno S Iancy, best collection preseryeb, " Mrs B Q Howell, 2nd best, Mrs A E Lewis, best jar pj33serve, Mrs 1J5--Batts, best collec tion jellies, Mrs S E Pprter, 2d best, Check 16, bet jar jelly, MrB C J Austin, best collec tion pjokles, Miss A C Parker, 2d best. " .. jar pickles, Mrs W H Powell, best jar to xnato catsup, Mrs H H '. Shaw, best cider vinegar, Mrs M L Savage, best dried peaches, Mrs J L Bridgere, best speci men cordial, Mrs B G Howell, best and lar goet collection of preserves, jellicc, Ac, Mrs Eason, best pound cake, Mrs H M curie, sponge sake, Mrs Jae Gaskell, fruit cake, Mias Eliza Garrett, jelly cake, Mrs H Morris, best variety small cakes, Mrs A M Wheeler, loaf broad, Mrs F S Wilkinson, best doz S S Nash & Co, best display of hardware, Diploma H Morris & Bros, best display of clothing, Diploma DjLichtenstein & Co,bestdia Iplay of family groceries, Diploma Ellington & Co, best display lot N C tobacco, Diploma H Morris & Bros, best display ! of ladies' cloaks, Diploma Cheek No 9, best display of ; N C made candy, Diploma 00 00 00 00 00 00 GOKTESUEC 0 3ap PAOI. Down, the Baltixaere aad Okid .to ward Newark, Ohio, m fly. We fly close to the ground, bat allihe tame it is flying. ; 1 t " "3 ' - .' "Here comes the zadadieir," the fat passenger said. ' 1 "flow - much ' he travels this win tec. Has coat is dark, his trousers are light, his eolar is high and his rharjy throat is bared to the breeze. ' - ' - ' "With a ltuup in it like tbe goitre on an old-oak tree,r said" "the crocs passenger ahd bia - hau -and hia name in gilt letters cm bis little Rus sia leather valise i is : parted in .the middle; his eye jjfogaae f fanlfUss and his front hair is bafiged-.!;:. -. J "And there ia a general indigrjation of something lackirig in' the upper Btory," said the tall thin passenger, "his head slopes from the bump of self esteem dewn to his nose for ward, and runs straight down to his neck aft .Hois not bxiUiani, he is not useful, he is not intelligerif, he is lacking---'' , ' . '. '; ' "There is a hele in his kkrmmer, evidently," said the man on the wood-box. "Pale saffron is his nock scarf, and brightly thereon gleams the twenty cent diamond of Alaska," remarked the sad passenger; "meagre is he. as to his intellect, but fertile arc hia whiskers; fascinating beyond the song of the siren is the melody of his voice; Xe cannot pronounce R, and the Italian A is soft in his speech, Krtf. Via CQwa 'iTtf nn,1 i ,T-i anA vww uw mmj 14UU, t UV. when he goeth he says he is 'goin. Sweet is his countenance, and the lone, helpless female who gazes upon it is gone." She is left, indeed, sighed the fat passenger. lou bet, said the brakeman, earnestly, "she is dear broke up." " bne is paralyzed, mourned the sad passenger, "and the palpitations of her maidenly heart palp only for him.' ' And he lets it palp," said the man with the sandy goatee, "for if he would he can not marry all of them. He is sorry for the girls, but he really cannot help it." And so, said the tall, thin pas senger, "tney pine away ior, nun; they watch for bis corning in the ear, and their faces grow brighter when he paces up and down the platform and smokes the attenuated but harm less cigar of the kraut plant of the Connecticut plantations; hia plaid pantaloons are day stars to their longing eyes, and his cut away coat fclxoii odmre. Tkej Oaiutoi it, they love to have hun stare at them, and he knows it He is too irresis tible; he is too sweet to live, and he knows that, too" Let us look at him also, and ad mire him, said the fat passenger. "See how he sits, graceful as Apollo, new lighted on a rail fence to talk politics with the neighbors. But soft, here comes a girl seeking a seat. Maiden, our prayers are all for thee. Too late; all in vain; the masher has caught her eye, her fate is sealed, her heart is lost" She was a beautiful girL fair as the morning, handsomely arrayed, little gloved hands that you would even like- to have box your ears. Drawn by the irresistable fascination of his inviting eyes, Bhe approached the masher, who made room lor her beside . mm. Her eyes beamed on him in beauty only equaled by his own, her voice was sweeter than the song of the siren when she spoke to him. She had to speak to him, how could she help it "Sir," she said, and the musio of her voice thrilled the ear, "Sir, is this seat engaged!" i Ile look up at the vision of glow inif cheeks and laughing eyes, mar . ble brow and clustering curls, and he heart relented, even the mashers wanned to wax d the lovely girL the latest victim of his manly charms. "Oh! certainlv not," he said; and his bow was a study of grace for the steam man. 'Oh! certainly nof; you are entirely welcome, I f?hall be only too happy " : "Then," cried the charming vie tim, "mother, you can- sifc here ba side this eenUeman." And an old woman,seventy threeif she was a day, with no teeth and wuV vnivr otto . a az m uii i ft 1 1 . i iili i - .11 - l.. small box, ft Dig baud box in a bag, a green nnd an umbrella, two paper adn a Diece of caliinus root tottered into the proffered seat and sat down and piled her things into the young man s lap. Ana tue giri, tne Deauu f ul girl, went and sat down . beside the passenger with the sandy goatee, who was so bashful that ho could n t and didn't sav a word to his com panion all the way to Newark, and blashed to his eyes every time the fat passenger winked at him. Alius ended the Saddest chapter in the history of the masher. ".thp"oiarifl Igkt It is a mistake to suppose that the Arctic winter in the higher latitudes is a long dreary one of opaque dark ness. The highest latitude yet reached by man is oo. deg. Jxi nun 20 sec. and there twilight lasts A hours and 42 minutes on December 22, the shortest day of the northern Year. Man will hate to go some 327 niiles farther north than he . has yet funs if he is to reach the region of nhcnlntA darkness. The pole itself is in the.: dark but 77 days from Nov. 13 to Jan. 23. There is a pen od of four days in the year during which the sirn shines on both poles tit the same time. This is due the fact that the sun is larger than the north and that his ravs are bent b the earth's atmosphere in such a way as to converge upon his surface.. These are the day? when the man- with, the shotgun goes out hunting and gets back with a bad cold. Than Dr.- Bull's. , Cough Syrup takes, the place of the gua every time. ' and Sduth. . We extract the following from an article on the subject" in the Chata nooga Tradesman: ' j 'i- The difference in; the pnoes paid for oottoi by ' the -brtherft and. Sorttherh mills is Ihtfe-definitely setx tied by th osneas. j CC New'. TlngTsnd pays . 11,6 eents - per pound,- the South 10. W, a dUfferanee of L14 or 10 psr oesi. j in other words, werw New England mills aitasied in the South, they would avamally save I847IV655 for cotton j alojia, IStbicn enabae tbeaa; to pay 4 per eentr .ad ditional diridend on their empitai, a greai.deaT more than many ' of. them &&r .pyt 'j &ti 'ilfU"t. "' -"i, 1 ' lto&)atter of wfea, ike aho ring is equally fsroxabie toe thwonth. The averaga wagee of hands in New England is. 26.64, in the Suth 51C1jC0 ;';' year, an -iient which ' wenld make a - difference of $9,561425 in the expenseoltheNew England aaalte yearly, r 8 per cent on their caprtaL Sorae ol tAus dii ferenoe in wages is due ' to . a differ -enco in akLl; it ' is,- I howerer, not wholly so. Cotton Bull' labor in the South commands lower wages ; than in the Nothem States, as there is more labor in the- market in that section than . is ..absolutely needed, and because the aost , of living is cheaper in this IsectioiL' , " , These 'two items, cotton and labor will make a difference of between 10 r cent, on i the capital of of New England companief. ,. Chey represent, some of the, advantags that the South poseessee . over . that section in the marrofacture of eotton goods.-' Other advantages, such as those of weather, i i Which ' - en ables the Southern mills to work, the whole year round,, instead of closing some dayB during winter on account of the severity of the weather the water power, of which we have an; abundance, etc., need not be touched on here, for we are only considering those points upon which statistics; can be obtained. Let us take the 438 cotton mills now in the North And "transfer Ikem to the South, as mtmy lu-seeingXew England capitalist are already pro posing to do. Estimating the other operating expanses 'of the mills at one-third the cost ef wages and sot- ton, the New England mills while in New England would return $16,178, 198 of profits; if they were in the South, paying at the rate that the Southern mills pay for the coaton labor, they would net ?37,oa4,71, oxBl m At. A MnMia f 1 wfi by the census returns, and one-wbieh very few people jwere probably aware of, ml that the soatnern nulls manrifacttiiw finer food on the aver acre than the New England ones, getting 11 cents a yard far ths foods turned out by them, Wsaereas the New England nrillflkget only 8 per cent It will thus IBS' seen ; that in nearly every item the Southern mills do better than the ai aw jsagiana ones; that they pay lsfts for otton and labor, less for operating -ex penses, and yet get more for their goods. The only point m which they fall behind is in production, and this is due to the Met that! -the Northern mills hat better ma chinery and more spindl and loomi There is no more potent iiarnmen on this aubisct than wteee furures, I and they will doubles carry eonvicj- uon to me mma m huwj wityeruj cotton manufacturers. ' Tsk Care aftU Joy t Mothers, axe yott not more oareful of your gkU,thsji.Tyour.l)oy6? ; Do you not imagine that they- are more competent to take care ef themselves than your -. Oaughters areT, xi yon entertain this belief and act accord- is?1?, you are in an error that should! oe UEunucuabuiy : ouitousvu. , . uotuoui ber that girls are almost invariably'" at home, and in their : another s so ciety between5 school .hours, when boys are snrrounded with tempta tion from the hour they are able to toddle along. In the early mormng, noon and evening ; hours, your girls are generally with you, but where are vour boys? . At sucn times now easy is it for your son to be tempted into misdemeanor, to depui com vour wholesome instruction, to from . .... mm '. m - mit orfa fThuf. ht rtonld not de' were . he as much under your immediate controle aa is your daughter. We would advise . mothers -t who are blessed with sons, to give them tha same motherly supervision that she does her crirls. Were the latter out of her sight as much in the hours of recess from study . as are the xormer, the mother would speedily j become solicitous, of their whereabouts, and KrirroundincB. Have the same solio- itnde about your sons and you will save them from many a temptation and snare.. . ' ; ; Tha Modem Giants. Byrne, the famous Irish giant, who died in London some 'years since, measured eight feet two inches. Cor elius Magrath, who died in the year 1 yu. measured seven xeei eigm in ches? Edward Malone, i another was seren ieet - eight in ml nnd was ' nearly eaual: in stat ure and size to the Daniel Cardanus, the Swedish giant. Dr. Cheseldon, the farnotja - anatomist,' speaks . ox a BKeiewa onyrW near Bt Aibansj - JBingiana, wmcu judged to have ! been eight feet four to Bishop Cumberland, was ' eleven feet high, and MaxamihusJ the ' Em peror, was nine feet high. Kansas Ce&sralWlaMnla.Beinc asked cneeniinff the OIL Afr. v Anf. Zickbush in formed the croest onrr that 8t Jacobs Oil Cottoa lUB&faoiuiwi XTortfc bad proved an excellent and; most useful remedy fat vary family that had used it . A larte majority of cases pronounced btoox- wie ! BS2S fauraiy nrfo, - Sefiaotioaj ca the Xai la the Moon. Chissa-o Tuhei. " -axe ; yeuv we general passenger agent of this roa4. j TTiA innnifftr" waa a vnnnrr man who seemed tarriWy lb earnest His hair was long, his clothes shabby irentool. ! and hia raunarlru worn erl dressed to the manager of one of bur leading trunk lines. ; I "1 would hka a pass to Baltimore by the way of Cleveland." , "On what aooount - am an inventor sir," $ 'Who are youi' i 'J. dison llershel, of Oshkosh. '."Don't know you.; 'What have you invented?"" .-ir . -;. .:. ; - I The young man looked around uneasily, and said: Are you aloneT .; "uWe are. proceed." Lowering his voice to the key o i if a i stage whisper, he said: "1 am the inventor oi the Liuny- Xinnr wnau ...., ,4heLLunyBoope;' the most re maxkable invention of -the nineteenth century' What is it fori" Why, it is an Optical Reflecto- raeter, whereby I can throw the term St Jacobs Oil in scintilating letters across the face of the moon." ; 1 A peeoliar scintilation was ob servadjero-and tke corners of the offi cial', eyas, but otherwise his counte nance wm perfectly mebue. "I bare just come," eoatinued the inventor, "from a confidential ; inter view with Mr. Petcar Van gchaack of the 'Old Salamander Drug House.' I entrusted my secret ia hin. He com mends me to youf mofft warmly. And! he seems as confident as I am that the invention will save over three hundred thousand dollars a year in newspaper" advertising to tbe proprietors of St. Jacobs , Oil--the Great i German Remedy. Please write ont the pass at onoe. I may be able to overtake Messrs. A. Yoge- ler Jc Go's advertising manager at devaland oh his way east I will let ' them have the invention for $200,000, which is very low. ! Tenner man," said the olhcial, rMng and alawly stroking his beard, this corporation cannot become a party to castoff reflections upon any one not even so luny an individual the"TMan in the Moon. Your 'scope' does not coma within our saope and all I can do is to pass you to the outpr atmosphere. . Good j." - -- - - - 1 " j Political Love Story. , The son of an old Jacksonian Democrat, living near the Maryland border in Pennsylvania, having been smccEBsful in his suit for the affoc tions of a young lady, asked his sire one day after dinner for permission to marry. The old gentleman low ered , his spectacles and, glancing over I them for a moment or' two, quietly asked: I "What is her father? Is ho - a free trader or a protectionist?'" "I don t know what ho ia now, rejoined the prospective sori-in-law. "but; When 1 nrst VlSiiea jaary uv was both." I Both! Nonsense! "Ten. both; He .protected her every time we tried to sneak off, and he was the freest trader with hia bootgplhat I ever came across. , Eumsucjed,.' Again. Pioneer rreaa. -j - . r . I saw no muoh said about the merits of Hop Bitters, and my wife who was always doctrine, and never well", teased me so ur gently to set her some I concluded to be humbugged again; and I am glad I did, for in lesa than two months use of the Bitters my wife was cured and has remained so ror eighteen months sinoe. X like tuck bum- bging.. U. J.., Bt. A-BUJU A Cincinnati man found a rough- looking individual in his cellar, "Who are you?" he demanded- "Ane gas Tnn) come to take the meter," was the reply, y "Great heaven," cried the householder, "I thought you were only a burglar." ; . I 1ft Clemens, Mick., True Eacorder. W. T. Lee, Esq., of Una paper says: Being convinced of the efficacy of ft. Jacobs ua ineuriag zheamatism, I have no hesitancy in recosnmending it. j A youngster steps up to a gentle- aaan in the para. . "otr, won t you go after my boat which is going to I lall into the streami -xrai ao you wish me to throw -myseii into me water. kild?" "Oh, yes; mamma said: 'Ask that gentleman;! he looks fool enough to do it' 9 - "X have used soveral bottles of Simons Liver Regulator, and yea may record the fact, that my ft elinjts are so far changed that I can eat hearty, and am more like a well man than I have keen for yas and am grateful far relief. 'J.; . Batfxstt, - Periodical Store, 1800 Market Street, Phils, A gawky-looking customer droppen into a barber shop on uaivestoy , 11 1 LU.. avenue to nave nis rauior ieugiu "hftir mowed off. "Howj short dool 1 ver want it, sah?" asked the tonsoria l ... . j r sxtist Ahe youtn ran nis nana in his pocket and, fondling some ohange, I replied: "I reckon you can cut me off ajtxmt inree nicuee wonu. iriotber ! motbere 1 1 ne i ... OI1 flislnrbed at o'dt and . broken of I vour rest by a sick child "u;atnnr and cry- s( with the excruciating Jpam of cottlng teeth f if so, a at once and get a bottle ot MR3. WlNSi.OW'8 8tHiriUU BIKUr. It Will relieve the poor Uttlc sunerer liumr: diately depend upon it : there is no mistake about It. There is not a mother oa earttt who has ever used it, who will but tell you at once that it will regulate tbe oowcihi, aim give rest to the mother, and reiiei ana neaitn to the child, operating Hite.rnftgic. It is per fectly saltf to uso in all cases, and pleasant to thewa.te.and U tbe prescription of one of the oldest and best female physlclaus and nurses in tno urutea buw.cs. ooia every i Where. W cnts a bottle. nia ly f ;

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