ThTirsday, September 28, 1832 RATES OF 8UB8CE1PTI0N i Six Months, , One Year, 1 .$1 00 ..2 00 ilt :Kuc;nc: nnnnpftfui With thlS OU1CC, ia order to insure prompt attend on . should be ..riBRftba' SOUTHERNER, TAR BORO', G. 1 - BRIEFS. Kehukejte Association. We neecl a market house. E3meraida Saturday night. And nolr we hare chinquepma. The prie of cotton ia declining. Raleighlia troubled with mosquitoes. Mr. iC p. Austin returned last week BeDncttiphilips Club Friday evening. Which shil! to i hive l The equinox came .in dead earnest this time. Eggs baf e been bringing thirty cents a dozen. I Cooper'Jfresh oysters are coming on ice Lockout.? ll- Oar etreita are stupdlngthe wet weather yery well. f Beautifu; birtb-day cards at H. A. Weber'a. f T 2t. If the rags are succ33sful black will bo a favorite color. Primitiilf 'Baptist Hymn books at R. C. Biown & titfe. Edgeaomoe has a population of fifty to the square pile. An iron fafe as good as new for sale. Apply at tBis office. t Democrat' white man ; Bepnblicao, negro Take Carrawny' t.ivor Pi.lw to kep off Malaria. myll-y place The hotet-jaccommodaticn3 at this are insufficient. Have vqvlI seen that elegant majolica ware at Spicy s? Mr Y B Sharpo though not well contin ues to improve. Walnut furniture in all the new designs at Spier's. : Tbe Graded School at Rocky Moua t has nearly two hsndred scholars. riirrmwitt', I,t-rer Pill are safe, reli able and tenleg. myll-y Some of ouf' exchanges have -.been read before we receive them. - i ' A beautiful stock of low priced cottage furniture at Spier's. Does the white man propose to let the negro 4run" tfeii county. Zephyrs all shades, at Weinberg's reduced to 10c an ounce. ) Mrs. P. 8. Boyjster left Banday to at tend the SyriooJ at Asheville. ' A fine assortment of East Lake and wil low chairs at Spier's. Si. There are a quarter of a million North Carolinians living outside the State. If you want'to build up the South en courage home manufacturers, t Two drinks day costs more than enough to supply a large family with flour. All the latest noVeltiea in color and styles of dress goods ft Weinberg's. Mr J E Porter formerly of this county, now of Wilson was in town last week. The finest line of Tea and Chamber setts and Toilet warSever seen in Town at Spier's Silk fringe, all shades at Weinberg's new store at 60c per yard, worth 1.00. Mr. C. J. Austin and family returned last week fromiheir summer pilgrimage. The cheapest; carpets ever offered in Tar boro at Spier's Souse Furnishing Bazaar. The Rad campaign opened Tuesday at the poor house. We hope they enjoyed the rain. 5 Taylor, rad candidate for Sherff, has promised to hav only negro tieputiei Democrats should remember this when he asks them to stand his bond Some one remarked the othey day that Railroad nature was human nature, then by all means missionaries should be sent to the corporations even At they are soul less. J . Mr. John L. Bridgers, Jr., will address the Bennett-Philips Club here to-morrow evenings He wis prevented last Friday from so doing byj the rain. All should at tend. J The item of cotton rope for plow line seems a small matter. In the aggregate is it worth keeping1 at home. Order from Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, Rocky Mount, N. C. t John Moore, rad of Halifax, is candidate for Judge, lie has never protested against the venality iKrruption of his party. Had not voters better think before they cast their ballots for such a man ? Edgecombe Agricultural & Mechanical Fair Association Premium Lists for the Second Annual Fair are now ready and can be had at my office. . John Fj 8haokki.fokd, Sec'y. Clark & Staton are daily receiving goods that in price and quality are unsurpassed if equalled by any in the market. The portals of their two stores are wide open to the public. A Icordial welcome is ex tended. They will sell as cheap as the cheapest. I It. The rads have published the times and places they will address their dupes in the day. They begiii this week. Nightly meetings have been going on for some time. Night is the best time to advocate their measures which are daik corrupt and dis honest. Carratray' lonsness. Constipation the Liver. IA-rer IMHs will cure Bil- and all diseases of myll-y Agricultural Hall at Ihs been framed and ia now boarded. fair ground's has being weather - At the meeSinjr of the Directors of the air Tuesday, Dr. L. L. Staton resigned as director of department "If," racing. We very much regret Dr. Staton' resignation, he is probably the mo?t competent gentle-. man in the State f if this department. Mr J Jones, formally of the Crmof Stokes & Jonts, Battleboro, has removed to Rocky Mount. 51r Jones is a good marcaant and a most clever gentietaan. lie will we have no doubt be successful in the general gro cery business in which he has emharKeU. Judge Howard returned Monday from Mil ton. He says much sickness cf a serious na ture is prevalent in tpat section of the State, principally diphtheria. One lady in Milton he said received a letter from Chatham, 6'ating that in one neighborhood fifty cuiN dren died in two wocks. H. S. Spragins has given up his position as clerk in the poet efiice. He will now Willis Opska House. The theatrical seftson-OSWrea at WDTiS-Opera House Mon dayjind Tuesday by the Claire Scott Com panv. The first evening "Leah, the For saken" was the play Only a fair audi ence was present. The play though a good one seemed tu drag. Evidently it did not take with the audience. As a consequence a comparatively small audience greeted tha Company luesday to witness the capital French play, "The Princess of Bagdad. The company redeemed itself this time. From the rising of the curtain the actors entered into the spirit of the play. They had the audience with them the entire evening. Frequent bursts of applause greetedthem. It is to be regretted that the latter piece was not played Monday, Had it been, the rainy evening Tuesday would not have pre vented a full bouse. There is histrionic talent in Claire Scott and two or three of the males who compose the troupe; and in "The Princess of Bagdad" the public may safely count on an excellent entertain meat. canyass for Clerk of the Superior Court. Leon Williamson brcther to the postmaster has taken b's place. It is reported on the streets tat Frank Bajttle colored, will get his place as soon as be cm give his bond. No busineess of importance was tran sacted at the meetingof the Bennett-Philips Clnb last Friday evtning. The weather was so bad that only about fifty were out. Mr Jno. L Br'dgers Jr., the orator for the occasion waa water bound so that he could not get here. AbiAit twentn-five wcrr called on for speeches! but all excused them selves but Mr. Malony and Gen Lewis, both of whom made effective speeches Mr. Bridgers will make up for lost time to morrow eveniDg. A Mistake. Messrs R C Brown & C-. did not sell all their nice dre3s goods last week. They have plenty more on hand at low prices. It . A Fact. There we"e in Willis' Opera House last Monday evening exactly nine ladies whoee hats weje not related to the Gainsborough. Of course they- wore these adornments with dimentions,on account of the inclement weatherJ otherwise the pret ty little fischus and bonnets which are now so much the fashion would have been worn by every one present. Canvassebs. At the meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee held here Tuesday, the committee for the more perfect organization, of the county appointed the following gentlem-eanvas-sers of the county, and particubf ft their respective townships: ; -' V. 1 Hon Geo Howard, WG Lewis.Dr, JJJ Rives, M J Battle,' Dr 8 P Billiard, H L Leggett, Mai J M Mayo, H S Bdhn, W J Lawrenc, E M Bryan, Erastns Cherry, f Dr E T Speed. E C Knight, Gray L Brawn, Dr M B Pitt Elias Carr, B F Eagles Jno I Lewis Martin Gardner, Dr C L Killebrew, B P Jenkins. P H Edee Dr T C PowelL J H CbSDman. Jesse Brake. WE Bradley, Jesse Williams, Dcssey Battle, H L Staton Jr, Dr J H Baker, H Morris, P P Norfleet, Dr L L Staton. These gentlemen are re quested and urged to see personally that clubs are formed by Friday eveninsr at the latest. There can be no intelligent work without organization no more than machinery will co without ecarine. The contest in this county i3 for low taxes, honest govern ment and tho 'election of Mr Philips a native county man, a sterling Democrat an incorrupt 'ble gentleman. The radicals arc straining every nerve to secure victory, however disreputable they have unlimited money, a-rainst these io the justice of our cause. The battle v ill be between hire lings and patriots, and November Wiil de. cide whether Hie soldiers shall be defeated on their native heith by mLTcanariej,. the too!3 of the most corrupt party that ever displaced a government. Scund the 'assem bly' gentlemen, with full rank, "JLliO Dem ocratic cohorts will rout the mongrels with as signal success as did the English troops in Egypt when the power of Arabi was broken at Tel el keber. Picture frames, corner brackets, cornices, j jaw f0r punishinz those Spier' House Furnishing the Fair " They have arrived are decidedly and jardinersat Bazaar. The posters for are being " put up. handsome. Remember that Mrs. J. G. Charles is now prepared to $11 all orders for Stamping n most of the latest patterns. t $2 per annum for the privilege of voting jfor a squire is the proposal made by the rads to Edgecombe voters. C n'rnn-ay' l,lv-r PIH EeU ty-tive cents per, box. All Druj Os Exhibition. Messrs. H. Morris & Bros, have on exhibition at their store the Lady's Circular which they offered as a special premium for the most ele gant set of ladies underwear made by any unmarried lady. It is worth seeing. Messrs. a. S. Nash Co. also have the cat rifle which they offered for the beet shot. by any boy under fjurteen years of age. Go take a look, boys. Foe the Gbaxd Jce1?. 3alurday while our Hebrew citizens were holding their Sabbath services they were disturbed by a colored boy about sixteen years of age, named Willie Bunn running up the stair way and shouting stop our nonsense, be sides otherwise creating a great deal of I noise. This waa done twice. There is a who disturb- reli- them. W d?sirc to propound Democrats U av cuii wt ait '.-TgiDizcf for twen "ists have my 1 1 -y this question to win if we do gious congregations. l ir Kivc-r ilijls j ut across the river frcrii Tarboro, ar$" now making excellent me.ti raid fiyur.l ' Meal for sule. Corn Vn..-ht. June 27, 18S2. , t From virtue 'o vice the progress is gradual. Leach $ad Price, ds not sustain the proposition. :! i- 1'artius wishing?. to rent stands for the sale of articles oa.jthe Fair Grounds during the coming Fair, Can do so now by apply ing at my office. Jno. F. Sua ckklfoed, Secretary. Mrs. Dr. Williams and Miss Sallie Wil kinson left Monday to TUteufl the Synod which met esterdjay at Ashevi'io. So .1 W. Be'ey's advcrt!8ement of Sewing 3jfirh!nesneedles,&c.,and write to. bin: j'cr prices ai Norfolk, Va. S. 14-6m Mr. B. F. Spragins has returned. He says that lie has -fought enough toys to satisfy the greediest of children. Mr. Whit McNilir left for Philadelphia yesterday t complete bis course of lectures and studies in pharmacy, There has been an unusually large amount of sicknesV in this county. The chanee in the-, weather will probably be very beneficial. What ia everybody's business is nobody's business. TMs w suppose accounts for our people not flaking any attempt to have the railroad shops tore. The mosquito iih't as large as the Amer ican eagle, but a; greater pest. Protect yourself by buying mosquito bars from R C Brown & Co. (; It. Mr. and Mrs. iWoolard have returned iroia their . visit j North. They enjoyed Chea8peake Bay, t Friday night faring the stcrm. ;i s! . The average colored man who is . ia fa vor of votiug foij a squire only thinks it funny when one pf his class is charged with bfbery. JohrTMn-e is tie radir j.andidate ; or Superior -Court JJSpge. Voters eb.ta auire of ; u has tver denounced the Exhausted judiciary. ' ' ' The best macbinefitiiat's now in use, By all it is confessed, The Dav s is tbei go buy one, And give your wife a rest. The stitch, you se, is vertical, No basting is required, It does its work both, quick ul well, In any style desired. t Roll op Hoxob. The following students of Tarboro Female Academy were on the roll of honor for week ending, Sept. 22nd. Misses Emma Garrett, Emily Pippen, Laura Staton, Katie Pipjjen, Anqie Bryan, Josephine Jenkins, Maria Weddell, Sallie Brown, Mattie WalstonL Jacksfe - Daniel, Gattie Savage, Mattie Hussey, Rachej Whitlock, Emma 8immons, Blanche Doughty, Daisy Gillespie, and Masters Jimmie Philips," Henry Staton, Jesse Brad ley, Joe Pippen. Anotiiek CnAXCE. M. Weinberg comes before the public with a fine Sewing Ma c'ulne to be given awav Ibis time instead of a suit of clothes. Fob thirty days, be ginning October 2nd, p ople, ladies and gentlemen alike, will Lav 3 an opportunity of taking a chance. Io lieu of the bean system he has, cards with coupons attach ed. Persons desiring to 1 ake a chance Tfill be given a card with the name on it -and the coupon which will be t oru off and placed in a be x. At the expirat! on of the thirty. dayB the coupons will be stirred thoroughly up and a Di;ml loaleit larl will draw one. hosoevers name a itniwn entitles the owner to a prize Thk Association. Tha of iho Primitive Baptists fca'.urday morning and Su.iday aad Monday. prciichmg d!.;iy, hWo besides la !v s- ssiocs of wiil be hftk. Many a in attendance, nruong whoi Wm M Smfot, of Virginia, Marjland, S H Durand, The Stoum. The equinoctial storm burst upon us last Friday evening and for several hours the "big rain came dancing to the earth as if it did rejoice over the wild havoc it was making with crops, farms, road3 and bridges. The rain fall was great -er than it has been in forty-five years. It was seven and seven-tenth inches. It will cost the county hundreds aad it may be thousands of collars. Ono half of the bridge over Hcnirick's creek was washed aav, and is impassible. Rafts accumulated at tha nver bridge so rapidly that a force had to bo kept there Saturday, cottinually at work moving drift. Two large cypress trees floated down and lodged against the biidge. Messrs. Glaskin fc Co, had similar trials at the railroad bridge. The river rose a dozen feet in half as many hours. Two wash outs on the branch road de-. layed travel and the mail two days. One of them wrecked a part of the train. This waa at Hatchet's Swamp. The wa3hout waa about fifteen feet long and ten deep The engine pulled over, but the tender fell in DreaKing irom the engine, then came the baggage and express car which also fell in and rolled over on the side. There were three in this car, Capt. Clark, Mr. Ed. Bynum and Mr. W. D. Bryan, Express Messenger, who came very near losing his life. As the car turned the baggage, ex press, and iron safe caught him and Jammed Mm so tightly that he could not move. Something struck him on the bead which stunned him for two hours. The wounds on his Lead though painful luckily were not serious. He is now attending to bis duties as usual. Capt Clark and Mr. Bynum were nninjured. The other wash out was the tresale over Hendrick'a creek near the fair grounds. The . old channel being somewhat biccked up by an old brick culvert which was destroyed in the June freshet in 1867, could not carry off the im mense volume of water that was pouring from every direction. The torrent cut an outlet on the left of the old one twenty feet long.' This prevented the engine which was dispatched by CoL MeAlpine from going to the wreck at Hatchet's Swamp. , There is scarcely a farm in the county. that the crops oait baye notjeen to a'great erjor less extent injured. Citizensin frcm diherent sections eay that they have been damaged hundreds of dollars. Coneto Creek is impassible. The down the country mail could not get here nir?ht before last, on account of the high water. Mr Jno. L. Bridgers Jr who was to address the Bennett-Pi ilip's club Friday night en deavored to fill bis engagement, but before he had well started be found his horse and buggy in a ditch overflowing with water. Bridges had been washed a vay, so he made his. way back homo as best he could. i he storm extended alonsr the entire At lantic Seaboard. The destruction of prop erty has been fearful. As we go to press there are indicatiors of clearing weather, but the rain fall since Friday afternoon has been tht heaviest ever Known at this place. where ten ono half inches was the pre cipitation. Ibe firstly 0 he re84hdheyreturns to the Old North State, uave aua ma bride taking up their residence in the little house ha bad built for her beore their course of true love ran rough. PITT COUNTY. Crops, Court, Weather and terjrise. Politics -En Rmisteabs ani Judges of Election.- w , The county commissioners at their ad- i " o. ciUBB,BB: journed meeting last week (Wednesday,) I Crops in Pitt crn aad cotton, far appointed the following judges and iaspec- J surpass the most sanguine expectations of tors of an election: " I the bnghtest-sie-rooking farmers. Little T H J Benj. Township No 1 Precinct No 1 Brown Registrar. Orren Williams, Norfleet, F. Fowell, H. C. Cherry. Precinct No 2 E. T. Bynum Registrar. H. A. Dowd, J. II. Bell, Thos. Newton, Jas. Redmon'J. Precinct No 3 J. S. Pippen, Registrar. T. C. Johnston, W. M. Edmondson, Gor don Jenkins, Orren James. Township No 2 Precicct N 1 D. E. Cobb Registrar, J. L. Thigpen, Wilson Whitted, Mack Hopkins, W. T. Cobb. Precinct No 2 E. C. Knteht, Registrar. Hilliard Knight, Peter Battle, E. E. Knight, J. T. Howard. Township No 3 S. M. Pender, Registrar W. G. Turner, J. D. Taylor, Isham Rich ardson, Bill Lowe. Township No 4 Precinct No 1 Ed. Thig pea, Registrar, Eli Howell, S. F. Jenkins, N. B. Bellamy, Isham Kea. Precinct No 2 L; B. Knight, Registrar, J. L. Bridgers, Jr., W. H. C. Braswell, Jarrctt Staton, Mack Whitehead. Township No 5 H. C. Boon, Registrar, H. J. Bunn, J. C. Pender, Lewis Kearney, Robert Powell. Township No 6 Precinct No 1 S. I. Hilliard Registrar, F. H. Cutchrn, M. J. Battle, J. H. Carlisle Jr., Frank Black. Township No 6 Precinct No 2 J. VV. Draughau Registrar, J. M. Cutchin, J. M. Johnston, Chas. Grant, -Rob't. Pittman. Township No 7 Prec. No 1 A. J. Ilob good Registrar, J. F. Taylor, J. W. Phil ips, Mat Richmond, A7m. Simpson. Precinct No 2 J. K Lawreuca Registrar Geo. Battle c. Bryant Thorpe, Rob t Lan caster, J. P. Reives. Township No 8 L. Little Registrar, S. R. Moore, M. B. Pitt, Lawrence Bullock, Frank Dew. Township No 9 Win. Cumruins Regis trar, W. S- Crisp, B B. Lewis, Arthur Willoughbee, Gus Sharpo. lowcsuip io to v. r . waiston, lieitis- trar, Calvin Pitt, Geo. P. Sugtr, Puul Hy- man, Jno. Brickley. Township No 11, Jno. G. Nettles, Reg istrar, D. T. Britt, A. B. Socles, Geu Bullock, Stephen Morgan. Township No 12 A.J. 'jarvey Registrar. II. Chapman, Jno. II. Huuter. J. M Copeland, W. H. Harris. Township No, 13, II. C. Bulluck Regis trar, P. H. Edge, B. P. Jenkins, Booker Piatt, Jno. Lancaster. Township No 14, Geo. Yf. Robbius. Registrar, W. E. Bradley. S. II. Thcrue. M. Steph enson, Jesse W. Wiliiama gras8is found ia, the , cottor , and this seed Valuation cf Property. The following table gives the value of the real and personal property in the coun ty together with the taxes levied thereon for the years 18S1 and 1882 : , 1881. No. acres land 304.736 Value of land .3,0-j7.271 Value of town lots, 519.035 No. of cattle 6,400 Value of cattle $4,408 No. ho-s, 21.833 Value hog-e 830.819 No. sheep. i,W7 No. horses, 1,850 Value horses, $102,148 No. mules, 2.705 Value males, $156,5j57 Farming utensils, (fcc. $278,559 Money on hand, 893.166 Solvent credits, $848,746 Stock iu corporations. . $28,169 Other personal prop'ty, 284.276 Aggregate vula : 4.385.258 Ttal StaU lav - $12,815 Total couiuy ta.cs, . . . $24,696 This statement can only It is the best indication that 1883. 290,395 83,078.089 533.S71 6.152 $41,482 23,874 $34,226 2,774 1.886 109,816 2,830 $171,973 $391,9 ?yi,980 $774,835 $31,859 $333,887 $4,496,060 $18,247 16,225 be gratifying. we are pros- . r .... insures clean pics rag. as tar as grass are concerned. Bogs will be well tened aad Edgecome's comtniesariat not be found wanting. '. Judge McRae made a quick trip from Tarbora yesterday forenoon reaching here by 9:3'j. . Court was opened at 11, and then followed another of thoae powerful, pellucid charges, couched ia the puteit vernacular, for Which the Judge has become famous. . Capt.-Swift Galloway is on baud, taking care of the State's side, though he briogs a sore throat and hoarseness from the Solid -torial campaigo. A L Blow, Clerk of the Court, is in fine voice and feature, while Sheriff Warren and his good-looking dep uty,Jo Dupree,are keeping things straight. Both Blow and Warren wtra renominated on Saturday a deserved reward to faith ful, efficient officers. The nou resident lawyers present are Judge Rodman from Washington, Ex-Judge Moore and Augustus Y. Moore from Edeu ton, H. F. Murray of Wilson, and Dossey Battle from Tarboro. Major L itham is iu from the canvass in Eieslern counties, flushed with scalps eu rrotn tne;.oj.'. lie reports every thing politically lovely and the Democratic gooss occupying au elevated posrtion. The court dockets are nit, larg? and only one case of much importance has pisco in them. Latham will have to reenter the c.Xi.Vass uext week, riud few civil cases ivili be tried as his appearance iu them. 13 numer ous. To 3 much politics for much law The usual amount of grumbling is heird aoout .the tratnrday s nominations, believed that all will be satisfied election. Poliiical speaking by Latham, Capt. G.illoway and others indulged m to day at 12 in. Pitt already hai oaa t tue finest and best arranged couit huuscis in the Ctate and now she can boas: oce of the handsomest atdstrongest jails. It containsjtwo cages on first floor aud four above, with ample room for keeper ic. It coat $8,000 and tha iron cages wsre put tip in the penitentiary and placed in position here by skilled eoa victs. ' " A creditable market house L about com pleted, onCourt House square and six new Lrick two-story stores are in proees3 of completion if Richard Grant White will, permit the expression Greenville is one of the growing towns of the State and don't permit it to l:p your memory. A ne'.tr element in the past few years has iaf-jSe(i enterprise and vigor in the old land-. : Harry "Skinner is organizing a com. pauy aa raising subscription to dram and reclaim Swindel swar-.p Eear Bethel When this is done,20,0fj acre9 of the finest corn land in tho w-;id viI1 opened will be sufficient Q fced several counties. The timber w!;.l be worth thousands of dol lars and 1,000 acres of the land is within four m-'.es of the S & Raleigh R It. It is a piDd enterprise. So much for the S & R It, B Know That Brown's Irom Bitters ; will cure the worst case - of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves,enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i mm Mm 1 III . 1111 It IS before Maj. wiil ba Will infuse with new , the weakest invalid. life 37 Walker St., Bmltiatert, Dee. tSfx. For ciz yean I hare been peti mUfferer from Bloed Ciseoc, Zy. . yp ia ,apdContipatioJLnd b nr s debilitated that I cauld ot rctala tnythinK ca njy fich, ia fcct life had aliBOat bccofBe a bsraea. Finally, when hep aadafaaoat Utt me, my husband teeing Bxowx'a Iroh Brrnata advertised ia to Japer, induced mc to gire it a trial, an now taking the third bottle and have sot felt to well in lis jeR S4 1 4? at the (reseat tine. Brov,n's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up" than any medicine xaadk f penng. we are doing better than the table shows. For example, over 14,000 acres 01 Jana was not given in this year, which would make the value of land more than two million two hundred thousand dollars. Where there is an apparent fall ing off it is owing to a failure to list. Par ticularly ia this the case with cattle, hogs and sheep. We have no; doubt that if all property had been listed, the asereeate -value in the county would be five million or 500,000 more than it is. The number of white polls bears a belter proportion to the white vote than that cf the colored. The number of white votes ia about 1,800, colored 3,900. The num ber of white polls in '80 wa3 1,273, colored 2,590; in '81, -white 1,335, colored 2.515 : 82, white 1,334, colored 2,378. There are too few cattle, hoea and sheep. There is not a hog to each inhabi tant, there is only one cow to four persons while if the sheep were divided, there would bo only one to every ten. These figures are not eucouragiiig,hey show that our people are not raising one-fourth enough meat to support them. They tell their own tale. There is a demand for meat that if the number of cattle, sheen and hogs be quadrupled will not be suffi cient. Battlebors Happenings, annual assembly will open here ontinue through There wiil be probably a, nigijt. the Association ninicitcis will be n will be Elders F A Chick, of Pennsylvania, of Wm J Purington. of NewLJerssv and Wm L Beebo, c Uew York'. The probability is that tbe sermons delivered before this body will be the ablest for niany years. Nearly every house herei will be open to visitors, so our people must see that they extend a hospitality that can only be equal led by members of this denomination. e&ominatio: ii The ri Republican Jmomisxtios. The radicals of this Township met at tlie Court House last Monday and nominated Sam Lawrence, colored, the present incumbent, Constable for the Township. There pere five aspi rants ior me place, Dut iawrence distanced all of them combined. The only part of the proceedings worth mentioning was the discussion as to how the vote should be taken. There was some disorder ipt awhile and quite a divirsity of sentiment, seme wanted it viva voce, some tby holding up hands, some by dividing and others by ballot. R. S- Taylor, colored, made a very sensible speech in favor of a vote by ballot. He contended that bis people had sufficient intelligence to cast a ballot. They had to do so in JtoVemrv;f They should do so now 'ut he bould not carry PC-mt. Each candidate took a position in different parts o to cqurt room, and his sunnorters were asked, tb stand around him till they were counted. Now la Tbe Tine TO Subscribe, Having taken "the agency for Weeklv NXAK, patj the Dailv nad published -fat Wilmington, N. C. all those who wish to subscribe or set tle any bills that are due, can I find me at the 8octhebxib office. By subscribing to the STAB yon receive the latest news seven hours sooner than can be hail by any other paperconnngtjTa.1 Mjldisgn Square Tii3atre . A Tueat ricil Company sent out by the Madison Square Compaay of New York, will give cur people Saturday evening an opportu nity of witnessing Esmeralda,a play which has become quite celebrated. It wa3 writ ten by Mrs. Burnett, and the scene iu two of the acts is laid in this State. We therafore give an outline of the play. Ei bei t . Rogers with bis wife "Liddy Ann and daughter Esmeralda owned a p'W)r smuil farm ia one of our Western counties. The daughter who waa very pretty was in love- with Dave Hardy a first-rate specimen of a Tar Heel farmer. When the play opens Dave had secret ly made his prepara tions for getting married. He is teillng Mrs. Iiogers a sbrewd calculating woman, of his love for her daughter. Reluctantly Bhe consents. Then comes on the sceT(b a Northern speculator, who ofiers to buy tbe 'farm, for a price, sufficient for what it was worth a3 a farm. The speculator is aware that there is a valuable vein of ore on it, but this has been adroitly concealed until tbe bargain has been made and the deed signed, then Dave snatches the deed from Mrs. Rogers tears it up and exposes the purpose of the speculator. A new bargain is made which makes Rogers a millionaire. Dave is discarded because he is t jo poor for the rich daughter. 'Dave leaves. Tho Rogers family go to Paris live in princely, style. They make the acquain tance of an American artist and bis two sisters who become firm and fast friends of Esmeralda who has been destined by her mother to marry a French a1 arquis. Dave follows them to Paris and then he learns that the rich vein of ore on the Rogers. ! farm had given out and that a really valu able one had been discovered on Dave's j farm miking him a rich man. j ;The next act opens With old Mr. Rogers j who Is completely ruled by hia wife, beg ging the Marquis to forego his engagement j with bis daughter Vfh,o ia, breaking her heart fox Dve. The Frenchman' refuses. Bhe meets Din, rejects the Marquis with scorn and defies her mother vowing that she will go hack to North Carolina. In the laet act the old man throws off petticoat government and brings Dave and Esmeralda-togethor. When he does Mrs. Rogers finds oat that their money is all gone aod that Daye baa been supporting BcnTitU-Philips Club Ye Fence Law T. P. BraiweU. Esq. AccepUd a Situation Left for LWky Mount Sickness, $c. Batilkbobo, Sept. 23, 1882. Editor Taeboro' SouxHaBSKE : There waa a Bonnett-Philips Club or. gauizeu nere last Thuisday with Dr. J. G. ivea as President, Messrs. G. C. Battle, G. V. Smithson, T. P. Braswell and W. P. Davison, elected as Vice Presidents, and 1. yj. uryan. secretary. rot being pres ent, 1 r;gret tJ be vmablo to give the pro ceedings in full. Suffice it to say, that the meeling was hurmonious and enthusiastic, a number of promintt citizens of both Edgecombe and Nash becoming members. Appropriate remarks were made by Dr. J. G. Rives, the Presi dent, and others. The meeting adjourned tojmeet again next lhursday, the 28th inst. The supporters of tha no fence law had a meeting herq ct Thursday last. The committees in their report stated that they bid met with little or an opposition to the law in their different sections, and that the' had hopes of winning tbe few over that still opposed it. This is something that should deeply interest those that want to rent lands, as well as the land owner, and from theprominent gentlemen who are at its head, and who are laboring ear nestly for its adoption, I feel confident that at no distant day we will have it as a law. I learn that the -W. & W. Railroad Co. will, in the near future, erect a new and commodious brick warehouse at this place. The site selected is some three hundred yards north of the present warehouse, and is in every respect a desirable location. Our citizens hive long felt the want of a larger and more roomy warehouse, and we are glad to know that the Railroad author ities have at last concluded to build us one that will be alike creditable to them selves and our town. T. P. Braswell, Esq., our very popular merchant, is having a grocery department added to his large two story building on tbe corner of Nash and Railroad streets. Our young friend, Jno. Stokes, has ac cepted a situation in the dry goods store of bis brother, W. D, Stokes, Esq. J. A. Taylor and family and Mr. J. H. Jones left yesterday for Rocky Mount, .their future home. Joseph Hobgsod, Esq ., who has been quite sick recently, is, on tbe streets again. Much sickness prevaile in this and the surrounding community, and our efficient and popu'-ar physician, Dr. W. H. White- bead, is kept busy irom early morn till night attending to their wants, &c. The Ska'ing Iunk has butted, but their was no wailiDg or gnashing of teeth." -Yours, &a, Dixen. "BtrC'IIUPAIDA." Quick, complete care, all annoyiae: Kit'uey, Bladder and Urinary diseases. II, Drug gists. Sept. 21-1-yr. Always Bct ths Best The Light Running New Davis. It does a greater range of Sewing than ary other machine all without basting, aod is warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Call at Bell's Jewelry store, and inspect samples of sewing. m4 LAWRENCE & Co., successors to BAKER & ROWEr DKHMflK Tarboro', N. C. Having engaged the services orf Mr. J. G M. CORDON to conduct onr bsnsinors and to have especial charge of the Prescription Counter, respectfully annonnce to tbe pub lic that we will keep constantly 00 band a full line of Whav jvjjst returned from tLfrUortueru markets with'.thGlargest jftd best selecUd stock ever before offerel to the public, comprisingUVn thfrkiov S feltfcs of the season? Ever v department-tompletof, ti offiM! .., H i y i .1 " vt -J h i Pj I DRESS CIOODS OKS'AmDUiWi Von Will fin8 ri'full line of Black and Colored Cashmeres: ' Check cade Combination-Suitings, Roman Stripes, Brocado Morie, .Clack Silks, Flannel Sait'ngs in all colors, Trimming Silks and Salins in all shades. Our crtfd Bro- - Notion DtepaFtiWent U ill be iour.d complete in all ita branches. TAdiea' Plrlbiir" anSilk Collars, liSca Collirs and Fichuis, Sash and Fancj Bibbonsj MiUtyy Braid, Pasem'eritry Trimmings and Ornaments. Black and Colored gilk Fringes, Ladies' Fancy Bordered and Hein-slitcbed Handkerchiefs, celluloid, rubber and fancy Bi.j lcts. A full line Kid Gloves in all desiraVirf Ladios',"- Children shades. The best 5 hook kid town an- Jjjl.00. md Misses' fancy hosiery love in G'vpets, Hugs, Door ma's, Floor and iii all gratles. 1 Pawle Oil Oloths. nice lino of Our mi 5.U! ITUV1T 111 HU H Is full M ia cserv particular. K h.-nutiful lino Velvet aad .:iiuiUc picture frames. ' A fuil line Ziegler s line s.'voes, m iJiuieo, u Men's, Youths' and Boys'. We invito tu cxaiuiEJitiou of yuppec--. . ' laities in Clothins, oiler at um POPULAR PRICES. ; Our stock comprises every novel and popular make of goods th5 market af fords, made and trimmed in the very best 6tyle. Men's, Youth's, Boy's and Children's Suits. An unsurpassed stock of New Fall G00D3' Aeeiving. Messrs. L. Hellproner & Bro., have opened during this week their Fall Stock of Black and Colored Cashmeres and other dress goods, Trimming. Carpets, Eugs and Gil Cloths, and a shipment of fine Crockery, Glass ware and Limps. 10-i Cotton and Linen Sheeting3 and other household goods. L. HslLBiiOKEB & BkO., AgtS. P- S. Tise stock of Boys and Youths Clothing will be opened nest. Give us a call. Malaria. Chills and Fever, and Billions at. tacks positively cured with, Emory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy ; never fails to care the most obstinate, longstanding cases wnere ymmne and all other remedies had ianeu. 1 hey are prepared expresslv for mn. larious sections, in double boxes, two kinds of pills, containing a strong cathartic and a cum DreaKer, su-rar-coatud, conta-ning no Quinine or fcrcury, caunins no trrioinr nr liurijiii-, xncy are mua ana emcient, certain in their action and harmless in all cases ; they effectually cleanse the system, and give a new life rnd tone to the body. As a household remedy th--y are unequalled. For Liver Com plaint their equal is not known : one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are used and prescribed by Physicians. and sold by Druinrista everywhere, or sent bv mail, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. Julv 6. 6m . Onr ISooU Table "HOVGfl ON BATS.'' The great exc3ilonc3 and tho remarkable cheapnasi of Frank Leslie's Popular Month ly have secured for it deservedly, an im mense circulation. The present Oolober number is evceedingly interest! tig, entertain ing, and fall of general information, 'Eng land's Only Living General' (Sir Garnet Wolsley), by Alfred II. Gaernsey, is an ad mirable and timely article. It his seveteen illustrations. Among other notable, pro fusely illustrated articles are: 'A Visit to the Phosphate Fields and Hills'; 'A Visit to Pa lermo'; 'The Last King of T&hiti'; 'The Mar iner's Compass,' by Wm Durham etc , etc A new serial by M T Caldor, 'A Wbited Se pulchre, ' promises to be deeply interesting; The Letter or the Joeelyn Sin,' is con cluded; and there are short stories, sketches, etc, by S A Weiss, A E Barr, Margaret F Ay mar, etc; poems (mostly illustrated) by popular writers, and a miscellany embracing a large variety of snbjec.s, affording very delightful and instructive reading The embellishments are even more than usually numerous, aad are meritorious works of art; the colored title-page, 'Ihe Sultana and her attendant,' is very beautiful The price of a single number is 25 cacts; yearly anbscrip tion, $3 postpaid Address Frank Leslie Publisher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, Ntw York Drugs, Medicines, Toilette Articl es, Perfumery, Cigars, Tobacco, Sue. woich we offer at liberal prices. We Hi e afcso Agents for the Celebrated " LUXOR ' OIL, the best and safest burning Oil in. use, bearing a fire test of 150 pure white, oder. lew oruaant. We are also prepared to furnish COUN TRY PHYSICIANS at a SMALL PER; CT. ON N. Y. COST. Can be fc and at old stand of Cor don & Co's. Jan. 1, 1881.-tf. NT'S All (he popular styles of Gents wear. ,: The celebrated JPemrl Shirt, for $1.D, Tbey Tiare slod the test of public sale for ssvoral years past and are uni versally acknowledged to be the most satisfactory Bhirt ever sold. Wa have also all the latest styles f gent' hat's and hand -made shoes . H; MOKBIS & BROS, Washington and Greenville, N. C. Wintek 1882, VV. S. CLARK. H. L. STATt )N, JR. Clark 4"VFEE11 to the p blic as complete a stock oC! FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, 40, as can be found in this vicinity. nnna nn7 iU- 1 ' We hare just returned from the Northern FULL, CHEAP GOOD lTOCK of markets whore wo , bouglti ft Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, .Hardware, &c. I Wo especially invite the Lc'A'es to examine our stock of ! Hamburg Edgings ami Inserting?. 1 1 SKINNY IWEPi. "Well's Health Renewer .restores health and vigor, enres Dvspep6ia, Impotence, Sex ual Debility. $ 1. Sept. 21, 1 yr. DIED. Raesey At her residence No. 227 Har rison St.. Petersburg, Va., on Friday Sep tember 22nd, 1882, at 4 p. m., Miss Rosa Kainey. DEMONSTRATED! That men average $5 to $8 per day profit - selling tbe "Pocket ManaeL" The most marvelous little volume ever issued. Need, ed, endorsed and purchased by all classes Nothing in the book line ever equal to it ? Will prove it or forfeit $500. Complete samplete uample and outfit 50c. or foil par ticulars for stamp. Don't start ont again until you learn what is said of this book, and what others are doing. W. IL Thomp son, 414 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. JYOT1CJE. ty vested in me bv dc- 8. Braswell against Willie Edwards and wife, filed at Spring Term, 1832, of Edgecombe Superior Court, I Cloara Ant rata mlivA vnanhna floaa otiti bed-bugs, skunks', chipmunks, gophers. l3 I Druggists. Bept, 21-Jyr, 1 By virtue of authorhV cree in case or J, A. D. shall Bell before the court house door ia the town of Tarboro, on Monday, October the 11th, A. D. 1882. One tract of land in Township 14, county of Edgecombe and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of R. B. Bras well, E. G. Hales, and others, containing: I seventy-five acres more or less. Terms cash. a. a. oyjsijx, torn. Sept. 3Mt. s They would further impress noon the rer- 4.1,1 1L . , , 1. BUY FOR CASH hat close buyers for cash or credit w Save many a Dime by giving them a call. Asrenls for the GLOBE COTTON PLANTER that took the premium at the great Cotton Jxmbition at Atlanta. Parties wUhincr to buv will please leave their orders at least thr weeks before planting: time. Kainlt Salt, and Ames Shovels at bottom prices. CLARK & STATON, 3d and 3d door? from Conrt Houee- Tarboro, N. C. Dec. 33, 1881. SHERIFF'S SALE. The undersigned, by virtue of sundry ex ecutions to him directed, will expose to public sale before the court house door in Tarboro, at tne hour of 12 m., for casn, on Monday, 10th day of October next, the fol lowing real estate, to-wit : One tract of land containing 230 acres, situate, lying and bcina in the county of Edgecombe, adjoin ing the lands of the heir of the late Dr. Frank Pitt, Hyman Norville and others, the property of David Wells, Also at the stme time and place, one lot in the town of Tar boro, adjoining the lots of Andrew Sorg, B. C. & F. P. Carlisle and others, the property of G. L. Winborne. B. BRYAN, 8heriff. per John R. Sttaon, D. 8. Sept. 21.-tf. FOB BOTH SEXES, Strictly Non-Sectarian ; ; 4 Failadelpliia. Hand-Mr to INovelty in Ladies' Kid lipperife. Examine them bofore purchasing else whero. j o jl o fy Competition. " R, C. BROWN 8t Jcb. TardotoK. C, .Sept 24, 1882. " ly take this taethcxl of informing you that I L'-;v disiwsed oi aiy Furni ture business to Sirs. A. R. Spier, at 1 I will ia future devote my entire tinlo io tho -J UNDERTAKER'S BUSINESS,' Which I still t jntinue. My office is in the rear ii the building next to the Court House, but all orders left with Mr. ipier in tho front part of the store will be promptly attended to., Thanking :.iy j friends for their former patronage, I hope to merit a , j the same should tlrey need anything in the 0 XX3NTJE3. gT tvTT-fc 1 "j r n. -va . 1 t- 9 mm ! I hope to remove ; from Austin's! jto new and commodious quarters (near my old stand) by I Sqpt. 15, 1882, .t h i where I shall have an increased stock of : Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specs Fine Table (Jutlery, Musical Instruments, ! Fancy Goods, &c, &c, at very low fisrures. Call and - see the best " Sewing" Machine ever invented' 30th Session besins Monday, Sept. 4th. 1883. Spacious building, Fine Library and Appara tus, experienced and Thorough teachers. Pre paratory and Collegiate courses, peculiar ad vantages to Yoimg - Men for BUSINESS TRAINING and to Young Ladies for complete instruction in MUSIC Wa graduate sererai each year in Uaese departments. . Terms un usually moderate. For catalogue address, 8. HASSELL, A, M. Principal, "THE LIGHT, RUNNING NEW" DA Vl A MARVEL OF SIMPLICITY AND ABILITY. i or ill .a