7 ' . r a k o EfSii StUtE "SCOtH AJlE RIGrHTT ; TfiBN GO JLBCBA.TD.-3. Crockett. 1 . - . -4 ....... i - -r"- '-'..' - " " . - : ,: - - : .-' , ' - - - . -. - ' . ' : . ' t , ......... - . 1 j t . r-. r- : ' s i 1 ; tt 1 H wrt. W J-Bl ' ai lis. lal Jl 1 11 -s 1 1 1 11 ;i ... ' r-- v 1 11 1 'ii 1 1 1 iji 1. ii ii iit: ii : i f i i w 1 11 i i i ,i w i i j i . -.IT I? fM1 ilTAR9.QJlO', ;N. C., :TBXTRSI)AY, ,I)ECjE2MBER l4,"i!882: 4 ;bass OfleraUi na of TkrhcM fcad Yielntt-; f I I I I f Office In T: XT If cNalr'a iragkuaOk Mala Street. r.r PEHDB dttorney and Counselor at Law, : I TASBOBO. N. C. -Pretie-. In Ul Cotirta. ' ' t I Ittormet-at-law, PneUM in Um Ooorta, StaU and FedarnL KtXXXAJKSOXt SASH, PracUos In tn BUCT -i Pedemt Court OoUeetlons promptly &l tended to. Office svw be aiore recently- ocn pled r ! , Attor5ieyadCouMelloratIir, , i ail the OiMutn.StaM end FeeV .. iec a8,l88t,ly. 1 erJ. . n .ITl j. I i i. . i kOSSBY BATTLK, - 'i . a- . TAXBOKO KOCKT VOIJNT, M Practice la the Conrta cf Edgecombe Naan. Pia, WUm and Halifax eonntiea. Alao in th Pederil and Sapieue Co a ft. t" O Iteetiona a apeciaJty. Orricn, for the present. In front room of Jude Howard' law office, next dear to new tore"4 8. 8. Nasb St, Co on Main St. Oee. 15, 1881. IKOSOX HOW ABO, Attorsey utd Cevateler at Law. ' -fJCKBORC r H C. . ' e iPrafeiees In ail tbe ColHa, SUU.nnaT Federal, j : noT.ft-ly. Surgeon Dentist, TABBORO, N.C. Office kara, Irom 9 a. m. front to p. ra. 'an l p. m. and g&Ktt, door to Tarboro Honae, ever Lanier k Royatera. TilASOri & rlAlilLIIJ. nPC 1 Kfi are exTtainly beat, harinz been ao ,VfmdenannaVnAeaRKAT WORLD'S INDUSTRIAL COMPETITION FOR aZXTXEN YEAJCS; no other American bartea: been fona4 eonnl to nnr. JUae it. , tyrjiOAtar,Bjf octavaa;annHpent compasa ana power, wnn neat quauty, xor popular sacred and aeenlar mnaie . in school or amfliea wt only t23. ONE HUNDRED OTHXReTTLESntaao, 57, tOU, 72. 78, 98, 910S, 1U to 500 and ap. ; The larger atvlea am wnouy nnnraiea or any ; orjrana. Also for easy payaenta. New ueatratedCat Pl AVlAlognefree. Thla Company hare A Ail W3 eommenced the mnnnfactnre of UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS, introducing 1m- Dortaat tmproremento; aooing to power ana besntr of tone and durability. Will not quire tuning one-qnarter a much aa other Piano-, IIXU8TRATKDCIRCUlARd FRXK. THS MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO.. 154 Treaaoot St.. Boaton; 48 K. 14th St., New Tort; 149 Wabnah Are., Chicago. Meal Stiu 1 I Ae Dean of the American Medical CoUeffe. St. Lonia. Geo. C. Pitner, M. 1110 Chamber St., St. Loua, Mo. PATENTS Obtained, and all business in the U. 8. Patent Office, or in the Conrta attended to for MOD- 'ER&TEFEE& We are opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, en eaged in P JjVNT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVE. LT. and can obtain patent in lea time than those remote from WASHINGTON. When model or drawing ia sent we adriae aa tA rvtontWllt frm of charcre : and we make NO CHABXJK UNLESS WE OBTAIN PAT-: ENT. ' - W wstw. itealm- to the Post Maater. tbeSmrt of the Moncr Order Dir.. and tooffieialaof the U. 8. Paient Office. Tor ctareslnr, m&Tim, terms, and reference to actual client in your own State, or opanty, aodree i I O. A. SNOW A CO. Opposite Patent Office, Waahington, D. C. SALE OT HEAL ESTATE. ByTneen"JJgeinentetheSnperiorConrt n immmmM T will oflfRr for axnobUeaale be- forethe Covtuonae door, In Tarboro, on Mon day, the 4th day of December, 1883, the tract of land of which WUttan AtkJna, late of aaid ntr ma adaad aad ooaaeased. the am bv inrtkalufl ttm which he resided at hi adioimiar the tazida of Tboma Anderaon atitera. and eontninlnc 108 noma, mora or Tmn One-third of the Dwchese money to ioney I will 1 ha -nm,iA ta easfai v For the reaidnw. bond will be leamired, paynbte twelve monthe after day of sale, with lnteraatatSper cent-L Irom nay or I at 8 per eene.t from daj O. C. FABJLAB, Admr, ante.'- ' f f,- . . ofWmAtkina. ,Vvr. 4tn,18S' Tarboro'. K: C ... u p. iijuihx 1 ).. lb. box or Fnnni OANDT, deUrerat free at any axpren offlaemr ttM. i ttbvaoxnUS. ttKf fr Pwrrt A.H. R0rS7BI Eta CAWDV. war -r. IS I inrtTi4Ari4irWrt!ir -a and dealer, in T(ftfgjPdney China and Glassmare. Iariies ervfrboxij to inspect big large stock'iCWbdt. '' Will sell at cheap as uxjfjboiue in Tarboro. 3CT I hawtf the'tiUMt complete assortment of x to be found in. town. ; .,9 Beapectfolij, a f. sPiUGm Tarboro, Not. l-t To all who are aaffarine ftant th .won nd iDdiacre ioanrynnth. nerrew weakaM 'any decay, loan of manhood, Aw r X willt rT., . i P wiu cure yon, if a KXOjf. CHfBQJS. IW retl reaedM diaoor j bT f mwityHi Booth., imarfn; Bend a aetf addraed eoTelope Bar.' io-i t- Y' BtottaB D- t jaa rAiyi and Winter ii til o i made Clopivg aa lajgr snown m xarDoro. Our Youths & Chil dren's clQthipg Me .se lected specially colors thativiilpleasepatents anddelight the Boys for their style and du rabilityj We wiUQbeerfuily snoifryou anyoQjasun our linei and -our prices 11 Jl ' i 1 win inouce you co ouy of us. J We claim to havcfthelbst School Suit for the price to be found anywhere' Pa reotarTrilljdo well to examine our stock be-4 jtFpqferJairWe i vantages in fitting uiotning to any snape, as wel can! and1 fiften do, cut suit the them over to purchaser. ? ; Our moci consists of Readv-made Cloth ing, from the cheapest to the best Qryv Goods Boots and Shoes, sty lish Hats! Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, jBlankets and Buggy Robes We have some of ettes in town, heavy and medium ' weights, in all colors, i ml-Mot buy an jovercoat be fore looting at ours, you ma get suited better and save money too. Our .stock of piece goods and samples for Custom M,Xailorine re- gant stock of Frill Goods y6u can find outside of New York, andweAKrlU continue to make them on 3hort m - -w w - - n ar nQiiceriWxiiw ana as- SUl3dly I fetter than axrytfaer ' Tailor will n?itjrixpney; OXrtoot iorErefcOLftat we haye the feesf School Smta, Business Suits, JroaSnUrA QrerXU in Tarboro. Aj. WHIT1jOOxC Aft. EaiABi sjl .Takkbo. i NexZdinUiobffle.; Opposita the Bryan Bouse. TSSSS. A 7Z27S CASES '. ' '. 7 " .- t1 Ahrnya on band. A fine lot t FRENCH CANDIES. NUTS. and a line Jotpf STATIONARY, CJGASS and ICEUBXAM ANQ COOC finJahed to.. I BallsHTPaMeriMimes at then notice, .at SQCTX pXS--KK QUART. ZTJl AVliU217va P " SucwM Jisqjb Webef) It s j PROPHEACTIC FLUID. TjlihulJ Verera, ZNyhOanln, BsU T.TA&.T.TA; i :eitaBai,ad PwawMwiidi -alM Sick aaleaa k frar- Scfa Vtevar 'kaiw kaowm annad W the Fhad wd. YdatfmrkuW cwaiwMakal Wk vmlfhad tafcen la TW want "-cum af DipjitWia yiaid k it, 7 Tn i a i ail J HI ah Tei 1 "" ! 1 h ill f ' M aeaa nCwhad madL tmmt , Bxl area treTi. fWl'llircf BaaaJl y h!- with rilii BBatMrifiaoV, C aaw Tanaet it ia a Ceatpgiewt Jannjii. 1 JNrlriMlal 'aVI i, fhaaitriphai TanrUyMBrMtk, CtaaMtkaXakk. as Dukn Fluid wry sacesssfaljraaths saa- dabaatad ly: A- Svotxsannaacai. sf J Ola. ar V. Saac. drUdaa. I awl ntfliM aoria bk aanaooa wica Fell with W tTlea eided ad' it n la aasaa of Death it shoold b mod about th carnse it will iadispssabictth si. w rosv. Wm. r. Jfsmm, Fyri. Abu Mat say "Tk. , ttPhw. BIOM Scarlet Fever Cured. aMaau J. MABIOl mas, at. jiw cotWMOtja rwt. Piaahitactic Fhtid bi a Tahismn dwinfamt," imiaalta. Waaliatna. T, I Darbys to tha aaaai axcaDaat aashtka of 23 tt feKlMta thai nlli ill fsa. ju a saaano aaaar Vui4. t..T.-Wo, BroC Caaa. raatawt snajataTTssnairsii lidny Hoa.Aupcaaoa fc SrmnM.nf Gmgtt: Rar. Caytr. Dnm, DJ., CSiarch af tk StrsUifjcn N. Joe. LaCoara, Cahaabl Pr.f , Uaiemty,S.C. Rer. A. J. BaTTU( Pfcot, Mercer Uairenar ; Rar. Gao. rfPtaaca. Bishop M. K. Chareh. lXDlgnEWa HT-W TO ETXBT HO KB. . FataKtty kvniai.; fjaad aaasaaHr exaaaaDy far Maa ar Baaa. TVs Fhnd has ban shss ! aal, aad w hava aiisrist arideaea ahat it has doas STarythiae here efauaMdV for fcales iasansaaoa get at ymur PraassajhhtorsaaasuWaiapiiataa. jr. n. zeiuit a co., .MaaaaataHacChaaiiti, ' PH1LAPEUH1A. PUBLIC 8ALE OF REAL AND 'PfillSOtAL ESTATE. By virtue of ai it of the Snpenor Oonrt of Edgecombe tty. m the actios en- Josnra 8. Statok, Fnnnijind B. Stxtoh I will expose at public sale on the premises on Monday the 4th daa of December next, the undivided fonr4fth mtereet said Fernando x. out ion in a tract oi tana, situate in earn county, lying on both aides of the publ e road leaning from cross-roads meeting noase to Greenville, in Pitt county, adjoining the lands of VamnvB. Staton, '-Mary Davis, and others, and containing 873 acres: being the land which descended from Roderick Staton to his heirs ; and if necessary, also, the personal prop erty f Fernando B. Staton, which he owned on December aoth. 1877. - Term cash. ..!?, ' :. N. B. DAWSON, Com'r. Tarboro, N. C, Nov. 4th, 1882. 4t. Furnitnre ! Hertaklng ! 1 B. CCarlile, Main Stl, just above PaniUoo Baiiking Oo. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Bought for Cash, he offers at moderate prices. hmim of ill Einis COFFIXS CASHETS AND BN- DEBTAKING GENERALLY Patron a;e solicited ! B..tt Gi 19 &. S5 i ro, jn. zo ieez: All only daughter cured of Consanipuon. r" 1 When death waa hourir expected, all reme dies having failedt and Dr. Jfames. was exper imenting with tne many herbs of Calcutta, be accidentally made a preparation which enrndininnryd,!Oaianmptton. ilia child is now In this country, ana enjoyme; uio best of health. . .He ha proved to the www that Consumption ! ean' bai jpoeinrety LtoroA. The doctor now (rives this Recipe free, only sskmr tw-e three-cent stamps to pay expenses. This eH also cures nieht sweats, nanaea at the stomach, and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-fonr hoars. Address Craddock A Co., 1083 Race street, Philadelphia, naming this i- 5 a a J 5 - ft i .: HORSE AMD CATTt-a. PCi.'DL- wfll die ef -Colic. Bora er vaa. If Font Powders ar. ased at time. rn FBETESTED A swaBMry &aw waashaa with SaaBosb I aaei tea il i aisnnr was MMnoa, wsaat Prlyciitsd. - Foats-s Powders wlH areyent ! -l ryei.. . FoaU' Powders will laerna tha aaatttr of tnil!: ad ereaxn tweoty per cant, and awtha tea trnturtna aad sweet. . " " L -' ' - - Foats's Powders win ears or sisna ataMrt avaar OiasAsa to which Horses and Cattle are sobjeet. tauiJa Paarasaa wm, atva nnnwrw. , M aaid everywhere, r .. , . SaTtX X. TOTTTS, Proprietor. BAZ.Tintoan.ss. ,05 AS0UsWO0UnD,:Aj't. ' -- - - - . .. - . .- , ...... . . j ...... . . . - w T5 -r- Thvrstey - "r-t Peegaher 14. ISSj , ... TUB UASOK. -Ser SuiHad End Too Many SegTMi.i ' ' anajnana-naaa i ! . A middle-sged ladr, -with a black alpaca dress, ,worn ;abiny at the et bows, and a cheap shawl, and a heap bonnet, and her hands , puckered iip and biue aa tnougn Bne naa ius go her "washing out, went into the offioi of a Drominent Mason a few morn inga ti&mim iMokl ncfclirifghi arioed her nose and fm nwespiralaoa tram herrfacej'oa; . S);. bloe "checked aDron, and when -. the" Mason looked at her, with an interesting brotherly look, as though she--was -ibv trouble. firbla8hed tL$4fial wa a Maadn, n6t thehigheslr iqr the land. She hesitated a moment, lingered the corner of her apron, and curled it up like a boy speaking a piece in Softool, ad asked : o-rf r i c - "Have yoa taken "the. jrhole degrees of Masonry ?" The man laughed and told her there were onlv thirtv-threeldeOTees and tiatjja bad, tmly. taiea jthirtj two. The other; 'degree wmld pnlr b taken by a very ' few who ' were recommended by the Grend Lodge, and thev had to ero to New . York to get the 33rd dtree. ' Tbe lady stud ied a minute, ' unpinned the safety pin that held the shawl together. and pat it in her mouth, took a long breath, and said: "Where does my husband get the other two hundred degrees, then !" The prominent Mason said he guessed her husband never got two ' hundred degreat,' unless , he had a degree factory. He aaid be didn't understand the lady. "Does my husband have to set up with a corpse three nights a weefe? she asked, her. eyes flashing fire, "Do you keep a lot of sick Masons on tap for my husband to set up with the other three nights 1 The prominent Mason- said he was thankful that few Masons'" died, and only occasionally " was one, sick enouerh to call for , Masonic assist- ance. When a Mason was . sick and away from Home, or wnen nis iamiiy desired it, (he brethren were only too gl to sit-up with him, but there m a .! l l were so maoy, and ao, lew sick, tnat it was only- once m two or three months that a brother was called upon to sit tip with t any body :But why doyoti ask theee questions,' madarnVT, saRrtue prou-iiivua -fa-im. The woman picked the mngf off her shawl, hung her head down, and said : "Well, my husband began to join the Masons about two years ago, and a . A 1 3 ! He Has ueen uuung aegrees or sit ting up with people every night since, and he comes home at all times of night, smelling of cheese and beer. I thought at hrst loat : tne cneese was the result of his going to the morgues to help carry brother ma sons home, after they had been found in the river. Be has come twice with the wrong pair of shoea on, end when I asked him how it was, he said it was a secret he could not re veal under penalty of being shot with a cannon. All he would say waa that be took a degree. I have kept a little track of it, and I fig ured that be ban taken 233 degrees including the grand Sky Fcgle de gree, which he took the night he came with his lip cat and his ear hanging by a piece of skin." "Un, Trii-nam, 8ia uie prouu-eui Mason, MThere is ho Sky "Fugle de. gree in .Aiasonry. xou? uasunuu has lied to you.' v '-w . . . "That's what 1 tbinlr said sue, as a baleful light appeared in her eye. "He said he was taking tbe ky .Fu gle degree, and fell through the sky. light. I had him sewed up, and he was ready for mord degrees. . Alter he had taken. I should think, about a hundred and fifty degrees, I told him I should -think he would jet up on it, and put some potatoes ic the cellar for winter, but he said when a man once got started on the de grees he had to take them nil, or be didn't amount to anything. f (hie time I wanted ahflt to wear to church, with a feather on, and he said feathers were ail nonsense,' and the. next day be brought home eVleather case with a felt coal scuttle in it, and feather on it, that couldn't have cost less than ten dollarsJtlie iray I figouna-Uinry.' And " wlBnhieu put it on end I laughed at bis ridiculous apparancel be : began to throw hie arms around, -and I asked him what was the matter,, and be said that was the frrand liailinirsicrnof distress, and if I didn't look out an avenker would appear from a dark corner, and run a toad sticker through' me for a scoffer. He must have spent a fortune on the first hundred and fifty degrees. One morniog, he came home with his eye shut up, his coat tail split right up his back,, his pants torn up juntas though a dosr had chewed him, and a wad of hair pulled right but of hie head, and he said that he had been taking the 200th degree, bat he wouldn't tell me how it happened because it was a dead secret li tSemetimes a brother Mason come home with bim along in the morning, and they ; talk , about a "fall flush' and they both act full aa they standon the steps and talk about their pat hands," and "raising 'fm," and calling," and a "bob tail flush." One night when he was sleep, I heard him wWspert jl Taise you en. dol lars," and when I asked him what he meant, he aaid they had been raising a purse for a poor widow. Another time he raised ap in bed, after ha had been asleep, and shouted, I stand pat," and when I asked; him what ha meant ha said he waa ruined if I told Of it. He said he had srxken the passwOTd, and if the brethren heard of it they would uut him out of the way eyea as Morgan 'waa pot oat of wxe way. auster, i stana par oa your word To.,z -,. ?. .. . . :-. - The MasoB-toId hei that it wasn"t; -t bat the words ahe had spokan waa and expression used bv men wheal playing draw poker, and be added that he did noc believe her husband was a Mason at all, but thai he had been dtinsr to be all these yean. 1 -" ouesu?nea ana ua ? - That's wfcat rthouarht when ka eamd' hotna with iv lot of i-ory chips m nvs poefctat.' ueaaki Ukey ttsed at the lodjire to yota on oamdk and that a whiteekipalectsahda ali rejects n caadidatn. u If look tha'matter -upandaee if he haf joined the Maawrts, I will be bbligwd to yo: He nays ha has-taken all tk 233 degrees, aad tjow, tha boys wac bun to join iha Kaijrtits of Fytaianv I want to get out aa injunction ta prevent him from jdiniafcanyhinar else, until, we eat noma underclothes for tne Winter, m tall yoa whatru do.' "The nasi time he aayn anythiag about oxyr ugle degraeavaad eoaaattoi ry nonsense, ITU takaa wash boar4 and make him. think there is ana de gree in Masonry thai he has skipped, and now, good-bye, , , You have com forted me fireatlr. and I will lay a wake toright till nry hnahend comes from the lodge with tne 'pat hand,' and I will make him- thimk he has forgotten hie ante." , . The lady went out to- aMary and bought iome soap, and (he prpxninank Mason resumed bia buiiaens with, a feeling that we are net all truly good, and there is cheating all around. , Winter Cars f lin. :v! ', There axe a few ireneral rules for the care ot live adicemwkilw, which are of unirersal apphcatiosit' : ; lsU-They should Ladry whether bedded or not A' dry floor te far better than wet , bedding, v Spar ,r slat floors, througn wtuca fxnne wiu quickly pass, and which ' give the animaia a level standing rjace, are especially to be advised A good degree' of comfort may be had oa auch oors, but a full supply of dry liters traw, leaves, swamp hay, etc., certainly makes all kinds of stock: mforiahla. 2nd Shelter saves fodder, wher ever lumber can be easily . obtained, to a degree which few practical men are aware oi The warmer, the sta bles are, the better, except perbap for sheep. But with close, warm stables, it ja, essential that the ma nure heap should be where it will . contaminate the air, and that there Bh-M w -f-a -..Wht-a.. so arranged aa not to cause drafts of air. - - a .v ' 3rd As to feed. This should be given with the utmost regularity and unif ormity never more than will be eaten long before the next feeding time. Then the animals have an appetite for their food, ae that coarse fodder may first be given, to be fol lowed by better, and grain in some form, if this be a part of the daily ration. , This is no doubt the moat economical system, securing ' the least waste and best digestion of all kinds of fodder used in tha ordi nary way, . . -f 4tn Grooming and care of the animals are a most valuable mean of keeping them in health, aa well aa of saving feed.' The skin of an ani mal existing in a state of nature is washed by every thower, brushed and carded by every bush, licked by its mates, robbed by the ground in rolling, and lin j variocsr. way s kept free from accumulations of its own exfoliations, from, the steppage, of its poms by eweet, and from, it8 Jown inherent dirt A healthy akin mea. warmth, health, life and Tigor, other things being about, right, and we can only secure this by grooming. OoL M. C. Wild, in American Agrionltu ralist. Aa Xrla-ua-aa'i Will "In the name of God, Amanl I, Timothy Delona, of Barry downderry, in the county of Clare, farmer ; being sick and wake in my legs, butof sound head, and wamtheart ; Glorfio God, dfmake tha first and last will, the ould and new tUymlat, first I gif my soul to God, whin it plaxea bim to take it, shore no thanks to me, for I can't help it thin, and my body be berried in the cround at Barry down. h dairy. Chapel, waare all my kith an' kin, that Have gone eeiore me ana those l hat live afther belonging to me, are burried, pace to their ashes, and may the sod rest lightly over their bones. Barry me near my godfather, Felix OTlnherty, betwixt and between him and ray mother: and my father, whe lie separate altogither, at the other side crf.tbeCJbapelyax- I lava the' hit o' ground eoaUyning tea acme rale onld Irishaereai-to my oldest son. after the death of his mother, if hVuryivshiiaCMfiog and hir husbaud, Faddy O'Ragan, are to et the ould white sow that's to have twilve black bonifa. Teddy, my sicond b'hoy, that waa killed in tha war of Amerikay, might hare get hi pwk ry (be poulty, bat aa he is gone I'll lava them to hia wife who died a wake" afore him, I bequeath to all mankind, fresh air of heavin, all' the fishes ov the sea thay kin take, and all the birruds of the air, thay can ahooL I lave to. thim the sun, the moon and the stars. I late to Father Baffecthy, a pint of f olpottaa, 1 can't finish ; an' may God be merciful unto him, arrali, be mysowl.' The fellow, who by Bistsks, sent Els auburn haired sweetheart Instead of n bottle of Dr Bulls Cough Syrup a batik of baifdye,''sato to knew the" best way te cpmiait sQldda s4 i A iVD SOT zat LOTS. Il TW u it ! E-i tk Chills. But u Wtta aaToait. "Jiowa twngs crrer, .m.your booaaT inquired the crooerypaan oi the bad boy. "And say, what's thf matter wita yoa ? c , xoa .are au areef- sedup, and have, srot a -clean shirt on. and your shoes blacked, and I notice your pants are not ravelled loot ao at the bottom, pf the legs.be i hiad, yoa axe not in lore are you 1" is. ftWell X should , amile " . said tha boy, aa he looked ito ; a small miri cor o the counter, covered with fly roeonn. , -a. nu nn n-an-veu uu wet eod'ma aays t a good fox a boy who Jiaanf, got no sister i to, ba ,,ia loya with girt and A i kind.oi; .t ambled to soyaeU, an4.she on.t go npwhere without I n,wtlVilM& her J . . ' i ' - " '. ijo oancing pnQp, ,andj everywiiere, anaane nves, me like - noaseoa fire.i. Say, -wasj yom eyer , in love 1 Makaa a fellow WiWBtor.JwitVt t Well, six, thaftrsli timal wenVhom4 with bee. I put my arms -aroiind heri iost like when yoa r take .hold of an Aectric bejttery, and yoa can't let go 1.11 it. it. l.U TT ' eet waa just aa weak , as a cat .. -1 thought she had needlea in her bell, and was going to e zny arm away bat it was just like it was going on, I naked her if she felt that way too, and f he said aha used too, bat it was nothing; wben yoa got used to' it That made me mad. , , But she ia pid er than me and knows mora about it .When I waa going to, leave her t tbe gate she kissed me- and that worse .than putting my. arm around ber. . By gosh- I . trembled all over jot liU I had the ctflla, but J, was aa warm aa toast. , She would n't let go for as much , aa. a minute; and X waa tirade aa though I had been ' carrying, coal uj Btairs. didn't want to eo home at all. but she aaid it would be . the. best .way for me to go home and coao again next day ; and the, next , morning I went to her house before any, or them were op, aad her pa came out to let the cat in, and X aakd him what time bib girl got, up and he Laughed and said I better go . home and not get picked till I got ripe. Say, how much does it .cost to get oarriadl v .. 1 "WeLL X ahould ear yoa had got it bad,'! aaid the grocery man, as , he set out a basket, of beats. 'Your getting ia love will be a great thing for your pa, though. . You, won't have time to play any more jokes on be-'- -C- . s. "Oh, I guess we can find time to keep pa from being lonesome.- Have yeunewa txt-w -ni-r- aing , Ti" ought to have seen him last night Yoa see, my ebam's pa nas got a setter dog stuffed. It is one that died two years ago and he thought a great deal of it, and ne naa n stuffed for an ornament Well, my ehum and me took the dog - and put it under oar front steps, and took some cotton and fastened it to the dog's month so it looked just like froth, and we got behind the door and waited for pa to come home from the theatre. When pa started to eome up the steps I growled and pa looked at the dog and said "mad dog, by crimus I" and he started down the sidewalk, and my chum barkod just like a do, and Ikiyid aad growled like a dog that gets licked, and yoa ought to seen pa ran.' He went around ia the alley, and wa going to get into the baser meat window, and my ehum had a revolver with some blank cartridges, end we went down in the basement, and when pa waa trying to open tha window my enum began nnng to wards ne. Pa hollowed Chat it was only him, and not a burglar, but af ter my cham fired lour soots pa run and climbed over the fence, and then we took tbe dog home, and I stayed with my chum: all night, and this morning ma said pa didn't get home till four o'clock, and rthen a police man came with him, and pa talked abont mad dogs and being taken for a burglar and nearly killed, and. she said aha wa afraid pa had taken to drinking again, and she asked me if I heard any firing,. of guns,, ana a said no, and then ah pat a wet tow el n pa'a head.". . I . "You ought to be eshamed, -maid the eroosryman. "How does jour pa like your being in love with the girl t Doaa he seem to enooueage you in it"' "Oh. ves.' She was" .up to our honae to borry some" tea, and pa "pat ted her on the , cheek , and bugged her. and aaid she. was a dear little daisy, and wanted her to nit in bis lap, but when I wanted him to let me have fifty cents to ! buy her some ice cream he said that ! was Ul non sense. He said: Look at yoor tua Bating ice cream when ; aha . wj a a girl was what injured her health for life." I asked nxa about it, and she said pa never laid oat ten cents for ice cream or any other luxury for her in all the five years he was spark ing her. She says he took" her foe eircus once, bat got free tickets ff or eerrvincr water to the elephant. She says pa was tighter than' the bark to a tree. I tell you It's going to be different with roe; 'If .there , is any. thing that girl wants she is going to have it if I bare to sell ma's copper boiler to gat tha money. What is the use of having wealth - if yoa hoard . it up and don't enpoy it f This family will be ran on different principles siUr flus yoa bet: Say how much are those yellow wooden combs in the show cnse.T TVet got a good notion to buy them for her. How would ore"of them round mir rors with a sice cover do for a pres for a present for a? girl T There's nothing too good for ber.' . -i fc aji rwsBBMUT Jka -aar - iThe many novels bt the late Mr. Anthony. Trojlope are not likely, to hold a high place in literature, , and his name will scarcely be included in the list? of the English novelists of this century which bosteritv will make nn. It i not probable that we shall aver demand , luxuriona .. . editions of his works, such as those put out .of tbe imperishable pr oductions.of that great master of sQrle, Thackeray." Manybf Air. Tro-lope a novels have1 already passed oht-of ttbhe recolleetion, or laid away ken old newspaper, which ?Mf?? nd "tting, buthas become of no particular im portance? Besides 'twenty-two other works, up to miv heJiad produced th great number xif Uwrty-aeren nor- elflbardjy a qaarter ,of the names pf wousn couia now. on recauea dt even At.' -.Ll itiJ i' I'ji ; a ' uia uqbi pemneui reauer oi aim ens Hy llfiwiBgetielil m Yet,: the aovels of Mr. Xrollep will be of jnueh value to the fat ore bistort iesl, student who wishes to learn of tne manners and eratoms, knd to dis coyer the i one of Emrtish Societyi aad eepacis-ly Esglieh aziatocmey, of this gneratiH-rHe will find.in them afaithf uljapture, almost photographic in its' accuracy, of ihe rather common place life and contentiona! Btandards of that society. ' Its well regulated passions, its. cleverness and its stu pidity, itr . put door f and in-door a musements. its tiquette,and its view of love andjnarriage are all described by Mr.v Trbllope with conscientious mi-tuteness, end with a fidelity to na ture akin to that of an academic pain ter who. draws, directly from thexnod- el, If ba bad imitators, , pf course, and fashionable people alone are tha subiecti of very maeh of the em rent of English literature, bat be wan pre eminently the artist of the drawing room and of aristoeratie life. ,. Air. iroiiope was also wnat we may caH a representative author of th generation in his manner of working. He made a methodical business of writing, trusting no more to his moods in .conducting it, and regarding them no more than if he hid been a book keeper or accountant, instead of a man of letters. He set himself daily t&ski of composition and accomplished them with regularity and uniformity. Tnus he was separated from the poets and rorQaacers 'of other days who bav nnng upon tne suits oi nterature waiting for. tbe moment of inspiration deep in despondency , aud now exalted and sanguine, turnjag day in tonight, excited and depressed stim ulated pr suffering from nervous re action. He did "not regard himself or treat himself as an exceptions! crea tore to be coddled, because he earned bis' living by writing. He went at his work aa men uauallv do who mean to aocompus-v spinet bj hg for which they expect to get good pay, economizing his time, husbanding hi strength,1 and avoiding all irregularities which would interfere with bw successful progress! In that way Mr. Trollops was able to do a vast deal of work in his lifetime, and Co make himself very easy pecu niarily. , Moreover, his method has got to be . the usual one among the authors of our day. They have their regular hours of, work like other men and can be depended upon (p do what hey undertake, systsmatioally and with punctuality. il. Probably the rapid extension of pe riodical pab'ication in our time has greatiycqutaboedtotbisresult. Tbe majority of writers Are engaged on a work which must bs ready at a set time, and in a quantity more or less 1- 11. a a set, , ana accordingly sasy treat wri ting aa practical profession.. In truth, never before was the profession of letters, sa it is called, so mnchpf a profession aa it is now- There is a certainty about tbe demand xor tne work it produces, tnat waa onknowu formerly. - It obtains steady and well paid employment in comparison with other professions, and for the success ful prosecution,-both diligence . and methodical industry are required The man of Letters baa, therefore, become an orderly man of business. expecting; to treated like other sensi hl nAonln. bavin or so outward SDpear- ance which does not distinguish him from the run of his fellows, not arJc ing toleration t for bad manners and habits pf seli-indaigaoee on tne score that he ii under, the special protection of the muses, lu fine, the represen tative author of our day, whether he be poet '.'novelist- hiatoriau,.or news- Eaper writer, is usually clothed and in is jruzht uiiod, and by no ; aieaus a disagreeable fellow to get along with. . -t i -, ii , iut, aiier aiu, ajj. uuuue. wwiM am ell. too much of the machinery. It ahowa too unmistakably ' that it was turned out to order, and, that the raw material,, tbotiga of a very limited va joety,. has been maae to go a greac wnv. , The product, therefore,, is apt to be thio, an4 of loose texture. Great and. Lasting literary worn i not aone ia that way. ; . .. . vThat Stpt Hla Awiy. ' ! 'Is versef de liian wharkin grant pardoins? avked a colored preacher of the Attorney peoeralrofArkansaw. replied the official. V . '.'.- ."' -" .' "As is necessary, bu, uws u asrin asooom desp9nsible duties ob my perfeshun. f , "WbyJJtJjecefisrjll1 ,'Wafl, yer see, I se a preechur, an y congergashttti lamed me outen de chorch, an' X wants a pardon ter show dat Tse sustained by de Gubbermint Den I kin git my pulpit back agin. . "What caused them, to turn yoa OUtT ;i , : j , . , , "'Ease I missed an appintment, abr ;,' ;. : ' ((Meagra groonds to expel you." ' jYes,sah,pecislly wl?.en ,1 .couldn't ,-Whaf kepf Voa away? - 't wax m iaiv 8anr; , , , -. , A. . ' ...T i i t ; : - r- j At the Commencement. of Trinity CoUege, North" Carolina, Rev; j-anerty, of tbe Richmoad Christian Advoeate,delivared the annual address to the class of 1882, taking for his .them, "The Old Time and the New." Among other things be said; - The Confederates could not con quer Providence. ' ' ' The Union was not doomed to death.' It could not haveliyed had Stems wall Jsckwon lived another, day. .When the wounded warrior in great faith and submission t6 the will of Heaver, said: "it-Is 'all right," he ottered tbe decree of God. The army of Northern Virginia beat McClellan, Hodker. . and Burnside. yieldingonly.ioirehovah.t t ,' , AndlirainV f -,;.V??"M . U battie tested tie obWertftfthe South,' defeat tried them in the fur- The social fabric. tumbled , to pieces,; Th African irow.iba.i rice swamD was ardered to cat hismuddv foot on the neck of scholars and states men. It was,' as if a continent, with all the fair work bf art and .viliza tion, bad' suddenly sunk below the sea level, and the monsters and pore of tbe sea had flowed in oTr all, Ju das at home and Barrabas abroad joined hands and became the fidacia ries of the publio purser and the pro tectprs pf private rights." , i ., v;, in conclusion, the speaker said, : i ' "What race that ever lived could have risen T The Greek neyer rose to manhood after the Roman conquest. It waa living Greece no morew The sons of the men of Marathon were slaves forever. The barbarian broke the proud spirit of the haughty Romen. In a single decade the South rebuilt' her burned altars, lustrated her tem ples of j optica, and turned the balance of trade by the exports, and made ft United States bond as good as gold. In ton years she had regained politi cal power In Congress, and prosperi tr in her homes. It is a triumph of character, fortitude, patience, indue try, statesmanship, prime manhood over adversity without a parellel in history. When the cruel centurion' whose scourge had smitten : Jestrs, whose spikes bd hung bim in agony, saw tbe patient grandeur of the suf ferer, tbe rude -toman said, "surely, this was a righteous man." It' has eome to pass, tbat Henry Ward Beech er haa confessed in Plymouth pulpit tbat, "the South is without a rival in all the grand virtues that adorn and honor the human race." Do boldly what you do at all." Hold- lr do we affirm that Kidney Wart i tb rreat remedy for liver, bowels and kidney diieaaes, rheumatism and piles vanish be fore jt. Tbe tonic effect of Kidney Wsrt is produced by its clean -injr and purify'ng action on the bliKvf. Where Ihere' ere' is a im!i Am ed, kidneyo. -! da nait In tha wrirw frjm -il , h ai iwajrs cures. This is the rock of ages, ! ' said " a tired father who bad kept the cradle going two nours, and the baby still swake. An Explanation. The delica' e, floweiyand lasting f i agrance of FloreBton Colojrhe, explains why it Is such a favorite with the Ladies. Cincinnati is no slouch of a city. 1 hey always take the census of the city in the cucumber season, when tbe population is doubled . A Bia Sueeenn " "My wife was in l ed two years with a complication of disorders, l ir physicians could not cure, wien I was led to try 1'ar- ker's Ginger Tonic. It was a big snccess. Thiee boitiee cured ber,. at a cost of a dol lar and flf t cents, and she is now as strong as any woman. U. I)., Biuialo. t Pleasures of Hotel life.-"Here's s fly in my soup, waiter. - Yes, . sir; -very sorry, sir; but you can throw away the fly and eat the soup, - can't you? "Cli course l can; you man t expect me to throw away toe soup . and eat tbe fly, did you!" ' : ' ! Parched and swollen lips Indicato Worms Shriner'a Ind.aa Venn f age will- destroy) and eject these detestable creatures from be intet-t nes, thus rastorina tiie rtnia io health an 1 beauty. obdchcpuhji.- ' '"" Qatck.eomuixtaca'-e.ail aiiuorlnc KiJney, B addw and Urinary ilseie-a $1 Urn- ia. Sfpt si-i-yr "Irrisoner, how old are , you?" "Twenty two, your h ;nor. "Twec-ty-two your papers maUe but yoa were born twenty three yuars ago." "iJo I was, but I spent one year In prison, aad I don't co tut t that it was lost time.". ,.I',NI( f MLt-eifY ntilV. i- -' ---M . "Well's Ilea t Rou;wrr" -n.tores teaith aad lr,-eare l ptsjH.la, Inptenp Rx aai Debility. St. 8-(M. 81, i; yn A young lady was bhowiug-hn . elderly woman a beauiiful clns!tr dimond liogi a pcesl-t; when the bid lady droped her pecta lis to - tho eml of her nose, and exclaimed;-'Lor' kr s! I thought it vaa a freed wart' ... -MOfJGfS OS IUTS. "i1- Clears out ri, tulc k t-bea, Oeaa, aats. a Jed-b Ji, aknaka, cbipuiank, 0 t. 15 There's very little or no opposition to a red hot poker. A Censn, Cold ter Sere Threat shon !- pe4-''Kleet Ireqnt-iiily rr. nlt-lu "U lna-H Lunx Diae e 5 emixluii BKvV-a MKONCH I AL.TIIO CUES aot Ularlrr ibe kloifia-'ti like oarb Mtroi ib- tls-iDs, bet act Jli'cotty ofi the ialaard parts, allayine IwfejMM-n vlverellt-f lu Asthma Brone uia, fU.h OtUrrh. Coeuinplreo tbeTbroat tront- . Ira which aineera aiid PnWIe spaaaria ve aiitjctto. For thirty j errs Browu Br n ehUil Troche- e he ifc-ram-nled ty hy-Mri-4ia.and Unveslw-. girt-ii , pencct sat laUcnlonc llarlti betsiif t.-'a I U aloe and r.nM-t aW UT aea-iv an nr- -wf um -t'ii h atlaued Well im rkr' rxiik in'inirL tun lw alaule reau'diea-if lhe:iits- at - t emu -fife eenU -ooi -t-rtwiv re. JuU) 1 A Trlbutt tt the Smth. A, ! .; .'in-