"3 f r- "I V '--"t'i II I II ' 1 'BE STTBE YOTJ- iAJC iro; TB3rG6 A Crockett. f f ' . V :l I I i I , f nt . cr v5f vcr VI - ' i i: j . . . . n I il". f I A . jt; Hi i 6 I? ll n 1 J U I IT ? .a i 7 ,yOLi,6li D fcH-t. BASS N0ffewhl8profekl rrlc- to thociti uti of Tarboro wid vldni tr. , f Office in T. A. McNlr' Arag storo oa Main f Street. " j .J ; !. james pendeb; Atiornty and Counselor: at Law, Joseph j. maktiw, , ATTQRNEY-AT-LA.W, rnctkM in tb CourU, 8UU uid Ftdml pHIUFS '&TATOX, j': - Atteran aad,CnBtellagrt tt 's JZiT , T Dfa. 22.1881, fly, j QS!jt MTTLt. VV - Attorney t Law Pwiii inlthd CoarU i)l Rdtcww Mk Wtt Wiuoaind Blllx coaniiea Urvias. for Um pmeut. In front roow IiuIm Howard' H offlne, nexr to watora of 8. .ah C., a'-ia' . Dm IS, 1881. .J,-!' ' " ; ft -U. : G KOBQR HOWARD, Attanar and ConnMlor at La; t :l , .-TARSORC"';'N.' C--;'f: U PracieM fa all th CoarU, Hut and Iv N. CARR. j , j j Sursc01! 3 Dcntifi;' ' Oflc aa'ra, iromi 9 m. m. till i 'p. nj and rroMSio6p.m .-.;! ; 1 -;J iNxt door to Ta'boro Bou,:otr Laaier A Roytlwr'a. , j , " ' THO0.H. DATTLE i Attorney- at JLafo ,1! j.i tMfice next to Philip & Statori'a Law ofSce. Will practice "IB the Federal and State Courts. Refers by expreaa permission to Jndee Rnf tn, of the Bapreme Court ; Citizens National Bank, of Raleigh; Battle Barm 4 Co., Nor folk; Jno. Amngton As Sons, Petersbnrr-; : frai. niliss, Prats. Wat. K. PlppaB, TisatPras j at WaUalUOaaUar. . . t j ; i Til UoibiiTrs Co.- ' jBaHKIVQ DKPAKTKBMTO I 'i an open from . .i .9 A. M. 4o S P. M. Disoooat Day, Truwdst. DraaoToaa ; OwoTIXowsrd, JVecL Philips, f ' H. LVbon- Jr-. ' W, M. PippenJ Dm. : I. . . j Dcalerm - Tin, Copper and Sheet lESfiLJ?: factured to order. , FartkltfSJf to Roods sad tfatteriiiffrVp kinds in say line promptly atte1" ' Cnaranteed and prices aa low? Feb. ttf. j i , - ' '- r " Work Jaaaafactnrer of Fi2j SADDLES &HABSES3 1 " BANB WAGON AJTD CART BASKX88 ON HAND j blips ;t X while he Wows hu Jtom m ! ajwsysjr cared to serve yon wka .the ' pmreat SA v DEVJB aad the best Aarared CIGARS. GJS JUm.cait.- rfTAW " i " Opposite Coast Ho TMrbarO.Pod.lS, if. ... ;:- -, .; ., 1 Books, -Statioiqiery, &c. - A lam aajortmeat of Books oA Fine 8ta nnawTY. i nnaTmaa aa aw FICTUSX BOOKS, . ' J j . " 'OAlCKS, MUSIC BOOKS, j L "WORKB OF STANDARD Antsjbrs, sOacrflaiieoas PeacOa, bassos Fsasaws, V; iY. i Nil t i -,rr . - - Works.' V ' BUB, I I i CO. ' deeUtf 'T ' -J:- : "I AltbTbttceTfawael OAK17T, dallvaaat fire at any axprsai ' office te sXM tikboxawSLm Standard for furi ifwa' resae. AAdreaa, A IX ROYSTTJ A tSft . B-itga,jr.a ; CArjDv; n flso rrf &t ha n li r j at WOULD' ISDUSTRIAL FOB 8IXTRRN. TXARS: M very OKEAT iCOMPBTITION orraas haaiag aawn foaad equal to any. 'Also C HXAPEST Style 109: t V ocuves; saffldent eoapaaaand power, with beat quality tat poDolar aacred and seeolar maeie in achooat or fasaiU-wwS only ONK HUNDRED vrmcK nLrat aao, 107, ssts, ere, as, niiuo, mi aa, raw ana 1 ap. the larrar styles srs srboHy tmrlvaled by aay organs. Also for easy paysaenta. New lUisitrateACat- PI A ap". alorue free. This Company have alognefree. inls Company h eommeneed the manufacture w eomrneneed the mannfactora of UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS, tntrodadng irs- Krtant iaprovsmerits; addlnr to power ' aod saty of tone and durability. Will ot re quire ttraliig oase-nartr aa much as other Pi anos, ltWJOi liUClKCUIr PIUC1. TliAAUaa HAMLIN OR0A5 AND rxAiou tAr., XTemODt oL, lioatoa; M R. "f isew, xotk; aa waaaaa aaa., Chicago. For anooo&OBments a&4 f nil infnrraarifM mAArmmm the Dean of the American Kedical CuUea, St. Jjoia. Oeo, C. PiUer, it D., Ill CaaWwers t it. ' WldL - V C? Wonoat .Jw Iorl- a tetra the exact sosfc f Uy proposed Iks of AdTwtiaiis Aaiaa, fn newPPer, Sw-lOO page pe-pAlat 35o I r tIiQ.Dolldayfl. LAGER ! ! The Mot Refreshing Bev- BEER BOTTLERS, The Trade SappIIcd; at ocf , t . l to JMrt JIoBssaX d " Prderl Jby miul, from'an bbt of th J Stat promptly attendddT k W Will have a . supply of Bock J Beer In season. a Tarlmro. N. C, . April 18, 1883. I , '! OPENING OF Fall, audi Winter in AT A. WfliTLOOK'Si TAROORO. ft. C. Oar stock of Rea4y- TjEide Clothiug is larg- ef an variety, better in ijaterial and wbrkman- ip, than has iever been I own in Tarporo. OuiuWChil- lectedspecially colors tilt it sis jivuwv put vssvq j and Jdehght :theoy lJL : bUCUL DVT UJUUUU . mbilfty;-, "l1;!'.; IN!!! We 4 will cheerfully snow vou any eooas m . ..... , our Hne"-and oui? prices; wilj;induc3 yon to jbuyf us, ; We- claim i toj haveiitheibest - &hool Suit for the pfice to bd i ' i found ; anywhere. Ii Pa- 8. will do well to examine our stock be-? iore v purcnasiog.; , yv g BR LAGER iECIl DoctorsRecomena It. i OPPBMUElMEa&SON GRAND j I ' r alsclaimtiperior ardilSS JLl S2S vantages jy liitfim ,li .if(-r ". lyiiy utaJU v as we can, ana, Diteci do. cut thiem over to suit ithe iwrehaser;J.fi . . W V : v "r n e V 1 at V . a .. n. AV I t; Our stock ; consists of Ready-made 01oth4 ing, from the cheapes to the bestDry Goods ? " 1 n r i IS. TrUDkSa Valises, .Blankets and Bug&y Robeaitio 6ypf. 1 We have some;of Itlie inbstghiabl Overcoats a,nd ettes in , town, anilTYlpHnim Iwo ill x all j0olof s; Oolnoit buy iao vercoiitiil)ie fore looking -a,t -tKiis you ; may get suited better and save too. ' - if -UK - i' t Our stock of Diec e I - goods and sanjnles, for uusuuu . . a a norm g re present the most' ele gant rtoCk ? ' of; afriU Goods i :you : can. .flnd outside df New-Yomn ' '..111 ai l anaitvo irui.cominuo to t make them oa 3hort notice. , tcu flu.ana i as suredly 'bcttar.thah anyoUierCsiUoi wlU for same mbney. Do not. forget that ere have the best School Salta, Basines 8aita, PreM Soils 4 OTercpaU Taxboro. - 'w, Wr S nit VI r,k. 7 - VorDTcyapcU, Side rEMdaAa. ; bapavity of ttk p ywr aad . Ul ajr)laama' fUnr, BowaJa aad XldacTa. TOTOm OF A S&BAgXD iTTEB. Bad BctaA ; Pain h th kJ. toaatiiaca tha ' aia b fch nnaar th SfibuUer-Wadt, mkuJcaa far Kbaunattta; general kxa of appetba; Bovala. eaaraUy eaaim, ametiaMa altemtiag wita lax;, W fed ta troublad with pain, is duttaad bem. IwayJatabta km ofaory, aoeoapaaUd! wff apaiahilaeaaationrfkyingyiKlooaaonwthint which ouaiu to kmr aeca done ; a lliffet, dry coujE aad AuahadaaBB ia anmitlna aa ancadaat,' o&oi KiXtakta far COnM!. riu n.nn.. nikii ' .ffiariaeatiuMl debit ty; aerroua, euily itartlad; Rua or aorauiK, tnaitttaiet aaiiiHi laianiiiw voi , nam enact: Prt are low aad taWak .taal.yet oaa caa hardly lamaKMi fcctitode aai r.""'"a mai exercise wotua -K.V ... . t CaMOV. flha Imm iwr of fbMi txiftwL yvc $aataatiOB after death kat thowataa Utm m aara kaaa azaaaaivcly deraaced. AH Xt aaoaJdowwadi An panaiai,aW aaaA aij af tta aboya mytoama . nnauTmtla( wr IMsi ta tja. . allllalaiU, BUloui attacks, IWaea.Vaa aaL.Ihwwaiaaas, Depression of Spirits, etc t It wiUj bmronta like a (lass of wiae. bat ia sw itv - ll Ta tuiTO aataw aaytUaar havd t UaaarfaalaaaryaiWBaaralawla- a i jvi, wh w nuvrao. aao aad Dsetanr Bins win savwd ! DT alwmwa jra.nln. tlu 1T..-1.I ! Tor, will arm the ilaau asay fe, a dHaMsUy wiuwsirr, aiaerattr aad toade csa r M oat of bUo. T1b -i n iw . aad id oaa aat Inlaifaai will. dBu " .Ideawarw. . , ?' : , IT IS PITHlETT'TTtYia-rs'irr w ( I; Qfs. withaat aayaC th iajariaui aftsr sSlcU. -I A Omraer'i TetQaway. i i aaii mibi liar Regulator has beea ia aa ia ' fc?Lfc,J"S?" aatisfiad a is a nhuaia addidoa to the medical scksca. 0SMoanCbjrBW Hay ctarrrcd aoaaa benefit froat the aae of ; aa,Lrcr JUgulator, aad wish to gira it a Liver Renhiiir has I mtmt IW us.. i to Georgia for it, aad would scad further far I I ail nil las sail mil I iu .11 k . Osriy aftcctr to wivm it s trial as it saems tha only i thiacthatnararfcilstoresirra. f- ri f. t ! r. M. jaanaw, aTmaaapolia, IQaa. i r. T. W. sXaaem aayst From actual ex- aay peactic J ' V ot niananna Lim Regulator ia XXx 1 km been and am satisfied ta as is tErTak aalv the Gsnmaiaa. wairSi ass oa JU Wkspsr ta id Z TradeOaarfe ' aad msaalaia mt J. B. nnri a v ; ! fOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS I Si lSliW YORK....... ...1883. ? s. litre people have read tha 8c doxiag the ytrKr psasi fts art befees sic wa sr creoiory ma I read, and like the 80s for the following reasons, anient otbrra Because its news column present in at Uva BTent - Ibe daada-smd naArA' tha an- tj& aewi of th. bosiesi world at preaent retolr. fawV We rrankBOBrfmarsaid affwirr. -Ok Bcji makrs ptactioe of leiiing them the ex act trmh lo! ih beat of its italiiy three baa. s a . a c nl . a a e-wer W'U aa tha am ill Hah in tha far of rliaarfct aa plainly and frarieaslr as when snpDortef by general approval. Tb Bus has abaoluU- ly po pnrpoaas to serve, aae the information of Up rraders and the tatherance of the mon good.- "i i Besnae it is everybody's newspaper Bo man is o haasj that tt-S Scs-is imdsfSaSBie B.S tia nrarfaM nail Ma rtftkta' Ma Baa W an swwafiu rauaiu tw us usiu9t irusa saw aaas app'tcat-on or iu pnaeipies of. right aad wrong.! j r Because in politics it has fontht fore dox- ea years wiihootfaiteriaission sad sometimes amuet ahfhaVef 'Mfftsapsts, thett-bf that barST4ud,ia thjaaprjlt fShhIai popular Verdict again-t Robeson ism and for hoMsi cor.rnmant No matter what party IS lpower, the 8c stands and wiB eoathtm to aaad like a rock for 1 he inta rests the Bnaabla aoahtet tha imMuna of hnaaaa cm eacroexhmeots of nionopoties, aad the die. noo-i schwDst pnrobbers.- JJISL! Bs I k .he test rsligkws paper ever publish. ed. brcaosa in Cnnstianity i SndUntod wtui pwdcanewaB ?OTJ?.l!S H1 tt in ih. br auguiM of gawr ' Tv?? thins worthy of notice that Is ear k ' .1 x.d-a ,Aai.aaaia ' i ii al.. . flk Sr. JL. .MM nnnw aidaa tt.at annaala with narthmlar fbraa tohia individual liking.' If von already taaow that Bon. yesj wull HW OVSj jos viu BUUIIIUt:USJllunil wa all .hsman aotivity, a storehouse of the ehoioest product4 of common sense aad im agination, a mainaiay for the cause of boo eat govotnmwit, a sentiarl fcr genaiiM Jef- fertonian Democracy, a soeurge for wicked- nes of every desoriptoir. an4 n 1 mooly good tnarwtmeut tor the aesningV t Tims to Hiil'SubCTiberi 1 The ssvrral editiona W the Bos are seat by aaii.pst DAILTj with 8ss BUNDAT-1 WKKKLT ei eiv f uar. Pr "JT araes: aa Agrleal - a year. Bterit. mar ket reports, and literary. Scientific, aad do mestic intelligence, sdakCTHBi waaaXTtsmi the newspaper - for Che farmer's boosehold. To clubs of ten with CIO, aa extra copy free. Address - li , I.W.KNGIiAND,Pub. I 1 Taa Sou, N. T. City, N. T. fZZ riral Ufa. Jtt.JS? See r.wonr ty aa. Si III Hi , sat lnamailsai awa.Tia w.ajiTESV ST a te aisv ser Jista. tat Tarns. add. J. C McCURDY A Ca, rVilsnslosn. f Au onI slaughter cared of . fonsunnllnn. aCda.ti.sm, irrt .L-C WialL 4 enea having failed, and Dr. James was expar- aiwxwaiisui uisus a prcvarauua auics enredhu only child of CotuompUoa. hu eiiUd ia bow tetaiccaaisarr, aa eojoytng the ' sick nesiB i ftp nas a iVhBiananriftAi, Ma cTJ, ml n& atrtaai Tains; that aero falls ta Badlsra.r hara aaad sssay rqnedies fcc p,.. PqaiVXiver A&ctioft aarfpehility. ta-rari ame fcead aaything ta eeae&t me ta the cxteat : One doctor now gives this Recipe free, only! this Recipe free, onlyl aakinsr two three cent stamoa to pay expenses. This herb also cares night sweats, Banana at ta stomach, and will break np a fresh cold in twentv-fonr hoar. Address Craddock tk Co.. 1033 Race street, F1iUaSelp(U, naming' ShU aa ata. an. aa, i a n.1 . ianak a. Aaf . I .. ! h, rniiwarnma, Bluing' me V rvT,'lii fewer. -r? a.-- t3 r-ti Tbttisdaj, 5f 1 :' Jtauart C 1251 ;8tandhur at the Dortal ' 1 Of the odsdIkz. Tear. Words of epaifort ehesr iu, , i. unaning every lear ; . , Spoken through the silence ? dj our x awers voice, Tendaretrong aadJaitbtoT, I MftUagJavrroeoew- K I . pnwardr then, and. fear not, I i Children of the day ! I For his word shall never, 1 Never pass away V , , II the Lord, am with thee ! B thou not afraid! t will help aad streogtheat . Re thon not diaraayadl r? Tesi I win uphold thee Wit&my owarigat asnd -. Thou art called and chosen, i in id V stent to stand. i Onward, then, and fear not. r 4 Children of the dayl rt r or his word snsii never, '-"I Never pass away ! ; , 'i 1 Tor the year before us, Ot what deh snppUes 1 i . For the poor and needy . Living streams arise ; . 'Tor, the sad and alnfol . - ehall His graoa abound v I For the faint and feeble ! Perfect strength be fotrnd. Onward; then, and fear not, Children of the day - : For His Word shall aeter. . ; Never pass awsy! r .. xocealiafi of tb Tta AtaRal ateioa. "bt-r, 13to7l3ta aai lith, 1882. -Tb- State Gran'wl JiortXi Cro- (Od conTfc4:ixi tenth aHQUAl aeasion 1 in DpiirB 'HaUV' on Toeaaay, Decem ber 12th, 1882, at 6:M p. tjl In the abseooe of the. Wortbj Master, Urer eer.and Jetura., Uie Worthy Chap- l lain. Bro. Grant, took the Jfcaterp chair and opened the Grange, in doe. form, '.-' . . The ioll was called and but few of tbo officers responded to their names. The Worthy jJklaBVer, made the fol lowing appointments?' ; J ' Orerseer J. Hi. rorter, 01 wnson, -tXitAdte Pitt 1 ObOTlairi--H. Farker, of Wean. StewardE. Cherry; of IHttv, , -Aistiit Stewd W. E.LWood' tidt,it Noirtiiatnpton.' T:,,a ' geresMrat. Y. A. UOUoman, . 01 Hertford. U ' . PomonsCfvme W. Tayloe! oi. Hertfordll3-0- t; '- ; The f olVovfiHg Oommittee e 1 Ure denfsals wa theaeppbiatedt Bros. W. H. l?oirelI,a X 'pitta and M. J; yldeW tl,.Thet pommittee j reposed twenty one Subordinate Grasgea rep reaeuted by a delegation of forty two. A quorum oeing present mo - nvor I aTUSa BBtRnoa VI UlCJ v. ow vitauxw oWv. Northamoton eonntt. fetli5-. nuinber oths &al kevj PpeaMttion of hm Grange did not rrsp6nd rrith the nuruber of u. Chi,W asked ) thai some b7 thesuto ngeto i hare the error corrected. , Oil motion ttTBro llboreL the .whole matter was I tn amnimilia at trira. for I L-kt t i mTTiath IfaAtaW S pointed eutaaid eosnmiUee Bros, aorel pdwelt nd PJtta.,: ; ' .' ! ' K rrha folkiwino- CfcmrraUe on Order of Bttaineee was then appointed, con- aiatixag' of Bros. Porter, Tmgrpen and 1L BiPitt The co-amltted reported, reoommenaine tne aaopiion oz uio -pf-bnsinasa of jaat aeanon, . . a vnicn was on mouon concarrea in. 3eVeral brothers offert3excllnt DfrariDna for trood of xna Urder, I which atare timeW and wwIkreeeiTed, atir'which the Grange edjewrned to I 1 ; vfa Tfr wv iiT vooo I WednesdaT. Dec., , Utls, i lcHfiS. I The 0ratige wis 'onexTsemptly at 9.30 M. Worthy Maalesv Wiiivam Qraatk, th. chair. llI-f r TOW Tt 1 pointea jorq. . a. - xuigyss thprerieawV tUr'a roeetioi? ws then read andp I The Worthy Mister gitandi awnoiiDe the Rowing mtnding coi for the session, ta wit n COaUtlTTXS OH iCXSAHCa. i Pltti flrPSTKe". )'. PCfter. UOlL 1CTTT1CX -OS Hr IjaWB. J. XX. IiXOID, a it TTa..ii TJT Roaaiaiw Oood- -of hrftthrder. . M. (XaJK C. A. Pitt and JTE, Porter. CoKperation CapiW.H.; rv..- i 0: Pi) well arid" T. Cher On lannportaton- vv.-ji.ariy, -jI xv xr vTia . awMS-A mj..-!:. 1 I TV! DT V;itAU tt P. Stancille aid Sister P. A HoLk aitllnauuurTau, v.a a nmout... TVraiai fsVwJMO. Tt-MfiNl I ja-rriciiiaiitw. 1 aw a. r M. L. Taylor aad W. E TToodrffi 1 ... J 1 . to' tr T. Fertilkers. Japt WT H. PowelL T. P. Braswell and Dr. L. KUle bre.- ' i ' : . Graeme Organ, M. IiTayloe, T. P. 'Braswell and Sistet- P. A Hollomon. ! . The SecrJ jread a beantif ul com mnrriatior.rqw Worthy Master W. W j faelfchitatin tbeHcause of bis absence W be the iieeesHarV atlefi anoe. ioji tliaiBtipe Coprt dCVsjjc4 Ck)rmty, aVBdexteaaing much regret that; it ifOld jWwppssww-ip ; oe I Tuwaettt dnrinff the waaioB. I -The: : "WHmneifT lfm; ' eoatsosd I , .. . 11 ... I tion it was referred to the Lkimmittoe oELoeri, was; ovu jaCMU.7'Wtina. was' )1-C ixiatioil i referred UntU. Ipottrfroifl SubnrdhM granges lowing the conditioavof i tbe i-Order in trie state were cauiea iur , uauj ?HtJRS3 pf-the kgites iitiKtijlUtteritig as weu as neouraiDti reports. ' r un, tooilDo of " Brother Tliigpen, tiie Grafa look a recess, nntil 2.S0 p.-'M.---; r f. - -!. At the appointed hour, the sound of tbe Tdaster's gavel called the Grange' tovorcrer. Worthy Master Gritnt, il the chaji. - ; ' . I Bthrl AJ Pitt i of CahorrriSi coanty, ahhouBCed the death .f Bra Colutnbos Mills a Worthy Past Master of this XJraoge, and moved a oomrnittee eoaSisting of Brothers T. P. Bras well j; C jenking and; J. H. JenMns, be appointed to draft suitable resolution expreeiTe of the i feelings pf this Grange, with' respect' to the death of Dr. "Mais, t t Ad amendment to the Constitution f itaejnsahge,"r biy j'wtiioli any fotii degree member in good standing with the Order, might be elected a delegate to the i State Grange, was submitted andinnani moasly ratified Bro. Kicks present ed aa invitation from the bupt , of the Graded School at Rocky Mount, asking the State Grange to visit the f chopl in a body sometime 5 during its present session. . On - motion the invitation was accepted, and Bro. Ricks requested to notify the i Supt Mr pugger, the , State Grange of North Carolina would be most happy to tisit bis school ,on to-morrow at II o'clock AM. j r After appointing 7.30 P. it as the hour for the election of Officers, the Grange took a recess'until the regu lar hour, for the night aeasion. i f The Grange met at the : regular hour, and was opened in doe ' form by Oie Worthy Master. M j fOa motion of Bro. Powell, the ex penses of the Oomrnittee to Tiait th nixt Legislature in the interest of Agriculture and to demand of that body the enactment of certain laws looking to iu advancement' and pro taction, was ordered to tvpald out of aay funds in the ' hands ; of ' the Treasurer of tb Urangea. t Tbe ofBcen elected for theeosulng term,. two jetrs, are: 1 u ' r; - Master W. R. Wffllams, of Fin. Orerseer C. A. Pitts, of CoLCord, f; Lecturer It UcKanur, lit, lkasant. Chaplain Rev. W. Grant, Jackson. ' Bteward 1L L. Tsyloe, St. John's, v isst 8tewaci4-CV L . KUlebrew, Rocky Mount. fc Becretary R. Jt Beale, PotecasL TreasurerA W, Early, Anlsiidtr.!, GaUt-Beper-Jease Brake, Rocky Mt. c Oeres Mrs. Pauline Hollomtn, Wiotoo. Pomana Mrs. C. W. Taylor, 8t Jeho 'a TTora Mias HJ P. Wilriams, Falkland. uLadr Ant Stewud Miss 31. A Weston, Beaboard. The officers j were i then duly in stalled, by J3ro, J. H. : Jenkins, and immediately, entered upon the Sis charge of their; respective duties. Tbe revision; of the Constitution and By Laws, was referred to that Committee. J'.t ! " II rft . 1 Jl tvq uiouoo, wjo vjrrauge aujouraeu until; the , regular hour to-morrow morning. . - U, Un the 3rd day. the ranee con vened at 90 A. M. i Worthy. Mas ter W.B. Williams in the chair. The proceedings of' the previous days session were read and approy ed. ' .. Reports of officers were first call ed' for. The ! Executive Committee submitted their proceedings during the nast year, as their report: which was on motion adopted, v Reports from the vanoas standing oomouttees were called for, all of which sabmitted, reports whioh were on'motion adopted. ' . The special. Committee 10 dralt resolution introspect to the "death ; of WOrtby Past Master Mu, submitted tbefbllowiDfRh . ! ,; Whereas the State liraoge of - Si. C-tnow ia session has learned with broiound sorrow, of the death of Worthy,, Past Master t Columbus Mills, -our second VVcrtby Master, ThtrefoT moicetL jxmt yre can but bow, in humble sabtniasion to the unerring decree , , of Ato , oupreme ster. . ;-i Hetolv4d. That iu ,the . death i of Bro. Mill, oar order has loat a right and model Christian, an honest man upright in all his dealings with bis fellow wen a zealous and; progress ive Patron. ' l, :. 'i-- ; . , JtttoUei, That our profound grief for the loss of our worthy Brother, is tempered,, with the assurance that rwuat is our loss, is 011 eternal gan, I saZtW,. That : we' extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. In this sad hour of their be reaveiuerit, ' M .. i: ; . I Jhioind, That these ; resolutione be spread upon our minutes and a blank page ; of our journal be tet aparta expressly for the name of our deceased brother, h IReidved, . That the State and Sub ordinate Granges , wear the usual badgs of mourning for , thirty days aiai that the Secy be instructed to send a. copy of these resolutions to the family of our deceased brother, I IRttolced, that a copy of the above-u-eelatkDa be sent : to the 4jorfcaro SontierneT" i ?Botky Mount tlMrUr," American Orangi BMetin, I arfCwafsrJ i?ejtfst,' with e request CO pUOllBU, ' . ... , ... A JSeKUoedriJluk1-. in memory of our L deceased brother, we do now adjourn utU 2 o'ejoek P. 1 -On moiiou. tho Grange took a re cess Until JfcoU P. M. -" i , . 'Kloring thl leas,. the Grahge visa bed-the Graded School in a body. Prof. "Dugger delivered the address of welcome, which was responded to IrV Worthy Master Wuluuw,; in be half of the State. Grange. . ' The Orange resumed labors .. at 2:30 P. M-, Worthy Master Willt- Aril's, in the ; were) called disposed of. chair, . vanoaa raporta up and appropriately On motion, the Worthy Master Cap. J.R Thigpen and Hon. A C. McAlister were appointed aa .the Official Committee to visit the Legis lature in the interest of agrietdture.1 Weldon was selected as the plaee fox holding tbe next meeting of tbe Btate Grange, though she was -tied by Rocky Mount on; two , different ballots. . " . - The Secy ' read a f communication from Bro. W. W. Latts 'which wa- reported to the Committee on good Of the Order. v t-.v.::4-, The Worthy Master, then impart ed the A W. Jo alljjreBenl entitled to it !, .. . . . -v-!-.;'-; ' On motion the Grange closed un- ijl the regular boor of meeting, '-:' JLhe right, session was consumed mainly in the closing exercises. :3 Capfv. U. Powell was elected U fcoltbel-Poinmittee. ; ; Bro. B. C Strickland was appoint ed.s deputy for tiiet-Oounty f The Pifthor Pomona Degree, was conferred on fifteen Candidates. The publication of the minutes were placed in the hands of tbe Exe cutive Committee. '. . . . - On motion the Grange adiourfii to meet in Weldon. on the 2nd Tues day in Dec, 1883. After the 'Orange : adjourned, the citizens, and various organizations of Rocky Mount, tendered to the State Grange a most elegant supper. Oapt Jake BatUeitoade the address of welcome which was responded to bf worthy Master Williams in behalf of the Grange The Waaierer. Eeturn. The mining town of Bunke had! shanties, 100 tents, , 600 population and 99 men who drank whiskey. played old sledge, and carried knives and revolvers and stabbed and pep pered eaebL.otber on theujalightest provocation. The jone man who didn't drink T was a slim, " .hungry looking man, whom the boys had elected for justice of .the peace, po lice iuBtice, chief of police, chief If ugle man at ' funerals, superintend ep. oi nospiuus ana . prmciyai oi public schools: ; i " -. I j... . , He had all he coulddd to carry around his load of dignity. .Had he added yone drink of whiskey f to his burden he wouldr have been crashed t9 the earth-t t . ... It:', j? i One tenickm it becsame the paint ful duty of the man of many honors tb proceed to the shanty occupied by Wicked Jim of Arkansas, and to re mark to that individual: j ' i "James, it is the sentiment of this here eritarpriaing town that you 'git up and git," J"lfin you back them remarksT calmly inquired the Wicked as he turned, over in bed. ' ! "I reckon." whispered the I Judge, as he brought' two "Colt's" to pear( on the lemon shaped head not ten feet away. ' ' I ' : Wicked Jim surveyed the situation without a wink, and after the lapse of seventy seconds he placidly re marked. "m git." ! ; "Whenr ! ' ; "Soon as I can pack.'' "That'll dew, James,"' obsarved the Judge, and he eased down the ham mers of bis revolvers and went away to select a site for a college. ! Wicked Jim betrayed no particular emotion as he went about his work packing up, and at the end. of an hour, when be rode his mule out up on the Campus Martins, with all his traps made fast to ' the saddle, no one could have suspected theYesuyi us raging in his heart A crowd had' gathered to see him off.' "Gentlemen, Said the Wicked, as be bowed to right and left, "I spit upon your town of Bunko. I can build a better one of sand and grease! ; It ain't a fit town fur an aristocrat like me, and I've alius knowed it!" At this point three or four indi viduals on the outskirts of the crowd began shooting, but the Wicked took no notice of the fact fls he continued: "The lion can't lie down with the jackal I The eagle can't mate 'with the buzzard! I Slinks, ahiKgers,' curs and reptiles, I go!" Here the shooting increased one half, and one ! of the bullets ' passed through the Wicked's hat as he raised it and continued; MBut I will return, and when I do, lookout for oceans of gore! .In less than a year Til dump your town in to the river and hold the site fur t private graveyard! WhoopJ Tip yi! wnoopi . i The .Wicked neia two snooters on the crowd as ! be tralloped off and the result was two men killed and three wounded. , A hundred bullets whizzed around, tbe fugitive, but he turned the bend without having re ceived a scratch. i Twelve months had passed away. It was evoninGT when five horsemeu roda slowly into Banko. Wicked James rode at the bead of the pro cession. I He had come to fulfill his promise, and there was blood in his eye. "How's this 'ere!" queried the Wicked, as the band " reached the brow of the hOl and looked down upon the town. Ga9 lamps were now burning ; in eyeiy directioni The ptocesion moved down to the spot where the Bed Eye saloon Lad stood a year oetore, ana again toe Wicked uttered a growl of surprise. -The saloon had disappeared, and in its place stood a solid brick build intr: bearing I the sign: "Manufac turer'!. Bank." -1 The procession moved down to the1 next turner over freshly -laid pavement.' Lin place of -The ;Can Can Dive," was a fine opera house, and across : the street was a great hotel. ' I- -I ': ill.'-j--;,. NO. I- . ; M Like men who walk on the steep rock of a house they nreved down to the puhuc square. This was the spot from which the Wicked had taken bis departure a year ago. No, it can't be i Here are blocks of stores, a street car line, a nurket house, an other hotel, arailroad ticket office, a police station, and&v pablio museum 1 The Wicked rubbed his eyes like a man who has slept too long, and he I looked this way and thatin dumb I amazement. By and by .he said ; j . t jauya, it. a gin. one unj laBuiooea. i yeu, and bteait was mirage.' xney yeued in chorus. . ; . l TbaechoJiadnot; vet died ( away I wheiifieij weamgT I an verscars euaaemy, appeared, as ;: it i rising, from the'earth. ""The Wicked.! and his i companiona were polled frohVthaiytid the .square 'into ' prisoti cells,' and while seemed tp be sUugKlimz in the I embrace of some terrible dream "they tiT. brought in to-eburt, and -heard the" observation from a dignified Judge : t'1-. j j j " We cannot tolerate such conduct in a peace! ul, law abiding city like, Bunko. .The sentence of the Court is ninety days in the workhouse for each one of you 1" Burlington Hatclc-fe- - : 1 '' - I'M Tin. Latest History of' the , Altainiatrstlon. .- Sarfl.ll The last revision of the history of the Garfield Administration) has been furnished byauri.esteemed-'contem porarv the Cincinnati Oattiit. In the judgement of the OatetU, it was made necessary by (ha light thrown upon that unhappy -period - through the letters recently-given "to the public by StepbjnW? Ddreey, although these letters merely, dealtvwith the intimate relations of . Garfield and ' Horsey and the chiefs' 4jf both Re publican iactions Before (iarneld finally entered the White House to begin his career as President. ThA rtArtnliar interest AttachArl - in theseletters in the estimation of our rvntiimtrftria rlnairi tr.A mdlinAr in which they "show the adjfforenca Deiween,uie Aammisiraiion oi, vren. Garfield aa originally mapped oujb in his agreement ' with the New York Stalwarts, , and the ; Administration which finally became a reality.- It was this difference that led to the violent rupture between the Qar field or Blaine wing of cne party and the faction following the lead of TJ UVA SaASJ I HoBcoe VUiui"g n ... i it was snown Dyuorsey tnat one of the chief provisions exacted -by the ; iStalwarts before abahdomng their: policy of sullen neelect toward the fortunes of tbe Republican ticket in lttou, was that tne pose oi secra tary of the Treasury, case Garfield were elected, shoulclr'be1' filled , by some representative Stalwart. - The 8"" f tj i IT iv i Levi P. Morton. . Bat after the ejeo tion, the Stalwarts no longer possess ad the same importance to Garfield as before, and De returned "to . the idea of surrounding! himself with a Cabinet in which Mr. Blame should be the most conspicuous ..influence. With Blaine as Secretary . of State, the immense power the Treasury would have in the hands of a Stal warts put sadraTrHropoantment prac tically out of. the question, bo Uar- field set about repudiating the. un J 1 3 . J - I. - U 1 U " I J ueramquiug uuuer -wuivu tuo - jm Gnar?d nad done tbe work without which he never could have been elected, j Af this rvaint the nnvertv nf dar field's moral character' is brought under the strongest , light Dorsey protested against such treachery as the desertion of the Stalwarts with an imperiousness that can leave no doubt of the contempt with which he regarded the vacillating benefici ary of the btar routs chiefs. Besides, his clearer eye saw that such a dis honest course would inevitably force the Stalwarts into a position or lm placable antagonism to the adminis tration, and that, if only for the sake of policy, the agreement snoold be kept : Here we have .Dorsey, who is now on trial for conspiracy to de fraud the Government of milliona of dollars, as the champion of good faith, aad the ht 1 pi ess Garfield slink ing Sway from his bargain with the Stalwarts and asking the man : who makes no bones of denouncing his duplicity, to .cooie and sleep at his house! . , l . ,. ' It is another not kss interestong A haf 4Kl J iVaW SaTs.-l 1 llM1 aAAnflnf fact that this c?ear and lucid account of the relation of Dorsey and Gar field, which wa recently published in The Sun. should have been copied from a Republican Journal like the , . . , . i . . . . vazette, to wnica auring me cam paign of 1880 Gen. Garfield's record of previous - dishorestv Beemed to possess no importance. These; let ters of Dorse v are one step iurtner toward the final exposition of r the treaty of Mentor. When that re markable compact shall be made puis lie, the entire hitoryt of the truce aad the final rupture between the Stalwarts and the Half Breeds will be complete. Probably not the least useful result of a perfect know ledge of all tbe political com plica tions of that time will be a clearer understanding of the weakness ' and the duplicity of the late President ' ; Sweetlart the Umi of Advertity. Detroit Free Press I ' 'A boy of twelve stood leaning a gainst a feuce on Duffield street, hat pnrled down, -feet troaed, and his right hand going up occasionally, to wipe his nose when along came another anatomy about In size, and aeked: "Sickf; : .'. i: ,MNo"v ... ::. ' . -v ':-V 'Goinff to run awayf "I dunuo. I have just been licked.' "Who dun it? - ! T Dad.1 iDid your ma ask him to!" 'Yes. She told him I had been aching for it more than a month.' "Say, - said the new arrival, Soo are in luck. I ra trying my best to git dad to whale me. Pd give fifty cents if he had tanned me this moraing, andni was all throucrh hortrne." , Why 1 Haven't ! got three dollarl sayed un to buy pap and marm New Year presents,. and if I can. git 'em to J whale me before New Team?, won't T spena every cem oi mat money i mysein How much you got! ; , ; "Two dollars. V 1 I "Bnllv! Xon are all rio-htl TTon'va beenckedT and they won't expect even a stick oi gum from their pound- ...'. edson. Ill go home and slam the be- i -. fbyarpund, and steej sugar, and -IdcVWW, Riasaaimot get walloped to night,' 111 meet you ' here to-morrow, and well pool in and buy more pistols, scalping knives and rock candy and nuts and raisins, than you ever saw before. Tip! Peel me down, dear father, hang myhidf) on the fence, mother, darling ! The mere lapse of years is not life. To eat and drink and sleep; to-be ex. posed to darkness and the light; to pace around in the mill of habit, and turn the wheel of wealth; ' io make reason onr .book keeper, and turn thought in ft) an implement of trade -that is not life In all this but a poor fraction of the consciousness of humanity is awakened, and the sanctities still slumber which make it most Worthy while tb be. Enow ledge, truth, love, beauty, goodness, faith alone can give vitality to "the mechanism of existence; the laugh of mirth that vibiatea through the heart, the tears that freshen the dry astes within, the music that brinrs childhood back, the prayer that calls tbe iBture . near, ' Jthe doubt .that makes ,ds raeditabjr'the death which startles us with mystery, the hard ship that forces us to struggle, the nxiefcy thatnBs in trust are the tTUe nourishment of OUf- natural being.- -Mar iinemu. I'fie coast of 'Newfoundland and' the shores and headlands of the Bay of St.' Lawrence are described, in a Canadian official report as being not only dangerous, but so desolate and barren that Bailors wrecked there are in dantrer of berishirisv from hnneer- V ' o they escape the fury of ue, waves, asany nave irozen or star ved to death before they could pene urate to tbe inferior or were rescued The regioc.it full of such traditions and tbeeupetsatiousSee ghosts in evferV storm? ' Xife - aavinir ahatinriH are to be establishecL ' Gen; tJdhn . B. ; Gordon, of. Georgia, comes' home from Europe proud of his country, lie 'said to reporterr "It is enough to make an iJ-1Aa:j T ""a. 1 sreets of. London, with its civilization "of two tbopsandyears, and see Ameri. can implements,' American sewing machines, American tools and Ameri can goods displayed on every haml -and know that American watches are being sold in tbe stores and Ameri can pelds aref eeingt ha Knghsh people and American -factories begmadng to ciotue, them,; . v , i : . .i - The exclusion of marriage insur ance wmpanies' letters from the mails has broken vt6 that form of specula- tion, which had assumed astonishing proportions throughout the South, west. (Meu. who onght to haveknowu betUr in vested largely in the swindle slid with few exceptions loit every dollar. Affianced husbands thought that by taking out a policy and then getting married without, delay they could get the sums which the insur ance managers promised them, on their wedding day, but the collapse came too soon for a realization of their plans. . 4 The feat of George Hutchins, a Boston fireman, will bring bimamed , si It was performed at tbe burning of a gun store, described: the - other day by telegraph. It v.av; impossible to keep the people far f jctn the boil- Jing, although they were told that it contained explosives.' j The firemen lexrned just where the stock of pow- dep was kept, and Jlut chins volua teered to go in after it He climbed through a window, got down .On his i - j i l La ii ' i i i tuww,, tuu mpv wwiiru uis spot wj I whicb had been diiected. The imoke' aa. aa'a. a was sliming ana blinding, a s hands touched the huge.coptfir box aud lie carried it out-. Again he went bark for the remaining box I The copper burned his fiugers, and as. he 'sprang out thtflame8 followed biiu, but pow- aer was sate uiidv a powerlol stream PERSONAL, I TO nut oiur The Voltaic Belt Co.. 4 Marshall. Mich., will I send. Or. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances oh trial for tbir- ty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with .Nervous veouity, lxwt vitality and Man-;. hood, ; sndk4ndred troobieS, goaranteeiBs: a1 speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address above. H. B. No rink s lncurrea, as tiurty asys tnai is allowed. Ywsnic fSaau . If von have failed to receive wooer treat meat In cases of Chronic Diseases, sw;h as Heart Disease, AUney Uomplannt, Nervous Debility, Importency or Premature ; Decay, r Seminal WeskJieas, Dyspepsia, Nervous ex-: citablllty dec, send two stamps for onr qoea. : tions for examination aad our new book "THE LAWS or LITE AND HEALTH." Address, Secretary Mbdicsx. A Soaaicaj. Uistitsts, 147 jraat Jriltoentu St., New . Vork New Is The Tisae Te Rabaeribe. . - Havinsr taken the agency for tbe Dailv and !' Weekly STAR, published at Wilmington, 1 N. C, all those who wish to s abscribe or set tle any bills that are due, can And me at the , oOuTHESMaa office. - B y atwcrtbing to the STAB rot' receiva 'the latest news seven. Honrs sooner than ran be bad by say other er paper corabg toTarboro. .- Si,: . U. D1UX1.EB. ' Quick, complete, cure, all annorlnir Kidney; Bladder and Urinary diseases, fl, Dray- gists.; Bept, n-hjt .14- e ;il;f !t5 4 r . afi 4 oi t. r i i

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