fill : . ' :. - MUM Mo rji i j i ,i i. H nil - 1 JN A H Jbii AUrU; NO. 2. - I V 7 lit ' i'A:tfE4 :'!':! II if i. i - PROFESSIONAL CJtRDS.! H 4 sent of Tarboro wid vicinity V ! 1.1 Office in T. McNalr' drug store on Main Street. . ' ' ' ;. S j OAEPII J. n ARTIST, j ; j I ATTORN E Y-Alj-L AV P r ractice in the Courts, State and Federal. D 08SKT HATTLE. I Attorney .'M Law "tARBORO A HOCKT KOlJNT.jN. C Practice to tlie Coarta pt Kdeecoiub' Naek, ifm. fW.'tt 4 0iyazPcounUe 11 o itf tarf fedetsl Xvd Sapieue Court. , ; y.gjllftttoBa.oclltj- -If j CU i a, lor !th e preaea a, ' I a i, front too m ' of ' JniidM (Howard's law offifte. next door to Bew store ol 8. 8. Naah A Co.. on Main Bw A. It hi ixiit. V.4 i-, K0BQK UO WARD, CSTPMwaeea In mil the Cotirtu, Htatf oJ Dentist, i AftBQBO Office beora. Irom 9 a. m. "i!!t 1 il -fro-' to O-pt-WY t-.-rrri ii J Tarboro Mann-, orer Lotr k Rojator'a.' Office next to Philips & Staton's '. IJCr office. Will practice lathe Federal and SUte Courts, Refers by express permission to Jndge Rnf fin, of the Snpreme, Court; Citizens National' Bank, of, Raleigh; Battle Bm AC,'Non ioik ; jno. ArnngtoB, ons, retersDnrg. ' 1 ' Fri. Pklli Wl IIWi VT. . Pitfpen, Tlopres UK... !sii Osskisr. KM 'r "T-r! lis hmHcQ kte I (BANKING' DKP1RTMESTJ v . aii operi from .9 i, it .'fo S P. Discoqnt Day, Thijbsdat. ;M. Doxrmiis Geo. Tloward, -H. L. Staton. Jr, II. Morrisi -Ill' Deo. 18-ly. SIotbs, Iflt wr 'eer IrotfareT .r; . TARBORCvNi Cli t , . . Tin, Copper and 6hU 'loi- "Work riiatiu factnred to order. Particnlar attention toaid to Koonng ana tinttering. t Bepairtnz of U kinds in iji j Uae wantotlr K "wors; guaranteed and prices as, iff . Uanuf actnrer" of! i WAGON AND CART HARNESS' ON HAND AT BALTIMORK PRIPRS ,' Ib at toe while h e oIl sUnd of tk-Hn A Bros; I . . . i. . . - - . . 1 i i Dlisbc Diows tiiaoTa neSsalways PiwitlTflrtnVWhPrP ! Kfl-: pared to nerre vou with the. unrest DE VIE and the best flT6red CIGARS GWs him a'caiL , $ w .: ft . Opposite Court Honse. Tairbo ro, Dee. J!5, if. Books, Sttio jifery JWcii A large assortment of Books ind Fine 8ta Monery, brtstniaa ywd. ieiyear,a; Ctwds. 'PICTURit BOO'K8,i'- M'-V'i-'.1 " . AME8,MU8K! BOOKS, .'t .works or standard; Authors, Miscellaneous Works. Inks. Fens. WEDDELL A. CO. ' dec. 14 tf -U: ; V r-Ttv " ' "' WflR MASO i Hflr.1l IN IIRIj A IHmwttelillWil, harlnebeen so' decreedvat every . . GREAT WORLD'8 INDUSTRIAL JCOMPTtTtTIOli FOR SIXTEEN TEU.RSWUir lirtean organs bartaig tieen lovad eaaal to any. - Also CJUtAPk3T. Style 109; S octaTes; suflLotent compass and power; witUr 6e8t,uality,i ior popular sacred auA ecBlir iuisic '.in schools or famine t only 822. ONE HUNDRFn OTHER eTYLES at 30 WLftter78 T!B, e3,tl08, tll4 toa00 afadtup.rThft rg styles are whoUy unrivaled Iby wit. brrans. P7 ments. t New Illustrated Cat-, PI 1 WueTree. this Company have - t 7 couimenijeor. manulacturc oi UPBJGHTiGRAJlJ'IANOa, introduciDg 1m poruuH uuproTemenjs;, aqamg to p bsauty of tone and- 'durability; .Wui pawer . and r ant rr- quire toning one-quarter as much asiotber K- anosv lLJwUSTKATJCD CIRCULARS FREE. THE MASON HAMLDI ORGAN AND F1ANO UO 154 Tremoot 8t RnaLm- 4A F. 14U St., New TorkfMU VVahtoh Ave., Chicago. the Daaa of the'Amdnaa MediealdiUea'a. Ml . Loots. Oso. CPitsrv M P- tW Chambers A D VKKTI H KRS b v addresstiur GEO f,) KROtfelt CO., 40 Spruce 8tn w muriL, ou tciiru vme exact ost oi, : any "proposed Jio of AdvcrtialsiKlB AsaeK can newps)pefrlJU page pamphlet 25c T Hi Z S2 AT;'.C U R E KJDNCY,UVXR Bowetavi nlnnne tXa Bjctnt :l'ot that vis dzaodral only the VtoUma of BbeiaiBMam qnieklr oUvc Irsics, avuqtaaea bt, l r DawionTa.1 - t-Jirreaa bo sent i I, BICBAAOaO V Si I III! I ? j . !i i . . A "I10 TO sncsafuI operaUon, and U.M. are prcparea 10 BU alii orders .for , Sheet. I Prepared to Oil all nrrWa tnr Ak'jt. ins, Yarng and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. OrJersr addressed ;to Rocky .Mount; Mills. wvi-s of wVj iiftoir mwmm The Mot Refreshing Be v- BEER BOTH 1 A -r w to Court House. ' ' "State, promptly attended jto. - ; Boci April 13,1882. Oiir stocli if;Ria!(ii rhevh)thiug is larg er in variety, ,betierin material acid vorkbaan-: shipthanHas everjbeen k. nun v ii niiin illinium otin-vn -r uo iT.jirrnvnniiiiniw.Minn'X:srffi? ERS ti Hi .IshQWii in Tarborpl tliaUwill please parents and deliW!ffie5jBoys nil .jii . . i i . ' m . . . - . i . m . a MTe wilheeiMiy purifineinui our prices will induce you to buy of us. ; ' islaim to . DaBbtstWo61 . - v: . . ' . w mm rents; will do well to aniln our stock be- soj?laniviuperia vantages in fitting Gl6thing to any shape J as -we can. and often oloeut H tfeta f oyer! to suit the purchaser. ptJleadynkfleiploth- iiig, fromltlie cheapest tohebetwootl Boots and r,Shoes.i sty-; nsii nais, . orenis, r ur- UUggy; JXOOeS . j ; I r .,,,: Wei have some of I iirprp.nats ann i srerw ettes 'in ; town. and: "medium,, weights. . : i i 5 -iH-Vv ill i,li oipTSvf iuo noi Buy an -r. overcoat s be- fortV'v looking" kt ours yocr x 'inay ge(f suited better andisifiMmiey frtf a'-a ut. m.t.J.I"! Goods you. can find) and we , will continue i to maKe mem on inar: T . . . . a. ; ra. . s . H njaiite. 101 ut, ana asr .-.' .i . .i I tftp Same UlOney I a i v -ii li U jjo noi iorcec "tuau i wo iu best School, Suite, Business Suits Dress Soits & Overcoats mrwwm. A.WHITLOCK. Arti gooda' and samples IipE .ft . na on vll Of tarf- mm Miaain : m fit!...-111? . I. Artlel B-r Boanet Baa I tpT!fH?JT?,J ig!ikf& rlTrilSR'Sl.- xEllxnHhaorTs iisausiM v fluid. t iiijidBs - r 4bwMtiiBMi r Xmpnr Air'attd hanaUw and aurified. r! Bora llnytteja ' ' Contarloa iias'? tuev aotddirious. WIS For Frosted Feet. OfcaMaiaai IHIiBa. pttkM.-awr wacaiaia aad m ao nth an Sd It I. W. Pakk. IMSOV, Philaddpbia. laatea Soft White Complex- . tOSS BBCBBkl bf MtttM. Ship Vevar Brevcaied. To rttrlfx the Brestb, CCbbbs the Teeth, - U Ml Catafri 'fb nirputcd. Pjassiited. rrav. reiwvcA , EttbIbbIbs cared, i BanssrilevediBMaath. The BKasicisBS her Vcveatea. t ibsi'j ewredi was Darbys Fluid very 'Bndfl healad Midi. racctaamuytatoe wsat taemof Dtpkiktria. A. SntuniKi, jSem t ji enred. . aamow lor judbbu qrssvbeio.AJa. VesMabU Poacns. 1 Tetter dried bo. nxea um rims aaris unaura atitiM vitk Ulcer nwiaai kn4 la aia should be tad bout the Carpet It win A am mmMtmvm my. . aktea, J. SCAJUOM Ilk. Kaarr MjBn: "i sat Prophylactic Fluid i, valuable dituuectaa" aadrrbiR CatversUy, NaahriUe, Teaawm ' 1 Batify to the aw: earrilcet attatttwe-of 1W. w xwvys ujiacac r bub. as a iiinniamnal an J.onaisnw tt a oota tneatl)i illy sad Bracocaily nipenor to aay Breparsaoa with waickl aai aa. i ,uiBted. N. T. Lurroa, Prof. Qiapiati j. t , JT- b. totw, at ueorgtat R. CjM'Fvpaaisa, D.D.,.Church f fjL.,Jumn ef the !Jps. ICowja,C4utnMi PraC.UBlvenity.&Cf U a, at ID. Vk Br wv. "er- A JwIr"- P". Mercer Uaivwelty: 'HRer. Gao.F. PrsBca, Bubop hi. E. Chorea. J . 1ND1SPKNSABLB TO ZVSaUT HOBtB.' ; Perfattly Bamlea. TJaad utenuulr or i. ; .Tbh Fhrid has beea aWousUy Bated, aad aw I here riaiajed. For iuiW 4nfbrraaaaa VeTSlS unuBpat ayuapatet or aaaa to the preaiateii. tChcmiatr, "PHILADELPHIA. mtTW':aTrKr':f. ' Mora people have rea l the 801 during the year jast now passing than eer before nines it was fir-t printed. No thWwopapr pnbliahf-4 4u this aide of the esoniv has been j ji tj- i alt 1 - -w We ,roiwdibly informed tbaSpwople bay. read, an4Jtte the Sn for the following I -aasooa, amn otberf: i.ItBfSnan itt nawa eolnant nrvant in at. I trfcv MRfiM w:a.poaiia "iTTrr ' flnhi thaJinnannhv--h. nnrakLa fall: thai solid fceiisa:tnimorotintf nonsense-all the f n-wt of the bostesf world lit tte'wiolv-1 inain apace. ! - 4 , Because oeoDUbavlrarntfd that in .Hal k. :.t tf 8fusnakra a practice of teiang tbem th ax act t'tub to the best of itt ability thxaa tun-1 dred and sixty-live dsys in the year, befor I HHttfon at wU as afier, about the wnaleiaa i weU aa the small fish, in the face of di a. pUinly andadeaiiy as kaa supported bv eeneralsoproval. The Simbss abseiSB- 1 ly bo purposes to serve, save the Information I or na ".thtfftlfo'ttl e$J Rar, At i avarvbodv's tk-Ur I No man it rt hnmhia ihst tba Bum iafferent t h welfare and his tighu,, No man is I neb ttba it can allow injasJea to Be-dona niza na.mts, w rsnawiBstMansT paweiful Bowb to be xeia?t ' strict appHcatkm . ef Its princ pis cf right Becatwe fn iolittes it has fuuc ht f or a do-'; mt year a wUboot intermission and sonfeiimea' almost alone aox ng newipapets, lbs fight that baa resulted in therec-nt ovrr whelming popular verdict agiin t Robeson'am and for honest soMrataamW Ne'mattar wbalfparty is in pommf metre atacus aoa vm ooturawe tos'aad Ckixwafor asutotea'a-tf the people asst-t-saaaibita f boaaesv. oa estroachmeot of "roonapoliea, aad tba die. honkt achemea' or sUblie robbara. .t ' t 1U this fwbatvws are told almost da'dy by our fileoda -Oamn bold that the Svn is in beat rtli&ioos paper ever puonsn. ed. because its 'ChristiaDity is nndilutod with jraM Another holds tbat it is the best Be babl!can newspaper' printed, beeanse it has already? whipVd .ha-f of thswo a vat of iiaM 3i4H-ty, and is piocseding' agamst tne believe it to be tba brat magasue ef genr a) liu-ralure in axlsbmce, baosase l'treadna inia' hothinK worthy of notice that is car- :A;.iA.i lXJt-v.--. - ,t. ... -,-,t ' v- . a w . - Jit choicest prod c f omaaoa asus and im-J dnatioiD, t'&Stikkr r .tj cense .ft. ftae-'l est 70veinramt aaSntfflI.rrriBnmna-JrT- feriooiaD DeBaoeraey, a aaatlTtia tua-aioked- naia of 'verv ' deveri'Dtioa.' and aa ttonjt good bvrstiaet t lor Ukecanina yaa'. Tarma to Hail SttbscTihsTt The BaytreditioaaisiB by mail, p stj aid, af follows : DAILT, 55 cents a' mooti, HM a year ;. p with Snaday edition, 7,W. JBCWDAY-., .Ebrbt Dasres. SlJkl a year. WF.F.KLT 11 a Vf -! a year. Eight page of the best matter of the daily Issues? an Arrtoui- tural Department of unequalled merit, auu ket teporU. and literary, Scientltc, and do mesBc iotelliaanaw, maks Xaa. WxaiXT 8rm ; the newspaper lor -la' aarmer-a aooKana clabs of tea with Vl0aa extra eopy trea. Address - ;,y" 'i--.- . fcf 1 1 J Taa' Sv N.' Y. Ctty.' ..Y. BOOK I wiiwi miv.mmii Clear tyaa. Ia4blaaia aaS lUaMnktlaaw. HaKTID. STB to ei.e Mir jtia. taSwae J. C SlcCVapr ir. r - - - Atf bnlr Maushter reared lot i "1 When death was hourly expected. an rtsroe-1 dies having failed, and Dr, James was erper- imentlng with the many herbs of Calcutta, im accidentally made Bseparatlon which : cured his only child "Of Consumption. His .iM k nnw In thia nnnntrv and enioviar the beat of health. He has proved to the world that Ckmsumpdon can be jpositlvaly enred. Tha doctor now gives this ueclpe free, only asking two three-cent stamos to pay expenses. This kerb also cures night sweats, nausea at tha aCamach; and will break up a fresh cold m twentv-fonr hours. Address Craddocli A Ca., lOStKac ace street, Philadelphia, naming , this Ii papers ! - e ,3 v a !J daw -J . f y.Jva.aji sxw aviaiw x ft ' ' J , 1 l : kl N i. - . . . - K. LtSBotmmsxBasr Along the path t JJnrFheajjjiB lvl irTt VzS "Ciiw- 4 ime hssauishedi iMTlartmf&fb&m ih-Un irAi nfmw k;iar.,- t ii a a uraui'umv ii in in iu ikmi t . w wruiiir TflV UM mvUL ! i 1 aF 1H 1 et What qii vJIlK001"16?1 nFj Wirjg BtairCT held fla;thin PteeTtHr! W5 Would the rSlT?3 'Thrf-wlieatdierouf: the Urea take root; Thd-whBat (Herour;tbe tires take root ; SSlo A wlaar laVnil t-ksa ilinA thitwsi Well for that amid the gloom -9 A tray of comfort comas He knows. : aiwwa, auu jo amurMl 4B I To-wear hearts the tfcoajrll aHoald M A fnnatahv4a Bcarit laj1.J-a A-r4nl?owrJSer the stonai sea. , 1 MBlall laJ-altV Clsaa TWT.FrTH Tl lrrr Wijo v tt6t yet Kli&viifeMj tarlnks 3S Jea.Hoiirs,., T as " w BV'"' sK'-4 SA'VtB"B" Wt3 .! Ml T I wa,th,6 f wawUsliJnJgjouilf ever bawwsteatTe pigwofc, with pare Vhit aEtitkv foM peart j;rj, ana . f ra ariQwijr neQK gleamiiyr .with indescant ho. t;""t -i A boy aad brodgbt if ovef'-frora Elm wood thit hiorBlnj''fnH' a' "dalati willow l8kfladiritblWBoitj&o J wood and itsvhaadle' adonad with bow of pink rftbon)-f '.f . "FrouiJ Larry, , of couraa t crUd Aunt Jaduli, aa I entered tba breaks fast room. . I donl " baCeTe earth ever prodnoed so ii gallant a Y lover It she cop tin aed'in ' her 1 teasing .iray, I believe he aenda you. ' af praaent every day. - Tetterday it waa a,ban tifol boauat of flowers, the davbfAra a box of JobtdOa, and tba davao4 that WelL , 4t,r i BaO-a. ,-Camw lumseli! iu jbtd what bara yo tow rrw a tintTarltoSA f . I "No ; a iwtTierijrJi nd .XarW says it it'av trained onej too, I replied referring to the letter, a dainty hillei whicb, bad acoompanied the gift. : -' I lh lowwa shall have; tender misaif fljixjg; over "00 beads, I pre Bume 1. Away, with proaalo. paatage stamps., and all tbat i" "I wisn Latrry bad Bent ner a big iu - - L:iJ'i-3 norwi owattAt1wrl,VVmBAl- tsi 1 T-S- - T MmnmA hy.papjk! ri nnDOaticalJl I : t . ' ; ! J mow my dei,' ItVeaily last now when there are m maDj CMtJflarS SWOt. h- . -.3 ' I hear Mr.' gayra'a house haa Htmn robbed, and Mr. Golden's iewlrv alore tosWAubfKjfxia: JV' . UTT.vir a - - V .!.- J- oewnte, a nope mj wont coma Iwbj tmreiuucu wucuy uuv of tbe-waj place, too ! Tnomaa I turning' to Sit t Ctther, t don'tl yob au-u w--ii Vi tKi.ttlw' V1 k. aZ JA iV. f3;iw BPW sUver Sixd f amly dwuionda to a wore secure i place 7" lTve been . thinking about tbat wry thing," sKppa. ,hf?T eet m lUi innUDg lO I me.'with a smile, "becomea Mrs. Lwenca Corroll. L So I knight aa welt take tham down i to to bank and locklhem me in the 8818." rMBut wtta tf ihey :reaX 'ti' ffie. V-Jrapa laughed dengrvely. tie was eW btingaa thej Dana. . . h They coulu't open the saie ualaaa tiawsfashier'arrd ( 'werw' bothHliera. Its 'obe of the beat combination locks tnade irm positive that 'aaiythiiif put ill that saftfw ,perf ecUs. seenrav ; AJborTJapaliId w'litU0Tie h6Qgbi But thereAhat'aJike ffi.1 eettinj ahead of my atoryl : j Larry didn't . spend that evening with may and bo I went to-bed jaite early. Iaoon fell, asleep, but aome how I didnsrei fery welt'iBtt; was clad when I awoke, for I waa dream- ms that Ijarry and I "had n awfal -W"- i SF j nnarreL : ! 1 " ffntt,bf..wra, wrtnhjM.fryUnA; 1 tbtiadmwtnaJlyfifortaath.'; I mi 11 AlaC - a.-1 - ILI I J J .AA. .tk ' a.. eatoratt u with anouie, yerppwerr in'f weut I Tl ; A' ' x VtiMJ'mJLTTZSrimt 'itiVr'aaT ft' 'VUIVl VTVI Hi a, vn. awuH si But wnatTdidlCiaaikT Sliivofui with nameless BrorsJtwitu yaw eeiisec an aauaI apfnJg fcan&Uaa rAtKaW aHgaoiy-aJMM' Ma ilawwwpsi the opening a light auown .aintly I erepA aofilF -oat into the hail - aa leaning oF tbe railing looked down. Ob, beaveue 1 what did A sre 1 i ' Four 1 strong men, Kearing blaek marks, .' r ui ed . .with re vohw draggiug- aloMT dearrbld father You villiana Wliatia 'the ose otthr vAlieani kKjk, dea papa aaj. MI shaH'tieTer,"iay,r dgi it T v -(- won't jwe the attn rise again, Ulan ta ail otta of tba tnn, wttto aa Dana's reply. rough voice. -."Bus wait till we get there. - We've got the cashier it OUT olatchaa, and when he eaves in you will,' too,5. , 1 . ; , t Gag him, ; boys, before pit him' in the wagon IT r ordered the leaoer. t , , it- ... t ysm t Papas atruggles xvereoi tivaf and (raerarl and hnnruL hm Waa ftSTTlAd out of the house,' and 5 soon 1 beard) wbsels rolling away. 4 r, . V .. l . ;f . ;i. a a.;V tatat f Twin of tba fWvlara atavad bAhinrl 0lttbtrni-tOTrl ttffJM5 WlaPrV AlBaTijgAl6i x;tatnad iiui(a f ftrvl into ffiw room. lOftlriBg tnaloorlaa when ha "wmtA lAhat irarrtrn'bJlMaAilvTTtirKBUjLrt ira n, a.M intoffiVjoom, lockioff ih 4oor I h, what could I d6 t . At Ifcatj ut I rsOiMd hovrVtakr Ik ArcKTlow Weid ar89 foaiid Efa aa jrreat a is! Oh, ifthare BAe iiASnk oliome plaott LIS .! - e 1 wliftrchv T michf. um tana fai.Mr orbi6n8 dainand fbr cotton sooda nun t , Jr. f hft-raaBA n I mtl6 iC.fli nitreoo. r ti- r I I knelt dOT&bsdftffcf eatfel bc br i biag sottlt ....rT,.. UathinjrrrL'wbi.; a and -jtiny aa yon idddenly hie a aiviae' j-ev elation, bera caca arthanhtt 4 S3-, -s. vjuiu nuii .Dijouy Ufw pigeon, rarrj lif saga tIiikrTTl iArrr had said thai the Tittle creature "could do bucIi a thinfir.r Why not try mm? i With tremblinjjp f d iert Uez?2li -, is J vW4 I.t l penoi -va faneA wjote trie liirrri Jjurf'l for Odd's sake go tt trbf bank-Taif 7; Of ,en with you Btirplairg have carried bapa there to powpehim to open the safe. Tfnny-l i Tear. . M. - . . Ti wnd this by, Bijou" t Thiarrittt in 4n envelob.. and tied fee latar around i the j bird aT neek , The little creators did not",seorn-the least bit ftigbtened, but looked intelligently at me with its bright fen tie eyes. Aa qwlagaBibl opened the window ,aid f et the .-?':.;.-. p Foi a minute it stood there, tam ing its pretty head irresolutely ; then spreadmg rtftwipgsi it 1 slowly ,ros; and soared -'away, oh, heaven be tiantea 1 r An tbe direetum ox Elm- Juat than i there waa" a violent racket at the door, : a anoeessi6n of neks,! which 1 .soou. i spimUted . the. panelaJ S&S, h C? J: f U 1 : As instant iateraa I .afcood there paialyaed by terror the two burglars a a -a S -J '' - . 1 ourst into (D9 roprru " ie yod rcriad one, "that chlo- 1 of m did't fix her. after all." "Blind and trag her like we did the old flady ,tben shell be safe," said the iotliMV Ja. wBMiifco, . TfT, " i . - ,f -. i rvnen my senses- cam ; to me. found myself lying on' the ouch the sitting Toom down stairs. It was. bright daylight, and the soft 8dnmer wind laden with the breath of flowers,' wastftteaHng in at llA 1MlAm T . . . . f.A. l.Cn .3 tuvyfvu wuiuvw, xattjr b iavrt auiu ovoxg, anxious, waa bending over me. ; Then I beard dear old Doctor Rogers' kindly voice say, Drink this, little girl, and youH feel better," pres8ing a tumbler, lo my lips- . I I fWherea pspa t . I murmnred, "xour laULer s all right, darling, said laury. . .; MAnd did Bijou come to you T Ob, V W . 1 . . aea wa l prayed mat tne urd r would carry the note Ir J)i TOU get it 1- ny " "Yes, Wvj r but never mindF if no Til tell yon all about it when you get etronger. - wTellber now. Caxrolkr Sbis til rigbtlsrtf wiU M, has tforxVio near aa aoout it, aaid tne doctor. pattiig my cheek ; and he eontieued; 1 11 leave you two together, while I go and aao'to Miss Judith. you needn t be mgntened I . seeing my anxious look, "There isn't any thing the ;mAttft iwtth Sour adnf Only shas beea prettf badly scared Uutt'aafittlt.U-l 5 U ; V '"Well, you see, Meg Larry began, wnetrwe are alone, "l napened 1 to lit UP rather late last,, bfghV 1 f liad been. A way all dajrnd- srben-r I re- aurxtoa oome.. u bohbs93, i wunu some law business 'awaiting my im anriaw a n taa.stf rattrtnfv - la I -mmr wpilinrv Saw VAaS VH PVIrtMHIVM, awe U viCttUS' in "mj roou It Wai af tet tAUbfeht I think, suddenly 1 beard a tapping at ibw-window pane., At first I pud no need' to it, thinking it to be only the ynmk plowing a twig or oit oi . vine. but as tne sound continued, l arose and watt to look. bebdd sobietbin;? white flatter. m2f iS2ain8t.!tne glass) w fiat; was my surprise xo una mat it was r lime Bnoat x I opened the window aod barridlj Tad toe letter be brought ; and fc wasn't long before my father, TJnCle Henry, the- three more servants knd a couple of policemen and myself, were hurrying down to the bank. . f'We roaejbed thete jat irf ' time, tbt)Thadai grand-aotime, in which we came out victorious I'm glad tc say,, and, well, the resalt in that four of the bufglarfar in Jailed the ether two whom-we-1ond hers have,'gone to rendenr upSlthell aoal t accouiL I The safw -tiaharuiband none of xts are inj wdBpv tew scnteBM HH1 sbJTtllSMfe iRA iUat .jhacJ.i.a I wUleticI myiitpr by saylDsr thai Larry and I iMveWmvmmed ? two yeai a norw Jj7eLaru.'t2eprog fyoaae la a cozy comfortable way; and most imporiant oi tut our avt uctes ut lurm lore is k cradld.iJtuf,t' after all, don't loiovf H-rbif iatVe grwatest pet, baby or my llttl9.f eathered postmao, 'BijOU ' i U'! ''.-- ' ' ;J TALXASt or XXSU 1 07 LITS.' Xationl Why i it Kay-he Batter to Hi . . r , Toaag aaaa to uvaco as uia. r ew York i'ua.t' ';: "t '.v;v;v -v rxt any one diea in youth, said "Df. TalmagTi- v-aterday tnorning, "we say. "What a pity! II one I be in ! pleasant, arouaoatanees he niver wanltf,to go. f WiUiam', Cullen ! : ; . ' ' ' ,f--i ' i ' 1 . Jsiayn,iuppefviii Rrnnl at. RO afanrlin'o- in nSw HAn'aa PP4 Teading; habatwlitf, wittoutfe apectacles, was Inst as anxiRus toilite f m whea ht !;imte ftLAtiiamitftal threnody.,, Cai. at Mwius.aiidJiTila.eor five bale haya bwn raia- wooldn't liyo ta learn rQrr-TllnE J ple-firtf'-' iiftwrflleiiirioyontI fwav punivnu. Bupptmrtuu-ai.- i lhuaalebat.69 waa Alraid to iroacaBa 1 m -a atOTTA cat Kia 4atLl wail rlaiBk- TaWa aiud that if t ,fl . I C J" t f . at fA1 i - I an agnoewc ne "wouicr can-artnaa blast Wording ta tha -lrflb natltpacQfAhaf 'SaatWitnallT yeatle mt$ dmilm SjSSrSJ ifcv. an r."VtVl OthF to.Dd. cangratulatea vrho jean .ce ttroagif irts 'v? 61 in ne bdurl" If aT Iparson aiesikfe 5ytihrWrth am wosfeat in IM,m6ni4rin WiiinM dies et.MMKet8rttc that Jannarr has La litfla MJiajdies atTu ne gats Uxrpqgb at AlpUtnetaiy' fkcatementtafemteJiatuf a. a L' . aWT"'-'- . J-"- in cuo alter noon, ana u ne dies ac au I ne bis to 'tOiP-i W-II ddoclf. night. .ic-siufia aid Tt! ;is . a. ,'Ali we 4wghtibewiwois snliBeifchth is to cet .our, woxk. done. ' aaiit .Irav Talmage. Tarad the, sooaer tbebe.r J B?he number of men1; wBo falfu tatdt f uin between 60 kud fi years bf!ge descoifr likPtlsw positiot; ; shev oceft ia eimply? appalling.;If. tbey bad died pksdtha time bt ifee ttanaitj abe la at 30 it wouldslMtye beiai,, better or; etill fjielaireat todl&gitesV of he theniialyea, ind jor f their , farailiea, atarrv thrrmff tbkt ftakeaVtHe moih; The great tempt.ationot a majiV. lif a I ButueuuitsB cuius Mir ,,on in miuuio i At? abbtlfc VieaMpfcr g atian be moWWelT tmm'hei atmeafv MJOUB UQXTUUO IJBIOU4 jvBKUguBr AJJ, I he advioe rof sopie friend he takea a aumuiant to keeo JumuDandne troea 1 on taking stimulants nntil keeps 1 hint down! ' , Concerning' 'ft vast mhlti- f tuda, it seems as if it would be betterl or them to embark from vthis earth I early flifsiiWhy OjiBOiiBany..-die demJ i FT iA ; , y-:- -beforf they aie Oyeara bldi Because; SaAurn 'isevWng Vtairing the God sees the storm coming; up ,from otpntb, winning second place among the Caribbean and Hil. them into the the eve!ng slars. Th'eae two atars tirst harbor.' ilf a Soldier who has nftTaent nlctnres of marvelous beauty been on guard all night is glad when I some one corner Ao relieve Lda; ought not that man jto shqut fpy j joy who j an put dowp nia weapons and go I into thl ISiUg-a castleT i pustratmg bb.w men etcape perils early in ble and Jfaal tn wxttt them later, 4J;taimage.eari nrat utuw x crvsetsu. tue aaiauku; wwiui . it was as smoow as a mui pona, i wrote : a'magazihe isssat bnihe ir A.nadn t written iv men, t- fore f erossed, the! jottan, againii Icient'$ajurav mth,' lai paletbelt-v never could have written it. ,, . . . I i,;.m a rwAinn as aainrva A at rt rii m ? manv . ; . r . r..aa Aaothar reason why it isabAaja to die early, Dr.' Tannage saidf ' ia because those whoi; m 'youth cape sx many :ewttiy pereavementarlneW He enumerated, some of th sorrows i whicb King Dayid would , have also, escaped, the crimes of uncleanness J and murder. "When God takes lit tle children," the preacher continued. "He usually takes the greatest capao ity for Buffering if permitted to live." Agabawto die early in life, , Ar. Talmage said, "brings one so much the sooner to tne centre or ILrag. All astronomers agree that? the uni verse swings around some great cen tre. God's favorite, figure in gepm. etry isf the c-irclaJ Somewhera ia the greathub around' which the wheeYof Btcauuuu tu . . . - I Our standpoiat in this world tectiye. We are at toe wrom of the telescope. '. We are. the cellar of life, and yet trying aoaaaue Droaa nsavens oi immortal TLvm , j. .M--i- srn,.? ity,IwbileJ oorlMdeparted eChrtlArl . a w . a a a - mends nave; gone up stairs atuuy iU The chUd who died at years fl X UUtUlBbeLL, UUHO UIU1S liU UBJ 1 uruu buna auuutci x cuiutjvuu ui all the' theologians 1 of rtthe ' world. Tet imeil are. rushing around amobg ... . I? .1-. , - IL" tne apotnecaris, wonaertog xt med'ieins Is good for neuralgia, , and that ior rheumatism, and others for other diseases, 'lest they- should be suddenly .UBhered into heaven. '"-Metr ought not to ; go : ajouxid . groaning Deviauae another vear, a gone., ;.W ought to believe v not -according to the i old maxfm tlich'8ays - men 'should j live ?: las tnorfgh" every" ' day might be their i tast, but as- though we ware to live forever. But -dau't let ub be Deryous lest, weisboald have to move but of a shanty into an Alhsmbra."; ! f l Pcts'blUtles of Cotton Production, itimay be well to -reinark at the outset t bat the production of . cotton in the c outh 18 practically without 30 before the Amer- imit. It was 1830 icatt crop reacuea ' .MUU,OOv A '1,000.000 a balea.i and the highest poiut ever ' reached iu the days of slavery waa a trine over 4,500,'Ood Tbales, .Tho, Crop of 1880'-i81 is about- fy0fO,OOOTltf;eil case ol this.and tnera are Afaose w bf lieve that ttUp'bt OOOJOOS bsUa. Is anSong the certainties of. the .next aew ctatB. . - ud aicavj lUUICttsa). 1U Jho i?otton crop is due entirely t,obe ma-euseot cotton, acraae Jwxjughi( r ;.'m. about by tbejasa ptJEertibWa All lions of adteeJfcef Mtad,4 Tornf&j tliougbt'WtbeyOTd.itbsi Asatbtefri .. i ifF wtw.ty litniof thecottoa beltayebeeif ' I fi&wa ,f. rhAl Ithef L'1laf.IandavwlmWrjsf ' r Btift iallv enrichd. In- Mo.K n-vo. ImaklouetMbbfCotto litOil Uiio uoou uimtu bVf oUtiT . . 1UUCII1 northward and , .tafenty. mUeawstri vrard, and the IMf iol IaeprgUtiJ?ilB th -,t Septamber; 18TS.1 was J it: a. A It!l1r?ac4i.iaedm aslnf4aw J-D-et wmu v wBW B K T ttsuxsMty auit,a.rrass mDllBSf i( bHa. rxrad the ciop Ot tne tate. 'Ihs"ara 0f low nrodustiob" "'as the 1 Atlautibl L.t-a. im Wn':,r.'m it.- f-tt i axtifi.timul.tiotii.Tnoy.ngw wsruiuiu 19 ww ccmxai in. . ftjaoama and jJB lorida. aai tne iucrae .a acreage, as large aaifcisywitt be tut a,l ( Vai in.a.'af j ftamaUfactormthirse-ofW duction, compared to the intestify;ng 6ultivation Of the land ' ndw. in use, now m '.use. In atore for me. i .-! ,sT"a et 1W." " . 1 . t' L ' fTTnl it il ', t 1,1, s , t iald is one baTa ts three tateest r Tbia-eeald be 4a,4nliEna Acrr md ak jneldt of ihrwa balei Jo Ug aereiaqrwdiiad toaarex uw 4LuusiBHipp Jta'fJ LvtCtfrt iriaBt' mM Association, aaira that the entira lanUtn rnT rf fVo wMAnvA.:nl. ritwULba Mn tUereopa..aiU. the W. arf:i C f a krA Z.Z2Za " . I samrmmW '-iaugfiSJ, N?aaii'JW?ii. the, - f7 r 1 . aT a--- r t v noonVita' t y.faTja Q onfe ihA tVmfitlr! rnnrro4 aba ha1 ing ikf Tremulo W Nntkinc itr ttiB lm Or Btarrv ' trlorr ajQCQ JJ1 b .easterTij morning sky, f erfterfest - in ber present -whiia; t BanvBm.rt M -p.ktlvi nKanM in tUoae' wo ' witnessed th transit jaj?iler is Vvening star; and reigns anbreme iiaonff the trUtarint? ihroair that' arlnra'a nirbfa toarklintf dia thmbhoal tba month.' 'leadino-J th brilliant boat that make the January tkythe most ;cbaxmiogf bf jtheVyeax for ita eihibition of starlight beauty. These are lanelary aspeota that may be enjoyed by ;every observer bf the neavanJL-- Thoaa who have aoceaa to iaieaeooei will nd-Ithe oobortunity Of 'k m bixiflr nsons: svn3 - the " tnatmifi uii wai iyuf iiutpa aaaawae i M L'-Uli T . ; All-!. y mnction wiiq venns on toe did, pass, i s-JV Uhfee'de T'Ttk near Mercurvn the 10th and near .tnrTi on the 17th. . She also rjaasea two degrees inorfh of Jupiter on the ion, -:-rt-i! ,t;;- ''.. vi 19th. iV ' Boastsi CofEss a Sitiafsetant. ' sooiflsBatf - there are alwaya ihciaelitiniorigli, ' w reward fh7rak1arlf of" ftnaa whAr 1rWA ' tn peciajly favorable for beholding tne 'i I PtfWfl Jnjjiter, ' Willi, tT brilliant Cfum I hlta! rbvatoriona nnota and Onartatta It ia not; Sufficiently Known taatlattriBapngu to heart diaeasa. convulsions, whew coffee i Leana are nlaced Btl on hot coals lot on a Lot plate, :.the flavor arisiag is'one of the -.most ef fective and at the same time' agree able aismfecttnta noMiear is disposable even v the- spreading of f!Qd co.ff8e onha. ,ee ,to be. Idiainfected, even if ltbea cadaver, is mrtot .L.dicforfnrr " Rrt 1 boaaevwvea forty "years i , lonifle'nhers of the, medical pro f . . - n(to, . . -; ii'L W,w hiU 'rZIrTiinzliiiT.ZBlZnZZ siynple aid agreeable1 renyrt ? art th Hswrpapert af tha Globs ' . ' .'PKsawhii ata' ratiKtTanakY raws ; itaA rvia-r-vah ' VH - -- - , e I 34,271 newspapers and periodicals, 1 with ft total circulation of 106,000, OoOoopieav,! .EaTOpe leads' with 19, 557 ' ioiirnals; -next' follows North I America- with 12400; .Aaia hatf 575; ! South, AHatrali, 6C1; ISossth Asaeriea 609, and: Africa A3a. UC.tbese pen odicala. 16.50 are i printed i in the agliah knfaage, ?00 - in ; Oarman, 4L85Qin Freneiv snd them i come I, 1 600 in j Spaniah. t There are 4,020 daihee:ilbCl7 era published three times or -oacea. weekv -and 8508 ap pear less f requenuy 3 amUnel. t.i ut Adam Sevearat2iga. ; Dr-aWild, bf Toronfo. arfnoancea tbat,Aa'aUr11 Mveu'feei iiub. His 1 reason for tbin coiiclunu n is that the j first man waS perfect arid is a perfect number. hree is 'the-Trinity number and stands Tor the Creator : 1 four : etarids fbr'the world; thus seven j lrHyrlAB the Creator ftud tuft created. l Seven means completion. There are J aaven. virtues'' 5 that ' make perfect! p?a virtue knowledge, temperance, pmneucg, guuimcBP, urui uri i j sutu - SOWS SHlU CUBJII.Y. - 4 , I w a, gfiiifjIJl ia'CXIlCISp-. t j&elUoapa tl f Iraa ptm tax-Amj arfs xrwn ax unioraaaaa 'tl"lWlielF eeiat, bat tbe UDO:. ID exi.rr 'othsrs,' UmiI I vr,tara j aei?tiamanra. 1? W reprod Beutbe. IM h- etvxcws viy heii a I even- i acdfealinetred : It w a 1 ot aa anfrquei.t cqirsnce f bsva pa is t aak f.f aom - V U n a o:rUy this i weary! aa aatio.. was) ms i j. aaporon .at ever work ad xposurs ' ' ; " s a . i saa pioiuceta uwp rr pijseai pott trad a t th-TBtorel madaatrip to BA Ta T i"l Ut WlMtl IM M ' IV VSBI me. jy,!, ai(j i t.owevsr, what ws ' in atorefor me. After aiUn eruW in MiiiS- Uik ihata re-S of -a fsw wsatS . I announee' ChTa ia a newlr diacovered I iniddioiia naiuro . f a di-eaa tar-wbich 1 end I ,aiai-ii ii.-. u! 1' I phyaeiana eafa thy have mi emuol , down in 1 fr-J -TV.. "fOTfr. V and which in eaa form eraaedwr,.is carry,- v" "yv" "! umiMaMni mi aHMi.tMiH wnumeiv araves tna-i aaru. wulic i an, umer aiaaau,. MA' asy new eaartna I took a abort walk every way, ana pausniry awa'tsd a ratnrn of atraegth, but m spita of all my sfforu f assmsd to be tossing. atreDfih ; and avam ' i any allgbt xaMa ibaeams borkui and " tlHsaaia. Dariag thit tlma I had frrqneat foil aching psinaia my bead, aad. through -say bask and bJpa, - eccsaiomal sbootiag , pains in vsriona paits cf the boda with " aoraneat, abormaas of brasta. and Tpita liosi of ibs baarl My fret and hands would be like ies one day, and bam wiih brat tba . . ' asst.; I bad no desire for rood, and what I didsat ai tresaed ais; tay airop bscams dlttatbed with the fraqrwtdfira to nxinats. , ; -the anantlty of fluid paaed would st one ,' tiaaa ba asBsil sad at anotbsr qaiia profoss. ' Than for days would be, 'pexfeotiy frsa & , from this desire abd nothing seamed to be . -ikstoaUer; asvenhs!a.-i my debility grsd aally Increased..; 11 y rylida v puffed v : 4 . ottt 5 my bowrla were altenjaiely torpid and j. . -taoxtiye,' th mrtoa wetild-' be cl- ar soma ' ' v dys,'aa ethers U would ba af f bit color jy f aad deposit a hricklust aediment, - and a : tkia areasy aeasn awakl rtsa-ta the top. Th pains La tay Aaad, back,- cbrst, Joints, . ) bowels beees ware botrlbl fn the extrrme. I tact la taia from' plSc to place and cool -i aaiwd tlhs vbaat sswMoal , aatboridea t eouhtry aflords : 1 J Voaid -have, a chill .. , nu llav iliul KmI.. W h. ..ri t - ' ' afferat excracaaUoglywlika flTObnowof IS asyrset and haadi, and atihs bass of , the .a twain aad between my ahouldsrs j at times ' VV my limba and body woald bloat and v -clans aaid I waa tofering front the dropsy and ceald set rseover a? :t " Hsw 1 eoatd ba isahUod to the Vrribls j -.i-.-; "' troablp that vaa , devouring me, 1 do ot s ' aaee j bat there are thonsandAto dsy Who . " Wbe are aaSerlow from the .asms came and n are aa1 ignoraat of it aatora as I warn" My' 'iWji.- kia waa tha celdr of marbU at ena time, .? , V aad resUstsoeas, a-d I might cay wildnaeSr j . wMoUowsd bv a dull, heavy, drowsy sen-' sfr. . . aatkm, f waswastsdio a mer ikeletea sxcspt wbaa the drops cal bloat ocoured 1 tried all the eeleb.-aied miaarat wateri of x 'ir this eoauty aod Earapa 1 all kinds of mdk t -; ems a&a aa kind of dcetorsv stiU no help eaaasvi I lay at ms b tsl la PhiiadalDhia. : waaaa I was asmnorkr9y ' Mloorrdns. mvsa ap 10 die by- aieodi and physolaas- alike, 1 ' Wbaa thate previoVatia'ly - eaasa tii-x my kaatis a Mtt'a pamphlet, which I caraf ally , read aad from which I got a view of my, real eonditian, which co other gncynad'-: ravra'ed, : Acting an Its sd vies, I bad my ? ' water aaarvsao at eaee. aad to my Tita, .4 albumsn'aad take eata wsra' krgs . fuaarttias. A akHlfal pbysriaa as saut lor aad apprised of the 'act Ha aaid I bad -Bright a Diseat.'aad that death wiiearta'a. My frisads iaiperiaaad tne to take a mns dy which bad waae craat tapaution for the ear ef all fo.tns of kidaaj diasa'S', st-d . Ithsiefors laid aatde y prejudices and eantsasBeed rtt use. At first my stamacb 1 rejected ft and I hsd.l bse saall qma 1 las; bat after the first five day my atonach t- talaed fall swsas. i Th!a was ens year ac ' laaiOetober, and my improvement was pid and permanent. . I have raaa'ned 50 of tba 9 poaads or Basa i last aanag my uoms. ana I f sal aa wail, to-day a I ever did, and ' 1 eaa nnsfaatveaiystata tbat my lire was 4 saved by Wsror's Safs Kidnsv and Livrr, Care, the remidy I used. It my aem tranos that I. heira- a buy- sciaa aad kn sx-rmf arson, did not hava ' ' the wstap aaalyaed bffoxw s .but such is the . fact-v ,1 Atad Abe aymntona of vstt othar - dneaae, aad I did at sApsct that, my kid-. . . . m". srral .- -i. BHHafsWq.M iut wwyiD i WH IB 1,1 -t ffViaaaD dang,r snd wberanwat people ' Wb read this article ere in duupr, , 1 dad tbat I a s 1 1 who are suffering from kidas-y disorders, which neglected, am ry termtnata in JiriKUt s diaeata. 1 ait know that phyaciaai miy treat these - erdrra for moaiha without knowing el arjy what the lioubls. Island avu after ascer- taiainK the cause; be unable to prevent it. When deaia, however, finaKy overtake I t heloleM vioiim thev diiraia its real cans- Popiy. .Tertlg paraHys. suimu astis, btocid aid urrmki puisonina, eta , tc -rforda of aniaa, fail, tj tx rs-s'oar thaaka to H. H. Warner A Co. of Bochs- ter lt. Y f r aivias the wor d nch a nad- ed and fertain specific as the rafe Kidn-y and Ij vet Care, bat uch as ty are l g ad- ly give tlfc-sa ; jwhita . to the - ihoatNd. . to whom 1 have, lectared upon the laws of bealib and hygiene I eomme'4 ihl" l-t T M. FOBTKR. U. D4 Beliiaio e, Saiatoga s'reet ON TBIBT V DA'8 Till At. , Tba Voltaic Belt Co.. MarshalL Klch.. wUl ' send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-VoUkic BelU and Electrie Appliances en trial for thir ty Says to men (young or old) who are afflicted i with Xtervoas uebtiity, xxet vitauty and Man spsedy aad complete restoration of health and manly vjgor. Address above. H. B.-r-No s Incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. Beamy vigor. : Aaoress aoove. . ruot : atJaBrat Blataecell Kwtbarat il .: . Are oa dUtarbed at tLf and breksu "I ,, our real by a nick tHdM narliig a'd .-ry with two krafbnrs- pain or cuittut' taath ?,' If miK KOat aaaea avaA sot tMUlu wt wKl. WIVjtUiWS SOOTHINO SKUI.;- It will rel eve Ike poor Ultle taffcrcf Imrai-. tliatefy-dt sud ap m it ; thai e H os ritfatJl.r . BMaat H. aanrs Is not a atnr u estt alio has ever? uaed it. aha will aot tnlr vu at once that It Will regulate the be rtil, ami give rest to the mother, aaS relief and ksaiti to lbs child, opertdatt- lika loxjfh:. Ii Is wctly salu to aaa In all eascw, aft a p--aut to- - tba taste, sad hi the preseriplioayrf nne nt tba Oldest aad beet tiiaaie phjsbHaM aud sea la the U ailed states. Bota avrry- where lU.centa a bonis. - Vaa. ill I jr '' -;; taaagllea. : r1 If von have failed to receive proper treat f meat in cases of Cbroaie Diseases, such as Heart Disease, Kidney Complalmt, Newons ( DebiUtv, Importency .or prematura De ItSiXiSrTSA UTT. weeay, )US ex- cttahlllty &., send two stamps for oar qoes ttona tor examination sno our new book "THI LAWS or UFC AND HKALtH Addre', Secretary Mkdical A SoaorCai. inrriTSTa, rast rutaeatn St.. .ew i nra Tata Xlaaa Ta SBkeeriba, Havinx 1 taken tha aeeacy for tbe Dailvaad Weekly STAat. pahfbhed at Wilmington, K. C., all those who wish to subseriba or set tie aay bills that are doe, caa Sod me at the ' Sornrnnwu jomee. By snbseruring to. the MTAK-you receive the latest news seven . hoars aooaer than can be bad by any othtr ar paper coming to Tarboro, t t , - i O. CHARLES. -: The reason that au expiea ti'aiu i always precedes a milk; tr.iiu U pot because Its a pea d is grerler. It h becftnae tha cow catcher on tbeentrine I is atl to etch tha epwa in time to . be milked before d rk.-A f ter, t ! , are faaght they are run on the tide trark. the cows wp understand, doing the 1 switching themselves. , kBTJCHIT,AmA-W 1 Qalck,cBiplta care, aHaanoy las; KIdnrT. 1 Bladdar aad 1 Urinary diseaar. St. Dro- I - I . 1 .The beat! Spring medicioe knows is that, wonderful tonic, ltmn's Iron Bitters. Ewry ane has a . will and a mind to tWPS BS IIIBaU, JtliaUV WUl gl BOOUt , baaklng aad coeghirg nmd a Weal re wmaawsndi Dr. Bull's Ouigb , ayrop for lhat oonrh. !- . ;'. v arSvta al S sat a - . - t -r T' a. ma innrtiala I moat aaMiallv. and warn II. am t baa-a a i f ' l I i i . , . . . . . ; . . ft'-- 'r s --t r I, . 'V -:ds 1 :t:-r:

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