, -- ' .' I f .f ti. , . ... ' s . .. . ...1- ; . .1 -: - i .. ,f i ..A.'s.: fa.i'isu.ja'aaacjwai I. , arboro' gottifttrntr; j- Tnortiy. 1 ' x -i tlx .January 11, 1333. kites or iMsoxunor One Yer, ..f""''"" .U.,..oo i All boilnc In order to intnre pro mddreeMd TARBORO BORO". N. U. connected with thU . y:"K.. . , vT t? u T1IL .-I I,", r i J" -i Fih lore 'music. Work Uit 4iify-. Old Frobe to n Xhm war-path Tbt l the tfMon fif lceny.i OdU teU at R. C Brown qa4 m.L. h.wM!hMn ctufht Karceof fatl .' : Oter boe are now i be and wil- : A noe &eoninei vt, jwi : Are the peeple of Tarboro ijf raU of small pox? ; - ,-'-' .j: I ! fVfJ. I Un. Dr. Robt. Siaton U rWUng Mr. F. 'L. Bood. ! . i . . If ou want to build up th x ourage bume manufacturer. i tbe South en ' lliw lfami Raola left Konday, fpr St. Varv'a. Raleieb. V i vif 1-M ll V I , p.t. B , ' rMia Lil Brown retained ta Peace In- Utat Tuejdajr. ' . , , I . y 1 A beotlfui itook , of ki priced go ttge f oraftorat 8pit'. j j j l ' k trtie tonic mfdicine, a WewfaifcN. ertiy tcBeMd,"! Brewn'i Iron BHtrra, It Is not probable tbat tbe low pri$e pf cotton will continue. - Quite a camber ot Mgro men ha4ft ! this county fbia year for South Caroj na. 'r.mwaa LiTr Pill are safe, irelV .breandgentla. " ,. j;; jW?!.' Velret ) favorite- an4 popular rim njlntjIorUdleaakirta - . - Dr. Jaa 6. Pennington baa nyred from Byoum'a mill to Sparta. - nnw that Mra. J. G. Cbarlea ia bow nreoarcd to fill aU orders for Stamping ii moat of tbe latest terni. jT-v Mr. J. B. Betef High Point rhaaJeei rUillng frtenda in $bU county ; -j . Spiritualism will "be exposed it Wjllii' Opera uoote tnia ana wmwro P""f'i . Walnut furniture U all the W 1 tSpier'a. ; - ; . ' . (:;-. lafarior Court Monday week. Juaticea are. reqoeated to aend in their caaea ' - rfc- fall' tueadar wai abbol four inK d fha runfall about 4 of an inch. i iH5 Cash cattbroers are politely IotI tad to call at R. C. Brown & Co a. They will" sell goods lower thw eter. tiiu. fJHian Arnold and Leta Lawrence lift lat week for 'the Qreensbarb Fetnale Collega.' ! . 'r . - . K Ovatef Sheila make good roads,;' whjr do ' -.- aviminiaainnera. tr themU onf OUr street a. ly-fiTe cents per .box. them. ;j ;;!.; Tbe Lerislatnre ia hard at work intro- docina- bills that will be buried ixi tbe bom Credibility is at a diacount owing Jo the " bard times; lt ie aimcau w jw toUke yoai word ors bond. Th. "New DaTla: Machine twenty Tarietiee of wora do other aaajebrne wlU acootnpuaa. ,r the SS or (he month All Drnggists IdfMsn. 0. H. Dozler and Adz. Britt left yeiterday for Florida. . If ertllizers eke needed by farmera to tide them cm the btrd times, Mr. Jna F. Shackelford effara the kind. Bee bia adr. i Mr. p. 8. Carraway has purchased Mril A. w. Kowiand a Intereat cin the Wilaoa Siftlogs n While we are loth to kite MxJ Rowland from the fourth estate: w Coo1 gratnlateour friend. Carrowayi and. wtohl him continued success. rsirrmwty I .ItwTIIU Will anra Bil 9uaneaa, Constipation and all diseases of the Iirerv- V;. . , - "Byll-T 1 Midsbirmaa JaaR barker. ?TJ. S. K.J ton of.CoL F. M. Parker, of Halifax, ia til be examined, for promotion. He has jos returned- in tbe Swatara. of tbe Amerii can Asiatic Naval Bquadron. ; .y M. TV Polk, 8tate Treasurer of Ttonea see, is a defaulter for over $100,000. U has pea the country and gone to Mexico. mt.. inos. ll. (jratua f.ts aga in the field aa dealer la get era! merchant disc He is a candidate for a part of tb public s patronage, 'see if y m cannot fin something you mtut (.are in biaar...4 if The excesaiTe rains bare mads the Streeu exceedingly muddy but they are, much better than in former wiottrs Now if Col, Knight will turn his attention to th aide walks, many of which are now almost impassable except in boats, be will canfei a last blessing on damp footed pedestrian , "Little thanksmre due to him' who only ?'res away what is of no uas to himself.? he thanks of inralida the world orer are being abowered on tbe inrentor of Kidney Wort, for it w giving health to mlL i Kidr nnI-WartmoTea ; the bowels . regularly) cleanses thetilood, and radically cmea kid ney disease, gravel, piles, bilious headache and painea wWch are eanacd by disordered liTer and kldaeysv Thousands bare beet BpRiaui-CoHxxDfo-Last Fridar. Nel son Philips,' ah' t Wiley Harris!nth color ed), through tbe heart with a shot gun, kill. log mm instantly. rue trouble grew out of tbe relations existing between the de ceased and Philips daughter. -It was Just at tse close ot4wiitght that Philips aw1 uarrlS i wHea he did, he pursued him will his gun, and -overttkwg Mm-saol him as we sutea acove. v cured why should you hot try it. H f , i for tjwen- jbave y. ny one la do By three quarters Tlie emarr number of the Noam HxaioAir iUvnwis tofvontain-as artiotei on 'The Experiment of UniveNal Gaftnet,' by Prof.' Alex WtncheHk d acuniou of "The RerUionTpf reed,' oj clergymeii representing slxeraEgalicaldsnominationB; a paper entitled "The Decay of Protestanf ism," by Bishop McQaaid: andAdefenab of theStandard Oil monopoly,' by .Senator j X9Faded article of all kinds restortd to their original beauty by Uiamona uyes Perfect and simple.- 10 cents, at all dm; gists. -::;--'.riv:;";;;rvv - ; - . Tuesday was somewhat of a field day with ths magistratea of this township, fir persons were bound over to the Inferior Court, Mr. Cummtngs who had his money drawer robbed some days ago succeeded in apprehending' the thief. Wm. MardecaJ, colored. Monlecai waa captured in Halifax county. At the preliminary examination before W. P. Mabeon be confeated ateal- nz the money and - stated fort her that Thad Price colored Instigated him to com mit tbe theft. Mordecai f in default of three hundred dollars bail was held fer trial. Price was then out on trial before Justice ttoffield. Tbos JI. battle Esqi, appeared f er the prosecution and 3. Bridge a and J. J. Jnartir. Esa., for the defence. Ia default of one hundred dol art bail for bis appearance at tbe next term of the Inferior Court be was com mitted to JaiL - The three ther defendants who will hare to ple-id at the next term f the Court, wilt do so for Essult aid battery upon Lerl HarrelL Tiiey. weje Tboa. Jf tit, Thomas and Joseph Duafore. Tbe injury inflicted was slight.; f j ; "Erery truth has two sides: txk at both before commuting yourself to either," Kidney-Wort challenges the closest scrttiny of its ingrediants and its grand results. .. It baa nothing to fear from train. (.Doctors mar disazree aa to the beat metboda and remedies, for the cure of ceostlpatlon aijd; diaeioerea aver ana Daneys. ; nut loose that have use Kidney-Wort, agree that ilia by far the best medicine kxown. lis action ia prompt, thorough, and lasting. been uf an boat will have dsrknessby old&oL! ' a-wttk fMamond Drea any ..i Mvood resulU as the beat dyer. r Eter dye warranted true. rescued it rom 1.1 I :: j v . i ; lady can rjracticat to jaame aadsami half cents a I farmer qui e.ill con- learn that -I !lf mtton sells at eight and 4 per pound how loot will ft take to get rich raising it? ; 'j'lf-! shbi Statos. was Uken i l1.v lilffhL ? He Is still j unable fined to his bed. -V'r bodv wiltbs pleased to I have decided to continue my closing eut at oosT sale until Jan. zutn. vaii ana gw some of the bargains before they are soia. - jan-S-tfi'. . U om firm in this nlace has stock on1 band valued at over thirty five thousand dollars Naw York cost according Ho inventory . taken first of the year. . J ' J; j . v 1' Orar. senator from this county, has intro jdoced a bill in the legislature' authorizing the commissioners of tbe county tojlevy a , anecial tax. We wonder what for. Taxes ire high enough We were forced to put the. Socthxbb xbs for our town cubscribers last week in the post ofQce, as the boy we bad fpr car' rier look French leave. ' , J-,- J lj'.!-" Take CarrawayH IJrtr Ptlle o keep os Malaria. ... - .i: . :. ;myii-y Nine dollars per month will be a good price ft. able farm laborers this year, and even at this price we see very little j money in cotton at 8 centa 1 J. v if t - j The Edgecombe Guards will rcemoralize the Qenerai assembly to increase the Aju- -tant General's Salary bo that h jny ; ba able to visit and inspect the fvarioui com panies in tbe Stats.; ! ! j ;. jr I Gv: Jarvis in his. message compliments -the dgecombe Guards anJ j tbe I Washing ton Light Infantry j for i the promptness with which they responded to his call to assemble at Plymotb. j ;y if.- . J- - t ' !": I i The item ol coltuu nie fr 1 plow tijie "seems ainnll taauer. In "the- agregale is it wurth. keeping at? uoiueJ Offuer fiouj Saitle A Son's Itockt M.xtut Millrt; Kx.k Mount, n. a, i , , -i ;, ' Tbe coru crop ia the cuunty i 4s - short as that of ctAton. ' HcTeral firiiiB haTa been reported to uses not raakiagl en-uigb corn tn !sl four, months, Of course 'these are extreme cases but tbe crop is Evidently very short in two thirds of tbe cenjnty. : - The following are the officers for Edge-c-wabeLodgeNo60 1 O. IO Pi E. V. Zoeller N. G. H. S. I! Spragios Vi G. 1. B Palamountain, R 8.. Jna U. Dixon. P. S. and J. il. Brown, Treasurer. jj -' Tarj River Mills just across It be river from Tarboro, are now making! excellent aeal and flour. Meal . for a&Je. Corn nonoBvTO Muchahts. Merchants are required by law to list their purchases by tbe 10th at the month. ' Tbe Register of D- eds ininforms us that only a few bate done so. They had better hum and safe the penalty, r . , Taxis thi Pot. In our . last Issue we" thought that we had chronicled the poorest farming for the year, but the Reporter sees us and goes one better, ritz. te.Is or ia man who rented a. crop, paid th for er rytbing and when tbe end of the year ar rived, he had. to buy tbe cotton to pay the rent. What weknow about farming is circuscnbed. ; ' ' Wims' Opika Hocsk. Prof LeGoiing will, on Thursday and Friday evenings jof this week, give feats of legerdemairilBna merism. The secrets of spiritualism . will be exposed. . He propose! to take persona from the audience. If he will de ibis it will be worth treble tbe pi ice of admission to witqeasit. ', W Mutszsovs Assauxt. Lut; Saturday, Sydney Hines, col., struck another colored man were not able to warn bis name on the top of the head with au iron .or lead pump pipe. . Tbe injuries are thought U be qjte serious, the stricken having, been an- conscious ever since. Hines immediately ran away, and baa not been seen since. The assault took place about three-fourths of a mile from Sputs., j , j , June 27, 1882. bought. They sll ssy, - i 'The beautiful snow. ' . ! How I wish t'would goi" In tbetoulbern St'atea tere were l,t3 .failures in 18855. About one o every tn persons in business.' fin 1881 the number of failures aggregated; 1,813. Nok a healthy sign -by any means. ;. t k, ; -,i h . a " , .h ... - SeeJ.'W. Beuley's advert'sement i of Sewing Machines, needles, Ac, sod write to him for price! at Norfolk, Vs. i s. H-Bm Our people if they were-san-worshippers. would feel now as if their dtllyjliad fona- ksn them. For six dsys the sup bss not ventured to mske his appeaiaookl Restless larttMrs aie anxiooa to have a glimpse of ; The Inclement weather greatly reduced tbe attendance at th concert last.Tbunday evening fT the benefit sof tuel M. !K Chofcb. Th performatce was ittj good and some of the singing excepfkn'al'y ex. .excellent.;; t r - , ,1 - ifan't fail to exsmjoe the work of the 'Kew Davis'' Machine at the) Fair. Th mproved machiM will be en exhibition, t SsowrWe shall not glory Id fbe snow, advent; we shall not laud ita exhilerating effeeta and we shall not (If we can control ourselves; blaspheme because it doe nt go. Msny of our citizens enjoyed it Early yes terday morning tbe sleighs couia ce seen dashing by.some times it waa a staid couple enjoying tbetnvigbrating atmosphere but generally it' was young people on love if on and frolic; The boys and girls too for that matter snowballed each other until their hands were as red as bee's, Some peo ple, csn enjoy meat any tnlrs . J-: r 11 1 ' f ; What sobs it psov roa tubobo Susan B. Anthony? has been atked if the Droporiien of. ifft price waa .tot greater among womanly women than anvog those v of bet- strorg minded pars uas lot. . tier facts; which sbe gives, may , excite larm in the breast of the male portion of hWL'an itv. Eleven strong minded women have forty four children; of these twenty five at girls and nineteen boys. Iar; ease where the husband agrees with the. fife, 1m ; bee woman rights theories the facts show that mt of sixteen' children-fifteen are gull, ror .be take of. improving debased humanity tbe men nnt be exterminated. : ' .-. Sx Atx Pox. JTor two weeka oe. more there has been intecae excitement in i and around wilson because of a case of small pox in tbat town, the excitement haa ex tended to tbe netgbbooring ' towns. : Toianot last week, passed quarantine j regulationa with t regard to. tbe t former town, and Monday Rocky Mount followed i-suit, so that now if . Fitz of the VReporter" should take it into his bead to visit Wilson ha will on bis return receive as bad treat ment from bis awn people aa be ever did IqWilaon, From all that can be gathered we believe that while there is danger it is exagerated. Tbe best thing all can do is to be vaccinated be prudent and bocrow no trouble, ; i'v: " Malaria, CbUls and Fever, and' Billions at tacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Cnra Pills an infallible remedy : never fails to care the most ob tin ate, long standing eases where Quinine ands all other remedies' bad failed. They are prepared expressly forma-, larious sections,! in double boxes, two kinds of pills, contain ng a strong cathartic and a chlL breaker, sugar-coated, containing no Quinine or Mercury causing no griping or .purging, they are mild and efllcent, certain n their action and harmlesa in all ease ; they AeotnaUy eoeanao the ayaton. and girv a new life andtone to tbe body. Aa a lioaaehold remedy they are unequaUed. For liver Com plaint their equal Is not known j one box will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They are nad and prescribed by PhyslcianB, and sold by Drnggists everywhere, or sentby maiL 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory'si listle Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only 15 cents. Standard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street, New : " ' - - sr -s- s - - - i i . Roix or HohOk Of Tarboro Female Academy, for tbe week ending Dec. S2od and Jan. 5tb.. Misses Annie Hart. . Lura SUton, Bltncbe Doughty, Daisy Gillcpie, smma Uarrett, UaUIe Howard, liza Pitto man, Maria Weddeli, Josephine Jenkins, Bella Spier, Hsttle Hodges, Jacksle Dan lei, Alice Howard, Gatis Savage, k Masteti Wiley Bradley. Ivev McNalr. Ben Savage. Cbarlie Savage, i Willie WUlia, Marcos Younger, Fleetwood Younger. ' January 6th, Misses. Emily Pippen, ' Katie Pippen, Joe Pippen,' Annie Hart, Mattie Hussey, Rachel W hillock, Emma -Garrett, HaUie Howard, Eliza Tittman, Maria Weddetl, Bel a Spier. Matt'.e Walston, Mary Philips, Muters Jssse Bradley, JemlmW Philips. Marcus Voungtr, Fleetwood Younger. ; ,T PaxMicK-Xiast. year at this time we were publishiaf long lists, of , premiums given to tbe Fair I So far we have - not beard of a single oae- being -given, Is no one working! Have all ceased i i taka interest tn tbe Fair ? , Tarboro, especially should be proud of our oxUibUious It haS succeeded better than aiy other public enterprise of the kind ever did here. The Fair this year should ba made to' far aui pass thu two previous) ones. ; To do this U must have the help of all We call np on our nMrclKwia and others wite wish the next 'Fair to be a grand success, to send la tbbir'premiuma Ivwill not be long tmw before t ie premium list will be given to the publishers. Ever . special - premium swmld be given by that time. ' Who will be the first man toi come down handsome--j ; - , v'r!.:- MtrriHG or ths jus-ricas. Mr. W. M. I Pippen chslrman f the board t migls- trates for taw coun'y called a meeting of the justices for last Tuesday tat no '-meet lag was held, the wsathT beiny3 Inclsm ent that many did not venture. -out, Only Jwenty one put in an appearance twn lea than a quorum. The J. P. S ated in;ihe Court house about two hours hoping that aotnetbing or other would biiog two much needed Justices Uptown, lut- n-ne came and tbe weather grew worse many of those who had come could be seen making for homer,.. It was decided that they should be called together again on next Tuesday 16th, at which time tbe will have to fill . about five vacancies caused by. the recent shaking up among office holders. If they have no quorcm Tuesday it will not affect business for the old officer will have to bold over aoy way until their successors ate elected and qualified, j - - '; - - A Ntw YobOM-g, With the first nam ber in January, LitteU'a living Age enters upon its one hundred and fifty-sixth vol ume. Tbe field of periodical literature, especially in England, ia continna-ry broad ening, and including more and more the work uf tbe foeenmst authors In all branches of literature and science. Presenting, la compact and convenient .farm, all that la most valuable of this work! The Living Age becomes more and more a necessity to the Amer can reader.!. .The fret weekly number of the new volume and new year a convenient one with which to begin a sub scription baa tbe fallowing table cf eon- tent : Miss Buroey's N lvels. Contempor ary lie view, An Pa&V Temple Bar Peas ant Properties tn Auvergne, Coa temporary Reviow; The Stery of L. E. L., Gentle man's Magazine; i Poor Matthias, Macmil lan; The Ladies Lindores, Black wool; Gainsboroogb's Letters to William Jackson, Leisure Hour ; In an ICn Garden, -Temple Bar ; with poetry and miscellany. For 52 numbers of 64 Urge pagss each, the sub acription price ia $8 ; Littell A Co. Beaton. l4BAJaTxur1gLD.4-Twenty.fiy years age i tempera cw speaker wanted to address thd people of Barterfield on the subject of temperance. , He was not allowed to do aa He wspt assaulted or insulted, bnt iutt tefore tbe time for lectin e arrived, some of tbe young meu dragged a dead fox around the house sevetal times, then they dragged it ' la tbe bouse. A hen tbe lac. tufer.hsgaii) o speak pack of dogs began to boot that fox. They ran around tbe house and in lu (This broke up the meeting- ; Ten rears aeo a xentleman snakinir Of how much money he had spent on hi daughters education, .another gentleman worth $25,000 knowing that she had died remarked with deep; earnestness, "and all ofitloat!" 1". I ' , S nce then a wonderful change has taken place It is probably the mot t thrifty sect tion of the county; and certainly a monr-, hospitable people n n v e r existed Tbe people. :tr taking a deep atereat in education. There is not a rich man in the Township, nor scarcely a poor one. It ia a self supporting eom munity. xieatly alt necestariea are raised at home. In addition to this, be it said, in no section of 1 tbe county are debts so promptly paid. I When tbe Sheriff ef - the county does his doty, be never' hat an in solvent to return to tbe Board of Commis sioners from this Township. One merch ant sold four hundred tons of guano to tbe people there and has been paid all but wo, and' the only reason these two have net been paid ; for, " is because the pkrehaser hat been too sick to get out his crop., Ia a short time these wiU b paid for. This is a handsome record for any Township. In 1880 the population bad increased more than thirty per cent, in ten years, i A Deo ocratic majority, is alway here given. 'i'- t BbaoVm Co. Fuat Ri3T., N. a t j?. O Tsrboro, ti. 1 Jan. 8th, lSSi : GSKXULAX. Okdkb Ko. 18." , Yoa are ordered to meet at the Armory. , Thursday; January 18th, at l:80T.M.,tor lrill and tarii Meeting,, important busi ness will be brought before the meeting. Tbe fines will be strictly enforced against those who fta-fa atwnxl:,; 34': ' i W WM. CU JEFFREY?, , if- W. J. BURNETT, t Orderly SergX umkXMsrag, :.is tt'X o:tv - .1 i ' 1 rinn . " ,.v""w1..!-H'..'llJI . To all who are- soff rina torn ths mn and Indiscretiona of jonib, aarvona we rarly dcay, lost of msnhood, "Jte , I will tend a receipt that triB cure you FEES OF CHARGE. This great remedy was diseov errd by a miasienaiy ; ia Sootb' Amarfan. fiVad a Beir-aidrraeecl ,en-lop to &nv, Jo- axra T. Ihkas, Btatioa D Xw Xort City. oee-7 ex-iy - ; s , . ; 1 I1' mm wwwf wvww wa honfd bo stopped Nrleet freaenUy hrw n Ita in as lninri!tlii Lwf lliuua at vOaa somitloa BKQWN d BKoNCH tAL TRO- : CUES do not dtrorder Jbe atoniaeh . like eougb tyrnpc id balami; bet act directly ou uio luo Jtura fnwiay altayiirf"' irmaita eive relief tn Asthma Drone itisv I'oarta Catarrh, Uousanipiivc aao the Threat trobb lisrwhich sintrera and Public speakers are anbject to For thirty yerraj Brown's Bron chial Troches been recommended by nhv- stciao. and have alway given perieeV sat kfacuon. Having been tested bv wide and constant o-n fur wear ry an entire eera'ivn thSjr hare attained weU anrites raak-anaonc the fewsuple remeuiesof the age. . Sold at tnf trtve eenU a bos ctrywbrre jamWy. r NOTICE.: Tbe JugUcea of the county. of Edgeeombs will assemble at the Court-Houae. 1b Tarboro. on Taesdav. Jan loth; 1888. farthennrnna of electing two Justices of tbe Inferior CourtJ woo, a. . Bonne, ana a. 1. BUtoa, Jr.j re signed, and a member of the Board of County Commissioners, vice W: H. Kn'ght, resigned ;v i ; ..'' r v ;w fipfen, ; Jan. 8 83 ChWB Board of Jnatlceal EXECUTOR'S SALE. On the Srt Monday ia Jansary, X 3 i Y PLAINT TRUTHS : ThtUooJ is the fowndatlon of fife, keirenlato through every part or an eoay, ana unless 8 tt ana rich, good neatta It 1 If disc ass has entered the system Mysore and quick way to drive it oat it to poriiy and enrich the blood; : " These simple facts are well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nothing but iron will restore the blood to ks natm condition j. and also that all the iron preparaaons hitherto : njsde Harkrn tht twf fwite hftn ache, and are otherwise ujunVnu. , BaowrfsIJMWBnTxmswmthor oughly and quickly aiinilabT witk. the blood, purifying and strengthen ing b, and thus dnve disease froaa any part of the system, and k will net blacken the teeth, cause head-; ache or constipation, and is penV tivdyiMmjunpnt, ; p : '.'- ' -..!": -' - V!s-i- Saved bit Child. t7K Xottnr St Balltean, 1U. 1. ' Feb. is, iSSa. Gb(i Upea &a rriiiiria -i. fioa-cf a snaad I trad Bbowx ! Imon Bnrnaaaa m tarnio aadi. ' asonthra Car my tmnim, wham. " ' ' ahaaoanUy coaviacad waa I HaTiag lost ihraa dansjhtea by the nunaia, aaoer ua car : iphyiitiM.l H I -4 liTd Goods to" 1)3 carried over tno r:ZV ADVCRTICSMCriTO. -(l.'if'Ji '- 1 v Si V "''art'- mmJ!' - t.C S'v'-- -. . y-" -v ' r - ifT -Si' -tr'.?t,T "T?1 : ---- n .-..- -j- SO ,M .... gpet itbat they ; did not boy my'Bcpdsfom!' wticHKiT yjlJi:-"- PRIIJW.MCOST! For i. . this chatice.II the following personal property, belen; the late Louisa Kinz. to-wtt: Gin. 1 Host Ue, Horse, Mnlea, A Cows and Calves, 4 Ox en, owuiij, a rr a Flows. o. rV arotu, a Bngviea, Carta. C H. KINO. : t ..Executor, ADUlNlSmTOirS NOTICE. Tbe sabserlber havingaamled as Adminis trator "of DR JOHN O. RITES. dM T hereby notlfly all persons having claims against the estate of the said Intestate to present them to the subscriber, or his attorney, W. H. Johnston,- on or before the first day of Jany 1884. Persons indebted to said intestate's estate will please maim immediate payment. HENBT F. 8E8SUM9, AdmV. Dee 28 88 at. Of tb (fiscal, but. ta mf ftnasmrpris, before my daugh. I Set had takaa oa botda of Baown'a laon Srmas. aba bagaa to tammi ' aad aow is gufea raatcead to ferawr baahb.- A fcftk daogbter begaa to 1 abow stBB at CuMiapiiua, aad ' i wnsn tba pbjrsiciu waa recmilwd ' hraickly said Tanks went r 1 I fsnKsrWvUWnit aba alder sister was taldac Baown's :! laon Brrrana, ripoaasa "that j nsodtoaie,takit."i eumDyipepsiailjwigonand1-1-Weakness, and renders ue greatest ! telirfsadbenfittopertonssttncrmg 1 from such; wasting diseases as Con- ' wmrioDf Kidney Cosiplairits, etc j Flannels,e ;Gantdn season, and to give aUTTa aeciaea to continue Flannels. Blcmlxeta, : .4? i poto, Cloakingo, Rf il NOTICE- By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Edgecombe County, I will sell at the Court uonse ooor, m Tarnoro, North Carolina, Monday, the 99th day of January, 1888. a tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being ta the county of Edgecombe, adiotnma: the lands of Gray Bunn-Gullford Moore, and oth ers, and containing Thirty-nine acres, more or asaji. icruis o sue, vasOM i ,. i i'i'i - '. "-IT j ' e. P-.I 8TATON, Jn., Jannary lt, 1883i Commlasionsr. on ! .:. f i j". r !'('' j peUento; black. ruxdU) " A ' i ..." i fin1nrfidOrihhTT.oro!L ; UUUUd :RA THAT, ffilaiifliles Are: upon us, but there jis a riffc in the cloud, full - of promise to ! those 'who'.': TRABBWITH I Tb Skinnor. the Paiton. the Bird I KfltlTlS- 0111X3. HIllGh- ' ...i . i r . . , s -: - . '' r . . W , V ' tatu tvia juieoei . ' ' i : i ,- --; j j .;- . ' r The Hall, the Centennial, the) Carver and Tan Wynkle .,." t COri7TOV:OIIVH The Clarke- Seed Cotton GLEANEB. The Boat, the Ring i the Van Wjb-I I kit ajvd southern, Standard , es, ladies' and chil dren'o flannel yestn and pants, Boulo- THAT ALL THE MUST BE. SOLD THIS IS ; YOUR WINTER AND 'f c T.E. LEWIS ST Notwtthatanding tbe In'oada made on bis stock during Xmas, bia lin of tuple , Has not hcen allowed U run low. LEWIS' is the place for those who have little mony, but want it to go a LOXG WA Y. bnfy the , Are Kept and they are CHEAP. If you are not cmviuced of these facta. call and examine, or inquire of tbe multi- kuuo woo uaiiy traae. ; With thanks f of Dost vatrnnjint I wish a wosveroas and . 1 IRESSISS, Tht pBuckeye Oder Mffln, th2inv mermaa ' Frnik vaDorator. Atmle and Peach Parera, the Acme and yard SluTtS and IUT HARROWS Cotton Seed Milla, . ' CaltlTators. Feed Cotters, water Traits. Swing Chares & Creanersv 1ST Write to at for - circalart and prioet before 70a boy, ITVyiLI. PAY YOU. V, . i- :1;;5" o-Mfl .:" '""iv.s; - j Address, L. L. POLK & CO., Raleigh, N. C New store next to Pender tt Co. i 1 i . - 1 n -- " The IfKGrE Crops, trimmings. Bleach- THE PROSPERITY OF THE COUflfRY iknd ottr tacos ia biineM daring tb putrnr, hsY jafitifi4 ai in dofb 1. a.s miisi snsxlb In sn.ll Itnanal f Kim ntamnVSlara rTkV ffjamvvlani varan, M aatMP tnnkAnntn 4 - . MBsnk aaanttk I sUO VIM wmmm ta ibbm wasi . : a.sm vvwaev wwow awivs tnnnvswv inCTS BrOWn JJO-j ; able to gratify their material wants, and we have endeavored tail . " , ' , 1 j tfanll aA stsAMr kAav-snaiwf an awiff1 a aifAjilr aivvaw4 at in aianwV va AMI I a. IWVV UOtJV wsjaunss awva va g wwue svasa f w ei j mt mj tnptrior to any wt hive ewr ojhred ta oar friends. Otxr Stocl: Consists of mestics and Sheets I April 90. 1883ly. ADliniSTCATOU'S KOTICS. Havtnr enallfled an Aflmlnfaitrator of 3. H. I CARUSLI, dee'd., all persons indebted to the estate wBl please make prompt settlement, and all creditors wfU present their claims for pay ment before January 1st. 1884. or this notice wui Da plead la oar of tnelr recovery ings. caU 1 Another; holds tbat it is tbe.birtt Br pabl'cao newspaper printed, because it haa already Whipt'd baf t thereMavntf that iarty, and is proceeding pUnst the other bait with tmdimlnbhed vhjof. A third believer it to be the bt-nt nsacaaioe of ganrr al literature fn existpnee becanss its readers. sais rent in the world, ot ihoughi,8-everyj friead f tha 8ua dicovera one of its manyj Sides t' at appeaJswith partienlar fore lohiaj Individual liking.' r -v t,- . j U yoa already- know. tbe bobv n miu eteerve tbat ta 1889, tt is a bfl bewex than ever before, jr yon do net, alrrady kt.o thaSoy. t-ou will find itti l e a mirror of all hurnan aetivitj, i a stcrehou of ths choicest proil etfMjf common eeose and im agination, a mains ay .for tha cause -pf hon est goveinmvnt a sentinel t x genuine Jef ferconiau Democracy, a.aoourae for wicked nss of everylj decriptioo, and an auo m mpnly good invrstmet t for th caminj yea. '--V Terms toUail baribt The sevpralj editiota o- ths Set are seoi by mil p sid, follow. : . DAtLT, 55 cents a month, 4,50 a year ; with Sunday edition, (, v. - - - s BUNDAY-Kizht pages, tl,ao n year. ' WEEKLY ! a year. ElfcHt pages ol me best natter of the daily issues: an Agricul tural Denartment of nheoualtod merit, mar- kat reports, and literary, Scientlte, and do- BMauc intelligence,: maite ii rfsaux ou the newspaper for the farmer's household. To elnbs of tan ith $10, an extra copy free, i Address -4 ;. : ' I : i- . . y;: I. -VV"! jCITCir AND, 3Put larj-'Ilv-'lTaw gPH.N. y. ;ity, K. Y. A HAPPY NEW. YEAR To One and All ' Ti E. LEWI Main St., 3 doom above Pradort) Jan. Cth, 883. 4 -j 'V'f A' KMallNaT a. ..hiTtlnBl enasiPMs an . tor tl .caaawwf Cplrs)pt1o rite. rro Am. J. of Med ur. ad. Messerele nafarf Lmm wk lakes a speeialty of Epilepsy, has whaont doubt treated and cured more cases than any OUier imWT PtlTtlOlan. His snaeaaa baaaliaw ply been astonishing; ; we have heard of eases of over SO year's standing soeassfnUT nred a work on this 8. S. Auop. Atty. , Binder School, - - ens n. ' .. a - mm for. irar-i nnirc resumed after tbe Christ mas Holidays ea r D U 1 J AND Dry Goods, Groceries, -Hardware, Hats Cap3,Boots, Shoes, Ulothing, Urock ery, Saddlery, &c. , . ' L- . j v . a ; ' .... '-.- v . tf : W dtract afjeeial attentlvB to our stock of - FLANNEL SUITINGS A'lD DRESS GOODS, SI LIS AND VELVET. Alto SHAWLS, CLOAKS end DOLUANS. - A large stock ei d. '. Ladies' and Gents9 Underwear. i r . it."- I This stock was bought at rock bottom prices aad will be told accordingly. A cordial welcome it extenaea to an. fJ 4 , r u " , i R. C. BROWN & CO LJM :U U Ix) lyears stauuinir, s by tun. He haa imbltshed disease, which he sends with a ifnUv renred pnoitsi uw wuuucriiucareireeioany U. addrasa. We advise anyone wishing a core to .address r. Ab. MniBmi, No. 88 John 8t. K.Tprk. Et1nteand practical siuaiasaaw wtta That I ha farther NarthSerdu J rawi tbe earlier their wwlact wlit he.-' . WaoSar Uiia year a Ml ha of manAn&rottiM", to f to name, arown on ary BPUnd: UootcH Fvfa aud as Stem Whaat : WbMa BumOttii ; Etamrea Cub- Laaidto bsone mm, sai liar than Kariy Vprtu i BtscxauowiMBt oora stutdikm ths lead, I r fodder iaaqoalSo anr ; of colon smt, fcgnstowi. , so. eo a inn use ituikv rrt.p. srt eurota, paaa tusaTOWtaoaoaron jam pond alway oa hand for f th ajnrual Catakwoa. isaaas-Twravjssairf. .WiW for KrTnur or ; T. SI. All. IT MUlaai,J rtMl.!-. WIDNE5D AT, JAKTJASn SaB, V la tbe Bridprt Grove pror)irtr, lately oe- copiM by, the jEdxeeomoe t..-n ucbooi. with increased faculties Jor conanctinf ood n 8trictly Female 8cbopl as can be I foond anywhere. - The tfec-ma term for the first scneJastie yearwill bejrla on H0NDAT, FEBRUART 1Stt. For panklara, aderest the Principal. '. . .. i ; ' i " 1 ', ""1 1 ; I wUlsellst tbe mtt reeidance of Joho L-'Cobb, Ion Friday, thi SBth day. of January. 18SS. tbe entire Bernonal iwper- tr bekmzintr to the estate of the said Cobb, consisting of ' 4 Mules, l Harse, a auoMier of cattle,; I Wagon, Carts and other far- mine Ilaplements : also about 100 barrels tf corn, and 1Q. Bucks of Fodder, ! ' '!Terms of sale cask. January la', 188. r t'i H. I, Bravoii, Jr., ; jt ., ; , Adia'r of J. L Cobb. 10EEFISTEAK f U AND SAUSAGE. & BOWK A SON stin vend the bovine and swine. For the Anwrican boedle, they cannot be undersold. Steak, Iresh Fork. Bansage and every thing of j the kind. always en hand. 4 - - Thanking the , pubUo for past patronage. - :, ! U 11. lUJWJk e BKJSX, Botchers for the Town of Tarboro, OUERCOATSJ v.jxQ.&nj sir; J' r -'lii'U my Farai- Flannel Und3rv;oar '.- II take thisietbod of informirlf you th&tlhfv disposed of nsy ' .T ; tore bnainesa to lira. A, Spier, aqd that I will in fqtore r : 1 j devote my enure brae to toe j UNJ)E R TAKR9 BU8IN80, Wbicb I atiU eon tin ue. My office it m the rear of the bailding aext to tat) , CoOrt Hoote, bat all ordera left with ' Mr. Spier in the froat part ' of tbe atere will be promptly attended ta Thanking ray , i .. , frieadt for their former patlonagn, I hope to toerit - ; -tbe aame aboold they need anything in the - c . FINE OITT MADE uxTXxaxwr? -, 'i i . 1 l. 1 . ! TO XtXZbT2U, St Pracfical LfreJTJSJMKJ ; aa. vsaav craa, ma aiaaiaa x a iiimmm. aWCSTa WAMTC. ST ( SU4 mt Silk. tTi. aUna 1- C. McCUKDV a ruilw 1 CSTi:m:i7:nLD . aAstriit or max nn M aliUOUMa. itm sARtuaa uUTtn ta Braadi Office, Chsrietta, N. C , XIOS THIS f APKB. ulwlatpliia. rs AnloniylUaughter cured p ConsumHtioii. : 1 ZTotict to tht Patront pf tht Tar bore ?. 0. There being a universal complaint of the management: of the Post OfQlce, X have been asked by my friends to make appltsaw' tloa for the p siiion of PeetaiasUr Any person thai wrote an autograph letter en. dorsemant or signrd' aay petition '-several months ags fr a reappointment, that now desire to withdraw their eDdorKroeati, can. do se by applying to me. ' After twenty1 days from this issue, I shall feel at liberty to use them lor the aoove poaiiion. ; i jl. u.r.BrsnrectfuUy. 2tl t ; H, II. tw. E.UTR AtlZEO Za Watt ty Prttiltni Irll Sty s It Shorn of Itt Pmi to Etna. ; -l Mslarla .ia a broad name ft many diseases all originating in blood peettmia Billions fever, the typhus and typhoid fevers and chills and fever are prominent iacuilcri of the fami ly. Malaria defies alike the builders, the plumb ers and the physicians. Despairing of ordina ry treatment, - tno latter almost -am ammonal recommend BENSON'S CAPCBOE POBOUi PIASTER as the createst anl-malarial sne elite of the; age. Theaa plsstei's act upon the Aver, spteso, ooweaa siw iwosps. won orar thti rMion of liTear. and noon the back ami the kidneys, they ward off malaria like an ar mor. No other blasters do thla. m mM- : ' When you purchase, satiafy yourself thai th word CAFVlitiS is cut in toe centre o the plaster.' si Beabory A Johnson, Chemists, New York. I Highest Awards at International Exhibitions. 50Q auivs OF I "99 LjmerKainit Plaster, BUILDING LIMB, AGRICULTURAL LIME, XARBONATB OF LIME, KAfNIT,; LAUD PLASTER, ?.Am AMLV ifAKLl l&C AC . . GOOD PCRTtUZCnO, Asd Vanr CrfttTJ: B?od for Circuits , Clotig This is to say that I am now opening at my New Storo (three doors from Pender & Co's) Oyercoa the most extensive and selected t f : ! stock . i ... i sr'VeVCit;t sxy4Wte jeweirti. mirertcarei specs, MrancUi uvoas a,c. 4 3SrOUICEJ. ' Having qualified as AflmDiUTtratdr npoa the estate of Mra. Winnie Warren, sll psrttes. in debted are hereby notified to make Immediate payment, and all persons having claim against said estate will present them on or before the 10th day of December, 188S, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. k ! - it - ; i. R. QA8KILL, Adrar ef decUU ' " ' 1 i- ' Winnie Warren. Situation -Wanted. A'awsnpetant aaaa deairea a aitoatian mTa. boco, aa Bslssman tnaWkntasala aar Baaall bouse. Sober, steady and mduatrioaa, honest and reliable. Willing to work, and satisfac tion guaranteed to employer.' 1 la t good collec tor, jteterencee lurnianea. nppry niars, dec, to : 80CTKSK5IX Ofllofl. forperttc- "R. w.ir ' Tarboro, N. C, -V . - ' " "a ' ' . . . a m ... . . ' . at ALL prices. : that has evei been Kept in tma' market. , . :To ; give. as description of my assortment in detaiUwoiild occiiov too : much space in these None to be CairJntpcojUm invitation ? for all to come i and inspect my wares. thIext season. cflLt1 hnDMnitit nuaiitv of coods guaranteed upon a forfeit of double the Drice oaid Tor them. - i f Work Punctually attended to and Warranted. aVST Remao-ber the place m Aeacmy Old Stand. v " I JAS. H. BELL, Hi - ..r i: X' 1 1'