I 4 f. v. ,- 5 1 ! f r 11 if ii i . ; . j, r ii if - ' cj ' -l-l-ji iJit3 ! I ' , 1 i h I. . M r v rsf 'f , - 4. BE SXTRErOTrAJElE EIGHT ; TELEUST GO AHEAD .3D. Grockett, ;;.JofrBf, ,1 iVAXM, 11 ' i nnJM i i i ii . i .in i ! .i.a nt - - fc - .TARBORO', N. Gi, THURS1AT JANUARY, 18. 1883. " " .7 t - v r . 1 ' r NrrtXN, MM MM. ' : ' i ft. i i r: III R . I 1 W W l. "A i ii i -- I. ii ii iii i i, ii I ' ' : I I I II i Vl J 1.11 til ;t ; v .;. .7 7. o v..-. iif&t. - -1 i - '.I : A ' ' ! V" " I- - i i I PROFESSIONAL OAAM. TkK. H. T. BASS - Dfferi W profeMl' ierTlcei the fitt , Mm of Tkrboro and TlrfnltT. - , , , Office In T. A. McNir' drug .ton on Ml. Street, i OSEPII J. MABTIW, Attorney-at-law, j- - TMboro. .-3SIVO. frtcrieaiBlbt Ooartt, SUU tD FedamU BATTLE, r v Attorney kt-Law ! TAJLBORO' A EOCKT.HOUN1 ! T neticet In th ComrU c Natk. -ritt. Wilton wd Halifax fat Vh rHtm ltd Supietae Ju; lUrrio. (or lh .rwcai, 1 froat udM Uowrda lav office, aext lew atr ot 8. S. Nab A Co., .'.! Dea. 151881. . . Oft GEO KGB 80WARD, v""riicrB In all thaCoane, i Ofi4rc a till I m. av4 TNfXi Jfuoir, to Tarbr Uaa over JHOSH. BATTLE, wlltdriiet at-X,aiCi Cdceoui VouaU : . I Office ext to Pbillpa ft SUtow't La- offloe. Will practice la the Federal and State Courts, -"i Refer by expreaa permiaaiAKto JWgaRaf-' Bo, of the Supreme Court Cltixena National Bank, of Raleigh; Battle, Bonn' t Co Nor . folk ; Jno. Aningtoa; Qona Peseratarg. r f. . iSMm- ! . f '. ., i!; .,..-' ; i Frl. miii rM(. '. Vav K. Pipptu, riatlPrw : - , " ' (BAKKINGV DRPARTUENTi) ; j ! ) 'AXpeaifMalr.. A-ilf. to 8 P. k. W - ' . j- l' DlKBOTOBa J j Geo. Hofard, fi.Fred. hilips, t H. L. Staton. Jr., Dae, IMyt .- i 1 Dealer in Stores, Tin, Copr '4 Milroif are. . , j TAJtJJOKO.B.U i ! J Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wort: manu factured to order. Particular attention paid to Roofing and Guttering. Repairing of all kinds In nvUisw praeaptly attendea to. VVeA gnarnatisa mma prates an low as anyone. . Tlial;- - DR. Jtanufacturer ot - . : fine mmti BiBJfESS WAGON AND, dARt rlABNESS)H HAND . AT BALTIMORE PRICES, f Tarboro, N. O, Jan. 86, 18Ss.-ly. ; I Ta at tae old stand of iwallo," ft 1 Bros. ' X wall ho Wwatis h.rn We Sal ways pTV"" pared t serve yoa witu the purest HA v. DE VIS and the best flavored C1QAR8. aT QlveAlmjteayi.i ! ' -Oppoatta Ooart House. D'ruiipi in- 0 RfiA5S SSiL WORLD'S INDCBTRIAI AXuiPETITIOM TOR SIXTEEN TEARS; M etSer MaasMcsa organs having been foetid eqaaUA any.-1 Also CHSAPEaT. Style 109; 8 octavea; snffklent ArannA.mA aw wttl. ' nl( t popular sandaiid seonlsr musld in -ac'hools or families et only t23.' ONE HUNDRED OTHER BTILEa at S30, f57. Soo,f ST8, S78, 83, 108, eiU to 500 and up. The larger styles are wbouy nmnTaled ,byn any err ana. Also for aW wayiaeula. Kew mastxated Cat- Pl A nS siosne free. This Company hare commeneeo ttie raannl&cture ot UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS, introducing lm vorUnt lrafSHrremeau; adding tqjjwwer' and snty of tone and durability. Will not re quire tuning one-quarter as much as other Pi anos. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS FREB. THE.MA80Nfci BAMLlN ORGAN AND PIANO CO.. 154 Treaiont St. Boston: 40 E. 14th St., New York; 14S, Wabask Ave.,Cbicafo. M.. - ! For announcemeuU aad fall information, address, the Dean of the Auarieaa Modicai Collere. St. Looia. i Qto. C Pitasr, U. D., 1H0 Chambers B., St. Loom, lid, j , - a tfVKRT1SKItSbvaddreiaUEO FK atotVaila. ear S7S ID Bnruoe St. New York, can learn i the' exact- cost of aoy proposed One of Ael werttsl at S in Jkmer ean newspapers. a0OpagepBanphhi,85c epsmaph SWJaaaa SEESaaggEE poriaTiPATioris so paBaalaat iaithlS 4 ies Coaatiaetkiav aad. BO aoautdir has avaol. ieaaaUcd Aba eetetcato JUdaT-Wor as al E)aa.--Whattm' .aaSiheaveaarabatt n e a . u . . k " ' i ! , Kl (.aL .U.t ia m-rant a bel laotarteatWtftv'grirUpaTkig. lUaney.'WorW straJamva. a waaaaaay LL. dttMiaMBi awaawaaniphravaaBsl 6pi CTrhavaaitaa:iaaaaraalila PRICSSI. eweritiwta ttbclspJcSiliiiiS; ARE in iuKand awcceeafitl - opecaiton, and are prejarnritofia -Wuoer- for hft IngsJ TarasftnACottoj. lk,atlewaU priees. Orders adfreaseA Jum ocy.:Sf oent Mills, Rocky MouhfX. C wBr be proApay attend.-. ed tor. ; , I S - JAatiij tL-aiA rrLK, April i.y j $ ; i ' i . . " 1 -By virtrje a deere. of toe Huperior Court of Edgecombe Cbuaty, I will til-at the Court House door, in Tarboro, North Carolina, on Monday, the 28tb day of January, 1883, a eer tract or parcel, of land, situate lytna; and b4ng in the cottnry'of;EdzeOTmbe,siRoinlrrg the lands of tray nannallford Moiore, aud oth ers, and contamug Xbtrty-nineiacrea, more or lest. Tertnssale. Cash. . . - : , I.H.L. BTATON, Ja., January 1st, 1883.1 11 Commissi ower. j v r ? " 1 . 1 f e, napaiJtrLAyrifBjraiiaa - lii, , .ii hi i a,tiij72aS : If ii iU p li r52rhr u .. i-aViT aca,tVmi;; r i n v 1 1 1 i IIII40UI i IJJllUUU UUUIIi i The Mot Refreshing Bev . v eraqe Known, i BEEr BOTTLERS, The Trade Supplied ; at our t KsiaDiismaent, 2 mext floor to Court House. Orders by otul, from any part of Uf v - Stat; prdojptly attended to. ' jW Wiil iiar a anpplj of "Book Tarboro,Nl Cr April 13,-1883. Jtaa ana, YYjnw i TAnnonor n. c. ami T r I j . iO ut stock -ofi Readj made iPothing is W- er in variety,! better in materml and workman ship, than has ever been r7 - ; !m- v5' : snown in larDoro. i OurTYouths. Chil dren s clothing arese- n4nrl imnniq llvr Vr1 am 1 i i.' Ml l .'a I uai win pieasc parents - ' 1 t i ,t i Tp . anCl' UellgLll tUe XOV S 1- v for their style and du We will cheerfully show you any goods in our line and Our prices will induce you? to buy of .us. We claim to have thev .best lochooi , ll . r. I OUlt lOr the DnCe tO De " r t. U rtii Wrl n n tt tv h Dro r'aL-1 yu"u M-UJ BEER iciorsBecofflel 0. 0PPENHB1MBR&S0N m ' ..-,;. - 'v-'-8mtVajb'jiiwea " aa-;- - ronfo '-i will f1ft VP!ratrtry 00 PM to aery e, save Uremzormat.on reiJllS Will UU H Cll IU Df n. Ul tothftinei of tht com. eamlhfpup stbcU be- lore purcuasiD. yy e ft" -ri ' ' -..n Ti'jt also claim superior ad-j . j- o, i . ! attiog Va in ( a j - , n . - .a - - i a . s a . as we can;1 ana oiten do otii thein i JSvjerxto suit the purchaser J , rv Our;; stoclc Consists oft Ready-made Oloth-J ing,: ;;iruiniiit3i-',v tOi the OeStaWry iUOOUS w f , :Y?-J I . ' : . , -a . COOtS ana OUOeS, Sty Iish-HatsGerit Fur- nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Blankets f arid BuggytRobes.:: ' We - have some ot . j. . i. ...J4 4J . .. . the rnosf 5 fashionable OtfiovArtafa a rVrt ! TTiatir . .; i ;r .i Vy vxwwio f ftf PQ IT! r,? tnWfri'1!- hfifl.VV v.v-j i iv ir" I- -Jt., A.l4n UUU llltJUlUUl , rClglJB-iS, iii all .colors. -Do not buy an ; overcoat be fore looking -; at ours, you ; may :, get j better too. - Our: ; stocK of piece goods and samplesrf or li fiaVfi niOlieV I twal Depaxunent of nhcqnalled merit, mar- emptory little pronunciatlOU U I ? 7r." F I kH eports-nd Literary, Sclendfe, anddo-1 Jl ihti f warm - blood - a" 77 ' il I r :'.m 1 v-t rta . SB. Ctotv traa, tant abulias Goods 7 Voiiivcaii ridi ana we win conunuo to1 make them onhort suredly better than any other ? Tailor will for same money.' : ; ; Do notforget'; that we have the best School ' Suits, Business Suits, Dress Suits & Overooato in Tarboro. DABBTS - PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. 4 j n- . WOTa.fc.lrt Artfela far XT.lv.raal naalljr Vaa. . VevteavrUt akd TyvlMldraVara, MpMharia, Ball, attoav' Cleazatad " ftar. Thra.4, Boaali the bick ihould uh it fredr. Scarlet Fercr nevw bcea knorn ta jpread hei tha Fund was ued. ' YBow Fcrer kaa kn. cured with k after' black.Mik l4 ker 9lm. Tk want - i oi upBumu ywu to uu r jretrejredaad SlekPar. 8K1U-TOX 1 - -aad 1 . PITTTNQ of Small -...a icmshed -'ltd .Bed Soma nwvmtfc. a Vy htfti i k Danjn Fluid. .- Iamyar. Air Made r aarwcai aad auvifiea. . For Sore Throat it it a tty 'tru takam- witk Sraau-fox. I lacdthe riuidj Am aatiast waa Ura cure.v -, Ik Fmtod Im, ptttad, and was aboiu ' the a t ati aaaia ia due , waiautay- n a.at aad ao otiwra i W it, I. W, FAaa- Soft UM Complu- noon, Ptuladerphia. . temaMcaraatijrttaata. Ship TTr yrcraaMd. To portfj tac Biatli. Diphtheria' TrBvsiitod.' laanta the Teeth. it caa'L'b luroaiacd. Catarrh relieved an cured. Buraaxeuered imuatiy . r Scare prercated; DraaBtery am-ad.' WetwU beakd rapid!. gMIII cared. : Am Antidote for Amiaul Tha flresiciaas here as4arbvs Fluid sacaeasruilvl via that of Dioatkaria. A. &TOixajrwKaca. Oiattbnm.Ala. Ttlwdridaa. Chalet. pTevaatad. Ulcers ported aad heaaal. Ia ui or aatat It " aaould be used about the corpse it will prcveat aay anplcat. tataaa-n Tha aanineaArkoi. aletiua, J. SCAAUok sma, sc. ix, xaw ar. Vegeubta. Fnnone, SttaCi, etc v.. I aeed the FWid durbar oar prettat aAictioa wiifc Scarlet' Few with cided. advantage, ft is amepaBsaMc to tae sick room. - Wat. - F. Sawb roaD, Krric, Ala. i Sterlet Ferer xotk, savs: "I convinced Prof. Darby FropaviacrJc Fbad ii a valuable duuaj i1iiiiian I tut VadaohJU UnlvaraitT, Naaaivtna, s. uaroys rrDpnytactie laud. As adaMufecsaat aad It is both Ibcoretfcallr aad araetieilhr tupenarto aavprepanmoa with which I aat aa "aaiated. N. T. LanoR, Prat Cheautcrr. " "awaja wiaia. u Itaewaaaaaitdeel hy HoavAuxatrDBB H. SranrmMa, of GeotaiaT x 5 Kev.Cauta. F. Dmrtrm n n V-v l. Zm j- Sfraaf., N.Y.; -77 Tj- ' I0?'?!?' LolninUi Prof.UaivCTaity.S.C. S-- J- 5AIrI-. rW.. Mercer Uniwrtltf ' v. vao. a. i-raKca, tsaaop if. X. auwekv..V TXDUFMJtoABIM TO EVXBT HOMB. tj wiecoy aaraueasw Used hmtaallT Or ! traerually far Ifaa ar Beast. ! The Fmid ku lif ih. 11 . . I m hare abundut.eTideace tbmt itluw dsM - oere auaea. ror fciUer iafbtaaaaoa cet ef tout . urusssl a paapUet or scad to aaaatvprictaav , Mawim7craTUu;Qieaiiioij PHILADELPHIA. i1! wtwv -...1883. ; Mbrrft bra people have' real the Ega dorinr tba year just at sow 'passing than ever before since I ii waa am prmiea. - iNO ocner newnpaper publUVd on this aide of tha earth baa been lard raain an VAai h ui aua rrian arul woraenv. , i it:.; i.-k '-' ' HW. at era dfljlv inf armed that Moola bar. read, and like the 8cr for th. following reasona. tmnnj titbrrs: 1 Becaaae it aa.a eolaaaav pretent in t- tractive form and with greatest possible ao enracy whatever ha interest wajtoniankind; the events, lha deeds and miadords, the wis dom, the philoaopby, tha nolabla folly, tha solid axise, the improving nonaenso all th nrws of ih" busiest world at vroeot rsvotv- ma kspice Becanss people bate learnl that in its I t f -. a - .aw ; ' I remark concri-u ine prrmjn mnd tvffiin, tht eibWhie-eaj dred and sixty-flve dsya hi the year,, before &km avwell after, abont U whalasaa well as the smaU fish, in the face ot dissrnt as pisuuy ana rpariessty as wuen supported --lbvBenaralaimrohiJ ThaBrKhasabneinte- aasogood. ..j5 A3aoaaavt.it w.veryoodv's nawspaner - No man i ao-hambi that the flex is indifferent to his welfare and sia tight. No aan is se Inch itha- it can : allow in hn 1 n. mn; n ..., pewetfat'waoaib te rich itha- it can : allow injastlc. ip don. asocial ion cf man is xemt' from'tW strictapp kston- dPha princ?pleV ct r'gbt J r t"--. . . . i ... :L . . Seeaaa ta poliUcsltnas (outitIora dos- I .. ,f,X.ti,iamA;.l almost alooeam.nf aawapaperavthellght tbac las reanrtedu ihereOfBt ovwwliebauaff popular verdict against Robeaonism and for honest government. No, matter what party is in power, it era stsads ana wru eoauBut to wand liks'jLrock tor th. inUreaia if the people -agamfr tha wnrbtt on ft boaaesv- ta. encroacbmet)ts or nonopoilea. and the 4ts- !uthi honeat sotraaisa oi Da bite robbera , v - . us t wbai we are tola almost aauy fiWBda "'One ' man holds that th. 8vx is (ha heat relieiotiS paper ever publish- ed, becaaae its Cbristiaaity U nndimtod with I ssyya. arWlsaVeJ Ifcw VSaaWSSSMU taatiaitMaw w . 1 Anotter holda tbm ' ith" ? Pu'?" lb?! 7.3 ottwrhalt wittt nndimlnlftted vigor. A. uiira .. -a - d . a believer it to oa in. tM-at ssagmaioe 01 genr al litrrsmre in exiBtenw becanss its readers ssia? at'thing worthy of notice that is car rant W tha world ot thought 8. .vary friend f tha 8vs discovers one of ita many sides t' at appeals with particalar foroe lohis tndividnal. Uing.i ii - ..y,v !.' ; , If you already know the ttuav yan -wiu Nserve that in 1883, It is a bt'lfl better than i ever oiore. ii yuu uunoi anrij,u.v so., yon w-irund im. . mirror of i ail numan aonvitv. a m icuuu vi ui. I cho'cest prod etrof oonimoa sense and im srinstion. a mains ay for the canae of bon 8ov..nronf,i asatavlf. r gtune Jef- i fcnnnan Amuvtcv. a aoonre ior wicieu I bm of averv decr;Tjitioo and an ulo m I mpnW good uveatmM-t Sor meaia8 7a ''si "' 7i I ar.M V Ln.mlL" ?. lerma w au ouisacrjcaTB Tne several editions o' tha Sn are seat by mail p B4ud,AAioUOWa: ; ' . DAILY, 55 cent a month, a6,5t a year with Hnndav edition. S7.70. .8UNDAr-t-Kight pages, ST,R a year. WltKKXl f l a year. Elgnt. pages oi ute best matter of the dally issues ; an Agncui- nawenaner To clubs of tsn with 10, an extra copy free. Address ! .of i ,ntA.-v Hi- H' -j.-.-;" :.-rk.i - Taa Sd. . I. city, . i. MntU :itralua. MP Blt. ruiUticipiiia. ra ,! v T i . ' JUi;only Uaugnter j cured oi Wten death was hour expected, all reme dies having failed, and Dr. James was exper imenting with the many herbs of Calcutta, he accidentally made a preparation welch cured his only child of Consumption. Hia child is now in this country, and enjoying the bot of health.'- He has proved to the world that Consumption can be positively - eared. The doctor now give this Recipe free, only, Ukinc two three-cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cures night sweats, nausea at tbe atomaek, and will break up a fresh cold ia twwtv-fonr hows. Addraaa Craddock A Cav, 1062 Baee street, Fbiladehphts, naming naner.. J' . 0 ' - 'SadicatfiS' :.3r aaaaaTW . a , i .i : I mastic intelligence, maite ui ttbju,i si , - t. : T 7 I tha asa for the farmer's honaehold. cheeks, aud made her lift her e v v - 1 1 :r tn ,-r T i3 tirboroi Sontrner. Thursday; . - I- Jzrasxf 18. ISS3 ax b. sr. iioxanxxow. I aat j my window one night, - r " , And wa&hed how the aUra grew high, And the earth and skies were a splendid sight To a tober and mtudng eye., v .. ,. - Fronr-hea-ren the silver moon shone down, With gentle and nellow ray, And be&eata the erawded roofa of the town, in broad light and shadow uy. A elory was on the silent sea, ' And mainland and island too. ' Till a haze came over the lowland lea, Alia sliroudad tnat tteauttHU-Dtae. . Bright ia the mono the Antraia wood . '- - It crimson scarf naroll'd, V . i', And the trees like a tplendid army stood, , - in a panopiy ox goiai t ;''. - I ! i i - I I saw them waving their banners high, As their crests to the night wind bowed, ' And a distant sound on the air went by, .: JLike tne whispering ox acrowa.- Then I watehed from my window how fast I -The light all around me fled, ' As the wearied man to his tlnmbers passed, ; And the sick one to his bed. .'All- faded save one, that burned iWlth distant and steadv lieht. But that. too. went out and I tamed Wkere my own Htmp wttun shone ongnt: Thus,' thought I, our Joys must die, lea the brightest from earth we win : Till each tarns away, with a righ, . to the lamp that Dome wig iiuy wiuun. Dwrnareat sat back in his chair, bis legs crossed comfortably, hi elbowa rcstiDg on t he velvet-cushioned arm rests, hia'toDger tipe nghtly tooeh iog aeb other, a1 flight smile on ' his face that was' sarcastic enongh . to wex Cicely almost past endnrance; Pcmarest aljwajs 'wore lost that same trrandly! ' superior . look whn- ever Cicely's friend Dorian aod she were together, inlJemarest s presence and as usual, to' night. Cicely ' eyes began to flash, lor all ehe conlroued her, voice; so admirably la the "last duet shevaiidDoriaTr sang. After she had said good niciit, she went in from the piazza, whitber a be bad accoinpenied'lriari," straight back to the cbair' whers JDemarest sat. I " ; .; , " , Do you know I think yon are jiiefiaB mean as yon can be, Chaun- V I cej moiarssii v : She was provoked, but was trying to show more anger ; than she actu ally felt-Ht rather difficult thing; for any; woman' to .. do -. where Cnaoncey Detnarest was concerned rwith his lasyv tjmiiin&saxca naadsome face xnat evetr ilmip Dorian's betrothed wife admired and was ipfloeneed by as much as . the rest of the women. . Demurest! was -cdnceited, as all handsome men are bound to be, but it was in such a eharming, masterful way that rather added , to than de- tracted from his popillarity; and just . , . - 1 1 now, never stirring from his lazy, comfortable position, he looked bold lr back in Cicely's half angry, balf- smiliDg eyefcti J ' S "Miss Yerav yon dont mean it. "Don't IJ Well, I do then, most positively, most .emphatically, and I repeat it--ybu are awfully mean!" His nandaome moutn curved, in, a smile. f MX think you are crneL know .yoa are engaged to that young eaby but, all tha same yon are cruel to me, Cicely Vere, ; because yon, know I love you better thaa he irlnAH or knows now. " ;:!- ' , . , . . , i ' " Cicely raised her eyebrows in ex jpresaive incredulity, the " lovely ya I temtytincrlv aausV in their mock trrav- ttv. ; 1 M. W er w "ISeaily, X haroiy smow wuat you mean, Mr. Demarest. , t Nol dont youT I shppoae " II you translated that iu plain English, it would read thua that your are little aatouished to find that after leading me a desperat flirtation for aaraaar. wvkvn t it A WAit fiaAAWslI . I aklTa j Iffe a SB I lllUUVU. a T VM. . UaSJWfVA aV aatt ai i av earnest about as much as yourself." ! I Hdw haidsome and imoudent he looked, and Cicely thought .mo a. ah. I "a 1 V . A t T . I lauguea DaeK at. mm "Well, she said, saucily, you cer tainly, don t look as thougn you were suflaxing tne pangs oi an unra- quited affection . , Us rose irom tne enair. leisoreiy. Bat I assnrs you I am. My heart isvahn veiled as hopelssBly a a amok d ; m&ckerel-and there: is. , nobody but yourself to blame He looked at ner, tne resting tone, and words,' and manner only biding the intense deeper feeling both of them knew each experienced. Cicely llaufihed a Utile, distrait laugh, and turned away and sat down on the piano stodl, idly striking : a chord or $o. j Demarest walked after bar,' and leaned his elbow on the end of th.' piano, looking her squarely in the face, that was droopud so that her eyes did hot meet his, until a per- Oj! 'her in her yes. . "Cicel ! There must be child's play betwet u u no longer " "What shall you do with Philip Dorian! I You are promised to be bis wife and we love each o'lhar:'. f He spoka rapfdly, . passionately, aud with that masterfulness V that Cicely Vere admired above all things ie a ma that Philip Dorian He went almost fiercely on, with out givipg ber time to answer. . 'J3o you think 1 wui let uncli a man aa he is take my happineas from mftt Yim ahall be uiv wife. Cicely, fori love vou. and vou ; love . ute. And I think V am, geneioos in, not making-yon tell me yon do. : 7 .Aetrsgejcsonfe8sion of love, bnjuwulb? very proper ior me to sa it suited her, sad thrilled lier to her minister a punishment he will never very BOUL una u ui Jicii cuvur flickered arid waved in her faoey as aha.lookedtipat bim. - MI .will tU yoa thomriu Channcey, bat I masb marry Philip... It . has ben arranged ao los&i r hat hornhle day he Baved ."my ' life I when tha scht want dowo,-and not I a aoul escaped alire butPhUip and V I .,Demarest'a lin carled,' in, spite ofl the pathos bf her roice. - I "He was a greater coward to make tou Dar for jronr life br cirio6 It. to I hira than if he had let yon die. "Oh, I ray darling, give him up for me. for mer ' The uassrondie orrsaasion in his I Toide was inexpressihly sweet, and I all the smUiog .bonhommie of his I face hadhgtven place now easreroesa. 3 to intense I rjict.lv paleeV he could not cut f Dorian adrift; he was not s man who would be jilted by a woman a was a m at xneir encraerement waa or : ioui- yeais' daration and Doriftn had told her, only that same . day,' that his business affairs were in a state that warranted him in beesint; 1 her to tiame an early day for their w He was not a grandly imperious man with a woman beloved, as De merest was; bat he was alow, per-l wcavtiou utwiiuuiauvu J .twuiuunu-i what he p u r posed an d for four purposedand i. l n j a l yenx. ue unu FpBu wawv.J v aaiaaa ina nnarrninrr vrrtiiTi tv rrtvi wiinvn ' r "r."e 'T8 6- 1 " V I he bad rescued from drowning when tbe Wild Rose went down. . And he wanted her for his wife, because she was a woman to be proud of, because ane was lovely to look w beeause ahe was grateful to him, . and be. cause she was rich. - And Cbaiincey Demarest knew ; all a.: - il.i - i. i & uus, - b.d.w; vuat , m uw giaunuu, t taceiy vere wouia wreck: ner earthly i nappmess and nis own; anew wnac I ahe did know, or at least sub nee ted. I -w a ' - a s that Dorian wouldnever have begged I m . TT X 1 A J 1 L.J I a ' s jtusa v exB w msmwois u b. -naa i saved for. her, if she had been- well one or uia cnamoermaxia wnom no body hied to Bare ia that awful mo ment. - ' i ? . A day or so after that brief con veraatioa between f Demarest and CSeely, Mr. Doriam went away from tha botel, back to his office i&f Wall Street, where ha would eoin money when once he had hie -wife's capital to start on, and UninXJremstreat . and Cicely ceaaJb.tUivYJtion to each other, for they w'ete .'too honorable to take advantage MTjheir opportu nities. i.'i!. - Once Demarest had said to her he wouldnever give rher op, and 'she had been corf used, and startled, and dismsyeuiad .' told him she would marry the man ahe had .premised to marry, unless he gave her np of his own free will and accord. Which is remarkaply j likely any man in rua senses would do, : Dms- reat answered hotly. ; But they did not very often speak of it ; and ona day Cicely west to him J as he stood looking moodily out on the nashina;: wavesl , and told bim something. ' J i -' , "I want to be conirratulated, (Joans eey. Wnat a narrow escape 1 nave had, only, think, last week my guar dian transferred all my funds from. the St.; Lawrence Bank to tbe Elber onda, and yesterday the St Lawrence burs ted. t Just to think ? Bat Demarest did not congratulate her... ;; . .. .'.'- I wish you had -loat every dc4 lar vou possess in the world !" she looked at bun woadensgly; he retnrned the look positively. I A mean just tnat 11 you naa tost evsrr dollar, Philip Dorian would .--a. ail a a .1 1 give you up." j ... Then her eyea twinkled "But no man in bis senses would,'' she said.! -i Be laughed. "That's fair; CSce y. xHib see nere and he became grave and earnest "willyou do something Sor me? 1 "I certainly will, if I can." ' uTbere is ne doubt but that you ean, if you choose.; 4 Write a letter to Dorian, and let me dictate it, and promise me I may see tbe answer. Wilt yon I j t ! She shook her head dubiously. T "I would rather hear the dictation first,? she said cautiously, j He repeated it hastily only a re quess tnai, jonan wuuiu u. -u mhu aa tn iTiftl-e alt nnBaihlA: loaunfls into ii . -r - : ,a i- j the St. Lawrence bank failure, and ascertain, if possible, if anything would ue safed from the wreck. She agreed, and the letter was forwarded by the next mail, i and two days afterward Cicely sent a message for Mr. Demarest i to come. to her aunt's parlor at a certain tiuu Ana an. uaoaea nun. a istwi, suu . i ai--- l.&i. ! Jl stepped away while he read it A letter from Philip Dorian in which he requested his release from his engagement to her on 1 one side the sheet, and on tbe other, as if it was ' ah afterthought, a few curt word i of reply to her question of the St. Lawrence that the unlucky de positors wouM loe every dollar. Poot Cicely 1 ' ; J - Demarest looked at her, with a faee that was almost cruelly rail'ant did she really rare for him 1 "II you only will let me be thaxk ful," he said humbly,: as be followed lier to the window and Jmade her thi-n her face toward him. j "Cicelv. vou snrelv are not so crrieved aa this t ; Tou have been tryinjr." '"-7 ; : 1 ' 'Cniutrl I ahoald think so. Ob, Chaaiicey. I never wa so mortified in in? life ! . I believe JL j just hate i . . . i . ..- -, mm! j "; :., - "I" -f - V'""' j: i Then he lausrbed. so i n-ouslv. - I "Of course vou do but X love him, Cicely.- Now becaaae you are so angry aod moi tifiea, yoa Know, zorgei, or ue over. . auu m.uu ii I Cieely, if you will only any ao... ' -r "Panish. bim f . I don't .ae how yoa can." i f MBatIdaNhaniw.md.tahogher a way that broasht th roaaa to , her cheeks, 1 , "Do yoa ?" the aakad heritatinglT. f "How t'' i I "By maitying igrou, . my darliog. i May II, ,, , . . I And since ha took her close against I his heart the moment after, it is to be J supposed that Cicly consented . to I L'prian s pazusomeat, u ana when a I law weeis afterward Mrs. , Chauncer 1 Dcmarest, in her hnaband a elegant I carriage, passed: him on -the street, f you would have said, if vou had seen his face, that he was : most success)--! muy puruauec. i-''; A wtodsa Leg. An English naval officer, aervme on board the Jason - frigate, under the Duke of Clarence, had the' mis fortuae to lose a leg in a hot engage men with the Hrench, -and. i . . LI- bmsry ha waa promoted to thaeom- mand of a t fine ship. ' ' Within ait months of tht day on whieh he "had aa - i ,,..1,1. .fvn.W. k n. I 4Vl.i , . ,4 ! .a..a that same leg, wbereapoo twe stout geaiatrl picked him Bp, and tailed a. . -load for the iurjreon No, so, boys," the retain said. gleefully, j "The carpenter will an swer this tune." i- And this reminds 'us of another aneedota, which ia too goed to b. for-- getten. j "!';! - u-a' Daring a time when an English naval squadron was engaged in the f .... - AieaicerraBean, wng of.5 -surgeon f of a -surgeon 1 wrote a eirenmBtantial and eritwatr - - account of an operatioR which be had n4iAafn11w . a surf neant ail l:'wmm i 4 la a WHWVVD.4MUI avvaavaauwu - aaus, ; mw i badly fractured letr ; of atf Endish I . I eeaman. Us deaeribed the fraoinra compound and comolicated. with mih aharlawinsr.',. l.lBhmn f thm mu I er - - I waa nffrlv nnrwtaArl in amnnitlinn I iiu CMDCsiiTfHi r.naa iriMrt, nr rraiT.inaF ir, 1 7 . " T -r- I m A 1 f 1 A. J - I . . WW . .1TB wiui una Hiisu oskbh ne sbdu ad it lihArallT hntaarafall. . a irimtri a eotdfld'OMEa. and comnleMv 1 ,7. 7. . 7 . .. . F. ' K WttmBmBI MB av aww a rfO aha. anea v aa aat aa ' .aa.Mfa twirsu an auu auv iuqui frwas,'uvt restricted as to diet, lie wis aflowd to dnnk. his regular - altewaitee - of grog, and was quartertd ' with his mess. The first application of tbe "laid up" -oakum waa made OS, Sun day afternoon, and before an other, Sunday had come the man was atle to walk on ' thai leg : and within another week, with one fresh appli cation, the-- man was duty ! t -J - reported Jor I What an avcitement the Moount rrm.?Af1 atiiAmat i Tt wat TmUitha I nf. in r.hjt. (3m ffm .ml Mn.il into every papper in the kmgdom. And in time the letters began to ponr in upon the surgeon, dowi is thejueditorranean. : One old surgeon aiked one thing; and another another thing ; all of - them I desiring further explanations about the wonderful nuAnf that frtnnrail lr J i T. . b ... Th. navnl cnro-Arm wftifad nntil th. inftora ottrhilmal lim nA khnn I he wrote another article fo the GawtU this time very short, in which he said: "We bag ten thousand pardons for our neglect on a former occasioh. Coacerning the fractured leg, which we trotted with oakum (that form of cakam vulgarly denominated span yard), we forget to stats that it was a woden leg. "7" And then the surgeons. At .home were all happy--very, yery. V 7 A Toung JCaa'i PsriL They ; were in to aee a lawyer yes terday Mary Mary Ann was a little embarrassed, but the old woman was caluk When they spoke about a breach-of-promise ease the lawyer asked : . . .- "What evxdenoa hare you - gotTT "Mary Ann, produce the letters,1 commanded the mother,: and the ijgirl took the cover off a willow basket and remarked that would do to begin esnn on. The other doi wouia pe.proauoeaass0on as ue Aa w a 7 a - t 7 ' " ii case was fairly before the court And outside of these letters! rfed lhe , te I ..-. . ' "Mary Ann,' produce your diary," said the mother. 7 "Now turn to the heading of 'Promises,' and tell how many times this marriage-business was taitea over, The ed the "Now hii he has applied that term to yout "If I have, figured right, the total is y,zo times. m :l f ?-J . A traess you couniu preny uiusui .: . A ... J .-a. -4Mi-,tt for you are good arithroetic. Now turn to; uie .n0uu1. CJottaire,' and tell us how many times he has talked of auch a home for you I after marriage, r , . ; "The footing is l,o95 times ; "Very well This lawyer wants to be sure that we've got a caae , How many times has Cnarles, Henry : said he would cue ior youi 7 " . 'Three hundred and nity, answer ed the girL as she turned over a leaf. times has he called "How many you an an gel T "Over UAOCVt-mma.- Vfnm ahnnt annivrinir hanrlfl 1 , "Over 384,000 squeezes." ti '; ? "And kisses T": "Nearly mOOO." "There's our case,'' sad the mother, as ah. deposited the basket and diary I on the lawyer's table. "JjooJc over tne j I documents,' and if you want ssytbiag fortber," I can 'bring in a half dozen 1 BcighDors to swear to lacts. , vve sue j.: ' ... I ndVliSirV tvnniil wan ABka-na'ilA f a. 4tai-id-rS- footing: ia 215 tuaea, suiter- .Li,-Vri,j . ,-! !Mj.i . SI"- ( ! 7 I 'I'hknM'a form ir,V wirK V irt.l. turn to tne heading of 4Dar- - H.lft,ian4 w a 111, Zj 'andgive nsthe numUrof times ...... t-m1 . uiiiaM iaU a iior iu,uw asmajevna we aon.rmenioi ins hjuj ,;M.,:,j1jea , settle for less r than an eighty-acre and all ,Um3ar, securiUeajnothjrigl IViBaii's ConA 1 iann, wiui uuuuiugs iu jwu jvou. Well call again aVweek good day, . air."- : - ".ifl-litaarr... j , v- klBataiaeei 'of ikniiJ 4ooniny 4ra y MBttaaaarrbni Jii ieodiaf ioi, auue xoiaer u. ao iar as . onr raeorda axtend, M.intiav TjaAdiaf thai annimal rf erad to. vm a Nevfmid. land dotr, belennnr to P a gentleman iri Eduibirnr- freanentrThad mhna lrfran tA it rMrtanaaL- haaldtmf other interesting signal of Mgtciiy,1 it would go to the baker'avaad bey ut own bread. Bat Dandie receited mere monrr than ' his luwds eaJlad forfaod to he J took to hbatding if, I T&l his'master oBooTered in consej-1 aoenoe i the deer axrneaff one daV with a brettkfaaLroU.' : when itt'i'waa' ithat no cow hadci vea Ji money. . sdspioon , ajrued, searc. w made in the f room wtter-ath 1 dog adept Dandie1 appeared ijtfiteV unconcerned until his . ww b- proached,. wheW seked the sryaea ty her gown and ned (tQirag .her tnT, nu D.ssun au vwicnxiiinaB nit f'1 y!?to45.aSrWW Mf ("W l Ancue did not Iorego aia leavin&r nrooenaitiea even; AftM.thiaa WATIX IOT Ul. SeTVBBk WHO IMta OlS- covered his rroaKL n iw fatTite -waa careful to.select ayjUiTdiwnt 'fus of encealrnen i. 4 jjtorfes; of I dogs -hd carry monty toshopam order to ob tarn food are . doits . .numerous i but uip toiKTwnrg aiuaf nt ia, ii, autneu tH prcbWj " ispsralle!eddWth la oaaine records. A Bria4e4 -oWwai aUowed by aertat luhcbawtevr ref J eerre nis meat on tfust tbe ; butche onag aca pennyworta anpplied J . P. . " t, -eajiihe friend, obsis e two tnarks with the eeld aoother ' Ssiece - . - of aat n f -i la aa ta I aaJ i sa spite all ; the eftbrbi deUln him, ran off i-i ,ti :;. ii:tS4 oeeea m nis moma. T -1L t T' .1 ' t If tTT.T.LI! ! M' ' jj r " wva-BolI, a. BnaDaad. UenpeCX Him. . t- -- v s : . a i - tiuili..lli ----iZt ' ' J sfaamr--, uw 4akti ttaW, bAMUJT. eTMV. tf B rVVl TH.III L. W 1 LIS S 1 1 I SI . I - .:,-:,,r-.-r-,i . r,a, ABSp'ali ImfauyhbtlSS. I Humor him half to .death, . J IBa.. Wm a aH w 1. 1 i Be extra cross on wash-davr ,;; uarrefwllfilttii oyerliiffta; - AtaWta VJatlX ami BLM. S-JtlB. IAU W Bmrnt I S aJ AB. Bi X - . . r - r it Va4VSffBi taa WW.T waUa4- wW'wtsaV.awf " ' s. w wa avaam w ysiio sstsma ,w aw fcjiSla . s S0'!?1"" .fflTO'i .' v tts i . !.:. a a " w '. . h'ia a'iVeT v uw vengrance on aunisretawona,ltve .Let him sew the1 imUdssV ,".T -1 kU iii. tli' 4.A1I !L-' i'J1.;'.1 To ktfetttidn to non 7i77-.3 7-.-". JIV Give as much as hecanaam. ln -a mMth for aaabohne '.7r, X? Tell him-as plainly as potiibl yon marriedhim' for a Irring. , f ItaiSe STOW 'if .'he dares to. bow pleaaantly tLV an old ladv fnentf. 7 of pick upkhraals. tw win wuwji you. uusi, uprct atrangers. l-.fr" ' ""T f " t J Cret ' everyibinsr the woman next door gets whether you can ' afford .'it or not. ,.--t-"- ''''i'.-'ilif Tell hhn -the! Children 'inhrtlt all their mean traita of character , froni i. 'a- -.akLi H uir iamuy. o'Juet it oot sometimes ,JWben VOU ue eIea. . you wienea yt?u naa married some oerfeBow; thht jfpu to go with. u"2 7V ' VJ "l"' :te ondersttnd "as sodn P0bl4siT tM booftymoonraM kissing is well enough for. ' spooney lovers, Iwit that for married folks it is verxy.-fMfii AdfaxSv A it ; Ou,W.TjNVi 1 C'i tf vjrtit IzJt i.iL-',J-5-..JtViV xluw aue.Ghuat .uave lovea. iuu MyrUeBedingoJs j,rxks words aoftlv lo Georfe''W.: Simimon a blush of maiden 1 moitatvi Jbtmed sappear d auenty 'hehind A-ssaassa w av Atsa- tbe tinv pink ears that stood . like I Sirm v sentinels on a baUlement of rose ctntea nesn, sort ana warrn aid wih beautiful curves .who dimpled anchhnte resign. George had been . telliiMr her tbat beautiful alorv uf lhe I L ii,. Lk- v,1Ti r-vi avrvi .awl arvBa fr-naklr rtw tiia aiila kaw4 I KV-snt ivw, WJ m avwiiay. - ith her own rubv lioaT draw' from the wound the fatal element. When be had finished the cirl ' gki e utter sues to the words 'With u whieh this opens. - - And ' then, ' foV an Inataht; I siienee fell between1 thesxvS ,t "j George was the first to4 speak. flf I were wounded by a poiSonef arrow 1 jpoeUdaK)-IC74i ii 2 Whv not V aakad Gaorwe u-TT-rr-O ' I 9 ri. - ; " D iS a tdrv , M . M .-.-L, . 1 I&m..., j i ifm low, agonized tones. r OTLm, r .1 in m. uai w,m.itiM uss .tUuu-j y i J am w -4km vvssa ma.M ji.i m- rw bsbbm a' w ? w w care toeatob the deliriam lrse Seheeli in tha South. Akev. xsr. ,y mj j, vuf .u sur au. r'aabodv'f and. makes' s raistake in regard t6 free schools in the South so far as North .Carolina , is coneer. aed. Sou lief(M one, dating back as far as 1840,' with an education lohd sttfly , rbwiny in Value" whteh would i tims have rrmuaaea ampie 1 provisions , ior ,-n. education of all the' -white children j ia the State. : This f and wsa, obKter -wr. - l atedby the, reault ;,of Vlfrhjaf .wsifkIi' 1 was au cussipaie.i oy me ex i(win.h - uoujk it enit .mo "w mrLVift - Ha tsya . rno . puts , (m, .we th) had a -ysteth of free, stbioW e the. ikwar:. This .Stale bsd tneMinsa and kubrnergiaVa? Mfff of the coaditkm of our school aWeas S i. a. i . i . sn a T wnen peaesr waa Tamorea. 'AS oar -fare lathara amid iaa storm of tha lfdidJr, eight elUrrir datv to rxwtantv. and. with theeoot . courage of the Borneo jjehate Wis. laaung on us aauj acairs ,0 ine JKsV pibbc when the Shedy wis hrnider'. ujgaAtbss'gaU;rm 'I ia--iarga sba taXaataj ladawttos 1 apn: : their desdanja,' rhat ,4hf . of battLe was acarcelT swet Way, and when wreck and nun sur. , rounded them on ewyVaide: ortct- u Ji al ! A k iV- Vi. a- - . '.l.. . on iaawAnatawigiuB awcaw'''" alios of the. aducalienal fiu)6-eai rlablishment of foniaacat arfhooij , sylterit-tr wWo L . . yA1 nyri'ul'lToiUu AxntstAit& AraaSaalal TSaa.4 A eaaw.. '-it. f ill ftta fts'iid Mi iiiNBrct rknwaBeDsioya taw apparent -1 a, i " T - , v aneeaw aaawaa rpi to evta int. Drarsta, ror w ,msoa , HgnaSBlg anttlinfaavla B taeia eofdna; a. rswd, ,oi uiauutoaoeai ana ananowa. : raw in la - , .. . T. " 77. 7 ' daaMVwttlbliapWh . tridr. are gooA srasoaaje. jnckadraafe ftK modern as snes has oisoovend, that same vlraiw disorders ihew tae'kaiias'.ta0 tBdrtiniaghyhiJa Uy hawe.tJte woraf trs aesaible symniomsv Wa know ef saaay . aesaoaVheSxaVwdTinW SawataJB pains Intajhwporwetat.af taeibndyj-rbe irev. aaatarally ttrhd ooe day aad , r apaatwaUy w-at tawj sttni y wBoranv anew jr. t apps. ntaiatiaaaa ,ast alter. Bach naiaona are raallv ha a-. , daagwnlte!!! naodghtteT4'-'" 5had Lvtij9 I uos) faeSaw4aiaiaaa r BSwClAyEP CHAlUTrXS or x;ivcvi iMoatawople aaswer sermcaJiy l " . - : .1 -.1 VATI tiii ! aa si 5iil M .is aiseaaaaMaTssawreMa' Julmii SaTl. 1, AtS aar ; yy.. rr am ; ara wmm aaaa ... . . kirvvcMMMMiwr. t- awtaf IrVf. . w, alt a- . a , k ' v, cw . ' J? ' - "V - - ., f -rft .a 4jaJarAa?i 4JS ii Ol I ii'-.L.7r?lL.T.i'!rt aria aeaisd UritCk: 00.271 WIST Elchlk RtrMt 1 S . fcafe, duriog py refaaiooaJ oamr js( , t aaatnyyearai practtca, treats alkraasnaT f distanlsaa, of wWe "Mif 'wt BhSesWav than ty m tayste-rioTM asss taowo sssxnt n. pbzhla; had whsieaasaay tdasa ekkega. t taawswtw iia7'7 ??7? ."S0 saasjdnufbatt is fhat ataaaaf fha.fi. a yy1?, afcfa P , , fle'Sre'eapeeially liable le Ms ettscks, It prtissararwrth au aiasaes, aad sauallyeoa-" 1 in.aeaiiniiuuaiauPBa,, ,,u;i iiua viT 4 oMinete eaaa which came snkiarBV.. haarvatkas) wMthrf rwStra of this' iXrm sity vtospplisd teaw foatrettasaL The ease Vis disb0ed ptmehjaulons aeph. riiia. Tha asaa war. twentyfoot lv-srsr of , plataofic and.Jhakt yempssnd; iJia U;. ted lbat.be bad suSered foam artnavy - tr ablea freca etifldhojd, iniTthtt m ' had " " " doeioaed" huidre4 iHaws eaahr. thaw iaa- .1 tarovihg ac me : after which ia. a ott wail-, 7, ' hs wouid rrupss loin an Torrnrv state T msry. J preecribed the ssaat thetsSeatics JJ .. kaown to the pr feasioa with the Muse re. aalt that toy coUeagne bad ohta'ied." He cot bethtr MM a wbns-u4thj waxaa aiaia: -;: ii ol rst,oo had(tt he had to, lay . e ' B.rat1tvid.lHe Buffered Ti.Uoaa Ma ; . ttrthatiiesafaasliha tereamk ts hyi4einic mjettioo,. o morphia. My , twagiarwse ri-ew sow m susUd I ws with . the caaa, atttaaiA ne wimta "mas; advised me to, tT a reoMd; v nasi I whlah hs f tha'drnniiJl hlmaelf. had derived .bensnwavae m dsewnia htan estcSM -J-"-', aatiaw. . X .reerrMMd nwdyi.-aH, ji Utta my patiht.howee kae what I .: f A st coni'eae that "at tor my ' fireman had , -,- tak- M4Kai-M gew toShaetiei. -rJ ? madebbVatjnniWa ax.ia MriosVwft li't two aaoaiha. with tie moat sraiifjlna re. ; . . .lf.h.lFUtml .muL. i, VI was ais Mrs st4 Vr swU , k-wttfcvl bialy.t. the rraiarkabU poar of Warner's - SaJ. shraay aiHd -l.'ver' CerWi' tnr tsatady -Which I nisacrihaa. as h. asdw wx u .., Js. "8 nee the recovery of the man above ateq-, -... tloled. I hATegt,e-"o1!drUs tbesght! " ' ' ae-an. topjaxt-or Seau,tpBttlajeriSaa-i tfffioa ty and I find that t s. saatdfsststioa rf .meet TsmBka'4i W " orteo appears Wthoatiay spaciat nigfaaq et it -t rpdmibly aa a aeqarjioaoms i,therdire -ev s j ttmtaTbe aWwttoUrUaiTa, d ph k-rsT'' aMetfaeS lftiwiinstl- sia; Pnrnr.V w4 pregaaaey, Taa fut sjmptMis . ftvqaanUy show tkeiaseres is fb lorm of bigS Baie. Bad lutia .paar-a hs a -luahar reglea "the-aaaaU of the b"ck7.Uonblesonta avctaw rttoas aad freqaent changes ia tas eaiaof the aria. wMctt At riajas diiaitdaWA jsswet - SHy. If tie nririf is, em rely ... soptr-sfd , ike ease, r.baUy, will t mlnate fautSy ia a very fw days, i Dropsy eetMe.etav tba amopraawaa 0 arie, ad (h Maetww tt. ot is vuvrtouou uj , to piotwiMt ox reteikW The iim 1 uaa 'sistsas hscesaee patrited, with ubfjaen coavfiMtis vd . fcy. ,1 htreotalar cirnilatioo of tbe blood, a hah, in. ssy aeUatatlov evdStuaily m'sjat Saea disiassilyVart. teyrte. aaU. Aa 1 jhawta ran, martea, ta ntaay al ney diasass yea, ewaa . ta 'fright's diseaS Ttsel thm Is ne as14 lv esptiUspidSiakBsa4m -ai - aava Swert thamelvea ia vsriwmsymptoaM d for isVtaatMf, ta't-oahlstomS darrhot. ' " viI tha jwhoa imnaired .ryesrahi. aaawtk ! kawef ap -t to. d sotderel dige tt leas . .. . f appettre.' dlsevdeisd dlgeathm,' mar af u 1 reiimtd-iLtst-i numerous ha menAOB. la. a naaAaxv w aa-ivi.ai wjib war 1 a. aw bs 1 1 as mva-AB anmni aw AS LV - -aa UmfLit. At m m. au nvai tiwi i tmmt wi 111! "Jt Wa,Mis aVyesissis led a-SaW iisia,'in;.43 BBS Uer care.and if my prouananal brrth- : . ms edald aawphe kseachav a Is imn l ! i saassaBnU iiwjadjoee fga a- .ptiatory J V a atadieiaea taey ; wouid. jindoubudly, and . 1 1 A . - h.. .. A ma it----- ... .-a 4S -f.M: ovtMits that. woa!d ao. ran te ih wo id. f ,r i t Oo AN0KBS05. M.UU a . ' Qatek.eoiaDlU cu-e. all aiuxolac BUdaav. Bteddar aaS -Uriaaay d saasia. . S 1 Urayw f : JPrerresetsw a wm ana a mind to S frttsBS7re.-.si syrap for IMH Oourav-'' tts-jJ i'm flu. II- 1 6 f It .Jwts 5p fit s 1 Vt XaJJ r-UffiJ .-. .'4. an-v.ij. h--:-Y-j:ri: 7 -i7 .7,.;. 77.,i-v-.. . .7-7 -77-1- 7:-: - i -

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