BE SURE YOTJ AJRE RIGHT : THKN GhO AHE AJJt-T. ! Crockett. . tad V V()L. 61. gtOFB3MQ-AI, CAJt-Mj j TL3. T. BAbBT Offer his rro.eionl enrtoe to theciti Mhs of Tarboro ud ricinltr. ; i ' , )fflc tnT. A. McNlr't drag store n Main f iEPXI J. MARTIN; 1 I I tf ' TTnONFV.HT.f AW I ?! K IVIUIfa -r-a.a. aa, jj ; H "?J-'tooxo 3NTf TO- notice in the Court. State and edoml do-o-S2ly f- .,. li D OSSBV BA.TTLK, c i Ittoney tt Law TAXBOao ARocKrMoctiitiii a ju 1 Hash, -Wttf Wilson b4 UdliJ eoentlee Treetlee to J-osr iijpw.. sa 1 the rdre a oupieia vwn. Hear" c iimUom pciaity, i JOrnQB, for th pwiert, ta jfront room ot stars Howard- law offlea,j aext.ldoor to awetor oi 8. 8. Co, o .XIb ,V, : ! IO, IOOI. : n . I jtj ittomtr Cmuiir at lJIWi - i t' TARBORC HJ C-4l- w tS"PrmeWe to all the CeM Bt4 D I.LK. GARR, ,. -:. .(a tt'-RnvniwlAlifl Ul. i 0e karm, lrom ft. m. 'UH 1 pi: Bt. .fran S to 8 p. m. ! ! I j fiNeit ior to Troro UoMj oer 1 TH OO. H. DATTLC, Mtornevat '. TASB0X0. Fi C J Office Ipj to Phi4M 8tt6Xooffl4v Will practice l the federal ana Bute (Jourta. I Refer by oxpreoi permiaaion to Jodre Ruf lh, ot Ifce Oopi MM Coortr qtUi ioiojoi Bank, of Raleich; Battle, Bonn atCoA Nor folk; Jao. Arrinstoa 4 Son, Petcrabur. -viLHpNHiPmf,' K.i4Il,( ( if AHXIK0 M. ; : tnoooont lay, liruaaBAT.; j ' DiBKTOa:: :' Geo. Uoward. Fred. iPliilipa,' H. I. BUton. Jr., - W. MKppen, Do. 18-ly. Ra He .. T..l :- .i. f - - I I iin, copper ana aneec iron wore: mans- factored to order. TarOcnlar attention paid kind Btawrfino promptly attenden tL " Work rnaraateed and price a low a anyone. a t ? V?Kaaafaettrrof L t . j FlM MJLESA VI HARNESS. nTAOOIf AND CART HARNESS DNHAND At BALTIMORE PRICE&. Tarboro, N. C, Jan. 36, 1883.-ly i f J0fll!fWI0I j illBujfoivffitfciflb be rfb at toe old stand or fc.a'Hn k IBroa., d wbiic wows hi. no ne is sys pre- - T! -I f 'l TOpoetto CarHoe. Tarboro, DeeTlS, if. '. ; ; . . y:, ii. -" -.- - - . , 'rfnr- M ASON 4 -Hflfil LIN oecreea at STerr vwwrvajar wm yvnrTanmT t -wmrgyaajMi....... j-..-w vrMa. 1 T0R-B1XTEKN TEAKS, no oUi American orrana harinr bee found equal to lay. Also eompass and power, -with beat aaiUy, i-iSNtateP"? or ianuues o ot OTHER ETYLES AOS, atud, $U4 to 500 and up. Jfh an .wi.nil-VnV.X4'w'-' e, -,J iWiWw. osi styles arowfiauy mmwo oj Also tat easy oayaseot.-- New Sli ostratodCa- ui ff faaiOfaoireo ai vompany nsre lAilUO aenH-Tirrid .iiaia maniifarfma rat UPRIOHT GRANDTIANOrJ intrndnclnf im- portaat improyemevta; adding to 'power and boanty of tone and UrabUlty. i.lflu not ro qaire tnninr one-qnarter a much as other PI- '.n.TTTRTRATltnniRnm.MRM TgE MASOJf HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANQ CO., 1M Trentont 8L, Boston; 46 . E. 14th V. N ' 149 Wabash Ay Chicago. Ksiieu ?twu Ji:uar th Dean oTthe Am Mdif OoUege. St. LotUr ' Geo. a Hteer. M- VUlf Cbamben 14., St.Lonli. Mo. . j :;:jf ... ;j ' A DYEBTISEBS by addreaalng UEO A ROffeLL aft; CO.. 10 Soroce Bt New-York,' eta learn the exact eost of aay proposed lins of AdTertlainjln Amer caa newspapers. ataTlOQ page pamphlet 25c ivhfch Sar 1. naulaa PETER HKNDSltsuH -MtwfJ AdwcKim mV&ttt aaa Ftmr Cut- Itvrt." aiaalar al a imaSaaaaS r iriimiar BoaiL, tort idealac MaiM ftaajea airplicarlaa. ifemu if it in wJktU aar raw air), . ;Da4ar UaarfarenM i JL ;-finj i- 5 tt 37 Cortlaadt St' New York. . BftClLT Iloimt IIIllS i a ex i.fpla.4 Weeofai opio., and . are prepared to til all orders for Sheet - inr, TaxM and Ctottoa Order addressed to Rocky ' Mount JIUU, .Sf - jSatuE T 1 IT .111 V. 11 11 X Sec'y and Treasurer. April 11, 1878-tf. N O T ICE. ' ! Br rirtueTof a decree of the Bnperlor Court of Edfcombe Counti, I will at th Court riouNuoor, in rarboro, JNorUi CaroHsa, on Monday, the 90th day of January, 1883, a eer tract or parcel of land, situate lytuir and beina; j land of Oray BunUjjQnllford Moore, and oth- ; en, and eontalning Thlrtj-nme acre, mor or i les." Terms of sale, Caah. i H. I- 8TATON, in.. tMbnrm iri I !AIUiaatl January., 1883. r LpiieR! cBEER BOTiTLERSfe The Trdde Siiipl it oar Establishment, Ilext Door Ordara bjrtoalt,'frotti nf tart oflE 1 -WmiafiVlwW Ber ' is Maaon. -4 m , a - ri J t j 1 It' ...4Jrii. ...... J-Liif-ai u Pall and Winter ATi WDITIOW I Our stock of Keady- material JUid wOtimian-1 . a 3 1 I" ship, than has ever been snown in Tarboro. Our Youths. & Chil dren's i-ard se lected SDebrallv"colors . M. - n i 1 i J J for their SlVle i &n(rUll't "."o V,? ? f tt -fr3 . ishow you any goods in our line anu uur prices imuj.&X tt&l iTa OI U8i" f U 111111 IU have w the 2 Best1 School J V. ' T f found anywiiere. Jra- rents win ao cwm to ieiatOia O bUUl U3- -i ' 1l""' Tirl lore 1 purcnasing. vv e also claim superior ad- T tVWas VWaa. WW - ' U m w aw a aM warn Clothing tO atiV ShStfoef VMVMAIAlti VU auy ouoipv, do. cut them - over to suiw?tnen)urcoasers '4rr' Ci-Ld I j 1 , I if f V -made 1 A.a-M' I IDti. irOIIl r O7 T- cheapest to the bestufDry Goods BQots ano!j lish Hate,, Gents7 ,-Fur pishin Goods, Trunks, Valises, fBlankets nd Buggy Kobes.: v e , na ve some oi the most 9 fashionable yersoa ettes in ;v town; an?dmmw lAAnQlQiUcOd buy. an overcoat , be-- tore lookm you - may - get - suited better and save money too. : Our" stocls: ofTsiec e goods and sampled for CustorrT jailor ingf e- presejit xa.mosi eie- 1 A?ailt StOCk i, OI .Frill T V ' siM A 1 GOOdS . YOU V Can' ' iinCl f I " outside of Wew York, and we will continue to make' them fen short notice, to fit. and -as- I SliredlV ' bettSP - than " iir i U1Y J LiltJ A , A. rJLiAvJA - W liA for same "money. . . . ; Do not forget that we hare the best School Suits, Business Suits, ! Dress Suits & Overcoats in Tarboro. "XT a n""Sff Dtktwur sun ' fcT'rn j Mil tl Sick rnhoaU dm ft froiT... Sorict rr uwd. Ycitow Fcrar W bcea cured it MmtJe vomit kad.teka bUm. .T1i fear. FTr4udSlekrr- nuixjox ! mm? TtStariMO ud ' ' Bod Sores proves. ed by hukiag - with Darbva Vluid. - rmuo or umu Pox PBKTKNTED' . AiiiIim rfijrfci - 1 By ,m due witk tloiuSr pttint u ' Iatpare Air r enaia MdifwifiOlr I I : tare cur. li Coafine Am iTKttod. V okoaocvTito. - r Vaeka, sad as edaars I aaaualm U M ( ' Boft-wuu Compioa: teaa Mcerad by ks bm. Te wur thiBreOth, Closoao tke TaeUt, it aaa't W saraaaMdut Cotarraw Mlicvad , a4 - eojei, '..' -i ' - ' KrnteoiM carad. ' j Prevmtdd. ifcuavudiaataalxy. Sears avwaabMla Djaaaiary ran i Weaaadshaaladr aaa) Dart) TFhbd w erf haalad rapidly. lar.icna.nay ta taa an : AaA4iAeearAa&ul or Vajcubl Pniiaajt SnscLetc. I aaad tba FW4 dariaa; aia aial iffjiraVmaritk ; Scarlet rver with ea 1 aidad advaataga. fet ia lnrtariaalili tba ak Chota - T k I rooau Wm. ,r oap Kyria, Aia. b-MatF-y. ScaHstPeTsr X Cnrs3.':; 8Mb, AtXX, How 1ST " -I Dad Innaf. jJtm irtartrUt UatTwaity. I testier to aba aaaH asca wran aiixiuiiaKIacraaia. all ottarrtarit boU taaasretkaOy and prao6eaiy apanor.t aa-nreyarmlioa with wbicbl . ourmfm nai IS TTaiiiiianaeaJaal mw ft . T Key. Csua. t. D n - Vw-5 Strsaweos N. Y.; ' . d -, , i- 4C?Collft,,CnihaMrry.C Jee. A. J. Battu, Prof., Uereerllmnftrj . Key. Cao. T. Praaca. BW W Tt -sk 1 ; ranacuT aaimiaai ul " , i eiraeraanyvfcr Maa oajaaaat. Taa r ImH Km K .1, ... , I,' I fcaa Itaailial adanoa aW t khaa aaa , ' iaii vtaggm a aaarpaiat or sea a ' - ' . . I . --..I t 1 More people baToOoa Oimim4mn too I tea jastao eauaqr tU& htrrt moe 1 it waa Orsf prmtocL. other 4wpoprJ onbHahKi nn thi. ado rf tw aWhaew i acd read fa any year by o atay me sad I woman. , . ji i , - , 1 We .raerblTlnfmdthtOfby, sad, and like the 8 c for the foUowiDg ressonavameot otbmf ;('-. ' Beoaosa iU now ooinnuM preeeot in i- isaetir form and witk groateet poaail- ao- coracy wnauyer ns tatoroat oc bauaannad; the eyent, lhe deeds and misdeed? the wia dom, th philoeepkyi th notable folly.-the olid senaa, th improving nonsense all the new of th boaeat world at present revohr taKlnspaOO.., . :!--'- , ..j-- ... , -. Because . people have learned that tn its remarks concerning persons and affairs, th So makes a practice of lelhotr them the ex act t'Uth to th bet of its ability three bnn d red and sixty-five day in the year, before alectioar a wil a after, about th whales u well a the smn flsh; kl the face of dlssest a plainly and f eatieoaly a whan sapported by Sneral approval. Tb So ha aboolnta ly no par pose to ser v, ssvo tb information of its reader and the fcthrranoe of the eoav DMa good. - i .4 - . . . . :-. Because it ia yrybody,a aewrpp Ho man i o hamhl that tea 8r isindi-erent to bis welfare and hit rights, He man is to rich fthat it can allow iajmstic -to be done him No maa, no aaaoeiauon of men is powerful uoaih to be.iem?tfrom th atriet applcstioarof Its fnooipl, of right Plaais aJad. Ia ismafPaa ahaaad aaaaad about ta earpac it wiU cavraat an anpl.a. aMaaaatT! - Taeaaaa ietaaWL t4ja.luoad lnraf.iBipys PjerAyUcahiidha eaantna of nor. dute1 ar BU XXIJ( Cft ' arsaaawmtag yjawMMa 1M1EIJHIA.- - XUl Becam in politics it ha fought for a dos a yeais wiLhootrntern uauoo andaonmimas a!mot alone aomng newapapera,' tb fighft thai baa reaattrd ia the recent eTerwhelnunt popular verdict agiinat Rpbesonlsm and for honeat' gOvsernmant. ; No mattor what party is 14 power, th Bow stand aad win oeataMO to vaad lik a rock for the mtereei t-f tbe people faut Ahe ambition of boa, "too encroach eots of moatoooliee, sad tbe di- bonrst oheoi0s i pahlie robbers.' - r- - -f in tnis ii wnai w are told almost daily byour fiiodv 0b- man- holds that th Sua- ia in beat religion paper ever publish ed. because its Christianity is nndUnted with CADt. Another holds thai it U tbe beat fie publican newspaper printed, becaos it ha afready whipped hai of th rases a cut of that party, nd is proceeding galnBt th other hsli with andimmi-hed rigor. A. third Oelieves it to be tbe brat magazine of gener al liUramre in exiMeaee, beoaose iis readers susf nothiog worthy of notice tht is ear rant tn the world ot thought- 80 vry friend uf the 80 discover on of it many mA. .... ...u.Wtl. ab.'i1 ey.r IaKU If you already know the Bos. yoa wui obeere that in 1883, It is a Utile belter than over before. If you do not airrady know the Sua, you will find it to be a mirror of A human ' aotirity, ! a storehouse or tbe choicest products of common aeoBe and im- aginstioD, a mainatay for tn canse ox non Mi gorernmrat, a sentinel fcr genuine Jf fersonlan Democracy, a scourge for wiokd aess of erery detcription, and an uto m- momy gooa inreNmeo m uia coming job'. 2 Jwni- ta'l&US-itecribiri i fi Tbo iereral edition f th 8o ar aest by msli; pcotpeid, a follow : fi ' - w- DA1LY, 65 cents a month, BS,50 a year; with Sunday edition, 97,70. , 8UNDAY Eig-ht page. 11,90 a year, .1 WKEKLY-af a- Eight page of th best matter of the daily issue: aa A fri cul tural Department of uheqaalled merit, mar ket reports, and literary, SctenUSe, and do mestic Intelligence, make Ths Wssaxr SuS the newspaper lor . the farmer' household. To clubs oi tut with 10, .an extra copy free. Addrtm , - i. , 1 . . - My, , X, -W. CNaiASi, Xur. j sTns Bus, N. T. City, N. T. arw - I : (TkaK.yta Book rruiiiivat- iv.raaUseaaaaru hm .sear ti aa saaat aiaaias aae ibi aOBJITS WANTC1. TS ta ! aar MmmUt. ar Tarau. aua.a J. C. MoCU D Y A Co- rUu.lria. a An only daughter cored of I vonsuinpiion. When death waa hourly expected,- all reme dies haying failed, and Dr. Jsnaes waa exper imenting with the imany herbs of Calcutta, he accidentally made a preparation which cured hi only child of Consumption. His child ia now in thi country, and enjoying the best of health. H ha proved to the world that Consumption can be poaitlyely eared. The doctor now give this Recipe free, only asking two three-oast stamp to pay expense. Thi herb also cure night (west, nausea at the stomach, and will break up twenty-fonr hour. Address Ci 2S5 TAKBORO'f Cm1 THURS13 ATt " JANTJART, "25i I8834 aBBSBaiaaaaj ! MMa a- J - J- s il at a. '.,, , - h "a. " V f H .!. mm " 1 iiisnSi Bam aaAata esjutxoSt a-aw.' 1 1 To le& . : V I :. . :I I es, where song nra unz es of Jot the whole day throi ThcirnotiM oy the Whole ay wroiign, tBtreMexpaiiK QlMne, - XAj4 witfi ech eland let bright hope jriaef ;? j!r afXh eoantart j j 1 What though each dead is not me snow, - Jrlngod'. tvooA with golden beam ef light To fcbew and obI the sunlit day W needs mnst. pass through shades of nirht, And tnrafithlngeoiaes in each dark 4J I -f That comfort you. j Thn let bright cload cheer trpr yoor heart - And pat sad, dreary thought to fUsht, . Axd let to dark onw cfteer row too, ' -S -: They make the bright ones seem more bright, The life is made one long, sweet or m mat oomiort yon. . It was a lata houf.of a letter cold Febrttary OTening in St, Petersborg, . in tba year J.878. The cnow rniagled with) sleet; rei by-th 6 black north wind, cut the face of the iew citi zens 'wbowere:huTTTing-homeward along J the Nerslry .Prospect iter hatdj day p workii T. fioon Vafreafawara WYmTlfW dftfi-rtfi? byair, aaro ih patrolmen on doty, who, to keep the blood from freezisf? tn their Teins, eontinually perforjne, the most axtraordinaty antics on the ffippei-y pavements, j K K. lTi tT Twelte o'clock bad hardly 'Strqck hen a sleigh drpreiamdlj Tra.liw quay of the ka t-arHVicrsst ed ftha. Tchernichota,. bridsra, aB,d . a a " ' a ' ' - -T t ' HII ' - tnn esumi ue ATOspecwr im e , upant of th -iTehicle attracted ' 6 little atUntiont thai point' trdia r-ltwo sturdy pordiaaa; o tharpeac, . i i . . ti : w... i i . - J . i l woo wore kt moi inir su vum nmru iua WIUSU CVU irouau , ia v, w t uw iting storm, with toe trkenuouaeter at thirty four . degrees . belOarrvtero, hue the rest of St; Fetersbnrg was Snugly dozing in bed. In spite of mufflers, furs and scarfs, thej saw by the nickering yellow light of a street lamp that it was a yousg4nd pretty womafl rtN bid eicT of a Bosaian winter's nigbJLThe , - i , - i a . iv r 1 T . " - . pech4ad tbenee into tlitfllaasemaym. This fitf eot Is coraDratitelr aarrawt and has ! msST larba whitewashed tnildinira. ifahAlted 1y rjeoTjla of the TTTr:ot'7 . . r a auddle claasetv Hi.ybe second, ker the-yoang woman ordered - the inotlAieh (drivert to I stob SDrine- ms UAHy to the ctouikL be haded him his fare, and told him that if he eared to await her return, hia erri ees might again be required. Tben she reached the side walk, she looked furtirely around aa if uncertain in which direction to go. Baa mooaen tary snrTey eufliced to dispel her doubts, and turning to the left, she hurried through the enow to a low dingy house, set slightly back from the. other. All within was dark and silent as the graTe. j Not the faint est gleam of light was seen through the cracks of the worm eaten, blinds, and, save the monotonous enoriug of the night watchman, who, enveloped in a huge sheepskin thovla (overcoat) was lying on . a wooden bench ,iv front of the porte coehere, not a sound disturbed the death like-still neBS. - The young woman satisfied herself that the CyouDg man . was sound asleep, and lifting the latch of the ponderous ' wooden 'door, noislessly entered the court yard. . Here" she was obliged to Jiause,-for there fcwere three entrances to the building, eacu beariog a formidable set'of nainbers. She soon made up , her mind, .how ever, and mounting ; a narrow stoLe staircase in the middle entrance, knocked lightly at the door of an apartment Ob the second floor. : She could hear a suppressed murmur of voices, a shuffling of feet, and then the door was unbolted by a middle aged tnanj wearing j. a green forage cap. i U- 'You will pardon me, 1 exclaimed the intruder, before the inmate could recover from his amazement at the appearance of a handsome girl with dishevelled hair, pale faee and snow- I covered garments at such, a time and jJ B " u r1ano Ynn orill nardon I ' I . " S . me, but 1 1, am anxious- more than anxious to see Nicholas Dubrovin I believe he is here to Bight. The bid man eyed the speaker sus piciously a mome nt. ' Nicholas Dubroviu," he repeated slowly, shaking his head..; "Nicholas Dubrovin ; you must be, mistaken in his name, or the apartment. Tbegirl held out her band ap peahnglw.. ' : 'II . ; "Oh, do not tryit6deceivemel,', she implored in a voice broken by emo tion. - "our liberty perhaps your lives are at stake, f X have, come to warn you all that the police have dis eovered this place. Jfor tiearen 1 sake, telL Nicholas that Police .Cap tain- Michaeloir a daughter is:her tel him she overheard, the whole plan of capture .' discussed, aud i tell mm sue naa flome to save nun ana you alLj Go, I beseech you go ! As the words left her . trembling lips, a door at the other end of the Qorrider was cautioasly opened and head protruded. In another second a Tounar man darted -' forward ' and seized the girl in his arms.' "Olga, Olga, what in God's name brings you here nd at this hour of the nighif " he exclaimed. - "How did you. knew that I was here ?" ; "Thank God that I have fpund you at last,. Nicholas," .'she, cried ; with the precious time flying' so swiftly I half despaired, of sating you- But now, thank God, -1 wilL To pigbt, whDe 1 sitting: in .the ' library teard tv'coversaUcn between my fath ij and some of the Third- Section ir;iITrti polica ofSaals. Jfom name attract' d ni.jitlentioQ-, and- I 'listened WelL Soiae fipyor traitor, it1 eems, f teirgiTa ho VThird Sactiofl m -lisf f oz ia members oi us iMioiouonarj FpaUrnity,1 aa they call itthe v place and horir of its meetmars---ia' two wrauMU ids aeLaiia QBcesBiry to acootjpliBh yoor capture: A iiGJidred I MU1U1H HTB LU BLL1ILUU(1 Lilitf Ullil- I ding' betveeq one and, two o'clock this sight ! They mast; be at' hand alread r, ;: Quick, quick,-if yon hate any oare for iomr aafetr. r diSDerSe in 4 all directions, eo tbat yourjiay eojjo j 141CUJ, . f j ! . - r 'i i one xoosea np at uie ciocxmitnei hall whose hands pointed to past on l.knowisg, alas 1 how fruiess is her and then In ah-afWghted tonereiterHrigil. T i -M t , atod heawarrani&injfffifre St, H L - TheirrxamanwasdoniDbfounded 1 for a momettbufc hequickjy retixMT the danger which was nigh, and ne naa come, avn .09 jacts i Known to4hVcotnrades." These were msn of every agemd - of Tery class of society. .Students .with long hair ind eyeglasses, mechanics 'with, braw ny arms and rough, hands, clerks'and business inea ini faultless , attire j yes, even the army had Us represeh- tati-es therS in two young offioers, whoee Shoulder.strapa bortv - the in- Sjgniasof subUenteaahcy.They;were seated around a 'loBg oakentable, on whijh stood -two potroloum lamps, sotnovar Bussiantea urn, ; several glasses, and a bundle ofi dccuientfc ichoTas 'announcement' created no 1 I'll! m '. ' li " . . : I ui.ue cyiuoaion mong .iue conapira-1 tors, and this .was, increased when I he clatter of horses' : hoofs on the 1 flag-stones suddenly reached s their 1 ant -: ::;r.i.:-L-' HJeep-(steady.- brothers, cned KUholas, who seemed to be the lea. der of them all f "escap e as quietly a!you ct4? ona 'after; the other, throngh the door ;" in saying which Be pulled back a green crrtain,hiding tflf entrance- jto a secret passage. The lights were quickly extinguished, I ana.inb conspirators oegan reuremg l, w regularn-ordett JHWbolas now l rushed into the hfdl, and,- grasping J Olga by the hand, bade her seek safety jn the same manneras his com , J panions. : n"y::.,xi!t4- "And you, Nicholas r. r ' . "JVMe replied hautily. . The eapi I tafix IS always the last to leare bis j TesieL l am tbe chosen ; leader pi I these men, and not until they are I seenre will ibegin to think of my-J eMafc-Bskl-- . .'.-,4" 15; ' J .' ".J Z-l At this laccture footsteps became - ' - - audible on the staircase; and; seeing,! that his sweetheart hesitated, uchb-i las, beside himself with anxiety, began I drawug ner toward tue secret pas-1 sage into wmcn tne last few con spirators were disappearing. : ' fdeanwhile an omcer voice out side the apartment.,, waa -demanding the surrender of the inmates : in the name Of the Tsar. Not a word being deigned ih reply, several hammers were brought to bear, on the doors, which soon yielded beneath jthe hea vy blows of the soldierly. Nicholas and Olga were prisoners. The others, though hotly pui sued, were not over taken. I .-..- , . , 'i I The commanding officer , of the gendarmes, a colonel of the third Section, scrutinized his victim closely, by the dim rajs of a lantern. , "Tma is strange, no mcrmured, "a womjui here and a pretty one, too, yet Boga (my God). There Fas to mention of the was there V ! The last words were an elderly man, who. in command, had remained behind his superior until then. He "stepped forward and glanced; who stood pale but undaunted by tbe side of her over. ' Uttering an. exclamation of horrified amazement, the captain ataccerod - backward, while JDlsra, with a low cry of anguish,- recognised her father. ; :3! Justice if the system of ipesecu- tion which thrives in the Tsar's em- ire can be called jutice---was re entlees. Neither the father's posi tion nor the services he had! render ed the state could avail the daughter. She was dragged to tbe city prison; and there closely confined: ; .3 But if Olga s lot was sad, what must hare been her loTr"8,'with the knowledge that her devotion to him had caused her ruin How Ivividly he recalled their first meeting a year before,; and the tows of nndying -af fection they soon after exchanged. He was but a struggling student at the time, while she was the daughter ef p. wealty official. This inequality in their respective stations : induced Olga to defer disclosing the, matter to per father until Nicholas bad been adoiited to the bar. Meanwhile lov ing epistles .never ceased to pass be tweon j the police captain's handsome residence and the humbler lodgings of the law. student. Bat, : unknown to his .' sweetheart, tbe . voucsr man the . youlig was suddenly drawn into theicurrent of Tnihilicm, which finally led to the above related catastrophe. Olga, who had overheard tne plans of his capture, risked all, .and , lost all, in her efforts to save him. ; It was. m vain that Nicholas sought to exeiilpaM th girl Ibefore the in - structmg magiatrate-lor Olga would sav nothiner in her own defence.' She Vnv f hat Siberia, stared her lover in the face,and she ha-V but one thought: ton in his exile. - i J ',-.',.;'! The case was soon transferred , to remaik concerning an,, aopuaintance alpecial tribunal, and three months or companion. She - has not .the after their arrest the two prisoners ability, to distinguish between-1mpn-were sentehced. as dangerous rerolu-' deace and satire, and it is an" easy finnicfa and conaniralorR. Nicholas to twenty years, and " Olga to Un following morning the young man - with the blood" sUll dripping, from cut m tue Tern 01 nis arm. j xxe teit i... : : : 1 ' s . - . ! sorted Olffa's innocence, and entrea tad her judares to pardon f her Bat hit body a burned , . (the fotlowfog day, his note was . burned, ana. tna fact of his snicide wag. withheld from his swethaaTLk !-. i ' . . ' i , , j .a fjx rrFar. fa "away ini a .nww-Jbotuid TULMtrpj rii ina iimariaU HLeuDfaa s a woman waits. Waits .' patiently, watching nnceasingly' 'for one who nerer comes. Month follows month, and Tear follows ear. and Tet her faith, nerer flage her hope nerer tues. xxer leuow exues wiuspor ner saq story .one anoiner -pityingly, ' - . - Bather dall brain' nourishes ' nourishes hut one idee, and until thelreatiess spirit I writ he faithful to liar loTe. and wait vfor his Couching Story of t Sural Simplicity .aniStaaty.. v & "Good bye,' papa. j- " - The plump, white arms of. Erica Brown were thrown about berT fath- sir's beck and the pretty .- ao2 witli its fragrant mouth and cunning dim pies was pressed tdosely . to the bron- xd cheek of the former as Tie' stood in the kitchen doorray a mbnSent before going out to hisdlfly rtoil.;", am going to,, plow,, the, south meadow this morning, ! my darling,! he said td the trirL "and when noon comes tou must have my acconnte as - . treasurer of tne cnurcn all arranged. because the building CommitteVlrlll be here after dinner, and 1 'am "to turn over the money in . my' hands, so that the srectioa of the new church in the little dell just beyond where we, buried that moose-colored" heifer two years ago lastp Spring can be commenced. at. once" and, .kissing his daughter again, Farmer , Brown took a chew , of 'bard tobacco and and went away into the glad sun- light. xne petals of the June ; roses had jallen like a nink . carnet slono- the edge of the woods, contrasting putS 1T with the vivid croon cf the eraes and leaves. Abort the hum of insects and the twittering ef the birds ros the sfurdy roic of; Farmer Brown ewearine- at the off inula "Get . im. darn itl" , he said. ' . But the mule only waved its ears -in a sensaotis. languid f ahion, and looked wistfully into the next meadow whore the. starrr red kind were prariaff and sr ar a the old sorrel mare that had a EDint 0n her near front, leg was' aunui- the incense of the new born , day. Picking up ajjltQrt stick the farmer J advanced and struck the laithfdl mule a cruel blow just abaft his mid ship ribsJ Stretching out' his hind legs in a; dreamy listless way, the mule felt them touch something, and in a moment Firmer Brown wassail ing in the. far blue overhead.. u The little church in the mossy dell I is not completed yet, and the Buil-l ding Committee isaxiously waiting j for him to come down. -1 .' A. woairfulNw Csttoa Plant, ' Attentionis how attracted, Bsysan Atlanta, Ga., despatch, to a new sort of cotton plant,' which Ibids fair to prove immensely valuable. ' For many years A. A. Sobers, of , Macon, has been carefully iexperinaentiDg to hybridize the cotton-plant that. grows wild in 1 Florida with the pmnmnn plai short letUr in which he strongly aa- woman, captain okra. " Theeotton plant" used is of I up for an oidmadyhO'cAla.choprdTed-aad nfty..feet iriglirNA;weii i. 1 that species wHch;is fonnd in the fa lord and a nalfb addressed to I lowlands of tbe Caloosahatchie River. 1 and aofup all night tbr-lceef) the b ars f near Ijondoi!with.,fl Jarge,iall. 1 w avtmiuo vuw waan aTai r u wau uvavaa-- . mw ivu , - u. - ;. aja, ail' j. vj and the foliage of . the cotton Itslshantyt' flower and fruit, however,: are stnk-1 inslr unlike either ! -cdtton . or ' okra. Tbe plant has an average height of tvrp fast,- and each ' plant has brily j nna Mnnm '.,T'rii 'Hi a. mftornifiRfiflt I flowor. toit - much like'. the . erreatl magnolia in fragrance, and equally as large. Like the cotton bloom, tho flower iS white 1 for sereral days 1 after it opens, .after which: it is first I j pale pink - and gTadualfy assutoes darker shades of this color until it becomes red, when it drops, discioe ing a woh'derful bolh For about ten days this boll " resembles t he -cotton boil, ana tnen its growtu aaaaeniy 1 increases, as 11 A by magic, unm it reaches the size of a Lig coe'eanut, Not until it reaches this Sue does the lint appear, j Then; its snowy threads begin to burst from the boll, but are held securely in place by the okra like thorns' or : points, that Hue the boll. One inexperienced .picker! can oaBil ? gather eight . hun dred pounds a day, and last lianas much more.' Were the only saving that of labor ',ih gathering the lint, tbe result ofMr. Suber's experiment would entitle himitb the everlasting firratitude of the ! Southern of the! Southern, farmer. But this is not j all there are no seeds in the lint i Eaeh boll proda ces about two pounds of Tery long staple cotton, superior to the Ssa Island, and at theJxttom of the boll there are from four to six seeds re - I cemblino' pereimmon seed. ' This new cotton, therefore, heeds no gin- ning. BottM Journal of Commerce. . . , ; - . A Fault of Character i Insufferrable ihough the gigghng, gashiog girl may hay she augeJi 1 when compared" with Jier farcaatic tutor. The sarcastic girl ft, ifi some I instances. Droductof a hastv or 111 i aAv anA r-n mtimf-nt naid her br some I thoughtless admirer on her maamg I some spiteful criticism or some rude I tasV t coaTince ner that 111 orea rudness of speech is the perfection of pheasant, thisgsf to , everjuoay sne mtAM ia snrn in win nr iiih reuuui wy-,..- ..- . a tior of a cqiuTstes uBr,iauowu v-out, uoi w eu-.i-Ju lowing an opportunity i to exercise "it. pass by unim proved, and she general ly succeeda in making herself heartily disliked, by those who are unfortunate enough q be, upabjad, ainong the acquamtances,, VPng, men,, mori who are generally sensitive to riliciale avoid her t systematically. '" She) ; attri. bbtes this to the ? wholesome fearj jg. which she is held: i;The family think her brilliant when every one else pro nounces her insulting. . Jsr sarcasm geruBrally degenerates'into' insolence, arjtd she is regarded as t pest. ' With out friend atd: sbo ;Twcorao- jonoly arid dissatisfied, but'is Btill far from' guetsifig; the fruS 'reaBok ' of her forlorn state?1 for " h'er1 "' petty "Tios has' I beeome'secphd nature, ' ah 'she cannot estimate us eagreeabl effect uptu others. ..oa4.j.w-.i xr. ererj other-day shkTbl the afeMsM coins aldngwhe- bfSfMdi'wagon'r" a his' wife, j.nd a few iclesTof firrtol-' ! IJ. Ji.V :iff au! - Hire j ana tucy . were louaing ior a puKS ManoSn wBichtd sqalf wss pip and tpek which was th meanest Idoking rmgnfBdthir were ragBd, doWlafhe mottthaDdj :had chills apd feTer as .regularly a as 'iiun rise,'aind'ii!ithert'oafe; bad male 1 a nttin;lie-,aftt,xekraJtito also t a'preKy even' thin beVen the women: rOhe -was ct6ss eyeof; '.arid the othjerhad abken' noM 'One was almost toothless ahd.the,cpfhef- nau a suit anee. ; oia .cnewea-Bup-peryj ehn ! and6' took a.mtf$ amd ''flie. other smbkea plug tfbaec6 'feltfy pipe.. I. . .,. , : w.l. p ; 'Strange'rremarkwl -the letfltjr after the1 fdar had Iodked each' other over. "Ihre-'tlantfoddi fbr re?' hpsMijJnotnihg to etpjp, adinner witb!, fahd we get our drinking-water' -anrwa M AVAaU half U Vt r 1 aa tk Wi i ' aji uua a a-.wah. A-aii-a m aaaaao aa tt ca t S I mean. looking. family, arid Fd ad yise: ye tddrrven ' : S&ahger,' echUd rhes'blier?a'itr woufd'nt h4t sfopped riohtvbtft,cd' offer ye a trade Mydid woman don't like ithe1 woods .Und dop'twafa't td go The Bottler 5 irot nn' a'rw i I around the' wagonahqhwbistled "Old i . m ,! t . ft - :t . ' -T" Jrwinoiuiff aBBLuar..;;uu. ..-ifuhsi i..Th-f i. aU .; ( - if-- f ? IW;'aBX,iiy, Ba,;lSV; Aboutthe lst of OfcfrjfeeFa ptofieef : how, Ws,rin;ajesty4 ;qontnte4- , 4 m qrie bf the nOTtherhcohhtie tjf :hmi airwith-three ,0 tpw. -H- . front of his cabia. ''jMBMtr tBitlfaWWQtoi-tof HI i- .. . .T. - As - ., ..rasa on tne blade of tbe sword. At . en - jKrric Pah Ta6ker,'twicelBterahdffierf'r( plied: r . LI reckon iftf Ibout'ah even thing fTlT i X liu? ' , i&tr .jw AUv shereplied ai she junfped riowi BWye iujiipspiu wagon moved off she called bhcfi; " "u,yj0'Jf..; dtm t owe jach te biW T' J ; In -less than 4 fortnight the settler ppearedattbdoun seat- tdcon- suit a lawyer, and great was Ihis in- ' dignaiion as he. explained 'In less'n' a week , after "that 'ere y?S01i ???Ji ftwjnie't6nclnS of the 5ip! .setf wagori drnv off hatere woman went DUyAO tiiu VA ev insnw ugit:iyru . consumption, and yeBterday fnornrcg UhSldddfenly drappedffilieV5 cheer ABnA AiaA w.ikhtrfV-'&.lr oM-r.e.... "Ana i ye cot to nary, ner ana break up and.lbse;m squat ' Now, then, what I want is to know if there is any law'in this State "which" allow a stranger to -tote; ; a dying female nvnirrrd t.hri atmT irado hpr even What WsZat. n3rhe, specieofYe' BctUivsle Have? been produced andf cnltivat frvr ..j: .. i- : j'-:sa.i. :itf:.Li. 1J 1.L ' the Christian era'taanVof theWere f coiiLuiieo. jvou uwuio i in use. Lettuce has been, ' nsed at the" Ltablt forlhousandsj of vjearsV Herodotus telf'ns Wat It was served at the royal tabl&s " cehlnrieff' before JtJie Christian, jerau and, one of h"e jioble famihesj of jRome' derived 'its name from th plant Spihacb, aspara" gas and celery have been- cultivated among tha Eastern nations for thous- anas 01 years-uuiesua 100a tne bi i tard seed as an exponent of a parable showing that it was esteemed among, the - Jews. ; j Radishes 'were known and grown by the Greeks aad- .were offered at Apollo's shrine wrought in precious inetala. Parsnips were rais ed and brought from ' the Rhine ' to add to the luidrri of TiberiUs' .table. Beets were most esteemed? centuries agOi and canols were in;, such high fT T i a -7 .71r ( h .ii hntra (itrne.r.nriH : At falsa - nair with their feathery plumes.. ,,Peaa, ac Jioaoeia b coun, , I and were imported from Holland as great delicacy; (- Frnita - were , in great srepnto among the ancients, The cSrrant was cultivated centuries ago in European gardens, and,, was 1 called the Corinthian grape. jveiyn, in his charming diary, Fpeaks; xl eits berries as Uormtbs, bonce. tl auio of cnrrantSi j The iJamsou pinm , was extensively cult ivaed at .Damascus,, whence its name. V -The cherryLycame rom Cerasus city of Pontus, and lhe delicious peach king t of -fruits, was first known in Persia. ? Tbeqirioce; was a holy fruit, dedioated tie eroddess of love, aad wa - called I Uvdoman apple, i- X-'O. Chinete 6altioBai k i There are! three different styles : of salution in China - when . two i men meet, 'depending uponthehr- Telative rank. The first, used between equals, is like our hand shaking, except that inslead ; of grasping s cacjr., ether s a usuu u ' ?" . . . . Drings ,weiu .ugucr fw. 1 lubui uuauu mu- .: 1 w . "y""" I :r . .-. i, . 1 "". t-a- t - SrS i&33f.S " ffi I - ; ou.w... r- T, Ai--- a - - - NO. 4. .'iKe ton" the inferior o-eta'drtwn o" hi hianVfs afld Vni5 iTrritfKf KtasW superior, and knocks' his head three timsS upon the gfotilid'or Hoof 2 When high otcerst-wtate in Caunaffith6uptbetbe rees-:- of the imperial Dlood.1. have audieace ., with the emporoiv-aheT -are-obUcred V to repeat this 'lasK bpfatidit thres time.f a fn the Gcrde - of 'Etjquetieu it is called' the ttoe ftTntstratios u: A ana nine y kiroctattes.'S.,. When . tha Ulimstei's ih Pekinc annliad ... i t u v.uuaij, ioio, J.UI HUUienGO W1U1 tbmporor Tun -!!; 'wjio had'1'1? fust sieended the1 throne, the Chinees li J government.insisted thai they should ij make ds prostration before bis im-, perial maie8tT. ! ' ' : " - N;0( eurse' the ministers fuwd iol ? $ Hid so," and the aaffience wkseJat'ed j '-'' la,WU cuiuuviuivauarw U1H J- t f. - ,.-: ' -h- I '" - 1 w mm mmm I i ai I T.- . .-v mi. . m iin AiB SWT.t . !,. oi-Cwas witH a -mtfitaat't-earft t rowed JhdaJtgiTttthepreaaisd -aT signlit was .a kiss- by, wWcLfKinwf. lojigerattiie caprice bfintfmerctMal w Hainan: : - A' ku Hmf8ed-the ahtp MiS . less jalftcholy-deatl U' Riocfc Ehkbeth made a dagger in her.. ifr fpreverfter -XfViOTisstfiar" " heathe-rirtlmsjflittf . Unumeiwan?igues.tJi4vnoiaomo' im 4uigeons.jcb44l9 d'tesv, ; kiss; was . the sign jthat the perfidious A .HQuebh Catherine delTedici made the -rvILh tiiKi-C2Xii"ir'j JTs - the I tn'aEsVc?e 8ts BrtiwdreW;,W5 1 Bcujtos mad -Mff ixeachery, fed bilv.rj ibeBsfabarordd.iojJry miscje-J ' , nt fass the Te moniejitB daw gf jr was uncovered lor the slaughter . -oi his adopted . father. William tKaT5 ! Cpnbuwrcr ealuted'liis afidihgkiriiT maiifibrbld Qn-bothehe.eks;vat. ike lectbe.meditated. wrestlicfr. hiss . . kgdom froni hiiiflu THe kiss is qnito -as oawtlfe' 'sfthilnfdelitaa,itr'.:ac- the- fttrrenlties 6t Iot. f Ou' ehje. 1 jngitae ibattleof old, ;the kaTght 4; BToaAmha nn ntnrl tlA ammha. -. - thf Wtle of Ivy,jbl .chronicles. re-f laWthat the traflant kn!i?hfB of Ti&tf - : a.-in - -a ou. ictrv rn,T trta era uonr irmrm re rir n -3 1 cLwAau. A. &-( J... ,f tV.i ' if A" i. t w - - a jthe ilacce. Jf Homer is to be taken thekiW Vt&t&tnf. . bird to thatiJeUTery of. a -batAlw 4 1 j--- H- order to give Paris Ume to, go and . enn 'ano Wofeeif UVW - .aaaJ. t3kiu Itfw- ,rerto'pkathwir .twth ta., th vl - ,4. .JZZf'f m W! ;TuA. - sensual gratification of lip- meeting .: 1 Jd up is notthe inspiration! that nov lar'f Sa ti-ahln.rirt lJ.fc wvAwLt f KiaLtJUt lT;erf8C meiodv the eontr and m1m Stlff Ti path, f ltfyAW1l-tfi; ! . ..4oAWiaal Giants. 1 srrrrr t rz .. k-jm " Near Stockton, Cal;;is ittee, iataka- f VAmA ttriA JRv ftw,1'MJ- rihT.-'a4 its orlginarijlace ei-1 the omnchei m 'J9. DlrVUCl f Ui.aa SlUlU had bW cot off A,;cypresltree ' J lellod by li.-Jordan; of ugh i-ilr: t. Cr itHfliiretitwnly-fAa. feet in.eircumfetene at! the :buti Tt, Loojj. m iifiueu juto uuurs 10 cyt it . down. A black wah5ntZi?roTe that isj.threa hadred,; .Jaudj 'Iwen.fiire ,Ti , feet high and two in Vj!cioria vus l.. trUikf are estimatetf t J bo four'htttt'-'' was planted bya-Wisconsin'farmor about twenty year-ago on some 1 : waste land,, was recently sold for . " $27,000. The "trees' re 'noV from ! iixteen to twenty inches througn.t' , A tree that 'waeigut-hundred feet t in: lengthy ninety six inicireumfeTeficeV at the' base, a$d - Souad to' -the very- ... . heart, was felled in Calilornia recent- -h ir, , jrive men were twemy-two aay'. ta doing the' work After it bad beeni-o.j completely severed byv attgar bores it1.' still stoo4 uorhoved, find reqairtti'i blocksphlloysiand tackling to .briihts its pToudf bead to earth. . . " V. Conteienee. m'o 1 . i , ' lot, Jong Since we sa w . in,' one ot : tlje papers ,that " a burglar; entered;! , and rifled the contents of ah unoccu 7 Pied building He 'ranSacked the " T rooms, from attio to cellar, andheapeU I . . . ' . : --ct his plunder together j in the' parlor. There, were evidences! that , there he 1 . , - . .UAV. -t,.Yi.'. A' iiuai Ban uowni to rear, peiuap to - think., Qa a bracket! ia the corper ' blood a ujarbU bust of GuidoV ZJSfcf. "' ilemov Chrisjt crowoed with thorns. ' , The gudty ji-aJo had taken it jii his bands and examined It. It bore the ' marks ttf liisfiugeis But jhe had replaced, it aud turned its f Ace to the ' wall,' aS if he jwoul.i not Ln,vefTenj,f a - the colJ, sigbtlfSd'eyes of the marble Saviour todfc hpon his deed of infamyJ S f Be i( ot or not,, there ia in 'axerj, ' . haman soul an.. instinct ' of conceal- -, mnt of sin, p wjiich that, act , is af trhtnfui eoiblemr - The , instinct, of uuiu b a cyetjr ptut -ioiig. doing, and would bury ' it oreer ' from, the vision t f pui e eyes.. Human nature thus anticipaUs, all ' t' i ough, fhis life, the list prayer of : sin u the aay ot judgiueut, "iwcts anu wouu n Li lv !us : from the face .of Him ' iht sitttth' on the throne. .1 i -.. ,No, Paal, jUievwindorw of tae f oul , iVttot a pave in the. stomach.. . 'BVCniiFilBA." - : J. f ili-L. wim'i!tn enre. nil nnovintr Kidney. ! ' u i u n and urinary f disease, si, .vrua. r . -- - . eptSU-yr, f - V rtw , ' ' Comm1aaioner. - - .- - - - - . i . i. 1 . t... - . .. aiu . X - J - . i ' 1