Wit 1 "U k 2i ait ax. oiAm. : ion TTVK. Hj,"VJABi ' Offer TrotoIonl'.en"t theciti mbi of Tmrboro and'vic$ntvjvi--. ; Office in T. A. MeNelr?i drug itore on Vain Street. - v -' ''J-'- ".' -l--.'- 1 -. . ' , i i- - a a.arv' J VSI.ru 4. UAnitnr tail a. . .1 ITTORNET-AT-LAW, rifcintbo Ooart, Stat and FdL dv5-82 ly: .;. : - . j', f v IL A. jKxliam. -'! Domrwx Ghxixk : IM,IAM fc SOW, Jj. NvuLpracticeln ; the Counties of Edgecombe, : Halifax aud-Pltt,' aiJrlN in the Court of .the First iTnmeUdDlstrfiit; and In the Circuit and Supreme Courti at'Ralfihjh. t isnlMj. Attorney at Law !, J TltltBOaO' A ROtST MOUNT, N. V fraetleei Wtht Cbavts of Xdeecomft Xuk, -Titt, Wllaennd Halifax counties Ateo la th Federal and Sapieue Court. , ey C llectlon a specialty.; - Hr f "'v JOrnos, for the present, ia front Iroom ot mudre Howard's law office, next. door o Bw ttore ot S. 8; Naah A Co.! pa Main 8t. Dae. 15, 1881. HQS HOWLED, i. ' Attorney tn Counselor at law. 1 TARBO&C N. U. fy PraeUo la all the Cemrta, Stat aad l i caBH. - . TiL&BORO, NC f Offlee kaartf lrota 9 a. m. 'till 1 p.i in. and Ar 3 to C p.m. i : ' it i:M fSNext door to Tarboro Ho ate, oter . Laalar A&oycvftr'a. -;! ;--:. : i -.; TH08. H. BATTIa E tfltornet-at'I,aiCi TAjRBOB.0, C :t Office next to;PhiIlps ASUton'e ILaw offloe. Will practice ta the Fee exnrrd: Befera b; 'tn. of the Supreme Court; Citizens llational I , Bank, of Baleithr Battle, Bonn fc Co., Nor- - folk ; Jno. Alrutgton 4 Sonav f eterahorr. " In- Gal ftnler, Pmcijal. resumed afte the Christmas ptuidays on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY! San, is the Bridgers Grove property, (lately oc- upisd by;kbe JCdgecombe : High poaocl, with itcretied facilities for condncUng as good a Btrfctlr Female School as can be found -anywhere. The 8cond ITerm for . the first scholastic year will begin: on MONDAtT FJCBBUART ir. For particulars, aderesa thafPrindpal. .- 1 : - 'I i. RS.' JC.Q. CHARLES . haring! taken the Bank building, on the Corner of Trade and hnowpreparktotalsebw K.Kaalry Pitt streeti; Tarboro? . r 1 I ' UTiSii ms, mm m mmt for ,the price ii .SkJT ABLE .S., Cornss-Geakyiixs & Bt. XWDMnf Stbxsts, f iiL TABBORO', r. C. i These Stables are the largest kithe State, and bate a capacity of holding ten car-loads ofstoA Give him a can. U ianl8y J ax. ill rsHco t'trBANXlHa JtKS)pn from Disoount Dsy, TnrswAT, . k. Dtax4Mss' f. . ii Oeo.-Hpward ' -;'.;; Freti Ehilips, H.L. Staton,Jr., W. i iil M6rris. M.:Pippen, ; xiee. is-y. : f ille : H. CROCKETT, ' Dealer-la 1 ' S ' Stt' llSiiiiier & left trail fare, V-TABBpBOC V.4.1 : ; ; TUOopper and Sbeetl boa TKork aaa - xactamd to order.' Particular attention -rAJd . -toitoodngaad Guttering: Repairing Of all kinds ia my line promptly atteudeu to. ' Work -: gaataurteed and prices as low as-anyone. JOni R. DUOit Tb at the old stand of ,a11n' A Krfls., .JLwhll rhlla be blows his norn ma ! always pr- f pared tti serve yon wun toe purest ha. v TiK VI R and tha beat flavored CIG ARS. ' -T- - i r ,"I r-zrr - taTT Give him a call.' f Li: jL:i 4 v . - Opposite Ueurt'Houie. a HI In fnTl and aneceaafnl oneration 'and XlLare prepared to all all orders for.Sheet lngs, Tarns aad Cotton j-m il .ilil .iirtil ' a Bops, attowet prices- Kocky aConnt HUls, Rockv Monat. C will beDromntlr attend- edto: .?rvi ' JAMES 8. BATTLE, . Sec'y and, Tteasurer. April 11, 1878-tf. MuSOFlf IHflMLin: oEemE " r. 7T 7. , r. u . rrT IWUKLU'8 LNUUBTKlAli FOR SIXTEEN TEABS: no com?btitionJ KitnyI ofgans having been found equal CM AT EST. Style 109; 8if octi coinpnae popular ' or families t onlv S22. OTHER 8TTLES at S30. SOT. SMJ tTO. : vvu, viuo, oi.x m eouu ana up. .are'unrt? bf !.f2TJ?T Pynento. i Ne willnatrated Cat- AO mi10 All -t J m mr. ' . . . commenced the manrtfu-tnr nf invxr mil II Tint r. quire tnalnK onenarTer much as olner Pi- 1 ano. ILLTjaTRATF.nf!TtJr'.iTT.a rJl!'l!. .?.AS0N HAMLIN ii ORGAN AN u Xy 154 Tremont St.,? Boston; 46 E. 14th St., New York: 149 Wllxih A C.Ma rn Hsiicil StileaU Tor announcements and fnlllnfnrmatinn aHHiMa the Dean of the American Medical College, 8tl I Loais. Geo. C. Pltaer. M. D.i 1110 Ohamhan I ...r;!1? 1 0lothinsr to anv shaDeJ "iphi aaau.uaaaisra -w .f i a 'i v i x, I b vmrt eiiinnf m)omin.i.. I . . Mi.Tt:j.i..-s - i .iimtnarvTR a nmse nnrnrionsiv rro tolKB & Inter CO. aS We CaD ai?d , Often ft f hiQW? thise, and" 4ect4 by the nost imposing and .fM.. f it;vrr lLAm-tZH voriSffiSK&Z fa mkfat&9., larateurghtrarm m, America. tiKPiRTiafflT,) v UU.; UUl iUClxi:i vrCip. l iTuZSliiM inat'a.a" lif II-wr-ri i "Sent down ior toe expert again, .......9X1L tOBP.lL Al, . . 1 I 1 U povr. Ol Sra ataadania wllaaatMa. I ... .hf onh To V7 1. Slid this time M BtrUCK S JQOBt OSZ ives; sumctein nfflS ATI T. Lllft ana power, -witn nest quality, ior i xr- ' acred and secular music In schools I era Tl T . fVlTTI llfTVVTT.TT I vamva,w " ' 7 '1 P H . tf 1 M02U?BBElt?l MtJUUiil' G.0PPE11M BEER BOTTLERS, The Trade Sijppjljejat, tr Establishment "Ifext Door w to.- CoartCioH- Orders by mail front Kay part ol th Stats, promptly attended tcx, - iteer in season. . r Tarboro7K. C, April iS,'l83T" -n 1 1 , . i , r i. ;ATU. MTIiOD TARDQRO. X Our stock-of 'Ready- made Clothing is larg- x ' ' variety, better in tv-, rrVn 1 n nrl rrrrv liicltviiati uuu nvinuiau- shipJ tKaTn has-ever been shown m Tarboro. i Our Youths' & Ohil- dren clothing j are se- lected specially colors Ut mm rvlflnoA.rvn,nnfcl fcuaib TTi.ii pivioj pDxu vo I and delight j.v u . y IUC XJUV O I for their style, and du:; jrabihty. We m cheerfully show you ajiy goods in I'v., .'nnH'Ml'tniiiAn I sire uumui J. a. - i t 0PErfiMGiqiKf I w II ..JUUl 11'tC flUU UUl UUUCfl I Will 'ifldufee 'Vdu'Ufi buV rT 11 vv i- - fin.irrii in 1IT17 i m - 1 I 1 I IMVI. al l II II II 10 oe found ..anjwheie. Pa- rents wilt' do well; to examine our stock be fore, v purchasing:. We o i;rt nU im onrtnT-i o A. 1' "1 ! 1 also, cian OllOVT. -OIO-LIAX DUUWiUi WU- vantases in . VtUU& Dnv QtnWlr Pnnq.Rfq VUr SbOCB. UUIlSlSLa . -rV. - -a.' ' " " v 'S.v ii i Ol Xieauy-maae AIOIUt n .1 11 1 . . . i.i lflff, irOm me I CneapeSl to the ? best, utvj uoous ...f v i-snma ann rsnoes. srv- lish Hats,; Gents Fur4 .Ua.orifr aAnrlci Tv.,ir.lra 140"1 V VJSfHJ.-.-- V""J VallS6S. J31anketS - an'Q TJ V-.. 'D L ' , ' ; XUSKj .yWUW,;7'; ! ; TTT . T t a ra r y-v sra ra w-r are rv vrv-e rx vr V"C .XaCi iaUiAlC? V ther most Overcoats QjQQ U JStCr" . i m. . ; . . " off 0Q .in . tnwn anct. meaium we in all colors. Do not! Duy an overcoat t oe-i I71 . '. v 1 . IaI. iore looKing ai ours; I - i .1 ;-i I rrnn mnir 'rm'l aiiiforl. lJuu '. ua,J."-- ' &V"1 O" better and . save money a . . m: too I : a.v-r -.e 2 Our l uur siocis.-. 01 piece goods and samples for. Custom- Tailoring re- most eie-. of Frill Goods you can 4 find outside of New, York, arid WB Will COntinUO we win continue I in TTI T Tl P.TTI OTl 3nOri 1 11UL1UII ww jljlv umm-' I ...JUr VnttiA. I. . I aV. SUXeiAAV UCUOir any otner xauor. win for same, money.; . - snema a i -' Do not forget that we have the best School Suits, Business Suits, Dress Suits & Overcoats in Tarboro. i . BUIb IUU uuiuuaoci , , rto aiandJike aock.foathe.iauif th. I Ckromlo IMsv. aiwrltrttkai Blood, rem aad 'ill t i .yatoDlaeaaeau rajagematU ofUrar, Bovejaaad EMmtv 1 ttjnk&As? orx DISEASED .Bd BmA P. in tbe Side, luiitini tim the head 1 troubled with pus, ic dull aad h tti SriaaapeiatiJi Oitio ofteariagu vhica oucht to bare beem done: a sliKbt. art eduz - aad flushed face is sometiaK aa aoendut, eAea 4 jrftreDeMandebaity ; Beroas, eaiftTUrded ; 'MtSSedtStCThS acial;yet oaa caa bardtj saauaea 19 ibrtinideo - try: it la &et, dktraata avarr tmmkwi Bavcnll bef the above trmptoms attend the ducaac, but case BjiTa oeeaniad whe but few at them existed, ret - aavcbeaaaataaclTclyderaafed. i; ; " It thoald e tiaed ij all peraoaa, old aad yovag, wbaaarar any of the abor ' . aymgtoma PBeaj. ;!.- Parsema .Travelim; or Urfaar lm .TJ koaitkx XcadUaaa7Vaaiag a dole eccaiiea. ally to r ta keep the Lirer ia heilrhy actioa, will avoid . sea. Drowiinen, Deprauioa of Spirit, etc. 'Mt witf tariorate like a giaa of viae, bat ia aw ttv VUaa(kTerafA 3 . ' If Tern kaw eaten aaythlaa- hard ad dlyeattoB. or feel heavy after ate!, eTafceav laaa at nijht, take a dot aad you will be refered. . Tfane and Doetora BOla will be tnai ' by always keeping- tha Besuatevi. f . tav tlia Hoosal 1 rt - For, whatever th ailment amy be, a rliwaagjily i afc porntrre, altera tlve and tonic aa out of place. The remedr ii barjrflVaa ' aad doea : an in ; latartara with b&ataasa'wr rr is ftxtjelt teoetabte, And has all -the power aad efficacy ol Caloffl eior Qniniae, withobt any of the wuriw after effeai. A. Ooreraor'a Teatlnaany. Siauaona Liver Regulator has been in as ia my suaily for sotae time, aad I aa satiated iS-tT a valuable addition to the aasdical tdcace. MS -1 J. Gcu. Sanaxam, Governor of Ala. Pea. AJerander EC. Snhhena, of Oa., saysrHave derived some benefit from the ase of Simmon Liver Regulator, sad wish to give it a tardier taUL . 4 . .. " - atooevo." 1 nave need aaaav r pepsia. Liver Affectioa aad DebUitv. have 'found anythinc ta benefit ate ta tht 1 1 neap ta to Georgia for it, aad wouU (end farrhi for sacaamedioia, and would adviae all -who arc siaw Barly affected 10 give it a trial as it seem the only thing that rer tails to relieve, r r- . P. M. Jajcxxt. aCnaeapolU. Mian. Dr T. IT. Haan aavyss From actual 6t neneace ia the use of Siaamom Liver Regulator ia my practice I have been aad am saiis&cdto aso and prescribe it at a purgative aiedicine. ' JrrraWjoaly the yijajiliie. which ahray a the Wrapper the red Trade-Jaaxk aadBlgnattireof i.J&ZtXUX fCQ. - ' FOR-SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS". ot:e stjist. NWVtYPI .18934 More pr bST. rM the Bcs dormg tb year just now paasini; than ever before since was first printed. ; Ho other uewnpapo pobliabed on this aids of the esrth has bee omen. . i 1 - . We're credibly informed tbif peofHe buy. 1 read, anduke iha bvm for th lollowi neaaoi " Because Ha news columns preient fas at tractive form, and with greatest possible ac curacy whiter er ha' interest tor bamaiikindi the events, the deeds and miadeeds, the wis- dpltt, t dpna, th philosophy, the notable folly, the slid ne. the imnroTm nonsense all the 1- h.V learned .hat in its remarks concernins person and affairs, the 8ns makes a practice of telling them the ex set truth to the bet of its ability three hun dred and rixty-flve days in the year,! befpr eicetioa as wan as alieraoeawne wttaiesas well as the small Ash, in the. face of djasent aa DlainlT and fesgrlesBtv' aa when sni ipported by general approval, "Tbs Sua has abaonte- ly no pnypoaeeto'eorve, aavexbe information of its readers and the futheranee of theoom - Because il ia eTerybodyewipaper. No man is so hamble that tba fjWlsdiIrJit to bis welfare and bis rigbU. . Jv man is so "SZZTZ ua.rn. iua. . .-u . - i r. . : .. . . ... ; -. - i . fan to for Dya-baOnaanr leatdK tldut- lr!0 'Pu CrwS C tofiM-e amhitiqB ,4 fosseVtne wusreaehmentaipf iaenipolie.nd the dis- DDont Kbtmu atn.hli..ndh. . , All this J, wba are told almost daay i wy vut iieuua , uds man I mr Anr riTMrtfTa rir;A a. kAT4. v.s. tka Ta U 1X1 a XA UU1UB USb liAASJ I B ih beat reUsiooa pap,rever pnbush- l.cifv,xioth,hoia that u u the best Br- pobhean newspaper pristecL-.beoanse it ha. wpped ! that; party; ;aad htoroeeedfn fffainst tfle I other-h4t wtth nndimintehed visor: A third I eeiwye it to be the best majjine of gener tJ Kturs.ms. b Usmder. nwflf nothiog worthy of notice thesis cv? rfrlend sthf n diMCOveraoaa o ilamaSy maaj lohiil 1 aides ttat appeals with parttenlacforce to I individual uking.. i. f ,? JWU mUVBUTI aBOW LDW DOB. TOU i - . . - a... . . ' I tnatm lb;1sa Ull4ar than 1 do-not- alrrariv know. ! 1 sail V.n man eotiw'rw m. , .Wati , ' a-f k iti. I choicest prod' ets of common teose and im- l Brnnatinvi aa ma t vfut aa a . Vvw aV-Vaan Aonoa. ara-a h'nn stgorernment, .a Bentihel f cr, engine 'Jef fereoQiad Democracy, a acoorge or wicked ness .of every; description, 'and an noc m monly good investment for the coming year. Terms to.lCail-SxitEcribirs The several, efiitiona of the, Sea sre sent py mau, poarpaiq, asiouowss t f . ; .? ; 8UNDAT Eight pages, $1,30 a year. WEEKLY 1 a year. Eight pares of the; best matter M theaflauT lastMsr- aa Agrietu-J tural Denartment of rmeaualled merit, mar ket reports.' and Literary, Scientific, and doJ mestlc intelligence, make Taa Wiiht Stjr the newspaper fort the-farmer's household. To clubs of ten with 910, an extra copy free. . Address . ;. . 4 3Xrf"W. KNO-ToAND, IHi'b. t ... Tm Sum, N. X. City, N. T. . ir t . . - ....... . wrw rt la: . t if. tn.ri.r.rt' boo ir. rrauiicai uiiB.if.i AT.-.rUft M wp. 'mi ieie mr,iwi i aesiiTS wajrTKV.' are tm etaa r I Cat Terau, addmu J. C McCURDY A CorhilaUlpiua, fa An only daughter cared of l lonsumDUon. : : When death was hourly expected, all reme eahaving failed, and Dr. James was exper-f lenting with the . many . hetba of . Calcutta.; he accidentally made a preparation which cared his only child of . Consumption. His ohlld ia now In this country, ana enjoying tne lieat of health. He has proved to rovea to weworia Hie doctor now gives uns neape ircw, wuj xue eiperii nuff pv f"t w uws wwu asking two three-cent stamps to pay expense, .lorv on 1 the '- alarm,-' charged $300 This herb also enres nia;bt sweats, .nausea at , "V. , ... ' u.-.i.. the stomach, and win break 'up a fresh cold la for it, and went his. way. . By-andrbyv twenty-f onr hours. Address Craddock A Co.; one niffht I found a burdar in the iu a. a . li aridaj .: t Tebriiarj- U 1SS3 Iet myself aa a task to rhyme r ;VTfl..::: V? f' JVorl knew thai the hand f the olden ttmf, Had lost itamiirht: i s W- I iyp4 aVeet as tbblatotuarmarpasIim y Wamerdo, ;C & ii j Had grown aa fickle, and cold, and shy, . ' JU the.oinbeam "are in an autumn sky; li t And 10, because I loved the strain. . - ' That baed to ring for my Joy or pain, '. I strove t waken the. spell again, ; ... . -Of rhyme u4 rhythm and sweet refrain,' 1 4-; Nor heeded the bode, that sighed 'Hn Tain;' xo-nignt. - j - I sat alone by the blazing ingle To-night, A Till tTitll Iff ffltbitn t-" tnneVal jingl For my delight; i' , . . Why should the soft sound shun to mingle .r . Aright, j : - x Becauao I sun old and sad and single, . '4n the heartBght? ' ' Wtiy ? H4te J loed so well and long ; The beauty of earth and the roice of song, To forget, at last how the rich red rote -Still drop on her stalk with the August's That the bright beck stops in . its ebbs' and I flows,; Xa the ice-bar croop 'neath .the drifted anowii . t .1 . And my heart takes the lesson that Nat or a I knows, ' ! ; ... To-niglt : AH The Tear Round..: McWILLIAM&BURGLAR ALARM. b MFhe con rersatidti -drifted smoothh ami pleasantly aloagrom weather to Cqiivjromvarpps -xaf uuraturo, .lruiy litraturs tojcandal, from Bcanlal tc reliffion, then toei-a random inmp. and landed on tna subjectoi bujjlar alarms, i And now for the first i time Mr. Mc Williams showed feeliner: wheneTer I'perceiTe this sign oh this man's dial! comprehend it ah.6 lapse into eilenceyand gite him opportuni ty to anload bis f heart. iSaid he, with bat ilI-on trolled; emotion : "I do not to Qneeingie" cent on burgsr alirjus, Mr., Twain not t single centand I wUl tell you, why When we were finishing our house found we had a little cash left oyer, aAwnfttablv down on the heathen somehow : but Mrs. ilcWilliams said. no, let's have a burglar alarm agreed to this compromise.; j I will explain that whenever I want a thing and Mrs. McWilliams wants another thing, and we decide upon the thing that Mrs. McWilham. w alwayhe caUs that wants as we acomprom- ise.. very wen ; toe man came up from New York and put in the alarm, and charged $325 for it, and said we could sleep without uneasiness now. Kit w did fnr while-: uav a mnnf Vi I Then one night we - smelled emoke, and I was advised to "et ud and see wbWgtfegUar.Tas, ; IJifc candle I, iv-i tnovd.fTh c a l iuwt ' butglajJOmpg onMa ioom I with a basket of tin ware, which he I mi afetkenfnr sohd. silver in' the a u 4 t darfc f Hwa3 ttnoking .a lot Qow - y , w- M,. nrTr olW i.vj- .iUMAm t . -TT. ;j v, t it " irf"7i lwJ--?l i,t - . , ' -' T 1 4.1 fc-' ML. aid 1 -HinoKe Slanff. ., Mlfin. .rf'ft ia ijcue torn, though .L thinkx.that the conceding 01 a privilege to a ! burglar which is denied to a i Bishop is aconrpicupus signdTthe looseness! nf ti; trrrie-VBnt waivifir all that.! what business have you to be enter WA11 wM flA ' atlVAW '1 iner this house in this furtive and' clandestine way, without ringing the btinrlarsalaim tt . i tm C"Hrlooked cohfussd and afihahled1, : and, .saidj with, embarrassment : 'I' .'thousand pardens. i I did not know you had a burglar alarm, else ould nave ruagr? f a. beg you' 1 not mention it where my parents old and feeble, and such a seemingly .wanton Dreaeu ot too xiajioweu conventional ities j of pur ; Chriatian, civilization MMrbV i 'alP fcftn- nidfilv f srmrW tha frail bridoW which hano-s darklinc: between the ' pale and irteSbehti i present and the solemn great deepB; I of the eternaties. . May I trouble I you for a match ?' ii . Haid ; flpor sentiments do you honor, but, if yOu. will allow me. tot ' I say it, metaphor is not your Desmoid . .a" . a 1 1 Scare vour thiffh : this, kind lierht nntn tuKi.'ann. iaWntn 'thine onl ODthe bbxj'and seldom theie ; in fact, my experience my be; trusted.' But to '.return tu business. Hpw did you get in! here!' "Through a second-story window." "It win even so. I redeemed . the tin-ware at pawnbrokers'1 rates, less enefc of advertiseinff. , hade tbe . bar- glar gcwd night, closed the, , window after him, and retired to , headquar- tera to report Next morning : w aanf. for th burglar alarm man. and he came up and explained,, that - the reason the alarm did not go .ofiv was &at no part of the house i but the first floor was attached to the alarm. This -was aimply idiotic t one might as well have no armour at all in bat tle as to have it only on ' his lege. ? gtnr- about to start Q0WH n I on account 01 ins piumoer not enow- ! ing it. :I Was forO eolighteniqg the. 1 1 l . ii :i tZ!rrl; i ' I I Utiatuvu mua ib, jui jL-nna iurrisvn uu- ladder, with i; lot .of misceilsneous jrjarti- Mf first iieTpiilB yaifto lt.twit biaiardift but ffiy. second was toefsaia from this atfjetion, bciis). hiwas be tween nie and tbs' 'cuerack, ? Tbs sscondjipulse wwplaifily Chsotend st, -so I ref rainclVtaBd4proiewded -to eoiapromiflet I redeemed the proper ty at fSrfetr rateSi aftsr,!deaactmf ten per cent, for use of ladder, it being ladder rand next' djy we sent down for therpert onc niore, and ha4 the third story J attached to the alarni for $300. i i ji - 9 ' ! "By this ime the annunciator' bad grown to formidable dimeotione, It had. (ortyeeyen tags on it marked with iba nahies of varions rooms and elnmas; 'and It occupied the. spaee of au ordinary wardrobe'. " The gong was thi ngs of a washbowl,: and was placed above the head of our bed. There was a wire from the house to thefpaclanVquaxterBiip the.sta fblev noble -- gong alongside. his "We should haxc, been comforts ble ifoti ut for r 5ne7 defect. ) Efery morning; at nye iu book, opeuuu uw kitchen' iloor, in the way of business, and rip; went that gong ! The first tiraff this haprned; I .thought the last day wis come, " sure: I didn't think it iu .bed- 00, bat rrt of be4r for. the first effect of that frightful gong is to hurl yon across the bouse and slam you against the ; wall, : and then curl yu up, aiird i: scirm j yen Iiket spider on -a stove lid, till some Sody shuts that"" kitehing- door. In solid fact, there is no clamor that is even, remotely comparable to the dire clamor which that gong makes.. "Well, this- catastrophe , happened ;.; 'every mt)rDin?? recUlarlt at five o'clook, and Xa&M three hours, sleep ; for,' mind ycaa,- when that thing wakes you, 1 it aosaa't msrely waJtec bi;')jtB;,it wakea you all over,! conkaienc and all, ancj you are 'good : 'lor-eighteen ours j of wide-awakedness BubBe gdintly eighteen hours of the very inpst inconceivable' wideawakeness that yOu-eter experienced " in c your life. A stranger died on our hands one tiinelanawe" vacated and left him-m cttr room over, night. -Did that stranger wait" for the general judgment t No, sir ; he got up- at five the next morning in the - most prompt and r- unoatentatious waj. Tknew he would : I knew it mighty well, i He collected his life insurance, ahd lived happy ever afUrr for' there was plenty of proof as to the" -perfect ;jguarsrle8s bf his deifth. ' t - "'Well, -we were gradoally faidtag away toward' a better ' land," orpac- coant of our daily )dss of sleep : so we finally had the expert up again. and he ran a wire .0 the outside' of our door, arrf pbrtied a swftch there wnereoy xnomas : tne ouuer cjouia take off and put on the' alarm r. bat Thomas always made one little mis take he switched j the alarm Off at night when , h3 "went toT bed,' and switched it on again at daybreak in the morning, just in time for the cook to open the kitchen door,, and enable that going to slam ub acroBS the house, sometimes breaking window with one of the other of as. At the end of a week we recognized that this swith business was a delu sion and a snare. - We j alx discov ered that a . band of burglars had been lodging in the bouse the whole ticftj) not exactly to steal, for; there I fwaan't' much left now, but to hid JAim the police, for they were hot i-niessea. ana vney shrewdly judged that the detectives would never think aliKb' idea? 1 he fixed the thioifefa that opening the-kitchen door would take ft;Ii- ,t 5rl' and he charged aeoprdtngiy. Bat vou! already foresee the result. switched oa the alarm every, flight, a1 bed time,; no. longer, trusting , to Thoms rraoi memory i ana; as ' soon ThomaB as tie lights were out ' the 'burglars walkep in at tbe-ieitcnen door, tnus taking Jthe alarm jiff without waiting for the cook to do- it in toe morning. Tod see how affravatincrly we were situated.," Foe months i we couldn'i have any company. Not a spare bed id the house : air occupied by bur glaf " V-" " ; . Finally, I got ub a 1 cure of my n., " . ! a il ll own- xne expert answerea ins cai, and rah another underground wire to the stable, and estabUbed a switch there, so that', .the coachman conld I nut oh and take off the alarm. That worked firat rate, and a season of peace eniaedduringwhich we got to inviting company 4 one more and enjoying 4ife. I. h - t .,, "Rut bvandbv the irrepiessible alarm' invented a new kink. One win ter's night we wei flung1 out of bed bv; the sudden music of that awful rn..r. and When we hobbled to tbe i vnv,;.tmr ftmr1 nr. tba m. and 'anhunoiatior turned up the gas and gaw the 'word .'Jtfuwerjfljpoaed, Mrs. McWilliams fainted dead away, and I came precious near, doing the same tiling), myself, j I seized" my shot eon and stood timing the coach I man whilst .that appalling buzzing went on. i new mas ma goug uau flung him but,1 too, and that he would be along wilh bis gun aa soon as he could jump into vbis 'clothes. 1 When I ludzed, that , the . ume was ripe I ciept into the room next the I nursery, glanced through the window, and saw the dim. outline of the coacu man in the yard- below,, standing at Wpresest arms;; and Waiting for 5 a chance, - Then' I ; hopped ' into I the nursery and tired, and t in t tbe, same instant the . coachman r fired -,j at - the red flash of mv . crun. i-Both pf'us Were successfuL . I crippled a nurse and ha shot off all my .- back ' hair, VU. fnrnavl ; nn' the sraa and tele- rtot emd.a harem, - and at the same V,; " l .1 phoftela)r,Bkratg)Oii. ? .Thera iwak mot.eBsigb oi ; ahnrglarand noz wj dow had 1. besot nuied.- 5 Onet fglaa was"abseit bub that was wher th eoiacksnaa's charge had come through xl era was a lmt mystery burglar alarp, 'going jofFu at nidnig .ot ati 9wxi-Gaardt tad not arorelar ua the neighborhbodti ti- i;'.; ! i' Hin .vst't Hie expert anaFereds.ihe .aaoal call, and explainexL thai itiwiaafalae alarm.'; Said'it was easily fixed) r.Sor hevjiflarhaiiled thalfarksery: window, charged a renrurieraUTi figure for ity and departed, iz ; 1 'c.-f lib'. i'VYhat we..suiiered from falsa alarms for the next three . years .so tyiogrmhic pehlZan. describe. Dor. ing the Arabs few months II always fievf saith my un tm the rooos ixxJieav ted, and thecoachman sallied forth with 4is. battery,' . to i sapport , me. But there was never anything; to shoot 1 windows aH tight and secure. We always sent down for the expert next day, nd ha fixed those particu ias yna&tmnj, so they, iirould; keep qaietiaawveatJor so, and -always ra mambared to send ns a bill abeat like thia.iv et a.t!' K v. Wirelt-i.j... !Wpk....f., $2;15 . 75 1.50 .47 .84 -'flL5 .98 2.25 -v .02 .66 1.25 -2.00 7.25 i. . Two hours' labor . . . .vi . Wax.n.....: .;..L.. Tape Scraws'..'.....::L.. iMcharging battery. Three hours' labor.'. . . String. Lara.. .'. ond's Extract.. J Springs. 4,050 . . . . . . Railroad fares..... ;..-,. 1 . $19.77 "At length a i perfectly natural Using; came about after we had answered ..three or. four hundred faletrm.to ; wit,u we stopped answeriag them. . - Yes, I simply reset up calmly,' when slammed across the house by the alarm, - oalm- y icEi)ecfcsdst the . annunciator, i took notsf-tbs room mdieated, and then calmly disconoected that room from the ajarnuAod went back to bsd-as if nothing had happeuisMliMoreover. ierttimt froom JoSU permanently, anddid inbt send for the expert Well, it 9Qs without saying that in the course of time all the rooms wjesre t&ken off and the entire ma chinery waa out of service. ; NKlUwas at.this unproteoted time that ; tae dieaiiest aalamnity of all bappenedx, The burglars walked in onanight and carried Off the burglar absfAift aTas, air; every hida and iair of itsripribdit out,- tooth and. toe-n nail ( tha springs, belhvt gangs, bat tery and all ; they took One hundred snd fifty railcstof- copper wire ; they ust cleaned car out, Dag and batr gage: of heivio swear .at swear by, TmMS. wt't .... i - "We bad a tame -of it o get .her backt. bat wei accomplish . it -finally, or money, j l oan the alarm irm said-j that what we needed? now was to bavevher put in .-riehfr.jwitb their w bateat spstags vi the windews to make fsbe alarms impossible efld their new patent dock; attachment to take on and put joxl- tne alarm mor ning and night Without human assis tance, j That, seemed a Rood-scheme. They promised ta have tbet- whole thing finished 'in ten daya-They began work, and we left for -the suafl mer. They worked a couple of days; then they left for the summer. After which, the burglars .moved ia -and; began their summer vacation. When w.e.returned.ia the fali thehonse was: as empty aa a beer closet in premi 868 where painters hayebeeQ at work. We refnrmshed and then sent down to hucxj up the expert, He came up and hiuaued.: tne iop, and. said : 'Now this.clock is set to pot -on the alarm every night at ten, and take, it qff evejry morning at 5-4; All joo!te go? K dp is wwimi ner up. every, week, and then leave her alone) she will take care of ..the alarm herself." ('Af ter that wehadia.most trai, quil season uripg; three jjaontbs. The bill was prodigious, .or cpujrse, and I bad said I would not pax until the pew machinery htvd proved., itself to be flawless. The time stipulated was three mouths.; so J. paid the bill, and. the very next day the. alarm went to buzzing bke .10,000 bee swarm, at . ten o'clock .in . the. monurje-. i I turned the hands j. around .twelve hours according to instructions, and this took off the alarm ; but there was another .hitch at t night, and I had to set her; ahead . t waive j hours once more tp get her to put the alarm on. again. ; That sort of nonsence went on a . week or two ; then the expert came up ana pat in a new dock. He. came up every ... three months during the next three years sad put in a sew .dock. But it was always a failure, uia clock au naa the same perverse defect They would put the alarm on in the day tme, and. they .would not put it" on at night ; and .you forced - it. on yourself, they would take it off again the minute four DtcK was tornea (."Now there is the history of that burglar alarm everything just aa it happened; nothina extenuated, and 1 naught ;aet .down; ill tnalice.'. Yes sir. ; and when Ihad dept nmeyeaxs with burglars, and maintained an ex tensive burelar alarm the whole. tim& for their protection, not nvine, and at my sole cost for not a !p!eguy e-ait could I ever get them to con tribute I iust said to Mrs. MeWU liams that 1 bad enough ot that kind of Pie i so : with her fall v coasenf look the whoo uuntr outanatraaea off it for a dog, and ' shot the dog. 1 doa't kupwowhatiyou think about it, MrfcjTvrtinrj Jtmt I: think tboee thmgt are made solely is the inter est of the burglars. Yes, sir: a bur- U;lsjr.lann combines in iU Parson au I - . aiB. . that is objectionable about a nre, (jme'tas 'noneof te' compenaaiinaf advantages,;of onef sori ' or another, that eustotoarfly -belong with' that ebiiUalion;:c:Q(K)d-rb7e i ti, get off iajing MeVnms ea up his sachel awl' umbrella, and bowed himself out Of theMtrain.-- J&r 7t(' t flWwer'a Ckriitmaa. 0 A molherlv bid woman. consider- ablj troubled with the , asthma, and ala.o lame, called at the Twentieth Street'Station the other afternoon to state her; caae, r She made the ser geant in charge place his hand ,pn a copy of Browns grammar which hap. pened to pe tying ; tnerejand swear that he would aevei (all anybody, and then she began: ; ' . I have a dahghter.' Yes. f- . And my daughter has a beau. : TerfectlytrgaL' ., X They are engaged, and tbe wed- ding day has been set three times, bat he flunk out of it every time. Tiietbrrttime ba claimed that his father was! dead; the second time - he was afrai he had small pox, and the third Ume, which was yesterday, he said it would' bring bad luck to mar ry"when'a' comet was visible. Now then I don't lJJce this fooling around. When me .and. .the old man were ready tamarry we walked over to the minister and were lined , without any backing out or beating around,' Well. I want to brhu? this voune man to time. Fact is, he's either trot to come up to the rack or iump the fence.' " : ; . ' .' Yes, he must' i I wanted to ask how far I could go in the1 case. Suppose, after he arrives to-morrow evening, I walk in to tne room with a pistol m one hand and a minister of tne gospel in' .the Other? Wouldn't that precipitate a climax?' -1 . ' , J , -- iT tt,:i, 1 - . ' Tf he, really loves Susie I think he would stand up and be married. If he is, only fooling around he'd jump through tbe wmdew, woaldn t he? , . 'Jjooks that way to me. WelL Td try it I shan't indulge in no threats, you know, j TH hold tne pistol carelesslv in my left band. arid hang to the minister , carelesslv with the other; andTU simplj remark that there s either going to be amar nags or a skip. I trunk that Wd Uarn wiH, marry. It's f my, opinion that ne is waiting for a little coercion ;and I am pretty, good on the coerce when 1 get started. 'i . i WT1. 'don't break the law. ' Oh ndvo! If he skipi I shan't jdo anV shooting. IU let thedog pt uuu a rum skstobw uio cumwoBB and sehffthe minister home, f sb jbe as cool as ice. and it wilt' be all over In five minutes.'' i ! Yeaterrla-r William anft.SnRia were 'lakini? their tour on-lta eleo-ant new :jmcmgan. avenue. y?norse street 'cars. . The young mail had been co- 'erced.- JMroit Fret PtM, : , Ism by Bfy. ?lifora , . t Keokuk Neijs. ,,i 'J The editor carrtesva beautiful slip 'of paper rwh"e'n.he travels. , He shows all admire it T- wkaasi w-Vkara av4if ao nsmrvja iaam'e iitWritt-m.inlvs ysyNbistJ,;0.1, aweet face that hw given -- ... - . ' f. I Uw. sail ita Knack Ii f we sa rfnarh a n fMIth TSandarrcro-to tneatin" atvJe. That 'is J .what (he conOctor particulaxly like ,to see, and tney nice ic so mucn mat .tneywanvnnn iownie .il agaua in 'exactly, tbe sama fine stylt. ; The other day the11 editor exhibited Wuctbras tuualreqrUtedlu to dupUcate it arnther place. The awtttir 1rr..va Viai hm nava wrlff an ir. that atvb. Kafnra' and r.av.ri shvnlrrJ imt k i.wAi hm.t.. tw conductor shook bi head. : . ' .; ;Don't oorrespond," he muttered. ki'Beet I can do." said the editor 'Do vou suppose I can dash off 500 pages per day and keep up the Spen serian svstem of penmanship! x)Q you suppose I can write like - that with these - care ol -toutb bangmf away at my elbows?" s ' Don t correspond,'' repeated th conductor ominously. S - "Do ton unacme that 1 m not the editor of this pspet?" asked the editor drawing out a gilt-edged card and a copy of tbe iVMM. ' J "May be a sab, Tauggested tee conductor. i "Do I look like 'a ; subf . inquired tke editor, indignantly, pointing to Bis dollar diamond shirt studs and finger ring." "But I ' can - prove my identity," be Added with a chuckle of satisfaction, ' "! : -- '' v He whipped oat 4 ..bright pair of scissors and commenced slashing up that newspaper into articles at such a rate that in two seconds the whole paper would have been converted in- to copy. '" 1 " "f r-' - - 4topI that will do, exclaimed tne conductor, smilingly. "There isn't the slightest doubt in my mind, xou can travel on this line as long as I am conductor and there s a rail and a piece of the engine left' I ' She Zlai of a Tallew Ha Was. A very high-tonfed looking young I enough to!; try to raise wheat ."' . . i - - i all ' J " BUU1, 1U Saquiun uiuaww .vuai.v, w j . . ... Avma.rA . -ni.wr u. r . if.n.1 plaid clothes, red necktie, low-crown ed hat, straw-colored kids, and knit ting-needle came, ' walked - into : a tobacco shop, and, throwing down a half-dollar on ' the . counter, said ; "WelL this is the worst town I ever saw ; a gentleman can't getfnything in il satisfactory, and ! I am utterly ..... -.. - - . - . a unable to see now a person 01 iasu: dious taste can live hare. I say, Mr. Shonkeeper. can you sell r a fellow a decent eigar ?" "Yes, sir," said the cigar . meekly. . . - "Well then fly aronnd lively man. and! do it Don't yoti see that half-dollar V j- ; C Ye8,jiir. What kind do yoo wish, air'!" Of a cigar .a '. . - " . "WhAtkind!' . $ ' . "Yes,' sir." : -- "Why, look at me, sir, a ' moment, and see for yourself what kind of a cigar would suit me,';, and. he drew himself up grandly and gazed down on the shopkeeper.' Thr shopkeeper looked and then took in .' thai half-dollar, got Put a cigar, handed it, to the man . with 49i cents change, and said : "I owe you a half a cant, air, but can't -make change ' unless " you . take another agar-" : -''' : ; The nice young man looked at the shopkeeper and: then- at the cigar, and then at himeelf, i and, without a single word, walked eat of the shop.' There is tg be'foond mnch refresh ; ment ia. a. well, proportioned, kiss.. This much everybody acknowledges,4 ' thougii only a frank: few have the courage to acknowledge - it - openly. 1 As it is a curious fact, yet unex plained ;by,; the philosophers, , that tha slyer' the kiss is the more is in it of refreshment j ' i . ' -1. kiss that is paid as a5 forfeit be '" fore a whole Toom full of people -.is prosaic, not tb say embarrassing. . ' The girl laughs which spoils the romance, and the fellow ten to one, blushes neither of them thinking ; much of it, and they are both apt pretty soon to forget all about it '. ; Bus let the same fellow Jobs thei same girl when nobodg ist looking and the' situation is as.' different 'as possible.f That sort bf't1-kiss,' fired off in a"hurr3r:behind the door or in' conservatory, is like an electric shock, and is aBjBweet aa cream.' The taste jof it sort of holds on and constantly suggests the propriety or impro priety, as the case may be of rf ing it again. And tbe laughing and blushing are exactly reversed. - The fellow laughs 'without spoiling, the -romance a bit, and the girl blushes like a pink carnation.' y It is queer that the verv same thing -should, under 1 such slightly ' altered -circumatances, be so entirely different r nor is it any the less,, queer -because the difference has existed from the earliest age 'of the world. Phil- rr."- h I ' ' . .; Sees tha World Kin Aay OB f , An exchange gives the following truthful and beautiful answer to the above question: Not long. - The best and most useful of us will "soon be forgotten. Those who to-day. are filling a large j place in , the world's . tegard will pass away front the ra - membrance of man in a few months, or, at the furthest in a few' yeari' after the trraveis covered over the remaias, Wa are V shedding .tears P"r"-". U1?Hti," "uv crying out in our grief that loss is irreparable; yet ia a short time the tendrils, of love have entwined around other supporis and we - ao longer miss the one who is gone. So passea therworld. .- But there are those to ' whom a loss ia beyond repair. There are men' from whose memories ho woman s smile can chase eoollec- "F " " J.."""; There are women whose plighted faith extendsj beyond the grave, and drives away as profane tbose who would entice them from a worship' of -their buried loe. - Such - loyalty, however, is hidden, away from the , Pfl eW-i rL world, sweeps on baside and. around them, and cares bt to look Upon Unobtrnd'mg Brief. It currsi aline and rears a tone OY.r the dead, and hastens away to offer homage to the living. I ' . .. )-! " -A Clou Cast Over the Coafreg-atlan. There' is si deplorable split - in the Austin Blae ; Light Colored Taber nacle. : A visiting clergyman, who is chaplain to a . colored1 uvilitia com panv and much given to using military phrases. preached a very eloquent sermon in which he it words : continually repeated the ; I tell yer, bredren and sisters, ! hold fast toi yer colors." - r About a dozen very dark "itern'f ' . left tbe sscred building, leading out ! their saddle colored children. One I ' of them, who was black aa the ace of i spades, wsS hsar4 to remark ; ' i "Hit's piUty late ia de day for dat . pasture to be preaching dat ar strange aoctrine to an auibn cuneu gregation.'li j . cos- KtediTxorsLaai. - . . I - . .1. ' While some fishermen in tbe Adi rondack region were digging worms one day last, fall, on a piece of clear ed land, the owner suddenly appear ed and demanded five dollars dam-' ages. : . ..-.. Damages! echoed one of the fishermen, i.. t , . . i "why, there are no crops "I know; it no crop but. worms. You don't suppose Id; De foolisu or corn ii.ru .1.. villi. "And do you call two dozen worms worth five dollars?'' . " 'I shalljhavrt to. That will be my Only income this whole season from eighty acres, and you see I must have some little return or move off."' I . He was given his choice between I accepting half a dollar or licking tbe I a I . L-t.1 i crowa, ana us put-aot the com with (he mournful observation: 4 "This will never, never do. " I see I'll have to buy in at least 50,000 acres to get income enough to keep patches on my knees.? IMrtU Frtt Preur 1 .-!. : I ) i- t f - v. iouia, no. ! ii j ' oaner. , : .- - .-.... . .. L I. i VI-- . . . . I . : " . i .- ( l't'; :-Sc;