:. , - :: -7 . ' !- - - -' - .' ! M .1 '-vf i- : - , ,; v : ,f ; 77.7.7; 7. ' f:;.;;r -v;: r.f;v-:-:!if-;; v-'; : 'Ht-v-v;C:: i- ' '": ' - " - j' i . " : J - -i- --H ; -. v U-V .. -: J 4 : i i v i i- 1 r t - t- . 1 i .1 .! f. '" .. ,,--M 11 l r- -t 1 -. ; ; i . : i f -n-,- . !, ,- PROFESSIONAL CARDS, D r: h. t. bass Offers his professional erTloes. tq - -M T..l.nA anil lrwinlt" t ijflnin T. A. McNalr's druz Btor oalaln Street. : . ! : r t-New. Yeai' theciU- I 7RA.NK NASH TARBOFfO, N. Gi l Practices in all the pourto, State eral. .: .. ' " ' - 1883. f and Fed- : r shall 8f83 til J, :tt- -ffiGREETINGS itttzfl JOSEPH J. 51 ART IX, i M ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, f , . ij (13 rurTojoxo Xff. Of;,; - Practice imVhe Cotrt, State andTedertl. Uo-5-2 ly - ;- j - I II. i- GnxiAM. ' j DossELiGnxiIst J . II.L.IAM sox, ; ;.- TAIUiORp:, H. C. r f j, . -f. ' ' Will practice lathe Gounttet 4'E4gecmnH Halifax wdPi, andlta the Courtof the First Judicial District, nd in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at RalWEh. , ; JanlS-lj-. .osskt utile! " v:' . ' 1: AttnmcW &t Law ' 1 ' I TAXBOKO R0C1CT MOOlOCN. tj;' Piactieea i t Charts ot Kdstecouibe nt,' Wtlson HaHisx leoumiea At. la t.Tederal ad Supicta tpucts . Clloctions a specialty. - i f V -jurrio, foth pnMitt. i front room ol sadrt Haward'a UJrJolnne, next door to w tere.o; Co , on Nain !St, ; Uss. 15, 18S1. f- , : j : ' t ..VJr : M ,3IS.!..f .f- ..,-!' - ! f Xttoray ; i4 CoaiMalcr at taw ? . TARJiOJC N. C. j; . . rSPr;eBe is all tna Coarte, State inl fd.rl. ' ' f " . nt.Wj open on the first daj of Jan nary t R.- II. Austin's Brick Store, two doors from my old stand, a well selected stock of ! - i D!R!Y (rIOIOIDIS; N otions, , 1 1 Handware, Groceries, j Provisions D ?i i sTcAkft 42 'Siicgeoa: 1 -. Dentist, f All ot whJeb, wfllbe sold yerj t CHEAP for CASH. 1 or on TIME 4o-; PROMPT PATIN Cue tomera. 1 '. ,1 J ALl; Kill; And Bought j for; Cash; -O-GiTO me a call t iore opening your ac- count for the year. . & Respectfully, T. II. (Jatlin. 1 -turn- y 4. nweaaeak sfXlTar. For Dyspepsia. OtltlVISNAf T&RBt3H0 V N.3 G.y; THURSDAY, FEfeRPARY, 8, 1883. Every day the great spirit 6f Inde hroie Dlar- , Xaapvritr of th ' Blood, Fare and Afne MaWirla, and an Disease caused by Do 8TMPTOMS OF A DISEA8KD UYEB. Bad Brtalh: Pain is the Sid. lomemnes the tr paiB U feH oader tke Shoulder-blade, mistaken fat : Rhwimarisw t. pntal low of appetite; Bowels EencnllT coshve, sometimes alternating with lax; the bead b troubied with pain, is dull and heavr, . with oeanoirahW toss of memory, aconnpaaied : with a DaiaUseasatfoaofleaTinc undone something which ought to hT heea done; a llight, dry coueb ",,od bee is snmftjnwt aa attendant, often. w emuauuoo; tne patteat conpiaina , 5 weam and tleMty; aerrous, easily itartiad; and,akhoachc actal, vet oae can harihr aanunon un fanitude to . "7 tact, distnists every remedy. Several of the above rrarotomi attend the disease, hut east nave occumn waca taw frm at, than anted, vat ewiiinatiuai after death has ahowa the Uw H ' have hiiw 1 11 nisi 1 1 ly deranged. RalM)tildH'iyanpersoas,oldaa 9waatf earre any of tha abova j Porsons Travwllnr or Uilaf Im Vm- .?a4tr LwUUWV taking a done oceasioa a"y kwn the Liver la healthy aetioa, will avoid afl Malaria. BfllaM artr tii.m.... ea. DrowTinut, Tlnpinioa ot Spirita, etc It will invigorate Ulna glass ofwia. bat is o taw J,JS MV,'Vkta rOlmg bard tU, ; Heavy anar aaaaas, or aiaemw . lass at aight, take a doss aad yoo vnll be reUevad-i Tim and Dwvtors Bflla win do savocT: i : by always kaepiaar tfco vlagnlator i-- ' i Im tho Hoaserr i - fci! For, whatever the Vilment may be. thorourhry' safe pni aallia. altor&tlva and tomda e.- never be out of place. The remedy is hjsnnleaaj and 4om mot tatorforo with bosimwas or H I Z J & lutbaxa. fltllbtrntr. pendence was , engagad; uunpJie.aTal T1T and Qeore- comfiUd. ttf take igrigjiiai. EIS TISPT CLIENT. T, There was a brave young tplder-man some folks "Lawyers" call,J (whom "W matt meet l3vThere,d'UiDg,' he said, and, as tha woods which. sep arated the two domains md ever j pathway was known (otbe ttrd Rovers, a particular beach tree was dafltined to becoma their trjstiug place.' 1 ( ptad a brutaj idea gashed through his Insensibly, but br -deMS, -Jew queline Banco felt the spirit of patrl- Tftib wove himeell a bran new web jjjjfon -tte otism budding in her jfKsj) JOUCg parlor waU, -: T" .1 " heart, at length came apang of "sor Full wejl he fastened Wl his cordi, and mind- Tpw jjj. Qeorg8 could UVe no fulolfi looks, J Ahv Jljf . rt in the great work that1 wag now w .. - yv-- - i RT) Rtearlilv nrncriVRBincr.: . i - r , ehelres with book. V- ii j; i, viii- t.. T .1-1 -i.-:' Ck- would retaliate by dubbling him "ijranf." " ' ; V; ' . ! V A few skirmishes, itnd it was mo7 tuaUy,reja6lTedjieyet lofrefe?-to; the subject of independence, v but some how or other it would crop out, when George's tow was one j of Tin8ultiDg supenonty.Jattjuelifle's that -of insul. tng detennhlationTntheae oeca tiODg they would tow neyaav to see each other more, and the girl would return, to her home, he eyes red from weeping, and her heart, sorer than her eyes. iM is r rlO.Il Mr. Benceone day summoned Jac queline. N0w spider piiaa taught him Swell before ' ' beJeft his home, j . ' . To1 set jili Jibes, and choose a place where flies ., vera (ore to come, l. -'. !. 1 ;1 'Ba wary boy," trie father cried', f "tUtkoVthe , spider win," I ' - r'Consider well the thoughtless flies, and calm ly rope 'em la." " j. The brave young spider-man he" sat within his j bran new web, f2 ... And In his bran new ledger wrote' of "Credi tor" and "Deb," i I; ere he his hemuddled brain that now ; wbuld be a good lime toleep - his ' tow in regard to paying " Jacqueline Bence or that blow. . " "111 send for her, by George!" he cried. - To the serrant who responded to the ring he grayely said: " "I want, to see Miss Bence for a moment on business 'of importance ,imrortance. mind !" .. 't- point DianK to appear, but on a second and a third pressing message she resolved to comply. ' ' ' How beautiful she looked as she stood glancing f. rom one to the other on those druncen' nebancnees 1 - ' Content was he to wait 'awhile ; 'er " t1,1 nri, iJN '-J 'A Li 'I Tarbbro, Jan- 13-ly . TAR BOB O, N. O. m:aird OBleckaars, Irbut S.a. ra. 'liil 1 p (rasa S to i. m It BiyNexi: door to iTa' boro House, ;ver Lanier . Royslor'a. i- THOS; H.lBATTljEj Mtoirneyput. TAUEORO, K..C Ofllce next to Philips! Staton's Law office. Will practice in the Federal and Statfe Court. Refers by, express permission to Judge'Ruf- . .... 7. . 1 Bint, ot AOieira; xtu.uc, xiunu w., uiuj folk; Jno. Arnagton dc Sons, Petersbnr. i d21-0m . . M--,- -r. . 1 Peiider Scli&l; resumed after the Christmas Hojjdaja on f WIDNESDAT,; JANUARY '8an io th BridgeraV Grove property lately yc eapied vy the Edgecombe 5 Bighl JtehooL . wU baCTeasedfacilUi8.forx;ondcc4iBg as good a Strictly Female iBchbol as. can be . f ood anywhere. , ' The Secqod; Term for the flnt achelaatic year will begin n MONDAY, FEjBIiUAKY 12td. ; s v Tor particulars,: aderess thePriDClpal. ..; BOAKlIlSn. MRS. J. G. ' CHARLES 'having taken the Bank-buildin?" on the Corcervot Trade and Pitt streets, is now prepared to take boarders. TarborpVj January; lUh, 188$. r . t. J.L.SAVAGE, STABLER Coaxxa Gaajmxxa & St Ardebwi 9tbkt8, Itarbqrov sr. c. These StableTarC oi. largest In and harr a capacity ; of Jioldlng teti iear-loads LAGER BEER ! 1 LAGER BEER ! The Mot P.efreshing Bev erage Known. T a4 ASM "l A r twa! A sf UUulUruMuUltjMIL G. OPPENHEIMER&SON B2ER BOTTLERS, the trade Supplied at our Eslablishment, Rett Uoor ? to Court House. Orders by mail from any part of th Statej promptly attended to. tj-vWin baTe a BUpply of "Buck ueer in season. , - fs ( rTarborf.-MJE,- April 13, lffiS. - Fleaanre, S ? "! J"" power ana cmcacy t uaad or Quiniae, without any of the injuriena after effecm. ; A. OoTerBors Tesfimony, v ' i Sunjsoas liver Regulator has been in ase la mmily fer some time, and I ant satisfied it is a vaiuaue aooitton to the medical science. - I w SHctarovenordfAIs.f' ' Hob. Alexander H. Stayh s. of Oa--sayi : Have derived some Benefit from the use of i Sinunons Liver Regulator, aad visit to give it ' ".I 5. tkaTyiew fane fat" WfaTe-" I have aaed many remedies far Dys- i pTr Liver Aflectioa and DebUity, bat nevefcX have fomd uythmsr to benefit me t die extent atamons Uver Regulator has., i I sent from Mia- wa w ueorgia lor it, and would send further lor Such a medioine, and would adviu aii who aresiia.. mm mm KIMU n, aivw u a mil u It mmm mIm . rar aula to reheve. i , f -U. r. M. Jajoot. Jtumeaoolis. hflaa. For weh he knewa spider's hopes must hang : ujpoaa paetidM-s-. ' ...- n. -i The fUes tbeyjuzed; and hoyered round wit- j out a thought of fear j The spider careless took his pen, and careless ? scratched his ear, "Aha! my friends," hj gaUy thought, 'Til have jouvia a trice' . ;. .-. , jt : ' "A fine fat "if : with' garuylwthgs'ls surely f sometaingtiilce. MA 4 "Jkfj. child he- said,. The deed was done, the fly drewnear, our spider seized ms prisy " ' - j- 'v safe, And soon within his bran new his gains away, 0 "yoafajrel American born aad raised. : So am 171 Hp is your mother. Now jour blood is too-good, your heart too honest to let you act the part of treachery to ypor gou&trji Yon mnst gite up this whipper snapper . Britisher who haa just captured hirrrf elf in torder to anxe iis.out i. Kew xoric l am '-'Mtbeeeljle-to iiffh'fe,- butTcanuse penrt BO iaiu i anH Vrnirno anrl rrnlrl anrt hv Jam ;lory stl Ching thati ih-. T. r. i actual r- JSjaaoB savit Ti rrtc in tha aaaof Simmons Liver Regulator ha' ? Pace I have been and am satisfied to nse -ama nreacribe it as a putgativa joedTciae. i I i Jr9Take only the OoaulntVwhich always am aa the Wrapper the r4 Z Jrade-Mark aad nynatgro of J. S SUUZXH CO. t FOR SAtJt BY ALL PRUC6ISTS. ' SOLWOOLARD, a oo ! o .... 5 "3 o 2 52 m u w o l y . . - S C- m 50 o to o w w y , , ... Also a fine line of Family Groceries. 1 W ' . ' ' . : . . I - Ofir Baea Coffee JLyfitl t...:" ....... that T have one of the finest stocks of GRO- CERIE8, fec, ever offered to the trade in this l .;..; 'r i i: - Country Merc are requested to examine fBICES. i a 1' HATE Dt STOCK. Barrels of Flour, different grades. q sto1ikv-2ive him a talL Havinff openedva Grocery- and Bar. Bext door to R. C. Brown fc Co's, we invite all our friends to sire us a liberal share of their pat ronage. We will try and please, t ; , , . . PARKEK fc DAWSOS. ' Tarboro'. N. C, Jany 18, 831y : 35 Barrels of Sngar. the Statt jan!8y MiHis And to his father swift he wrote of in store, jls u t i 4'For my first fly," saitli he, "has left an ap- petite for more." ; r -y BENCElSBBLTlSH It was on a lovely morning ja May, thai very dapper young t gentleman stood leaning against a tree in the wood, that then- Jt now,! top the rockiiilled Palisades overlooking the loraiy tiuason. ne was aiurea in i all the bravpryoj ailk, , and powder ruffles, andj at his feet lay half a dozen : volumes oh'whtfcfc an' army of 'tints were marching with a directness of purposes that caused great events in antland later on. II " ' ! From., the pose of1 this belaced young gentleman and the cars which he 'look to adjust the ruffles over his wristband aa it dangled, the el bow leaniniainst ftectreItM pretty Evident that he .was waiting for one of that sexwhich i has ruled the world since Eve ate that indiges- ilLl- -t- i ' J -if u ! He was i a handsome youth, to whom powder became handy, and, like most handsome youths, he ' was, perfectly aware of being a handsome youth. 1 ' i j ! "She poras p' f he" said, j brayelyj "Pish I wish that my heart would not rap soi against r my ribs, and I know that T am becoming pale The rustling of bushes and bram bles announced an approach and in a couple of secondsa bright, ! iauhair ed, bluejed, jxsy fcfieek, cherry Bp red maduxBtepped up to where the ants were naarohing over the books. left) ftl'cry ' .-m . r. so long at) a lacoity is .io surrender I 1 . j r "111 see, -George," she1 eaid1' ! . . li'EstraDge met her by appoint ment at me ola bescn tree, not in silk and lace, but in .the bravery of the .English tmiform. 1 S - rf ,v y did you put thia on to-day? ' she asked.",. ,; " ..-,. j ; ' Vhyndtt" ; S 5 ' f -, "To meetme ?" j. S-RC:taiBJfri :i.;j v.'! !, ! "George! 1 Estrange." and her eyes Hashed, -her -nostrils dilated this wan ipsall,"" , ..;; : He laughed.. ' - "An insult," she -slowly repeated as she broke off a hazel switch, 'and a cowardly one so cowardly that needs must notice it." 1 And so ex asperated was she that eh ec struck him two fiwift blows across tbe face in rVpid succession. - riac tne. aeucer , ne iea, i as, blind w..h pain, he put his hands to hiafacVc , , - .' .. vvnen ne t'emoved them vhe was gone. l 1 !'A rebel's daughter?'! he hissed between his clinched teethL "So help me heaven t Til pay her off for that Dioay and with interest. A few months later a party of red' eoata, debouching from the wopds that crowned the Palisades, marched to the Bence mansion and took pos session cf it. , ., ' i i . Old Ephraim Bene was ford'efen- ding the place to the bitter end ; but the more prudent counsels of wife, daughter, and such relatives as were stopping ; with htm prevailed, and he. witnessed the seizure of ; his. home and belongings with a hatred that "seemed almost unendurable ' " 'So vbu are"m(xJmmaiic," he cried, f'A-heauty nnder the roof !' roared I wiped the presoiration from hia faee.il strtWle Jor natioW.mdeplndtoW,1 the dragoon. "Let's trot her out!" he said he would Kke to have thtit died of matfgBttVttsii JUtham, - IEstran? stood ut. "' a t trnsteek of " th Tinrv.h Via 9K1i of flfi.whamwi while - f'Here's to Jacqueline, the prettiest j meeting, as there was some' business the E fclfcpl mJTliamsbujffia rehel in all, America !" and . drained J of importance to fransaefci j-He said Tdrktown were VeVonant 'with Iho" tne goblet to tne dregs. ; ' - f l the question of 'proper! VenfiUtidiil taBarfato'the triumph; that .vended-, 1' "We must see her;" bellowed . the and sewerage for the church would J theweary and bitter Mruggle. OoV .3 drajoon. fSend for, her major 1" - be brought ap,: apd ttat he preshmed CisUshadmmaiio.lJjlvandIeft s , Lstrange was three-parts runk, the r congregation -had notieed thia 1 four childreli.tflfe of wbora-we the father of our errand hereQenr iteVt) ert E Lee. ,, MrsxVasingtoa dad; . n 1801. ' luH"-' iiiurmng tnai in cnurcn was - un usually full of sewer gas. r He' eaid he had spoken of the matter before. and expected it would be attended te' before this. He said he was Si. meA and hnmlilA fi-llrc nf " u " u and was willing 6ast his I&f wer-' f ISaiW ' 1. ..it ever the Master' decided.' , bnf -hA would be blessed if he would cpreach omjr luuger in a caurcn,' that" smelted Vke bttailUtioQmgl establieHisent. ' a wua religion was gdod thing" I at -fcaD 04 Troy Etm Chief, .. lBf 188jLj . f . jj i "MoH of our, older oitizeDs feU imcmi bet Moe' Kile (who rived irt rWrburs noti J1 Vpoj), the" hrro uf onr urate's early bt;l:t)t:a) t bistory,;,who vaa, of slalwai t ,bui!di and powerful phjs'que woo' m lboB led a toldt w nyioi our-' people' -tow iTpoorea'WHo;v fenobt tho Indiana tin fhA- tklAinn ,affl -va atyt through the body ; wbo oii; his Yelrirn h TCWirKnW' ii befaaflrhTetjJna"3e cotrverteOsauda ' i JtV -looked .ati hgljJb, EidoeiwhAU. ilffChristuL -else: and pa looked afa jarrch atktOcffi, Wf jTheybunggirl;;at'J fiist refused j britWperfioii could! eBioflreh&roir . j lawwung estaoiisnment as he cokW in a flower garden ind as iar.ashe was concerned he had got enougn. . J vloai n Pa lOOrea at' ma I chtrch at Peterabftri? Bottoi. snd boca as though he chaw wrrava in. ?TUr'u I 1 i.Mtlii JLn .wiAheaai aa sti m j.aia a- - w nar isyour DusmeBS"- witn mey gas came irom, and ma looked at. pari luf MCt,oa 1 hey tjiu sjs.reciithf Kg at Major L'Estrange ?"he slowlyT and jlreatinad, hd tttf and inr4' chnni hi VlV t,aVka iQ consumlooT S nd rr. At.ii. ..via ;1 - : l , LT, ..jt JtJIT 7,. . v TV- rlecl to Bkelenfan.' he Cs ooBtUiivO u5u Jr.cU. . r - wT, aula X WvOCIlOllie eUaClulStllOUvdCl I mSls i.l4tus HAAsiiAe fa'llui mhAsi Arfhvlnis . "Come hetwF he exclaimed; 1 in saw 'mr'M- i r - oiii ZZ tTtr nZr.7::i?i7: ,Ti'y I am here, sir I What wotPd yottlah, ma'trrifet3raw4iW Bwe.",wnitlf &ilmia of me r . jt ji f t . u her underclbthes.'ahd a H 'iW head-of W?ITpatUi'taJ a . V7J;f'f5i3i ,uuuiuio 1 uulb( mail er. T uj. , ana , M I thonoht vnn bad diod 01 HnaWt.tW 1 V J i me Summer' "po TOti reepueet ft mow you gave spare room, under the, bedn- ra me woods nere on "w -eertain'-i piece in the tth-rotnnif in the o ubv : uoBB&var"' tisoir. uiti-s h ins tn-tna tmnm boaifl ;P!fc??vir jtu ttti- ava jt u t 'Me ? I never had cdnsumptitn, msnT Hibgn people ihfjtrafit hrf WfS1 whar Hatl1 td--te'-twenty4wab to the ffinhiff if M'tbM fflrWuiw 1 ?,t iPerfectly well, sir,' parlor' tAleibad i'tteceJin tiilil)tW4",4. lepte -thlot flka Wi wharHatl CafT'lam.. I f - . A r A-T la-.tM . L..1. 1 T . a. 1 on tne I- r nie r 1 new . kissesrit- ;And he -pranlP ooxtfted put somr.nhder jttff -1 vtvucu a uicun uuafr r.nn raiicrai tmaisfn(iwii(UHiLAiMU.s r . . At that instant the door was burst f in, thekitcheh. 'I tell "von the ithflrl iThe 'Rood Eider Uien iecounti. to n. :n - open, and '.'body of Swift'eyeoman was loaded for bear ; Ma came hArne charB1,s Ye:i' frs "mariy aavritarrif W ry, led by Joe Wilson; a near heigh from ehurch first and when I aited S?4.1? ""'f M'8 :3 i j. ,1- - it 3 ' 1.. "-T - mi hiibu x iui.eu be taid. ';remarabla aa you may thitik rov bof, to whom Bence had ' sent for Where p wag, she said she'hooed he airlikeVife hu.$kuiii succor leaped into the room, making had gone to walk around a block. td1 mUreatingrjfFO tell!,,,, f,M jji,... air nisseii. came hbn WAinntffl vm a i. .. . - r .1 ... . ' w j BW 1 a(-Ui w v n a . . r 1st - W -m a- aw nv nTl tStTsttr 1 fisl Ifnr' lmfinsiari al (1 lmTmw fl at, f major, with . his MmnWes-m-arms he opened alltbe doors; and" inVputlox and a mule with mv flTt. ThT.rZ. " i -aa pisonenr of a comfortable Ground h wiihiiTdfira I Tuffians. border ottlawianfir1 rHfMadal rThft1 wa past the very reech-uee; where I atdWdW M tf" a lew iiionuis previpusiy ne -naa rw cummnon. jane tried to det pa to Iwi -U a rrri""! 4j 1 e.ived"ta entWha--fnfev drink rott-a Wrhof, '?' lw!" b' mc.r? gcrpus tiAsee.i ewmlbftVii rhe so' richly deserved: ' W-J- ;t iii . , , EhgleWeod. ! As for the Xi Estranges,' they were, to use a slang phrase, "clean wiped out." - That Bad-Soy. itf civiiizatibn. Luns i vsexx dvixio twooiic acia. nnaJly .;ftK)tiiii'm... ..,. a...i0a.i.ii-ni.-; connncea ma inat it was nnt. limi. 1 M.tehp ivxiimtht.nTMm ti.nflr.Kt. and theri'fhey decided 4 that ft-was I be plains'but that woubdT iftal?d7e(ay,, nra e iToucic' titcrj..ra.aa need Jfach-. - Inaaiafu-ll" raia ia-gawtl rlhl--ide,TiT9r. Jjullr,. o.ur ,ia.mi(y jihj-u . t iabi, said my liver wrfs-OXit'of ojder, ca eu. uy tbe malaria of the bottoms I bad alwtty ii bad an apRetitt . Jike. , an obi rich, hut m v . digestion brcame jteriously lippatbd. "Vfbilf on the drcuit DrraSbihVlt0ailildoft. erpipe, asd they sent forp,wbberivT 'fl id I J dyPP;i. LiV1- and ma, went oat to a' neighbor's io -lpa P1?itipn of Jhe followed', " Dortx some: fresh air, ana i tiaeaneitne : married doe wasonvt tne nouse that Bmrrw m. tt r and their descandftntal still flonrish Uhe 'elmrehf'arwf a.W ft'rZS J!--a l ttt'Bed toKantas tod. comtne 1 "iT- i. 1 ,t -. YiT "Tilr ."fW I ma.I first becao to Rive way. in xnat picturesque spot xnown as tney wen? visitfnff, an(T this morning Tf,i line. ttMnrmariinii writh i n t pa went down to : the health office ! and, got the. inspector of hmsances I to come up tojthe house; and when ne smeiiea around a spell ' he' said there was dead rats in the main rew; over Hlrl youtn was firing frozen potatoes at Al "UCJ, "uu ; ny t oi inat limnerg the man who oollects garbage in the I it Will go hard with me. ' The allet. - - ; r 4 l i iiueu gixis nave Doin qnit,; ancr ma 'O, they are searching lor sewar gas and such things, and f they have got plumbers and other eociety ex perts till you can't rest, and j I have come away for fsar they would find the sewer gas and warm my ' v jacket. Say,do jou think it is right,, when anything smells awfully, to always lay it to a boy hired girls have both says she is going to break ud keen ing house and board. .That is jiist into my hand-!" I want to , hoard at a hotel, where you' can havei a bill of fare and tooth-picks, .'and billiards, ana every thing. Well, I guess I will uver io me nouse ana stand in the back door and listen to tbe mock ing-bird. If you see me come flying "Well, in nine casealout of ten 006 or the ahey " with my coat tail tliey would hit it right, 'but what do of boots you can bet they , have Donpx gan. you think i the trouble over to your house, honest?" i , ! - 4.'S-h h! Now don't breathe a word of it to a living soul or I am a dead boy, -r. You see l ,was over to the dairy fair at the exposition building Saturday night,' and when they - were breaking up, me ana mj cnum help ed to carry boxes FrsavniHar, frs. PtpFajvios Pres' Are ' UDOIl u US, Dllt i J.7 J M, Wsdisll,Oaaliisrf ,,; ' - .t A- . V. .m, ij I LUC CiUUU ,; AUil -of promise t; , k wan 1 - . '7 1 flnftv f A t varscaO Tt - oxaoi 'jLOLaeci3,)Ouguttetore tuai p ""v-v-" t An JtoxatHana Barrels ot tjrauaert ana 1"JU Cakes. I; am agent, for the mami- ifactarera aad. otter them goods at manufacturer' yrfces.; J ;', . "I1. j; ! . Barrete of Mott'a Gbamrtairrie Cider. Foldat tbe mill price? The trada can save freis-ht bv brmne of me. ' (BANKlAq PRPARTIdES'i.j S. asx. open from . J. . . .9 A. M. to 3 P. piseount Day, ThubsdiI ' '-' ' ' ' ' ' Dckzctobs : Geo. Howard, -- I . rPrel. H. L. Staton, Jri, 1 : W. M ' .?.T4-.:J'H. Morris. i Dt 18-ly. - :' .; liilipH, Pippen, those who jl m-mA -ww' -Je ijL Me D,1 Feb. 16-ly. Next toKC Brown fc Go. 7 v ' TARBOROVN- C rr. 8. CLARK. ! H. L. 8TATUN, JR R. H. CROCKETT, 1 '7 ' ' -'-7 Dealer la T,E NotwitbstaodioR tbe Inroads made on wWtw'. -'Vhi PnnnoT.. 9. lioDt Trma Wqthi Ihis stock during Xmas, his Un- ol Staple - . ' 'tarboro,. C. Ii - iTmKCopper and 1 8heet Iron, iork mann factored to order. Particular attention . to RoofimTand Guttering. ReTHurine kinds in my tine promptly attenderi to. .Work "I am httle Mate, George,"! i she ... v . J -t L.l wwa saiar; alter nail a ozep- ,a0uau fi,,, t'KcT.trTinw tv-Maior i thm,bnt X couicto t . tM a hfllrvrtf tnr a lrvfc or rrentlemeri r came I , . . . . ; - , ow-. r. L S.iip.r.i .ndThd to softer V10. ' .V, ' 7?H day morning Iimentdinj piece and reiWrS man and horsed ;. U Sr e me tM.tt W the of 'fSS theManoriJacr j liStaTJ falest smell Lever heard-of, ''Not exactly company, George; . . . . - i a sW- -W y-VI Dlaa WOT-iU TO i WDl"W rlaJi.BriTITIl Kl I - - ... W . . ainthelrbn'rule5 ofEsrfand, indl aCrOBS i Wrm. OI 8 the -WhitefishilBay -rdad, and ' bad Ieari--breto dropp-dvoice l., . wMtsvHver.d: eowardlr .rr:rl't:Aw.,, . ,; . . - ,. - i nice ana oia uac uuuiuer 1 iunertu "To are a very i tleman. . ! - ' .; ; UIam of cheese and Dut it m the m- the grounds of the F8 ,or w.wd gout de of . . ( gnd I put parish :church, in use in xa spit you ime laric i 4 roarea.tue in lming of pfa, T" "1U."".U- i . -: ' , . andthev. went to church. I went voir auvioub iguiv vi cijw., my friend.' Where's your daughter?' 4 ."She is here! cried a voice almost ui his ear as Jacqueline, pale, every ana xno fnytjciarj raiaBiB as wmtaovy -i v ,mdiBeSUOiJ Sd idisfaa?H,UivenuwhigU., would t.rolablv tHrimi ajn Iiifjllv7 'Sums! times I had a i iWriou appet te alTfrrherxi nonis at all. J. wajCevei itih b4 (Uq shilly.f My fopd seamed in do me no good. A spe cialM tetd"hie'X hah-lape'worm-'Wnf-1 was irpnhled with ; ttbUBual uflaiiia f wsier and a fiequint riejirato i rina'pfWbit . . was do' wlih difficulty M freA-'-f&iLt The spe;iali4.;faid , d a foub. .jpMf t giatei, .caoed by fu-e of tbe alkine' swatr of thefdaiiw ' 1 th-a bejAu-tfi fcBffetbHr pains iu the loins and tbe fsajalyQf the back tf acoompauied withi euddn atiatkn of. diius't-. nt bs, during whicif had o oP tie dowif, f to atoid falling 1 as fui ccd to abandon , TRATELIKO JtSP PKHiCHIKO, baianae I ebuld loiigeii!(leon horseback;'' or but mylf.ovtaiQu. j I .tesiaijipbeii sfrioualy aiaimedjand ougtn Ik'ie Alvicaof ; thamoBt totd 'hysfcfan ii1itfe((fclii-Kll-J said thatmy.ireq.urm, hoiback ' aidinga. jol:ed nd jaired me nmil the oil ,In a.an w oiind; w hk B h ad' in j uTed infy1 ldf.eyWfl bi d beooweanaamKi, , ii. p atwa.ea. mitU a medicines and elecuicitv sl-o. Int i ave .me . ' wermanenl benefit." My' l tftifl' s jiaip-- X u all returned 1 lOeaea t ttoaftvifiQt.t' very ihiuand wyllrg's, wrre i difK f ably iuuib. l'begsB io 'iepfiir.- Arch' ?' lempt to CUiw, ray iiilaira ) brcoaua fwnrMi' 'with new, Bvaii toaia. I nrxu otiru!tect a V eiebtata phyeitiaiff'omtfi'' Edit h!o.- tuuiULicg aad exam tane: inrwirar rrdennite information' .coooerninp- tViai fnniilo rf f-o v ,XT.t'l, :r.. 7nk:r:t"lmUXr'lK l y ejh.I' I WASHINaiON'S WIFE. Iatsrestfng Particxirlars' Concsr&io's Hsr !';," i Ancestry and Life.:t. - . . A. 'Brbck xntributeB to th Richmond (V&.) Dispatch a letter ;;re of - eheefM and I ceived from Mrs i Jlary E. Neel. of frkins of butter, and a .cheese man Williamsburg,, Fa- in. rehpopse to a eaveeach'of us apiece of limberger I request from him through that paper l attar i eheese. wrapped uoin fin foil ? Sun I Io?leftiiite . luformationi. .eoDtinstr 1 " Xa mi -, - ,,l an.adyauved.8 are ot lbe ccn aum, uon ana. u.r.'at! lieu wita.a.aiitts and 'jy -that there iff goittoHbe rough WOxK, iorone oxTtiUe geiiucnua epuao Of raising a'tegnnenvana. r i VtWhat noniencts ..Jac.l ,We,t are very well, off under British; rule. There are always people ready to complain always grumblings ure ly these gentry .do nt dream of in dependence ?" . . , .ii w . w 11 aw "And why not" replietl tne-giri, xseei says;-;,, y , , v, n . i "Martha Danbridore .was born at bar ancestral home8teadfiElthau,- in: Kew Kent county, Ya-,.iui4ay, Alay o, i OA.; iaer mateiial ancsLQr;, was the Eev.,QrlandQ Jones,! native of VValea.; who was established on the banks of the Potomac, and is ., buried old Bruton America, U'y prolong my IJEe foj mtf if tl ptmVi-VJ o FER t the publls u complete a stock of almost hautily,; her sbprt . upper lip fitting, she stood before unrlinn Tier t hin Ttnar ml a fivnandinC. I'. : 2 .7 . . . . , . ' v6, . j. - . nTm. in spite ol his braggaaocious, 'I don't see why we , should 1 J3ub-1 mit - i:T. :.. -itu ' " ' EPANC y GROfllESE pjf pY ljoODS: guaranteed and prices as low as anyone. " -.rsb. Uf.r -. - -, , x ; r . . . i ? ; ioHiiL'LirVixlaV'1 i Ibat toe old stani of iwia'.b Bros., while ha blpvs bUiorn ne i always pre- rest EAv IGARs. . nared to serve you with the DE VIE and the- best 'flavored , 3T Giv him a call.: . i I i f J. R. DIXON. r r: r I Opposite Caort Hobss ; Tarboro, Dec. is,iti. llocky Monnt Mills a K.B in full ana successful operation, and LA are" prepared Co ill all orders foi- Sheet I ings, Tarns and Cotton Rope, atiowest prices. Orders addressed to, Rocky Mdnnt Mills, Rocky Mouat, N. will b promptiy attend ed to. ! JAMES 8k BATTLE, i Sec'y and Treasurer. April 11, 1878-'tf: i . ' ! x THE CHAMPION Entrance Gate. 1 1 struct I Has not been, allowed to run low. LE WIS U the place for those who have little monyibut want it to go a LOX&-JVXYl( Only! tbe " Best Goods i . -.f - i -i .ri '. - : Are Kert and they are CHEAP. ' If you: are not convinced of these acts, call and examine, or .inquire of tbe multi tude who daily trade. I i - T. E. LEWIS, Main St, 2 doors above Pender's Jan. 5th, 1883. GROCEK HARDWARE, iC,, v l, !iscan be found in this! vicinity. 5 Thev would f urther impress upon the peo ple ol tnis community inavwey BUY FOR CASH WON ENTRANCE GAXE ijt the CHAM on lots and T ! plant! lions, will lie sold bv the hurcliasers to I individuals inEdecoiube cpuhty on the fol i lowing terms: j .; . j'1 j1 f For Each Lot crlpiantaio?, ? $5 00 I Across the Public Highway, :i 5 00 I'- William iloward, Esq,, of Ahe Edarecombe j Agricultural Works, will' tak pleasure in auuwiug me jy.Ati ana explaining their nne, i npi appuuauuus bqouiq on made to FRET) Tarboro March lbt3.-tf PHILIPS. TO THE PUBLIC ! Tf AV1NG RECENTLY PURCHASED THE Ointerest of Mr. B. J. Keech in the firm of ' KEECH & J1ALETTJ i and formed a Copartnership with MB J. P. MALETT, for the purpose of carrying on a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, I will after this date be found at the store on Mats atteV known as the Williamson! build r v,fwiii be oleased to serve my friends. Wishing one and all a happy and prosperous year.iremam,. ... - WUaLIE HART. T.rhoro. N. C. Feb'y 1st 1883. ' lmfl I and that close buyers for ;cask or credit wil Save many a Dime 77 ... . ! ...... s I (-' : " ' " . - i ' . ' ! I H V by giving them a call.8 i LAienU for the GLOBE COTTON PlANTER that took the premium -at t the crent Cotton Exhibition at Atlanta. " Parties wishing to Day Will please leave their orders at least lures weeks before planting time, r . ' 7,, - . 1 " Kainlt Bait, ana Aines 0110 veia ni. uuuuiu prices , ,.k .. . ... , -..4-" f i CLARK f. STATON, 2d and 8d doors from Court House Tarboro, N. C. Dec. 23, -1881. " . . !r-. ..,-, a drertlscra ! send: for our select list o A. Local Newspapers ' Geo. P.. R iwell A Cou, 10 Spruce 8t New Tork. ' ?7 " "You little rebel !" he- .burst out "I must stop such seditious language.' And he did so in that way wmch is used to lovers. . - ' Qeoi-ge L'Estrange was the son of Sir Heury L'Estrange, an English gentleman 01 birtn, t who ; na come over iu the capacity 01 .pnvape secre tary to the Governor. v --'- Havmcr met a very beautuul young ladv. whom he espoused contrary to the wishes of ; tne oia Darronet in England, who was as proud as he was careless, Sir Henry j setuea in America where he made small for tune in the cultivation of tobacco. A friefd, to whom he had loaned a thousand pounds, having died and left him a property on the Hudson in lieu of the cash, Sir llenry migrated to the ?Manor, ' where he resided in good style with his ; lad, one son, Georee. one1 daughter, I Jacqueline, and a numerous retinue of white and colored servants. '"Adioininft the maflor was the prop- perty of Ephraim Bence a worthy mer chant of - Uotnam, , between t wnose only child" and George L'Estrange at i - ' 1 1 a T f sprang up that mutual ieeiing oi feverish delight commonly known as love. - , Mr. Bence did not at first oppose George L'Estrange's intimacy with his daughter, but of Hate his anti- British feeling "became 4 60 intense 11 lit tne major yieiaea. ; - "Ob, you little rebel ! yoa see, I come here in command,'' he laughed. ''Not to command a few , men: or a few women." ' ! . " I " "We shall saa Mistress Jacqueline." "If you had the courage of, a gen tleman you would have flung your commission in th teeth of your gen., eral ere stooping to get your foot across this threshold, save a3 a pro tector." : ' '- ; ' : ' ' '' "Bah! Rebellion kills sentiment. rat not the Ion geared biped ! that I used to be. Yon and I will have s s good time together here, and-' "How dare yon!" cried the girhher eyes flashing, "attempt but so much as the familiarity of my given name, and I will resent it as an insult.'' . Pshaw!'' growhadthe major, ss he moved toward a window, in order to conceal his mortification, for Lis lien tenant, Staleybridge, J was , standing by- if.. -'.t:i" ' -j ! ; to church, too and sat on a back seat with' my chum, looking j ust aa pious as though 1 was taking up a colisc tion. The church was pretty warm, and by the time they got up to sing the first hymn pa's cheese began to smell, a match against ma's cheese. Pa held one side of the hymn book, and ma held the other, and pa he always sings for all' that is out, and when he braced himself aud sang 'Just as I am,' ma thought pa's voice was tinctured with tilliousness and she looked at him, and bunched him, n& told, him to stop singing and breathe through his nose, cause his breath' was enough to stop a clock. Pa stoped singing and turned around kind of cross towards ma, and then he smelled ma's cheese and he turn ed his head tbe other way and said, 'whew,' and they didn't ' sing any more, but they looked at each other as though they smelled frowy. When they sat down they sat as far apart as they could get, and pa Bat mxt to a woman who used to be a nurse in a hospital, and when she smelled pa's cheese she looked at him as though sbo thought: he had the small pox, and she. : held her handkerchief to her nose. . The man in tbe other end . That night Major L'Estrange held I of the pew, that ma sat near, he was high revel in the old oaken . dinner- j a straDger from Racine, who belong room of the Mansion. A captain of dragoooSjOldham, the liautenant and . an ensism banqueted with him.;r They drank heavily, as wag the fsahion of that day, and after dinner to our church, ami he looked at ma sort of queer, and after the minister prayed, and they got up to sing again the man took his bat and' went out, and when he came by me he eaid commenced to toast iheir. respective I something in a whisper about a female sweethearts. . ; r t r ; i 4 1 glue factory. Well, sir, before the When it cme the! major a turn he J sermon was bvr everybody in that hesitated. -4 i : '',4 - l part of the church had their hand The lieutenant, who- owed 7 him a I kerchiefs to their noses, and they that he politely informed, the young J grudge, and loved him not, exclaim- looked at pa and ma scandalous, and man if he wished s to -'- avoid heating thai which he could not stomach he wonld cease his visita ; .- .'-.!.. - - d : I the two ushers thev came arouna m "Why not toast the beauty wbo is the pews looking for a dog, and when now under our roof f " ;.' , T ' ' I the minister got over his sermon and it dates from 1632. , We. first heard in colonial annals of Miss; Dandridge as a dazzling belle at the,, court of Goy. fPinwiddJe, at Williamsburg, the seat of government, where , she met CoL Paaiel P. Cuslis, of Arling ton, on the eastern shore of Virgina, the son of the Hon. John Custis, and as his father had been before him,, a member of the Kiag'a : council and at the deliberations of. which he' was in attendance. The .meeting ripened into love. The carriage was at firet opposed by the father of the. 'groom, but in 1749 Col. CusUsborehia t.ride to his "The White House," on the banks of the Pamuhkey, , in ' New Keat county. Three children blessed tbe happy union, the first of whgtb a ooy, aying m mlancj, was ; soon followed by his father, and 1 Mrs. Custis was left a joung, beautiful, and wealty widow, the sole executrix of an estate appraised at 30,000. Iu 1758 Washington, attended by a servant, crossed the Pamunkey on a military mission of importance at Williamsburg. Slopping for a mo ment at tbe house of a friend, a . Mr. Chamberlayne, in New Kent county, he was pressed . to remain. . , H at first declined, but the graces'" of Mrs. Custis, who was a guest at the house, quieted the scruples of the speeding warrior so fffctu ally that his stay was proiongea lor two . aays and t. a night' He bad met j! his domestie fate, and Mrs. : Custis bees. ma ' Mrs. Washington on the - CCh . of January' following, the coremoney being per formed by the Ect. , David 'Mossom at St. Peter's church1, in t New Kent county, and nsar the White Home. Of the two surviving children of Mrs. Washington by , her first marriage, a lovely daughter (Martha)' died in 1770 in the seventieth, year , cf her age, and her son, CoL John; Custis,' an aide-de-camp oh the staff of bis illus trion's step-father in bur glorious Lie to? a.TQ.ir or twovby 1 seeking a higher Ian t dr'itr "c1tm.Ti9. I1li was my oouoHU n heii tte faplj4a ok -part oi.t!e co,ui.t yJ(iiaw miu . uiu'aT Then I fto ie'd f. r trie I'pcliios unt fi a " th coui. ry, k.i:rttWd btejUAt'T4i4Ua a cba8.haipad mi, bnabout MHhm tgo ihe bei.eceaned. lien I fa led .o i.apidly that Icon !:t out ef -Ud ly avt o! eacn day., Al my olgmpUjmBrt't-j ed. ; At tliis crisis, a purty of'Easlfru geii 1 , mf-h, i! " - iy3' i 1 iVl, A'BBWAlA lWfrl.i1 aa' mi'le my l.or.se their li a lquaru rf In the faita H Df.'atfMVLo4'Marnie" nocilhavlhad abad,caje of )opa;idila,Pright, j D b ae. aud gave tu a. .re);a a'ij n wtiich". eikMrte said, ease In e f .f "h et tii. fs'or" : nioutha, but iiht a th4)e'i(,'atcouiiabtai hi ne. . Around tlta hi.iilA was a nfvnii a-. Now a newtptur'-aas a r rlty ifl onf hotfi and I sai.iii my fcu&r ljkiti ii owasr iwHtn-; my eye t,rovidimiali felt i:yn an a tic.e 7. relating a rnoai virtruiertuf ci.r ' or" Bright' dea 1'-ery aia!a.-y tafcwaj-.k Liat i mo by thr u e pi Wi.ru- r b Stife KUUP 1 and Lier CuTe jlot RocLe-.'er.' N..T ) rh- Vinced tbai lunter delay iu!d.b tatal and;j everything t'lse failing thej I'V.aJ ntoftf Bg : di-l.aict.e'i ono of my loy to the ne.i'-it iadrau ata np,many m la.unj 'W' ! tain a bo. tie i.f ii e bate Cure . . hfr ,Qfa;,$ gi-t said il.e demand lor the Cu r , was ro -great I e-coiild hot keep it in s ock sa l li- hid to i.en-1 to Kautat Ci-jj for. iijora. ka' was m-re than a week before ii a- rive 1. and I was daily ge' tfr c wvaker.: But it cam" al-la-t, and I at 1 nee ,bgn to lakfij it at, I I LI Dr. Wakfjfield wtial I wa tekin - Kve me a 1 k, of scorp, hal. 6t ' 1 n.acb s lo say, j, . t - 'rooa rsixow 1 h"p- putjing h 'i trusi in hombng. ; KeerJ t'Mleas I"riTT'd ud lor jbJ st iar and a half I hiy l een as stout uiid rngKed , ps 1 ever a in nty life, i A tt.' t elspb-J the stticka of Indians sid e nos u- 4 pi'f". I was lyioa at th" tuarcy of a 6 ii ; more draadfut foe t'mfWai a oUtiirin2r- me the fiui ing bl w, jwhro ll at treat r m tlf tiep- Ved in, -lfw my adrrrfary; n I placyd mo i'tidy n hy tet o- ca m t '1 av emu tiifncid preacbjmi eg am Ui I .I'okaQ, en tt circumstance" iid m )im-r of iiy , cura '. sa a d?rct intef-i os'tit n'of Pr6v d ntc'. Rnd? ia Pfcideace are taf rvipa de. ?Timt i' try tuory.--.-I think it. in aa gmKl ai rouiim e , J-ni much bellt. f6; iris' rtt ' och is the fubrsnce ao l y naa lyt " l&zuce of Eldrr, Kite'o narrt e. : ' Tl o who lead it, anjl are coffering, my le.-'Bt by his experierjee, if they- will Mlow h s emple.. j..; ." :, j!. ," '.- ." . .i as.' OX THIRTY DAY S TBI AI.. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Midi.. will rsnd t Dr. Dye Celebrated ' Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for tlnr f.v davs to men Ifvouiur or old) who re afflicted with Nervous Dellllity, Lost Vitality and Man- hood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing a speedy and complete restoration 01 ucaitu sua manly vigor Address alwve.1 B.-Nerij-It a a lncurruo, as thirty aays-tnai ia aiioweur, , U : r ii 1 fe3 1

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