! : ill 1 If '' 4' t- .-, vi- tVr.vWl'' vt; '! jfi! t "V,A - "'- ! " ? " . . . ' " fa . . . , . iBE STJEE YOtJ AEE RIGHT ; THEN GhO A.ECEAiD.-r; Grbckett '" 1 1 " '" 1. 1 in ' i i . m, - ' . , . ,.t . i i . - , i ' r , j 1 1 1 fc ' 1 1 r 11 1 J VOL. PROFF.SXIOKAL CARDS. 0 Offr his brofessionai neryice U, the citi- Af Trimro and vicinity. . Offierfin T. A. McNair' drafito'on.Mai Streat. ' - 'r -T. PRANK NASHj ' f I' TARBORb, N. C. Pmctices la aU the Courts,. State .and Fed- eral. TOHEP1I J. NARTIN, v ATTnrtNFY-AT-LAW. H. A. GHXIAM. f ?PONXili"GltLXAM j CSII.L.IABI SOW, I TiRHORQf. N. C. 1 Will ptaetiee ik the Counties of Fdgesombe, Halifaf and Pitt, aud ita the C6nrU of the First Judicial District, and ia tha pirooit aad .Saprame Courts at Ralaigh. ; i1anl8-ly. raOSSBY- BATTLsJ, ---.5 . ; -I r j'j Attqmfx t taw 13 TaXBOKO AJIOCKT. MOtjaTI M. C. Praetteaa la tfc, CoarU of ' Edt;ecoiube Nuk, f rkflVllaW fn llalUaj Icoimtiei 'Ah. la iha.redaral sad Sapieue jOoorts. , '9-lOiiMti4ai a speeiaUy. l I j f 'lumat, ttn the prsatat, la fromtj room' of a4c U.wrrt' ufSne, f eni door o w tiers ol S. 5. Natl a f.u- Dm. to.- Liw. , . TAKBORCitK. 0 I" iW.5-ly. D 5.,CAR14, 1 Surgeon iXehtist, I 6 TARBOKd, NC2 St ? '.ifilwB aonra, trass a. st. "till lis. at. f i i? -i ;t ?S y. and nil w p. m. -f f : , jj Tp(o'ro: sjous., over ltaUr b ItoysMr's s THOS. HI BATTLE, Mtorney at-Law, .v.. :-ilfciioao, mi c j fv 1 : . OSce next to Philips k, Suton's itaw offiee. Will practice la tha Federal and State Courts, Refers by express permission to Judge Ruf a, af the Suprema fCourt; Citiens National Bank, of Raleifa r Battie, Buna 4 Co., Nor folk; Jno. Arriiirtom Ss Sobs. Patersburr. 3 r'ttjt--- Pender Scliool, rssumed after the Chriatqjaa Hidays on WEDNESDAY, JAlJUAR 8bd, - - ia tha Brid'era' QroTe property,! lately oc aupied by. Vbe Edgecombe 11 ijfb Scriiocl, with lacreaaediwalitlas for concerting as Eojd a Strictly Female School j can be fousdAny where. The BecoMTTenm tot tha first acho'astic year will begin on : MONDAY, FEBRUAKT llHa. for particulars, aderaas thePriBCipal. jaB4fcs ;' . i !:' rH.ii'' MRS." J. G. CHARLEs" haylna Itakan' tha - Baak building, --on the Corner of rra4aand Pitt streets, ia now prepared to take boarders. Tarboro', N. O, January 11th, 1S8S. I, J. I. SAVAGE, lamsT.-EAU, mBMs nisi . STABLES, , ' ' - ' .. 4 i---:. !,v Corkbr Gaajrrnxs k St. Axdbiw S tkiitj, ":" " i;- -!f-!J i : . ' T1BBOROT HV Ci. j " '- ' ' !" ' . " h': ?i JVl ' ' These Stlblca are the largest in the State. and hare a capacity of holding ten car-loads of-stock. GItb him a tall. : II : 1anl8T P.d,?klHi, Pntt. : Wat. IL Hppsa, Visa Prsa , - x vaf w.ii.M f- -i-i S. . i at, WsaasE, Oasklsb T.5 Fi3-h:iT-:j 1 ErJd:j .Co. AXKopenfrosa . . . . . .9 A M, to S P. M. - Diaoount Day, Thubsdat. ' I; - . ; DlXXOTOKS: I Geo ; Howara. . -' i Predl Philios. H. L. -Staton, Jr., W, M. Pippn, 1 . . 1 tu Moma. t f, Daa. lS-ly. v. . . i!. it; , , JOflS'K. DII01 Tfe at tae aid etad of ' &11n Am Bros., . X'WbUa ht bkws bis Bora ne it always prs- mnd to serfs tow witn tne purest ha v DK VIM aad the beet flavored CIGARS, af eira him a call, w " Is- : , f Opposite Caart Hoass, v. : TarbeW, fteel l,:tf. - grj Boclfr jSIoant Mills ARM la full ana strseessroi -operauon, ana are prepared to alT. all orders -for Sheet Inp, Tarns aad Cottoo.Rope, at lowest prices. Ordartv atldaated ttW Rocky Meant Mill, it- J1 tMTreaaurar V. ABIiittiiiso .Made HARNESS :A1TD DtlUJ jw ; l Saddles, Bridles, RbfoslWhips, . Butters Blankets, sc. -; -OPPOSITE COCBT notiE,f TARBQRO', g.jp. Having boujrht but Mr. B. A. Bizer. the man- aiacturing and reparing vnll' be under his charge. Any one wanting a fine hand-made w,u o wen to give me a can. 8INGLE H ARNE88. . . 7. . . , j ... 1. , . $15 and nv. UUURLE HARNESS, ...... i .-. ...$25 and up. issavuiue xiarness at all-prlcea. anl7y A dvertlsers I send lor omr select list o , X. local Newtpgpera Ueol P. Bowel! A VO iUBprace8t.,,New York.; New 1 n-ttt mGREETHlGSiSM tt- I shall open on the first day of Jannary, at ! . ' ' . i -. h R. H. Austin's Brick Store, two doors, from ' -V- i ;i 't : i. i my old stand, a well selected stock of, i SS.IH!IIII?S YGIOIOIDIS. Notions, U j Hardware, Groceries, ! , Provisions All of wldeb' wiU be solffVery ,CHEAI. for CASH, r on TIMS tROMPT PAYISQ Ctutomersl ' i ' 1 - i ' - '' t I And Bought for Cash. j-j &"Give me ja call before opening your ac I count for the year. .'Respectfully, ; ; T. U. Gatlin. Tarboro, Janr IWyi--', m ; LAGER BEER ! The Mot Refreshing Bev- f erage Known. , M l t ! V .()PPEI BEER BOTTLERS, The' Trade Supplied I at oar cstaoiisnmeni, I iicxt Door to Court House. Orders by mail, from amy pari of th r state, prompur attended to. ! 6W Will hare a atrpply of "Bock Beer in season.' -v ? f ' " Tarbora, If . C, April 13, 1883. DIB LAfiERlEBR! DO nnri T GROCERIES I fflMSi dren' S S o -.. as 2 o -: m "st m y o mm mm ' m - B m m sw v .... o yy S" y .... "I i ' ' Also a fine lime of Family Groceries. Having opened a Grocery and Bar, next door to R. C; Brown & Co's, we invite all our mends to give us a liberal share of their Dat- i ronage, Tlr . tii . j i . f will try and please. ' PARKER A DAWSON. Tarboro'. N. C Jany 18, 831y Are upon Us, jbut there is a rut in the cloud full i of promise to those who TR rE: WITH T. E. Notwitbataodine the Inroads made on his stock during Xmas, his lint of Staple j EMMYmoeilESEi nas not oeen aiiowea to run low. LEWIS', is the place for those who have little monjfc hut want it to go a LOW Wpl J. .-7 Only the - AreEept and tbey'tre CHEAP. ' If yoa are not convinced iaBe facts, call and examine, or inquire of the multi tude who daily trade, (. .. . T. E LEWIS, ! Main St, 2 doors above Pender's Jan. 6th, 1883. ' if 4 - j. TO THE PUBLIC ! H AVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THE interest of Mr. B. J. Keech in the firm of t-. v ? j ,ioc i& klfjhrrr ! )' and formed a Ccyartoershrp with int. i.-V. MALETT, for the purpose , of carrying on a FIBST-CLASS GBOCJEBT jBTjSnfE88, v I will after this date he found at the store' on Main street,-known as the WiUinmnon bnlld injr, where! will be pleawd toserve my friends. Wishing one and all a Happy and prosperous vear, I remain, - - - , ' ' Very traly yours, ; 1 i . WltLIE HART; ? Tarboro,' N. C-, Feh'y 1st 188S- 5 lm, ; The HardTimes hewis fe w s : i iit jitv '..v ill ; i ' ' if i ft No -.iiQpbds to :-.ttt'- Season; -1 ' j t i - in 'i-e,. . Flannels, :aitt( Flannels, Blankets, Shawls Cloaks, cai . , .; . --" ! -"i f ' p- petSjCioakiiigs, Re pellents, blabk and colored Caajhmeres. A Satins, Silks,iJnsh- es, ladies'- and hil- s flannel-Vests and pants, J B oule- vard Skirts and fur trimmings, Bleach- ings, . Brown "Dp mestics and Shet- ' sh - t. f ings. BOYS SUITS r.-.'x BOYS' OVERCOATS, Flannel Underwear, FINE CITtT IIADB 500 SUITS OF Cloing Overcoats AT ALL PRICES. None to be Carried : Into the Next Season. CALL AND EXAMINE. m: -xi - i ... AND t ' 1 111 BtaA iwi is -s n.ii sr: MKBORO': TfcYC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 15, 1883. JTor D yspepalay Sick HeaOAche; Chronle Dtasv rbssa AnliNi Impurity o the Blood, Ferer tad Agm gttalU, and all DImiim caused krUs, of IiVer, BoweUjLsd kUMya.' STKPTOMS OF A DT5TEA4ED UTTER. X -w n; rain ia uie &id sesetamc. um Rheiimama r geeeral lass of sppethe; Bomls j wuic, Hacama uterB&HDK wtta lu : , tb haad U troubled with paia, is dull aad baavrJ who; conudtrabla Iocs of mcnory t accompanied apainiui senaatioB oneanne undone somethtnc which ought to havs Beea done; a slight, dry cough .and flushed &ca is tOBietiraes aa attendant, often mistaken for eomumption: the pu tie nt complains JLT"1" debiliT : Berrous, easily startled; feat cold or bnraing, sonetisaes a prickly saosatiaa. andtaJthowh Of tna sua exists; spirits are low aad dei n&ed that exerci ja would i ' Pa, Ifjy can hardly saanaon op (artitnde t . , uitrai erery rcmeay. several jOfn above symptoms attend thjadisease, but eases ae occurred when but-few of thenr caisted,- yet examinauon after death has shown tha Uver ta have beaa exstnaiTely deranged. ;' - , 1 1 ! should b. used by an porsoms, old aad yaaagt whenever any of the abave . symptoms appear.' f ': .' P.tons TraviUasj aw ZJrtaa; ia"Vl3s5r' ' 1V1U?T LocUtliy taking a dosa occasioa. J'y ,kaep the Liver in hsalthy action, wiU avoid t all Malaria, BUlotu attack, Biamnesa, Naa- sea. Drowsiness. Deprwstoa of Spirits, etc. It! will ianRorat. hka a (laas o wia, but ia a la- Sjii Sm-?,T,.t a7tblnr,liapd at dlgeaUon, or feal hrary after aaaals, or slants. - a,at nifht, take a dosa and yoa will b raUcvad. . TUaeMasssVDoaAotV BlUs vHU b aaal i . by always keeping the Regulator ! lathoHousst i . -T" ! For, whatever tha ailment may be, a thoroughly 1 safe purgative, alterative and tonic can , aevar be out of place. . The remedy is harmless and doss not interior, with hoatness or j ? JWKaXT TEGETABUE. . And has ail the power and efficacy of Calomel or - Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. . A GorerBer'i TelmeTiy-. . STBraiOfes- IJrer K emulator has brai k ta atmily tor some time, and I ant satisfied t in ary. tt is a vaiuaoic aaaawn to the medical science, , r J- Cnj.,SoaTB, GoTsrnorofAi. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga-, says : Have derived some beoent fnm tboasc of , Simmons Liver Regulator, aad wih to giv it a further trial. , iwri? Thin ST that Borer fads to atellevo." I have used many remedies for Dys i P'Pa, Ljtct Afiection and Debility, but never ; have found anything to benefit me to, the extent jSuBaJUverRewbiaa., I sent from Mia : "?a to.Vf?rl(xa r "4 sendfufther for !T? "J mT ould dvise all who are sim. aariy afiected td EWeit a trial as k seems the only : thine that never fails to relieve. : ! V ' JasarsVr Minneapolis, Mian. ' T: Mason sayst From actual ex rrtacfj the as. of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have ben and am talis fied to nse aad prescribe it as a purgative medicine. - .IsTake only the Genuine, which always ate oa the Wrapper the" red Z Trade-Mark aad HgiiatuAs ef j J. p. Zprjuc, CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SqilWOOLARD. 'Don't You Forget It," that I have one of the finest stocks of GRO CERIES, &c, ever offered to Uie trade in this vicinitv. ' Country Merchants are requested to examine 511' PRICES. ', I HAVE IN STOCK -J Barrels of Flour, ditfereut grades. 12.5 Bags Coffee 1 Barrelsuf Sugar. -a t ( Boxes of Tobacco, bought before tha X W e,uvauce. sa " -a g i iioxe sldA Barrels of Crackers and JL JJ Cake. 1 am agent for the manu facturers aud offer these goods at manuiaciurer i prices. E a Barrels of Mott's Chanibasne Cider. JJ sold at the miU price. "The trade . .. can save freight by baying of me. WOOLAED, Feb. 16-ly. . TARBORON. C BC; Carlile, Maih St., jusf " above Pamlico Banking Co. -...'. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF uriiiture Boiigbt MfOash, which he offers at moderate prices. hrnitTira of all Mi Eepaired. r " . :.'.; COFFIXS. CASKETS AND UN- DERTAKISG GENERALLY. 83" Patrorage solicited. D P PA "DT TT "P. U. UXl-Lbl 11 i 11 j Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: inn WWa- attnrKsl md afTsf MRS. Ad 4v KmDlovment aa J. C McCURPV CO., fliiltiklpliis.Pa. ; 3 r iqgQSEV 1 " : 1 ". f . . i -s JODDIffiJ- 11. Furniture mriirDO WANTEDS a r BIB III II a 5te 1 1 Ulilll I III ssxwaavaav Thubsdat,.... . .Fxvbuabi 15, .1883. I M Serious' Iffile. An Intended . Flirtation.1 ": And ibis, I suppose, is the country school-house," said Mr.Majk Moreaa, as, emergiug from the deep , gloom of tha little cleared space where" the grass was close aad -fine as Tel vet, thecaut cf the white - clover,' filled the air, a'utl the Bmall, one Btoried tooMjpie4; tb at , dull ; oplor that woalili?J&w bi callid 'Venetian red,'- among the bousbs oXa- monsler black' walnu ,ree. 'Oo1t fclxere'e no village worth mentioning,' uulefis'jpu choose to call the stage station xme. Upon the whole this poitipn of the world seems tx be still iiHtsprirniUre corM anion. ; ; . 'Is Mr! Moreiu had been fishing all dayU Bis : creol was well filled, his lunch basket empty : his India rub ber boots besplashed with ' a fine, healthy annbarn. He was tired oat, his joints aching, his nose blistered, face swollen with - the uutnlerestinif attacks of the black flies, and "rhoa- quitos. . Aud jet ha called this "cap ital sport V "Hello, yqu, sir r said Moreau to a bIj, white headed nrcbin, j who was coming down tha hill with a pad. "What's in that pail t" ! ". "Nothing , sir,' was the answer. 'What are. yon -doing with it V ' "Scin after- water." "la there a spring hereabouts f" ."Yes; sir." "' 'tL ', . Moreau nodded his bead.f ! 'Crood !" said ha. "Show ihe where It i, arid ril give you a penny ."v ihe hit!? lad, nothing loth, ran hgbtlj-hr advance, until he reached the pot, beneath a huge, gray rock, wnero a tiny stream babbled into a tiri bUiuo basicL worn by its contin- tinuul drip. " ' .'Here it is, mister, said he, "and here Is ?gpurd to drnk outen:" ; Ahd Mr:.; Moreart drank a long, deep draught ' :-1 yi . "bweet as cnampage, said he : "aod cooler than ice H ' iAnd he flung, the ; penny tt) ; the expectant ladwho, having secured hislarggess, speedily filled his pail and trudged up the hill once more. "Johny ! Johny ! what keeps you so long?'' ; It was a sweet, bsll-uke voice, and Moreau listened to it with a forte of drearjuv satisfaction, as he lav there amontlie ferw, staring" op at ,th sky." ! f i "The echool-ma am, in all proba bility,'' be Baid to himself,' and turn ed halfway aroand to See what uian- . nerl of a female' she was. Round and .dimpled, and - rosy, with hair like braided sunshina, blue eyes, and cheeks pinker than the wild roses even now scatterint? their petals over her , face,; Mark raised nimseii on ms eioow. .''She's a beauty," be, said, balf- aloud, "a wild flower of the wilder ness. j And not a bit like , the ideal district school teacher. I'll get ac quainted with that girl, or I'll know the reason why ! , ;, He left bis creel - and . rod among the grass and wild flowers, by the clear Utile spring, and walked slowly up the path. j Ihe beauty in the pink calico dress did not turn and flee, as he had half suspected she would, but stood awaiting him, with calm composure worthy of a city belle. ' "Jfardon me, said Mr. Moreau, inventing the first flagrant lie that he could think of, "but 1 am one of the trustees of the Andoyer District. The Bchodlma'am courtisied ' hear- tilj-: u, ! -.( ' r-, 1 am deeply interested m elemen- tarv r?n.atirn." ha writ on. '"and " am an anrrv:' nniii th nrft.tY gkl,"but it is past three o'clock, and I am U9t going to dismiss the cbil dren. Perhapayou ; would call to morrow, if you are staying in this neighborhood t" Ob, certainly," said Moreau. with a vajrue idea that he was being baf fled by the diinpled,daisy faced thing who could not bave been a day over eighteen "certainly I , Perhaps you are wauung aowo in tne airecuon ui the hotel r Mr i . i "No,"' said the blonde, calmy, 'I go uptoward Deens' Lake." ! Baiifcd agaia : but Mr. Morvau al lowed no cloud to dim the bland brightness of bis visage. "Ah ! ' said be. "Then I will bid yon good bye, hoping that I may have the pleasure of meeting you again. s ' The pretty sohoolma'am smiled, colored,' and courteeied once . again, and then: shut the school house door. ' 'i ! " f ' Mr. Moreau walked composedly down the hill. j I s "She is a little jewel." eaid1 he to himself, "and she knows ber value. I wid find out who she is and what she is. Upon my j word I haven't seen such a face io a year. I should like to paint her as : Hebe, peeping out from a bower of roses ; or Per aephona with her arms full of flowers. I've always fancied the idea of a wife who who should differ from the rank file of smiling, simpering, fashionable women. She's a little disposed to keep me at ai-rn's length, but I don't like her the less for that 1" Once under the shadow of the the little inn along, straggling, stout building, which might have : been grist-mill he casually alluded to bis lad g aaventure, as he sat over ; his boiled, ham and eggs, with coffee and freshly fried crullers. . i . 'Oh, by. Squire,", said he to his landlord (np in the Adirondaoks all I landlords are "Squires," and so is very body- else), 'I ; cauae across I your distriet school house to-day I "Did ye, though T" said the tavern I A keeper. "WaL now, aint that kind o can us T Why, it keep the dtav I trick s3hool by my v niece, Ketnry I opuces, ' ' Keturab Spikes!" repeated Mr. Moreau, rather taken aback. 1 ' Somehow he had associated a very different nomenclature with the fair i one with the golden lacks, "Keturah ' did not seem to suit ber at au. "xes, Jietury Spikes, said mme host. ; j "Named after an annt as was expected to leave her money, but did not. .Fretty smart eralv though, lie- tury. Don t need no legacy to earry her 'along.---' u wsu : "I should think not1 Mmarked Mr Moreau: - f"f -iw'-u "dot a history, Eetury has,' went on the i landlord,! whose name was Iiemuel Stiles. ' $ "Indeedr - ' -'DiuDPointedlv said Mr. Stiles. "Engaged to 'be - married. : ; Young-1 mas give leg taii and ennsted,. and went to Florida lo fight the Trjiana, Arfd rletary made tow. " i h "WeveTr-td marryl eaid ' Mt. - Mo reau quickly. , fccs';j.:-- "JNo, to marry the first idanuewe chap that itzed ber, retorted Mr. Stiles with a grin. -i Ocr gale up in tfce Adiren ducks is plucky, they is, But somahow Keturv never got the . I chance. Fellers is ; scarce " """ -,,.1. ... -rr. ...... i I . " . , J. , man. sir-ve see. Ye ain t a marrvin I ' --:-- -.uW - UlOU, BU TV, SUhjUkU I VTlkU B) BUUUOU speculative gleam in his dull eyes. Moreau smiled. "I might be," said he. , "If you would kindly m ve me a letter of in- troduetion to Miss Spikes, I will try mv luck with her. For to speak thai truth I was exceedingly pleated VAth what I saw of her this moraine-. "Sartin I will," said Mr. Lemuel StilesJ "And I tell you what, stran ger, there aiht many gals like my niece, Ketury. As Mark Moreau eat before the big fire of logsrbich the chillness of the September evening rendered not uncomiortable,besmilIed to nim- sef with a Mephistophelian satisfac tion. ? ' "At all events," he thought, "this will open the wa v to a pleasant flir tation. And if worst comes to worst, I can but follow the example' of the Florida volunteer." 1 All that eveniner Mr. Lemuel Stiles. who according to his own frank ad mission, was rnot scholar ed, wres tled with a sheet of paper, a musty ink bottle, and a stump of a pen, and at ten o'clock prodaced-the tpllowing document, not without certain grave triumph: i - : . 3 .. "Natce Kitoorv, mis to interdusa mr, mark maro, who Want a ; Wife, and vou want a Unsband, and there' a pair of you. From i jour affectionate ancle, to command. tt. BTTLSS.' "I guess that there'll do the busi ness, said buies, with pardonable pride, as be smeared out a blot from the loop of the L with his coat enft Mark Moreau glanced over it rath er dubiously. ! 'If she wasn t such a little beauty, he thought "this would seem rath er a Quixotic enterprise. But those sapphire blue eys would light a man over the very Tarpeiam cliff I" And the next meraing he proceed ed straight to the school bouse. "Bub," he said to a red Jbeaded W Mhn vraa ahirfrnW hia feat iust nnicia tka nnr. ia Miaa Snikaa I within V . ' I "Jnst couie," said the boy. "School r ain't in vat. Wants six minutes of 1 nine yet 1 i I Give her this slip of paper.please," said our hero, "and tell her I am waitintr oiilaida.' . Half a minute laUr there was a rush like that of a buffalo, and a tall, lean female, with a scanty . knot of I fox colored hair screwed on the. topi t hsr haaui. waiarv bln area, hiail cheek bone, and badly fitting false J faotK flnnor herself an hia shoulder. 1 a k provincial theatres. . . "VVhenlseenyougo oy the tavern WsrJav.Tfaltimrtwu mw rmn . l , : i J .v.: verum 1 1 sikudu luw ecuus us, with a strong scent or inea ; oaiona in W breath, "but little did I dream . - . . as you was so near me in souL I ma a aattir.tr nn tha naiMr rionr atari hn won went a Past. I had . the enW anrl Fannv Dorel she took tar s? J j.. Fmiv imrei i ' 'i ma then was the name of the gold tressed divinity who had taken his .heart by storm. There was a misapprehension all around, and - Mark Moreau made baste to discharge himself from Miss Keturab Spikes clinging arms. "There is some mistake," . he said hurriedly. 1 i "No there ain't," said Miss Spikes. "I suppose this letter was addres aad to Fannv Dorel." he pleaded, t "It says neturah ttpikea plain enough, don't it ?'' said the lady with gathering clonda upon her brow. "My dear Miss Spikes " he be gan. ' - : "Call me Keturah. she smiled. "I see that I am intruding on the busiest part of your day. he urged. ".School teAchia aint nothin when the tendarest feelin's of the- heart is concerned," murmured the woman. 'But business is business," reason- ed Our hero,' artfully : "and I shall I see yoa this evening at your uncle's, I Until then. a ratwr.'' ' . The school bell clanged Moreau I hurried away. A Miss spikes turned a I away with a sofdy palpitating heart to her books and slates Minerva succeeded Cupid and our . hero plunged into the woods wiping -his ivoauix lava . ... t. . i "tiood JuDiter r he muttered r to mself, "does that Gorgon believe there is a man in the" United States ma enough lo mairr tier 1" f Miss Spikes "let out" school early that day, and hurried to the tavern. h "Whare'a Mr. Moreau V sh breathlessly demanded of her . uncle, '-Gone," said Mr , Lemuel ( Stiles, Stiles, 'baar and baggage. Sent for his traps at eleven o'clock, and took the southward-bound jteainr. . .', . ; Miss Keturab, said: her - uncle severely, "that's the third husband you've let slip 1 I begin to think it's all jour bad management' And this was a dreadful likely man, too. "As for Mark Morton, he scarcely dared to breathe freely-until he was in the Lake Champlain steamer. ' 1 He had merely, intended to amuse lum8elt by & little flirtation .' with the wcodlaua .i)eauty but the' matter Cbnie decidedly, serjous-vi , ',.'.;.. And perhaps he needed the lesBoa. Flirtinr young i men sbmetimes do need lessons. ; . , r'-.n- s i L i That Bad Soy. w Say; are you ia Mason ' or 'a i -it- nod bad fellow, or anything,' asked the . - - m a a . - . a we grcry xz . , W w me cmnamon Dag on me sneu ana took out a long stick of cinnamon to "Why, yes, fof course I 'am, but what set you thinking of that' asked the grocer man, as he went to ' the desk and charged the - boy's ' father wif.li Vinlf a winrifl nf mnnanwui ' XTT-1- J j, t ... I Li t ' yon nishiate a lresh candidate? n J - r . vi . wen, uo mo icxjaia uuiii ; vrueu ! "JNo, or course not xne goats are Ik V . cheap ones, that have no life, and we muzzle them and put pillows over dueir treeis, eo mey can i nuri any body," says the groceryman, as he rnked at a brother Odd Fellow, who seated on a sugar barrel, lookiag yeteridue. '"But why do you ask?" Oh, huthin,H only I wish me and my chhm had mozzled our goat 'with a pillow.- Fa would have enjoyed his becoming a member of our lodge bet ter.' You see, pa' had been telling us how much good the ' Masons and Odd FellowB did, and said we ought to try and grow up good so we could jine the lodges when we1 got big, and X asked pa if it would do any hurt for us to have a play lodge in my room, and purtend to nishiate, and pa said it wouldn t do any hurt, lie said it would improve our minds and learn us to be men. So my chnm and me horrid a goat that lives in a livery stable!' I Say, did you know they kep a goat in a livery stable so the horses won't get sick? They get used to the smell of the goat, and after that . nothing f can make them sick but a glue factory. I. wish my girl boarded in a livery stable; -then she would get used to the ; smell. I went home with her from church Sunday night, and the smell of the goat on my clothes made her sick to her stummick and she acted jutt like an excursion on the lake, and said if I didn't go and bury -myself and take the Bmell out of me she weuidn't never eo with ma again. ' ' She was just as pale as a ghost, and the pres- piration on her; lip was just zif she had been bit with a street sprinkler. You see my chum and' me had to car ry the goat up to my room when pa and ma was out riding, and heb'lated so we had to tie a handkerchief around his nose, and his feet made such a noise on the floor that we put some baby socks on bis feet. Gosh, how frowy ft goat smells, don't it? I should think you Masons have strong stummixs. VYhydont you have a skunk or a mule for b trade mark! - . aa a Take a mule and anmoint it wan nm burg cheese and you could sisbiate and make a candidate emeu just as . an afi . . 1 3 ' M J a bad as witn a gosn aarn muaewea goat wen, sir, my cuum ana me practiced with thar goat until ne could butt a picture of a goat every time, we Dorrowea m duck peer sign from a saloon man and hung it out ou the back ol a c&air and tne goat would hit it every ume. xnat nirrht T)S wantea lO JtllOW Wliat lai we were doing up in j my room, and 1 told him we .were piaviug loage, sou improving our minds, and pa t aid tnat was nguw wjci a uiuiu that did DOVS 01 OOr age half SO I nnrJX im in imitate men. and I 1 . 1 A I . . . . .IiWav.- mw suu.u .. - , I store oy umum uwiuge. -auwu mj I chum asked pa if be didn't want to come up and take the grand bnmper I nerrree. ana ne . taiiuu auu bcuu ua didn't care if he did, "Su t to encour acre us boys in innocent pastime that I wna imrrovinfir to our intellex.. We 1.1 i i. i.t.. -s : .ln.4- in i nun nnui, i,ut3 izuu.it uu su a u I mv room, ami uo uu su viw ing, so we took oil tbe . hanilkerchiel, and he was eating some of ; my col lars and skate straps. We went up stairs, and told pa to come up pretty soon and give three disunct rape, and when we ask nun . who comes there he must say, a pilganc who wants to join yonr ancient order and rid the coat' Ma wanted to come I tp too, but we told her if she come in It WOUld preaa up w ivuga,uaua a woman couldn't keep a secret, , and we didn t hive any saddle f 01 the goat. Say, If you never tried it, the navfc time von nishiate a man in your Marpns lodge you sprinkle T. . a - il . . 11 iitUe kvan pepper en me goats I beard iast before ; you turn bim 1 oose. You can get three times as much fun to the square inch of goat You wouldn t think it was , the same eoat Well, we got all fixed and pa rapped, and we let him in and told him he must oe Diinaioiaea, ana ne got on his knees a lafhn, and I tied a towel around his eyes, and ' then I turned him around and made him tret down on his hands ' also, and then his back was right towards the closet door, and I put the buck beer J 8igu right jsgainst pa's; clothes. He wae a lamn au tne ume, ana sua we boys were as full of fun as they made em, and we told him it. was a solemn occasion and we wouldn't, permit . no levity, and! if he didn't stop laf&n we NO 7 t , . .1. .'Tzmrpirmn couldn't give him. the grand 9mper' " degree. Then Verytbingjwas ready, and my chum had had his hand , on i the closet door, and some Vv'nn vmt - Pother hahdv and nskedba- in low bass tones, if le felt as though" he wanted to turn baclydf ttwiu-' nerve to go ahead and take the .de. gree. . I warned bim tbatdt was ftfll ' - Of dangergltiialRbaKnBnioaded for beer, and told him he yet had time to retrace his steps if ha Xvanfcd ! to. ' Hs said hep wanted the1 whole business, and wecQnld go ahead with the manager!?. The f said Ho pa i that if he had decided to go. ahead and not blame ufef dr the '. conkequdnc' ? I es to repeat afteir me the following ,- . "Bring? forth; th bilmpet and. let hiuitf' " bump. Pa repeated! the words and my chom sprinkle ,tli kyaftjpfcpfcer on the j goat's mustache, ftand he ' sneea once,an(lilqoked then he saw the laVerer eer g at rarinsr uD. and he Ktartoii fnr it incf real fat, and he knew! hahad, got hit, . and he said. 'Hell's fuklvihat aaty WirJ I hira tuiother tovuA iSu t.. wys ,aom anaj tneni the goat gave. t& su. ' m " off the towel and grot ud and started. f Orthe stauip, and id th fiai , I and ma was at I the bottom' orihe sU?r4nmgj;id4wbn, aOwkfa. over the: banister pa auJ Ltt arfd W1 exe all inj a heap,, ftuA Da wot yelling hsurder, ;and hia M?creVff ' tog fire, and thfe goat was "biiWipg. and 'sneezing and bu&iliy ''nM IW hired girl came into the ball end the goat; took aiUf her and sheJiibssedi i herself just as the goat .struck lier and said HowlV febtbe,mrotactahkl t and wen down stairs as wo boys withlboth ;lndfrSn.,! suae aowaw, herself, land the goat reared u"p and Waednd pa.;and pa iwasjfi ' their room andj shut the door, and then my, bhim ad !me , pned eitfj front door and idrbv the' v gbrft "out Theministen yhp cornea. tpt eo m' t every three titties ; a ireVl? w'H fusil ringing ;the,bejl tuidegoqUhgaght, he wanted to be nifhiated: 00,' land gave him one for j luck, apd then went down ihe! sidewalk blafcfojnji.J' sneezing, and the miuisjter cam in the parlor and j said he staljbed t and then pa came out of his room with his suHpeniTers" hanging "down, and he didn't kQwfJifimmterwai . there,' and be said cuss.toi-clBjaAd ma'cried and tpfd pahe would 'gVtfy-V hell sure, and pa said ho "dtdn't iaver - he would kill that cussed goniv, afore he went, and I told pa the minister was in the parloraHd he-knd ' ma went"dqrwu-and d.iheweoi'jwaBT in t 1. 1 1 1 ' ' prupiuous ior t revival, ana it se era ed as though au outpouring ;-of the -. spirit was about to be yonchsafea,tci his people, ati none, of them; -eefc.;. down but ma, cause the goat didn't ' hit her, and while, they were lajking religin with their mouths and kussiir the goat inwardly,my cbrim ftnd me-"1 adjourned "the lodge, and I Went and" , stayed with ? him all night, aud,-X, han't been home since. - Bat J diai'jt , believe pa will jlick me, cause he. sil , he would not hold us responsible yor the con sequence f.v He fjrdered the ' goat; hisself arid we filled tire order1 don't you seel Well, I-giiesa. I : will go and sneak in tha, back Avay -ijud find out frpm the hired girlhow the and lavs. ' She won't grt beck 611'' me, cause the; goat vvnff not lbaded '' for hired girls. ' She jnst b-ippsned to get in at the wrong time. . Goodr bye, sir., itemember-anu give.yoiiB t goat kyan periper inyourlod-j-e' 57EATEEE PBO&NOSTICS;)",': , Soma Things td ' team In Of ier "ta Tiff-M ; i owns vweatasr wise." h i,4 It is stated that tuo , following pronostics ai4 deduced from obnSi vations gathered from ine,'rnoIFeTr able sources in Eogiaddl, einbricitff 12 Vearp, from 157 5 to 1780,: ... 1. When tpe veinaltquiKo; preceded or foliowod -by thh..URoaI(( 1 s.:'.y. .1- . summeV will l o dry" 1 at Was! -fivft 1 - !!.: 4 i.i-r times in fix 2. If asterly sWirns occir oik, le, athrrna frnml vrhftf an "trfifitttii oil i the 25th, 26ttWor27tlrof Marclfijj I a dry summer will follow. ,,-.' ." . a. i Wbenj storms bai)pcn, liowiyer i between the 19th aud 23rd of 'Matifib-, t having applications frofn ' Jbe ffe.!, southwest, the succetHliug.vvrfUfflec ' will be wet five times out of six. 'IhJ, England, when , bpth, wihteyft 4a:;'.- spring are dry.tbey aro jalwajs -coiru, but when these two sraspnn :!ie-:w.t. iliey.afe usijiEllv'warm .; 6h"ljof: Cop 1 tfaty, dry -'eujmmetiB MitunsSre most aluays hot and wats anastSaif cold j hence: if the humanity, f, ijy ; . specitl season be delermineJ, aiyv f proximatclyj correct Ufa 'nay be formed what the prevailing tiiipfjf5 19th, 20th .oj- 2.1th of May,fcthe v- ' suing summer will likewise be..dryv'i- the name cbai,nctcrif;tic 'a?fifeV tA"? ture will be; 1 ; sr , aje L A webj autumn, suceeeflei be: ej j mild win tar, ievgweraUy followed by ; a Jry and CtiLl epring,: which, wjll be. unfavorable1 to the growth-of vegcT " tion. ' v'- jv '?v -r Z 6 A woteammeris uit nkvajs succeeded by a stvere cjIJ,. wirttcrs; because the terreatialliott has ,1'een carried off by" evaporaliqn ; it has also been "lobfl wed -fliiit' wet sum mers promote great, proficiency 011 the white jtbcVn of dnr iv, s that an uuusual fruitful ! of tha tiirulK is considered a prcsag 1 JE an iuteiue ly cjld winter " ; ?-;; V M 6 : A severe winter i also jnOica ted by the carl er. departure- iji j he art umn by jcrdiiojin I oiher migratcry birds, bVoaase the birds Bevtr, leav, , for a southern climVte unvl' tiiejcolvl season hasj commenced iu e;lrgbcx, northern regions. , r 7. When at t doEe , a sqm j mer day dew foriij copiously,,, tbtr ; fwllowmg day will jbe.p easnit.,t a. 4-t i 1 .1 I- -i --ril i H "1 i'-: