;-::i.v . , .. , . , ; ; J.., ., :? .;- . ft - - -h- - --i i :- f y 1 y rv i . . : t-frtti' ,. k,r rrv 4 u n BE SURE YOTT A ; THEK GO A.BCE AJD-GD. i .4 7 v::-.V ' ; . i - - ! .'. . . cL t j- ,- ,NW :;?.. 'V - v : aw w- i. V . 1 d aV Saw "a, aW r . SM, 'VI I i i . , UrocKett. V:::r,;,.Jw5; :T'":Ll itC PROFESSIOKAt. CARDS, Offer his professional Mrricei U Offic in T. A. McNair'i drug tor 8treL the citi- IRANK NASH, TARBORO N. C.v. Ul , ' Practices in all the Courts. Bute hud Fedr eral. ' ! : j 0100 S J. J. VAKT1N. B. C pKA-RPE. Martin & Sharpe, fl j Attorneys - o.t - ,Liaw r nlM im lha ComrK' Stale n4 Federal. H: 1. GnxiAJf. - ' DoirsreixiJrixiAJC V IIiIlAM's SON,! A.ttorny-t-Iiwr .TARBORO', N. C' i ?-; , . WW prettce in the Coantlea f Ejaseeombe, TTallfaY mnA Pit anil in the Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Circuit aad Buprema Courts at Kaleipn. janio-v D OSSKT BATTLE. AttornT at Law 11 raKBOKO' ROCKT MOUNT, .N. .C.I Pi aetla ti tk Coarts it ? Bdtreeoiube 8utrfltL WUond Halifax counties A) ia tha FederJ axd Sapieta Coarta. J'rrica. for the pieat,n:-firot frno' el m4f Mwsrds Uw ufflce, aext door to aw Ur ol S. S. Wh & C , oa Main t. Pea. IS. 1S1. . j - i j. G AtUrney and Cqaaielor at Law. ' TARDORC C fi, ;. rarrraeuasa ia all the Cuurts, Slate.ktxi Tal k. I. X.CARR. i Surgeori Dentist, TARBOBO, N, C. ; '- i. i ,-. .a , ' (41a,, hoars, iraai f a. m. 'till il p. m. and r. m llflflp. ai'. ! j r ! tK.n door t' O'horo jiiuuse, Tr THOS. H. BATTLE, alitor ney - at - Law, TAHBOio, ir. a Ofllce next to Philips A 8 ta ton's Law office. Will practice in the Federal and SUte. Courts. . Refers by express permission to Judge Rufr la, ef the Supreme Court r Citizens National ! lankvetRaleirh; ' Battle, Banu A Co., Nor folk ; Jno. Arnngteu A Soas, Patersbert- dSKhm . . i I-, 4h ' Penden ScHool, Irs. Gw'L Mfcr, Pracipal. rseuraed after the Christmas Holiday d - WKDNESDAT, JANUARY 3rd, ia the BridjcraGroTe property, lately oc- MBied y the Edgecombe High School, with inereaaed facilities for conducting as reed m Strictly Female School as can be feaad'aiywbere. ' The Becood Term for the first scholastic year will begin on, MONDAT, FEBKUART CXfra. Fer particulara, deree tbef Priocipal. ' '" ft' j'1 MRS. J. G. CHARLES' ' ha tiiig taken the ! Bask building, ori the Corner! of Trade and Pitt streets, ia now: prepared to take boarders. ; Tarboro, K. C-, January 11th, 1883.; j; 11 vmmwmmm - --- --.j ' .'-.i'jiNi Cosjibs Gsastiixb dc St. Anobkw Stkekts, These SUbfee are the largest it the State, and have a capacity af holdiatf; ten. car-loads of stoek. Gire him a caIL t -U ' 1anl8y Geo.? Howard p-tit. Wat. K.j Pippes, The ?ri I,, V sL WeiaslLOasslsr, (BARKlKO DRPlRTsfENT.) Ban open froas ... ...U Etol P. M. : Discount Day, TinfBSDiT. 1 v., - . : j' Dr. J. H. Baker. V "I Geo. Howard. H.;L; SEaton. Jr, t W, M, Bppri, H.. Morria, Des.l.ly. j- .- - j j. Ta at tne eld stand of I.aTrt : ' Bros.; A while htf-blowi bis horn ne is 1 ways pre pared to i err a you wtta tne purest eav DM TIM and the best flsTored CIGARS. ' eir hiss a call: ; ! ; - f - ' j. r; DIXON, v . ' - Opposite Ceart Hossa. Tarawro; Dee. 1, If. - ! Rocky nohht Mills . . A L-i' -Jj ' -a A are wepared to ta'eU lordefV for Sheet- inrs. Tarns sod Cotton "Rape, at lowest prices. Orders addreased .to iEoekv Mount Mills, Rocky Meutt . Cf will be promptly sttend- 4 tOi ea. .i,". .-jAtBa, na n us. Sea'y and Treaanrer. AprU 11, 18-tf . I -V A. film I.. Hill I B B -MAKUFACTtttElt; OT ! ' ,i x nann t Made HARNESS : :asd nsixsa is;- Saddles:; Bridles. Robes, W7iipsk ; natters,: Mian ws, &c: -. . ' -OPPOSITE COPRT-iroiJ8E,- TARBOaO'ilT.C.V . :- ' v Having bought ont Mr, K. A. User, the man afactnring . and reparng will be under his cnarge. Any one wanting fine hand-made lAnLLiiiwson rr a r - V" S7iS?S 00 wea w lTe me a call. SINGLE HARNE8S...T.Lu....L15andnp. Machine Harness at all priees.' JanWy ACKHTa WASTED VOW, TBI HIGTORYvSiU.S, BY AlEXANDERH. STEPHENS. New-Year Q4GREETIHRSE I shall open on the first dayf- January, R. IL Austin's Brick Store," two uoors om my old stand, a well selected stock of J tf iD!RIY GIOIOIDIS: H otions, 1 Hardware, Groceries. Provisions And Farm Supplies, All of -whieh iQ be sold Yery CHEAP for CASH, or on TIME to PROMPT PAJINQ Customers. ayGire me a call fore opening your ao count for the year, Reepcctfully, , T. n. Oatlin. Jarboro, Jan. 12My. I MOM BRER ! The Mot Refreshing Be v- erage isjiuwn. ,.N G. BEER BOTTLERS The Trade Supplied at. our EslaDlisnment, ext Door to Coort House. Orders by mail, from any part of th State, promptly attended to. ! tW Will hav a supply of "Buck 15eer in season. f Tarbore, If. C, April 13, IS. AndBought for Ga'shi be) DoctorsRecom ena It GR0GER1ES 4 LIQUORS .... I t m 0 1 i '...u as S en g ' " y O 2 .... - r 9 t .... (go frf frj " O .t ory y y Also a fine line of Family, Groceries. iiarine opened a Urocerr and Bar. next door to K. C Brown A Co'b. we invite all onr friends to rive as a liberal share of their nat- I ronage. We will try and please. TIT -III a.. a 1 PARKEB fc DAWSON. Tarboro'. N. C. Jany 18, 831t - Are upon us. but there is a rift in the cloud full of promise to those who TJBfc A.ITE WITH f:'E:- m BBi sassi awas as at at aar Notwithslacdine the Inroads made no nil stock during Xmaa, his lin of Staple MMY GROCERIES nas not oeen allowed, to run VV XarSM., IHC pUC JU, 7, T "PUTTS. :. v- , -e- tliOSC wllO MUM Utile 1110711, but want it to go a LONG WA Y. Only the : Are Kept and they '.are CHEAP. If you are not convinced of these facts. call and examine,! or inquire of the multi tude who dally trade, j t pirn Main St.; 2 doors above Pfnder's i Jaa. StIHffl. 'V . a "-(", ' ' I': . TO THE PUBLIC I HAVING RECKNTLT PURCHASED THE interest of Mr. B. J. Keech in the firm of : KEECH; & MALETX, r ' f- and formed a Coparteership with MR. J. P. MaXJiTT,- for the Jttrpos af carrying on a i FIRST-CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, ! f The Hard -Times I will after this date be fonnd at the store on Main street, known as the .Williamson bnild ingywhere I will be pleased to serve my friends. Tvlshing one and all a happy and prosperous year, I remain, ;-!,--"-: Very truly yonrs, ' ! . . WIUIE HART.I Tarboro, N. C., Feb'y 1st 188. , : ; lm 1 1 'itl majsi " tats''" -!f r- ; : Goods to Tie carried" over the Season. u: Flannels, Oanton Flannels, Blankets, Shawls, Cloaks, car pets, ( loakings, Re- : - -I-. pell ents, black and colored Oashrnqres. Satins, Silks, Plush es, ladies' and chil dren's flannel Tests and pants, Boule- vard Skirts and fur trimmings,! Bleach- ings, Brpwa 0 :4r mestics and Sheet- ings AND BOYS' OVERGOflTS, FW nnel Underwear PINE CITY MADE AT ALL PRICES. None to be Carried Into K the Next Season. i . CALL AND EX AM I HE. j r:ft!-h Basis Si Bufen, Bfe, 500 OF ftv:- 'j y iw fe ' ' at af : ForDyspeyeia, OvltlMBSIIb. Ohronie Slav " Theea, Jaundice. Imprtty of tfca Blood, IMr aad' Aa-aa. Malaria. an Diseases caused' ST 'Do. ' t smnes&eas eaXdvex Bewela sadBUdaveya. fTUPTOK OF A DISEASED XXTXB. Bad Bream; Pain ia the Side, sometimes the Mia is felt uador the Shoulder-blade, alst&kem for , Khcimntitm ; general lan of appetite ; Bowals '. SeaIalIs, atmdym, tomatimca akernatiog with lu 1 1 the bead is troubled with Mia, it dull aad baryi with considerable loss ef memory, accompanied : with apainful sematioaofleaTias; undone seaietaiaa; ' which onaht to have faaea done; liht, dry cOTifh aad flatbed &ce a mrerrimea an attendant, oftea iwhtskta tat consnmptiaevt. the patient compiaias , . af.weariaeu and debility; aerrout, eu3y startisBi j aeet cow or Doming, aoaieomea a pndcl of the akia exiatai cninla mn Imr MmA A aad. althoaah aahsfied that ezercaa aroald Scud, yet one can hardly summon trp fortitude to enr . it-r4nr met, distrasta every remedy. Several of the ahova symptoms attend fee diieaae, hut esses have OCCUlied vbea hut few c them xiated. ne eaamluatleat after death has srurtnt the Unr m 1 aave Dean exstastveiy deraaged. It slioald be nsod by an vrsoas, old amd yoaas;, whenerver any of tba avbore symptoms sppemr. Persona Trarellna; mr Uy im V heevlUiy IxxjaOlUea, by tahiaw a does sreaaisa) aiiy to aecp tne uver ta aeaitny acnea, wiu avm as Malaria, BUloos attseaia, Dintaos, Mas- ' T . T-i . o , . wilS iaviTOraU liaa a rials of wine. . . DrowaineM, Depreasioa of Si im. etc It t is no ia Vrrlnatlns: beveracei. ' If Ton tasTe eatea anytlklas; bard ( cusjeetion, or feel heavy after aMak, or sleep loaa at aight, take a dose aad you will be reUcved. Timi ad DootOTs BDls win be aaresl alw ka4ln atui BaaroUte i in the House I Fer, whatever the ailment amy be, a theroogUsw safo porsjattTe, alterative and tonle aever be out of place. The remedy Is harmless and doea mot interfere) with business or IT IS rtnUTXT TEOXfABLK, And has all the power aad efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Ckvernors Testimony. ' Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use ia my family for-some. bow, aad Lass satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. f J. Gil Sbobtbx, Governor of Ala. Son. Alexander S. Stephens, of Gaw, . says : Have derived some benefit from die use of Summons liver Regulator, aad wish ts eive it a -The OnlT Thins? that newer falls to mb nevw." 1 nave ned i a. I have nsed nuavy remedies for Dvs- sepsia. Liver Afiectioa and Debility, hut never have found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Mia. aesota to Georgia for it, and would send ninhcr for aueha medicine, and would advise all who are sim Bariy aSected to eive ita trial as it seems theonly thing that never till to relieve. . ; I ' P. M. jAjtifET, Minneapolis, Mian. Taaoit-Tat From actual ex pei hull ia the use of Simmons Um. fiMmtn, im i ay practice I hare been and am tisfifd to use 7" ew prcscnoe k as a purgative I 1 purgative 1 JoTake oaly the Genuine, which always has oa the Wrapper the rod Z Trade-Mark amd eUa-aatore oC Jt U. ZEUXS m CO. KK;SAL BYAIX; DRUGGISTS, S0L.W00LARD. Dot Tou Forget It," that I hare one of the finest stocks of GRO CERIES, &c, ever offered to the trade in this Tlcituty, Country - Merchants . are requested to examine MY PRICES. I 1 HAVE IN STOCK - cy K Barrels of Flour, different grades. 1 2 Ba5(! cee Q C " . Bairvlrr Sagatv-1 jQitexes of Tobaeoo, loughi lief ore the t . f . - -Boesi. and, Barrels of Crackers and 1 jJ Cakes. I am agent for the manu vifa4srrs and offer these goods at j manufacturer's prices. pr Barrels of Mbtt's Champagne Cider, vjr aow a uie . mm pnee.. u ne price.. The trade j can saye freight by buying of me. - soe; woolard, f -i , Jl, , a- 'Nest to H. Feb..l5-lj. C. Brown &Co..' . ,TARBORO', NjC Furniture ! talang ! B. G. Caiiile, Main) St.- just above Pamlico Banking Co. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Mrniiure Bought for Cash, which he offers at moderate prices. . Mta ill M mi COFFIXS. CASKETS AND Illf- DERTAKIIVG GENERALLY. Patronage solicited. ;i - -A -. 'V; ' , ' B. 0. OARLILE. Tarboro, Fb." 26, 1882: wxNTrntinn II nn sv i wwi Steady Empravmeat danaa; aoirrKai arm Men. Address Ir. ,-n.'.i.tf uiui mr R f leBsnvaayeissBBasBlvaa Teuesdat, . i . . . .Febbuasx 22, 1883. , . SAIL SO TSS SXaSLAKSS 1 '"''. . . ' ! BTW. C. 11TO,.! -J 'I t Hafl to the Highlands oTSortk CrUat : .Grandest of States : let them ring wtth'ker name. s Wreathe a brht garland with which to en- twine her, . - i :r r .Wreathes e,immortelles'., to last with her fame. ;-. , , . Hail to the Hlghandsthe land of iuight i'Jj yratersli j v I U : ' Laad ef th rooantaln, the cliff and the - dell; - ' Health to their sons and lone; ,Ufe to their . danghfars; .' ' ' frTsa 11 s 1 fiaas wtyre,.tbst ssooataUfj eers swell. Hall to the 'Highlands! How fertile their val- leysl 7 " ' ; --J, Boundless their forests, and priceless their - ores, I ' ... Healthfol the sephyr that oyer them dallies; Charming jtbe glen where the cataract , .roars. t ' . j " . ' ' Hall to the H-hlands! ' Upon them is draw- hSi ' ' Life that wiQ fill them with wealth and with . power. ;."!'' What of the mooti-tlde, if this be the morningr What win the fruit be, if this be the flower? - 77"11,"t,''T""'lw'w""wl DiCk, THE; RAMBLER." i 1 XI Air Irish Sketch. BY WILLIAM DUJTT. ' Tb old farm-honse of Pat Mo Gratb, on a certain: afternoon in tb month pf September, was the scene of untreaal ' bustle ' and! excitement. No wonder, something unusual about to take 'place the marriage of his only daughter, Susan, as lovely a grl as there was in the entire County of Tyrone, and just as good as she ws lotely. The bride's party was already a- sembled, the clergyman in attendance to perform the ceremony, and alt was expectation awaiting the corning of the groom, John Fitzgei aid, and his vai'ty. Susan haanaa many suitors ior her hand, for she was the acknowl edged ielU ef the district 1 but 'lately they had all ( dropped off bit two, John Fitzgerald and Matthew Don nelly, the former of whom she bad chosen, to the great disappointment of the latter. '- John's first idea was to be married priyately, but fearing this woald be attributed ta cowardice, as Donnelly's violent dispOHiticu wis well known-, he spoke of it freely in public so tfiat it was well known he was to bs married the afternoon we speak of. j : : Therefore it was that Pat's : large kouse was filled to the door, for, besides the invited guests, the invited besides the invited guests, the invited guests, the neighbors had gathered in to see the marriage, aad wish jthe happy pair loy John bad been ex pected by two 'clock. It was now seven. yet; no sign of his coming, and Sasaa, o-et 1 come by anxiety, began crying bitter- 2 . ; . - xr j ! j "Don't cry, Susan dear," said one of the neiff&bors. and hev yer party eves red when ye stan up alore i his reverecce. Her some sense neu be here soon, I warrant ye." "No, Bo! rephed ' Susan, between her obs, "he will ot be here i I feel in iny heart that something dreadful has happened to him." It was suggested a uieBBBuger should lje sent to learn the cause of his delay, and while talking of ' this", a strange-looking individual i entered and irave Susan a letter. ; " JiniS Was " aicss, sue AKiuuier, a harmless, halfwitted creature, who s-ent . front' one place to another throngh the parish, and' who,"Trom his rovmg propensity, aad acquirea his name.; , 't'Z... Dick felt at home wherever . he went, and called every place he made his stay in his house. a. . a ' : ' . So well was he known, ne coma come at will to any house, and stay all niorht ; but' he sometimes prefer red a hay stack, barn or stable, -or Iperhaps the lonely lnottntain. , , Sueaa recognized tne nana wnung as that of John Fitzgerald, and hasti ly tc re open the envelope. ! She had read but a few lines, when , a pallor as of death overspread her countc- nanoet;; she clenched the letter in her hand, tottered, and fell heavily to tha floor. ' " "' r- Immediately all was - eonfusioa, and they crowded round the fallen girl. The clergyman, however, ordered them to ' stand back, bad water brought, and bathed her tem ples and chafed her banns. She soon was restored to con sciousness. He took the letter from her hand, and having looked over it, quietly dismissed those assembled, telling them there1 would be no marriage that evening. 1 The letter which bad . so affected Susan was as follows 4 j "Dzab Susuk : I like you well enough, and thought I did love you, but now that it has come to marriage I findj do not leva you well enough to marry yoa. I think it : better ior both of ue to tell you this now than to let you find it out afterward ; and now you wiu nave a cnanee to marry one who does lova you. J. j . think it only fair to tell you this, and besides, think it better to go away awhile from, these parts, and hope, when I return, to find yon as happy , with somebody else as you expected to be with me. ; .- r:':.:'!:.' '' i! - "Johh FiTzoaaiXD, Susan folly believed that John, had written this letter ; but , in this- she was mistaken, as the reader will soon see. Matthew Donnellr. Susan's reiect i 1 ed lover, was, as before intimated, a I man of sv very violent disposition, I and stung unto msidness by her pre-1 Zrence lor Jehn, had resolved ae au hazzards'to lrustrate their union? To aid him in this.; ha -soucrbt one I Larry Dugan, or Larry More, as he J wag called, on aecount: of hit hnera I y proportions, and it was agreed that I Ws;marriage day, the letter ' lent ' to I mo loooia oe MDiBiaa on we we qi i Susan, and. if neceessarv, Susan her-1 aelf abducted. " I When John left Ma betrothed, about ten o'clock the night before I thai day fixed" lor -their nnionrhe prox3eedodmeward, -ieelmg :hap. pier than er in his hfe before, and had cot as fares Leecloucrhfin Bridge I when a large man, wearing' a mask, bounded . from . the roadside, and I ttta tin tttae.tesnarma JEra Ae I nnnlri no snirht m fnui himBslf. tan I others, also masked, snranir nton I him j a trae was placed in his mouth, and secured back of his head, hia hands were tied behind him, and - a ninth rt1aAa4 Avar Vila svm. . iFTa' waa JiVW'm wvw " .. I JL then nlafifld on a horse b back, and I to render escape impossible, his legs tied together ' underneath. Three other horses were brought from the field close by, and the line of march taken on. nnson asrth am a oft John. I with his horse fastened to theirs, the ' other behind ; and thus they proceeded toward the mountains. That sama night, Matthew Don nelly stood " outside his 'door, and ooce in a while took a turn up and down the road, as though expecting somebody. At length ; a tall form came looming through the darkness; 'That yoa, Larry!" said he. "What news V " "W e her him caged, j. Mister Don nelly, just as ye tould XXB." w "All right, Larry, yer pay is ready. Ye did not hurt him, I hope f - : "No hurt whatever, j We tied him as ye bid us,' and brought ' him fair and aisy to the black cave, and there we left him with hia refreshments." i "He did not know any of ye, eh V Arrah, how conld be know us wid them things on on faces? and, 'be- sides, wan iv us neverspDker "Very well done, Larrv. I hope the next mission I send ye oa, ye will do it natly. lettherr . And Inow about this IQt this I "Oh, yes, the lether ! Hev ye got it yet ! 'xes, lgot .it. It i a good copy wtitting. Ye can sive it to Dick, the Rambler ; he is sleeping in the barn there. Some time to-mor row will be time enough f ' ' e-s Thoucrh terribly shocked bv the turn affairs Fad taken, Susan Mc- Grath, under the care of her friends, was soon about her household duties again a wees naa just passea when Matthew Xrannelly came to see jusan, and with himi Larry. They pusan, ami wim uiu,. "y were received rather coolly ' by Pat, and were scarcely spoken to by the I gui i vit-l harsolf. who an vtac ffllt lifr.la dm I posed to see anyDedy. When they were seaieu a iww ilbiuumi, j-juxrY pulled a Doxue oi v nisny irom nis pocket, observing: i We hev come over to spend the night, Mr. SlcUratb, and this is a dhrap iv something good, to help mane imuga " ileasant' "Pat yer whisky ; in yer pocket." replied Pat, rising as he Bpeke ; and tarring to the other he continued : I know yer errand, Donnelly, and I bow tell ye, wanst for - all, ye need come here ne more with any such intentions. So take yer whisky where yell have more welcome, for a dhrap iv it wont be! drank here!" 4 ''Let the girl spak for herself,? said the other, u,rfhat do ' te ' say, Susan r ' ' ' i "I want to have nothing whatever to do with yon, she replied ; "aad nothing will please me better than to have von never Speak to ma acrain." And she rose and passe J into the Other partment, closing the door behind her. J XAll rigt," laid Donnelly, addresB ing PaL t'Ye won' forget . how ye thrated me. Neither will I; and re member wan thing, ye'll be sorry for it Cknae,'Larry.' And both left tne konse without another word. 1 ' I ' -f " In the mealtime, how fares John Fitzgerald! Better than . might have been expected.' When the bandage was rembved from his eyes in the Black Cavel he saw that a rude bed was in ! j readiness for his oesapancy, a chair, a small table, quite a large bundle of tallow candles, and ale a pile of oatmeal bread. Beaides these things, were two stone jars, whieh ! he afteprard found to eonUunU water ..and Cwhisky, re- peetively! '' - ; k "A. t" ' He also saw he was in thepreseace of three powerful mea one of them espeeially being i almost a giant in size-Hind concluded, very wisely, .that to dispute tne matter of stajing Uhind them feoliah.' -j - So, when theyj had removed the gag, and loosed the cords that bound him.? h suffered - thexn -to depart without a wordj'latd then heard them barricading the entrance, by rolling quite, a number Of stones into it. JLO NiaauoitWBB . wwmrj in the ! extreme, but hejaadathe best of it by reiresning nunseii irom ue jma, tCll law down j to watch the dim dIft 'burtlirl- t burning in the awful stillness and think over what all this could be meant for. f How long he 1 had 'been confined in the cave he had no idea ; but this much he did ' kibw--bat- the jars were nearly empty, Ihe candles nearly all barned; - and ' bttir little of the bread reaaining,when be was startled I by hearing some one : remove the afoaee at the entranoe. He thboh it wa the large ' man coming to liberate him, or i perhars I his with a fresh supply of food ; but in I this he was mistaken for when the I intruder had jremoved the j obstruor 1 non, ana come wunm uie . circie pi the candlelight. John saw, he was J no other than "Dtck, the Jtmibler 1 ,. I "Dick ihy boy," ciied John"hevMe and my .ohnm f-hbpii rf pi wil n wan wid ye : 1 ! . , 1 such a terror on j skates we would 'Musha Y who twud I have. wid m i . . ui e uu ei nw r, . iu say, John, wh them ! stones I mere i xnis is my nouse. JNODoay i abould do that, r 23adlnckio who-1 erer it was 1 if Iy lmew--s, ' , But John did not wait for the end j be of the sentence, titexceedingiyJhe uiaiiui ior me opnorujuxy, nurnaa l Ixrom the cave, ana proceeded at a, rapid rate down the moufcteiifeV. . , "Poor Dick I" thought hex jgChat's his house I Very lucky,, for, me h.e tmaioimnujcm it. ' He looked around, and caw .w . all litary . &nd was darkness ; except one so; light down the mouatain side, and concluded and rightly, too that it J proceeded fromMatthew Donnelly's, j . ... ne cnougnr, xonneiiv naa some- thing to do with his capture, and as it was not much out of his way, felt inclined to, go to his house and see why it was lit up when all , else waa oarsT. He quietly appreached the window j and peeped in. There sat Matthew, and by his side sat Larry More, whom John' felt sure was the large SB an who had captured him.' They seemed excited, and talked rather loudly, and as the night was calm, and the window partially open John could dietmcUy hear their con- versation. Crouching under the window, he listened intently. . - "She cut rae badly, Larry.'' "She did that, sir: and as for me. I wudn't stan' it at all." J "No more will I; and 111 tell what I wanVye to do, Larry," "Let's hear what it is, and, if I take in han,'ye can depind on me doing it." ;j "I'll give ye five pounds for jour tbrouble, Larry, and I know ye can 1 a. a V . a . l " J omj mave- tne courage co J- " J : J know here Slugigah Bridge is. I want ye to go " ,pg onsan ; wraui 66,u ah uieev ye there. Be sure ye don t hurt or abuse her in any way. Handle her like a baby, j Bring her te me there, and the five pounds is yours. Bring yer comrades wid ye, and, while they attend to the ould man, go ye to the room where Susan sleeps,-gag her. iv course, the first thing, to keep her quiet, then cover . her wid a large sack, set ber alore ye on a borse, and bring her wid ve. To-morrow night I pa same to the wall.and had to stop.; , let John out 11I'be' married to'Tand IhejHrtifell rlrrht "across 4iim. ; ' Susan by that time." "What a divilish plotTJ muttered John to himself. "But I think lean upset yer plans, ye villians ye I" And ne enrnaa on m tne in the direction of Pat M which place he reached in ti And be burned on in tne darkness McGrath's, time to see un:.l. tl, TW1 iiuoj iu i-iauiuiri also approach it. This is ray house," said the latter. T11 st,ay here till merning." A few hours later," true to his ap pointment, Matthew j Donnelly was at Slugigah Bridge, -.awaiting the ming onus corjisaerate. The sound of a galloping horse broke the stillness of the night, and Larry, holding a strusrglirje: for before him. came thundering forward. "Ye hav her, I see," said Donnelly, as Larry drew rein on the ' bridge. "Be quiet, Susan dear," he continued, as the struggling form was deposited in his arms. "Yell hurt yerself. Don't be afetred I won't 'harm ye." "There she is, sir,, safe and sound,'' said Larry, getting oflf the hor&a ; "and a hard time I bad iv it a-houl-dingivher. Bat my arm is strong, o I managed it" j I "I see je did, Larry, and yer mon ey is here for ye. But I'll hev a peep at her face first, to make sure ye didn't hurt her." lie hastily opened tne sackv and, on doing bo, what was his disappoint , ment, borrow and indignation to see that, instead of the lovely Susan Mc Grath, the person therein was "Dick, the Rambler !" ! 1, r .- "By Jabers !" he cried, ia a rage; "what thrick is this T" r And he seized jibe unfortunate Dick by the neck, and shook him clear of the sack in an insiant. . "Ye sold me in this, ye villian?" he continued, turnibg to Larry More, who was in ne very; aminable mood himself "yes, sold , me, ye mane scoundrel!' Ye' pretended to bring me the girl, and expected my money afore I wud look in the saek. -Instead iv the girl, ye brought me. him !'' pointing at Dick,' who 'had now. walked off, the gag-still in his mouth' "Yer a liar as well ; as-, a villain !' replied the other. J "Do ye dare ssy lisr to rae V cried Donnelly, now foaming with passion, and he made to clutch Larry by the throat, but did not succeed.; for with a blow from his powerful arm the latter felled him like a log to the earth, where he lay sliil and motion less ii ' U :: - - . Take that " said he, bending over him "It may J'arn ye in. future 10 hev no qaarrel with Larry Mote" and, getting on hie borse, be rode slowlv away. 1 joon ij itzgeraid ana ousan 51c- Grath were mariied the zoliowmg day, and among those- assembled at the wedding no one enjoyed himself more fully than "Dick; the Rambler." That Sal Soy. "What broke jour !. pa up at the roller skating rink! asked : the gro eery man.. - u ii; : .---Jv;. -t. , ,f ... "O, everything broke him . up,'" said the bad boy. He is split up so I ma buttons the top of hia pants to collar button, like a bicycle ritJ,. Well, he bad no business to have told me find my chum f;hat he 'hsed tfr b! the hest.skattx - in Krtrfh A rnarfAt. wnen ne. was a,. dqj, . e.,f aid M skated "ones; ytm4i&Ay4irT$4t' York in an hour BJndet5Mw minntaa laaws unu ewer lum an tne 'area unknown an clean crqt, . f be ..whole gang: we told pa that He atfct W ' ' member that roller skates were dif . ferent from ice skatea aid-that inatfMJ he couldn't skate on them: but, said ".it didn't make(ahVl6eincy IJ1) wnai yiey were so long as they wee wattes, ana npe) wonw; ;Hi8t I arliyte the) whole crowd. Se we got a pair while we were strappmg them on; ' pa he looked at- the sks.tra tAAm waxed iXSaai just as "though they, were greased, r Thei'pa looked at thef sldttea on 'lufl" if) ffifit. after th ST Wnro faefsniu)' on4 of forlorn like, the Wayi a liohie Jtnief H ( 1 does when theyj pu$ shackles on his legs, and I told hun; if, he waa;, afraid Mi 1 he couldn't skate : with then wd ' 1 would take them .off;j but i lie v saidrw he would beat My. oody1 we straightened pk 4npnanflI WiinM I him toward the.middle of the rrsom. i and he said 4regfgd,' ahdWe joetgiTe him a little .push .to , start -him- aM, f he began to' go. , -Wirfl, - by1 'gothi' 1 you'd a died to,have seen pa rtryinffr to etop. iTou see, ydu Can t'iiick'iini'ti; your heel and stop, like you can on. . ice skates, attclfc! . siial If ouacl ltha ! I out, and ne began te turn sideways, and than , ha ; Jhrefr. i iiis sataieP ftndV7 walked on his heels, and he lost his hat and bis eyehegan, to attck-iout) -1 cause he was goiDg right' agamstt an' " iron.postT One arm. cafajjh'fc. the ppy j and he'circled 'around it a'few' timet . and then" he ei go and began to. .fall, , f t and, sir; he'kept falling all across'tne - ' room, and everybody got out ef hei way except; a girl, and pA! grabbed her by the polpnsisrjrkra drowning man grabs'at a straw, -tiieugh ' there wasn't any btrawa in ( her polonaise, , as I knows of ibut pa just pullea ixr ' along as though she was done 5pvlhT'u"' a shawl strap, and his feet', went eras- e i from under him, and he. s truck eal., his shoulders and kept agoiag,' witlL y the girl dragging along lie a bundle of clothes.! If pa had another pair of roller ekatea on hie shoulders arid f casters ou'his ears, he coulda,'t , iavait a . Blid along any better. ? Pa, iava short, t. , . . thick man, and as he was , rolling along on bis back he looked: like 'a--sofa with casters on being pushed across the room dt ' a eirL Pinallv- and the "girl 1 fell right .across 4iim, with ber roller skates on his . neck, and she called him an old brute,' and teld him if he didn't let go of 1 her' lU t polonaise she would murder - hAa. Just then' ray ,chum , and .,me .Qti., .j ' there and we. amputed pa from the , , ; girl and lifted him upv and "I told " i him for heaven's sake to let us 'take" '".-4 off the skates, cause ' he couldn!t'!-'. skate any more than a ..cow: and pa at... was mad and said for us to ,let bin , j : j alone and lie could skate all right, and we let go and he struck out J again. Well, isir,'-! was ' ashamed.' lU i An oldjnan like pa ought to knoW'.' better than jo try to be a boy,: JThis .j last.timepa6aid lie waa going , o, ; . - spread himeelt, and if" I', am, any. . i" udge o a Jig spread, he did.5 s'pre1tdV' .imself. ' Somehow the bite rhlrf got turned around sidewsys:ioa. hia i feet, and his feet got to ' going., in ,t ' different directions, and. pa's . feeI1t .j werV getting so far apart, thai 4t waa 1 ! afraid Ilwonli have two apas, half j tie size with one lug apiece.Itried' to get him to take up a ooilectioav4f tu; his legs and get ithepi.in thrn4fvnel4 r ward, but his arms flew aroua fftAj., one of them hit 'me'onihe noae. andf i I thought if he wanted to; strM 'flfft'-' " best friend he had he could ' run 'This ;"J old legs hisself v When hie began jtan.l separate IJ could hiartheijtonea, I craek; but biaybei it was his jpaatf,. hut anywajr ho came "de wn on flie s' floor, like ue of those1 fell6vrl! iif 'l ',i circus, wild BpTsaa himself, sad hW -t kept going, and finally he or round nit ed aa juon-po3t, wiUi) his. ,Jest; and ,tf e f rT-YrT Qlii lin rtaa A ar.9 4 Vi as. as s- avuva sj awm.ws. aysntic enuu vi-iVa f 4 proprietorLof the iiuk told pa if Ve wanted to give a flying 1 ti apezei 'per-''f formance he vrould have to ?go tQ the gymsasium, , and 'ih; . couldai't skate on his shoulders any more. , . cause oth ,er skaters wpra afraid - nf him. Then pa said he would kick " tha- liver out ef the ' proprietor'.3 f the , , rink, ; ajd then t-4 aes got up and ', steadied. Vhimae and) then. he tried to.'kick..,tne man.'t bis heels jwent up.lo "vroucti 8,0, turned a back1 somerset i!nrid ' i1rdckM -right on his vest in 'fromt: Iguess it knocked the breath out -el J him, tjj for be didn't speak ior'a'fewmmufes i aod then b'e wanted to g6 houie."abd I we put him On the strefct ear ,an,d"hbx; laid down on the" bay itnd rode home" U, the jwoTk we had to vt,t.peBJ; clothes off. ; He had icks-'mvliis back, and ma was away A tOi-oae)t)f thr?,nc-igUbQrs,; to look : si ttlie vateswt,' entti tuid I ba-t to jjut ,liuitufct,you. pu, audi made a mistake and' rgot a! battle of funiiturepoligh, andjdjtt it. u, on. pa and rubbed itj fsnlBwJkexi,(i,' ma came Lome pa smells, JikfSj pcfc fin at a charity funeral and ma Baid' .thtre was no way -'of ''getting' that varnish off pi till If r' wore S off. 'Pa" sate ' holidays51 are: a v coidemhed" nuisance anyway. He will hat' to ' 4 stay in the bouse all this - week. H .rlh Komemserlar. , , iCow-that good time are again npoa ns, it Is worth rememberlile: tbat no neeai!feifjey"th jeasaBbaajrrjaadingvy'if, jm;bad aaaHe..! There ar?liundreds of miserable pijople KOifg about with disrfrder stoflirfrtijflvet- hi ktdncys. when a bottle of Parker's OiiigHiTotkia wooiiii do them more good than all the medicines Uier .'nave ever tried! .'--:; - i J.C McCUBOV OA. PatlsdJlp.il.ra. V i-.; r3 i-v: -.-: K !kf - . . v p.VV,