. - -,. iii.n.. ir 1 , . -;(. f . ; . ,M BE SURB YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GhO AiEEAD: Crockett: VOL.! 61." t- PROF ESSI If A Ii CARIJS. D R. H. TV BASS f I i i the ciU-K Offftr his professional service e za of l arooro ana vicinity, t f ; Office ia T. A. HcNalr's drug store on Main Street. ft U- : .;' f j'tV ; ft ,-. ... : . pRANR NASH, TARBORO, N4C Practices in all the Courts. State and Fed eral. & s. 8f83 4- J. J. MABTLN. B. Cv, 8HARPE. Martin & Sharje, , :, - , TARBORO, It.iC. - " frastiee ia tho Coarts, g.ete aid Federal. eo-5-821y . j - " ' .. ' ' jl H. A. Gilliam. DahSEtL, Gilliam I GILLIAM fe SOL-, JSkXtOfXrym avt Xv-t-Xrs " ; - TARBORO', N. C. j; . , "WB1 practice in the Counties of Edj-eobmbe, Halifax and Pitt,-Tid in the CorU of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Baprtme Court at Raleigh. ' i janl8-ly. o OSSEY UATTLiC, T.nBOK0' ROCKTs MOUN'F, N. J. " Praetloca ' U: the Coarls oi Ediracomb Nasn, ritt, Wilson n4 : Halifax couuties lis ia the Federal sd 8upi Conrts. Ca7 Collections a a secialtyi 5 iOrrtca, for toe present, iaiiroat root of a a are Hew.rd' law of5:ei aeit door to w at.re of B. &. Da: 15, 1S81. ! Ka-h&C; Main l. If I t7 GEORGE HOWARD, Ittarney nd Coamielpr at Lav. . ' Tin Knur it, n !fl"lr5 js is all the CoarU, Sut n 1 r ilrHl. - n ;U t.6t1j. jy. I. H.CARR, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N c. flle hoar, :roat 9 a. m 'till p. m.aud from 3 to 6 p. m. i 4 SJJNext ioor -1 faKiorji lloiiw, iTtr Laaior . Boyster'i. j THOS. H. BATTLE, Jltorney - af - Law TAHBOB.0, N, q.t Ofice next to Philips Stalon's ;Law office. Will practice in the Federal and State Courts. Refers by express permission to Judge Ruf . f the Supreme Court ; Catizena National lank, of Raleigh ; BatUe, Bmnn Cc Nor folk; Jno. Arrington fc Soasj Petersburg d21-6im - . : I -Pender t SeliooL ' Irs.' Gci'L Pcuier, fmuppal. . (umed aiUr the Chnstmai Holidays on WEDNESDAY, Ji.NIJj.Rt iuo, ia the Brldera' Grove property, i Jately oc eupied by the Edgecombe! ligk School, with iacreasea facilities for conducting as good a Strictly Female School jas. cau te . fouad anywhere. The Second iTerm for the first scholastic year will begin5 on I ' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2th. For paiticalus, aderess theJPrinitipal. ja4ftai , . . MR. J. G. CHARLES ' hating I'taken the Bank building, on the Corner of Trade and Pitt streets, is now prepared to take boarders. Tarboro. N. C, Jannaryjlli, 18B3. J. I SAVAGE 1, "! -' " ' ,!' -I'M--si--: Cokhib Geax TILLS k 8t, Anidke Stbikts, ' TARBORO', lil'cl . 1 Thee Stables are the largest inlthe State, and hart a capacity of holdini tea car-loads of stock. GIts him a call, " i I janlSy , (io- Heward Tnn. ; Vai K. irippea, Vies Prss M. Veidell, OasUer. V Qs Msg bsruici 1, Eiatisj Co. "V CBARKlW DKPARTKENT.) Bakk open boa . . . . ; .9 AU M. 'to 8 P. M. Discount Day,: TmnisDxi. Dr. X H. Baker, Geo..Howard, H. L. Staton. Jr., . W. M, Pippen, H. Morrii. ! - . J). 18-1 j. JOHA It. MXOJ Ibattneoldstaadof.raltn .'Bro., while he blows his Horn uie i, always pre pared V serve' you with the- purest EA I) DK TIM and the beat flavored ClpARS. lve hiaa eall.v '.s t ( - J. R- DIXON. i ' Opposite Ceart Bouse. Tartero, Dee. . tf. , !. Rocky Sloant Hills : A KM ia full and successful operation, and . are prepared to all all orders; for Sheet ings, YarH and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders' ' addressed to Rockv ICount MiUs. Rocky JsLonat, N. CLr will be promptly attend- 4 to. t - 4AJ4S 8. UA1T1JS, . : See'y and Treasurer. ! April 11, 1878-tf. ' , . i , AvWlLLIMilSdri-, sIAJTOT" ACTURER 0J- Hand ffiade :ivd DPALBB In:- Saddles, " Bridles, MUs Whips, nailers; Blankets, wc. i 'V. : Haring bought out Mr. R. A. Sizr. the uian- 1 . "k.iiuius Miu rcpaiiujf wmi utf unaer CIS charge. Any one wanting a flue -hand-made narness will do welljto give me a call. SINGLE HARNESS...? ..... 15 and up DOUBLE HARNESS, ....... 25 and up; , Machine Harness at all prices, j j jan!7y Vlkflll Pr yer oan 'be easily made OIUlIU at boaae, workia;for . O. Hiaeoot tfr-Co.. 10 Barc'av fitrae.t. New York. Bead for their catalog and' :fnll i. a ' . W - "i New: Year : i 1S83. : . 1 1 I . - I shall open on the first J day of January, at R. II. Austin's Brick Store, two doors from my old stand, a well selected stock of Notions, j Hardware, Groceries, j Provisions And Farm Supplies, All of whieh will be sold rery j CHEAP for CASn. or on TIME, to PROMPT PAYING Customers. turn mw And Bought for Gash. t?Give me a call before opening1 your ac count for the year. i Respectfully, T. II. Gatlin. Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly. I BEBSi ! . ( - LAGER BEER. I The Mot Refreshing Bev erage Known. DflctorsRecortl It G. 0PPENI1MER&S0N BEER BOTTLERS The Trade Supplied at our Establishment, ext Door to Court House. Orders by mail, from any part of th State, promptly attended to. j 8 Will have a snpply of "Buck Beer in season. i ! . j i Tarboro, C, April 13, 1888. ! g 1 ! WRIT GIOIfllDlS.1 4-4-H4 GROCERIES km 5 2 58 S O ' M 2 V) V O ? rt " mm m fi i m 50 o ti to co t - Also a fine line of Family Groceries. Havine opened a Grocerv and Bar. nTt door to R. C. Brown & Co's. we invite all onr friends to (rive us a liberal share of their pat ronage. We will try and please: ! r PARKER & DAWSON. Tarboro'. N. C, Jany 18, 831y h d lies Are uponJ us, but there is a rift in the cloud full of promise to those who TRA.DE with T. E. LEVIS, NotwithstandiDp the inroads made on ins stock dunng XmaS, bis Hn- I of Staple nm GROCERIES . ' : ' ... - : ,-t- 1' I i Has not oeen allowed to run low. LEWIS' is the place for those who have little monv. but wa?it it to go a LOXG WA Y. Only I th e Best-- G-boAs Are Kept and they are CHEAP. ; - If you aret not convinced of these facts, caii ana examine, or inquire or me main tudb who daily trade. ' j : T. E. LEWIS, Main St., 2 doors above Fender's Jan. 5th, 1885. . j 1 ! ! i. ; !; . TO THE; PUBLIC I . :Ot " t HAVING RECENTLY PURCHASED THE Interest of Mr. B. JJ Keech in the firm of r KEECH A MALETT' ' and formed Copartnership with' MR. J. P. MA LETT, for the purpose of carrying on a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, I will after this date bo found at the store on Main street, known as the Williamson build lng, where I will be pleased to serve my friends. Wishing one and all a happy and prosperous year, I remain . 7 - y . i : , j, . Very truly yours, i ,! j WILLIE HART. Tarboro, N. C, Feb'y 1st 188S. 1m The H IStlt Dyspepsia, f Ooattweueaa, . Slok Heartache, Chronic Diar rhesa, JTaundlM, Impurity of tbe v" BlooiVFevarand Agrdc, - Malaria, k and all Diseases ot liver, Bowels ladKidnejs. j SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LITER. - Bad Breath; Pabi 1a the Side. aoaKda tbet i pJn is felt nadcr the ShoutderUvde, austakm fa, tencrally c the Hrt ZZZSvLZLXZ? dsot, wnilinm alternating wita lax; .with eoosidenbi loss of jnaofyf accomptuiiei with a painful icoaatioa of leaving undone something which ought to hT heea done; a slight, dry cough aad fluaaed face at anmninne aa attendant, oftca iwtafcw for eooawaptioavf tae patient complains Mwcariness aad debility ; aenrouc, easily startlad; . tset cold or bsuniae. sometimes a orickrv sansatioat i Bwoice wun mulu qoii ana aeary.i of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and. altKauoh aftfrMlUx - -..uV. ll ficial, yet one can hardly samnoa api fortitede to' OT t in bet, distrusu every remedy. Several f ef theahore syaiptoms atee he disease, tHit ease ; nare occorrad when but &w of them existed, yet examinatx after death has shown the Liver to have beea ezteasircly deranged. It saaMbMtd by all persons, old aad yoaac whanoTor any of the aboye, ymptoma appear. - '.'( " Fersons TraToUnr mr. lirimg ia Un , haalthy LooaUtiao, by taking a dose occasion- JjT hasp tbe Liyer hi healthy action, will avoid ' all Malaria, BUiena attaeka, Diuiaess, Kan- .. sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirit, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, butts uo in ; teaieavttas; beverage. j 4 . If Ton hare ataK aythlat; laaid et digestion, or feel heavy after meals, eaaleep . lass at nignt, take a dose and you will b rdkved. -- t - i 4 Tfaaae and Doctors BHU win baaved ' y always keewiac the Keg-nlatbV I ' , la thaBoaset f whatever the aihaaat any be, a tharotighly : sale portative, alterative aad teado can never be out of place. The remedy is harmlesa amd doe not inter-far with business or pleasure. ' IT 7J PURELY YEGETABijE, Aad has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quauwwitaottt any ef the injurious after affects. . ." ' A Oevjera Testimony. ' " , Simmons Liver ReguUsor has been ia ese fat my buuIt far some time, and I am satisfied it is a ' valnable addition to the medical science. 1 J. Gtts. Sbostkk, Govaraataf Ala. i Hen. Alexander H. Stephens, bf .Ga -says : Have derived soaav benefit from fte' pse of Sumnons Liver Regulator, aad whh to give it a nutacr taiaL -. .1. .. J Keliera." uaecl manv rrmpxi.-eiLw rvm. pepsin, Lhw Aftectioa and DebUity, bat never have fouad anything (a benefit me to th extent one Liver Regulator has. ' I seat froat Mia 1 to Georxia for it, mmd vould end nutber for 1 medicine, and nsnlil n ki ilariy affected to five it a trial as it seen the only thing that never fails to relieve. : V- P. M. -JaaVBT, MinneapoiieIina. ' Dr. Tn'W. Mason says:. From ttal ex peneace ia the nse of Simmons liver Regulator ia my practic I have been and am satisfied to use aad prescribe it as a purgative medicine. t6?Tak only the Oennine. which always has on the Wrapper the aed Z Trade-Mark aadSia-natar af J. II. ZEILIN & CO. FOR SALR BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - House, SOLWOOLARD. Dou,'t You Forget It," that I have one of the finest stocks of GRO CERIES, Ac., ever offered tot the trade In this Vicinity, j JIM" Country Merbtarils are requested to examine my Prices. I HAVE LN STOCK Q Barrels of Flour, different grades. 125 Bas" Coffee ff Barrels of Sugar. ! -a (( soxe8 of Tobacco," bought before the 1 UU advance. ; r ; t rn Boxes and Barrels' of CricVcrs and I am agent for the manu i.JJ uates. lam ss a as . facturers and offer these goods at ' manufacturer's prices. f-Th Barrels of Mott's Champagne Cider, JVf soldat the mill price. The trade can save freight by buying of me. SOL WOOLAli), Next to R. C. Brown & Co., TARBORO', N. Feb. 16-ly. lfurnitiire ! V. B. G. Garlile, 1 Main St., mst J Pamlico BaiikiiigCo. ' ' ' . " ' I ' I ' . ' ' ' HAS, ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF !.- . Bought for : Cash, which he offers at moderate prices. rurnilurs cf all Sids l lepairel C0FFI1I8.-' CASIBTsI AWI) DERTAKIING GENERALLY: Patronage solicited- b. c. oaelile; Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: OCA TT VS' ORGANS 27 Stops 10 8ft OLH I I I reeds only $90. Pianos $125 Kare bolidaX . indnceiaente . ready - write o onl Beatty, Waehington, N. J. Jobbing UieMD Furniture urboro , .March; 1, 1883. :593S30LSS13$EU 1 - i Idropfmy Jdlepeh and hark. v"f " U Aad catch the faintest sound f She -must he playing hide-and-tseek 4 She'll col " And 1 in snaay nooKs arouna ; ' come aad clinibiny chair again, f I hear a ktifled. lauA-but.no! : ... pee ury suousuers aer ; ( She comoth never mpre r s , vj. I waited only yestenlghTJ " " lTheevenlno; service read.. Arul Jingered for mf iddUsxiss Before Bhe went to bed t ForgettM eh had fiWit fW5' ' ; In slumbers soft an'i sweet, Bmoaument above her head An violets at her feet. -i t R. H. STODp.BD. Drawing for a Prize. "Bat you must admit" she is very pretty, Miss Mercy," said her - visi tor, emiling quizzically, as ebe once more endeavored . to draw ,' out her hostess upoa tlia party; under dia ' cuseion. ' . C , ' . "No, I ain sorry to say I cannot '5a iCT t 'Handsorue Is'that handsome doea,,ancl for my part I .,fail ta. un derstand why a young: woman, if. she ia a widow, should berunnijagaroand th couptry getting up concerts and theatrical perforuiaces fleecing peo pie out' of their money and uaaking heyself generaliy ndiculous, if sbo ha,a mother and avhonie to stay in. Wbj dpesn-t sua settle uowu aud tate in sewiagof teach prhool, like a respectable person, instead 91 .flitT ting about from place to pdaee malt itiff herpelf a laughing stock -anti ta nuisance generally?" an d Miss Mercy's ' black eyses snapped indigBantly j as she stroked down her soft, dark hair with her plump little hands, and sst tTed herself m her chair vvith a de cisive movement,, as though to put an end, at once and forever, to tue discussion ; : Miss:Mercy Pioctpr, though natur ally the cherrieat and brightesV cf women, and one not addicted to making ill-natured -epfeecbe-9, had bpen ao unusually; tried during j the past few months . that her stveet temper bad become sadly ruffled, and she Only needed the match i ap plied in the snape of praise to her rival to make her break out into a sudden flame of bitterness and cen sure; for Miss Mercy loved John Lockwood, and bad loved him - for years, and on his return irom the West he had treated her with such gentleness and apparebtewtionisteppeiut tits frame, in her pale that her tender heart had " fluttered with expectation, and she almost felt eure she was loved in return. But then the, .widow, the brilliant ! Mrs. Razelton, bad appeared upon the scene, drawing him from his allegi ahce to her and diverting his atteh tiona cntil she grew weary and heartsick, and almost despaired of ever winning him back. No wonder the lit'le woman failed to discover beauty in the gay and dashing widow, for who ever knew a fellow creature to appear to advantage in the eyes of an opponent. , - : J Still, there was a good deal to be said after all on the otter side, for Mrs. Hazeltou, though indisputably gay, was far from being 'frivolous, while her beauty, in spite .of. Miss Mercy's 'opinion, was certainly" of ' a hinh order; Married at the ase ofi eighteen and widowed at twenty," she was now, at; the age of ; twenty- four, a atill and charming womaD. Fair and winsome, she made friends wherever she west, supporting her. elf by ! giving music and dancing lessons, with occasioajilly a concert r aa amateur dramauc performance Jhrown In. : And John .Lockwood? 1 J ohn was iJ-. handsome. careless , fellow, not worth half the laurels with which fie ws8-H8ually crowned. Some ten years before he had left his native village and gone WesC to seek his fortune had been fairly -euceeseful, not" so uauch from energy! o -application j to business- as fi-om sheer good luck, which somehow "pr other always seem to folloJuai. But six months ago he had 4-returned from, his journeyings, returned to find everything changed. "Everything but Misa Mercy, as ho remarked, half fondly, Kto that patient little woman,? his sweet -heart of former days, and she had blushed and smil ed dowh into her "heart, thinking to herself that at least was un changed. John had come back lo get 1 him a wife, ' he laughingly announced on his arrival, and many, a maid had smiled up into his eyes,"and mauy a keart had quickened at his advance, for John was thoughtless and dis tributedhis attentions wiih remark able evltmeBB until the adveut of the widow. But now all' was chang ed, and Mrs. Hazelton, with " her blue eyes, golden hair and infantile ways, Had apparently taken possess ion of him. It had been an unusu ally lovely .winter, for. Mrs. Hazelton's dancing school had been weir pat ronized by both old end youcgv and the Tuesday and. Thursday night "sociables," as he termed the throw ing open of her doors to the general public it thof b two evenings each week, between tbe hours of 9 and 11, had insured the Bnccessj and! popu larity of her school for the; public is. always fond of . dancing if 'some one else will enly pay the fiddler, i Miss Mercy was a regular attend ant, not so much because the was fond of dancing , as because John was 1 sure to be there, and he was in variably', attentive and kind. Not more ao to her than to the sprightly little instructress, who laughed and chatted gayly ' and seemed to take his attentions quite as a matter of course But isometimes he would invite Mi&a Mercy y to iftnee, ,and then request her to! sit in; sotaerqniet eorEerltistead ancl talk' to fhini and U10 flushes would ; mount tcirher cheeks and herbeartwould throb with delight, which wquld suddenly deepen to pain iheu he would leave, her afterward and" walk off with the wido've hanging fondly Wois itfjia. 1 Ah, John, ca-prieioHsprjiDo you not know there is cruelty lin such kindness? ; j I Valentino's day waS approach ing, aid it was generally- understood that the young man was 'to start for his Western ,home the dayjfpllowiiig: The little' Villag-tvas 5 in I-constant state of s Iialf-subtlued J excitement; j for Mr, and Mrs. Turner, old friends QhnfltbefjtritTf 'nfj & large party on that night in prder t6 givdHheyourig fellow a good send off, and no end of conjecturea arose as to whether it might not be a wed ding af tef all. - Nobody wis prepar ed to say that a trousseau was actu ally in . course of preparation, al though it was hinted that Mrs. Hazleton was having ' a lovely new lresj made, purchased itr the ith the rirn f 1 . 1 , 1 ' . 1 . ceeaa oi ner tasu quarter s gaiary. it was understood he was to bring the widow far fheparty,wrfoweVtST(?sand I the older women thought ruefully f the long nve mile drive. 1 vyhat a chance for -him to propose lo her on the way, even if he hadn't done 80 already.7- : The long looked-for : night at length arrived, and at an early hour the great old house was 'ablazetwitri light from garret to; gellar, while! the merry tinkle of sleigh tells ' without an nounced the arrival of the -first of the guests, for in good old fashioned towns, and yitk old-frsliicned coun try people, parties assemble as soon after supper,' or yearly candle light, as convenient. Miss Mercy, an es pecial friend and .favorite of , the hostess. amo in time to assist the arrangements of the table, - making Uereelf nseftil in suck a variety, of ways', but in so quiet and unobstru sive a r manner, that , Mrs. Turner, who afTtnis crisis was. ia! a highly nervous and distraught sttedeclar ed sh? onlJA'neveit have got along without h.er Eever." Th;little wo man looked unusually pretty ia her black silk dressr,-5fHh ,jiwbunch of etraw-colored chryaandrsuiums at her throat and another in her glossy black hair. , , H j. f Mrs. Hsftleton !ahd John wefe ithe last to arrive, the former flashed end raJient from the long;! drive in the' frosty evening air, ami looking, like an old fas'oned picture just blue silk, dress cut square -in the neck, bee fair hair (lone high on the top of her head in aj mass off bewil dering curls, and .her plump, i white arms but partially concealed by a fall of filmy laice. . - i John was in bigh spirits, escorting Ler out to supper, and afterward re turning to the parlor for Miss Mercy. He finished the evening ! with old Mrs. Turner, sitting by hef side and waiting upon her with ready good humor. After supper tjthe idirth and fun grew fast .and furious," and Jchn became the target for many a lively sally, . j j . "Why don't you get married John, my boy?'' Asked jolly Captain Mc Allister, giving him a sly poke in the " ribs; "I thought youxl come home for a; wife," - i ' - 'Tiiat is exactly -whai i I should lika'td know, captain,"" echoed a lady ettinding near. ; I have 6tav3 jtp the conclusion Mr. Lockwood is an un miflgated windle. 'f He made us believe we should dance ai hia f wed ding, bui has " never Agiven 1 us a chanea." ;! , i1' "WFat's the matter, John ? "Won't theprrty is (for jn my soulT can tf. mate- out; havevdu -or are vou in a strait be twiifthe twof Can't you make-up your mied whica-one you whH Tee youg man laughed . good pa- turf dly as; ue repliea : 1 expect you ve hit the nau on the head this time) captain. I fear I am eoaiewhat in the. position of the party who joriginated the lines begin king i i K- "I " "How Happy I' could be with either,5 . Were t'otuvr dear caaruier away " The captain roared vociferously : "Bless my heart, ia that s the case? And so you can't decide ! Why, bang it, man, if I were yon I think I'd find a way out 01 it, . even if I . had to draw cuts. 1 " ' "The veiy thing," exclaimed aho. rus of voices. "Draw "cats, "John do draw cuts, it will be euch fun, and see which it shall I be the old love of'tbe jjU-j'-t a 1 be young pan raised his jeyes with imperturbable coolness as he replied in his unusual careless tone. "If the Ladies have no objections I m sure I have none. ; "And will you abide by the decis-- ion and really marry whiebever falls to your lot V - sxs i j ' Unauestionablv, if ehe wEl have me. . The two ladies were sought for and found : one in the library, ; the other in the daacing-room. ! ; "Oh, Mrs. Haeelton, Miss Mercy,' the young ladies exclaimed as they led them , back to' the room where a'Tittle crowds had collected, "Mr. Lockwood is going .tojpraw cuts for a wife, and tbe. choice lies between you two. Oh, won't it be fun?" y': 1 "Fun for the one who gets, him," said the widow, laughing' lightly, While Misa Mercy exclaimed, impe taoiulv : '"Draw outs:- John''Lock- wood draw cuts for a wife how dare he do it ?" "1 think it would be pretty, per baps, to have ther ladies draw,' said Captnin McAllister, irearching in his pocketbook for a slip of paper te cut into slips ; "then they 1 couldn t ac cuse Mr. Lockwood of unfairness ' or partiality. "What do yon say; John. bare ou any objectioM !" ! i "JNot tbe least in the world," said the yeun man, unconcernedly "any Vray to suit yours alvea.? r " . ' Tbe slips were eat f and ' tbe cap i tahi Ranged them in' Lis hand. One ong one marked' pnze, and the others short ani blanks. "Now. adies,' said tho ' captain, are you! ready?" 1 - i Miss Mercy, had a severe struggle with her beartr before 3 she could bring herself to cdnshit; Mrs. HazleT ton had , not thofir t of refusihgj and' why " shonIt''eheH'hold back ?, Musi shresigp-Jfc "'wvc't ' oice alid forivir.tJtrbiiDuld sllefittake one ix8T euurs 10 to tain uim 1 ner eueexe burned with excitement, and ' hir band trembled so she could scarcely put it out. i' ' ' - - ' .' 1 ,'' "Beady,"" .said . the captain' once agahijsmning benignlyat ls'the two; Tadies ia- their , hands were'' simultan ibusly exte;,0,,-H , . 'f '"!l"v i j the choicvt was feeing trraaaei;Jtben- "Miss Mercy, taM jgbtit f i Miia Merer has rbt itr,tjuas xsBbuted6n jtll sides.:'4n'i s 1', -"r- 7 - , Mrs. Hazelton tiJrned away ' with: heightened color. "What ' nonsense,7 she exclaimed, leading the way from the room . "Surely; 1 Mf . Jjocfcrvoodj will not be expected to abide' by the; terms of sucb an adventure Miss Mercy eankiaT a chair near: by, unable to Btand and hardly darl ing to raise her eyes. "Had, sbej indeed, won him," and was ' it' really true ! or was it only an idle-jest and and a cruel one at that 'i Her heart beat wildly, and Bhe took no notice that the party was breakin' up and the people were going home.: ': i When she arose she found herself alone in the parlor and John, - wh a quiet smile on his handsome face, was advancing toward her. ' She tried to pass him without looking at hito, but he stopen her, and taking - ber burning face between his hands, raised it slowly till her eyes met his, For a momeajt he studiod the quiver ing iaoe, tnen wnieperea eortiy, in a low, calm" voice 5' "Be readv to mor row. dear, at 10 o clock "and the next instant be was goae gone to1 tuck the widow, snugly in the sleigh; preparatory to their homeward Little Miss Mercy passed the night ib a state : 01 ; lovensh excitement, weeping and laughing hystoncally' at intervals, -A "Was John really in earnest in what he said, or was it but a. continuation of an idW eet ? He bad called her dear, and his whisper was fond, nay, almost tender. ."Did he mean it seriously and could it be that bejoved her ? Or was he bent on making a martyr of himself to a mistaken sense of honor?. If such was the case she would "never marry him- noj never,'' I even though her heart string "snapped in giving him upatlast. ; V j . ' When morning proke she was al ready upputfcing the house in order and packing ber trunk in case any thing should happen. H . bhe dressed herself with care in a soft, dark cashmere dress that might answer for a traveling dress, and alter gathering a fresh cluster of her favorite chrysanthemums seated her self in the shadow of the j curtained window to watch the passer by. She wpuldn t be silly enough to dress up in flowers in the- morning ! unless . But then one never knows what mat happen.,..::"'.;;:, ,.:,';:! ;..- " it lacked a quarter to 1U o'olpck when the jinglinn; of sleigh bells ar- rested her" attention, and leaning forward she caught & glimpse, of lively procession ' approaohing ' the house, .headed by J ohn and the cler gyman the Bev. Lemuel Svkes. Her heart leaped to bar throat .and., she wanted to run away, , but j lust then the voice of Mrs. Turner t waa heard exclaiming j 'We've n come to ..the wedding but where is the bride?.: j Her mend found her, but . she. re fused to appear ; so John Jiipiseif came- lor her. , , . "Not wanting to back out at : thi late hour," he cried, extending bi arms aad drawing her to him. i'AA little, wonsan, I should be , heart bro ken, indeed." i j She looked, nto bis face incredu lously.-.. ' i r :- , : j "But do you love me, John?" she whispered! "Always and forever, -darling. "Why then did ydu hazard your chance of uappieness so recklessly she asked- "It might have gone, the otuer way. , is t.s "It might, indeed," said theyouug man; penitently, in which case I fear I should have been constrained to cry, "God help me for my folly 1 ; And so it came about that the. wed ding really did come off, and f John really mad his word good by carry ing back to his . Western home bie old sweetheart'ahd'new wife. It was hinted, that there was a' lively ' scene between him and the widow the night of the party ; but. as, the. for mer never mentioned it. and the iattei was"not a.woman to "wear .her leait on her, sleeve, the- facts were never iuuy Known. j laowever 11 was, she consoled herself shortly after ward by marrying a young physician and it is to be loped that under his skillful hand the wound was thoro ughly and effectually healed. :A Colorado wan was recently kill ed while gathering a scuttle of coal in hi back yard.' After a fewJ heatt- r ending occurrences like this,1 wires will begin to learn their househol duties. '.- ". Instead of having written tombstone, "He never told on his a lie.' the greatest , man of modern times will probably prefer the words, tu, lie never stoie ajtumbreJla. THAT BAD BOT.; ZlsPar' Jokes Sim, aai Ee Jokes 'Far.' ''What on earth is that: you have got on your upper lip?" said the gro cery man to the bad boy, as he came in and began to peel a rutabaga, and his upper iip hung down oyer .his teeth,' and was covered with some-; thing that looked like shoemaker's wax. ' ' "xou look as though you bad been digging potatoes with your nose." ' O that s some of pas darn smart ness, l asked mm if he knew any thing that would make a boy's mous? tache grow, and he told me the best thing he ever tried was tar, and for me to rub it on thick when I went to bed, and wash it off in the .morning. I put it on last night, and by gosh, I can't. wash it offT, Pa told, me all I had to do, was to use a scouring brick and it would come off; and I used the brick, and it took all the skin off; and the tar ia there yet, and say, does this lip look very bad?"' ; : f a , The groceryman tQid him, it was the worst looking lip bei ever gazed upon, but he conld cure it by rubbing a litue cayenne pepper m tne car. xxe said the tar would neutralize th pep per, and the pepper would loosen the tar, ana act as a coonng ; iouon to the lacerated lip.: The boy went to a caa of pepper behind the counter and staek his "finger, in and rubbed: a lot of it on his lip, and then his hair began to .raise, and he began, to cry, and rushed to the water-pail and ran his face into the water to wash off the pepper.' The groceryman laugh - edr and when the bad boy had got the pepper washed oft, and had resumed his rutabaga he said: "That seals your late, in o man ever trifles with: the feelings of the bold buecaneer of the Spanish Main without living to rue it ; I will lay for. youv old mart, and don t yer forget it. Fa thought he was smart when he got me to put tar on my up to bring my moustache out, and to-day he lays on bed of pain, and to-morrow your turn will come: . You will regret that you did not get down on your kneea and beg. my pardon. You will be soriy that you did hot prescribe cold cream for my bruised lip, instead of cayenne pepper. Beware ! you twelve-ounce-to-the-ronnd huckster;! vou gimlet- eyed seller of dog sausage ; you BrJd-ed-eugar idiot ; :j you. small-potato- three-card-monte-sleirht -oi-hacd- rotten-egg-fiend ; .youvillian that sells smoked sturgeon and smoked dognsh for smoked S halibut ' Beware! the avenger is on yer track f ; rt,: ; ' "Look here, young man, don t you threaten me, or, I will take you by the ear and walk you through green fields, and beside still waters, to tbe front door, and kick your pistol-pocket, elear areund, so you can wear it for a watch pocket in your yest. Ne boyIS can frighten me, by jingl But, tell me, how did yon get even ; with your "Well, give me a glass ol cider, tnd we will be friends, and I will tell you. Thanks ! Gosh, but that cider ie made out of mouldy, dried apples, and er water," and he took a handful of layer raisins off the top of a box to take the taste but of his mouth, and while the grocer charged a peck of rutabagas, a gallon of cider, and two pounds of raisins to the boy s pa, the boy proceeded . i A I- "You see, pa likes a joke the beat of any man you ever saw,: if it is on somebody "else,: but he kicks like a steer when it is on him. !l I asked him this morning if it wouldn't be a good joke to put soiae soft;, soap on the front step, so the letter carrier would shp up and spill msself, and pa said it was an elegint idee. I Pa is a Dem ocrat, ci andi he thiake that anythiog that will make it unhealthy for Rad ical offia holders, is lejitimate, and he enoouratred .me to paralyse the inter earrier. The letter-earner is is old a man as pa,nnd I didn't want to hu- Miilate, but I iust wanted pa to give his consent, so he couldn t kick it he rot eaughVtn bis oWn trap.- Yer see ? Well, thM aiornmg'tham and two of tbe deacon called on pa, to have a talk with him about his actions ia church, on two or three occasions, when ke pulled out the pack of card with his handkerchief, and played the masio-bex, and they bad a pretty hot time in the back parlor, and finally they settled t, and were going te sing a hymn, when pa handed them a little hymn book; and the minisi-eropened it and turned pale and said: What is this ?" and they looked at it. and it was a book; of Hoylesi games that had put in pa's coat pocket for safe keeping, ' instead of la nymn-DOO Gosh! wasn't the minister mad?' He bad started to read a hymn, and he quit after he had read two lines, where it said: "In a. game of four-handed euchre,' never trump, your partner's ace,' but relfJOn ihe ace to take the trick on suit." Pa was trying to ex plain how the book come to be there, when the Hunister ' and the deacons started, out, -and then I poured the two quart tin pail full of soft soap on the" front step.-' It was this white eoao. iust the color of the step, and when I got it spread I, went down io the basement to get dear of danger. The visitors came out, and t)a was trying to explain to tbera, f about the Hovle.lL wheft one of the- deacons etevped in the soap, and hie feet flew up and he struck on his5 pants, and he slid down the steps. ' The mfoifc ter said' ''Great heavens," d acon, are vou hurt? Let me assist yon, - and ke took two 'quick steps f and you've seen theae fellowis in a nigger ehow .s.i i:-t--' a. si;i lusii B.ICB. eacu utuci urau utn ucv,;, and fall on each their ears, and stand on their hands,' aad turn1' around like a top. -The mioiste,"Brfeet "slipped, and the next T saw he Was' s tan dip g ' on his bead ' in his batsnd his - Ig war sort of wilted and felrlinip by his aide; and he felt over on his stum mick. You talk about spreading the n i gospel in'heafheri lands! ' 8 1, IS noth ing to the way you can spread it with two quarts of soft BOap. The ttinis ter didn't lookj)iou a bit When he waattnW toc&tclftb-:iailag He looked as thouge. he wanted to mur der very man on earth $ buff it. mi be he was tiredi 1WelL''t)a WaB pari llyzed, and he;and the other, deacon rrushed OUt tO piCl 'uii lhe!!n.imter and the first old maB, and when they v struck the Btep they weAtfcififigi i tPa's feet somehow jalipped backwrds, and he turned a surnmerlanlt arid atruck full length oh his back and lone heel ,M acrfss tioimslet?, nleokf and Jie slid down the steps, anddtie other deacohfell all over-the other. three. and pa swore at them, and it was the airtrol lrmirmn .nt. ! . 1. V ever saw. I think if the miniiterhad been in the woods Borne where, where hobedy could have heardlj hiul,' he would, have used language, ji They all seemed mad a teach othe. jfb.6 hired S'rl told ma three tramps was out on re Bidewalk'fighg paiwiM took the broom and started; lo help uei- cuubutuuon is not very i Strang and I .didn't want her, y- ing trapeze blzneis; W Ijfce u ...ji.i : . n . n't th the brootoanaHoweltieaevl erhead. Well, i don t know where! ma did ratrike;J)at Iwhenshe'cayie ineh said she had palpitation of the heart, but thai wasn't whar she put '43ie ar n'ca., O, but' she did go through the air hka Iv' pvMkti throu"glcheJse nd when she went down the steps bump bupity-bump ! I felt (sorrr ifor ma. The minister had gotten so he1 i IJ' -i I 11.'. 111, i.l uuiuu ,Mtn ujj iue Biao-yfaiK, witn his back against the lower step, when jna came sliding down and ote of ihe heels of ner gaiters hit the minfeter in the hair, and' the other fjt.wfent tight through bet freerl his Jarm and his side, and tlie broom like, to pushed his teeth down ; his throafr.j'! Btip he was not mad at ma.-. As oon.,a8 he seed it was ma, he'said, Wliy, ifeler, the wicked stand in -slippery places, don't they,"-and,ma said ehe was mad, and for him to let go: her Stocking, and then pa was mad, and be said : L-ook, here, you skypilot; this thiner has gone far enough," and then a po liceman came! along1 and hej thought they were all drunk, but he found they were, respectable; and he cot a chip and scraped the soap, f)ff thenl, and they went home, and paapd ma they got, ia'to; the. housed edmal way. Jjust then the letter carrier cnie along butHe didn t hare any letters for us, and he didn't come, onto -the steps, ana tnen 1 went upstairs, ana l ssia, "Pa, don t you thmk it is real mean after youand I fixed ibeBoap.on the steps for the letter carrier, he didn't come on the steps at all,"nd pa was scraping the soap off hie pants with a piece of shingle, and the hired girl was putting liniment on ma, and heating it in I for palpitation - of the. heart, and pa said, ."ion dam rjut, no more of this, or 1 11 maul the liver out of you," and I asked pa if. he didn't think soft soap would help a mout-: tache to grow, and .be picked up ma's work-basket and threw it at my head,; as x went down stairrt, and I came ovf r here. Don't yon think my pa is unreasonable over a little joke thathej planned -himself r"' .' r ., ...... -,. ) ine groceryman said he did nt know, and the bad boy wut out with pair of Bkates over his 'shoulder; and the groceryman is wondeiing what joke .the boy will play .on him to get even fqr the cayenne pepper. a! ill Fixed la Mi Jtiad. Biding up tbe Columbia pike from Franklin to reach the baLtla 'ground, I came across an African resting" by the roadeide, and after several AMiT llttnon !TiBiiirAi4 '''! Skii "Anyooaiy jaroiind ber' troS niy relics of the battle11c Jf I 'Doe8 yqu mean cannon baik.sah?' . "Yes, cannon balls, piece's of .shell, hnlleta. tinA in forth5. ''fr --.S-' -Well, sab, I has de id!iifca 1 cai non ball dat killed Gioersl Jackson !in dia vee fontf , ;.: tn- '"No1" ."Deed I has, boss. . Ybu don't meari tO rfay; to -,i s at tufitG-ea- erat Jackson I was killed beVe T,t' v "Dat'n zacUy what I xeanTnu I'ze got de werryj canQoii-ball.4at niaahed bim. How much will A-oiij pat-for a relic?" ?' , ''; If ; - ' I got down and krgudwftfiiiiin I read the fist of generals jwr&feiTat Frauklin, and then told bim hovr ai d where Jackspii died, but liwaajtirm as a rook. , , ,rAt? :,. - "It's no use, boss nouse,?bftsaid. as he rose up to go. "Yort bay1' pe right, but somehow? I? ze got it fixed in my mind fur ten y'ars past dat itly, cannon ball killed Gineral Jackson, an I ahould start ont now wid some odder storry I couldn't . dUrecollect it fifteen minits. Yes. ill ' teiick jlo Jackson, aa' ide price 'of dat ' rfcrtl 'rim two dollahs lj"i Preit.". "7,w ... . j1- s - iJ.-j - Sealskin is no- miich t ib-deraaad thi year. that old ladies can have-o reasonable doubf as to wbaj became or their cats; " . i K 4 H. , i.J... '"a .i' - flji P f( Tbe mania for , adnlteratioig . v.Tso great that you can't buy a .quart jbf sand and be sure that it fc not half 'f f" i".-.-1- A retired shipmaster r visited I a country ,'schpol the. ether day, and said it reminded him ' of h old -timet. It was a literal school of jwails. ' : j "The crippled beggar lieceiv'es' ao sympathy from' Mr,' J-, cf tbis' plaet, ' who always jf epliea to an i appeals 'A lame cxcuseJ ir; a buiiexcgwei' ! . !-... i j 4.' j A A recent bride's dowryr includtdl a $1,000 set of false teeth" v; And-ber husband when he opeaksa of I her precious month knows, what ha js tilting, auoui :..i

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