Y . -. ; - , -J-Y -1"TY'i . YY YYY! ! Y - Y- i ; .( : .'Y ;' v.; " Y-: Y Y ; I; ; ,-' i j" .1 - V - .": J ;. !, :;, K,-', - .: : ; - 1 '.. ."!. J-'1 i Y Y i " I Y Y " . ' i Y ' k--;y- y;---- iv"v5Y-,Y;-vj:i.;i3 i T':1:jl-t.l:t " ' : . 't:':-W. " I ' :1' 1;- I .; - 'YYyT-T Y-Yrn I - ' ! 1- : W ft 11 I Jr JJ' - CTAIT Y&ttrWflX.: y& ,,iYn I T " i 1 yw-4 :y.y int-Sbjy ;! ." , - .' - V --l 1;., , ..-J:-, i;,'r! ::vY- YvvU : Y iiit8 -cnYi r4'rt . -LtsJ: ' - " rYY-Y-Y-Y Y !Y-.BIi - -- -- i - , - mr-rt :-0-r4 PROrKSSIONAtVOAKDS.! i I rfcR. j$x ev ' OSers hU profesnional seryicei tl tli citi jtmi of Tarboro and iclaity. f Offlctin-TI A.r-McJNair' lrutoro ouMaia .: )4 a.- w i 1 IF RANK NASH, 4 vl - 7 !i ATTORN E-3T-A.T-I'-AiW. S TARBORO, Mi c Practices in all the Court eral. - ' . i .State and Fed- 8f83 Martin & Sharpe V ?r".oftj ih OowrU, r State andFeaeraJ K. A. (ilLXJAM. f . , DoSSElL IGlfeLIAM Will practice In the CounSie of Ecgtcomlfeilijji- Italilfc andYrtt.4' and iff th CDurt? "ftrf: the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and npreine (Janrts a Kaleigti. . janl-ly D Bill Lr. 4 Praoticoa la th. Coarta t E4cecquibe . Saaft.t rtttnl10-' '! TOjiptiea Alt la IHa&e4ritI-4 Sapiu CltniVt-' fgr iiWtetll'Cakf a neoialtyf V i- V: A ' JOna,!lrtha reant,-i front rfi ot mira Mawara'i lw offl.e, aext 4o w !r ot I. S. Nath ti Ca , o ; M Bart. - . HART P.I CoMTr a'cooleyJ Attorney s - at - Iiayr5 ;. Recftionnt gniNTilie fe f ' Tractice Jn!$tCiSd!tfi?iL -Snrtii Wem &CORGE HOTTARD ' Attorney aad Coamselor atiLtip. , j T A R BO EC N. Ot n l? n TiTh t TtntrtnTiTin hnw its jau. li. Dfiiuufino a Attorneys-at-Law :TrKCtt6i iaD Courts, v ftemptatttenU0M - t Surgeon Dqntist, I' vYTAaofia.tiJ Afic fcoarviNfe t a. m. 'till if pi m. ad j frml to 6 p. n. .,. .j, ":; '-t, i- ; i if . . ByNcxt dtor t Ta'boro., HDn&eJ i JLAoiar Koyaterat .. fj-c. - j ; ! 1 THOS H- BATfTLEI 4: a ' ' TATIBOSO. IT. a OflKVeiSTio Philips fe Staton'a Law office. Will oraMtce ia the Faderal and State Cenfta. Retofs bf erprow pertnUsion U iadgeRaf- V na. oine supreme i;ourt; -vituenB attotial Bmk-aMtftlpifrWr J Raftl: Rnnrt Az Ca.. Vnr- resuajed after btf Christmas IJolicJdjp bti '' : WgDJpSDAJ4AIfpARi;lijj in the Briera- tlrove property, Jlately c upied by the Edfcecomb High Sckofcl. w ith increaiwiacilUie for conductJDtf s ; geod a Strictly famala School a-eatj J t aund any Jicra. lJbt Second fTerm! fir ! it. . L -1 ?i i 1,1 1. ' ' .1 i iu msk wunwue reaririu uceia on i i MODlt;' fEBBCARY 12th. Fee particulars, adereaf thtfgPrincipat. nyidQuhxMMpK Atobe ! These StablM hre tha Iars;est;ia the ;S&C and hava a capacity-of hoidJneten-ear-loads !f stoc Oitaiiiurm-eMT.--'1 riainoTl" co. tr Flppaa, Vice Pres. SYfl a si i i " opan'from 1. .. .9 A M.to SP.;M. Diacotut pr, Thtosbat j j : -i DixaoTOBS :. Dr. -J: H. BakwT-: Grea j H. L. Staton.Jr., W. M. Pippen, 1 : 'H; Morri8.:. '- . S . Y Dea. 18-ly.;. . :' ' ; -i-'j j ; T st oe oldataad .aHa .at Broar4 - - - r t n I t m a nnmnn - n it xnTmn ft j: Bank MUOaj cp3Cobiii of trad "l? . "ff "Srlirll ' i -Pitt atraetoia aew preparedto jaka boardeik' A- !S , W 2 ' I-, I tt 4"l f ' i 'TarbWt. CX Jaauary lltii, 1883;,-f f tfil 4Sl!l:Wf :- , f. .A . 1 ,w---"in ' f:.o .i ! A while ac wows bis ;ior e : a j ways pre- I ; ,a Al ;! ,M ' ' T ; aredto wtfwiifevw tnose wno .dp. ri.kppu8wmtawaaticniwAiM!'f''t ' i aC Sive htm a call. aHTSv I if V31 OpuoaiUJiMwirt Hons. ; T.ri, thjllp j 8 ..(jail Bo RI in full a'ai'shcoessfuf operation j and A. are prepared to fill all orders for Sheet ings, Yarns anj C)tp?R,t)V?iBst en: : Orders addresMrl 'ftr-ROfky' ModiirMllIii. i Racky Mount, N. C, will be promptly attend ed to. w-' AES B: BA17Ui i .l" ( I --, -ri i. t; -t r- t STARTLING DISCOVERY! : LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. I m viette of yontbtal bspnideiioa osnaiac 1 Prsaiatere Decay, Sonm Debility, Lost Maa- J nood, eio, having triad in vaia every kaowa , ranea uuss quoovaaoa he wulsena rKEB to ail disss J. O, K12YB8, t 4 The GroKJfatcl, arTa ouaelF in f ull oneratioai tlnln trnad bnsiuaa. in aa 1 -Feb v, 21st 1883. - I M I i Oao. Howard. 1 4 MOTHER SWAN'S WORM GYBUP GREGORY r Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic Ut : '"crwiinew, restlefsneMofwibnstipatlon ; j 1 nee lio centa. r ;.ht.n - j i -.- Yt. v:-J:;;.r;i.t:t,ii'Y ' ' 1-,-Hl OVY a. ' I ' :'L 9 " ,.:f)EAjLI:K IN ...;YY: IMOOillBUNi BUILDERS' ERS IlARliWAUEf YiY. And Buiidjny tri tHrey(;rf d (( lui 1 1 KOASU4KK AVE., i NORFOLK, VA PoTcmferl8821S.l- I shall OpeV ontheflr8ti day of January, at K ItAastin'a Brick gtjtwo doom from nyvold stand, a jrell el MH:.8HH8MS.iIS 1 OOO I mm EioioiDisj otions, : ' groceries, j Hardware Prpvisions !Aud Farm Supplies, - . aaW aL ja.,t5al All of whieh will be sold very CHEAP for 'CXSh'Zfor on TIME to PROMPT PAYING Customers. . ; T mm m m 4And T3oughjUilor Cash-J J&fcGIw;i all butm v flJCning-yoiSr IS count for the, year. Kespectfully, T. II. GatlinJ urn wm aaiavaaaai iiuuiv l The Mbl Refreshing Bev DfliiiiRuiiMir The Trade Supplied at t qnf Establishment, Next . Door , ; y to jConrt llouse -: Orders by mail, from any part of th; - Stater promptly attended to;,'? l;1', ' .' " YVffl,fcaW a -apply of "Buck Beer 'in season. 1 M' Y-;j".: Tarboro, N. C., April 13, 188.; Hayine' feened 'ar Gtocer and JRaipl nait 'door wBTC. Brown A-CWs,wn invite all onr faiwMayiiT-wra Bowartiitftar fcf theypa Are upon us. but there is a lf ift iiv ; the lbiuiii. -H of promise tOJi itOull-ils'dt J.I t ltlt Not withstaodine the Inroads made on hta stock durio; Xnu, bit liD-rwot Maple avail ti iiif y a Hast foist allowedeUb cr tow. LB WSYis ftl PlackM , those whnafe litttrnQnyr but want QYffi&a LONG; WX T. Will L1ei-Tr: Are Kept and they are CHEAP. ?.' t Vi-jV', Jroa are Dottfopyiaced ot; these Laa itcfopyiaced these facta, -and exsm'me, tf laquirs -of the muiti- tudejwho UyAsattrt ir to 4tneti ;,.TB. LEWIS; Main SC"2 doori 'aWa.ndCT'i w j i - I a J -u 1 -J : i ! . T" Ys!T-U vi 1 nnhMt),i) UllUUfvUlli i Tan.' Btnyi888." ,.i.Y vVWfinN- C.j 3srtilaTfffe cailvaa. Sick Headache. ha Jndla, Iiapnrttr of tfaa Asiwjeuuana and all Diseaaof iBiMn of lirar, UowaUanaKidaeya. STMPTOMS OF A DISKASJCD tITER. Khenantum ; mmi lou of appetitai. Bowels BtMrallT oostiTe,anactiBet altcraatinf t&lu; tha haatVli Mblel with pain, ft.iil iid heavy, a 54 wiwcmaccaoie -MM' of Memory, accompanied a pauuui seauooa ot leaving undone something I which oufht to hare ken done; slight, dry cough J wtluWl be b.MMiini a atuabaat, ft t mistaken for consumptienj tkc patient complains t wearineu and debility; aervovseasilyistutlcd; i j MM ooid or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation' ' ue saia exists; sptnts are low and despot and. akhoaah satisfied that nnd miM W despondent. ficial, yet on can kardlr snmaoa to fortittxie to hti. try 'n distmsts -every rraedy, Serefal . rf UUo,rmptams attend meiliseasebit cases s have oecumd when bat few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to n neve qmu fanusliily dcranrcd. 4 ' i ' ' t 1 i - f a Xa sfrli ba aaWd by all parsoas, old aad Toaac. vrhcaevor any of h ahore Persona VraThllni So- Urlsr " la t kaalthy JLaoaUUaa, iy takias; a dose eccasio. ! ?.? .kn i Liver In healthy action, will avoid - al Malaria, BUlotis attacks, Dizziness, Nan. eea. Drowsiaese, Deptessioa ef Spirits, etc it , Will umcoma like a bus of wHie, trat Is mo ia toiaat tas; yeaTaH i ij, 1 f If Yoa aaUt yBytilns; hard ot , dlfaatloBy or feal heavy, after asals, or elaap 1 Una at sight; take a dose aad jva ke reiiavecV VfaM W Doctors jpc! wfliVaiaVi' H1 -f alwa keeplac tha &eartUa4r , t 1 I tha Hawaii r waser the ailment auty hcaiho porgatlTe, aiberaUvS and tea be outjflaoe.-.Hw !) lilai t latariare asth, ttuah. Sa'i. effect efEects. Sr r5ar anuaoi as Liver Retulatc has been in ase in n r: vm, ana-1 anr sjmhed is is a rawiiw wuunoam me mecucakfoeaoSv i . v v i v J...iipnwVW,oi,Ala. Ho? Alarahder it. Stephens, of Ga aay : Have" derived some henefit from the use of Siaasoas Liver Regulator, and wish to aive it a - amber uiai. - ' , Jlsa nl Tfcla that aever fails to' " 1 nave used many remedies fop Dts- C"VHvtr flcti, an Debflity, butevW bave found anything to benefit to. t tf eateat Stamoas -Liver Regulator Jiaa. 1 sent froasMia. "aatoGeorjiafcxit.aad.wouUsenifiinheefcr noa medicine, and would advise all who are sirn- i,7 ff,ctod " a trial a it scons tlie only talag that ncrer bils to relieve. ' I ' ' ' - P-M. Jaxhet. MianeapoBsi Minn. Dr. T. "W. Kanoat aaya I From actual er- psrieaca ia the ase of Siaunoaa Li-nr Imbn. im ' my.Vctc I have bean and am satisfied to use 9 aad prescribe ft as a purgative medicine. . . ,., -. ? t . .. v , . -'if - ... -''.I ' . ' t JTske only (ha Ocniiiaa. which always aaa on die Wrapper the red Z Ti ado Main aad Sicmatara ot JH. ZEIUN CO. FOR SAL .-::.r. .:,:.:( it.':;: K .i-: Pamlico BanMng Co. :y 1A'Y : --'Yf y'!;V HAS OH HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Bo r(TfiT VOooVi & 4JUixw UtiMl, 1 which he offer at moderate prices Fuisihri bf! all VSaJiiriw-i ; r. t :iU tY!Y5Ut; H COFFIXS. CASKETS AND IX- DERTAKISG .GEXERAUY. fii& Patronage solicited. ,B. CCAILILE. Tarboro; Fb. 26, 1882: BE&TTY- j'ORG ANS 27 Stops 10 Het reeds ooly $90. Pianos 1125 HKare tiolidaf ndncemeuu ready. Writa & onl Beau y, Washington, N.IJ. 7.j FaU to use AE. A B AST1 N for renovating vnnr Walla and OtllD3t. iltia rinkllv BUDcrsedinsr all other Finish. For dnrabil- itjr, beauty and economy.lt is without an e aual. and can be applied by anyone, i If not for sale in vour neishborhood, send to SKE A. BKOK., 83 Burling Slip, j NewTork. OXTotloe. , Having qualified as Executor of the estate of C H. Dozier on the Llth day "of i March, 1883, notice Is hereby given to all- persons in debted to the estate of the said 'J. IV uozier, to make immediate payment; and all persons havinj them lr on Apr '6B6R ! TTn ri firTijVi fi fr " I i i mi ii i i 1 1 ii i i ijhf .fvii ;i-I Carli e : agnt DOW - J this notice will be ploada bar of theiis redo 'CSfafc ' ' ! i s "il,' PITTMAN, EkSr. ' I rMach.t3 4tY "By H.'Li TAtoJa. reoov- ,,. -.ft i SO i Clear tjot-, lant bladlac IUaatratlana. utitvTa aiiT,-ii. am SIM ia SSnwtfa. &a Terais. adUrus J. McCUROV r., Pl;Ialciuiii. Ps BUY THE, BEST. a LATCHLiY'Sff ' f Triple enameC-.'' pdacELain-LiNED ac ami TUBFi! Tin nut he S: led Into eSrV- bnjmjriri: r Goods. " vi, Joa- aW'T .tha beaVM rCKLEX..1anurrt BOH mAKrvC. I S3 i-iritpaa. , ;-T., 1 ,n . , , w' rMl- i.H- i lAiiPHAiMiiiTrn & t nfi! j - IfiBIElMllISi TBent OttriM, rtis writ. AdAisa a a . . -a - .cs 1 .1- '.1 fa; . i Is ij. tUCVRVV aCOnflH'MstpUaa. SftKfionrtftlr. i i i7 it r iodo .. A April 5, 183. n Ret chiek entry In, adyancl, 'f ?f I A liiobn hat makea the ArkncgS davj . Her statute is litre nfirlanefe. " " AjoL like .vrave reeg doth sway. f f tor eyaare eFerwlde awakitV " ." Though dreanyr as a fawn to sec. The moon iahlurred for her tweet. ajke: t A iCnc breach if dosing Oa the tree; . ine iawn ueiora iier nes lor snatne f T.owardrtha,deaertk far and wide i- f. i J No oeer Las slte and none can cdaira ' --; To be regarded by her side. ( , I ThMfaVi thaf ia the aiade doth rtray T . ' The idol of the fane ia he h , ' s V ftttou didatVbld ma hope.il pra 1 1 1) Thet I may ne'er despair of thee f - ' TO ine, thca art ao coy and cold, To othcra, eyfer kind and near. Our quarrel like the war of old, Doth linger on from year to year. . Ah ! that is why the young cheek glows With yonder rnddy hue no fair. As though Jt wereaiUrtautroaai rrf r Thou tallica? aett bear. ' f ii I- P8S ihimm 8aatUaUain Yanstona, "and if you cau find il in your lieart to choose Fred ftraiartf I sLould be Tt-rj mach pleaed. He is bo geDiai, Day'f$c flash edsligtlj an . aba rapliw : i' Jj : '.' ' ' 'Iwiilt . nerejii , .cbocwe-j a, sbajnd, papa, until I know Ibat tlie man' is worthy 'If .,,',,,, . "t (.- r -M- oiLkire'iHgbt, Daisy, and I tru'- you will caloesa ..iriiely ; tnd' Martin Vanstone left hgr alona iD the -draw iag room. i 'J ,11 J I wish I knaw my own heart, deetre m a t -ii i ViiB paiiaeiTks rhe arose Aad walk ad.yof 1 ip.Viidow.';Spi6 stood witbiDg the fofda of tha laca curtains, looking I abseny? downiinto tha street ! ' ' 1' " ': Y - i ;'Harry Clifford if my ideaKc J AjraimJie patiaad, And afloAf s ideaHof - a stola over her face: : ! i liafor itMfSt.i: lailf girt came slw!y,i4,Yie carrying a ; bas ket on her ari. ; She was scaittilj clothad, and her bara toes protradnd from; her well worn shoa&J j : ! Hei'a'aee yrorei apioehed, hungry loaftliatvenfc1 ! ftraight ts Daiaj ' heart -rl-IY' -Y Y i Touching ft bi sue bade the;foot mau tk tbo chilcr ioto the dining room and give hera good meal. , ; ...... I He-ws kfcustdmed to hap accen- triij; feaks; and obTd- ' 'After thethild liad finished Daisy entered th-roonif carrying 4a -argre bundle. ,S 1. ., !!.-, in j Welt liltlj Ullli hare I b Betefethiiji'fbr ybtS, and" if you can xrarry it heme you tvillfind aoqia warm ciothmp4",itI tVhat ia youriame': "Pot Greeu, ffiss.' ; .U t.. Ajyoar father ana. toother-Uf- r?" ' ! ' Y Jrr U1 '. incrT "3Iy mother is alive, but my father is dead, i .L " ! a n! n fiu j. suppoao, Tour inemei 1 is! 4 very poor Ys, miss. Sba does i laundry work' but Ala. Qrabapa, he'a ao iinean fce won't payrande made me taka IfooshrB b4cktoawthe?n done over, an J emmy s ill,, an r mptner s tired alfoaWto death,4 ' uid j siLh scaped, the cWs Hpa. h . ! ti Datsy fae"nusued as she ! canglit a ' . . a" a iuename, and tier lieart tnroooed wildly.. - . j -ilv-2iT' "Can JJ look at th shirts, IPOtl Y "Yes mists' t ain't ashamed ! of 'am, Daisy took th m n 'flfc J- , aad examined "They are baautifully done, ft can ee no fault with tbJtt.' i.'': ' ', "Nobody, everj finds fault "cept Mr, GrahamYan' he never "Tiays tiff W owea for lots an' lots, an' he's sa cross I hate to go near him. Daisy walked to andnMwrosrtb' room,plungad in thought. At length she paused beside Dot, and said : "1, aen; ypu ntutujWitia these shirtaJpotnl hews first Jjefpre yba "ile- liver them, knd say nothing aSbut it to any one. . f'Yeg, rta TH1 do iV f f ,f t Th nxt day Dot retarned with her basket My mother dklsj't do the: shirts over againt'hse stfe said she couldi make.'eniloi)k any betteri" j . - 'Naver mind, 'Dot. Wait hero for a few minutta ; there' is a lady vere VfliVf UCCXSCD IU KJ ITJlbU J UU. 5 A short time after a young. Irish cirl, ia a shabby drtsB and- coarse, rtl ahawlrwteldhrsiV" He5 fiie wastry red! and 'freckled, andj an ware Jga piueyiasees. ' Y "The top 'ov 'the mornin' to ye, me trurL" the said to the child, "An' what is Tourjiaaaa V to viot, saMfTOacnirerrwcan orid face. W-jtH Dm, iiiT uaunDiaaj; ura Tvk going ivfid ya toAha house an!,i thai gentleman trats ye bad'rtfgive him a piece pf ; my taoiad. J Come a!6ug, pie laejCHrV 51P 41 1 9 DotjtollowedwrelacUmtlrj f i u Thiy rMcrytheBlmitiaiTj .d wert) soon admitJ hamV room, I SJt'YZS ! Gra 5 V' -14iSo von have returned; have yxm ? X suppdwB the Bhita 'Jrook-and see 1 BR:DoYry The shirts bad nVvto Jaeen-' moved from .)i!ttikpl. ranged tbmihe. inporprpgapreiriout "Two-, oh them are mach f im proved buttho other two .look, .much flreithan they did - bafor. r iTake S- ' If i ''I them pacna ten neirto iWP xnem WHWjSkM 1 1 01T H AW m j ''Heose. vriaijd woud;you,beJTln14 . THURSDAY, APRIL 5. :lJ883JYS anopgtttsendfme hmoey htegriHinl to barf U -"Noone farthtifhlilou &$?mj to ask; monay !: fgwwklike' that. AwayMthyou!qipii- ;-; F "Please, an' do fusfpaywhat yer win'e child A It ef "usti(ie, u would keep ewblfi frtjii - the f5lVe''tlaid BditftW ier arms tie looked at her' Irom head to ?t,-fl a tnfeerwtoftae.tl Lis face. "Never meddle with other people's business. vrill not -pay ono)eiiny.'' i "SureYari.' jbkintye are ! sYou, a genUtman,' wjul.l niver- groind the '4ca tlie, poor, Mver I Yer too uoneejf-hjotaa' -tot loikas it that, Jist jy the child now." , . . , 'Bis'lfaccv SecarnS'palf With" atig.ri and pointed to the door, he' said : I "iSo!rt ri :( ; - . 1 1 .; 1 They fornedbritidut anotlier word and left the room, Dot'B sobs "falling m-tim airfj YY . - ; - Ay. they passed dowtV tha street chflj bt Harry Clifford-: f- - j alltvXJot 1 ;.TbaVp- the maitar,; child!" he askad mjikind tone. j j "I couldn't get the money that's cotan teyiiutibtii' and-'sjrJJPlei will hav,tQjeaaJcAuse ttokjgai' rprda awful' ticular "bout J,he rent.' ti lXhere,Jbere, don't cry like that hlldr How much is it ?" ' Two dollars iust wnalSi', Gra m - "-! ''lait pbssiblo lie if so careless in tbaa mattea-s? Well, -thare'a the money , Your B?other san credit me 'witbatC vEun away home "of 'you"' 1 be. perished with this cold." r I Awar theBtiBda.a aTfer thev bad turned a pprper f Biddy, paused, and Pid Dot. 1 gOod-bye, f telling her see should, Ijiear, from her again, i TWo weaka passed,and one evanmg Fred Graham the ,petw of socie, prtfpOEld fbrmally'foT fh hand? and .heart of Daisy Vansfone .1 ". V I cannot gite'you my1 answer dpv. fWait awhile, and when I am Vekdy to do ep I will let you know. Until that tirdeirrrivas youxanst not' come here again.'.' 'm.pt . "Xour willifmylTaw, Daij,put the most cruel par Of the etiolation is dabarrfng me from your preeenfce. Xqu rfre alwayi excanQp Aud I am wiling toonorfjou "v Kf;' 'fr? 5 "One W9k later Daisy received an offer of marriage from Harry. tjK3aIllo-morKrweTeBipg d you shall have your Answer." ; ".; His manly face flashed, j. : Surely you are not iriiiiii Hiss Dwsyptt...; .jY .,. iY- VY ' iShei looked up ia his honest eyes, and in her fair; face he reau love's language plainly written there, j , "Can you not trust me, Harry V ' It Vaa the first time she hsd ever addressed him thus, and: a flush of jot mounted his brpw. .fYes ! to the death, my darlingi!" He seized her hand and pressed it to hia.HpB. . . ; j : fCome to-taorrow eveuipg at 8 o'clock, and vou ahalLhaxe your 'an- WtJI. . ; - ! J He vran punctual to die moment. Daisy .received , Lim kindly,, and fter some commonplace remarks she laid her hand da 'his houId-;r, and id. atnilinglyt ) , "I amgoiog to treat you to a scene in real m this evening. ' It is time far the pjay.to OQitueaee, and if you will seat yourself in that alcove - and remain a bidden spectator, Jou will obKge me Very rJauch.'' -' J K- I He could only 'bow and assent, and w a soon screened from view. J.n a few minutes I rda was. 'announced. He camit in faultlessly attirad, h'y face' wreathed iu smilts. i t 'Daisy received him cordially, and anar a iew moments, conversation,, iaat nld ;. m ' 4asa' ' ' - I. received your aote, and am here tatYectVfDllrfBIR flSllife 6r aeatu, mj xurnsg ij;. : ..,f . , i V: "YotfaLall havMQy answer direct ly ; ut there are a lady and child who vish to ee you first You can surely wait a little longer." i A! troubled anxious look came over his face. ; I "A lajy and JTl I do not understand! ' (,t I "I will e.endj them iu, anJ afterward I will gi4e iny final reply." Y; i . Finding iiiihself alone he rose and began to pace the floor nervouslvi. V vTtn minutes later the doof slowly' pjienea, anaxsiqay, witu ijor, caue timidly into s.the room. His f acp became colorless for an iastait ; but presently the blood l-ushed in a tor! rnt to his brow. -'Y. 1 ! 1 Jrlease, sir, au would yon pay whafejouitowe me mother? ,Me broth; er ia ill still, au' me . mother needs the tnonfy sorely. j She stood before him clothed iii rags her largaoe piotrdiijigfivra her tora ehoes. ' j Y : The ta&jeaii Wasja striking ont, a the richly attired p-t.pf sociaty paus j ed before the child of poverty I aud; the florid-jged IrjgJtirl who; was WjDtSfLa loftda Shabby cloak. He drew his purse from his pocket laaida:td,i,t,iB Tktfc'a. ateketclMiaH handynVH 'f v! M Y "Thai, tae-tba't itis morethan I owe, but it JaOl 1vjbt..Bu'n!a1obg home now, that's a good girl, as fast as yoiTcari," he iaid, in it low tone. I She turned aiid,iifet"the irooataud Biddy coolly seated5 herself. . 5 Vf ; vifillyOti pbli 'aejjy. leaving the room? I.hava auj engagement with a lady-"' vv'i;j'diti.'iY,.... 1 i. ! .. At aren't J; an lady -J '? Wouldn't I answer fist as well-T Sure an the very bist Wood mould Ireland Howe inane" veins.".-. :. i..;...Y w Y Y- ; -Be ficanfftChar face keenly while he grew pale with apprehension.! "Iat Heavfea's name who ere: yout'J 6 She took a handkerch'ef from, her pocket, and after removing her glasses Y 11 !ssd it oyer, lierji face jSk thi arwaoed the hfod,TlieTed j wig" and the cloak, aad Daisy stood before him in her', elegant evening , attire. ."Miss Vanstone, this is a cruel farce ! I did not draam you'capabla of it." ! Y Y ;- ; , "The end justifies the means, Mr. Graham. A man who will refuse tot pay nis nones t. debt, and tuns cause a poor woman and her helpless chil , dren to suffer, can never be , my hus band. You have, lny, answer. Good evening!" V , ' ' ' I She turaed and walked slowly toward the alcove, and the crestfallen Mr: Graham. beat an. inglorious re treat. --usa- ' - Harry Clifford j-. stepped' from his hiding-plaoe, his face radient, and claspmg Daisy to his .' inanly heart; he said: : Y Y ' ' - ' 1 1 "May I not claiia you now, oiy darling ? i Your little play was per fect. I pitty Fred, bat I trust he will- profit by bis sad experience. You are quite an actress- But you must give me my answer now ; what is it ' If it is yes, give ma the' kiss my heart has hungered for to- long:" . She raised her face ' suffused- with blushes, and their lips met in the fiust ripe kiswof love. - " f That was Daisy.'s answer. - PECK'S! S6U SHINEO j Sa Cantiaues to niumlnate. Hii Pater nal Progenitor is Still tie Yiotiaa.:' I -;'!. ?li : ; j. ' "' 1 'yE A'- ,'.rj-f ."1 hear, you bad burglars over to your bouse last night," said the gro ceryman to, the bad boy, as he came ia and artt-en the counter, right over a little gimlet bole, where the grocer had fixed a darning needle so that by pulling a string the needle would fly up and run into the boy about an inch. The grocerymaa had been laying for the boy for two days, and now that he had got him right over the hole for the first time, it made him laugh to think how he would jump and yell, as he edged off and got ho d of the string The boy looked unconsciouB of the impen&ndg danger; the grocery man pulled, and the boy sat still ; he pulled again, and again, and finally the boy said: : p i': -i "f ' V'Yes, it is reported that we had burglars over there. O, you needn't pull that string any more. I heard you was setting a trap for me, and I put a piece of board in&ide my pants, and thought I would let you exercise yourself. Go ahead, if it amuses you. it don't hurt me, ior a cent.'' i. The groceryman looked sad, and then smiled a sickly sort of a emile at the failure of his plan to puncture the boy, and then he jsaid, "Well, hdV was it? The policeman didn't teem to know much about the particulars. He said there was so much deviltry going on at your honse that nobody could tell when anything was serions, and he was inclined to thick it was a put up job." ; "Now, let 's have an Understanding, '' said the boy. "Whatever I say, you are not to give me away. It's a go, is it? I have always been afraid of you, because you have a sort of decayed-egg look about you. You are like a peck of potatoes with all the big oaeson top ; a sort of strawbeiry box, with the bottom raised up, so I have thought you would go back on a fellow. But if you won't give this away, here goes : I - . "Yo see, I heard ma tell pa totring up another bottle of liniment last night, j When ma (corks herself, or, has a pain anywhere! ghe just uses! liniment fqallthat it is worth, and a pint bottle don't last more than a week. , Well, 1,-told my chum, and yre laid for pa. This liniment ma Uses is oiful hot, and almost blisters. Pa went to the Langtry fandango, and didn't jet home uatil eleven o'clock, and me and chum decided to teach pa lesson. I don't think it is right for a raan to go to. the theatres and not take his wife and good little boy. So we! concluded to burgle pa. We agreed to lay on the stairs, aud when he came up my chum was to hit him on the head with a dried bladder, and I was to stab him on his breast pocket with a stick, and break the liniment bottle, and make him think he was killed. .It couldn't have worked bet ter if he hacl, rehearsed it We had talked about burglars at supper time and got pa nervous, so when he eame upstairs, and was bit -ontbe-nead with the bladder, the first thing he said was "Burglars, by inTrhty," and he started to iro back, and then I hit him on the breast pocket, where the bottle wa?, and then rushed, by bim. down stairs, and taid in j a stage' whisper, "I guess he is a dead man,' and we went down the cellar and up the back stairs to my room and un dessed. Pa 'hollered to ma that he was murdered, and ua called me, and I cakne down in my night shirt nd the hired girl she come down, and pa ws on the lounge, and. he aaid his life blood was fast ebbing away.; He held his hand on the' wound and said hecpuld feel the warm blood trickling clear down to his boots. I told pa to staff some tar into the wound, same as he told me to pat on my lip to make my moustache grow, and pa Said, "My ! boy, this is no time for trifling. Your pa is on his last legs. When I come up stairs, I met six burglars, and I attacked them and forced four of them down, and was going to hold then and send for the police, when two more, that I did pot know, jumped upon nit, and. I wait getting the best of them, when one of n o ' tbem struck me Over the head with aj -a. ilta nrUan rtlMBVvM V A t crefw-bar, and the other stabbed me with a butcher knife. I have received my death wound, my boy, . audi my hot Southern blood, that I offered up so freely for my countrv in her time of., need, is passing away from ! my body, and soon your: pa will be only a piece of poor clay!;: Get some ice and put on my stomach all the war down, for I am burning up." I went to the water pitcher and got a' chunk YYY l - - : of ice aad pot it in pa'el shirt aad ma was; tearinsr -to an old Skirt to BtOD the flow of blood, i l aakad na if he felt better, and if he eoold describe1! the villians who had murdered . him. He gasped and moved his leg to get them cool from the dotted blood, he said, and. he srtmt on. , One of them was about mx -lea, hkrb. and kadi a sandy mouatache.' X.had sol him down and "hit " him on the nose. and if Chef police find lim his note will be broke., Ti .Mcoqd one ws thick . set, ". and weighed about two hundred,.. I had him down, and my boot was on his neck,, and I knocked down two more just as I was hit The unca: ses ' one - wm Have boot-heel marks oa bis throat" 4 By this time, ma had got the skirt torn ap, and she stuffed it under pa s shirt, right where he said he was hit, and pa was telling usjwhati' to do to' settle' tis; estate, whan, ma! began to sioaell the liniment, and h formd th liniment' in his pocket, and saarohed po for the place where he was stabbed,; and hen sbd began id laugh,; and pa got mad and said ' he didn't -'see'- as'V death-bed scene was suci an ! alBoighty funny affair, and, then hb told him he was not hurt, but that, he had fallen on the' steps and' broke his bottle,, and that there was no blood on him." and he said, Do you meai to tell me my Doay ana Me-re not batned: m hu man gore I," and then pigot up and found it was only .thediinment He ?pt mad and asked "saa whyjhe didn't y around and get 'something to' take that liniment I off his legsy ! as it was eating thesi right through the bone, and then he saw my ehum put his head . in the t door, with one gallus hanging down, and pa looked at me and said, "Iiookahere, if I find out that it was yon boys that put up this job on me, 1 11 make it so hot for you that you jtiil think liniment is ice cream in tomparison." I told pa it didn t look reasonable that me and my chum oonld be six burglars, six feet hign, with noses broke, and boot- heel marks on our neck, and pa said lor us to go to bed ail-nred quick, aud give him a chance to rinse off that Uniment and we retired "Say, how does ay pa strike you as a good sin gle-handed liar, and the boy went up to the counter, while the grocerymaa went after a scuttle of coaL" -, 'In the meantime, one of the grocery man's best customers, a deacon of the church, had tome in and Sat down over the counter, overthe darning needles and as the groceryman caaae the boy puilaq toe atnng, aad -went out "doom And tipped over a basket of rutabagas, while the deacon got down off the counter with bis hands elasp; ed, and anger in t aature, and told the groceryman he could whip him in two minutes. The grocerymaa asked what was theonatter. and the deacon hun ted up the source from whence the darning needle eame through the counter, and as the boy went across the stieet the deacon and the grocery- man was rolling on the floor, the groceryman trying to hold the dea con's fists while he explained about the darning needle, and that it was intended for the boy. How it came out the boy did not wait to see. Tha Mournful Xaa. HOW THE 0SHK0SH B0TS ENJOY A BIT OF : FUN. - A few weeks ago a man registered at an Qshkosh hotel, and was assign ed a room, and everybody 'noticed that he was a most mournful looking man. He never . said a word, but there was that about his face, and his actions that showed he Was labor ing under" some great sorrow. He bad his snppertaken to his room, and the. waiter said the maa never spoke, and seemed to- be the saddest look- ing man he eyer saw. The guests all talked the matter over, and they decided that the man was goieg to, commit suicide.. A traveling man who had a room next door,, to the solemn man, and who had previously occupied adjoining rooms in differ ent hotels to three men who had comamted suicide, felt . that he was about to experience a fourth shock cf the same kind, and he ; lay in hia bed all night an,d never slept a wink believing that the next moment he should hear a revolver shot or the death straggle of his neighbor, from poison, v Y He never heard a sound all night and when be got up in the morning he told the clerk that he was sure the man waa dead They passed the room and listened but could bear no noise, and it was decided to look over the transom to see if .the j man was dead. It is not a pleasing thing to look over transom into a man's roomr not knowing whether your eye will fall on a corpse or a live man with a revolver - pointed at you, so nobody seemed i to; yearn to be the first to climb the stepladder. Final ly it was decided to throw a cat over the transom, on to, the bed, and if they d.d not bear any noise it would be ceitain that the man was dead, and the could go on. with the I funeral. A cat waa procured, and, the porter, wno knew just where the, bed was located, waa detailed ' to toss the cat over.-. J - I He went ap the ladder a few steps, not enough to look over, because be was not prepared to look auddet ly upon a corpse, and taking the cat in both bands, by the legs, 'he "gently tossed her. or him, as the case might i .' . be, over the transom on the bed oc mm miai aKtV KaSi mAHHi aTf t H OVaelTt VUUlvli VJ VUU IUUU1 UlUriWBlUK SUSsUt The cat was heard to fall with a dull thud, there was a souad as of scratch ing and . ripping, a. heavy form was heard fto strike the for, tha oil "pormeoud" and Bpit" and the half dozen people out in the ball looked at each other wonderingly, when suddenly the door Opened and the j maddest wan that ever was seen in Oshkosh came out in the hall in his nigbt shirt his arm, and face bleed ing on to the white bight shirt He naa me cat y the hind, legs with one hand and a revolver in the other, and as; he, struck at the asseinbled multitude right and left with the cat, there wasthe worst "getting down staira, and he man returned to his loom. -,:t ha '. - Y 1 ; ;'.;! He dressed himself, went down In the office and paid his bill, and took the first train South, Y never' haVing ; spoken a word while in OshkoBh,ahd ' the people are to this day wondering whether he was a pohibitipn speaker, . a traveling man for a corset factory, : or an agent for a deaf and dumb asy lum. r The traveling man who was so nervous for fear, his neighbor, was going tp commit suicide, ' wishesYhe bad, the, landlord fears that ha has displeased a guest, who might hate renamed longer, and the porter Who threw the cat, eays that it is the last time he will oyer try to find a corpse by the aid of a cat.' ... . ,r ti - t : Bather BapH Traveling1 :f - Half a " dozen railroad 'rneii J ' .Were tending by the TJnioh deb6V lunch counter the other night, waiting for a train, drinkiag coffee and telling sto ries about their experiences in rail roading An eagineer Was making darnel tracks in a meab pie; anal be tween swallows was entertaining the boys about a fast run he' made once ' between,. Milwaukee and La Crosse, 'when the "old man" was in a hurry to get up there to see about a bridge that was being built there. As be was describing bow the engine and two cars fairly blistered the rails be tween Portage and Camp Douglass, a frightened looking man stepped up and asked for a cup of coffee and some doughcuts, and while he wa soaking a dougnut in coffee, he said they didn't know, anything about fast running unless they had been on the Pennsylvania road. The man asked him what he knew about fast running andjie turned out some eoffeo in a saacer, blew on it to cool it, swallow- ed it and said: , ' . Y , . ; Y i "Well, I just got in here from the East, and I have witnessed railroad ing that knocks the socks off of any thing that ever was. We started from Jersey City one night at 8 o clock, . and up this side of Phjiiadel phia there was a wreck ahead of ua, and we side-tracked for six hours, and whin the track was clear we started. Well sir- we flew,, fairly flevs -Wef didn't realize in the car, that we weie going fast by any jar, for it v as just "i j as smooth as a pair of Bkatss on ice, but if a man went out on the' platform he could not breathe. The nigger started to bring a lunch, from the ho tel car into the car I was in, , and while I he crossed the platform the coffee froz? as stiff as ice cream and a 1 man eat it with a spoon. The nigger, was afraid logo back into the car ' and waited till the train stopped at a coal place. The conductor told me the train was going faster than a bul let, and that the engineer often' shot - his revolver up the track ahead, and the engine would overtake the ballet J and fatten it against the smokestack.: ' Did you ever see a passenger train ' jump right over a freight train when both were in motion?" 'asked the doughnut man as he filled his -empty coffee cup up with milk. "Oh, what are you giving us I said the engineer, as he loosened the leather belt arOund his greasy over- : alla, and looked at the man with dis gust. - . ', . . - . "Well, vou don t nave to believe it if you doa't want to, but I pledge you my word our train jumped right over a freight train ahead of us. . .We came up to it on a -straight track, , and our engineer signalled to the the freight engineer to slow up a little,' and the conductor told us . to. keep our seats. We had seen the freight train ahead on the curve, 1 and wondered why our train did not stop. When the conductor told us keep eur feeats I asked him what was the matter, and be said we were . go ing to jump a freight, and if we mov ed around we would jar the cars ; so ' they wouldn't be liable to hit the track ah-jvl when wa, caute. down. Just then I could feel the train go into the air, and hear the wheels turn withoat any track under tbem and in less than ten seconds we began to descend, and I could hear the wheels on the track agaia, and' I looked back and the freight eogineer was. - waving his hat at ut. '-'Why,: there was no more jar than there is in this ' room now. ut course tliey woulda attempt to jump a fre'ght train on a . curve or ii a tunr.eL" and he man scratched, a match on his pants and lit a cigar stump he had been keeping. It is aid that tha - English Gov eminent has anked Switzerland to annul the degrees expelling the Sal-Y vatibn Army leaders. Japan and China are determined upon fighlng and the latter country will raise a special tax of $7,0U0,(KM for the purpose. l- ' Lieutenant General Sheridan is said already to be house hunting, in Washington,1 in view of his succes sion to General Sherinait, - , It is harder to sympathize with our friends in his trials than to philoso phize over his trials and criticise hia j manner of bearing them . Y ; . . New York has ten thousand drink ing saloons, and it is proposed by the ; temperance people to have the numberreduced to two Ihons and. , , :-- - - The first young maa that paid fifty cents for a secret that will thow bim how to double his money . without ; risk was told todouble the biggeetbt'l t he could find before pulling t in his ,. pocket V IT K1 ..f , -1 - 7- 1 i: 1 Y