"TAP syq mrrm i gni T TtA D GFAIT D.CTnfcPSrn rr ...... Jdi'i i-J o Ilii3 APRIL 12," 1883: . ,i :v'jfj"j Liijr: "t'j'Su 15 , 1, T -0' - " - - - . ? -1 r -i ,i i iinu . . .Yinw Jul" Offer bi profeMiowJ terrl zn of Tarboro na Ttcinity. i ; .. t Office in T. JL McNatr't druf (tore oo Xila street, i-,.. : ..5,-1' h ; . t s . f : V ;-: 'i ii - . TARBORO Prtctioes In tXl the Court, Bute and Fed- eral. J. J. MARTIN. J ' iB,- C. 8HABPB. Martin A Sharpe, ! Attorneys - at - X&.inr. V : : f ar bob, w, r " 1 . ; t raetiee im the CourU. SUte koi FedemL H. A. Grujxx. . i: DoKLt Gilxiax GILIilAM A SON, 1 ; TARBORO', NC. 1 3 . , f Will oractiee ia Uie'Cooeiiol ef EdeKwbe.- a n RalUax, nd Pitt and In th Court th First Judicial UUtrict, and in the uircmt ana Snpreuie Cenrt at Raleigh. ; yaalWy.i g.'..!fB3y D -A i f AttortiT at lit ill a-! takboko koqKT uonNT. Mci 1 rraetieee ! the CoerW ef Xdceeift . fiu, Wiloaa4 Halifax coantiaa 41ea HmtHitmtw Bapie i fJofPtav " KST" Q4leetioaa a eeeWayvji i iOrwa tetto pwata-- lift roofat adr Hwrd'a lir efflce. aext door to ew klere ol t. 6. Nark dc (r-or4aa . V;! ; Dee. 15,1881. .U: U-;Vr' r-.'f-r . o. p. Halt ? :B 4f p ",'- r HART -a COOLLY, e Attorneys - at Ijaw, My Mgpt ani MasMllc K fxactioa in State and Federal Court, j n ml6m COftQX I HOWARD, j . :; im Attoraej ami C5onmlor at ' Law. gTraete is all the CarUr9UU and Attorney s-at-Iiair ; TAKoOKU , . C. ; 3 ; Practice in all Court, haalneaa. VJ atteotion'W 1 mist See hoira, lre 9 a. at. till 1 p. at, aad trera iwOp. m. j . .. -t . i j: ; VNat jtnnr la -futaM hin Lanier Royster'a. ,r -i-i,-: is' ; i - THQ8. H; DATTfcEgf j Jitorney at JDuii Of&ee next to rhllip next to Phibpa de Btaton1 Law dfc Staton1 Law office. L pract kte Court. BdnSmf- Refers b iefera by exDreee mnaiasion to Ji fin. of the SuprenM Coart; Cttlaene National Bant. ef Raleirh ; - Battle, Bonn dt Co., Nor- felh; Jne. Arrinston m Bona, feterabargr. - el-6m . 1IRS. J. C. CHARLES narinf taxed the Sank building, on the Corne. of Trade! and Pitt atreeu, ia now prepand to take boacdem Tarboro', N. C, Jannary lith, 188. i v . ' 1.- i -v J. Ita SAVAGE; : LITIiT, SiLE, M ja.-shw o jl hi Cmh Giunui A St. AifbaBw Stbmxts, JABBOBO'. N. C.' 4: ,3 Theae Stable are Oie larreat & the State. aad hare a capacity of holdinr tea car-load f toct Girt hkn acalL T) I jiaatfiD o,. Howard Pna. t W. M, Anem, Tke iw (IHTflWO DRPAATMENT. I oeen front . ..,r. . JU1 to R L lTjrmioToma: .j..inii iaiiwi 1 Dr. J. H. Bakfr, OwHarvmrd, 4 - xx. uoma Dee lS-ly-e i JOHI R. DIIOV Tcat'qeeldatavdpr Kellh Br6e., a. woue nc diow di Horn u :j al way pre- ared to erve yoa with the vureH &AU DE TIE and the be flarbred C1QAR. aCT" ire hint a call. ' : M: i J. R. DlXiH. i ! Rocky Jlonnt Slills A RX in fall and anceeaafnl operation, and1 are prepared to fill all .order for Sheef 4 ng; 1 arns and tJottoa Kope, at lowen price. Order addreaeed to Rockr Mount Milla. Reeky Monnt, N. C, will be promptly attend eata. vamjuj a. UArrwc, :i Set'j and Treaanrer. April 11, Sn-U. I , - 1 f 4 . GREGORY! HOUSE: T he Gretrorr Hotel, known a Bryan Bonae, in fall operation, doing good buainee, will be old on favorable term. . t jaTorabie term. . . i ' I 1 x febT,tlti8S8.i , r-.-W.i- . Hmo. Eowakd. Having qualified M Executor of tie eatat 01 wh. aouem v lttXi, notice is herewy debted to the estate o to make immediate DaymeBkniul ail jeron nTin claim agatont aaid estate wiu present them lor paFaieattajnewaH.tV "!uaT Jr., , on or betoreBtoet aar of. ApnT, lUtH :pr 7 thi notice win he Id la l tk-4r r -oH ery. . 1 ' March 23 .TTllA5l.tlrtri . By. H. U frrAo HC- DEEF. STEAK J AND SAUSttE Re IL ROWJE A BOatill Tend tWvlae and wine. .For the. w tue Ajnei they cannot b .unacrBold., JSteak, Freah Pork. Bauaage aadBveryxhina; alwayoa band. ... : : -V,r.'t., vg-41l - Thanking the potlic: for paat pevtroneie, iuy sre uu r j-.. i h ' Butcher for the Town of Tarbor. l- a,ftMOaww4tiHilhlaiya -l . ' J L' L'-TW. 'T , , j j 4 Rft . WeeW ia yon -sW aid f.1 C1HMK KSSi-l i aad, Maine.. i-l '., : i" f t fc, Tease, tiSiawfJ.'CeleCAWKr, Jlatiihia T . 1 . i! - 1 ail ' . imam 1 tv ea. ra. u j - hmm b rvi wk-s wmx . u i n.uijca.iu.m aEiiiT.cr jjuuw ; nun uii 1 iib iiofliitui b dirii ir.iTBiinff qarpnci 1 no wnn 1. 1 IWlflnlDOO A !Tt'..'lw-ftS,T?',-''JJyfci I B E S a ftewasBaas BbSU& Uter-J w . dbiiuiuk uteri u vi every ot-scripnoe i Wi. P.:. t. .k. cij. .. .v. J NORFOLK, NoTemb18Sa.ia,r.y. r - ' I 2 Ti .': I open on tha day of Jannar, ,at ''Iff two doori fiont atrd atand, aB aeiectcd atock of ssssisioTiiiii hit nfliaiiia Notions, Hardware, Groceries, .Provisiojaafc And Faim5ipplie6-1- All oy whiefl win be'aold Tery CHEAP for CASH.! oavM TIME to PROMPT P Customer. 1 (J And Bought foi Cash. iaTXiirt meva tcaUfbefore opening yoor ae- ceant for the year. RefctfnUyf -s. r The ffof Refresnfnii SON BEER'DOTIlERS, The , TraIcSapplied at ur Ordera bjmail, Iraaipart of (3ij otAte, promptly attenaeti to., 5&Wia thai mtAj ol fliock Tarbora.llC'C., ipril l: l&te. . . rocenes. 4Ha aravocerv and Bar. next doer to ITBrovnt ds Ces,. we invite all oar v n d liberal har,e of their pat friand to rivt wtf3!4tleaiife. X PARKER A DAWSON Tarboro', N. C, Jany to, 8ffly ' j f : " ffTWiLU r M4MlJRXR ; OF- 1 T.V f -f. 41! ' Jine fliRHESS t f ' ii a : 1 a. 3r? Saddles, Bridles, Rdxs, Whips. Hnltf.ru: KLanttts, &C. ' . ;a 1TE COCHT-HOIJ(ii;- . Havfcg bought ont Mi. R.A.irr.tlU naa nfactnring and reparing will be under 'his charge. Any one wanting fine hand-made harness will do well to give me a can. - ,. SINGLE HABBTESS....... , .$15 and up. DOUBLE HAB2IE8S. ...... .25 and ap. ".llachlhe Harheas at all prices. 1 ; jani7y r Mil wzva wiir .. -tf ifcifcifcJ . iaVSKa-e5-. 11,1 ." aiireriMCslAMKI. ' t.c-3;Ife i i I Tw i OOPWCW-t1Nf D 1 '4 jiiU -J-juotfii ji t7-.yy x" tsar ' I- ! . . I ''is j' " B K P . ft.. ... .-1-1- mm m afflfl? HUV1 IIB II i innn nnnn i - ' ? .JlAUnndtCiMk! Bbv- DolrMelfffiilt " - - ' -' 4 . f :. i-S. "It 7? i ' ' TSaS t "9 1 -fl a',i- ? win 50 o ! , Also a fine line of i ,Si h. iVr4iIir fT2 liaXllllIK U ?t - a rinafHMned R. C AMSOll I . .1 - J m m soul. r.i s.rra' - 1 .fT .-r. VKTiaaar ia the Xnda. 1 , i T WVHW W HKW KEM DDK: M Dimi. CUT CXJtm I aad tiwaVl-ftie is i ? co awaiac tonrimm a prickly scntatiaB ' and. 1 aaaLrcc eaa cam hardly 1 taaaeweyeaMBaaatMitedafaateaft 1 atintioa after AA has ttewTthe lArir H - bar base cateaainly deruifd. lydcranf. , 1 bv an oeraeaa. MaW used by all per a, eld aad W ; f 4Kc, whenever a j f tbe above ayntatanaa Uy hMp lb Liver la healthy acti ill al lfalarta. BUloaa altaafca r;; w. if. eeajMrnaia nuiiaiiia ar Bofriar. air 1 will iavworal Om a cia of wiaa, bat la MTla . roweatiaa; evJra-ta .i -: r Ji . !aAMM BteB;aat)llBta aavpd ed aiaatfoeyar Awe heavy aftar m1, er sleew naad aad Pemsrt lk wfflW aJ3j Far,' waaarver the ail aafe. am xale- alterative aerar W out ef alaeai TWwei l, A Mdket ah theaevMr ad efficacy V "mmm' 'r e iaewiaatr ami uriBfif it Ia PTJfj? fff1r?TrWkf na; &voef Ala. 'Tanae: Baa ih i mi k laiVi aifit froei the w at at Bapiaiwr, aad wish giva it a 7 "Tae eeOy ' Tatar that are awn anny rei ar- A&caoai asd DahiBar J Dehii Ic Xhrar Ranilatar has I V Vfi.. to Gaxpclar iaanwevjBkj rd fiother for affarho arc sua. tacoaly P. ILhan, MiaBrapoKa. Uiu. 'W. Maiit nttvafc' From aetuaWa I ia the ate of Siautoaa XJvaa RmUtw al ay aracnee I have baaa aad am saticfied to oas varBWavawdioae. J i9Talc eaTy ike fliaiiln, which alwaya ha. ea the W tapper the. awaVB Jrada. afavav aadMgwatwreef J,K,pnjXMK FOR SAH BY ALL DRUGGISTS. : 1'! if mi Be:CaTlile!: Dam . r fin hi w .jjimuiAju. HAS OH RAND NEW,' FRESH STOCK OF 3YHIVJ1 I I "I I IT si ' s rl s a aaa W m - " Bought for Cash, " which he offer at moderate prices, v r .1 " l - ' . i BT , ni"W W- raironace aolicttedi - - - 1 C ,-r-.VjJHT vTarboro,PK 2618j8g:f .- -,1.. 7: i i.. ,-.w: f .'M . t ..-; ; -. - -:-'; f j :-mr :. -J.- BdTa"d,- rr hA 4. ft The Skinner the Paxton, the Bar (V sail and Kriebel f'.V;, itNGINES, -raw -. TheHaH, the Centennial the CaxfW and Van Wynklo'j -; ;. ; c6ttjongins The Clarke Seed Cotton' CLE.C51V TW-BosaUierg;iIr?ai Kie ana ainern pamaaa- -. Tha Bnr.keve Cider Uilla. the Zi merman Fruit v Evaporators, 6 n-pnTe and Peach , Parers, . tha. Acme .And Thomas ? y'-...:u.' V j j Cotton Seeds, . 11 ?. '- 1 i .-' x a Cultivators, reed Abater Truck?. Siting ; Writ to s for' ars and - i-s.i; 1 i -i o3 ir ifii i bitV vnn Address, I r..a ,' mi Aatliao. issadv. SJi tt fl r iTTV8OHWA?rii,'itODSliO Set n it 1 1 1 1. .nn ol..Uii w i.n ; r 1 reeu z - JS?7lm IpJaBTlWM Hat OSBCtw. w ' ' S V . J W a .-. i t I 5' I.' a -. p oaare tiOliaaanaT-.crraeuui rmi,',vnT uuiM.!Mm(v J jenl Beauy.Wakbingtdn, N. J. ' f; . , '.-. . - . .... - .... - , 1 -' . 1.' 1... . : . t ;.. .Xtitxt r ro fefelrfeomalonflAe ar The flush of ttrmm ethereal 1 dtMtftrtthfr?9 make 1L18 peauire Qipn ior i : L Biuimafa Ta alt bebffnd nir ch&ir i - ' j ; f i f I. ' l: ' ' I Tb door f R,lf M-tkhait Eufua . Markham'a iKnrxtLng room waa scarcely closed and lae propnator toelArg floor icrttrxv fnttvn tufinr-u talbotl earnaaf. II v VittL k tftfetAlmbiy Bonluiie.-caatt mpreaHV i 'EiTe lhpuaand dollars!? I individaal ' "It waa a large aum to l ave exposed. ch one had access bat myself ana nephew, Fred Tjron. for tha Mici Mr nantiy, "my nephew ia not a thieft If hejneeded tentimaa that aomheknowMi JptvoBvafl faaelx. jaxtv to nun. lie Nttl W vfj W,lddhe is .at dear; tb me as a son. It is simply a baaed to ,r fJst ataU.tbia. at i again its briefly as o can, and ailow- me to take notes : will tori; Mr: BUikbamT". ' . "Certainly. I drew five tboorand-. tiieback wawdoaed, I concluded to lock it in my desk until this morning, and did to. ,t3IEtlVfcick, thig morning, the expected note ' was p3dB?e4p?d.tlB4& the desL The money was gone, "and with it A small memorandum, befok thai was in ftaanrQftr:;;;::r;a'hL--! ,. tl'lisock waaaotfgroed.r' . "No, air ; the desk we 'apparently exacUy.as Ilefl.t,-,?? T j -"And Mr. Trjon has the poly dup licate key, T"; k .4 The old gentleman frowned. Pe waa evidently displeased at the turn the detective a- suspiaons .seemed to be takmgf 'Yea, nfy - .JJ J 1 t eel y! bad tne prdyupScaU keyr . 0 ItlJ t a Humph 1 xetf.' HadOd the num. J bars of all the notes. . ! IL - ! jYesJ Th oB Uonsiatadyiof; ten five, hundred dollar notes." i i U Jll list of hnmbers Jhaincr taken Iba detective made a advarchino: ex- mreaUonW the apartment; andpre stood, near the- doer, Mr. Markbam suxmiWeaiairtduBlyl ri taint. Mr. Vogdes, if you make any diseeve Mai ynr hard f ietteierfcini o m privately before making any arcestaVj WjfVBBaaBy, far, loaaaou ionut u. mVi ypu grant me crb lav Or 7 ajo diotuMnteaa lite robbwry toMr. Tryon if you have not done so already. -iwri--'.' it'-' t v f J'ia : tMj uue uaa uiiaiu ui a fii T"nr- r - ' ' 1 i; 1 - "mm ' - - - ... '' ! - 'Sfiflfirti taVi-rfJau again lUValvrV.taHiloaka.V Frfed V tHd ' th. old j iuan , said, jo a troubled tone when ha was alonat It ctohpt Jbe. .Its imposiibl . hai nephewjwontd rob. me, i; I cAnnot l.b. - W -V.a. U CTII lb. ailU TV UV UXB money 1 ;vis tb4tj He was here when I handed I Arnold thjsxheck, J;iaXlSten heaOTaMUrilh the money. He knw that j Jobnatma note waaanoH toraaan ted: t and Fred alone -haavSMPUcate, ;kejjt!l0, if. iL abonkl.beWAnAJi botnat aprem isad to love aa any wOai i.Ha I Jbp keut m v promise t Where have ! tailedf-iAxid w4y skould j he steal KSTM Jen ill I. iava! is his t M r ml MT .1 cannot, 1 wjli not peneve ic; i ITatT coine la ra asked! ipleli nnc Toice at tne aoor. ana.nermissicM . .,. , -;l ! . ?.! i. being given, Fred Tryon entered "'LooKirig'rfitdmiTianasoine young face- height . and. frank, with well opebe.l Drown eves and curls of nut brown hair, it was hard to cbrect t with ail 9deao1? rfocrflerV Snfirrati. ode aftd tbeft, Hi umnBeMfeward bis uncle was xne perfection of ire spapfuJL ejection, and before hei dd 1 t . X 1 !. peen An. nour.in too. counungxqoiB Mr jawkhatn,' fear jwera, euxirely gOnawii;:f: .Y:n ..' . .-V. , -H :-i 4iXnr weta .talkintr ol Ha .certain 'dark eyed little madea who was eogfr ta be-Mfw Tyrovand rWheauFred left hia uncle it-wai with- trrotrdae KAZisB.tJlAjEsO! I The young man, a favorite of 'for llil - P i, L - ti. OMMveaLBraBidT. wiaiiia aiwa a.1 lati uuuu wiCh his betrothed, received his uncle in the eveafnobeaide her, and, ao csDaie(tloWTrwnUemanto. hia )latiaxabhtsB08iv ABaffeo ywiiaiV'taiaTOt. wucauy iwua awn way to himlth-jMnBe. For a we Wdthing jfs the baaar- d satfiEIIJT:! Srtiich no CPf .VmXWPTTlx !Ji f fro ! mn Mid wri iMitum w-u t dollars cut pf the bank veFtsrday to iaee a' nwt Itmfr was' W1 pfeeetfM for cavmenL Batavjins it until aueiv H afk a) daw ! a I I : 1 BBaWaWaWaWawaBBBBWaeaaaaBW nTin5nUr.-ar wa,f4diBrr; from A. drivo tWt MiiliS Ckrkson. -77-rr!?,- " Fred 1 metttaucleV confidential yerlr tiifnW -forliialfaud 'wilt B6le. itrt vjdt !Ti aoisaj 1 1 Lhave a note for won,! (He. Fred. 1 j home I Uataaav I would wait foi fotf meSglf Ihel) ung m JriJT t - iace"Btruc; fabeTBtfhcS a sudden "fehill to MAa "VneaMf - tuouiai lia briA i i fXl sff.er : idJ3-.v xfa'iJ'l ,J t I ! . .kjaistavxl A .atuatii .aak . I U, I te enk. I7refi nia4. a sudden , hia.woiAM "ha inrinf moan iy uncle-I . ; f.,. J waited ta aae liaw won words' of advice. Mr. Fred, I waBUwith a. . i your father wben he was killed i, on, At t wBene.wroagniywiromyHar OT7gaMraaoBaV uami itook you 7MBT YBapHBCK Tbtob:- not Uheve. witfcbnt ' broif AbleV BoaKrfctil you rob. me., ci five thousand d taken, a you kaovireAniTry'i ton desk n,-Wediedat T-'laatV-Tiu my aistar,i son, and lu 'neverl) thej i w wjj mjw -owwmn new: uxTe a; up EU IllTaira'IlIlfT'TaAaaTOT TJ fl TiTTtTI CF rl T VAT1 I af i ' - -T awaaax LJaaWWe1 . . n' " ,'?dhi , i .. ! rtiii;vUJJTJT tern. ti laad xterrjn-iiJiwBia ata nnta ' ttniSasw eouEf cfflArsT one to imprtaonor pniah yc ;Jbntlinoneia in bia poeaession. "now. yoa are no longer a nephew af i nunei WillincrlT I will Aever lonk won! In tha fara Agahw' - Your 'fll-gfetUn I gumf 1 I freely fiff yoopto ftart in Noma I business, trusting that dtrnr idtMamjZWS titaikl Do not try to rwV mlwH IBWirwaDTlupaaHCIll A XaOW to ue lau. u nw-write, iar i. vui t GlArka--arrttr'1wlxitJiBa h aha hwa Aha .tern eotJtWi, flBiWMfriWiiWl j.j Ei!i . ; -aiarja.Iauradtla,bitUrlG.rman.-' ' ilM-; aniwari I a .do1 oa- happen to CTlrffi IwSffS Aak'y6kratAr-wia i tnTMAD lou were betrothed to -tn nullion-1 Alre'.?iw An4' lmlbon- bty3E&' .trtm yo3 froat: 7otu ,.f. ,.r : 'i: -vsU -:-.r ; , F)bsdJtAh&.reria into fe4r,'hTjrwrinyott be so cruel? Thin unheeding the clart, who waa dit-ectly iooking t from Aha window, the came close to-rreds; side, "AJar Iwg, j'ahe said, fixing her large eyes upon bis face, iTaH tha believes von cuiltv. Ida not. if. oil ni l .r ' n jiiu n 1 1- ssep ttyIonll.a. V ; ' 1 -1?' Tba vouBff lover bad been, bewil - derail, wdignant, desiiJbat be folded the gentle comforter fast in bia armsi and RteaL teara.fsjl wn.-. her UUblUUVU iW . . T ... . . .. . . . . "Uod Dless yon, Hand r ne , crtoo, "lean defy the worEL if jou are truai to. ma, Mow. rotter. siE down ana teU ed ma wbat you Jtnow el Uus retcn- aunxoooa iano vo .mustuuH ; xiumn. i . . . ,. , - : , - . o business." ; M ; , .wJur!,!,,.,'; ' .n-" o ,afvxT.e-- EWi.r MiM k..nl t k . 'T.laaJ :Tbii atAmintf in a called 1 "- I - I .TflWbWi e-f" ac w a ii'- 11 ' ' " C : -T iUaaha-J Itolai 14. Ka I Vi Kal liarobWvmvMlf nntUthismoramloxwAa. hilttiboilefiti arid .COarte Does . w . r 1 " . . i i m ' .11 wnea .-. vegaes, ina aeteeuva t yoor. nnele employed to work rt' ap, ; oaaM tiTA.ira nia.ranorL. . dht iun ncu.i . .-.4 ' - T . . . . - . I'v:' v: '"7" . " nouoe mo n um, ana -rne-i ragu utiwi--ia r-, I har! Hoard about ail Vbcrdes kate ve. CI A7A AV Wfl amaa xu wra AMIWIII . : ' -.1.. a.L 1 V . a.xf.J "-Tb'jrehnBdnT"-111 ri. HVai . -aall T fiirincrlit at Aha tiraai Yes4 welLIthouebt at iho tintel :ii.-yv.-ara,ar-aT-i.vr--f;-"T 1 Ji ' .1, 11 i .nn . mmm-i hfm tfchocte whetft . i , .... - . . . av jr.adrawtiof iho ? ."UllAtraSSa I-teviikxewriia. tne j money waa aKMenr.iivon i auu false keys. Mr.Fred, saa tha old man.eaxneallrtwaAr'alk in fire WttarfiAalollar tan "Atid dur unela haikaartiSiif '7 Ai I . fHWell rwv -w!JtC';b ' - JMBBI IX.U-t MMSIIWeaaa. 1 'aH. '! ZtfXimwttnif Yogdearjuvngb t back one ot'lia'n6tea'whiclityou gavorto T. tea terday in paya-ant for a pearllaooti a wonaoreu wnacne woniu e locket !T - . rpt0p,!;f Poster, :;let . X0r tbuk.r Ybere did I get that poteT I nave it. Arnold gave t 0 mo to' jske. out a hundred dollars tbat I lent him bobm imo agw. And ArBold Potter Arnold txnwd aar key a laat Wad- &Wm& Potter, hozza w.khor the thiefl. m tJlato-o-. uttBrhKBxm-iNowMr-Po aT..t. T-..K i.lMUaniaaihra v-' , ' su piu,fcu. . 1 1 wb j-w.T --j , uuaMma ia al nuoa hviwia w ed tho keyaf a i . - . a. . i . s , f -; 1 1 was alona f half nndraaaed. when ho knocked at ia my rooeajweleaat ray door and said he had '.'loati ttaai key of his trunk. Is lent him 3nytit?tll mpy bunch of kevs. which ho returtod-l tail too the goods-new-, whon ! ho is before I was out , ol J ed. , Ue noxa ""And rou wero i also - alono wheat ha nakl oa thAxioaewinA I H i.iioo r.ej.A woagnt ne waa very nuao, Hfoeow m weaiatl da-otter, IriafaVfLI,. fodran ' -r , .. . i- ,i kitties k -.m mam ar mk .awa.. awaT aW aar4 e a -J iwl -A yu xu7 irfj-.. 24 .a Rnt niv rmrdat if Wv PvVybur4; T hocena -before' you seo him. Only i IPWfcyw AxaoU baiha he crie4r,Pwjjv moneTjn,iiia nossassionf vat.,. He But his face tnrncdlh Qa wmu. mIlit8 men. xw;:befon iinitiDir , ut 1 PtpbieblT lud4m fit ..Terr sacnrelj. : I IHIPI Sir ai . awr, - 1 1 IM0 will watn, uat.if jrpaar wuluis I will take your room whUe you Are I ornna and Am a lif ll AmtMiwrm hnai I nasa on xny part V? .- u,! :' I Xtjvaa nt faay. to, pexsuadf IVed I to jMte j eity'.fop aj weei arid t.iama,, tor. t indicate his mseiiBi jeasa spf ; PotUt S A f UmcTb pcdwbrk adowdii r -MW!ut,tibte1' hewathedBcardesk'mahTOu et? 1 tha old manto. ha, Jalh:1,cBSftedr What doer thia outraia meanl'V iUer did e.ahd rou'd a dia to im a. .a ' . ' I fiTl 'if - UuSa a' aa - a . 1 iauura. itavut - . tkPfiow oaaua: aUumsaBs tnac tne i Ba$fa$tfaf pn hU-wJiwe4lotA& frAn'"lWf -. . T. - I I to TWt motner Aty jmans uwa4aqyiaiQyBiAniare nosv.myirpo8eau)naM)ve aoa mes um oastcm -drandet adreeea to auqwi air.:.rouerij ii hiarpiw janrifie abeeMavl .clerXoaupon Clark- ronnrt nrnffMHL neetaxnav aeanovoit : than L catmot cei j!i Men. nbianisvBeT2enUf P iWoBemeii iai2 Ittr, Potter. J to lhe rkht,temi rHa.;XSijiQ.afflBOnaUny IrDraw' out tfie stove, if you please: 1 teen. a orrdian, and pa would UepiBg fjMy : ini eiffht I and loot In tha'slDow of the 1 pipe:"! hav,e"1)eeA,a,urnV1' otTerSrg. i But VQaa afjiflTex ! aatfqhoaenlewtotaflc'M 1, tna aoornna eiTea- iaeywi NdlAdy;,d,,l(C door thL and by lh yjTp4.aairaicv xa.( amttcrtrlad.. away. . I ami afire- the . 1 mm nv rntl Ti aaearafal about his.room- Nobod 1 .t. ; tw., K.,k ilia Iandladvi If did Tnll of larUgingil'thef chnex,' pronounced Mr! and lira.; Fredric jna to 14 aHfefdit ,'were crossxEg 1 file ocesn'on' a j riafttoiaT? VV r-"-';--y--:--Y J w: - U iSfflf W seeded toffatCttS ON "SHINES. I awm M arirl a Tara, bnt spa amy Sajq.'l dinmnlvi..y . . - I K'Vonr landlav ia tierrnm. IS allOBlTxBrCsWtorSiwetmrii Wr. ,;:,ii.f Hk.t .. ,i LtaM- WBanftWiav.yttfy; 1 . -kt t v 1 w.-A ..h-JirBaia "Bat what has that to do witli l- -IfwiU ioldgef hi t1ffe'i the thief,, and faile' r luemn w wr. ana sucoeea. ? iVTo t W,o jpudor Ii y ii "Uotit wboxTO ajd f . j- iiWiu, ,,iu I " -V I ' f Aaooroai to tne IJntl.. hia -..hnfMranM Wltb . . dameiag s eyea ( andiuahed heeka xaTi.j baT aar an. oertAaB from I . rjua yoa 1 jvasjf ss a7w Mimawi, ii , . , i..i x r.w. 1 rattro. t. xxe wut om ami ; u wva - j ning.aadou must briBg Mr. Mark- bam .Mr. iVogdea. and 1 tbo proper police aatboritiee to meet in hia room. I ' ' 7 O . I ! il. a room ana ruova mo-, pipw . w wo stovaafi-lbow.' Oa . tna .join you i wuinnajur-i rauauja ueuunu . . i iwowguaaw,:e Bajxwiau vi of ttotwto vm-.t. no ill ; mm mij l I Vi;iLar. i. .- i laaavivaBawiaauHiau aaaa iwvui. tuvtr-in" i black bar looks, thai ahe had good i tidinga: "wr 7,:K ?- V"u . Zl s ! p ,? i - f t? 1 kJ iJVtvI -fVlTT lTTTt aavuibl mAflaal " 0- r wound the twine,' but' be sup pa looked 'at his watch. When he - - 1' - ; .1 l ... ai. . j ... i . .j ii i.- 1 .A.... - .1 u. 1 A. S t ava aay e aw. a-w. 3 M 3 3 -A t 1 I I W nWwX I A TaVaAl aB a w rB r wa aw - w I ay wa-a, w. ..HVa. a vuw t Jri iVm iwUnj.aftarinMdMH1 laAtlladw J that 1 A a WP - W ' --j I iadaaiH -l J A 1 .'. ...eafJ tlotwiaFeeoawaaljawlaVto bwantwo JbrTSla. tl haan SM.xaotrB lal.Xtxa AOSaa 'A Was 1 i . . . ; I ant t ftadw ,air.. Jtmoiaa room. . - -, .m - u.. Laho added raaolutaly, : I driven to its I. rauaaatred i av little. "I : W . I ' ' 1 when on the elosO: floor : 1 1 espiod a hu Apparently, scarcely touta v ax joapt ona aleovo,;and that was: blacky -i doing at the nreplaee m summer, and went to axauiiBe. A ..lew win utea auiueed toeonvii.ee me that , the atove had been moved out and; the elbow of the pipe removed. I ra- f paasad tbo proeoaa do bad a rou of BvonuMroaoxuAi notes ana a man mX? ho J;PJ8 f "T7'7 : a - - af rod mil wo ton: xmore v tnan bis IbWIi iaa mh - a t 4. 3 I-- fctEikht waa atrack Jbj tha dtyclocks WtelBMK'lrrAhAllI aokL in.Uie 4atoaii faaaionWaAd ) Havana UtfcasaJMa lip ar4id lii-: OTaif into biabwnTi0ffl: ii.He tahd beOxvLn aheaxrlow(of hia BKBerdinfKaaaWlb an'-lo0r "'watch ina.RTiJaruvaniai aniMiiaaTiat.v. - v -JI leuiwwpawar. ot Henweparty 0ottrliO3aM, otter temporary HfftwaV-wi.trf US l'lfiaHHa aaaawa ataiaaanB jaaaataai ,a mn, aaea aw a waa a . . , .si al j '; t t iit in - l t . i I . Vlalnctoaiv.rlUijdiia i- - - a . a aama . ivaa ia tfo. aonoaTfU" nnr rmri-i ht.r . : i. ..j toriesL tlhoogbilanould liave ' 'One Inaide th aoof thSbachAl coitoiiftnd sweat oil, (Ont, j apd -Jtof iafnotominatadby! AiPoKaeal and 'Yr !' -Tri0! ameUs hka;aahdtdj-e8BiBgH op aea ariiaaa Baotivoajj So Iong-aihis. is wjrMw'nlMn' "W 'M :httowtt "pa. had a. mm nude .jjramo aH tlhtnCAM 110- Sora fiercely!' I t! .' ;fa i t tors ou our WAoioa erfi- r 'jv .'-i : jj ;,i ki.iV'Wri.n .: .! -1 i. ni.kViuI Wv! vat jWMnntinr.1 Ka m. nnf an . Bnma.lrlTiilltnfyf arrwrl 5' "Bted bj-ja. Jalock io'i j W 1 1 wl SIS8?,1 l tt.x ! . id as.htticall a the room. , r. t !'.,-. .' selTea on hia: right and left. while Markbam, Mr.' Potter and" Fred Tryon followed them.. "pTn Mr Hntf-.ar " aiA nmnt tln pWicemen, witJhlJie facer tfd yoice of I tbasletecUtw 'Vogdes, "will you,- tell I ibutratre It utiauir iald Mrrpotter, "that I yourralan to throw tha robbery Ll.)lUrharq's DritAaleakiipon his . 1. I . a , . -w. . 7 i . t I wy.uttr on Tryoain pATaaMDi Lhif white, face, faltering "Voice' hakiog limps were 410 prddf lttt a nana otxjh h sieve. 1 - i: 1 ejasp4Ki - caia,'na eftcn Teaa forgive- n.Do lhA rf-n r Arao . . : 1 I weeks in iaH erahia tiial and convict tlori : bnt before bia a-n (mm . u I f I , 1 in ot a-asssgnss aa laveniar. .ana 3fJ IxwSaoainiaf aBttrBtCffrlM.!'1-: Tt ' " !t . ! H. J..2owJ.neoti vou, tne eroeerrman to ins tatr-tov HSiH.?! 1 " r-;"Tu j I " L7,1"B i 1 .. ' 7' T ' 77, 1" r att.aOong the block ckm. j JvJTvXr f?tT!5 tt?r: iiuouuiik ivui , iiau ucu ut tn)ii I ' VTHA VAww Ahiral 4 n mrl. a. a ' I AA3 AafJF VUUOU TT A VaA DJUUUU, d 0 tears came into; his ey oad he" said ne- didnt know any tiunfr I "t"-"" 1110 ui uug, clo nuy uo family, and , didt.,not disturb him. JBverytody,aya everything on ma,. 1 aid' ino bovkaa noi-xtliLi.J.andker- x - . .T 7 -Vt cniei to nis nose, ranaxney -will pe sorry for it "when r I jdie ; 1 pave a good notion to poison myself by ea v ing some of yout glucose sugar."! ' Yes, and you do about everything mean. Xne otner day a lady came,! in aad told me' to send up to herj ,. ... ., . 1 reel laOKMico-uoc-coiiar erjaoeuued in J .... vn,n-' ,nn a.,n 1 J a . a.1 A A Zi A I on- an expression as thooeh in: ! deep totTphtand fiiiaJlv Aaid. 'IvsaorioBe I 7. 7. 7-". '.7 i tha farcnnv Utah nt rv tbar ' snnRflfm 1 Z - . : . .Jt - -1 . Iilul antalMin tlUl flnn- ma.l Nona I i:i i ' t.m7 j. i the dog tbe feDCc ,nd h l nir tl good wiU of the boy1 thaf Ibe ill will he offered him a Handful' of prunes. "Tr "- sat tha how. ft b'ftvn nwnrn off on musty prunes,' I am n Kinder- garten, any more. For y?ars have eaten nihsff prunes and rotten peach es around this store, and 'everything ytSB couldn't seTl, but I have' turned a new leaf now, and after tW npthio; is too good 'foi ' m?i Since' pa ha eot to bo an Inventor, we' are goin to Uva MirhJ- - '1 T , mtxtv"- . . Jn'fLt y t Vaw a .SSUIO .treet the other day' aa3 Ithought i: i 5 , WOtlMCli., , lMr WU HlOie than three "backs .. wben I kilL' air, , a i aan naBa an rw ax-ac na iiiri.iiuai . ait iim PA has . struck a .fortune it he can; make the thing work. j.He fhas got an. idea about ;xMal,iatove1that wiU bring him in aeverai ntillipn. . of doln larx, if he gets a 'royalty of Lif5 on evr ' 1 t i i ''!. n I tt:.. eiy ooeu . awveja iuBjwyriijirtt rxu idea, is to bays a coal,stoye-i n caa when he wi jnt rjota .iilvaiit to.i JlflAr tiWPWttt BUtxonarylPa aavs h of dabti'i ,...Mn LrB,jWoriF .if tarns the ub anio, tnaocencfh saarcnjny ixunKS; searcn wrui water wpui nis -annrout. II - ,il,.4i 1 '1 ao-i r ee..a " ! ' a -. . . . I A .! U ' l -1. , ? - aae l; Bill iKiWtta ei'rBnAin'J ilrnora tel- oe nwn'niways EiCKiatWeTTthuifir. annot - loixuiiof'"r---.Maiiaittifryj) 'tp; r, waiuuer, w insia curing ,iujaseu 01 LJiW'JW iwVrlliew.waWoripoken( ! Hand different troutilef thatl get him I Miwe aau iubmv hi wage, -au4 pq&s 1 ftrf . . . mm h. . mmntk m mm wmma .nr.. . a. awam a-, nan i . i ci mi vo i r . ri i. . .ah i tm r.t I I II t I, Tl : ,1 1 - 1, laad T kmna.tr rlia 17 ! IhorA 1avfaan t"a to oa -Vin hi'flanlf Whv Hnn't. -eon T-L ri little - brass : padlock and ar Apiece 'tf Telve'uwaY k6'meEhihff that ain't spiledt boy be. knew pr-u xnaooeeu i ..." , ,, . , v:,, w I '77 1 III fTUIUU tmM3 BaiCl- Ui IIU V O. liUCaV I I fliLLF UHJIIBl 11 el TTTl I Ji O IC TXI nr4ws tora'writh tha rune, mada toi 4eleacoe 1 -i'&mnxiraW 6iari.V;i aoiili thki'indora sail-aaaAd f "Z . '-, -. i T ' 7 . - , ' - - i e- i . i uimi aiiujiiianu imwaiuwij au. i f trc I YTU.il a lsuiciuu cue, . -x waa uifurcou nWltn -Bi i:a . ' U IK. ll J . . ' . :... i.1 j i ivutu-Mi juucaai iWa"" w'j iroia"UTwue onuniy i Miavwarua k around the room and wannrf ny -pariyopiamod bar:. Tbareaultrs con ticaaai ph:t: W IdaTcuarir -yotf?Here, tell afoot-, it yoi would, thukrt - ' j would revolutionize the coiBt.ryi and . i '-.-' ..k. ,1 i wh.n hal.mit. , rva. . . ... PAma near burnirjav the f7ZZrT.ZA Ta .11 k.5 Jn rone to the. hasrth of tha BtoveJ and JKCfficri4C Ji a told him 0 dry rif), atid let him run bttButess. ' Hi 'nifrl it a mart with brminB to patent & ana a ne pulkxi toe clothes Sf-1? act- has been bnildiner the fires 1 for feferr'fgaTi'Wdthoueh she would !UtiBehoW''gfdoa?it'tt. WeU. i pa puliexfcfaa ctore to the bed and touched, off, the kindlinff.lwood. Iv Rueas maybe I cot a bundle nf tin. Hn wood that the hired girl bad put kerosene on, and cause it blazed ; up awful Riid smoked.-and' tbo blaz bursted out tb doors and windows of the stove, and payallad fire, and I how he kicked when I threw a naillfi Qjratex.pn, his legs and put his shirt out. Ma did ncft firetlirntbut sha . I J i- - -V ' . mm was pretty wee, ana &ae told pa she Wotfld ay thi' fS'yaMy on that me&A ft p& to I tllreJold Stater 6n hfmiiisteadof haargiVeitt.up' banunass Entirely, i"iia.45. m uoua Mrwa;iie re tha.-year,andine 1uV' liniment by a a 1 arava.e a. . a . . . . . Wf gMtmg.p&m.titvnjgMjto eat P The hired tTtrl WAS over here site B0 9P tfae other morning And she f"0 wkr'going toleate your f'y7H, that was a picnic. -Pa said h ,w,atoted .4t -eArlier,: Jhan we I tTt uanug ; ivy auv u boiu x -;fa" - "vud wo no ciariv- chuukii; xntr otnar xufnc A okwiu .tb.wtutptintyou eT,ertheard oft! It, waa . that) night you gyve ma and my chum,. the bot tie of pickle oy esters that had, begun 1 "aVJ "; ?u 8W DHt bfeak; "rj? nV-l r 7 k J4,77 i; .u 7 j .Ll; "1 feat by hght, ttndpayawTi 1 rTiTeT I au4 khiui iw JFVa uwwd uJ- I fAWIVi kt A ' tMa Bha waawaATa, aflM-.n I AAaA lAAe OUU UIO) DUf Jf Ob Tf ECU UU OIOCU with pa,ciue she has td, br have a f row. 1 AfUr breakfast wa sat around 1 Wi au uwu, uu jj wuu an waa a Auug and hid in the store rcta,rrd pretty soon I heard pa aad ma come up stairs and go to bed, and ,ihen f it was all still, and the,, pain had stopped inside of aay clothes,! wen); to bed,and I looked to sev what time it Vak' and it was 2 o'clock m themoTning.jWe ot tun nar at v o clock in . the- mermng, a:-ia so pa said ue ,?uosed u . would call up the houae(uf t9-jUiia, so ;have lost aooiuer joo, ana ; it was ail on .t .i if i..ul.i:l:.Lf. uti ux iiuui uuiius vi piuiueu vj yoo gava me. - My -chwrn said thAoc ;too, ibnt.ia;fdidn t The groeery man EAid ' he 1 iHiessed he. knew what to give away, and tbe boy went cM,an(J . hung jjoxt a , sign in front bi-tipa gTOrybJaJi.nB hAd ade on wrapping paper withered cUAik,- wnica, react J'Jttottea i nee 1 ' ' W - " -T . . aa-a I t?ood enonch for custard niea . .. . . .7 1 eifrhleen eanta ndozan. . . . - " uir-n. -erT-wr-vti ii! L Arellowrsellnir. A gentleman was arraigned before atrlrkiuwa -Jusllce"db a charge of obtaitgoceyjnder false pre tenses, xle "hid entered a store, pre- proved 'auid (it justice. ') ' :'; . u'J"Xe sirl''''1"'41' j ' 1 And yon are" charged' With 4 crime tha. merits' a long term in tho peni tentiary?" !-j-.e t. "Yes, sir." t ,', : :, T, ; "And ou are guilty of the crime?" '. ' am. . ' And yon ask for'ho xtferfeyt 'No, sir.". .'.n' in'-i 1 "You have had a great deal 'of trouble witbia the last two "years?" fYes,.snr I have." j : i m u "You-have pf ten wished that you were dead Wi M , M 1. t Ai .- .UI lot via, ploate your Heao? . iYOn wanted to steal monsyaoough to takdyoo Away ffom' Arkansas?' I'-Youi are right, judged . ''If a man had, stepped nprand shot vou jnttias you ontered-thai store yuu Would bava said, iTbank you, airt'-V:UV)-'i "..t' tj?-t-i lo--.'Yasv, sir' 1 woeld. Botiri judge, howadid you tiad ott'wo anantfiabout ina ?'.:; y -tut ,. i-uvii! i :! itof ktak th 1 suffered enough.'l-a-JlZeJjMJo7. I 1 . L Itia thei natnre Hf i ; TVftirxl ar l . 7 ,.-1 jLa.h.TK.' hisLro.? do i cie&llv ' anv i pturpoae' t outside bf 1 -iaii!i'a. ,f .! aikil'i.aUik I.rivii uibu. uo una reuuueu QUClOT ay i nnlhmi. frlaaaiai..artli riachaaiap f.har. 1 '

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