i , . t s J ' !1 j '! . I 1 1 - it- ' l - - --t . . -Ill-1 ' ! I'!-'-' ' ' I 1 1 i 1 ) t 1 t 1 f ayMg".11" S!.i!!J!!'?yj!!1?1 """la"1" 'i ajwlaaedeaMaaiia i U hi M i! v 7.- -- -- a i i IV JI AM It i s a IL: OB 1. -:1 l rTnrrm s 'tabc 1-4-4 iB&RB j'Hft&dftl; TfiWq ahead.,!); brocket b: I' " I 1 l ". Tl jf"' itf. ' ' St, . .M til- i :',tf JJ'jU,! klAtlA 11 v ! . :- " : -- .'-. '' -J - - J - - -' j 5. I I . 1 a iv.. !"i -V ..V 1 an- I I "11 M JI I It I 1 I 'I'll CM, !''! I ' I I t,44U tHl !! -Iltli k IM II I (-"'-' v 1 1 I f ' it a - .-oc& 1 1 ? ii ! i t ,ii ! ji tin t li ia h n v., ill . i ii r .i i ; 1 1 i i x-v Ok -fen ; Hi' J PaOFESSlORAL CARDS. I Offers his profeMional terrlcea to thttttl tna ef Tarboro and Ticlnitv: r j ; Offlc In T. A. McNalr'i drug ttorc on Main Street. -. r ; mkNK NASH, tt - TARBORO N C. J J Practtoea la alVth Conrte, SUto and Fed eral. - 883 ' 3. J. KABTIN. PHSaiBHABP . Llartin & Sharpen Attorneys - at - Haw9 r raetiee U the Cotivt, State and Federal. SASnES, DOORS, BLINDS. PAINTS. OILSrtOIiASS, i s.- -- v . c -.vt .i" ' & And Bdirdinar Material Of eveVy descrfptlon IW8 1 W. SIDE MARKET eQUAfii NORFOLK, VA NoTemberl88a. 18,1-t. ;- H. A. Cru-IAM. Donneli, GlXLIAX i GILLM1I SON,: Attornoy-t-Ijwf f TARBORO', N. C - Will practice i& the C6ahties of Edgecombe, Wnlifax and Pitt. 'and la the' ConrUi oC.tbe Firtt Judicial District; and In ttte Circuit and Sapreae JUnrta aClUJeien. i : 3ays-iy, n - rvOMBT 'BATTLE Attormer at L&vr TARBORO A f QCKT HOUNT . C. 1 luk, ltjWio! M Halilax ! Dtis Ala ta ttatTVartV 4 Blpteu ert. ; . . II '. I . J 1. ewatre ot B. 8. NaaTft Afc.,.IM jtain (fO uee. is, leeu 6o. T. Halt. At HART & lis MEBEEIUlfiSlffltll r:: S PAtfHfE13v187iF Sirb0r0 OVftJtttitS nita -fta.t th door' . 'kme j lhfaTtJAwiMied IkkJ-j.-' a ikiuiJ idofttlpngth of the stoe pip 2t I'shaU R. IL open oa, Ihe first day of J&nnarr, at Anstin'a Brick Store.' two door from r - w ! s i 1 1ST Old Ktaiin. a wv.ll wW4tr1 atyvV nf ibf$8iiiHl; s. A. B. CooUy. ktfmiKTlTo U-n L JKUkUllUD, a. .U. ' PraetieelAtfte ttod Federaiootiir 16b Ittoraty 1tiiCan?M8lott: Eav. .TABJBORC. H- G. s "Practioea la all taaTGAarta SiaU oi federal. ' nir.6-lj.' . . - toiL EHI&S & Wii. Attorney s-at-L;aw, : TARBORO', H. C. . " T, " s Fraettee in all Courts. Prompt attention to kailneaa. . - -; nlaly jy-1 UARR, I, " j "J , ' , SurgfeonSDeiitist,' ffieboara,'lraalm."tin t p. at. a4 fk-sm 9 1 S a. - i t . door iVtyorQn4OTr uaw 4C soyftera; " j ; U DIRIMOMDIS. Notibns, Hardware Groceries; I Pr6visLdtiS arm Supplies Aft of whleh "wijl be aoldefj CHE4P for - - -WILL PLANT - ' In h rrTrrrni7 i -ftlaaajLrU tjiat! i,Eradicate3K Vamllv 1fV Uaitawal - Tjpald rarars. rfjhterta U--HUoa. ITloaUd araTa at.SiaaU' Pin. Hii&Kl u4 Li e.-.u -1 1 J !. l v - - - nr baca kaava M ranad nim tk Enid ra U-Med.rYUtMr rwi ton uiW kh itaJter.: ? Maett vnUt luA aBAMt-rlaoa. Ttta wwt Thubsday; .-.' Apbtl4 19t 1883. Her NEe ward! -3TeTerafdSlckre- ona rtfroaca ana : Bed Boraa praTaaa- iw-iirt rkuA'A s Impar Air aud - - aaiaicM m pur?na. - For flora Thmmt it h a sure cure. , i Chilblains, Pllaa, 1 GTaaAatt ate Rhetunatism cared. Soft Wait Complaz- wm tacarea ojr u aat. Tptrrnco t 8asn 41 0MAXX-PQX ' - Saidee! Saidee! WBeroareyoul ,Wby dn t yon answer, me when . Tyea, aunt Leah-r-I am coming in a minute." " ' l U ' ; 5 f "Jta-, minuter sarcastically re xwktod tho old lady, 'ili'a always , 'in a minute' with you, Saideel Bat I aappofle;; becaase I am b!4 and help less, myffcomfort 4s a matter of no ,hurt,,ta.i:::'r DiDe BtrucJC . back from the TiHafre this afternoon. I "Mt dear, .too hare more, than taeridwavaott the. neck Mid almnBfci . 1 i fph, the TUlagel said BeQe tossing 4atae4 itf. jiaid the pld ladj j'andif I cqtkj biscuit out of Mm knd re 1 her blonde hea ..'It's strange' how j jou i could"! wssiblj' cbme to-mpr' :1knd;8pari'aF justpo'ured down his hair, icartt He thought fiie-world was . -.. . T --if- -nf f,,. -Loomirurto an encu ana itne c window f i much time von ?et to run about arid I row- enjoy yourself, while I aa (irodng r,Y qf unie I will om aid r flat a ' ' .. ... : at Aorae. xsut xnere. is a young man i :.,i.. . there-the handsomest ', maiu - Alice r' Wbanr as aha was. Saidee went r camel down on Jiis back, and hebesan - Aiken? says, that she eter saw and I around dy tbe TiJlage, to ltxf someT wiiig ViSar tb s but a desert Drear, . ' s i jyir; JTJie JUlOWa lUul auu UO IB ,VV. mi uuj'j ujauu ioa iu um uiu muj i umicu u uj y uuujd. . ?fx pbtenxsd i consequence wkateirer. -Aaeawwwraa.' I ut - L..i T V ! think that, answered a blight cneery oeimsSaidee Lyniv came fnto ber'. bair crimping-pins, the room, irith a httle tray, where gaidee her8eJf qufetlj, and ; slipped ! out ' of the back door, 3y vai ' takea witk SmaM-o.j I utad the FLuidj the patient was not ariintme, was aat pitteav-aad was aboat the aooae asaia ia dnee weak, aad ao other had it. I. W. Paaa i Philadelphia; at N the pic-nio jta morrow,, to v get befofe-ahe Mtorned toth,iGouue Udqseedhe was caught in the Wow,"' acquainted with the young people of Ootttge, , 0 J -nUJi; w d to i' 4I4rWa3oWtfaAairJ to -put out-' the neighborhood, Woa't It be de- ?Wtigtithi crie4 brightly, tQ her, theflre ohr lattigil-rtv-Aid put up : . lightfnir . " - , " sistet.Srhakaort bf'.a day did Vou' lhetadbwandletWm''iiri-r and 'he 'Very,' said Saidee indifferentrT, . haTej ft'ttie picnic r,1a-r-' ' - - 'saiideIy boyouriila, and I;re,- But while Belle was talkttig, i she I . w4wfuliy stupid yawned -IJellerV going to liaTen, but! fear .you: will . had made up her mind what to do on ,"Ahd the handsome yorog gentle, the day of the May picnic. - r I man from Locust Lane didn't ,qoma jjariy in we morning, wime wbimiu. f, , , f - "Uian t ne i saia isaiaee. - .VAmi where have your been?" de manded Belle, in an iniured tone"- i flush of sunrise was crimsoninc the shy, 'and blonde Belle lay asleep with go to the bad place;'' arid I' told him' ' I would take my-chances, aid h&had better pat ri his i pants if he was going aawhtre-that therel would be : I liable to be i ladies preeent,apd when he crot his bead, in ma told him the ef iron f hopper galvanized to pre vent rust, and axle made of wrought irox. -j . j,. ... . ij v. 11 4r .vr-' i Is Very Strong. T TwlfT the BreatTa. .i Olaaaea Maaxaatfa, : Ucaa'taeaarpaaea., Catarrh reUcrad aad - eared. t tMt -r. r r ryatpalaa carad. ,,i . Bunu relieTtd-iutaally. Sean aieiaa1. '.-.' Pjraamtary a ,dU f Wmies heeied xfiAy. ATAiaCUlataljua-l -alSa1aa. etc" i aeu taa ran eanac m inea efllieiina aril Scarlet. Fcrer with de cided e4mtas.: ' It it CASH, or on TIME Customer. - i to PROMPT PATINO 1 2.JJ ll W Sk w I if Jjtveterl OpifiiT tind Coterer all cina fastened directly to beam: no strain can come on the body of tke Planter, s - : , - And Bought : for Cash; J-Gire me a call before .opening yoor ac- ' 1 ' ' .! ' " I !i i '.. . i. eannt for tie year. ; Reapcetfally T. II. Gatlln. . Tarboro, Jan.,-13-ly. 1 V( M ) - h U f LAuERW! i. . . ' U ' I Vl UUW i,iiii.iii :. wiLtK H nntnro B o ohmoii fl Tt Refera by ezpreae permiHioii to Jadge Rnf- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II I ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I . . Aimmni r.nnvt r!tJkna Matinnul aw wm w w wau An. of the ennreme Court: 'Citizens National naaK. at Kaielzb ; Battle, jsnnn & ux, ffor- laiK; jnev Arruinoa dt tsona, reverauarf d21ari AjW iV jJUj , i. - . Is Easily Adjusted. 'T'Atf Leveler, Opener and Cover- er can he. set' for. attv devth . Quan tity of seetl to be sowed can be reg ulated by the thumb scrtws uixitn h vj.. w44.m ,...."...'.': -" .i .... ' r. i-TAe smallest Quantity of seed desired; can be sowed $ it can be run as near the end: of the rows and .a near stumps as the plow can go. .. ; ; j " ; MANUPACTUEED BY THE : I 6. oppeieiMi&iN if BOPfW- - BEER BOTTCERS, HRjrV.WfaftARLES Jrarinr taken tba - ' ' " '-' -'j ' Bank baUdii&.tbA Cornei of Trade and The TratlC SUDDlicd at CUf Pitt atreeu, iv nowreparedj t6 take boardera. 1 TarbetOsVa.-C Janaary lltb, 1883. i 17217,, SiLE, .EtniSOE AH FUJ W rX" uflk. 3 U W CaaxxaaAinriuj A St. Axdbxw Sjuvktm, , i TABBUKU y It. fj. Thaae , Stables are the aad hare- a capacity of tool i siock. uire turn a cau. Establishment, Next Dooc to Court llouse. Orders by mail, from any part of th State, promptly attended to. Will-haye a supply of 'Buck i5eer m season. r - Tarboro, N. C, April 13; 1883. , larseat In the State. ig ten cax-loadi janioyi; GROCERIES kimt o.Mra Pratt. J Wa. at. Plppii, Ti Pw? I " . Wsidsll, OatUar. ' . (BA5IINeDKP.BTMENT.: r ...... -'"I : jli ' Vm open firaai . . . . . A kL to ft P. Uu EtMbonat Oar, .Txtatasxx. t. XJ 5 5 '55 'o 'S - m se w i 2 .... y g 2 i o fi SIS O r i y y y y gJPiaaxiBfA-J Dr. J. H. Baker. Geo. Howard. H. L. Staton. Ji, WtMlTippen, r . n. jaorriB. 1 Also a floe line of Family Grobeiries -Dee. 18-ly. HaviMf opene J0I1 R. DUO, - Tat eld aUad of RaTin Broa i. While nc blow his norn ne ! always prer red to aerre you with the purest EAV DE VIE and the beat flarored CIGAR. W ire him a call. r - i. R. DIXON. Opposite Cenrt Boise. iwiera: ec; i, it. t : ied a Grocery and Bar. next door to R. C Brown A Co's, we fonite all onr friends to rive as a liberal sheave of their pat ronage. we wm try anapieaae. j s i t j kr PARKER & DAWSON. Tarboro'. N. C, Jany 18, 831y I i; r A. WlLLIflMSON, Bocky SIonnt 5Iills .. A RKintoH aai successful operation, and : St f are prepared to fill ail orders for Sheet ings, Tarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addressed to Rocky Mount Mills, Rocky Jaonnt, f. C win be promptly attenu- ed to. taa - JAMES S. BATTLE, ; v.. '" Sec'y and Treasnrer. ' April U, 1575-U. .3 : :s GREGORY HOUSE, Tha Rretrorr HoteL known as Brran House. is full operation, doing good business, will be sold oa iayoraoie terms. m : i t ah. tlatY883. S rf'i ' Haass' t o. Howabd. -. i . . . MANUFACTUEEK OF-j , . Harirt aalwVsiiejBi a. ; Made HARNESS I ie laipaaaaliliae tha aiefc. jfsoa,Byrie,Ala.. .., I;1 1 .SeitryiT Dijbtlicria Frero&ted. THe pfiyddaiis here hWDum i : .4 Mr 5 uir ilillT ift icaa aeau,: Bt of pnauama.- i .. t ; SfmuKwvanCf ' N M,mai mil n , Ala. I 1.11.. iJJ t was arranered, on a snowy napam, some tea biscuits, half a dozen pink radishes, a few thin-cut shapings 'of smoked bee fj and a little pot of tea, i i with a cup and saucer of old china, I that would have been invaluable to a I tJoUectprw $ft4 see f had you in my ! mind, all thq ime, "aunt Leah," she I said memlv. I jratnered the rad- uont mater healed. t- I Zm aaoae oriaeatat it . ahn ul A beaaed aboat - the owpM k wSl ,1 prewaat aay aaplan , aattaaaB. j,,..:-: : . ,.. ' The eanraeat Pby. i afetaa, JT. MAJBION 1 Bleu, am. u. i York, an: 7I Prophylactic Fluid ia a i I VawlorhUt tralToratte-. WmaawrrUL'W. ! I miifrm the atlia anallaia iiiilliiai nf r. r ! Darbyt fphrUjrhud. v Aadi ' ! deanyat it la both Ihaniarlcany aa4 practically I f BBpcner a aar preparatioa wkfi -which I aiai oa- , : ejiaiaaae. w. i.Mima,m, i T A R B O RO r N Cv dpritf 4t u - NOTICE. Harine qualified as Executor of the estate of C. II. Doeler ov4he Iftttk day of March, ISffit. notice irVerebt triven to all persona in debted to the estate of the said C. H. Dojder, to make immediate savment: and all persons btTing alaims against isH eatate; wilt nreseat them for narment to me orio IL L. . Statoa. Jr., on or before the 1st day of April, lSSilor this notioCfWJtt Je plead In bar of their recov ery. , .. .,.-,,TuJpnrneAtf,jfix'r March 23 it-.-.r i .By H, I Statow, Ja. . .7k . w wT j J i Saddles, ' Bridles, kobesWhips Halters, Jb lanfceis, &c. ropposiTE coxjHT-noi7SE,-ea . TABBOEO", Tf4 C. , " I y Havlnir bonrht ont Mr. R. A. Slser.i the man- ufacturinff and repanng win Da anaer bis charge. Any one wantinjr a fine Iind-made harness wiU do well to give me a calV SINGLE HARNESS. . . . .. . , .. T. . and np. DOUBLE HARNESS 5 and up. .Machine juarness at u jnces. i j jaunj By virtue of the power and antbority contaiwd in aa Act of the General Assem bly ofXorih Carolina radlted Hatch 12th, 1883, entitled aa Act to amena an Act etitrw Ued "Aa Act to pnrrent lire stock from ranniogat bwga in certain- parte ot . Naab county, rraned Marcn vtD. itsei. ' we, tne unnergigncU.jeJ:oe LOinmisslooer, . naaiag completed te fejiee .around the 'onndary of ..the? territory thereinafter deecrtbei in tre manner prfBtnury uj.bwu.wi, ui a sembly Jiereby notify all persona not td ifer mit his or ner nve stocc to. ran at large oa and aftrK the 16th day of May, 1883, within (he bonariary embraced Id : tne ; xoltowind described, teiritory, lying in Edgecombe county, to wit r t Beeinatn at John fi : lUf. 7 wMrn boacdsry to. W. D. Bxrt twtue 10'1, tUoee With W. D. Harrtw'a weateta ixmodary to Sin Edward's lia. ibenoe whh tha eastwa bOunoary. and: witm u- w. wara-e imeto E. J. Braowel f. M AS to take fa O. 'W, Ward's, and leave out E J. Braswell aed Sid Edward's, arid1 with the said Ward line to cross the county, road, leading from Whitaker Mill to Battleboro, tbence ap said mimixwivLtin B MJS hitolras'a 4aaey4 theacs with K M Whitaker's and J L Ward a line to J-IiWaiidsWag:d fence, tbence acres -L Thrd's and ttW Ward's lands near Swift Creek to Mrs Harper fHd, thence sooth who Aer line to tva eonnt; mad east to J B PhiHD'a land. I hence aortl with the said Philip's bind to bis fence near Swift Creek, thence down the eree across the lands of J B Philips, : J M "uesl. J H Jordan. T P BraswelL O A Taylor. T A Marriott, W C Wells, Oarter Pope and T B Wells to the WilioitfBton A Weldon BaH Road, said line last above mrntioned to be located i betwean the arable and pasture lands on said Swift Creek, tbence serosa the Wilminffton & Weldoni Railroad to the east ern boundary of the said Raiiioadfr ihenoa wiih th W ilmmeton! fc Weldon Railroad fw.nnila in the corporate Hmiia of the town of WfiltakirV. fb-elice wltti Hhe-e&teAlme of sid Uvm(oj across ti.e unintabifed "por- tin thereof, ii it shall, be so ayreea by tne Board ot Commissioners: of raid town) ; to the WUmingtoA A eldoBailrnad "pounds north of aid towp.UbVace Mth Ualch Bail road to fishing ;Creek.tbnca- down -id creek to Tar r;i to.'ihe boundary of the territory desert bed in. the aet to which this is amendatory; tbence with the line or sata territory to be beginn'oz; this descriptinn embraces' a part Of the counties of Nasn and Kdeecomoe. .ff , t .. , ' B H. SPEIGHT, Cbm'n, - t . MAC1rH..WEATHER8BEE, , . i . J. O. BRYAH . t , . . , i .-, , pgnee Commissioners ishes -Irom. our own garden tney aoxwiucBT , i ; ' Aunt Leah, a withered, little, old lady, in a drees: of vworn black silk, and sbafp, grey eyes, peering through gold-mounted spectacle tasted .the tea, and shook her lieacL? n f-v V- It1 too weak, Said she" "Itisn't fifc to-drmir ' '4- ' I put all the tea there was in the canister, aunt. -Leah," .. said" Saidee, with distressed countenance. Aunt Leah pushed away .the cup I sourly, with an expression of distaste. "1 kA rzal -r wIt ia as I raight hare expected," said she. i ''lly nieces have ; too httle thought for my comfort to study my poor and few necessities.: Never mind tha tea ; I can drink cold water I daresay," I v Saidee , wrung her hands in despair. How could she tell this weak, fee-: ble old lady, above whose declining rX7LE tupg the rosword of heart and cherry ehkg r tafcnaatioa cat af yr J disease, of their narrowing circum- i H TOu ret ei stauces 4f the empty exchequer, tne clamoring creditors, the pitiful straits to which they were reduced? "What ; ahali I dot" she asked her self, as aha went slowly back to the little kitchen of the rainous Gothic cottage, which they had obtained for HdlrMfldojrdyirf rehtt tecauee it waa ruinous. "I've borrowed of the rector's wife twice," and I'm ashamed to go there again, and I've sold ev erything I can lay my hands upon. But there's the Velasquez stilL A Velasquez is alwaya worth money. B, ,fnj 1 "1 1 I B11 "ill acold about parting witn - I I 51 fMl laQ i it, and aunt Leah will mourn; but . Up UCII UlVyt we can't Jive on air and dew like the fairies. Xu take it down to Mr. J3ru- a - ! - '' . - ' 3 - ir C1i ' A - 1 ' I ner, tne arusru, mis aiiernoon, anu ata. M ait! at.. lUSli aDOVB him torretus a purchaser. Poorpeo- . t. ' ia n tpl4, sma wr ar. Can't afford to YXm inf. Kail KIllDr I JO. tam old lamuy relics. "M,,! - rz nm anpearance present-1 oeveiopeu a reiaavjuiuia pueub m tuo puy vuiu weim wuero uu aptuko uumii. cb wrapper rubbing famateu? painting aH' kalsomihing pa s sMrt, l&lif if fashion. ' ! line before they got through. "u j wotildni paas wterhiewJieldi WfwreJes j. like a little crnry shadow. At eight o'clock, aunt Leah rapped with her cane' on the ceiling of aer room,, which was directly beneath the one oecupiea py uer; neices. . iiJeuemaaener ly, in a faded cat her eyes after a drowsy "Where's I breakfast f , said H aunt ijeanr . , v , .- Where s , Saidee T counterues tioned Belle. J Oh, I know; ' the sel fish thing. , She has got' up early and gone down i into tbe , woods tp get some, pink azaleas' for her hair before the other girls think of it! She waits to astonish us all at the pic-nic- But I think she might have told me. i 'I am afraid Saidee thinks more of herself than she does of us,1 said acnf " ,"0H, r spending !thet .day , with aJ world wa8Snot0minff, -to'.'an" ehd, -' ", neighbor," aaid Saidee, with a laugh. 1 hut eomebndy had beehp setting ! off ; ' They finished tne hou8e-cieamng nre works,' aad pun guessed; it ; was that week. i "" ' k' i" '. ' A ':' that'dear little b and 'when;J.i saw f 1 Mr.1 Harry Hartwiek found it ne pa f eeJmg uijdirT Ujixhed: for. ajbftdru . i jj. lv.- i T t. . coBBaryi g iubt auau -vu wtua iiuoibi om x gun up.mun', moni ujlovvub ,4 wua jwiKf n uw swuvig) suuit uy ji, au. uuy t juiLiyi-Ket 1 miu w r(, .... ... 1 . . . W ...illLI' J i - . . - ikti t -hub limuv. ' iiiutti iMiu f wuaui una aui ajviiuiu auaiui. , . , Kate,heu at lwt theynt wttled. JWeU. ;orm)!0 ciomiorxaoiy, auOf. i?aiaee ,naq gone acuuui ouuitsouuy gos-to pay atmu home for good?, " ' 'J. '"'t tioni yod kfrtelw 'fiVara -"A'-bdy"1 1 ; -Sha lis pretty"; ''and she i is Drivej caia' any fun? these" daysJ with- ij-.;t arid isha isn't afraid of honest' work ? bat everybody tiiioka he'asebeatbeiJtJ and altogether she tamy lean, ideal ei What huxt,jdi do,to play Et ? ir girLloi 1.. - ?i: :3 t. ni tiM ft a vyon't,T stand .. -Manun,M whispered ate, laugh- a Uttle'scortliiri, iff' We' interest of ' ing, after her brother lad gone out,' science.11 5' ' '74 !i ' "I believe puf Biikrry is! ih loVe with l' .Thaboy wnfcout; scratohiBgl the t Saidee Lynn. IUT' J " alaee wlierpfdthoWe-Winkerai warvi..w. "X ra araJj.-rion oDiarne uiiil, aaiu.j auau ,1011." fireofy i(f" , "n ""''jjiil- .fSba is a TtartiTa Tlaifa Ir TfWiaii la il 1 Hi I Hob. Aunuieaaa H. Srsrasna, af Georna j j Rer. CHis. F. Jaaats, D.D., Charch of the I Stranger,N. . .-J - ,.. - i Jos.IjrGoWm,CoiinBW,Pf .Uarrai jtm Rer. A. J. Battlb, Prof., Mercer UaivenkT; Rr.Gao.ZiPiaCB,BiaWaC.aLarch. - I XxWlarEHSABIJI TO KTKBT HO fariactrjr haradeaa. . Uaed iatemaly 01 ' leaaeraallT tarn alaa mm- Br..t lae riiaa aaa neea haw ibuylirt m .Ul. I here delated. - For faller VratSMta paatphlet or scan to the araprieawa, : -VaT. ti. zEruor cq., ' ' Maatt&caaarasChemiats PHILADELPHIA, And Belle, m a very ill-humor, be-1 Mrs. ; Hartwiek, rrfln to orenare the breakfast, a task neweL"; . . . ; . usaally assumed Toy ner elder sister. . Anns iesan never Anew ,wnere me While Saidee hurrying down the Young Hyson tea came from nor the path by the swamp, took the short sponge cake, nor the white grapes, cut across the meadow, and was pres- nor all the little luxuries! wh'cb had fint.lv knocking at the door of the cheered her of, late; nor did she u?- brijk house where the. load of furni-1 peel any thing , until one day, Harry turejiad stood 'the day before. " - " J Hartwiek came to her, 'and formally The old lady with the crooked cap I asked- ner former neice'B nann in mar came to tne aoor. 1 nage. ; " ""- r-A- rTT - ! 1. - J 1 - i I tV.II T t" K;j amil- T-K i na?e YOU TBI euKBliBU auv uub,hi i rua.xiigin 1 aiiiM,-., help you get settled V said Saidee, "Bat how did you ever become so flushing very prettily. ' weUacquainted ;with him. Saidee?" "We can't hear of a soul IT said questioned Belle, "half pleased, half the old lady. "Every ononis engaged jealous, m .' 4 sf!!'- - ' if ' lust now, and- " ; , "Because I cleaned house for his "If you tnought x could be oi use, i mower.'! aaia eawee, iaugnmg-T,?. faintlv becan Saidee. . I And then -under, solemn eal of little I it. was that caused the -fire engine to I vi";w:U il!kiX 9Mt. looking for5 fire.. ' -i ,M ;'.; .i JM'aa Sa .' , ". ' - ,, m , t , Beauties of the) Telephone:- " HTCB :HTHBA!lA OOHVISCXD H' THAT j HB ' 1 -JH j HAp-ADPSiaBEP;THB MINI8TEB.J; he jray it ail came about was tnii ' Her hdsband keeps a grocery store "'' down'trywn, and ofwing to tbe highly. ,' inflamable temper of ., his wife, h dontjike jto ljflgermucn .around lae family heartbstpne but whiles away themost olhis twe' within . the "pre- ' cinctsfof his 6t'orei- The recent intro dtfctiotf of a -telephone, however, af forded his wife an opportunity tp air , her peculiar viewe on various topics, Uiertalons! "Bless me, child 1" said the old J secrecy, she told Belle all and Belle and e effeCt 0u hei ' hasbahd , was lady, "you are too slight and ; t small, 1 declared that it was too romantic lor J TOost discouraging. iniBK xnat is "! Hnev Aa ohv iel , 4 Besides," looking closer at her," "you J anything never pausing to are a ladyV i real ufa is aa full ,of - romance as a f "But I know how to clean house summer meadow with butter-cups for all that," said Saidee 'valiantly, and that fortune comet to those only "I've done it every year at home. We who go bravely out to seek fortune. HAS ON HAND NEW, PRSHTOCK pF l Ml -"I 'V f ' ,! FiimitiircB ;i Bought for Cash, which he 'offers at moderit prices.; at ii a II SSI i MlUVaWV VI aVM y UHIII WflaWin i t , - i COFFLS. CASKBT8 ASU r X- nERTAKIJG GENERALLY. Patronage solicited. I j i.i ... B. 0. GAELLLE. Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: 1 - - ' . .. en i i jFOjR. The fcfkinner, the Paxton, j the Bird salt and Kriebel B EEF5TEAR" JlNffSAtlSAGE THE'BLATGHLEY- 'P.U BUniiECEST. B. 'ROWE A eON'stlll yend tie bovlatl Ut aner swine.-1 ror the -Amencaa Taoodle, they cannot, 17 Undersold. . Steak, Fresh Pork. Sausage and eyery linng.of i ta kind, alwayon hand.. Thanking the public for past jpatronaya, thsy ire sUU "tvrr T.( .t .'' . IV. 11. KUW BUrt, , . - . nutcners lor tna- i own or xarooro VAl -.-Msrr,vSi .i ;,-n:x 1 i't "' V 1 1 BLATCHLtY8 " r TaiPt-f KftAMCt. J - POfiCliUlfHir.ED-w EAwCK$:ifUBa:Tn4 , COPPCR-U.MED v f- -oi ealo r the 1 CAU piAffeif?! LlMILCilEHU mu aaa w inf. rm, V&afaCardr O. F . mil Wiriw. CafaCardr O. PI tt.Q. ONTH airanilait . adaa hltadeiphla,y. 4l AA a week ia year own town vUVeutnt free. Address H:B and, Maine . a arvuauu es AiaUieia rerv- I P i V liK.U.iw.4 1,r.-r.r-' not 1 rrrned tete- me Deal ..' ' . t 1frada,l:,4 ; sytiKifli,i rra, , Writs to me i ur luube t ji. ...ufc agwnfc y ISoTt Practical tifw:i?ffirm'; w pp. Clear tr, Saeat htadlas and Utartretlea.' IfirHTH W a KTr.n. I(B to l 1 I " l Var Tanaa. adJreu I. C McCUaOY & r. riulailclhua, r April 6, 1883.-4W . The Bad arid Worthless are nftver IVTTA.TTO or COtTHTBBTOTlD :. This Is is esoeeiallvtrue of a family medicine, and it is Tioeitlve proof that tbe remedy Imitatto 1h nf the Mrhest value. - As soon as it had been . . . . 1 , ttT I J .1 tMtM ana nrovea dt me wuuic nwm mm Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most val uable family meoicnei on earm, many luiiut tlona sprang hp and began to steal the nonces wuicn tne press ana tne peopia ra u had expressed the merits of H. B., and in ev ory way trying to induce snffermg Invalids to neerthefr stuff Ui8tead,xpeeilngtojnke money on the credit and good name or. a.. many 5ft 15-2 j:nginj?:s The Hall, the Centennial, the Carver and Van Wynkle ..... j COTTOISr GINS The Qarke Seed Cotton CLEANER, The Boss, the King, .i the Van Wyn kle and Southern Standard ; , :J i- .'jpirtistssjEs, .: The Buckeve ' Cider Mills; the Zim- And so, when aunt Liealt was in dulging in her afternoon nap, and Ralle. the beauty of the family : was ironing theflouncea of her white mus lin dress for the morrow's pic-nic, val iant Saidee climbed on a chair, took the unframed picture down (itVas the head of some, old Soantsh gran dee, with a stiff-pointed rati, and an evil leer in the eye), wrapped it up, and crept across the meadows with it to the village. i i Mr.-Bruner was in his studio a grizzle-headed, blunt, old gentleman, in a belted linen blouse, and a faded blue velvet cap. ' He nodded kindly at aidee, wno had once taken a few lessons from him, but when she displayed the can vass ha shook his head. . .1 'How much do you think this. is worth T asked Saidee wistfully. , fNothingT saidMr. Bruner. , fBut, cried the girl, fit ia a Velas quez 1" . h ', -" , : : ' 'That a Velasquez?' said lfr, Bru ner, contemptuously; 'My dear, there isn't a picture dealer in the country wh would give five dollars for it It is an imitation, and a wretched one at that.': i . So Saidee tied up the poor picture, and went home again, shedding a few 'teara aa she walked under, tbe whis- ff trees. 'My-last hope gone! she thought, 'but I'll not tell aunt Leah or Belle that it is an imposture. They have always taken such inno cent pride in the Velasquez.' ,. As sue came past tne oia diick house at tbe foot of the locust lane, a load of furniture was being carried in. for it was tbe second week in May. . i Wicker chairs, twined with blue ribbon,! a cottage piano, cases of books, engravings, bird cages, plants -fall sorts of pretty' things. ji Saidee paused and looked at them, not without interest I i ." : 1 1 wonder who our new neighbors are to bet' she thought, i Just tben out trotted a Btout, cher are ladies, butrwe are , not people of means. And I think , voir : will be suited with my work. It is necessa ry that I should earn a little money, i and i , 'Come in, my dear T f aid the old lady "come in and ' have' a' cup of coffee with us.', ' I am Mrs. Hart wiek and this is my daughter Kate" PECK'S OOfJ SHtNEQ, St "Dlicouxaei iTpoa tha Various Effect! of Sellgibtf, aaft'winu vp ty Shew ' i lag Eii Tear "Par" ths Comet, -m "Saidee Lynn f exclaimed the soft J gnd . told hiaa voice of a pretty young girl, lying with a sprained ankle on the sofa, - To her amazement, our heroine' . 'But, look here,!, .says the grocery man. as he crate th& boy a little, dried up flentOi about aa big las' a' prane, Ji could keepyou.at home loag enough ;fie i was ! a "error, l to; give youa piece oiony. mina:j its One day she called r him 'up and opened out on ham at long range , in : the following. style ;j. ,' : ., " ..."Istbat ypu?'';, . , "Yes,"f answered her Jiusband in a hard, unnatural voTce. ? . 4 ('It is, eWWigW.i:auppoee you know wlt km4 of , a . condition , , I'm,' in this 'morning After you left j me in hosterics','1 brpke all the break-' fast disheB and scaled' both arras try- iner tfr drive Smith's catf out of the houses. Ohbyouiold- .Beelzebub. T; U recognized one of her schoolmates. Catheine Hartwiek, who had been in tbe eaae class with her, at board- school, two years ago, clean paint and wash windows than to play croquet or do Kensington stitches? And my Aunt" Leah has lost all her litt'e property, and 'we are very,, very, poor 1, So now you knew all about it . And when X have eaten mv breakfast, if Mrs.' Hartwiek . . . - 1 ..... i ciotu ana show her of; difference J f erent" peoph rnlialnn make to kick my pants, aad pull my rjair,M inquired, looking as blank as a board but the hired gwev reiagion maaas ner leace, "V'-'J you oiaer spme i. . - - -! . . i-m ri1. ... -ii 3 I ,inn. . .a., .f JiajiU: TJ.Ili, 1Mb i uU: Uow xeugion anects du- empty aandea ana bis -nno -waiurea j, don't ittj. Now, pWa batiieditf anidiotae smile:. : d n frhim wild, and he wants ''Bakiner.powder.aad .oofiee Tl , ha , ., . want to hug me,iind. f I, am abqsed. I arid she put arnica, on my bruises, about ton o olcask this taorning i. .-H -era ' t . .11 1 I lUillf Blir ' "wa 1 it n "aiet,', u, , ,t -,;i;n,"r $o i:.w old mmm- a a ' w t . ' a 1 . I 1 V 3 I 1 1 1 l-t AO Aart STa 1 merman , xruit Jlivaporatora,; &ppie i ry-cneeaeu oiu iauy, wim u and Peach Parers, the ! Acme and j on one eide,and a worsted shawl tied over ner snouiaers. i f Oh 1 said she, are you the young Thomas l iHARttOWH, Cotton Seed Milla, ;,-7 ; Calthators, Feed Cutters,! : Water Trucks. tSiflng, v ' Churns & Creamers. others started noswnms put up ro nmuv itid to H. Bl, with variously devtped names m which .h word "Hon or'HoDS' were need 1b a way to induce people to believe: they were the same as Bop Bitters. AH such pretended remedies, or cores, no matter what their style or. name is, and especially those with the word "Hop" or "Hops'' in their name or In any way con nected with them or their heme, are imitations r counterfeits. Bewawrof them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bit ters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on and floaters are warned aeainat dealing in in ttailonS'Or counterfeits .i-.-um april51SS3 "Write to us for circulars and prices before you buy, y-i i. IT WILL PAY, YOU-7 ; Address, ",) - y ' j L L POLK & CO., --RaleiffK, N. C- 1883-it,;,; ; . . !, ;: . . . k- r ' U . . I" - . . . '. '.' . ." . . j fl C flTT AN 87 Stops 1 8et U til 1-4 I ol7 W. Piaaoe 123 pKare hoUda inducements ndr, Zm. ..a .. ra . . a i BT . a. 1 a ear . j. w aprU5iSS3-t I Ud; oaoi. ;neHy,Mim?Hi " ,. b. i -NtvMf A-Vti .- 4ilf .i ih . .i - -."r.f l v-jsfi-wa, uK.'jJwa ). sew 5 tc, x a r1 4 : m h woman wJo disappointed us yester- dav about cleaning T i ! 'No,' said Saidee, crimsoning to her temples. 4 'Oh, i dear, oh, dear 1' said the old lady; what ia to become of usf All the furniture coming in, and my daughter lame from falling off a step ladder, aad the eirl gone, and but,' with an eager look, 'perhaps you can recommend some one who can help us settle V ; i . :-.r l am sorry' to say that I cannot,' answered Saidee. : ' - - , il And she vanished behind the lilac hedize, rather amuse at the mistake which the old lady had made. , i . - Belle was full of news that evening. t ' OhL Saidee.' she cried, 'such a nice fmilv is movin? ! into the ' Locust House I' : ' "what ia tba owl tor with your ey;r no Use to, twit ine aby more of being winkers and your hair ? i They seem a church member": -1 1 don't care any1 to be burned off." " - " i r' . ' more for being a church member. ,. I ; "Oh, thunder!' Drdtft-'telfryott don't care any ., -more, for church or about the comet exploding and burn- preacher than you do, so , now. . I've . ing us all? -That was the worst thing got past that, and everyMime I Bee ' since the floDd. when Noah ran exenr- the 'smirking,?.' hypocritical face of But you surely never have come aon boot fram Kalamazoo to Mount I Rev. -J feel 'lust like knocking Lis here to work ?" said Kate in amaze-1 jrat, ; you ae, we had been read- J head against the wall. And now . if ment . ! , V' fine' about the comet,' which is vUiblei you forget to Yes, I have!" said brave - Saideo. fat 4 o'clock1 iu the 'inoruicg,! and I powder, and -. rcoffee , this noon, I'll ' Why, is it any less creditable to beard pa tell the hired gu to: wake I make a devil of t a" lively time lor him and ma . up when, aha got; .up to you." ' , ' 1 4 f ' ; " " aet the pancakes and go to'early. mass, ..When the; dinner hour arrived, the i so they 'could see the .critter.'' Tha uofortunateninn arbhied homeward, hired girl is Catholic "and" she dort andhiajwifemeti -jiu 1 .the, door make no fuwabodfc it, but she haa got way. . , A. : -("?. mora good aquarw, reHgion. than, a Where's that baking " po wder and dozen like pa, , It makes a good deal coffee V an ni88daveclng'he 1 waa' will give me a cleaning plenty of ' soft spapi ' ,JTI what I can do ! ' ' So that Miss Lynn" was ' mounted on a step-laddei, polishing off an antique mirror,"" when 'Kates'isoft voice waa heard saying-rr. . "Oh, Harry 1 ia that- you t myea me pie' Pa would not' get suDDoeed. of course, you were at tna 1 nn at. a o rfoekJ nod ro to earlv mass, f 4 les, vou, , ir. x i U-.il. I r. . . , . , . . i I. . . L - "i V :i 'ii''-' Uij p'cnio. . jiiihb jjjuo, .uw b auj imwhi nnieaa ne couia iiaae a nsn-poie nnu leabti yuu stuu inww juu. er Harry. Harry, let me present you gome, angle-worms. ; . The hired girl ;i "Whyj at ttt o'clocfc Iwas around to Saidee Lynn, my dear old school- p.g when no one sees her but God, at the bank to getl ota6 ' money - for mate, who has come here to help us hit m wanta to Vet a church 'fullTof Kev.v- . ir!You; kaowfou: wanteds Iinnea " ii ' 1 ) ... J (linii!taT'itu In noir him nni ,nnr . unliDnnntinil BIBIjCM IU, BUU u&fJ . avuu no I w t-J - . T , XT -f . - .,. . . . , 1 ... a i. i l 3 t i f i i. : : n ti,. waa an aueuoneer ' setting uu rawr. i-iow cwurcuuui: uiuj u tu r'Wefl.; then -I j heard pa L tell tbejofhee.' It can't bethat you' gaveiim . . ... . . . . 1 t I .i . , ' i Tlli 1 ' - - ' 1.. ! ' i ces. ! laired irirLto waHa mm up aoout naic i tne orcier, ir-xt. a rainguiar,- wu, u Mr. Harry Hartwiek inclined his J an hour before she woke ma up, and 1 wjtsa't Kthei'waraWsi:cain-lairu' head. ... - ' - - I then Ifirot'my chum to "slay with ihfe, Shouldn't tbink!;ueuad.-rub!ftwey '1 tAt the picnic, indeed 1'.' he retor-1 -wi we made a Comet o vlayt on' pa. f and leave his moeyw;..f V ' a "u - A ted merrily; - "Not at all- I've been You eea my room is right over , pa's, iWhy why, you said yon said v. hunting high and low for some one and we got two lengths of stove-pipe but it was too muca mucn too' to help you, and for lack of any auor ftnd covered n all over with phoac much. J The4 ' husband's' diplomalie V cess I -have returned to do a little phorous. so they lookedjustaa bright strategy bydf got. in its woi'Thera,' "Oh, have youT" said Haidee. . fA aandlesrand a big sky rocket, d wa cduid only go around, nigging aoout. know such a nice recipe for aaiso- l were going to touch off ? the iitotnani a' horrible secret, wuicu s tie now oe mine aa white as alabaster, ana it i candles and aky rocket iwist. as pa l lieves is only in the Keeping or won't run off at all. i - k i ot p joeking at thecom- j herself and pastor. . "And as wo go "Let's make it," said Mr. Hartytick J ev j didn't know that a sky rocket I to press there are na , developemeuts would! kick ' back, did ' you V Well, j In this domesliic tragedy . which . war vou'd dlde to see the eofflei'" -We tan t us in believing tliat the will ever tied apteoeol wnrj - ruooer 'garoea over wuie. uw, nuupa, iui vew-, , hoee to tbe stove-pipq for. a tail; and phohes.1 : ' , i: ;! ' went to bed ; whan the girl woke ua , f '.u,Liu ' nri laid fnrTa and tna. ':' . 1 Among some old papers sent to the j . tAins : Mr. Hartwiek bustled to and f PrCHTtnon a heard bVa wiridbW t Austin iaiL 0avs-Srttfiff,. wa'j the fro; Saidee With har eurly. bay td 0pcil,' hnd I'. lV Mt fa?J and Untin mrmilar one of, the local can nn in a handkercbief.-scosrred rlaihta, Mu. u-a their-, haada and ; half v their Ididates. One of the prisoners who and liarry:wnit.euea ceuingi auu I bodies out pi, ,lnw winao,w, . xAuey had their night shirts on and lootea i at it, ana saia; "Lkjok ner?, peys, t uis jUst like tne pictures or a tuenies Waitintr forlK--kLtd, ojaaTo an end. i Pa looked ;np- and aeenthfi stove-pipe; and he aaid Hannah, .io nlean Vinnao.' Miss Lynn made as graceful a bow as she could under the circumstan- promptlr.r No picnic' could ever hate - been more delightful than this day among dust, whitewash, 'scouring-aand and i hrooma. i i i ; I ! Kate; en - iet:aofa, :heinmedaf- i twilieht they had three rooms in per? feet order.; K .t fU'l "We have achieved wonders," Bald Kate, looking around- at - the neatly tacked I i carpets tbe , , eolt, A gar- . "in . . . : . ' r.. 1 : . ,-ir xi . i rri.t t, net plnsn, Hangings rwie picture on i josi iooa uo , t"oi , vh fr,A tha walls the crystal bnentness ot damnest oometvi eye? aaw., an the windows whfle Mrs. f Hartwiek bright aa day. See the tad of , ,it took Saidee mysteriously on one side; Now that W wort, getting " to, see. Mlf- omiA aha' "f An nnh k'.Tiiar trieri m lmm lit the "Ivoni know how to thank joav auffioianUy. I n caridlea and I. touched off Ine roc jr t i T- St rt,.LvAlf hAw r.l I ll.l'a arkara IY! V avnnnkrl went , The pocket, Vorstad the joioi; of the stove pipe, and tbey fell down; on pay buf ma got head qside before vou- "Bat I shall not be aeliamed to take itsaid Saidee, snuling., Why nhowin!? losses ifi battle from 1775 to a r m it TV mt .::: j.ia fTkt. -L.:jaS i S '.--1 lo4p. .ine pages o i tne lww-jtu. hi" thsae Bduoken oneeehes" - .1..'- VjJal' t ad with! tbeae ijUrfpoken oiypoMihes- of i the i now stmguiahod Jllabama .! Beprfsentotixaafe, profusely ..sieaii . with selectionit'of, poetry, quotations,, , , fxom "the ecnptufes, beautiful Senti rheuti in Frencbaud1 Latitf, 'poa'lBr-"' ; ous extracts from ""public document-i,' - te..l.;, wt.-j-v.LII l-fia cii'l - "'. 'ii "" It jwaa doubtless gnatifymg,t;-Mr.,. u Theeler te get.lhe reaJU.of .his" In- ; bbrs1 during the session1 pabliatii'd m ' ' ' t the Record 'afterthe adjpjrpmettt " pa-.' I. i M it ! i . r I t

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