-Tfi lit .. . 1 ; r V . v. i " " J" "1 I'-'w'kiiP 13! Hi-Jn, 1 4,k el t, hv. i I ii it ii r-3 "II r-II HV1 HJJl-a ; mm as .Iff' BE SURE YOU AEE EIGHT ; THEN GO a k -..-- V- i - vVS Pi! I - :j -- ii i ii ill mm 11 1 U f . . . i . , , , , .i - - j - ii-1- S;. . ". f -' .. ;VOL. 61. 4 : TARBORO " N. C- THURSDAY, .MAT -3, 1883. .C88I ,8 taIT. PIHFKSSIONAI CARDS. D R. H. BASS ill. Offers his professional services to to citir ezns of Tarbofo and Ticlnity. . . s. , OtBce in T, A. MeNair's drug tore pti Mil Street. j .- 1 ; ; i'. I pRANK NASH, - f ATTORNBY-AT-IAW, ;TARBORO- N C. State and Fed- 8f83 t Practices in ail the Coturta, eral. s .! J. J. ItARTIS. .13 B. C. SKARPE- f ; Martin & Sharpe, : A.ttoirneys - at - Law, j TAIlBOBO, 5f. C. I r rctic in the Courts, State and Federal. ' tf A. GtlXIAM. ' jl! Dossnbll GlLUAM iGII.l.I.91 K SUM, l ! J 1 TARBORO', N. C. . I t wm nrai-tif in the Counties of Edsrecombe, ltaiifa-r unA Pitt, and in the Court of i the First Judicial District, and in the; Circuit and Supreme Courts at Kaicign. j JiMoJ. kOS3ET BATTLE. J ''. - . I . ! Attorney at Law' 1 - 1 TARBORO' tt ROCKT; MOUNT, K. G. f Practiee ie- the Courts ot Edgecombe Lih Pitt, mison nd Halifax couaties Alts in the Federal and finpteue OqurU CMIectloas a xpecialty. I . , jOfficb, for the preseat, la front roo t liude Ueward'a lw office, next xlaor to w .tnri'i S. S. Nash & Co . ob Mala 8t. Lather, Sheldon, DKALEK IN t 'BUILDERS' HARDWARE, i PAINTS, OILS, OLASS, t . ... - , -t t And Baildins Maturinl of every description . JH'S. 18 W. SIDE MARKET 8QUARE A 49 ROANOAKX AYE., ! IMORFdLK. VA I NoTemberl8'J. !,l-y. Furniture" ! Mertat Tee. 45, 18S1. 1 (4eo. K Hrt. . . .7 K. Jl. P. OooUy. r HART & COOLEY, j Attorneys - at -TJay, j Roclj Mount aMKastiYille, t C! , Practice In State and Federal Courts.5 : m!6m H eorge HOWARQ,- , -' 1 Attorney and Counselor at I TARCORC K. CJ i"Frac.ic in all the Coum, Slat and Fedoral.; uo.5ljr. Law, JNO. L BBIDGER3 & SON, : AttorneySTat-lia.w,; ; ' l., TARBORO', N. C. i j Practice in all Courts. basiacsa. i Prompt attention to I- i mlSiy jqR. 1 JN.CARR, Surgeon . Deotist, fTARBOBO, N.p.j ; I-.:' . H .,! : II! 8. C. CarSile, Main St., just above Pamlico BanMng Co. TTAR ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF i ! Bought for Qash, wbich ho offers at moderate prices. Funites of all Kinds Sspiirsi. I. ( ) - ' ; COFFHS. CASKETS AND U DERTARIXG GEXERALlY. .I.--'-- ' I i - ' Patronage solicited.' i , ' YOUH CHAUCE Pepple are never 1111 happy. when well fed , , and as tneir hap- ! pmess or 'con- i tent is ( th6 object of-- V'4 ALL, 0 OPPORTU: JITY SHOULD BW ; LOST IN ITS I PROMOTION. I CAN FEED THE PEOPLE, AND FEED Them WELL Let them buy from ME and set SLEEK and FAT. Staple and EFANCY GROCERIES ALL KliDS. COXFEGTI0XS m ' . . r i a i . L . a. 3 I T. E. LEWIS, Main St., 1 doors abovo Pender's Jan. 5th, 1883. ' , .'" ..-- ' ' ' DAEETS PROPHYLACTIC V;, FLUID. - Household ArUele for Valveraal -- Family Use. ; Thttrsday, Mat 3, 1883 DAISY. EradicatfiS ' For Scarlet aad -Typhoid Fevers, Diphtheria, Sali Tattoa, Vloerated Sore Throat, Small Pox, Measles, and all Contagions Diseases. Penons waitinr ba the Sick should use it freely. - Scarlet Fever nas asVer been Icaown to spread tOre the Fluid was etsed. Yellow Fever has bees, cured with it Svter black vomit had taken place. The worst eases oi jipmacna yieta t& m. Fevere4nd 8icfcPe sons i refreshed and Sores prevent- VllTlKO of Small V1 vj uauyoK iui L1QZ JTtLE V JUjI DarbysFW. , jr. , r , Imssr Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat It is a sure cure. I Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Files, Chafing, etc ! Rheumatism cared.: Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, , Cleanse the Teeth, i it can't be surpassed.! Catarrh 'relieved and cured. ; - - Eryaipelaa cured. I BarnsreUevediBstaauy. Sears preveated. Dysentery atarod. i . WonBdsbesled rapidly. ' Searvy cured, r-- ' As Antidote ferAsunial or Vegetable Poisons. Stings, ccc j I used the Fluid darinc ear present afflictioa wita Scarlet Fever with de- i i j . . . indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. : Sum. roan, Eyrie; Ala. -i ' SMAIA-POXL and A member of mv mm. fly was - taken "with Small-pox. I used the Fluid ; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Paik. imson, Philadelphia. Diphtheria; H Prevented.' i -i, ; . i Scarlet Fever Cured. . , BJHHpKHpsaBMsmnsjBMp rt- !:-" S ' 1 ii 'i 11 0 n s B. C. CAEULE. iTarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: 'tilVi and Office boars, irent a. m. from 2 to 6 p. m. . ?. fii?"Nxt door to Tarhoro House, Over Lan THdS. H. BATTLE, . Attorney mat-,aw, j : .TAUBOSO, C-i i'l Office next to Philips & Staton's Law offlce. Will prattice in the Federal and State .ourta. Refers .by erpresa permission to Jndga'Ruf &a. oi the Snpreme Court; Citizens-National Bank, efiBaleigh; Battle, Bunn & Co.JNor fellt; Jn0; Amngton SS 8ons, Petertbmjrf; d21-6u . . - ;, ! !'i : I MRS. J. 6. CHARLES having ak$n the Bank buildiny, on the Comer . of Trada and Pitt streeta. is now prepared to take boarders. Tabol!o,, K. C, January litn, l&NS, STOP AT THE BRYAN HOUSE, Tarboro, JS.' Ci - O-SAMPLE ROOMS for Drnmmers. HOME pOMFORTS in every particular. April 12 lS831y ' ' . ; ; i and J.!; SAVAGE, a 6 - :, A mm mm mm x 13 jl. jh: w - CobnebiGeasttjllz & St. Ahdbkw Streets, TARBORO', H. C. " est in. the' State, g ten ear-loads j; janioy These i Stables are the and have a capacity of hoi ot stock;-. Uive him a can. Geo. Howard Prest. Wm. K. Pippea, Fibs Pres - , i WssdelUJasblsr. : -f j (BASKING DKPARTMENT.j Bakb. open from . . . .9 A. ftL'Q i P. M Discount Day, TmrBSDAT.ln i' '- r:: 'li'M t . it DrMOTOBs: ' If If-'''! Dr. J. H. Baker, j Geo. Howard, H. L. Staton, Jr., ' W. M. Pippen Dee. 18-ly; , 'jc . ; Rocky Upujit Mills ARE ;in full and i snecessfnl operation, and are prepared to fill all orders- fb 'Sheet ings, Yarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders i addressed to Rocky Mount. Mills, Rocky Mount, N. C, will be promptly attend edto' JAMES S. BATTLE, j - i , Bec'y ana i teasurer. April,!!, 13io-tt. LAGER ! !. LAGER BEER ! The Mot Refreshing Bev erage Known. G. OPPElIuER&SOiY BEER BOTTLERS, - -- T . II The Trade Snoulied at oar Establishment. Sexi Door to Court House. Orders by. mail, from any part of th State, promptly attended tp. t& Will hare a, supply of. "Back Beer ' in seasqn. i r' " J-;.! Tarboro,N.C, April 13, 18821 j 'J ' : GROCERIES Mil rLGatlins Nan's- Veiling and Bantings in all shades, Latest styles in Figured Lawns, White Goods;.Jtlosiery, l.a- ces, , n,mDroiaeries Gorsets,Dress But tons, and Trim ming Satins. A NICE LINE OF w i . ZEIGLER'S SHOES; GLOVES, HOOP-SKIRTS, LSD STAPLE DRY GOODS. 8A11 bpught this Spring and will be sold very low. T. II. Gatlin. The physicians here aae Darby. Fluid very successniuy m taa sreat ment of Diphtheria. 1 A. STotxairwaacKJ , Gneaaboro, Ala. Tetter daed up. ! i Cholera prevented.' Ulcers purified sad healed. - i In eases of Death it should be used about the corpse it will - prevent any onpleas ; ant smell. ' The eminent Pay sieian, J. MARION SIMS, M. Tj., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Vanderbilt University, Nashville, jTenn. I testify to the raosj excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoreticallv and oracticallv. superior to any preparation with which I am ae-' quauuea. n. 1. unos, frot. uiemistry. j Darbys Fluid Is Recommended by Hon. ALKXAiTDBit U. Stsphens, of Georgia - ReV.iCHAS. F. DlXMS. D D. rhnn-h nf k. Strangers, N. Y.; i ios. lCoirrm, Colombia. Prof. , University. S.C. A. J. Battxb, Prof,, Mercer University; Ker. un. . ruin, Bishop SI. . Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERT HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid ha been tfcttmiMrhlv tt4 w. have abundant evidence that ithas done evervthine here claimed. For feller information get your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprieton, J. II. 5CETT.TV A rn.. Mann&cturing Chemists; - PHILADELPHIA. HERE AT UST. After LeaK and ITensry- Waiting-, Re i . tea ur.nBi im n.ve sv uu Need it. AVall. Pat." said an O ran Ere country Phvsl- eian to a complaining Irish patient, some years .go. lor mat pain in your cnest yon had bet ter go home and put on a mustard plaster. I A clear and ringing whistle rose I and fell and again, a pleasant sound I to hear, upon the evening air, , bdt i the girl who stood knee-deep in clo yer beside the ineadow fense looked somberly down as the joyous notes struck upon her ear. - "Poor fellow I - dear fellow ! she i said o herself. "It is so hard to go i against him when he is as lightheart I ed ai that." j : v.' ' A moineftt or&Jand;lliipa Arm strong, - her lover, 7 vaulted i lightly over the intervening bars and stood beside her. Straight, sturdy, brown, something of the contrast between himself, with 1 his superabundant life, 'and the -wee woman waiting therej seemed to strike him. v ('', r Ii'! :"1 : ''.' "Why, my littla. Daisy," he said, with a playful touch turning op her chin until he could look: into the soft eyes, that straightway,, filled with tears. "Why, Daisy T' he repeated, in" an altered, vexed voice, 'I'thought when I saw you out here that you were fclad to have me come. ; . Never mind ; you will be when I tell you the news. I have paid off the last install- ment on the farm, and there's to be ' an epd of your drudging jour life a wayj No more cooking for lodgers, or sitting up Jialf of the night to look out I forRick Is he up to, his old tricks again t Is that what has taken j the color all out of yonr face! -V 'He was away all night, said .Daisy, in a low voice. 'tie never gon home until noon to day.1 He is aslejep, and, ! oh, Ralph 1 I am afraid to have him' wake. ; It is so much worse now that Miss Winter is here. -. j '--:! 'Didn't I tell you how that would be reminded Ralph, not very Mnd- up your mind which one of 'ryOTtTTtoa, WltiBfoFM38& Kw'!fii$' taker v j Hjfgpttsi irrfAao!eiirfwtcp08 Jiaipn you Know that ! can t leare I old homfet Rick. 'It's h or I,' said Ralph, stubborn ly. ' . ' 'Have I? There's no use arguing, it's got to be one thto'g'or throther. I want a wife in my-home, and if you won't have me maybe there are oth ers that will, r Sweetheart,- say 'that you care too , much for , me to send me-away. ,4 .; . . j. . . ;:. J Oh, Ralphs you must wait1 Ralph muttered' an ' unpleasant; word, and flung away without a good night. r - ! (Looking for me, Rick V , Daisy tried, to speak cheerfully. ... r r "No; get awayl'" Rick spoke wild- tr. YnnJM riAATt nnt, vHh ?la1rh i you'll go off with him next S You're face that wayf a beautiful -0qsh td-'ths! -mai&Tflraa ammg-anvtha porcnyJaii whjifjhrTjto .AH it mv . . M i Ki uer jkj weu. ,TJLaf.nBWM;anqia ing her hand and looking into.her bfniwTa nu t .B t'Jul '.ul My Httle white Daisy, broyMer his lips. i; 'I never really. .IoTe4fsn one but you, and I have come back to ask you to be my wife, after alL' , vn. Kalph, don't you know!' '''Know what?1 he asked. -V That I am Dr. Llovd'a - wife. was married a week ago.' ; 'And are you happy V H9 wanted . ner to say no; he thought his own rajsenr would be easier to bear if he knew she shared if 'TherQ wasa'- sound of .wheels feumnar tb4w.Sh ; tarned-hr 'rM' ftfJ rt aM T.rrVif i . . o rr:sfnair? ny suru-tHi maTBHarwrtoamaesoss the - aistftjMie omy ttffrfecothat .WM-jBrnrSnnh Wei AiAnH ... L.a L. eaa't think this And by t a friend, '1 for such a case as Pat's. And by the way." added the doctor turning to "l really wun somebody would Invent ; real good plaster something actually help- iiavte when it is too late for roe to use it." rbe they will, z g t" oh- 5' 5 o m . 8 t - ; I H 5 o t C pi m 31 O o y y y ? j Also a fine line of Family Groceries. Having opened a Grocery and Bar, next door to R. C. Brown & Co's, we Invite all our friends to rive us a liberal share of their pat ronage. ,We wm try ana please., j I PARKER ot DAWSON Tarboro', N. C, Jany 18, 831y J V j Tarboro, Jan. 12-lyj 1 ' i I ! : ! .-!' ' ' : f ! GREGORY HOUSE, The Gregory Hotel, known as Bryaft House, in f nil dpeation, doing good bnsineas; will be sold onj favorable terms, -i ., i; 3 1 , . j Febyj 31st 1883. '' 1 ' r I t. . . Geo. Howard. 26.999 NOV IN USE. All penoM ray their good, are Ae best. W. wk m ' ine our Improved Kellvrl'autlveForve Feeraln, tiewd aad Fertluxlaa; 1MII and our Hay stakes. They areaseoodastbebest.aiMlcaabesoUiasche.p. Auarewsr. ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark IMIach I ne CO., MOWarlC, OhlO. Eastern Branch Uwue. Uaaentewa, BS- W. JV. STAGE, Gfin, Southern Tray. sigt zouisriLLS. jsrr. i iwr mEAWYou. Want good, energetic agents every, whera to sstl our .Aerse1 nltttmrUtl family fiible. '1 lie- best to ILa world. 2500 lUuMtrarions. nn nn.. handsome bindings, and many valuable Ratuii-s -found' In on othor Bible. Kt-llS at sight. Also Ridpath'flf History of the V. h.i complete wll-li ' the present administration. If yon want -to n-i-ke money send for idt-nia, cirt;Hltrs. tus,: Adress WiL&U A 6TOWE. ISO W. FOCSTH BT llXCiAH. a A.iWlLLIrHVI80Nl ' : MANUFACTURER OF ; . ; J - jgmPj:'- -Pine! my 7 Hand 1 'm, HARNESS -i-i'-r i Every Mistress of a Home in the S-nrti should have THE NEW D!XI E COOK-BOOK. it contains the cream of all the other hnnba on COOKERY AND HOUSE KEEPING; Over S.OOO receipts,.trae snd tried, from old family receipt books.srfid 10.000 new hints and helps and facts of value. Sold by harrintion. ! iCFNTS WANTED. ! Send tnr anegitnen : nnpes and terms. 1 S.A.CLARKSON&CO., ATLANTA, CEORCiA. IS ALWAYS INTERESTING From mornlner to mornine and from week to week THE SDN prints a continued story of the lives of real men and women, and of their deeds, plans, loves, hates and troubles This gtorv is more Interesting than any romance that was ever devised. . Subscription : Daily, (4 -otises). bvi mail. 55c a month, or 6.50 a I ear ; aunaay ( a pages ), i.aw per year ; i t cck- When BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLAS TER was placed on the market about ten years aso the doctor's hope was realized. . Because of the rare medicinal virtues inherent in it. its rapid action and sure resultsi the Capcine is last displacing tne siow-acllng plasters of for mer days, for all affections tohrhich a plaster Wever applicable. Price 8S cent.. In the middle of the gennme is cut the word CAP- rTWF. 1 Spfthnrv Xr. Jnhnsnn Phprnlata KW rV. : i I A Xestdinsr leti- dn Pbysirlan essablihea etlflce In ft. V.yfer the Epileptic Fits From Am. J. of Me d Dr. JAb. Messerele (late ' of London) who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, i nas witnont doubt treated and cured more cases than any other living physician. His success has sim ply been astonishing ;.we havo heard of cases of over 29 vear's standinsr. sccewfully cured by him. He has published a work on this disease, which he sends with a large bottle of his wonderful cure free to any r. u. addressi We advise anyone wishing a cure-to address r Ab. MK8kbei,b, JNo. ae John Bt., jn. XorK. lime, Kaixdt I Plaster, BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LIME, CARBONATE OK LIME, ; .KAINXT, LAND PLASTER, I ) AND MARL, &C... &a , GOOD FERTILIZERS, sAkd Yebt Cbbap. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROS.. Eockyi Point, N. C Fail tohse AliABASTINE for renovating yonr walls ana fjetniigs. it is rapidly superseamg an otner x imsn. or anraoii ity, beauty and economy, it is without an e- qual, and can be applied Dy anyone. ; it not for sale In your neighborhood, send to SEE- li BROS., 82 Burling Slip, New York. THE SUN America Ahead! veai ly, (8 pages),; $1 per year. ::AND'I)EAX,a!B IS:- Saddles, Bridles, Robes, Whips, Baiters, Blankets, &c. f ! ' ! . JWOPPOSITE COCBT-HOUSE,- TAEBORO', N.l-C. ( i ll W. ENGLAND, Publisher. New York City, N. Y. WALL if V FASHION. '. TTanir hnrnrht ont Mr. R. A. Sizer, the man nf actnring and reparing will be under his charge. Any one wanting a fine hand-made harness will do well to give me a can. . , I SINGLE HARNE8S.....1....4.:..15 and up, DOUBLE HARNESS .........825 and ui . Machine Harness at all prices, i Janl7y - f i BJTEB asul FARJIKR-V - MOSS CAN felAKERMoH lAiriut w Fall aad Winier. 1-or panieuUrf. aditnsa, dt'li aweek in your own town. !TrCoand $S V wo outfit free. iund, Msoe Address H, Hallei Aa Port: ! Pi 17 BLATCHLEY: PUK1P!" BUY THE BEST. ' Cblatchlevs ? TRIPLE ENAMEL POnCELAIN-LINED . . oa - SEAMLESS TUBE r COPPER-LINED i. De not bo snroed Into buying; inferior Goods. Wi. iv--.fr- vHfa in tie Trade. ctbLfcHLEYfJanurr, SOS MARKET T. JPhi!3d a. 'Write to me for uan-e ol u-tfat Agent. SSSk Practical Life. IVsKSJSLSffBS pp. Clear tp. Sae-t blndlnc aad Illn.trmtloaa. or Terms, addro. J, C. McCUBDlf 2 C- fiuladeinlua.; PS DAPER. FASHIONABLE Jl COLORS AND DESIGNS. FOR PARLORS. CHAMBERS, HALL3, &Ci Send tor samples and bottom I prices Mailed free. , .1 BUY OF THE MANUFACTURERS. i H. Baxtholomae & Co. 138 & 130 West 33d Stteet, i NEW YORK. NewspaiierjAuyerte Bureau. -t B FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. ARK FOR IT! t BUT IT!! TRY IT HI MARK T 10 Spr N. race THt - JL eT" lev f The Bad and Worthless are never imttathd or counTKMBiTai) This is is especially true of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole World that Hop Hitters was the purest, beBt and most val uable family medic' ne on earth, many imita tions sprang up and began to steal the notices which-the press and the people of the country had expressed tne rnems oi a. o.nua m ev ery way trying to induce sufferingeanvallds to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put np in similar style toH. B., with variously devised names In which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were used In a way to induce people to believe they wete the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies, or cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especiiUly those with the word "Hop" orl'Hops'' in their name or in" any way con nected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits! Bewareiof them. Touch none of them, use nothing out genuine, .nop Bit ters, with a bunch or cluBUy of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists New "RnnV Life on the Mississippi," is proving the GRANDEST 8UCCESS of the Twa:n series. A genuine bonanza to BOOK AGENTS. For; terms and territory, address Douglas Uhos., fhiiadeipma, fa. , and dealers are warned aeainat'-dealing iu Im itations or counterfeit. i( . apru51883 Dr. Strona's Pills The Old. WeU-Tried, Wonderfiifi-Eealtli i j; Sene wine Eemeaies, i Strong's Sanative PI lis "for the liv er, i A speedy cure for Liven. Complaint,1 Reg ulating the bowels, purifying the blood, clean sing from malarial tain A perfect cure, for Sick Headache, jonstrpauon, ana Lnspepsia. Sold nv leadiner drnsrslsts. I - 4 " i -i Stronsr's Pectoral Pills insure hearty appetite, good dlffestlon, regulariw oi the bow els. A sure remedy for Colds and Rheumatism. A precious boon to delicate females, soothing id bracing the nervosa system, and giving ani id givi i body. ly. I 'Bat, luckily, .'it don't! matter; you car get nd of ner as soon as you please, and ve will nave tne wedding when! I won t be put off very long, my ear.' . Daisy turned ner face away to tne gathering dust. " Oh, Kalph ! sne cried piteously. 'Be contented to -wait.' - . ? To wait! What fort For Kick to drink himself to death ? For you to trrow old before your time with the hard work of taking care otyonr- self and him Daisy, once and for all. you'll, have to choose between yoor sot of a brother, and las. If you are bound to put hi in first now and forever The unfinished threat fell upon other ears besides those it was intended to reach. A dogcart rolled almost noiselessly past on the- thick green turf of . the lane upon which the meadow bars gave, and Dr. Liloyd, lifting his hat to Daisy, shot a keen a ..- 11 i I: glance at tne young ieuow standing sulkily at her side. . He was gne in a moment, but somehow iialpli Arm strong experienced a feeling of shame which kept him for the time from pressing what be bad been about to urge.' He turned and walked toward the house with Daisy. It was a shackly, tumble-down cottage, with moss and lichen break ing out in patches ore the decayed weatherboarding, ana a creaking porch from which the rustic benches had long ago rotted away.; me pic turesque aspect of the old place had taken Miss Winter's fancy, and so little, fair-faced Daisy had found the weeny aaamou to tue um wiucu she earned with her dressmaking was all that now went into her shabby purse. . .'.'. j .- ' . j. There was a muffled cry oi 'Daisyz Daisy 1' as those t wo pproached to gether) thence once, twice, the report of a'pistol, together with the sound of shattered glass, was borne to their ears. M .- 'It's Kick,' cried Daisy, breathless ly; 'I looked for him in his room. Do go and talk to Miss Winter, Kalpa, till I get him quiet again.' .! She was off "as she spoke. Miss Winter had come to the door, half in alarm, and looked inquiringly ' at Ralph as he approached: j . . ' j 'Do you think he is doing any thing reckless? she asked. f j 'Nothing worse ; than smashing a window or two; it's his favorite way Of calling his sister. Pty he can't put his balls to better use.' ! I I wonder that vou leave her to be the victim of his whims,' said the la dy, with a straight look at him. IV said Kalph, with a shrug oi nis broad shoulders. :.. .' 'i i". ' Perhap she did not mean to dis claim such a .intention " on his part, but it looked like it How could he tell Miss Winter that the only reason he had not taken Daisy away months before was because Kick had out Weighed her liking for him ? It was a sore subject with Ralph at the best, inot one he would chooseto parade to the world at large. ; Two hours after that Daisy stole but into the moonlight, utterly wear ied with the scene through which she hfd passed. , All her efforts had been fruitless to entice Kick back; to his bed. He sat on a bench in the kitch en, limp and stupid after that fit of violence, and Daisy stole . ottt, as I have said, to breathe the heavy sweet ness of dying roses,' and Vjrush their dewy leaves with , her f aoei The shadows lay thickly upon the porch, but there was a stir there, and Miss Winter's voice! said softly r " ' ' 'Goodnight I' : 1 ' f tired of me, and I can't do better than to make an end of myself. , I'm going the straight road.' i ; Daisy . threw herself before the gate : she clung to him, pleaded with him. . Half crazed as he was. Rick was in no condition to' go back to the village in and the rough crowd which would be gathered there at the hour. But all of a drunken' man's bbstinacy was roused, and while they I stood thus there ; came again the roll of wheels that were checked .suddenly, and Dr. Lloyd, sprang down as .he took in that scene at a glance. - I Hjto into the house, luchard, he commanded, and Kick, j without a word obeyed: I'll give him a powder, said the doctor to Daisy, j Ton; must sleep yourself to night He stood talking with her after-he seen Rick safely in his room. So he has had the pistol again. Well, I don't think that need alarm you;' Kick isn't One to do himself any harm. He has been sly enough to hide it again, or I would take poaession of it He; is never violent toward you. ' 'Oh, no, never. j Not quite brute enough for that muttered the doctor, as he tood his leave and Daisy slept peacefully after her trouble. i ..- j, j She did not really believe that .Ralph, meant what ; he said, but he seemed determined after that to visit; his displeasure upon her. Miss Win ter came back from her walk next day with her hands full of ferns. 'So Mr. Armstrong isn't your ehn gaged lover after alii' she remarked to Daisys 'I would have been flirting with him before this if I hadn't sup , posed he belonged to you." i . , j 'Flirting! Oh Miss Winter!" 1 iTT ' 11. T J L Jl L 1.1 H..tl MjLtj ibu b a uau uishu ai uio piwbj time himself,' remarked Miss Winter ooolly., .She understood thAaitnsvUon much better than she pretended, and liked Kalph none the less because he seemed on the point of deserting his little white. Daisy for her. , ; i j Rick' bad avoided the lodger from the-first. It was a revelation to Dai sy when she came upon him one day holding a crushed flower which-Miss Winter had worn. ; He had not been near the village for days. Languid and spiritless he had crept about the house or lain in the long grass 'with a look on his face which went to his Bister's heart She understood it ing- him now as she saw him lift 'the fallen ed it,1 and that look answered, without the low spoken words ; 'I am very happy.': " j t r' ' - - i as -- ' ' ' PECK'S SON SHINES, Eli "Par" Qoei to Chureh Jamaica Sam ' ani Cards .Pa Seals th Cards Out,' : Ail All Eolia "Fall Eaalf- ; "What is it I hear about your Pa being turned ont of prayer-meeting Wednesday night," asked the grocer of the ld boy, as he came over after seme cantelopes for breakfast,! and plugged a couple to see if 'they were "Pe- i j .- - ' i : U - "He wasa't turned out of prayer meeting at all. The people all. went a wat and Pa and me was the last ones' but of church. But; somehow Pa was mad. and don't you forget if ... r: ..' j-- I " Well, " what . seemed to be "the trouble I j Has your Jra become i a backsUder!" i f ' Oh, no, bit flag is still there. J You see, when we trot ready Uto jro to prayer meeting last night, Pa told me to go up stairs and get him a handkerchief, and to drop a j little perfumery on it, and put it in the tail pocket of his blacky coat. I did it, I guess I got hold of the wrong bottle ox i perfumery. . There was a label on the f umery bottle that "Ja maica Bum, and 1. thought it was the same as Bay Ram, and I put on a whole lot Just afore I nut the handkerchief in pa's pocket, I noticed a pack of cards on the stand, that pa used to play hi-io-iack with Ma even ings when he was so sick he couldn't go down town, before he got lieion, and I wrapped the handkerchief around the pack of cards and pat them in his . pocket -1 don't j know what made me do it, and Fa I don't either, I gaesa, ute ; he told Ma this morning I was possessed ofva deviL ,,1 never ownd no devil, but I had a pair of pet goats once, ; and they played hell all around, Pa said. That is what the devil does, ain't it? WelL I must i go home 1 with! these melons, or they won't keep." , "-out hold on, said tne grocery man as be gave the boy a few raisins with' worms in, that he couldn t sell, to keep him, 'ftwhat about the prayer meetingT i . ; i "0, 1 liked to forgot Well P, and me went to prayer meeting and Ma came long afterwards with a dea- waBHsnbuffh. Pa didn't AAA vhaf Via enaner over Kis yes, wle'' nnft ifJledthwnmi'on feWe foo&.-it llv,- din4T,.and he thoHi?ht. Jia had r . " sJk kWgiam'e,and heufookela-,T aronrM as thougblVe y&ikamkl imh. they dSta'tae&l Mm s)i hkadojrjjjKT minister, av0j9ifeea pxa4ojaeetiadY) and WhisTOMditftlia, eYsrybjtfy, a pa came home he sisfed Ma hat"'1 Bhould he do to be feiteoV- MaJ feaid' 'f she didn't know. V The deakjn,i ioldl . her Pa seemed wedded to his idolsr it Paaaid the deakin better run -hia . , own idols, and Pa 'would run his. I '' don't know how it is going to turn " 'l out, but Pa says he going to stick to ., tne enurcn. . flower and touch them with bis lips. I tjjat mashed on her, I guess,' ft vlffor and neaitn m every nDre oi uie For circulars and almanacs, with full par ticulars, address Box b50, JNew I orK Uity, -ffklVOBCES. NopubUclty, residents of JLany 8tate. I Desertion, Non-aupport. Ad vice and applications for stamp. V. H. LEE. Attorney, 239 Broadway, New York City, N. T. 1 have been mad enough for that, Daisys to fall in love with hex. And if I had not thrown away my own manhood I need hot how be in dis pair. That is the bitterest thought of all.' . .!. i i It is not too late to be truei; to yourself yet, Rick.' j She had a little hope that this new feeling might work some good in him, but before the week was over he had broken bounds again, as if determined to bury regret in qplmon. r j Meanwhile the time came tor Miss .Winter to return to the city, and she sent xor tfaipn, wnonaq promised to drive her to the station. He came with his light carriage and mettled horse, looking neither Bony nor cast down, Daisy observed with a throb of the heart . . ( ' ' i v - ; j He isn't false, j then; hell come back to me again when she is gone.'; Rick had been at the village.; He was on his way home, when,) at some distance away, he saw the j carriage standing at "the parsonage ' gate. Ralph and Miss jWinter were just taking their places in it, the minister stood on the steps, and the! curious face of a servant ; looked down from a garret window.! As Kalph -settled down in his Beat his glance fell upon that shambling figure by the,; road side and he gavel a vicibns Cut iwith his whip. The spirited horse started with a plunge, a buckle snapped, and then the next instant 'his driver had lost all control over him. J ' 1 j ; Rick had taken in the scene whirfh his eyes rested on, aad a sudden still- cause he says she is to be -pitied for having td go through life j yoked to such an old prize ox! as Pa. heard him tell Ma that, when he was helping her put on her waterprivelege to go home m the rain the night of the sociable and' she looked at him just as she does at me when Bhe wants me to go down to the hair foundry after her switch and said; - "0, you dear brother," and all the way home he kent he her waterorivileere on bv putting his arm on the small of her back. Ma asked Pa if he didnt think the deacon was very kind, and Pa said, f'Yes, dam kind," j but that was afore he got 'ligion. ' We sat in pew, at the prayer meeting, : next to Ma and the deakin, and there was lots of pious folks all round j there. After the preacher had gone to bat and an old lady had her innings, praying; and 'the singers had got put on the first base, Pa was oni i deck. and the preacher ,, said; they would like to bear . . from the recent convert, who was trying to walk in the straight and narrow way, but who found it so hard, owing j to the many crosses he had ; to bear. Pa knowed it was him that had to go to bat, and he got up and said" he felt it was so good to be there. He said be didn't feel that he was a fall sized. Christian yet but he was getting' in his work the best he could. He said at times everything looked dark and gloomy to him, and he fear ed he should falter by ! the wayside, but by a firm resolve - he kept his eyes sot on the foture, and if he was "Dfcrlnk to my Success.' etMtJitti:- . VSlii' f!) -IM-f- It was real f unnv to see him brann up as he turned the corner, button his threadbare black coat adinst hia uau, uiura is R)UUU UJCL DIM CaT, and ? j try to disguise himself. When- he ' ' had fixed himself he passed down theruil street, entered a saloon, and walkme1''! ? btraigus to tne oar, he asked: 'Is your name Blank!' T SYTOAOT. ir In 1 naa tl.n -w - - m, new nag icyiy, i 'John Blank? CMrrp i.. Vhell, der poys call me-fifioBi? s ' Can I spheak to you in nrivate Mi-, .vil Blank?' i J ,l: rirVirir:r.' You can ehpeak right oudt. nersu. .. . Nopodyis aroundt except my. poV. r und he doan' hear ns X'WVJhi!X 1 thought it would be berW'ttf "1 " ' sit down at a table and talk-6-vwr atlU glasses of beer.' - ; i.,v .,! ;., 'I guess not I can shtand oon' and hear all you say.' '"' '. 'WelL Mr. Blank, I have Been' de05" utized to ask you if you wbttltf i '' i candidate for Mayor next yeari- m WaV . ..... T&bs. You are said to be "oneof V" the most popular men ' in Detroit.-' ' '-' Yoa are rich, popular, liberal; and1 ';r could be elected bv a large msiontyi rri t .'iii .l.3 Tn''' xaio BaiuuuiBb iooa.ea at niaiulOf.ftT ong minute and then asked: " Are you dry?' i w nan Buuii iu iuv alio? With a perfectirplaxadcounterheBi'-J Mr. Blank filled a i 'schooner' withJ j f water, placed it on the bar andjlopk,;,,,,; edthe man square in the eye : as lie , said:' ..-!- ; - &frwi-. 'I vhas a tousand times obleeed ' to der poys, but I can't except! tfbfc"- office.' , . ' . ... -tiL-Jcit;-wwi tuli You can't? "Don't vou want la J a. (..: Mayor of Detroit' ,Z No my fnendt I have somefihers ' better ash dot I yhas going trun1 ' for Governor next' jtime! Come' tir A real of ten und dhrink to my siicoeasl':; .-. ,aoi1fip h; i : -i 1X1 ness went over him. - - ; : , : V I temnted to do wroncr he said iret thee They've been getting married. Ml behind me Satan, and! stuck! in hU What the hoy JCnewv Before the schools dismissed for. a holiday on February 22 the teach- '' had something to say about' 1 George Washington, and j some ;bf : them felt it their duty to see . if tha ; pupils were posted on the record of ... . . the great man. One teacher select- .,: ed a boy about 14 years of age and' inquired:;1. J. '!!'; "vvilliam, who made this ; country - what it is?" I i f, . : , . "Vanderbilt and Jay Gould," . was. .; the prompt reply.; - I ' . 1 "Didn't you ever ' hear of George Washington?' j " 'Ye8'm, and Pvieard of Captain f Kidd." . i 'h- ;. . i-i :- "Don't y.ou know that Washington ' ' ' was bur first President? H " i .'Course I do, but they; had to y1 have'some one, didnt they? ('Why was Washington the father' of his Conntry? . ; j "To save the country from paying up bis buck salary." , 'Why do we not honor the 22nd of February ?" j, "Because we can get out of school and go skatining or hitch on." "I guess you don't know much about Washington." 'No'm and I dont to My father can take a clock all to peices and grease her up and make her run, and I don't believe Washington could,' She made one more effort to get out of it without loss of dignity, by asking. . , 'What has this country done to honor Washington? 'Named a lot ol saloons, ferry boats, . third class hotels and fire engines af him, .and there is a pie called the Washingtion pie There is a city called Washingtioni It is the capi tal. Everybody who djesn 't j kep boarders tries to dead beat everybody whe does, and that's all I know about thecontinentalarmy or anybody else. ii : ,h IT ttf fit said to himself, aghast, Been get ting married, and he has cheated Daisy.! But he shan't get away so easy as that' ; - ii :''- I'M His brain was clouded with liquor; some blind impulse of rage and re venge moved nim, and his fingers clasped and brought out the weapon which he sometimes carried. They were dose upon him now; he lifted his hand and fireJ at the .horse, there is every reason to believe, for there was a dangerous i embankment near, toward which the runaway was heading. But be missed his j mark and the next instant the steelshod hoofs were trampling him down. ; ; A little ; farther on and' the car riage was wrecked. Ralph Armstrong was picked up bruised and senseless; his newlv made bride was dead, a Good night,' returned Ralph. Tl bullet in her heart, and further back was a bleedings pulpy mass oeaten down in 'the dust, that groaned when thev touched it, but was beyond I ha man am show vou to-inorrow, where the mai den's hair fern grows.' f i He came whistling down the path to find Daisy standing by the gate.' i : Well, little one, have you made toe nails for a pull for the right He said he was thankful to the brothers and sisters.- particularly the1 sisters for all they had done to make his burden light, and hoped to meet then all in : When Pa got as far as that he sort of broke down. I sup pose be was going to say I heaven, though after a few minutes they all thought he wanted to meet him in a saloon. When his eves began to leak, pa pat bis hand in his tail pock et for his nandkercner, and got hold of it, and gave it a jerk, and out came the handkercher, and the cards. WelL if he bad shuffled . them, and Ma had cut them, and he had , dealt six hands, they couldn't have been dealt j any better. They flew into "everybody's lap. v . The deakin that was with Ma got the Jack of spades an.d three aces and a deuce,! and Ma got some nine spots and a king of hearts, and Ma nearly jam tea, canse she didn't get a better hand I spose. The preacher got a pair ' of deuces. The horror of that tirdwas a year j and a queen of hearts, and he looked An exchange, writing about the gentlemen who go out to see a man between the acts, says "At girl elec trified her escort at the Academy of. music a few nights ago. He had -made two trips and was about to make a third, when she mildly sug gested that "we bring a pottle next time and some, cassia." He didn't trip.- ;;'' - ' v: - - .' - fYou are on the wrong tack," said the pilot's wife when the hardy sou of the loud sounding sea i eat down on it and rose with the usual excla mations. "No," . he replied, . after, critical examiation : ."I am on the right tack, but shoot me dead if I ain't on the Wrong end of it" Ton say your wife gets mad dan' raises ft row?" r "I should say she did. i She makes enough fuss to run a freight brain forty miles an hour." "Bat if yoa knew she ' was in the habit of getting mad, why did yoa marry her?". "Because if I had held back she would have got madder , than ever" . ;. . ; -1 i . v

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