P : PyPhmPPP:Pi- --. M. im S, rPH;.) -pp pp!i:yp - p'p:p nmpp. :' -pp P iippp- .mmmt::m-: ppM:pmppf p-p lp) Y) r ( p(W&jh tiding 'oiodic ,i -.i' S J I l;A j . lTli t 3 P -r-jv- poor -rry- Wig ATiT" WTf'Wrirr" rr-Tjvjg i ;i -?lMr-- " 1 V T i i' d, : i i , i i : ' !--'... v - a- . ; , . - :. ,!!' 1 :-f ; i ;.'lctftd , : ,,f.1V i-.r! . -t.-k tS l- - I J 1 f ' ' ' , L . . 11 ' " ' i - i 1 v. .. u iim,u-i".' if f !' t . . . 4 M ... - ...L . . I - . ' w ' ' ' ? ; ? n- - i r - . - - ly pjtOFIiSSIONAt. CARDS,- , K. H- T. BASS; OtTurs his profcsIonal services to'tho em of Tarboro anA vicinity. r " i ; ! OfEqe in T. A. McN air's drag store on Main jHrpet. . '!:... j f pRINK NASH, r J A.TTORNEY-AT-X.A.W, TARB0R0, N. C. Tractices in, all the Court. State airikFfcd eral. 1 WST J.' J. MARTIN. - j ; : B. jC. SHABPK- Martin & Sharpe ' 'Attorneys -;it - Itiw, i fottaootftJB tit) I rActice in the Court, State and Federal. cS2 ly 1 U O il J'SAi HiW ' i ' ,A.ttoirxi.ys-,t Xja.""ocr, TARBORO'. N. C. ' 3 ' " Arm cractice iu thtounfea of Edceooiabe1. 1 1 ,i:r.n- ft ml "Pitt '.imL in t H Onnrlj nf llTm Firt Judicial District, and in the Circuit' and Supreme Court rt Rftteigh. - JanI8-y- r4 A, OSSEr BATTLE. US 1 Attorney at Law vliBDUO' & KO'-.KSi M :,.Prnctieus ifVW N.ii. fitt, AIj in tb EeM IOffick, for theprescot,-in front rooo ot uude 'UowiirdV law offlcejgxt ! Aqk-(0 . w store 8. s. Na? & K tJO s-on mnn- ei Dc.. 1 5, 18S1. i (Jeo. P. Hart. i HAR -4LttoriJe practice in State au .TOObLEY. I a t eaeratUwtts. nnom I '-f Attorned liidrlAseitor aI4W. (f frftC Federal. .icf b ?n an ta !ayfti ol ' uo.5-iy..i Attori Practice in all Courts. Prompt aUeation i R. I V.CARR. "'J : u business. n Surgeon mi IS from 2 to 6 pi l : p. "in. u : Office boars, 1rom a. m. 'tiJJ 1 : ITjNext dow 'to Tattro Hta3r,fl?ef Lanier A Rojly-'a. PAINTS. 4n'BaildinMflc 16 -VT. SIDE VARKET 8Qa a5 . " .1 I 49 ROANOAKE AVEJ NORFOLK, V A iNffOvember!882. 18,1-y. -"v - FnMtiirV!'- 1 3 a 4 I Bl 0;GarliIe JPamlicQ JaiikiiigXJo. Was gsiLi,,KkV, V-miifCK of LL rNO OBPOR'M-r iNITfSHGULll.B&i'; LOST IN. TS kPROMOTIQNyai fc-CA EEED (THE' "PEOPrEND J FEED taW )i and get! SB EE rf tr r vct wt rrrrhAM -LtlJ )ie best in the Market, always on hand t r i riino 1. L.OLLUlii UV At J'Jain St4 2 doors above Pender's mo. pto, ivs. KPfin O O rO TIPPPf lln.l A Hot fclliR OSCARIJlk 1: f M-boro, Fb. 26:"l83f) :UjUi mm 4 THOS. H- BATTLER, Attorney xit Jbaw, Office next jto Philips & StaWn'a Layr office Will practice in the t eaer&i ana otaie wsra. exDrcM perft&ssioa to Judsrt Kui- fin. of the Supreme Court; Citizens National Refers by sperl Couj Bank, of Raleiirh : Battle. Bnn & Co,f Nor folk; Jno. AraBtioa t SpnFflewbajKi ! : . d21-6m , ' " - i. H 1, " : tt?r bo J V.J ! MRS. J. G. Bank buildin" th fend-f Pitt Etreets, U now tirppared tk,tAke iottrders, o'J 6 t?., January Tarboro'i I tAtaka xr ntn,'i883. ; ' ' ' ' STOP AT ; ; ' ( THE BaYflK.,HOUSk; H 1 J .1' ' ;';,' ' : MPT iRf )OMS for DrttinaieTg. HUMS COMfcftttTS lfc4very tartioiriirJ April 13 18831y i , . r V . V j , : i and 2TT ten, JnlL These Stabi and havt a capacity of holding , ten car-loads Geo. Howard Preet M. WeidelL Wmiji. Pfepes, Afc ..: ! -M.-Wddell.s!uerr ! p , 8i 8 (BASKING PKP, Bauk open frpna . . . . . .9 A- MJ to 3 P.. M, Discount Lay, xhttissdat i DlSEOTORS Dr. J. H. Baker, , Geo. Howard H. L. Statii"J-.l ( W.M.)Pipfen, ! Dec. 18-ly.. . ' i 4- -Li 4-t RocKr.llouiitL'ilills ARE in full and euccessfiil operation, and are nrenared to fill all orderdHor Sheet-. BEER i Jrie MotRefrdshina Bev i ir ,i lerage js.nwn. . A JkM TA A f! irtun X W U A 70 IirMiSrrs-s a- Boiueliold Artiel for Dalmmi SbreXbroiat, SdmiU ,. .p-i . ,may jtyfsi in. eTh been arrd -Aftl? jt nAae P T cases of Diphtfteria yield to lly " redd SiekFer". ni - refteshetf ind ? ; lied Sores ppevent jTjd by. baifiine'Jtrldv" ; DarVys Fluid. r ' Impura .Air made j n buiaJc rtd purffiBd, re Throat it it a voniagjon destroyed: For Frosted Feet, i Chilblaina, Piles, naiins, etc. ) AneomKunn cured. ' ; Soft White Complex- tons secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. h-T Xo purify the Breai. f JCIeanso the Teeth, ; ' it can t ne surpassed, 3 Ckkarrb .relieved a ' cored. V f J ! Kfyalpela cured. fi : DurnareJievettmstanUy. Sears prevented A f 1 I Iysenteiry-MjJt ; Womads healed rapidly. nuurrjaote torAnrmi vefetaUe f oison. ung5, eic. .'ii. , ;f!fc used tb Fluid during present affliction witk Scarlet Ferer with de- f ctaed fttdrantase. "It is iindispeasable to the1 sieV- , frora.H ffui F &lmik I Kjlri,Ala. Scarlet Feyer PtTTCfO of SrdAU 'Pox PJLEVESrKD' A meniber of my un fly' was; taken .with'; SmiH-pbk. I used die ' not delinous,' was -teot. pitted, and was about, the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J.W. Park inson, Philadelphia. . i ... . I 1 i 'ail ii I. arentsa. 1 lephysicians . hew uarbvsi nadTerM licctssflillv in the treat- irst of Diphtheria. .. Grtenshore.1Ak. i Tatter dried up. r, j; v unoiens prevented. In eases of Destn it snould betMed shout 4 the corpse- it wui prevent any usptea-. ant smell. I he eralnejrrt FhT, ProphvlacticluiJ h valuable disiefectanr.';"' Cured. Vanderbat UidversflV? JTalinre. . 1 testify to the mos. excellent qualities of Prof 1 V Prophylactic FhudAAs a disinfectant and , ' ocscrgtK is ootn lieoretiflh d practically . yupemr to any preparation witF which I asn ae-t. . iDysliuaisfcomrneBded by! a; Hon. ALiXAjiDiiit.lL Stiphbk?, of Gcoraiaj U Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church 47 the Jos. LkContB; GohunbU Prof. , Uahrersity.iG tt1r ' &"'-'L J- Battls, Prr?4 Mercer University 7 tniA f : AT ' . T. HGatlln s. INDISPENSABLE r& EVERT HOlMTEf. Perfectly harmless. Used intersafly'or i externally for Man or Beast. 1 ., The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything lhere elainjed. For fiiller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, ( j rcr J$ERtBQTTbERS,n The TradeBSappliediiiiroilii Establislimeut, ext. Door t Otders try mait from any paix of , ?tate, ttromptly attended to, j SSh Still h&xb .a ?1 rfaptdyof 'BtlcV Beer in seasoii, " rf m 03 ,'30 2 O in to r so to O 00 : n o to itami i vr? urocenes. ' HaTinsr' opened. a . Grocerr ahd !Bar.-eit f i dapr to K, Broim vo snti ibviw a o trsfcrrrt a rn frli7s aa lirisarai ahora At TtUkirl t ii svuai7 irvr 0 us, su umti j ut.u u ranae. ue tviu try sua pieawe:? 1 VVL-S T.arboro'. N. C, Jany 18,:831y 1 ' f 1 Yaras an45orV,0Pe' l''d't Iio8-1 fldrlrpssnd Jtd Kockt MOllftt I inrs. Arrlpra Rocky Mount, N. C, wiU be prgtnptjhr attiid edto. ii JAMES S. BATTLEj- ' . i ! Scc't and.Troasurer;, i Anril 11: 1878-tf. I S- 8 7 ; - if t rr a tii 1 1 1 1 k Rfi o n m Wtf ILL1I4IHOUI1 .r riirr ( "... . . - I) nie GREGORY HOMSE- The Gregory Hotel. Jtenown a Bryan Honie, ! In full operationdBlia good tihsinjawUiae .oldonfavoTafcle lefBM. j f , Tebyv 21st 1888. AN r -H- : ' i : Geo. Howakd. MANUFACTURER - OJF --fe'Hahd ' 5 ... I I 1 Made all HERE AT; LAST. After Lenf and "Weary Waitloc, Be i Mm urviiBBi set Eksee wuo ' - ' Need it. -.---I -'Well, Pat," said an Orange country Physi- i tian to a complaining Irish patient, some yenrs tiad. ard v. cau t think this suinute . of anything - better. U. rlor that pain in your chest yon had bet ter gtt home and put on a mustard plaster. 3lil Bunting in ! Jiades, Latest :;-styks.rm,4:;' - p- I vhtn I ia t-j-hra Inta -frti- niA tA tioa It " Fiirured. L.awns. wnitei wheuBENsos's capcine porous plas- -r ' . i, f I TP.R Wftfl nlftpprl rin thpmoHrot. ihnntten man . tt s i ..r.mr rv u j v. ces, Embtoiderles, . Corsets,Dress But- I tbns, and Triii- 1 mmg Satins. green-looking man, s he 8tepd up to xhe counter Jiad and wife" after it. 4Can a new ajrfifdouple seJQe down;iliettf 'fef" tiroMriptlree days and have a quiet Ti6itvwAeachrplher and Inofc, be Beared oMf 4Eeir toots f ; ; pThe hote mao raajd thoy could go right to thbr "rodmB - and" 'stav three days t?i. three vrceks and never corne toi ther'; ieal8 a? they .Jhdn; want anyiihinff to'eat.' "But -"what lis the matter? ' Have you been annoyed?" asked the hotel man. . ("Annoyed? Thas don't express it. We were married day before yester- tdat St. Paul, and went " to the ho- Ifehi I lived about mxty miles v73St AMt St. Panl, !aud the JtraveHqji i rne jt taPMup a job Icr make; jtuj jbired.' I mi i ' 1 - ! i. Ij-ti 'i I 5 ' 1 4 were -wer aoour, Amaorea mi tnera ynylwHu at St Paul, m. Ill be darned, if toey didn t ,keep us awake all niffht -They1 Vnew ' wtv " were 'a .bridal aouple, and ' vl)iil;tl)e J mnocent a4 could be.! End then vask our BardoB,; and thed go and ;,damn the porter, ..Pnce L elt , 'somebody reeling aooutiny berfU ana th fel loV said he was lookiiibr f or mvwife's shoes to blrck.f" ' 'Then about"; every fiflen or twenty sairmtetr the conduo tor would open.h!t?nttain and bold a led laaitern in and ask for our tiek- I etefilSthink. they pudbue'd hiVf "Uck lejt sixty fiv timlr. AnyTrayrt look- teuKra poras piaster wnea;' x-'got putm tnerBorBing. ii tlunJc Lk tw&s. the travelling men who, were plavinff conductor, but I wadl sleepy and I me pS : boy for a. drainer for a toSltt-iw t; go'cig" faetgry. m and wanted toi know what was wanted. I, order skcij.MABroNt DagDt 1'n' ana.j ne looked at my Tr lai f1!! wno is bashful,' and, jpade. her cOTrrineerW. Driys Tfeel bad. I didn't knovr uihat ' they And by the way," added the doctor tumlns to a friend, "I really wish somebody trould invent i real grind plaster omhinDf ,Brtually help-i ul for such a case as Pat. Maybe they "wiflf rf or- Wi- aeo the doctor's hope was. realiKed. Because of the rare medicinal "virtues inherent in it, its rupiu acuuu u,uu ure rtsuiw, tne tjapeme is fast displacing the slow-acting piasters of for mer days, for all affections to which a plaster Is ever applicable. Price 25 cent., In the middle of the get) nine is cut the word CAP CINE.! Seabnry & Johnson, Chemists, New ork. ; . - r r irere drummers until-the next day, or 1 apould bave . killed some of them. I rang the bell fori coal, and a trav eling salesman , who posts- railroad card,, around and .works up excur siohs,ca9iq in and fixed the fire,andhe etayed ttai fixed it for a half an hoar, and he had more gall than ever X see. Ha asked so mattyquestions about bow long we hadbaeitinarried i that I vfanted to thump him, but my wife said: we didn't want to have a row the first day we were : married. I rung for & chambermaid '. to clean up the room sand bring some ; towels. and it was about half an hour be fore she came, and I-went the office to. see about my trunk, and the chambermaid staid about half an hour and very interesting -and ..my wife said she was a real pleasaDV af- ecuonate sort of creature, far above her, and I tell you I was mad when I found,, out it was a smooth - faced. handsome,. youcg Jewish drummer for'a Milwiukie clothing house, who the chambermaid three dollars to oan him an old dress so he could play; chambermaid.' -When my wife told mo that the chambermaid patted her on the cheek. .and told her she mistake, and he wbTnaio6TraTusa8TT told a4 wbcottl fust 'goerP and see them ffo.by- Ma-itwfc throwejd a shawl; oyr, tysfy hed;an4iws sar t4 J aownjurpugrAine arnj wneniwe gotnear: Pafanif infeham1 t Wld,ffl it Wis &telbii&M$4 fo1 be-mttlnv krotmdleily ga&oroffiriffht before: hu&i adshej6aj4 it.waswdifct f"?,i t.pmi,w chum who had ,his head on, Pa s bofiVaAd.'PAwaspaTtJng'mycbum on the Tjntefe trtoAroatid the if e.n hind ntJoem and when Ma saw Pa's bald head rthought she' would bust' tjhdught the beat way fp . let him I She kneW his'head" as' qifck isfehe0 putfeh it i Well, aboH 3- o'clock in Bot eyes on it.fi My 'chnrrr asked the morning somebody punches- us and said it was time tp get up,, as all the passengers were up, ' and would have 'breakfast ,'!.infteeiX,i.te And- then we hustled around and got dressed the best: way jw could,:; lay ing on pur ; back ana '.kicking 'our clothes up in. the airj )md catching them on ourselves, when they came down. I got . dot t)aots n ,wrbrif side before' aM lost '4verr'thidr'4 dut pf iuy pockets; and )riyi wife lost hef fr and had'trV1 tie i handkerchief ai-ouncther head.1 and then we had our berths', made tot and' t''up" tillJ uayiigut, ana tne porter, iouna my wife's hair and ?pfnned it to a berth occupied by a preacher ' from t'Osh kosh, and ' he kicked and got ' mad ahd' talked' about it and 'wondered bow -came it there ana swore', about ea a pitcner, or ice waierana asiuHt.aHd i think he travels fqf an Osh- waume urucrr rgrpcery nouse kosh carriage fatitorvi Oh:i riev bad such a night, or j two flights in my life, and ' what I want to know is if I can be quiet here 'and get a little' sleep and not behoyed;" The hotel man told him that if anybody came around to bother him to knock clear down stairs and he'wbuld be respon ble, and the" bridegrborjtt , ook his satchel and the colored man showed them to a room, and fthey ' have not shewed up since. ; It is ' confounded xneau jn travelling ' men to enow in and form a syndicate' for fun. ' They will cause themselves to be disliked if they keep on.' asked 1Pa if Jtewas knarried, and. he said he was a, widowerr,, JBCe said ' his. wife . .died fourteen tearsasro. of Uver complaint. P5en,:Ma shook Jike a leaf; and T j( rcould,hear'1herhSw'efeln ftffcCerost like chewing strawBerries' with (sand in theni,' j Then , myi ahunt put jliis arm around Pa's neck and., said; ,1--If vdulore me kiss me in the moilth'v Pa was ist leaning down td kiss !m y buuixt yyiieju. uxa uuuiuu L Bi&nu il any longer1,' and she twent right around in" i front of them, , and; she ; grabbed 1 ;my, Chftm by the hair, nd all came joff, hat and all," and my chum jumped up Ma scratcTied hfifi iH the face,1 and my Chum tried't!hfc'handB'in,Ws pants pockets t 'get his handkerchief to wipe og me ..-blood on Jns I npsej. Jind Mafshe tqrned on Pa and he turned pale, and then she was goiner for my chnm agaW When- iV'said,) V: leff hp' on a fellow, and he Bee She wasf rhad and he grabbed .the bat and hikM off, thothjands of mothers, and wear the blWm ff the cheekv6f the fairest m. h1 tb lan4-i shows how difficult it ' . lie warrants it for fifteen years. TEenhe1 (flutes andJlshKakabii that originality, f sew it seain while , . he.speaks'bf'ty MplcirPaM',h:, -!U ty and(elastaal e:lh9T-rtitoh3t r-o" t 1 j A ' g6crd JBeifing-nuceMwffBii l 1 a 9. wnue aentttfinsotw .l is waisLuiTiterrwaA era liioas: akfl three lans per minute and . . ak and. we. came riffhtiba,ilkean.onithk iVafefr nmV7 KvnBAmitiii lt'li'n, hours4ihdift' refrtshmlnts. '.TtkTs3i.J' .v" not toibtnfiTedj bewter, iafc the sewhfgl'r4aclunt1agep.rw indifrerent his amacoine -always in " order, and t adjtistedViDyyC e6eTlnicdesJ',w P"' . or.quahty r good4 He feats co i'i1"" bread ahd fat-bacon, when he cannot :,'t gtVSfteHTan?d .e(rtfttt.f : pound of batter to, : gquarefoot Qfj :rff ,j corn-breads and , when , there is no , : butter he is equally fatal to molass- 1 8 es. Texas Siftinagr'& XtVU'"" f-nn ; Qa&i in geography, come fpr ' ,j'ard, aac in case any of you drop a ,K pencil, lobfc trnfr of the window;' or1 1 after a cdugb, I will, keep ths (whole a t school'1 iipat ( recess, j. owthnnw'uw v Wbere m reen Uheese Vreii4 JJM ,,,"(What JlToh 6i jyMabttlfi. wdl swer'thatt question 1f HecttBtWenrLl'?!T trf boys who expect to become busi-4i rr.mm a rx4s men( japd jieyeginls jshftpUiat ?d I becbme wives and mothers, and not , 4 j4 pne ef yptf ltfQrtBar OreetfCheesI t7 TJi ltml the "gratelwaand .took te skirt of r9reek7n3rintfbe tis,sisterl dress in '$ih"ad and' fift- of Hfhd6ttiJand4flowiJin fcnorrh anise lar .HAvAtttAfin. i PECIC'S SOM SHINES. ... . . 4T down to Vi8 "Par"! 'Goes Oat on a : Canght. ; Lark 'an! ' is bvs. iflct am. m ZElG-IiER'SjSSOESi . ' -- .aStTTTOT-OV!: GLOVES. ,. UOOP-SKIRTS t"All lought tbia Spriwj iind will be pldverylf, Ki v. --r ; ad I. ' i 't Tnrhoro Jan. ISJv ' r iM.' '" J.J1. ..m A LtadlBf : Ijon- n Pnyaiclan ettablibea office In N. V. far tb enre af Epileptic Fits From Am. J. of Me Dr. Ab. iMesserele (late: of Loudon') who rSka6 a specialty of Epilepsy, has without 4otibt treated and cured more cases than -any anther Bvlng physician.' His success has sim ply beenustonlshiner ; we have beard ci cases of over 29 year's standih?, sccesstnlly cured by him. He has published a work on this diseasti which he sends with a large bottle of his wonderful cure free to any P. O. -address. Weadyise , anyone wishing a cure to address t Ab.jM8BKi:i.Ek ;No. 96 John St., ' N. Tork, mm .vi w7 Lime, Kainit SlPlaster , ' TitTTTTyrNd T.TMW 1 f?TtTRTTTTITRAL , KAINIT,-" IrANT) PfA.8TER,' i! : i.t(iAND JIARlV4&a..&a 1 - GOOD FERTILIZERS, Airsriii4BAj.fierid for Circuiar. PSENCHBEOS., SocobtC- Every MistressC a IIoirtmaFi -v.th should (,.,-tu e new fitif E COQt-EOOK. it contains 'tha re a rn '"af a 1 1 4 rieVoth Ti botks on GOj3KE;D:piySSTpi KFFPINC. Over r3.O0d5it, true and 11 - tried, from old family receipt bookd0,00fl faflto use AliAtlifiirtNfll f ofc ifenovati new hints and helps and fact ofVauW" ldW I mi Walls and CtHng ftU rapii nkrriiiHni.. AntMTS WTltO-Send.l nvrwspriinir nil otJikr TinisH. fltir (fair tab for specimen pnees il;inini .if;. ' rTS.;4 ty;nty anrte.ii.iq' without sjTj l-; 'iLh' r VtX riiVM I forTale itryour neighborhood, send to SE13 t-s ! liuws., as utrrungisnp. w low. THESUH HAMESS :ahd iealbb Kfs ! 26.999 HOW 3fIJSSa-( are as eood as the bestanfl tHld --CrrrJiff Al-iif- are as good ranten. I ir Newark SaMlS&rulieEoAsi mips JJ alters, Utpnlcets, &c S-OPPOSlTE COUBT-HOUSE.1 IS ALWAYS INTERESTI1N From morninp fo mornins and frornweek to , week THE SUN print a continued stpry pf f the lives of real men and women,: and of their deeds, plans, toyesj hates, and troubles , lhisj story ' U more' intereeting . ithan any romance- that was ever devised. Subscription i Daily, X fiaa-esfi. bv mail. 55c. a month, or $0.50 a year ; Sunday (8 pages), f 1.20 per yead; Week ly, (8 pages), 1 per yeai-. 2 -t ; ,. - ... I. W. EKOLAai-Publisaeiu f. America1 Ahead!': IK . TAREOROV Jf. C. ' vHirr hono-htontMrJR.'A. Sier. the -man nfacturing and7 repVng will te under bis charge. Any one wanting , a fine hand-made harness will do well to give me a call. J i jj i SINGLE HARNESS. -.....!. 15 dndop. DOUBLE HAKNESS; ..... v:rf?S.I35 and up. -Tiailiin-BarneataUprts janl7y l"ircutamneWreaayVlllHIr'Wtl Tl-I ,i rji- r a ft fT !; a n rS-fe,,Ti ii t 8j.: S n aMiaViioiIrMm-rrr- PL'rf rri TRIPUE'ENAMEI handsome J iiiuwi in ftl.lnsth'i the nrosent admlnisOa.UWj.' Ifyou want money sena jut. ItlLriK.T U BT0WK-130 1 W. rOtUTU BI tlSCIMtATL 0s 43 1 "5 1 i ' v & orsi rtmcicv HOSH CAW MAKSBW .-GENTS orks of thArtcter ; a price; sellinc a a. ,sswwaw- ur i . J a 4M:rtted'fhta.'i Tryxri nalofwr toe beat . --5'' hoila Jw Tradi,,. sTl.irVStimfe f5T hsol T -AAak Agent 1 .M. T . . I in I i i i illl 1 ,: i ook r avuuai j-ns.?inoii a ?B to Month. sou lait.iKiciuona,Vi- isnaa, sagtsiis j. ncnisui - r". 'jy , .sdi. IHuiUsus Assa. ccad ywVrt l.uri-4 tirmi fcsx ''itWI'vV'ri . ew Yprk.City. N.: T( lis! n MM WW ! tut 4 t .. fin paper; 'UUlAMWn U if ash ii irw.irsi.n, i b msaiRNS. FOR-aPARLOKS. CHAMaEKS. HaLI&C..- Send lor eaiuplea.aud fbottpni prices. JVlaUiea Jree ,u h a !i i '. riot :; UT OJT THE-MANUICTUEEaJ 128 & 130 WesfeSSd Street, fmeNEW TQBK. 00 Oo 'If You Love He, Kiss Ife t.s "Where have you been for a 'week back!' V asked the grocery man of the bad boy, as the boy i pulled the tail board out of the delivery wagon and let a couple of bushels of potatoes ,oiLad outintha. eutter -1 .hayexi'tLi seen yer around here, and you look pale. You have'nt been sich, have y!"::'":fc.i---. - : -p.. -iso, I havenl been sick. Ira lock ed me up in the bath j-oom for two was the 'sweetest brido that was ever j days and two nights, and didn't give I transom ' The in the hotel, and asked her for a kiss, and my said she thought it would be no barm to kiss a poor chambermaid and; to encourage her, 1 wanted to Say don t you uunB rehgion1 soue kill him, and' I went to the office next I a man's heart, or does it give ' him morning, out tne smootn iacea cuss had gone to Fargo. It was all the landlord could do to bold me. Well while we were at, supper somebody got: into the room and put cracker crumts in our ped and , we round ;a cold oil cloth . floor mat ' over the top sheet enough to freeze anybody. But the worst was at :night. We had just got comfortably. 4n'4hedw,henJ mere was a unoct at ine aoor, ana-x me nothing to eat but bread and wa ter. Since he has got religious he seems to be harder than ever on me. softens a' caked breastf I speck Pa" will burn me at the stake next; ' - i The grocery matli said that ' when; a man had truly been converted his heart was softened and be was always looking for' a chance to do 'good and be kind to the j'poor- but -if he only had this I galvanized re-7 liation, this roll plate piety, or white wasnea reiormation, ne was naoie to b5 a harder to be a harder citizen ted butfr home on a"ijallop'aflJMa itOok Pft by' the'elbo'w and said,! Tou are a nicq old party, ain t youi ls aia deid, asnjl!,! .Died of liver eornnlkint forrrteeri fears agrp did If i??YoBL.,J?ill jtind an ' animated corpse ph j our hanls: Axoand Ms8ingspryinimen at night t sir.-v When- they' stafted hbme Pa aeenaed as weak as a' catyl und'couldn'fc say a word, I asked i I could go jto the exposition, and , they, said I coiild,. . X dpn't know what hapr i pened after they gpt home, but; I?a was settingjnp -for; me fhenjtlgol: back and: be, wanted.- to know. what X brought Ma down there for, and how I knew he was there,; , ; i J. h; . I thought it would hlpPa out of the scrape and. so I told , him it j was not a girl; he was , hugging at allj bat it was my chum, and helaffedat first, and told jMa it was not a girl, but Ma said 'she knew" a darn sight better. She guessed she could teU a girl) .J , Then Pa was mad nd- he said I was at the bottom of the, whole biziriflsfi, 1 smA Iqnlrn J3A.ujiw..arl-Slil.u3lI sxta enough to paralyze a saint. I 'told him through a kevhoje that a Baint that had any sense ought to be able to tell a boy from a girl, and then he throwed a chair at ' me through the worst of th'e whole into ttaniiiuyeri.iou Doys,wpuia.lopt, . 4 nice stariSn bht &t fawers.9,IoctArl5, wes'terly fcme -fvr emteen aodlts tUnilni 1 ruri andobpokkeerB, Wdaldn'tyou Gro'41, to ybtft's ?ate, jmdsf. punishment H j i imt words ana'give me the name of eye- ry President in the United States. - way, andlbe'carefuli' .how-ydft' sfepWn J"il 4 you won t get fcny dinner ito-dayvMa -.'d towames, wrar. ia. iww?9WVi .... dopJtkn'Ow, sir. . . ',.',...' uu vuuiii , iuu tun uxytscuug grow' bp' and "become' a clerk in'a;''" clothipg ptiorer'and''yoti don't know 1 what a rhomboid 'is? .,Arhomooid, yiiSfi!:w ' are noi. jignt angles. Yase wmir. , ,,, seat,, anq ' ddn't you dare - to look up ' - ( nntiI,youS have committed seventeen ' ""? pages'of jaistoryto memory. j'-. .'-J .''' t "Npw, Thomas, what as the amount , . f due on a bpte for $167.19?, given for one year,one day, one hour and nine- to :enths of a minute, and beannj? seven and threeIeventbs peTeent inrer thing is my chum is mad at tne' cause Ma scratched him, and he says that lets him out i Be don't gd into any u ... . more , scnemes. witn ,:id& ; yli, ,4. must be troinfr. Pa is rroinsr to have ray meaihre taken for a rawhide," he says, and! r hve got td s'taV'at home T ..f ...c X t ! JJ 'El i. . irom ine sparring mntcui anil uarn ' ' ei .3L ii 1 1 r . i j. . . ; my punaay wuuui leBBuxi.j "t Tr. THE SEWIN& EACHIWE ASENT i A nESCHIPTieif OF , THE MAN W. TO :-' ( I J BE AT EVEKY CROSS-ROAD. The sewiBfniaehine agent i of all ages and 'sizes, and flourishes luxuri antly, in climes.,... He .trayelp in light spring ! wagon, drawn I Dy two sore-backed ponies. ' He carries "tho best machine" in' the'- world? 'in his wagon, and has' its name! in! gilt let ters, painted ton, the sides; ot the ve- and I thought it would ; by a good hide. J 40 ,jnbabits , 1416,1116 ; ana ioke- to try him and see- if he was ao I totvns, dui. is onen, jpunn in rurai wvnf7nrw-lf1 rrrtrwl firV.J.:-OYH TTIY P.nnm I UkLs1uv9.I H.UJVTB luo uo ia a v.. , w o - - J I J ,. ;Tl,.jj fr. rlvAto. nf. in ami of : his BtsterS I ereat puoiioweneiaoior, uu puviv summer clohes. iWetf, you would fore not at all modest about, forcing. not believe my cbum would look so his :. family blessings on. .people much like a girl. ! He would fool the I wnen ne riaes (,up- io uyuao u iria:'inhWf.knf.. lYoii trinw how fat t hitches his horse to the fence, and v,a n hud tn cell his bicvele to lastead qi wanaing ai me gate ana a Blim fellow thatclerks in a store shobtingirieUot nMisterv ooes your cause he didn't want: it any more, dog biteM as othe travelers do,. he soli up andetaUmaffWBtbeirKlAn before And li H.i irl hftwftnteH. trt."hnii!f. 'oiit l 'Whut, made vonna lock von no in to me the AtajusJI could tgeoxhtf bath room on bread and waterr out in case of .fire ent oukin to I he asked.! I ... fc , 1 . , T - .TTT- . . 1 11 . ,' 3 1 1 i. tne end 01 tHepuuerm"viin nimto i weii, sayB ine uau uoy, as ue eui. shw it to me,- and while J was look a couple of salt pickles jloiit of a jar incf out of the wuxtow mf wif efcarnef oh the sidewalk, 'Pa is not conv-erted running down the. hall and begging I enough to hurt him, and I knowed it me to save , her. I asked her what was the matter, , and she said as soon as I went out a man that looked like a porter came in the room i and told her to fly and save herself, and to follow her husband. . She felt, awful eu6he found there was no trouble B&iwe got oacK into our room' uau irbletnj I have got them fellows jWu fftie. The fellow -who called a -wvf s enno Tiras a3Q ao rvA iao. Irnmu W VIA l. IV OCW Ca JJ.J. V Vyilw u mm u. v.-s-s VUVAw Mv u..- - . J Z 1 1 , ,T1 a il 1 J J fpi a j Philadelphia millinery I His neck is just as lat and tnere are rwui.:;wiao yffy-." dimples in it. and with a dress low in the neck, and long in on the trail he looks as tall as Ma. He busted one of his sisters slippers 'getting them on. and her stockings - were a good deal too bis or nun' hut he tucked his draws down in tnem and tied a suspender around bis leg above the knee, and they stayed, on alght.i . Well he looked, killin,'Tl wun ms sister s iyij SALE 6Y ALL LEAprNG DEALERS ASK TOR ITI- 'BUT IT!! TRY ITrSl Mspap;Myertistoi,Eiireaii n wspr St, N, ruce X. lllttM'aVH am o ?Book 'Life on .the, JMississippi- The Bad and Worthless mreTjtnwr imita'ted or.cotiTStEBrEirtn' ; This Is Wtoecially true.of a t amdy medicine, ana it'ia prtiw proof that the remedy'TMiTATKD .ar yi nignest value, -ab soon as it nuu oeen ana provea py.xne wnoie .woria-mai is proving .the GRANDEST SUCCESS of ithe Twain seriea. ' A genui.ie bonanza to BOOK AGENTS. ii Fob terms and territory, address Douglas Bbos,, Philadelphia, Pa. " - ; i r Dr Strona's Pills I iUWW Vlv " o k''" T T- ' I t . f o a ,. awtaTlaa mw .ii-sfoi-HiwlSniUy inedic'nc on eaMli, 'many hnlta-1 ThsOli. WeU-Trlea, WOBtterftll,.Eealta . press auu -V"""J i.,, tvnra Sanativn Pill for thftliv- A speedy! oure for Liver Complaint,' lies;' l.i.'.n w i , , . . i . i : - . . vi a ... luuiiug w oweir puruymx uio iiunvi vtur cina from raatarial taint-l r A. perfect cure for Sick Headache,' OonsupaUony audi Ihspepila, Sold bvleidbur toicrista, ?, i .(l,.t ('.- Ntroa'H lRtarrsl I ill a insure hearty appetite goad disesnoB, regularity ottnertow els. ! A surd remedvfot, Colds and Khhumatisnl. A precioad boom to delicate, females, soothing aud bracing the. nervoua syBtem..and ri'riiig ' ! mer bdiiseand the one that scared my wife out of ner wits travels lor a hearse fatory at RocesterN.' Y. My wile says she woald know him because he has a big grey moustache and wearb a diamond collar button in his shirt iShe says she thought be was pretty stylish for a portion of the time. They woke us up several times to tell us, what ;da in case, we .were kick, and it iht baernifi before' we I should prevaricate, were up waiter, brought" iRs our Linuslin dress on,! starched as stiff as nrsarTOBT. - n Ksma . in isi inn i ih it. lis kiiu u. auu uci i.cv.ak'uwAVAAuii vu it un. and he iuit stoed around imiali lvhite feather as big as a Newfound- F . . . ' . T. , . l 1 i ji . x Hi aiu lie uu w go see some of., the old regiment, and I loafed lord to send ud our breakfast, but I alone: behind. My,-chum met Pa ion whfin - I found that; the waiter I the corner ana asKea. mm wnere ;t.ub who broue;ht ; it up ' wae a trav ake Shore Park .was.4 . '-She"; said ellinor man for a repair 'factory! at I she was a a strahser ; from'CJmcago, "Rnckford. and remembered low-dur-1 that her husband bad deserted her, naA imnndpn't lie" looked air mv wife: I and she didn't know but what she 1 could have murderedj mm f clerk said he had gone to: T was inst : ab6tit . .as 4ad down here cm aleepuWcarnd I lnit suicide, and! asked if shef didn't thitifc haitiiM Dsssencvrs on tne cars, waniixj laKwai-waiit mrcn?: werethoso sauie draminersjat w titter, and h, .wobj ras lias A V W i i W"1'' 13k VtaSstheif stuff SistesA expectiflgto1 1: niwir make! money 1d toadredit"aHdg)od name of U.-B. 'Many oWr started nostrums put up m snnuarisiyiB Wrt. Af with yartously devised nmeS tn whleh tbAansntl "H6l"or'HoDS,' weretisedln a way tSliiduce people to bctf ete' thy were the ame J a M0P:Bltter8. AU suen prexenuea remeuies, &carei, so matter wat their gtyle:'ot name ia, andespechUly thoee.wjththfe word' "Hop" or Hps" in their name or in tmy way con nected with them qr their hapie, aTe imitations for comiterfeits.'I?WWfet1liejtt TuSrtchtfie 'rift liani.' Use nothin? but trenuint. Hod Bit- htcrA with,a btinch or ciuster of greenHopsoft ttte.wiue lawer"! rowmniiini, uu.ivruivsa ad4ealers are .warned agauaeaUugim; Itatjons or counterfeits.'!'- ;..;! aprilblafaav 1'. ,: I, ... .- i . as? vt.i, .s w rrti;i'j' vteor and health id every .fibre of the hjpy, - . For circulars and. :EtfinAne8, with fml par. ticnlars, address Bex 65ft, New Yttrk'Citj-iJ , ! Mwl Wjli 1!) m i "M'i'.'"1;ii I A ffA.nnil we bad tositirjjjdr,,aaai &ugxia,aog s tail. hrftlrfast. -T. T ' thorhrhf at the iimeTSo.wn town ' to that itkind in ibland in theaiahd f soidiers of his if no one is ' around, takes a seat on the gallery and begins to whistle. He does i not1, whistle 1 t6 keep his courage ub,i for, confident that he is engaged in a good and noble : cause. he does not fear dogs. He is there oh a beneficent errand. His mision istQ cheer the wife, comfort the daughter and make the old man buy them a ; new-improved-scrou-spriDg. side-bar, ' ! adiusbible - sarvenrwheel fpek-stitch Groter and Sihger se'wihg raachine.' He tells the old ' lady that he sees ber health" is givmg"way. and that ithe old Wheeler and Baker machine that she usee is the cause of it., He has known fifty laaies; whont that machine' has burned ftol ftn un timely edd aha an early rgra He tells the Sdaxtghter that he is"jmmar ried. ebinrr to ' settle ini the countv, Sod hopes She1 will let him calf On her when he is in tne vicinity. lie iniprma in the Stater Then he tightens tap , &iUi wheel of '' thfer machine', ahd starts to sew,r He shows how' much wa r,:-sr--rv-- ?r?z-'wu3 'x, ' ,1rQ MJrvhtAr ii Vnns than ftriv other ink. WWWW ,TheyJare,U.artded ... a ..n . i-wm AwwocTviaTi iriira f m n 1 1 m iu i-n -i., . . 1.1.. t, 11 uin u uj u u r - , . . 1 j - ma - - LOh niivs J. WTOtlHwra,1i tmv - . . ,.. . .,X! I T go out Wl vaslars, ! ltsikand and behol u 8t t Come., now, answer oBf-hand-' . , ; . "Can't Bo it, sir." A ,)r , iH ; f ,, 1V "You. ban t? Only yesterday , j pa told me that you intended to , run a , ' grist mill! When you grew up, and' ' . ' here you scan'l; answer a simple ques- i : ! tion in mathematics! , You'll never b ; ; - . able tpjrda one end of a corn-sbeUer, .i u ,. I,might as weltejl ybq. Bnow. u t ' Go to yoof seat and" cipher one hun- , i . .. , , fractiOaBJ awi-iUviiio udi-oiy V---j-: -fCSass in;ancieBtihtetaryrnow d-'' ' : ' vance, j. jWben was the first rebellion... - j iJam,lHenry Charlep,'Samner ' . vba$lii,&nA q yeuiable.toianawerja .;.- OfB quesiioni j ou xare prepariug wj, do me wpriOtmsurauue cau- , eiegrapn operators, uanjt Board of Trade" srjecttlators'1 d your iguuranvjel what" " wpuld.anjr of you'df frf&imYSQ k walking tiirough an alley an a dark ( nicriir. twhtit.v vesrs uhucb. nuu buiuo - bne 'shbdld stop you aod ask ybu this ' ' questionTj jIThe -. class, is.-ijciwanssed.iu v ji . .. How' the Wt generatioa willmaoj.,,,,! agfOiirw, stores and. factories, and f t ... keep the Wheels ': of ' commefce' and v : progress j moving, IJ don hdwU-- ay! r-r-w tti.. -L. -rj i t: - :.. . , ' ' . . . A !l i-i7 .ti .'.ftr?.'i; 4i!t;t .J r :; A tfeiiwnely iinluckTman will adl '.-.Uxuuv tail as muchitippn jhose whp,jafe,de.jr,Ji .i iui pendent or associated with hun as A. ,..., , , i genuinely! wiCKea one. . xney can never berfeued on. Their speculations turn out ijl'when those of -more'stu- bid men succeed Their f intentions 1, 1" ' t 3 im. 1 1. luey never nearu oi.-, xueir .uuua ui plavs do not become popular." 'Their ' - ' crops are sure xo oe inj urea uynoous : or tornados, their vessels to be wreck' f ' s-' 64 01 burped;. their houses consumed , within twjBnty joajj hours after tlw p-- sufance'had expired, or day. befpre.v;. ' they had resbrVed td' W'ou't Judges aW sure to'role adyrsely to' 1 ; their interest juries .always bring in n- verdicts agam.Mt tnem-, j iatir. letters , j .i L'' . a ii..:. .1 - are ceriwn.w go aatrajiiuwi ua-., ki li 7;ti.i-;-. f.- '- : - 4i it gage brespress' packages i.o(be lost ; 6r8tolen. It is .they whb' uTft' alwayi lokibg their mi(fagktrivtr,jand ' rirecdnstaWy wpndering where, their j hats' or nmbrellas, haye gone to.i,The,;f mofaey they put in their pocketbooks or thSe pbcketbbots they pn't tortheh! dekets," ! mysteridufely ' disappear:'' ' J Even? when they desbre.td be pyudtint . ' a . - . S' lr and witn ponsideiTaieaacTvaeanai'ni ti painvoaj ineir - poiawes, cpai ana,, . 4 ji , 4 other!stores (in advance at reduced .. ; ratft;!the price of the suceedin'g 'win-l" . t 1 and they .wonld . steal Athemv,v l.had joiDing the church on pronation au 1 now Jf mWthan twenty blankets tmton the you please,' they get their;'. ari tatew ;u to tha pld fpurnpl4pn bed, and ia the,, morning there ,vjas 1 ajpund a girl aB the same, Pab-Ugged npthing buf,a shee A.veriia, till haays?he thonght'Pa every time a blanket was spread over would oreas nia sisters corset au w crank still used in all the rival ma-. chines.; He asks 'them the mould-board on tbe'off slatidiiary' arm' and the' . French burr tafceop;on fJieA -inqriireB: if they that 1 the xteifection of and v sit down, r on fjUiy berth j ana 1 rar, as wta iuy,uuui.v .-vr- -j y.Ju-AM r.Mnn Htim 1 cm iim . imhhl .buu s i x sou, wiu kvh ".. , r - . . . . " berth s and CSmKobItctty t residento oj cattwfeaM VMfr3!ttnA f K: t..- JUiU 'K a i3roMWTmioMfttJXv 4 f fd JfSf Jdati'i, 1 -" 1 .U f .-! Xit i l.wa Uiyl0.t 1 1 1 r. A frV tr, ot' i to awindle? !tbe twiblicy, llllinr their iaiXietriiii-'-WBa-'Wiai -.1 msuo yi w "ww-w: "v,- r " , -, , r "n.-. at: heiinst-hayi madtv , a poE;tion for the etemng biraess, abd eoffers,. whilri f wn the Mtlh. of .,'i...fj - - '. ' ' ,"x-i v-t.""" - ii.'-r t ! . 1 1 ' ,..'t.'u. : ''; i . ..--, . rit ( 1,- f.-. tij.r:..iL!! "-.iji '.r .st T'fi '!,-( J . ! i4iiiliJ 1. -. -Vlii t' I'., ."('. .Ifl ':S aaJorlah Was dreaegjbpnghsij t of txeestheV climb al ways break, the . boats they rb'vblp'Sail always' eapsize." ' Th'e ,!lfraln theyitak4 is'Jby'hb'tneans 1 u " Urn&EAtl' in iia tarnaMM las timai and -u f 'even .if nUte.i. should, should oausd ut . 1. gnatitude thai olihera'atjaUv. ,f tb;ey arenpt the viclinis, they art' the j authors of all 8ort8pfinyduntjuxa--1 mwchSeff j Altogether, shrewd old . nuLUBUuiiu 'way nioo www v - - : - IsnlUdetis acrai toToid ualocky 4 :'- f VIJilEOt uij-n-.t Mil. J,'" .if W:. SI 1 i

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