, . i . ; ; : . , ; ; . . : T - ;j , . ... :.'.-. ,.v ,! , -iv v :! "' i ' V MMMMMMMaMMaMMMM-M-MMM----MMMM. 61. ! r Is'. ioreio!f al. cash, i 1 Tilt. Jl. X BASS Offers U profeslcml MrrieM t ttAdUH iMiMTirooro ana tmsmuit. i : i ' s i OCtk to T. Jt. MeNtlr-t drag stor i Mtln .- .;. VST a tr Martin & . S - - -'- Attorneys trtIiaw, - rnctteaistte jCoarts. 8UUircUiL M. A. AitxUit'" 4 ; v '-DointxtOnxiAii 'T;,GIlUAH.'01 i :' 1; Will practice In the Coantlei of Edgecombe . Halifax and Pitt, and In the ConrU of Urn First J udlciai JJlKtrtet, ana in mjc wrctimw aprm CrUtJlal4n. JanlS-ly. D Attoney at Law I TAJIBORO ROCTCT KOWKT, H. ,C. FrartlMt ."! U CoorJ of Xdeeab Kaak. Pitt, Wlio d 1 Hfclthn eOunUea A.Il-trrl!rlJldanpiew..0?art adr Howard's law fflflr rt door w atare ( 8. 8. Nut A Co., on Mtia jli. Deo. 15, 1881. H ST: Oao. P. Hart. . . HART & COOLISY, Attorneys r at -Xa',,Vo Practice) in State an4 Federal CtrarU mlOm IKORGI HOWARD, Attorney amd CouMtlor at Law. TARBORC -N. C. f r,yPracici in all ho Conrtat Stale nd rederal. V vff-i no.S-ly. BEBGEESi.SO, L- Attorneysrat-Law, ... Jt: TABBOBO,' N. C: !r J Praettoe in all Coorta. ; Prompt atteatlou to eisiocna, l-v.- r.M ' mlSly. D CARR4-' - 1 TABBOBO, n:bS OfOeehoara, iremt a, m. till 1 p. Mi and reat1 ie . asi, '')" I . aSSNext door to Tarttero Uonae, over Laaier A Royster's. ' ; t .; j t J; Office next to Philips A Staton'o Law office. WW practice in -i ral and State Coorta. , ' Refers by eipieat permiaaioo te Jndge Ruf in. of the Snpreme Court Citiaais National BaaK of Raieijh; j Battle, Bonn & Co., Nor falk:; Jno. Amngtoa A Sons, Petenbnrgv - d3froml:rV I? -;. i. :.! ", f ' KAS. J. O. CHARLES BOARDING HOUSE, Cor. BANK A TRADE STaXTTS. jl , ' ' Tarboro, N. C. j v -'TRrT iTtJJi o- . f. TransUmt..... .v.l' :..:...ilJ55 per Dav. i.....v.JJ;.......i 6.00 pee Week Table Board alone) 8,90 per Wek THE BRYAH HOUSE, l iTarboro, C J - u i CrSAMPLR ROOMS for Drmnmers.j and HOME COMFORTS in every paiticnlar. Aprnyiway I'S J Xa TUT, -SdilS p STAiBVES, Conxaa Qnjjcvrxai A Bfc Aitinw Stmbw, -: i. TABBOBO. F J. . Theso fltables are the largest In the State, and have a capacity of holding ten ear-loads oi hock, uito mm a ou. . : . jmxoj Coo. Howard PronJ Wa. K. Pippaa, Vioa Prw f j M- W tsssU, OaUi : (BASIUKO JXPARTXST4.c-l laaxowonfroa ... ...A. Hi to IP, 1L ! Diaconnt Day, TbussdAt. '4 r i - DranoToma t t. v"- Dr. J. H. Baker, Geo; Howard, H.L. Staton. Jr., i .W. Mj Pippen, . i .. . tt I-r r i- . n.:uomi. .-,! o. 18-ly. i nocKy JIouQt Hills 1 a RK In foil and isaeeessfnl ooeration, and A arooreparedto nll all orders for Sheet- lnrs, Tarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addressed r to Roekj . Mount i Mills, Rocky Mount, . U.; wui De promptly anena ed f . - ' JAMES B. BATTLE i Sec'y and Treaanrer. " April U,187S-tf. I I'HIH I Wi - GREGORY HOUSE,1 Tin firrtrnn TTotAl . ktinwn as Brran ftonaa. nfull operation, doing good business, will be old on iaToraoie wrma. ; t Feby, 21st 188S. i Gbo. Howajuj. 26.999 HO Mm U5$.Y y Uir roods n thf'bMt. w k ,w t exar 4 aatiTartUbdac IMUaad wIim Haliir tltHnMMtMtat.lMalMIMdHCIKtPt AUmWMV imC ClmilanMlkd ec. Howork MaahlnoCrVr NowariuOMe. BiwiiBimcBMiaiHilwi,B t. GS :Mll iMOta. TLa kit 1 . . wricL: W lllutruoi. - unoaoma Mn4lasa. anrf ant rajaUf Btari tka pi-Mrnt admiidsimitou. iro wait i a.ra "wt'j mm- iron,, c T' ti.r, ttv ' AOrBM wambs a stowb. ta w. rocKTBaT., cuaiiiu. , Aa umuM rilMTM eoMl Wa-o,oa f r "-frr'r -'-'n'sBlaVr a aaasBanBMBaBjoaaHaBBHamaBi aBBOBHaHaaaaBBBBaBBnennoBai ' l0aaaaBjjrtfepM - ...: .,, i .. Testimonyp reima.--Stalw - Experience in iU use. ' inainycaSoj of enables me toattest th !.;T - : 3 i ... - m OF THE BUfFAlffiUTHIA--. WATER ' in this painful maladyl i Alteraanfieen wh&h titdt&Lesribed usafcr the influence bt this Wiater, passed, I am cottr Mellttiat I im witlim ,: the bounds of-Hhe truthat least-an OUIfCE : tf URIC ACID; some of which weighed a much jas iopr grainy Affording inexpressible re lief and leaying me in a ooudiUop f oo)mparatiT ease and iWMnrort.v . I am now passing only pocMKfttlfaia pj the intense suffering, wfcicb iheir; passagi has heretofore oocasioned.: K)n one occasion' I passed thirtj7T-Cateali in forty-eight hoars. ..The appearance of this Calculi Nuclei indicates unmistakably,4! think, thai Uiey were all COMPONENT PARTIOLEfTOF ONE LAJEWECAlOTEDS Destroyed by the ACTION of the WATER, by means of SOLUTION and DISINTEGRATION. ;!' - -y -: . i ?f At my advanced period of life, (I of age.) and in my feeble general health wougat or, ana tne water seems so. nave accompusoea au mas sacn an op eration, if successful, could hare doner. 'Besides ' greatly , increasing, the quantity of Urine, 1 his water Exerts L decided influence on its cnemlcal constitution, rendering it rapidly neutral, it pirevioulyj' acid, ?aad; afterwards s alKa line; from being lxig-lrajolored it becomes pale, and baring deposited codIouslv ni parent. ThdsFIGbode II 2 1 DEALfK IM BUILd'kRS' fliRDWARRVf i FAINTS. OIL8, GtASS And BnUdins Material of overy deacripUoa VOS.W W. SIDE KARKKT 8QUARR 49 ROANOAa ATRn , . NORFOLK, ? VA Movemborl888. 18,1-y. , WertaMDi ! B G. Caflile, Main St, just above Paiiilico loldiig Co. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Buriit for t- i . r"- . which he offers at moderate prices. Riraftm of all Siiids . EepirsL COFFINS. CASKETS AND UN DEBTAKING GENJUI. mtW Patronage aolicitrd. ! I RO;qiMiiLi!J Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: the sun US ALWAYS I5TEEESTIHQ From morning to morning and from week to week THE SON prints a coinwaedstory o thm Bm nf raal men aad Women. ' ten and women, . ana h vneur deeds, plans, loves, bates, and troubles. This atorr la more lntereeuni than ai romance that was ever devised. Subscript (4 pages), by mau, 66c. a month, year ; Sunday (8 pages), S1.9Q per y t Dally, r fft.50 a d-Week- V, us pages;, i per year. 3 , . ' L W. ENGIJaND, Pnliis-er. ? ' New York City , N. T. ffn:ars IxdiamYecetatle Pills iafateit Mun-w aataal-aai.'ai. IS.". Altl. VXw aJlProfiu. srineQW.w lliewirerfe'oaa'leari proposed Una of au v ao w "" - -yaiAA ' a. aa-ata aooiAla Ka Newspapers, eanrxvu. 11' Infallible, ta-teless , haraleas, eataarncv loy FiDitie amM I me jCoislaJi.ta n mtm n Bri n AM II Dy Jiiinseu. onderfal? efficacy am aetenty -saten ;y ear and six. months a surgical operation was not to be becomes limpid and trans tkirvt i p. - foMoaeo j. .- r- ' 1- K l i-K.f l j t ' VI A SJL JX :1Xfl JLM J.! Prob. . L. A i Bufialo Springs, "Va. T O flotlinV is I DniitiDgs la fair1 . styles Figured Lawns, White i. ii. uauiii a. igurea i-awiis, w nue i r. a.u Mm Goods, HosieryLaf iL;i ; ces, CaiAiuruiueA lea, Gorsets.Dress But-' I tons; and Trim- IXllUg OdUJUa. Ty. 44 i 4 A NICE LiliE OF Hie: I 1 t AND STAm PBI 60QW SPAllboaght this Spring and sold very lpww - t . ; -"7 be TaiWoTw--lSry,r; MANUFACTURER' OF-i mm i M alter sJf ianteis, sci. JCrOPPOSXTB XVJa-HOTJaE,- HavbHt boHAtontMr: R. A; guer 'the man- mactunng aoo -rrparuiR w- . ; charge. ? Any; one wanting a ne nana-uiBue , harness wm do weu to give mo oow. v SINGLE HARNESS..: ..i....,tl5 andap. DOUBLE llARHlCSB;:i..:i...-e-anttnp,-Machine Harness at all prices.; Janlfr - Money i fofTanners ! ! Havihg pare Baaed from B. A F. J. WeatfcH vrsbea county righto for Edgecombe, Mash and fttt connties, vWe offer to the people of the same, "'M'. r n?f '"ir-.JL fl.t..4- f.'.oa 'rifalfatSi kL3U I r4K-.:.t wJmUr mi .awiirt hrlS Cheapest Farm Gate ever Invented.- Not liable to get oat of order- Nosagmg or strata oaTtaepoatt, and a perfect safeguard agatast tniachiavous stock. . Those Who have hereto fore given la their order to others wQl hays HaylBmnov .jt? 5-; Tarboro,, N. C. rorPjintoalo. Ooatlvonoei, Chrooto Dcaxw Xntwuttr of aha rlBUoeVVomraad eooai - Ba4.BnMh: Pais ia tha SM innriniM tbm t mi kkitwmirm Sew. im Moot, ariauha far tjMmit pan km of apaoott; . 1HiUt otcdve, inoiftiin ltaqorint witli la which ought taaav hua iami m riitht, drr wa : aad flusW face ia mm Mi a aa ittwitfat, ofao BBiatakca Bar coaaoaiatuatt Aa nariry cosoalaiae antcoM or htue KMnHi a mrsd af dM ikid kziM ; spiriaianknraad 'JttaonUWnaodp7'aIl't)eno aay of ' . Foraou Travolta; or X, ooltfcyoaliaaiTV ki ailr ta kaaatha Urm la aaaldrf Uriaor Ja Co takiaf a doai accaiioo... .Uk- -i in : J I al KaJorla,BUioua attaika. Difaim, Maa--f aouiDrBwii Pwailii o Spiri) c It WaloBf.na; oororogo. t JyjL 3---- i ,b,jobbi" ouw uraaf nar ot , I- la- a, oc (mI bon aftor aatal., or alaonw oaa4 kht ak a deaa aad yom wiB b nlimd. M aad Dootora' BUU win ao tgr always Irioplnir JtlM BoJa kVatnrUf oaft) MiwoAtro, attoravttro aad toado caa. aoat aaaotaf aiaea. Thawaiidi Ul ft I ! . il AalWaB Xkm fwm aad oficacv of Calami or Oaiaa. waWrrof iajariaw aAaroVca. ij 8ABswsWai'd Tsslliisij .WBOBaaa Urm ReanlatBr aaabMoat ante my fiuailT fcr ooM.tiaa. aBd I am aattsatd k it a TihaiVh asititina in iai oortiral iriiaia. . J. Giu SaearaB, Goraraor af AK ' K Stanfcaaa fiai . Haa iab. fc.-.l. k .1 t Siamaaaa Lisar ulliii mm '' aa "Tto'oo Tmlna: BA kovor !&&s to -aalaoa Jam otad asaay icaMdM far Dy. - - ' ' a TU1. t mava iommA wilii t VmfaJ a ,4m Urcr.RaaTalater haa. Ii i to Gaorrja fir h. aad would aandmkar far i a aaadtdaa. aad nuld adriaa ad oho ara ate. 2 1 tt a Mai as tt taoaa ths oaly , j - - " "P. AC Juam, lalaBcapaSa, Mia. 1 I PavT.-W. Maaen tajti Ami actual a nliaii t ta. af Siamaaona IhwRifalaua-ia amy practioa I hara aaa aad aaa taftad to OM rvr Ban wm imWR. ? too oo' thW WMBoar tk. r. ivAM.ar i of . .'H.' 'ZXBLllf ft CO. PQK SAt BY AIX DRUOQISTS. : HERE RTi LfiST. Atte Vmng mm WeddfirJ Waltles;, Re- ties so jwreaaBi lexaaoae wm -"Well, Pat," said an Orange eonntry Physi-! clan to a complainibx Irish patient, someyc atro. '"lor that pain in your chest yon had bet- j Ur jfO borne aad pnt on a mmstard plaster. I rABt think this minute of anything better. Jkad by the. way," added the doctor turning to I a ineua, i reouy wbi soBneboay woniauven. real good plaster something actually hel or aomeunnsr aeinauT nam- WE tor sucn a caae aa rat s. atayn rbethey WBB Tt Is too lata for m tonne it.-1 - - Waeu CAPCINS POROUS PLAS TER was placed on Ute market abootten years itbedortort pe Wreau cauae of the rare medicinal virtues inherent la it its rapid action and sure results, the Caocine is ias uuducuii uio aiow-ori inir DiBstora oi ior- t...ji i t ai i . mer'dayi. for aD affecUona to which a piaster la ever applicable. Price SS cent.; In the aaiddJo of the geanine iacat the -word. CAP- CINE.-. Bealwry A 1 ' joimaon, ynemnn, new laatw)ar m - 'FhTakiaa oatakl rxlioa avaa. rrlai if.r W. lir lka I i' .'irvveati'e ai . 711411 U eblteDtle Fit . . mb m ...... a- laVC Am.- J. orKe, : m mm " - Dr! AbT Messerel flate of I-aon who makss- a specialty " of EnDepsv . has without doubt treated and cured more caaea taaa any other livinc phrdcian. His snccoss has sim ply been astoniahtap : we have heard of cases of over St ytar'a standing, aeeeaatuUy - cured byhiau ue haa published a work on this dleeaee, which he sends with a large bottle of his wonderful cure free to any P. O. address. wa aavae- anyone wishing a cure to aaaress MamaTJ Not M John St., N York. T.1TTID - TTainif PloOTAT BTJIL.DINU IdME. AGRICUltTUKAJj LIME, CARBONATE OF LIME, KAINTT, LAND FUASTEB , , 1. COOD FERTlLlZCnO m M.Mm. uva. -.. . m m w www mil iun tap i ifrnti, PEHNCH BEOS-i-Loc-x Point, K. , j rrr m x IK --' yonrjwaaia mi Ceiilngw. r r is rapidly ran tonaa ii,aHa tibk iot renoyaxrnr snMawsdhir all other Finish. For dnrml lty . banty and economy, it ia without an BWSS - I qnal, and Can be applied by anyone. If not I for aale-tn-yoDT-neigbborkooa, send to HKK- ; A.T SBVS., H Burling: sup, new lor. A!mericaJ AJidad l I1 FOB; SXlE tftkttX t aDnS DCalC BS ?KaUE FOBi IT1 BUT ITII' TBI ITlIf is provmg the J3RANDEST SUCCESS of tha Twam series. A gennUe bonanaa to BOOJC AGENTS. For trnt and 'territory, , addrass IocolaS aos.;i rniiaaeipnia, ra. DrjStron&'SiPills'l 5 - -.'. Ike en; WTPUtesisrfSl seunrwj Asmautf. -HEronsra aiaiwTe a-ss-e w wo ur - i.'.iJa' .Tl. PAnnl.M Dm. id: alating the boweU; pnrlfytng the blood, clean. ai off from malarial taint" A bop from malaiial taint- A-neneec euro iop Sick Headache Conatlpation, and DiapepsiB. mgopa appetite, gxiaiKesnon,regu4arirrV4Mioow- euv anre remeay zor toias aa cngnmatimn. 'A predons boon to delicate females, soothing and i hracinar the nervona system, and givinj fibre of thelsoay. Tirol or and health to every fibre o: jtor circulars and: almanacs," "with fall par- ticulara. Address JUox oau, ow lora uty, TVOtiCJai. Nopublleityt residents of j. any state. state. Desertion, NonjSnM)'!: X arspoodna. 1,lf itiiiij BatiMrtatwiiabt b --Adai,roaaani ltiijtmmmatvploititadm-tnri-4o fccat diamra owtry rly. ; Sal -r, MOiiliii afndiha diamaj as mo - . Ban ax-Uiiaa wmtm but fnr at thao-iwiiWiit, y hwi aw oaatk has thowa (h Uw ft fnafataBi ailaailiilj dartar.i -i -i' s- m t ir a a M W. It )2rv&&Zem'1l -511- v "Life on the Mississippi yy ana Atarner. . a. i -if: - UttlJgtluCr THUBSDAt, ; : , ; ; Ma 24, 1883 A L03I TKATtL. - .- I do not know where Host it, " ."!; ' "' For it slipped from a broken string, . ' And far and away from my right to-day ft. It lies, a neglected thing-. ... I . , i . .Or worse, since it may be another - ' Ii wearing my pearl of price, And the gem &at was mine, wltb Us lncent 4 '4 . '"'nine- ; f ' v " ' " . ' T May be set in some strange device " , I do not know when I lost it; .. . .-, " J... It was j oat as the dawning borat j - . g hro the erjatanno bars of tae Unstring stars Thai with aorrow I missed it first, " ' eihaps.m an opaltoe twilight, , v'rsraofewaentMiiBOseeesms Jay With their delicate qnrrer o'er field and river, ' - AnaVnight was fairer than day. - : I JiTHAX BAB BOYJ S' ifflpl'oyi'.he SohomUa S&ai is Soothe the Sange Sreait of hli Sear "far." ; fThefdl yon dr6p that r, said the gr ocery man to the "bad -boy, ; as he came limping in' the store and. began to fumble around a box of strawber hvret biM; kicked ; at your j wting'iBy:poo!fi8Vrwid . cbeeee: and I harnnga, apples,' but there has got to I be a dividing line, somewhere, : and I make it at strawbeiries at' six 1 shil lings a box, and only two layers in a box I only bought one box, .hop ing a plumber or gas man, would come along and buy. it;.an6! bf'ginn f every body that nas . been -in has samp led a; strawberry iwitlilhatlioox shivered si though it was sour,: and gone off witJiout askmg r the rice,'' Andjhe grooery man looked man, took a hatchet, and knocked in, ! the head' of a barrel ' of apples, and said:" "There Jielp yourself to dried apples, i tit?; i'jt- - "O, 1 don't want your- strawber ries or dried apples," said Hhe boy, as he leaned against a show-case, and looked at a bar of - red, , transparent step, rl was only trying to fool "Vou. Say that bar of soap is old enough to j lTOle. a rememoer seeing u in me i sbow-eaee when 1 was about a year eld, and pa came in here with me and held me up to the showcase to look at a tin ioiaoco box and that - round zinc' looking. glass and. the yellow wooden pocket comb; and 4be soap I looks just the same, only a- little fa ded. ! If ybd would! wash; yourself once in a while," yooT- K)ap i wouldn't dry up'pn.yoathaiaaFAh poy.sa. aown. in - 1 cnair - wiin- out any bacjrxjeeiing vaaAf He - Was ' . -.r. - - ... - even with theTCcervnian, "You nevef rriind tne oaD. i .It is 1 'mmlA fs-kw-o a Tl wtieaf 5 l rwVdBi fKan vniiP I tt w " r-. T l fatheP can say fopthe soap' he : has I med in house the oast month, said the grocery man, as be split up a box to kindle the fire. "But i we won't quarrel. -What was it I heard ( . . . 1 - ml tpoui a Dana seiensauig your isuier, and his inviting them to lunch f . ...fDon't let that get or pa will kill me dead. It wasi a ioke. One of these Bohemian ; bands that goes about town playing' tunes, for pen nies, was over on the next street, and I 'told pa I : guessed ' some of his inenas wau iinu ueaxu mai. we uu it baby at the house, had hired a band and: was coming in a few minutes to serenade nun, and be better prepare to niake a speech. : Pa is proud of being a father at his age, and he thought it was no I more than right for the neighbors to ; serenade him, and he went to loading himself for a 1 speech. in the library, and: me and : my chum went! out and told the leader of the band there was a M t,K family up there that wanted 'to have some music, and they didp t care for expenses, so iney quit mowing wnere they jwere and came ; a long. .None - - . . - . .... , - - nn M in1Ml lltd M nT hah i vi annul wuw umwaaiaim Mugmu V 1 except the leader, and he only under stood enough to take , a. drink when 1 lnvuea v Aiy cnum sieerea wie Dana m- a: -a 1 ! uo to our bouse and 1 cot them to play i 'Babies on jour block,' and . I J stopped all Uie men' who were 'going i vmy IU. Jl.U 11... U home and told thejoi tolwait a minuts audi they would ' see ! some fun.' so When the band got twougn tne sec ond tnoe, and the .Prussians were emptying - their., beer out of their hprnsand pa stepped out " on the porch, there was a . hundred : people in front of the house: You'd a dide to see pa when be put his harSd, in ine, Dreast 01 xus txiuri, auu Biruua. an attitude. He looked like a con greasman, ' or - a ; tramp. The band wai scared, cause they thought he was mad, and some of them was " go ing to' run, thinking he was going to throw pieces of brick houseaat them but me and the leader." Then pa . n a tt . - . a TS.n Bwwaw no. , ceiioea, xeuow to Adam and Eve, and worked up. to the present oay, giving a- mstoryr oi the notable people :who nad acquired .1 children,' aad kept the crowd ; inter-? J eated, I l felt sorrj for") pt, tcansj ;J knew; how he would feel when he ante to find 'Out he had; been rsold. The Bohemians in . tlio band .that I couldn't ' understand English, ) they ! looked at each btheiand , wondered what it ?was all abouV and finally wdubd up by atating that it was . er ei7 citizeh's duty to Own cluldren ; of hia jOWo, .and .then, he invited i; the IKOwci m loilHan ptMya-.ieixnmwiipO,, ., Ttm ouffnt vj , nave: seen .. uiu I . - r t .-' i . . I orowd went "k JMmS , leavin pa Md royrmtodmeand the: Ad. EalT .Wefl, I : should- smue a They just reached for things, and talked Bohemian. Drink t O, not I'gueas they didn't fxtur it down.. Pa. open ed a' dozen booties of Champalgne, and they fairly bathed in it, as though they had a fixe, j Pa tried to talk to 1 frtm about i the , baby, but . they couldn't tmdewtlnd iffiliah: and fi- arboro at ... 5i? neJIv t.VlAV rrrtt fnll ain1 atmrA I and the leader asked pa for ten dol lars, ana tnat broke him; op. .Pa told the leader he supposed ;"the nAtitl.. V Ii '11. . ' gvuucuioii wuo uaa jgoc np mo sere nade paid for the music; and the lead ex pointed to me, and said I was the gentleman that got it Pa paid him; bat be tid a wicked look in has eyes,' and me and " my chum lit out; and tho Bohemians came ' down 'the street, b2in fall, with their horns on their 'arms,' and they were talking Bohemian for all that was out' They stopped in front f a vacant house and began to playing but jOn conldn't teU what tune it was,' and then a po Uceaian came alongw and drorethem home, , J. guess I will, sleep in. the livery 'stables tonight caase pa is offol unreasonable when anything coete Lim threeV dollars' besides the champagne.'! -s - $:y ---i. Well, . yoa ; have mada ' a. pretty mess of it !" said the grooery . man.' "It's a wonder your pa does not kll 7oa' A POETI&.WIDOW. 1 .-. - i Our mutual friend Spvkens made a mash, to use the, language of the worldly. He rdciden tally - be came - acanainted with' ' the widow McWinzy at a church social last fall Shahas oome to the conclusion that he is her natural affinity and wants him for her fourth husband. Her strong suit is poetry, or, as she ex presses It, "human eesthetio rhynte; the sweet, responsive echo of soul to aovV - ;,.r . ' ; ''Dear Mr. Spykens," aighrd ' the widow the other evening, puckering her mouth down to the size of a shirt buttonhole, as it were; fypu have lived and loved. The mellifluous profundity of your sympathetic soul has always required that you should.''. ." "Ah, yes, Mrs. McWinzy, 'you bet, i- " - ' , I i '"Call me Hitty, dear, my name is .Mehitabell and those most endeared tome always call me Hitty." -( . , "All right, "Hitty goes." . . t'. ; "Well, as' I was about, remarking, my nature was aboriginally poetic, avpay Up among the embarrassed clouds ot Heaven s sublimated arul- lery, . My first husband was a dear I genial spirit, attuned to poetic bar- mony, but nothing could , rhjme with his name. ' It was Tulkington. l Ufcea to weave it into poetic verse by abreviatibg it to Tulky, but even then it never would make . a smooth rhyme with any other word. - Two shert years.he loved and languished, and then sank to eternel rest as soft ly as though the springs of his couch bad been tne springs of Jrarnasus. "Beautiful I beautiful I exclaiojed Spjkens, "what a rattling good obit uary -you must . nave written for him.V. f "Ah, sighed the widow, "I tried over a year to write seven verses suitable, but 'perhaps might, have succeeded had I not been ' wooed and i Won by Jftson Uabcock. My new I married life was bright and hopeful j until I tried to merge it int6 poelry. Tne culmination came when 1 com posed twenty-seven verses, each ' one rhyming his name,' the best of which were mason, basin, face-on. Then he closed the doors of ' his heart,' took his over coat aad valise, and bade me farewell forever, I never i saw or heard of him mgre. "What a miserable narrow guage, unappreciative wretch he must have been. -i4 '1 The widow gave a responsive roll of her dark eyes toward the" sympa thetic Sovkens. and she continued: V "Yes. the rhvmatio music of noetrv did not abound in his 1 worldlv souL and imv own lonfiriner heart almost I perished before I procured a divorce I on the trround of desertion J Then I i married my , old mend and school I mat4, Timothy McWinzy. , He had a soul full Bvmoathv. and when he re - aiized how mv Poetic soul was crush - ed by the very idea of making rhymts of his, name, or any part of it, he earnestlv. . vet rashlv. attemnted it himself. . For davs and weeks he I wrote, and about the house I .. . . .. , ilC J L la iU- -J: : CS..-L muttering to himself! binzle,. crinzle, cinzle. pinzle, zinxle, ! and his ! last words as he died in the asylum, were minzle, pmzle, sunzle zinzle.' -r !"Dow dramatically sad,"- moaned Spvkens, as he' reflected upon the rhyming posawiUiues and calamities of hiaown-naiffes k' -:: "Did yon ever - read Thaddeus, of Washoe? asked, she, beaming her loving eyes, full of literary intelli gence full, upon him as . she gently laid per baud on his coat sleeve.. ,: , ' Spykeas owned up that he hadn't, and tore "himself away -. from . her4 Bwef presences pleading pressiner 1 business ejiptrements. The widow I . . V - . .. , Had money in bankr and a pile of j girable; matrimonial ihvestment, but i whn Spykena. reflects, musmgly. upon : the. . lat of thosa three husbands," t wo kuied and one- .driven away by ha infernal poetry,: assisted Jllatbecuauy, uu uyuut, vj - uvr .uigg, cold,' clammy feet, he concludes to remain single.',; : "V',V4 , ' I'SixtyWiTei.' ' ' Conductor Lane, of, the Conneaot AriAAivi rvWr.a. fi Ait "4-11 A as. a-rvvArT orrvj-tr il. lustratieof he curiosity of , certain j people, audthe ftyerage wjJhTignfis to i cremsany au , rumors was imay oe i ciassea as ffoswD.- i i . a- ciused, : and . about twenty- of the saints who had remained behind had boarded j the .train at "Willoughby. They .soon began' to sing,; and as the conductor passed on to (he rear of the cap he was grabbed by a trio of ladiee, who asked in nnision,pcinted the Mormons! - 'tWho's themr . ! MTh08e,,, said Mr. Lane, "are Mop- mons. . "Mormons 1 Hearens and earthy are there Mormons on this train 1" "Yes," replied the conductor, and then explained that they had been in attendance at 'the 'Jlirtland reunion and were on their way home. v The ladies stood np and 1 watched the unsuspecting, saints long and carefully. One of them even wand ered out into the aisle to more close ly scrutinize their queer fellow-pas-Bengers.-"- . :.yy:-'T: ' , v o "Of course there's a good many pore women than med, aren't there T asked one of the ladies , toying with kuo 4UCBUUU tuoj so mucu waniea i to asa, as to tne number of wives? I t)h, yes, explained the ! conduo-1 tor. "thfirn'a aWinfc fnrrr ra fiwA" vn. I wo men to every man. . "You don't say;" and the ladies confidentially whispered. linaHy" one oi tne most bold asked: jHow many wives did yon Bee any one man have f ' I ! "Ob,"; said Mr. Lane, fthey quite frequmently have ten or . fifteen. There was one on my train yesterday with twenty-five. He was not recog nized, however, as a very muoh of a Mormon. I took down one old fel low the other day with sixty - wives.'' I A chorus of "ohs" followed, and while the ladies dissected the choice morsel of gossip the conductor pas sed on through the train. - j . ; Cats at Projectile.. -' Fishing tadde which is costly does not on that account necesBasily catch fish."' Sometimes a raw looking coun try lad with a hook and I Una made fsst to stick cut from a tree, will bring in all the fish he wants, while the dainty tourist with split bamboo rod and silver plated reel will have to buy of the lad or else go home without fish. - So it is with locks and bolts and appliances for keeping ovty bur glars. There are somahonses which bristle with electrical ardware and other contrivances which might rea sonably be supposed to keep burglars out, pas into wnica tne Durgxara man agp to effect entrance. Tubs of wa ter and coal scuttles promiscously set in likely places, on stairways and in sages,;- nave someumes proved more i effected discouragements to mid night prowlers than all the de vices of - locksmith and electrician. Yet, simple as are these obstacles to I buglarioua progress, there are things which even to a higher degree: com bine simglicity with effectiveness. Jersey Caty, ample in its resources of invention for u tilling cats, comes to the front with : the most j poative preyeutitive of . burglary yet offered The cat is shown to be a great engine of confusion to burglars. A wicked man entered the house of a lone wid ow to steal and to destroy. There was no male being in the house with the). exception of the widows pet Thomas Cat. Rashly the wicked in truder mounted the stairway, light ing a match as he ascended. The -meT an ue a.cenueu. me I widow was awaiting him, for she had j heaid lus footsteps. She was armed with the cat; her beloved combination of Offensive and defensive weapon. TakiDg advantage of the light afford ed by the stnnkine; of the burglar s match TBher uttered a word of encour ragdment to her pet and let him fly full in the. burglar's face. There was scratching; there was tearing; there was flight) and there was swearing as the discom fitted seeker after oth er peoples business beat a hasty re treat; !..v.l i. ;!-! n s The eat clung to him, digging i . 1 1. 3 "1 - i 1 It 1 . teeLU tuiu muB iuw ilia nesn vy way I of speeding him on his way. Never I was a burglar more astounded. A I bullet of a whole volley of bullets may easily enough .be understood. i But this terrible new engine of war- ( isre was more uian.tne burglar naa been ready to expect, 1 Cat and man 1 went off in, company and at the last 1 accounts had not been heard from, To make the cat a handy means of repelling burglars an aparatus like a spring gun should be kept in the I house, constructed as much as those re from which circus performers are bred put . at the audience. uch a thing could, at moment's notice, be loaded with one or more cats, which could be discharged ' with disastrous effect on intruders. The time may come when no house will be consid- ered properly furnished without i such a contrivance. 4 Poultry Kotoi . ' I THK BEOWK LEGH0ES. i la Brown Leghorn FowL their gay I1 plumage, lively appearance, and in fact, every, feature connected with. 1 fhem,'is attractive and pleasing ; and in this Tarietv we must ! soon rocojr- . I . .. . s Uk the leading class of fowl, wheth- er for fancy or profit. They mature early; .have known pullets to com- mence laying at three months of age, and continue laying during the entire season. 1 They are non-setters, and I never saw a case . of roup or any he reditary disease among my fowls du- ring the 'whole period of my sue oessful 1 breeding: ' I have bred all classes ef fowl, and by far give the J Brown Leghorn the preference. -; Statement of 40 Brown !Leghorn k th firt. bit m..ntha nt i7a. day. 264 ; average per : month for each hen, about 20. " I ; Cost of board during mentioned ; i ' . . , n I the time Wheat, , ; ;;i4. , : . .'.$15 00 Corn and buckwheat, ; . j 11,60 Meal, small potatoes, groirud - Bhell and bone,'. . '.. .. . , . Porkcscrap&i and '100 head of 6 00 ... 3 25 . . $ 35 85 i . 1.42 77 Netprofit,U...... .$106 92 Who cannot, that has half an acre- of land, keep 400 Brown Leghorn hens, and realize the net little income of $1,000 senu-annually t : , tsousled. 'DearesL sweeibAnt. olnt. ! U axe you sick T Vy Hat o-iig my pre cious pet V and the vountr - husband bent tenderlv Over fllA OTamfnrfAnn f t KlnV; U-u. . - . of his blushincr bride. fOh, Adolphua Edward, its too oxeadlul for any thing7 v read news from borne. 2 z "Worse worse I what shall I do.?" "Tell your own darling hubby." "It's that awfal Sefina Tar box. Bhs's " i-t "She's what, my precious?" "She's got a bonnet trimmed ex actly Tike mine, and to-morrow's Sun day!" ; , . Then the afflicted bride buried her face in her husband's breast and trickled her pearly tears all over his three dollar shirt - COULD A7T0SZ) IT : "Boss, does you wanter by a ham'i ' asked a negro of a white man. "What isitworthf' "Well, as its yerself, yer may take it fur fifty cents.V , "Tnat won t do. You . can afford to sell it for less, tor I believe you stele it, anyhow.'? "oss, doan cuse me so rash. Have a little mussy 'bout yer puason. But, I tell yer boss, if yer won't : say nqthin bout it, 'I. let yer hab it fur forty, cents." - J ' The white marr agreed, and paid over the amount. The nesro. just a3 he crossed the street, was ac- costed by an acquaint&nce, 'who bald:. -: 1 '- "What did you! let dat man hab dat haul so cheap fort" ' "Oh, I could 'ford it, 'cause I stole it outen his own smoke housed" Norwegian Bmkf-st and Limnrf. - The foreigner will be perplexed ai first by the appearance of the break fast table, which is usually covered from end to end, and from side to side, with an infinite variety of small dish es 'containing slices of. tongue, sau sage, ham, corned, beef, smoked sal- . mon, bear a flesh and other damtiee. There era also tins of caviare and of aardineB,' sprats and other kinds of preserved fish. There is ' usually a heap of radishes piled around a glass of water, and whatever vacant spaces are left about the table are filled huge pieces of cheese Norwegian, IDutcn, Swis and Englis. Ia the middle of all there stands a bottle of aqua-vit, or brandivin the white wine of the country, which is a strong: spirit fla vored with caraway seeds, and distant, ly resembling kummel. The orthodox fashion is to bejnn with a slice of bread and butter, covered with flakes of cheese, and with a nip of aqua-vit as appetizer.. Those, ; however, who do not care to breakfast on realishes and the mere accidents of the meal may take refuge in the hot dishes, which are usually Served in the shape of fish and meat. 1 Salmon is the sta 2 pie fare all over Norway. You get t morning.) noon and night, ana in alt forms. It enables one to un derstand the stories that are told of the farm servants in Scotland long ago, who stipulated in theit engage ments that thev should not have sal' , won for dinner oftener than thres times a week. 1 s- ' r JttdJdn'sSoy oa Frogs. Frogs ia the people's friend, but they can't fly.-Onc't they wos tad poles about as big as iicerish drops, and after a while legs growed out on eu. Oh let us . love the frog he; 1 f . looks so sorry! "Frogs can swim bet- I " n nttle boys, and they don t haf to hold their nose when they dive,' neither ! - Oac't I had a pet frog and the cars run oyer! bim. It iust squashed him! But he never kno.w ed what hurt him; : Qnc't they Was a rich lady Bwallered one when he was little, sou know; and he growed up in her, and it didn't kill hint at all! And yon could bear turn holler in her . It was a tree toad, and so every time be d go "p-r v-r-r-tl ;; Wj then the grand lady she'd know it was going to rain,' and make her little boy run and put the tub out under the spout. Wasn't that a beautiful frog? N. Y. life. " ': T -':-.. " i , The Front Sate. .fvh .... . 1 ,: - It was night? the Usable ' goddess cabbage,. .... j..... . ' ; ' ' Total,.. . . 7,759 ggs at 8C each, . stretched her leaden sceptre pvef the silent, slumbering world, , and . they . were still swinging on the old front . gate. He placed his arms around her - waist and drew her to his throbbing breast to protect her from the falling -: dews of heaven. Hep head was rest- . iag on his strong manly shoulder, and the love light was shining in her lustrous eye; as bright as the head light of a locomotive,; He looked her - earnestly, in tbewyes, and passionate ly murmured, 'Jemima, is your folks . had a mess Of spring peas yet? ing. rapa,- saia ttus uttle qipiomac? 1 want to ask your advice, 'well. my dear, what is it about?' ; 'What I do you thiuk-it will be best to . . give me on my birthday? . : n - , A. young man is languishing in jail at Evansville, Ind, for stealing f an umbrella. The next time he wants to put up something for a rainy day he will . burglarize a bank and flee to Canada.,..;.,, ' ' i, urn V 1 y eVenSUDOBB, rwausawucaw, nvp wf Price S5ents. '. - s. - T- r-5 t , .. .1 o' ' : X. .!. .;, ... . '-'S: .. f -1 - -

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