'( . rf- ... . i - 1 "'-,r'rTniftnrrl.i)1iia " 1 BE SpHEj TTOJJ AEE RIGHT ; TH.EJST GQ A FTF,AP.-P Orooket, i. TARBORQV Ni; 0., THURSDAY, MAY 3J, 1883. -VOL,' 6t. no: 22 - 'i"''a i v i i-Vrit 11 rat::, . I mm ' ".. a J 4 t ill ;i PHOFESSIOJIAI. CARDS, Olers hU profslonl service to the titt- ras of Twboro nd Tlclnltr. , : Ofllce In T. MeNair'i drag atoM on Main Street. ' ' .-. - j" -i-i :": NASH, . Yarboro. h. c. Practice in U the Court. 8tt eral. Wartin & Shapjix Attorneys - at - TAdUORO, N. r. I ! H r notice in tfo Courts State and Federal. M. A. GnJAut "i DoirsMJ. Giuia : ' sn.iii.4M .tMi,? .:T : TARBORO, ."C.j'f : '-f'4 Will practice1 in the Coantiei of Edecomt, Halifax and Pitt, and in the CowrU' ol the First Judicial District, and in the Clrcnit and apreme Courts at Raleigh. ,' JanlWy. Dosssr .BATttti-r-vX'; Attornej at Lw i ; ' r ARBOEO'r A RQCKT MQtTHT, H. C. rractiee In the Courts fl Rdgecombe Kh. P1U, "Wlioa ind". flalUar1' coandea Al ia the Federal and Sepieue Courts. C Jleetioas a specialty. 11:4 ii - JOrrwa. for the present, in. front toeai ot aadir Uuward's la vffice. next door to- ew stare el 8. 8. Na h ft Co , om; Mala ts. -. De is, - . , I'; OmF. Hark ; R. A. P. Cooler. HARf & CbOLltYi - Attorney s 7 sit Tickjwi Practica in State and Federal Courts ! mlSm GEOROX HOWARD, ) - ft 4, i -. ' ' M Attorney! and Counselor at jLaw. TARBOUC N. C. i I ' ;y Fme.icrs in all the Courts, Suu n4 Piral. . , : no.$-lj. ": JHO J, BRDGERS & SOK; . Attorneys-at-Lw, tabboro', n.,vc ? . Practice in all Courts. ( Prompt attention to hasincss. . - . i . ; . - mtSly R. L V. CARR, .-. i 'i . Y Surgeon Daptist, TABBOEO. IT. C. Ofllce boar, tress t a. as. rem 3 to 6 p. as. till r and ay Next door ta THoro House; oyer Lanier Koyster1. . i ' -; ;i. THOO H. DATTLC, Attorney ot - JtrOtr. ' . TA&BORO, V. C y- Ofllee aext to PhldM Staton's Law office. Will practice in - "ral and State Courts. Refers by expiee permission te Judge Ruf-, la. of the suDreme Court: Citizens National Bank. f Raleigh; Battle, Bonn 4s Co., Nor- I felk; Jo. Arrlngtoa Boas, rtxenourf. dai-Oa i - h- t- ' ALBEMARLE HOUSE Cor. BANK A TRADE 8TRETS. Tarboro N. C. .'; " , ! ' I" BOAED. Transient,. . . ... .7.$l'.25 V I " ..... i 00 Werk Tsbie Board, alone...... 3 60 week MBS. J.-Q. CHABTjES, m2$ U Proprjetrws. stop at ' ; THE BRYAN HOUSE, r Tarboro, IV-' O-. ; , ; ; . 1 r gySAMPLK BOOMS for Drummer, and HOME COMFORTS, in eyery particular. . April 1318Sy "' S! Ja Ik S T ABUESV Caaaaa Oasjrrnxn A Sr. AwDaaw Staxara, TABBORC, ; N. V. ! . 1 Theaa Stables are th largest , in the Stat. and have a capacity of holding'; ten car-loads atstoca. utvenunaeau. j janioy Geo. Howard Pratt. Vav. M. Plpsa, Ties-Pre BL WsdaslLOsaUer,- Jij 2c9 hm I fyd&i Co. (BANKIH6 DKPA&TKKST.) Van open from . . . . . ,9 A. fcL t 8 P. M. Lhstxmnt Dayi Tsusdat. U DiaaoTOK : Dr. J. H. Baker, Geo. Howard, H. L. SUton. Jr ! . Wi M. ?ippen, j - H. Morris, j Dea. 18-ly, 1 j BocIlt Hdnnt Hills i BI In foil and successful operation, and . ars prepared to fill all order for Sheet-1 lags, lams ana uotton itope, at lowest prices. fWAm nddreaaed to Rocky Mount Mill. Rocky Mount. N. C. will be promptly attend edt. JAMES S. BATTLE, .; Sec'y and TwTirer. . April ii, iWB-,vl - 'riflX--! ! . ' GREGORY HOUSE, The Orerorv Hotel, known as Bryan House, n full operation, doing good business, will be old on favorable terms. : I Fhby, 21st 188S.- X- f : l' : : V QQ;BoyAap. 26.999 WS'f trnSE; are M rood aa ummm. aaa aa teMd M divan. aiataa.- LiKiuiaunc.Mnir an HawarawOhrO. fn tuara Ufmm. yiafc AWYOU. t tootf. apeixstl scents every. . .' y "fwjaria hanesoms Mnllnc. and nay yin.nie t atlraa anad ia no mbor Bihte. : g.) at atabt.- Aba Kidpat.-a niatory 5? ta p. n romnMHar with taa preeant aUn I ntel rai lou. I f y wi a money send Kir aiu. ir.vUis. etc Aarsea Wiuuj a rroaz.iv w. mat a it motsiAti. a, J All mimm lay tatft 5ava0i baat ata t yea ta aiiai iaa aa, Iap,n4 VtUrr lalae hm t. avrmlm. M anaVrertUlniaB HUaa4 wkat kw TIm BY AVJEXA::DEttH.;ST13HENS. LatherTSMione DCALtM IH I LllUlaU) " BUiURlbt ll iDWARI,-:;. f paiWts, oils. glas$ And Buildinr UatarUl oferj deserJptioa V3.13r. 1DR r ARRET QUAKE ROANOAKR A VK-. . . ' 4 NORFOLK, VA , , November 1888. IW-y.. Main:St,,jnst Pamlico BanMng Co. HiS ON HAND NXW, FKKSH STOCK OF Bought for Cash, which he offer at moderate prices. Mm i ill M& kwL COFFHS. CASKETS AND i UX- DERTAKIXG GEEUAUY. Patronage solicited. B. 0. GART.Tt'.R Tarboro. Pb. 26. 1882: : , i : i i T. H.Gatlin's Nan's Veilimi and Dnntiniis in all shades, Latest styles in J Figured Lawns, White Goods, Hosiery, i-a-ces, Embroideries, Corsets,Dress But tons, and Trim ming Satins. A NICE LINE OF GLEE'S SHOES, GLOVES, HOOP-SKIRTS, i AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. 9AU bought tbia Spring and will be old very low. - .: j T. II: Gatlin. Hade HARNESS X un saaxxk nn x Saddles, B&dhs. Robes; Wbija, v Halters, Blankets, c. ; : ' JEToirPOSITE COfJaT-HOU8E,-w TABBOEO'. y.C.';. Havmg bought out Mr. B. Ai Steer, the man ufacturing and repairing Will b , under hi charge. Any one wantmg a one nana-maae harness wiU do well to give me H tt t ' SINGLE HARNESS. . .... . . .fl5 and up, DOUBLE HARE8S,...t, w-jl8n&: . Machine Harness at aHprioes,-; : Janl7y nnnns SPRING GOODS r - 1 Tarboro, Jan. 12-ly. j - i - ' 4 - 1 - ' ' - A. WiaiAWSOH; ; VAKTJF ACTUBEE OF" , : ' MHaiid; " neyfoera!!DoctflrsHecom'enuIt fall Pi-ttEtfi id Be, The Cheapest Farm Gate ever invented. Hot liable to get out of order. No saglng or strain An tan mats, and a perfect safeguard against i mischievous stock. Those who hava hereto fore given in their orders to others will have i may 1 5m nor 1 ' . , Tarboro;,. Nj C.:iJil , . . . . - . .X . ; .i r Practical iire.fMT.Z3Tri 4 pa. Ckar typ. flacal blnaUaanf llWratlaae. THE 1SU From mor-lnr to narnine and from meek to . ' - . , . . I " week THE UJsP, print a continued story of the ttrcs of real men and women,- and of their deed, pUnvlcvefl, hates, and trouble. This storr.ii more fatereetinir than an romance. that was ere dev4 J. Sobscrlptton : DaUy, K 9 Wc, org nuuft, auG."- inuauj, yi u..jv m rear ; Bnnoay (s pajreT,r.ao per year u w eea- page), $1 pet year. L W. fiNGLAND, Publisher, r, HNewTOTkCity.f.T. j RnriTx:iY:Tr:!rr.z , And all D II lous Complaints Ban to take, belpg pmrtj w tetaMe no rrlo- ' ing. WoisU. JLSDrusaate. J, ifTTft hy addressins QRO. P. SOW U I uilsUlELLA CO., 10 Spruee Street New Tork. can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING in Americas Newspapers. T'100 paye-page pamphlet 85c MOTHER SWAN'S WORM SYRUP i Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic for -vTcnsuDess, resuessness. worms, coasttpauon Price 25 rens.. K - 77 5 , .,The Wonderful Effleaey of i- EVJAIMDRAKE ixf :i?ILLS: Jsbaea n friae ant nUafitetey pnm "l ' it ae&iu Btuiost B-tpccflaooB to ayanythia' TjoraJntieir favor. -T? tmi urnisUntlj jicnaslnstlumaiic Wtiieza.hatbialhisaadroieiira c vintrftg. ; i taa bet enda ioo of their vbIiml Their r- t k-iaUie United Btctea ia tw gmtar Bus fc y oth r r iiirtio mediciitt. Thta r-1 riua :1.-. it is rerojar ke4 steady.. It is net . t -dy or raster ty. It ia a tautmwaCut has bad -j-jjt--iaraiir "artholtUiirty.avrnL ittcj -a t rciKeu far this gvaat utd growing demand t - -. '"-"icrti's Slandrake PUUentala bo nans - -o yt tlwy act with wooderfia effect uiu "t- Vaey lean the atnmaeh and bow (4a of tih oritatiraattar, which, if a&xnd tn noaav j hkwU bio!, and kruwa on aiaiana,CiiiUa aa k t srr, eod near etswr iHecanaa., They jy smith ( :& tro4,th U a digestive crgsns. They crest I.retsdtf7erlgot0 tliewhotefyatan. Thoy tcinfactmmedleiae of aU othna wtacU ahooia jitaJcatinwiBwh1,.. -r mi trial i T)r1 tbar epidBBtosaraaacisK as they rmau the ays. la to raaiat awsats ct ill pt eanty rtiaimohr IJr. Hrheack's Masiraks PIB axaaoUbyall -ujFtot at SSe. per bos; Or aaot by sail, poatpaiJ. ' fa xeaotpt of prlee. . v .iJ.jrf..., v, ..... Dr fleaeaeka Br av Casasnssi l&r c Caw plaint and Dyspepsia, ia .Eacitaa or Herman, is seat free to afl. - adiiisss Pr J. H. Lvuswa ev.cMf )20RriHAMSr, PAMtHLET; FRCr BT 6URNHAW tjr0yf"yPA. Invalid's fiHotel, ww -YC TT yery home comfort and prrraey, Ooeata Llort and pi New York .aucaa eonsnn any xnew iora paj circulars, address D. RissoLn physician.' For W. HILL, 87 W. fcHh Street, New Tort -MAUAL BATTLES OF THE WORLD. By Ddward Shippen, Medical Director. TJ. O.K. A. thrilling nct irlU History of the Worl 'a great sea Fht,'With specimens of Naral Ar chitecture of all age. A record Jbf Wonder ful Exploits more interesting ' than fiction. Price only 93 It sells everywhere. AGENTS make 9100.00 per month. Address J. . Mc CURDY A Co., Phila, P. i mayl5-nnel5 Alex. H. Stephens. The life of this illustrious patriot and states man, by F. H. Norton, author of "Life of Oen. Hancock.": Ulnstrated. Paper tO cents; doth 85 cents. . Postage stamps reoeired- Not sold by dealers. Cataloene free. iThe most unique re- tore in. a Uterar way to which the public Has been treated. T-ri uy American Nashville. JNO. B. ALDEN. Pub'r, may lS-June 15 18 Vesey St., New York. $65 uy -MONTH aad BOABD for three live young men ' or ladies in etch ronntv. Address P. W. ZXIOLKK & Uo.. Philadelphia, Pa. ! mayl5-)aael5 i Send for new circular containing matter of atm't importance, to all ex-soldiers or tbeir belrs. - Pensiorps, Bounties, ' Patents,. Land Claims, Horse Claims, and all other against the uovermcnt promptly ana nuuuuuy atten ded to. Address with stamp; I W. H. WILLS JO., BOX . unel5 ! Washington, D. C. ITATIOKAL STTSaiCAL INSTITUTE. Two argeooa frora thia oldi establisbed and widely knows Institute of - Atlanta, Qa., and IndiaDapotis,1 Ind., ft will J make a special and limited visit to Tarboro, N C May 29th, 1S83, BtepptDgat the 'larsoro Hotel.. I bey win bring sargicai ana me chanical appliances, beet French artificial eyes, and everything neccessary for the treatment of accepted esses. - They treat no one unless there, is an un doubted prospect of great improvement or complete restorations Deformities of eve ry disci ipti on, Including Club feet, Lflfceaees of the bip. spire and Joints, paralysis, piles, fistula, cartarrb, Female and private dis eases, diseases of the Eye and ear, chronic diseases, etc., treated, r ; I ! - -Come early, as the visit is limited to tbe time stated. For circulars and fall particulars., address ! x . I ' Natioiial Suboioal IariiTtiiJt, ma' 10 8t. .' : j x i J Atlanta,' Ga. lAGBR BBERjj LAGER BEER ! The Mot Refreshing Bev eragej Known. G. OPPBNHEIUER&SON BZER BOTTLERS, - The Trade Supplied at our Establishment, jUext Door . to Court House. Orders by mail, from any parj of th State, promptly attended to. Will have a sopply of "Buck Beet in season. (aou)iEBsrii0op)7 j Tarboro, N. April 13, 1SS2. Tor Dyaf slag' Oasttraaesav SJ i sT Chroal tiar- In. rsflk . Mararsad . ... i . i,' iraTasia, v .. . . t . - anJ s J.3 t-r .-w. j.-esn IT- De- raaaians f Irer. Bowels aadl Jaeya. CT A KT'trr!) IITBL - 1 1 t-t& I rcaihf 1 aia ia tht bto, soowunes the . --a Js feit andaf die SkouldciaUui, austatcca aw jtuwaiiaai ) ganrral ioaa of appetite; BowckW .. fnaaiauy coative. anianiai t atteraa tmy with Imxty a head is H.uied with pain, ia nn aad haary.' , ' With eoeakleraaie loss of smaory, aaciwmaniad . .. wHIt s pan-ui si ssstioaesli saiet n i loutsusaallil rat ' '-aakichaagnt am seat dona: a (light, dry conga and Bussed face is-sometiaaas aa attendant, am . mistakes far cswaomntien: the patient cewplaiaa at araarinen and debility ; aerrous, oiily ttartlad) ' aaat coaa or Daj linn, aomatfin s prtcal af the akin asiata.- cntrka are law andd and, altaoach aatiafiad that czercise arouid Acial, yet ona sen aaidiy sawaaMa ap tbrtitnde a "toy e act, daarnsts ererjr remedy. Sewal 4 ofdMsfaoaaiwstxan eaa nd thediaeaee. bat cases 1 but far at them exkied. a( after death has ahnwa eVe XArer as i j by aU peraoas, old aadi aay, ake alKy r symytosna apyssw. , fenx I Traaal Use l Maysmkis arinhaakfay attaaka fa Vw. aVsaltay Ieealitlss, any aaae taa uar I '- "--iii TTaa will Immgonm l&e aglaaa of wis. But isstataW Walearins; nn TT! s . , ; v 5 '.It Tew hay eatara aaTtUaa; kar ad -UyaOon. er fcal ncavy after ataais, r slsap r UasatsacHasdeasandyMwilltanUeTad.. IS latsV BfJla wffl Vs saved ,' 7 alway a-sasdat tha Becwasasr 'I ! . Far. waastvar tha ailaaent stay fe Vtaeroas! j aasractv altaraUT and teaiecaa : be out ef place. Thenaiidt hhaiaalns , aw tartarasr with A Cawsai'i Tasttasway. ' y as Lwnr Racnlator ana been in nee la say ' BiaulT aw Vaiaabla addition to the aawtiral acianca. 1 ant latiaaad tt w a ' r J. GtLS SaoaTaaGoTanaarWAk. ilsnadar H. Mtanliana if ti-A Hnvn darted aoaaa hnne&tfraa aha nee ef . Uvar Kcrnlater. and wish aa ca it a ' nia tkat aurvwr faCs ta I have naad anny aiiidiai far Dya. 1 1 I'll. Lhrar Aasctioa and ndDebilttyi bat ncaar s aiaas aaythhwr ta Liver Renlaaw ha. I im VI in. ' ta Gaorcin for It, and would aend fUnher for a, and woold adnae an who at Slav it a trial as it secant the only Haitr thins that r- H- Js Dr. T. W. Maae. says I Troa actual ex. atrisac ia the ass of Siauoasa Lisar atulstornt sty practice I hare been and am aatisaad ass aadpcaecribakaaapniMMBKdiane. i patanave satcaaae. j liSTTalM i oaly the CraBate. which arnaya hss a na Wnppar the real S TradaJuih laaawnaai a of - J. B. warrs-yw CO. , ' FOR SAM. BY ALL DKUGGISTS. I HERE AT;-LAST. After Lwaa- atstst Teatrr Wal Ue(, B. siea sa asrewaais tnxrna arata - ':. , Head I. -,'X; ! ,.! i i WolL Pat." said an Oranee countrr Phvsi- I cian to a complaining Irish patient, some year ! aco. -lor teat pain ia your enest row bad ler no home aad ont eaal think this minute of anrthinr better. L And by the-way". added the. doctor turning to a iriend, "lreaiiy wishsomebody would lnrent .real good plaster somethiDr actually be! belp wifi, -i lor sucht a case as rat's. Maybe they ween n is too late lor me to use It. When BENSON'S CAPCINE POROtTB PLA8- TER was placed on the market about ten years ago the doctor' hop was realized. ; Because of the rare medidnsi rirtne inherent la it. ltd rapid action and rare result, the Caoelne la fast displacing the slenr-acttog plasters of for mer aays. xor au nnecuons to wmcn a piaster Is ever applicable. Price 25 cent.. In the middle of the genuine i cut the word CAP CINE. Scabury dt Johnson, Chemlatav New A aatwa 4la . Pbreltifaaj etaaiihn wfle) lai N. Y. Ir sat care i f 1r EpIloptlO Fits Front Am. J. o tile. Dr. Ah. ' Messerele (late of LondoaT who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has withon doubt treated and cured mora cases than any other Hying physician.'' Hi aacoesa has sim ply been astonishing ; we hava beard of cases of over 39 year's Btaoding, aceeMfully eared He has published a work on this disease, which he sends with a- large bottls of hi wonderful cure free to any r. O. address. W advise anyone wishing a cure to address Ah. HasKUUt, No. M John St., N-Torlu Limer Kairiit: Plaster, BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTTJRAJj LIME, CARBONATS OF LIME, KAINIT, LAND PLA3TER, ; -AND MARL, &C., AC., GOOD FERTILIZERO Ajib Vkbt pHBAK f Bend for Clrtnlar. r . PEENCH BS03. ,, Eocky Point, N. C -i- Fall to use' AlaAB ASTIHE for renovating yonr Wall Mel 01IIjrs.- It is rapidly iupersedinar all other Finish. For darstbll- itw. bejtutv and economy. It is without an e- qnal, and can be applied by anyone; If not for sale in your neighborhood, send to MEE- l BROS., 88 Barling Slip, New Xork. America Ahead! 9 3 0a 0a FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. ASS FOB XT! BUT ITU TBT.rrju I I'Lite on the Mississippi, Is proving the GRANDEST SUCCESS of the i wa'.n series. , a genuue oonanaa v owa. AGENTS. For terms and territory, address Doueiaa Baos., S3 N Tthst Philadelphia, Pa. T, , - "., i Dr Sfrona's Xhi Oil WsU-Tried,: Wonderful, Seslth j ; ;x;;''SentwiagBeaedles. "y.v Stroma; a Sstrustlve Pills for the liv er.? A speedy core for uver.ompiamt,-Keg- .lntn ha Knwnln mtarfa4sia fain) Klwwl tfaldkaWli UeUU SSSaj) W VV VAO. JIUUJiata Sw wawaaf vavwana ting from maianai taint a penect cure ror Sick Headache, Constipation, and Dispepsia. sola Dy leaomg aruggists; Stroai Pextorml Pills Insure hearty appetite, good digestion, regtUarity of the bow els. & sure remedy for Golds and Rheumatism. A precious boon to delicate females, soothing aim bracing the nervosa system, and giving rigpr and health ia every fibre of tbn body. -: For circulars and almanacs, with full par ticulars, address Box 650, New Tork City, w-klVOBCEl. NopuWlcity? residenU of MJWiJ State. Desertion, Non via and aPDlicatloat for stamn. Attorney, 53 Broadway, If ew Tack pity, IS Thubssay, .i May 3X,. 1883.. From the Norristown Herald. , , - , - 802CSTX3ES. BT XDWAJLD JL QI.PHSM. Within the chamber of oar heart there lire . A tilent Joy that lends each Hie iu aim, : And roads at on to goak of wealth and fame. This flnodi of mellow, dreamy eiadness drtTes Through each dear soul a aotnething which re-t-. yire ' - f i Dead hopes, and sends to penrive eyes a gkam Of golden sunsmne nicnea rrom angew aream. homeume aissiojrc waweuKnum gi This rush of tender feelinr God calls Hope, ti ; And painUtoUmgingeytiS some far off day Whcn.eaca eoe iNiae-csiue muui ':-'x t appea - :-hV li Cdtaplate threaKhoHt its tesselBted snoa . Wita ail tna r ancy s magic can nrrny -' (JT0 steal one though tram Sortoa fkUT I Winston. H.Cv Making TJp Her Mind. Pretty Pester Earlsconrt: was in such a quandary.- Only tne day - be rorei'Weary with care and hermbnot- ooous laoor, sue naa k8ignea, dear! I wish something would hap- pen!'; And now something had hapr peoed, with a Tengeanoe. x Jfor four terms sbe naa tacgnc we district school ;at Old ville. Tbe pay was large, but enoogb. to support ner andhermstprCornelia--litUe Caddy. It was Hester's first school, and she had been so glad to get it after her father died, and - it 'was discovered thai there was; realty.! no properly for the diil4rfaVjC 4-; 7 p ' h; Hester was young only eighteen eyen now wnen sne oegan ieei so weary and careworn schoolma am. I Was her life to go on forever so-p oner days of readin', spellin' an' ge- ogafry, twilight rides in the horse cars back in town, frugal s. uppers .with Caddy, and nights thai did not seem long enougn to rosn in jubs mat, and nothing moret It did seem a little hard, - she bad : been sucn a dresmeiwao hopeful of ' brighter future. . I -x ". . ii 1 -I'.; f -.-,t -: -, 4 . But, oh, Cuddy, . I f am growing worldwiae!' she said, One night to, her mystified little sister. Bat that Bummer tne days naa been so long and nights so short, that Hester cnel out: . ; xi x. Oh, dear, I cannot bear it 1 Any thing for a change V r': xMI believe, you are Tsick, ' Hessie,' said womanly little Caddy, who, though ten years old, ' wasn't much larger than a fairr and was obliged 10 stand on a footstool, beside Hessies oldTeasy chair; to smooth back ? the nut brown hair from the blue veined temples. : '' XX: : - fNo Cuddy; only tired so tired!" ; Bat yoa aref peristed the child, loor temples beat, and your head is hot and eyes heavy. Til bathe your ferebead with ammonia. 1 Ob, its all gone out of the bottle !v' I'll run out to the druggist's and get som. May . Yes,:dearr :'' " 11 ;' f -:-. Tet Hesie hardly! realized what the child said or where hs had gone. She sat alooein the plaio, but com fortable little ; sitting Toom the lignt aAwLif around her. when; there was a knock at the door. ; - Comer she called, ; without rising. thinking it was the landlady with clean towels. 7 ! ! ' I" . . a a - a . . . J The door, wmcu ; scooa ajar, was pushed open and a gentleman enter ed, lie bad a pleasant, nona coun- tenabce, and very blue, eyes, "'and mi&rht have been thirty-five years old. ri begvyoor paraon, ; aus Xiart V . lirs . .B.J. oodrt, but yoor landlady told me, to come right up. s x JliXCuse me i nui xxusaio, uum on her feet and recognizing Dr. Pell, one of ; the i school committee, Pray be seated-1 1 m very glad to gee yoa.; Tse committee naa aecioea about the change of spcJling books I presumel" . ' i " i . ; - i';x. "No,nol" said Dr. Pell,-"with an vmnsusl air of hesitation. "My call ia not one of business, MiEB Earls- court." '. '-" - ' ! '" Hessie may be pardoned for faintly showing her surprise. Dr.. Arttlur Pell bad always seemed to ner (tne buiest and most practical of men. How, then, should she suspect his errand.-.. v'- I -. :i -- Not she said, in a half interroga tory tone, and paused.1 ; j ; 1 ; ' '1 and JJoctor j reu paueea.; . Hesaie grew a little pale, j 'Your errand (is! not .agreeable, I am afraid, Dr. Pelt Do 1 not give na.ti f action :Mk-i! 'U;.3:'4X In the school to lLex;Ommttteet he answered iMpst.fssareIy you dor Tbankyocr said Hessie greatly relieved, f- f I ani very awkwardl lam afraid I shall startle j ou, said Doctor Pell, very gently; after a moment but the truth is. I have come to day to ask vou to be mv wife.' I deed sterueo. ! f r ; You are offended?' L V N of said Hessie. s ' The way of it is this' said Doctor PelL . Ten veara ago 1 had a sweet wife, whom I loved dearly. She died. and left me with one child. My child fell to my mbther'st care, who has made tha onlv home for me.X.haYe had since: Bdt heitTerxgeif and has of tea urged ,me to marry - again. I However, thia l found imposmbla. xt has only been since IXl have : known yr-n, Miss Earlsoourt, that inarriage again Jiaed:pOWble.f 3 pardon inel IJsnblTybtt baye tittle expected this. 'Bnr'iVottT are! not t offended, though I am no youUifid hero. Try. to believe me. ; . I think I could make yoa bsppyt' I . -- :.! ;. , 4-: ;A . He bent forward and took one of Haasie's acrall hands gently between his. ly.. He looked very good and man " I I most have time ta think, Doe tor Pell,' faltered Heasie. . , 'Certainly. I hare made my prr pos&L Ton shall decide at your leis ure. Bat while you are thinVing about it I would like to see yon once in a, while, Hessie.. ."Will yoa jet me xae take you to ride call upon yon of an evening, r j j'i I hare no f objection, answered Bessie quietly, bat she felt qmte dlgZyi ,..-,irf X;V ;'i i.t5 . xn a lew momenu , ir. t jfel) . bad crone away. Before she bad in the least righted herself there -was another knock at tbe half opened door, and Mr. Des- londe walked in. v;. ' .xv jx,,,; Mr- Paul Deslonde was the , most elegantly dressed 'man of, Hesaie's acrjuamtaace. He was xvery hand some, his manner was faultless, f 1 bbe bad always stood a - little xn e of him.; Jadge, then of her sur prise, when, having stated himself in her little sitting room and t chatted easily for an half An hour, he jrery grauefolly made a "proposal of mar riage. N x -x'Al-sw ywv-" y 'My father wants me to marry,' and being usually arbitrary, I am exceed ingly grateful to him that he does not insist on making the ,' choice for 1 ma, bat leaves me- free to please myself. And this is no sudden fancy. I have known you long, and admiration has ripened into esteem. Will you lake my proposal " iato . coosideraiinT, Hessie caught her breath. 1 She look the very pretty ! with ,-the ' maidenly reserve mantling . her ; features, ;j. the long, bark lashes shading the, pare cheek; but these words brought such a bewildering ista' of the ' Deslonde mansion where a home was " offered her, that she was all in a whirl. 1 I will take your offer into considera tion, Mr. Deslonde,'. she -syllabled mechanically. ! 1 She felt entirely incapable of ! say icg any more. And then Caddy came running in - with the ammonia bottle, and Mr. Deslonde's conversa tion turned to generalisms, and then he took his leave. ; . Nobody will wonder, I think, that Hessie was very: much excited. It was not unpleasant excitement, j She was nattered, she was encourag ed.. ? ' ' y:' ' Doctor Arthur PeQ was very much respected, though he was not rich. Panl i Deslonde was ' very wealthy. Such a proposal from either was very reassuring to a poor girl whose face was her only fortune. Not that Hes sie was a bit in love with either. 'How could she be wbeb she toever had dreamed of marrying either of these gentlemen t ' it was all so very un expected! ' ' ;x' '; ' The days and weeks went on. It was a verr cleasant chancre which had come to Hessie drives and , vis its, and flowers sent up to her mod est little room. Tbe odors of things brightened even tbe tedious school boars. : xet, even when a month had gone ' by. Hessie had not even approached her decision, i She posseseed, in her two suitors, an embarassment of riches. Tuey were rery different t Paul Dt-Blonde was bridiant, captivating; so apt with arts and graces, of the social life, she could hot hlp wonder ins tnat ne snouid nave cnoeen ao unassuming a. li.tle .maid as her self. ; In truth, it was ' Hessie's' peculiar air of doci'ity and modesty which had attracted Mr. Deslonde. ' He liked to1"ruleI' Dr. - Pell was practical, with an air of reliability about him which spoke loudly for him to 1 Hes sie's lonely heart. She had heeded just such a friend so long I Yettbe, frank, dark blue eyes wnicn " were Doctor Bell's only beauty were often eclipsed in the yoone girl s mind by Paul Desmonde's1 elegant form and faba-ir-1-.-'''. ' !''h i's She tried to be wise; so much ' de pended on this decision of hers all her life's happiness. Which did she like better?. She could not for" the life of her telL Both strove to please here ; and were often ' very!! agree- able. J - 1 8he wished sometimes that she could seelhem from a different stand point than as her lovers. She tried to look ' into the future, imagining either lor Iternusoand, out ail was so vatruet . - Bat at last came ' the point when Hessie was able to decide. ! x She was shopping one leisure Sat urday and went into a stationer's to make' some purchasers. When the goods she had ordered were pat up, a he aat down iu the back of tbe store to wait for her car, which would not be due for half an hour. She (ras clad to rest. too. and entertained her- self with a Bterescope. ' j r Suddenly sue beard Jraul . ueeion des's voice. For the first: time it struck her that there was something sharp' and catting in u; or rather, she rememberd that she had recog nised that Quality before! without criticising it '" I .1 She observed Mr. Deslonde now attentively.." He purchased a little steel implement an ink eraser. The salesman wrapped And handed it to him.' Mr. Deslonde overlooked the I proffer. fSend it up to the house at once. 1 l am going directly home, and l ahall want to use it? he said curtly p Certainly, certainly,1 answered the clerki with; an air of apology. I thought perhaps it is soi email " i.I never take my purchases; the j.t: Uoi'nc " I ' X - - - aeurerjr ujuui wuou. . ... - I "i es yeB, or coarse, aix. urn- londel" ".-"?"..;;' f x'.',' ' ' iTbe gentleman went out and the salesman muttered something to a fellow-clerk about pie crust iBpt x another ' customer- came in. It (tfsi a broad shoaldered, florid man! with Tjleasent blue eyes, - He - 1 seemed o know the salesman, ' and .. aV - . seemed to k0w tne salesman, sou t , " ? r- , ; phaUe4 with,1um as he carefdlylptuled iutfder.MdyeU selected a nice Bterescope with sev eral dozen views and a tasteful carved rack for holding them. When the' parohase was complete and paid for the gentleman held out his hand for the package. . ...... .,: , J - ; ; , . 4 This) u quite large parcel, Doc tor PelL. I will send it up, said the clerk'.t!--:-l-4l'tw,;! v vy.-i-i ma- "No I will take it up P cheerfully. "Better, let me send it up, sir." 4 ,MNot the things are for my little Nellie. She has been confined to her 'room' for a' fortnight ' with sick ness. I I promised them to her, and it -would take half the .enjoyment not to give . j them .to , her myself. Perhaps y odll del that way, Charlie, when' you hate 4a45ttle eirl tr And wito. a lauen and ebeerv nod Dr. Jb'ell went out; with, the bolkvf A. warm color spread over Hes- sie'i sweet face, i The tears came in to Hester' Earlscourt's eyes and then and there her decision was made. When Dr. Pell come into her little room- that:! night with a bunch of English violets, she took them with a radiant smile, held them and in naiea xneur Tsgrance ail tne . eve ." 1 a in a . i - . ning, though a j Tase of x Mr. ' Des londe - finer . green-4ioase roses stood on the table. -J I And when; at parting, the crave. lender, middle-aped lover took vio lets and both little hands gently in his and .kissed them, she pat a slen der arm. about the strong, neek. 'Xes, go d bye now; . bat . some time you wiU star with, me' always: for I love you; yoa are so good ! . And in alt her life Hessie never regretted her decision, r : 1 THAT BAD BOY. "Well, what's the matter with you, nowf said the grocery than i to - the bad boy, as be came in to the gro cery on crutches, with one arm . in a sung, one eye blackened, and a strip of court plaster scross one side of Ms face.'5 Where was the explo sion, or have you been in, a fight!" x "Uh, there's not much the matter with me,? said the boy in a voice that sounded all broke up, as he took a big. apple off a basket and' begun peeling it with hit upper front teeth. II you think II am a ' wreck yon think I am a wreck you nought to see the minister. They had to carry him, home in installments, the way they buy sewmg macbines. - I am all right but they bad to stop him up with tNtknm and tar so he', wilt - ever bold wateriagain.R- ;,g- -X; t'-r7:-- "Good gracious, you have not had at fight with the minister, have you t Well, I have said all the time that yoa would commit a murder yet, and go to tbe state, Jrason. ; Wnat was the fuss about ? and the grocery man laid the hatchet oat of the boy's reach for fear he would get excited and kill him. ;Xi.. r "Oh,- it was no fuss. - It was in the way of business. Yoa see the liv ery man I was wOrkirig for' promo ted me. ' He let me drive a horse to haul saw dust for bedding, first, and when be found I was real careful he let me drive an express wagon to haul tranksi Day before yesterday. there was si funeral, and our stable f armsbed tne outfit.; It was only a common elven dollar funeral, so they let me go to drive the horse for the minister you Jmosr, the buggy tnat goes ahead of the . hearse. They gave me an old horse that is thirty years old, that has' not been out of a walk in rune years, and tbey told me to "give bun a loose rein, and he would go along all right. It's , the same old horse that used to pace so fat on the avenue,-years ago, but I didn't know it Well, I wam't to blame. I just let him walk , along as though he was hauling saw-dust and gave him lose rem. w nen we got off tbe pavement the fellow that cause his folks Jwea going to have ducks for dinner, and he wanted to get back, so he kept driving along side of my buggy; telling me to hur ry up. I wouldn't do it, 'cause tne boss told ine to walk the horse. Then the minister he . got nervous, and said he didn't know as there was any use of going so slow, because he wanted to get back in tune to go to the ministers meeting in the after noon, but I told him we would all get in the; cemetery soon enough if cool, and as for me I . wasn't in no sweat Then one of the drivers tnat was driving tbe mourners, he came np and said he had tarun a wedding down to the To clock train, -and for me to pull out a little. I 'have se enough of disobeying orders, and I told bint a funeral in the hand was worth two in the bush, and as far as I am concerned the funeral ! was go ing to be condacted ma decerns man ner, if we- didn't get back till the next day. " Well, the nunister said in bis regular Snnday-school way, My little man, let ne take hold of the lines," and like a blame ' fool I Save it to liiai. . Be slapped the old orse on the crupper with the lines and then' jerked up, and the old horse stack up his off ear, and then the hearse driver told the mit ister to pull hard and saw on the bit a little and the old hone would wake up The hearse driver used to drive the old pacer on the track, and he knew what he wanted. The minister took off his black kid gloves and pat his umbrella down between us and pull ed bis hat over his eyes and began a. ' J. al. 1 .!:- -Fam to pail ana saw on tne Dit. xne oia cripple began to move along sort of Beminal Weakness, Dyspepsia, .Nervoas ex CTippte oegau w utvro auuxig dtabuity Ac, send two stamps for our ques Sideways, like a hog going to war, I tlcmM i(J exammation and our new book and the minister pulled some more, and the hearse driver, who was right behind, he said so yoa could hear him clear to f Waukesha, "Yew-up," and the old horse kept going faster, then tbe minister thought' the pro- Mflcmn b ttikU.intr inn miir-.V. aiul ha that made the old horse Worse, and T' S W a a a... .... a looxea tnrougn , tbe UtUe window ia the buggy top behind, and . tha hearse was about two blocks behind, - ana .tne driver .was laughing, and the minister he got pale - and 'said, 'My little man, I guess you t better drive? 'not much, t Mary Ann. you wouldn't let me run -this -tuner- " al the way I wanted to; and now you can boss it, if, yoawill let me- get out,' but there was a streetcar ahead. and all of ; a , sudden, there was an earthqna'ke, and when, I come to there were about six hundred people pooling water down myeek, rnd A tbe hearse was hitched to the fence, - and the. driver was; asking , it my leg was broken, , and it, policeman , was fanaing the mluiaWrkry a plag bat -that looked as though it -had beeh struck, by a pile driver; and ''some " people were hauling our baggy into the gutter, and some men were try- ing to take the old pacer, out of the windows, of the afreet car and then ' I guess I fainted away agin. Oh' it was worse than telescoping a train x loaded with-cattle." .x ; xi;s iii V "Well, I awan." said the grocerv man as he put some eggs in a funnel snapea Drown paper for a servant girl. , What did the minister say when he came to?" "8ay I -What could he say t He just yelled whoa,' and kepi sawing with his hands, as though be was driving.. I heard that the 'policeman was going to pull him for fast driving till he found it was ..an accident Tbey told me. when they - carried me home ' in a hack, that it was wander everybody was not killed, and when I got home Ea was going to sass me, until the earse driver told him it was the minister that was to blame; I: want ; to find out if thev got the minister's 1 a a a ' - L " urn oreiia pack. The last I see of it the umbrella was running, up his trousers leg, and the point out by the small of his back. Bnt Ismail right and shall go to work tomorrow, 'caas tbe livery man says I. was the only -one in the crowd that had any sense. ' I understand the minister is going to take a vacation on account of his liv er and nervous prostration. I would if I was him. I never a man that had nervous prostration any more than he did when we fished him out of tbe barbed wire' fence, after we Btrock the street car. ' But that set ties the minister business with me. I dent't drive . no ministers. , What I want is a quiet party that wants to go en walk," and the. boy got ' up and hipped on one foot toward, his crutches, filling . his' pistol pocket with figs as he hobbled along. : "Ibe, next tune I drive a minister to a funeral he will walk," and the boy hobbled out and hung oat a sign . in- front of the grocery, "Smoked dog-fish ; .at halibut -prices good enoogb for company." . I J PuHlng' his Mustache. . . There he sleeps as peacef ully as an infant,' said an old man pointing to tne-Bieepwg ngure oi a, slender trailt heavy mustached young man across tbe aisle of the train, and no doubt . be dreams of the innocert days of childi ood, before he had full n into the depths of crime.'.' Y bat s tbe matter witbt who ia be . asked tbe several passengers excited ly, eyeing the sleeper with tuspicion. 'lie sleeps aacalmy, continued tbe old man' abstractedly to himself,' as though he never murdered bis pert- .- ner, forged his nams to a check 'tor $50,000 and skipped to Mexico. He thinks probably, that no one can pen- - etrate his disguise, but I sUbuld know bun in the dark with a mask-on. Ab, Mile Qashwell, now . I can confront you with proof of your villianyl' - Qmte a crowd bad collected around the two by this time. 'The idea.' con tinued tbe old man, turning : to the awe struck bystanders, 'cf his trying to disgaiae himself by a false, mas t ache -and wig. One of you fellows jerk that mustache off, and see how It vunusa uio upicmuu. ; Kobody Beemed disposed to un mask the villian, until a strapping six footer pushed bis way into tbe midst of the group, and taking the mns- tache'by .both ends, gave it a yank that fairly lifted tbe slender young man to his feet The latter let off a yell that yould have paralyzed a Ca mancbe Indian,' and struck out wildly in the air with his fists. - : ' 'Great Scott I1 be shrieked, 'are you trying' to jerk the top of my. head off? Let go of that, will you,' and he kick ed tbe six-footer vigorously - in the pit of the stomacher. 'What the duece -do you want of me, any way?' Jl 'Why. we tbonght yon had on a false mustache,' ventured oneh of the crowd timidly.; This old man said so.i : x - x They all turned around to see what ., the old man would say, but he didn't say.' 4 He had gotten off; when the train slowed up at tbe last crossing. ;. . A CABD. - "s. ' ' ' To all who are suffrrin2 from the' rror ; and iudiacretions of youth, nervon weakbess early dcay, lose of manhood, Ac , I will ' e,d a receipt that will core you, FREE OF CHABQE. This great remedy was dieoov ervd by a miasionavy in South . Ameiica. Bend a eelt-addr ssed envrlope to Bzv. Jo 's T. Ixkas. 8tatta D., New Tork City. dec-7 82-ly Yenag llei. If yon have failed to receive roper treat ment in eases of Chronic Ditcaaes, saeh aa. Heart Disease. Kidney Compialuit, Nervons Debilitv. Importency or Premature Decay, f. pTHE LAWS LIFE AND HEALTH." " Address, Secretary MaoiCAl, A Buaoreai, mnTTX, 147 Jrast jnneenin os., o. t m i j'r- "ROUGH ON RATS. Clear ont rat, mice, roaches, nies, ants . bad-baza, skunks, chipmunks, gopher, loe , lAjik your druggist. - .4 i r i xi .!., i

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